aSôÏC-Cˆ-g-CPg-CYÊD-Cˆ-SEa-BôˆTg- ¡ºº· EP-T ®

The Local Government Act of , 2009 ๙ภᆸഖຉ๥ย ๥ᆮภ๵๙ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉภ๗๹ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᆩ ᇇ๧ภࡲ๿ᆧภഗ๷ภ๤ງ ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๬๿ภ๹ᆮᆧภ๖ᆸ๙ภ ᆧ๴๿ภ๬๿ภഁງภ๥๙ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ˚๿ภ๩๧ภ๪๥ᆮภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๥๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๧๙ภ๤๥ภ ยډ๕ᆧภˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๛ภഖຉ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥๨ภ๪๲๿๧ภ  ๹ภ๗๧๹ภűภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥๿ ᆮภৄภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ภ๬๿ภഁງภৄ๴๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥๧ภ˟๪ภ๧ᆸ ᆩภ๥๙ภ๖ᆸ๙ภ๗ᆩภᆧภ๴๥ງ ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภ๥๗๹ภ๬๖ᆸ ᆸภ ๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ยډภ˟๪ภ๨๴ງ ๿ภ๴ك๹ภത๿ ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๪ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภഓภ๴˟  ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภഓ๿ภ๷ภืีี฾๚๧ภ๬ภ๴๥ᆸ ᆩภ๗๧๬ภ๷ᆸภ๹ภ๬ຉภˣ๙ภ๷ᆸภૅภ฼๨๴๿ภ ๮ᇉ๹ภืืக๴๬ภഓ๿ภ๷ᆸภืีี฾ૅภ฾๨๴๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภึึகภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ภഓᆩ ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๨๴๿ภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๧๙ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ௟ᆧภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๬๯๥ภ˟๪ย   ๷્ᆮ ภึ๨ย ೓๧ຉ ภ๪ି๥ຉ ย ๬๮๧ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๙ภ๴๗ภᆸ๴৷๗๹ภૅภ๮๹ᇉ ภȬ๪ภ๮๥ย ๬๮๧ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๙ภ๴๗ภᆸ๴৷๗๹ภૅภ๮๹ᇉ ภȬ๪ภ๮๥ย 1. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩย  ๕๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภഓ๿ภ๷ภืีี฾๚๧ภ๬ภ๳ᆸ ງᆧภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๖๒ ᆧ๙ภக๗๹ภ๗๧๬ภ๷ᆸภ஺๗๹ภ๩ᆸภೲ๗ภ๷ᆸภ ૅภ๥๙ภ๨๴๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภุี க๴๬ภ ഓภ๷๿ ᆸภ ืีึีૅภุ๨๴ภ๮๿ ᇉ๹ภึฺ๷๹ภ๴๗ᆸภ๪઩๙ภೲງภ๪ೲᆧภഓ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸย ๗๒ ๴࣡๗ภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภű๿ภ๹ภȬຉ๧ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภகภȬ๪ภ๥๗ᆸย     1 ๬๛๥ᆸ ภ๪๙ିภᆸഖຉ๥ຉ๥ยย ๥ᆮภ๵๙ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉภ๗๹ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᆩ  ᇇ๧ภࡲ๿ᆧภഗ๷ภ๤ງ ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๬๿ภ๹ᆮᆧภ๖ᆸ๙ภ ᆧ๴๿ภ๬๿ภഁງภ๥๙ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟ๛ᆸ๹ภ಻๴ຉᆧภ๥๿ภ๬๖๴ภ๷๹ภ๗઩๗๹ภ಻๴ᆮภ๷๹ภ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ˚๿ภ๩๧ภ๪๥๿ภ๝ᆩภ๬ภ๵ᆮภ๗ᆩ๹ยยᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๥๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๧๙ภ๤๥ภ ยງᆧภ๪ುຉ๧ภ๧๹ยยډ๕ᆧภˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧๩๧ภ๪๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๛ภഖᆮ๴๿ภ๴ຉ๥ภೲຉ๥ภ๥ຉ๙ภ๸ᆧภᆧᆮภ๵ᆸ๥๨ภ๪๲๴๿ ๿ภ୶๿๧ภ ๷ภࣟ๴๿ภ๳ງ્ภ๴࣡ᆧภ๚ᆩᆧภ๵๙ภ୶ງ๧ภ๨๴ภ๗๝๿ ᆮ๧ยยډ๗  ๹ภ๗๧๹ภűภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥๿ ᆮภৄภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภűమű๴๿ภଳ๷ภ๨๿ภ๬ᆸ๴๿ภഁภ๲๪๹ภ๷ภɏ๹ภࡲ๗ภ๴๮๷ยย๿ ງภৄ๴๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥๧ภ˟๪ภ๧ᆸ ᆩภ๥๙ภ๖ᆸ๙ภ๗ᆩภᆧภ๴๥ງ ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภ๥๗๹ภ๬๖ᆸ ᆸภ ๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ยډภ˟๪ภ๨๴ງ ๿ภ๴ك๹ภത๿ ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๪ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภഓภ๴˟  ଳ๷ภ๪ภ¨๧ภ˚ภ๵๿ ᆮภ๸๹ภ๬๖๴ภƀᆮ ຉ๙ภ๷๹ยย ภଳ๷ภ๨๿ภ๷ภืีี฾๚๧ภ๬ภ๴๥ᆸ ᆸภ๵ᆩยยᆩภ๗๧๬ภ๷ᆸภ๹ภ๬ຉภˣ๙ภ๷ᆸภૅภ฼๨๴๿ภۂ๹ภ๨ډ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๬Ȭᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲງ๧ภ๪୶ງภ๗๚๿๬๹ภഓᆩ๗ภ๴ ๮ᇉ๹ภืืக๴๬ภഓ๿ภ๷๬๯๥ภ๪๳๙ภ๥๨๗ภ๪๹๬ภ๴ࣤ๹ภࢀ๴ᆸภืีี฾ૅภ฾๨๴๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภึึகภ๴࣡๗ภ๗๿ภᆧຉภ๪ρ๥ภűภഓᆩ ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๨๴๿๹ยย ๿ภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๧๙ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ௟ᆧภ๛ภ๴๜๴๯๬ภˣ๿๙ภ๤ภ˟ᆧภȬ๪ภ๬๯๥ภ๗অ๗ภ๧ภଳ๷ยยᆸ๗ภ๬๯๥ภ˟๪ย ๴๩๗๹ภ๬๛ᆸ๗ภ๴๜๗ภ୑ᆩ ງ๧ภ๥๪๙ภ࡮๗ภૅ ๹ภ๗ᆧภ๷๹ยยຉ ๙๗ภ๥๪๙ภୣ๬ภଳ๷ภ๬๮๧ภ๚๧ภഔ๷ภ๨๴ ภ಻ยย๿ ยย๨ยډᆧ๙ภ๚๗ภధຉภ஽ຉ๙๹ภು๷ງภ๴ˠ્ᆮ ภ๴ຉ ึ๿ภధภೆ๷ภ ๧ຉ ภ๪ି๥ຉ ๿๧ภࣧภ๧ภ๪๣ย ᆮ๗๹ยยۑ๲๪๹ภ๹ᆸᆧภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๨๴೓๿ภ๪๕๴ภ ๬๮๧ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๥๙ภภ๴๗ภᆸภᆸ๴๖ภ๪๲৷๗๹๿ภధภภૅຉภ๵ภภ๮ᆩภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภು๹ᇉᇉ ภภȬ๪ภภ๮ຉ๙ภ๪๴๥ยย๿ภ๬๗ᆸ๧ยย ๙ภࡲຉ๗๹ภ๷๹ภଳ๷ยยބ๗๹ภିງ๹ภ๥ˠภ๥ك๤๪๹ภ๬๖๹ภ  1. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥๴๪๙๹ภ๴๖ᆩย ᆸᆧภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภű๿๹ภഓ๿ภ๥๨๷ภ๪಻ᆧภ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๹ยย ๥ยย๿ภ๷ภืีี฾๚๧ภ๬ภ๳ᆸ ງᆧภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๥๗ยᆸډ๕๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ଳ๷ภ๪଱๧ภᆧᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๿๬ภࣟຉ๧ภ๥๨๷ภ˚ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๨๿๬๹ภഓᆸᆧภ๴  ๖๒ ᆧ๙ภக๗๹ภ๗๧๬ภ๷๥๬๙๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥ࢀภ๴Ȳᆸภ஺๗๹ภ๩๿๥ภ๬๯๥ภ๪๳๙ภ஄๪๹ภ๴ࡴᆸภೲ๗ภ๷ᆸภ ૅภ๥๙ภ๨๴ງ๙ภ๗๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภุีᆩ๹ยย க๴๬ภ ഓภ๷๿ ᆸภ ืีึีૅภุ๨๴๥๗๴ภು๿๥ภ๥๨๷ภ๴๯ภ๮๿ ᇉ๹ภึฺ๷๹ภ๴๗ᇍ๬๹ภഗ๷ภ๤๪๹ภ୶ภ๪ภ๧ງ ᆸภ๪઩๙ภೲᆩยยງภ๪ೲᆧภഓ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸย ๗๒ ๴࣡๗ภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภű๥๪๙ภ๛ภࡲ๿ᆧภഗງ๷ภ๥๗ภ๷ภ๪୶๿ภ๹ภȬຉ๧ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภகภȬ๪ภ๥๗ຉ๧ภ๨๴ภৄ๷ยย๿ ᆸย  ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๪๲๿๧ภ¨๧ภ˚๿๹ภഖຉภ๪๹ภ๷ᆸ๙๹ยย    ЮȴБϙБлдϙБСдϙБʠГϙБлФДЮϙ¥сдϙϱϯϯϸ ДСϙЦϛ 0 1


GEYLYONG TSHOKHANG, Post Box # 139, THIMPHU : BHUTAN 00975 1 336828 / 321137 Fax: 00975 2 338944 Wedsite: TABLE OF CONTENtS title page ๙ภᆸഖຉ๥ย

Preamble ๥ᆮภ๵๙ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉภ๗๹ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᆩ ᇇ๧ภࡲ๿ᆧภഗ๷ภ๤ງ ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๬๿ภ๹ᆮᆧภ๖ᆸ๙ภ 1 ᆧ๴๿ภ๬๿ภഁງภ๥๙ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ˚๿ภ๩๧ภ๪๥ᆮภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๥๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๧๙ภ๤๥ภ ยډChapter 1: Premilinary 1 ๕ᆧภˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๛ภഖຉ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥๨ภ๪๲๿๧ภ Chapter 2: Local Governments 2  Chapter 3: Elections to Local Governments 5 ๹ภ๗๧๹ภűภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥๿ ᆮภৄภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ภ๬๿ภഁງภৄ๴๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥๧ภ˟๪ภ๧ᆸ ᆩภ๥๙ภ๖ᆸ๙ภ๗ᆩภᆧภ๴๥ງ ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภ๥๗๹ภ๬๖ᆸ ᆸภ ๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ยډภ˟๪ภ๨๴ງ ๿ภ๴ك๹ภത๿ ภ๪๭๗ภ๴كChapter 4: Powers and Functions of Local Governments 11 ˟๪ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภഓภ๴ Chapter 5: Chairperson 22 

Chapter 6: Roles and Responsibilities of Members ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภഓ๿ภ๷ภืีี฾๚๧ภ๬ภ๴๥ᆸ ᆩภ๗๧๬ภ๷ᆸภ๹ภ๬ຉภˣ๙ภ๷ᆸภૅภ฼๨๴๿ภ 27 ๮ᇉ๹ภืืக๴๬ภഓ๿ภ๷ᆸภืีี฾ૅภ฾๨๴๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภึึகภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ภഓᆩ ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๨๴๿ภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ Chapter 7: Sessions and Proceedings of the Local Government 28 ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๧๙ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ௟ᆧภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๬๯๥ภ˟๪ย Chapter 8: Conduct of Business 31  Chapter 9: Record of Proceedings and Resolutions 36  Chapter 10: Transparency and Accountability 36 ๷્ᆮ ภึ๨ย Chapter 11: Privileges, Immunities and Remuneration 38 ೓๧ຉ ภ๪ି๥ຉ ย Chapter 12: Code of Conduct 42 ๬๮๧ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๥๙ภภ๴๗ภᆸภᆸ๴৷๗๹ภภૅภภ๮๹ᇉᇉ ภภȬ๪ภภ๮๥ยย Chapter 13: Committees  45 1. Chapter 14: Monitoring and Coordination 47 ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩย

Chapter 15: Financial Autonomy 49  ๕๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภഓ๿ภ๷ภืีี฾๚๧ภ๬ภ๳ᆸ ງᆧภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ

Chapter 16: Local Government Offices 52 ๖๒ ᆧ๙ภக๗๹ภ๗๧๬ภ๷ᆸภ஺๗๹ภ๩ᆸภೲ๗ภ๷ᆸภ ૅภ๥๙ภ๨๴๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภุี க๴๬ภ ഓภ๷๿ ᆸภ

Chapter 17: Local Government Administration 54 ืีึีૅภุ๨๴ภ๮๿ ᇉ๹ภึฺ๷๹ภ๴๗ᆸภ๪઩๙ภೲງภ๪ೲᆧภഓ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸย

Chapter 18: Offences 61 ๗๒ ๴࣡๗ภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภű๿ภ๹ภȬຉ๧ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภகภȬ๪ภ๥๗ᆸย  Chapter 19: Miscellaneous 65    The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 1 ๥๙๕ภᆸഖᆧຉ๥ภ๛ย๗ย ๥๥ᆮภ๵๙ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ย ᆩภ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉภ๗๹ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᆩ ᇇ๧ภࡲ๿ᆧภഗ๷ภ๤ງ ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๬๸๿ภ๹๗ᆸ ภᆮᆧภ๖ˠ๙๹ᆸ๙ภย ᆧ๴๙ᆸภഖ๿ภ๬ຉ๥ย๿ภഁງภ๥๙ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ˚๿ภ๩๧ภ๪๥ᆮภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๥๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๧๙ภ๤๥ภϰ ย ϰډ๕ᆧภˠ๷ภ๗๣๷ᆮ્ภึ๨ย೓ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ຉ๧ภ๪ିຉ๥ยᆩ๴๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๛ภഖຉ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥๨ภ๪๲๿๧ภ  ϱ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๷ᆮ્ภื๨ย๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภยภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥๿ ᆮภৄภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ภ๬๿ภഁງภৄ๴๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥๧ภ˟๪ภ๧ᆸ ᆩภ๥๙ภ๖ᆸ๙ภ๗ᆩภᆧภ๴๥ງ ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภ๥๗๹ภ๬๖ᆸ ᆸภ ๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ย ϴډย ๿ภ๴كภ˟๪ภ๨๴ງ ᆩภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๹ภത๿ ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๪ภ๧๷ᆮ્ภุ๨ย๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภഓภ๴˟ ๷ᆮ્ภู๨ย๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ยᆩ 11 ๴࣡๗ภ๗๷ᆮ્ภฺ๨ยȲᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๿ภ๴๯๧ยᇇ ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภഓ๿ภ๷ภืีี฾๚๧ภ๬ภ๴๥ᆸ ᆩภ๗๧๬ภ๷ᆸภ๹ภ๬ຉภˣ๙ภ๷ᆸภૅภ฼๨๴22 ๿ภ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๷๿ภৄ๴ᆸภืีี฾ૅภ฾๨๴๿ภஔภ๥๙ภ๴๗๧ภ๴ƥᆧย๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภึึகภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ภഓᆩ ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๨๴๿ภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ27ك๮๷ᇉ๹ภืืக๴๬ภഓᆮ્ภ฻๨ย๴ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๧๙ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ௟ᆧภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๬๯๥ภ˟๪ย 28 ๷ᆮ્ภ฼๨ย๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ຉย  ๷ᆮ્ภ฽๨ยࣟภ೐ຉ๴ภ¨๧ภഓ๿ ຉ๥ย  31 ๷ᆮ્ภ฾๨ย๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๥๙ภˠ๹ภ๛ຉ ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ๗๧๹ภ๤๷્ᆮ ภᆸยึ๨ย 36 ๙๹ภ๗๹๷ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳภ๴๗๧ย๿ ೓๧ຉ ภ๪ି๥ຉ ย 36ڧ๷ᆮ્ภึี๨ย ๬๷๮ᆮ્ภึึ๨ย๖๧ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๥๙ภภᆮภ๥๪๙ภ๥๙ภ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๥̣๷ภ๩๴๗ภᆸภᆸ๴৷๗๹ภภૅภภ๮๹ᇉᇉ ภภȬ๪ภภ๮๥ᆸ๗๹ยยย 38  ๷ᆮ્ภึื๨ย¨๧ภഓຉ๥ภୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ย 42 1. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩย ๷ᆮ્ภึุ๨ย๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ย 45  ๕๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภഓ๿ภ๷ภืีี฾๚๧ภ๬ภ๳ᆸ ງᆧภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๥๗47ยᆸ ๷ᆮ્ภึู๨ย௟ภ୑๖๒ຉ๗ภ๥๙ภ๬๝๬ภ๴ࣤ ᆧ๙ภக๗๹ภ๗๧๬ภ๷ງ๷ยᆸภ஺๗๹ภ๩ᆸภೲ๗ภ๷ᆸภ ૅภ๥๙ภ๨๴๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภุี க๴๬ภ ഓภ๷๿ ᆸภ ๷ᆮ્ภึฺ๨ย๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภᆧ๙ภುຉ๙ภย 49 ืีึีૅภุ๨๴ภ๮๿ ᇉ๹ภึฺ๷๹ภ๴๗ᆸภ๪઩๙ภೲງภ๪ೲᆧภഓ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸย52 ๷ᆮ્ภึ฻๨ย๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๗๒ ๴࣡๗ภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภűภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภย๿ภ๹ภȬຉ๧ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภகภȬ๪ภ๥๗ᆸย ๷ᆮ્ภึ฼๨ย๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುᆩ ຉ๙ภย 54 ๷ᆮ્ภึ฽๨ย๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗ᆮ๷ย 61 ๷્ภึ฾๨ยഎภ๮ᆮ ๗๹ภ๥๗ᇍ ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ย 65  ЮȴБϙБлдϙБСдϙБʠГϙБлФДЮϙ¥сдϙϱϯϯϸ ДСϙЦϛ 1 1 Preamble

Whereas, the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan provides for direct participation of the people in the development and management of their own social, economic and environmental wellbeing through decentralization and devolution of power and authority;

Whereas, the Local Governments are elected bodies to represent the interests of local communities and fulfill their aspirations and needs;

Parliament of Bhutan do hereby enact the Local Government Act of Bhutan 2009 on the 22nd Day of the 7th Month of Female Earth Ox Year of the Bhutanese Calendar corresponding to the 11th Day of September, 2009 at its 1st Extraordinary Sitting of the First Parliament as follows:

Chapter 1 Preliminary

Short Title, Commencement and Extent

1. This Act shall:

a) Be called THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT OF BHUTAN, 2009; b) Come into force on the 30th Day of the 1st Month of Iron Male Tiger Year of the Bhutanese Calendar corresponding to the 15th Day of March 2010; and c) Extend to the whole of Bhutan.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 1 ๙ภᆸഖຉ๥ย ๥ᆮภ๵๙ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉภ๗๹ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᆩ ᇇ๧ภࡲ๿ᆧภഗ๷ภ๤ງ ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๬๿ภ๹ᆮᆧภ๖ᆸ๙ภ ᆧ๴๿ภ๬๿ภഁງภ๥๙ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ˚๿ภ๩๧ภ๪๥ᆮภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๥๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๧๙ภ๤๥ภ ยډ๕ᆧภˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๛ภഖຉ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥๨ภ๪๲๿๧ภ  ๹ภ๗๧๹ภűภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥๿ ᆮภৄภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ภ๬๿ภഁງภৄ๴๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥๧ภ˟๪ภ๧ᆸ ᆩภ๥๙ภ๖ᆸ๙ภ๗ᆩภᆧภ๴๥ງ ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภ๥๗๹ภ๬๖ᆸ ᆸภ ๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ยډภ˟๪ภ๨๴ງ ๿ภ๴ك๹ภത๿ ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๪ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภഓภ๴˟  ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภഓ๿ภ๷ภืีี฾๚๧ภ๬ภ๴๥ᆸ ᆩภ๗๧๬ภ๷ᆸภ๹ภ๬ຉภˣ๙ภ๷ᆸภૅภ฼๨๴๿ภ ๮ᇉ๹ภืืக๴๬ภഓ๿ภ๷ᆸภืีี฾ૅภ฾๨๴๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภึึகภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ภഓᆩ ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๨๴๿ภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๧๙ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ௟ᆧภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๬๯๥ภ˟๪ย   ๷્ᆮ ภึ๨ย ೓๧ຉ ภ๪ି๥ຉ ย ๬๮๧ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๙ภ๴๗ภᆸ๴৷๗๹ภૅภ๮๹ᇉ ภȬ๪ภ๮๥ย ๬๮๧ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๙ภ๴๗ภᆸ๴৷๗๹ภૅภ๮๹ᇉ ภȬ๪ภ๮๥ย 1. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩย  ๕๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภഓ๿ภ๷ภืีี฾๚๧ภ๬ภ๳ᆸ ງᆧภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๖๒ ᆧ๙ภக๗๹ภ๗๧๬ภ๷ᆸภ஺๗๹ภ๩ᆸภೲ๗ภ๷ᆸภ ૅภ๥๙ภ๨๴๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภุี க๴๬ภ ഓภ๷๿ ᆸภ ืีึีૅภุ๨๴ภ๮๿ ᇉ๹ภึฺ๷๹ภ๴๗ᆸภ๪઩๙ภೲງภ๪ೲᆧภഓ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸย ๗๒ ๴࣡๗ภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภű๿ภ๹ภȬຉ๧ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภகภȬ๪ภ๥๗ᆸย     1 Repeal

๛ ภภ๬๥ງງ ยย 2. Upon enactment of this Act, the Local Government Act, 2007, and 2. the Act, 2007; Dzongkhag Yargay Chathrim, 2002; ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ˟๪ภ๨๴ภ๝๿ ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹ภ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ Gewog Yargay Tshogchung Chathrim, 2002 and the provisions of any ഓ๿ภ๷ᆸภืีี฼๚๧ภ๬ภ๥๙ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภȲຉ๬ภഁງ๴ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿ ๿๬๹ภഓภ๷๿ ᆸภืีี฼๚๧ภ๬ภ୻ຉ๙ภ ๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภืีีื ๚๧ภ๬ภ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๵ᆧภଳ๹ภ๮๗๹ภϭ๙ภᇍډlaw, bye-law, regulations, circular and order that is inconsistent with this ๖๗ภ๵ᆧภଳ๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ ๧ภكAct shall be repealed. ๗ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภืีีื๚๧ภ๬ภৄภ๛ภ๬ງ๥ภ๴˚ຉภ๪๴ภ๖ᆧภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿ ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ๬ภ๬ ๨๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ೏๿๗๹ภ๗๲ภȬ๪ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๥๿ ᆮภ๷๹ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภଳภৄภ๵๙ภ๛ภ ๬ງ๥ภ๴˚ຉภ๥๗ยᆸ   Chapter 2 ๷્ᆮ ภื๨ย Local Governments ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภย 3. There shall be Local Governments in each of the twenty  Dzongkhags. 3. ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๝ᆩภయภᆧງภᆧ๴ງ ๿ภ๧๙ภகภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภᆧງภ๥๗ยᆸ 4. Local Governments shall comprise of: 4. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๧๙ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภৄภৄ๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ ภ๥๙ภยᇍډ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ a) Dzongkhag Tshogdu; ๖๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁยງ b) Gewog Tshogde; and ๗๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁยງ c) Thromde Tshogde. ๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๬ງ๧ภ๧ภ๥ᆩ ᆮภ๗ᆩ๹ภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๷๹ภډ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๴๥ภᆩ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๪๳ຉ๴๿ภ๴ .5 ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗๹ภ๗๲๿ภكLocal Governments shall not be law-making bodies and thus ๴๗๧ภ๬ງ๥ภଥ๙ภ ഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๷๹ภ๪๳ຉภ๪๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๬ .5 shall not have legislative functions while they may make rules ৄภ๪๳ຉภ๛ᆸ๗ย and regulations consistent with law made by parliament. 6. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄ๴ภ๪๥๗ภು๿ ຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ๤๪๹ภᆧ๿๗ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ஺ຉ๗๹ภ˟๪ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ ๙๹ภ๗๹๷ภ๴๗๧ภȲ๿ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภڧLocal Governments shall be supported by the Government in the ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภ๤๥ภ๖ᆧภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๥๙ภ .6 development of administrative, technical and managerial capacities ๷๹ภଳ๪ภುຉᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย and structures which are responsive, transparent and accountable.  

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 2 2 ๛ ภภ๬๥ງງ ยย 2. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ˟๪ภ๨๴ภ๝๿ ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹ภ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ ഓ๿ภ๷ᆸภืีี฼๚๧ภ๬ภ๥๙ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภȲຉ๬ภഁງ๴ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿ ๿๬๹ภഓภ๷๿ ᆸภืีี฼๚๧ภ๬ภ୻ຉ๙ภ ๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภืีีื ๚๧ภ๬ภ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๵ᆧภଳ๹ภ๮๗๹ภϭ๙ภᇍډ๖๗ภ๵ᆧภଳ๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ ๧ภك๗ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภืีีื๚๧ภ๬ภৄภ๛ภ๬ງ๥ภ๴˚ຉภ๪๴ภ๖ᆧภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿ ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ๬ภ๬ ๨๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ೏๿๗๹ภ๗๲ภȬ๪ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๥๿ ᆮภ๷๹ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภଳภৄภ๵๙ภ๛ภ ๬ງ๥ภ๴˚ຉภ๥๗ยᆸ   ๷્ᆮ ภื๨ย ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภย  3. ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๝ᆩภయภᆧງภᆧ๴ງ ๿ภ๧๙ภகภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภᆧງภ๥๗ยᆸ 4. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๧๙ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภৄภৄ๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ ภ๥๙ภยᇍډ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ ๖๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁยງ ๗๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁยງ ๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๬ງ๧ภ๧ภ๥ᆩ ᆮภ๗ᆩ๹ภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๷๹ภډ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๴๥ภᆩ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๪๳ຉ๴๿ภ๴ .5 ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗๹ภ๗๲๿ภك๴๗๧ภ๬ງ๥ภଥ๙ภ ഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๷๹ภ๪๳ຉภ๪๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๬ ৄภ๪๳ຉภ๛ᆸ๗ย 6. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄ๴ภ๪๥๗ภು๿ ຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ๤๪๹ภᆧ๿๗ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ஺ຉ๗๹ภ˟๪ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ ๙๹ภ๗๹๷ภ๴๗๧ภȲ๿ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภڧ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภ๤๥ภ๖ᆧภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๥๙ภ ๷๹ภଳ๪ภುຉᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย   2 Dzongkhag Tshogdu

7. Each Dzongkhag shall have a Dzongkhag Tshogdu, which shall be the highest decision making body in the Dzongkhag.

8. The Dzongkhag Tshogdu shall comprise: a) Gup and Mangmi as the two elected representative from each Gewog; b) One elected representative from that Dzongkhag Thromde; and c) One elected representative from Dzongkhag Yenlag .

Gewog Tshogde

9. Each Gewog shall have a Gewog Tshogde, which shall be the highest decision making body in the Gewog.

10. The Gewog Tshogde shall comprise:

a) The Gup and Mangmi; and b) Not less than five and not more than eight elected Tshogpas.

Thromde Tshogde

11. The Thromde Tshogde shall be the highest decision making body of the Dzongkhag Thromde.

12. Thromde Tshogde shall consist of not less than seven and not more than ten elected members, including the Thrompon.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 3 ยډ୻๙ຉ ภ๖๗ภ๮๗ᇍ ๹ภ๴ ๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๬๤ᆸภ๸ᆸ๹ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧ภډ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภᆧງภᆧງ๴ภ๧๙ภ๿ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภ๗ภˠᆩ ຉ๹ภ๤๗ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๬ภ๿ ๴ .7 ภᆧภ๥๗ງ ᆸยډ๨๴๿ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ ๴ᇍ ๿ภ๧๙ภৄ๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภډ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .8 ๹ภ๬๿ ๿ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภതภଵ๨ງ ᆸภ๥๙ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๬๿ภكภ˟๪ภ๨๴ภ๴ك๕๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภᆧງภ๷๹ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๥๙ภย ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๙ᆸภ๮๪ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ยك๖๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๥ᆮ๴๿ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๷๹ภ๪๭๗ภ๴  ภ˟๪ภ๨๴ງ ๿ภ๙ᆸภ๮๪ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ยك๗๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๵๧ภ๷๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁภ๷๹ภ๪๭๗ภ๴  

ଵ ๥ງງ ภภ๴๗ຉຉ ภภ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภഁยງยງ ๹ภ๮๿ ᇍ๗๹ภ ๬๤ᆸภ๸ᆸ๹ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧ภډଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภᆧ๴ງ ๿ภ๧๙ภ ଵງ๥ภ๴๗ภ๧๙ภ๗ຉ ᆩภ ˠຉ๹ภ๤๗ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๬ภ๴ .9 ๨๴๿ภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภᆧງภ๥๗ᆸย 10. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๧๙ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภৄภৄ๥ภ๥๗ງ ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ  ๕๒ ଵ๨ᆸภ๥๙ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๬๿ย ภ๷๹ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๨ภஶภ๷๹ภ๬ภж๙๬ภ๥๙ภ๪ଳ๥ภ๷๹ภ๬ภధ๗๨ภك๖๒ ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๚ᆩ๗ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸย 

Ȳ ๬ຉຉ ภภഁภງภງ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภഁยງยງ ๹ภ๮๿ ๗๹ภ๬๤ᇍ ᆸภ๸๹ภᆸډȲຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๴๥ງ ᆩภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภˠ๹ภ๤๗ภ๛ຉ ᆸ๥ภ๬ภ๴ .11 ๚ᆩ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧ย ๧ภډ๹ภ๬๿ภ๪كภ๷๹ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ ๴كȲຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๧๙ภງ Ȳຉ๬ภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ๪୶๿๹ภ๣ᆮภ ๪๭๗ภ๴ .12 ๷๹ภ๬ภж๙๬ภ๥๙ภ๪ρภ๤๬ภ๷๹๬ภధ๗๨ภᆧภ๥๗ງ ᆸย   3 Declaration of Thromde

13. The Parliament shall, from time to time, declare a certain geographical or administrative or economic area of the country as Thromde based on the criteria prescribed in this Act. The demarcation of Thromde boundary shall be carried out in consultation with the National Land Commission Secretariat and local authority.

Types of Thromde

14. A Thromde shall be a Dzongkhag Thromde or Dzongkhag Yenlag Thromde in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

15. Thromde shall be of two types:

a) Dzongkhag Thromde, which shall be further categorized as i) Class A Thromde; ii) Class B Thromde; and b) Dzongkhag Yenlag Thromde.

Criteria for establishment of Thromde

16. The Government shall Classify Thromdes of the country as either Class A Thromde or Class B Thromde based on:

a) Total resident population of the area; b) Density of resident population; c) Total area of the Thromde; d) Majority of population dependent on non agrarian;

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 4 Ȳ๬ຉ ภഁภງ๙๹ᆸ ภ๴๯๧ᇇ ย  ๹ภಸภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿ ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภৄภகภډ๹ภ๥๙ภډഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภű๹ภ .13 ๗๲๿ᆧภ๪๲๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภű๿ภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๵๙ภ ๧ภ ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ˚๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภതງ ງภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย Ȳຉ๬ภഁງ๴ภ๹ภ๿ ๬๮๬๹ภű๿ภ๬๮๬๹ภ୑๗๹ภ๪๕๷ภ๧ᆩ๴ภ๤๥ภ๹ภ๛๴๿ ภధ๧ภ๮๿ ᇍ๗๹ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๥๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ภ ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๥๙ภˠຉ๹ภ๪೫๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย  Ȳ๬ຉ ภഁ๴ງ ภ๿๥ࣟภງ๪ย  14. Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๴๥ງ ᆩภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๵๙ภ ๧ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๵๧ภ๷๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๥๗ᆸย 15. Ȳຉ๬ภഁภகภ๥ࣟງ ງภ๪ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ ๕๒ ๵๙ภ๪ುᆧภ๥ࣟງภ๖๗ภࡲງภ๧ᆩภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງ ϰ  Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๥ࣟງ ງภ๖๗ภ๕ภ๨ภ๥๙ภย ϱ  Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๥ࣟງ ງภ๖๗ภ๖ภ๨ย ๖๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๵๧ภ๷๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງย 

Ȳ ๬ຉຉ ภภഁภງภງ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภഁภງภງ๗๲ภ๿ภ๿๪অ๗๹ภภ๴๪๥ภภ๧๴ᆩᆩ ภ๿ภ๿๥ᆸ๧ᆸ ภภகภภȬ๥ภภ๮๥ยย 16. ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภű๿ภȲຉ๬ภഁภৄภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภகภ๗๲ງ ๿ᆧภ๪๲๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ࣟງภ ๖๗ภ๕ภ๨ภ๵๙๧ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ࣟງภ๖๗ภ๖ภ๨ภതງภ๥ࣟງภ๪ภࡲງภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ ๕๒ ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภഁຉ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๬๿ภ஄ຉ๪๹ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๪ഁຉ๬๹ภ๥๙ภย  ๖๒ ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภ๬๿๴๿ภഏ๙๹ภ๮๥ย  ๗๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๹ภ๗ᆸภଳภ๮๥ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๪ഁຉ๬๹ย  ๙๒ ๬๿ภ஄ຉ๪๹ภ๬๙ภ๸ᆸ๹ภ๹ᆸภ๧๬ภ๬๿๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๣ᆮภഁຉ๥ภ๬๿ย 4 e) Revenue generated for the maintenance of its services; and f) Trade and commerce significance. ๚๒ ๥ᆮภ๗ᆩภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๙ภ๴๪๪ภűຉ ๿ภ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๪ುງ๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬ย๥๙ภ๿ ๛๒ ๮ᇍ๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๥๙ภ๮ᇍ๙ภ๷๹ภű๿ภ๗๷ภ๗๧๥ย Establishment of Thromde Tshogde

17. The Government shall: Ȳ ๬ຉຉ ภภഁภງภງ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภഁภງภງ๗๲ภ๿ภ๿๪অ๗๹ยย 17.  a) Establish Thromde Tshogde for all Class A Thromdes in the ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ country;  b) Progressively upgrade Class B Thromdes to status of Class A ๕๒ ଳ๷ภ๖๪ภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງภ๥ࣟງภ๖๗ภ๕ภ๨ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภ๗๲๿ภ Thromde as and when criteria prescribed in the Thromde Rules ๪অ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภย are fulfilled; c) Progressively elevate Yenlag Thromde to Class B Thromde as ๖๒ ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚ภ๗๿ ᆸ๬ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ࣟງภ๖๗ภ๖ภ๨ภৄภȲຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ and when criteria in the Thromde Rules are fulfilled; and ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภৄภ๮๙ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ࣟງภ๖๗ภ๕ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๧๹ภ d) Notwithstanding the above criteria, each Dzongkhag shall have ᆧ๿๬ภ๧๙ภ๵ᆧภ๹ᆮ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย a Class B Dzongkhag Thromde. ๗๒ ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚ภ๗๿ ᆸ๬ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๵๧ภ๷๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภৄภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງ๴ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๿ ᆩ๗ภ๧๙ภ

18. All Class B Thromdes and Yenlag Thromdes shall function either ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภৄภ๮๙ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ࣟງภ๖๗ภ๖ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๧๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ under Dzongkhag Administration or the Gewog Administration as ๧๙ภ๵ᆧภ๹ᆮ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย decided by the Government. ๙๒ ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภৄภகภ๬ภ௟ຉ๹ภ๨ᆧภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภᆧງภᆧງภ๧๙ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ࣟງภ ๖๗ภ๖ภ๨ภᆧງภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸย 18. Chapter 3 Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๥ࣟງ ງภ๖๗ภ๖ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ ๵๧ภ๷๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁภৄภ๗ภᆧภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภˠ๹ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๬ຉ ๿ภ ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴๗ภகภࣟภ೐ຉ ຉภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸยډElections To Local Governments ௟ᆧภ  Elections of Members ๷્ᆮ ภุ๨ย ยكThe election of members to Local Governments shall be governed ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ๪๭๗ภ๴ .19 by the electoral laws of Bhutan.

ยยك๹ภภ๬ภ๿ภ๿ৄ๴ภ๿ภ๿๪๭๗ภภ๴ك ๴ ๴๿ภȲ๬๹ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿ ๿๷ภكภ๥ᆮภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภৄ๴๿ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .19 ๥๗ᆸย The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 5 5 ๚๒ ๥ᆮภ๗ᆩภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๙ภ๴๪๪ภűຉ ๿ภ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๪ುງ๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬ย๥๙ภ๿ ๛๒ ๮ᇍ๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๥๙ภ๮ᇍ๙ภ๷๹ภű๿ภ๗๷ภ๗๧๥ย

Ȳ ๬ຉຉ ภภഁภງภງ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภഁภງภງ๗๲ภ๿ภ๿๪অ๗๹ยย 17. ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹  ๕๒ ଳ๷ภ๖๪ภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງภ๥ࣟງภ๖๗ภ๕ภ๨ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภ๗๲๿ภ ๪অ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภย ๖๒ ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚ภ๗๿ ᆸ๬ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ࣟງภ๖๗ภ๖ภ๨ภৄภȲຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภৄภ๮๙ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ࣟງภ๖๗ภ๕ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๧๹ภ ᆧ๿๬ภ๧๙ภ๵ᆧภ๹ᆮ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๗๒ ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚ภ๗๿ ᆸ๬ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๵๧ภ๷๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภৄภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງ๴ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๿ ᆩ๗ภ๧๙ภ ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภৄภ๮๙ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ࣟງภ๖๗ภ๖ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๧๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ ๧๙ภ๵ᆧภ๹ᆮ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๙๒ ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภৄภகภ๬ภ௟ຉ๹ภ๨ᆧภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภᆧງภᆧງภ๧๙ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ࣟງภ ๖๗ภ๖ภ๨ภᆧງภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸย 18. Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๥ࣟງ ງภ๖๗ภ๖ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ ๵๧ภ๷๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁภৄภ๗ภᆧภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภˠ๹ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๬ຉ ๿ภ ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴๗ภகภࣟภ೐ຉ ຉภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸยډ௟ᆧภ  ๷્ᆮ ภุ๨ย ยك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ๪๭๗ภ๴

ยยك๹ภภ๬ภ๿ภ๿ৄ๴ภ๿ภ๿๪๭๗ภภ๴ك ๴ ๴๿ภȲ๬๹ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿ ๿๷ภكภ๥ᆮภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภৄ๴๿ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .19 ๥๗ᆸย 5 Tenure

๗ ๧๹ภภ૱๧ยย 20. Local Governments, unless sooner dissolved, shall continue for 20. five years from the date of the first sitting, which shall be convened ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ ๗๧๹ภ૱๧ภ๬ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภ ୶ภˠ๷ภ๹ຉ ᆸ๙ภ๪ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๧ภ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ ๥ᆮภ ๴๿ภ˟๪ภ๴ࣤ๹ภ ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๲๿๧๬ภ๷๹ภ ૅ๱ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๧๙ภكwithin thirty days of declaration of election results. ๬๿๧ภ ๪๭๗๹ภ๴ ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๴๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๗ᆸภ๬๿ภ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๿๬ภ๥๙ภ๨๴๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภˠ๙๹ภ๷๹ภ๪୶๹ภ๣๿ ᆮภ๷ᆸภஶ๴ภᆧ๿ ๿๙ภ๴ࡴຉภ ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗ยᆸكQualifications and disqualifications for candidates and members ๬  ๹ภ๬ภ๿ৄภ๗ภᆩȬ๥ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ยكQualifications ๴๥๬ᆮ ๹ภ๙ภᆸ๥๙ภ๴ 21. A person shall be qualified to be elected as a member of a Local Government, if he/she is: Ȭ ๥ภภ๮๥ยย ภ๴˟๪ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๖ᆸ๬ຉภகภ๗๸๬ภك๹ภ๬๿ภതງภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๬๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .21 a) A citizen of Bhutan as evidenced by citizenship identity card; ๗๹๷ภ˚ภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภ๥๗๿ ᆸ b) Registered in the civil registry of the government pertaining to  that constituency and having his/her gung or mitsi in that place ๕๒ ๬๿ภƥ๙๹ภ๙ᆸภഖຉ๥ภ๷๗ภȬງᆧภ˚๿๹ภ್๪ภࣟງ๥ภೲຉ๧ภ๧ᆩภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๴࣡๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๬ภ๹๿ ᆮᆧภ for not less than one year before the qualifying date of election; ๼ᆩ๧ภ๬๿ย ๴๿ภ๮๹ภˠ๙๹ภűᇉ ๿ภ๻ງภ๬ภ๷๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๥ᆮภك Of the minimum age of twenty five years and maximum of sixty ๖๒ ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆮภ๧๙ภகภ๪๭๗ภ๴ c) five years at the time of filing nominations; ๧๙ภ๷ᆸภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๷๹ภ๬ภж๙ภ๪ᆧภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๬ภ๹๿ ᆮᆧภ˚๿ภ๤ᆸภ๥ᆮ๪ภ๧๙ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨ย d) Functionally literate and possesses skills adequate to discharge his/her responsibilities as certified by the Election Commission ๗๒ ๗๥๬ภ๖๴๿ภ๵๗ภ๛ภ࠘๷ภ๪๴ᆩ ๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ುງ๹ภ๷ᆸภ๥๬๴ภ๸๹ภᆸ ืฺ ๵๧ภ๛๥ภ๥๙ภ of Bhutan or possessing a formal degree in the case of candidates ๬๤ᆸภ๸ᆸ๹ภ฻ฺ๬๧ภ๛๥ภ๷๧ภ๬ᆸ ๿ย ภ๖๿ ᆸภ๬ຉภᆧ๙ภ๗ᆩภډ๴๿ภధ๧ภ๮๗๹ภűᇍ ๿๹ภ๙ᆸภഠຉᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภ௟ᆧภكfor Thrompon; and ๙๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๪๭๗ภ๴ e) Fulfill other requirements as specified in the Constitution and ஔภ๴๗๧ภৄ๴๿ภࣟภ೐ຉภ๴๤๪ภৄ๗๹ภ๨๴ภ๿ ࣤ๿๹ภధ๗ภ๗ภ๸ᆩ ๹ภ๵ᆮ ᆸ๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬ภ๿ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๧ภ˚๿ภ๗অ๗ภ๷๗ภ๸ᆮ๹ภكthe Electoral Laws. Ȳຉ๬ภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๙ᆸ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ ೏๿๗ภ๬ ๮๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬ภ๥๙ภย๿ ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๥๗ᆸ๹ภډ๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภৄภ๧๙ภ๛ᆮ๥ภك๚๒ ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉภ๥๙ภ ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๬๖ᆸภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๮๙ภ๵ᆸ๥๨ย   The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 6 6 ๗ ๧๹ภภ૱๧ยย 20. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ ๗๧๹ภ૱๧ภ๬ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภ ୶ภˠ๷ภ๹ຉ ᆸ๙ภ๪ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๧ภ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ ๥ᆮภ ๴๿ภ˟๪ภ๴ࣤ๹ภ ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๲๿๧๬ภ๷๹ภ ૅ๱ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๧๙ภك๬๿๧ภ ๪๭๗๹ภ๴ ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๴๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๗ᆸภ๬๿ภ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๿๬ภ๥๙ภ๨๴๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภˠ๙๹ภ๷๹ภ๪୶๹ภ๣๿ ᆮภ๷ᆸภஶ๴ภᆧ๿ ๿๙ภ๴ࡴຉภ ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗ยᆸك๬  ๹ภ๬ภ๿ৄภ๗ภᆩȬ๥ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ยك๴๥๬ᆮ ๹ภ๙ภᆸ๥๙ภ๴

Ȭ ๥ภภ๮๥ยย ภ๴˟๪ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๖ᆸ๬ຉภகภ๗๸๬ภك๹ภ๬๿ภതງภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๬๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .21 ๗๹๷ภ˚ภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภ๥๗๿ ᆸ  ๕๒ ๬๿ภƥ๙๹ภ๙ᆸภഖຉ๥ภ๷๗ภȬງᆧภ˚๿๹ภ್๪ภࣟງ๥ภೲຉ๧ภ๧ᆩภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๴࣡๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๬ภ๹๿ ᆮᆧภ ๼ᆩ๧ภ๬๿ย ๴๿ภ๮๹ภˠ๙๹ภűᇉ ๿ภ๻ງภ๬ภ๷๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๥ᆮภك๖๒ ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆮภ๧๙ภகภ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๧๙ภ๷ᆸภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๷๹ภ๬ภж๙ภ๪ᆧภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๬ภ๹๿ ᆮᆧภ˚๿ภ๤ᆸภ๥ᆮ๪ภ๧๙ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨ย ๗๒ ๗๥๬ภ๖๴๿ภ๵๗ภ๛ภ࠘๷ภ๪๴ᆩ ๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ುງ๹ภ๷ᆸภ๥๬๴ภ๸๹ภᆸ ืฺ ๵๧ภ๛๥ภ๥๙ภ ๬๤ᆸภ๸ᆸ๹ภ฻ฺ๬๧ภ๛๥ภ๷๧ภ๬ᆸ ๿ย ภ๖๿ ᆸภ๬ຉภᆧ๙ภ๗ᆩภډ๴๿ภధ๧ภ๮๗๹ภűᇍ ๿๹ภ๙ᆸภഠຉᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภ௟ᆧภك๙๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๪๭๗ภ๴ ஔภ๴๗๧ภৄ๴๿ภࣟภ೐ຉภ๴๤๪ภৄ๗๹ภ๨๴ภ๿ ࣤ๿๹ภధ๗ภ๗ภ๸ᆩ ๹ภ๵ᆮ ᆸ๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬ภ๿ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๧ภ˚๿ภ๗অ๗ภ๷๗ภ๸ᆮ๹ภكȲຉ๬ภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๙ᆸ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ ೏๿๗ภ๬ ๮๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬ภ๥๙ภย๿ ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๥๗ᆸ๹ภډ๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภৄภ๧๙ภ๛ᆮ๥ภك๚๒ ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉภ๥๙ภ ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๬๖ᆸภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๮๙ภ๵ᆸ๥๨ย   6 Disqualifications

Ȭ ๥ภภ๮๥ภภ๷๹ภภ๴๗๷ภภ๪ยย ๴ภȲ๿ ๿๬๹ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๷ภ๣๿ ᆮภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภكA candidate to Local Government elections shall be disqualified in 22. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴๥ᆩ ᆮ๬๹ภ๙ᆸภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๪๭๗ภ๴ .22 accordance with the electoral laws of Bhutan. ๥๙ภ๬ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภˠ๙๹ภಸภ๪୶ภ๥๗๿ ᆸย Decision on Disqualifications  Ȭ๥ภภ๮๥ภภ๷๹ภภ๴๗๷ภภ๪๴ภ๿ภ๿ˠ๹ຉຉ ภภ๛๥ᆸᆸ ยย 23. No person declared ineligible under this Act shall contest as candidate  to a Local Government. 23. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๴ຉ๗ภகภ๴ຉ๹ภ๴๪๪ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๹ภ

24. Any disqualification under this Act or the Electoral Laws, during ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๙ᆸภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆸภ๴ˠ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛๗ยᆸ ๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภű๿ภك๹ภ૱๧ภೆ๪๹ภகภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๪๭๗๹ภ๴ډ๴๿ภكthe election period, shall be decided by the Election Commission of 24. ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๴ᆩ ๿ภధ๧ภ๮๗๹ภűᇍ ๹ภˠ๿ ๹ภຉكBhutan. ๴ຉ๗ภகภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๤๥ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ 25. Any disqualification under this Act shall be adjudicated bythe ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๥๗ᆸย Dzongkhag Court on an election petition filed, with a right to appeal 25. ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภكto High Court. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๴๗ภຉ Ȭ๥ภ๮๥ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๴ࣛ๙ภ๮ᇉภ ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๧ภ๷๹ภ๥ࣟງภ๪๸ᆮᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ๛ᆮภ๬๤ᆸภȲ๬๹ภű๿ ภ๿ډ๪๸ᆮᆧภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴ ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴ภ๤๿ ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ยנ๧ภ๹ᆧภ๬๤ᆸภ๗ډResignation ๴ 26. A member of a Local Government may resign by submitting a letter  of resignation to the Chairperson. ๥ ๗ᆸ๙ᆸ ๹ภภઈยย

๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภ ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภઈ๴ภઈภ๵๿ ᆩ๗ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๣ᆮภكIf the Chairperson is absent or if the member who intends to resign 26. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .27 is the Chairperson, the letter of resignation shall be submitted to the ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๧๙ภ๷๹ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภઈภ๴๪๥ภ๛ᆸ๗ย Deputy Chairperson. 27. Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ๬ງ๥ภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ๥๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภઈภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภࣧຉภ๴๥ᆸ๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภȲ๿ภ 28. If a member of Local Government tenders resignation in the manner ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๮ภȲᇉ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๙ᆸภ๮๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๗ภ๬ภகภ๥๗ຉ ᆸ๙๹ภઈ๴๿ภઈภ๵ᆩ๗ภ࠘๷ภ provided under section 26 and 27 of this Act, he/she is deemed to have vacated the seat upon acceptance of the application by the ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥๴ᆩ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภื฻๨ภكChairperson or Deputy Chairperson and shall cease to be a member 28. ๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ of the Local Government. ๥๙ภ ื฼ ๨ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ๖ᆸ๬ຉภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภȲ๿ภ๹ภೲຉ๙ภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๛ภ๪๲๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ๹ภ๬๿๴๿ภˠ๙๹ภಸภ๬ງ๥๨ภതภ๛ภ๪๲๗ภ๥๗ງ ยᆸك๷๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 7 7 Ȭ ๥ภภ๮๥ภภ๷๹ภภ๴๗๷ภภ๪ยย ๴ภȲ๿ ๿๬๹ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๷ภ๣๿ ᆮภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴๥ᆩ ᆮ๬๹ภ๙ᆸภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๪๭๗ภ๴ .22 ๥๙ภ๬ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภˠ๙๹ภಸภ๪୶ภ๥๗๿ ᆸย 

Ȭ ๥ภภ๮๥ภภ๷๹ภภ๴๗๷ภภ๪๴ภ๿ภ๿ˠ๹ຉຉ ภภ๛๥ᆸᆸ ยย 23. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๴ຉ๗ภகภ๴ຉ๹ภ๴๪๪ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๹ภ ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๙ᆸภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆸภ๴ˠ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛๗ยᆸ ๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภű๿ภك๹ภ૱๧ภೆ๪๹ภகภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๪๭๗๹ภ๴ډ๴๿ภك๪๭๗ภ๴ .24 ๴ᆩ ๿ภధ๧ภ๮๗๹ภűᇍ ๹ภˠ๿ ๹ภຉك๴ຉ๗ภகภȬ๥ภ๮๥ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๤๥ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภك๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๴๗ภຉ Ȭ๥ภ๮๥ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๴ࣛ๙ภ๮ᇉภ ๪๭๗ภ๴ .25 ๧ภ๷๹ภ๥ࣟງภ๪๸ᆮᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ๛ᆮภ๬๤ᆸภȲ๬๹ภű๿ ภ๿ډ๪๸ᆮᆧภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴ ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴ภ๤๿ ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ยנ๧ภ๹ᆧภ๬๤ᆸภ๗ډ๴ 

๥ ๗ᆸ๙ᆸ ๹ภภઈยย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภ ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภઈ๴ภઈภ๵๿ ᆩ๗ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๣ᆮภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .26 ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๧๙ภ๷๹ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภઈภ๴๪๥ภ๛ᆸ๗ย 27. Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ๬ງ๥ภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ๥๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภઈภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภࣧຉภ๴๥ᆸ๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภȲ๿ภ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๮ภȲᇉ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๙ᆸภ๮๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๗ภ๬ภகภ๥๗ຉ ᆸ๙๹ภઈ๴๿ภઈภ๵ᆩ๗ภ࠘๷ภ ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥๴ᆩ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภื฻๨ภك๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .28 ๥๙ภ ื฼ ๨ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ๖ᆸ๬ຉภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภȲ๿ภ๹ภೲຉ๙ภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๛ภ๪๲๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ๹ภ๬๿๴๿ภˠ๙๹ภಸภ๬ງ๥๨ภതภ๛ภ๪๲๗ภ๥๗ງ ยᆸك๷๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ 7 29. A Chairperson of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu may resign in the manner ภډ๴ᇍ ๿ภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภื฻ ๨๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ௟ᆧภډprovided under section 26 but shall continue to be a member of 29. ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ ๹ภ๬๿ภكภ๥๙ภଵງ๥ภ๴๗ภ๮ຉ ๗๹ภഁᇍ ງ๴๿ภ๴ډDzongkhag Tshogdu and Gewog Tshogde. ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภઈภ๴๪๥ภ๛๗๨ภ๼ᆸ ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗ᆸยكതງภ๴ࡴຉภ๬ 30. A person holding a seat in a Local Government shall not tender 30. ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภكresignation while his/her election as a member of the Local ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴๥ᆩ ᆮ๬๹ภȲภ๴๛๙ภ๬๿ ภ๚๿ ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๖ᆸภᆧ๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ ๧ภ˚๿ภ୶ຉ๥ภ๪๸ᆮᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๪๲๿๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภكภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภೆຉᆧภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๬كGovernment is lawfully contested. கภ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภઈภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛ᆸ๗ย Removal 

31. A member of a Local Government shall be removed upon incurring ๪ ๣ᆸ๧ᆸ ภภ๗๣๙ภภ๤๙๹ยย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ ๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ๖ᆸภ๬ຉภ๗๹ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภৄภ๧๙ภكany of the following disqualifications and in accordance with the 31. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภ೐ຉภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภډprocedures established by law, if he or she: ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภű๿๹ภ๛ᆮ๥ภ a) Becomes a registered member of a political party; ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ b) Engages in any party politics or activities;  ๹ภ๬ภ๴๪๥ภ๤๿ ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ยك Is convicted for a criminal offence and sentenced to  ๕๒ ഽ๿๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๨ภ๚๗ภ๗ᆩ ᆩภ๴ c) imprisonment; d) Marries to a person who is not a citizen of Bhutan;  ๖๒ ഽ๿๥ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๧๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ e) Holds any office of profit under the government or public  ๨ย company or public corporation;  ๗๒ ๝ᆮ๹ภ๚๧ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗๷ภ˚ᆮ ๿ภȲ๬๹ภ๗๚๿ ᆸ๥ภ˟๪ภೲງภ๪๭ᇍ๧ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๩ᆸ๗ภ๨ย f) Acquires the citizenship of another country; ภ๪ഁ๬๹ภ๨ยຉډ Brings disrepute to Local Government by personal conduct;  ๙๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๬ภƥ๙๹ภ๬ภ๵๿ ᆩ๧ภ๬ภ๥๙ภ๗๚๿ ᆩ๗ภ๖ᆧภ๗๝ᆮ๧ภ g) h) Non-attendance for more than two consecutive sessions of the  ๚๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๬ภ๬๙ภ๮๿ ᇍ๙ภഁภ๬ງ ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๷๹ภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๧๙ภ๖ᆮภ๴๪๪ภ Local Government without the leave of absence from authorized ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๴๛๙ภ๪ย person; and i) Commits any willful violation of the Constitution, provisions of  ๛๒ ଳ๷ภ๖๪ภ๗๲๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๬ภƥ๙๹ภ๷๿ ᆮ๧ภ๨ย this Act or any other law.  ๜๒ ๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๥ᆮ๴๿ภ¨๧ภഓຉ๥ภகภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๬ᆩ ๿๙ภ๗๣๬ภ๬ງ๥๨ภ๪๣๙ภ๪ย  ๝๒ ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๷๹ภ๙๷ภ๪๹๴ᆸ ๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨ᆧภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๬ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๨ยك๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภ๧๙ภ๴ࡴຉภ๬  ๣๒ ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๬๹ภ๴๥๿ ᆩภ๥๙ภ Ȳ๬๹ภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๗๿ ᆩภ ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ย๿ډ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภ๸๹ภ๪๲ᆮ ๿๧ภ๪๹๬ภ๪๲๧ภ The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 8 8 ภډ๴ᇍ ๿ภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภื฻ ๨๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ௟ᆧภډ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .29 ๹ภ๬๿ภكภ๥๙ภଵງ๥ภ๴๗ภ๮ຉ ๗๹ภഁᇍ ງ๴๿ภ๴ډ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภઈภ๴๪๥ภ๛๗๨ภ๼ᆸ ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗ᆸยكതງภ๴ࡴຉภ๬ ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴๥ᆩ ᆮ๬๹ภȲภ๴๛๙ภ๬๿ ภ๚๿ ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๖ᆸภᆧ๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .30 ๧ภ˚๿ภ୶ຉ๥ภ๪๸ᆮᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๪๲๿๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภكภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภೆຉᆧภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๬كகภ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภઈภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛ᆸ๗ย 

๪ ๣ᆸ๧ᆸ ภภ๗๣๙ภภ๤๙๹ยย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ ๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ๖ᆸภ๬ຉภ๗๹ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภৄภ๧๙ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .31 ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภ೐ຉภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภډ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภű๿๹ภ๛ᆮ๥ภ ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ  ๹ภ๬ภ๴๪๥ภ๤๿ ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ยك๕๒ ഽ๿๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๨ภ๚๗ภ๗ᆩ ᆩภ๴   ๖๒ ഽ๿๥ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๧๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ  ๨ย  ๗๒ ๝ᆮ๹ภ๚๧ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗๷ภ˚ᆮ ๿ภȲ๬๹ภ๗๚๿ ᆸ๥ภ˟๪ภೲງภ๪๭ᇍ๧ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๩ᆸ๗ภ๨ย ภ๪ഁ๬๹ภ๨ยຉډ๙๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๬ภƥ๙๹ภ๬ภ๵๿ ᆩ๧ภ๬ภ๥๙ภ๗๚๿ ᆩ๗ภ๖ᆧภ๗๝ᆮ๧ภ   ๚๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๬ภ๬๙ภ๮๿ ᇍ๙ภഁภ๬ງ ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๷๹ภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๧๙ภ๖ᆮภ๴๪๪ภ ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๴๛๙ภ๪ย  ๛๒ ଳ๷ภ๖๪ภ๗๲๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๬ภƥ๙๹ภ๷๿ ᆮ๧ภ๨ย  ๜๒ ๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๥ᆮ๴๿ภ¨๧ภഓຉ๥ภகภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๬ᆩ ๿๙ภ๗๣๬ภ๬ງ๥๨ภ๪๣๙ภ๪ย  ๝๒ ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๷๹ภ๙๷ภ๪๹๴ᆸ ๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨ᆧภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๬ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๨ยك๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภ๧๙ภ๴ࡴຉภ๬  ๣๒ ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๬๹ภ๴๥๿ ᆩภ๥๙ภ Ȳ๬๹ภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๗๿ ᆩภ ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ย๿ډ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภ๸๹ภ๪๲ᆮ ๿๧ภ๪๹๬ภ๪๲๧ภ 8 Vacation of Office

32. A member of a Local Government shall vacate office upon: a) Dissolution of Local Government; b) Resignation; c) Removal; or d) Prolonged ill health or death.


33. Upon vacation of seat by a member, the Chairperson or the Deputy Chairperson, as the case may be, shall address a notice to the Election Commission of Bhutan immediately to issue a notification calling the constituency to elect a person for filling such vacancy. Provided that the remainder of the term is not less than one hundred and eighty days.

34. Election to fill the vacant post shall be held within 30 days from the date of vacancy.

35. The member elected under sections 33 or 34 of this Act shall serve for the remainder of the term of his/her predecessor.

Dissolution of Local Governments

36. A Local Government shall be dissolved if it loses the confidence of the people.

37. The appeal calling for dissolution of a Local Government can be initiated by more than half of the registered voters of that constituency.

38. The Election Commission of Bhutan shall publish a standard Registered Voter Appeal form.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 9 ๵ ๗ᆩᆩ ภภ๮๙ภภ๹ภภೲ๙ຉຉ ภภ๪๣๧ᆸᆸ ภภக๗๹ยย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๹ภೲຉ๙ภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥ᆮภ๵๙ภยك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .32 ๕๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ୶ภˠຉ๷ภ๹ᆸ๙ภ๪ย ๖๒ ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภઈย ๗๒ ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๗๣๙ภ๪ย ๗ภ๬ภৄ๗๹๨ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๸ᆩภଫງ๧ภࣛ๙ภ๪ยۑ๙๒ ๧ภೲງภ૱๧ภᆧ๿๙ภ 

ยยك๪ᆧภภೆ๪๹ภภ๪๭๗ภภ๴ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๴๥ᆩ ᆮ๬๹ภȲภೲ๿ ຉ๙๬ภ๪๣ᆸ๧๬ภ๚ᆩ๗ภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๵๙ภ๧ภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๬ภك๴ .33 ภధ๧ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภகภ ๹ภೲຉ๙ภ๪ಸ๪ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภك๗ᆩ๹ภ ๥ᆮภ๴ࡴຉภ๷๹ภ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๪๭๗ภ๴ ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภೆᆧภຉ ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภك๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภ ๬๿ภ๙ᆸ๬ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ ೘๧ภઈภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๥ᆮภ๴๪๥๱ภ๥ภ ๗๧๹ภ૱๧ภధ๗ภக๹ภ๥ᆮภ ๝ᆩ๧ภˠ๙๹ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๪ଳภ ๪ଳ๥ภρภ๷๹ภ๬ภж๙๬ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸย ๴๿ภ๷๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๥ᆮภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภȲภೲ๿ ຉ๙๬ภ๤ᆸ๧ภك๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภೲຉ๙ภ๪ಸ๪ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๪๭๗ภ๴ .34 ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸยۑ๨๴๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภˠ๙๹ภ๷๹ภ๝ᆩ๧ภˠ๙๹ภุี๗ᆩภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๴๗ᆸภ๴ ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภك๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ ุุ ๨ภ๥๙ภ ุู ๨๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๗๹๷ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ .35 ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๹ภ๗๧๹ภ૱๧ภధ๗ภக๹ภűᆩ ๿ภᆧ๿๙ภ๗ᆸภ๗๧๹ภ๴๛๙ภ๥๗ยᆸك๴ 

๹ ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๗ઈ๙ภภ୶ภภˠ๷ຉຉ ยย 36. ๬๿ภ๹ᆮᆧภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๵ᆩ๥ภ๛ᆮ๹ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥ᆮภ୶ภˠຉ๷ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸย 37. ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆮภ๧๙ภ๤ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬ภࡲ๿ ງ๥ภ๬๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๛ᆸ๗ยנ๗ઈ๙ภ୶ภˠຉ๷ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๬๤ᆸภ๗ ๗๹ภ๴ࣤ๿ภנภధ๧ภ๮๗๹ภűᇍ ๿๹  ๤ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๬๤ᆸภ๗ك๪๭๗ภ๴ .38 ๸ᆸ๗ภ๥๨ᆧภ๪ೂ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 9 39. The appeal calling for the dissolution of the Local Government shall be submitted to the Dzongdag.

40. The Dzongdag shall, on receipt of the appeal, forward it to the Election Commission of Bhutan after verifying the appeal and Registered Voter Appeal forms.

41. The Election Commission of Bhutan shall further verify the appeal and Registered Voter Appeal forms.

42. If the Election Commission of Bhutan is convinced that the above requirements for the appeal for dissolution of a Local Government are met, it shall announce the date of poll within one month of the receipt of the appeal.

43. The poll shall be framed in the manner which best elicits a clear “yes or no” response.

44. An appeal for the dissolution of a Local Government, once made, cannot be withdrawn.

45. The Election Commission of Bhutan shall declare a Local Government dissolved if two third of voters of that constituency votes “No” against the Local Government.

46. Upon dissolution of a Local Government, the announcement for fresh elections shall be made by the Election Commission of Bhutan so that a new Local Government is reconstituted within ninety days of its dissolution.

47. The Local Government may be dissolved by the Government if two- thirds of the members are either removed or have resigned.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 10 ๗๹ภઈภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥ᆮภ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภகภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸยנ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ୶ภˠຉ๷ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩภ๗ภ๬๤ᆩ ᆸภ๗ .39 ๗๹ภઈภ๵๗ภ๥๙ภᆩ  ๤ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬ᇍ ๿ภ๗ภᆩנ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๬๤ᆸภ๗ .40 ภధ๧ภك๗๹ภ๴ࣤ๿ภ๸ᆸ๗ภৄภ  ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๪๴๿ภయ๷ภ๷๹ภ ๥ࣟງภ๥߸๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ๪๭๗ภ๴נ๬๤ᆸภ๗ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภகภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸย ๗๹ภઈภ๵๗ภ๥๙ภᆩ ๤ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภנภధ๧ภ๮๗๹ภűᇍ ๿๹ภ ๬๤ᆸภ๗ك๪๭๗ภ๴ .41 ๗๹ภ๴ࣤ๿ภ๸ᆸ๗ภৄภ๵๙ภ๪ುᆧภ๥ࣟງภ๥߸๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยנ๪ಾᆧภ๬๿ภ๗ᆩภ๬๤ᆸภ๗ ๗๹ภ๥ᆮภנภధ๧ภ๮๗๹ภűᇍ ๿๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ୶ภˠຉ๷ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴ภ๬๤๿ ᆸภ๗ك๪๭๗ภ๴ .42 ๗๹ภઈภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๪๴ภ๿נ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๣ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ๬๤ᆸภ๗ ๹ภ๮ᇍ๥ภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยډ๝ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹ภૅ๱ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆩ ᆸ๥ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ 43. ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧ภ๥ᆩ ᆮภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥๗ᆸ๵๙ภ๧๬๿ภ๥๗๳ᆸ ງᆧภ๗๹๷ภᆧ๿ภᆧ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸย ๗๹ภઈภ๵๗ภ࠘๷ภ๮ᆧภ๪๴ᆩ ภయ๷ภ๷๹ภ๿נ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ  ୶ภˠຉ๷ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภ๬๤ᆸภ๗ .44 ࡲ๿ᆧภ๷ᆸ๗ภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๬๿ภ๛ᆸ๗ย ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆮภ๧๙ภ๗ภ๤ᆩ ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภك๪๭๗ภ๴ .45 ଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬ภৄภ๗๿ ๹ᆩ  ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๬ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภതງภ ๗ಸ๬ภ๥߸ภ๗๝๹ภ๤ᆩ ᆸ๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๴๥ภ୶ภˠᆩ ๷ภ๴˚ຉ ຉภ๪๴๿ภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 46. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥ᆮภ୶ภˠຉ๷ภ๪๣๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๝ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹๝ᆩ๧ภˠ๙๹ภ๥ɏภ๪ρภ๗ᆩภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ ภధ๧ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥ᆮภ ๵๙ภ๪ುᆧภ๗๲ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧๿ ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภக  ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๴๿ภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๷ᆸ๗ภೲภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ງ ᆸยكű๿๹๪๭๗ภ๴ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗ಸ๬ภ๥߸ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๗๣๙ภ๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภઈภ๵ᆧภ๹ᆸ๙ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ๗ઈ๙ภك๴ .47 ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๴๥ᆩภ୶ภˠ๷ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸย  10 Chapter 4 Powers and Functions of Local Government ๷્ᆮ ภู๨ย ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ย General Powers of Local Government

๹ ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๗ઈ๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩഓᆧ๿๿ ภภ๪๣๙ภภ๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ยย 48. Within the overall policy and legal framework, Local Government shall: 48. ഓ๿ᆧภ๪๣๙ภ๗ᆩภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภȲ๿๬๹ภűภ๗๲๿ ๿ภ୑ງ๧ภ˚๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ᆩ 

a) Promote conditions that will enable the pursuit of Gross National ๕๒ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๥๗๴ภು๿๥ภ๥๨๷ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภű๿ภିງ๹ภಸภ๴В๗ภৄ๗๹ภ๨๴ภ๛ภଫ๿ ๧ภৄภງ ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩยۑHappiness; ๵ᆧภ

b) Provide democratic and accountable government for local ๖๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภűภ๬๿ ๿ภഁງ๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ ๥๬๙๹ภ๗๭ᇍภ๥๙ภ ๴Ȳภ๴๗๧ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ ๿ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ communities; க๗๹ภ๪অ๗ภ๧ᆩย c) Coordinate maintenance of peace, harmony and security in their ๗๒ ᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภȬ๪ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๲๿ภ๪๥ᆮภ๥๙ภ๥๗๴ภು๿๥ภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภৄภ଱๧ภು๙ภ๗ຉ ᆩภ ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩยۑjurisdictions; ๴๗ᆸภ๴ ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩยۑ Preserve and promote culture and tradition; ๙๒ ๷๬ภഽຉ๷ภ๥๙ภ೓ᆧภഽຉ๷ภৄภ๝๬๹ภ഻๙ภ๥๙ภ๵ᆧภ d)

ภ๸ᆮ ᆮ๹ภű๿ภ ୑ງ๧ภ๗๲๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ೏๿๷ภகภډ Promote conditions that are conducive to co-operation in ๚๒ ๬๿ภഁງภ๴๮ᇍภ๪๴๿ภ๬๝๬ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๥๙ภ ๝ภ๮๧ภ๴ e) ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩยۑcommunity life and the integrity of the extended family ๩๧ภ஄๪๹ภ๛ᆮภ๪๴๿ภ๛ภଫງ๧ภৄภ๵ᆧภ structure; ๛๒ ๬๿ภഁງภৄ๴๿ภ ഓ๿ᆧภ๪๣๙ภ๪๥ᆮภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๬๿ภഁภ๥๙ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟງ ຉᆧภ˚๿ภ๲๪๹ภ ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿ภ๤๪๹ภ๷๬ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ್๪ภৄ๗๹๨ภ๙ᆮ๹ภۑ Ensure the provision of such social and economic services for ๣ᆸ๗ภৄภ ૱๧ภ๪୑๧ภ๥๙ภ ๴ f) the general wellbeing of the residents of the communities in a ๪୑๧ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩย sustainable and equitable manner; ๜๒ ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ௦๧ภ๥๙ภ๗๚๗ภ೏ᆩ ๿๷ภகภ ๗๲ᆧภ๪๲๗ภ๨๴๿ ภ๹ภ๖๿ ๙๹ภ๗ᆸ ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩยۑ Promote holistic and integrated area-based development ๗๲๿ภ๵ᆧภ g) ๧ภ୑ງ๧ภ๥๙ภ๷๬ภഽຉ๷ภ˚๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ ଳ๷ภᆧ๪๹ภ๚๧ภ˚ภ๹ภ๖๿ ᆸ๙๹ภৄภ ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภۑ planning; ๝๒ h) Protect monuments and sites of cultural and historical interests; ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย i) Undertake any activity consistent with other relevant laws and ๣๒ ᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภȬ๪ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๖๥ภᆸ ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๴ຉ๹ภ๴๪๪ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภۑpolicies of the country which may conserve and enhance the ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภ ๝๬๹ภ഻๙ภ๥๙ภ ๵ᆧภ environment within the limits of the areas under its jurisdiction; ଳ๷ภ๖๪ภű๿ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๧๥ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩยۑ๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภഎภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๴๗ᆸภ๴ك๬ The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 11 11 ๷્ᆮ ภู๨ย ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ย

๹ ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๗ઈ๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩഓᆧ๿๿ ภภ๪๣๙ภภ๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ยย 48. ഓ๿ᆧภ๪๣๙ภ๗ᆩภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภȲ๿๬๹ภűภ๗๲๿ ๿ภ୑ງ๧ภ˚๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ᆩ  ๕๒ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๥๗๴ภು๿๥ภ๥๨๷ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภű๿ภିງ๹ภಸภ๴В๗ภৄ๗๹ภ๨๴ภ๛ภଫ๿ ๧ภৄภງ ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩยۑ๵ᆧภ ๖๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภűภ๬๿ ๿ภഁງ๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ ๥๬๙๹ภ๗๭ᇍภ๥๙ภ ๴Ȳภ๴๗๧ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ ๿ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ க๗๹ภ๪অ๗ภ๧ᆩย ๗๒ ᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภȬ๪ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๲๿ภ๪๥ᆮภ๥๙ภ๥๗๴ภು๿๥ภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภৄภ଱๧ภು๙ภ๗ຉ ᆩภ ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩยۑ๴๗ᆸภ๴ ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩยۑ๙๒ ๷๬ภഽຉ๷ภ๥๙ภ೓ᆧภഽຉ๷ภৄภ๝๬๹ภ഻๙ภ๥๙ภ๵ᆧภ ภ๸ᆮ ᆮ๹ภű๿ภ ୑ງ๧ภ๗๲๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ೏๿๷ภகภډ๚๒ ๬๿ภഁງภ๴๮ᇍภ๪๴๿ภ๬๝๬ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๥๙ภ ๝ภ๮๧ภ๴ ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩยۑ๩๧ภ஄๪๹ภ๛ᆮภ๪๴๿ภ๛ภଫງ๧ภৄภ๵ᆧภ ๛๒ ๬๿ภഁງภৄ๴๿ภ ഓ๿ᆧภ๪๣๙ภ๪๥ᆮภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๬๿ภഁภ๥๙ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟງ ຉᆧภ˚๿ภ๲๪๹ภ ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿ภ๤๪๹ภ๷๬ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ್๪ภৄ๗๹๨ภ๙ᆮ๹ภۑ๣ᆸ๗ภৄภ ૱๧ภ๪୑๧ภ๥๙ภ ๴ ๪୑๧ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩย ๜๒ ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ௦๧ภ๥๙ภ๗๚๗ภ೏ᆩ ๿๷ภகภ ๗๲ᆧภ๪๲๗ภ๨๴๿ ภ๹ภ๖๿ ๙๹ภ๗ᆸ ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩยۑ๗๲๿ภ๵ᆧภ ๧ภ୑ງ๧ภ๥๙ภ๷๬ภഽຉ๷ภ˚๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ ଳ๷ภᆧ๪๹ภ๚๧ภ˚ภ๹ภ๖๿ ᆸ๙๹ภৄภ ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภۑ ๝๒ ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๣๒ ᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภȬ๪ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๖๥ภᆸ ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๴ຉ๹ภ๴๪๪ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภۑ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภ ๝๬๹ภ഻๙ภ๥๙ภ ๵ᆧภ ଳ๷ภ๖๪ภű๿ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๧๥ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩยۑ๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภഎภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๴๗ᆸภ๴ك๬ 11 j) Provide protection for women, children and the physically challenged and eliminate physical, mental and emotional abuse ๤๒ ๼๬ภ഻ภ๥๙ภ๼ภ๷ᆸ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภࡲ๿ภ๗઩๗๹ภű๿ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภುຉ๧ภৄภ๷๹ภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภࣟ๧ภ๧๿ ᆩภ ๗ภᇍۑand violence against women and children; ๥๙ภ๼๬ภ഻ภৄภகภࡲ๿ภ๗઩๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๧๙ภ๹ᆮ๬๹ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๹ᆮ๬๹ภ๮ᆧภ k) Protect public health; ๨ᆸ๴๿ภ๷ᆸ๗ภഓຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๮ภৄภ୶ภ๬ᇉ ງ๥ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩย l) Encourage the involvement of communities and community ๥๒ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภűภ๴ࡴ๿ ຉ๥ภ๪ೲງ๧ภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย organizations in matters of local governance; and ๧๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๧๙ภ ๬ภഁ๿ ງภ๥๙ภ๬๿ภഁງ๴ภ๷๹ภ๮๿ ᇍ๗๹ภৄภ m) Discharge any other functions as may be prescribed by other ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภகภࣧຉภ๪಻๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๖๗ภ๴๗๧ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ್๪ภ๧ᆩยډlaws. ๨๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๧๙ภ๛ᆮ๥ภ Powers and Functions of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu  ๴ภ๿๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ยຉډGeneral Powers and Functions ୻๙ຉ ภ๖๗ภ๮๗ᇍ ๹ภ๴

49. The Dzongkhag Tshogdu shall: ഓ ᆧ๿๿ ภภ๪๣๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภࣟภภ೐ยຉยຉ

ภ๗ᇍ ᆩ๹ډ Promote balanced socio-economic development in the Gewogs 49. ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ a) and Thromdes in the Dzongkhag;  b) Promote cooperatives, small and medium enterprises which ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๥๙ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภৄภ๧๙ภ๮๥ภ೘๬๹ภűຉ ๿ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๗ᆸ๙ภ ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸยۑcontribute to generation of employment and welfare; ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๵ᆧภ c) Promote cooperation between Gewogs, Thromdes, Dzongkhag, ๖๒ ஔภ๗๵ᆸ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๗ᆸภೆ๪๹ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๩๧ภ๪๥ᆮ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๬๝๬ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภ and other agencies; ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸยۑ Submit motions/resolutions arising from Gewogs, Thromdes ๥๙ภ๮ᇍ๙ภ๷๹ภϭ๙ภ๪ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤ๿๙ภ๬ภৄภ๵ᆧภ d) and Dzongkhag to Parliament and the Royal Government; ๗๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๥๙ภ Ȳ๬ภഁຉ ງภ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ୻๙ภ๖๗ภຉ ๷๹ภഁງภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๗ᆩภ๧๙ภ๴๖๥ภகภᆸ ๗ภ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ᆸยۑ๧ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆧภك Protect consumers from unfair prices and counterfeit goods in ๬ e) accordance with the law; ๙๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๥๙ภ Ȳ๬ภഁຉ ງภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภৄภ๷๹ภࣛ๙ภ๪๴๿ภˠ๹ภ๗๲ຉ ภ๥๙ภˠ๿ ຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภৄภഓ๿ภ f) Preserve and promote culture, protect monuments and sites of ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๙ภଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ยᆸ cultural and historical interests; ๚๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ภᆮ ๮ᇍ๙ภ๬ˠຉ๧ภ๨ภৄภ ৄ๷ภ๬๿๧ภ˚๿ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ ๮ᇍ๙ภ๛๹ภ ୹๧ภ๬ภ๷๹ภ๪๕๗ภ๤๪๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๧ภ୑ງ๧ภ๥๙ภ ଳ๷ภᆧ๪๹ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภৄภ഻๙ภۑ ๛๒ ๷๬ภഽຉ๷ภ๝๬๹ภ഻๙ภ๥๙ภ ುຉ๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 12 12 ๤๒ ๼๬ภ഻ภ๥๙ภ๼ภ๷ᆸ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภࡲ๿ภ๗઩๗๹ภű๿ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภುຉ๧ภৄภ๷๹ภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภࣟ๧ภ๧๿ ᆩภ ๗ภᇍۑ๥๙ภ๼๬ภ഻ภৄภகภࡲ๿ภ๗઩๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๧๙ภ๹ᆮ๬๹ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๹ᆮ๬๹ภ๮ᆧภ ๨ᆸ๴๿ภ๷ᆸ๗ภഓຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๮ภৄภ୶ภ๬ᇉ ງ๥ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩย ๥๒ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภűภ๴ࡴ๿ ຉ๥ภ๪ೲງ๧ภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๧๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๧๙ภ ๬ภഁ๿ ງภ๥๙ภ๬๿ภഁງ๴ภ๷๹ภ๮๿ ᇍ๗๹ภৄภ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภகภࣧຉภ๪಻๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๖๗ภ๴๗๧ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ್๪ภ๧ᆩยډ๨๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๧๙ภ๛ᆮ๥ภ  ๴ภ๿๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ยຉډ୻๙ຉ ภ๖๗ภ๮๗ᇍ ๹ภ๴

ഓ ᆧ๿๿ ภภ๪๣๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภࣟภภ೐ยຉยຉ ภ๗ᇍ ᆩ๹ډ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .49  ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๥๙ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภৄภ๧๙ภ๮๥ภ೘๬๹ภűຉ ๿ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๗ᆸ๙ภ ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸยۑ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๵ᆧภ ๖๒ ஔภ๗๵ᆸ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๗ᆸภೆ๪๹ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๩๧ภ๪๥ᆮ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๬๝๬ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภ ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸยۑ๥๙ภ๮ᇍ๙ภ๷๹ภϭ๙ภ๪ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤ๿๙ภ๬ภৄภ๵ᆧภ ๗๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๥๙ภ Ȳ๬ภഁຉ ງภ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ୻๙ภ๖๗ภຉ ๷๹ภഁງภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๗ᆩภ๧๙ภ๴๖๥ภகภᆸ ๗ภ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ᆸยۑ๧ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆧภك๬ ๙๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๥๙ภ Ȳ๬ภഁຉ ງภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภৄภ๷๹ภࣛ๙ภ๪๴๿ภˠ๹ภ๗๲ຉ ภ๥๙ภˠ๿ ຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภৄภഓ๿ภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๙ภଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๚๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ภᆮ ๮ᇍ๙ภ๬ˠຉ๧ภ๨ภৄภ ৄ๷ภ๬๿๧ภ˚๿ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ ๮ᇍ๙ภ๛๹ภ ୹๧ภ๬ภ๷๹ภ๪๕๗ภ๤๪๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๧ภ୑ງ๧ภ๥๙ภ ଳ๷ภᆧ๪๹ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภৄภ഻๙ภۑ ๛๒ ๷๬ภഽຉ๷ภ๝๬๹ภ഻๙ภ๥๙ภ ುຉ๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 12 g) On a written request made by not less than two-thirds of the total number of members, have the authority to review and revoke resolutions, ordinances, rules and regulations promulgated by a Gewog on the grounds that such bye-laws, resolutions or ordinances are against public interest; h) For the purpose of sub section (g) approve such resolution by two-thirds of the total number of its members; and i) Submit a petition in accordance with the provisions of the National Referendum Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, and the rules and regulations made thereunder.

Regulatory powers and functions

50. The Dzongkhag Tshogdu shall:

a) Frame and enforce rules for protecting the health, safety and well being of the people in the Dzongkhag; b) Regulate water, air and noise pollution and other environmental degradation in accordance with the law; c) Regulate commercial sale of distillery products, drugs and other harmful substances; d) Regulate posting of billboards, roadside signs, posters, banners and other commercial advertisements to ensure preservation, and enhancement of scenic and aesthetic beauty; e) Regulate content of broadcasting and telecasting within the Dzongkhag in accordance with the Bhutan Information , Communications and Media Act; and f) Regulate gambling activities.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 13 ๜๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๪๳ᆩ ຉภ๪๴๿ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๛๥ภ๥๙ภᆸ ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ ๪๚๴ภ๵๗ภ๥๙ภᆩ ๹ภك೏๿๗๹ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ ๬ภ๥๬๙ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๬๤๴ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภଳ๪ภ๴๗๷ภ๼๧ภ๨๴ᆩ ๿ภೆຉᆧภ ๴ ๬๿๴๿ภ˚๙๹ภ๖ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๪ഁຉ๬๹ภ๷๹ภ ๗ಸ๬ภ๥߸ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภ๷๹ภ๬ภж๙๬ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๵ᆩ๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗ᆩภઈภ๪಻๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภ๥ภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴ᆮ ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ ภȲ๿ ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภৄภ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภ๥๙ภ๛ภ๬ງ๥ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ย ๹ภك๨๴ᆸ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๥ᆮภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴๿ภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๴ ๛ ๝๒ ๗ᆸ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๧๙ภ๗๹๹ภ๥ᆮ ๧ภ๮๧ภ ๬๿ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๪ഁຉ๬๹ภ๷๹ภ๗ಸ๬ภ๥߸ภ๗๝๹ภűᆩ ๿๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภˠ๷ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸย ๣๒ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๴ຉ๹ภ๴๥๬๹ภűᆮ ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿ ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ ๥ᆮ๴๿ภ๴ຉ๗ภகภ๪๳ຉภ๪๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ ๥๙ภ೏๿๗๹ภ๗๲๿ภৄ๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภઈภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩย 

ೲ ๙๹ภภ๴๯๧ᇇᇇ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภ๷๹ภภ๴๗๧ยย ภ๗ᇍ ᆩ๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภډ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .50  ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภ๬ภ๹๿ ᆮᆧภৄ๴๿ภ๴ࡴຉ๥ภ๪ೲ๧ภ๥๙ภ๝ງ ᆮ๧ภ഻๙ภ๩๧ภ๪๥ᆮภৄ๴๿ภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ ű๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภৄภ๪๳ຉภೲງภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩย  ๖๒ ๛๙ภᆧ๿๗๹ภ๥๙ภ ഩຉภ୻๹ภ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๝๧ภ๛ᆮภ๪๴๿ภ୻๹ภᆧ๗๹ภű๿ ๿ภ๝ᆸภ๮ᇍ๙ภ ೲ๙๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๗๒ ഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภű๹ภ๪୶๬๹ภ๨๴๿ ๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ϭภ๥๙ภ ஃ๙ภ ೏ภೆ๥ภű๿ภ ๪๭ᇍ๗ภஃ๙ภৄภೲ๙๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๙๒ ๬๯ᇉ๹ภ๛ภ๝๬๹ภ഻๙ภ๥๙ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๙ᆮ๹ภ๗๣๧ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๪୛ภࣟ๙ภ๥๙ภ ๷๬ภ ୑๗๹ภഠᆧภ๸๗ภᆧ๹ภࣟ๙ภ๥๙ภ๮ᆸ ๙ภ๪୛ภ๗๲๧ภ˚ᇍ ๿ภᆧ๗๹ภೲ๙๹ภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ ๧ᆩย ๚๒ ๪୛ภ๪଱๥ภű๿ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๣ᆮภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภ๴๖๥ภଳ๙ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๥๙ภᆸ ๥๙ᆸ๹ภ๬๤ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภᆧ๬ภৄ๴๿ ภೲ๙๹ภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๛๒ ଳ๧ภ୶ງ๥ภű๿ภᆧ๿๗๹ภ๪๕๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 13 Administrative powers and functions

๪ ๥๗ภภು๙ຉຉ ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภࣟภภ೐ยຉยຉ 51. The Dzongkhag Tshogdu shall: 51.  ภ๗ᇍ ᆩ๹ډ Review and endorse Dzongkhag five-year plans for submission ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ a) to the Royal Government;  b) Approve Dzongkhag annual plans within the budget ceiling ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๗ᆩภ ๷ᆸภஶ๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๥๙ภ๿ ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ࠘๷ภ๧ᆩภ provided by the Royal Government; ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๪ುᆧภ๲๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๿ ᆮภ๙ᆸ๹ภഠຉᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย c) Monitor, evaluate and ensure implementation of plan activities ๖๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪๴๿ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ๮๥ภ๗๲๿๴ภ๧๙ภ๴๖๿ ᆸ๥ภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๗ᆩภ๷ᆸภ in the Dzongkhag, and in accordance with the monitoring ๪ೲᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿๴ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภഖ๿ ຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย framework provided by the Government; d) Issue clearance for the establishment of mines and quarries ๗๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪๴๿ภ௟ภ୑๗ภ๗ຉ ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳᆩ ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภ in accordance with the Mines and Mineral Management ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๴๿ ๿ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภৄภ ๪௟ภ୑ຉ๗ภ๥๙ภ ๥ࣟງภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ Act; and ๙ᆮ๹ภ๗๣๧ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩย e) Perform any other functions as may be prescribed by law.  ๙๒ ๗๣ᆮᆧภ๖ภ๥๙ภ ๹ภ๗๣ᆮᆧภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๗ภ๪๚๴ภȲᆩ ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๹ภ๗๣ᆮᆧภ๥๙ภ ๗๣ᆮᆧภ๖ภৄภ๗๲ภ๪অ๗ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๝๗๹ภ๬ᆸ ງ๥ภ๵ᆩภɏภഖ๥ภ๧ຉ ᆩย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภภ๴๗๧ภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ್๪ภ๧ᆩยډFinancial powers and functions  ๚๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภű๹ภ๛๿ ᆮ๥ภ

52. The Dzongkhag Tshogdu shall: 

๥ ̣๷ภภ๴ࣤ๷ງງ ภภ๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภࣟภภ೐ยຉยຉ a) Review and approve Dzongkhag’s annual budget proposal ภ๗ᇍ ᆩ๹ډprepared by the Dzongkhag Administration based on the ceilings 52. ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ for submission to the Ministry of Finance;  b) Carry out re-appropriations within the Dzongkhag budget as ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๥̣๷ภ୶๿๹ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๛ᆧภ may be required, as per financial rules and regulations; and ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๪๳ຉภ๬๿ภ ๷ᆸภ๪௟ᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ˚ภˠ๿ ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภৄภຉ c) Review accounts of Dzongkhag Administration. ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย  ๖๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภৄภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๷ᆸ๗ภೲງภ๥߸ภ๪๗ᆸภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๗๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ୶๿๹ภȲภৄภ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 14 14 ๪ ๥๗ภภು๙ຉຉ ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภࣟภภ೐ยຉยຉ ภ๗ᇍ ᆩ๹ډ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .51  ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๗ᆩภ ๷ᆸภஶ๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๥๙ภ๿ ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ࠘๷ภ๧ᆩภ ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๪ುᆧภ๲๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๿ ᆮภ๙ᆸ๹ภഠຉᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๖๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪๴๿ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ๮๥ภ๗๲๿๴ภ๧๙ภ๴๖๿ ᆸ๥ภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๗ᆩภ๷ᆸภ ๪ೲᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿๴ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภഖ๿ ຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย ๗๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪๴๿ภ௟ภ୑๗ภ๗ຉ ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳᆩ ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๴๿ ๿ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภৄภ ๪௟ภ୑ຉ๗ภ๥๙ภ ๥ࣟງภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๙ᆮ๹ภ๗๣๧ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩย  ๙๒ ๗๣ᆮᆧภ๖ภ๥๙ภ ๹ภ๗๣ᆮᆧภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๗ภ๪๚๴ภȲᆩ ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๹ภ๗๣ᆮᆧภ๥๙ภ ๗๣ᆮᆧภ๖ภৄภ๗๲ภ๪অ๗ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๝๗๹ภ๬ᆸ ງ๥ภ๵ᆩภɏภഖ๥ภ๧ຉ ᆩย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภภ๴๗๧ภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ್๪ภ๧ᆩยډ๚๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภű๹ภ๛๿ ᆮ๥ภ  

๥ ̣๷ภภ๴ࣤ๷ງງ ภภ๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภࣟภภ೐ยຉยຉ ภ๗ᇍ ᆩ๹ډ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .52  ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๥̣๷ภ୶๿๹ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๛ᆧภ ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๪๳ຉภ๬๿ภ ๷ᆸภ๪௟ᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ˚ภˠ๿ ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภৄภຉ ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย  ๖๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภৄภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๷ᆸ๗ภೲງภ๥߸ภ๪๗ᆸภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๗๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ୶๿๹ภȲภৄภ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 14 Powers and functions of Gewog Tshogde ଵ๥ງ ภ๴๗ຉ ภ๮๗ᇍ ๹ภഁ๴ງ ภ๿๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ยຉ Regulatory powers

ೲ ๙๹ภภ๴๯๧ᇇᇇ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ยย 53. Gewog Tshogde shall: 53. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ a) Frame and enforce rules for protecting the health, safety and  ๕๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๧๙ภ ๬๿ภഁງ๴๿ภ๗઩๗๹ภ๖๬๹ภ๴ࡴຉ๥ภ๪ೲງ๧ภ๥๙ภ ๝ᆮ๧ภ഻๙ภ ๩๧ภ๪๥ᆮภ well being of the people of the Gewog;    ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภű๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภৄภ೏๿๗ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๙ภϭภ๪Ź๬ภഗ๷ภ˚ງ ๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๗๭๙ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๣ᆸภ๥๙ภ๝ᆮ๧ภ๖ภ๬ງ๥ภك Regulate and allocate safe and clean drinking water from water  ๖๒ ๴ b) supply schemes; ๙ภϭภ๪Ź๬ภഗງ๷ภ๥๙ภೲ๙๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩยك Regulate allocation of irrigation water in accordance with the   ๨๴๿ภ๴ c) provisions of the relevant laws;  ๗๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภű๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๲๿๙ภϭ๴ภೆ๷ภ๪๗๿ ᆸภৄภ d) Monitor establishment and operation of mines and quarries in   ๬๮๬๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย consultation with the concerned community;  ๙๒ ๩๧ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๬๿ภഁງภ๥๙ภˠຉ๹ภ๪೫๧ภ˚๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ ๗๣ᆧภ๖ภ๥๙ภᆮ ๹ภ๗๣ᆧภᆮ e) Regulate the creation and designation of local recreational areas ๗๲๿ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ˚ภ௟ภ୑๿ ຉ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย around villages;   f) Regulate the protection and harvesting of edible forest products  ๚๒ ˠຉ๙ภ๗૱๹ภৄภ๧๙ภഖຉภ๗๹ᆮ๙ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๥๙ภ๗๹ᆧภ๪ೂ๧ภ˚๿ภഽຉ๷ภ in the community forest in accordance with the Forest and Nature   ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๧ᆩย Conservation Act of Bhutan;  ๛๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๧๗๹ภ๮๷ภ๥๙ภ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๝๬๹ภ഻๙ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๬๿ภ g) Regulate the maintenance of traditional architectural designs of ഁງ๴๿ภ๧๗๹ภ๮๷ภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๳๴ภഓຉ๥ภଥ๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๧๗๹ภ๮๷ภ˚๿ภ๤ᆸ๧ภುງ๥ภৄภ഻๙ภ houses within the broad framework of set national codes;   ುຉ๪ภ๥๙ภ๪೺ภ๧ᆩภৄภ๬๮๬๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย h) Control construction of structures within road right of way  ๜๒ ๴࣡๗ภக๗๹ภȬ๿๬ภ๪๳ຉภᆧ๿๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๲๿ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภৄภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ೏๿๗ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ in accordance with the Road Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, and rules and regulations made thereunder; and   Ȭ๿๬ภ๪๳ຉ๴๿ภ๗๲๿ภ๪๕๥ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ଱๧ภುᆸ ຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๬๮๬๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย i) Prevent illegal construction and all other types of encroachment  ๝๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๷๬ภ˚๿ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴๥๿ ᆩภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ in community land as well as on government land and government ๗๲๿ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๷๬ภ˚ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ ๿ภ ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๷๬ภ˚๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ reserved forest land. Ȭ๿๬ภଫ๪ภ๧ᆩภৄภ๥๬ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย  ๣๒ ๬๿ภഁງภ๥๙ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๛ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪๙ภ๪๣๪ภ๧๗๹ภ๮๷ภ๧๙ภ Ȳ๬๹ภ๿ ๴๗๷ภ๤ᆸ๗ภȬ๬ภଫ๪ภ๧๿ ᆩภ๥๙ภ๻๬ภ๴৷๷ภ˚๿ภᆧ๿๗๹ภৄภ೓๧ภ๴๗ຉ ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 15 15 ଵ๥ງ ภ๴๗ຉ ภ๮๗ᇍ ๹ภഁ๴ງ ภ๿๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ยຉ

ೲ ๙๹ภภ๴๯๧ᇇᇇ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ยย 53. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹  ๕๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๧๙ภ ๬๿ภഁງ๴๿ภ๗઩๗๹ภ๖๬๹ภ๴ࡴຉ๥ภ๪ೲງ๧ภ๥๙ภ ๝ᆮ๧ภ഻๙ภ ๩๧ภ๪๥ᆮภ    ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภű๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภৄภ೏๿๗ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๙ภϭภ๪Ź๬ภഗ๷ภ˚ງ ๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๗๭๙ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๣ᆸภ๥๙ภ๝ᆮ๧ภ๖ภ๬ງ๥ภك๖๒ ๴  ๙ภϭภ๪Ź๬ภഗງ๷ภ๥๙ภೲ๙๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩยك๨๴๿ภ๴    ๗๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภű๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๲๿๙ภϭ๴ภೆ๷ภ๪๗๿ ᆸภৄภ   ๬๮๬๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย  ๙๒ ๩๧ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๬๿ภഁງภ๥๙ภˠຉ๹ภ๪೫๧ภ˚๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ ๗๣ᆧภ๖ภ๥๙ภᆮ ๹ภ๗๣ᆧภᆮ   ๗๲๿ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ˚ภ௟ภ୑๿ ຉ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย  ๚๒ ˠຉ๙ภ๗૱๹ภৄภ๧๙ภഖຉภ๗๹ᆮ๙ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๥๙ภ๗๹ᆧภ๪ೂ๧ภ˚๿ภഽຉ๷ภ   ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๧ᆩย  ๛๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๧๗๹ภ๮๷ภ๥๙ภ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๝๬๹ภ഻๙ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๬๿ภ ഁງ๴๿ภ๧๗๹ภ๮๷ภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๳๴ภഓຉ๥ภଥ๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๧๗๹ภ๮๷ภ˚๿ภ๤ᆸ๧ภುງ๥ภৄภ഻๙ภ   ುຉ๪ภ๥๙ภ๪೺ภ๧ᆩภৄภ๬๮๬๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย  ๜๒ ๴࣡๗ภக๗๹ภȬ๿๬ภ๪๳ຉภᆧ๿๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๲๿ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภৄภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ೏๿๗ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ   Ȭ๿๬ภ๪๳ຉ๴๿ภ๗๲๿ภ๪๕๥ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ଱๧ภುᆸ ຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๬๮๬๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย  ๝๒ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๷๬ภ˚๿ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴๥๿ ᆩภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ ๗๲๿ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๷๬ภ˚ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ ๿ภ ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๷๬ภ˚๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ Ȭ๿๬ภଫ๪ภ๧ᆩภৄภ๥๬ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย  ๣๒ ๬๿ภഁງภ๥๙ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๛ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪๙ภ๪๣๪ภ๧๗๹ภ๮๷ภ๧๙ภ Ȳ๬๹ภ๿ ๴๗๷ภ๤ᆸ๗ภȬ๬ภଫ๪ภ๧๿ ᆩภ๥๙ภ๻๬ภ๴৷๷ภ˚๿ภᆧ๿๗๹ภৄภ೓๧ภ๴๗ຉ ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 15 Administrative powers and functions

