INSIDE: • Commentary: The murder of Heorhii Gongadze – page 3. • A conversation with Ruslana at Soyuzivka – page 5. • President Viktor Yanukovych’s letter to the UCCA – page 11.

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal Wnon-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXVIII No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 $1/$2 in Memorial Complex opened Hundreds protest against Yanukovych at University of Mohyla Academy during his visit to the United Nations by Illya M. Labunka as NUKMA’s library director, welcomed Special to The Ukrainian Weekly all of the guests and introduced each of the invited speakers. KYIV – Some 100 people gathered in In brief but poignant remarks, Dr. front of the Fine Arts Library of the Old Serhiy Kvit, current president of the Academic Campus of the National National University of Kyiv-Mohyla University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy Academy, pointed out that it was historic (NUKMA) for a solemn memorial cere- fate for James Mace to choose such a mony on September 10 to pay tribute to a challenging profession as the study of the fellow teacher, co-worker, friend and rel- , since his ancestors were ative. members of the Cherokee Nation of Fulfilling her late husband’s last will American Indians who also suffered a and testament, in 2005 Natalia tragedy of national proportions. Dziubenko-Mace donated Dr. James Offering recollections of his colleague, Mace’s book collection and archive to the Dr. Viacheslav Briukhovetsky, president- NUKMA library. Constituting almost emeritus of NUKMA, recalled how Dr. 2,500 printed items, the collection fea- Mace would often comment on the disil- tured books on the Holodomor and totali- lusioning situation in Ukraine, but when tarianism, monographs on the histories of he entered a classroom and engaged in Ukraine and Russia, declassified Soviet discussions with his students, he would archival documents, etc. become animated and reassured that A few years later Mrs. Dziubenko- Ukraine would one day evolve into a nor- Matthew Dubas Mace supplemented the previous dona- mal country because he had hope in Protesters in New York get their message across though song, text and chanting. tion by gifting Dr. Mace’s so-called Ukraine’s new generation of students as “American collection” to NUKMA. This representatives of the country’s future. by Matthew Dubas invitation to Ukrainian community leaders kind gesture paved the way for the open- “It’s only natural that this memorial ing of the James Mace Memorial to meet with him earlier on September 22 research complex has been opened as an NEW YORK – Approximately 300 peo- prior to the scheduled protest. Complex at NUKMA, which features a integral academic component of ple gathered on 51st Street, between Second library, archive and museum. The memo- The UCCA, in a response letter to Mr. NUKMA. Dr. Mace admitted to me in and Third avenues, to peacefully protest the Yanukovych, wrote: “The Ukrainian com- rial complex honors the Holodomor 1992 when we were just starting to devel- politics and policies of President Viktor research legacy of the late historian, munity in the U.S.A. always provided all op NUKMA that he would like to work Yanukovych in Ukraine. possible means of support to strengthen an political scientist, pedagogue and journal- here. It was one of his first employment Tamara Olexy, national president of the ist who lived and worked in Ukraine for independent and democratic Ukrainian state positions in Ukraine and his most endear- Ukrainian Congress Committee of America and helped the Ukrainian nation achieve a the last decade of his life before passing ing one. He truly enjoyed the academic (UCCA), which organized the demonstra- away at age 52 in May 2004. trustworthy, just and equal standing among environment here,” said Dr. tion, highlighted the blatant violations of states as a member of the family of sover- As admirers of the late Holodomor Briukhovetsky. human rights in Ukraine under Mr. researcher and activist huddled before the eign nations. As was the case earlier, we Dr. Briukhovetsky stated that, along Yanukovych, including the abuse and disap- remain strongly committed to defending the soon-to-be officially dedicated memorial pearance of journalists in Ukraine and the complex, Tetiana Yaroshenko, who serves (Continued on page 8) interests of the Ukrainian nation, and we reversal of the Ukrainian revival since will continue to do this. Our united Ukraine declared independence in 1991. Ukrainian community in the U.S.A. – the Through Ukraine’s diplomatic corps, President Yanukovych had extended an (Continued on page 10)

U.S. Helsinki Commission marks 10th anniversary of Gongadze murder WASHINGTON – Leaders of the U.S. recent disappearance of Ukrainian journalist Helsinki Commission on September 17 Vasil Klymentyev, who, like Gongadze, was marked the 10th anniversary of the kidnap- known for his investigative reporting. I ping and murder of Ukrainian journalist welcome President [Viktor] Yanukovych’s Heorhii Gongadze and expressed concern stated commitment to fully investigate the over recent reversals of media and other circumstances surrounding Klymenteyev’s freedoms in Ukraine. disappearance. We must never lose sight of “I am disturbed that 10 years after Mr. the fact that free media plays an essential Gongadze’s murder, and five years after the role in a truly democratic society,” Sen. Orange Revolution sparked democratic Cardin stated. “While three of the murderers of reporter Illya M. Labunka progress in Ukraine, we now see backslid- ing with respect to media freedoms there,” Heorhii Gongadze have been tried and con- During the solemn opening ceremony on September 10 of the James Mace Memorial victed, we await the day that all those said U.S. Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.), Complex at the National University of the Kyiv Mohyla Academy (from left) are: Dr. involved in commissioning this crime will chairman of the Commission on Security Viacheslav Briukhovetsky, president-emeritus of NUKMA; Dr. Serhiy Kvit, president be brought to justice. Ukrainians can be of NUKMA; Dr. Stanislav Kulchytsky, senior historian at the Institute of History of and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki proud of the progress they have made to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Tetiana Yaroshenko, library director at Commission). NUKMA; and Natalia Dziubenko-Mace, widow of Dr. Mace. “I am especially concerned over the (Continued on page 21) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 No. 39 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS

