9:25 am—12:25 pm Conference 8:45 am - 9:15 am Registration How to register: Building Resiliency from the Inside Out: Effective Sponsored in memory of Irving Weiss, z”l School Based Interventions for Unexpected Events לעלוי נשמת ישראל בן דוב, ז“ל ,Allow time to pick up your Presented by Ed Reed, LCSW, Consultant, Robin Levine, LCSW 1) Go to individualized packet. Director, Compliance and Clinical Quality; Director, J-CERT; JCFS For Teachers Professional , and Lynn Shyman, LCSW, Director, Adult and Family Counseling for the JCFS Skokie Counseling Center Development Chaired by Debbie Cardash, LCSW, Consultative Director of School 2) Under the Rabbi Dr. Leonard C. Based Social Work Services, REACH 9:25 am - 10:25 am SESSION 1 (Room 418 ) Mishkin Teachers Educational Choose One Workshop. Conference (scroll down the ADMINISTRATIVE SESSION page), click on Teachers 1:15 pm – 2:45 pm 10:30 am - 11:30 am SESSION 2 Conference Day Registration Special Session for Principals, Assistant Principals, and Program Form link. Coordinators (ATT Boardroom) or ROUND TABLE SESSION School Culture is the Key: Leaders Making a 3) This will take you to the online Difference Choose One Workshop. registration form. Complete the Thomas R. Hoerr, PhD, University required fields. of Missouri - St. Louis, Author, or Educational Consultant CoJDS, 4) Submit the form, the last step Emeritus Head of the New City School, Educational Leadership The ATT’s Teachers Monday, February 17, 2020 כ“ב שבט, תש“פ Columnist “The Principal Connection” 2004-2018 Educational Conference is of the online process. dedicated to the memory of Choose One Round Table Session. Rabbi Dr. Leonard C. Professional who was its first ,ז"ל ,If you do not have access to the Mishkin Teachers Conference Day Planning Committee Members Educational Director from Development (Each round table session has a limit of Internet, please see your school Mrs. Chaya Esther Brand ( Tiferes Tzvi) 1933-1983. Under his leadership, the ATT grew into Program 15 participants.) representative or secretary and Mrs. Chani Friedman (Associated Torahs) a dynamic organization Mrs. Olivia Friedman (Ida Crown Jewish Academy) comprised of its many

complete the paper form which Mrs. Judy Goodfriend (Arie Crown Hebrew Day School) affiliated schools, educational departments, and teacher the secretary will input online. Mrs. Betty Hainsfurther (Arie Crown Hebrew Day School) welfare services.

11:30 am - 12:00 pm Coffee Break (Cafeteria) Mrs. Tzippy Kaufman ( Lubavitch Hebrew Day School) Presented by: Please note that your registration will Rabbi Baruch Klagsbrun (Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi) This program was made Associated Talmud Torahs create an individualized packet for you Mrs. Ayelet Knopf (Joan Dachs ) possible in part by of Chicago 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm SESSION 3 Mrs. Helene Levine (Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov) Catapult Learning when you arrive on Conference Day. Mrs. Janice Levitan (Arie Crown Hebrew Day School) Choose One Workshop. Mrs. Anita London (Hillel Torah, Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi) All registration is due by Mrs. Margaret Matanky (Arie Crown Hebrew Day School) Parking and entrance is at the January 14, 2020. Rabbi Avrohom S. Moller (Associated Talmud Torahs) Ida Crown Jewish Academy 1:00 pm & 1:15 pm MINCHA (Beis Medrash) Mrs. Sarah Oberlander (Arie Crown Hebrew Day School) 8233 Central Park Avenue, Skokie IL ———————— Mrs. Molly Rousseau (Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi) Mrs. Tamar Shames (REACH) Workshop description sheets are Mrs. Vivienne Sklar (Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi) Parking is limited - Carpools are encouraged. available from your school office and Mrs. Ahuva Wainhaus (Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov) No parking allowed in the ICJA fire circle - Your car will be towed. also on the ATT website: Mrs. Bassheva Wilhelm (Bais Yaakov High School) Online pre-registration is Mrs. Elisa Zehnwirth (Torah Academy Buffalo Grove) required by January 14th professional-development th Online pre-registration is required by January 14 ATT is a partner with the in serving our community.