54. The Gewog Tshogde shall:

a) Formulate five year plans of the Gewog for submission to the Royal Government; b) Approve Gewog annual plans within the budget ceiling provided by the Royal Government; c) Promote area-based development planning; d) Monitor, evaluate and ensure the implementation of the planned activities in accordance with the monitoring framework provided by the Royal Government; e) Be the custodian of community land, community forests, including sokshing, nyekhor tsamdro, and medicinal herbs and accordingly prevent illegal house construction and all other types of encroachments in such community land as well as on government land and forests; f) Conserve and protect water sources, lakes, springs, streams, and rivers; g) Protect and preserve ney, neykhang of yuelha and zhidag, which are not part of custody of monastic body or central agencies; h) Prevent the depredation of crops by livestock and wildlife in accordance with the provisions of the Forest and Nature Conservation Act of Bhutan; i) Ensure collection and deposit of premiums for rural insurance and such schemes. j) Encourage setting up of economic enterprises within the Gewog; k) Accord approval for hiring and mobilization of labour for the upkeep of communal facilities in accordance with the rules made by the Royal Government;

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 16 ๪๥๗ภು๙ຉ ภ๗ภᆩ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ยຉ ๪๥๗ภು๙ຉ ภ๗ภᆩ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ยຉ 54. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹  ๕๒ ๗ઈ๙ภகภ࠘๷ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภଵງ๥ภ๴๗ภ๗ຉ ᆩภ๷ᆸภஶ๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๪୶๬ภ๧ยᆩ ๖๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภ๮๥ภ๗๲๴๿ ๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๖๥ภଵᆸ ງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๷ᆸภ ๪ೲᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿๴ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภˠ๿ ຉ๷ภ๧ᆩย ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๧๿ ᆩยۑ๗๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภகภ๗๲ᆧภ๪๲๗ภ๨๴๿ ๿ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩๷ภ˚ᆮ ๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๵ᆧภ ๙๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ௟ภ๲๿๪ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๷ภ๣๿ ᆮภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ ๴๪๥ภ๤๙ภৄภ๲๿๪ภ๥߸๥ภ๥๙ภ๥ࣟງภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๚๒ ๬๿ภഁງ๴ภ๹ภ๛ภ๥๙ภ๹๿ ᆸ๗ภ๸ᆩ๙ภ๝ภ๴๖ᆮ ᆸᆧภ୳ภ๴ࣤຉ๗ภৄภৄ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๧๗๹ภ๮๷ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ ഭ๧ภᆧ๿๗๹ภű๿ภ๪೓ภ๸ຉ ᆩ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ๗ઈ๙ภ๹ภ๥๙ภ๬๿ภഁງ๴ภ๹ภ๛ภ๥๿ ᆮภ ๷๹ภ๧๗๹ภ๮๷ภৄภ๧๙ภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๴๗๷ภ˚๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ ๖๙ภȬ๿๬ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩภৄภ๷๹ภ ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๛๒ ϭ๴๿ภବภ๥๙ภ๬๮ᇍภඕ๬ภϭภᆧຉ๙ภϭภ๗๭๙ภϭภৄภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๥๙ภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๜๒ ˛ภ๮๙ภ๥๙ภ๷๹ภഁງภ௟ງภ๪ภৄภ๗ᆩภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴ຉ๗ภகภ๬ງ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๙ภ ૱๷ภధภ ๗๲๿ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ภ๗๧๹ภ๖๙ภৄภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯ᆩ ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ๝๬๹ภ഻๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๝๒ ๧๗๹ภ๮๷ภ๥๙ภᆧ๙ภ๪๲๿๧ภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภűภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿ ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ೐ภ๧ຉ ᆸᆧภ๥๙ภ ๗๹ภű๹ภ๷๿ ᆸภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๨ภ๷๹ภ๪๕๗ภ๤๪๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩยڧᆧ๿ภ ๣๒ ˠຉ๙ภ๗๹ᆮ๪ภ๝ᆮ๧ภ๪๚ᆸ๷ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๝ᆮ๧ภ๥̣๷ภ๥๙ภ ๥ᆮภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴ภ๷๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๬ภ๿ ๥̣๷ภৄภ๪೺ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๵ᆸ๥๨ภ๙ᆮ๹ภ๪୑๧ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩย ๤๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภ ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ˚๿ภ๮ᇍ๙ภஔภ ๪অ๗ภ๧ᆩภகภ๹ᆮ๬๹ภయ๗๹ภ ๪ುງ๥ภ๪ρ๗ภ๧ᆩย ๧ภଫງ๧ภৄภ ଱๧ภك๥๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪୶๬๹ภ๬๿ภ ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๬๿ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๬ ುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๷๹ภ๬๿ภˣภ๖ᆧภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๴๮ᇍ๷ภ್๪ภű๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ ഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย 16 m) Submit motions arising from villages for consideration in ภ๧๙ภ๪୶๿ภډDzongkhag Tshogdu; and ๧๒ ๗૱๹ภ๮๧ภৄภ๧๙ภ๷๹ภ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๬๿ภˠຉ๹ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ n) Perform any other functions as may be prescribed by law. ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ࠘๷ภ๧ᆩย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ್๪ภ๧ᆩยډ๨๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภű๹ภ๛๿ ᆮ๥ภ Financial powers and functions  ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤ๷ງ ภ˚ภ๿๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ยຉ 55. The Gewog Tshogde shall: ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤ๷ງ ภ˚ภ๿๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ยຉ 55.  a) Review and approve Gewog’s annual budget based on ceilings ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ for submission to the Ministry of Finance; ๕๒ ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ˚ภˠ๿ ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภৄภຉ ๥̣๷ภ୶๿๹ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๧ภகภᆸ b) Approve procurement in accordance with financial rules and ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ˚ภ๮๥ภ๗๲๿ ๿ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภଵ๥ภ๴ງ ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภ regulations; ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย c) Carry out re-appropriations within the Gewog budget as may be required, as per financial rules and regulations; ๖๒ ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๿ ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๗๹ภ๗๲๿ ๿ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๬๖ᆸภ್๪ภű๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ d) Review accounts of all expenditures of Gewog and ratify in ഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย accordance with financial rules and regulations; and e) Approve the maintenance of development infrastructures, the  ๗๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภৄภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚ภ๪๚๴ภ๿ expenses for which shall be met from the retained local taxes ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๗๹ภ๗๲๿ ๿ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๷ᆸ๗ภೲภ๥߸ภ๪๗ງ ᆸภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย and other funds. ๙๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๳๥ภ๴ˠภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚ຉ ๿ภ୶๿๹ภȲภৄภ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๗ภ๗๲๿ ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿ ๷ภ๪๥๿ ᆮ๧ภഠຉᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย Provided that a detailed plan for the use of such funds, along with a work plan for the implementation of the activities are ๚๒ ˠຉ๙ภ๗๹ᆮ๪ภȲ๷ภ๥๙ภ ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ๗๲๧ภଵງ๥ภ๴๗ภ๧๙ภ๪๲๗ภ๵ຉ ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๷๹ภ๳๥ภ๴ˠຉภ prepared. ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภ๗๙ภ๴๩ᆸ ᆮ๷ภ๗๲ภ๪๕๿ ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย

56. Gewog Tshogde may mobilize, spend, and invest money for the ๼ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภ ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ support of its functions in accordance with the Royal Government’s ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ઩ᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๖ภ๗๹๷ภതງภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๧ᆩย policies and rules and regulations. 56. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภৄภ್๪ภ๧ᆩ ๴ᆩ ๿ภଳ๪ภುᆧภ˚ຉ ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ ๗ᆩภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗๹ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆩภଥภ๴๮๷ภ್๪ภ๥๙ภ๳๥ภᇍ ๹ᆸ๙ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๬ภ୶ภ๴৷๗๹ภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๛ᆸ๗ย The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 17 17 ภ๧๙ภ๪୶๿ภډ๧๒ ๗૱๹ภ๮๧ภৄภ๧๙ภ๷๹ภ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๬๿ภˠຉ๹ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ࠘๷ภ๧ᆩย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ್๪ภ๧ᆩยډ๨๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภű๹ภ๛๿ ᆮ๥ภ  ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤ๷ງ ภ˚ภ๿๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ยຉ ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤ๷ງ ภ˚ภ๿๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ยຉ 55. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ ๕๒ ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ˚ภˠ๿ ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภৄภຉ ๥̣๷ภ୶๿๹ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๧ภகภᆸ ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ˚ภ๮๥ภ๗๲๿ ๿ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภଵ๥ภ๴ງ ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภ ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย ๖๒ ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๿ ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๗๹ภ๗๲๿ ๿ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๬๖ᆸภ್๪ภű๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ ഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย  ๗๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภৄภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚ภ๪๚๴ภ๿ ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๗๹ภ๗๲๿ ๿ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๷ᆸ๗ภೲภ๥߸ภ๪๗ງ ᆸภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๙๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๳๥ภ๴ˠภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚ຉ ๿ภ୶๿๹ภȲภৄภ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๗ภ๗๲๿ ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿ ๷ภ๪๥๿ ᆮ๧ภഠຉᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๚๒ ˠຉ๙ภ๗๹ᆮ๪ภȲ๷ภ๥๙ภ ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ๗๲๧ภଵງ๥ภ๴๗ภ๧๙ภ๪๲๗ภ๵ຉ ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๷๹ภ๳๥ภ๴ˠຉภ ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภ๗๙ภ๴๩ᆸ ᆮ๷ภ๗๲ภ๪๕๿ ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย ๼ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภ ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ઩ᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๖ภ๗๹๷ภതງภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๧ᆩย 56. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภৄภ್๪ภ๧ᆩ ๴ᆩ ๿ภଳ๪ภುᆧภ˚ຉ ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ ๗ᆩภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗๹ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆩภଥภ๴๮๷ภ್๪ภ๥๙ภ๳๥ภᇍ ๹ᆸ๙ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๬ภ୶ภ๴৷๗๹ภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๛ᆸ๗ย 17 57. Gewog Tshogdes shall, at such rates as may be approved by 57. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ ഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภű๿๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภˠຉ๷ภ๪๴๿ภ๮๥ภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ๗๸๬ภ Parliament, levy following taxes: ๗๹๷ภȲ๷ภ๪೺ภ๷๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆮ ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ a) Land tax;  b) Building tax; ๕๒ ๹ภȲ๷ย c) Cattle tax; ๖๒ ɏ๙ภȲ๷ย d) Grazing tax; ๗๒ ๧ᆸᆧภȲ๷ย e) Entertainment Tax; ๙๒ ୳ภ๴ࣤຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภȲ๷ย f) Advertisement tax other than advertisement in newspapers, ๚๒ ഖຉภೲຉ๧ภ˚ภȲ๷ย๿ print, radio and internet; and ๛๒ ๗๹ᆧภ๸ᆸ๗ภ๥๙ภ๥๨ᆧภ๪ೂ๧ภ ଳ๙ภ๪೏๗๹ภ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๵๙๹ภ๴ࣤᆸ ງ๷ภৄภ๬๿๧ภ๨๴๿ภ g) Such other taxes as may be determined by Parliament from time ๗๲๧ภȬ๪ภ๪೏๗๹ภű๿ภȲ๷ภ๥๙ภย ๹ภಸภˠ๿ ๹ภ๤๗ภ๛ຉ ᆸ๥ภ๨๴ภȲ๷ภᆧ๿ ๿๗๹ภ๗๲๧ภৄยډ๹ภ๥๙ภډto time. ๜๒ ഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภű๹ภ  58. Gewog Tshogde shall appropriate and ensure collection of taxes ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภȲ๷ภ˚๿ภᆧ๿๗๹ภৄ๴๿ภ๥߸ภډspecified in this Act. 58. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๬๹ภ๴๥๿ ภ๧๙ภ๛ᆩ ᆮ๥ภ ๪๗ᆸภ๥๙ภ๪೺ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 59. Gewog Tshogde may levy and vary rates of fees and charges on ๧ภଫງ๧ภكutilities in accordance with the existing law. 59. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภȬ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๵๥ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๬ ๹ภৄภ๪೺ภ๷๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๛ᆮ ᆸ๗ยك๿ภˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภˣภ๴˚ 60. Gewog Tshogde shall, in exercise of its power under section 59 of this Act, ensure that the fees and charges are: 60. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภฺ฾ ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ ๹ภ๥๙ภˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภৄภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภகภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภك๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภ๴ a) Not excessive, oppressive, or confiscatory;  ๗ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๥๪๙ภ๗๧ᆸ๧ภ๚๧ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๛ᆮภ๪๴๿ภ೐ຉภ๷๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภۑ Not contrary to law, public policy, national economic policy, or ๕๒ ๬๙ภ b) in restraint of trade; and ๬ງ๥ย c) Set at a level no higher than the cost of the most efficient method ๖๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ˚๿ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ of providing the service. ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๮ᇍ๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๬ງ๥๨ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภย ๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๨๴๿ภᆧ๿๧ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภ๬ภ๬๤ᆸ๱ภതງภۑ๗๒ ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภűภ๴๜๿ ᆸ๧ภ ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ᆸย The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 18 18 57. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ ഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภű๿๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภˠຉ๷ภ๪๴๿ภ๮๥ภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ๗๸๬ภ ๗๹๷ภȲ๷ภ๪೺ภ๷๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆮ ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ  ๕๒ ๹ภȲ๷ย ๖๒ ɏ๙ภȲ๷ย ๗๒ ๧ᆸᆧภȲ๷ย ๙๒ ୳ภ๴ࣤຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภȲ๷ย ๚๒ ഖຉภೲຉ๧ภ˚ภȲ๷ย๿ ๛๒ ๗๹ᆧภ๸ᆸ๗ภ๥๙ภ๥๨ᆧภ๪ೂ๧ภ ଳ๙ภ๪೏๗๹ภ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๵๙๹ภ๴ࣤᆸ ງ๷ภৄภ๬๿๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ๗๲๧ภȬ๪ภ๪೏๗๹ภű๿ภȲ๷ภ๥๙ภย ๹ภಸภˠ๿ ๹ภ๤๗ภ๛ຉ ᆸ๥ภ๨๴ภȲ๷ภᆧ๿ ๿๗๹ภ๗๲๧ภৄยډ๹ภ๥๙ภډ๜๒ ഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภű๹ภ  ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภȲ๷ภ˚๿ภᆧ๿๗๹ภৄ๴๿ภ๥߸ภډଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๬๹ภ๴๥๿ ภ๧๙ภ๛ᆩ ᆮ๥ภ .58 ๪๗ᆸภ๥๙ภ๪೺ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๧ภଫງ๧ภكଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภȬ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๵๥ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๬ .59 ๹ภৄภ๪೺ภ๷๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๛ᆮ ᆸ๗ยك๿ภˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภˣภ๴˚ 60. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภฺ฾ ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ ๹ภ๥๙ภˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภৄภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภகภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภك๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภ๴  ๗ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๥๪๙ภ๗๧ᆸ๧ภ๚๧ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๛ᆮภ๪๴๿ภ೐ຉภ๷๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภۑ๕๒ ๬๙ภ ๬ງ๥ย ๖๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ˚๿ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๮ᇍ๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๬ງ๥๨ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภย ๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๨๴๿ภᆧ๿๧ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภ๬ภ๬๤ᆸ๱ภതງภۑ๗๒ ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภűภ๴๜๿ ᆸ๧ภ ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ᆸย 18 Powers and Functions of Thromde Tshogde

General Powers and functions

61. Thromde Tshogde shall:

a) Formulate policies and priorities in respect of the Dzongkhag Thromde; b) Preserve and promote cultural, architectural and aesthetic aspects of the Thromde; c) Provide civic and other services which are essential for the general well-being of the residents of a Dzongkhag Thromde; d) Ensure that development and other activities within a Thromde occur in a planned and harmonious manner; e) Approve land use and development plans in accordance with the laws made by Parliament and rules and regulations made thereunder; f) Approve local area plan including land pooling schemes and any other relevant planning techniques; g) Administer and manage all government land falling within the jurisdiction of Thromde and register in the name of concerned Thromdes in accordance with the Land Act and approved local area plan; h) Purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire land and property or dispose it off in the interest of the Thromde in accordance with the policies of the Government; and i) Perform any other functions as may be prescribed by law.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 19 Ȳ๬ຉ ภഁภງ๮๗ᇍ ๹ภഁ๴ງ ภ๿๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ย

ഓ ᆧ๿๿ ภภ๪๣๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภࣟภภ೐ยຉยຉ 61. Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ๹ᆩ   ๕๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภஔภ๴๗๧ภ˚๿ภೆຉᆧภ๷๹ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภ๗๭ᇍภᆧ๿๬ภৄภ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ยᆸ ๖๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๧๙ภ๷๬ภഽຉ๷ภ๥๙ภ๪๳ຉภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๬๯ᇉ๹ภ๛๴๿ภୣ๬ภ๨ภ ๬๿ภ๝๬๹ภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ๥๙ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩย ๗๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງ๴ภ๬๿ ๿ภ๹ᆮᆧภৄภ๗ᆩภഓ๿ᆧภ๪๣๙ภ๩๧ภ๪๥ᆮภகภ๙ᆮ๹ภ๨ᆧภ๬๖ᆸภ๪๴๿ภ๬๿ภ ๹ᆮᆧภ˚ภ๲๪๹ภ๣๿ ᆸ๗ภ๥๙ภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๙๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภűภஔภ๥๙ภ๿ ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ ๧ภ๣๿ ๗ภ๣ᆸ ᆸภതງภ๴˚ภ๪ρ๗ภ๧ຉ ᆩยك๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๬ ๚๒ ഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภű๹ภ๪๳๿ ຉภ๬๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๷ภ๣๿ ᆮภ๹ภ๛๴๿ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ ๥๙ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ ภৄภகภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภഖ๿ ຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย ๛๒ ഓ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๹ภ๛ภ๪೺ภ೏๿๗ภ๗ᆩภ๷๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥๙ภ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿๴ภ๿ ๤๪๹ภᆧ๿๗ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๪୶๿๹ภ๣ᆮภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๴๿ ๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภˠຉ๷ภ ๧ᆩย ๜๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภȬ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภৄ๥ภ๬ภ๿ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๛ภ๗ภᆧ๴๿ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ ๹๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ ๗๧๙ภ๪ภˠຉ๷ภ๪๴๿ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ภ๹ภ ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๵๿ ๥ภ๨ภ๚ᆸ ᆩ๧ภ ๥ᆮภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภȲຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๬๙ภ๿ ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ๤ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๝๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງ๴ภ๬๤๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ๹ภ๛ภ๥๙ภ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภৄภ ๝ᆸภ್๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภˣᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๬๖ᆸภ್๪ภࡲ๿ᆧภഖຉ๥ภৄภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภ೐ຉภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ್๪ภ๧ยᆩډ๣๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภű๹ภ๛๿ ᆮ๥ภ 19 Regulatory powers and functions

62. Thromde Tshogde shall:

a) Frame and adopt rules and guidelines for enabling the Thromde to carry out its functions; b) Frame and enforce rules for protecting the health, safety and well being of the residents, preserving and promoting the quality of the Thromde environment; c) Regulate advertisements; d) Prepare urban development plans or amend an approved urban development plan to regulate and enforce land use and building activity in the Dzongkhag Thromde; e) Formulate guidelines for entertainment and recreational activities and venues; f) Enforce all laws and rules pertaining to the urban sector; g) Regulate and enforce appropriate land uses including non- conforming land uses and vehicle repair workshops, and building activities in the Thromde; and h) Control squatter and illegal settlements, and regulate commercial activities.

Financial powers and functions

63. Thromde Tshogde shall:

a) Review and approve the annual budget to be met from its resources and review and endorse budget proposals for submission to the Ministry of Finance for Royal Government funding where necessary;

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 20 ೲ ๙๹ภภ๴๯๧ᇇᇇ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภࣟภภ೐ยຉยຉ 62.  Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ๹ᆩ  ๕๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภᆧ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪๴๿ภஔภ๴๗๧ภৄภ๴˟๪ภৄ๗๹ภ๨๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ๷๬ภೲຉ๧ภৄภ๪୶๬๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩย ๖๒ Ȳຉ๬ภ๖ᆧภഁຉ๥ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩภ ๴ࡴຉ๥ภ๪ೲງ๧ภ๥๙ภ ๝ᆮ๧ภ഻๙ภ ๩๧ภ๪๥ᆮภৄภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภű๿ภ ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภৄภ๪୶๬๹ภ๣ᆮภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ୻๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ ຉ๬ภഁງ๴๿ภ ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภű๿ภഏ๹ภ๮๥ภ๝๬๹ภ഻๙ภ๥๙ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩย ๗๒ ๮ᇍ๙ภ๪೏๗๹ภű๿ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩย ๙๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๧๙ภகภ ๹ภ๛๴ภ๷๗ภ๷๿ ᆮ๧ภ๥๙ภ ๪๳ຉภ๪ೂ๧ภ˚๿ภஔภৄภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภȲຉ๬ภഁภງ ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๪๳ຉภೲງภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย ๚๒ ୶ງ๥ภೲຉ๧ภ๥๙ภഖภ๴๩ຉ ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภ๷๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๥๙ภ๗ᆸภೆ๪๹ภű๿ภ๷๬ภೲຉ๧ภৄภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩย ๛๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ ງ๷ภ๪๴๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภഖຉ๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภȲ๿๬๹ภக๗๹ภৄภ๪ೲᆧภ ഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๜๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๧๙ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๬ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๪๴๿ภ๹ภ๛ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๥๙ภഃ๬ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ ๪๚ᆸภ๖๙ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ೏๿๙ภȬ๬ภ˚๿ ภ๷๹ภഎภৄภ๪୶๿ ๹ภ๣๿ ᆮภ๹ภ๛ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภৄภȲ๬๹ภ๿ ๧ภ๥๙ภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภยك๬ ๧ภ๬ງ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๲๿๹ภ๪๚๗๹ภ๧ᆩภৄภ๮๥ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๮ᇍ๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภك๝๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๬ ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภೲ๙๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย

๥ ̣๷ภภ๴ࣤ๷ງງ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภࣟภภ೐ยຉยຉ 63.  Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ๹ᆩ  ๕๒ ᆧ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๤ᆸ๧ภƥ๙๹ภ๷๹ภ ๳๥ภ๹ᆸ๙ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸภ๬๿ภ ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภৄภ ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภ๥๙ภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภ௦๧ภ๹ภகภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๷๹ภ ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ˚ภ๗๧๙ภ๪๴๿ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๥̣๷ภ୶๹ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภகภ๪অ๗ภ๧๿ ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ˚ภˠ๿ ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภৄภ๪ುᆧภ๲ຉ ๿๪ภ๥๙ภ๪๥ᆮ๧ภഠຉᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 20 b) Use its budget, grants, local fees, service charges, fines and taxes; ๖๒ ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ๥๙ภ๗๧๙ภഠ๿๧ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ภˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๗ภˣภ๛ภ๝ᆩ ᆮ๹ภ c) Approve purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire land and property ࣟภȲ๷ภᆧ๗๹ภৄภഖ๿ ຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย or dispose it off in the interest of the Thromde in accordance ๗๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภȲຉ๬ภഁງ๴ภ๬๤๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ๹ภ๛ภ๥๙ภ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภৄภ with the policies of the Royal Government; and ๝ᆸภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภˣภ๖ᆧภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๬๖ᆸภ್๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๬ภ๪๭ᇍ๙ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๗๧๙ภ d) Raise, borrow, spend, and invest money for the support of its ๪ภഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภย functions in accordance with laws, Royal Government’s policies ๙๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ๗๲ภৄภ๥๙ภ๿ and rules and regulations. ๴Ȳ๿๷ภஔภ๴๗๧ภৄภகภଳ๪ภುຉᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภகภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๪ୁภ๪ು๿ภ 64. Thromde Tshogde may levy the following in a manner, and at such ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๳๥ภ๴ˠຉภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩภ๬ภ୶ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩย rates as maybe approved by it as per laws in force: 64. Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ๹ภᆩ Ȳ๿๬๹ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๪๴๿ภ ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ ๮๥ภ๗๲๿๴ภ๤๿ ᆸ๗ภகภ

๹ภৄภ๪๕๷ภ๛๗๨ภ๴๥ᆸ ᆩภ๵๙ภك Land tax; ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภˣภ๴ a)) (b) Property tax;  (c) Property transfer tax; ๕๒ ๹ภȲ๷ย (d) Betterment charges; and  ๖๒ ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภű๿ภȲ๷ย (e) Vacant land and underdevelopment tax.  ๗๒ ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภ๪๥๗ภ๥๪๙ภഗຉภ๹ᆸᆧภ˚๿ภȲ๷ย 65. Thromde Tshogde shall, in exercise of its power under section 64 of  ๙๒ ๷ᆮ๗๹ภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภűภˣภ๵๿ ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภย this Act, ensure that the fees and charges are:  ๚๒ ๹ภೲຉ๙ภ๹ภȲ๷ภ๥๙ภ๪ᆮ๥ภഓຉ๥ภ๬ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภȲ๷ย (a) Not excessive, oppressive, or confiscatory; 65. Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ๹ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ฻ู๨๴๿ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภৄภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ๹ภৄ๴๿ภೆຉᆧภ๙ᆮ๹ภ๪୑๧ภ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภك Not contrary to law, public policy, national economic policy, or ˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ๴ b)) in restraint of trade; and  (c) Set at a level no higher than the cost of the most efficient method  ๕๒ Ȳ๷ภ๮๥ภ๷๹ภ๬ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๥๙ภ๪๭๧ภ๗๧ᆸ๧ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥๪๙ภయ๗๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๬๧ภ๿ of providing the service. ๨ย  ๖๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ ৄภ๷๹ภ๬ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๮ᇍ๙ภஔภகภ๪๕๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๬ງ๥๨ภ๥๙ภย ๗๒ ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ್๪ภ๧ᆩ๴ภ๿ ๤๪๹ภ๷๬ภ܍๹ภ௦๧ภ˚๿ภ ๗๧๹ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภ๬ภ๬๤ᆸภ๪๴๿ภ ๗๧๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩย The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 21 21 ๖๒ ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ๥๙ภ๗๧๙ภഠ๿๧ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ภˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๗ภˣภ๛ภ๝ᆩ ᆮ๹ภ ࣟภȲ๷ภᆧ๗๹ภৄภഖ๿ ຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย ๗๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภȲຉ๬ภഁງ๴ภ๬๤๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ๹ภ๛ภ๥๙ภ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภৄภ ๝ᆸภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภˣภ๖ᆧภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๬๖ᆸภ್๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๬ภ๪๭ᇍ๙ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๗๧๙ภ ๪ภഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภย ๙๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ๗๲ภৄภ๥๙ภ๿ ๴Ȳ๿๷ภஔภ๴๗๧ภৄภகภଳ๪ภುຉᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภகภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๪ୁภ๪ು๿ภ ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๳๥ภ๴ˠຉภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩภ๬ภ୶ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩย 64. Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ๹ภᆩ Ȳ๿๬๹ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๪๴๿ภ ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ ๮๥ภ๗๲๿๴ภ๤๿ ᆸ๗ภகภ ๹ภৄภ๪๕๷ภ๛๗๨ภ๴๥ᆸ ᆩภ๵๙ภك๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภˣภ๴  ๕๒ ๹ภȲ๷ย  ๖๒ ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภű๿ภȲ๷ย  ๗๒ ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภ๪๥๗ภ๥๪๙ภഗຉภ๹ᆸᆧภ˚๿ภȲ๷ย  ๙๒ ๷ᆮ๗๹ภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภűภˣภ๵๿ ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภย  ๚๒ ๹ภೲຉ๙ภ๹ภȲ๷ภ๥๙ภ๪ᆮ๥ภഓຉ๥ภ๬ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภȲ๷ย 65. Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ๹ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ฻ู๨๴๿ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภৄภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ๹ภৄ๴๿ภೆຉᆧภ๙ᆮ๹ภ๪୑๧ภ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภكˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ๴   ๕๒ Ȳ๷ภ๮๥ภ๷๹ภ๬ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๥๙ภ๪๭๧ภ๗๧ᆸ๧ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥๪๙ภయ๗๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๬๧ภ๿ ๨ย  ๖๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ ৄภ๷๹ภ๬ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๮ᇍ๙ภஔภகภ๪๕๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๬ງ๥๨ภ๥๙ภย ๗๒ ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ್๪ภ๧ᆩ๴ภ๿ ๤๪๹ภ๷๬ภ܍๹ภ௦๧ภ˚๿ภ ๗๧๹ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภ๬ภ๬๤ᆸภ๪๴๿ภ ๗๧๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩย 21 Chapter 5 Chairperson

Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson

66. At the first sitting after any election, or when necessary to filla vacancy, the Dzongkhag Tshogdu shall elect a Chairperson from among its members through secret ballot. A nomination shall be made from among the members, by any member and seconded accordingly. The Dzongdag shall preside over the election of the Chairperson of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu.

67. The member who receives highest number of votes cast shall be elected as the Chairperson of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu. In the event two or more members secure equal number of highest votes, re- election between the candidates securing equal number of votes shall be conducted. If at the re-election, the two candidates secure equal number of votes, draw of lots shall be conducted in the presence of members.

68. A poll shall be held at an election of the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu, even if there is only one contesting candidate. The candidate shall be declared elected only if he/she secures in his/her favour a majority of the total valid votes cast.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 22 ๷્ᆮ ภฺ๨ย Ȳภ๿๴๯๧ᇇ ย

ยยكȲ ภ๿ภ๿๴๯๧ᇇᇇ ภภ๗๙ᆸᆸ ภภ๴๗ຉຉ ภภ๪๭๗ภภ๴ ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ภయ๷ภ๷๹ภᆩ ๲๷ภ๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๨ภ๴๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๹ภೲຉ๙ภك๪๭๗ภ๴ .66 ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๗๹๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภډ๹ภகภ ୻๙ภ๖๗ภ๮ຉ ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ډ๪ಸ๪ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภᆧງภ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ๹ภ๬๿ภكภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๙ᆸภ๥ᆮภ๵๙ภ๴ك๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩภˠ๹ภ๷๹ภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๴ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๲๧ภك๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗๥๬ภ๙ᆸᆧภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภகภ ๴كภ๗ᆩภˠ๷ภ๷๹ภ ๴ৄ ๴ภೆ๪๹ภ๿ ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภك๴ᇍ ภȲ๿ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ډ๿๹ภଳ๪ภುᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴˚ ๗ᆩ๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๗๭ᇍภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ୻ຉ๙ภك๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภಸภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ˚๙๹ภ๖ภ๬๤ᆸภ๸ᆸ๹ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๬๿ภ๴ .67 ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภ๵๙ภ๧ภكภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ງ ย๗๷ภഽᆸ ๿๥ภ๴ك๴๿ภȲภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภതภ๪๭๗ภ๴ډ๖๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ ภ๬๝๬ภതງภ๤ᆸ๪ภۑ๹ภ๬๿ ๿ภৄภ๗๹ภ๮ᆩ ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ˚ᇍ ๿ภˠ๙๹ภ๴๪ᆸᆧภ๬๤ᆸภ๸ᆸ๹ภ๴ك๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๬๙ภ๪๴ภ๴ ภ๬๝๬ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๬๿ภ ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๙ᆸภৄ๴ภ๪ᆧภ๿ۑ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ˚ภˠ๙๹ภ๴๪๿ ᆸᆧภ๬๤ᆸภ๸ᆸ๹ภ๴ ງ๧ภۑภ๵๙ภ๪ುᆧภ๴๗ᆸภ๴كᆸ ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸย๪๭๗ภ๴ۑภ๵๙ภ๪ುᆧภ๴๗ภ๴ك๧ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ ภ๬๝๬ภۑ๴๤๪ภ๬๿๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๙ᆸภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภű๿๹ภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ˚ᇍ ๿ภˠ๙๹ภ๴๪ᆸᆧภ๬๤ᆸภ๸ᆸ๹ภ๴ ภೲภງ ๬๤๴ภ๪๚๥ภ๴๪๥ภك๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๙ภ๴๯ᆸ ๬๹ภ๤ᇍ ᆸ๗ภ ୑๗๹ภᆧ๿๷ภ๴ك๤ᆸ๪ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ ๴ ๥๗ᆸย ๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ๥ᆸภك๴ᇍ ๿ภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๗ภ๬ภຉ ๪๭๗๹ภ๴ډ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .68 ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸยۑ๴ˠ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๙ᆸภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๷๹ภ๬ງ๥ภଥ๙ภ ๴ຉ๹ภ๸ᆸ๗ภ๴๗ᆸภ๴ ๧ภ๴˙ᆧภகภ ๛ภ๗๧๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๬ᇍ ๿ภك๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๙ᆸภ๚ᆩ๗ภ ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ๬ ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๪ഁຉ๬๹ภ๷๹ภ๖ᆸภ๬ຉภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๬๙ภ๬ຉ๹ภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ˚ᇍ ๿ภˠ๙๹ภ๴๪ᆸᆧภ๬๤ᆸภ๸ᆸ๹ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๨ภ ภ˟๪ภ๨๴ภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗๿ ᆸยك๚ᆩ๧ภଫ๙๬ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๪๭๗ภ๴

22 69. Dzongkhag Tshogdu shall also elect a Deputy Chairperson through secret ballot for which nominations shall be made from among the members by any member and seconded accordingly.

70. The Gup shall be the Chairperson of the Gewog Tshogde and the Mangmi, the Deputy Chairperson.

71. The Thrompon shall be the Chairperson of the Thromde Tshogde. At the first sitting after any election or when necessary to fill a vacancy, the Thromde Tshogde shall elect a Deputy Chairperson from among its members through secret ballot.

72. Whenever the Chairperson, from illness or other causes, finds it necessary to leave the chair during any part of the sittings of a Local Government, the Deputy Chairperson shall preside over such sittings, until the Chairperson resumes the chair.

73. The Deputy Chairperson presiding over the sittings under section 72 of this Act shall enjoy the powers and privileges and also perform the duties of the Chairperson; and every such act performed by him/ her shall have the same effect and validity, as if the Chairperson had performed the act.

Powers and functions of Chairpersons

74. The Chairperson shall convene regular sessions of Local Governments.

75. During deliberations, if discussions emerge, which may not be in accordance with the rules of procedure, the Chairperson may stop the same or direct that the matter be forwarded to the appropriate agency.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 23 ๹ภ๬ภৄภ๗๿ ภˠ๷ภ๷๹ภȲᆩ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๗ภ๬ภ๚ຉ ᆩ๗ภ ๗๹๙ภ๪๴๿ภكภ๗ᇍ ᆩ๹ภ ๴ډ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .69 ๹ภ๬ภৄภ๗๿ ภˠ๷ภ๷๹ภᆩكภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๙ᆸภ๥ᆮภ๵๙ภ ๴ك๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๹ภ๬ภ๗๲๧ภ๚๿ ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภଳ๪ภك๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗๥๬ภ๙ᆸภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๨๴๿ภయ๷ภ๷๹ภ ๴ك๴ ುຉᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ 70. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁ๴ງ ภȲ๿ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๥ᆮภ ଵ๨ᆸภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภ๖ᆧภ ๥๬๙๹ภ๬ภ๗๿ ᆩ๹ภȲภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ ๴ຉ๗ภ๬ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ ภ๗๙ภ๲๿๗ภ๗ภయ๷ภᆩكȲຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๥ᆮภ Ȳຉ๬ภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ ๪๭๗ภ๴ .71 ๷๹ภ๲๷ภ๴๯๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๨ภ๮ᇍ ᇍ๗๹ภ๨๴ภೆ๪๹ภ๥๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๹ภೲ๿ ຉ๙ภ๪ಸ๪ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภᆧງภ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ภˠ๷ภᆩك๹ภகภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ๗๹๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๴ډ๨๴๿ภ ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยك๷๹ภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๬ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ 72. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภಸภ๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ๧ภ๮ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ ๗๲๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๣ᆮภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๪ઈ๗๹ภ๷ᆸ๙ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨๴ภ๗๧๥ภᆧ๿ ງภ๤๧๬ภ๥ภȲᆸ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๗ภຉ ๬ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๗๭ᇍภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 73. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥ᆮ๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ ฼ื ๨ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ภȲᆮ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๬ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ˚๿ภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๗๭ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴ᇍ ๿ภೆ๪๹ภಸภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ ๖ᆮภ๥๪๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๖ᆧภ Ȳ๿ภ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ๴๪๗ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ ๖ᆸภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภஔภࣟภ๗ภᆧภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๙ᆸภ๬ภ๥ᆮภ ๗ᆩ๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴๿ภ๪୶๿ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๵ᆸ๥ย 

Ȳ ภ๿ภ๿๴๯๧ᇇᇇ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภࣟภภ೐ยຉยຉ ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸยۑ๹ภ଱๧ภ˚ภ๮๿ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภ๴๗๿ ᆸภ๴ډȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ .74 75. ๗ಸ๙ภˠຉ๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภ ࣟภ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภഓຉ๥ภ๬ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๪๴ภ๗ಸ๙ภˠ๿ ຉ๹ภᆧภ๴๤ງ ᆸ๧ภ๮ᇉภ ๴๥ᆩภகภȲภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ˚๹ภ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๿ ภᆮ ๴ຉ๹ภ๴๪๪ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภഁງภகภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภ ๪๕ᆸ๥ภଳภࣟ๿๧ภ๥๗ᆸย 23 76. The Chairperson may call to order a member resorting to disorderly behaviour, disregarding the authority of the Chair or contravening the prescribed Code of Conduct, whereby he/she willfully obstructs the business of the Local Government.

77. If the member fails to heed such a call, the Chairperson may order him to leave the Local Government Hall; and he/she shall not be entitled to attend the sittings of the Local Government for the rest of the day.

78. If the suspended member does not leave the Local Government Hall immediately, pursuant to section 77 of this Act, the Chairperson may have him/her removed from the Local Government Hall.

79. A member persistently obstructing the business of the Local Government, by deliberately indulging in disorderly behaviour or intentionally contravening the prescribed Code of Conduct shall be barred from attending the sittings of the Local Government for the rest of the session.

80. If a member uses force or attempts to use force which is derogatory to the dignity of the Local Government, the Chairperson may suspend him/her for the whole or any part of the session as he/she may deem fit.

81. If a member suspended under this Act acknowledges his/her fault and tenders a written apology to the Chairperson, the Chairperson may, after considering the matter remit the suspension.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 24 ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภȲᆩ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภ๛ภ๗๧๹ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ೏๗ภ๬๿ ງ๥ภűภࣟภഓ๿ ຉ๥ภೲ๧ภ๨ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๹ภຉك๴ .76 ภ ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ ¨๧ภഓຉ๥ภୣ๬ภډ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภࣟภ೐ຉภᆧ๿๬ภ๨ภৄภ๧๙ภ ๪๹๬ภ๪๲๿๧ภ ๗๲๗ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๷ภ๮ᇉภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๖ᆸ๬ຉภ๷ᆸ๗ภೲງภ೏๿๗ภ๖ᆧภ๪ುງ๷ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๴๥ᆩภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴๿ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภଳภகภ๬ภ๗๧๹ภ๮ภᇉ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภك๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ๴ .77 ๹ภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภ๖๙ภ๧๙ภ๷๹ภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๪๕๴ภଳภ๴ࣟ๿๧ภ๛ᆸ๗๨ภك๴ ๥๙ภ๥ᆮภ๮ᇉภ๝ᆩ๧ภ๬ᆧภ๖ᆸ๬ຉภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภ˚๿ ๿ภˠ๷ภ๖ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๬ภ๛๿ ᆸ๗ย 78. ๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ฼฼๨ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๩ᆸ๗ภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภ๗๹ภᆩ ๥ᆮภ๴ࡴ๷ภ๷๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๮๗๹ภ๖๙ภ๧๙ภ๷๹ภᇍ ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๬ภ๹ᆸ๙ภ๮ᇉภك๴ ๗ภయ๗๹ภűภ๤๿ ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๮๗๹ภ๖๙ภ๧๙ภᇍۑ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภكȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๴ ๷๹ภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๗๣๙ภ๛๗ยᆸ ภ ๷ᆸ๗ภ๚ᆩภᆧภ ೏๿๗ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภഓຉ๥ภೲຉ๧ภ๨ภډ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๬๧ᆸภ๪๲๿๧ภ๪๹๬ภ๪๲๿๧ภك๴ .79 ๵๙ภ๧ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ¨๧ภഓຉ๥ภୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ภ๷๹ภ๸ᆮ๹ภ๚ᆩภ๬๤ᆸ๙ภ๚ᆩภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภࣟภ೐ᆩ ຉภᆧ๿๬ภ๨ภৄภ๷๹ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ ๴ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภధ๗ภக๹ภৄภ๧๙ภகภˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛ᆸ๗ย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภయ๗๹ภ๪๭ᇍ๙ภ๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภయ๗๹ภ๪๭ᇍ๙ภ๤๪๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ๹ภك๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ๴ .80 ๹ภ๬ภ๥๿ ᆮภك๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥ࢀภ๴๩๙ภɏภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๮ᇉภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๹ภ๴๿ ๹ภ๴๪๪ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๣ຉ ᆮภ๴ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ๧๙ภ๷๹ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥ᆮ๴๿ภ๛ภ๸๹ภ๗๙ภ๲๿๗ภ๷๹ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๩ᆸ๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๖ᆸภك๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๷ภ๣๿ ᆮภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๩ᆸ๗ภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๬๿ภ๴ .81 ᆧ๴๿ภ๴๯ᇍ๷ภ๪ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภ๪๳ຉ๥ภ๗๹ᆸ๷ภ˚๿ภ๵ᆩภɏภ๪অ๗๹ภ๮ภȲᇉ ๿ภ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภɏภ๲๿๪ภ๪௟๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๲๿๧๬ภ๷๹ภ๷ᆸ๗ภೲງภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๩ᆸ๗ภ˟๪ภ๛ᆸ๗ย  24 Tenure

82. The Chairperson of a Local Government shall hold office until the expiration of the term of a Local Government, but in the case of death, resignation or removal during the term of the Local Government, a new Chairperson shall be elected within thirty days.

Powers and functions of Dzongkhag Tshogdu Chairperson

83. In addition to the powers provided under sections 74-81, the Chairperson shall:

a) Act on behalf of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu and in its name; b) Issue notifications based on the resolutions of Dzongkhag Tshogdu; c) Convene, if required, special sessions of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu in accordance with the provision of this Act; d) Maintain a copy of the resolutions of Dzongkhag Tshogdu sessions; e) Ensure that the public is informed of the activities of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu through its members; and f) Perform any other functions as may be prescribed by law.

Powers and functions of Gewog Tshogde Chairperson

84. In addition to the powers provided under sections 74-81, Gup as the Chairperson and head of the Gewog shall:

a) Act on behalf of the Gewog Tshogde and in its name; b) Be accountable to the Gewog Tshogde and Dzongkhag Tshogdu; c) Chair the Gewog tender committee; d) Issue notifications based on the resolutions of Gewog Tshogde;

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 25 ๗๧๹ภ૱๧ย ๗๧๹ภ૱๧ย 82. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ ๗๧๹ภ૱๧ภ๬ภ๮๙ภৄ๧ภ๮ᇍ๥ภ ๵๗ภᆩ ๮๙ภ๴๛๙ภ๛ᆸ๗๨ภ๥ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๚๗ภ๗ᆩ ᆩภ๗๧๹ภ૱๧ภ˚๿ภᆧ๿๙ภகภ๸ᆩภଫງ๧ภ๥๙ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ ઈภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๪๣๧ภ๪๣๙ภ๪๴ᆸ ๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภᆧງภ๤ᆸ๧ภ๮ᇉภ ๝๧ภˠ๙๹ภಸ๬ภρ๴ᆩ ภ๧๙ภ๴๖๿ ᆸ๥ภ Ȳ๿ภ ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยك๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๗๹ᆧ๨ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ 

๴ภ๿ภ๿Ȳภ๿ภ๿๴๯๧ᇇᇇ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภࣟภภ೐ยຉยຉډ୻ ๙ຉຉ ภภ๖๗ภภ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภ๴ 83. ๗ᆸ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ฼ู๷๹ภ฽ึৄ๧ภகภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภű๿ภ๖ภೆຉ๙ภகภȲภ๿ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ ๗ภ๷๹ภ๥๙ภ๥ᇍ ᆮ๴๿ภ๬๿๙ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๖ᆧภஔภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸكภ๖ภډ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴  ภ๗ᇍ ᆩภˠ๹ภ๛ຉ ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸډ๖๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴  ภډ๗๒ ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภ๴ࣛ๙ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๷ภ๣๿ ᆮภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ ๗ᆩภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ˚๿ภ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๿๬ภ๴๮๗๹ภ๧ᇍ ᆩย ภৄภ๪๲๗ภ๧ᆩยۑภ๗ᇍ ᆩภ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๿๬ภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ๴ډ๙๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴  ภ๗ᇍ ᆩภ๷๹ภ๥๧ภৄภ๗ᆸ ᆩภೆຉᆧภ๷๹ภ ๬๿ภډ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๪଱๥ภ๥ᆮภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ك๚๒ ๴ ๥๬๙๹ภű๿๹ภ๻ภ๗ภৄ๗๹๨ภ๪๳ᆸ ຉภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภ೐ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๴๤๪ภ๧ຉ ᆩยډ๛๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภৄภ๧๙ภ๛ᆮ๥ภ 

ଵ ๥ງງ ภภ๴๗ຉຉ ภภ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภഁ๴ງງ ภ๿ภ๿Ȳภ๿ภ๿๴๯๧ᇇᇇ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภࣟภภ೐ยຉยຉ 84. ๗ᆸ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ๧๙ภ฼ู๷๹ภ฽ึű๿ภ๴ຉ๗ภகภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภű๿ภ๖ภೆຉ๙ภகภ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁ๴ງ ภȲ๿ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๥๙ภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๴๗ᆸภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๬๿ภଵ๨ᆸภ๗๹ᆩ   ๕๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩภ๻ຉ๙๹ภ๷๹ภ๥๙ภଵງ๥ภ๴๗ภ๗ຉ ภ๬ᆩ ๿๙ภ๤ᆸ๗ภɏภஔภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ภகภ๴๗๧ภ๴Ȳᇍ ๿ภ๚๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸډ๖๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๥๙ภ୻ງ ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴   ๗๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภᆧ๿๧ภ๪೺ᆧภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย  ๙๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 25 e) Oversee the affairs of the Gewog including the enforcement and implementation of the resolutions of the Gewog Tshogde; f) Maintain law and order in the Gewog under the direction and supervision of the Dzongdag; g) Implement plan activities without delay in consultation with the public; h) Submit periodic reports to the Dzongkhag Tshogdu on the status of progress of work as well as the status of funds approved by the Gewog Tshogde for activities contained in the plan; i) Mediate and conciliate disputes of civil nature referred by the people in the Gewog; j) Authorize payments for works, procurements and administrative claims in accordance with the financial rules and regulations; k) Accord financial sanctions for activities up to the limit set by the Ministry of Finance from time to time as per the procurement rules and regulations; l) Report promptly to the Dzongdag on breach of public peace and/ or law and order situation in the Gewog; and m) Perform any other functions as may be prescribed by law.

