721 York St., PO Box 72430, Newport, KY 41072-0430 Phone: (859) 261-2035 • USA Fax: (800) 261-8247 • International Fax: (859) 261-8247 www.nationalband.com •
[email protected] PRICE LIST $25 Minimum Order - Price List Effective January 2021 - Subject to change without notice These Special Charges are referenced in this price list and should be added only when they apply to your order. This charge is for minimal type changes. i.e.: a prefix "A" changed to "B" or a year date change. For extensive type B - $5 Each Type Change changes, or changes in format, etc., contact us for a quote. Standard Packing is 100/wire, 100/string, 25/stick, or 250/500 to a box C - $10-$50/1000 Special Packing Call for quote for alternate methods D - $20 Net Make-Ready Charge This is a one-time charge on each order or it can apply to changes in style, size, color, holes, etc. Paint-Filled Stamped characters can be filled with a contrasting color to make it easier to read. Priced per side of tag. Dog and Cat E - $6-$15/100 Characters tags and Industrial Nameplate tags - $0.15 per side per tag. Everything else - $0.06 per side per tag Special Numbering Applies to each additional set of consecutive numbers for sets less than 100. i.e.: sets 1 through 10, 50 through 75, F - $2/Set Charge etc. OR each set of identical numbers. i.e.: 10 each of number 15, 12 each of number 78. Wet Tumbling Flat Tags - $15/1000, 1242 Bands - $12/1000.