Welcome to Convocation. Conestoga College hopes you enjoy this special celebration. For your information, please note the following:

First Aid:

If a medical problem arises, please ask an usher for assistance. First aid is available.

Standing Room:

In the event of standing room only, if you need to sit for a time, please go to the upper concourse or arena seating areas.

The College reserves the right to restrict access to the auditorium once capacity is reached.

Arena Ice Surface:

Please use caution and follow safety directions if you enter, stand or walk on the arena surface.

Food and Beverages:

Food and beverages are not allowed in the auditorium or arena.

Graduate Lists:

Graduate lists in this program are subject to changes resulting from academic decisions made after the date of program printing.


If you wish to take photographs following the ceremony, a supply of gowns and liripipes is available at the reception site (E Wing,

Doon Centre). Also, Conestoga Students Inc. has arranged for the services of a professional photographer.


The Alumni Association offers flowers and disposable cameras for sale. If you purchase either or both of these items for your favourite graduate, please do not present them until the end of the ceremony.

Graduation Document Frames:

If you wish to purchase a graduation document or photograph frame, go to the framing table at the reception site (E Wing, Doon

Centre) after the ceremony.


The College Bookstore will have a retail operation, featuring College merchanise, at the reception site.

Brass Rings:

Music for all ceremonies of the 4 1st Convocation is being performed by Brass Rings. To learn more about this ensemble, visit www. brass-rings.com.

Floral arrangements and settings for the 4 1st Convocation were designed and fashioned by faculty and students of the Retail

Florist program of Conestoga College.

Please observe the College’s policy on smoking.

Smoking is not permitted in any College building. Dear Graduates

It is with great pleasure that the Board ofGovernors welcomes all graduates, theirfamilies andfriends to Conestoga College Institute of Technology andAdvanced Learningfor this special celebration.

For you, this day is the end result ofa great deal ofhard work andpersonal endeavour. The skills and knowledge you have acquired in your chosen programs will be applied to the new careers and experiences that await you. We hope that you will keep this Convocation Program as a memento of

this special day.

While it is probably with much anticipation that you embark on yourfuture, it is also a time to reflect

that learning is a lifelong pursuit. Conestoga College is dedicated to meeting the occupational needs ofthe communities we serve. We hope you will continue to consider the College as an educational resourceforyou andyourfamily.

Congratulations on your achievement.

The Board of Governors Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

The Board of Governors of Conestoga College

Chair: Carol Leaman Vice-Chairs: Rick Brunet, Rick Landry

Dave Arjune Grace DaSilva Frances Painter

Stephanie Bartlett Greg Ferraro Phil Rodi Christopher Carson Sandra Hett Brett Tucker

Maureen Cowan Joyce Irving John Weir Chandra Kudsia

Hon. John Milloy, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities

Dr. John W. Tibbits, President (ex officio)

The Board of Governors extends special thanks to the members of the Convocation Committee,

whose efforts were instrumental in the planning and presentation of this Convocation.

0 Canada! 0 Canada!

0 Canada! Our home and native land! 0 Canada! Terre de nos aieux

True patriot love in all thy sons command. Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!

With glowing hearts we see thee rise, Car ton sait porter l’epee,

The True North strong and free! Ilsait porter la croix!

From far and wide, 0 Canada, Ton histoire est une epopee

We stand on guard for thee. Des plus billants exploits.

God keep our land glorious and free! Et ta valeur, de foi trempee

0 Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Protegera nos foyers et nos droits

0 Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Protegera nos foyers et nos droits

1 Academic and Administrative Officers of the College

John W. Tibbits President and ChiefExecutive Officer

Andre Beaudry Vice-President, Development andAlumni

Mike Dinning Vice-President, Student Affairs John Donald Vice-President, Business Development, Applied Research and External Relations Kevin Mullan Vice-President, Corporate Services and Secretary General

Robert Carley Executive Dean, Academic Administration Michael McClements Executive Dean, Schools ofEngineering and Information Technology, Trades and Apprenticeship, and Media and Design Frank Mensink Executive Dean, School ofBusiness Marlene Raasok Executive Dean, School ofHealth and Life Sciences and Community Services

Christine Buuck Executive Director, International Education Debra Marshall Executive Director, Human Resources Jacqueline McLaren Executive Director, Student Services

Richard Gibson ChiefInformation Officer

Avis Maher ChiefFinancial Officer

Raymond Chung Director, Project Services

Laura Eaglesham Director, Finance Ernie Falkiner Director, Information Technology Services Carol Gregory Director, Student Development Pamela Healey Director, Co-operative Education and Career Services Janeen Hoover College Registrar Andrea Leis Dean, Career andAcademic Access Barry Milner Director, Physical Resources Paul Osborne Director, Marketing and Recreation Centre Dan Piedra Director, Continuing Education Tim Tribe Director, Development

Angela Vuk Director, Applied Research

Helena Webb Director, Office of the President and Corporate Secretary Don Willis Director, Safety and Security Fred Woodhall Director, Computer Systems

Julia Biedermann Chair, Engineering and Information Technolog}’

Kristie Clark Chair, Enhanced Seniors Care

Mark Derro Chair, Media and Design Barbara Fennessy Chair, Business Paul Finch Chair, Health Sciences and Wellness

Gordon Furzer Chair, Informatics and Life Sciences

Gordon Greavette Chair, Communications and Liberal Studies Gary Hallam Chair, Hospitality

Barbara Kelly Chair, Business

Dieter Klaus Chair, Preparatory Programs

Amy McKee Chair, Continuing Education and Corporate Training - Business

Wayne Morris Chair, Community Safety and Human Services Jason Powell Chair, Nursing

John Richards Chair, Certificate Programs and Continuing Education Sandra Schelling Chair, Engineering and Information Technology Training Stephen Speers Chair, Trades and Apprenticeship

Laura Stoutenburg Chair, Conestoga Language Instilute Goranka Vukelich Chair, Child Development and Education Mitch Wawzonek Chair, Engineering and Information Technology

Greg White Chair, Trades and Apprenticeship

2 The Order of Proceedings

Following the Fanfare, the Audience will rise

Processional Music: Triumphal March from Aida (G. Verdi/]. Brower)

The Procession will enter consisting of: The College Marshal The Platform Marshal The Chair of the Board of Governors The President of the College Members of the Board of Governors The Registrar The Academic and Administrative Officers of the College The President of the Student Association The Faculty Marshal

Faculty of the College The Student Marshal The Graduates

0 Canada


The Audience will be seated

The Chair of the Board of Governors will welcome the Assembly

Presidential Address

The Alumni Association will welcome graduates of the Class of 2009

The Candidates for Graduation will be presented to the Chair of the Board

Graduates will be invested with the Liripipe, and receive Diplomas and Certificates

Presentation of special awards will be made (at the appropriate ceremony): Conestoga College Mastercraft Award, James W. Church Achievement Award, Aubrey Hagar Distinguished Teaching Award

Concluding remarks

Farewell (The Audience will rise) Recessional Music: Men ofHarlech (Traditional/T. Wagler)

The Audience will remain in the auditorium until the Procession has retired

3 Participants in Convocation

Members of the Board of Governors

The President of the College

The Academic and Administrative Officers of the College

The President of Conestoga Students Inc.

Moderator: Michael Thurnell

College Registrar: Janeen Hoover

Registrar’s Aides: Heike Bernhardt, Lori Fox, Gwen Freeman, Sherry Johnston, Jackie O’Brien

Marshals: Ann Ashberry, Julie Gillis, Lynne Kattenhorn, Tony Kattenhorn, Maureen Murphy-Fricker, Frances Painter, John Sawicki, Shelley Schenk, Nancy Shaw, Suzanne Tebbutt

Chief Usher: Mary-Lynn Dedels

Lead Singer: Leopold Koff

Music: Brass Rings

College Faculty:

Valerie Abbott Don Davison Richard Hepditch Bill Morris Ken Smith

Hameed Al-Aubodah Kevin Denomme Valerie Hoag Peri Moyer Lori Smith

Bill Alderson Janet Diebel Don Hood Lisa Nielsen Deborah Spencer

Tim Arsenault Chris Dobson Stu Hood Dennis O’Reilly Liz Stacey Ann Avery Larry Drew Sheila Hyslop Pat O’Reilly Deborah Stone- Dorothy Baby Louis Dropka Christina Jonas Jim Palmer Zukowski Dave Barrett Roger Enns Linda Juodvaikis Steve Parr Larry Stuart

Rosanne Bauman Bob Evans Michael Kauk James Phillips Nisha Sutherland Jennifer Bernard Dave Farrish Marilyn Kelly Paul Pickett Lisa Symons Helene Bindseil Steve Finlay Randall Kozak Valerie Pinder Meyer Tanuan Elissa Bonin Dianna Fong-Lee Steven Kupina Tom Pippy Linda Taylor Anna Bortolon Mark Forgeron Joanne Kyriakou Glenn Planert Marie Theres

Kathryn Brillinger Deb Frank-MacDonald Laura Latyn Chris Pollock Shirley Thompson Greg Burns Tom Franks Elizabeth Ledwell Laura Potje Stephen Thompson Dane Burton Rick Fry Jean Leforge Sylvia Ranson Valerie Thompson

Rebecca Burwell Jim Galloway Pat Leicester Deb Reyner Michael Toll

Patrice Butts Susan Garlick Rene Letoile Barbara Rice Kerry Townson Janice Cardy Dave Garner Jane Lindsay Doug Richard Bev Trask Mary Carley Jim Gerrard Tracey Lopers Mary-Elizabeth Roth Dave Turton Donna Carr Roger Gibbons Dianne MacDonald Mark Salmikivi Joe VandenEnden

Jane Carr Kent Gilbert Jane MacDonald Lindsay Schalm Ted Venema

Simon Chan Rob Gilchrist Natasha Magon Janice Schmeltzer Mike Verwey Pat Chornaby Glen Good Roger Mainland Claudia Schubert Brenda Warner Dharon Clarke Fran Gregory Mitko Mancevski Paul Scott Brian Watson Janice Cleary Randall Hadley Jim McCabe Peter Scott Judi Westcott Scott Cocks Birdena Hamilton- Jane McDonald Brad Seltzer Stan White Bob Coons Armitage Norma McDonald Ewing Carlo Sgro Catherine Wittke Larry Cornies Martin Hare Norbert Mika Steven Shadd Tracy Worswick Deb Cox Carolyn Harrison Matt Miller Ravi Sharma Trevor Wynne-Jones

Karyn Cox Kelly Harrison Martin Mills Pauline Shore Robin Young Paula Crooks Paula Hendsbee Jen Mohaupt Rob Sloan Marlene Zister Diane Cudney Geoffrey Money

4 The Significance of the Liripipe

Today, concurrent with the presentation of the appropriate Diploma or Certificate, each graduate will be invested with the Conestoga


The Liripipe originated in the 15th century - the Renaissance period of great artists, scholars and explorers. A longer version of the present university hood, the Liripipe symbolizes recognition of an individual sufficiently prepared to play a particular role in the

world’s work, as well as attainment of a standard of excellence that will encourage the recipients to seek, learn and improve upon the

nature of their chosen roles.

The Conestoga Liripipe is a band of red velvet, edged and divided into four sections by gold trim and bearing four white tassels

representing the four counties in the College area. It is draped over the left shoulder to signify acceptance into the community of Conestoga College graduates.

Graduation Academic Honours

President’s Honour List: For the graduating student in each diploma, graduate certificate and degree program who obtains the

highest average in that program. The program must be two or more semesters in length, and the average for all courses of the Program Design must be a minimum of 90 per cent, with no failed courses.

Graduation with High Distinction: For students registered in diploma, graduate certificate or degree programs of two or more

semesters in length who achieve an average of 90 per cent for all courses of the Program Design, with no failed courses.

Graduation with Distinction: For students registered in diploma, graduate certificate or degree programs of two or more

semesters in length who achieve an average of 80-89 per cent in all courses of the Program Design, with no failed courses.

Conestoga Honour List: For students registered in Ontario College Certificate and apprenticeship programs who achieve an average

of 80 per cent or greater for all courses of the Program Design, or, for apprenticeship students, all levels of their program, with no failed courses.

James W. Church Achievement Award

This award fund honour the founding President of Conestoga College. It recognizes a student who demonstrates those qualities deemed by

Dr. Church to be characteristic of excellence in human endeavour - achievement in learning, concern for the dignity of the individual and

a personal contribution of benefit to society

The James W. Church Achievement Award goes to: Ashley Karpowicz, Human Resources Management (Co-op).

Mastercraft Award

Established by former President Kenneth E. Hunter, this award recognizes student achievement in program-related technical skills.

Students first enter a program-level competition. Winning entries proceed to the College-wide competition, which is judged by a panel of professionals external to the College who are recognized as craftspeople.

The Conestoga College Mastercraft Award goes to: Sam Bunting, Peter Hendershott, Lindsay Markle, Lindsay Martin and

James Whitaker-Dumont, Architecture - Construction Engineering Technology.

Aubrey Hagar Distinguished Teaching Award

This award recognizes a faculty member for outstanding contribution to and/or leadership in the teaching-learning process.

It honours Aubrey Hagar, a founding member of the College’s Board of Governors who also served Conestoga as Director of Academic and College Planning, and Director of Strategic Planning.

The Aubrey Hagar Distinguished Teaching Award goes to: Mary Carley, School of Health and Life Sciences, and Community Services.

5 Awards and Scholarships, Class of 2009

We proudly call your attention to the numerous awards, prizes, scholarships and honours earned by members of the Class of 2009. Because the list is so lengthy, individual awards will not be announced during the Convocation ceremonies. We are certain, however, that you share our appreciation of the efforts and excellence of these Conestoga College students.

The awards listed for the Class of 2009 are as reported and recorded by the Student Awards Office. Students may have received other awards which are unlisted, because they have not been reported.

Amy ABBOTT RPNAO Award for Student Excellence in Practical Nursing Mike BOGIAS Architecture Construction Engineering Diploma Award Ashley ABELSON ECE Alumni Association Award Sean BORMAN CIPS Award of Excellence, CAD Program

Adrian ACERO Pearson Education Canada Award for Excellence in Learning Megan BOS Architecture Academic Proficiency Award, Year 3

(Year 3) Conestoga College Achievement Award Conestoga College Entrance Award Tristan BOUTILIER Business Foundations Faculty Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Jennifer BOWMAN OTA Education Foundation Bursary Carla AGNEW Conestoga College Entrance Award David BOYLAN Most Versatile Potential Employee Krista AITCHISON Environmental Engineering Applications Award, Best Cindy BRADLEY Office Administration PAC Award Student Project Christina BRAJAK Conestoga College Entrance Award Theresa AL Conestoga College Women's Varsity Fastball Scholarship Sheri BRANDT Academic Excellence for Outstanding Achievement - Naveed ALAM Conestoga College Entrance Award Dietetic Technician

Sukarno ALAMSJAH Automotive Service Apprenticeship Award - Top Student Lyle BREADNER Ontario Harness Horse Scholarship

Jacqueline ALGIE Wendy Kudsia Endowed ECE Bursary Joshua BRENNAN Applied Degree Entrance Scholarship - Highest Marks Stella AMANKWA-ODURO Conestoga College Entrance Award Elizabeth BRENNEMAN Conestoga College Entrance Award Jason AMARO Lean Concepts and Continuous Improvement Award The Hailey Ann McBain Schaub Nursing Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Stephen BRICKMAN Best Third-Year Land Development Project

Chad ANDERSON Biggest Heart Award - Police Foundations Civil Engineering Technology Special Recognition Award, Angelo ANDRUCHOVICI EET Program Award Year 3

Paul ANNUNZIELLO Sysco Food Services of Central Ontario Award Civil Engineering Academic Achievement Award, Year 1

Garland Commercial Ranges Award Civil Engineering Technology Diploma Award

Terry ANSTEY Chartwells Culinary Passion Award Civil Engineering Technology Special Recognition Award, Conestoga College Entrance Award Year 2

Rebecca APLIN Conestoga College Achievement Award Civil Engineering High Academic Achievement Award, Year 2 Maria Luisa ARAUJO eSolutions Group Award of Excellence Conestoga College Achievement Award

Allyson ARGUETA Architecture Faculty Recognition Award Stantec Civil and Environmental Engineering Technology Jose ARGUETA Conestoga College Entrance Award Scholarship

Maria ARTEAGA Conestoga College Entrance Award Civil Engineering Highest Academic Achievement, Year 3 The Hildreth Family Award Jaime BRIERE Making A Difference Award

Joseph ASHKARIAN Civil Engineering Technology Best Model for Project Jessica BROADFOOT OTA Education Foundation Bursary Documentation Conestoga College Entrance Award Ronald ASHLEY Conestoga College Entrance Award Ashley BROOKS Peggy Roth Award

