2020 Group walks & events manager: Additional Features Guide

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Group walks & events manager: Additional Features Guide


1. Introduction...... 3 2. Linking to specific pages on the Ramblers website ...... 3 2.1 Linking to area and group pages ...... 3 2.2 Linking to the Find a walk tool ...... 4 2.3 Linking to individual walk details ...... 5 3. Viewing reports ...... 5 4. Exporting walk details as a CSV ...... 6 4.1 Select the walks ...... 6 4.2 Export the walk details ...... 6 4.3 Fields in the export CSV ...... 7 5. Using feeds ...... 9 5.1 Types of Feed ...... 9 5.2 RSS, JSON feeds – Group Walks Finder ...... 9 5.3 Group Walks Finder RSS feed ...... 10 5.4 JSON feeds ...... 10 5.5 GeoJSON feed ...... 11

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1. Introduction

There are three guides to help you to use the features of the group walks and events manager:

Getting Started Guide for Editors: A quick start guide to getting set up on the system, adding a walk and editing walk details

Editors Manual: A comprehensive manual covering the key features of group walks and events manager, including printed programmes, contacts, contributors and adding bulk walks using the spreadsheet.

Additional Features Guide: Covers some of the more advanced features of the system, including feeds, viewing reports and linking to a walk.

2. Linking to specific pages on the Ramblers website

2.1 Linking to area and group pages

All walks listed on the system automatically appear on the appropriate area and group pages. Group pages have a box with the next six walks; area pages have a box with the next 12 walks run not only by the area but all the area’s groups. A link to More walks takes the user to a full listing.

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Area and group pages have ‘friendly urls’ in the format www.ramblers.org.uk/ group-name. You can find a list of these in the Area and Group webpages toolkit.

Find your area or group page under Go walking > Find a group, or by following the clickable links from your area or group name on all your walk listings.

2.2 Linking to the Find a walk tool You can create links direct to the Find a walk search tool to show just your group’s walks. This is equivalent to what someone would see if they went to the Find a walk page and used the Walks run by filter.

The simplest way to use this feature is to link to a list of all your walks using a link like this: www.ramblers.org.uk/find-a-walk.aspx?group=XX99&tab=walks where XX99 is your standard Group shortcode. For example the link to Farnham & District Group would be http://www.ramblers.org.uk/find-a-walk.aspx?group=SR03&tab=walks.

You can link to other views of the Find a walk page by adding more “variables” to the web address, separated with ‘&’ symbols.

• area selects walks run by a specific area and all its groups. For example area=CF shows all walks run by Forth Valley, Fife & Tayside Area and its groups. • group selects walks run by a specific group. For example group=CF05 shows all walks run by Dundee & District Group. • tab selects a particular tab on the page. o tab=map shows the interactive map o tab=walks shows the list of group walks o tab=routes shows the list of Ramblers Routes o tab=events shows the list of events • layer selects a particular layer on the interactive map o layer=walks shows group walks on the map o layer=routes shows Ramblers Routes on the map o layer=events shows events on the map o You can show more than one layer, separating them by commas, for example layer=walks,events shows both walks and events on the map • lat, lng zooms the map to a point specified by a latitude and longitude, and shows walks within a 25 mile (40 km) radius of that point. For example lat=55.952348&lng=- 3.1931979 zooms the map to show walks within a 25 mile (40 km) radius of the Scott Monument in Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh. If you use this feature, you must provide values for both latitude and longtitude, and also provide a placename (below). The placename doesn’t have to correspond to the latitude and longtitude, Page 4 of 14 Version 1.3 March 2020

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though it’s helpful if it does! You can find latitudes and longitudes for any place in Britain using various methods at www.gridreferencefinder.com. Take care with longitudes: make sure you include the minus sign (-) at the start if shown. • placename inserts a place name into the search box on the Find a walk tool. You need to use this in conjunction with latitude and longtitude (above). • force=1 should clear any previous search. The Find a Walk tool tends to remember previous searches which may occasionally lead to confusing results.

So for example: http://www.ramblers.org.uk/find-a-walk.aspx?tab=map&layer= walks,events&lat=56.457653&lng=-2.9694250&placename=Dundee will link to a map showing all walks and events within a 25 mile (40 km) radius of Dundee station.

2.3 Linking to individual walk details Every walk in the system has a walk ID which is included in the address for the walk detail page. For example http://www.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking/find-a-walk-or-route/walk- detail.aspx?walkID=3633077. It’s easy to find these links simply by going to the relevant walk detail page and looking in the address bar, but the ID also appears in the detail page itself, under the map.