Kyiv rejects proposed merger Yanukovych travels to U.S. department, who is accused of killing Gongadze in 2000. The investigators said of Naftohaz with Gazprom KYIV – President Viktor Yanukovych that former Internal Affairs Minister Yurii has left Ukraine to go on a working visit to Kravchenko had ordered the killing of the by Pavel Korduban European formula” (Komsomolskaya the United States of America, his press journalist. Lt. Gen. Pukach was arrested in Eurasia Daily Monitor Pravda, August 31). office reported on September 21. In New the Zhytomyr region in July 2009. On July On August 27 Gazprom CEO Aleksey York, President Yanukovych will take part 23 he was remanded to custody under a Fundamental differences have emerged Miller told visiting Ukrainian Fuel and in the 65th session of the United Nations court ruling. Kravchenko was found dead in talks on a joint venture between Energy Minister Yurii Boiko that the gas General Assembly, and on September 22 at his home on March 4, 2005. Russia’s Gazprom and the Naftohaz price for Ukrainian households could be he was to deliver a speech at the plenary Investigators agreed that he had commit- Ukrainy national oil and gas company. lowered to the Russian domestic level session of the General Assembly’s plenary ted suicide. Kravchenko left a suicide note Not only do Kyiv and Moscow differ on once a joint venture involving Gazprom meeting dedicated to achieving the in which he said that he was not guilty of which assets the joint venture should be and Naftohaz was formed (UNIAN, Millennium Development Goals. On anything. Gongadze disappeared in Kyiv based on and on the gas price issue, but August 27). September 23 the president’s schedule the goal of the talks is seen differently in on September 16, 2000. In November However, Mr. Miller’s price proposal called for him to address the Atlantic 2000, a headless corpse was found in a the two capitals. The Ukrainian govern- is not as lucrative as it may seem. Council of the United States and the ment has flatly rejected Gazprom’s recent forest near Tarascha in the Kyiv region, Moscow intends to increase its non-mar- General Debate of the U.N. General and experts concluded that it was likely suggestion that Naftohaz should eventu- ket domestic gas prices to the market Assembly. In addition, the program of the Gongadze’s. However, the slain journal- ally be merged with the Russian compa- level within the next few years. Mr. visit includes a series of bilateral meetings ist’s mother, Lesia Gongadze, disagrees ny. Miller’s proposal essentially meant that with the president of the 65th session of that this was the body of her son. The merger idea was put forward by Gazprom wanted to receive concessions the General Assembly, Joseph Deiss; (Ukrinform) Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin from Ukraine in the joint venture talks in President Heinz Fischer of Austria; and last spring. Ukrainian President Viktor return for a short-term gas price discount. Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada. Holodomor section returns, but... Yanukovych suggested a joint venture On September 7 Mr. Miller told jour- The president’s press office also said that a instead leading to Gazprom and Naftohaz nalists that a merger of Gazprom and meeting was scheduled with leaders of KYIV – The topic of the Holodomor, to start talks. Little progress has been Naftohaz was the final objective of the Ukrainian public organizations of the U.S. the Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933 in achieved in the talks thus far, because ongoing talks. He reiterated that Ukraine (Official Website of Ukraine’s President) Ukraine, has been returned to the official Russia and Ukraine pursue different would continue to enjoy Russian domes- website of the , goals. While Moscow wants to take full tic gas prices. Mr. Miller also said that a Kuchma on Gongadze case reported the Ukrainian Canadian Congress control over the Ukrainian gas transit on September 10. The material, which was joint venture would be only the first stage KYIV – Former Ukrainian President route by merging Naftohaz with in the process, adding that later Gazprom on the presidential site during the term of Leonid Kuchma has said that the murder Gazprom, for Kyiv the short-term goal is and Naftohaz should be merged. “We are was deleted immedi- case of journalist Heorhii Gongadze is “an to lower the gas price and, for strategic not interested in setting up a joint venture ately after President Viktor Yanukovych’s international provocation.” According to reasons, to upgrade its gas pipelines in just for the sake of a joint venture,” he inauguration in February. The Holodomor media reports of September 15, he said order that they should remain the princi- said (Interfax, September 7). A merger section included historical information and this to reporters during a recent visit to pal route for Russian gas bound for would inevitably result in Naftohaz’s initiatives leading up to and during com- Chernihiv. “This is an international scan- Europe. takeover by Gazprom. This is because of memorations marking the 75th anniversa- dal designed to compromise Ukraine. Ukraine now wants to set up a joint the two economies’ and the two compa- ry of the genocide. The Ukrainian They didn’t give me or Ukraine any peace venture with Gazprom in order to receive nies’ different sizes: Naftohaz is not Canadian Congress actively participated in for five years,” he said. Mr. Kuchma access to gas deposits in Russia, which worth more than 10 to 15 percent of the campaign spearheaded by the charged that foreign secret services had should make it possible to lower the Gazprom. Ukrainian World Congress and its mem- been involved in Gongadze’s disappear- domestic price of gas. In exchange, Kyiv Kyiv immediately rejected Mr. bership to have the information restored. ance. He added that agents from the is ready to allow Gazprom to participate Miller’s plan. “Naftohaz will not “The Ukrainian Canadian community calls Central Intelligence Agency were present in the management of its pipelines become part of Gazprom,” Mr. Boiko upon Ukraine’s President Viktor at anti-presidential demonstrations follow- (UNIAN, August 25). affirmed on September 8, adding that Yanukovych to properly memorialize the ing Gongadze’s disappearance. “This was Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola “any unification should be on the parity horrors of the Holodomor,” stated Paul paid for. Money makes everything possi- Azarov told his Cabinet on August 25 basis only.” Mr. Azarov’s press service Grod, Ukrainian Canadian Congress presi- ble,” Mr. Kuchma said. As reported earli- that he intended to revise the gas agree- confirmed this position. “We discuss dent. “No people can build a nation state er, on September 14 the Procurator ments with Russia that were signed by market mechanisms for setting up an without knowing their history, especially General’s Office of Ukraine announced the previous government of Prime efficient joint venture where the inter- one as difficult and tragic as Ukrainian the completion of the investigation into a Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in January ests of both sides would be equally history. This website is only one of a series criminal case against Oleksii Pukach, the 2009. taken into consideration,” the Ukrainian of educational and commemorative initia- former head of the external surveillance He said the gas price formula accepted prime minister’s press secretary, Vitalii tives that the world expects the govern- by Ms. Tymoshenko should be changed Lukianenko, said (Interfax-Ukraine, unit of the Ukrainian Internal Affairs despite the April 2010 gas-for-naval base September 8). Ministry’s main criminal investigation (Continued on page 14) accord with Russia according to which Moscow has also been parsimonious Ukraine enjoys discounts until at least about the gas fields that Kyiv wants it to 2019. In doing so, the Ukrainian govern- contribute to the joint venture. Gazprom ment has allowed the Russian Black Sea Deputy CEO Valery Golubev said on THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY FOUNDED 1933 Fleet to remain in Sevastopol until 2042. September 9 that gas deposits in Mr. Azarov stated that without the dis- Astrakhan and the Yamal peninsula could An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., counts, high Russian gas prices would be contributed. However, a source on a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. have ruined the economy (UNIAN, Boiko’s team told Kommersant-Ukraine Yearly subscription rate: $55; for UNA members — $45. August 25). Mr. Putin replied that the dis- that the proposal did not suit Kyiv. The Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. count by which Russia “supports the source said that gas extraction in the con- (ISSN — 0273-9348) economy of a friendly state,” was ditions of Yamal permafrost would