Marc AUSTIN APICS Most Outstanding Student Award Briana BROOKS Horseman's Benevolent and Protective Association of

Karmax Heavy Stamping Faculty Award of Excellence Ontario Award Kehinde AYO-OBISESAN Conestoga College Entrance Award Amanda BROOYMANS Summer Externship Bursary Hayley AYOTTE Conestoga College Entrance Award Karolyn BROWN Conestoga College Entrance Award Analou Keziel BACUS Conestoga College Entrance Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Daniel BAILLARGEON COM DEV Entrance Scholarship Rori BROWN Business Foundations Student Award (Doon) Janelle BAKKER Conestoga College Entrance Award Beverly BRUBACHER Flanagan Sales Award of Excellence Robin BARBER Conestoga College Entrance Award Inbox Marketer Award, Business Administration - Conestoga College Achievement Award Marketing

Sean BARROW LASA Student Leadership Award Jason BRULE Civil Engineering Technology Highest Academic

Ben BARTH CIPS Award of Excellence Achievement, Year 1

Kyle BASSFORD Dr. Donald Dodsworth Scholarship MTE Consultants Civil Engineering Award

Alexander BAUMAN Conestoga College Entrance Award High Academic Achievement in Hydraulics Matthew BECK Professional Group Award Best Third-Year Land Development Project

Jerrett BELLAMY Metis Endowment Fund Civil Engineering Technology Academic Achievement - Janelle BERG Telesat Canada Scholarship Waste Water Treatment

Tammy BERG OTA/PTA Clinical Excellence Award Civil Engineering Technology - Environmental Highest Nicole BERGERON Ainsworth Bursary for PSW Academic Achievement, Year 3

Xiang Dong Bl Campana Systems Award Civil Engineering High Academic Achievement Award, Year 2

Blair BIASUZZI The Nelson Education Ltd. Award Civil Engineering Highest Academic Achievement in Storm Janneke BIJLSMA Conestoga College Entrance Award Water Management

Willem BIJLSMA Applied Degree Entrance Scholarship - Highest Marks Brettney BRUNTON Civil Engineering Highest Academic Achievement Award,

Mersad BILALIC Conestoga College Entrance Award Year 1 Richard BING Conestoga College Entrance Award Conestoga College Entrance Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Heather BRYAN Conestoga College Entrance Award

Region of Waterloo Emergency Medical Services Award Karen BRYANT Award in Memory of Karen McCullough for Academic Nadine BINGHAM Conestoga College Entrance Award Excellence Leadership Tash BLAIS Varsity Women's Outdoor Soccer Scholarship Lisa BUCHHOLTZ Conestoga College Entrance Award Tessie BLOUIN Shelia McLaren Award Janice BUGAY Pearson/Prentice Hall Award Conestoga College Entrance Award

Milena BOBAR Civil Academic Improvement Award, Year 2 to Year 3

Civil Engineering Best Third-Year Project Award (Group Award)

6 Samuel BUNTING Mastercraft Award Stuart DONKERSGOED Len McDonnell Bursary Fund Conestoga College Men's Varsity Soccer Scholarship Bradley DOYLE Welcome Home Bursary Network 2009 - Most Professional Design Award Roxana DRAGHICI Architecture Academic Proficiency Award, Year 4 Second-Year Architectural Design and Working William DRURY Value Stream Mapping Project Award Drawings Award Applied Execution and Control of Operations Award Second-Year HVAC Award Marcin DUDKIEWICZ CAD Information Technology PAC Award Third-Year Architectural Team Project Award CIPS Award of Excellence

Kelly - Ann CALLAGHAN Business Strategy Award Ian DUGGAN Creative Excellence in Editing and Videography Award,

Jessica CAMARA Police Foundations - Best Female Athlete Year 1 Lenise CAMELFORD Conestoga College Entrance Award Adam DUNBROOK LASA Most Improved Student Award Aaron CAMERON Saskatchewan Trucking Award Elaine DURHAM Sister Beatrice Schnarr Scholarship Fund, Awarded for Brooke CAMPBELL Conestoga College Entrance Award Academic Excellence Matthew CAREY The Kitchener Rangers Scholarship Fund Majid EBRAHIMI Woodworking Programs Student Bursary Best News Reporting Award - Videography Storeimage Programs Inc. - Technology Award (Runner-Up) Sarah CARMICHAEL Conestoga College Achievement Award Leah EDISBURY Dean Weishar Memorial Bursary FM 98.5 CKWR Community Programming Award Katalin ERDELYI Conestoga College Entrance Award Carmen CARNOCHAN Conestoga College Female Athlete of the Year Award Jennifer ESPOSITO Conestoga College Entrance Award Varsity Women's Indoor Soccer Scholarship Arezoo ESTEKI Conestoga College Entrance Award LASA Most Improved Student Award Scott ETCOVITCH Conestoga College Achievement Award

Elisabeth CASKENETTE Applied Degree Entrance Scholarship - Highest Marks Ian EVANS Ken Mackenzie Memorial Bursary Summer Externship Bursary Best Feature Story Award - Videography

Jonathon CASKANETTE Academic Achievement Award - Police Foundations Kayla EVANS Business Strategy Award Lucrecia CASTILLO COURTADE Conestoga College Entrance Award Fred Hennig Business Administration Scholarship Conestoga College Achievement Award Robert EVERS General Business Faculty Award Jaclyn CELLUCCI Summer Externship Bursary Karon FACEY Conestoga College Entrance Award Nina CERANIC Conestoga College Entrance Award Terri FALCO ECE Award of Excellence

Sonia CHACKO Elizabeth B. Furey Bursary Stephanie FAUCHER Conestoga College Entrance Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Brandy CHAMBERLAIN Ainsworth Family Fund Marcie FEWSTER Ainsworth Family Fund Margaret CHAPMAN Practical Nursing Faculty Award Rizo FICIC Rockwell Automation Customer Service Award The George Carl Watters Bird RPN Scholarship Tyler FILLION Most Mileage Attained - Police Foundations (Male)

Mohamed CHEHADE Civil Engineering Best Third-Year Project Award (Group Ian FITZGERALD Investigations Award Award) Ashley FLEWWELLING Conestoga College Varsity Soccer Scholarship

Civil Engineering Best Survey Camp Fieldwork Award Varsity Indoor Soccer Scholarship Weihai CHEN Best Third-Year Subdivision Project Scott FORBES Conestoga College Entrance Award

Civil Engineering Highest Academic Achievement Laura FORDE Express Personnel Award

Award, Year 1 Andrew FOURNIER Conestoga College Achievement Award

Civil Engineering High Academic Achievement Award, Chris FREY Bill Harrison Bursary Year 2 Adam FRIDENBURG CHYM Radio Award for Announcing Ying CHEN Conestoga College Achievement Award Kelly GALERNO Conestoga College Entrance Award Lydia CHERKASSOFF Conestoga College Entrance Award Canadian Federation of University Women Award, Guelph Michael CLAYTON EET Program Award Chapter Jesse CLUTHE SET Alumni Association Award Paramedic Program Award Brian COELHO Best Overall Operator Award Kyle GALLAGHER Bayshore Broadcasting Media Scholarship Jaime COGGER Conestoga College Entrance Award Kathryn GALVIN Wendy Kudsia Endowed ECE Bursary Brad COLLINS Conestoga College Entrance Award Kyle GIBSON Best Third-Year Land Development Project

Misti COUSINEAU Dare Foods Ltd. Award of Excellence in Marketing Carrie GILMOUR Welcome Home Bursary Research Merwais GISAVI Guelph Chamber of Commerce Millennium Scholarship

Christopher CULLEN Creative Excellence in Editing and Videography Award, Robert GISSING CIPS Award of Excellence

Year 1 James GOERZEN Storeimage Programs Inc. Technology Scholarship

Creative Videography Award, Year 1 Richard GOETZ Welcome Home Bursary CTV Southwestern Ontario Broadcaster of the Year Maria GOOD The Henrietta Alderson Scholarship

Ashley DALBY Conestoga College Entrance Award Lillian Brown Nursing Award Welcome Home Bursary Conestoga College Entrance Award Daniel DALTON John Csermak Bursary Conestoga College Achievement Award Kaitlyn DAMM Conestoga College Entrance Award Summer Externship Bursary Lavinia DAMSE Health Office Administration Dental Science Award Kari GOUGH The Talk Venema Award Nolan DANARD Cambridge YWCA ECE Student Award Laura GOZZI Conestoga College Entrance Award

Sheila DEAKEN Conestoga College Achievement Award Jillian GRANT Al Logan Memorial Award

James DEMERS Accounting Faculty Award IAAP Student Achievement Award, Office Administration - Marc DESCHAMPS Athletic Scholarship, Midwestern Junior B Hockey Executive League (Frank Santarossa) Robert GRAY Motive Power Fundamentals - Truck and Coach Top Adam DETTWEILER Best Third-Year Subdivision Project Student Award

Civil Engineering High Academic Achievement Award, Sean GRAYDON Miller Electric Manufacturing Co. Bursary Year 2 Donald GREEN Conestoga College Entrance Award

Civil Engineering Academic Improvement, Year 1 to Nathan GRUBB Conestoga College Entrance Award Year 2 Joscelyn GUINDON Carol and Reg Peterson Award

Civil Engineering High Academic Achievement Award, Katherine GYENES Conestoga College Achievement Award

Year 3 Mary HACHEY Faithlife Financial's Horizons Scholarship

Stephen DICSI Bill Kermer Award, APICS Ontario Grand Valley Chapter Conestoga College Entrance Award Jeremy DIEBOLD APICS Certification Exam Honorarium Award Simengesh HAILE Ainsworth Family Fund

Emma DILLABOUGH Creative Excellence in Advanced Editing and Dan HALASHEWSKI A & M Wood Specialty Award

Videography/Cinematography Award Stewart HALL Motive Power Fundamentals - Truck and Coach Amanda DIXON Conestoga College Achievement Award Contribution to Learning Environment Award Leanne DONKERS Conestoga College Entrance Award Susan HALLWOOD Thompson Nelson GED Scholarship

7 Michelle HALTER Summer Externship Bursary Pinder JAMMU Ardelle Darling Memorial Award Rachel HANEY Conestoga College Entrance Award Summer Externship Bursary Madelon HARPER Welcome Home Bursary Celia JENKS Donna McKenna Award Andrew HARRIS Fitness Leadership Award - Advanced Police Studies Sonia JERONIMO Dick Parker Award Joseph HARRISON Architectural CADD Skills Canada Award Kaitlyn JESSOME Campbell's Canadian/International Scholarships First-Year Architectural CADD Award Nicole JILEK Conestoga College Entrance Award Second-Year Architectural CADD Award Miranda JOHNSTON Conestoga College Entrance Award Amanda HARTERY Conestoga College Entrance Award Samantha JOHNSTON Conestoga College Entrance Award

The John Larke Memorial Bursary - Broadcasting Krista JOLLIFFE Faculty Award in Recognition for Class Participation - Angela HAUCK Conestoga College Entrance Award Dietetic Technician NOW Media Best Videography Award Louise KADDOUR Conestoga College Entrance Award CJOY News Radio Announcing Award Laura KALLAY Chartwells Culinary Bursary 570 News Radio Reporting Award Ashley KARPOWICZ James W. Church Achievement Award Dennis HAYS Conestoga College Entrance Award Michael KASPERCZYR General Arts and Science Award Tracey HAYTER-CHIASSON Conestoga College Entrance Award Aniko KASOS OIPMAC Outstanding Student, Year 3 (Materials and Kristine HEANEY Stephanie Futher Memorial Bedside Nursing Award Operations Management) Zainab HEDDOKHEEL Second-Year Building Code Excellence Award Information Systems Award Laszlo HEGEDUS Law Studies Award Angela KAUTH Ainsworth Family Fund Catherine HELM KICX-FM Promotions Award Sherryann KENNEDY Conestoga College Entrance Award Peter HENDERSHOTT Mastercraft Award Sarah KENNEDY Varsity Women's Outdoor Soccer Scholarship Network 2009 - Most Professional Design Award Aisha KHATIB Wendy Kudsia Endowed ECE Bursary

First- Year "Right Stuff" Award - Architecture and Elizabeth KILGOUR APICS Achievement Award, Year 3 Construction Faculty Award of Excellence, Year 3 (Materials and "Vanbots" - Best-of-the-Best Estimating Award Operations Management) Third-Year Architectural Team Project Award APICS Most Outstanding Student, Year 2 Raymond HEPDITCH Conestoga College Entrance Award Faculty Award of Excellence, Year 2 (Materials and Jaclyn HERGOTT Conestoga College Entrance Award Operations Management) William HICKS Conestoga College Entrance Award Materials Management PAC Award Wanda HLADYSH Cambridge and North Dumfries Community Foundation Youngho KIM Campana Systems Award Award Brittany KING Community Service Award Darryl HOFTYZER Conestoga College Achievement Award Daniel KIRSCHKE Value Stream Mapping Project Award Conestoga College Entrance Award Donald KLAEHN Joan Homer Student Leadership Award Meredith HOLBORN Conestoga College Achievement Award Lucas KLEINGELD TD Canada Trust Award Michael HORSMAN Mechanical Techniques Millwright (Co-op) Top Student Elizabeth KOENIG Cambridge Times Photo Award - Best Feature Photo and Award Best News Photo

Michael HOWES Scotia Bank Award, Year 1 Ryan KOVARIK The Kitchener Rangers Scholarship Fund TD Waterhouse Award Katie KOZAK Janice Schmeltzer Award ' Conestoga College Achievement Award Brittany KRAFT Conestoga College Entrance Award Freedom 55 Financial Award Canadian Federation of University Women Award, Guelph Brian HUBER Most Technically Challenging Third-Year Project Chapter

Civil Engineering Best Third-Year Project Presentation Christiane KRAFT Palliative Care Award in Practical Nursing Award (Group Award) Crystal KRANZ Conestoga College Entrance Award

Kaitlin HUDDER LASA Most Improved Student Award Amanda KUBE Foresters Scholarship Katherine HUMMITZSCH 107.7 MIX-FM Radio Production Award Mac Voisin Scholarship Janis HUNT Conestoga College Achievement Award Steven KUN Conestoga College Entrance Award Matthew HUTTEN Conestoga College Entrance Award Pai-Tsang KUO Microsoft Canada Achievement Award - Computer Alannah HUTTON Len McDonnell Bursary Fund Programmer/Analyst

Jefferey HYLTON Commodity Research Project Award Andy LAC The Menno S. Martin Contractor Ltd. Bursary Jerome HYLTON Commodity Research Project Award Conestoga College Achievement Award

Applied Execution and Control of Operations Award Jocelyn LAGERQUIST Conestoga College Achievement Award Ryan INWOOD Waterloo Region Base Hospital Program Student Award Eric LAM Conestoga College Achievement Award Hillary IRWIN Elsevier Achievement Award Jason LANE Premier Ag Resources Ltd. Award of Excellence David ISSERLIN Software Engineering Technician Academic Achievement ITSS Faculty Award of Excellence Award Devon LANSDELL Conestoga College Entrance Award Mary Anne IVISON Conestoga College Entrance Award Kerri LANTZ Business Strategy Award

Conestoga College Achievement Award Kerry-Lyn LANTZ First- Year Math Excellence Award

CHUM Radio Award for Production Audrey LAPERLE Canadian Hospitality Foundation Merit Award CHYM Announcer of the Year Award, Year 2 Jan-Willem LAROS Police Foundations - Most Improved Male Athlete

The John Larke Memorial Bursary - Broadcasting Michelle LAVOIE Commodity Research Project Award

91 .5 The Beat Student Production Award Value Stream Mapping Project Award Dave FM Award Applied Execution and Control of Operations Award Robert JACKSON Most Technically Challenging Third-Year Project Request for Proposal Award - PMAC

Civil Engineering Highest Academic Achievement Award, Information Systems Award

Year 1 Laura LAVOY Emond Montgomery Publications

Civil Engineering Technology Diploma Award Kathryn LAWRIE Conestoga College Achievement Award

Civil Engineering High Academic Achievement Award, Holly LEBOLD Conestoga College Achievement Award

Year 2 In Kyung LEE eSolutions Group Award of Excellence Conestoga College Achievement Award Abiey LEMA Rogers Television Station Manager's Award Conestoga Heavy Construction Association Award Karla LENOS General Business PAC Award

Civil Engineering Best Third-Year Project Presentation April LEONARD Jane Irving Bursary - Social Services

Award (Group Award) Sara LESSARD Civil Engineering Best Third-Year Project Presentation

Civil Engineering Best Survey Camp Fieldwork Award (Individual)