3. Viewing reports

You can access basic reports on your group walks from the Walks & Events screen by clicking on Reports in the navigation bar. The first row gives an overall summary of your current walks (those with a date and time in the future).

Underneath total published walks, you can see information regarding Total Attendance. To make sure these figures are populated, please update the details of your walk after it has taken place (see the Editors Manual). Page 5 of 14 Version 1.3 March 2020

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4. Exporting walk details as a CSV

As well as uploading walks details in CSV files, you can download walks details in the same format, for example for importing into your own spreadsheets, databases or word processor tables.

4.1 Select the walks Go to the main Walks & Events screen. If you edit for more than one group, select the group you want to export details for under Show walks by (note that currently you can’t export details for more than one group at a time). Then select the walks you want to include in your export from the list of walks. You can use the search functions and change search options under the + sign.

4.2 Export the walk details Now click on Export on the bar below the walks list.

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Your browser should ask you if you want to open or download a CSV file. Select Download and save the file. You can now open the file in a spreadsheet package and process the data as you choose.

4.3 Fields in the export CSV The export CSV isn’t an exact copy of the import CSV – this is because additional information which it’s useful to be able to download, such as walk IDs and days of the week, is added by the system. So the export contains all the fields in the import CSV, in the same order, but with additional fields added at the end.

Fields included in the CSV are as follows:

Field name Notes Date* As displayed on walk Title* As displayed on walk Description* As displayed on walk Linear or Circular* Linear/circular Starting location† Always blank Starting postcode† As displayed on walk Starting gridref† As displayed on walk Starting location details As displayed on walk Show exact starting point?* Yes/No Start time* As displayed on walk Meeting location Always blank Meeting postcode As displayed on walk Meeting gridref As displayed on walk Meeting location details As displayed on walk Meeting time As displayed on walk Finishing location Always blank Finishing postcode As displayed on walk Finishing gridref As displayed on walk Finishing location details As displayed on walk Restriction* Public/Member only/Print only Difficulty* As displayed on walk Local walk grade As displayed on walk Distance km† As displayed on walk Distance miles† As displayed on walk Est finish time As displayed on walk Contact id As on contacts list Contact first name As displayed on walk Contact surname As displayed on walk Contact display name As displayed on walk Contact email As displayed on walk Contact telephone 1 As displayed on walk Contact telephone 2 As displayed on walk

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Field name Notes Is walk leader? Yes/No Walk leader name As displayed on walk Festivals ID as shown on festival list Strands ID as shown on strand list Additional details As displayed on walk Pace As displayed on walk Ascent metres As displayed on walk Ascent feet As displayed on walk Child friendly? Yes/No Dog friendly? Yes/No No car needed? Yes/No Pushchair friendly? Yes/No Wheelchair friendly? Yes/No Link route id As shown on linked route Link walk ids As shown on linked walk Link event ids As shown on linked events Invite group code Shortcode of invited group Attendance members As recorded in After the walk section Attendance non-members As recorded in After the walk section Attendance Children As recorded in After the walk section Weather As recorded in After the walk section Notes As recorded in After the walk section Walk ID As displayed on walk Group As displayed on walk Day As displayed on walk Starting point lat Starting point latitude Starting point long Starting point longitude Meeting point lat Meeting point latitude Meeting point long Meeting point longitude Finishing point lat Finishing point latitude Finishing point long Finishing point longitude Status Draft/Awaiting approval/Published/Cancelled * indicates a mandatory field and † a member of a group of fields where at least one field must be filled in, as in the upload spreadsheet.

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5. Using feeds

Feeds are ways of getting information out of websites in real time without necessarily having to visit the site.

The group walks and events manager has two different sets of feeds which, if you have some additional web knowledge and skill, you can use to incorporate walks and events information from the system into other websites. This section assumes you have the technical knowledge to do this.

5.1 Types of Feed Most news feeds are in a format known as RSS. There is some discussion as to what RSS stands for, but most people plump for ‘Really Simple Syndication’ or ‘Rich Site Summary’. In essence, the feeds themselves are just information, designed to be read by computers rather than people. RSS feeds enable you to see when websites have added new content.

You can get the latest headlines and information in one place, as soon as it's published, without having to visit the websites you have taken the feed from. You can also re-publish data provided by a feed on other websites.

