Calcium Current Block by (-)-Pentobarbital, Phenobarbital
The Journal of Neuroscience, August 1993, 13(E): 321 l-3221 Calcium Current Block by (-)-Pentobarbital, Phenobarbital, and CHEB but not (+)-Pentobarbital in Acutely Isolated Hippocampal CA1 Neurons: Comparison with Effects on GABA-activated Cl- Current Jarlath M. H. ffrench-Mullen,’ Jeffery L. Barker,* and Michael A. Rogawski3 ‘Department of Pharmacology, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals Group, Zeneca Inc., Wilmington, Delaware 19897 and *Laboratory of Neurophysiology, and 3Neuronal Excitability Section, Epilepsy Research Branch, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Block of a voltage-activated Ca*+ channel current by pheno- Ca*+ current, whereas the sedative effects that occur at high- barbital (PHB), 5-(2-cyclohexylideneethyl)-5-ethyl barbituric er concentrations could reflect stronger Ca2+ current block- acid (CHEB), and the optical R(-)- and S(+)-enantiomers of ade. The powerful sedative-hypnotic action of (-)-PB may pentobarbital (PB) was examined in freshly dissociated adult reflect greater maximal enhancement of GABA responses guinea pig hippocampal CA1 neurons; the effects of the in conjunction with strong inhibition of Ca2+ current. The barbiturates on GABA-activated Cl- current were also char- convulsant action of CHEB is unlikely to be related to its acterized in the same preparation. (-)-PB, PHB, and CHEB effects on the Ca*+ current. produced a reversible, concentration-dependent block of the [Key words: calcium channel, GABA receptor, (-)-pen- peak Ca*+ channel current (3 mM Ba2+ as the charge carrier) tobarbital, (+)-pentobarbital, phenobarbital, CHEB [S-(2-cy- evoked by depolarization from -80 to - 10 mV (I&,, values, clohexylideneethyl)-S-ethyl barbituric acid], CA 1 hippocam- 3.5, 72, and 118 PM, respectively).
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