Andrea JACOB MTE Consultants Inc. Award - Environmental Civil Engineering Best Survey Camp Fieldwork Engineering Applications Victoria LEWIN Mr. Sub Scholarship

Chartwells Hospitality Scholarship Kimberley LIENHART Conestoga College Entrance Award Milton MOFFETT Business Strategy Award Lirong LIU Materials Management Achievement Award Maple Leaf Consumer Foods Management Accounting

Julian LIVERPOOL Conestoga College Entrance Award Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Lindsay MOIR Faculty Award for Academic Excellence Leadership and

Michael Borutski Scholarship Team Spirit David LOCK Environmental Engineering Applications Best Project Award Conestoga College Entrance Award Laura LOPEZ MORA Conestoga College Entrance Award Jennifer MOLENAAR Dietetic PAC Award Brend LOZANO Welcome Home Bursary Melissa MONAGHAN Conestoga College Entrance Award Sandy LOZANO Welcome Home Bursary Stephen MONAGHAN Scotia Bank Award, Year 2 Christopher LUCAS Babcock & Wilcox Scholarship Shiva MONZAVI Applied Degree Entrance Scholarship - Highest Marks

Michael Borutski Scholarship Micheal MOONEY Civil Engineering Technology Best Model for Project Conestoga College Achievement Award Documentation Glenn LUFT Software Engineering Technician Academic Peer Award Most Technically Challenging Third-Year Project

Kun MA Conestoga College Achievement Award Civil Engineering High Academic Achievement Award, Tamara MACDERMOTT Ainsworth Family Fund Year 2

Crystal MACDONALD OMSA Award for Highest Academic Achievement Civil Best Second-Year Project Solutions

Stephanie MACKENZIE Ontario Home Respiratory Services Association Award MTE Consultants Civil Engineering Award

Conestoga College Entrance Award Civil Engineering Best Survey Camp Fieldwork

Alex MACKENZIE First- Year Academic Excellence Award Civil Engineering Highest Academic Achievement,

First- Year Building Code Excellence Award Year 3

Architectural Construction Structural Award, Year 2 Civil Engineering Best Third-Year Project Presentation

Third-Year Waterloo Region Chief Building Officials Award Award (Group Award) Denise MACKENZIE Conestoga College Entrance Award Melanie MORAN Conestoga College Achievement Award Jenna MACNEIL Conestoga College Entrance Award Jarod MORGAN Conestoga College Achievement Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Kathleen MORRISON Co-op Student of the Year Award - School of Scott MACNE1SH Fitness Leadership Award - Advanced Police Studies Business and Hospitality Erica MAITRE Summer Externship Bursary Brandi MORSON Conestoga College Entrance Award Jeffrey MALO Architectural Electrical Design Award, Year 3 Shawna MOWERS Grand Valley Human Resources Professional Conestoga College Achievement Award Association Bursary Keith MALONEY BMO Financial Industry Award, Year 3 Donald MUMBY Conestoga College Entrance Award

Scotia Bank Award, Year 1 Lesley MUNRO Conestoga College Achievement Award TD Waterhouse Award Cristian MURESAN Conestoga College Entrance Award Freedom 55 Financial Award, Year 2 Sean MURPHY Conestoga College Entrance Award Sofia MAN Conestoga College Entrance Award Wanda MUSTARD The Ross and Doris Dixon Charitable Foundation Muriel-Louisa Award (Second Place)

MANGIALARDI Dietetic PAC Award Yannick Men Ki NG MAN Zachary MARCHAND Welcome Home Bursary SUN CGA Ontario Award for Excellence

Christopher MARION Dina C. Wadia Proficiency Award - Year 2 Highest Marks Vu Thanh NGUYEN The Nathan Lavoie Culinary Memorial Award Applied Degree Entrance Scholarship Highest Marks Canadian Hospitality Foundation Scholarship Lindsay MARKLE Mastercraft Award John NIBOURG Peter Finn Award Network 2009 - Most Professional Design Award Stephanie NICHOLLS Conestoga College Entrance Award Third-Year Architectural Team Project Award Miguel NIETES Automotive Service Technician Award - Most

Jonathan MARTIN Dina C. Wadia Academic Excellence Award Improved (Theory) Applied Degree Entrance Scholarship Highest Marks Frezewd NIGUSSIE Conestoga College Entrance Award Laura MARTIN TD Canada Trust Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Lindsay MARTIN Mastercraft Award Douglas NOBLE Value Stream Mapping Project Award Network 2009 - Most Professional Design Award Erich NOONAN Conestoga College Entrance Award Third-Year Architectural Team Project Award Hayley NORTON Conestoga College Entrance Award Marquis MARTINZ Honourable Mention Fitness Award - Police Foundations Melissa NUHN Vice-President’s Academic Scholarship Tessy MATHEW Conestoga College Entrance Award Erin NUTBROWN BMO Financial Industry Award, Year 3

Neil MCDONALD Waterloo Region Record Journalist of the Year Award Freedom 55 Financial Scholarship in Financial Alumni Association Award, Journalism - Print Planning Journalism Faculty Award BMO Financial Industry Award, Year 2 Guelph Mercury Award for Best News Story Jeffrey OAKS Business Foundations Student Award (Guelph) Edward Hayes Journalism Award for Best Feature Story Kevin O'BRIEN Stratford Beacon Herald Award - Best Barbra MCDONNELL The May Court Club Bursary Entertainment/Arts Story

Meredith MCDONOUGH Janice Schmeltzer Award Cambridge Times Photo Award - Best Feature Photo Kerry MCKAY Miller Electric Manufacturing Co. Bursary and Best News Photo Donald MCNEISH Economical Mutual Insurance Co. Award Carol O'CONNOR Conestoga College Entrance Award

Home Hardware Award of Excellence in Business - Canadian Federation of University Women Award - Computer Programmer/Analyst Guelph Chapter Brett MEADOWS Third-Year Structural Design Award Colleen O'FARRELL Ainsworth Family Fund Ryan MEIER Architecture Faculty Recognition Award, Architecture - Kyle O'HALLORAN ITSS Networking Award Project and Facility Management John OMOREANU Business Administration - Management PAC Award, Architecture Studio Project Award, Architecture - Project Year 2 and Facility Management Lauren OUDSHOORN Summer Externship Bursary

Melloul Blarney Construction Scholarship Randell PALMETER Mechanical Techniques Millwright (Co-op) Award for Kendri MELTON Business Computing Applications I Award Contribution to Class Learning Conestoga College Achievement Award Stephanie PARIS Astra Zeneca Proficiency Award Stephanie MESICH Making A Difference Award Office Administration PAC Award Laura MICHELS Conestoga College Entrance Award Mary Beth PATERSON Conestoga College Entrance Award Fadi MIKAEL Campana Systems Award Stanko PAVIC Varsity Men's Indoor Soccer Scholarship Monika MIKOLAJCZYK Conestoga College Entrance Award S. Raymond PETERSEN Conestoga College Entrance Award

Candice PHIBBS Faculty Award for Professional Practice

Development - Dietetic Technician

9 Karina PIAZZA Conestoga College Entrance Award Neil SIDDERS Conestoga College Entrance Award

Elena PILAVAKIS Dare Foods Ltd Award of Excellence in Marketing Maciek SIEMCZYK Computer Programmer/Analyst Information Technology Research PAC Award David PIVA Contribution to Classroom Learning Environment Economical Mutual Insurance Co. Award Award Conestoga College Achievement Award

Joel POTWARKA The William Walker Memorial Bursary Andrew SILVEIRA Computer Programmer/Analyst Faculty Award of Excellence

Chris POWELL Civil Academic Improvement Award, Year 2 to Year 3 Nicolas SIMINOSKI Conestoga College Entrance Award Joshua PRIES Smart Serve Entrance Scholarship - Food and Beverage Police Foundations Most Improved Student Award Management Program Gordana SIMOVIC Conestoga College Entrance Award Darcie PYEFINCH Welcome Home Bursary Conestoga College Achievement Award Fareed QURAISHI CIPS Award of Excellence Omar SIMPSON Cambridge West Indian Association Fund Scholarship

Bonnie RABSON Scholarship America - General Mills Foundation Minds In Motion Award The Simpson PSB Scholarship Amanda SINCLAIR Conestoga College Achievement Award Sheetal RAJKUMARI Applied Degree Entrance Scholarship - Highest Marks Eric SINGH Conestoga College Achievement Award Bree RALPH Peter Findlay Materials Award Ada SITEK Police Foundations Most Improved Male Athlete Award

Rob RANKIN Conestoga College Entrance Award Sarah SKYE R. Mclver Bridging Bursary Fund

Anda RATIU Dare Foods Ltd. Award of Excellence in Marketing Research The Rick Casey Courage to Cope Award Kerry REED Lethbridge Lodge #2 Independent Order of Odd Fellows Conestoga College Entrance Award Award Violet Maria Noseworthy Memorial Award David REESE Chic Unique Home Decor Award of Excellence The Anna Bond Memorial Award Robert REID Business Foundations Alumni Award Social Services Student/Faculty Award

School of Business Alumni Award Breanne SLATER Hospital Administration Award - Health Office Administration Stephanie REILEY Zehrs Markets - Marketing Award David SMITH Faith FM Radio Feature or Documentary Award Krystal REMERS Academic Excellence Award - OTA/PTA James SMITH Software Engineering Technician Academic Achievement

Sean RENSHAW Dina C. Wadia Studio Project Award Award

Amber-Lynn RENTON Conestoga College Achievement Award Kyle SMITH Creative Excellence in Editing and Videography Award,

Jacqueline RHYNO Electronic Document Systems Foundation Award Year 1 Austin ROBBINS Pitch Competition Business Management Studies Award Laura SMITH Welcome Home Bursary Jana ROBERTS Conestoga College Entrance Award Marcy-Ann SMITH Conestoga College Achievement Award

Margaret ROBERTS OTA/PTA Clinical Excellence Award Amelia SOUSA Conestoga College Entrance Award Jeroen ROMMENS Best Overall Student Award Tracy SOUSA Emond Montgomery Publications Lyndsey ROSS Ontario Home Respiratory Services Association Award Beth SOUTHERN Bruce Huffman Award Marie ROZENDAL Peggy Roth Award Chirna ST. MARIE Conestoga College Entrance Award Parminderjit RULL Co-op Student of the Year (Honourable Mention) Michelle STAM Conestoga College Entrance Award Materials Management Achievement Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Scott STECKLY Value Stream Mapping Project Award

Brennan RUMFORD Conestoga College Entrance Award Alicia STEPANIUK Dare Foods Ltd. Award of Excellence in Marketing Research

Anna RUSINEK Conestoga College Entrance Award Harry J. Baird Marketing Award

Adam RUSSELL Canadian Sports Magazine Award for Best Sports Photo Andrew STEVENS Conestoga College Entrance Award

Ross Weichel Award for Best Editorial Brian STEWART Conestoga College Entrance Award

Signal-Star Sports Award Michele STEWART Al Logan Memorial Award

Andrew Dugan Award Sarah STEWART Alumni Association Award for Videography Broadcast and Andrea RUSSELL Dietetic PAC Award Journalism Documentary

Conestoga College Entrance Award Paul STOIA The Rick Casey Courage to Cope Award Steven RUTTAN Mechanical Techniques Millwright (Co-op) Top Student Jonathan STONER Grand Valley Chapter of the OACETT Award Award Michael Borutski Scholarship Julie RYAN Conestoga College Entrance Award Conestoga College Achievement Award The Ross and Doris Dixon Charitable Foundation Award Vanessa STREETER Sgt. Margaret Eve Memorial Award (Third Place) Police Foundations Student Leadership Award Ryan SAMWORTH Conestoga College Entrance Award Brittany STREUTKER Conestoga College Entrance Award Applied Degree Entrance Scholarship - Highest Marks Qieksiy STRUK Computer Programmer Information Technology PAC Award

Michelle SANDALJ Academic and Clinical Achievement Award for Health eSolutions Group Award of Excellence

Office Management Brian STRYKER Premier Ag Resources Ltd. Award of Excellence Jaspreet SAROYA Sikh Youth Scholarship Larry STUART Conestoga College Varsity Rugby Scholarship Lindsay SATCHELL The Talk Venema Award CIPS Award of Excellence Amy SAUNDERS Conestoga College Entrance Award Laura STURGEON Environmental Engineering Applications Award for Best

Kelly-Lynne SCHABL Pearson/Prentice Hall Award Student Project Dwight SCHIESTEL RFP Project Award - Materials Management William SUMMERHAYES Welcome Home Bursary

Jonathan SCHMIDT Faithlife Financial’s Horizons Scholarship Bertina SWEETING Carol and Reg Peterson Award

Rebecca SCHMIDT The Titia Taylor Award Conestoga College Entrance Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Stephen SZOSTAK Gary Williams Achievement Award Christine SCHMIEDENDORF Grand Valley Human Resources Professional Association Michelle TALLMAN Management Faculty Award - Third-Year Business Bursary Administration - Management Conestoga College Entrance Award Business Administration PAC Award, Year 3 Scott SCHNEIDER PricewaterhouseCoopers Accounting Award Administrative Management Society Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Organizational Behaviour Award, Business Administration - Audrey SCHNURR Conestoga College Achievement Award Management Martin SCHOBERT Police Foundations Most Improved Student Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Amanda Jennifer TAUN The Anna Bond Memorial Award SCHWARTZENTRUBER Bruce Huffman Award Conestoga College Achievement Award David SEBELE Strategic Business Planning Kathryn TAYLOR Welcome Home Bursary Atiya SEHAR Conestoga College Entrance Award Joanne TERNENT Conestoga College Achievement Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Pearson/Prentice Hall Award Danielle SEIFRIED Dietetic PAC Award Danielle SHANTZ The Hailey Ann McBain Schaub Nursing Award Mahmood SHEIKH Miller Electric Manufacturing Co. Bursary

10 Drazen TESEVCiC Conestoga Heavy Construction Association Award Jingmei WANG Bill Harrison Bursary Conestoga College Achievement Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Ontario Sewer and Watermaln Construction Association Brian WARD APICS Certification Exam Honorarium Award Bursary Ryan WARNER Fred Hennig Marketing Bursary Kyle TEUNE Architecture Faculty Recognition Award Matthew WAWZONEK The George Evoy Memorial Bursary Toralben THAKKAR CAD Microsoft Canada Achievement Award Eric WEBER Microsoft Canada Achievement Award - Computer

Kurtis THOMAS The Christopher Allen Rawnsley/Sony of Canada Ltd. Programmer/Analyst Award for Excellence Robynne WEINGARTEN Welcome Home Bursary Zac THOMAS PricewaterhouseCoopers Accounting Award Trevor WELSH CIPS Award of Excellence Valley Blades Ltd. Excellence Award James WHITAKER Stefanie THOMPSON Mature Student Achievement Award - Paramedic - DUMONT Mastercraft Award Aaron THORPE Vice-President’s Academic Scholarship Network 2009 - Most Professional Design Award

Applied Degree Entrance Scholarship - Highest Marks Third-Year Architectural Team Project Award

Christine THRENDYLE Freedom 55 Financial Scholarship in Financial Planning Ryan WHITE ITSS Information Technology PAC Award Freedom 55 Financial Award, Year 2 Microsoft Canada Achievement Award - Information Freedom 55 Financial Award Technology Support Services

Sarah TIELEMAN Welcome Home Bursary Chad WHITTINGTON The Knoll Group Bursary Lauren TIPPIN Conestoga College Achievement Award Woodworking Programs Student Bursary Summer Externship Bursary Lindsay WIDMEYER Conestoga College Entrance Award Nadine TIWARI Conestoga College Achievement Award Matthew WIESEL A & M Wood Specialty Award Nathan TOEWS CJOY/Magic Newsperson of the Year Award Peter Findlay Materials Award

Douglas TOOMBS RFP Project Award - Materials Management The Erving Erlick Bursary Matthew TRUSHINSKI Conestoga College Achievement Award John Csermak Bursary Alumni Association Award, Journalism - Broadcast Sasha WIHNON The McConnell Family Marketing Bursary Rogers Best Television Report Award Fred Hennig Marketing Bursary

CTV Broadcast Journalist of the Year Award Stephanie WILD Al Gmelin Bursary Jian TU Conestoga College Entrance Award Catherine WILLIAMSON Police Foundations Most Improved Female Athlete Award

Bill Harrison Bursary Lindsay WILLITS Applied Degree Entrance Scholarship - Highest Marks Joshua TURNER Police Foundations Best Male Athlete Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Sebastian URBAN Melloul Blarney Construction Scholarship James WILLSON Conestoga College Achievement Award The Conestoga Alumni Association Scholarship Kelsi WILSON Conestoga College Entrance Award Corey USHER Conestoga College Entrance Award Scott WILSON Automotive Service Apprenticeship Award, Most Improved