RSS feeds can be used in a couple of ways:

• You can subscribe to them using RSS software (an ‘RSS reader’) • Incorporate the feed into your own website

There are various options for subscribing to news feeds. More information can be found on www.whatisrss.com . For a technical description visit www.feed2.w3.org


In addition to RSS web sites can provide information in more complex formats such as JSON. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON

5.2 RSS, JSON feeds – Group Walks Finder The Ramblers web site www.ramblers.org.uk provides feeds in these formats. The feeds provide information about group walks stored on the national walks finder. Group walks, from the walks finder at http://www.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking/find-a-walk-or-route.aspx also provides Group walks information in JSON format as well as RSS. Page 9 of 14 Version 1.3 March 2020

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Note: Group RSS feeds enable you to see when walks have been added or edited.

You can get the latest headlines and information in one place, as soon as it's published, without having to visit the websites you have taken the feed from. You can also re-publish data provided by a feed on other websites.

‘Walks’ refers to walks provided by Ramblers' Areas and Groups and not the walking routes also available via the above link.

Note: If you wish to see the output from any feed, you can put the above URL into the address fields of your web browser. Some web browsers will list the resultant file as text, display it in an intelligent way or ask if you wish to subscribe to this feed. Each web browser, , , Chrome, , work in different ways.

5.3 Group Walks Finder RSS feed The RSS feed provides a list of the walks from one or more groups. This is useful to provide a basic list of your walks on your group or area website. It can be used by any RSS feed software and content management systems e.g. WordPress, Joomla, Drupal.

Feed URL & Syntax

(DE02 used in the examples below being the code for the Derby & S Derbyshire Ramblers)

• Basic syntax – http://www.ramblers.org.uk/walksfinder/walksfeed.php?groups=DE02 (for a list of walks by this group)

• Full syntax – http://www.ramblers.org.uk/walksfinder/walksfeed.php?groups=DE02,DE01&days=Saturday, Sunday&distance=4-10&limit=5&dow=1


Specify any or none of the following each separated by "&":

• Groups=DE02,DE01 - where DE01,DE02 is a list of one or more comma separated group codes.

• Days=Saturday,Sunday – is a list of one or more days of the week that restrict which walks are listed (the default is all days)

• Distance=4-10 – is a range of distances that restrict which walks are listed (the default is all distances)

• Limit=5 – is the maximum number of walks to display (the default if not provided is 20)

• Dow=0 OR dow=1 – is to specify whether the day of the week should be displayed in the walks title (the default is 1 to display the day of the week)

5.4 JSON feeds The group walks finder also has a feed that provides information in JSON format.

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Feed URL and Syntax

(DE02 used in the examples below being the code for the Derby & S Derbyshire Ramblers)

• Basic syntax – http://www.ramblers.org.uk/api/lbs/walks?groups=DE02 (for a list of all walks by this group)

• Full syntax – http://www.ramblers.org.uk/api/lbs/walks?groups=DE02,DE01&days=Saturday,Sunday&dist ance=4-10&limit=5&dow=1


Specify any or none of the following each separated by "&":

• Groups=DE02,DE01 - where DE01,DE02 is a list of one or more comma separated group codes.

• Days=Saturday,Sunday – is a list of one or more days of the week that restrict which walks are listed (the default is all days)

• Distance=4-10 – is a range of distances that restrict which walks are listed (the default is all distances)

• Limit=5 – is the maximum number of walks to display (the default if not provided is 20)

• Dow=0 OR dow=1 – is to specify whether the day of the week should be displayed in the walks title (the default is 1 to display the day of the week)

Cancelled walks, together with the reason, are included so you are able to flag this information via your web site.

To use these feeds you will need some programming skills in languages like Javascript or PHP.

If your site is hosted via Ramblers-webs and it uses their extended Joomla 3 software, then you can include walks information in various formats on your site, using the JSON feed. This requires very little to no programming skill. The Joomla 3 software to process the feed data is also available on GitHub at https://github.com/ramblerswebs/ramblers-library. A wiki describing the software is also available at https://github.com/ramblerswebs/ramblers- library/wiki. See also http://www.ramblerswebs.org.uk.

5.5 GeoJSON feed GeoJSON is an open standard format for encoding collections of simple geographical features along with their non-spatial attributes using JavaScript Object Notation.