The Weekly: UNA: “enough” and that Ukraine would contin- require heavy investment and that Kyiv Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 ue to pay for gas “according to the would instead prefer the Urengoy gas fields in western Siberia (Kommersant- Postmaster, send address changes to: Ukraine, September 10). The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz Despite Kyiv’s negative attitude 2200 Route 10 Editors: Matthew Dubas Corrections towards the merger plan, Moscow contin- P.O. Box 280 Zenon Zawada (Kyiv) The story “Environmental initiative ues to push the deal. Russian Duma Parsippany, NJ 07054 engages Plast scouts nationwide” (August Deputy Speaker Valery Yazev, who is 8) contained a typographical error in the head of the Gas Society, recently hinted The Ukrainian Weekly Archive:; e-mail: [email protected] web address for information about the that Moscow might drop its South Stream initiative’s projects. The correct address gas pipeline project if Ukraine agreed to is the Gazprom-Naftohaz merger (Interfax- The Ukrainian Weekly, September 26, 2010, No. 39, Vol. LXXVIII Ukraine, September 13). Kyiv has been Copyright © 2010 The Ukrainian Weekly The introduction to the article insisting that South Stream, which if built “Remembrance: Sydir Nowakiwsky: On will partially divert the gas flow from and off the chessboard” (September 12) Ukraine, should be dropped in favor of ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA by Boris Baczynskyj mistakenly said it the cheaper alternative of upgrading Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3041 was written in the fall of 2008 (as per Naftohaz’s pipelines to carry more gas to e-mail: [email protected] information provided by Mr. Europe. Maria Oscislawski, advertising manager (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 Nowakiwsky’s family). The article was fax: (973) 644-9510 found on Mr. Baczynskyj’s computer in The article above is reprinted from e-mail: [email protected] the fall of 2009; however, the date it was Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission Mariyka Pendzola, subscriptions (973) 292-9800, ext. 3042 written is unclear, since the author died in from its publisher, the Jamestown e-mail: [email protected] January 2008. Foundation, No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 3 COMMENTARY: The first and second murders of Heorhii Gongadze by Serhiy Hrabovsky ball bats; two other members of Parliament which 10 years later still eludes attempts by perished in car crashes, as did the chief of the authorities and official commentators to An entire epoch has passed since the dis- the Ukrainian state arms export company. curtail it. appearance and murder 10 years ago of And, almost as a culmination, when Mr. One way or another, Gongadze’s work Ukrainian journalist Heorhii Gongadze. The Kuchma finally exited the stage, another got to someone. In those days it was easy to age of former President Leonid Kuchma, bizarre death: the suicide – as officially ruled deal with an opposition newspaper – you which gave rise to secret units of Internal by Ukraine’s procurator general) of former simply unofficially banned the printing com- Affairs Ministry officers (the so-called Internal Affairs Minister Yurii Kravchenko. pany from printing it. If the newspaper hap- “Kravchenko eagles” who dealt with oppo- There were two gunshots to his head. pened to have its own printing outfit, you nents of the regime in illegal and often lethal The era of Viktor Yushchenko followed. closed it down with an inspection. A viola- ways) too has passed. tion of some sort could be easily found. Or, Kuchmism began in Ukraine in 1994. During his tenure, mysterious deaths stopped if could not, one could simply be fabricated. Then, under mysterious circumstances, the occurring. Early in his presidency, Mr. A television or radio station was even eas- chairman of the Ukrainian Barristers Union Yushchenko declared that Gongadze’s mur- ier to deal with. You simply take away their went missing. Enigmatic deaths that remain der had been solved and, in a way, it was. frequencies. But the Internet? Those who unanswered to this day followed: former The actual killers were tried and imprisoned. wanted to “neutralize” Gongadze took the National Bank of Ukraine Chairman Vadym But the names of those who ordered the kill- most effective road, one dictated by the Hetman, opposition leader Vyacheslav ing remained a mystery. That mystery was Stalinist formula “no person, no problem.” Chornovil, businessman and Parliament solved only 10 years later, when officials According to Ukraine’s procurator gener- Deputy Yevhen Scherban, and many others. named former Interior Minister Kravchenko al, around September 13-14, 2000, then There were also prominent politicians, par- as the culprit. Internal Affairs Minister Kravchenko liamentarians, journalists – some died in Heorhii Gongadze was not a martyr in the ordered the chief of the ministry’s strange road accidents, others were assassi- service of freedom of speech, as some would Heorhii Gongadze Department of Investigations, Gen. Oleksiy nated and others seemingly took their own have him. He was a Ukrainian journalist – Pukach, to kill Gongadze. On the evening of lives. mature, experienced, hardened and, at the he didn’t even know who Gongadze was, the September 16, Gongadze was picked up by And then – Gongadze. Sadly, he was not same time, somewhat romantic. He was, Ukrainian president was patently not telling the last on this list of the dead. Other unex- however, very serious about his work. the truth. Gen. Pukach and other ministry forces, and plained deaths followed. Journalist Ihor Gongadze stood out from the journalistic Gongadze created the first popular and on the 17th, shortly after midnight, he was Oleksandrov was beaten to death with base- crowd by daring to ask the unpleasant ques- influential Internet site in Ukraine, killed. His body was buried in a forest, and tions. I remember a television program dur- Ukrayinska Pravda. There are many rumors his head, which Gen. Pukach personally cut Serhiy Hrabovsky is a Kyiv-based writ- ing which Mr. Kuchma was taking questions as to who financed the initial project, but off, was buried in a different wooded area. er and a longtime contributor to RFE/RL’s from journalists. All but one posed polite those rumors are meaningless. What is During the first weeks of Gongadze’s dis- Ukrainian Service. The views expressed in questions that would not upset the president. important is that these were not criminal appearance, a certain skepticism prevailed this commentary are the author’s own and The one who did not was Gongadze. It is funds. Had this been the case, it would have among fellow journalists. We all felt that his do not necessarily reflect those of RFE/ highly unlikely that Mr. Kuchma could for- become eminently clear during the first days killers would never be found, much less RL. get this episode. When he later claimed that following Gongadze’s disappearance. those who ordered his death. But the case Ukraine’s media situation is such that the developed a life of its own: the Gongadze vast majority of journalists must fall into line case became a symbol of the regime’s law- with the tastes and political inclinations of lessness and of the struggle against this the owners of the media outlets where they regime. At Council of Europe and U.N., OSCE work. Ukrainian media do not serve the con- There are many unanswered questions in sumer or the advertisers, but their sponsors, this case, despite the procurator general’s underscores fight against trafficking who see to the financial needs of the media neat wrap-up – questions that seemingly in return for a certain political line or the could be answered during the trial of