Michael Borutski Scholarship (Practical)

Conestoga College Achievement Award Stephanie WILSON Respiratory Therapy Graduate Scholarship of Excellence Kirubaharan VALLIPURAM COM DEV Scholarship Larissa WILTON Waterloo Regional Police Services Scholarship

Benjamin VAN LEEUWEN Third-Year Academic Excellence Award - Architecture Most Mileage Attained Award - Police Foundations (Female) Third-Year Building Environment Award Academic Achievement Award - Police Foundations The Write Stuff Award Conestoga College Entrance Award First-Year Math Excellence Award Conestoga College Achievement Award Architectural CADD Skills Canada Award Rob Plunkett Memorial Bursary Second-Year Academic Excellence Award Investigations Award

Construction Engineering Award Sherry WINTLE Environmental Engineering Applications Award for Best Conestoga College Achievement Award Student Project

Christopher VAN MOURIK Law Studies Award Jordan WISNIEWSKI Applied Degree Entrance Scholarship - Highest Marks LASA Achievement Award Cheyenne WOCKER Conestoga College Achievement Award Mark VAN OSCH Peter Finn Award Rita WONG Faculty Award - Most Promising Videographer Wendy VAN WYK PAC Award of Excellence - Accounting Holly WOOD Conestoga College Entrance Award Jo-Ann VANDERBEEK Bruce Huffman Award Michael WOOD Chic Unique Home Decor Award of Excellence Stephanie VANDERHEYDEN Conestoga College Entrance Award Robin WOODS Co-op Student of the Year Award (Honourable Mention) Preetha VARGHESE Conestoga College Entrance Award Trevor WOODTKE Best Third-Year Subdivision Project Emma VASQUEZ Pathways to Education Bursary Alex WOZNIAK Conestoga College Entrance Award Esther VEENSTRA Clinical Excellence Award for Outstanding Achievement - Carl XIA Conestoga College Entrance Award Dietetic Technician Melissa YABSLEY Public Relations Alumni Award

Conestoga College Achievement Award Alumni Association Award of Excellence Nathan VELDHUIZEN Conestoga College Entrance Award Julie YAKE Cambridge YWCA ECE Student Award Kelly VERSCHUREN Conestoga College Entrance Award Kiflom YOSEPH Keith Pritchard Award Reg VIDMAR Peter Findlay Materials Award Conestoga College Achievement Award A & M Wood Specialty Award Amber YOUNG Value Stream Mapping Project Award Allison VILLEMAIRE Office Administration - Executive Faculty Award Mohamed YUSUF Conestoga College Achievement Award Jessica VOIN Conestoga College Achievement Award Kelitta ZEHR Conestoga College Entrance Award

Jonathon VOLL Kay and Wes Sommers Award Lukas ZURBUCHEN The Voll Family Endowed Bursary Conestoga College Achievement Award Adrian VUGTS Construction Engineering Second-Year Schiedel “Right Stuff" Award

11 Wednesday, June 10 Afternoon Ceremony

Liberal Studies

Pre-Health Sciences Cheryl A. Hall Malory V. Rittinger Nikcole K. Gorasso General Arts and Science Natasha T. Harding Kimberley K. Ryan Amanda Green - Ashli-Nicole Bacon Diploma Option Katherine L. Hattie Christina M. Sawyer Danielle P. Hall Kristen A. Balzer Kimberly Aberle Brittany K. Hauck Nicole Schummer Madelon E. Harper Emily A. Berdan Jeff Sarah L. Herbert Amy E. Sitek Michael S. Kasperczyk Champagne Jamie-Lynn P. Bernard Abigail E. Harris Adam J. Hess Lindsey S. Stach Tara J. Kean-Da Silva Margarita Blair Jefferson Kevin R. Horrocks Michele S. Stewart Jeff S. Kipfer Dennis M. Stephanie T. Boyd Carly M. Keeler Jaimee L. Hotson David Stipsits Amy L. Langer Jennifer Bradley Garton Megan R. Jeeves Paul M. Stoia Candy Lathsombath Matthew McLean A. Jerica Brown F. Mueller Sara A. Jones Mary E. Strain Brenda Laugalys Derek Heather S. Bryan Sherri A. Aaron D. Kendall Christine M. Veillette Miranda C. Laurie Schmidt Kristen R. Bugyra Daniel R. Schneider Ashley Kostur Teisha Wood Denise L. Mackenzie Nathan C. Calhoun Dana M. Krukowski Sarah Zabizewski Richard N. MacLeod Whitney L. Todd Catarina A. Carvalho Petra J. Underwood David Kulas Melissa J. Martins Leigh D. Casey Jennifer Levesque General Arts and Science David A. Mendicino Nancy J. Chamale Aviation - General Arts Lauren M. Lichty - One Year Alessandra Mzite Courtney C. Chartrand Patric Malinski Maria R. Najera and Science Gerrard W. Clergy Patrick Allen Natasa Manojlovic Juliana S. Pereira David Coles Andrea Curley Stacey E. Allen Melissa J. Martins Fraser K. Pollock Marcia M. Pluim Jennalyn R. Cuylle Christina E. Andersen Alex A. Mayorga Rebecca L. Price Graham A. Robertson Amy Davison Nathan J. Ataide Amanda M. Miko Aleksa N. Proszak Christopher M. Wilson Tessa R. Derosse Ashli-Nicole Bacon Victoria S. Millette Steven J. Quick Melissa L. Dyer Kayla M. Bailey Robert W. Morris Julio C. Realegeno Michael Ebora Laura A. Bennett Michelle K. Nevola Sumer Said Alannah L. Eby Joni L. Blueman Stephanie-Alyce Patton David J. Stewart Melissa Fisher Max H. Casco Denise M. Peddle Peter A. Stypa R. Rhys L. Gillan Mark Deckert Juliana S. Pereira Travis Subedar Jennifer M. Guenther Casey P. Derrick Brandi Powell Ashley A. Thomson Amanda S. Guthrie Stephanie L. Fryers

Trades and Apprenticeship

Automotive Miroslav Malinovic Truck and Coach Daniel W. McCool William R. Badcock Ian P. McGuire Jeroen A. Rommens Troy Balheim Service Technician Technician Saleem Mohammad Joseph C. Swartz Lucas B. Bender (Apprenticeship) (Apprenticeship) Ryan Ouellette Eric B. Vanveen John Boese

Jesse D. Anatol Justin R. Parker Ryan M. Bester Spencer F. Wilson Zach Botma

Steven D. Angst Michael K. Pletsch lain C. Danvers Michael A. Bousfield Dwayne Bartlett Christopher Poulin Mike Fletcher Welding Techniques Ken Bowman

Dave Bedwell Nathan Rhame Michael Foster Tyler D. Bremer Mike E. Brudnicki Brian P. Belanger Timothy D. Robb Paul G. Gibson Jerry B. Bremner Jaclyn E. Gehl Michael Bowers John-Paul Schlievert John Gillelan Eric S. Brubacher Colin S. Keery Dan Bratkin Matt Siegrist Michael Hamilton Ricardo Candelaria Laura E. Michels

Adrian Bult Matteo F. Silveri Joseph Janeczko Timothy M. Carr Travis C. Morgan Bryce Butcher Michael R. Smith Matt J. Morrow Steven Carter Ian S. Pearson

Nathan J. Chilton Ian P. So Scott Perkins Eric Clemmer William J. Rawn Kyle Clark Thomas Runstedler Jamie Starratt Andrew M. Ridge Eric Cochrane Jared X. Collinson Nikola Stojcic Anthony P. Schiboni Mark W. Condie Neil G. Sidders Hector Cuellar Brandon W. Tedder Warren Smith Bob J. Cooper Cameron A. Diebold Chris Tor Ryan Waters Industrial Maintenance Branko Cupic Fabio Dimarco Daniel Torrison Sean Weed Mechanic Jens Daferner Kyle Godda Maciek Tutka Burgundy A. Young Richard Desjardins Atanasko Ivanov S. Bradley Good Jonathon Van Den Hurk Adam Detzler Joe W. Jansen Adam Grein Dan Van Holst Heavy Equipment Ryan Dietrich Piotr Klusek Thomas C. Harris Samantha Veiga Operator Korey Dowling Steven A. Renon Paul lacocca Matthew Walpole Christopher K. Duke David M. Boylan Adam Jackson Shawn Waters Scott Foster Brian A. Coelho Industrial Mechanic Haenam Kim Stephen Whan John Francescutti Ian D. Coleman (Millwright) Tyler Kleinknecht William S. Wilson Dean A. Funston Nico J. Defrance Ryan Lamont Andrew G. Winger Apprenticeship Jeremy Gastmeier Kurtis W. Frei Jonathon Lewis Pierre Woodhurst Erik M. Gemin Michael Irwin Neil J. Aitken Adam Lidstone Robert Zuccala John Gielen Shawn J. Kennedy Brian Alexander Blair Lingard Shawn R. Grotenhuis Xoly-Richmond Lee Dennis Amaral Steve Lippert Curtis A. Hale Justin P. Leveris Jason M. Armstrong

President’s Honour List * Graduation with High Distinction 12 Thomas D. Harcourt Mechanical Nicholas Stefan Jordan Hofland D. Wade Beitz Jeffrey M. Harris Michael E. Stickney Jason Hunke Corey R. Bilcke Technician - Industrial Jason D. Hartung Mike Swift Dennis D. Jahn John Bishop Mechanic Millwright Peter Hilliard Jordan Taylor James W. Johnson Henry W. Braun (Apprenticeship) John Holman Matthew J. Thatcher Nick R. Kelly Justin Brenneman

David Holst Gerald G. Brown Henry J. Veldman Eric Lee Arend J. Brocklebank

Mark E. Hook Bruno Goncalves Bryce Weber Joel A. Leis Dave Brooks

Terry Horst Madeline M. Hazeleger a Jody White Michael MacArthur Darryl L. Burns Glendyn Howse Lucas Robertson Drew G. Williams Brandon Maddick Josef Byman

Chris Hutchinson Mark Schnurr Bryan J. Wilson Michael Martin Michael Chambers

Mike D. Irwin Carrie L. Symondson a Stephen P. Wilson Charles McCarthy Nathan Clegg

Bradley R. Jamieson Christopher R. Van Dyke a James Winger Scott McFarlane Chad Cook Robert Jones Mathew Walden Mark Zacher Matthew Scotty Murphy Scott Crummer Matthew A. Kelly John W. Wilton Robby Zarzycki Josh Peard Jamie S. Da Costa

Dwaine King Bobby Wongphakdi Aaron M. Philippi Mitchell Deboer

Jody C. King Construction Techniques Josh Post Edward Deroos - Andreas D. Kiriopoulos Mechanical Techniques Richard Remillard Stephen Devries Matthew L. Al John A. Kunkel Mikel Schenk Chris A. Di Lullo Millwright (Co-operative Matthew C. Bender Grant E. Lalonde Peter Schultz Jonathan J. Diebolt Education) Zachary D. Byron Paul Leno Brandon Smillie Nicholas E. Doherty Marcus W. Carroll Kevin J. Fairfull Randy W. Leyland Ryan Smith Matt Dundas Andrew J. Grist Curtis Martin Jamie Steele Peter Egredzija Plumber Michael S. Jackson Scott A. Mast Jack M. Tarasiuk David Elliott (Apprenticeship) Jouni M. Lassila Rene Mazerolle Jeffrey Vangyssel Gregory R. Elliott Chris B. McChesnie Robert P. Mcteer Blake Alton David Vanoenen Tom Epoch Andrew B. Riddle Daniel Mercier T. Jared Amos Craig Vanveen Thomas Feeney Nicolas D. Watmore Trevor M. Metzger Michael Barker Nathan Vogel Trevor J. Feil Jordan J. Whitehouse Paul A. Miller Kristian A. Bartlett Rowan Weir Craig C. Fowler Dustin A. Wills Brad M. Muller Steven K. Black Nathan Westerveld Ryan R. French Michael Murphy Craig Blum Brick and Stone Mason Jenny L. Williams William T. Furtado Jeffrey Musselman Jarrett W. Bristow (Apprenticeship) Leroy Gallagher Guy Neeb Rob Clayton Machine Tool Setter James J. Gasselle Kyle Bristow Bradley Neufeld William R. Cleary Operator Jonathan Gawne Jason Brodhagen Dan J. O’Connell Shawn Clemente Brad D. Gerger George C. Baukham Dan P. Crawford John Padfield Tyler Cockram Ryan Good Geoffrey Andrew Dale B. Stride Laurentiu Papastopol Ron M. Dietrich Richard Goodwin Trevor J. Franco John Parmenter Mitchell W. Ellis Computer Numerical Ryan Graf Matthew Genest Phil Payne Joseph Evans Bradley Greene Lori E. Martin Control Machining Tony Pedersen Kevin Ferris Andrew Gresel Brian McGaw Jim Pfaff Josh J. Freiburger Tuan V. Doan Brad Grove Daniel Middleton Ryan W. Poitras Jacob Frey Dennis Dwyer Eric A. Guindon Scott Moore Adam Preidt Tyler Gardner Hong V. Lu Kenyon Gunn Ralph Potter Sherri Racicot Steven Gerger Woodrow J. Sismar Walter Hanek Michael Puddy Luke Rae Michael Gibbons Bozidar Vekovic George J. Hannoush Daniel Richardson Philip Rodrigues Matthew Gofton Chanaka Walakada Gamage Timothy W. Hardy Zane Slack Jesse Rolfe Brian H. Ha Kevin Harper Gregory D. Smith Electrical Technician Benjamin A. Roth Ryan D. Hayward Phil Heintz Sonny Walton Christopher Rozendal Joe Healy (Apprenticeship) Tim Henhoeffer Colin Wintemute Tim Schmidt Henhoeffer Matthew Saul A. Dauria Peter Holme Clinton Shaw Michael A. Hiehn Mitchell Huber General Drafting Kevin J. Ferguson Kevin C. Shewchuk Brandon D. Johnson Jonathan Hubert John C. Godin G. (Specialized Options) Brandi E. Shunamon Matthew Jones E. Richard A. O’Brien a Ryan Jackson Brian D. Stanovie Andrew Karpenko Ernest Jagnjic Sye A. Kingswood Nathan B. Veldhuizen Sandy S. Storm Jonathon Kelly Chad Julnes

Kyle Strehl Leah Legary General Carpenter Electrician - Industrial Brandon M. Karley Luke Szymanski Michael R. MacArtney (Apprenticeship) (Apprenticeship) David Kerr Dean Thistle James Madill Robert Kerton Alles David Jeremy J. Dancey Allan Thomson Tyler W. McAllister Ryan Kirk Shea Armstrong Brian R. King Chad M. Tomlin Dustin Mogk Joshua Klein B. Robert Atkinson Tim J. Woodall Michael Van Massenhoven Wesley E. Moore Steven Krsovan Allan Balch Gaston J. Verdon Robert Mosterman Grant I. Lachlan Richard Burke Electrician, Construction Michael J. Verpaalen Justin D. Murphy Glen Ladd William De Jong Matthew Vowels Wayne Muzzell and Maintenance Steve Laver Derek J. Edge Eric Wagler James Osburn (Apprenticeship) Todd W. Lawless Robert Garner Gavin M. Warne Rick Paquin Gabriel M. Leite Michael Gingerich Joe W. Anderson David J. Wheeler Keith N. Peer Blair Liddle Marty Gordon Chris Ardito Matthew F. Whitehead James Perkins David Aubin Carla C. Lima Jesse A. Grin Luke Williams Adrian Peronino Wyatt Linklater Andrew Gross Kevin Baldwin Carl Wiseman Dan Piluk James Maahs Cody Gunn Chad Barritt Tyler Wollis Brian Poole Gina Baseggio Ian M. MacPherson Matthew Hall Ian Robinson Andrew W. Bauman Craig Martin Stephen A. Hause Blake A. Schlosser Stanley Jeff P. Martin Paul Healy Bauman Cory Schwindt Blake Beamish Stuart B. Martin Richard D. Heintz Dale W. Snyder Joshua J. Matusinec Daniel Hieronimus Shawn A. Begg Ryan F. St. Louis Chris McDougald

President’s Honour List a Graduation with High Distinction 13 D. Porteous Johnathon Speers James E. McNally Scott David A. Highley Mechanical Technician - Jason R. Melancon Charles Porter Lee Stirling Ken Hohner Tool and Die/Tool Maker Wayne Mercer Ryan Prueter Seth Tegler James A. Koenig (Apprenticeship) Christopher Metcalfe Derek P. Ramon Josh Thompson Rodney A. Krasovec

Pieter Meuleman Christopher N. Rausch Dung Q. Tran Aaron M. Lynett Kyle Boehm

Alexander Mezinski Marcus S. Ray Travis Watson Christopher McCallum Joshua J. Boorsma