Powers and functions of Thrompon

85. In addition to powers provided under Section 74 to 81, the Thrompon as the Chairperson of the Thromde Tshogde and head of the Dzongkhag Thromde shall:

a) Act on behalf of the Thromde and in its name;

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 26 ๚๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๪௟ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภ๖ᆧภ ଵ๥ภ๴ງ ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภ๗ᆩภˠຉ๹ภ ๛ᆸ๥ภৄภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภৄภ๗ภೆᆩ ຉᆧภ๷๹ภ๪௟ภ๥๗ᆸย ๛๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩภ๷๬ภೲຉ๧ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภଳภ๥๙ภ௟ภ୑ຉ๗ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๧๙ภகภ೏๿๗ภ ๥๙ภȲ๿๬๹ภக๗๹ภৄภ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๜๒ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๥๙ภˠຉ๹ภ๪೫๧ภ˚๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿๴ภ๷๹ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภৄภ ࡲᆧภ๿ ๴˚๙๹ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨ᆧภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩย ภகภᇍ ஔภ๗ภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภ๥๙ภᆩ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภډ๝๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๧๙ภகภৄ๥ภ๨๴๿ ๿ภ ๷๹ภ๥๧ภৄภ๗ᆸ ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภ ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ˟๪ภ ๹ภᆧ๬ภ˚๿ ๿ภ೘๧ภઈภৄภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸډ๨๴๿ภ ๣๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๧๙ภகภ ๬๿ภ๹ᆮᆧภ˚๿๹ภઈภ๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ ๲๿ภ๪๴ภ୶๿ ຉ๥ภୁ๗๹ภৄภ๧๙ภຉ ๧ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩยك๴ˠ๿๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๲๿ภ๬ ๤๒ ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๿ ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๗๹ภ๗๲๿ ๿ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ภᆮ ஔภ๥๙ภ ๬๖ᆸภ್๪ภ ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภৄ๴๿ภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩ๴ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภഖ๿ ຉ๥ภ๧ᆩย ๥๒ ๥̣๷ภ୶๿๹ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภ್๪ภű๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๗ภ๗๲๿ ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿ ๷ภ๿ ๹ภಸภ๪๳ຉภ๬๿ภ๮๥ภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๬ภ๥̣๷ภډ๹ภ๥๙ภډ ˚๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๴ˠ๷ภ๧ຉ ᆩย ๧๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๧๙ภ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ๲ภ๪๥๿ ᆮภ๥๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ೏๗ภ๥๙ภȲ๿ ๿๬๹ภக๗๹ภű๿ภ ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภகภು๧ภઈ๗๹ภ๴ࣛ๙ภ๪๴ຉ ภೆ๿ ຉᆧภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภகภ๗๙ภ๬˚๗๹ภ೘๧ภઈภຉ ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภ೐ຉภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩยډ๨๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภű๹ภ๛๿ ᆮ๥ภ 

Ȳ ๬ຉຉ ภภ๥๨๧ᆸᆸ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภࣟภภ೐ยຉยຉ 85. ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ ฼ู ๷๹ภ ฽ึ ๗ᆩภ๧๙ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภű๿ภ๖ภೆຉ๙ภகภ Ȳຉ๬ภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ๥ᆮภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๥๙ภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๗ᆩภ๴๗ᆸภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๨ภ๼ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹ภ Ȳຉ๬ภ ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ๥ᆮภ๗ᆩ๹  ๕๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๙ᆸภ๮๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๥ᆮภ๗ᆩภ๬๙ภ๤๿ ᆸ๗ภகภஔภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 26 b) Accord financial sanctions for activities; c) Ensure proper implementation of the Thromde’s rules and ๖๒ ஔภ๥๙ภ๬๖ᆸภ್๪ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ภ๤ᆩ ᆸ๪ภ๷๬ภৄภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๥̣๷ภഖຉ๥ภű๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ regulations; ๥๙ภ๷๹ภᆧ๗๹ภৄภ๗๿ ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภৄภഖ๥ภ๧ຉ ᆩย ๧ภ๷๗ภ๷๧ภ๙ᆮ ᆮ๹ภ๗๣๧ภ๴๤๪ภৄ๗๹๨ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩยك Attend to the grievances of the residents of Thromde; ๗๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງ๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภৄภৄ๷ภ๬ d) e) Submit periodic reports to the Thromde Tshogde and to the  ๙๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๗๧๹ภഁ๥ภ๨ภৄ๴ຉ ๿ภ๥๕๴ภ೺๗ภৄภ๪௟ภ๧ᆩย Ministry responsible for urban development on the status of  ๚๒ ஔภ๗ᆩภ˟๪ภ๴ࣤ๹ภűภ๗๧๹ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๿ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๴๿ ๿ภ๧๙ภৄ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๷๹ภഎภৄ๴๿ภ progress of work as well as the status of funds approved by the ๥ᆸ๧ภகภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๮๗๹ภഁᇍ ภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ˟๪ภ๬๿ภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๹ภ๮๥ภৄ๴๿ภ ๹ภ๬๮๬๹ภű๿ภ೘๧ภઈภৄภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภ๥๙ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩๷ภ˚ᆮ ๿ภډThromde Tshogde for activities contained in the plan; and ೆຉᆧภ f) Carry out any other functions as may be prescribed by laws. ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภகภ๪অ๗ภ๥๗ᆸย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภஔภ๴๗๧ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๴˟๪ภ๧ᆩยډ๛๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภű๹ภ๛๿ ᆮ๥ภ   Chapter 6 ๷્ᆮ ภ฻๨ย ๹ภ๬ภ๿ৄภ๗ภᆩஔภ๥๙ภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧยكRoles and Responsibilities of Members ๴  ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภৄภ๗ภ๬๤๴ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภ๴˟๪ภ๥๗ᆸภكAll members of Local Governments shall serve the interests of 86. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .86 their constituencies bearing in mind national interests, goals and ๨๴๿ภ๖ᆧภଳ๷ภ๵๙๹ภűᆸ ๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภᆧງภ๥ᆸ๧ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภৄภ๹๬๹ภ๖ᆧภ๙ᆮ ᆮ๹ภ๲๿๧ภ๧ภ๲๪๹ภ policies. ๣ᆸ๗ภઈภ๥๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ภᆧภ๗๹ภᆩ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภɏภ ๗ಸ๙ภكAll members shall take active part in deliberations on the issues 87. ๴ .87 being raised in the Local Government. ˠຉ๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๤๪๹ภ๪୶ຉ๧ภయ๗๹ภ๪ುງ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๥๗ยᆸ 88. ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๷ᆩ ᆸภஶ๴ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ ๿ภ๥๙ภ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภৄภكA member of the Local Government shall ensure public participation ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .88 from his/her constituency in the formulation of five year and annual ೏๿๗ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ๧๙ภ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภ๥๬๙๹ภű๿๹ภ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ plans. ๧ᆩภ๵ᆸ๥๨ภ๙ᆮ๹ภ๪୑๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ᆧ๙ภ๹๴ᆸ ๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .89 ๗ภ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๥๗ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภ๖ᆧภ௟ภۑMember of Local Government shall actively participate in the ৄ๴๿ภᆧ๿๧ภ๪೺ᆧภ๥๙ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภৄภ๧๙ภ๗๙ภ .89 tendering, implementation and monitoring development activities in ୑ຉ๗ภ๵๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย their respective comstituencies.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 27 27 ๖๒ ஔภ๥๙ภ๬๖ᆸภ್๪ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ภ๤ᆩ ᆸ๪ภ๷๬ภৄภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๥̣๷ภഖຉ๥ภű๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ ๥๙ภ๷๹ภᆧ๗๹ภৄภ๗๿ ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภৄภഖ๥ภ๧ຉ ᆩย ๧ภ๷๗ภ๷๧ภ๙ᆮ ᆮ๹ภ๗๣๧ภ๴๤๪ภৄ๗๹๨ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩยك๗๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງ๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภৄภৄ๷ภ๬  ๙๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๗๧๹ภഁ๥ภ๨ภৄ๴ຉ ๿ภ๥๕๴ภ೺๗ภৄภ๪௟ภ๧ᆩย  ๚๒ ஔภ๗ᆩภ˟๪ภ๴ࣤ๹ภűภ๗๧๹ภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๿ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๴๿ ๿ภ๧๙ภৄ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๷๹ภഎภৄ๴๿ภ ๥ᆸ๧ภகภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๮๗๹ภഁᇍ ภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ˟๪ภ๬๿ภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๹ภ๮๥ภৄ๴๿ภ ๹ภ๬๮๬๹ภű๿ภ೘๧ภઈภৄภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภ๥๙ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩๷ภ˚ᆮ ๿ภډೆຉᆧภ ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภகภ๪অ๗ภ๥๗ᆸย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภஔภ๴๗๧ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๴˟๪ภ๧ᆩยډ๛๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภű๹ภ๛๿ ᆮ๥ภ   ๷્ᆮ ภ฻๨ย ๹ภ๬ภ๿ৄภ๗ภᆩஔภ๥๙ภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧยك๴  ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภৄภ๗ภ๬๤๴ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภ๴˟๪ภ๥๗ᆸภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .86 ๨๴๿ภ๖ᆧภଳ๷ภ๵๙๹ภűᆸ ๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภᆧງภ๥ᆸ๧ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภৄภ๹๬๹ภ๖ᆧภ๙ᆮ ᆮ๹ภ๲๿๧ภ๧ภ๲๪๹ภ ๣ᆸ๗ภઈภ๥๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ภᆧภ๗๹ภᆩ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภɏภ ๗ಸ๙ภك๴ .87 ˠຉ๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๤๪๹ภ๪୶ຉ๧ภయ๗๹ภ๪ುງ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๷ᆩ ᆸภஶ๴ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ ๿ภ๥๙ภ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภৄภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .88 ೏๿๗ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ๧๙ภ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภ๥๬๙๹ภű๿๹ภ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ ๧ᆩภ๵ᆸ๥๨ภ๙ᆮ๹ภ๪୑๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ᆧ๙ภ๹๴ᆸ ๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .89 ๗ภ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๥๗ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภ๖ᆧภ௟ภۑ๴๿ภᆧ๿๧ภ๪೺ᆧภ๥๙ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภৄภ๧๙ภ๗๙ภৄ ୑ຉ๗ภ๵๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย

27 90. The Thrompon shall serve as the Thromde Thuemi of Class A 90. ๹ภ๬๿ภതภງكภ๧๙ภȲᇍ ๬ภഁຉ ງ๴๿ภ๴ډThromde in the Dzongkhag Tshogdu. In case of Class B Thromde Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๥ࣟງ ງภ๖๗ภ๕ภ๨๴๿ภ๧๙ภȲຉ๬ภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ and Yenlag Thromde a Thuemi to the Dzongkhag Tshogdu shall be ஔภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ࣟງภ๖๗ภ๖ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ๵๧ภ๷๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁภ๼ງ ᆩ๧ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยكภ๪๭๗ภ๴ډ๹ภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ᆮภ๧๙ภ๷๹ภ๤๥ภ๕ᆧภك๴๿ภ๴ډdirectly elected from that Thromde. ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮๗๹ภഁᇍ ภ๗ງ ᆩภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภك๴ᇍ ๿ภ๴ډ๵๧ภ๷๗ภȲ๬ภഁຉ ภ๷๹ภງ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .91 91. Dzongkhag Tshogdu Thuemi from Yenlag Thromde shall participate ᆧ๿๬ภৄภ๧๙ภ௟ภ୑ຉ๗ภ๨ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๥๗ᆸย in the sessions of Gewog Tshogde as an observer. 

Asset Declaration ଱ ภภ๥๙๹ᆸᆸ ภภ๗๹๷ภภೲ๧ຉຉ ยย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๖ᆸภ๬ภ๥๙ภຉ ๖ᆸภ๬ຉภகภ ୑๧ภ๣ງ ᆮภഁຉ๥ภ๬๿ภৄ๴๿ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ ๴ .92 92. A member of the Local Government shall declare his/her income, ๴๪๪ภƥ๙๹ภ๥๙ภ ๗๲๿๹ภ๗๧๹ภ ๴Ȳ๿ภ๪ภৄภ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๙๧ภధ๧ภ๪๕๗ภഁຉ๬ภధ๧ภ๮๗๹ภᇍ asset and liability and that of his/her dependent in accordance with ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภűภ๥๗๿ ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๗๹๷ภೲ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸ๨ภ๬ภ๮๥ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ ภᆧภ๪অ๗ภ๥๗ງ ᆸยۑthe provisions of the Anti Corruption Act of Bhutan, and also furnish ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภகภ๵๙ภ๴ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๴๗ภகภ๪অ๗๹ภ๨๴ຉ ๿ภ๴๪๴ภ๗๧ภৄภ๗ᆩภ๖ภ๗๹๷ภ๧๙ภكa copy to the concerned Office of Local Government. 93. ๴ ๹ภ๬๿ภതງภഁຉ๥ภ๨๴ภ๗๧๹ภ૱๧ภ๬В๗ภ๪೺๱ภ๥ภ๴ࣤ๿ ๿ภكMembers may file revised forms whenever any change occurs in the ๴˙ᆧภ๪ภ๥๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .93 details of the affidavits filed under this Act and also at the end of ๸ᆸ๗ภৄภ๧๬ภᆧภ๴๪๥ภଥ๙ภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸย their tenure as members of the Local Government.  ๷્ᆮ ภ฼๨ย Chapter 7 ๮๗ᇍ ๹ภᆧ๬๿ ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ยຉ Sessions and Proceedings of the Local Government  ภ๴๥ᇍ ᆩภૅ๱ภ฻๗ᆩภ๪ᆧภ๧ภж๙ภ๸ᆸ๹ภᆧภ๮ᆧภᆧภ๴๮ງ ๗๹ภ๥๗ᇍ ᆸยډDzongkhag Tshogdu shall meet at least once every six months. 94. ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .94 95. 95. Gewog Tshogde and Thromde Tshogde shall meet for regular ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๥๙ภȲງ ຉ๬ภഁງภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภ๗ᆩ๹ภ଱๧ภഽຉ๷ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๷ᆸภ๙ᆸภᆧງภ๧๙ภ sessions at least thrice a year. ж๙ภ๸ᆸ๹ภᆧ๙ภ๤ᆮ๙๹ภ๗ಸ๬ภᆧງภ๴๮๗๹ภ๥๗ᇍ ᆸย 96. 96. Resolutions of each meeting shall be recorded and read out during ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภᆧງภᆧภ๗ງ ᆩภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภৄภ ๤ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ ๙ᆮ๹ภ๪୑๧ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥๙ภ๴ࡴ๿ภഎຉ๧ภ๗๙ภ๵๙ภ๬ภࣛ๙ภ๮ภᇉ Ȳ๿ภكthe session for confirmation. If no comments or amendments ೆ๪๹ภధ๗ภೲງภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸย ๴ are submitted by members, the Chairperson shall authorize the ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๤๗ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภৄภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภࣟ๿๧ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ implementation of resolutions passed. The Chairperson presiding ˚๿๹ภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๴๥ᆩภɏภࡲ๗ภ୑๗๹ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย shall sign and ratify the resolutions.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 28 28 ๹ภ๬๿ภതภງكภ๧๙ภȲᇍ ๬ภഁຉ ງ๴๿ภ๴ډȲຉ๬ภഁภ๥ࣟງ ງภ๖๗ภ๕ภ๨๴๿ภ๧๙ภȲຉ๬ภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .90 ஔภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ࣟງภ๖๗ภ๖ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ๵๧ภ๷๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁภ๼ງ ᆩ๧ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยكภ๪๭๗ภ๴ډ๹ภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ᆮภ๧๙ภ๷๹ภ๤๥ภ๕ᆧภك๴๿ภ๴ډ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮๗๹ภഁᇍ ภ๗ງ ᆩภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภك๴ᇍ ๿ภ๴ډ๵๧ภ๷๗ภȲ๬ภഁຉ ภ๷๹ภງ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .91 ᆧ๿๬ภৄภ๧๙ภ௟ภ୑ຉ๗ภ๨ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๥๗ᆸย 

଱ ภภ๥๙๹ᆸᆸ ภภ๗๹๷ภภೲ๧ຉຉ ยย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๖ᆸภ๬ภ๥๙ภຉ ๖ᆸภ๬ຉภகภ ୑๧ภ๣ງ ᆮภഁຉ๥ภ๬๿ภৄ๴๿ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ ๴ .92 ๴๪๪ภƥ๙๹ภ๥๙ภ ๗๲๿๹ภ๗๧๹ภ ๴Ȳ๿ภ๪ภৄภ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๙๧ภధ๧ภ๪๕๗ภഁຉ๬ภధ๧ภ๮๗๹ภᇍ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภűภ๥๗๿ ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๗๹๷ภೲ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸ๨ภ๬ภ๮๥ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ ภᆧภ๪অ๗ภ๥๗ງ ᆸยۑ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภகภ๵๙ภ๴ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๴๗ภகภ๪অ๗๹ภ๨๴ຉ ๿ภ๴๪๴ภ๗๧ภৄภ๗ᆩภ๖ภ๗๹๷ภ๧๙ภك๴ .93 ๹ภ๬๿ภതງภഁຉ๥ภ๨๴ภ๗๧๹ภ૱๧ภ๬В๗ภ๪೺๱ภ๥ภ๴ࣤ๿ ๿ภك๴˙ᆧภ๪ภ๥๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ ๸ᆸ๗ภৄภ๧๬ภᆧภ๴๪๥ภଥ๙ภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸย  ๷્ᆮ ภ฼๨ย ๮๗ᇍ ๹ภᆧ๬๿ ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ยຉ  ภ๴๥ᇍ ᆩภૅ๱ภ฻๗ᆩภ๪ᆧภ๧ภж๙ภ๸ᆸ๹ภᆧภ๮ᆧภᆧภ๴๮ງ ๗๹ภ๥๗ᇍ ᆸยډ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .94 95. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๥๙ภȲງ ຉ๬ภഁງภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภ๗ᆩ๹ภ଱๧ภഽຉ๷ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๷ᆸภ๙ᆸภᆧງภ๧๙ภ ж๙ภ๸ᆸ๹ภᆧ๙ภ๤ᆮ๙๹ภ๗ಸ๬ภᆧງภ๴๮๗๹ภ๥๗ᇍ ᆸย 96. ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภᆧງภᆧภ๗ງ ᆩภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภৄภ ๤ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ ๙ᆮ๹ภ๪୑๧ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥๙ภ๴ࡴ๿ภഎຉ๧ภ๗๙ภ๵๙ภ๬ภࣛ๙ภ๮ภᇉ Ȳ๿ภكೆ๪๹ภధ๗ภೲງภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸย ๴ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๤๗ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภৄภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภࣟ๿๧ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ ˚๿๹ภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๴๥ᆩภɏภࡲ๗ภ୑๗๹ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย

28 97. A Local Government shall not discuss any matter which is sub-judice in the Court or legal proceedings that are active.

98. The Chairperson of the Local Governments shall confirm the date of their sessions and ensure that their respective sessions do not coincide.

99. The Office of Local Government shall, upon confirmation ofthe date of the sessions under section 98 of this Act, issue notification inviting proposals from members for inclusion in the agenda.

100. The members of the Local Government shall, for the purpose of section 99 of this Act, call for zomdus in their respective constituencies.

Special Sessions

101. The Chairperson of a Local Government shall convene a special session of the Local Government on receipt of a written request made by not less than three-fourths of the total number of members of the respective Local Government.

102. The Chairperson of a Local Government shall convene a special session of the Local Government whenever he/she deems a matter to be of urgent nature.

103. The Chairperson of a Local Government may convene a special session of the Local Government if a written request is made by the Dzongdag specifying the purpose, proposed date and reasons for calling the session.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 29 ๧ภகภȲ๿๬๹ภ๲๿๪ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄ๴๿ภೆຉᆧภډ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๴ .97 ˠຉ๹ภ๪೺ᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภ๛๿ ᆸ๗ย 98. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภ˚๿ ๿ภ๗๳๴ภೆᆧภ ๗๣๧ภ๖ᆮ๷ภ๪๳ຉภ ๗ภଫ๪ภ๧ᆩภ๬ງ๥๨ภ๙ᆮ๹ภ๪୑๧ภ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ᆸยك๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภᆧ๙ภ๹๴ᆸ ๿ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภ๖ภ ๹ภ๮๗๹ภ๵ᇍ ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ ᆩ๹ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ภᆩ ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ฾฽ډ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ ๴ .99 ๨๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ௟ᆧภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ˚ภ๮๿ ᇉ๹ภˠ๙๹ภ ๗๣๧ภ๴๖ᆮ๷ภ๹ᆸ๙ภ๪๴๿ภయ๷ภகภ ˠຉ๹ภ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๷๹ภˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๪অ๗ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴ภ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภ๿ك๗๲๿๴ภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗ภ๧๿ ๴ᆩ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴ ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ฾฾๨๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .100 ภ๪¨๗ภ๥๗ᆸยډ๴˟๪ภ๤๪๹ภகภᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๴ 

๥ ๬๗๿๿ ๹ภภ๪๹๷ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภᆧ๬๿๿ ยย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๪ഁຉ๬๹ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .101 ๷๹ภ ๪๲๿ภ๥߸ภ๗ಸ๬ภ๷๹ภ ๬ภж๙๬ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๵ᆩ๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗ภઈภ๪ภࣟᆩ ຉᆧภ๮ᇉภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ๲๷ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๴๮๗๹ภ๥๗ᇍ ᆸย ๗๹ภ๴๛ᆧภகภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๷ภ๗๧๥ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ .102 ຉ๙๹ภ๮ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᇉ ᆩภ๥๬๿๗๹ภۑ๥๙ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภᆧ๙ภ๪๲๿๧ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๙ᆮ๹ภ๸ᆮ๹ภ๴ ๪๹๷ภ๲๷ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๴๮๗๹ภ๥๗ᇍ ᆸย 103. ๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ˚๿ภ๮ᇉ๹ภˠ๙๹ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ ๵ᆩ๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗ᆩภઈภ๪ภډ๪๹๷ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ ๴๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภ଱ภ๬๮๧ภৄภ ๛ᆮ๥ภ ๴๪๥ภ๮ᇉภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภȲภ๴๯๿ ๧ภ˚ᇇ ๿๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ๲๷ภ ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๴๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๗ยᆸ

29 104. The Chairperson of the concerned Local Government shall, upon receipt of request made under section 103 of this Act, review the request and inform the concerned Dzongdag of his/her decision within two days of receiving the request.

105. The Chairperson of the Gewog Tshogde and Thromde Tshogde shall convene a special session if the Dzongkhag Tshogdu by a resolution directs it to convene a special session.

106. The Local Government shall consider only those matters for which a special session has been convened or those inseparably connected thereto.

Notice for Sessions

107. The Office of Local Government shall provide to all members of the Local Government reasonable notice period for a regular or special session. Such notice shall specify the place, date and time of the meeting and the business to be transacted thereat provided that in case of a special session such notice shall include any motion or proposition mentioned in the written request made for such meeting.

First session after election

108. The date of the first meeting of Dzongkhag Tshogdu after the first constitution or re-constitution shall be fixed by the Dzongdag and the dates for the meetings of Gewog Tshogde and Thromde Tshogde shall be decided by their respective Chairpersons.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 30 104. ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภȲภ๴๯๿ ๧ภ˚ᇇ ๿๹ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ᆩภ ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภึีุ ๨๴๿ภ ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ௟ᆧภઈภ๪ภధຉ๥ภ๬ภ๵๿ ᆩภɏภகภ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภઈภ๮ᇇ๗ภధຉ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๝ᆩ๧ภˠ๙๹ภ ๗๝ᆩ๹ภű๿ภ๧๙๹ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภகภ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴ภˠ๿ ຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ˚๿ภೆຉᆧภ๷๧ภ๗๹๷ภ ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ภ๗ᆩ๹ภˠຉ๹ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ๲๷ภ๴๯๬๹ภᇍډ๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ .105 ๴๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴ภ๿ ๪๕ᆸ๥ภȬ๪ภ๗๧๙ภ๮ᇉภ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮๗๹ภഁᇍ ภ๥๙ภງ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภȲภ๿ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ๲๷ภ๴๯๬๹ภ๴๮ᇍ ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๗ᆸย 106. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภ๥๬ᆩ ๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ๲๷ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๴๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๗ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภଫ๙๬ภ ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ๷๹ภ๖ภࡲງภ๬ภৄ๗๹ภ๨๴๿ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ ৄภଫ๙๬ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภˠຉ๹ภ๪೺ᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 

๮ ๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภᆧ๬๿๿ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๥๧ᆸᆸ ภภகภภ๪୛ภภ๪಻๷ยย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภகภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .107 ๹ภ๮ᇍ๥ภ๴ຉ๹ภ௦๧ภ˚๿ภ ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภࣟ๿๧ภ๥๗ᆸย ๥ᆮภډ ๥๙ภ ଱๧ภഽຉ๷ภ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๬ภ˚๿ ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ ๹ภډ๪઩๬ภ๬๴๿ภ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภ๵ᆩภɏภ๧๙ภ๲๷ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภű๿ภ๹ภ๗ᆸภ๥๙ภ๮ᇉ๹ภˠ๙๹ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ ๮ᇍ๥ภ๥๙ภ๥ᆮภ๧๙ภˠຉ๹ภ๪೺ᆧภ๗๧๙ภ๧ᆩภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภ೐ຉภৄภ๗๹๷ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ ๥๙ภ ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ˚๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ ๥ᆮภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴ภ๿ ๲๷ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภűภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ ๵ᆩ๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗ᆩภઈภ๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภˠຉ๹ภ๗๲๿ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๗๲๿ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภ๵ᆩภɏ๴ภ๧๙ภৄ๥ภ๥๗๿ ᆸย 

๴ภ๿ภ๿య๷ภภ๷๹ภภ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภᆧ๬๿๿ ภภ๥๙ภภ๨ยยك๪ ๭๗ภภ๴ ๴ภ๿ډภ๴๗ᆸภ๥๙ภ๨ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๬ภ ๪ುᆧภ˟๪ภűภయ๷ภ๷๹ภ๿ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ك๪๭๗ภ๴ .108 ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๥๙ภ๨๴ภ๮๿ ᇉ๹ภˠ๙๹ภ๥ᆮภ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗๣๧ภ๴๖ᆮ๷ภ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภ๥๙ภ Ȳ๬ภഁຉ ງภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງ๴ภ๿ ๲๷ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภű๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๮ᇉ๹ภˠ๙๹ภৄภ ᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴ภ๿ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภȲภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๥๗ᆸย

30 109. The members of Local Government shall submit their certificate of election to the Local Government administration on any working day prior to the day on which the Local Government convenes for the first time after an election.

110. A certificate submitted under section 109 of this Act shall be inspected by the Dzongdag to determine its authenticity and validity.

111. A certificate referred to under section 109 of this Act, presented on a later date shall be inspected immediately and, thereupon such member shall be administered Oath or Affirmation of Office as prescribed under Third Schedule of the .

112. Changes in the composition of a Local Government shall be entered in the list to be maintained by the Local Government.

Oath or Affirmation of Office

113. The Chairpersons of the Local Governments shall be administered Oath or Affirmation of Office by the Drangpon in the presence of the Dzongdag as provided for in the Third Schedule of the Constitution, prior to assuming their responsibilities.

Chapter 8 Conduct of Business

114. The proceedings of Local Governments shall be conducted in the national language.

115. All members, after due consultation with the public of their respective constituencies, shall make their submissions for inclusion in the agenda.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 31 ภ˟๪ภ๨๴ภయ๷ภகภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๥๙ภ๨ภ๬ภ๴๮๗๹ภ๨๴ᇍ ๿ภ๻ງภ๬ᆧภك๪๭๗ภ๴ .109 ๴๿ภ๙ภᆸك๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภᆧ๙ภ๹๴ᆸ ๿ภ๪๭๗๹ภ๴ك๹ภ๮๥ภ๖ᆧภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᇍ ᆩภ๴ډ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆩภ ഠຉᆧภ๷๗ภȬᆧภৄภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ງ ภ๪๥๗ภುᆩ ຉ๙ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภகภ๪অ๗ภ๥๗ᆸย 110. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ ึี฾ ๨๴๿ภ๴๗ภகภ࠘๷ภ๵ຉ ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๙ᆸภഠຉᆧภ๷๗ภȬᆧภৄ๴ງ ๿ภ ๪๥ᆮ๧ภƥ๙๹ภ๥๙ภ๛ภ๗๧๹ภৄภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪୑๗ภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 111. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภึี฾๨๴๿ภ๴ຉ๗ภகภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๙ᆸภഠຉᆧภ๷๗ภȬᆧภৄภ๮ງ ᇉ๹ภ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภكˠ๙๹ภయ๷ภ๬ᆧภ๚๗ภகภ๴ࣟᆩ ຉᆧภ๮ภ๴๥ᇉ ᆩภ๴ࡴ๷ภ๷๹ภᆧ๙ภ๪୑๗ภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ๴ ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๥๬ภ๪๚๴ภډ๗ᆩ๹ภ ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛๧ภ๬ᆮ ຉ๴๿ภ઩ᆧภണ๗๹ภ๗ಸ๬ภ๨๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๛ᆮ๥ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸย 112. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ೏ᆩ ๿๗ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๴๥ᆩภ๧๙ภ๪ೊᆧภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภ๴ࣛ๙ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ଱๧ภ ುຉ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๤ᆸภ๧๙ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๗ᆸย  ๵๗ᆩ ภ๮๙ภ๗ภᆩ๗ภᆸ๗๧๹ภ๥๬ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๙๹ᆸ ภ๷๧ᆮ ย  113. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภৄภ๗๹ภᆩ ᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴ภ๗๿ ᆸภ๗๧๹ภ๬ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๨๴ภ๻๿ ງภ๬ᆧภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๙ภᆸ ภډ๙ภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿๹ภതງภ ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ઩ᆧภണ๗๹ภ๗ಸ๬ภ๨๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๛ᆮ๥ภۑ ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๗ᆸภ๗๧๹ภű๿ภ๥๬ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ࠘๷ภ๪ρ๗ภ๥๗ᆸย  ๷્ᆮ ภ฽๨ย ࣟภ೐๴ຉ ภ๿¨๧ภഓ๥ຉ ย  114. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภೆ๥ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๴๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗ภᆧภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๖ᆸ๙ภᆧ๴๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๬ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๥๙ภ๗๚๿ ᆩ๗ภ๖ᆧภ ˠຉ๹ภ๪೫๧ภك๴ .115 ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภయ๷ภகภˠຉ๹ภ๗๲๿ภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภகภ๪অ๗๹ภ๥๗ยᆸ

31 116. Local Governments may require a government official concerned to address or submit any information or explanation either orally or in writing whenever a matter relating to that government agency is under discussion.

117. Only after obtaining prior approval of the Chairperson, a member shall point out, with supporting evidence an error or inconsistency in a statement made by a government official or any other member.

118. Except for the purpose of rescinding a resolution of the meeting, a member shall not reopen the issue that has been adopted by the house.

119. The Chairperson may invite any government official or person as an observer during the sessions of the Local Government.

Exclusion of Matters

120. The Chairperson shall not refuse to take up any matter that has been presented for consideration or to present matters for voting unless he/ she considers it to be contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, to an existing resolution of the Parliament or to any law in force. In such a case, the Chairperson shall state the grounds for his/her refusal.


121. The presence of not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of the Local Government shall constitute a quorum for a sitting.


122. The Chairperson shall announce the date of commencement and adjournment of a meeting.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 32 116. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴๗ภ๴๯ᆸ ᇇ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๷๹ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๷๹ภഁງภ๥๙ภ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥๧ภ๗๚ᆸ ᆩ๗ภɏภˠຉ๹ภ๪೫๧ภ๴ࣛ๙ภ๮ᇉภ ๗๹๷ภ๪๸๥ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๗๙ภ๲๗ภ๗๿ ภᆩ ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภ๷๬ภ๴ˠງ๷ภ๪๸๥ภ๗๙ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๤๗ภகภ๷ᆸ ᆮ๧ภ๛ᆸ๗ย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ೓ภ๗๿ ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภઈภ๲๿๧๬ภ๷๹ภଫ๙๬ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภك๴ .117 ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภ๲๗ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภɏภ๧ᆸᆧภك๴๗ᆸภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๴ ๴ȱ๷ภ๷๬ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๛๗๹ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ್๪ภࣟງ๥ภű๿ภଳ๪ภഎຉ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภೲຉ๧ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๖๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภˠຉ๹ภ๤๗ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภ ๛ภ๬ງ๥ภű๿ภˠຉ๹ภ๗๲๿ภ࠘๷ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภك๴ .118 கภ๬ภ๗๣๗๹ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ ᆸ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ๪ುᆧภˠຉ๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ภ๬ᆩ ງ๥ย 119. ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๷ภ๣๿ ᆮภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๿ ภ๴๗ᆩ ᆸภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๬๿ภ๗๙ภ๲๗ภ๹ภ๿ ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๿๬ภ๧๙ภ௟ภ୑๗ภ๨ภ๴๪๥ภ๴๪ຉ ᆸภ๛ᆸ๗ย 

๗ ๧๥ภภ๥ᆸ๧ᆸ ภภࡲᆧ๿๿ ภภೄ๥ຉຉ ยย 120. ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉภ๥๙ภ ഓ๿ภ๮๗๹ภűᇍ ๹ภ๛ภ๴๜๿ ᆸ๗ภ๬๯๥ภ๨๴๿ภ Ȭ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภȬ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๗ภ๥๗ᆩ ᆸ๙๹ภ๥๧ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๵ᆸ ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๪๹๬ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๴ࣛ๙ภ๧ภ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๥ᆮภ๬๿๧ภȲภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ˚๹ภ๗๧๥ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภ๗๙ภ๲๿๗ภ๲๿๪ภ๪௟๹ภű๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ கภഖຉ๥ภ๨ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩภৄภ๷๹ภ๥๗๗ภ๷๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ ๛ᆸ๗ ๴๥ᆩภ๪઩๬ภ๥๗๗ภ๷๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภᆧງภ๴ࣛ๙ภ๮ภᇉ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ๥๗๗ภ๷๧ภ๴๪๥ภ ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภ଱ภ๬๮๧ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 

๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภˠ๙๹ยย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภك๹ภ๬๿๴๿ภ๮๗๹ภˠ๙๹ภ๥ᇍ ᆮภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ك๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภᆧງภ๧๙ภ ๴ .121 ๪ഁຉ๬๹ภű๿ภ๗ಸ๬ภ๥߸ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภ๷๹ภ๬ภж๙ภ๪ᆧภ๥๗ᆸย 

๬ ๮๬๹ภภ๴๜๗ᆸᆸ ยย 122. Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๴๗ᆸภ๪অ๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๬๮๬๹ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ๹ภˠ๙๹ภȬ๪ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᇉ ยᆸ 32 123. The sitting of a Local Government shall be determined by rules of procedure. 123. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภࣟภ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภഓຉ๥ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๮ᇍ๥ภ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๷๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภகภ๪ೊᆧภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภډ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ˚๿ภ๝ᆩ๧๬ภ๥๙ภ .124 124. In case of any change in the day, time and programme of the sitting ๹ภ๬ภৄภ๿كof a Local Government, the Office of Local Government shall serve ᆧງภ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๮ᇉภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๝ᆩ๧๬ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภ೓ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภ๴ notice to this effect to the members on the preceding day. கภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ  Manner of Voting ๮๗ᇍ ๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๤๙๹ย Right to Vote ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภଳ๧ภภ๪ಾᆧภภ๧๴ᆩᆩ ภ๿ภ๿๤ᆸ๪ᆸ ภภ๥๪๙ภภยย  125. Only members of the Local Government shall have the right to ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภৄภகภଫ๙๬ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๵ᆸ๥ยكvote. 125. ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ 126. ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภகภ ˠຉ๹ภ๤๗ภᆧງภᆧภɏภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๪ಾᆧภ๛ᆸ๗ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภكThe right to vote shall not be exercised by proxy and a member ๴ .126 including the Chairperson is entitled to one vote per proposal. ๪ಾᆧภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๥ᆩภ๙ᆸภ๮๪ภűภ๤๿ ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛๗ยᆸ ภ๬В๗ภ๪೺๱ภ๥ภȲ๿ภ๴๯๧ภ˚ᇇ ๿๹ภˠຉ๹ภ๪೺ᆧภ˚๿ภ๪ρ๥ภ๪೺๹ภ๣ᆮภډ๗ಸ๙ภˠຉ๹ภ೏๿๗ภக๗๹ภ௟ᆧภ .127 127. When a debate has been formally concluded, the Chairperson shall present a summary of the deliberations. If an objection is offered to ๗๹๷ภ๪๸๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ ๪ρ๥ภ๪೺๹ภ๬๿ภɏภ๥๗๗ภ๷๧ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๪๥ᆮ๧ภ the summary and the Chairperson considers the objection justified, ƥ๙๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภࣛ๙ภ๮ภˠᇉ ຉ๹ภ๪೺ᆧภ˚๿ภ๪ρ๥ภ๪೺๹ภ๷ᆮ๗๹ภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย he/she shall rectify the summary of the deliberations. 128. ๪ρ๥ภ๪೺๹ภภ࠘๷ภ๪๴๿ภయ๷ภகภ ๷ᆮ๗๹ภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ๗ಸ๙ภˠຉ๹ภகภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ 128. After the presentation of the summary of deliberations, the ๪๥ᆮ๧ภƥ๙๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๪ିຉ๥ภű๿ภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภࣛ๙ภ๮ภᇉ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧ᆩ๴ภ๗๿ ᆸภᆧ๬ภ˚๿ ภˠ๿ ຉ๹ภ Chairperson shall propose an order of voting on the motion. The ๴๛ᆧภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ Chairperson shall consider a change in the voting order only if a 129. ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ๗ภᆧᆸ ๿๬ภ๛ภ๗๧๹ภ˟๪ภ๲๿๧๬ภ๷๹ภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ demand for it is justified. ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ࠘๷ภ๥๗๨ภ๥๙ภᆸ ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ ๬๿๙ภ๪๸ᆮᆧภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๤ᇍ ᆸ๗ภ ࣟภ 129. After the voting order has been approved, the Chairperson shall ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภഓຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภȲ๿ภ๴๯๧ภ˚ᇇ ๿๹ภ๴๹ภ๴๪๪ภ๗๙ภ๲ຉ ๿๗ภ๬๤ᆸ๙ภ๪๴๿ภୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ present the matter for voting, which shall be by a roll call vote or in கภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄ๴๿ภ๻ຉ๙๹ภ๷๹ภˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภഎภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๮ᇉภ ˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภகภଳ๪ภكany other manner as the Chairperson may deem fit as per the rules of 130. ๴ procedure. ๴๗๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๧ภகภᆸ ˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ ˠຉ๹ภ 130. If there are several motions, one shall be presented for voting against ๴๛ᆧภ๗ภᆧภɏภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬ภ๮ᆧภৄ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᇍ ยᆸ another until all of the proposals have been thus voted upon.   The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 33 33 123. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภࣟภ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภഓຉ๥ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๮ᇍ๥ภ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๷๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภகภ๪ೊᆧภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภډ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ˚๿ภ๝ᆩ๧๬ภ๥๙ภ .124 ๹ภ๬ภৄภ๿كᆧງภ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๮ᇉภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๝ᆩ๧๬ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภ೓ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภ๴ கภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ  ๮๗ᇍ ๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๤๙๹ย ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภଳ๧ภภ๪ಾᆧภภ๧๴ᆩᆩ ภ๿ภ๿๤ᆸ๪ᆸ ภภ๥๪๙ภภยย  ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภৄภகภଫ๙๬ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๵ᆸ๥ยك๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .125 ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภகภ ˠຉ๹ภ๤๗ภᆧງภᆧภɏภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๪ಾᆧภ๛ᆸ๗ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภك๴ .126 ๪ಾᆧภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๥ᆩภ๙ᆸภ๮๪ภűภ๤๿ ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛๗ยᆸ ภ๬В๗ภ๪೺๱ภ๥ภȲ๿ภ๴๯๧ภ˚ᇇ ๿๹ภˠຉ๹ภ๪೺ᆧภ˚๿ภ๪ρ๥ภ๪೺๹ภ๣ᆮภډ๗ಸ๙ภˠຉ๹ภ೏๿๗ภக๗๹ภ௟ᆧภ .127 ๗๹๷ภ๪๸๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ ๪ρ๥ภ๪೺๹ภ๬๿ภɏภ๥๗๗ภ๷๧ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๪๥ᆮ๧ภ ƥ๙๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภࣛ๙ภ๮ภˠᇉ ຉ๹ภ๪೺ᆧภ˚๿ภ๪ρ๥ภ๪೺๹ภ๷ᆮ๗๹ภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 128. ๪ρ๥ภ๪೺๹ภภ࠘๷ภ๪๴๿ภయ๷ภகภ ๷ᆮ๗๹ภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ๗ಸ๙ภˠຉ๹ภகภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ๪๥ᆮ๧ภƥ๙๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๪ିຉ๥ภű๿ภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภࣛ๙ภ๮ภᇉ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧ᆩ๴ภ๗๿ ᆸภᆧ๬ภ˚๿ ภˠ๿ ຉ๹ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ 129. ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ๗ภᆧᆸ ๿๬ภ๛ภ๗๧๹ภ˟๪ภ๲๿๧๬ภ๷๹ภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ࠘๷ภ๥๗๨ภ๥๙ภᆸ ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ ๬๿๙ภ๪๸ᆮᆧภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๤ᇍ ᆸ๗ภ ࣟภ ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภഓຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภȲ๿ภ๴๯๧ภ˚ᇇ ๿๹ภ๴๹ภ๴๪๪ภ๗๙ภ๲ຉ ๿๗ภ๬๤ᆸ๙ภ๪๴๿ภୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ கภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄ๴๿ภ๻ຉ๙๹ภ๷๹ภˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภഎภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๮ᇉภ ˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภகภଳ๪ภك๴ .130 ๴๗๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๧ภகภᆸ ˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ ˠຉ๹ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๗ภᆧภɏภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬ภ๮ᆧภৄ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᇍ ยᆸ   33 Voting by Chairperson

Ȳ ภ๿ภ๿๴๯๧ᇇᇇ ภภ˚๹๿๿ ภภ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภଳ๧ภภ๪ಾᆧภภ๤๙๹ยย 131. The Chairperson presiding over the proceedings of a Local 131. Government shall not vote in the first instance, but he: ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ˚๿ภ๮๗๹ภ๗๭ᇍ ภ๴๪๥ภ๬ᇍ ภȲ๿ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๗ᆸภ๤๗ภ๥๙ภ๨ᆧภ๮ᆸ ๗๹ภᇍ ଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬ภ๛๿ ᆸ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ๖ᆸ๬ຉภ๗๹ᆩ  ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๧๥ภೆ๪๹ภ ๤๗ภ๗๚๥ภű๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภۑ Shall cast the deciding vote when votes are tied; and ๕๒ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๴ a) b) May cast a deliberative vote when a question must be decided with a supporting of at least two-thirds of the members of Local ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๗ಸ๬ภ๥߸ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภ๷๹ภ๬ภж๙ภ๪๴๿ภكGovernment. ๖๒ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๤๗ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ๤๗ภ๗๚๥ภű๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ Dissenting Opinion ๪ಾᆧภ๛ᆸ๗ย  132. Any member who does not concur with a resolution shall have the ๤ภภ๥๥ภภűภ๿ภ๿๪๹๬ภภ๴๛ᆧยย right to enter his/her dissenting opinion. However, no further debate  ๧ภ๬ภࣛ๙ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภˠຉ๹ภ๤ᆸภ๧๙ภ๖ᆸภᆧ๴๿ภ๤ภ๥๥ภك๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภˠᆩ ຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภɏภ๬ຉ๹ภ๬كon such an opinion shall be permitted. 132. ๴ ű๿ภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ย ๼ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ ๴๥ᆩภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴๿ภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภɏภ Protocol about absence ୶ຉ๥ภ๪೺ᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛ᆸ๗ 133. A member who was not present when the resolution on a matter was  passed shall have the right to enter into the minutes that he/she has ๛ ๥ภภഁ๥ຉຉ ภภೆᆧຉຉ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿ୣ๬ภภ๪๲๗ยย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภɏภˠ๹ภ๛ຉ ᆸ๥ภ˟๪ภೆ๪๹ภ๬ງ๥๨ภ๷๹ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภகภ๖ᆸภ๗๹ภᆩكnot participated in the making of the decision, but shall not have the 133. ๴ right to object to the resolution. ˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๬ภ๴๪๥ภ๳ງᆧภ ˠຉ๹ภ๤ᆸภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ภଥ๙ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภகภ Record of Votes ๥๗๗ภ๷๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๬ງ๥ย  134. The Chairperson shall cause the votes of each member to be recorded ๮ ๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภଳ๧ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๳๧๿๿ ภภ๤ᆸยᆸย ๹ภكand open to disclosure, except for votes cast through secret ballot. 134. Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๗๹๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ˚ᇍ ๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬๿ภଫ๙๬ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴ Opening and Closing Ceremonies ๬๿ภᆧງภᆧງภ๪๲๿๧ภ˚ภ๮๿ ๗๹ภଳ๧ภৄภ๤ᇍ ᆸภ๪๕๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ๗๲๧ภகภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๛๗ยᆸ  135. Each session of a Local Government shall commence and end with traditional ceremonies. ๹ ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๗ઈ๙ภภৄ๴ภ๿ภ๿๴๗ภᆸภᆸ๪অ๗๹ภภ๥๙ภภ๬В๗ภภ๪೺๴ภ๿ภ๿୑๧ງງ ภภ๴ࣤ๷ງງ ยย 135. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภᆧ๿ ภᆧງ ๴ງ ๿ภ๴๗ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๬В๗ภ๪೺ภৄภ೓ᆧภഽᆸ ຉ๷ภ˚ภ๿ ୑ງ๧ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 34 34 Ȳ ภ๿ภ๿๴๯๧ᇇᇇ ภภ˚๹๿๿ ภภ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภଳ๧ภภ๪ಾᆧภภ๤๙๹ยย 131. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ˚๿ภ๮๗๹ภ๗๭ᇍ ภ๴๪๥ภ๬ᇍ ภȲ๿ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๗ᆸภ๤๗ภ๥๙ภ๨ᆧภ๮ᆸ ๗๹ภᇍ ଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬ภ๛๿ ᆸ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ๖ᆸ๬ຉภ๗๹ᆩ  ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๧๥ภೆ๪๹ภ ๤๗ภ๗๚๥ภű๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภۑ๕๒ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๴ ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๗ಸ๬ภ๥߸ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภ๷๹ภ๬ภж๙ภ๪๴๿ภك๖๒ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๤๗ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ๤๗ภ๗๚๥ภű๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ ๪ಾᆧภ๛ᆸ๗ย 

๤ ภภ๥๥ภภűภ๿ภ๿๪๹๬ภภ๴๛ᆧยย ๧ภ๬ภࣛ๙ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภˠຉ๹ภ๤ᆸภ๧๙ภ๖ᆸภᆧ๴๿ภ๤ภ๥๥ภك๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภˠᆩ ຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภɏภ๬ຉ๹ภ๬ك๴ .132 ű๿ภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ย ๼ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ ๴๥ᆩภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴๿ภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภɏภ ୶ຉ๥ภ๪೺ᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛ᆸ๗ 

๛ ๥ภภഁ๥ຉຉ ภภೆᆧຉຉ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿ୣ๬ภภ๪๲๗ยย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภɏภˠ๹ภ๛ຉ ᆸ๥ภ˟๪ภೆ๪๹ภ๬ງ๥๨ภ๷๹ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภகภ๖ᆸภ๗๹ภᆩك๴ .133 ˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๬ภ๴๪๥ภ๳ງᆧภ ˠຉ๹ภ๤ᆸภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ภଥ๙ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภகภ ๥๗๗ภ๷๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๬ງ๥ย 

๮ ๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภଳ๧ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๳๧๿๿ ภภ๤ᆸยᆸย ๹ภكȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๗๹๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ˚ᇍ ๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬๿ภଫ๙๬ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴ .134 ๬๿ภᆧງภᆧງภ๪๲๿๧ภ˚ภ๮๿ ๗๹ภଳ๧ภৄภ๤ᇍ ᆸภ๪๕๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ๗๲๧ภகภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๛๗ยᆸ 

๹ ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๗ઈ๙ภภৄ๴ภ๿ภ๿๴๗ภᆸภᆸ๪অ๗๹ภภ๥๙ภภ๬В๗ภภ๪೺๴ภ๿ภ๿୑๧ງງ ภภ๴ࣤ๷ງງ ยย 135. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภᆧ๿ ภᆧງ ๴ງ ๿ภ๴๗ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๬В๗ภ๪೺ภৄภ೓ᆧภഽᆸ ຉ๷ภ˚ภ๿ ୑ງ๧ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 34 Prorogation ࡲ ᆧ๿๿ ภภ๪๸๷ᆸᆸ ยย 136. 136. Whenever the Chairperson finds it necessary to prorogue the session Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๿๬ภࡲ๿ᆧภ๪๸๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ ᆸภ๨๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๧๬ภ of the Local Government, he/she shall announce the notice to this ᆧ๙ภ๬๤ᆸ๙ภଥ๙ภ๥ᆮภக๗๹ภűภ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗๿ ᆸย effect.  ๗๷ภภ๚๧ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๬๯๥ภภ೐ยຉยຉ Urgent Business  137. ๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ ˠ๹ภ๪೺ᆧภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗ภ๧ຉ ๴ᆩ ๿ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๷๹ภ೐ຉภ๚ᆩ๗ภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ๹ภ๬ภৄภ๿كIf the business proposed to be brought forward is ruled by the ๗๷ภ๗๧๥ภ๥๙ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภᆧ๙ภ๪๲๿๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ˟๪ภ๮ᇉภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๴ .137 Chairperson to be of urgent nature, then such business shall be கภ๷๹ภ೐๴ຉ ๿ภೆᆧภ೓ภ๗ຉ ᆸ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภ๬ภ๴๪๥ภଥ๙ภ๷๹ภ೐ຉภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ transacted at a regular or special session of the Local Government even though due notice of the business has not been given to its ๵๙ภ๧ภ଱๧ภഽຉ๷ภ˚๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗ภ๛๿ ๗ยᆸ  members.  ¨๧ภภ๬๤๙ᆸᆸ ภภ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภᆧ๬๿๿ ยย Open Proceedings  138. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภ¨๧ภ๬๤ᆸ๙ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ๴๮ᇍ๗๹๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๼ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ 138. The proceedings of the Local Governments shall be conducted in ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ৄ๪๹ภ๛ภ๪๴ᆮ ๿ภࡲຉ๗๹ภణ๙ภ๴ࣛ๙ภഽ๿๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๤๪๹ภ๬๥ภűງ ๿ภ๗๧๥ภᆧງภ public. However, the Chairperson may exclude the press and the ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ๗๹ᆧภ๴๗ᆸ๥ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภৄภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ public from all or any part of a proceeding in the event of a compelling necessity where publicity would seriously prejudice public interest. ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥ᆮ๴๿ภ๛ภ๸๹ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๷๹ภ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๴๪๥ภ๛๗ยᆸ  Decisions ˠ๹ຉຉ ภภ๤๗ยย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๧ภ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๥ᆮภ๬๿๧ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๬ภৄ๗๹ภ๨๴ภ๿ډAll questions shall, unless otherwise specifically provided, be 139. ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภതງภ๛ᆮ๥ภ .139 ๹ภ๬๿ ๿ภৄ๴๿ภ๬๙ภكdecided by a majority of votes of the members present and voting. ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ๙ᆸภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๥๙ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๬ภ๴ ๬ຉ๹ภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ˚ᇍ ๿ภ˚๙๹ภ๖ภ๬๤ᆸภ๸๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳᆸ ๿๷ภˠ๹ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸย      The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 35 35 ࡲ ᆧ๿๿ ภภ๪๸๷ᆸᆸ ยย 136. Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๿๬ภࡲ๿ᆧภ๪๸๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ ᆸภ๨๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๧๬ภ ᆧ๙ภ๬๤ᆸ๙ภଥ๙ภ๥ᆮภக๗๹ภűภ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗๿ ᆸย 

๗ ๷ภภ๚๧ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๬๯๥ภภ೐ยຉยຉ 137. ๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ ˠ๹ภ๪೺ᆧภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗ภ๧ຉ ๴ᆩ ๿ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๷๹ภ೐ຉภ๚ᆩ๗ภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ๹ภ๬ภৄภ๿ك๗๷ภ๗๧๥ภ๥๙ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภᆧ๙ภ๪๲๿๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ˟๪ภ๮ᇉภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๴ கภ๷๹ภ೐๴ຉ ๿ภೆᆧภ೓ภ๗ຉ ᆸ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภ๬ภ๴๪๥ภଥ๙ภ๷๹ภ೐ຉภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ଱๧ภഽຉ๷ภ˚๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภ๧๙ภ๪অ๗ภ๛๿ ๗ยᆸ  

¨ ๧ภภ๬๤๙ᆸᆸ ภภ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภᆧ๬๿๿ ยย 138. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภ¨๧ภ๬๤ᆸ๙ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ๴๮ᇍ๗๹๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๼ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ৄ๪๹ภ๛ภ๪๴ᆮ ๿ภࡲຉ๗๹ภణ๙ภ๴ࣛ๙ภഽ๿๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๤๪๹ภ๬๥ภűງ ๿ภ๗๧๥ภᆧງภ ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ๗๹ᆧภ๴๗ᆸ๥ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภৄภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥ᆮ๴๿ภ๛ภ๸๹ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๷๹ภ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๴๪๥ภ๛๗ยᆸ 

ˠ๹ຉຉ ภภ๤๗ยย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๧ภ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๥ᆮภ๬๿๧ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๬ภৄ๗๹ภ๨๴ภ๿ډ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภതງภ๛ᆮ๥ภ .139 ๹ภ๬๿ ๿ภৄ๴๿ภ๬๙ภك๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ๙ᆸภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๥๙ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๬ภ๴ ๬ຉ๹ภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ˚ᇍ ๿ภ˚๙๹ภ๖ภ๬๤ᆸภ๸๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳᆸ ๿๷ภˠ๹ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸย      35 Chapter 9 Record of Proceedings and Resolutions

Record of Proceedings

140. The Office of Local Government shall maintain records of proceedings at each session.

Chapter 10 Transparency and Accountability

141. Members of Local Governments shall not only be transparent and accountable to the people in their respective constituencies but shall also promote, institute and enhance transparency and accountability mechanisms.