Gen. Organization for Security strong emphasis on the importance of advancement of their business interests. Pukach. That is, if the trial is an open one, and Cooperation in Europe shared goals, thoroughly considered and These were the rules that Gongadze had which as yet is uncertain. No other high-pro- tested recommendations, and direct and to abide by in his work. However, wherever file persons are named in the procurator gen- VIENNA – Partnership among public constructive feedback. eral’s indictment. institutions, non-governmental organiza- he worked, he established for himself a cer- The OSCE has worked actively promot- tain freedom. However, according to Ukrayinska tions and international organizations is ing multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder Pravda, Gen. Pukach’s testimony to the essential to effectively fight trafficking in partnership in anti-trafficking action. The “No person, no problem” procurator general includes mention of the human beings, said the OSCE Special Alliance against Trafficking in Persons, current Parliament chairman, Volodymyr Representative and Coordinator for This was the case with Gongadze’s established in 2004 and hosted by the spe- Lytvyn (who was then President Kuchma’s Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Ukrayinska Pravda, which shortly after it cial representative, is an informal forum for chief of staff) and Vinnytsia Oblast State Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, addressing a appeared proved to be an oasis of free stronger cooperation for mutual benefit, Administration Chairman Mykola Dzhyga high-level meeting at the Council of Europe thought. And not simply free thought, but based on shared goals and voluntary partici- (then, vice-minister of internal affairs). on September 13. intelligent free thought and intellectual pation. Gen. Pukach claims that shortly after kill- During the meeting in Strasbourg, endeavor. The very nature of the World Wide At the United Nations, Ms. France, of the Committee of the Parties to Web fostered open and free communication, (Continued on page 21) the Council of Europe Convention on Giammarinaro’s address was part of a high- Action Against Trafficking in Human level meeting of the U.N. General Assembly Beings, Ms. Giammarinaro announced the to formally launch the United Nations plans to expand the Alliance against Global Plan of Action against Trafficking in Quotable notes Trafficking in Persons, a unique platform of Persons. This marks the first time an OSCE “I think there are obvious concerns about freedom of expression in Ukraine. over 40 partner organizations, to address Special Representative for Combating And I had a good and very wide ranging discussion of a number of those con- more effectively the new features of traf- Trafficking in Human Beings has addressed cerns with a number of civil society activists and people who care very much ficking. the U.N. General Assembly. about those issues earlier today. We will continue to emphasize very clearly the At the United Nations on August 31, the “The cornerstone of anti-trafficking poli- importance of translating commitments into actions. That’s not a matter of special representative of the Organization cy is the protection of the human rights of American lecturing, it is a matter of self-interest, as you understand very well, of for Security and Cooperation in Europe trafficked persons,” said Ms. Giammarinaro Ukrainians. People talk about challenges like fighting corruption. How can you (OSCE) said the adoption of the UN Global in an address delivered to the General fight corruption unless you have a media that’s independent enough to hold peo- Plan of Action against Trafficking in Assembly. “We need to ensure that victims ple accountable and cast a spotlight on that kind of behavior?” Persons should encourage states to redouble receive immediate and unconditional assis- “… supporting freedom of expression and creating an atmosphere in which their efforts and resources to effectively and tance and support as soon as there is the there is a genuinely free exchange of ideas, in which civil society groups and fully implement the UN Anti-trafficking slightest indication of trafficking. non-governmental organizations can work actively and effectively, is important Protocol and other international instruments Furthermore, we need to improve the pro- for the future of this society as it is for any democratic society.” to combat this crime. tection of victims’ rights in legal proceed- “I made very clear in my conversations here, just as Secretary [of State “It is vital to join efforts in order to tackle ings, especially the right to compensation, to Hillary] Clinton did last July, that the United States welcomes commitments that the main problem we face nowadays,” Ms. enable trafficked persons to regain owner- are made rhetorically about support for reforms, but it’s very important to see Giammarinaro told the Council of Europe. ship of their lives and to pursue their own actions which reflect that. And we will continue to support the efforts of all of “Today we are launching a broad discussion objectives.” you and all of your colleagues in the media to try to find the truth and to speak on expanding alliance membership. A larger Ms. Giammarinaro called for support for out clearly about issues and abuses and problems where you see them. We will partnership is crucial to step up our anti-traf- a United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for continue to support the efforts of civil society groups to protect the democratic ficking action, especially in the field of traf- Victims of Trafficking in Persons, especially gains that have been made in this society over the years. That was a very impor- ficking for labor exploitation, which to date women and children, envisaged by the tant part of the agenda in the discussions that I had today. It was a very important has not been adequately addressed world- Action Plan, saying it was important to part of the agenda of Secretary Clinton’s discussions last July. And it will contin- wide, shows a growing trend and affects ensure that it brings direct benefit to traf- ue to be a very important part of our agenda in the weeks and months ahead.” many economic sectors, including agricul- ficked persons. ture, construction and domestic work.” She also called for improved social inclu- – William J. Burns, U.S. undersecretary of state for political affairs, respond- Ms. Giammarinaro, who took part in a sion of trafficked persons, more focused and ing to separate questions about freedom of expression, press freedom and civil thematic debate on partnerships among effective law enforcement and criminal jus- society in Ukraine at a media roundtable in Kyiv on September 9 after his meet- international organizations active in the field tice action, and more innovative approaches ing with Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych. of trafficking in human beings, placed to prevent trafficking in human beings. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 No. 39 32 bishops attend cornerstone event for UCU dormitory by Oksana Shkodzinska and Matthew Matuszak LVIV – Patriarch Lubomyr Husar, head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, with 32 bishops from Ukraine, Western Europe, the Americas and Australia in attendance, on September 5 placed a time capsule in the foundation of the new dor- mitory of the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). The dormitory is one of a number of buildings planned for a new campus, including a campus church and pastoral center, academic building, library, infor- mation center, museum and hotel. The event began with a moleben (prayer service) to the Ukrainian Greek- Catholic martyrs beatified by Pope John Paul II in Lviv in June 2001. The mole- ben was held in the Church of the Blessed Martyrs of the Ukrainian Thirty-two bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Church from Ukraine, Western Europe, the Americas and Australia attended Catholic Church, near Stryiskyi Park, the placing of a time capsule in the foundation of the new dormitory of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. with the participation of bishops, priests and faithful. This was followed by a pro- academic environment. This is a declara- learning. It is a community of witnesses The dormitory will be the first building cession to the construction site, which the tion of our openness to various social who respond to today’s needs, emphasiz- on UCU’s new campus, which the uni- late pope blessed in June 2001. environments with which we are prepared ing the value and dignity of the human versity plans to have completed by 2020. “Today we have placed a time capsule to cooperate and together with whom we being. Our activity is a very important in the foundation of the future university are prepared to learn how to live the faith.” factor in the building of a new and better Further information about UCU (in campus. In the very place where the most The UCU, Patriarch Lubomyr under- future.” English and Ukrainian) is available on the needy, our developmentally disabled scored in his speech, is more than an aca- In his greeting, Myroslav Senyk, head university’s website at friends, will live,” said the Rev. Borys demic institution. “This is a community of the Lviv Oblast Administration, Readers may also contact the Ukrainian Gudziak, Ph.D., rector of the UCU. The of people – students, teachers, staff – who encouraged those present to help in the Catholic Education Foundation, which is dormitory is planned for 180 to 200 stu- look for their future in the union of the construction of the new campus: “Serve the largest supporter of UCU’s annual dents. Some staff will live there also, and newest scholarly achievements and the God with those talents which He gave us: operating budget. The UCEF may be con- it will contain special lodging for people deep experience of the faith of the mar- engineering, construction, philanthropy, tacted in writing at 2247 W. Chicago Ave., with special needs from the L’Arche com- tyrs. For, with the assistance of the expe- and other not less important abilities.” Chicago, IL 60622; by phoning 773-235- munity for the developmentally disabled. rience of martyrdom we can more deeply Mayor Andrii Sadovyi of Lviv called 8462; e-mailing [email protected]; or brows- “[The developmentally disabled]” con- peer into the essence of our existence… UCU’s new campus “a place of tomor- ing its website, The phone tinued the Rev. Gudziak, “were isolated Our university opens its eyes to the truth row, which is based on the foundation of number of the UCEF in Canada is 416- from society and, in particular, from the of life not only by the means of positive faith and learning.” 239-2495.

EU issues statement of concern Concerns mount about press freedom about media freedom in Ukraine in Ukraine as journalist is attacked Following is the text of the fear of violence and intimidation. In by Olha Dorovskykh injury, cuts and numerous bruises. European Union’s statement on free- this context, the EU also expresses its RFE/RL His friend Mr. Samoylov says police dom of the media in Ukraine, which concerns at recent reports of violence sprayed tear gas into his eyes. “It all hap- DONETSK, Ukraine – A journalist was released on September 20. and harassment against media profes- pened very quickly, without any warning. says he was severely beaten up by police sionals in Ukraine. They didn’t introduce themselves and in the city of Donetsk, fueling concerns The European Union notes with sat- The EU hopes for progress in all didn’t show any documents,” Mr. about press freedom in Ukraine under isfaction the implementation of a num- pending investigations into new and Samoylov says. President Viktor Yanukovych. ber of important reforms in Ukraine. old criminal cases concerning journal- “They immediately put handcuffs on Journalist Artyom Furmanyuk says the The political dialogue between Ukraine ists, in particular, that related to the Anton, and Artyom and I protested. I was and the EU is continuing at the highest killing of Heorhii Gongadze. incident took place on the night of immediately sprayed with gas. After this level. As mentioned by the president of The EU welcomes the planned visit September 17 outside his home following I could only hear shouting and swearing, the European Council, Herman Van of OSCE Representative on Freedom a dispute with a group of strangers. then they started beating us.” Rompuy, following his meeting with of the Media Dunja Mijatovic to Kyiv Police deny the allegation, saying Mr. Mr. Samoylov claims the officers also President Viktor Yanukovych earlier on October 11 and 12 with the aim of Furmanyuk’s injuries resulted from a ripped a gold chain off his neck and stole this week, democracy, the rule of law collecting first-hand information on the street brawl. the contents of his wallet. and respect for human rights are basic media freedom situation from all stake- According to Mr. Furmanyuk, who Mr. Furmanyuk and his friends were values the EU shares with Ukraine. In holders, including government repre- runs a news website devoted to exposing released without charges. crime and corruption in the Donetsk the process of reform engaged by sentatives, civil society and journalists. Police reject allegations Ukraine, it is important that the respect The EU looks forward to the fruitful region, police arrived at the scene after for those basic core values be continu- cooperation of the Ukrainian authori- one of the strangers telephoned friends The case has set Ukraine’s Internet ously enhanced. ties with her mission. working in the police force. abuzz, with readers leaving angry com- In this respect, we recall the pledge The EU reiterates its commitment to He says the police immediately hand- ments accusing the police of abuse and made by President Yanukovych in deepening its relationship with Ukraine cuffed him, his brother Anton corruption. April this year to uphold media plural- and stands ready to assist the govern- Furmanyuk, and their two friends Yevhen The Donetsk police have firmly denied ism and to ensure the protection of ment of Ukraine in ensuring that media Demchenko and Roman Samoylov. any wrongdoing and held a news confer- journalists as a response to some wor- pluralism and OSCE media freedom “They came up and immediately began ence on September 21 to reject the accu- rying developments in the field of commitments are fully respected, also handcuffing us, they said they were going sations. media freedom in Ukraine. in the framework of the EU-Ukraine to take us to the Kalininskyy district Donetsk police chief Viktor Dubovyk In this context, the EU expresses its Partnership and Cooperation police station,” Mr. Furmanyuk says. said Mr. Furmanyuk sustained his injuries deep concern over the disappearance of Agreement. “They put handcuffs on Yevhen and on during a street brawl with the group of the Ukrainian journalist Vasyl The candidate countries Turkey, my brother, but Roman and I resisted, we strangers prior to the police’s arrival, and Klymentyev in August. We welcome Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic asked on what grounds this was happen- that the officers “resorted to weapons to the personal attention of President of Macedonia and Iceland, the coun- ing.” stop the fight and because people were Yanukovych in the investigation into tries of the Stabilization and Mr. Furmanyuk says the officers unlawfully refusing to obey the police Mr. Klymentyev’s disappearance and Association Process and potential can- pinned him to the ground before kicking officers.” his call for law enforcement bodies to didate countries Albania, Bosnia and him and beating him with truncheons. “I The head of the local police station, do everything possible to find Mr. Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia, was beaten by three men,” he says. “I Vasyl Horyachev, also told the confer- Klymentyev. We will continue to pay the European Free Trade Association saw only two, but my brother says there ence that Mr. Furmanyuk was drunk and attention to developments in the inves- country and member of the European were three. In the end I was screaming denied he mentioned being a journalist, tigation. Economic Area Norway, as well as with agony, I could no longer bear it.” sparking a furious reaction from Mr. It is of utmost importance that jour- Armenia and Andorra align themselves The journalist claims he was beaten a Furmanyuk and his supporters. nalists can carry out their work without with this statement. second time inside the police station. He suffered broken ribs, a severe eye (Continued on page 16) No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 5 INTERVIEW: A conversation with Ruslana at Soyuzivka by Yarema Belej that we women want to be beautiful for Ukraine, organize institutions in Ukraine you and love you more – the message and look to establish professional spheres Yarema Belej, a freelance journalist permeates that a women is created to love and foundations in Ukraine. who has written for The Ukrainian and be loved. Weekly, had an opportunity to sit down Last year when you were here you with Ruslana, the internationally known Sounds like you are crafting a very paid a visit the Plast camp not too far pop star from Ukraine, a few hours positive message for all girls and away. Although I wasn’t there myself, I before her return performance at women. It seems like this message may heard that you spoke very fondly of Soyuzivka on Sunday evening of Labor resonate with those who fall into poor Plast. Are you a member? Day weekend. Ruslana spoke openly and situations and into misfortune in Of course I am! Although, I think my honestly about her plans, her feelings Ukraine. last camp was in the early 1990s. about Ukraine and the diaspora, and her Yes, this has to be discussed openly. It It seems that your music, especially hopes for the future. is not about career, not about feminism, Mr. Belej noted that the interview was the new album you are working on, but about a woman being natural, being lends itself to the empowerment of not scripted, chaperoned or influenced in herself, being a woman. any way. It was a conversation the two young women, of youth in general, as shared on Soyuzivka’s tennis courts as You were one of the first to stand does Plast and similar organizations. Ruslana waited for the sound system along with Viktor Yushchenko and Of course, we live among nature. And check. (The text below is translated from Yulia Tymoshenko on the “maidan” Plast takes place in nature. Nature has its Ukrainian.) (Independence Square) during the own vibrations. We feel the energy that Orange Revolution a few years back. It is nice to see that you have you cannot feel in a discotheque, regard- Now that this leadership is no longer less of how much one can drink. returned to Soyuzivka. Ruslana during an interview on the there, where is your vote? Where is Regardless of what young person may tennis courts at Soyuzivka. You are correct to say that I have your support? come by, the experiences they have in returned, I really love coming here. You My vote now is with Ms. Tymoshenko, nature, at camp with their colleagues is know I have an odd feeling that this is meet embrace us completely. it has remained with her throughout the truly magical. In the city you don’t have not really only my second time here, but Even though this is the first time we elections. My vote remained with her, that magic. that I have been here my whole life. are meeting, because we are all because she is the only one left from the I remember when I would return to the Soyuzivka has something very special Ukrainians, we are brothers and sisters – maidan. Of all those that stood there, she city from camp I would have such a dif- here, for one the view and feel is very we are family, but here people are is the only one left standing. ferent disposition, a different smile on my akin to the Karpaty. uncommonly warm – they shine, they are face, an attitude that I could do anything. It all looks as it does in Yaremcha, always smiling, they are very unique. Is it a shame to you that the vote This is why I think that Plast is unique in Ukraine. It’s like we are surrounded by Last year during your visit you were went the way it did? that youth has an opportunity to experi- Hutsuls. Whether we have visited with promoting your new album. Is there We have to turn the page. If we con- ence, learn and obtain things that are oth- those from Plast or Sum [Ukrainian anything you are currently working on, stantly sit and bemoan what transpired, erwise impossible. American Youth Association], you feel anything we can expect to come out then we will never go regret. We have to the spirit of ‘Little Ukraine’ as it should Your dancers have been with you a soon? go forward and not look back and forsake be back at home. Often when you go long time, correct? Are you like a fami- that it did not go the way it was supposed around Ukraine you don’t even see this, Yes, soon we will be releasing some ly? to, because perhaps it went the way it was and we find ourselves wanting to come to new material. We actually recorded some supposed to. Sure, it probably isn’t the Yes, they have all been with me for 10 Soyuzivka to experience this. unique material for Soyuzivka that is best, but it could always be worse, right? years – everyone. We are such a family I will tell you, we are here only two available, but soon we will be releasing We can at least find some comfort in that. already, we are already discussing who days already and we are so fortunate to more. In fact I spent three months in Los will be godparents of whose kids, how see all this activity and fun among Angeles recording and writing a new But is there a disappointment for our children will all marry – we will all Ukrainians – I haven’t witnessed any- album. those who felt and believe the way you be together always. thing like this since I was very young. I In fact I have been working with did and do? remember when I was young there was Volodymyr (Vlad) Debriansky, with Looking forward, how will your Let me tell you – the time for grief this great atmosphere, Ukrainian music whom I will be playing tonight. He has music, your future evolve? came and went. Believe me, many of us playing all around us and singing our tra- been in LA for the last 15 years and has were very heartbroken, dejected and Collectively we must stay together. We ditional songs. But this is not as common been nominated for a Grammy Award upset about how it all came about. And must keep that collective energy, that pas- in Ukraine today – so this is why I say four times. He is a legendary guitarist ... for me personally there was a good deal sion. Because when an audience sees that that I come to Soyuzivka to feel as I did and is currently helping me to create this energy, that togetherness, they feel it, when I was young. It is how it was, how new album. We just completed the instru- of time where I was very down and really taking it to heart, but those around me they believe in it. You can play the nicest it always should be. mental arrangements and recordings, and music, you can choreograph the greatest will be traveling to Europe to work on the would tell me not to take it so personally