Geoffrey M. Millar Scott Rees Mike Wernie Damion Munroe Joel T. Godfrey

Andreja Miiosavljevic Trevor B. Rees Christopher L. Wichers Luke Roth Dustin B. Hamilton

Eric M. Miltenburg Bradley Reid Kendall Woeschka Michael S. Schatz Devon Hilborn

Lance G. Mosburger Pedro Reyes Donald Wooder Matthew P. Johns

Mike Nikolasevic Aron Rice John L. Wootton Mechanical Technician Firston T. Kruis Benjamin Nowak Trevor D. Riness Paul Wrice - General Machinist Matthew R. Lovell Doug Oberholzer Jeff Roes Eveiyn Wright (Apprenticeship) Peter M. Nuhn John M. Ostrowski David Schmitz Eric T. Parsons Matthew L, Jolie Kenneth Patey Jeremy Schwartzentruber Metal Fabricator Nathan Roth Bradley J. Kilty Justin Peter Matthew G. Scott (Apprenticeship) Corey A. Shaw Steven E. Rice Alex Petrin Andrew J. Smerek Mark I Stockford Kyle S. Crawford Brandon E. Schaus Michael Plant Andrew Smith Toby E. Gardiner Ryan Pointon Mark Smith

Engineering Technology

Construction Estimator Osiris N. Georgi Christopher Stiles Environmental Construction Engineering Allan Goberdhan Tyler J. Wagstaff Frances Dicks Engineering Applications Technology - Architecture Zsolt Guti David J. Schnurr (Co-operative Education) (Co-operative Education) Pyarali N. HasSani Civil Engineering Normand J. Therrien Satinderpau! S. Kahlon Technology Echoe N. Hoiowchuk James E. Blair Irene Kalbfleisch Robert E. Ion Samuel D, Bunting Home Inspection Milena Bobar Savji D. Karrnur Muhammad M. Islam Adalberto F. Da Silva Adam P. Dettweiler John P. Costa Abdul Mouen Khaddour Nitaben S. Patel Ashley D. Doherty Sohile Ghaosi Alexander J, De Sousa Fred J. Lewis Luke D. Snider Zainab Heddokheel Robert J. Jackson Brian J, Dolotowicz Ying Li John R. Stroeder Peter R. Hendershott Milan Kuljanin Michael C. Farrow Xinhu Liang Lisa A. Hofstetter Sara Lessard Eric S, Glynwilliams Danuta Z. Mazan Construction Engineering Pauline C. Hurst - Kosza Li Ma P. Christian Hiriart Rhonda R. McKay Technology - Architecture Tomasz M. Kowacki Micheal R. Mooney Rusmir Medencevic Thanh H. Nguyen Steven-Michael J. Labus Chris B. Powei! Emilia Ayton Andrew J. North Nareshkumar B. Patel Alex R. Mackenzie Laura D. Taiiion Matthew A. Bowcott Ron S. Parsons Vikaram J. Pathak Jeffrey J. Malo Trevor Woodtke Angela N. Doge Fernando Rodrigues Mirela Persa Marvin Y. Menjivar Sean T. Fraser Terrance E. Sharpe Frank Piraino Brett R. Miller Civil Engineering Anna Gancewski Brian R. Shaw Olivia Pocol Tracy Phan Technology (Co-operative David D. George Clifford E. Workman Rozalia Popa Mary L. Richardson Education) Brad Hollebrandse Steve H. Schmitt Thomas Russell Carl R. Hoonaard Industrial Engineering Paul Soueidan Stephen G. Brickman Robert C. Smith Jonathan W. Kechnie-Young

Basic Tina I. Steeves Weihai Chen Benjamin D. Van Leeuwen Kenneth A. Knechtel Nicole J. Strickland Brian R. Huber Greg J. Van Zeggelaar Rey J. Cruz Jr. Kyle D. Kuntz Amine W. Tekle Melissa L. Graff Kerry-Lyn A. Lantz Ketan M. Ughadpaga Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Brett P. McQueen Chris A. Lewandowski Derek J, Verdecchia Technology - Technician Gheorghe G. iVloga Jessica D. MacLeod Tariq Wahid David A. Smit Environmental Lindsay W. Markle Samieh Bagheri Richard Weber Jonathan D. Watson Farihan Faris Lindsay M. Martin Byron Benoit Gordon W. Whitehead Brett K. V. Bent Jon J. Mayberry Meadows Adam Li Xiao Industrial Engineering Christian Filip M. Szymanski D. Miller Steven L. Bowman William D. Young Advanced William Wilson Joey D. Morrison Chris J. Brown Qizhi Zhao Peter J. Neumann Shawna D. Crockett Jack Bloy Zhibong Zhao Eric G. Pepers Tony Dang Richard Weber Civil Engineering Ji Zhou Technology - Justin Rowley David P. Diemert Huamin Zbu Automated Control Environmental Kenneth A. Roy James Halcrow Steven C. Rye Adam Kuenzler Systems Technology Foundations (Co-operative Education) Brittany A. Snider Dina S. Mikhail Paul J. Griffin Joseph A. Abeia Jason D. Brule Andy P. Suhr Mike V. Moyer Kevin G. Schaefer Robert C. Bum Kyle E. Gibson Sabrina Szelei Scott R. Van Den Borre John F. Sharman Laura J. Davidson Adam K. Toplician David P. Whyte Richard L, Goetz Environmental Geoff W. Unwin Quality Assurance Wesley D. Heap Engineering Applications Matthew A. Electrical Engineering

Maheshkumar P. Bhavnagariya Lee Herron Adrian P. Vugts Technology Priscilla Cudjoe Dee J. Bragg Michael J. Hicks Brian D. Webster IVIaija L. Eclarin Scott J. McGrath Lorraine Brodhagen Mark J. Korten Rob M. Wrozek Kyle Reed Jonathan A. Paredes Gerald D. Carnahan Colin D. Mcllroy Jan Zrebiec Jaffar Saleem Richard D. Schneider Ly Sang S. Chhor Jordan 0. Mcintyre David Trink Daniel W. Townsend Dragos G. Cioranic Ian G. Moscrip Graham R. Wilson Jonathon J. Voll Daniel L. Damboise Peter R. Reid Daniel I. Zekany Venkateshwarlu Gajavelli Brent W. Sparrow

President’s Honour List ± Graduation with High Distinction 14 Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Douglas Rutherford Jessica L. Gillam Ryan Schotsman Michael F. Haas Technology (Co-operative Technology- Technology - Design and Tyler M. Thornton Adam J. Halley Education) Telecommunications Analysis (Co-operative Steve 0. Turnbull Kevin M. Haws Systems (Co-operative Education) Jennifer Alderdice Jamie D. Vivian Kyle B. Kensley

Jacob V. Azzopardi Education) Dejan Doslo Matthew G. Wiesel Matthew Liska

Evan Bleumer Srdjan Damjanovic Sebastien M. Lavigne Daniel A. Winiarz Laura A. MacLennan Jeremy G. Harnock Andrew M. Henry Joanna M. Lucas Alex K. Madsen Greg W. Oehring Stephen R. Mercer Gregory Seviora Woodworking Technology Kerry D. McKay Phillip J. Picassinos Denis Moreno Geoff W. Timms (Co-operative Education) Joshua R. O’Morrow

Alex G. Yeoman Steve L. Orban Jonathan P. Reid Lukas Zurbuchen Computer Engineering Mechanical Engineering Melinda T. Pawlowski Technology Technology - Robotics Woodworking Technology Matthew B. Vajushi-Cooper Electronics Engineering Chris P. Vilandie and Automation - Matthew R. Ellig Architectural Millwork Technician Jaben 0. Wassink Sam Kobrynovich (Co-operative Education) (Co-operative Education) James A. Young Ian J. Bell Andrew Murdoch A. Ashfield Adam Jeremy Hughes Frank A. Zarola Kenneth J. Bennett Tristan A. Singleton Steve Innanen Robbie Torney Jabran Y. Butt Ravi Johal Manufacturing Michael J. Clayton Computer Engineering Sunil R. Patel Renovation Technician - Cory N. Goerzen Engineering Technology Technology (Co-operative Jasna Soti Aleksandar Sarcevic Andrew V. Caco Welding and Robotics Education) Jeffrey R. Wemp Philip G, Tarrant Jarrod A. Chappell Daniel N. Angel William T. Thomson Tiberiu G. Manu Kevin T. Douglas Woodworking Steve Ball Kiflom A. Yoseph Jason J. Regnier Marc B. Forrester Manufacturing Jeremy K. Bell Wendell J. Hauck Management Philip L. Berthiaume Electronics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Dalton Hinschberger Steven Brain Technician - Numerical Jeffrey A. Haegens Steven W. Kannenberg Technician (Co-operative Eric M. Car Kurtis J. Knapton Education) Control Ryan Cloet Woodworking Technician Ognjen 0. Kovacevic Shannon M. Cronkhite Nader Adibifar Avedis Garboushian Andy Lac Joseph Abourjaili John Dibbley Jesse L. Gingerich Brian A. Johnston Kyle E. Lampman Thomas Benkel Derek E. Fader Andrew J. Moon Ann Lefneski Brandon M. Lasby Randolph G. Phillips Dane M. Broe Brandon Gear Justin W. Leszkowicz Electronics Engineering Kevin L. Prashad Nathan T. Brown Sean E. Graydon Kalan A. Maine Technology - Luc Christiaens Michelle Haapala Cory S. Marcos Mechanical Engineering Stuart Donkersgoed Darryl J. Hoftyzer Telecommunications Ross D. Matozzo Technology-Automated Erwin Eisfeld Tom Hutchison Systems James E. Mealing Manufacturing Alan G. Fasken Aleksandar Jefic Matt S. Mulder Nazila Akhzary Glenn A. Frazer Juan C. Lemus Ahmed Abdelgadir David Paris Jonathan R. Hamel Andrew H. Gardhouse Mariusz T. Nowak Ryan Brennan Bryan A. Reynolds Zeljko Pavic Kenneth M. Huddleston Joshua Odd Brian de Roo Scott L. Steadman Eric R. Singh Alannah M. Hutton Craig J. Rolland Newton P. Edmondson MarkVerbinnen James G. Walz Yi Jiang Andrew B. Shaw Jennifer K. Howe Spencer D. Ward Michael P. Kahner Mahmood Sheikh Truong-kha T. Le Tristan B. White Nicholas R. Keenan Erik J. Simpson Julian Liverpool Jeff S. Lasby Kevin M. Slama Dennis B. Mitchell Welding Engineering Collin G. Leibold Grant R. Williams Jie Ren Technician Gregory S. Mccullough Paul D. Schmidt Benjamin A. Middleton Steven D. Colling Douglas R. Toombs Amber Rose G. Phelan a James A. Cybulskie Ryan R. Woodey J oel T. Potwarka Damian A. DeCouto Sebastian Galloway

Information Technology

Photography Programming with Visual Microcomputer Jesse S. Ward Software Engineering Basic Applications - Business Technology Leeanna M. Bell Computer Programmer/ Software Specialty Guy T. Bootsma Analyst Jesse Cluthe Retail Florist Delwin W. Clarke Rebecca J. Aubut Joseph F. Tucker Ben Barth Karen Apperson Mina Babrahmati Technology Fareed Quraishi Tamara C. Lewin Information Kimberley A. Henry Software Engineering Larry R. Stuart Anne L. Liesemer Support Services Sharon A. Lyons Technology (Co-operative

Sean T. Marshall Education) Andrew K. Dewhirst Computer Mechanical CAD Programmer/ Ryan Gillespie Computer Programmer Analyst (Co-operative Glenn R. Luft Andrew G. Niven Meredith B. Holborn Education) Justin J. Shellard Gerald W. Pfeiler Jason D. Lane J. Shawn Costa James E. Smith Ian Holley Michael McKay Valeriu Danci Tyson Smith Webmaster Patrick J. McLean Alexander Goulet Software Engineering Christine A. Klein Shawn D. Morrison Laura Ignat Technician Douglas S. Russell Ryan E. White Tyson T. Joyce

Sue-jin Yang Andrew P. Silveira Robert J. O'Callaghan Oleksiy Struk

President’s Honour List a Graduation with High Distinction 15 Wednesday, June 10 Evening Ceremony

Business and Hospitality

Teacher/Trainer of Adults Steve Loyer Travel Consulting Rhonda S. Carriere Lisa A. Martin Darren R. McLeod Shannon M. Church Michelle L. McGilioway Liane M. Clark Karen M. Battisione Donna B. Mitchell Linda Coutts Shawna L. McNabb Tina L. Dionne Sarah D. Brown Elfriede Nunnikhoven Durgham D. Darwazeh Julie-Anne C. Moore Dawn M. Gibbons Amber N. Gravelle John E. Schipper Laura Deyell Myla V. Nikulina Richard B. Houldcroft Colin J. Kennedy Cindy L. Schmidt Victoria S. Doidge Allison M. Norris Petra Hrazburg Lisa M. Smith Lisa M. Doyon Katherine M. Novak Linda D. Kelley Bartending Leslie J. Stocker Melissa M. Faber Susan A. Palmer Timothy M. O’Connor Kelly A. Townsend Nick W. Bailey Leanne Feeney Sarah M. Palubeski Tracy R. Reddy Nikita J. Beal Patricia E. Hansen Kristine L. Parsons Michele A. Richardson Introduction to Jennifer E. Berman Lauren Hillner Shanta Persad-Maharaj Lori A. Rose Production and Inventory Julia R. Coombs Meaghan Kay Gail B. Pletz Johanna P. Van Looyen Control Ashley Ford Megan N. Lacoursiere Jenny L. Prince Bradley M. Johnston Sarah J. McCabe Deborah Proctor Business Foundations Timothy J. Juby Laurel A. Minnes Shannon L. McCieary Tammy A. Rahamut-Bhagwat Emily J. Thompson Ryan C. Agostinho Matthew Orton Danell Meier Christina Ramsaroop

Nora L. Al-lzzi Kelsey A. Parsons Stephanie B. Moore Yanyan Rao Management Skills Manijha Azizi Tanya K. Petcoff Brandi L. Morson Jennifer A. Schumm Ibrahim M. Bhaiyat Rosy Aggarwal Christopher Peters Robyn Norman Eric A. Skinn N. Blackwood Ivan Hrazburg Haley A. Prior Dwayne Kyla B. Pfister Jennifer I. Smith

Tristan Boutilier Patience I. Igue Boris Rajkovic Rachelle C. Pruss Monika Sniezyk

Tyler A. Bradnam Orlando L. Moura Lisa Raney Cristen Quigley Kimberly L. Tucker

Rori A. Brown Andrew W. Rutkowski Denise A. Reid Cynthia D. Vail Project Zeeba Carvan Management Amber R. Snively Melissa Shearer Kelly A. Voisin Constance Nicole M. St. Denis Case Edward S. Barrick Melanie C. Spittal Nancy A, Weatherhead

