NORTH is a. civil parish, lll miles east of the Faith, and held since 1909 by the Rev. A.rthur from Blackwater station on the branch of the Charles Roberts M.A. of s•. John's College, Cambridge. :We {)( Wight Central railway, 4 miles south-east from Here is also a Wesleyan chapel. The Longford Institute, Newport. and 8 south-west from , in the rural erected at a cost of about £2,500, by John Rylands. esq. deanery of West Wight, archdeaconry of the Isle of contains reading rooms for the use of residents in the Wight and diocese of Winchester. In I894 the ancient neighbourhood and has also a concert and lecture room parish of A.rreton was under the "Local Government seating 250 persons : connected with the building is a. Act, 1894•" divided into Ngrth and South. By Local refreshment bar, at which tourists and visiton are Government Board Order No. 32,507, dated April Ist, supplied. The population in Igor was 3()6. r895, part of A.rreton was added to A.shey civil parish; .Sexton, James Gray. recently the remainder has been annexed to Whipping. ham civil parish. North Aneton names are given under is a. hamlet, I~ miles west from Merston . The church of St. George is an R.ncient station, on the road from Newport to . The edifice of stone in the Norman style with some remains C'hurch of St. .John's, erected here in 11886, is a small of Sa:s:on work, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, iron building with one bell, and .affords 8o sittings. aouth porch, organ chamber and an embattled western George Clench is lay reader in charge. tower containing 4 bells : there are monuments to the BLAOKWATER, 2 miles west of .Arreton, is on the Holmes family, and a carved oak screen: the chancel has been restored at a cost of about £r,6oo: in 1886 road from Newport to , on the , and ib.e church was completely restored at an expense of has a station on the Ryde and IN ewport railway. The about £2,000: there are 250 sittings. The register ohurch of St. Barnabas is a MDall iron building, con­ dates from the year 1655. The living is a vicarage, net sisting only of nave and a west-ern turret containing yearly value £210, with residence, in the gift of John one bell : there are 8o sittings. George Clench is lay :E. A. W. Fleming esq. and held since 1903 by the Rev. reader, and resides at RDokley. Here is a W esleyan William Henry Warrington, of St. A.idan's. Here is a chapel. chapel for United Methodists and a. Wesleyan chapel at MERS'DO~ is a smalllhamlet, a mile and a half .south. Hale common. The A.rreton charitie~> produce an income Here is also a W esleyan chapel. At Mllis place is a cl about £43 I3s. 3d. charged on certain lands in York­ junction station on the Sandown branch of the Isle of thire, out of whioh grants are annually made for Wight railway, from which a brnnch was opened in apprenticing poor orphans and relief of the aged poor. Jnly, 1897, to St. Lawrence. Serle's charity has an income of about £56, less charges, Post, M. 0. & T. Office, A.rreton.-Charles Tutton, sub­ and is distributed in coin to the deserving poor. There postmaster. Letters arrive from ~ewport at 7.30 are other small charities, called Pope's and Gard's gifts, a.m. & 3 p.m. ; dispatched at a.m. & 5-45 (]f [2 yearly, and also distributed to the deserving poor. p.m. ; no sunday delivery Elizabeth Wallbridge, the "Dairyman's Daughter," ~ulogized by t.he Rev. Legh Richmond, was born about Po~t Office, Blackwater. .John Manshridge, .sub-post­ t mile from the village in I76g, and died May 30, IBor, master. Letters arrive through Newport at and ill interred in the churchyard. The view of A.rreton a.m. ; dispatched at rr.3o a.m. & 6.55 p.m. ; sundays, Vale, from the down of the same name, is very 9.50 a.m. Newport is the nearest money order & picturesque; on the down are two large burrows, telegraph office where some Roman armour has been discovered. The Post Office, Rookley.-Mrs. A.lice Legg, sub-postmistress. Cormelies, an ancient county family, had a manor Letters arrive through Wroxall at 7 a.m. ; dispatched (Wootton) in this parish, which still retains the name at 6.45 p.m. is the nearest money order & (]f., Combley. Standen Elms is the property and rel!!i­ telegraph uffice qence of Lieut.