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ALLERGY AVOIDANCE - Dealing w/ Food Intolerances, and Inflammation

Food intolerances, allergies and chronic inflammation have become a familiar challenge in our society. You or your clients may be plagued with health issues related to allergic reactions to specific dietary foods. Our body responds to perceived antigens by releasing anti-bodies and causing an inflammatory reaction. Under normal conditions this built in response is a fabulous healing mechanism however challenges arise with chronic exposure triggering chronic inflammation. Avoiding common food , supporting digestive health and consuming a well-planned, balanced variety of whole foods offers powerful healing potential that can prevent, minimize and control allergic reactions and chronic inflammation.

Workshop Objectives  Understanding food allergies, food intolerances and the chronic inflammation connection  Determining the possible causes including the top food allergens  Discovering natural ways to treat and overcome these health challenges

Dietary Challenges , personal preferences and requirements are more predominant now than ever. With the onslaught of mass produced, over processed, genetically modified, over- consumed and additive laden foods (sugar, hydrogenated fats and sodium, chemically derived texturizers, flavours, colors, stabilizers and undisclosed items, etc.) many of today’s dietary related disease’s including allergies were non-existent.

Excess consumption of nutrient void food has caused numerous digestive disorders with ever increasing numbers of people afflicted with food intolerances and allergies . Symptoms show up in numerous ways including lethargy, chronic pain, or fatigue, , insomnia, headaches, hormonal imbalances, weight gain, acne, hair loss and inflammation etc. There is much confusion and misunderstanding between true food allergies and food . To clarify the difference 

Allergies and Food Intolerances - Even though they may cause similar symptoms, there is a major difference between the two. A f ood is an immune system response and tends to produce acute symptoms. Food intolerance is caused by the lack of needed to digest food which often leads to chronic illness including inflammation.

Food allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to a food by creating IgE . If this same food is again eaten, these antibodies cue the immune system to release an arsenal of chemicals, including , which triggers a variety of allergic symptoms including , , inflammation, skin , mood swings, headaches and heart palpitations. These acute symptoms generally occur minutes after ingestion of the particular food.

A true involves the immune system and can be life threatening causing hives or anaphylactic shock almost immediately after exposure to a certain substance. According to the Mayo Clinic these foods account for 90 Percent of All Food-Allergic Reactions : Milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts such as walnut and cashew, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat.

With a food intolerance symptoms are often delayed and can occur hours to days after ingesting the particular food. Food intolerance is linked to compromised digestive ability and a lack of digestive enzymes. For example, a person with lacks the () needed to digest milk sugar. With this challenge when eating milk products, symptoms such as gas, , abdominal cramps and pain may occur. Because food intolerance symptoms often occur hours to days later, they are typically difficult to link to the particular food(s) causing the reactions.

REAL FOOD FOR REAL HEALTH www.terigentes.com [email protected] 613 521 9800 / 613 277 5817

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A Food sensitivity or intolerance doesn’t typically involve the immune system. It’s a common term used with all negative reactions to foods and as mentioned may be caused by challenges and enzyme deficiencies as well as interactions with drugs and medicines. This challenge affects more and more individuals and often causes symptoms such as indigestion, irritated skin conditions, , gas, heartburn, bloating, abdominal pain, or , inflammation, headaches/migraine or leg pains, hyperactivity, irritability, lack of focus, etc0

Both allergies and food sensitivities are symptoms that reflect an underlying health issue. Though many medical authorities believe there is no cure for food allergies and intolerances in reality much can be done. Experts offer numerous suggestions including what seems like a most obvious solution; elimination of offending foods along with augmentation of the immune and digestion systems with natural nutritional supplements such as digestive enzymes, herbal formulas and homeopathic remedies. Improving digestive ability and healing a damaged intestinal lining can help to eliminate the adverse food reactions as well as strengthen the immune system. {Elimination diets help to identify the food(s) causing the reactions.}

In her book, Meals that Heal Inflammation Julie Daniluk R.H.N . discusses the top food allergens and five causes of allergies. She also explains that food allergies and inflammation are connected.