As this is your return trip to and close to the heart, because it wasn’t dances for a whole hour, but you may not lyrics and vocal fine-tuning. reach anyone’s heart. But if you have the Soyuzivka, after the successful But you can expect the album to be worth being so upset about it. Ukrainian Cultural Festival perfor- But I just couldn’t – it made me go energy you can stand up and sing just one completed later this year. However, this song and everyone will go crazy. mance last year, can you say that any- album will take on a different form. It gray, look, I wasn’t even able to dye it! thing has changed? Is everything the Honestly, I went grey from it, I was I want us to develop technically as a will be premiering worldwide, and we whole. In fact currently we are trying to same? will be promoting it worldwide. You see, young then, now I am grey-haired. I tell you that you too would have greyed soak up absolutely anything and every- Things are great. For one, we now before I would focus on specific regions thing we can during our American stay know what to expect, we know how of the world – Europe, Canada and standing alongside them and witnessing the politics. and bring it back with us. This summer I things will go. We feel more prepared this Australia – all separately. This time it was learning from some of the best vocal- time around. But I would love to make an will be a worldwide release and promo- But I truly believe that it is an opportu- nity for a cleansing. Something like that ists. They have worked with Michael appearance here every year. It seems to tion, trying to appeal internationally. Jackson, Barbra Streisand, Madonna – me that Soyuzivka is attracting more peo- has to happen on its own; we have to You took the world by storm by seek that clean water. Ukraine is in need they are the best. This experience was ple from all over. I have a feeling that great, but the key is to mix that with our singing “Wild Dances” (Dyki Tantsi) of a cleansing – it is an opportunity for us there were more here from further away energy, our Ukrainian energy. and encouraging your listeners to get to wash away that which is not ours, not this time – and that is something that I We may sing in English, but it will be up and dance wildly. What are you proper. would love for Soyuzivka to continue to a Ukrainian spirit, Ukrainian dress – a singing about now? What message are Those of us who did not sully our- do, to pull Ukrainians from all over the Ukrainian style. There may be better your songs carrying these days? selves will stay clean – those that were on world; from London, Portugal, Australia technical dancers, they may be better than This time, we will have a very interest- the maidan stayed as such, they did not – basically anywhere that the Ukrainian us in many ways, but they cannot top our ing idea, ideology. The music and songs change. diaspora is alive and well. Ukrainian spirit. Somehow we will have to figure out are geared towards girls and women. I You speak very well of the diaspora You often sing “Chervona Ruta” how to do this, how to invite them all to want my music to appeal to and uplift and your deep respect for it. Do you and other songs by Volodymyr Ivasiuk. the 26th oblast of Ukraine. girls. It is rooted in the ideas that I had think that in the immediate future with “Dyki Tantsi,” but a continuation Do you feel that you rely on the tradi- You have traveled the world and there is an opportunity for the diaspo- and an organic evolution of that same tional Ukrainian songs that were a had the fortune to perform in front of ra and the people of Ukraine to work idea. It will have a specific message to driving force against communism and various people. I am sure that you have together for a common interest? girls and women of the world to stand the Soviets? Do you believe that this is been warmly welcomed by all, but do and establish who we are and who we I believe that from the diaspora some central to your music and the current the people of North America differ in want to be, who we dream to be. very strong leaders will come into Ukrainian music being created today? any way from those in other areas of I know that this will really appeal to Ukraine and they, in turn, will make the world? Currently we are actively collecting them, they will like it – there are some Ukrainian politics stronger. This is my music from Lviv that was present in the America is very unique. Americans are very beautiful messages in there. new thought and hope. I see this now 1930s. I believe that Ivasiuk himself was always having fun, they rarely show that However, boys and men will also really because here people have strong educa- a shining star. His music is the Ukrainian they are stressed, and this is something like it as it will energize and excite them tion, they have strong experience, they standard and is what all our music should you can see right away – their positive – it is very energetic. It has a lot of rock, have great social awareness and educa- be measured against. energy. Everyone in all the other coun- a move away a bit from the dance and tion in North America. Perhaps Ukraine herself does not know tries is great too. Regardless of where we more of a rock sound. But, again, males I really do hope that people not only go, London or wherever, the people we will like the message as it emphasizes strive to succeed here, but also travel to (Continued on page 21) 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 No. 39

NEWS AND VIEWS The Ukrainian Weekly The Gongadze case Russian abuse at the U.N. by Askold S. Lozynskyj relationship towards the individual who September 16 marked the 10th anniversary of the murder of independent jour- was extradited to Germany from Russia nalist Heorhii Gongadze. The founder of the pioneering and crusading Internet The structure of the United Nations [sic] as this individual was involved in newspaper Ukrayinska Pravda disappeared on that night in 2000 never to be officially consists of a little more than 190 World War II. From this website we note heard from again. His headless body was found on November 2 of that year in a countries comprising its membership as that your organization requested the forest in the Kyiv region. well as institutions created by the United European Union and other legal bodies to On the anniversary date, mourners in Kyiv lit candles in Independence Square Nations, e.g., UNESCO, the International release Ivan Demjanjuk.” in memory of Gongadze, and the slain journalist’s colleagues recalled him as a Court on Human Rights, etc. During the aforementioned 58th courageous man who believed strongly in freedom of speech, freedom of the Additionally the United Nations recog- General Assembly, the Permanent press – and the truth. nizes the role of non-governmental orga- Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations Just two days before the 10th anniversary, on September 14, the Procurator nizations in democracy-building and had circulated and read into the U.N. General’s Office announced the completion of the investigation into the criminal allows NGO participation in the U.N. record a statement on the Holodomor. case against Gen. Oleksii Pukach, ex-chief of the external surveillance unit of the process in special consultative capacity. The UWC had circulated additionally its Internal Affairs Ministry’s main criminal investigation department, who is Since 2003 the Ukrainian World own statement which referred to 7 mil- expected to stand trial on charges that he led a group of police in kidnapping and Congress has had the opportunity to serve lion to 10 million Ukrainian deaths dur- killing Gongadze. (Three officers, Mykola Protasov, Oleksander Popovych and in that capacity. ing the Holodomor. Valerii Kostenko, were found guilty