-Col. Claude Vere Cavendish Hobart D.S.O., J.P. The principal landowner is Cornwallis Post & Telegraph Office, Haven Street.--George Ernest l')J.ilip Wykeham-Martin esq. of Leeds Castle, Kent. Lipscombe, sub-postmaster. Letters through Ryde John Edward A.rthur Willis-Fleming esq. J.P. of Chil­ delivered at 7.20 a.m. & 3.25 p.m. ; dispatched ali vortb, is lord of the manor. The soil is very varied; II.15 a.m. & 7 p.m.; no snnday delivery. Wootton 11obsoil, green sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley Bridge, 2 miles distant, is the nearest money order and oats. The area of .South A.rreton is 5,302 acres of office 1and and 3 of water; rateable value, £9,894; the popu- Pillar Box, Merston.-Cleared at I 1.10 a. m. & 6.35 1ation in 1901 was 897· The population of A.rreton p.rn.; sundays, g.2o a.m. Letters through Newport. 1!1!clesiastical parish m rgor was r ,767. , Arreton is the nearest maney order office ~exton, Henry Orchard. • : Schools. By Looal Government Board Order No. 36,984 part I Church of England (non-provided) (mixed), Arreton, 'llf South A.rreton townslh.ip was annexed to Godshill built for rr2 children; average attendance, 95; A.rth. ~ivil parish. James Jeatt, master Council (mixed), Haven Street, built for 130 children ; HAVEN STREET, 4 miles north-east, is a hamlet and average attendance, 55 ; Miss Catherine Matilda. 1!CCl88iastical parish, formed in I'85'3 out of the parishes Jordan, mistress of Arreton and Ryde, with a station on the Ryde, New­ Railway Stations. -porl and railway, and is in the rural deanery of East Wight. The chureh of St. Peter, built in 1852, Haven Street, Frederick Deadman, station master iJ a ama.ll edifice of stone in the Early English ~ttyle, Blackwater, George Hayward, station master -eonsisting of chancel,, south porch and 8 western ,' Frederick Dhu, station master turret oon'lnining one bell: 1ili.ere are 135 sittings. Merston Junction, Fred Newland, .station master The TBgister d11tes from tJhe year I853· The living is a Oarriers to Newport.-Dash & Taylor, pass through 'Vicarage, net yearly value £225, with residence, in the from Sand own & Sbanklin daily, except; fri. ; J ames :gift of the trustees of the Society for the Maintenance Read (to Ryde), daily SOUTH A.RRETON. Warrington Rev. Wm. Hy. (vicar) Coombes Ellen (Mrs.), farmer, Little Way Henry Cawley, Manor house Budbridge, Merston PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Crofts Henry John, White Lion P.H lllake Charles Frederick Sapte, Great COMMERCIAL. Draper Henry, dairy farmer, Doves Bud bridge manor Alexander Thomas Hinton, gravel farm, Merston IDow Enos, Vesses, Hale common merchant & farmer, Garrets farm Fleming James, dairyman, Yew Tree Duke George Henry, West Standen All en Charles, farmer & cattle dealer, farm, Merston Fanlkner Thomas, St. A.lbans · Horrin£!ford . Gallop George, blacksmith 1 llayward Mr.s. James, Venner's hill, Arreton Horticultural .Society (Fred Gallop Roland, blacksmith, Merston Merston Lock & George Cheek, hon. secs) Jeatt A.rthur J. insurance agent 'Hobart. Lt.-Col.Olaud Vere Cavendish Barnes Waiter, farmer, Sullens farm, King William Henry Draper, farmer, D.S.O., J.P. Standen Elms St. George's down Hroadfields .Peters Edmund Ernest,Merston manor Blake James, mason Leal Frank, carpenter, Merston .Peters John, Bedway Merston Blow Enos, Vesses Farm dairy I Loe Wm. Ernest, farmr. Heasley frm .Pitti1 Seymour, Hale Manor hou;;e Bridle Fredk. farmer, Spicer's farm, Mackett Charles, wheelwrigh& Biclmrd.s ;Edmund, Billingshurst, Hale Hale common lieters John, farmer, Redway common Callaway Fred, dairyman, High house, Pittis Seymour, frmr. Hale Manor frm Shorthouae William Hartshorn,Stick­ Merston Rolf A.rth. dairyman,A.lma cot.Merstn worth hall Cheek Wm. farmer, West Standen Hussell George, dairyman, Merston Stone Percy, Merston cottage,Merston Cheverton ~m. farmer, Durton farm Stickla.nd Hy. frmr. Gt. East Standen Urry George Kemp, Perreton farm Coombes Chas. dairy farmer, Fulford