Aliya 1 | 12:1-13:23 Aliya 2 | 13:24-39

Kriyat The first half of the book of is set Examine verse 13:29. out in a particular order. Why does this verse specify that HaTorah Why is the childbirth, and the ensuing these laws apply to both men and required sacrifices, written following an women? This has not be the a r r a y o f s e e m i n g l y m o re m i n o r Companion practice to specify this thus far? instructions including , and Every Aliya. A Question (or Two). various minor sacrifice? The Ohr HaChaim suggests that since the is discussing here an Parshat -Metzora quoting Vayikra Rabba suggests affliction that can be particular to April 2017 | Iyar 5777 that just as the creation of man was men (on the beard) it has to include presented at the conclusion of the 6 days women explicitly. Interestingly, the of creation, so to laws relating to humanity Ibn Ezra points out that the By Yechiel Shaffer are presented in Vayikra, following those terminology 'adam' is a generic term Assistant Rabbi, Cong. Ohab Zedek relevant to animals. Ibn Ezra suggests that that refers more broadly to humanity once completing the laws of purity relating and can refer to both men & women. To Receive KTC each in your to food, the Torah begins a discussion on The Ohr HaChaim says that 'Adam' email sign up at: ritual impurity among humans. It starts with applies only to excludes childbirth b/c that is the beginning of it all. gentiles.

Aliya 3 | 13:40-54 Aliya 4 | 13:55-14:20 Aliya 5 | 14:21-32

Examine 13:46. Examine verses 14:2-3. Examine verse 14:21.

Why was isolation the remedy to Why are there multiple verbs within Why is the word 'dal' used to Tzara'at? Did the inflicted have to sit these verses that described some describe someone who is poor, when alone, or could the sit together? form of travel relating to the ? it is generally used to describe a For example verse 2 concludes by weakened physical state (see The Ba'al HaTurim suggests that those saying: 'vehuva el HaKohen'. Verse 3 Bereishit 41:19 & Tehillim 41:2)? guilty of Lashon Harah were prevented b e g i n s b y s a y i n g ' V a y a t z a from interacting with other human The Chuzkuni suggests that is why the beings. Rashi states that since this HaKohen'? verse doesn't only describe him as person's actions caused strife between poor, but of having insufficient means. people, and ultimately separated them The Seforno suggests that the The Netziv compares the opening from one another, he was now to be Metzora is still not permitted to enter langauge of this verse with other separated from others. the camp but rather comes to the Korbanot brought in cases of poverty. The Ohr HaChaim notes that in the edge of the encampment. In return This is the only case where poverty is case of regular diseases visitors are of the Kohen also travels to the edge of written in the present tense b/c the benefit. One afflicted with the spiritual the encampment. This is the first step Metzorah is unique in that they have to disease of tzara'at benefit from in bringing these Jews back together bring their sacrifice to Yerushalayim as feelings of loneliness. again. soon as they regain purity. Aliya 6 | 14:33-15:15 Aliya 7 | 15:16-33 Sign up to Examine verse 14:34. Examine verse 16:32 that serves to begin the receive conclusion of Metzorah. Why does the Torah add to this verse "that I KTC via What does the opening word, 'VhiZartem' give to you as an inheritance"? Why did God mean? How would you translate it? afflict the houses of the Jewish people with email each Tzara'at? week at: The Chizkuni adds a 'heh' to the word which makes it the Hebrew word for offering a warning to The Da'at Zkenim suggests that the affliction of the Jewish people. The Netziv says that specifically in regards to family purity one has to inanimate objects serves a reminder to the Jews Shabbat have a sensitivity towards times where forbidden of God's love for them. In 12:17 God relationships may be violated. afflicted Paroah's body before he afflicted his material items. By the Jewish people this process Shalom The Ibn Ezra does not like those commentaries that add a letter 'heh' to the word and translate it will be reversed. Perhaps the afflicting of a home as a warning. Rather he suggests it is related to the with Tzara'at is a reminder that the land is our idea of Nazir. It is offering guidance on the inheritance. For this reason the verse explicity mentioned the heritage of the land in connection disposition one is supported to have towards worldly pleasure, that of control and minimization. with tzara'at.