142. Local Governments shall publish their respective five-year and annual plans, including annual programmes and budgets which shall be made available to the public.

143. Local Governments shall announce the dates of their sessions through public media and other means.

144. Local Governments shall announce the call for tenders, award of contracts, value of contracts, and projects under implementation through public media.

Public Participation

145. All sessions of Local Governments shall be open to public to participate as audience except for closed door sessions.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 36 ๷્ᆮ ภ฾๨ย ๮๗ᇍ ๹ภᆧ๬๿ ภ๥๙ภˠ๹ຉ ภ๛๥ᆸ ภűภ๿๗๧๹ภ๤ยᆸ

๬ ๯๥ภภᆧ๬๿๿ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๤ภᆸภᆸ๪๕๥ᆸᆸ ยย 140. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๬ภᆧ๿ ภᆧງ ງ๴ภ๬๯๥ภᆧ๿ ๿๬ภৄภ๤ᆸภ๪๕๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ ᆸย  ๷્ᆮ ภึี๨ย ๙๹ภ๗๹๷ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳภ๿๴๗๧ยڧ  ๙๹ภڧ ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภ๴๥๬๹ภ๖ᆮ ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๬๿ภ๹ᆧภৄภகภᆮك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .141 ๙๹ภ๗๹๷ภ๥๙ภ๴๗๧ภȲ๿๴๿ภ๤๪๹ภڧ ๗๹๷ภ๚๧ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳภ๴๗๧ภ๿ ๚๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๬ภ๮๥ภ ๷๬ภৄภ๗๲ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๿ ᆮภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๪๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸย 142. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๷ภ๪ೲᆧภ˚ᆸ ๿ภ๷๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๥๙ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภৄภ๪୶๹ภ๣๿ ᆮภ ᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภ ๷ᆸภஶ๴ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ ๿ภ๥๙ภ ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ˚๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภৄภ๥๨ᆧภ๪ೂ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๿ ᆮภ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภű๿๹ภ ๤ᆸ๪ภৄ๗๹๨ภ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ᆸย 143. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภ๲๷ภ๴๯๬๹ภűᇍ ภ๮๿ ᇉ๹ภˠ๙๹ภৄภ๪୛ภ๪଱๥ภ๥๙ภ๤๪๹ภ ๷๬ภ๗๲๧ภ˚๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 144. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๖๗ภ๴๪๗๨ภ๗ᆩภஔภഖຉ๥ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๥๙ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๖๗ภ ๴๪๗๨ภஔภ๥๙ภ๷๹ภ๴ɏ๷ภ˚ภ๗๧๹ภ๗๿ ᆸ๙ภৄภ๪୛ภ๪଱๥ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ ๥๗ᆸย 

๬ ภ๿ภ๿๥๬๙๹ภภˠ๷ภภ๗๣๗ᆸᆸ ๹ยย 145. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภ೐ຉภ๪ഁ๬ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๬๿๧ภ๮ภᆧ๙ภ๹ᇉ ᆸ๴๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๬๿ภ๹ᆧภᆮ ৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ௟๥๬ຉภ௟ภ๬๿ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๛๗ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภ¨๧ภ๬๤ᆸ๙ภതງภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥๗ᆸย

36 146. Local Governments shall make every effort to ensure public participation in the development of various plans and programmes.

Annual Report

147. Chairpersons of Local Governments shall submit annual report to the sessions of Local Government which shall contain, among others, the following:

a) implementation status of planned activities; b) financial statement of the preceding year; c) statement of all funds received, including revenue, income and subsidy and expenditure incurred thereof; d) list of tenders for works, goods and services awarded along with corresponding budget, recipients and contract value; e) latest annual audited statements; f) list of all commercial investments and returns; g) list of inventory of all property; and h) list of land and building with duration of lease and rental.

Public Notice Board

148. All Local Governments shall have public notice boards which shall be visibly and prominently displayed at the entrance of the office of the Local Government. Agenda for the next session, annual budget, annual work plan and call for tenders and other relevant information must be displayed on public notice boards.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 37 146. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๥๙ภ๷๹ภᆧ๿ ๿๬ภ๹ᆸภ๹ภ๗ᆸ ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๗๣๙ภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๬๿ภ ๥๬๙๹ภű๿๹ภˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๤๪๹ภ๷๬ภ๵ᆸ๥ภᆧ๗๹ภ๷๗ภ๷๿ ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸย 

๷ภᆸภᆸ๪ೲᆧภภ೘๧ภภઈยย 147. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภৄภ๗๹ภᆩ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภ๧๙ภ ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ೘๧ภ ઈภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸภ๬ภ๧๙ภகภ๿ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๲๧ภ˚๿ภˠ๷ภ๖ᆧภ ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภৄ๥๨ภ ๼ᆩ๧ย  ๕๒ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๴๿ ๿ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄ๴๿ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ย ๖๒ ๻ງภ๬๴๿ภ๷ᆸภ๧๙ภ๗ภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤᆩ ງ๷ภ୶๿๹ภ๪ିຉ๥ย ๗๒ ๴ຉ๙ภ๴๪๪ภ๥๙ภ ๴๪๪ภƥ๙๹ภ ᆧ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภৄภ๪୶ຉ ๿๹ภ๨๴ภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ๿ ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๤ᆸภ๥๙ภ๥ᆮภ๧๙ภ๷๹ภ๳๥ภ๴ˠภ๪๣๙ภ๬ຉ ๿ภ๗ᆩภ୶๿๹ภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๛ภ๮๙ภย ๙๒ ஔภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภᆧ๿๧ภ๪೺ᆧภ˚ภ๤๿ ᆸภ๥๙ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ๥๙ภണ๗๹ภ๨๴๿ภ๚ภ๛๹ภ๥๙ภ ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๬๖ᆸภഖຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ๤ᆸภ๖๗ภ๴๪๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๬๿ภ๥๙ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๪๚๹ภű๿ภ ๤ᆸย ๚๒ ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ୶๿๹ภ๲๿๪ภ೘๧ภઈภ๗๹ᆧภ๸ᆸ๹ภű๿ภ୶๿๹ภȲย ๛๒ ๮ᇍ๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๬ภ୶ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๥๙ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๴๪๪ภűภ๤๿ ᆸย ๜๒ ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿ภ๤ᆸภ๥๙ภย ๹ภ૱๧ภ๥๙ภˣภ๮๥ภ๥๙ภ๪๚๹ภ๨ᆧภ๹ภ๥๙ภ๖๙ภȬ๿๬ภ˚ภ๤๿ ᆸยډ๝๒ ˣᆧภഓຉ๥ภű๿ภ 

๬ ภ๿ภ๿๥๬๙๹ภภ๪୛ภภࣟ๙ภภยย 148. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆧภகภ๬ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๪୛ภࣟ๙ภৄภ๗๹๷ภ๣๿ ᆸ๗ภ๣ᆸภതງภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴৷๷ภ ೐ຉภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๹ᆧภ ๬๙ᆸ๧ภ๗๹๷ภ๴ˠງ๬ภೲ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๲๗ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸ య๷ภ๬๴๿ภ๲๷ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภű๿ภˠຉ๹ภ ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ ๷ภ๪ೲᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภᆸ ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภஔภ๗ᆩภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๿ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภᆧ๧ภ๪೺ᆧภ๗๹๷ภ๿ ๪೏๗๹ภৄภ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๪୛ภࣟ๙ภɏภ๪๲๗ภ๥๗ᆸย 37 Dissemination of Information

149. All members shall make every effort to ensure that people of their respective constituencies are informed of the various plans, policies and programmes of the Local Government.

150. Any time after the adoption of resolutions and within two weeks of the distribution of copies of such resolutions under section 149 of this Act, all members shall apprise the people of their constituencies of the resolutions adopted in the sessions of their respective Local Government.

Chapter 11 Privileges, Immunities and Remuneration


151. On any inquiry concerning the privileges, immunities and powers of a Local Government, any copy of the journals of the Local Government shall be admitted as evidence.

152. A member shall have the right to be provided with information by the Royal Government and to inspect documents on any matter of relevance to the exercise of his/her mandates as a member of the Local Government.

153. A member shall, subject to the provisions of the Constitution, have the right to speak freely in the proceedings of the Local Government or any Committees thereof.


154. A member of the Local Government shall be immune from any inquiry, arrest, detention or prosecution on account of any opinion expressed during the sessions of the Local Government. No member of the Local Government or any person shall be liable in respect of any report, paper or proceedings made or published under the authority of the Local Government.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 38 ๪୛ภภ๥ᆸ๧ᆸ ภภ๬๖ภᆸภᆸഖ๥ຉຉ ยย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗ภᆧภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ ഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ ๷๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภ ᆧ๙ภك๴ .149 ๹ᆸ๴๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภ๬๿ภ๹ᆧภৄภகภ๪୛ภઈภ๴๪๥ภ๤๪๹ภ๪೏ᆮ ๿๗ภ๥๗ᆸย 150. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ ึู฾ ๨ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๪๴๿ภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภৄภ ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๬๯๥ภ๥ᆮภ ๹ภ๬ภৄภ๿ك๧ภࡴ๗ภืűภ๧๙ภ๴๖๿ ᆸ๥ภ๴ډภৄภ๪Ź๬ภഗງ๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภయ๷ภ๷๹ภ๪ۑ๥ᆮ๴๿ภ๴ ๗ᆩ๹ภᆧ๙ภ๹๴ᆸ ๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๬๿ภ๹ᆧภৄภகภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆮ ᆩภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๬๯๥ภ๨๴๿ภˠ๹ภຉ ๛ᆸ๥ภৄภ๗ภೆᆩ ᆧภ๷๹ภ๪୛ภഖຉ ຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย  ๷્ᆮ ภึึ๨ย ๖ภᆮ๥๪๙ภ๥๙ภ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๥ภᆮ๷๹ภ๥̣๷ภ๩๗ᆸ ๹ย ๖ภᆮภᆮ๥๪๙ภภยย ๿ภ๪ภᆧງภ๵ᆸ๥ภۑ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๖ᆩ ᆮภ๥๪๙ภ๥๙ภ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪๴๿ภ .151 ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ್๪ภࣟ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๲๗ภງۑ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๗๹ᆧภ๥ᆮ๪ภৄ๴๿ภ๴ ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภகภଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪୛ภ๥ᆸ๧ภഖຉ๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๥๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภك๴ .152 ๹ภ๬๿๴๿ภ๴๗๧ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ ๴๗๧ภ๥๪๙ภ್๪ภ๧ᆩภகภ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๧๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภك๴ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๗ᆩภೆຉᆧภ๵๗ภ๛ภৄภ๲ᆩ ๿๪ภ๥߸๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ย 153. ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๷๹ภ๬ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ᆧภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ ๹ภ๬ภ๗ภᆧภகภ๵๿ ᆸ๥ยك๗ᆩภࣟภ೐ຉ๴ภᆧ๿ ๿๬ภ๨ภ๧๙ภகภ๖ภി๪ภ๧ᆩ๴ภ๥๷ภ๥๪๙ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๴  ๪๕๗ภภ๛ยย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภࣟภ೐ຉภ๴๤๪ภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๙ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .154 ๿ภ୶๥ภ๥๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๪઩๙ภ๥ᆸภ๥๬ภ๝ᆮ๹ภ๪๸ᆮᆧภৄภ๷๹ภ๪๕๗ภ๛ภۑଥ๙ภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๬๿ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ภ ๵ᆸ๥ย ๴๥ᆩภ๗ᆩภˠ๙๹ภಸภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๧๙ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧ᆩภৄภৄ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᆩ ᇇ๧ภ๴๗ภகภ೘๧ภઈภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ຉ ᆩ๗ภك๖ᆧภ ๴ ๵๙ภ๧ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๛ภ๥๙ภ๬๯๥ภᆧ๿๬ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥๨ᆧภ๪ೂ๧ภ๪๚๹ภகภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๝ᆮ๹ภ๨ภ ഭ๿๧ภ๬๿ภ๛๗ยᆸ 38 155. No member of the Local Government shall be prosecuted or arrested for an offence without giving prior notice to the Chairperson when the Local Government is in session.

156. The immunities under section 154 of this Act shall not cover corrupt acts committed by the members in connection with the discharge of their duties, including the acceptance of money or gifts with the intention to speak or to vote in a particular manner.

157. Members or officials of the Local Government shall not be compelled to give evidence or produce documents in a Court of Law relating to the proceedings of the Local Government without the prior permission of the Chairperson.

158. No judicial summon or writ shall be served upon a member or arrest made within the precincts of the Local Government when the Local Government is in session.

159. A Local Government has the right to receive immediate information of the arrest, detention, bail, conviction, imprisonment or release of a member from the authority concerned.

160. No acts and proceedings in which an elected candidate has participated as a member of the Local Government before his/her election is declared void, shall be invalidated by reason of that order, nor shall he/she be subjected to any liability or penalty on the ground of such participation.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 39 155. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภೆ๪๹ภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภ೓ຉ๧ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภ೘๧ภઈภ๬ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ᆧภ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๝ᆮ๹ภ๪๸ᆮᆧภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๪઩๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛ᆸ๗ยك๴ ๹ภ๬ຉ ๿ภৄภ๗๹ภᆩك๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥ᆮ๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภึฺู๨๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๴๗ภகภ๴ .156 ᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ๪್๪ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๣ᆮภ ๙๧ภధ๥ภű๿ภࣟภ๪ภ ๛ᆮ๥ภ๬๙๗๹ภű๿ภ๖ภി๪ภ๧ᆩภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๣ᆩภଥภ๵๙ภ๧ภᆧ๿๧ภ๤๙ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๖ᆮภ๩๧ภৄภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ ࣟภ๪ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๬ภ๴๗๪ย๿ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๥๙ภ๴๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภৄภك೓ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภȲ๿ภ๴๯๧ภ˚ᇇ ๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨ᆧภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .157 ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๬๯๥ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪๴๿ภ೉๪ภࣟງ๥ภࣟ๿๧ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ ๧ภ๹ᆧภ࠘๷ภ๬๿ ๿ภ๛๗ยᆸډ๛ภৄภȲ๿๬๹ภűภ๴ 158. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๹ภ๖ᆩ ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภ ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๿๬ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๨๴ภೆ๪๹ภகภ๿ Ȳ๬๹ภű๿ ภ๿ ๴ɏ๗ภ๪୛ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๛ภৄภುງ๷ภഖ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ຉ ᆩภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๪઩๙ภৄภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛ᆸ๗ย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๥ᆸภ๥๬ภ๪๲๗ภ๨ภ๥๙ภˣຉ๥ภˠຉ๷ภ๪๣๙ภ๪ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๗๚ᆸ๥ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .159 ๨ภ๪๭ᇍ๧ภ๴৷๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥๬ภˠຉ๷ภ๗๣๙ภ๪ภৄภ๗ᆩภೆᆧภ๷๹ภ๴ࣤຉ ງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๥๪๙ภ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภৄภ๷๹ภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภ๴ࡴ๷ภ๬˚ຉ๗๹ภű๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ย ภ๥ᆮภ๛ภ๬ງ๥ภű๿ภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภك๹ภ๬๿ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ๪๭๗ภ๴كภ˟๪ภ๨๴ภ๴ك๪๭๗ภ๴ .160 ๹ภ๬๴๿ ๿ภ๬๮๧ภ๗๧๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภك๬ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ๻ງภ๬ᆧภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ ๴ ๪๴๿ภஔภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ຉภৄภ๪๕๴ภଳภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๛ภ๬ງ๥ภűภˠ๙๹ภಸภ๬๿ ภৄ๥ภ๧๿ ᆩภ๥๙ภ๖ᆸภ๬ຉภகภ ๥ᆮภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴๿ภˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภகภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๴Ȳ๿ภ๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๝ᆮ๹ภࣟภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๬๿ภ๴Ȳ๿ย   39 Breach of Privileges ๖ ภᆮภᆮ๥๪๙ภภ๪ᆧภภଫງ๧ງ ยย ๹ภ๬๿๴๿ภ๖ᆮภ๥๪๙ภৄภكWhen any individual or authority disregards any of the privileges, 161. ๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .161 either of the members or of the Local Government, an offence of breach of privilege is committed. എ๙ภϭ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ๖ᆮภ๥๪๙ภ๪ᆧภଫງ๧ภ๗ᆩภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗ᆮ๷ภ˟๪ภ๼ᆩ๧ย

162. Breach of privileges shall, among others, include: 162. ๖ᆮภ๥๪๙ภ๪ᆧภଫງ๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๲๧ภৄ๴๿ภˠ๷ภ๖ᆧภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภৄ๥ภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ

a) Comment on the character of the Chairperson in the discharge of ๕๒ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภ್๪ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๖ᆸภᆧ๴๿ภ๗๸ᆩ๹ภഓຉ๥ภű๿ภೆຉᆧภ his/her duty; ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨ย b) Publication of false, distorted or confidential report of the ๖๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄ๴๿ภ೘๧ภઈภ୹๧ภ๬ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๪๳ຉภ๪ೊᆧภ๤ᆸ๗ภ proceedings of the Local Government; ๥๨ᆧภ๪ೂ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ย c) Publication of the proceedings of the closed door sittings without the permission of the Chairperson; ๗๒ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๷๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨ᆧภ೐ຉภ๪ഁ๬ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗๧๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภ೐ຉ๴ภᆧ๿ ๿๬ภ๨ภৄภ d) Intimidation of members to influence them in their conduct, ๥๨ᆧภ๪ೂ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ย ๹ภ๬๿ภৄ๴๿ภ¨๧ภഓຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๪๹๬ภ๥߸๥ภكvote, opinion or judgment; ๙๒ ๴ e) Offering bribes to members to influence them in their conduct; ৄ๴๿ภ௦ຉ๗ภ๪಻๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๤๪๹ภகภ๴๜ᆩ๗๹ภ๪಻๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ย ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩภࣟภ๪๴๿ภᆧ๿๬ภ๨ᆧภ๥๪๙ภଫ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๤๪๹ภகภ๧๙ภ๗ಸ๗ภࣟງ ๿๧ภ๨ยك Obstructing or hindering members of the Local Government in  ๚๒ ๴ f) the execution of their official duties; ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภகภك Deliberately giving false or misleading information to the Local ๛๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภஔภৄภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ g) Government in the execution of their official duties; ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗๹ภ๛๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภك Disobedience to orders of the Chairperson; ๜๒ ๴ h) ภࣟ๿๧ภ๨ยډ Creating disturbance or disruption in the course of the proceedings ୹๧ภ๬ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๧ᆸᆧภȲ๿๥ภ๚๧ภৄภ๸ᆮ๹ภ๪๲๿๧ภ i) of the Local Government;  ๝๒ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภଳภகภ๬ภɏ๹ภ๨ย j) Presenting false, forged or fabricated documents to the Local Government; and ๣๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๿๬ภೆ๪๹ภ ๪ᆧภ๛๥ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๪๗ᆮ๗๹ภଫ๧ภகภງ k) Tampering with official documents of the Local Government. ˙ᆧภ๨๴๿ภࣟภഓຉ๥ภೲຉ๧ภ๨ย  ๤๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๛ภ୹๧ภ๬ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๪୹๧ภ๬ภ๪๳ຉภೲງภ࠘๷ภ๪ย  ๥๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ࠘๷ภ๪๴๿ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๛ภɏภುຉ๧ภઈ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ย

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 40 40 ๖ ภᆮภᆮ๥๪๙ภภ๪ᆧภภଫງ๧ງ ยย ๹ภ๬๿๴๿ภ๖ᆮภ๥๪๙ภৄภك๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .161 എ๙ภϭ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ๖ᆮภ๥๪๙ภ๪ᆧภଫງ๧ภ๗ᆩภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗ᆮ๷ภ˟๪ภ๼ᆩ๧ย 162. ๖ᆮภ๥๪๙ภ๪ᆧภଫງ๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๲๧ภৄ๴๿ภˠ๷ภ๖ᆧภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภৄ๥ภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ ๕๒ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภ್๪ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๖ᆸภᆧ๴๿ภ๗๸ᆩ๹ภഓຉ๥ภű๿ภೆຉᆧภ ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨ย ๖๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄ๴๿ภ೘๧ภઈภ୹๧ภ๬ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๪๳ຉภ๪ೊᆧภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ๥๨ᆧภ๪ೂ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ย ๗๒ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๷๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨ᆧภ೐ຉภ๪ഁ๬ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗๧๙ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภ೐ຉ๴ภᆧ๿ ๿๬ภ๨ภৄภ ๥๨ᆧภ๪ೂ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ย ๹ภ๬๿ภৄ๴๿ภ¨๧ภഓຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๪๹๬ภ๥߸๥ภك๙๒ ๴ ৄ๴๿ภ௦ຉ๗ภ๪಻๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๤๪๹ภகภ๴๜ᆩ๗๹ภ๪಻๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ย ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩภࣟภ๪๴๿ภᆧ๿๬ภ๨ᆧภ๥๪๙ภଫ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๤๪๹ภகภ๧๙ภ๗ಸ๗ภࣟງ ๿๧ภ๨ยك๚๒ ๴  ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภகภك๛๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภஔภৄภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗๹ภ๛๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภك๜๒ ๴ ภࣟ๿๧ภ๨ยډ୹๧ภ๬ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๧ᆸᆧภȲ๿๥ภ๚๧ภৄภ๸ᆮ๹ภ๪๲๿๧ภ  ๝๒ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภଳภகภ๬ภɏ๹ภ๨ย ๣๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๿๬ภೆ๪๹ภ ๪ᆧภ๛๥ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๪๗ᆮ๗๹ภଫ๧ภகภງ ˙ᆧภ๨๴๿ภࣟภഓຉ๥ภೲຉ๧ภ๨ย  ๤๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๛ภ୹๧ภ๬ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๪୹๧ภ๬ภ๪๳ຉภೲງภ࠘๷ภ๪ย  ๥๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ࠘๷ภ๪๴๿ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๛ภɏภುຉ๧ภઈ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ย

40 163. A breach or abuse of privilege or immunity provided for in this Act amounts to contempt of Local Government, and shall be dealt with in accordance with this Act.


164. A member of the Local Government shall be entitled to receive remunerations as may be determined by the Royal Government as per procedures in the Constitution.

165. A member of the Local Government shall be entitled for daily allowances in accordance with the existing rules of the Royal Government while attending the session or any other official functions at the Dzongkhag headquarter.

166. A member of the Local Government is entitled to receive sitting fees for each day during the sittings of the Local Government.

167. The provision regarding daily allowances in this respect shall not apply when sessions of the Local Government are adjourned due to disorder caused by its members affecting the conduct of its business. However, the members shall be paid daily allowances in such cases as per the established norms of the Royal Government.

168. A deduction of the daily allowances and sitting fees of a member of Local Government shall be made for every day on which the member does not attend a sitting without the prior approval of the Chairperson or when a member is suspended under this Act.

Provided that a member shall be eligible to receive daily allowances if after having signed the Roll of Members, he/she is unable to attend the sitting by reason of being ill and the leave of absence from the Local Government has been obtained.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 41 163. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๧๙ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ ๖ᆮภ๥๪๙ภ๪ᆧภଫງ๧ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๷ᆸ๗ภഓຉ๥ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภȬ๥ภ๗๹ᆸ๥ภűภˠ๙๹ภಸภৄ๥ภ๧๿ ᆩภ๼ᆩ๧๬ภ๥๙ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๙๹ภ๷ᆸ ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 

ˣ ภภ๵๧ᆸᆸ ยย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภகภ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภűภࣟภ๪๴๿ ๿ภ๗๧๥ภഓຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๷ภଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๿ك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .164 ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗๣๧ภ๴๪ᆮ๪๹ภ๪๳ຉภ๬๿ภ๥̣๷ภ๩ᆸ๗๹ภű๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภᆧ๿๬ภ๵๥ยᆸ ๹ภ๬ᆩ ภ๚๿ ᆩ๗ภகภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๵๗ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆩ ᆸ๙ภ๬ภகภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .165 ๗ઈ๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ๷๹ภ೐ຉภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๧๙ภ ˠ๷ภ๗๣๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภೆ๪๹ภᆸ ๥ภ௟๴ຉ ๿ภଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ ๹ภű๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภᆧ๿๬ภ๵ᆸ๥ยك๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๝ᆩ๧ภ๪ೲᆧภ๴ ๹ภ๬ᆩ ภ๚๿ ᆩ๗ภகภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภೆ๪๹ภ๝ᆩ๧ภᆧ๴ງ ๿ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .166 ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๮๗๹ภ๵ᇍ ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภᆧ๿๬ภ๵๥ยᆸ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩภ೏๿๗ภ๬ງ๥ภك๹ภೆᆧภ˚ຉ ภ๥๗๿ ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥ᆮภৄภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภࣟภ೐ຉภৄภ๴ك๝ᆩ๧ภ๴ .167 ࣟภഓຉ๥ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๬๮๬๹ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภࣛ๙ภೲງภ๪ᆧภଫງ๧ภ๴ࣛ๙ภ๬๿ภகภ๬๿ภ๴В๗ย๼ᆩ๧ภ ๹ภ๬๿ภكภ๥ᆮภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄ๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภ๴ډଥ๙ภଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ௟ᆧภ ๹ภৄภ๤ᆸ๪ยكภகภ๝ᆩ๧ภ๴ৄ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภகภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภك๥ᆮภ๬๿๧ภ๴ .168 ᆧ๿๬ภ๧๙ภ๷๹ภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๷๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨ᆧภ๛๥ภഁຉ๥ภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ๥๙ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๹ภ๥๙ภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๵ᆸ๧ภৄภك๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๩ᆸ๗ภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภ๝ᆩ๧ภˠ๙๹ภű๿ภ๝ᆩ๧ภ๴ ๪๣ᆸ๗ภ๪๲๗ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๬๿๴ภ๤๿ ᆸภ๥ᆮ๪ภ๧๙ภ๬๮๧ภ୑๗๹ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภయ๷ภகภ๧ภ๮ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๣ᆮภك๥ᆮภ๴๪๥๱ภ๥ภ๴ ๵๙ภ๧ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๷๹ภ๛๥ภഁຉ๥ภű๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภઈภೲງภ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๿๬ภ๧๙ภˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ ๹ภűภ๤๿ ᆸ๪ภᆧ๿๬ภ๵ᆸ๥ยك๹ภ๬๿ ภৄภகภ๝๿ ᆩ๧ภ๪ೲᆧภ๴ك๴๪๥ภ๬ภৄ๗๹ภ๨๴ภ๴ 41 169. Notwithstanding provision of section 168 each day shall be reckoned ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗๹ภᆩكas a day of attendance of the member during a session on which: 169. ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ ึ฻฽ ๨๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥๧ภகภ๬ภ௟ᆸ ๹ภ๨ᆧภຉ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภೆ๪๹ภ๴ ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภˠ๙๹ภಸภ๪୶๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥ᆮภ๵๙ภย a) There has been no sitting of the Local Government in consequence of its having adjourned for that day; or ๕๒ ๝ᆩ๧ภ๥ᆮ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๬๮๬๹ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภ๬๿ ງ๥ภ๨ย b) The member is unable to attend by reason of being ill and leave ๵๙ภ๧ย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗ภ๤ᆩ ᆸภ๥ᆮ๪ภ๧๙ภ ๬๿๙ภ๤ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภయ๷ภ๷๹ภ ๧ภ๮ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ภ ๹ภكof the Local Government has been obtained after having signed ๖๒ ๴ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆩ ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภكhis/her attendance in the Roll of Members. ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๷๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภઈภೲງภ ๴ 170. For the purposes of section 169 of this Act, a person shall be deemed ৄ๗๹ภ๨ย to have become a member of a Local Government from the day on 170. ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภయ๷ภகภكwhich the person is summoned to the Local Government after the ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ ึ฻฾ ๨๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ഓ๿ᆧภ๪๣๙ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ election. If a member is elected after the commencement of a session, ๬๿ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๧๙ภ๴ɏ๗ภ๪୛ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ๝ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๴๗ᆸภ๪অ๗๹ภ๮ᆧภك๹ภ๬๿ภˠ๷ภ๖ᆧภ๪୶๿ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ ๴كno day of a session previous to the election shall be reckoned as a ๴ ๴๿ภ๻ງภ๬๴๿ภ๝ᆩ๧๬ภৄภ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภكภ˟๪ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ๪๭๗ภ๴كday of attendance. ๲๿๧๬ภ๷๹ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภˠ๙๹ภಸภ๖ᆧภ๪୶๿๹ภ๬ภ๛๿ ᆸ๗ย  Chapter 12 ๷્ᆮ ภึื๨ย Code of Conduct ¨๧ภഓ๥ຉ ภୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ย 171. A member of the Local Government shall be guided by the highest  ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ೏ᆩ ๿๗ภ๷๬ภୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ภ๗ᆩภ๗๲๿ภ୶ภ๬๤ᆸภ๸๹ภűᆸ ๿ภ๷๬ภೲຉ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ଳ๷ภ๖๪ภகภكstandards of ethical values and moral principles; be patriotic and 171. ๴ owe allegiance and loyalty to the Tsa-Wa-Sum. ๸ภ๲ງ๧ภ๥๙ภ୶ภ๪ภ๗ಸ๬ภகภ๥๥ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ๥๬ภ๮ᇇ๗ภ๪ುງ๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ 172. A member of the Local Government shall not indulge in any activity 172. ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ଳ๷ภ๖๪ภű๿ภ ๪๥ᆮภ഻๙ภ๥๙ภ ᆧ๙ภ๪๭๧ภ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภكthat adversely affects the security, sovereignty and integrity of the ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ nation. ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ೏๿๷ภகภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภതຉ๬ภ˚๿ภ೐ຉภ๷๹ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภುຉ๧ภଫ๪ภ๬๿ภࣟภഓຉ๥ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๧๙ภˠ๷ภ ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛๗ยᆸ 173. A member of the Local Government shall be duty bound to uphold ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภȲᆩ ๿๬๹ภக๗๹ภৄภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ๴๪๗ภكthe laws and to act on all occasions in accordance with the public 173. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ trust placed in them. ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๬ภ๮๥ภ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภű๿๹ภࣧຉภ๗๣๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗ภ๚ᆩภ๧๙ภ๵๙ภ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 42 42 ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗๹ภᆩك๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ ึ฻฽ ๨๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥๧ภகภ๬ภ௟ᆸ ๹ภ๨ᆧภຉ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภೆ๪๹ภ๴ .169 ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภˠ๙๹ภಸภ๪୶๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥ᆮภ๵๙ภย ๕๒ ๝ᆩ๧ภ๥ᆮ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๬๮๬๹ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภ๬๿ ງ๥ภ๨ย ๵๙ภ๧ย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗ภ๤ᆩ ᆸภ๥ᆮ๪ภ๧๙ภ ๬๿๙ภ๤ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภయ๷ภ๷๹ภ ๧ภ๮ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ภ ๹ภك๖๒ ๴ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆩ ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภك๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๷๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภઈภೲງภ ๴ ৄ๗๹ภ๨ย ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภయ๷ภகภك๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ ึ฻฾ ๨๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ഓ๿ᆧภ๪๣๙ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ .170 ๬๿ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๧๙ภ๴ɏ๗ภ๪୛ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ๝ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๴๗ᆸภ๪অ๗๹ภ๮ᆧภك๹ภ๬๿ภˠ๷ภ๖ᆧภ๪୶๿ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๗๷ภഽ๿๥ภ ๴ك๴ ๴๿ภ๻ງภ๬๴๿ภ๝ᆩ๧๬ภৄภ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภكภ˟๪ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๲๿๧๬ภ๷๹ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภˠ๙๹ภಸภ๖ᆧภ๪୶๿๹ภ๬ภ๛๿ ᆸ๗ย  ๷્ᆮ ภึื๨ย ¨๧ภഓ๥ຉ ภୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ย  ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ೏ᆩ ๿๗ภ๷๬ภୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ภ๗ᆩภ๗๲๿ภ୶ภ๬๤ᆸภ๸๹ภűᆸ ๿ภ๷๬ภೲຉ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ଳ๷ภ๖๪ภகภك๴ .171 ๸ภ๲ງ๧ภ๥๙ภ୶ภ๪ภ๗ಸ๬ภகภ๥๥ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ๥๬ภ๮ᇇ๗ภ๪ುງ๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ଳ๷ภ๖๪ภű๿ภ ๪๥ᆮภ഻๙ภ๥๙ภ ᆧ๙ภ๪๭๧ภ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .172 ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ೏๿๷ภகภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภതຉ๬ภ˚๿ภ೐ຉภ๷๹ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภುຉ๧ภଫ๪ภ๬๿ภࣟภഓຉ๥ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๧๙ภˠ๷ภ ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภȲᆩ ๿๬๹ภக๗๹ภৄภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ๴๪๗ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .173 ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๬ภ๮๥ภ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภű๿๹ภࣧຉภ๗๣๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗ภ๚ᆩภ๧๙ภ๵๙ภ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 42 174. A member shall not be influenced in any manner whatsoever by any individual or body of individuals in the discharge of his/her duties.

175. A member shall cast his/her vote solely based on the national and public interests and not on any other factors.

176. A member with any personal and pecuniary interest shall disqualify himself/herself from voting on matters where conflict of interest may occur and circumstances seem to affect his/her impartiality.

177. A member of the Local Government shall conduct in a courteous and respectful manner, and refrain from using profane, offensive, vulgar and derogative expressions including the perpetration of physical force that is likely to disrupt or disturb the course of the proceedings.

178. A member of the Local Government shall, in the conduct of duties, resolve any conflict between their personal interest and the public interest in favour of public interest.

179. A member of the Local Government shall when reaching decisions have regard to any relevant advice provided to them by the Administration and Finance Division of the Local Government in pursuance of their duties.

180. A member of the Local Government shall hand over any document, monies or other properties belonging to the Local Government to his/her successor in office or other prescribed authority within thirty days of vacation of office.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 43 ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๪๴ภஔภৄภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ ๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ๗ภ๚ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๤๥ภ๷๹ภك๴ .174 ๴๪๥ภଥ๙ภ๬ภ๙๿ ᆸภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๬ภഁງภ๮๧ภ๚๗ภ๗ᆩ ᆩ๹ภ๥๪๙ภகภ๤๷ภ๧ᆩภ๬ງ๥ย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๥๙ภ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภűภ๬๤๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภଫ๙๬ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภகภ๗๲ᆧภ๪๲๗ภ๿ك๴ .175 ๧ᆩภ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๲๧ภɏภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬ᇍ ภ๛๿ ᆸ๗ย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๬๤๴ภ๥ᆸ๧ภଳ๪ภ๴๗๷ภك೐ງᆧภ๥๙ภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๵๥ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภ๴ .176 ๙ภ๪๥ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภகภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๨ภࣛ๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภ๤ᆸ๧ภ๮ᇉภۑ ๴˚ຉภ๪๴๿ภ๝ᆮ๧ภ๖ภ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๣ᆮภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬๿ภ๛ᆸ๗ย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๗๹ภᆧ๙ภ๗ᆩ ᆩ๹ภതภɏ๹ภ๪¨ᆧภ๥๙ภɏ๹ภ๲๪๹ภ๴ງ ຉ๹ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .177 ഓຉ๥ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗๨ภ๬ภ๮๥ภ಻ᆧภ๨ภ๪๣๪ภ๧ᆸ ᆩ๴๿ภࣟภഓຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๝ᆮ๹ภഓຉ๥ภ୵๪ภഓຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๬ภ ɏ๹ภ๨๴๿ภୣ๬ภ๴˙ᆧภ๹ᆸ๗๹ภűภࣟภഓ๿ ๥ภ๷๹ภ๴๯ຉ ᇉ๬ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ஔภ๴๗๧ภৄภ๴˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ᆧ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๖ᆮภ๩๧ภ๥๙ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .178 ๧ภك๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ๖ᆮภ๩๧ภ˚๿ภ๪ᆧภ๧ภ ๬ภ๴ˠ๿๗๨ภᆧງภ๤ᆸ๧ภ๮ภᇉ ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๬ ๴˙ᆧภ๤ᆸ๗ภˠ๹ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๥๗ຉ ᆸย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๴˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .179 ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ๥̣๷ภ୶๿๹ภഁງภ๮๧ภ˚๹ภ๖๿ ᆸ๙ภᆧ๴๿ภஔภ๴๗๧ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภࣟ๿๧ภ๬๿ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ ๪ി๪ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภகภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภೲຉ๙๬ภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ๝ᆩ๧ภˠ๙๹ภಸ๬ภρภ๗ᆩภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .180 ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ ๪๥๗ภ๥๪๙ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ ๵ᆩ๗ภ๛ภ๥๙ภ ๣ᆩภଥภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ଱ภ ภ๪๕๥ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภډ๥๙ᆸ๹ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภৄภ ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆩภ ๪଱๥ภ๴๯๧ภ๨ภᇇ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๛ᆮ๥ภ ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภ୶๹ภഖ๿ ຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย   43 Incompatibility

๧ภภ๬๥ງງ ภภ๨๴ภ๿ภ๿๗๧๹ภภೲ๙๹ยยكˠ ๹ຉຉ ภภ๬ 181. A member of the Local Government shall not: ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภ๛ᆩ ๗๨ภ๥ᆸ ᆮภ๵๙ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .181 ๹ภ๬ภ๼๿ ᆩ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภৄภ๝ᆸภ๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภˣภك Purchase or lease any property of the Local Government in ๕๒ ๖ᆸ๬ຉภᆧ๙ภ๴ a) which he/she is a member even if the sale or lease thereof has ๖ᆧภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๧ᆩภৄภ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๮๥ภ๴ˠ๧ภ๪೺ᆧภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๪๭ᇍ๙ภ๪ภ๥๙ภ ˣภ been offered in public auction; ๖ᆧภഖຉ๥ภ๨ย ๹ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภகภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๥๙ภډ Belong simultaneously to different committees, commissions or ๖๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภűภ๥๗๿ ᆸ๙๹ภ๥๧ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳᆸ ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ b) ๹ภ๬๿ ภ๴๪๥ภ๧๿ ᆩยكboards, except as otherwise provided by law; ధ๧ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๮๗๹ภ๹ᇍ ᆸภ๹ᆸ๴ภ๴ c) Be assigned any responsibility that may be reasonably construed ๗๒ ๖ᆮภ๩๧ภ௟๗ภഖຉ๥ภ๧๙ภৄ๥ภ๝ᆮ๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภৄภഖຉ๥ภ๨ย ภ ๖ᆮภ๴๪๪ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภډภ๪๕๥ภ๬ᆸ ๿ภ௟ᆧภډ๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภৄภ๧๙ภ๛ᆮ๥ภكto have conflict of interest; ๙๒ ๪๭๗ภ๴ d) Hold office of profit as specified in the Electoral Laws; ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๴๛๙ภ๪ย e) Misuse official status, power or public property and fund; ๚๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗ᆸภ๗๧๹ภ๥๙ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภűภ଱ภ๥๙๿ ๹ภৄภᆸ f) Indulge in illegal or improper means; ৄ๷ภ๬๿๧ภതภഓງ ຉ๥ภ๨ย g) Violate the provisions of the Constitution; ๛๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๴๗๷ภ๵๙ภ๧ภৄ๷ภ๬๿๧ภ๤๪๹ภ๗๲ภৄภ๷๗ภ๷๿ ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๨ย h) Accept bribe, including any fee, gift, and compensation or ๜๒ ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๷๹ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ย reward in the discharge of his/her duty; and ๝๒ ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ ஔภ๴๗๧ภৄภ๴˟๪ภೆ๪๹ภ ˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ Ȭຉ๹๬ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ଴๥ภ ๹ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๷ᆮ๗๹ภು๹ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๪୶ງ ๿๹ภ๣ᆮภ๧๙ภ๗ಸ๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๧ᆩยك Act or refuse to act on grounds as may be specified in this Act or ๴ i) ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภډany law in force. ๣๒ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ Ȳ๬๹ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๧๙ภ๛๿ ᆮ๥ภ ภࣟภഓຉ๥ภ๴๤๪ภ๨ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๬ภ๴๤๪ภ๨ᆧภ๪๲๗ภ๨ยډOther Obligations ௟ᆧภ  182. A member of the Local Government shall not maintain or operate ๴ ๗๧ภภƥᆧภภ๗๲๧ยย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๴࣡๗ภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภű๿ภࡲ๿ภ๖ᆧภ ๥̣๷ภ๖๙ภ୶๿๹ภ๤ᆸภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๨ภكbank accounts in any country outside Bhutan. 182. ๴ 183. Only the spokesperson or the leader of the delegation so appointed ๵๙ภ๧ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๨ภৄภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภ๛๿ ᆸ๗ย shall give press statements and briefings during Local Government 183. ࡲ๿๴๿ภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภ๧๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๚ᆸ๥ภ಻ภ๮๪ภതງภ๴˚ຉภ๪๴ภೆ๪๹ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภ๗๚ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ delegations to foreign countries. ๴๗ᆸภ๴Ȳ๿๥ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภࣟ๿๧ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๪ೆຉภ๪๲๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๬ˠ๿๧ภ๮๪ภ 184. A member of the Local Government shall respect and subscribe to ଫ๙๬ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภ˚ᆩ ๿ภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ๪೺๹ภ๪๸๥ภৄภࣟ๿๧ภ๛๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ࡲຉ๗๹ภᆧ๿๹ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๙๙ภৄ๷ภகภ ๪୶๿ภكthe non partisan nature of Public Service. 184. ๴ ๪¨ᆧภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗ᆸย The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 44 44 ๧ภภ๬๥ງງ ภภ๨๴ภ๿ภ๿๗๧๹ภภೲ๙๹ยยكˠ ๹ຉຉ ภภ๬ ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภ๛ᆩ ๗๨ภ๥ᆸ ᆮภ๵๙ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .181 ๹ภ๬ภ๼๿ ᆩ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภৄภ๝ᆸภ๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภˣภك๕๒ ๖ᆸ๬ຉภᆧ๙ภ๴ ๖ᆧภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๧ᆩภৄภ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๮๥ภ๴ˠ๧ภ๪೺ᆧภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๪๭ᇍ๙ภ๪ภ๥๙ภ ˣภ ๖ᆧภഖຉ๥ภ๨ย ๹ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภகภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๥๙ภډ ๖๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภűภ๥๗๿ ᆸ๙๹ภ๥๧ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳᆸ ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ ๹ภ๬๿ ภ๴๪๥ภ๧๿ ᆩยكధ๧ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๮๗๹ภ๹ᇍ ᆸภ๹ᆸ๴ภ๴ ๗๒ ๖ᆮภ๩๧ภ௟๗ภഖຉ๥ภ๧๙ภৄ๥ภ๝ᆮ๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภৄภഖຉ๥ภ๨ย ภ ๖ᆮภ๴๪๪ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภډภ๪๕๥ภ๬ᆸ ๿ภ௟ᆧภډ๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภৄภ๧๙ภ๛ᆮ๥ภك๙๒ ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๴๛๙ภ๪ย ๚๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗ᆸภ๗๧๹ภ๥๙ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภűภ଱ภ๥๙๿ ๹ภৄภᆸ ৄ๷ภ๬๿๧ภതภഓງ ຉ๥ภ๨ย ๛๒ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๴๗๷ภ๵๙ภ๧ภৄ๷ภ๬๿๧ภ๤๪๹ภ๗๲ภৄภ๷๗ภ๷๿ ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๨ย ๜๒ ୶ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๷๹ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ย ๝๒ ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ ஔภ๴๗๧ภৄภ๴˟๪ภೆ๪๹ภ ˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ Ȭຉ๹๬ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ଴๥ภ ๹ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๷ᆮ๗๹ภು๹ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๪୶ງ ๿๹ภ๣ᆮภ๧๙ภ๗ಸ๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๧ᆩยك๴ ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภډ๣๒ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ Ȳ๬๹ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๧๙ภ๛๿ ᆮ๥ภ ภࣟภഓຉ๥ภ๴๤๪ภ๨ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๬ภ๴๤๪ภ๨ᆧภ๪๲๗ภ๨ยډ௟ᆧภ 

๴ ๗๧ภภƥᆧภภ๗๲๧ยย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๴࣡๗ภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภű๿ภࡲ๿ภ๖ᆧภ ๥̣๷ภ๖๙ภ୶๿๹ภ๤ᆸภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๨ภك๴ .182 ๵๙ภ๧ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๨ภৄภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภ๛๿ ᆸ๗ย 183. ࡲ๿๴๿ภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภ๧๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๚ᆸ๥ภ಻ภ๮๪ภതງภ๴˚ຉภ๪๴ภೆ๪๹ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภ๗๚ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ ๴๗ᆸภ๴Ȳ๿๥ภ๨ภ๥๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภࣟ๿๧ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๪ೆຉภ๪๲๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๬ˠ๿๧ภ๮๪ภ ଫ๙๬ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภ˚ᆩ ๿ภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ๪೺๹ภ๪๸๥ภৄภࣟ๿๧ภ๛๗ยᆸ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ࡲຉ๗๹ภᆧ๿๹ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๙๙ภৄ๷ภகภ ๪୶๿ภك๴ .184 ๪¨ᆧภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗ᆸย 44 185. A member of the Local Government shall maintain confidentiality in cases where decision, document and deliberation should not be disclosed in the public interest.

Reporting on compliance of Code of Conduct

186. A member of the Local Government or any person shall submit a written report to the Disciplinary Committee, as soon as it is practicable, if he/she reasonably believes that a member has failed to comply with the Code of Conduct.