Top Food Allergens: Dairy, Corn, Soy, Wheat/, Shell fish, Tree Nuts, Peanuts, Eggs Top Food additives to Avoid: – FD&C blue #1 and 2, green and red #3, red #40, yellow #5 and #6, sodium nitrate, MSG, , Pork, Coffee, BHA, BHT, Artificial and sweeteners, Propylene gluycol, Parabens Common Night Shades: (linked to inflammation) Tomatoes, White Potatoes, Eggplant, Peppers (sweet and spicy), Tobacco0

Causes of Allergies

 Feed babies solid foods to early  Poor digestion  Environmental toxins and chemicals  Stress  Genetic predisposition  Lack of exposure to microorganisms - soil-associated bacteria, pets, germs – not viruses Vegetarian Health Institute -Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN Professor, Super Nutrition Academy Raederle Phoenix on Apr 21, 2014 in Healing Naturally

With food allergies, the immune cells that line the are hypersensitive. This can be caused by a variety of issues such as: low stomach acid, unhealthy gut flora, pancreatic, liver and gall bladder challenges. Food allergies are linked to conditions such as arthritis, asthma, eczema and cardio vascular diseases, leaky gut syndrome and more. When eating a food you are allergic to, the intestinal immune cells perceive a potential invader and quickly act to prevent harm. This is experienced as inflammation.

REAL FOOD FOR REAL HEALTH www.terigentes.com [email protected] 613 521 9800 / 613 277 5817

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Three Ways to Identify Food Allergies Dr Mark Hyman

1. Get a blood test. Blood testing for IgG food allergens ( www.immunolabs.com and other labs) can help you to identify hidden food allergies. While these tests do have limitations and need to be interpreted in the context of the rest of your health, they can be useful guides to what’s bothering YOU in particular. When considering blood tests for allergens, it’s always a good idea to work with a doctor or nutritionist trained in dealing with food allergies. 2. Go dairy- and gluten-free for 6 weeks. Dairy and gluten are the most common triggers of food allergies. For patients who have trouble losing weight, I often recommend a short elimination, as part of The Blood Sugar Solution. Both dairy (milk, cheese, butter, and yogurt) and gluten (most often found in wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt, triticale, and kamut) are linked to insulin resistance and, therefore, weight gain. Temporarily cutting them out of the diet, allows the inflamed gut to heal. This one move may be the single most important thing most you can do to lose weight. 3. Avoid the top food allergens. If you don’t feel a sense of relief from nixing dairy and gluten, you may need to take the one step further by cutting out the top food allergens: gluten, dairy, corn, eggs, soy, nuts, nightshades (tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes, and eggplant), citrus, and yeast (baker’s, brewer’s yeast, and fermented products like vinegar). Try this for a full six weeks. That is enough time to feel better and notice a change. When you reintroduce a top food , eat it at least 2-3 times a day for 3 days to see if you notice a reaction. If you do, note the food and eliminate it for 90 days.

If you are overweight, if you suffer from inflammatory diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, the potential health benefits of discovering and uprooting hidden food allergies cannot be overstated. Remember, food is your greatest ally in helping to prevent and treat illness. For more information see The Blood Sugar Solution to get a free sneak peak.

A natural approach to overcoming the challenges:

Digestive Enzymes and Pro-biotics

Supplementations of plant enzymes help ensure the proper digestion of food. With the mass production of foods today and excess consumption of cooked foods, enzyme deficiency is quite common. A sign of compromised digestive ability is indigestion. When food isn’t properly digested, the food particles cannot be efficiently absorbed, assimilated - used as nutrients. Instead, the body recognizes these food particles as foreign invaders and activates the immune system and causes allergic reactions and inflammation. Digestive supplements are effective with allergies issues because the enzymes break down the protein allergens and decrease allergic reactions.

Probiotics provide aid as well by boosting the healthy gut flora enabling a healthier digestive environment. It’s a great idea to supplement with probiotics and fermented foods to populate your body with the beneficial bacteria that are supposed to be there.

REAL FOOD FOR REAL HEALTH www.terigentes.com [email protected] 613 521 9800 / 613 277 5817

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A study done in The Journal of Pediatrics in 2009, looked at the effects of probiotics. Group one was fed just lactobacillus acidophilus; group two was given lactobacillus acidophilus plus bifidobacterium. These probiotics were given daily for six months. Group three was given a placebo. Group one, the lactobacillus acidophilus group, reduced the fever incidents by 53%; by 41%; antibiotic use decreased by 68%! And days absent from school was decreased by 32%! Group two was the combination of lactobacillus plus bifidobacterium. This reduced fever incidents by 73%; reduced cough by 62%; antibiotic use reduced by 84%; and days absent from school or kindergarten, 28%.