9:25 am - 10:25 am Session 1 10:30 am - 11:30 am Session 2 Workshop or Round Table 11:30 am - 12:00 pm Coffee Break (Cafeteria)

Understanding the Boundary Between Developmental and Connection: The Prerequisite for All Learning NOTE: All Round Table Sessions are 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Session 3 OT Issues (Light Blue Room) Mrs. Becky Udman (Brown Room) Informal Discussion/Sharing with Colleagues Mrs. Sherra Bloomenkranz, OTR/L,Occupational Therapist JS & GS Pre-N through Grade 6 & Special Ed/Resource ROUND TABLE: STEM/STEAM Activities with Resources You Creativity with Educational Intentionality - JS & GS Pre-N, N, and K & Special Ed/Resource Teacher Communication: Students, Co-Teachers, Parents, Already Have GS Pre-N, N, K, Grade 1 (Room 312) Shabbos Make-and-Take Walder Education Staff Building Confidence While Building Relationships Administration Mrs. Debbie Selengut (Dark Blue Room) Facilitator: Mr. Noah Goldman, Hillel Torah North Suburban JS Pre-N, N, and K (OFFSITE at Walder Education, 3512 Oakton) Mrs. Becky Udman, Educational Consultant, Love and Logic JS & GS Pre-N through Grade 12 & Special Ed/Resource Parent/Teacher Facilitator (Brown Room) Day School Being that this is Session 3, we recommend that participating JS & GS Pre-N through Grade 6 & Special Ed/Resource Giving Talmidim/Talmidos the Gift of Simcha Co-Presenters: teachers relocate their parked cars to the Walder Education site Parent Stewardship Mrs. Miriam Gettinger, Principal, Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim, Rosh , Mesivta Kesser Mrs. Sara Fox, Arie Crown Hebrew Day School Making Inclusion Work: Strategies and Criteria for Integrating Hasten Hebrew Academy, Indianapolis, IN; Educational Consultant Torah, Baltimore, Maryland Mrs. Mindy Samberg, Arie Crown Hebrew Day School Students into the General Classroom JS Grades Pre-N through Grade 8 & Special Ed/Resource (Gold Room) JS & GS Pre-N through Grade 12 & Special Ed/Resource (Orange Room) ROUND TABLE: After Alef Bais: Kri’ah Fluency and Fun - REACH: Mrs. Tamar Shames, MEd and Mrs. Amy Spotts, MEd Beyond Preferential Seating: Managing Auditory Processing Effective and Efficient Grouping Strategies How to Achieve Both JS & GS Pre-N through Grade 12 & Special Ed/Resource (Gold Room) Deficits in the Classroom Jeanane M. Ferre, PhD, CCC-A, Mrs. Miriam Gettinger JS K, Grades 1, 2 & 3 & Special Ed/Resource (Room 314) Doing Good ’Cuz It Feels Good Mrs. Becky Udman International presenter, CAPD consultant, Author, Private practice JS & GS Grades K - 5 & Special Ed/Resource (Orange Room) Facilitator: Mrs. Yosepha Krohn, Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov JS & GS Pre-N through Grade 8 & Special Ed/Resource (Brown Room) JS & GS Grades K - 12 & Special Ed/Resource (Gold Room) Using Escape Rooms to Teach and Review Co-Presenters: Mrs. Shulamis Greenberg, Kri’ah Specialist, Yeshivas The Dysregulated Child - Strategies for School Putting On Our Own Oxygen Masks First: How the Teacher's Sarah Burnstein, Service Operations, Walder Education and Tiferes Tzvi Rachael Levine, PhD, Associate Director of Child Programs, Compass Response to Stress and Trauma Impacts One’s Students Debbie Steinberg, Librarian, Ida Crown Jewish Academy Mrs. Shoshana Marshak, Creator/Founder of Kriyalytics Health Center, LLC and Jenny Ofman, SLP, Clinical Coordinator for Mrs. Tzippy Kohen, MS, LCPC, Interim Clinical Director, Madraigos JS & GS Teachers of Grades 5 - 12 & Librarians and Media the Young Child Program, Compass Health Center, LLC Specialists (Red Room) ROUND TABLE: Science Investigations: Formal Lab Space Midwest, Private practice JS & GS Pre-N through Grade 5 & Special Ed/Resource (Black Room) JS & GS Grades K - 12 & Special Ed/Resource WOMEN ONLY Is It Real or Is It Memorex? Optional GS Grades 5 - 12 (Light Pink Room) Preparation for Life: The Formative Five and Grit (Silver Room) How to Tell the Difference Between Normal Adolescent OR Facilitator: Mrs. Dina Romanoff, Lubavitch Girls High School Thomas R. Hoerr, PhD, University of Missouri - St. Louis, Author, Co-Presenters: Religious Development and Prayer Rabbi Dr. Jay Goldmintz, Behavior and Mental Health Problems Educational Consultant Consortium of Jewish Day Schools, Emeritus Mrs. Chavee Gottlieb, Ida Crown Jewish Academy Faculty Ma’ayanot High School, Author of Ani Tefilla Koren Nina Henry, LCPC, CADC, Addiction Specialist, JCFS Chicago Head of the