Breach of Code of Conduct

187. Breach of the Code of Conduct by a member of the Local Government shall be dealt with in accordance with this Act.

Chapter 13 Committees

188. Committees shall be established by Local Governments for purpose of specific functions in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

189. Members of a Committee shall be elected from amongst the members of the Local Government.

190. The Chairperson of a Committee shall be elected from amongst members of the Committee.

191. The Committee, under the Committee Chairperson, shall work under the direction of the Local Government Chairperson.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 45 ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๗๹๙ภೲຉ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .185 ๛ᆸ๗ภ๨๴ภˠ๿ ຉ๹ภ๛๥ภ๥๙ภ๵ᆸ ᆩ๗ภ๛ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภˠຉ๹ภ๪ρ๥ภű๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๗๹๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 

¨ ๧ภภഓ๥ຉຉ ภภୣ๬ภภ๗๲๗ภภ๥๙ภภ๴Ȳภ๿ภ๿๪೫๧ภภೆᆧຉຉ ภภ೘๧ภภઈยย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๖ᆩ ᆸภ๬ຉ๴ภ๴๛ᆧภ๿ك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .186 ๹ภ๬ภ๚๿ ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ¨๧ภഓ๥ภୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๷ภ๪๴ຉ ภ๵๿ ᆩ๥ภ๛๹ภࣛ๙ภ๮ᆮ ภ๗๙ภᇉكഎ๙ภகภ๴ ๬˚ຉ๗๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ೏๗ภȲ๿ ๿๬๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภகภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗ภ೘๧ภઈภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆩ ᆸย 

¨ ๧ภภഓ๥ຉຉ ภภୣ๬ภภ๗๲๗ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๪ᆧภภଫງ๧ງ ยย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚๗ภகภᆩ ๪๚๴ภك๧ภഓຉ๥ภୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ภ๗ᆩภ ๪ᆧภଫງ๧ภଫ๪ภ๬๿ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴¨ .187 Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ˚๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ௟ᆧภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย  ๷્ᆮ ภึุ๨ย ๮๗ᇍ ๹ภϭ๙ภย

๮ ๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภϭ๙ภภยย 188. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภৄภ ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ˚๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๗๲๿ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ภ๴๪๥ภك๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภৄ๴๿ภˠ๷ภ๷๹ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ك๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .189 ๥๗ᆸย ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยك๹ภ๬๿ภৄ๴๿ภˠ๷ภ๷๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๪๭๗ภ๴ك๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .190 191. ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๥ᆮภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๗ภகภຉ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภȲภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ Ȭ๪ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภஔภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย

45 192. A member of a Committee who has personal or pecuniary interest ๹ภ๬๿ภكin any matter that is to be considered by the Committee shall 192. ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๲๪ภ๪௟๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧๿ ᆩภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภகภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ inform the Local Government Chairperson through the Committee ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๖ᆸภᆧ๴๿ภ೐ງᆧภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚ภ๖๿ ᆮภ๩๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๧ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿ภ Chairperson. ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภȲภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ๪଱๥ภ๥ᆮภ೘๧ภઈภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๖ᆸ๙ภகภࣧຉภ๗๣๥ภ๤ᆸ๗ภഓ๥ภ๨๴ຉ ๿ภ๙๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๥๨ᆧภكMembers of the Committee shall not divulge any verbal or printed 193. ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .193 information given to them as confidential without prior approval ๪ೂ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภৄภ ೓ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๬๿ ງ๥ภ๨ᆧภ ๗๲๧ภகภി๪ภ of the Chairperson. Where such approval has been obtained, any restriction imposed with regard to the manner and extent to which ๬๿ภ๛ᆸ๗๴๥ᆩภ๪઩๬ภ˚๿๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๤ᆸ๪ภଥ๙ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๣ᆮภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภി๪ภ such information may be divulged shall be strictly observed. ๤๙ภ๥๙ภ๮๥ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ๥๗๗ภ๛ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภৄภகภ๥๬ภ๥๬ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗ᆸย

๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภكA member of a Committee or anyone having access to its proceedings 194. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๧ภ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๮๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᇍ ᆩภ๴ .194 shall not communicate directly to the press any information ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๬ภ๙๿ ᆸ๬ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภࣟภ೐ຉ๴ภᆧ๿ ๿๬ภ๨ภ regarding its proceedings including its report unless authorized by ๥๙ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ೘๧ภઈ๴๿ภೆຉᆧภ๗๹ᆧภ๴๗ᆸ๥ภ๨ภৄภகภ๪଱๥ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛ᆸ๗ย the Chairperson. 195. ๸ᆮ๹ภࣟภ๥๙ภ๬ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภű๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภˠຉ๹ภ๤๗ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๬ภৄ๗๹ภ๮ภ๴๥ᇉ ᆩ๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ 195. If any matter cannot be resolved for want of adequate knowledge, an ೆ๪๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๲๿ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๛ᆸ๗ย ad hoc Committee may be constituted for this purpose. 196. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ ึ฾ฺ ๨๴๿ภ๴ຉ๗ภகภ๗๲๿ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ ೆ๪๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ 196. An ad hoc Committee constituted under section 195 of this Act shall, as soon as may be prescribed or possible, place before the ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๴๥ᆩภகภ๗๧๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภೆຉᆧภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ๪๹๬ภ ๹ภ๮ᇍ๥ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๗๙ภ๬˚๗๹ภ๤ຉ ๗ภഖᆸ ຉ๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภډLocal Government its opinions and recommendations on the matters ๴๛ᆧภ๥๙ภˠຉ๹ภ๴๥๪๹ภ๪๕ᆮ ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ referred to it and such opinion and recommendations to aid the Local ๴๥ᆩภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴ภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥๙ภˠ๿ ๹ภ๴๥ຉ ᆮ๪๹ภৄภ๗ภ๩๧ภ๴๥ᆩ ᆮ๪๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ Government in its deliberations. ˠຉ๹ภ๪೺ᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 197. The Ad hoc Committee shall stand dissolved upon presenting its 197. ೆ๪๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๮๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๴๥ᇍ ᆩภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥๙ภˠᆩ ๹ภ๴๥ຉ ᆮ๪๹ภৄภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ opinion and recommendation to the Local Government. ೘๧ภઈภ࠘๷ภ๪๴๿ภయ๷ภகภ୶ภˠ๷ภ๤ຉ ᆸ๗ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗ᆸย 198. Each Committee may have co-opted members from amongst officials 198. ภகภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๧๥ภ๥๙ภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภகภ๗๲ᆧภ๪๲๗ภ๿ډfrom any national agency, ministry, department and regional office ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภᆧງภᆧງภ๪๲๿๧ภ or the voters of the Thromde/Gewog on the basis of relevancy and ๤ᆸ๗ภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภഁງภ๥๙ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๷๹ภƥ๙๹ภ๥๙ภக๙ภࡲຉ๗๹ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ need to the committee. ๗ᆩภ๴๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๬๿ภৄ๴ภˠ๷ภ๷๹ภ๿ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸยك๧ภ˚๿ภ๴ك๬ຉ๹ภ๬

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 46 46 ๹ภ๬๿ภك๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๲๪ภ๪௟๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧๿ ᆩภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภகภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .192 ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๖ᆸภᆧ๴๿ภ೐ງᆧภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚ภ๖๿ ᆮภ๩๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๧ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿ภ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภȲภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ๪଱๥ภ๥ᆮภ೘๧ภઈภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๖ᆸ๙ภகภࣧຉภ๗๣๥ภ๤ᆸ๗ภഓ๥ภ๨๴ຉ ๿ภ๙๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๥๨ᆧภك๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ .193 ๪ೂ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภৄภ ೓ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๷๹ภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๬๿ ງ๥ภ๨ᆧภ ๗๲๧ภகภി๪ภ ๬๿ภ๛ᆸ๗๴๥ᆩภ๪઩๬ภ˚๿๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๤ᆸ๪ภଥ๙ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๣ᆮภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภി๪ภ ๤๙ภ๥๙ภ๮๥ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ๥๗๗ภ๛ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภৄภகภ๥๬ภ๥๬ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๧ภ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๮๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᇍ ᆩภ๴ .194 ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๬ภ๙๿ ᆸ๬ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภࣟภ೐ຉ๴ภᆧ๿ ๿๬ภ๨ภ ๥๙ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ೘๧ภઈ๴๿ภೆຉᆧภ๗๹ᆧภ๴๗ᆸ๥ภ๨ภৄภகภ๪଱๥ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๛ᆸ๗ย 195. ๸ᆮ๹ภࣟภ๥๙ภ๬ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภű๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภˠຉ๹ภ๤๗ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๬ภৄ๗๹ภ๮ภ๴๥ᇉ ᆩ๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ ೆ๪๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๲๿ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๛ᆸ๗ย 196. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ ึ฾ฺ ๨๴๿ภ๴ຉ๗ภகภ๗๲๿ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ ೆ๪๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๴๥ᆩภகภ๗๧๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภೆຉᆧภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ๪๹๬ภ ๹ภ๮ᇍ๥ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๗๙ภ๬˚๗๹ภ๤ຉ ๗ภഖᆸ ຉ๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภډ๴๛ᆧภ๥๙ภˠຉ๹ภ๴๥๪๹ภ๪๕ᆮ ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๴๥ᆩภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴ภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥๙ภˠ๿ ๹ภ๴๥ຉ ᆮ๪๹ภৄภ๗ภ๩๧ภ๴๥ᆩ ᆮ๪๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ ˠຉ๹ภ๪೺ᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 197. ೆ๪๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๮๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๴๥ᇍ ᆩภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥๙ภˠᆩ ๹ภ๴๥ຉ ᆮ๪๹ภৄภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ ೘๧ภઈภ࠘๷ภ๪๴๿ภయ๷ภகภ୶ภˠ๷ภ๤ຉ ᆸ๗ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๗ᆸย ภகภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๗๧๥ภ๥๙ภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภகภ๗๲ᆧภ๪๲๗ภ๿ډ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภᆧງภᆧງภ๪๲๿๧ภ .198 ๤ᆸ๗ภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภഁງภ๥๙ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๷๹ภƥ๙๹ภ๥๙ภக๙ภࡲຉ๗๹ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ ๗ᆩภ๴๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๬๿ภৄ๴ภˠ๷ภ๷๹ภ๿ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸยك๧ภ˚๿ภ๴ك๬ຉ๹ภ๬ 46 199. The Co-opted members shall be appointed under the authority of the Chairperson based on the recommendation of the Committee.

200. The privileges and liabilities of co-opted members shall be same as the members of the Local Government serving on the Committee.

201. The Co-opted members shall only serve for a period so determined by the concerned Local Government.

Chapter 14 Monitoring and Coordination

202. All activities undertaken by different sectors of the government within the jurisdiction of a Local Government, unless otherwise specified shall be routed through and coordinated by Local Government offices. The concerned sectors shall provide technical and financial support for implementation of the activities and carry out regular monitoring and evaluation of the activities in accordance with the prescribed monitoring and evaluation system of the government.

203. The Parliamentarians shall have access to the information on implementation status of the developmental activities in their respective constituencies for the purpose of review.

204. Officials of various sectors and agencies of the Government serving within the jurisdiction of a Local Government shall be administratively accountable to the head of the Local Government and technically to the concerned sector or agency.

205. The Gewog Administration and Class B Thromde Administration shall submit timely report to Dzongkhag Tshogdu and the Dzongkhag Tshogdu in turn shall submit to the Government and concerned Ministries and agencies through the Dzongkhag Administration.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 47 ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๵๙ภ ๮๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᇍ ᆩภˠ๹ภ๴๥ຉ ᆮ๪๹ภகภ ๗๲๿ᆧภ๪๲๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ Ȳ๿ภك๧ภ˚๿ภ๴ك๬ຉ๹ภ๬ .199 ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๯๧ภ๴ᇇ ຉ๗ภகภ๪ೆຉภ๪๲๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬ภ๿ك๹ภ๬๿ภৄ๴๿ภ๖ᆮภ๥๪๙ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿ภ๪ภৄภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴كภ๬๿ภ๴ك๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๴ك๬ຉ๹ภ๬ .200 ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๥๙ภ๚ᆸ๗ภ๴๤๥๨ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸยكതງภஔภ๴๪๥ภ๪๲๿๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ ๹ภ๬ภৄภ๗๿ ᆩ๹ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภكภ๬๿ภ๴ك๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๴ك๬ຉ๹ภ๬ .201 ๹ภ๬๿ภ๴๪๥ภஔภ๴๪๥ภ๛ᆸ๗ยك๗๧๹ภ૱๧ภଫ๙๬ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴  ๷્ᆮ ภึู๨ย ௟ภ୑๗ຉ ภ๥๙ภ๬๝๬ภ๴ࣤ๷ງ ย  202. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภȬ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๷๹ภ๮๧ภ๖๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๴๗ᆸภ ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๧ภ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภډງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๬๿ภ๷๹ภഎภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภகภ๛ᆮ๥ภۑ๴ ๗ᆩภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๷๹ภ๪଱๥ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภ๖ᆧภ ๬๝๬ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸย ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ ๷๹ภഎภৄภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ Ȭ๥ภᆧ๿๗ภ๥๙ภ ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภଳ๪ภುᆧภ๴๪๥ภຉ ๹ภ଱๧ภ௟ภ୑ຉ๗ภ๥๙ภ௟ภುຉ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยډ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๬ภ๮๥ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ๹ภ๬๿ ๿ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภű๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภ๗ᆸ๙ภكഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภűภ๴ .203 ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄ๴๿ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ˚ภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภೆ๿ ᆧภ๷๹ภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภ๷ຉ ๧ภ๛ᆮ ᆸ๗ย 204. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภȬ๪ภ๖ᆩ ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ ஔภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๷๹ภഁງภ๹ᆸภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภ ஔภ ๗๵ᆸ๗๨ภৄภ ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภ๤๥ภ ๴Ȳ๿ภ๴๗๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴๗ᆸภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภ ๵ᆸ๥๨ภ๥๙ภȬ๥ภᆧ๗ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๤๥ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภഁภகภ๵ງ ᆸ๥ย 205. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภȲຉ๬ภഁภ๥ࣟງ ງภ๖๗ภ๖ภ๥๙ภ๵๧ภ๷๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗๹ภ୻ᆩ ຉ๙ภ ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๥ᆮภৄภ୻ຉ๙ภډ๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗ᆩภ೘๧ภઈภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ډภகภډ๖๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๪଱๥ภ๥ᆮภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๥๙ภ๷๹ภഁງภৄภகภ๪๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸย

47 206. The Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs shall be responsible for coordination pertaining to inter-local Government and between Local Governments and Central Government.

207. The Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs in consultation with concerned agencies and Local Government shall be empowered to prescribe rules and regulations to support the implementation of this Act.

208. The Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs shall along with other relevant organizations, coordinate development of capacity and systems of Local Government.

209. Ministries shall be responsible for formulation of sectoral policies and plans that cut across Local Governments including monitoring and evaluation of sectoral policies, plans and programs in accordance with guidelines of the Gross National Happiness Commission.

210. The Ministry responsible for urban development shall carry out technical supervision and monitoring of activities of Thromdes.

211. Dzongkhag Thromdes shall submit a copy of half-yearly and annual reports along with any other report to the Ministry responsible for urban development and other relevant agencies.

212. The Ministry responsible for urban development shall formulate national urban policies, guidelines, and standards; approve structure plans including land use plan of the Thromdes; and carry out planning audits in the Thromdes.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 48 206. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄ๴ภ๧๙ภ๴๖๿ ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ௟ງภ๪๴๿ภ๪ᆧภ๧ภ๬๝๬ภ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๴๗๧ภ๴ƥᆧภ๴๥ᆩภ๧๙ภഽ๿๥ภ๥๙ภഽຉ๷ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภகภ๩ᆸ๗๨ภ๼๧ยᆩ 207. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภଳ๪ภುᆧภ๥ຉ ᆸ๧ภகภ ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ ೏๿๗ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ ๪୶๬ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภৄภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภഁງภৄภ๥๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภˠ๹ภ๪೫๧ภ˚ຉ ๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ๧๙ภഽ๿๥ภ๥๙ภഽຉ๷ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภகภ๵๥ยᆸ 208. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภೲຉ๪๹ภ๬๖ᆸภ๮๥ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩภ๴๥ᆩภ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภഁງภ๥๙ภ ๹ภ ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ஺๗๹ภ˟๪ภ๥๙ภຉ ๷๹ภ๴๛ᆧภৄภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๬๝๬ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๴๥ᆩภ ๧๙ภ ഽ๿๥ภ๥๙ภഽຉ๷ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๗ᆩภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ๼ᆩ๧ย 209. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๷ภ๪๴๿ภ ๷๹ภ๖๗ภ๗ภഽᆩ ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๪୶๬ภ๧ᆩ๴ภ๿ ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ๴๥ᆩภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภৄภகภ๩ᆸ๗๨ภ๼ᆩ๧๬ภ๥๙ภ ๴๥๴ᆩ ๿ภˠ๷ภ๖ᆧภ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ ๥๗๴ภು๿๥ภ๥๨๷ภ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภűภ๷๬ภೲ๿ ຉ๧ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ๷๹ภഁງภ๖๗ภ๗ᆩภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภ๴๛ᆧภ ๗๲๿ภ๷๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภ๥ࣟງภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภৄภৄ๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 210. Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๗ງ ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ௦๧ภ๨๴ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๗๿ ᆩ๹ภȲ๬ภഁຉ ภৄ๴ງ ๿ภ๷๹ภഎภৄภ கภȬ๥ภᆧ๿๗ภ๗ᆩภ௟ภ୑ຉ๗ภ๥๙ภ௟ภ๪๕๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ ᆸย 211. ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๷ᆸภࡲງ๥ภ๥๙ภ ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ೘๧ภઈภৄภ ೘๧ภઈภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๥๙ภ ണ๗๹ภȲ๬ภഁຉ ภ๗ງ ๙ภ๴๩ᆸ ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภ ഁງภ๗๲๧ภৄภகภ๪অ๗ภ๥๗ᆸย 212. Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๗ງ ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ௦๧ภ๨๴ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๗๿ ᆩ๹ภ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภȲ๬ภഁຉ ๴ງ ๿ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๥๙ภ๷๬ภೲ๿ ຉ๧ภ๗๧๹ภ๮๥ภৄภ೏๗ภ๪๕๿ ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภȲຉ๬ภഁภৄ๴ງ ๿ภ๹ภ๛ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ ๪୶๿๹ภ๣ᆮภ୑ງ๧ภ๗๲๴๿ ๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภৄภ๛ภ๴๜๿ ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภȲ๬ภഁຉ ๴ງ ๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๛ᆧภ ᆸ ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸยۑ๗๲๿๴ภ୶๿ ๿๹ภ๲๿๪ภৄภ๴๗ภ๴    48 Consultation by national agencies and offices

ଳ ๷ภภ๵๙ᆸᆸ ๹ภภ๷๹ภภഁภງภງ๥๙ภภ๵๗ᆩᆩ ภภ๮๙ภภৄภภ๗๹ᆩᆩ ภภˠ๹ຉຉ ภภೲ๧ຉຉ ยย 213. All national agencies shall conduct periodic consultations with a 213. Local Government before any project or program is implemented in ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ ๷๹ภഁງภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥๪๙ภȬ๪ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ the jurisdiction of such Local Government. ๧๙ภ๷๹ภ๴ɏ๷ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๷๹ภᆧ๬ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๷๗ภ๷๿ ᆮ๧ภ๴๗ᆸภ๬ภ๪অ๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๻ງภ๬ᆧภ๹ภ ๹ภ๬๮๬๹ภűภˠ๿ ຉ๹ภೲຉ๧ภৄภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยډ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥๙ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๖ᆧภ 214. All national agencies with project implementation functions shall 214. coordinate with the Dzongkhag Administration and with the Local ๷๹ภ๴ɏ๷ภ๷๗ภ๷๧ภ˚ᆮ ๿ภ ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภ๥๙ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภഁภງ ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿๹ภ Government concerned in the discharge of their functions. ᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภৄภ ್๪ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๧๙ภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยك๗ઈ๙ภ๥๙ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๖ᆧภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๬ 215. All national agencies shall involve Local Governments both in the planning and implementation of national projects. 215. ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภഁງภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿๹ภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภ๴ɏ๷ภৄ๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ๷๗ภ ๷ᆮ๧ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภ๛ภᆧ๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ρ๗ภ๥๗ᆸย

Chapter 15  Financial Autonomy ๷્ᆮ ภึฺ๨ย

Sources of Funds ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤ๷ງ ภᆧ๙ภು๙ຉ ภย

๬ ภภ๥̣๷ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๴ࣛ๙ภภƥ๙๹ยย 216. Local Governments shall be entitled to levy, collect and appropriate 216. taxes, fees, tolls, duties and fines in accordance with such procedure ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภȲ๷ภ๥๙ภ๚ภȲ๷ภഓຉ๥ภȲ๷ภˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภᆧ๗๹ภ๝๿ ᆮ๹ภ๛๥ภ๪๕๷ภ๧ᆩภ and subject to limitations as may be provided for by law. ๥๙ภ๪೺ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภৄภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภഓຉ๥ภű๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸᄱ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 217. 217. Payment of taxes by Local Governments on their revenue and income ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๖ᆸ๙ภᆧ๴๿ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๴๪๪ภ๥๙ภ ๴๪๪ภƥ๙๹ภ๥ᆮภৄภɏᆧภ Ȳ๷ภ๪๣๪ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ shall be in accordance with the taxation laws. ๤๥ภகภȲ๷ภ๴๪๪ภű๿ภȲ๬๹ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿ ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 218. ຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ๴๮ภುᇍ ຉ๙ภ๗ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภகภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภűภ๴๿ ຉ๙ภ๴๪๪ภ๷๹ภۑLocal Governments shall be allocated a proportion of the national ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภகภᆧ๙ภ๴ .218 revenue to ensure self-reliance and sustenance. To this end Local ๪๗ᆸภೆ๷ภഖຉ๥ภ๥๗๴๥ᆸ ᆩภ๗ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภகภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๪๳ຉภ๮ᆧภ๬๿ภ๷๹ภ ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๥ภ௟ຉภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๲๪๹ภ๣๗ภ୑ᆸ ງ๧ภ๗๲ภৄภ๿ۑGovernments shall receive annual grants from the Royal Government ᆧ๿๬ภ๥๙ภ ๷๹ภഎภৄภ ๴๗ᆸภ๴ for undertaking plan programmes, activities, and managing ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๬๖ᆸภഖຉ๥ภű๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๷๹ภ ๷ᆸภ and maintaining existing service infrastructures and delivery of ๪ೲᆧภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภˠຉ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภৄภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๗ᆸย services. 

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 49 49 ଳ ๷ภภ๵๙ᆸᆸ ๹ภภ๷๹ภภഁภງภງ๥๙ภภ๵๗ᆩᆩ ภภ๮๙ภภৄภภ๗๹ᆩᆩ ภภˠ๹ຉຉ ภภೲ๧ຉຉ ยย 213. ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ ๷๹ภഁງภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥๪๙ภȬ๪ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ ๧๙ภ๷๹ภ๴ɏ๷ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๷๹ภᆧ๬ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๷๗ภ๷๿ ᆮ๧ภ๴๗ᆸภ๬ภ๪অ๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๻ງภ๬ᆧภ๹ภ ๹ภ๬๮๬๹ภűภˠ๿ ຉ๹ภೲຉ๧ภৄภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยډ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥๙ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๖ᆧภ 214. ๷๹ภ๴ɏ๷ภ๷๗ภ๷๧ภ˚ᆮ ๿ภ ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภ๥๙ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภഁภງ ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿๹ภ ᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภৄภ ್๪ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๧๙ภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยك๗ઈ๙ภ๥๙ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๖ᆧภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๬ 215. ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภഁງภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿๹ภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภ๴ɏ๷ภৄ๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ๷๗ภ ๷ᆮ๧ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภ๛ภᆧ๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภˠ๷ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪ρ๗ภ๥๗ᆸย  ๷્ᆮ ภึฺ๨ย ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤ๷ງ ภᆧ๙ภು๙ຉ ภย

๬ ภภ๥̣๷ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๴ࣛ๙ภภƥ๙๹ยย 216. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภȲ๷ภ๥๙ภ๚ภȲ๷ภഓຉ๥ภȲ๷ภˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภᆧ๗๹ภ๝๿ ᆮ๹ภ๛๥ภ๪๕๷ภ๧ᆩภ ๥๙ภ๪೺ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภৄภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภഓຉ๥ภű๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸᄱ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 217. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๖ᆸ๙ภᆧ๴๿ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๴๪๪ภ๥๙ภ ๴๪๪ภƥ๙๹ภ๥ᆮภৄภɏᆧภ Ȳ๷ภ๪๣๪ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ ๤๥ภகภȲ๷ภ๴๪๪ภű๿ภȲ๬๹ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿ ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ๴๮ภುᇍ ຉ๙ภ๗ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภகภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภűภ๴๿ ຉ๙ภ๴๪๪ภ๷๹ภۑ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภகภᆧ๙ภ๴ .218 ๪๗ᆸภೆ๷ภഖຉ๥ภ๥๗๴๥ᆸ ᆩภ๗ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภகภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๪๳ຉภ๮ᆧภ๬๿ภ๷๹ภ ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๥ภ௟ຉภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๲๪๹ภ๣๗ภ୑ᆸ ງ๧ภ๗๲ภৄภ๿ۑᆧ๿๬ภ๥๙ภ ๷๹ภഎภৄภ ๴๗ᆸภ๴ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๬๖ᆸภഖຉ๥ภű๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๷๹ภ ๷ᆸภ ๪ೲᆧภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภˠຉ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภৄภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๥๗ᆸย  49 219. Local Governments shall, subject to such limitations as may be provided for by law, be entitled to own assets and incur liabilities by borrowing on their own account.

Use of Funds

220. Local Governments shall have the power to spend funds generated from their local taxes, fees and fines, and from funds allocated by the Royal Government.

221. Local Governments shall carry out their financial operations and transactions in an efficient, transparent and accountable manner to give effect to their identified priorities and desired outcomes.

222. Local Governments shall ensure that funds are spent in accordance with the provisions of Public Finance Act and rules and regulations made there under.

Management of Local Governments Assets and Funds

223. Local Governments shall manage their revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities prudently and in a manner that promotes the immediate and future interests of the community.

224. Local Government shall manage its assets and funds in accordance with provisions of the Public Finance Act and rules and regulations made thereunder. Every official of Local Government whose duties permit or require the possession or custody of local funds shall be accountable and responsible for the said funds and safekeeping thereof in conformity with the provisions of law.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 50 219. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๷ภ๣๿ ᆮภ๴ຉ๹ภ๮๥ภűภ๧๙ภ๴๖๿ ᆸ๥ภ๪๥ᆸ๗ภ๗๣๥ภ๴๛๙ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๖ᆸ๙ภᆧ๴๿ภ୶๹ภȲภ๧๙ภ๪ು๿ ๿๧ภ๴˟๷ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๩ᆸ๗ภ๷๬ภ๳๥ภ๴ˠຉภ๗๣๙ภ๛ᆸ๗ย 

๬ ภภ๥̣๷ภภ๪๕๷ᆸᆸ ภภഓ๥ຉຉ ยย ๹ภ๝ᆮ๹ภ๛๥ภৄภ๥๙ภଳ๷ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙ภᆧ๴๿ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ภȲ๷ภ๥๙ภˣภ๴ .220 ๗ઈ๙ภ˚๿๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๬ภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภৄภ๳๥ภ๹๿ ๙ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆸ ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ย  221. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๖ᆸ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๙๹ภ๴๯ᆸ ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵๥ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภ ๗๭ᇍภᆧ๬ภ๚๧ภ๥๙ภᆧ๿ ງภ๪๴๿ภ ˟๪ภ๴ࣤ๹ภ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภ ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๥๙ภഖຉ๥ภ๷ᆮ๧ภৄภ ܍๹ภయ๗๹ภ๚๧ภ๥๙ภ ๙๹ภ๗๹๷ภ๚๧ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภ๴Ȳภ๚๧ภ˚๿ ๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยڧ 222. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภ ๥๬๙๹ภ୶๿๹ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๬๹ภ๿ ű๿ภ๴ຉ๗ภகภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภഓຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸย 

๹ ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๗ઈ๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๗๲๹๿๿ ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๥๙ภภ๬ภภ๥̣๷ภภৄ๴ภ๿ภ๿๴๯๧ᇇᇇ ภภುຉ๙ຉ ภภยย 223. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภᆧ๙ภ๹ᆩ ᆸ๴๿ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๴๪๪ภ๥๙ภ๳๥ภˠຉ๧ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๗๲๿๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿ภ๪ภ ৄภ ๪๗ภ௦๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ ๬๿ภഁງ๴๿ภ๴ࡴ๷ภ࠘๗๹ภű๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ ๗ภ๗๣๙ภৄ๗๹ภ๨๴๿ภ๤๪๹ภ๷๬ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸยۑ๵ᆧภ 224. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ᆧ๙ภ๹๴ᆸ ๿ภ๗๲๿๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๙ภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภৄภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๥๬๙๹ภ୶๹ภ๿ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ ๥ᆮภ๗ᆩภ๴๗ภகภ๪୶๬๹ภ๨๴ຉ ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๿ ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏ᆩ ๿๗ภ๗๲ภৄ๴๿ ๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸยᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴๿ภஔภ๴๗๧ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๨ภ๵๙ภ ๧ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภৄภ๴๛๙ภ๧ᆩภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๪๥๗ภ๪઩๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸภ๬๿ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ ภ๗ᆩ๹ภȲ๿๬๹ภக๗๹ภű๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๬ภډ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภᆧງภᆧງภ๪๲๿๧ภ ๥̣๷ภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴Ȳ๿ภ๴๗๧ภ๥๙ภ๖๗ภ๴๗๧ภৄภ๴๪๗ภ๥๗ᆸย  50 Accounts

225. All monies apart from those received from the Royal Government shall be deposited in a separate account of the Local Government. Monies received from the Royal Government shall be operated through the Government Letter of Credit system.

226. Local Governments’ accounts shall be maintained and operated in accordance with the Royal Government’s financial rules and regulations.

227. Gewog Administration and Class B Thromde Administration shall prepare and submit accounts as per the financial rules and regulations simultaneously to the Dzongkhag Administrations and Department of Public Accounts.


228. Local Governments shall be prohibited from:

a) Exceeding budget appropriation limits; b) Allowing a bank account to be in overdraft; and c) Such other acts as may be specified in the Public Finance Act.

Funds for Emergency Situations

229. Local Governments shall, when facing extraordinary and emergency situations, seek assistance from the government.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 51 ୶ ๹๿๿ ภภȲยย 225. ଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๷๹ภ๤๪ภ๬ᆸ ๿ภৄภ๬ภ๪୶๿ภ๪๴ภ๿ ๣ᆩภଥภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ ୶๹ภ๥๿ ᆮ๪ภ๧๙ภ ๪অ๗ภ๥๗ᆸย ଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๷๹ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๬๿ภ๬ภ๥̣๷ภৄภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥̣๷ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๷๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ˚๿ภ ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸย 226. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ୶ᆩ ๿๹ภ๥ᆮ๪ภৄภଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤ๷ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ງ ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ๗๲ภৄภ๿ ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ଱๧ภು๙ภ๥๙ภ๷๗ภ๷ຉ ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸย 227. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງภ๥ࣟງภ๖๗ภ๖ภ๨๴๿ภ๪๥๗ภು๙ภৄภ๗ຉ ᆩ๹ภ ૅภᆧ๬ภ˚๿ ๿ภ୶๿๹ภȲภৄภ ภˠภ೏๗ภ๪๳๿ ຉภೲງภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภډ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๿ ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๗๹ภ๗๲๿ ๿ภ௟ᆧภ ภ๪অ๗ภ๥๗ᆸยډ๹ภ๬๝๬ภډ๥๬๙๹ภ୶๿๹ภ๷๹ภƥ๙๹ภகภ 

๪ ๕๗ภภഁ๬ຉຉ ยย 228. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ๷๹ภ๪๕๗ภഁຉ๬ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ย ๕๒ ๪๗ᆸภ๪Ź๬ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ๮๥ภ๷๹ภ๪ଵ๷ภೲງภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩย ๖๒ ๥̣๷ภ๖๙ภ๗ᆩภ୶๿๹ภȲภ๧๙ภ๤ᆮ๪๹ภೲຉ๧ภഖ๥ภ๥̣๷ภຉ (overdraft) ๧๙ภ๴˚ຉภ ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภย ๗๒ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๥̣๷ภ୶๹ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿ ๿๬๹ภ๧๙ภ๥ࣟງภ๪ภ๖ภ๗๹๷ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ࣟภ ๷ᆮ๧ภ๗๲๧ภ˚๿ภᆧ๿๗๹ย 

๝ ᆮ๧ᆮ ภภ๴ৄ๪๹ภภ๗๧๹ภภೲ๙๹ภภűภ๿ภ๿๥ᆸ๧ᆸ ภภ๷๹ภภ๬ภภ๥̣๷ยย 229. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ๥๙ภ๝ᆮ๧ภ๴ৄ๪๹ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ೆ๪๹ภகภ๗ઈ๙ภ๷๹ภˠຉ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภ๷๧ภ๥๗ᆮ ᆸย   51 Chapter 16 Local Government Offices

Dzongkhag Tshogdu Secretariat

230. The Dzongkhag Tshogdu shall be supported by a Tshogdrung, who shall be a civil servant.

Gewog Tshogde Secretariat

231. The Gewog Tshogde shall be supported by the Gewog Administrative Officer, who shall be a civil servant.

232. Gewog Administrative Officer shall act as the secretary to the Gewog Tshogde.

Dzongkhag Thromde Tshogde Secretariat

233. Dzongkhag Thromde Tshogde shall be supported by the Executive Secretary, who shall be a civil servant.

234. The Executive Secretary shall act as the secretary to the Thromde Tshogde.

Functions of Secretariats

235. The above offices shall provide secretarial support to the Local Government and provide advice to members of the Local Government and its Committees.

236. The above offices shall, as soon as possible, provide a copy of the agenda to members of the Local Government, concerned members of Parliament, and other relevant agencies.

237. The Dzongdag, Executive Secretary and Gewog Administrative Officer shall maintain systems to enable effective planning and accurate reporting of financial and service performance of the Local Government.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 52 ๷્ᆮ ภึ฻๨ย ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ๵๗ᆩ ภ๮๙ภย

๴ภ๿ภ๿๵๗ᆩᆩ ภภ๮๙ภภยยډ୻ ๙ຉຉ ภภ๖๗ภภ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภ๴ ๙ภ๚ᇍ ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภଳ๪ภುᆧภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ຉ ยᆸېภ๴๥ᇍ ᆩภ๲๿ภ๗๵ᆸ๗๨ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๬๿ภ๮๗๹ภډ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .230 

ଵ ๥ງງ ภภ๴๗ຉຉ ภภ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภഁ๴ງງ ภ๿ภ๿๵๗ᆩᆩ ภภ๮๙ภภยย 231. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๴๥ງ ᆩภ ๲ภ๗๵๿ ๗๨ภ๼ᆸ ᆩ๧ภ๬๿ภ ଵງ๥ภ๴๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ ຉ๙ภ๴๗ภ๥๨ᆸ ᆸ๧ภ˚๿๹ภଳ๪ภುᆧภຉ ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๙ภ๛๿ ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยېଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๴๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿๹ภଵ๥ภ๴ງ ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງ๴ภ .232 

୻ ๙ຉຉ ภภ๖๗ภภȲ๬ຉຉ ภภഁภງภງ๮๗ᇍᇍ ๹ภภഁ๴ງງ ภ๿ภ๿๵๗ᆩᆩ ภภ๮๙ภภยย ๙ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภଳ๪ภುᆧภຉې୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๮๗๹ภഁᇍ ภ๴๥ງ ᆩภ๲๿ภ๗๵ᆸ๗๨ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๬๿ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภȬ๪ภ .233 ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๙ภ๛๿ ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยې๙ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ˚๿๹ภȲຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ๗๹ภഁᇍ ງ๴ภې๪๕ᆸ๥ภȬ๪ภ .234 

๹ ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๗ઈ๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๵๗ᆩᆩ ภภ๮๙ภภৄ๴ภ๿ภ๿๷๹ภภ๴๗๧ยย ๙ภ๷๹ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪๴๿ภଳ๪ภುᆧภৄภຉې ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ .235 ࣟ๿๧ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๬ภ๮๥ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥๙ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภகภ๪ി๪ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภৄภࣟ๿๧ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภৄภ๥๙ภഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภű๿ภك๙ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภ๗๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ ภ๴ې๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภ .236 ภᆧງภ๗๙ภۑ๹ภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภഁງภ๗๲๧ภৄภகภˠຉ๹ภ๗๲๴๿ ๿ภ๴ك๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๴ ๬˚ຉ๗๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภഖຉ๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๙ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๥๙ภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภې୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภȬ๪ภ .237 ๗ᆩภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚ภ೘๧ภઈภ๙๿ ᆮ๹ภ๣ᆩ๗ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๲๪๹ภ๣๗ภ๗ᆸ ᆩภ๷๹ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ ৄภ๥ᆸ๧ภഭ๿๧ภ๚๧ภതภࣟງ ๿๧ภ๤๪๹ภகภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 52 238. The Dzongdag, Executive Secretary and Gewog Administrative ๙ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๥๙ภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภېOfficer shall ensure the effective and efficient management of the 238. ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภȬ๪ภ activities of the Local Government. ๗ᆩภ๷๹ภഎภৄภ๥ᆸ๧ภഭ๿๧ภ๚๧ภ๥๙ภ๩๧ภ܍๹ภ๚๧ภതງภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๤๪ภৄ๗๹๨ภ๙ᆮ๹ภ๪୑๧ภ ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย Safekeeping of Records  239. The Local Government Office shall be responsible for writing and ๗๧๹ภภ๤ภᆸภᆸ๪๥๗ภภ഻๙ภภยย circulation of minutes and safe keeping of all records.  239. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภ๗๹ภˠᆩ ຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภৄภ๴ࣤ๿ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๪Ź๬ภഗງ๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ 240. The Local Government Office shall maintain a register called the ๗๧๹ภ๤ᆸภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᇇ ᆩ๴๿ภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภৄภ๴๪๗ภ๥๗ᆸย Register of Declaration of Assets and Liabilities of Members based on information supplied by members pursuant to section 92 of this 240. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๧ภ๮๧ภᆸ ฾ื ๨ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ๹ภ๬ภৄ๴๿ ๿ภ๗๲๿ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๙ภك๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภഖ๥ภ๬ຉ ๿ภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภৄภகภ๗๲๿ภ๪๲๗ภೲງภ๴كAct. ๴

241. The Local Government Office shall keep proper record of the plan ๴Ȳ๿ภ๪๴ภ๗๹๷ภೲ๿ ຉ๧ภ˚๿ภ๬ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๳ງᆧภ๪๴๿ภ๤ᆸภ๥ᆮ๪ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๷๹ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๪๴ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ ๴๿ ๿ภˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภكproposals and date of receipt of such proposals from the members. 241. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภ๗๹ภᆩ ๴ ๥๙ภధຉ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๮๹ภˠ๙๹ภৄ๴ᇉ ภ๗๧๹ภ๤๿ ภ๪๲๗ภ๥๗ᆸ ᆸย 242. The Local Government Office shall compile and submit the agenda ๹ภ๬ງ ๿ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภكto the Local Government Chairperson for approval and circulation to 242. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภ๗๹ภ๛ภ๴๜ᆩ ᆸ๗ภ˟๪ภೲภ๴ all members and agencies concerned. ๷๹ภഁງภৄภகภ๪Ź๬ภഗງ๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภˠຉ๹ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ 243. The Local Government Offices shall perform such other functions ๪๳ຉภೲງภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸย as may be determined by this Act or any other rules made under this 243. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ภ๥๙ภ๴๥ᆩ ᆩ๴ภ๴๿ ຉ๗ภகภ๪๳ภ๪๴ຉ ๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ Act. ๗๲๧ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗๣๧ภ๴๪ᆮ๪๹ภ๪๳ຉภ๪๴๿ภࣟภ೐ຉภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸย 244. The Local Government Office shall keep records of all reports and 244. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภ๗๹ภᆩ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ˟๪ภ๬๿ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๪ρ๥ภ resolutions passed by the Local Government and make it accessible ๥๙ภ೘๧ภઈภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๹ภ๤ᆸภৄภ๪๲๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๥๬๙๹ภű๹ภ๲๿ ๪ภ๥߸๥ภű๿ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧கภ for public inspection. ๤ᆸ๪ภ๛ᆸ๗ภ๛ᆸภ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ยᆸ Other Functions 

๷ ๹ภภ๴๗๧ภภ๗๲๧ยย 245. The Local Government Office including Dzongkhag Administration shall support the Disaster Management Committee during threatening 245. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภ๗๹ภ๴๜ᆩ ᆩ๗๹ภഎ๙ภ๚๧ภ˚ภଫ๿ ງ๧ภ๙๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภ๵๙ภ disaster situation or declaration of disaster. ๧ภଫງ๧ภ๙๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภೆ๪๹ภଫງ๧ภ๙๧ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภகภଳ๪ภುຉᆧภ ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 53 53 ๙ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๥๙ภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภې୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภȬ๪ภ .238 ๗ᆩภ๷๹ภഎภৄภ๥ᆸ๧ภഭ๿๧ภ๚๧ภ๥๙ภ๩๧ภ܍๹ภ๚๧ภതງภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๤๪ภৄ๗๹๨ภ๙ᆮ๹ภ๪୑๧ภ ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 

๗ ๧๹ภภ๤ภᆸภᆸ๪๥๗ภภ഻๙ภภยย 239. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภ๗๹ภˠᆩ ຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภৄภ๴ࣤ๿ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๪Ź๬ภഗງ๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ ๗๧๹ภ๤ᆸภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᇇ ᆩ๴๿ภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภৄภ๴๪๗ภ๥๗ᆸย 240. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๧ภ๮๧ภᆸ ฾ื ๨ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ๹ภ๬ภৄ๴๿ ๿ภ๗๲๿ภ๗๧๹ภ๥๙ภك๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภഖ๥ภ๬ຉ ๿ภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภৄภகภ๗๲๿ภ๪๲๗ภೲງภ๴ك๴ ๴Ȳ๿ภ๪๴ภ๗๹๷ภೲ๿ ຉ๧ภ˚๿ภ๬ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๳ງᆧภ๪๴๿ภ๤ᆸภ๥ᆮ๪ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸย ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภ๷๹ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๪๴ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ ๴๿ ๿ภˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภ๗๹ภᆩ ๴ .241 ๥๙ภధຉ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๮๹ภˠ๙๹ภৄ๴ᇉ ภ๗๧๹ภ๤๿ ภ๪๲๗ภ๥๗ᆸ ᆸย ๹ภ๬ງ ๿ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภ๗๹ภ๛ภ๴๜ᆩ ᆸ๗ภ˟๪ภೲภ๴ .242 ๷๹ภഁງภৄภகภ๪Ź๬ภഗງ๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภȲ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภˠຉ๹ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ ๪๳ຉภೲງภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸย 243. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ภ๥๙ภ๴๥ᆩ ᆩ๴ภ๴๿ ຉ๗ภகภ๪๳ภ๪๴ຉ ๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ ๗๲๧ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗๣๧ภ๴๪ᆮ๪๹ภ๪๳ຉภ๪๴๿ภࣟภ೐ຉภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸย 244. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภ๗๹ภᆩ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ˟๪ภ๬๿ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๪ρ๥ภ ๥๙ภ೘๧ภઈภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๹ภ๤ᆸภৄภ๪๲๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๥๬๙๹ภű๹ภ๲๿ ๪ภ๥߸๥ภű๿ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧கภ ๤ᆸ๪ภ๛ᆸ๗ภ๛ᆸภ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ยᆸ 

๷ ๹ภภ๴๗๧ภภ๗๲๧ยย 245. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภৄภ๗๹ภ๴๜ᆩ ᆩ๗๹ภഎ๙ภ๚๧ภ˚ภଫ๿ ງ๧ภ๙๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภ๵๙ภ ๧ภଫງ๧ภ๙๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๹๷ภ๪೏๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภೆ๪๹ภଫງ๧ภ๙๧ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภகภଳ๪ภುຉᆧภ ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 53 Chapter 17 Local Government Administration

Local Government Administration

246. There shall be Local Government Administrations which shall comprise the Dzongkhag Administration, Gewog Administration and Thromde Administration.

Powers and functions of Dzongkhag Administration

247. There shall be a Dzongkhag Administration which shall be staffed by civil servants.

248. The Dzongkhag Administration shall function under the Dzongdag who shall be the chief executive in the Dzongkhag.

249. The Dzongkhag Administration shall:

a) Be responsible for general administration of the Dzongkhag; b) Be responsible for the implementation of social and economic development policies, plans and programs of the Dzongkhag; c) Carry out decisions of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu as may be conveyed through notifications in accordance with its resolutions; d) Report and be accountable to the Dzongkhag Tshogdu for the implementation of the resolutions of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu; e) Execute national policies, plans and programs as directed by the government; f) Be responsible for personnel administration of all civil servants of the Dzongkhag administration; g) Select and nominate staff for study tours, conferences and workshops;

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 54 ๷્ᆮ ภึ฼๨ย ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ๪๥๗ภು๙ຉ ภย

๹ ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๗ઈ๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๪๥๗ภภು๙ຉຉ ภภยย 246. ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ ଵງ๥ภ๴๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ ຉ๙ภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภৄภৄ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภৄภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸย 

୻ ๙ຉຉ ภภ๖๗ภภ๪๥๗ภภು๙ຉຉ ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภ๷๹ภภ๴๗๧ภภৄยย 247. ๲๿ภ๗๵๗ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภ๷๹ภࣟງ๥๨ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๣ᆮภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸย 248. ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๴๥ᆩภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๗๭ᇍภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๬๿ภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ภᆩ ๴๗ᆸภȲ๿๥ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 249. ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๗ᆩภഓᆧภ๪๣๙ภ๪๥๗ภು๿ ຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภৄภ๴๪๗ภ๧ᆩย ๖๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๗ᆩภ ๬๿ภഁภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟງ ຉᆧภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ ๥ᆮภ ๷๹ภ๷๹ภᆧ๬ภৄภ๪ೲᆧภഓ๿ ຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๤๙๹ภ๪௟ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ๩ᆸ๗ย ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๥ᆮภ๥๙ภ ډภ๗ᇍ ᆩภˠ๹ภ๛ຉ ᆸ๥ภ௟ᆧภډ๗๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ภ๗ᇍ ᆩภˠ๹ภ๛ຉ ᆸ๥ภৄภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภೆᆧภ๷๹ภຉ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภډ๙๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ ภகภ೘๧ภઈภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ๴๗๧ภȲ๿ภ๚๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยډ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ ภ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภډ๚๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภࣟภ௟ᆧภ ๷๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸย ๛๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๲๿ภ๗๵ᆸ๗๨ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿ภ ๪๥๗ภು๙ภ๗ຉ ᆩภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ๴๪๗ภ ๥๗ᆸย ๜๒ ിຉ๪ภഠຉ๙ภ௟ภೆຉᆧภ๥๙ภ ˠ๹ภ๮ຉ ๗๹ภᇍ ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๗ᆸภ๪೺ᆧภ๲๷ภ๴๯๬๹ภűᇍ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๷๹ภ๗๵๗๨ภৄ๴ᆸ ภ๗๥๬ภ๙๿ ᆸภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๥๗ᆸย 54 h) Prepare Human Resource Development plan of the Dzongkhag; i) Coordinate between Dzongkhag, national agencies, Dzongkhag Tshogdu, Gewog Tshogde, and Thromde Tshogde; j) Provide technical backstopping to Gewog administrations; and k) Carry out such other functions as may be prescribed by this Act, or any other law or rules and regulations made under this Act.

Appointment of Dzongdag

250. The Dzongdag shall be appointed by the on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, who shall obtain nominations from the Royal Civil Service Commission. 251. The Dzongdag shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Dzongkhag. 252. The Dzongdag shall be accountable to the Dzongkhag Tshogdu in respect of implementing the decisions taken by Dzongkhag Tshogdu.

Responsibilities of the Dzongdag

253. The Dzongdag shall, consistent with the principle of basic policy of local autonomy, assist the Chairpersons and local governments in carrying out his or her functions under this Act. 254. The Dzongdag shall have administrative and financial control over all civil servants within the administrative jurisdiction of the Dzongkhag. 255. The Dzongdag shall, upon request of the Local Governments concerned, direct the relevant sectors to provide technical or other forms of assistance to the Local Governments and such assistance shall be extended at no extra cost to the Local Governments.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 55 ๝๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภகภ๬๿ภೲຉ๪๹ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภৄภ๪୶๬ภ๥๗๿ ᆸย ภ๥๙ภଵ๥ภງډ๣๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๥๙ภଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภഁງภৄภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩยك๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภৄ๴๿ภ๪ᆧภ๧ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๬ ๤๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภৄภகภ๴ࡳ๷ภᆧ๗ภ๗๿ ᆩภଳ๪ภುᆧภࣟຉ ๿๧ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภย ๥๒ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ๪๳ຉภ๪๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภக๗๹ภ ৄภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๣ᆮภஔภ๴๗๧ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๴๪๗ภ๧ᆩย 

୻ ๙ຉຉ ภภ๪๥๗ภภ๪ೆภຉภຉ๪๲๗ยย 250. ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๥ᆮภ๴࣡๗ภଳ๷ภ๨ᆸภ๬๛๗ภ๗ᆸ ๹ภࣧᆩ ຉ๧ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๲๿ภ๗๵ᆸ๗ภధ๧ภ๮๗๹ภ๷๹ภ๗๥๬ภᇍ ๙ᆸภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๣ᆮภˠຉ๹ภ๴๥๪๹ภ࠘๷ภ๬ᆮ ๿ภ๷๹ภ๪ೆຉภ๪๲๗ภ๗๧๙ภ๧ᆩย 251. ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๴๥ᆩภ୻๙ภ๖๗ภ๗ຉ ᆩภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๗๭ภ๴๯ᇍ ᇇ๧ภ๼ᆩ๧ย ภ๗ᇍ ᆩ๹ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๬๿ภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภৄภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๧๙ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภډ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .252 ภகภ๷๧ภ๴๥ᆮ๪๹ภű๿ภ๴Ȳ๿ภ๴๗๧ภৄภ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๴๪๗ภ๥๗ᆸยډ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ 

୻ ๙ຉຉ ภภ๪๥๗ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๴๗๧ภภƥᆧยย 253. ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภᆧ๙ภುຉ๙ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภű๿ภ๗๲ภ୶ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๣๿ ᆮภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ Ȳ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภৄภகภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ๖ᆸ๬ຉภ๗ᆩภஔภ๴๗๧ภ๴๪๗ภ๧ᆩภகภ๷๹ภ ᆧຉ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸ 254. ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๗ᆩภ๪๥๗ภು๙ภȬ๪ภ๖ຉ ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ๲๿ภ๗๵ᆸ๗๨ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภகภ ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚ภ๮๥ภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภகภ๵ᆸ๥ย ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ๴ࣤᆩ ງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภഁภງډ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภઈภ๪ภ௟ᆧภ .255 ৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๤๪๹ภᆧ๗ภ๥๙ภ๿ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๗๲๧ภᆧ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภ˚ຉ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๪๕ᆸ๥ภଳภ๗๧๙ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๴๥ᆩภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴ภᆧ๿ ຉ๗๹ภᆧ๬ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ ๳๥ภ๴ˠຉภ๤ᆮ๪๹ภ๬ภ๪๕๷ภ๪ᆧภࣟ๿๧ภ ๥๗ᆸย 55 256. The Dzongdag shall: a) Be responsible for maintaining law and order in the Dzongkhag; b) Preserve, promote and maintain in the Dzongkhag; c) Maintain peace, harmony and unity within the Dzongkhag; d) Be responsible for overall implementation of the Dzongkhags annual plans and programmes within the approved budget allocation; and e) Submit annual report to the Government on the status of finance, achievement of plans and programmes including any short comings.