Christopher Chard Radu M. Bistrian Eric 0. Visser Jason St. Jacques Kayley E. Wilbur Colangelo Anne Bruce K. Burkholder Melissa C. Stephens Alicia M. Williamson D, Culinary Skills - Chef Ryan Deane Patti L. Carter Victoria Turnbull Ashley C. Wilson Joshua Di Santo Benny Colussi Training (Co-operative Grace A. Vilbar Patricia A. Wright Elizabeth M. Dobbie Memnuna Hadziavdic Education) Robynne Weingarten Coreana S. Yantha G. Furtado Dwayne Robyn L. Hilton Whitney V. Williams Kevin R. Freitas T. Gaouette Rae Shabnam S. Ivkovic Human Resources Benjamin D. Holliday Human Resources Luisa Leonardo Culinary Management Management Frederika Kappers Helena Mandic (Apprenticeship) Jane C. Barr Lindsay Adair Kasey Kilpatrick Peter Maor Jessica C. Bayne Carrie-Anne Arand Trina King Violeta Miovcic Winston G. Bartley Kristine A. Beattie Nikhil Aul Josh T. Kumagai Muhammad Shahid Saleem Douglas M. Peart Richard A. Becker Jack C. Barrows Matthew A. Litwin Navita C. Singh Kathy F. Schertzer Marilena Benak Laura E. Briant Jessica Mackenzie Tracey Schneider Michelle E. Bilodeau Amie M. Carroll Damian A. Malz Culinary Management Quinten J. Tapscott Lora J. Black Hilary D. Cook Jeffrey D. Oaks Robert A. Wallace (Co-operative Education) Sheila H. Blake Ryan D. Cornell Niranam Phanphila Michael R. Welk Paul A. Annunzieilo Bistra A. Boukareva Lindsay J. Doerr * Michael A. Plobner Cynthia J. White Laura Kallay Elly J. Bradley Meagan E. Easton Robert L. Reid Vu Thanh N. Nguyen Kristy-Anne M. Braniff Ashley N. Falconer * Ellianne G. Ruby Municipal Law Clerk Brett F. Sawchuk Joan F. Broughton Crysta Fernandez Krista L. Savage Grace V. Brandt Kimberly E. Trompke Steve E. Caron Brooke A. Foley Karalee N. Small Jan E. Hehn Heather T. Chartrand Lara A. Foster Chirna St. Marie Michael D. Smith Hospitality Management Laura C. Clemens Robin A. Fraser Lauren A. Torres Rachel D. Taylor - Food and Beverage Marie J. Corcoran Amanda M. Graham Serena Van Dyk Roumen A. Yankov (Co-operative Education) Lise A. Corriveau Michelle C. Hanley Benjamin A. Wagar Ashley M. Dutra Kristen Harper Shelley L. Weinstein Courtney E. Douglas Bookkeeping Clerk Donna C. Fillier Alison D. Hayes Tamara C. Wilson Sarah M. Dowdall Dragana Fisic Melissa J. Herr Mary N. Young Melissa J. Barbosa Audrey Laperle Dean R. Good Keyaki G. Hirooka Selamawit R. Biftu Victoria Lewin Miriam Halaga Hailing Huang Occupational Health and Theresa M. Entz Valencia Pereira Jennifer S. Hall L. Huether Kristyna Gingrich Jesseca Safety L. Ahla K. Salame Lori C. Hall Celine M. Hunter a Ping Huang Stephen Szostak Deanna M. Brubacher Jennifer A. Hearn Fei Jia Eun Yeong Kim Jen L. Wilson Daniela E. Budure Kimberly A. Hudson Michael S. Johnson Margaret E. Kurtz Julie A. Clarke Julie A. Hug Miranda L. Johnston Szilvia Lukatsne-Dobos Event Management Melissa D. Cowie-Woods Christine Kanert Scott R. Leduc Vanessa M. Rama Joseph A. Dans Katie L. Barr Mehtap Kemal-Hille Sandro Luketic Rena A. Thornhill Kelly L. Haid Andrew R. Bates Cybil C. Lawson Sara MacQueen Krista E. Upper Kalista M. Beam Werner K. Hinzel Tracy L. Lewis Kimberly L. Matejicek Nevena Ziroje Abigail A. Burke Ivan William Kelley Morgan E. Malinski Andrea E. Morrison

President’s Honour List a Graduation with High Distinction 16 7

Liubita A. Muthi Randa F. Said Julie Pappert Shelby A. Wilson Business Administration - Jelena Mutlak Michelle T. Sandalj Rebecca M. Patrikas Hai Hua Yao Accounting (Co-operative Angela Want a Kelly-Lynne P. Schabl Lindsay M. Robertson Christian K. Young Sing Education) Anh Nguyen Breanne L. Slater Jessica Romanowski Wei Zhou

Thao T. Nguyen Joanne M. Ternent Sara C. Santos Maryam Aman Marija Petrovic Barbara K. Vang Annie Soukthavone Business-Insurance Samer Bahbah

Kathleen M. Petsch Maja Vlacic Tracy A, Sousa Jesse M. Barth Steven J. Demeter Matthew R, Premo Janice R. Wagenaar Ana Batir

L. Wolff General Business Anthony Dinh Harmandeep Kaur Saroya Andrea Business - Insurance Christopher Jason A. Dmitruk Schreiber Zainab B. Ahmed (Co-operative Education) Office - Krystie Donna D. Dunn a Mary M. Seergobin Administration Corrina M. Arnold Srdjan Bukvic N icole C. Graff Amininder Singh General Michael A. Balogh Asha S. Henagoda Withanachchi Mehar Dev Singh Christopher J. Ilika Alicia A. Bartlett Whitney L. Bradley Robert Huang Nakita Soares Joshua D. Knarr Sonya Bye Kristy-Anne M. Bran iff Charlene R. Kaliay Amelia M. Sousa Amanda S. Kube Stephanie G. Crowston David K. Bryan Alexander Lay Kathryn A. Staubitz a Corey D. Lehmann MarialuisaA. Duque Bradley C. Byron Danny E. Lewis ictoria M. Stone Cristina M. Leonda V Kayla Gunn Wendy A. Carson Tara D. Loder Ashley L. Thompson Ly Lim Andrea K. Heine Lisa M. Cashin Brittney L. Martin Oktan lure Tiffany A. Liska Kristen D. Hobelman Kee-Dar Chen Robert W. Scott Lauren M. Vallee Kelly A. Machado Katrina dacome Carina M. Clail Taylor R. Martin Michelle N. Vucic Keith D. Cressman Angela B. Jongsma Business Administration - Sandra V. McFadden Karin E. Wheatley Ruben Cruz Juarez Holly L. Ksenych Accounting Vanessa E. Yon Mike McGinnis a Felicia L. Lehmann Benjamin L. Dick Daniel M. Benbow David W. McKittrick Katie E. Morse Andrew M. Dixon Human Resources Brooke D. Brainard Samantha L. Miller Crystal L Mullen Meagan S. Ellis Jelena Cakan Amanda Patterson Management Katrina L. Nielsen Robert F, Evers Ching Man M. Choi Ashley Ross a (Co-operative Education) Rachel J. O’Neil Ryan G. Fanning Matthew Ditner Sarah L. Sanfilippo Lindsay Baker a Teresa M. Ostrowska Samantha Fitzpatrick Peter J. Dykstra Stacey Ellon A. Scantlcbury Miranda M. Cove-Shannon Christina C. Pereira Joshua M. Freiburger Rooha Farbodkia Jaclyn M. Schoenhals D, Garavito Rachelle K. Denornme Waffa Qurbani Jose Juii A. L. Taylor Maria Georgiou Franklin Amanda Leah Elliott a Nicole S. Reilly Qian C. Gao Julie W. Veldjesgraaf Kristen M. Geimer a Advije Sadiki Cara L. Gingerich Mark R. Garcia Melissa L. Weber Kerri Henderson a Nicole Schmidt Man Gu Yutong Fitnete Gashi Jessica L, Wyse Jacqulyn N. Howe Rabiya Shafiq Gu Mohamed I. Hamzi Djurdjica Ivosevic Krista Shortreed Michelle C. Hart Jenna M. Hart Accounting and Carly Keenan Angela Vang Josh Hawkins Stephanie Hilliard Jarod S. Henderson Information Technology Kimberly J. McGinnis a Simeen Yamini Amber E. Kelley Alexandra M, Mockler Philip Hunt Kari E, Cameron - Paulina Konopacka Natalie M. Perna Office Administration Kimet Ismailovski Oiive J. Coke Heather A. Kroesbergen a Marcie Pridding Executive Katarzyna K. Jantz Wei Hong Ding Andrew Laginskie Elizabeth J. Klein Aneta G. Domina Joanna L. Sanchez Janneke Bijisma Alexandre M. Lam Edward J. Knowlton Debra A. Fagerdahl Krista L. Schott Tessie R, Blouiri Tracey T. Le Alison J, Lamb Donna D, Ferrier Jody L. Smith Ashley S. Cidade Gong Ye Li Hyunmyoung Lee Attal M. Ibrahimi Krista Somerville Laura R. Forde Xitong Lin Karla J. Francine J. Melissa J, a Lenos Koehler Szymkowski Gabrielie Y. Gard Qianying Ma Bonnie L. Linton Victoria Tran Sarah A. Gibson Jarod M. Morgan Phillip A. Loree Professional Accounting Katarina Usjak Jiliian M. Grant Kitti Muzslai Alan L. MacEwan Practice Samantha D. Waugh-Brown Whitney A. Grier Lukasz Dario Madzarevic Mydlarz Leanne J. Willis Sarah D. Henry Gorina Fekete Matthew W. Makarchuk Yannick Men Kin Ng Man Sun Braden M. Wylie a Nicole Lauriault Nhu Huynh Nguyen Melissa A. Morrison - Christine E. Young Kalen Reif Business Administration Anna Orehova Orlando L. Moura Crystal D. Ryan Financial Planning Leili Panahi Shabestari Health Office Patrick W, O’Brien Jessica J. Thompson Nicholas G. Pandeirada Xuan T, Bui Bethany M. Oliveira Administration Martha L. Valencia Ashley A. Partridge Gregory J. Bulmer Kristofer J. Ouellette Angela Vang Bushra Akbar Christopher A. Pellin Jordan D. Carter Diana L. Pham Allison M. Villemaire Nina A. Boghossian Melissa L. Perry Thomas C. Coilison Victoria J. Port Janice Bugay a Amber L. Walker Brent J. Dekoning Andrew M. Priebe Zeljko Polovina Jaymie A. Wilson Ashley Clubb Jovana Rajkovic Matthew R. Douglas Ross P. Quigley Diana L. Coelho Ashley Reinhart Nida Farooqi - Melanie J. Roth Office Administration Tyler Lavinia A. Damse Eleanor L. Rightmeyer Jack Jacqueline F. Seymour Legal Melissa Dias Annette Rivard Keith Maloney Hassan A. Sheikh Kulsoom Hamid Nicholas Rothernel Bahrija Muhic Jessica M. Amorim Eri Shimoyama Hillary J. Irwin Karin Safarik a Erin E. Nutbrown Kaitlin M. Batte Shari A. Shortt Shauna A. Leis Tiffany M. Michael P. Rochford Blair M. Biasuzzi Brittny N. Snider Schieckoff Crystal Charles Y. Sarault D. MacDonald Michael A. Brenkolt Amanda J. Sinclair Lindsay J. Snyder Valin M. Julie M. Mahn Brett J. Sippel Stauffer Joanna M. Carr Kelly Targosz Kendri L. Melton Danijela Stevanovic Ryan S. Strome Shelley B. Derbecker Amanda G. Taylor Calvin J. Maly Moua Isabell A. Frenette Alvin Szeto Tavares Victoria I. Tedesco Patricia Christine R. E. Nicolas Wendy J. Van a Threndyle Christine M. Gazzellone Quyen H. Tran Wyk Stephanie Grayson D. R. Paris Alicia R. Huot Bryan J. Vorstenbosch Waechter Danielle E. Van Wyk Katelyn L. Podger Jessie M. Warner Laura E. Lavoy Qianneng Wang Kim S. Waytowich Kara B. Rendle Anna Zabezinsky Saralyn J. Mah Yu-Chi Wang Matthew D. Wright Meghan M. Ross Victoria Meijer Shana-Kay A. Wright Lindsey C. Weber Teodora C. Rusu Linh T. Nguyen Bizhen Yu

President’s Honour List a Graduation with High Distinction 1 Michael A. Velaidum - Michelle Parronchi Financial Planning Michael D. Free Business Administration

Laura I. Gatea Jenna M. Voisin Brett N. Rolland Services Marketing (Co-operative Geoffrey M. Gurr Outhoumphonh Vongkhamchanh Jonathan W. Schmidt Education) Jacqueline Bechtel Ghermay Habib Tammy J. Scott - Michael J. Brunetta Ryan A. Haid Business Administration Garret R. Ciaxton Scott R. Steckly Harinder Lydia Cherkassoff Lilian V. Hernandez Marketing S. Rana Brian M. Stewart

Justin R. Clark Ronald A. Hossannah Sean A. Synnott Mazen H. Alqaq Business Administration - Andrew B. Fagundes Kimberly G. Hummel Amber J. Young Vicki Alves Erich A. Noonan Alicia D. Kaufman Materials and Operations Andrew S. Azevedo Ryan J. Quigley Linh N. Lai Management Business Administration Theresa M. Charbonneau Thakkar Tanmay Bharatkumar Jason V. Lalonde - Materials and Misti J. Cousineau Jason C. Amaro Philip A. Velenosi Yongwei Ma Operations Management Rachel E. Cruickshank Marc Austin Elizabeth L. Vermeulen Mandy L. MacKay Sarah A. Hamilton Brittany M. Bauman (Co-operative Education) Jatin S. Maghera Leanne R. Hammond Mohamed Benketira Business Administration - Manon Y. Brinke Michelle J. McCall Tara L. Herriot Mike Carbray Amy P. Carr Management Courtney A. Middleton Mark J. House Fernando D. Castillo Shawn P. Dickinson Sarah Moss Adrian M. Acero Alison D. Jackman Curliss Steven Stephen Dicsi Patrick R. Nesbitt James R. Allwright Jonathan Jones Brett Debruyne William N. Drury Khiem Gia Nguyen Melissa Amendola Michael W. Knaud Ryan J. Ennis Andrea L. Gawne Stephen J. Pearsall Ashley Austin Jaclyn J. Laurence Rizo Ficic Jerome C. Hylton P. Prestipino Mark A. Balayo Bryan Hien K. Ly Brian S. Franklin Sarah M. Ingold Michelle M. Bates Jessica D. Prunean Jennifer L. McCarroll Victoria Glumm Aniko Kasos Nicole M. Reece Rebecca L. Beech Daniela Mota J. Huddle Jonathan Jeremy J. Kennard Gerald W. Reinink Ashleigh S. Beyer David Neganiwina J. Hylton Jefferey Krysanne K. Kin Austin J. Robbins Lilian J. Blanco Corey Ouellette Himali C. Jayatillake Daniel Kirschke Jonathan P. Rutledge Laura K. Bland Gary R. Parkinson Elizabeth A. Kilgour Michelle D. Lavoie Pavina Saengdala Tiffany L. Brown A. Schertzer Brittany L. Kroetsch Thomas Paul J. MacDonald Al Ivy H. Bui Zahraa AM Salame Taylor J. Schmuck-Munro Tim K. Kumornik Vesna Mitrovic lana Cazanteva Shawn R. Schmitt Michael W. Slater Stephen A. Lamb Marcin Szablewski David M. Sebele Ian D. Charters Alicia M. Stepaniuk Kyle D. Langille Shawn G. Smailes Brett J. Clark Katie M. Stortz Xiomara B. Leon Monica D. Soares Caleb M. Copeland Katharine A. Sullivan Marc-Eric Nadeau Jennifer L. Subject Kyle V. Court Ryan Z. Warner Hai H. Nguyen Darryl P. Szusz Carolina Czoch Amanda M. Weldon Douglas Noble Michelle M.Tallman Nicole E. Diehl Sasha L. Wihnon David M. Norman Jennifer N. Tittle Jennifer L. Esposito Shiguang Yang Jamie E. Oehring Joanne L. Trudel

President’s Honour List a Graduation with High Distinction 18 1

Thursday, June 1 Afternoon Ceremony

Conestoga Lanuage Institute

Li Ka Ying Sonia Wong Teaching English as a Silin Gan Yichen Wai Seng Pun Yuan Gao You Li Chen Qi Chenliang Wu Second Language Chen Yan Guo De Yun Liang Wen Juan Qi Shu Huang (Sherwin) Wu loan S. Achim Jiadong Guo Zhiyong Liang Tianju Qiu Yuchen Wu

Nancy L. Mascio Jing Guo Fangyuan Lin Raiyana Rahim Zhiyuan Xia Jennifer M. Reaburn Maral Hamedani Wei Lin Yuan Ren Han Hui Xie a Denise Redmond Guang Hu Christopher He Xiao Bo Lin Taehoon Roh Zhaolong Xin iselle M. Scanlon a G Ting Zi He Xin Lin Ephraim Sagara Cunhui Xu J oan Schroeder Ka Wang Ho Chunjiang Liu Yuan Yuan Shao Haichuan Xu a Karen M. Scott-Murray Wai Bun Ho Jia Wei Liu Xi Shen Hanxiang Xu

Kelli Smith Bin Hong Jiayi Liu Hyo Jeong Son Kai Xu Alicja a Tamowski Jung-Lan Hsu Jingyao Liu In Bo Song Meng Yao Xu endy C. Teahen W Bing Yu Hu Lian Liu Yi Song Nuo Xu Wills Meghann J. Daqi Huang Min Jui May Liu Chun Zhi Su Rui Xu Jingshan Huang Qi Liu Cheng Sun Tongyun Xu General Arts and Science: Pu Huang Siyuan Liu Haoyang Sun Weiran Xu

English Language Studies Zexin Huang Weixin Liu Jie Jet Sun Zhaoxia Xu

Jose D. Agudelo Melita Huber Yingbo Liu Si Ming Sun Li Yuan Yang Liu Mengfei Yang Patricia E. Aguilar Da Eun Jeong Yuritao Wen Sun Sungkyu Ahn Ran Ji Sharon Hoi Kio Lo Yan Sun Wei Yang Alexander Alexandrovich Belyaev Linlong Jiang Da Hai Long Yuchen Sun Xi Yue Yang