The system also has a more advanced GeoJSON feed, in a standard format used to transmit data over the internet in a way that can also be read by humans. This will provide full details about walks, including geographical information. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notification, and the Geo-prefix indicates an extended version that can handle geographical data. Page 11 of 14 Version 1.3 March 2020

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Groups http://www.ramblers.org.uk/api/lbs/groups/[code] – JSON format (for information about the group)

Element Description "description":"" The group description from the group landing page on the website "groupCode":"" Ramblers group code "latitude":"" Latitude of group as defined in Integra "longitude":"" Longitude of group as defined in Integra "name":"" Group name "scope":"" Group or area indicator: G: Group; A: Area "url":"" Published group website URL

n.b. If you do not add the code to the end of the url then the feed returns information for all Areas and Groups.

Walks http://www.ramblers.org.uk/api/lbs/walks/[id] - JSON format (for a single walk)

Element Description "additionalNotes":"" Additional notes about this walk – this is the raw HTML "ascentFeet": The ascent during this walk in feet "ascentMetres": The ascent during this walk in metres "attendanceChildren":"" Post walk how many children attended this walk. "attendanceMembers":"" Post walk how many members attended this walk. "attendanceNonMembers":"" Post walk how many non-members attended this walk. "cancellationReason":"" If the walk is cancelled the reason the walk was cancelled "date":"" The date of the walk in the format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS+GMToffset "dateCreated":"" The date the walk was created in the format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS+GMToffset "dateUpdated":"" The date the walk was last updated in the format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS+GMToffset “description”:”” The walk description – this in the raw HTML "difficulty":{"text":""} Within the text property is the Ramblers difficulty level of the walk "distanceKM": The walk distance in kilometres "distanceMiles": The walk distance in miles "facilities":{"items":[{"text":""},{"text":""}]} A list of the facilities associated to this walk. All items are within the Items property. The text for each facility is within the text property Page 12 of 14 Version 1.3 March 2020

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"festivals":{"items":[{"text":""},{"text":""}]} A list of the festivals associated to this walk. All items are within the Items property. The text for each festival is within the text property "finishTime":”" The finishing time in the format: HH:MM:SS "gradeLocal":"" The local groups grade "groupCode":"" The group code the walk belongs to "groupInvite":{"groupCode":""} If a group has been invited this is populated with that groups group code. "groupName":"" The name of the group the walk belongs to "id" The walk id in the system. This is invisible to users and changes when new versions of a walk are created. “isLinear":, Is linear or circular: true: if linear false: if circular "linkedEvent":{"text":""} Within the text property is the title of the linked event "linkedRoute": The id of a linked route "linkedWalks":{"items":[]} Array of any linked walks. There can be multiple values in the items property and each is the linked walk id "media":[{"caption":"","copyright":"","fileName The list of images associated to the walk. A ":””},{"caption":"","copyright":"","fileName":””}] item will exist for each image associated to the walk including the caption, copyright text and the filename “pace":" " The pace of the walk "points":[{"time":"","gridRef":"","easting":,"nort The walk points for this walk. There can be hing":,"latitude","longitude":,"postcode":"","po update three items, one each for the start, stcodeLatitude","postcodeLongitude","descri meet and finish points if input. ption":"","showExact":,"typeString":""},] This includes the input description, easting, northing, gridref, latitude, longitude, the nearest postcode and its latitude and longitude, whether the point should be shown exactly on the map, the time in the format of PThhHmmM and the type of walk point. The typeString indicates the type of walk point and can be Start, Meeting or End "specialStatus":[{"text":""},{"text":""}]} A list of the special statuses associated to this walk. All items are within the Items property. The text for each status is within the text property "status":{"value":""} The workflow status of the walk. Can be either Draft, Awaiting Approval, Published, Cancelled or Archived. "strands":{"items":[{"text":""},{"text":""}]} A list of the strands associated to this walk. All items are within the Items property. The text for each strand is within the text property "suitability":{"items":[{"text":""},{"text":""}]} A list of the suitabilities associated to this walk. All items are within the Items property. The text for each suitability is within the text property

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"surroundings":{"items":[{"text":"},{"text":""}]} A list of the surroundings associated to this walk. All items are within the Items property. The text for each surrounding is within the text property "theme":{"items":[{"text":""},{"text":""}]} A list of the themes associated to this walk. All items are within the Items property. The text for each theme is within the text property "walkContact":{"contact":{"displayName":"","e The contact details for this walk. Within the mail":"","groupCode":"","telephone1":"","telep contact property are the contact details hone2":""},"isWalkLeader":true} including display name, email, group code that the contact belongs to, telephone 1 and telephone 2. If this contact is the walk leader the isWalkLeader property will be true else it will be false. "title":"" The title of the walk "url":"" The published URL of the walk

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