New City School Siddur, Winner of National Jewish Book Award JS & GS Grades 6 - 12 & Special Ed/Resource (Silver Room) Mrs. Janice Levitan, Arie Crown Hebrew Day School JS & GS Grades K - 12 & Special Ed/Resource (Silver Room) JS Grades K - 12 (Dark Green Room) Creativity with Educational Intentionality - ROUND TABLE: How to Increase Your Skills at Examining Make Technology More Efficient Outside the Classroom Get Them, Got Them, Good: Learning Your Students Before Shabbos Make-and-Take Walder Education Staff Imagery GS Grades 6 - 12 (Room 311) (Advanced) Rabbi Binyomin Segal, EdD, Tanach Dept., Ida Teaching Your Students JS Grades 1 - 4 (OFFSITE at Walder Education, Facilitator: Mrs. Sheri Goldstein, Ida Crown Jewish Academy Crown Jewish Academy Mrs. Debbie Selengut, Assistant Principal, Bnos Bracha, Passaic, NJ 3512 Oakton—Transportation Provided - Meet at ICJA main entrance at 10:25 a.m.) Co-Presenters: JS & GS Grades K - 12 & Special Ed/Resource (Dark Pink Room) JS & GS Grades K - 5 & Special Ed/Resource (Dark Blue Room) Towards A Pedagogy of Tefillah Rabbi Dr. Jay Goldmintz Mrs. Shulamis Ashkanazy, Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov Calm Classroom: Mindfulness for the Classroom JS Grades 6 - 12 (Dark Green Room) Data Driven and Individualized Instruction Mrs. Devorah Neiman, Lubavitch Girls High School Mrs. Sarah Oberlander, Arie Crown Hebrew Day School Rabbi Yehuda Fogel, MA, Educational Consultant, Consortium of Engaging Our Students in Challenging Questions ROUND TABLE: Classroom Strategies for Teaching Talmud JS & GS Grades K - 4 & Special Ed/Resource (Light Blue Room) Jewish Day Schools, Mental Health Professional, Associate Principal Rabbi Phil Karesh, Midwest Regional Director, Orthodox JS Talmud Rebbeim Grades 7 - 12 (Room 412) of Hebrew Academy of Long Beach Middle School, New York Formative Assessment: A Teacher’s Best Friend! Union JS Grades 6 - 12 & Social Workers (Black Room) Facilitator: Rabbi Shmuel Kurtz, Ida Crown Jewish Academy JS & GS Grades 4 - 12 & Special Ed/Resource (Light Green Room) Co-Presenters: Mrs. Miriam Gettinger More Best Math Games for the Elementary Classroom Handling the Mean Girl Phenomenon: Tools for Relational Rabbi Yosef Cohen, Arie Crown Hebrew Day School JS & GS Grades 4 - 12 & Special Ed/Resource (Orange Room) Mr. Daniel Alkhovsky, Director, DEEP (Developing Excellence in Aggression in Adolescent Girls Rabbi Aaron Leibtag, Hillel Torah North Suburban Day Educational Practice) Get Them, Got Them, Good: Learning Your Students Before Lisa Ehrlich-Menard, MEd, JCFS Response for Teens Youth School GS Grades 1 - 6 & Special Ed/Resource (White Room) Teaching Your Students Mrs. Debbie Selengut Advocacy, Coordinator - Outreach and Community Education JS & GS Grades 6 - 12 & Special Ed/Resource (Dark Blue Room) th JS & GS Grades 5 - 8 & Special Ed/Resource (Black Room) Online pre-registration is required by January 14 Workshop descriptions are part of Differentiated Instruction in Judaic Studies (Light Green Room) Rywka’s Diary - A Lesson in Holocaust Education the online registration process. These Rabbi Yehuda Fogel, MA JS Grades 4 - 12 & Special Ed/Resource Mrs. Wendy Singer, Director of Education, Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center sheets are also available from your Spirituality in the Limudei Kodesh Classroom JS & GS Grades 7 - 12 (Red Room) school office and are on the ATT Rabbi Dr. Jay Goldmintz JS Grades 6 - 12 (Dark Green Room) website: STEP UP: A Cultural Change to Inspire Girls in STEM Mr. Nathan A. Unterman, STEP UP National Ambassador, Again This development - Emeritus Physics and Materials Science Teacher/Consultant MINCHA: 1:00 pm & 1:15 pm GS Grades 7 - 12 (White Room) Year…. Beis Medrash only Online pre-registration For REACH School Based Staff Only Special Ed/Resource Teachers (Please do not daven in classrooms.) Session 1 - 9:25 am - 10:25 am REACH Team Meeting Personalized packets at registration Please choose from the menu of (Dark Pink Room) 3 one-hour workshops offerings in the electronic registration th Please choose from the general program options Sharing with colleagues sessions form for all of the time slots. Online pre-registration is required by January 14 for Sessions 2 and 3.

JS = Judaic Studies GS = General Studies Pre-N = Pre-Nursery N = Nursery K = Kindergarten Lecture Interactive Lecture Hands-on /Group Activities Informal Discussion/Sharing with Colleagues