257. The Dzongdag may, suo-moto or when referred by the Government, report on and make recommendations to the government on matters relating to the efficient and effective functioning of the Local Government.

258. The Dzongdag shall participate in the sessions of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu and may also participate in the session of the Gewog Tshogde and Thromde Tshogde.

259. The Dzongdag shall be responsible for the implementation of program and policies as may be directly instructed by the government.

260. The Dzongdag shall chair the Dzongkhag Tender Committee.

261. The Dzongdag shall organize relief measures for natural disasters and emergencies in coordination with the Department of Disaster Management and Local Government.

262. The Dzongdag may call for record of any Local Government meetings or extract of any statement of accounts or documents from any Local Government.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 56 256. ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภ๗ᆩภ ೏๿๗๹ภ๥๙ภȲ๬๹ภக๗๹ภ଱๧ภು๿ ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ຉ ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๴๗๧ภ๴ƥᆧภ ๴๪๗ภ๥๗ᆸย ๖๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภ೏๗ภ๷๬ภୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ๥๙ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸย ๧ภৄภ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๤๪ภك๧ภ೏๿๗ภഓ๿ภ๬ك๗๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภ๲๿ภ๪๥ᆮภ๥๙ภ๬ ๥๗ᆸย ๙๒ ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภഖຉ๥ภ๥ภ๵ᆮ ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๗ภ๷ᆩ ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ ๷๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄ๴ภഓ๿ ๿ᆧภ๪๣๙ภ๗ᆩภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภৄ๴๿ภ๴๗๧ภ๴ƥᆧภ๴๪๗ภ๥๗๨ภ๥๙ภยᆸ ๚๒ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๥๙ภ๷๹ภᆧ๿ ๿๬ภৄ๴๿ภ ುຉ๧ภ๛ภৄภ๥๙ภ๪๚๹๨ภതภງ ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภ๥๙ภ˟๪ภ๴ࣤ๹ภৄ๴๿ภೆᆧภ๷๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ๷ຉ ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ೘๧ภઈภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸย 257. ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ ܍๹ภయ๗๹ภ๚๧ภ๥๙ภ ๥ᆸ๧ภഭ๿๧ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภ ೆຉᆧภ๷๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภଳ๪ภഎຉ๧ภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸย ภ๗ᇍ ᆩภ๮๗๹ภᆧᇍ ๿๬ภৄภ๧๙ภ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภډ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮๗๹ภ๴ .258 ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๥๙ภȲງ ຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁງ๴๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภ๧๙ภ๵๙ภ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๛ᆸ๗ย ภ๷๹ภᆧ๬ภ๥๙ภഽ๿ ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภډภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภଳภ๗๧๙ภ๬๿ภ௟ᆧภډ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๤๥ภ๕ᆧภ .259 ৄภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ๩ᆸ๗ย 260. ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ୻๙ภ๖๗ภᆧຉ ๿๧ภ๪೺ᆧภ๮๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗ᇍ ᆩภȲภ๴๯๿ ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᇇ ᆸย 261. ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภᆧ๙ภ๪๲๿๧ภଫງ๧ภ๙๧ภ๥๙ภ๝ᆮ๧ภ๴ৄ๪๹ภৄภࣛ๙ภ๨๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภᆧ๙ภ๪๲๿๧ภ ଫງ๧ภ๙๧ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๷๹ภƥ๙๹ภ๥๙ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥๙ภ๬๝๬ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ ଫງ๧ภ๹ᆮ๷ภ ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸยۑ๿ภ๤๪๹ภ๷๬ภৄภ๴๗ᆸภ๴˚ ᆸ ๿ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภۑ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๮ᆩ ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๗๧๹ภ๤ᆸ๴๿ภ๥๧ภகภ .262 ๴๪๥ภ๛ᆸ๗ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๷๹ภ୶๿๹ภ๥ᆮ๪ภűภ୶๿ ๿๹ภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๵ᆩ๗ภ๛ภৄภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๛ᆸ๗ย 56 263. The Dzongdag shall be accountable to the Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs on matters which are not within the jurisdiction of Dzongkhag Tshogdu.

264. The Dzongdag shall carry out such other functions as may be prescribed by this Act or any other law.

Powers and Functions of the Gewog Administration

265. There shall be a Gewog Administration which shall be staffed by civil servants.

266. Under the general supervision of the Gup, the Gewog Administration shall:

a) Assist Gewog Tshogde in planning five year and annual plans; b) Implement the resolutions of the Gewog Tshogde; c) Implement the annual plans and programmes approved by the Gewog Tshogde and the Government; and d) Provide necessary administrative, technical, managerial capacities and support to the Gewog Tshogde, which are responsive, transparent and accountable.

Roles and Responsibilities of Gewog Administrative Officer

267. A Gewog Administrative Officer as a civil servant shall be appointed in accordance with the Civil Service Act of Bhutan.

268. A Gewog Administrative Officer shall be head of the administration of the Gewog.

269. A Gewog Administrative Officer shall be accountable to Gup.

270. Gewog Administrative Officer shall be the joint-signatory with the Gup for the operation of Gewog accounts;

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 57 ภ๗ภȬ๪ภ๖ᆩ ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๬ภৄ๥ภ๨๴ภ๗๧๥ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภৄภ๗ᆩภೆᆧภຉډ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๴ .263 ๷๹ภ๧๙ภഽ๿๥ภ๥๙ภഽຉ๷ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภகภ๴Ȳ๿ภ๴๗๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ย ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภ೐ຉภډ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๧๙ภ๛ᆮ๥ภ .264 ๗๲๧ภৄภ๴๤๪ภ๥๗ᆸย 

ଵ ๥ງງ ภภ๴๗ຉຉ ภภ๪๥๗ภภು๙ຉຉ ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภ๷๹ภภ๴๗๧ภภৄยย 265. ๲๿ภ๗๵๗๨ภৄภ๵ᆸ ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸย 266. ଵ๨ᆸภ๗ᆩภഓᆧภ๪๣๙ภ๗๿ ภ௟ภ୑ᆩ ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๴ຉ๗ภகภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥ᆮภ๗ᆩ๹ ๕๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภகภ๷ງ ᆸภஶ๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩภ๧๙ภ ๷๹ภᆧຉ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๖๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภৄภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩย ๗๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๥๙ภງ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภˠຉ๷ภ๪๴๿ภ ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ ๥๙ภ๷๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภย ๙๹ภ๗๹๷ภ๚๧ภ๴Ȳງ ภ๴๗๧ภ๿ڧ๙๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁภகภ๴๗๧ภ๴ƥᆧภ๚๧ภ๥๙ภ ๚๧ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ Ȭ๥ภᆧ๿๗ภ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภು๙ภ๗ຉ ᆩภ ஺ຉ๗๹ภ˟๪ภ๥๙ภଳ๪ภುຉᆧภৄภࣟ๿๧ภ๥๗ᆸย 

ଵ ๥ງງ ภภ๴๗ຉຉ ภภ๪๥๗ภภು๙ຉຉ ภภ๴๗ภᆸภᆸ๥๨ᆸ๧ᆸ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿ஔภภ๥๙ภภ๴๗๧ภภ๴ƥᆧยย 267. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๴๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๲๿ภ๗๵๗๨ภ๼ᆸ ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹ภ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ภ๲ᆩ ๿ภ๗๵๗ภ๪๚๴ภᆸ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ภ๪ೆᆮ ຉภ๪๲๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 268. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๴๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿๹ภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ഁภ๮๧ภ๴๗ງ ᆸภ๴Ȳ๿๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 269. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๴๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿๹ภଵ๨ᆸภகภ๴๗๧ภ๴Ȳ๿ภ๵๥๨ภ๼ᆸ ᆩ๧ย 270. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๴๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภ୶๹ภȲภ๷๗ภ๷๿ ᆮ๧ภ˚๿ภ๥๧ภகภᆸ ଵ๨ᆸภ๥๙ภ ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๖ᆧภ๬๝๬ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ๷๗ภࣤ๿๹ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๼ᆩ๧ย 57 271. A Gewog Administrative Officer shall: 271.  a) Be responsible for personnel administration of employees of all ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๴๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ๗ᆩ๹ government agencies within the jurisdiction of the Gewog; ๕๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภȬ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๷๹ภ๗๵๗๨ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚ᆸ ๿ภ๷๹ภ ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸك Assist Gewog Tshogde in planning and monitoring development ๴๗๧ภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๬ b) activities within the Gewog; ๖๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄ๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ௟ภ୑ຉ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ c) Be responsible for the smooth functioning of the Gewog ๧ᆩภ๧๙ภ๷๹ภᆧຉ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย Administration in compliance with the government administrative ๗๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๗ภ๥๙ภ೏ᆩ ๿๗๹ภ๗๲๿ภࣟภ೐ຉภ and financial rules, regulations and procedures; and ๷๬ภக๗๹ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๤ᆸ๗๹ภ๛๗๹ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨ᆧภࣟภ೐ຉภ d) Perform such other functions as may be delegated by the Gup. ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๴๗๧ภ๴ƥᆧภ๴๪๗ภ๥๗๨ภ๥๙ภยᆸ

Powers and Functions of Thromde Administration ๙๒ ଵ๨ᆸภ๗ᆩ๹ภഖຉ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 

272. There shall be Thromde Administration for a Thromde staffed by Ȳ ๬ຉຉ ภภഁ๴ງງ ภ๿ภ๿๪๥๗ภภು๙ຉຉ ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภ๷๹ภภ๴๗๧ยย civil servants or other employees. 272. Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๲๿ภ๗๵๗๨ภ๵๙ภ๧ภஔภ๗๵ᆸ ๗๨ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๪অ๗๹ภ๣ᆸ ภ๵ᆮ ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภȲຉ๬ภ ഁງภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸย 273. The Thromde Administration shall: 273. Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ a) Formulate local area plans and priorities in respect of the Dzongkhag Thromde and submit to Thromde Tshogde for ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງ๴ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ ภ๹ภ๖๿ ᆸ๙๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ ๗๭ᇍภᆧ๬ภৄภ๪๳๿ ຉภೲງภ approval; ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๮๗๹ภഁᇍ ງภகภ๪অ๗๹ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๹ภ๛ภۑ Promote planned development and appropriate land use, control ๖๒ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๧๙ภ๪๕๿ ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๵ᆧภ b) ๧ภ๨ᆧภ๗๲๿๹ภ๪๚๗๹ภ๬ภ๪ρ๗ภ๧๿ ᆩภك๧ภഓຉ๥ภ๪ρ๗ภ๧ᆩภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๬ภ๬كof squatter and illegal settlements and regulation of commercial ৄ๷ภ๬ ๧ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩยكactivities; ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๮ᇍ๙ภ๷๹ภৄภȲ๿๬๹ภ๬ c) Approve building drawings in accordance with codes, standards, laws and rules; ๗๒ ୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ภ๥๙ภ๗๧๹ภ๮๥ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภȬ๿๬ภ d) Protect and improve the city’s environment, and in particular, ˚๿ภ๨ᆧภᆧ๿๹ภৄภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภˠຉ๷ภ๧ᆩย ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภ๖ᆧภ ధ๗ภۑcontrol noise pollution, regulate parking, protect parks, trees and ๙๒ Ȳຉ๬ภ˚ภ๬๤๴ภ๴๖๿ ᆸᆧภৄภ ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ๥๙ภ ๵ᆧภ ภ ೏ภೆ๥ภű๿ภ๪๭ᇍ๗ภஃ๙ภ๮๥ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ഃ๬ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๪๲๗ภ๹ภډplantations; ๨ᆧภ ೲ๙๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ ˣ๿๙ภ๥๗๴ภৄภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ ๸ᆩ๙ภ๥๙ภ ೓ຉภ๸ᆩ๙ภ ๴৷๗๹ภುຉ๙ภৄภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๥๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 58 58 271. ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๴๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ๗ᆩ๹ ๕๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๗ᆩภȬ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๷๹ภ๗๵๗๨ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚ᆸ ๿ภ๷๹ภ ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ยᆸك๴๗๧ภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๬ ๖๒ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄ๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ௟ภ୑ຉ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ ๧ᆩภ๧๙ภ๷๹ภᆧຉ๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๗๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๗ภ๥๙ภ೏ᆩ ๿๗๹ภ๗๲๿ภࣟภ೐ຉภ ๷๬ภக๗๹ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๤ᆸ๗๹ภ๛๗๹ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨ᆧภࣟภ೐ຉภ ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๴๗๧ภ๴ƥᆧภ๴๪๗ภ๥๗๨ภ๥๙ภยᆸ ๙๒ ଵ๨ᆸภ๗ᆩ๹ภഖຉ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 

Ȳ ๬ຉຉ ภภഁ๴ງງ ภ๿ภ๿๪๥๗ภภು๙ຉຉ ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ภภ๥๙ภภ๷๹ภภ๴๗๧ยย 272. Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๲๿ภ๗๵๗๨ภ๵๙ภ๧ภஔภ๗๵ᆸ ๗๨ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๪অ๗๹ภ๣ᆸ ภ๵ᆮ ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภȲຉ๬ภ ഁງภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸย 273. Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ ๕๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງ๴ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ ภ๹ภ๖๿ ᆸ๙๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ ๗๭ᇍภᆧ๬ภৄภ๪๳๿ ຉภೲງภ ๗๧๙ภ๪ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๮๗๹ภഁᇍ ງภகภ๪অ๗๹ภ๥๗ยᆸ ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๹ภ๛ภۑ๖๒ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๧๙ภ๪๕๿ ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๵ᆧภ ๧ภ๨ᆧภ๗๲๿๹ภ๪๚๗๹ภ๬ภ๪ρ๗ภ๧๿ ᆩภك๧ภഓຉ๥ภ๪ρ๗ภ๧ᆩภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๬ภ๬ك๷ภ๬ৄ ๧ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩยك๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๮ᇍ๙ภ๷๹ภৄภȲ๿๬๹ภ๬ ๗๒ ୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ภ๥๙ภ๗๧๹ภ๮๥ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภȬ๿๬ภ ˚๿ภ๨ᆧภᆧ๿๹ภৄภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภˠຉ๷ภ๧ᆩย ๗ภ๗๣๙ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภ๖ᆧภ ధ๗ภۑ๙๒ Ȳຉ๬ภ˚ภ๬๤๴ภ๴๖๿ ᆸᆧภৄภ ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ๥๙ภ ๵ᆧภ ภ ೏ภೆ๥ภű๿ภ๪๭ᇍ๗ภஃ๙ภ๮๥ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ ഃ๬ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๪๲๗ภ๹ภډ๨ᆧภ ೲ๙๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ ˣ๿๙ภ๥๗๴ภৄภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ ๸ᆩ๙ภ๥๙ภ ೓ຉภ๸ᆩ๙ภ ๴৷๗๹ภುຉ๙ภৄภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๥๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 58 e) Protect its own property such as water supply sources, and may take such actions it considers necessary. Where such properties are shared with other bodies, such actions shall be taken jointly; f) Prepare annual budget for its operations and submit it to the Thrompon for approval of the Thromde Tshogde; g) Levy, collect and appropriate taxes, duties, tolls, and fees in accordance with the procedures and subject to such limitations as may be provided by any law made by Parliament; h) Manage affairs of the Dzongkhag Thromde under the direction of the Thrompon in an efficient and equitable manner, benefiting all residents of the Thromde; i) Manage its finances prudently in a manner which is consistent with sound financial practices; j) Undertake any activity consistent with relevant laws and policies of the government, which may preserve and promote the environment within the limits of Dzongkhag Thromde; k) Provide services such as water supply, sewerage services, solid waste management, drains, animal control, plantation, and other services including the disposal of unclaimed bodies; l) Ensure that urban planning and development are carried out in a manner which is consistent with the national urban development policies; m) Interact on matters concerning the development and overall governance of the Dzongkhag Thromde with the relevant agencies;

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 59 ๙ภϭภ๪Ź๬ภഗ๷ภ˚ງ ๿ภବภ๷ภ๹ᆸ๗๹ภ๨๴๿ภ ᆧ๙ภ๗ᆩภ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภৄภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภك๚๒ ๴ ๥๙ภ๥ᆮภৄภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๚๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๴๛ᆧภ๪๴๿ภ๥๙ภ๷ᆮ๧ภৄภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩย๥ᆮภ๪઩๬ภ ๧ภ๴๪๥ภഓຉ๥๨ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภك๹ภ๮๗๹ภ๗๲๧ภ๥๙ภ๪๗ᇍ ᆸภ๬ډ๬๴๿ภ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภৄภ ๴ ๥ᆮภ๪઩๬ภ๬๴๿ภ๥๙ภ๷ᆮ๧ภৄภ๬๝๬ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ๛๒ ᆧ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ˚ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๪๳ຉภೲງภȲຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภ ഁງภ๷๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภઈภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภȲຉ๬ภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภகภ๪ು๷ภ๧ᆩย ๜๒ ഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภűภ๪๳๿ ຉภ๪๴๿ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๛ภ๗๧๹ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๗๲๧ภ๧๙ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๮๥ภ๗๲๿ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ Ȳ๷ภ๴๪๪ภ๥๙ภ ๚ภȲ๷ภ ๷๬ภȲ๷ภˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภᆧ๿๗๹ภ๪๕๷ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๪೺ภ๧ᆩภ๥߸ภ๮๥ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩย ภ๬๝๬ภ๴ࣛ๙ภৄ๗๹ภ๨๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภۑ๝๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๧๙ภഁງ ຉ๥ภ๬๿ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภகภ ๩๧ภ๤ᆸ๗๹ภ๴ ๷๹ภȲຉ๬ภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภȬ๪ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງภ๥ᆮภ๗ᆩภ๷๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๩๧ภ ภ๬๝๬ภ˚๿ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩยۑ๹ภ๚๧ภ๥๙ภ๴܍ ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ೐ຉภ๷๹ภ ৄ๷ภك๣๒ ๬ภ๥̣๷ภৄภ ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๪๳๙ภ๨ᆸภ๥๙ภ๬ ๧๬ภതງภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩยك๬ ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ೐ຉภ๷๹ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภك๤๒ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภ๬ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๧๙ภ๴๖ງ ᆸ๥ภகภ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภ๝๬๹ภ഻๙ภ๥๙ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩๷ภகภᆮ ๩๧ภ๨๴๿ภࣟภ๪ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩย ๪ภ๬๿ภנ๙ภϭภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๥๙ภ๪๭ᇍ๗ภϭภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภࡲ๗๹ภ೘๿๗๹ภଥ๷ภ๬ภ๪ك๥๒ ๴ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๗૱ᆧภ๪ภ๹ᆮ๬๹ภ๚๧ภ๪๥๗ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๸ᆩ๙ภ๴৷๗๹ภುຉ๙ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๪ିຉ๥ภ๬ภ๪๕๥ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภ๸ᆩภᆧภৄภ๗ຉ ᆩภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๗๲๧ภৄภࣟ๿๧ภ๧ᆩย ๧๒ Ȳຉ๬ภ˚ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ ๿ภ๥๙ภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภৄภ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภഽ๥ภࣛ๹ภ๿ ๧๬ภതງภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๵ᆸ๥๨ภ๙ᆮ๹ภ๗๣๧ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩยك๥๙ภ๬ ๨๒ ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๗ᆩภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๥๙ภ๗ઈ๙ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤ๷ภ๪๴ງ ๿ภ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภೆᆧภຉ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภƥ๙๹ภ๥๙ภ๩๧ภৄ๧ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩย 59 n) Issue and renew occupancy certificate at periodic intervals to ensure compliance to safety and other regulations; o) Carry out preparation of structure plans including land use plans within Thromde areas and recommend their approval by the Ministry responsible for urban development; p) Carry out land pooling scheme or any appropriate planning techniques and prepare local area plan within the jurisdiction of Thromdes; q) Approve all land transactions within the Thromdes in accordance with the provisions of the Land Act and approved local area plans of Thromdes wherever such plans exist; r) Approve and register all transaction related to any property within the jurisdiction of Thromdes in the Thromde Property Register; s) Administer development control regulations including regulation related to minimum plot size within Thromdes as provided for under this Act; t) Minimum plot size in potential growth areas of Thromde shall be 13 decimals whereas in areas where local area plans exist, minimum plot size shall be as per the size specified in the approved local area plans; and u) Regulate and manage trees and plantation within Thromde.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 60 ډ๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๪๲๿๧ภډ๩๒ ๝ᆮ๧ภ഻๙ภ๥๙ภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภக๗๹ภ๗๲๧ภகภ๗๧๹ภ๧ᆩภ๗ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภ ഁຉ๥ภ๛ᆸ๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๗ภȬງᆧภ๴ࣟ๿๧ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ๷๗ภȬᆧภ๪ುᆧภ๗๹ງ ᆸภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย  ๪๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ ๹ภ๛ภ๪๕ᆸ๷ภഓຉ๥ภ๪୶๿๹ภ๨๴๿ภ๪๳ຉภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภৄภ๪๳๿ ຉภೲງภ Ȳ๬ภഁຉ ภ๗ງ ๙ภ๴๩ᆸ ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภ๴๗๧ภ๴ƥᆧภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ ๷๹ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภઈภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภˠຉ๹ภ๴๥ᆮ๪๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ᆸ ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩภۑ๬๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภৄภ๧๙ภഓງ ๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๹ภ๛ภ๪೺ภ೏๗ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๷๹ภ๴๛ᆧภৄภ๴๗ภ๴  ๥๙ภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງภ๮๗๹ภഁᇍ ภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ ๴ຉ๹ภ๴๮๬๹ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩยۑ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๴๿ ๿ภ๤๪๹ภᆧ๿๗ภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๴๗ᆸภ๴  ๭๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๧๙ภ๴๖ງ ᆸ๥ภகภ ๹๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภűภ๥๗๿ ᆸ๙๹ภ๥๧ภৄภ๥๙ภᆸ Ȳ๬ภഁຉ ງ๴๿ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๵๿ ᆸ๥ภ๹ภகภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿ ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ๹ภ๛๴ภഖ๿ ຉ๥ภ ๷ᆮ๧ภ˚๿ภᆧ๿๗๹ภ๗ภᆧภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย  ๮๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภȬ๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๴ຉ๗ภகภৄ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๹ภ๛ภ๥๙ภ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪๴๿ภ ๬๿๙ภ ๤ᆸภഗຉภ๹ᆸᆧภ๥๙ภ๤ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภű๿ภᆧ๿๗๹ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ๛ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๹ᆸภ ๹ᆸᆧภ ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ Ȳ๬ภഁຉ ງ๴ภ଱ภ๥๙๿ ᆸ๹ภ๤ᆸภ๥ᆮ๪ภ๬ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๧๙ภ ๤ᆸภ ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ๹๴๿ภଳภ๮๥ภж๙ภډ๯๒ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๧๙ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ௟ᆧภ  ๸ᆸ๹ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪๴ภೲ๙๹ภ๴๯๿ ᇇ๧ภ๪୶๿๹ภ๣ᆮภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๮๥ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿ภ๪๥๗ภು๙ภຉ ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๿ภ๹ᆩภत๷ภึุۑ ๱๒ ๴ຉ๹ภ௦๧ภ๵ᆧภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภৄภ๧๙ภȬ๿๬ภ๹๴๿ภଳภ๮๥ภж๙ภ๸ᆸ๹ภ  ๼ᆩ๧๬ภ๥๙ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๪๕๿ ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภৄภ๧๙ภȬ๬ภ๹๴๿ ภଳภ๮๥ภж๙ภ๸๿ ᆸ๹ภ๛ภ ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภű๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿ ๷ภ๥๗๿ ๨ภ๥๙ภยᆸ  ๲๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภ ๸ᆩ๙ภ๥๙ภ ๸ᆩ๙ภ๴৷๗๹ภುຉ๙ภৄภೲ๙๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๥๙ภ ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย   60 Appointment of the Executive Secretary 274. The Executive Secretary as a civil servant shall be appointed in accordance with the Civil Service Act of Bhutan.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Executive Secretary of Thromde Administration

275. The Executive Secretary shall head the Administration of Thromde.

276. The Executive Secretary shall be accountable to the Thrompon.

277. Under the general supervision of the Thrompon, the Executive Secretary shall:

a) Administer appropriate organizational structure for the Thromde administration; b) Ensure that the decisions of the Thromde Tshogde are implemented on time; c) Authorize payment for works, procurements and administrative claims; d) Carry out day to day management of Thromde operations; and e) Any other functions prescribed by the Thromde Tshogde or other laws.

Chapter 18 Offences

Offence for acting as a member after ceasing to be a member 278. A person who acts as a member of the Local Government after ceasing to hold office under this Act or the rules and regulations made there under, shall be guilty of the offence of impersonation of an official.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 61 ๙ภภ๛๧ᆮᆮ ภภ๪ೆภຉภຉ๪๲๗ยยې๪๕ᆸ๥ᆸ ภภȬ๪ภภ ๙ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ๲๿ภ๗๵ᆸ๗๨ภ๼ᆩ๧๬ภ๷๹ภ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๲๿ภ๗๵ᆸ๗ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภې๪๕ᆸ๥ภȬ๪ภ .274 ๣ᆮภ๪ೆຉภ๪๲๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 

๙ภภ๛๧ᆮᆮ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿ஔภภ๥๙ภภ๴๗๧ภภ๴ƥᆧยยې๪ ๕ᆸ๥ᆸ ภภȬ๪ภภ ๙ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲຉ๬ภഁງภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภഁງภ๮๧ภ๴๗ᆸภ๴Ȳ๿๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยې๪๕ᆸ๥ภȬ๪ภ .275 ๙ภ๛ᆮ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภȲຉ๬ภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภகภ๴Ȳ๿ภ๴๗๧ภ๚๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸยې๪๕ᆸ๥ภȬ๪ภ .276 ๙ภ๛๧ภ˚ᆮ ๿๹ېȲຉ๬ภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภഓ๿ᆧภ๪๣๙ภ௟ภ୑ຉ๗ภ๴ຉ๗ภகภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภȬ๪ภ .277 ๕๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๪๥๗ภುງ ຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๴ຉ๹ภ๴๮๬๹ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ๷๹ภ๮๗๹ภűᇍ ภ୑๿ ງ๧ภ๗๲๿ภ ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย ๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ๷๗ภ๷๧ภ๴๤๪ภৄ๗๹๨ภ๴๪๥ภᆮډ๖๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภˠຉ๹ภ๛ᆸ๥ภৄภ ๧ᆩย ๗๒ ஔภ๥๙ภ๬๖ᆸภ˟๪ภ ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪๴๿ภ ๤ᆸ๪ภ๪ି๥ภ๪๕ຉ ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภৄ๴ภ๥̣๷ภ๿ ഖຉ๥ภű๿ภ๗๧๙ภ๪ภࣟ๿๧ภ๧ᆩย ᆸ ງ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩยۑ๙๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๷๗ภ๷ງ ᆮ๧ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๝ᆩ๧ภ๪ೲᆧภ˚๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๗ภ๴ ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภډ๚๒ Ȳຉ๬ภഁภ๮ງ ᇍ๗๹ภഁภ๵๙ภ๧ภȲງ ๿๬๹ภ๗๲๧ภ˚๿๹ภ๛ᆮ๥ภ ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ್๪ภ๧ᆩย  ๷્ᆮ ภึ฽๨ย ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗๷ᆮ ย ๹ภภ๬ภ๿ภ๿๪୹๹ภภ๗઩๗๹ภภ๴๪๥ภภ๪๴ภ๿ภ๿๗๧๥ᆸᆸ ภภ๴๗๷ᆮᆮ ยยك๹ภภ๬๴๿๿ ภ๿ภ๿๗๧๹ภภ଱๧ภภ๪๚๥ภภ๨๴ภ๿ภ๿య๷ภภகภภ๴ك๴ 278. ๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๪๚๴ภȲᆩ ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๴ຉ๗ภகภ๪୶๬๹ภ๨๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๗ภᆩ ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๵๗ภ๮๙ภ๴๛๙ภ๧ᆩ ᆩ๴๿ภ ๗๧๹ภ଱๧ภ๪๚๥ภ๨๴๿ภయ๷ภகภ ๹ภ ๹ภ๬๿๴ภ๿ ๪୹๹ภ๗઩๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๥ภᆮ ๴๗ภ๥๨ᆸ ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภ๪୹๹ภ๗઩๗๹ภك๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๴ ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภು๧ภ˚ຉ ๿ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗๷ภ๵ᆮ ᆩ๧ภ๨ᆧภ๪୶๿ภ๥๗ᆸย 61 Offence for failing to surrender Local Government properties

279. A member of the Local Government who fails to hand over any document, monies or other properties belonging to the Local Government to his/her successor in office or other prescribed authority within thirty days of vacation of office shall be guilty of an offence of unauthorized use of properties.

Offence for failure to declare conflict of interest

280. A member who votes or fails to disclose his/her interest in contravention of this Act shall be fined up to a maximum of ninety days’ national daily minimum wage rate.

Offence for acquiring an interest in a contract

281. If any member or personnel of the Local Government knowingly acquires for himself/herself, directly or indirectly, any share or interest in any contract work awarded by Local Government, he/she shall be guilty of an offence of official misconduct.

Offence for non-payment of taxes

282. Non-payment of taxes to Local Governments under this Act shall be guilty of an offence of tax evasion.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 62 ๹ ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๗ઈ๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ଱ภภ๥๙๹ᆸᆸ ภภৄภภ୶๹๿๿ ภภഖ๥ຉຉ ภภ๬ภภ๴๪๥ภภ๪๴ภ๿ภ๿๗๧ᆸ๥ᆸ ภภ๴๗๷ᆮᆮ ยย ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภೲຉ๙๬ภ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ ๝ᆩ๧ภˠ๙๹ภಸ๬ภρภ๗ᆩภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .279 ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ ๪๥๗ภ๥๪๙ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ ๵ᆩ๗ภ๛ภ๥๙ภ ๣ᆩภଥภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ଱ภ ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภډ๥๙ᆸ๹ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภৄภ ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๮๙ภ๗ᆩภ ๪଱๥ภ๴๯๧ภ๨ภᇇ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๛ᆮ๥ภ ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภ ୶๿๹ภഖຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภৄ๗๹ภ๬ภ๥๿ ᆮภ ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨ᆧภ ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภৄภ๬๖ᆸภ ഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ๝๹ภುᆮ ຉ๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗ᆮ๷ภ๵ᆩ๧ภ๨ᆧภ๪୶ภ๥๗๿ ᆸย 

๖ภᆮภᆮ๩๧ภภ௟๗ภภഖ๥ຉຉ ภภ๗๹๷ภภ๪೏๗๹ภภ๴๪๥ภภ๬ภภৄ๗๹ภภ๨๴ภ๿ภ๿๗๧ᆸ๥ᆸ ภภ๴๗๷ᆮᆮ ยย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภଳ๪ภ๴๗๷ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภᇍك๴ .280 ๪অ๗๹ภ๨ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๖ᆸภ๬๴ຉ ๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๹๙ภ೏ຉ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภৄ๗๹ภ๬ภகภ๝๿ ᆮ๹ภࣟภ๬๤ᆸภ ภۑ๸ᆸ๹ภ๝ᆩ๧ภˠ๙๹ภ๥ɏภ๪ρภৄ๧ภ˚๿ภ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภ๬๴๿ ๿ภ๝ᆩ๧ภ๪ೲᆧภˣภ๛ภж๙ภ๸ᆸ๹ภ๥๙ภ๴ ๬๝๬ภ˚๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภ๛๥ภഭ๿๧ภ๥๗ᆸย 

๖ ๗ภภ๴๪๗ภภ๧๙ภภᆧ๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๬๤๴ภภ๥ᆸ๧ᆸ ภภ್๪ภภ๨๴ภ๿ภ๿๗๧ᆸ๥ᆸ ภภ๴๗๷ᆮᆮ ยย ภ๖ᆸภډ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๷๹ภ๬๿ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪๹๬ภ๪๲๿๧ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๴ .281 ๬ຉภᆧ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๤๥ภ๕ᆧภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๪଱๥ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภഖຉ๥ภ๬๿ภ๖๗ภ ๴๪๗ภ๗ᆩภஔภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๧๙ภ๪๗ᆸภ๪๸๴ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๖ᆮภ๩๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๪๳ຉภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภ๴๗ᆸภ๥๨ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภ ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๷ᆸ๗ภഓຉ๥ภű๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภುຉ๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗ᆮ๷ภ๵ᆩ๧ภ๨ᆧภ๪୶๿ภ๥๗ᆸย 

Ȳ๷ภภᆧ๗๿๿ ๹ภภ๬ภภ๪অ๗๹ภภ๨๴ภ๿ภ๿๗๧๥ᆸᆸ ภภ๴๗๷ᆮᆮ ยย 282. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ภ๥๗ᆩ ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภகภ Ȳ๷ภᆧ๗๹ภ๬ภ๿ ๪অ๗๹ภ๬ภ๥๿ ᆮภȲ๷ภ๷๹ภ઩ᆧภ๤๪๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภುຉ๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๪୶ᆮ ๿ภ๥๗ᆸย     62 Offence of obstruction of Local Government functionaries

283. A person obstructing the members and officials of the Local Government or any person empowered by the Local Government in the discharge of his/her duty under the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of an offence of obstruction of lawful authority.

Penalty for removal or obliteration of notice

284. A person, who without authority in that behalf, removes, destroys, defaces or otherwise obliterates any notice exhibited or any sign or mark erected by or under the orders of a Local Government shall be fined up to a maximum of ninety days’ national daily minimum wage rate .

Offence of influencing a member

285. A person who offers any gift or promises gratification with the object of influencing the vote, opinion, judgment or action of a member shall be guilty of an offence of bribery.

Offence for giving false information

286. A person who is required by this Act or by any notice or other proceedings issued thereunder to furnish any information fails to furnish such information or knowingly furnishes false information shall be guilty of an offence of reporting false information.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 63 ๹ ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๗ઈ๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๷๹ภภ๴๗๧ภภৄ๴ภ๿ภ๿๪ᆧภภ๛๥ภภűภ๿ภ๿๗๧๥ᆸᆸ ภภ๴๗๷ᆮᆮ ยย ๹ภ๬๿ภ๥๙ภ๷๹ภࣟ๥๨ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภງك๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ ᆩภ๴ .283 ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภഖຉ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภகภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๖ᆸภ๬ຉ๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภৄภ๪ೲᆧภഓຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๪ᆧภ๛๥ภଫ๪ภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภȲ๬๹ภ๿ ๧ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภ๪ᆧภ๛๥ภଫ๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภುຉ๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗ᆮ๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๪୶๿ภ๥๗ᆸยك๬ 

๪ ୛ภภࣟ๙ภภ๪๣๧ᆸᆸ ภภ๪๣๙ภภ๪ภภ๵๙ภภ๧ภภ๪య๪๹ภภ๪๣๙ภภ๪๴ภ๿ภ๿๝ᆮ๹ᆮ ภภȲ๬๿๿ ๹ยย 284. ๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภᆩ ᆧ๙ภகภ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨ᆧภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๴๥ᆩภ๗ᆩภ ๪๕๴ภଳภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๗๹๷ภೲຉ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๪অ๗๹ภ ๪೏๿๗๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๪୛ภࣟ๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๪୛ภ୑๗๹ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ ๪య๪๹ภ๪๣๙ภ๪ภ๥๙ภ ๬ງ๥๨ภ๪๣๙ภ๪ภ ುຉ๧ภઈ๗๹ภଫ๪ภ๨ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๪๣ᆸ๧ภ๪๣๙ภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภகภ ๝ᆮ๹ภࣟภ๬๤ᆸภ๸ᆸ๹ภ ภ๬๝๬ภ˚ภ๝๿ ᆮ๹ภۑ๝ᆩ๧ภˠ๙๹ภ๥ɏภ๪ρภৄ๧ภ๮ᇍ๥ภű๿ภ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๷๹ภ๬๿๴๿ภˣภ๛ภж๙ภ๸ᆸ๹ภ๥๙ภ๴ Ȳ๿๬๹ภഭ๿๧ภ๥๗ᆸย 

๹ภภ๬ภ๿ภ๿௦๗ຉຉ ภภ๪಻๷ภภ๴๪๥ภภ๪๴ภ๿ภ๿๗๧๥ᆸᆸ ภภ๴๗๷ᆮᆮ ยยك ๴ ๹ภ๬ᆩ ๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๥๙ภ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥ᇍ ᆮภ๷๹ภ๴ȱ๧ภ๛ᆸ๥ภك๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๴ .285 ๵๙ภ๧ภ ࣟງ๥ภ๷๹ภৄภ ௦ຉ๗ภ๪಻๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ૱๷ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ Ȭຉ๹๬ภࣟ๿๧ภ๨ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๬ɏภ୻๹ภűภ๖๹ภࣧ๙๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ ๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๧๙ภ๗ಸ๗ภࣟ๿๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภುຉ๧ภ˚ภ๿ ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗ᆮ๷ภ๵ᆩ๧ภ ๨ᆧภ๪୶๿ภ๥๗ᆸย 

๪ ୛ภภ๥ᆸ๧ᆸ ภภ୹๹ภภ๬ภภࣟ๧๿๿ ภภ๨๴ภ๿ภ๿๗๧ᆸ๥ᆸ ภภ๴๗๷ᆮᆮ ยย 286. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๴๥ภ๴ࣤᆩ ๷ภ˚ງ ๿ภ ࣟภ๪๴๿ภ ๗๧๥ภഓຉ๥ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๪୛ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภࣟ๿๧ภ๥๗ᆸภ๬๿ภ๬ภ๙๿ ᆸภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภ๪୛ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภ ภ๪୛ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ୹๹ภ๬ภࣟ๿๧ภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๪୛ภ๥ᆸ๧ภډภࣟ๿๧ภ๬ภৄ๗๹ภ๨ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๪๹๬ภ๪๲๿๧ภৄ ୹๹ภ๬ภ೘๧ภઈภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภುຉ๧ภ˚ภ๗๧๿ ᆸ๥ภ๴๗ᆮ๷ภ๵ᆩ๧ภ๨ᆧภ๪୶๿ภ๥๗ᆸย  63 Offence for damage to public property

287. Any damage to a property of the Local Government caused by any act, neglect or default on account of any person shall be guilty of an offence of malicious mischief.

Offence for breach of the Code of Conduct

288. A member guilty of violation of Code of Conduct or breach of privilege shall, notwithstanding any other penalty that may be prescribed under this Act or any law in force, be liable to any one or more of the following penalties:

a) A written warning; b) An order to apologize to the Local Government or any person, in the manner determined by it; c) Suspension without any benefits for a specified period; d) A fine not exceeding the equivalent of the member’s one month’s salary and allowances; e) Removal from membership; and f) Provided that the matters under subsection (e) of this section shall be dealt with in accordance with this Act.

Jurisdiction of Court

289. The Dzongkhag Court of the concerned Dzongkhag shall be the court of original jurisdiction to try a petition under this Act in accordance with Civil and Criminal Procedure Code of Bhutan.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 64 ๬ ภ๿ภ๿๬๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ଱ภภ๥๙๹ᆸᆸ ภภகภภು๧ຉຉ ภภઈ๗๹ภภଫ๪ภภ๨๴ภ๿ภ๿๗๧๥ᆸᆸ ภภ๴๗๷ᆮᆮ ยย ๹ภ๸ᆸᆧภ˚ภ೐๿ ຉภ๷๹ภك๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๗๹ภஔภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๴๪๥ภೆ๪๹ภ๥๙ภഎ๙ภ๬ᆩ ງ๥ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๴ .287 ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ଱ภ๥๙ᆩ ᆸ๹ภகภುຉ๧ภઈ๗๹ภଫ๪ภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๹ᆮ๬๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภഓຉ๥ภ๙๧ภ๴๪๥ภ ๪๴๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภುຉ๧ภ˚๿ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗ᆮ๷ภ๵ᆩ๧ภ๨ᆧภ๪୶๿ภ๥๗ᆸย 

¨๧ภภഓ๥ຉຉ ภภୣ๬ภภ๗๲๗ภภ๥๙ภภ๴๗๷ภภ๪๴ภ๿ภ๿๝๹ᆮᆮ ภภȲ๬๿๿ ๹ยย ๹ภك๧ภഓຉ๥ภୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ภ๥๙ภ๴๗๷ภ๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๖ᆮภ๥๪๙ภ๪ᆧภଫງ๧ภ˚๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภ๚๧ภ๵๧ภ๨๴ᆩ ๿ภ๴¨ .288 ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภகภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ Ȳ๬๹ภ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภ๿ ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภ๛๥ภৄภகภ๬ภ௟ຉ๹ภ๨ᆧภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ˚ภ๝๿ ᆮ๹ภȲ๿๬๹ภৄภډଥ๙ภ๧๙ภ๛ᆮ๥ภ ๷๹ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๗๚๗ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥ᆩ ᆮภ๷๹ภధ๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภȲ๿๬๹ภৄภഭ๿๧ภ๧ᆩภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ  ๕๒ ๵ᆩ๗ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๝ᆮ๧ภ๪୛ย ๖๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆩ๗ภகภ ๴๥ᆩภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๗๣๧ภ๴๪ᆮ๪๹ภ ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ ୣ๬ภ๗๲๗ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๪๳ຉ๥ภ๗๹ᆸ๷ภ˚๿ภઈภ๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸภ๨๴๿ภ๪๕๴ภ ଳย ๹ภ๮ᇍ๥ภű๿ภᆧ๿๙ภ ๖ᆮภ๩๧ภ๗ภ๧ᆩภ๵๙ภ๬๥๨ภതງ ງภ ๥๗ᆸ๙๹ภ๩ᆸ๗ภډ ๗๒ ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩย ภۑ๹ภৄ๴๿ภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๷๬ภ๥๙ภ๴ك๹ภ๬๿ภ๥ᆮภ๗ภૅ๱ภ๗๚ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๥̣๷ภ๩ᆸ๗๹ภ๥๙ภ๴ك๙๒ ๴ ๬๝๬ภ๷๹ภ๬ภధ๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภࣟย ๹ภ๬๿๴๿ภˠ๷ภ๷๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๥ࣛ๙ภ๗๣๙ภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภยك๚๒ ๴ ๛๒ ๴๥ᆩภ๴๪๥๱ภ๥ภ ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ๴๥ภ๗ᆩ ᆩภ ๧๙ภ๗๹ᆮ๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๮๧ภ ๚ ๨๴๿ภ๤๥ภ ๪๚๴ภ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥๗๙๹ภ๥ᆸ ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๙ᆸ๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย  ๧ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภȬ๪ยยډȲ๬๿๿ ๹ภภ๴ ๧ภ๴๥๿ ᆩภډ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๴๗ภ๗ຉ ᆩภ ๪๸ᆮᆧภ๵ᆩ๗ภ࠘๷ภ๧ᆩภகภ๴ࣤ๷ภ๵ງ ᆸ๥ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๗ภȲ๬๹ภ๴ .289 ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๲๿ภ୶ຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๝ᆮ๹ภ୶ຉ๥ภࣟภ๪๴ภ๗๧๥ภഓ๿ ຉ๥ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥ᆮ๪ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ ๤ᆸ๗ภ๬๴๿ภ๥๪๙ภȬ๪ภ ๧ภ๹ภ๼ᆩ๧ยډű๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภű๿ภ๴ 64 Offences under the Penal Code of Bhutan

290. Any act or omission which is an offence under the Penal Code of Bhutan shall be deemed to be an offence under this Act and be punishable with the same penalty as prescribed under the Penal Code.

Offence not specified in this Act

291. The Local Government shall, where a particular offence is not covered by this Act or any rules and regulations made thereunder, have the power to levy reasonable penalty, not exceeding a fine of ninety days’ national daily minimum wage rate.

Chapter 19 Miscellaneous


292. The Royal Audit Authority shall conduct the Audit of Local Governments in accordance with the Audit Act of Bhutan.

Annual Report

293. The Chairpersons of Local Governments shall submit an annual report to the government not later than three months after the closing of each financial year after being tabled before the Local Governments. The report shall contain amongst others:

a) the annual financial statements; b) a statement of Local Governments’ objectives and policies;

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 65 ๴ ࣡๗ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๝๹ᆮᆮ ภภ๴๗๷ᆮᆮ ภภȲ๬๿๿ ๹ภภ๥๪ᆮᆮ ภภ๴๗ຉຉ ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๗๧ᆸ๥ᆸ ภภ๴๗๷ᆮᆮ ยย 290. ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๝๹ภ๴๗ᆮ ᆮ๷ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥ᆮ๪ภ๧๙ภ ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภˠ๙๹ภಸภৄ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๷๹ภᆧ๿๗๹ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภࡲ๿ᆧภ๪๸ᆸ๷ภ˚๿ภஔภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๪ภ๥ᆮภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ภ๴ᆩ ຉ๗ภகภ๵๙ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗ᆮ๷ภ ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภډ๿ภˠ๙๹ภಸภ๪୶๿ภ๥๗ᆸภ๧ᆩภ๥๙ภ  ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๝ᆮ๹ภ๴๗ᆮ๷ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥ᆮ๪ภ๧๙ภ ๛ᆮ๥ภ˚ ๝ᆮ๹ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๥ࣟງภ๪ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภȲ๿๬๹ภഭ๿๧ภ๥๗ᆸย 

๪ ๚๴ภภȲ๬๿๿ ๹ภภ๴๥ภᆩภᆩ๧๙ภภ๬ภภৄ๥ภภ๨๴ภ๿ภ๿๗๧ᆸ๥ᆸ ภภ๴๗๷ᆮᆮ ยย 291. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภ๪๚๴ภȲᆩ ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๥๙ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๴๗ภகภ๪୶๬๹ภ๨๴ຉ ๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ ೏๿๗ภ๗๲๿ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๬ภȬ๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๪๹๷ภ˚๿ภ๗๧ᆸ๥ภ๴๗ᆮ๷ภᆧງภ๤ᆸ๧ภ๮ᇉภ ๝ᆩ๧ภˠ๙๹ภ ๥ɏภρ๴ภଳ๷ภ๵๿ ๙๹ภ๷๹ภ๬ᆸ ๴๿ ๿ภˣภ๛ภж๙ภ๸ᆸ๹ภ๷๹ภ๬ภధ๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๴ຉ๹ภ௦๧ภ˚๿ภ๝ᆮ๹ภ๛๥ภ ๪๕๷ภ๛ᆸ๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ย  ๷્ᆮ ภึ฾๨ย എภ๮๗ᇍ ๹ภ๥๗๙ᆸ ๹ภ๥๧ᆸ ย

୶ ๹๿๿ ภภ๲๪๿๿ ยย 292. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ୶๹ภ๲๿ ๿๪ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ୶๹ภ๲๿ ๿๪ภ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ୶๿๹ภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 

๷ ภᆸภᆸ๪ೲᆧภภ೘๧ภภઈยย 293. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ˚๿๹ภ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๲๧ภৄภ๥๙ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภৄภৄ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ ๹ภ ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ೘๧ภઈภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ᆸภ๬๿ภ๴๥ภ๵๙ภᆩ   ๕๒ ๷ᆸภ๪ೲᆧภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚๿ภ୶๿๹ภ๪ିຉ๥ย  ๖๒ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๥๬ᆩ ๿๗๹ภ૱๷ภ๥๙ภഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภű๿ภ๴ˠ๷ภ๪ିງ ຉ๥ย 65 c) an assessment of the extent to which objectives and policies have been achieved during the year; d) list of commercial investment and returns; e) list of tenders for works, goods and services awarded along with corresponding budget, contractors and contrat values; f) a summary of operational results for the year; g) an inventory of assets; h) issues and constraints; and i) such other information or reports as may be required to be submitted to the Royal Government.

Rule making powers of the Local Government

294. A Local Government’s rules of procedures shall be determined by the Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs and the Ministry responsible for urban development in consultation with the Local Government.

295. The rules and regulations of a Local Government shall among others, provide for:

a) Rules regarding policies, procedures, administration, functions, powers, authority, obligations, finances, budget, revenue, tax, land management, and others with relation to and within the jurisdiction of the Local Government which are not specified under this Act but shall be in accordance with any other laws in force. Notwithstanding this, Local Governments’ rules and regulations on finances, budget, revenue, and taxes shall be in accordance with the Royal Government’s financial rules and regulations.