Jenna H. Bouchut Qintian Jiang Yuchao Lou Ann Angela Tai Yifan Yang Ka Chun Chan Wan Jiang Jiayuan Lu Guo Cheng Tan Zhen Yang Huijue Chen Zhejun Jiang Miao Lu Jenn Wei Tan Xuanyu William Yao Jingxiu Chen Yan Ling Jin Weida Lu Zixiao Tang Ziqun Ye Mingjia Leon Chen Yuxin Jin Xin Yu Lu Yoshihiro Taniguchi Su Rong You Shuxin Chen Daehwan Kang Ze Bin Lu Marine Taptugyan Ruolan Yu Tianxiao Chen Yi Kang Beika Luo Ka Ming Ting Pu Yuan Yu Shu Chen Yinglu Kang Lan Luo Thanh Tung Tran Ziwen Yuan Yuehuan Betty Chen Nam Young Kim Khanh Nguyen Gia Luu Nikita Tretyakov Juan Camilo Zea Montoya

Gilbert Chi Sing Cheung Snezana Kovacevic Weixuan Ma Chen Long Wang Ben Yuan Zhang Seouggeun Choe Chun Yin Lam Mercy Madzingo Dong Qi Wang Chunxiao (Isabella) Zhang Byeong-ki Choi Tsz Hei Derek Lam Chasel Man Hao Yu (Vincent) Wang Tianxu Zhang

Pei Cheng Chua Sang Kon Lee HadyA. Martinez Samano Huan Wang Wanqing Zhang Shen Kevin Cong Wonjoon Lee Juraj Mirda Jin Wang Yiyue Zhang Yu Qian Ru Cong Yuan Lei Ji Hyun Mok Lei Wang Ziwei Zhang Wen Qing Cui Justing Kin Heng Leong Tsz Chung Mok Long Wang Dawei Zhao Liang Diao An Li Yueyi Mu Mengyao Wang Guanxiong Zhao Shaojun Ding Beini Jocelyn Li Sau Man Rabeea Ng Ruiqi Wang Jinglin Zhao Shu Ning Ding Bo Li Anh Quang Nguyen Ruo-Xue Wang Yuwei Zhao Agnieszka Dudziak Chenyi Li Pinghan Ni Shiyu Wang Zi Han Zhao Angela Eszes Feng Jun Li You An Ni Siyu Wang Xi Zheng Kun Fang Jia Yang Li Zi Yi Ni Zezhong Wang Shangbo Zhong Farnoosh Farahmand Neayfard Jing Li Carlos A. Nino Zhan Wang Yuan Yuan Zhong Shiqian Feng Qiu Ting Li Ruilong Niu Zhe Wang Jia Zhou Haoyang Fu Shuting Li Edgar F. Oliveros Xiaojiang Wei Suyi Zhu Luisa M. Gallego-Ramirez Xiaoshan Li Sangmi Park ZeYu Wei Wen Li Zhu Pei Wen Gan Yan Ling Li Adriana Pripon Menghao Wen Xiao Zhu

Media and Design

Interior Decorating Hollie R. Langlois Design and Kevin Hundt Tyree C. Rudrum Lisa M. Lariviere Olga Y. Jimenez-Marroquin James D. Schlueter Catherine Bastien Communications Stacey D. Martin Mandana Khaki Rachel M. Schnurr Jennifer J. Beaupre Fundamentals Amanda M. May Cameron R. Lindsay Brittni A. Sipes Barbara A. Boyd Doina Mihai Omar I. Azeem Rebecca C. MacDougall Lukas P. Soltys lleana Crasovan Andrea Morgan Sarah E. Campbell Marcel T. Mairovitz Christopher B. Stephenson Jennifer K. Does Tina A. Riddell Elissa A. Denhoed Spencer B. Morley Nixson Sysanga Chandelle D. Dowd Sandra M. Seifried Leanne M. Forrester Van T. Nguyen Paul G. Taylor Jennifer M. Enta Natalie M. Simpson Shane D. Frost Shawn R. Opdenkelder Kolby Thomson Cathy A. Formica Donna M. Whibbs Lisa K. Gibson Heather A. Pengelly Alyse C. Welsh Christine Holburn Laura L. Wilson Alexander D. Hammer Danny Pinzin Rachel Wolfenberg Cheryl D. James Derek M. Hauck Brandon Radic Barrie M. Wu Sonya T. Kurbiel Zackery G. Hobler Christine L. Rohrbacher

President’s Honour List a Graduation with High Distinction 19 Nicholas J. Varey Jovana Jankovic Media and Journalism - Broadcast Broadcast - Television B. Kaitlyn E. Jessome Communications David Woodall Brittany I. Armitage Brian W. Anderson Jessica N. Kenkel Fundamentals Mike B. Cowling Taralynn K. Arsenault Public Relations Cheryl L. MacLachlan Carrie L. Gilmour Brittany A. Caravaggio Emilie J. Arruda Erin L. Martin Melissa D. Armster Angela A. Hauck Nina Ceranic Kelli A. Barber Margaret R. Martz Emily A. Baetz Kaitlyn R. Hynes Christopher G. Cullen Clarence Gautreau Jennifer A. May Patricia L. Blair Tijana Jefic Richard M. Dignard Tiffany C. Hayes Claire Mousseau Kathryn E. Boose Shannon L. Shepherd Emma E. Dillabough Craig Jewell Caitlin C. Mulholland Audrey C. Carter Gregory E. Simpson Ian R. Duggan Amanda L. Loranger Phillip Novak Michael C. Christie Adrienne K. South Tiffany Gray Waseam Masri Kevin R. Daniel M. Claus-Nesbitt Nunn Phuong Tram Amanda L. Hartery Cassandra L. Peters A. Pawelak Ayla Contant Pawel Matthew R. Trushinski Alicia J. Hochheimer Marjie A. Richardson Melanie M. Peters Kelly L. Danson Jamie S. Zadow Alison F. Holditch Cory P. Schnurr Amy L. Rayner Melanie J. Desjardins Megan E. Hopkins Steven A. Tanner Thomas H. Robinson Melissa Dos Santos - Broadcast Radio Darcy L. Jewer Adam G. Thomas Heather A. Russell Blair D. Hull Michael Kowalek Ryan Young Kevin Truong Jonathan C. Andrews Alicia A. Kavanaugh Maxwell J. Lantz Jennifer L. Asselstine Jocelyn Lagerquist Darcy L. Vermaak Abiey W. Lema Advertising Branko Vranic Sarah P. Bast Rebecca M. Lain Andrew P. Miller Brittany J. Walton Kaley V. Carey lulia C. Bompa Rae-Ann J. Legault Evelyn G. Ouellette Kevin D. White Sarah K. Carmichael Jennifer L. Calder Amber K. Lennox Samuel D. Rustenburg Julie R. Whyte Patricia L. Cole Melissa E. Canning Lauren D. MacDonald Courtney Swinimer-Moule Krista A. Coward Corey J. Carter Kayla A. Miller Bryan W. Thiel Journalism - Print Adam L. Fridenburg Megan Degroote Karla E. Moore Kurtis E. Thomas Eric M. Gordon Virginia Durrer Katelyn R. Powers Sarah P. Bongers Catherine V. Helm Caryn Farvour Cayley K. Pozza Sarah A. Boychuk Videography-Broadcast Joshua R. Hernandez Dana J. Ferguson Samantha A. Smith Amanda N. Cartwright Katherine V. Hummitzsch Journahsm/Documentary Daniel A. Fiorelli Jillian F. Stannard Lacie J. Groffen Mary Anne Ivison W. Carey Samantha L. Johnston Charles C. Thomson Kaitlyn D. Heard Matthew Laura K. Knox Lyndsay A. Crossley James Joyal-Carmichael Jessica C. Voin Louise A. Kaddour Brian M. Lieske Ian R. Evans Leslie A. Kalbfleisch Jacqueline F. Ward Elizabeth G. Koenig Amanda E. Mendonca Carolyn R. Marsh Melissa A. Yabsley Christie D. Lagrotta Michael Malko Aaron J. Montgomery Scott H. Manson Leanne L. Martin Patrick T. Lansbergen Cara Murray Nino Petrovic Graphic Design Neil McDonald Aneka Rao Lee A. Ruby Linh Phan Kevin W. O’Brien Brandi Smolders Matthew A. Aubie Olivia Skonieczka Melissa K. Shewman Jessica 0. O’Donnell Sarah L. Stewart Kelsey S. Butterwick Nathan T. Toews Rita Cameron J. Simpson Blair M. Pollock Wong Tammy C. Grigat Jordan G. Yates Alysia A. Smith Jamielee A. Reansbury Jessica Y. Hehn Kari-Lynn R. Solonik Stacie Ritchie Jennifer Hoch L. Nicole F. Stager Sarah M. Hunt Laura R. Rouse Holly A. Tribble Adam R. Russell

Health and Life Sciences

Fitness and Health Ryan J. Inwood Hearing Instrument Hearing Instrument Robin L. Taylor Drew B. Jansen Amy E. Webb Promotion Specialist Specialist (Post-Graduate) Melissa R. Johnston Jessica L. Wiebe Jessica Cadieux Trinity V. Borys Kelly Bull H. Paul A. Kalnins

E. P. Daugherty Christina M. Brajak Pansa Clarke Donald S. Klaehn Dietetic Technician Jacqueline E. Mclarnon Craig R. Evans Kari E. Gough Devon J. Lansdell Emily K. Anderson Ashley N. Raith Kerri Greenwood Konrad Malinski Andrew J. McLachlin Sheri E. Brandt Alice Ricardo A. Guerrero Lisa L. Noble Zama Grant G. Miller Karen A. Bryant Jenna Harnden Sultan M. Yaver James D. Murphy Nicole Y. Fawcett Paramedic Jolie David N. Oudshoorn Denise Krysten B. Gudgeon Ahmed Khanani Biotechnology Technician Carla L. Mark S. Panagapka Agnew Lyndsey C. Hamilton Theresa C. Klein-Horsman Peter A. Fabiola I. Reyes Bin a Benson Jenine M. Nikki Herdman Jessica S. Kleist Richard J. Bing Michelle T. Scheifley Brittany Brenton Krista L. Jolliffe Sabrina M. Kosiorek Emily M. Swain Lucrecia Castillo Courtade a Adrian M. Boucher M. Katie Kozak Kim R. Linfield a Karolyn E. Brown Stefanie E. Thompson Sonia Chacko Wally M. Lara Robert J. Mooney Geoffrey K. Chan Amanda M. Vidovitsch Nikki J. Devison Muriel-Louisa Mangialardi Dorothy E. Pollack Brennan Clarkson Sarah A. Wilson Andrew M. Fournier Meredith M. McDonough Brittany L. Randall B. Cooper Shuang Gao a Shawn Lindsay L. Moir Lindsay A. Randall Sheri Advanced Care Paramedic Erin Gilbert a L. Cull L. Jennifer N. Molenaar Lina H. Said Liz Davey Vanessa M. Hynes Carolyn J. Fuller Candice M. Phibbs Lindsay A. Satchell Cody J. Dunn Sonya M. Kus Alex S. Kalmar Andrea L. Russell Alexandria L. Valeriote Kelly A. Galerno Susan Ly Vanessa B. Kopvich Danielle A. Seifried Cornelus Evera Van Arendonk Kelly L. Gouweloos Chrissy MacMasters Robbie C. McDonald Esther M. Veenstra Melissa M. Van Veen a Elizabeth J. Haslett-Small Natasa T. Marin John T. McMurray C arl Xia Amy C. Huber Frezewd Nigussie Grace A. Perry Respiratory Therapy Kyle R. Reinhart Marianne E. Robertson Amanda L. Britton Katie A. Scully Robin S. Ross Aimee M. Campbell Atiya Sehar a Seliina V. Coe Sadaf Shah Kyla M. Graham

President’s Honour list a Graduation with High Distinction 20 Raymond E. Hepditch Stefani R. Dubbeldam Registered Nurse - Kristin P. Geiger Hilda Nakanwagi E. Jennica E. Graaskamp Suhua Ni a Lisa N. Hill Brandi Ferrell Emergency Nursing Matthew J. Lambert Stephanie R. Flikweert Heather Grant Shona J. O’Kane Tara-Lynne Cox Stephanie L. MacKenzie Shelley L. Freiburger Randie L. Gregoire Sarah E. Oehring

Trevor A. McCoskey Rebecca J. Fuchs Hayley J. Griffiths Patricia J. Olah Registered Practical Cristian 0. Muresan Donna M. Gaulton Lindsay A. Grisdale Gabriela Oprea Nurse - Intravenous Ashley L. Nant Cynthia L. Graves Bonnie M. Gunn Yajun Pan

Jeff B. Paul Jessica Gregory Therapy Megan I. Hache Edin Pandzic

Kristy M. Rice Stefanie Gutscher Ashley A. Haelzle Elmedina Pandzic Angela D. Rivas Rogers Tonya Gutscher Rachel B. Harris Jhennipher Pasteur Lesley Alexandria M. Young Lyndsey L. Ross Destiny Hilton Denise L. Harrop Binal Patel a Erika M. Sanders Jordan A. Hoffman Practical Nursing Katrina M. Hart Debbie J. Penner Melanie D. Seaborne Gregory L. Howarth Jennifer M. Hastings H elen Penney Amy E. Abbott James Slough Valentina Jovanovic Cindy M. Hayden Diana M. Perez Safia A. Adan Rebecca J. Somerville Catherine Keillor Kristine A. Heaney Jed Renan L. Perez Ashoka N. Adish Robyn L. Vandermeer Ashley J. King Eniko Hollo Jennifer M. Plouffe Sheila J. Ahrens Jake F. Wiilemse Sharon L. Kovats Danielle M. Howard Amanda E. Price Stella Amankwa-Oduro Stephanie K. Wilson Alice L. Ma Shannon M. Hubers Ashley K. Primeau Helen D. Arevalo Brooke N. Winger Tamara L. MacDermott Katrina S. Jonkman Sharon P. Pumihic Kehinde 0. Ayo-Obisesan Teresa E. Manning Tracey L. Jonkman Wei Qian Teresa Balogh Occupational Therapist Angie D. Mclnerney Sherryann D. Kennedy Ashleigh N. Rawlinson Michele N. Barna Assistant/Physiotherapist Laurie M. Moore Naomi F. Kenyon Jacqueline D. Reinhardt Hiwot T. Berhe Assistant Irene T. Morales Zara Khan Joan M. Ricard Jennifer L. Beyersbergen Susan E. Moyer Kaitlinn A. Kleinsteuber Kristi L. Robinson Julie A. Battler Nicole A. Bogar Tina L. Nantais Jennifer E. Klingenberg Victoria M. Rochford Tammy C. Berg Lisa M. Borthwick Heather E. O'Brien Melissa C. Knezevici Mimoza Sadiku Brooke Campbell Canessa L. Bradley Sherri L. Phillips Stephanie E. Koebel Anne M. Scharback Kelly M. Cybulski Jessica A. Broadfoot Shariza S. Sahib Rebecca A. Korpan Tracy L. Schelling Bayleigh R. Deane Jessica M. Brokking Vera Sehovac Christians N. Kraft Brenda J. Schlupp Stuart R. Eadie Larissa A. Brumaroff Thabotheny Sivathas Naomi Kuepfer Ashley J. Schoenemann Andrea D. Fish Karen A. Bryan Micole M. Steven Daine J. Kuiken - Rogers Tammy L. Scott Heather L. Fries Lisa L. Buchholtz Carl P. Tandog Amanda J. Law Julia G. Seguin Alexandria L. Glad Matthew Burkholder Katrina L. Telfer Nga T. Le Elizabeth J. Shaw Averil E. Goodacre Rizalina 0. Castillo Amanda L. Trudeau Holly N. Lebold a Sinidu A. Shimels Barbara C. Harnock Margaret R. Chapman a Stephanie E. Vaughan H olly L. Legacy Nicole A. Sibbick Sarah M. Kennedy A licia D. Charron Krista M. Viskantas Xing Liu Laura C. Sippel Leah A. McAdam Xiuyan Chen Deborah L. Wright Tanya M. Lorentz Oddett E. Smart Alyson S. McAtear Janny Cnossen Jiajun Yang Breanne M. Lubbers Gayle A. Smith Beya Njamiko Jennifer M. Cobham a Ruth A. Yanke Dai Luo Jacqueline A. Snider Krystal A. Remers Daniel C. Cook Erika K. Lutz Beth M. Southern Margaret A. Roberts - Alexina Costa Gerontology Cynthia H. MacMillan Leigh-Anne M. Sowden Lisa G. Ryksen Aesha Dharia Multidiscipline Christine H. Martz Katherine P. Staveley Carita K. Smith Jessica A. Disson Lindsay A. Mason Chantelle M. Steffan Jennifer Valencia Salazar Amanda N. Jantzi Amanda J. Dixon James W. McClelland Sheena L. Stuckless Stephanie N. Vanderheyden Louise S. Kesselring Ashley M. Dolson Laura L. McCoy Kathryn A. Tombs Elaine L. Durham a Complementary Care Hong Meng Stephanie L. Toushan Personal Support Worker Mary R. Elliott Dingilizwe Mguni Christine M. Turcotte Sister Beata Ostrowska Tiffany M. Evens Patricia 0. Anwusi Marjana Mikan Cheryl A. Varey Nahid Asghari Zheng Fang Julia J. Minkarious Jessica J. Veldhuizen - Palliative Care Andrea L. Fennell Carole A. Best Marla M. Mitchell Juliana 0. Vidacs Stephanie M. Finch Kathleen E. Multidiscipline Bowman Farhiya A. Mohamed Natalie L. Wayland Andrea E. Flood Janice L. Boyce Catherine M. Cook Melanie M. Moran Elyse R. Williams Gabric Caitlin Viktorija E. Buller Marie B. Morin Randall D. Williams-Baxter Erin Gallagher Jennifer E. Busuttil - Registered Nurse Heather M. Morrison Carrie T. Witt Tera C. Gallagher Irene F. Chinyenze Cardiac Care Danielle R. Moua Lucyna Wojczyszyn a Ashley L. Gandier Amanda G. Costa Tabitha A. Mueller Lindsey Wraith