INFLAMMATION: An immune response – to Illness, injury, allergy, infection, toxins etc. We experience pain, swelling, redness and heat in the infected area(s). This built in response is intended to protect us. When our body encounters injury or a perceived invader it revs into gear communicating the challenge with symptoms such as those mentioned above. It’s a natural healing process. Our challenge comes with chronic inflammation which sets in when the healing process is incomplete .

Chronic inflammation, however is a systemic condition occurring when the body’s immune response produces an excess of inflammatory chemicals, sometimes because of the foods we eat. Today’s diets are imbalanced and can overproduce inflammatory chemicals while at the same time blocking production of necessary anti-inflammatory chemicals.

Arthritis, gastritis, colitis, , cystitis, neuritis, bursitis are all common inflammatory conditions related to systemic inflammation . Heart diseases - coronary artery diseases are considered directly associated with inflammation and now regarded to be a more important risk factor for heart disease than high cholesterol levels. Cancer is spread by inflammation. Obesity, dementia, migraines, Alzheimer’s disease all involve inflammation. Infections, hives, allergic reactions, asthma, diabetes, psoriasis, IBS and all such auto immune disease involve inflammation.

Conventional medical treatment includes anti-inflammatory drugs as a main therapy along with surgery. This approach will suppress symptoms, yet doesn’t address the underlying causes. In addition, long term use of commonly prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can have serious side effects causing additional health complications. Drugs or surgery don’t prevent inflammation . A better approach in dealing with allergies and inflammation is to prevent, treat, reduce and eliminate the root causes with lifestyle and dietary/nutritional changes.

Foods affect inflammation in unpredictable ways! Some factors that cause inflammation include injury, toxicity, infection, allergy/intolerance, emotional trauma and nutritional deficiencies. With over 70% of our immune systems cells are in the lining of our digestive tract, the foods we eat have immense impact upon our immune system. Many foods literally fuel or subdue inflammatory responses. Certain foods trigger inflammation while others can abate it.

With food allergies and excess consumption of the most common allergens – wheat/gluten, dairy, corn, soy and eggs - our immune system is in a chronically reactive state. The safest way to prevent this is to avoid problem foods triggering the allergic response including nightshades and to consume anti-inflammatory foods .

REAL FOOD FOR REAL HEALTH www.terigentes.com [email protected] 613 521 9800 / 613 277 5817

www.terigentes.com / www.facebook.com/terigentes / https://twitter.com/TeriGentes

For optimal well-being and prevention of allergies, food intolerance and chronic inflammation research has demonstrated the benefits of augmenting digestive health (with suggestions such as those above) and avoiding or minimizing intake of the top food allergens. In addition sustaining a well-balanced ‘whole foods’ approach that includes an abundance of fresh, seasonal produce is great insurance. Experts recommend at least 50% of our diet be plant based.

Have your clients experiment with food elimination if they are plagued with allergies, intolerance or chronic inflammation. Most are often quite astounded to discover some foods they thought to be ‘healthy’ were the triggers for their symptoms. Lifestyle and dietary changes offer significant relief, prevention, treatment and even reversal of many of the common diseases that ail society today. Encourage your clients to seek out the advice of professional complementary health care practitioners for advice and guidance with their nutritional approach. It may very well be the key to their optional well-being.

References and Resources: Dr Malthouse -Current President of the Canadian Complementary Medical Association; Alive Encyclopedia of Natural Healing; Prescription for Nutritional Healing -James and Phyllis Balch / Julie Daniluk – Meals that Heal Inflammation / Dr Greger http://nutritionfacts.org/ Monica Reinagel’s www.inflammationfactor.com / Dr Joel Furhman; Dr. Joey Schulman, DC, RNCP, Andrew Weil – www.drandrewweil.com / Dr Mark Hyman www.bloodsugarsolution.com

Teri Gentes – Lifestyle Wellness and Whole Foods Dietary Coach, Chef and Author

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REAL FOOD FOR REAL HEALTH www.terigentes.com [email protected] 613 521 9800 / 613 277 5817