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 66 ๗๒ ๷ᆸภ๥ᆮภ๧๙ภ ˟๪ภ๴ࣤ๹ภ๴๤ᆸ๧ภ๬๿ภ ๥๬๿๗๹ภ૱๷ภ๥๙ภ ഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภৄภ๗ภ๥ᆩ ᆸ๧ภகภ ๥ࣟງภ๲๿๪ย ๙๒ ๮ᇍ๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ˚ภ๬ภ୶ภ๴৷๗๹ภഓ๿ ຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ภ๖ᆩ ᆮภ๴๪๪ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ˚ภ๤๿ ᆸย ๚๒ ࡲ๿ᆧภഖຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภஔภ๥๙ภ๚ภ๛๹ภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภஔภৄ๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภᆧ๿๧ภ๪೺ᆧภ˚๿ภ๤ᆸภ ๥๙ภണ๗๹ภ๥ᆮภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪๴๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ๖๗ภ๴๪๗๨ภ๥๙ภ๖๗ภ๴๪๗ภ ๗ᆩภ๗๧๹ภ๗ᆸ๙ภৄย ๛๒ ๷ᆸภ๥ᆮภ๧๙ภ๷๗ภ๷๧ภ˚ᆮ ๿ภ˟๪ภ๴ࣤ๹ภৄ๴๿ภ๪ρ๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ย ๜๒ ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภৄ๴ภ๥๙๿ ๹ภ๛๹ภűᆸ ๿ภ๤ᆸย ๝๒ ࣟภೲ๪๹ภ๬ภ๪๥ᆮ๱ภ๥๙ภ๥๕๴ภ๙๷ภৄภ๥๙ภย ๣๒ ๗ઈ๙ภகภ࠘๷ภ๥๗ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภ๗๧๹ภৄ๷ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ೘๧ภઈภ๗๲๧ภৄย 

๹ ภภ๗๧๹ภภ๗ઈ๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๪๚๴ภภ๵๗ᆩᆩ ภภ๪๳ภຉภຉ๛๗ᆸᆸ ภภ๨๴ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ยย 294. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภࣟภ๪๴ᆩ ๿ภ๗๧๥ภഓຉ๥ภűภ๪๚๴ภ๵๿ ᆩ๗ภৄภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๥๙ภˠຉ๹ภ๪೫๧ภ˚ภ๿ ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ ๧๙ภഽ๥ภ๥๙ภഽ๿ ຉ๷ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๥๙ภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ˚๿ภ๴๗๧ภ๴ƥᆧภ௦๧ภ ๨๴๿ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๗๹ภˠᆩ ຉ๹ภ๤๗ภ๪๚๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 295. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗๹ภ๗๲ภ๧๙ภ๿ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๲๧ภ๥๙ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๖ᆧภ๗๸๬ภ ๗๹๷ภৄภৄ๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ ๕๒ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๧๙ภ๬ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๼ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ ๛ภ๗๧๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴ภȲ๿ ๬๹ภ๿ ๗๲๧ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๣ᆮภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๥๪๙ภȬ๪ภű๿ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ ഽ๿๥ภࣛ๹ภ๥๙ภࣟภ೐ຉภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๪๥๗ภುຉ๙ภࣟภ೐ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๥๪๙ภ๴๯ຉ ᇇ๧ภ ๴๗๧ภ๴Ȳ๿ภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๴๪๪ภȲ๷ภ๹ภ๛ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภುຉ๙ภ ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๗๧๥ภ๥๧ภ๗๲๧ภ˚ᆸ ๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ย๴๥ᆩภৄภகภ๬ภ௟ຉ๹ภ๨ᆧภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ ๗ઈ๙ภৄ๴๿ภ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๥๙ภ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๴๪๪ภ๥๙ภȲ๷ภᆧ๿๗๹ภű๿ภ ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ ೏๿๗ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ ଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ ๥̣๷ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ ೏๿๗ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๿๷ภ๥๗ᆸย 66 b) The establishment, composition, powers, functions, procedures ๧ภ೏๿ ๿๗ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภࣟภ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภكand duration of its Committee; ๖๒ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗๲ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๬ c) The protection of the public from nuisance; ഓຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๗๧๹ภ૱๧ภ˚๿ภೆຉᆧย d) The protection of public properties; ๗๒ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภகภ๪ಸ๧ภ๴๮ᇉᆧภ๚๧ภ๷๹ภ๝ᆮ๧ภುຉ๪ภűภೆ๿ ᆧยຉ e) The protection, promotion, and maintenance of public health ๙๒ ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภৄภ๝ᆮ๧ภುຉ๪ภűภೆ๿ ᆧยຉ ๗ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภۑand safety; and ๚๒ ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ๴ࡴຉ๥ภ๪ೲງ๧ภ๥๙ภ๝ᆮ๧ภ഻๙ภৄภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ๥๙ภ๵ᆧภ f) Minimizing the potential for offensive behaviour in public ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภೆຉᆧภ๥๙ภย places. ๛๒ ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ๹ภ๗ᆸภ๧๙ภ๝ᆮ๹ภ๷๹ภű๿ภ๴ࣛ๙ภ๝ᆮ๧ภৄภ๬ᆧภ๩๪ภű๿ภೆຉᆧย 296. The Local Government shall seek views from Dzongdag/relevant 296. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภ๪୶๬๹ภ๨๴ᆩ ๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ๗๲๿ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภű๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ agency in framing rules and regulations. Provided that if the கภ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภഁງภகภ๪অ๗ภ๥๗ᆸย ๴๥ᆩภ๴๪๥๱ภ๥ภ๵๗ภ๛ภ๪অ๗๹ภᆩ Dzongdag/relevant agency fails to act within thirty days the same ๲๿๧๬ภ๷๹ภ๝ᆩ๧ภˠ๙๹ภಸ๬ภρ๴ภ๧๙ภ๴๖๿ ᆸ๥ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ๪ುᆧภ ๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภكshall be deemed as accepted. ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภৄ๗๹ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๗ภ๥๙ภ೏ᆩ ๿๗ภ๗๲ภ๥๿ ᆮภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๬ 297. The Dzongdag/relevant agency shall provide their views required ๪୶๿ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๥๙ภ๛ภ๗๧๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ภډunder this Act with a request for consideration in framing such rules 297. ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๴ຉ๗ภகภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ௟ᆧภ and regulations. ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗๹ภ๗๲ภৄภ๪๳๿ ຉภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภ ๪୶ภ๴๜๿ ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๖ᆸ๙ภᆧ๴ภ๿

298. Local Governments shall, as soon as practicable, after rules and ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภৄภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๗ᆸย regulations are made, give public notice of the making of the rules 298. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๗ภ๥๙ภ೏ᆩ ๿๗ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๪๳ຉภ๮ᆧภ๪๴๿ภయ๷ภகภ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภகภ and regulations and ensure that it is available for inspection, free of ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ ˠภ೏๿๗ภ๵ᆸ๥ภக๗๹ภű๿ภ ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภȬ๪ภ๪೏๗๹ภৄภ๴๪๥ภ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ᆧ๿๧ภ๬ງ๥ภೲຉ๙ภ๨ภതງภ ๲๪ภ๥߸๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๿كcharge, by members of the public: ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๬ภ๮๥ภ ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ๴  a) At places it considers appropriate; and ๛ᆸ๗๨ภ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ b) In the electronic format where practicable.  ๕๒ ๴ຉ๹ภ๴๪๪ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภৄภ๧๙ภ๥๙ภย

299. The Local Government shall review rules and regulations made by it ๖๒ ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภଥ๙ภ๪๴๿ภˣ๗ภ๴ࡳ๷ภ˚ຉ ๿ภ೏๗ภ๪๕๿ ᆸ๥ภ๧๙ภย under this Act as and when required. 299. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴ภ๴๿ ຉ๗ภகภ๪๳ຉภ๪๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗๹ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ ๧๬ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 67 67 ๧ภ೏๿ ๿๗ภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภࣟภ๪๴๿ภ๗๧๥ภك๖๒ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภϭ๙ภ๗๲ภ๪অ๗๹ภ๬ ഓຉ๥ภ๥๙ภ๗๧๹ภ૱๧ภ˚๿ภೆຉᆧย ๗๒ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภகภ๪ಸ๧ภ๴๮ᇉᆧภ๚๧ภ๷๹ภ๝ᆮ๧ภುຉ๪ภűภೆ๿ ᆧยຉ ๙๒ ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภৄภ๝ᆮ๧ภುຉ๪ภűภೆ๿ ᆧยຉ ๗ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภۑ๚๒ ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ๴ࡴຉ๥ภ๪ೲງ๧ภ๥๙ภ๝ᆮ๧ภ഻๙ภৄภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ๥๙ภ๵ᆧภ ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภೆຉᆧภ๥๙ภย ๛๒ ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ๹ภ๗ᆸภ๧๙ภ๝ᆮ๹ภ๷๹ภű๿ภ๴ࣛ๙ภ๝ᆮ๧ภৄภ๬ᆧภ๩๪ภű๿ภೆຉᆧย 296. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภ๪୶๬๹ภ๨๴ᆩ ๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ๗๲๿ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภű๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ கภ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภഁງภகภ๪অ๗ภ๥๗ᆸย ๴๥ᆩภ๴๪๥๱ภ๥ภ๵๗ภ๛ภ๪অ๗๹ภᆩ ๲๿๧๬ภ๷๹ภ๝ᆩ๧ภˠ๙๹ภಸ๬ภρ๴ภ๧๙ภ๴๖๿ ᆸ๥ภ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ๪ುᆧภ ๧ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภك๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๬ภৄ๗๹ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๗ภ๥๙ภ೏ᆩ ๿๗ภ๗๲ภ๥๿ ᆮภȲ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๬ ๪୶๿ภ๴๜ᆸ๗ภ๥๙ภ๛ภ๗๧๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸย ภډ୻ຉ๙ภ๪๥๗ภ๴ࣤງ๷ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๷๹ภഁภ๗ງ ᆩ๹ภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴๿ภ๴ຉ๗ภகภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ௟ᆧภ .297 ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗๹ภ๗๲ภৄภ๪๳๿ ຉภ๪๴๿ภೆ๪๹ภகภ ๪୶ภ๴๜๿ ᆸ๗ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๖ᆸ๙ภᆧ๴ภ๿ ๪๹๬ภ๴๛ᆧภৄภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๗ᆸย 298. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪๚๴ภ๵๗ภ๥๙ภ೏ᆩ ๿๗ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ๪๳ຉภ๮ᆧภ๪๴๿ภయ๷ภகภ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภகภ ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ ˠภ೏๿๗ภ๵ᆸ๥ภக๗๹ภű๿ภ ๪୛ภ๪಻๷ภȬ๪ภ๪೏๗๹ภৄภ๴๪๥ภ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ᆧ๿๧ภ๬ງ๥ภೲຉ๙ภ๨ภതງภ ๲๪ภ๥߸๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๿ك๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๬ภ๮๥ภ ๥๬๙๹ภű๿ภ๴ ๛ᆸ๗๨ภ๪๳ຉภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ  ๕๒ ๴ຉ๹ภ๴๪๪ภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภৄภ๧๙ภ๥๙ภย ๖๒ ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภଥ๙ภ๪๴๿ภˣ๗ภ๴ࡳ๷ภ˚ຉ ๿ภ೏๗ภ๪๕๿ ᆸ๥ภ๧๙ภย 299. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗๹ภᆩ ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩ๴ภ๴๿ ຉ๗ภகภ๪๳ຉภ๪๴๿ภ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗๹ภ๗๲๿ภৄภ ๧๬ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๥๙ภ๪೫๧ภ๪ುᆧภ๲๿๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩย 67 Rule making powers of Royal Government

ଳ ๷ภภ๗ઈ๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๪๚๴ภภ๵๗ᆩᆩ ภภ๪୶๬ภภ๧๴ᆩᆩ ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ยย ๧ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภكThe Ministries responsible for the coordination of Local Governments 300. ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄ๴ภ๴ࣤ๿ ງ๷ภ๬ .300 shall be empowered to prescribe rules and regulations that cut across ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄ๴๿ภ ๗๧๹ภ๮๥ภ๷๹ภ๪ଵ๷ภ๪๴๿ภ ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๗ภ๗๲๿ ๿ภৄภ ๪୶๬ภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ Local Governments. ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ย 301. If there is inconsistency in the rules and regulations made by the 301. ଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪୶๬๹ภ๬๿ภ๥๙ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪୶๬๹ภ๬๿ภ ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๗ภ๿ Royal Government and the rules and regulations made by the Local ๗๲๿๴ภ๪ᆧภ๧ภ๴ࣤ๿ ງ๷ภ๛๗๹ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨๴ภȬ๥ภ๨ᆧภᆧ๿ ภ๵ງ ᆸ๥ภ๮ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᇉ ᆩ๹ภ๪୶๬๹ภ๬๿ภ๪๚๴ภ Government then the rules and regulations made by the Royal ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ๗๲ภகภ๛ภ๗๧๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗๿ ᆸย Government shall prevail. 

Amendment ๴ ࡴภ๿ภ๿എຉ๧ຉ ยย ๹ภ๬๿ ๿ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๪ഁຉ๬๹ภ๷๹ภ๗ಸ๬ภ๥߸ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภű๿๹ภˠຉ๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ࠘๷ภ๣ᆮภك๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๖๙ภᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴ภ๴ .302 302. The amendment of this Act by way of addition, variation or repeal ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภகภ๖ภೆຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ๪ೊᆧภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๛ภ๬ງ๥ภ๪๚๹ภű๿ภ๴ࡴ๿ภഎຉ๧ภ๗๙ภ shall be effected by a simple majority of the respective Houses or vote ଥ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๤ᆸ๧ภ๮ᇉภ๮๗๹ภ๖๙ภᆧ๙ภ๹ᇍ ᆸ๴๿ภࡲງ๥ภ๬๙ภ๗ภ๤ᆩ ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๵๙ภ๧ภధ๧ภ๪ઈ๗๹ภ of no less than two thirds of the total members of Parliament present ๹ภ๬๿ภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬ᇍ ๴๿ ๿ภˠ๷ภகภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภكand voting on a motion submitted by one third of the members of ๧๙ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ ഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภű๿ภ๴ either House, provided that the amendment does not undermine the ๪ഁຉ๬๹ภ๷๹ภ ๗ಸ๬ภ๥߸ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภ๷๹ภ๬ภж๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ functions and effectiveness of the Local Governments. ৄ๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภ๥๙ภ๥ᆸ๧ภഭ๿๧ภ˚๿ภ๪୶ภƥ๙๹ภகภ๬ภ๗๧๿ ᆸ๥๨ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸย  Authoritative text ๮ ๗ᇇᇇ ภภ๥๧ᆸᆸ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ยย 303. ๱ภᆧງภۑThe Dzongkha text shall be the authoritative text, if there exists any ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ภ୻ᆩ ຉ๙ภ๖ภ๥๙ภ๥ࣟ๿๧ภೆ๥ภű๿ภ๮ᇇ๗ภ๗๝๹ภűᆩ ๿ภ๪ᆧภ๧ภ๗ภ๥ᆸ ᆸ๧ภ๬ภ๴ .303 difference in meaning between the Dzongkha and the English text. ๤ᆸ๧ภ๮ᇉภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๴ภ๮๿ ๗ภ๥ᇇ ᆸ๧ภகภ๛ภ๗๧๹ภ๪઩๙ภ๥๗ᆸย  Definition ๙ ๹ᆮᆮ ภภ๮๗ᇇᇇ ยย 304. 304. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires: ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๧๙ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ๬๿๙ภ๮ᇇ๗ภৄ๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ๗ᆸภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๲๧ภ๴ˠງ๷ภ଱ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๧ภ ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๥ᆮภ๬๿๧ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ௟ᆧภ๗ภ๥ᆸ ᆸ๧ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ a) “Act” means the Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009; ๕๒ ๪๚๴ภȲ๬๿ ๹ภ ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภืีี฾ ๚๧ภ๬ภகภ๗ยᆸ The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 68 68 ଳ ๷ภภ๗ઈ๙ภภ๗ภᆩภᆩ๪๚๴ภภ๵๗ᆩᆩ ภภ๪୶๬ภภ๧๴ᆩᆩ ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ยย ๧ภ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๗๧ภƥᆧภ௦๧ภ๨๴๿ภధ๧ภ๖๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๹ภك๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄ๴ภ๴ࣤ๿ ງ๷ภ๬ .300 ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภৄ๴๿ภ ๗๧๹ภ๮๥ภ๷๹ภ๪ଵ๷ภ๪๴๿ภ ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๗ภ๗๲๿ ๿ภৄภ ๪୶๬ภ๧๴ᆩ ๿ภ ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ย 301. ଳ๷ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪୶๬๹ภ๬๿ภ๥๙ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๪୶๬๹ภ๬๿ภ ๪๚๴ภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๗ภ๿ ๗๲๿๴ภ๪ᆧภ๧ภ๴ࣤ๿ ງ๷ภ๛๗๹ภ๬ງ๥ภ๨๴ภȬ๥ภ๨ᆧภᆧ๿ ภ๵ງ ᆸ๥ภ๮ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᇉ ᆩ๹ภ๪୶๬๹ภ๬๿ภ๪๚๴ภ ๵ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภ೏๿๗ภ๗๲ภகภ๛ภ๗๧๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗๿ ᆸย 

๴ ࡴภ๿ภ๿എຉ๧ຉ ยย ๹ภ๬๿ ๿ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๪ഁຉ๬๹ภ๷๹ภ๗ಸ๬ภ๥߸ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภű๿๹ภˠຉ๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ࠘๷ภ๣ᆮภك๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๖๙ภᆧ๙ภ๹ᆸ๴ภ๴ .302 ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภகภ๖ภೆຉ๙ภ๥๙ภ๪ೊᆧภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๛ภ๬ງ๥ภ๪๚๹ภű๿ภ๴ࡴ๿ภഎຉ๧ภ๗๙ภ ଥ๙ภ๴๪๥ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๤ᆸ๧ภ๮ᇉภ๮๗๹ภ๖๙ภᆧ๙ภ๹ᇍ ᆸ๴๿ภࡲງ๥ภ๬๙ภ๗ภ๤ᆩ ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ๵๙ภ๧ภధ๧ภ๪ઈ๗๹ภ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๮๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๪ಾᆧภ๬ᇍ ๴๿ ๿ภˠ๷ภகภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภك๧๙ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๨ภ๚ᆩ๧ภ ഓ๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภű๿ภ๴ ๪ഁຉ๬๹ภ๷๹ภ ๗ಸ๬ภ๥߸ภ๗๝ᆩ๹ภ๷๹ภ๬ภж๙ภ๪๴๿ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภଳ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ ৄ๴๿ภ๷๹ภ๴๗๧ภ๥๙ภ๥ᆸ๧ภഭ๿๧ภ˚๿ภ๪୶ภƥ๙๹ภகภ๬ภ๗๧๿ ᆸ๥๨ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๴ຉ๙ภ๥๗ᆸย 

๮ ๗ᇇᇇ ภภ๥๧ᆸᆸ ภภ˚ภ๿ภ๿๥๪๙ภภ๮๥ยย ๱ภᆧງภۑ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗ภ୻ᆩ ຉ๙ภ๖ภ๥๙ภ๥ࣟ๿๧ภೆ๥ภű๿ภ๮ᇇ๗ภ๗๝๹ภűᆩ ๿ภ๪ᆧภ๧ภ๗ภ๥ᆸ ᆸ๧ภ๬ภ๴ .303 ๤ᆸ๧ภ๮ᇉภ୻ຉ๙ภ๖๴ภ๮๿ ๗ภ๥ᇇ ᆸ๧ภகภ๛ภ๗๧๹ภ๪઩๙ภ๥๗ᆸย 

๙ ๹ᆮᆮ ภภ๮๗ᇇᇇ ยย 304. ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภ๴๥ᆩภ๧๙ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ๬๿๙ภ๮ᇇ๗ภৄ๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ๗ᆸภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๗๲๧ภ๴ˠງ๷ภ଱ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๧ภ ๬ภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๥ᆮภ๬๿๧ภ๗๸๬ภ๗๹๷ภ௟ᆧภ๗ภ๥ᆸ ᆸ๧ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๥๗ᆸ๨ภ๴๥ᆩภ๵๙ภ ๕๒ ๪๚๴ภȲ๬๿ ๹ภ ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๴࣡๗ภ๗ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๚๴ภȲ๿๬๹ภืีี฾ ๚๧ภ๬ภகภ๗ยᆸ 68 b) “Budget” means a plan of intended expenditures along with a plan of how to meet them; ๖๒ ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๗๣๥ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๳๥ภ๴ˠ๴ຉ ๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๥๙ภ๿ c) “Borrowing” means the incurring by any means of debt to raise ๥ᆮภৄภ๴˟๪ภ๤๪๹ภű๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๪๚๹ภகภ๗ᆸย money; ๗๒ ๪ୁภ๪ುภ๿ ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ภ๴๥๿ ᆩภ ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ࢀภ๷ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภ๤๪๹ภ๷๬ภ๗๙ภ d) “Chiwog” means the territorial constituency for the election of ଥ๙ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๪๳ຉภ๬๿ภ๴Ȳ๿ภ๪ภகภ๗ᆸย ๴ภ๥๿ ๧ภᆸكTshogpas to the Gewog Tshogde; ๙๒ ഓภ๿๴๗ຉ ภ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ภ๴๥๿ ᆩภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภகภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๨ภৄภ๪๭๗๹ภ๴ e) “Constituency” means territorial constituency for Thromde or கภ๬๙๴ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภűภ๴๥๿ ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภகภ๗ᆸย Gewog Tshogdes; ๚๒ ๴๥๬ᆮ ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๬๙๴ภ f) “Chazhag Sathram” means the sole authoritative document ๖ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภகภ๗ᆸย that shall record and establish the legitimacy of title to land of ๛๒ ࡲ๗ภ๪๲๗ภ๹ภȲ๬ภ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ภ๴๥๿ ᆩภ๥๪๙ภȬ๪ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๬๿ภ๙๬ภ๚ᆸ ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภ a juristic person in the country maintained under the custody of ๧๙ภ ๹ภ๛ภ๴๛๙ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภൿ๿๷ภࢀ๬ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๵๗ภ๛ภᆩ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๹๴๿ภ National Land Commission; ధ๧ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภű๿๹ภ๥๬ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ๬๿ภ ๹๴๿ภ๤ᆸภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๬๿ภகภ g) “Dependents” means an individual including children entirely ๗ᆸย dependent on the earnings of a person; ๜๒ ๪୑๧ງ ภ๣ภᆮഁ๥ຉ ภ๬ภ๿ ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๬๿ภ๙ภ๚ᆸ ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๴๪๪ภƥ๙๹ภகภൿ๿๷ภ๨ᆸᆧภ๪୑๧ภ๣ງ ᆮภ h) “Functional Literacy” means the same as defined in the ഁຉ๥ภ๬๿ภ๼ภ๷ᆸภৄภ๪୶๿๹ภ๨๴๿ภ๙ᆸภଫ๙ภৄภகภ๗ᆸย ๴ภȲ๿ ๬๹ภ๿كElectoral Laws; ๝๒ ๷๗ภ๷๧ᆮ ภଥ๙ภ๪๴ภ๿๴ࣤภ๿ధ๗ภ๗ภᆩ๸๹ᆮ ภ๵๧ᆸ ภ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๪๭๗๹ภ๴ i) “Gratification” is not restricted to pecuniary gratifications ๧๙ภ๗๹๷ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๗ᆸภ๥๧ภ๥๙ภȬ๥ภ๨ᆧภ๬ᆸ ງ๥ย ๪ภ๨๴๿ภנor gratifications estimable in money and includes all forms of ๣๒ ๬ɏภ୻๹ภ ๴๥ภᆩ ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภ๬ɏภ୻๹ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๣ᆩภଥ๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๩๪ภ๪ ภ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๬ງ๥๨ภ๥๙ภ ๴๥ᆩภנentertainment; ๬ɏภ୻๹ภଫ๙๬ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภகภ ๬๤๴ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ j) “Gup” means head of the Gewog; ๗ᆩภ๧๙ภகภ๬ˠຉ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๤๪๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภৄ๥๨ภ๼ᆩ๧ย k) “Land acquisition” means acquisition or expropriation of any ๤๒ ଵ๨ภᆸ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ภଵᆩ ງ๥ภ๴๗ภ๗ຉ ภ๴๗ᆩ ᆸภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภ๗ᆸย land or property within the municipal boundaries in accordance ๗๹ภ๬๖ᆧᆸ ภ๪๲๹ງ ภ๧ภᆩ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภഓภ๮๿ ᇍ๗๹ภű๿๹ภ๪୶๬๹ภ๨๴๿ภكwith the law made by the Parliament or procedures established ๥๒ ๹ภ๛ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ by the Royal Government; Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภࣟภ೐ຉภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๷ภ๣๿ ᆮภ Ȳ๬ภഁຉ ๴ງ ๿ภ๹ภ l) “Land pooling” means a planning technique to redefine ๬๮๬๹ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๛ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ ๗๹ภ๬๖ᆸᆧภ๪๲ງ๹ภ๬๿ภகภ๗ᆸยك :ownership of land in such a way that ๧๒ ๹ภ๛ภ๪೺ภ೏๗๿ ภ ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๗๸๬ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ ๹๴ภ๪๥๗ภ๿ ๥๪๙ภ๷ᆮ๗๹ภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๤๪๹ภᆧ๿๗ภ๚ᆩ๗ภகภ๗ᆸ The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 69 69 ๖๒ ๴๛ᆧภ๥̣๷ภ ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๗๣๥ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๳๥ภ๴ˠ๴ຉ ๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๥๙ภ๿ ๥ᆮภৄภ๴˟๪ภ๤๪๹ภű๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿ภ๪๚๹ภகภ๗ᆸย ๗๒ ๪ୁภ๪ುภ๿ ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ภ๴๥๿ ᆩภ ๬ภ๥̣๷ภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩ๴๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ࢀภ๷ᆸ๧ภ˚๿ภ๤๪๹ภ๷๬ภ๗๙ภ ଥ๙ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ๪๳ຉภ๬๿ภ๴Ȳ๿ภ๪ภகภ๗ᆸย ๴ภ๥๿ ๧ภᆸك๙๒ ഓภ๿๴๗ຉ ภ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ภ๴๥๿ ᆩภଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງภகภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ๨ภৄภ๪๭๗๹ภ๴ கภ๬๙๴ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภűภ๴๥๿ ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภகภ๗ᆸย ๚๒ ๴๥๬ᆮ ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ଵງ๥ภ๴ຉ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๬๙๴ภ ๖ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๴๥ᆮ๬๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภகภ๗ᆸย ๛๒ ࡲ๗ภ๪๲๗ภ๹ภȲ๬ภ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ภ๴๥๿ ᆩภ๥๪๙ภȬ๪ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๬๿ภ๙๬ภ๚ᆸ ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩ๹ภଳ๷ภ๖๪ภ ๧๙ภ ๹ภ๛ภ๴๛๙ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภൿ๿๷ภࢀ๬ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๵๗ภ๛ภᆩ ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๹๴๿ภ ధ๧ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภű๿๹ภ๥๬ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภ଱๧ภುຉ๙ภ๴๤๪ภ๬๿ภ ๹๴๿ภ๤ᆸภ๵ᆩ๗ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๼ᆩ๧ภ๬๿ภகภ ๗ᆸย ๜๒ ๪୑๧ງ ภ๣ภᆮഁ๥ຉ ภ๬ภ๿ ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๬๿ภ๙ภ๚ᆸ ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๴๪๪ภƥ๙๹ภகภൿ๿๷ภ๨ᆸᆧภ๪୑๧ภ๣ງ ᆮภ ഁຉ๥ภ๬๿ภ๼ภ๷ᆸภৄภ๪୶๿๹ภ๨๴๿ภ๙ᆸภଫ๙ภৄภகภ๗ᆸย ๴ภȲ๿ ๬๹ภ๿ك๝๒ ๷๗ภ๷๧ᆮ ภଥ๙ภ๪๴ภ๿๴ࣤภ๿ధ๗ภ๗ภᆩ๸๹ᆮ ภ๵๧ᆸ ภ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๪๭๗๹ภ๴ ๧๙ภ๗๹๷ภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภ๗ᆸภ๥๧ภ๥๙ภȬ๥ภ๨ᆧภ๬ᆸ ງ๥ย ๪ภ๨๴๿ภנ๣๒ ๬ɏภ୻๹ภ ๴๥ภᆩ ๥̣๷ภ˚๿ภ๬ɏภ୻๹ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๣ᆩภଥ๴๿ภ๧๙ภ๩๪ภ๪ ภ๪๕๗ภ๛ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๬ງ๥๨ภ๥๙ภ ๴๥ᆩภנ๬ɏภ୻๹ภଫ๙๬ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภகภ ๬๤๴ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ ๗ᆩภ๧๙ภகภ๬ˠຉ๧ภುຉ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๤๪๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๛ภ๬๝๬ภৄ๥๨ภ๼ᆩ๧ย ๤๒ ଵ๨ภᆸ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ภଵᆩ ງ๥ภ๴๗ภ๗ຉ ภ๴๗ᆩ ᆸภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภகภ๗ᆸย ๗๹ภ๬๖ᆧᆸ ภ๪๲๹ງ ภ๧ภᆩ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภഓภ๮๿ ᇍ๗๹ภű๿๹ภ๪୶๬๹ภ๨๴๿ภك๥๒ ๹ภ๛ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ภᆩ Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๥๙ภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภࣟภ೐ຉภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๷ภ๣๿ ᆮภ Ȳ๬ภഁຉ ๴ງ ๿ภ๹ภ ๬๮๬๹ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภகภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๛ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ଱ภ๥๙ᆸ๹ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ ๗๹ภ๬๖ᆸᆧภ๪๲ງ๹ภ๬๿ภகภ๗ᆸยك ๧๒ ๹ภ๛ภ๪೺ภ೏๗๿ ภ ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๗๸๬ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภ๷๬ภக๗๹ภ๤ᆸ๗ภகภ ๹๴ภ๪๥๗ภ๿ ๥๪๙ภ๷ᆮ๗๹ภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๤๪๹ภᆧ๿๗ภ๚ᆩ๗ภகภ๗ᆸ 69 a) The shape and configuration of plots is more appropriate for urban structures and uses, and ๕  Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๪๳ຉภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภ๪๕ᆸ๷ภഓຉ๥ภűภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ ๴ຉ๹ภ๬๮๬๹ภ๬๙๬ภ b) The size of all plots is reduced by an agreed proportion ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๹๴๿ภ๥ࣟ๿๪๹ภ๥๙ภ๪๳ຉภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภย ๧ภଫ๿ ງ๧ภ๹ภೲ๙ภ๪๥๗ภຉك ๴˟๷ภ๷๬ภ๥๙ภ๪๳ຉภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภഁງ๴ภ๬ to create sufficient public and planned provision of roads, ๖ ๧ภଫງ๧ภৄภ๗ภᆩكinfrastructure, social facilities, open space and reserve ഻๙ภ๹ภ๛ภৄ๴๿ภ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๥๙ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๴๿ ๿ภ๬ plots. ๷๙๬ภതງภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๖๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ๹๴ภ๛ภ๸๹ภ๚๿ ᆩ๗ภ m) “Land transaction” means the change of ownership to a ଳภ๮๥ภ๬ᆧภ๩๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ย land by selling/purchasing of land; inheriting/donating of ๨๒ ๹ภ๛ภഖ๥ຉ ภ๷๧ᆮ ภ ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๹ภ๛ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๝ᆸภ๪๭ᇍ๙ภ ೆ๷๱ภ๪๗ᆸภ๸ภ ๪ିງภ๹ᆸᆧภ land; surrendering land to the government; order of the court ೲຉ๙ภ๨ᆧภࣟ๿๧ภ๬๿ภ๵ᆸภࣟ๥ภഠᆧภ๧ᆩภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๹ภ๛ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ࠘๷ภ๧ᆩภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๚๧ภ of competent jurisdiction; and default of mortgage subject to ˚๿ภȬ๪ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๪๕๴ภଳภ ๴ຉ๹ภ๴๪๪ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๷ภ๣๿ ᆮภ ๤ᆸภ applicable laws; ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๛ภ๗๣๴ภ๬ᆧภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩภ๷ภ๹๗๹ภ๨๴ᆸ ภ๤๿ ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ ๹ภ๛๴๿ภ n) “Member(s)” means elected Thuemis to Local Government; ๪๥๗ภ๥๪๙ภ๗ᆩภ๬๿๙ภ๗๧๹ภ๪ೊᆧภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภகภ๗ᆸย ภ๷๹ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภك ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๪๭๗ภ๴ ৄ ๹ภ๬ภ๿ك “National agencies” means permanent or semi-permanent ๩๒ ๴ o) ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภகภ๗ᆸยكorganization in the Government machinery; ๴ p) “Observer” means any official or person invited to attend ๪๒ ଳ๷ภ๵๙ᆸ ๹ภűภ๿๷๹ภഁภງৄภ ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ภ๴๥๿ ภᆩ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๗๧๹ภೆ๪๹ภ๥๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ or participate in the deliberations of the sessions of the Local ๗๣๧ภ๴๜๗๹ภűภ๷๹ภ๮๿ ๗๹ภகภ๗ᇍ ᆸย Government; ๬๒ ௟ภ୑๗ຉ ภ๨ภ ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄ๴๿ภˠ๹ภ๪೺ᆧภ๧๙ภຉ q) “Person” means any individual, government agency, ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๬ˠ๧ภ๪୛ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴ຉ ๿ภ๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๚ᆩ๗ภகภ๗ᆸย partnership, corporation, organisation, enterprise, or other legal ๭๒ ๬ภ๿๙๬ᆸ ภ๧๙ภ๙ᆸภଫ๙ภ๬๝๬ภᆧຉ๗๹ภ๷๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๷๹ภ๮๗๹ภ๮ᇍ ᇍ๙ภ๷๹ภ entity whether public or private and successor, representative, or ๖๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๗ઈ๙ภ೐ງᆧภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿๬๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภഁภ๮๧ภ๥๙ภ๪଱๧ภ๴๯ງ ᇇ๧ภ๨ภ agent of one of them; ๙ᆸภ๮๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥ภৄภ๷๹ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆮ ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๙ᆸภ๮๪ภ๷๹ภഁງภৄภৄ๥๨ภ๼ᆩ๧ย r) “Potential growth area” means an area within the Thromde ๮๒ ๴๹ຉ ภ௦๧ภ๵ᆧภ๴๩๷ᆮ ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ภȲᆩ ຉ๬ภഁภ๪๥๗ภುງ ຉ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๥ᆮภக๗๹ภ boundary where Thromde administration has identified such ű๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๪๕๥ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภ๹ภ๛ภ๪೺ภ೏๗ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ area as proposed land pooling area or area designated for local ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ ๗๥๬ภ๖ภଫ๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๴๪๥ภ area planning; ๙ᆸ๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภȲຉ๬ภഁງ๴๿ภ๹ภ๬๮๬๹ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภகภ๗ᆸย s) “Prorogation” means adjournment of a meeting from one ๯๒ ࡲᆧ๿ ภ๪๸๷ᆸ ภ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๲๷ภ๴๯๬๹ภ๚ᇍ ᆩ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๷๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ session to another; ᆧ๿๬ภయ๷ภ๬๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภࡲ๿ᆧภ๪๸ᆸ๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๲๗ภ๬๿ภகภ๗ᆸย

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 70 70 ๕  Ȳຉ๬ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๪๳ຉภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภ๪๕ᆸ๷ภഓຉ๥ภűภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ ๴ຉ๹ภ๬๮๬๹ภ๬๙๬ภ ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภ๹๴๿ภ๥ࣟ๿๪๹ภ๥๙ภ๪๳ຉภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๥๙ภย ๧ภଫ๿ ງ๧ภ๹ภೲ๙ภ๪๥๗ภຉك ๴˟๷ภ๷๬ภ๥๙ภ๪๳ຉภ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ๬๿ภഁງ๴ภ๬ ๖ ๧ภଫງ๧ภৄภ๗ภᆩك഻๙ภ๹ภ๛ภৄ๴๿ภ ๬๿ภ๥๬๙๹ภ๥๙ภ ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๴๿ ๿ภ๬ ๷๙๬ภതງภ๪๳ຉภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ ๖๹ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴๿ภ๹๴ภ๛ภ๸๹ภ๚๿ ᆩ๗ภ ଳภ๮๥ภ๬ᆧภ๩๪ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ย ๒ ๹ภ๛ภഖ๥ຉ ภ๷๧ᆮ ภ ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๹ภ๛ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๝ᆸภ๪๭ᇍ๙ภ ೆ๷๱ภ๪๗ᆸภ๸ภ ๪ିງภ๹ᆸᆧภ ೲຉ๙ภ๨ᆧภࣟ๿๧ภ๬๿ภ๵ᆸภࣟ๥ภഠᆧภ๧ᆩภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภ๹ภ๛ภ๗ઈ๙ภகภ࠘๷ภ๧ᆩภ๥๪๙ภ๮๥ภ๚๧ภ ˚๿ภȬ๪ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๪๕๴ภଳภ ๴ຉ๹ภ๴๪๪ภ๵ᆸ๥ภ๨๴๿ภȲ๿๬๹ภৄภ๥๙ภ๴Ȳ๷ภ๣๿ ᆮภ ๤ᆸภ ๪๕ᆸ๥ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๛ภ๗๣๴ภ๬ᆧภ๪অ๗๹ภ๧ᆩภ๷ภ๹๗๹ภ๨๴ᆸ ภ๤๿ ᆸ๗ภ๷๹ภ ๹ภ๛๴๿ภ ๪๥๗ภ๥๪๙ภ๗ᆩภ๬๿๙ภ๗๧๹ภ๪ೊᆧภ๪๚ᆸ๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภகภ๗ᆸย ภ๷๹ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภك ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๪๭๗ภ๴ ৄ ๹ภ๬ภ๿ك๒ ๴ ๹ภ๬๿ภৄภகภ๗ᆸยك๴ ๒ ଳ๷ภ๵๙ᆸ ๹ภűภ๿๷๹ภഁภງৄภ ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ภ๴๥๿ ภᆩ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๗๧๹ภೆ๪๹ภ๥๙ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๗๣๧ภ๴๜๗๹ภűภ๷๹ภ๮๿ ๗๹ภகภ๗ᇍ ᆸย ๒ ௟ภ୑๗ຉ ภ๨ภ ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภৄ๴๿ภˠ๹ภ๪೺ᆧภ๧๙ภຉ ๪๚๴ภ๬ᆧภ๗๣ᆸ๗๹ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๬ˠ๧ภ๪୛ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๴ຉ ๿ภ๬๿ภ๙ᆸภ๚ᆩ๗ภகภ๗ᆸย ๒ ๬ภ๿๙๬ᆸ ภ๧๙ภ๙ᆸภଫ๙ภ๬๝๬ภᆧຉ๗๹ภ๷๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๷๹ภ๮๗๹ภ๮ᇍ ᇍ๙ภ๷๹ภ ๖๙ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๗ઈ๙ภ೐ງᆧภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๗ภȲᆩ ๿๬๹ภ๥ᆸ๧ภഁภ๮๧ภ๥๙ภ๪଱๧ภ๴๯ງ ᇇ๧ภ๨ภ ๙ᆸภ๮๪ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๥ภৄภ๷๹ภ๗๙ภଥ๙ภ๚ᆮ ᆩ๗ภ๗ᆩภ๙ᆸภ๮๪ภ๷๹ภഁງภৄภৄ๥๨ภ๼ᆩ๧ย ๒ ๴๹ຉ ภ௦๧ภ๵ᆧภ๴๩๷ᆮ ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ภȲᆩ ຉ๬ภഁภ๪๥๗ภುງ ຉ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ๥ᆮภக๗๹ภ ű๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ ˠຉ๹ภ๴๛ᆧภ๪๕๥ภ๨๴ᆸ ๿ภ๹ภ๛ภ๪೺ภ೏๗ภ๗๿ ᆩภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ ๵๙ภ๧ภ ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภű๿ภ๴๛ᆧภ๗๲๿๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภ ๗๥๬ภ๖ภଫ๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ๴๪๥ภ ๙ᆸ๹ภ๴๯ᇇ๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภȲຉ๬ภഁງ๴๿ภ๹ภ๬๮๬๹ภ๧๙ภ๴๖ᆸ๥ภű๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภகภ๗ᆸย ๒ ࡲᆧ๿ ภ๪๸๷ᆸ ภ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๲๷ภ๴๯๬๹ภ๚ᇍ ᆩ๗ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภᆧ๿๬ภ๗๚ᆩ๗ภ๷๹ภ๮ᇍ๗๹ภ ᆧ๿๬ภయ๷ภ๬๴ภ๥๿ ᆸ๧ภகภࡲ๿ᆧภ๪๸ᆸ๷ภ๴๪๥ภ๪๲๗ภ๬๿ภகภ๗ᆸย 70 t) “Public interest” means the needs arising out of socio- economic development and environmental concerns, including ๱๒ ๥๬๙๹ภűภ๿๬๤๴ภ๥๧ᆸ ภ ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๗๣๧ภ๴๪ᆮ๪๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ cultural, environmental, heritage, protection of land degradation, ๷๬ภഽຉ๷ภ๥๙ภ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภഽ๷ภ଱๧ภ๥๙ภ๹ภ๛ภ๬ᆧภຉ recreational, social and strategic interests as determined by the ๝๬๹ภ๷๹ภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ ഖຉภ๗๹ᆮ๙ภ ๬๿ภഁງภ๥๙ภ๤๪๹ภࣛ๹ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥๧ภৄภᆸ Government; ๪୶๿๹ภ๣ᆮภ ๬๿ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๥๙ภ ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภű๿ภ u) “Recreational area” means an area primarily intended for ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภৄภகภ๗ᆸย ๹ภ଱๧ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๴ࡴ๷ภ๴ࡴ๷ภതภഖງ ຉภೲຉ๧ภډactive and passive recreational purposes; ๲๒ ഖภຉೲ๧ຉ ภ˚ภ๿๹ภ๖๙ᆸ ๹ภ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ v) “Residents” mean people lawfully residing in a Thromde ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๗๣๥ภ๗๭ᇍภ๪ᆸᆧภ๪ುງ๥ภ๬๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ irrespective of the status of nationality and availing the services ๚ᆩ๗ภகภ๗ᆸย provided by the Thromde; ๳๒ ๗๧๹ภഁ๥ຉ ๨ภ ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๬๿ภƥ๙๹ภ๗ภ๚ᆩภ๼ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງ๴ภ๹ภ๖๿ ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ ๧ภଫງ๧ภك๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภഁຉ๥ภ๥ᆮภȲ๬ภഁຉ ภ๗ງ ๹ภ๬๖ᆩ ᆸภഖຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๬ك “Revenues” includes taxes, duties, tolls, fees, and charges; Ȳ๿๬๹ภ๬ w) x) “Thrompon” means an elected representative and the ৄภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๬๿ภகภ๗ᆸย Chairperson of the Thromde Tshogde; ๴๒ ๴๙ຉ ภ๴๪๪ภ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๪๪๹ภȲ๷ภ๥๙ภ๚ภ๥๬ภ๷๬ภȲ๷ภˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ ๹ภৄภகภ๗ᆸยك “Thuemi” means an elected representative to Local ˣภ๴ y) ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງภكภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๴كGovernment; ๵๒ Ȳ๬ຉ ภ๥๨๧ᆸ ภ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๪๭๗ภ๴ z) “Zomdu” means a meeting of residents of villages or ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງ๴๿ภȲ๿ภ๴๯๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๬ᇇ ๿ภகภ๗ᆸย ๹ภكภ๷๹ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๴ك๹ภ๬ภ๿๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๭๗ภ๴كcommunities. ᆧ๒ ๴ ๬๿ภகภ๗ᆸย ภ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗૱๹ภ೐ຉภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๬๿ภഁງภ๧๙ภகภഁຉ๥ภ๬๿ภৄภ๲๷ภډ๷๒ ๴๯๬ᇍ ๹ภ๴ ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๚๗ภகภ๗ᆩ ᆸย

The Local Government Act of Bhutan, 2009 71 71 ๱๒ ๥๬๙๹ภűภ๿๬๤๴ภ๥๧ᆸ ภ ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ภ ๗๣๧ภ๴๪ᆮ๪๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ ๷๬ภഽຉ๷ภ๥๙ภ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภ๥ᆮภ๷๹ภഽ๷ภ଱๧ภ๥๙ภ๹ภ๛ภ๬ᆧภຉ ๝๬๹ภ๷๹ภ഻๙ภುຉ๪ภ ഖຉภ๗๹ᆮ๙ภ ๬๿ภഁງภ๥๙ภ๤๪๹ภࣛ๹ภ๚๧ภ˚๿ภ๬๤๴ภ๥๧ภৄภᆸ ๪୶๿๹ภ๣ᆮภ ๬๿ภഁ๴ງ ๿ภ๥๨๷ภ๴ࣟຉᆧภ๗ᆸ๙ภ๴๩ᆮ๷ภ๥๙ภ ๬๤๴ภ๴๖ᆸᆧภ๗๧๹ภೲ๙๹ภű๿ภ ๗๧๥ภ๥ᆸ๧ภ๷๹ภ๪୑ງ๧ภ๨๴๿ภ๥๗ᆸ๹ภ๬๖ᆸภৄภகภ๗ᆸย ๹ภ଱๧ภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๴ࡴ๷ภ๴ࡴ๷ภതภഖງ ຉภೲຉ๧ภډ๲๒ ഖภຉೲ๧ຉ ภ˚ภ๿๹ภ๖๙ᆸ ๹ภ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ˚๿ภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๷๗ภ๷ᆮ๧ภ๴๤๪ภ๧ᆩภ๗ᆩภ๥ᆸ๧ภகภ๥๬๿๗๹ภ๗๣๥ภ๗๭ᇍภ๪ᆸᆧภ๪ುງ๥ภ๬๿ภ๹ภ๖ᆸ๙๹ภ ๚ᆩ๗ภகภ๗ᆸย ๳๒ ๗๧๹ภഁ๥ຉ ๨ภ ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ ๬๿ภƥ๙๹ภ๗ภ๚ᆩภ๼ᆩ๧ภଥ๙ภ Ȳຉ๬ภഁງ๴ภ๹ภ๖๿ ᆸ๙๹ภ๧๙ภ ๧ภଫງ๧ภك๧ภ๤ᆸ๗ภഁຉ๥ภ๥ᆮภȲ๬ภഁຉ ภ๗ງ ๹ภ๬๖ᆩ ᆸภഖຉ๥ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๲๪๹ภ๣ᆸ๗ภ๬كȲ๿๬๹ภ๬ ৄภ๤ᆸ๪ภ๬๿ภகภ๗ᆸย ๴๒ ๴๙ຉ ภ๴๪๪ภ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๪๪๹ภȲ๷ภ๥๙ภ๚ภ๥๬ภ๷๬ภȲ๷ภˣภ๵ᆸ๧ภ๥๙ภ ๹ภৄภகภ๗ᆸยكˣภ๴ ๹ภ๬๿ภ๚ᆩ๗ภ๥๙ภȲ๬ภഁຉ ງภكภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๴ك๵๒ Ȳ๬ຉ ภ๥๨๧ᆸ ภ๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๪๭๗ภ๴ ๮ᇍ๗๹ภഁງ๴๿ภȲ๿ภ๴๯๧ภ๴๪๥ภ๬ᇇ ๿ภகภ๗ᆸย ๹ภكภ๷๹ภ˟๪ภ๨๴๿ภ๴ك๹ภ๬ภ๿๳ງᆧภ๬๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภ๪๭๗ภ๴كᆧ๒ ๴ ๬๿ภகภ๗ᆸย ภ๳ᆧภ๬ງ ๿ภ๴๥ᆩภ๗૱๹ภ೐ຉภ๵๙ภ๧ภ๬๿ภഁງภ๧๙ภகภഁຉ๥ภ๬๿ภৄภ๲๷ภډ๷๒ ๴๯๬ᇍ ๹ภ๴ ๴๯ᇍ๬๹ภ๴๪๥ภ๬๿ภ๚๗ภகภ๗ᆩ ᆸย

71 ഭ๧ຉ ภ๮๗ᇇ ย  ๴๯๬ภˣ๿๙ภ๬๤๴ภ˟ภ¨๧ภ๥๙ภ๵๙ภ೐ຉ๹ภಸยย ๲๿ภ๪๥ᆮภ๥๨๷ภ˚๿๹ภ࡮๗ภ๨๴๿ภ๴࣡๗ภ૱๷ภ๴๥ᆩยย ୣ๬ภ¨๧ภ๴˙ᆧภ๬๥ภᆧ๙ภ๥๪๙ภ๪๭๧ภ๤๪๹ภűງ ๿๹ยย ภ૱๧ภ๗๧๹ภ๸๿ ᆸ๗ยډ๜ᆩภഽ๿๥ภ๪ೆ๷ภ๪ଳ๴ภ๪ᆧภ   ภ๩๧ภ๪๥ᆮ๴๿ภ๴ຉ๥ภೲຉ๙ภ๗๹ยยᆩנ๹ภ๗๧๹ภ¨๧ภ ೓ᆧภ๬ງ๥ภ๗๹ᆧภ๪๲๥ภ๗ઈ๙ภ๗ᆩภഽ๿๥ภ๴๛ᆧภ๴ຉ๗ย ๪๥ᆮภು๿๥ภ๴ࣛ๙ภ๗๧๹ภ๥߸๥ภࡴ๴๿ภ๵ᆩ๗ภϭ๙ภ๗ᆩ๹ยย ଳ๷ภ๵ᆸ๙๹ภ๪๥ᆮภು๿๥ภ๥๨๷ภ˚๿๹ภȬ๪ภ˙ᆧภ๚ᆩ๗ย