Deanna C. Leno Ruth I. Gaudrault Yvonne E. Cyr Allison J. Murphy Jennifer A. Stockdale Karen A. Difrancesco

Catherine I. Doerbecker

President’s Honour List Graduation with High Distinction 21 1

Thursday, June 1 Evening Ceremony

Continuing Education

Teacher of Adults - Della Goetz

Becky M - Groulx Literacy Educator Lynn C. Kowal

Community Services

Christopher J. Thibeault Lily F. Murariu Human Services Recreation Management Richard D. Colwill Emanuel Turkonje Rebecca Murray Foundation for Older Adults Phil M. Doerksen Gerald I. Waite Inga Pechersky Travis D. Dorken Steven A. Amorim Norman Wilson Lia Lauren J. Furlong Saastamoinen Aaron R. Dumas Jeffrey P. Andreas Robert T. Woolner Anne L. Hofstetter a Frances G. Scheepmaker Daniel G. Egerter Patricia D. Arnold Daniels Mai L. Shirley A. Hokansson a Yang Heather J. Scott a Aaron M. Erwin Marina Batista N alini Jagdeo Larissa S. Townshend a Tim A. Guenther Dana L. Berry Esthetics Drew M. Kennedy Laura Gutscher Briana P. Brooks Recreation and Leisure Julie A. Mairs Lise A. Cassels Adam S. Haramule Emily E. Brown Norma W. Martin a Natalija Dmitrovic Services Lindsay L. Harrison Dawn M. Cabral Frances Mezei a Onita Gagu Benjamin J. Hazlett Alberto A. Caseros Robin T. Barber a Susan E. Patrick a Kelly E, Lehane Tiffany A. Heath Jessica Tash A. Blais C. Costa Lindsay M. Vanbergeri a Khenpheth McEathron Laird A. Heinmiller Stacy M. Dobbs Michelle A. Blake Megan A. Mitchell Ben A. Holmes Jaime L. Jessica C. Drover Briere Applied Counselling Uyen T. Pham Jay G. Hoogkamp Annie Fehr Kyle D. Burrell Lois F. Purcell Lykke Brandemark Van Drunen a Scott R. Johnston Amanda M. Finlayson Christina Chan Debra H. Kuipers Eline Kamphuis Jane L. Freiburger Emily Deroo Volunteer Program Adriana L. Magoulas Patrick D. Keller Nicole R. Gow Tracy L. Dewell Management Benjamin B. Lindner Lisa R. Grasby Teshia M. Dietrich Social Services Nicholas A. Joelle D. MacDonald Ryan J. Haberle Faith L. Barnes-Lane Duchaine Theresa M. Shawn J. McIntosh Crystal R. Haggar Jessica C. Bayne Christina V. Figueiredo Al Bengt W. Nyman Michelle Maria F. Arteaga Katlynn L. Horning Robin M. Egressy Goetz Tim J. Parsons Jenny L. Griffith Patricia D. Beardsley a Emma C. Hurst Maria L. Fitzpatrick Colleen M. Andrea M. Bolen Steve R. Pederson Edward P. Jordan Jackie H. Holman Holmes Jordan E. Pereira Ashley L. Anita N. Kerwin Katherine Ann Jackson Christian G. Leguerrier Brooks Lennard Scott Catherine C. Megan E. Castrucci Sam Kropf Pamela J. Johnston Lubberts Geraldine Matt A. Smith Shelli S. Krywiak Trish Marinoni Blake L. Lymburner J. Duguid Denise Carmen Sonnenburg Devin M. Leduc Heidi A. O’Brien Brittni A. MacDougall M. Embro-Fogarty a Josceiyn A. Guindon Michael S. Stroud Candace G. Lienhardt Wendy Rose Jenna L. MacNeil Mike Rebecca C. Sward Rachel A. Liptay-Fischer Kelly S. Schafer Marlene E. Malina Hoffele Corey B. Van Den Nest Sarah D. Martin Heather L. Huffman Tina A. Littler Leah P. Siminoski Seth Welsh Sonia P. Shannon M. Longland Michelle M. Steffler Kyllie M. McDonagh Jeronimo David Stephanie M. Mesich Alicia Kincaid S. Wiley Sandy I. Lozano Sonya Vanderheide Brittany K. Zettel Paul B. April Leonard Danielle Martin Judy L. Viby Moyer Barbra Sean G. McKay Brittany S. Myers K. McDonnell Law Enforcement Hayley and Rebecca A. McMurdo Fundraising Practitioner Meaghan E. O’Neill A. Norton Karina E. Roxana R. Investigation Jessica L. Mercer Piazza Romero Margaret K. Attwell Marie J. Rhonda-Lee Merkley Melissa T. Pullen Rozendal Ryan J. Ashley Sheila X. Gharabaghi Stephanie D. Morrison Lindsay A. Purvis Rhonda I. Rozendal Bonnie A. Shore Kathy M. Innocente Bailey J. Christine S. Murray Bree-Anne Radtke Rudow Kate E. Pugsley Robert A. Padfield Amy C. Saunders Meghan M. Shiry Law and Security Elora M. Schad Sarah Skye Laurie L. Pearce Career Development Administration Shannon Phoxay N. Phouthonephackdy Audrey E. Schnurr M. Sowerby Foundations Jessamyn E. Barfoot Bertina L. Talyn E. Pride Brett Steele Sweeting Sean W. Barrow Colleen M. Myronyk Shawn M. Resendes Erica C. Steele Anna K. Taras Joseph W. Bender Virginia G. Novakowski Jennifer M. Taun Alexander C. Roe Rebecca A. Steele Nicholas A. Binns Darla Cayla Rossiar L. Southwood Nicole A. Thissen Rebecca L. Thomson Wes J. Black Elizabeth Santos Stephanie J. Vala Amy M. Wasylenki Carmen L. Carnochan Career Development Alanna R. Katarzyna A. Satora Jackie Veenstra Wynes Erin A. Carter Practitioner Matthew G. Sawyer Shannon A. Vermaas Matthew P. Cartwright Cheryl A. Voin Pre-Service Firefighter Dustin G. Schade Andrew J. Bassingthwaighte Rebekah L. Chesterman Kathryn L. Wigood Education and Training Jackie E. Schuster Sheri L. Brulotte-Hall a Samantha J. Chominiec Shelby A. Wilson Laura M. Smith Anne P. Coulter Shawn R. Bechtloff Vanessa G. Claure Jessica J. Witzel Shawna N. Smith Lindsay M. Gerrard Anthony B. Bilopavlovic Brandon J. Connelly Amber L. Woolgar Samantha Sokoloskie Nina C. Grottoli Matthew J. Black Samantha A. Cressman Tammy C. Soper Deborah Hargrove R. Cody Boyne Kyle J. Dreyer Colleen Starz Beverly I. Hess Jason M. Cocks Sarah J. Dugdale Marsha V. Stumpf Mariam S. Kirollos Kyle D. Coleman Melissa S. Evans

President’s Honour List a Graduation with High Distinction 22 Kristopher D. Fink Tyler T. Fillion Educational Assistant Judith C. Meyer Laura A. Carson Benjamin J. Frey Ian M. Fitzgerald Karrie L. Milmine Keshia L. Collins Patricia S. Abbott Eric W. Friderici Jesse L. Flemming Lauren F. Morton Ashley A. Colvin Sonia E. Addie Rachael L. Fries Paul D. French Leah B. Nielsen Shannon C. Coyle Gloria J. Allen Laszlo F. Hegedus Jordan M. Gleadall Carolyn A. Northover Amber L. Cram Kathy M. Antolick Matthew Henley Jamie L. Haskell Rana N. Omaish Kathleen A. Doherty Kimberly L. Auld Kaitlin R. Hudder Wojtek Haziak Lori A. Pearcey Eliz Dural Tammy L. Bellai Norwood C. ian Skyler Hurst Joanne L. Peterson Terri L. Falco Karen E. Bickers Jovana llic Sayaf S. Kamran Crystal L. Price Kaneez Fatima Debbie L. Boeckh Chantel Jones Justin T. Knee Adriana Pripon Lisa N. Fines Jodie L. Boylan Almedin Jupic Adam J. Koebel Denise M. Proctor Michele S. Flood Renee C. Brubacher Brittany D. King Joshua B. Konink Carmen E. Quigley Courtney A. Fraser Wendy 0. Byers Amelia L. Laparan Peter J. Kuzyk Beverly K. Randell Kimberly N. Gill Janet Campbell Justin B. Losch Jan-Willem E. Laros Joan K. Reinders Megan E. Good Tammy L. Conley Katrina D. Masson Lane A. Lefor Shannon Resendes Jessica C. Grant Christine L. Cooper Zachary T. McKitrick Brent Lord Amanda C. Reynolds Spahani Gunasekera Amy R. Cromwell Angelika Mielniczuk Justin J. Macintosh Jean Marie M. Richardson Jennifer E. Harrison Carmela G. Del Valle Martha 0. Montoya Ratal M. Malinski Greta Riedel Dana N. Heywood Kalaiarasi Dharmarajan Kelvin F. Morrissey Jason M. Marcotte Cindy R. Rogers Kathleen A. Hilderley-Chesney Zaklina Dimkoska Andrew E. Ormond Marquis C. Martinz Femke N. Roosendaal Lindsay A. Hopper Shari M. Downer Alex H. Parsons Travis P. Maxwell Iwona Roque Brittany J. Huffman Kimberley J. Dykstra Stanko Pavic Mia Muaremovski Margaret M. Roth Nicole M. Huisman Shannon L. Emary Lauren C. Ponting Gregory L. Needham Amanda M. Sawyer Nicole L. Hussey Christie D. Foster Shivanand Rameshwar Singh Ryan J. Neufeld Daphne N. Schibler Kristie L. Johnston Beth A. Frank Tim R. Ramos Mozafar Paikan Jennifer L. Schmidt Anna A. Kempster Maura Fuller Nicole E. Savage Mursal Rahmaty Michele V. Schnarr Cara Beth Kollontay Sylvie C. Gelfand Jessica L. Schiepan Rob A. Rankin Sommer L. Scott Susan V. Korbel Susan Gensemeyer Taryn M. Schmidt Travis J. Reid Krista L. Sebastian Candace M. Leis Glynis K. Gibbs Matthew C. Seeley Brittany J. Rieck Donna M. Shinn Allison N. Lucas Nicole M. Glassford Marcus A. Silva Ryan D. Roethel Ann J. Sills Katherine L. Lynn Christina M. Guest Nicole Taves D. Adam Rosner Shelley L. Sommerville Hollie L. Manson Caroline D. Hall Samuel R. Toma Adrian R. Roy Alexandra R. Spall-Vervaeke Colleen L. Mclnnes Maureen F. Harrington Kyle R. Trimble Martin H. Schobert Ingrid Squires Jacqui A. McLaughlin Susan J. Harris Christopher M. Van Mourik Nicolas A. Siminoski Rosie M. Stanovie Jacqueline A. Mott Mary F. Hawes Tou Vang Adam J. Sitek Edna J. Stubbington Angela A. Onn Stephanie J. Hayes Valerie J. Vermunt Vanessa J. Streeter Tracy L. Sutcliffe Katie-Lynn Parkinson Erin M. Hennebry Igor Vricic Kristie L. Syvret Caroline J. Tye Nicole Parsons Tiela A. Hinschberger Amanda H. Warren Adam G. Tombs Seda Unsal-Aranton Matesa A. Peats Andrea N. Hirons Tyson C. Webber Joshua C. Turner Kelsey A. Van Oorschot Dani A. Penic Jessi L. Honderich Ryen R. Wightman Trevor K. Van Alstine Amanda R. Vanos Jill M. Peterson Marilyn A. Hughes Andrew R. Van Geutselaar Judy A. Waechter Amy L. Piccin Stacey L. Jupp Police Foundations Joseph E. Whitley Priscilla M. Wagler Lauren E. Ralph Louise M. Kelly Catherine Williamson Karalyn L. Nichole E. Chad A. Anderson Wagner Renaud Elizabeth P. Kennedy Kaitlyn L. Wilson Natalie C. Nestor 0. Ayento Wallace Mary Joe M. Ryan Andrea R. Kenny Larissa B. Wilton Ryan D. Bain Kathryn S. Watts Krystal P. Sanche Nam Hee Kim-MacRae Abdul M. Zalmay Rhoda L. Yantzi Mary E. Sanderson Steven P. Benham Kristin E. Klassen Katarzyna Zeglen a Teryn L. Bradley Rebecca J. Schmidt Sheldon J. Klassen Advanced Police Studies Lori Tyler S. Bridger Seabrooke Andrea J. Kloetstra Early Childhood Rebecca J. Seegmiller Jessica L. Camara Bradley J. Griffin Suzanne L. Kraut Shrubsall Jonathon R. Caskanette Andrew C. Harris Education Shauna C. Mike A. Lapierre Kyle Chivers Steven M. Jones Alison D. Smith Maria K. Latyn Ashley A. Abelson Alex Snyder Luke D. Collins Mark F. Kroonen Emily M. Lisso Laura A. Alabastine A. Victoria B. Stubbs Mircea Costea Mateusz N. Lyszczarz Jacqueline E. Judith F. Macerollo Algie Matthew R. Crossman Scott A. MacNeish Kathryn L. Taylor Skye M. MacPherson Ashley L. Allan Tessa J. Timbers Calvin A. Cuncins Amanda J. Preece Adelena Maggiolo Shantelle A. Alliman Kaitlyn A. Damm Alexander W. Rickert Wendy J. Turner Tricia M. Makcrow Connie Allison AshlyA. Tye-Robins Jacalyn S. Dill Jennifer E. Schwartzentruber Bonnie J. Mantynen Rebecca E. Aplin Kyle D. Draves Sarah L. Shewchuk Amanda L. Wagler Luanne S. Marchildon Katrina M. Bell Heather C. Scott T. Eastabrook Travis E. Smeltzer Weatherup Cindy M. Martin Laurie M. Bonnar Leah A. Edisbury Kyle R. Ueberschlag Stephanie Wild Heather E. Mayes Katelynd E. Bott Marc Witmer Karlie M. Wilker K.C. McDevitt Sarah J. Bramhill Corrie Woolner Sharon T. McGoldrick Jennifer Cardiff Julie K. Yake Shelley L. McKenna Jael Abigail Carreno-Flores

Lori A. Meinen

President’s Honour List a Graduation with High Distinction 23 Thank You

Conestoga College wishes to thank the many volunteers who serve on our Program Advisory Committees and Program Consortiums - groups that provide a key link between the College, local employers and organizations, and the community. Program Advisory Committees and Consortiums help keep Conestoga aware of and responsive to employment needs and trends. They also lend insights relevant to developing, modifying and evaluating our programs of instruction.

These committees are responsible for providing advice to the College on matters such as:

• Academic program development, review and effectiveness

• Changes and trends in business and industry that affect programs, students and graduates

• Technological implications of changes and trends

• Assessment of facilities and equipment related to program goals

• Employment prospects for current students and graduates

• Co-operative education and field placement experiences

• Public relations involving professional and local communities

• Student development initiatives related to program and career goals

• Student awards

• Other special tasks and assignments related to the College and its programs of instruction.

During the academic year 2008-2009, more than 500 community members served on Conestoga's Program Advisory Committees and Consortiums.