in 2008 of participating in the kidnapping NGO’s at the U.N. are required to sub- The UWC answered the Russians with and murder.) Investigators said that former Internal Affairs Minister Yurii mit quadrennial reports of their activity a footnoted five-page analysis of the Kravchenko ordered Gen. Pukach to kill Gongadze. for review by a 19-member committee numbers relying on several sources, i.e. Critics say it is much more than convenient to declare that the principal guilty composed of member-governments. ’s book “Harvest of party is a dead man. Minister Kravchenko in March 2005 allegedly committed Scrutiny is often perfunctory as more Sorrow”; the Final Report to Congress of suicide – a tough feat when there are two bullets to the head – and his death than 3,000 NGOs are affiliated with the the U.S. Commission on the Ukraine came a day before he was to be questioned by investigators. There still are indi- United Nations with various degrees of Famine; the findings of an International cations that the plot to take care of Gongadze came from much higher up – even activity. Commission of eminent international from the office of then President Leonid Kuchma himself and his chief of staff at The following is a brief summary of a jurists, convened by the Ukrainian World the time, Volodymyr Lytvyn, who today is chairman of the Verkhovna Rada. rather bizarre occurrence within the U.N. Congress, which rendered its final report Both men deny any involvement in the elimination of a critic of the Kuchma In May 2007 the Ukrainian World in 1990; and two censuses taken in the regime. Congress submitted its quadrennial report USSR along ethnic lines before and after Incredibly, Mr. Kuchma recently stated that the murder was the result of an for 2003-2006. To date this report has not the Famine of 1932-1933 which support international conspiracy. “This is an international scandal designed to compro- been approved. One member-state, the the aforesaid number. mise Ukraine. They didn’t give me or Ukraine any peace for five years,” he told Russian Federation, singlehandedly has Regarding the other points requesting the news media during a visit to Chernihiv. The former president said foreign been responsible for the delay. clarification, the UWC stated that it is secret services were involved and that the CIA was present at anti-presidential Russian opprobrium against the opposed to the glorification of Nazi war demonstrations following Gongadze’s disappearance. “This was paid for. Money Ukrainian World Congress was initially criminals, Communist criminals and any makes everything possible,” Mr. Kuchma said, according to the Ukrinform news manifested during the first review session other criminals for that matter; that nei- service. in January 2008. Since then, several ther the English nor the Ukrainian ver- Mr. Lytvyn told the Kyiv Post: “The investigation confirmed that I have nothing review sessions have been held, with the sions of its website idealizes Nazi or war to do with this case. I believe that all these events [Gongadze case, Melnychenko latest in June of this year. In four instanc- criminals and that the UWC considers tapes] were directed also from outside of Ukraine and directed also by special ser- es the Russian delegation has interposed this accusation against it totally unfound- vices. I think this was organized in order to put Ukraine in its place.” questions to the UWC which can only be ed and requests an immediate retraction However, the lawyer who represents Gongadze’s widow, Myroslava, who now described as brazenly political, often pro- of same; and that the UWC values ideal- lives in the United States, told the press that, from what she has seen of Gen. vocative, certainly leading and arguably ism, certainly, prefers it to materialism Pukach’s testimony, both Mr. Kuchma and Mr. Lytvyn are implicated. abusive. and respects the nationalism of all Clearly, even 10 years after the fact, many more questions remain about the The following represents a citation of nations, provided it is not extreme, such murder of Heorhii Gongadze. And the investigation into the case must continue the bulk of these questions. as chauvinism, i.e. Russian nationalism until all the guilty parties are found and all the questions are answered. From letter No. 1: which historically has bordered on chau- But the saddest truth of all is that today there are new Gongadzes in Ukraine, “1) What is the position of your orga- vinism and imperialism. like the founder and editor-in-chief of the Kharkiv newspaper Novyi Styl, Vasyl nization on the joint statement about the As for John Demjanjuk, the UWC Klymentyev, who has been missing since August and is now presumed dead; or ‘Holodomor’ made during the 58th (sic) pointed out that its transmission to the Internet journalist Artyom Furmanyuk of Donetsk, who was severely beaten by of the United Nations General Assembly? European Union was predicated on the police; or the head of the local journalists’ union in Donetsk, Hennadii “2) What are the sources of the num- German government’s incongruous legal Berezovskyi, who was assaulted. bers of the deaths from the ‘Great reasoning in instituting the proceedings. These and other cases have prompted officials of the United States and the Famine’ in your statement?’ The UWC’s position was supported European Union to speak out about the backsliding of media freedom in Ukraine From letter No. 2: “inter alia” by two earlier decisions of the and to call on the country’s leaders to protect journalists. And so, 10 years after “Clarification with governmental and Supreme Court of Israel, where the the gruesome killing of Heorhii Gongadze under the Kuchma regime, the same official structure in Ukraine.” charges alleged currently in the German nefarious forces are at work in Ukraine under the administration of President From letter No. 3: indictment had been addressed and dis- Viktor Yanukovych as the gains made after the Orange Revolution are being “Please clarify which [sic] is the posi- missed by the Israeli courts. erased. tion of your organization in regard to the The UWC’s quadrennial report and, in glorification of Nazi war criminals.” particular, its last response will be scruti- From letter No. 4: nized by the review committee consisting “1. There is substantial difference in of Russia and 18 U.N. member-states your website from the English language with no agenda against Ukrainians in Sept. Turning the pages back... version to the Ukrainian version. In this January 2011. connection, and in particular, please Perhaps it should be noted that the explain this idealization of Nazi or war leading Ukrainian NGO in Russia, the 28 criminals as they are indicated in your Federal National Cultural Autonomy of Six years ago, on September 28, 2004, Prime Minister Viktor website. Ukrainians in Russia, is currently under 2004 Yanukovych returned to work from spending a weekend in the “2. Please explain your organization’s suspension precisely for commemorating hospital after being pelted by an egg and subsequently falling to position towards idealism and national- the “Holodomor.” Russian abuse of other the ground in Ivano-Frankivsk on September 24, 2006. He was ism. NGOs in Russia is a serious problem, campaigning for president at the time. “3. Please explain your organization’s currently being addressed by several “When I saw him, he looked like he was just fine,” explained Hanne Severinsen, a rap- leading international human rights orga- porteur for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, during a press conference Askold S. Lozynskyj is immediate past nizations. on September 29, 2006. Ms. Severinsen met with the prime minister the previous day. president of the Ukrainian World That the United Nations could be fer- Members of Mr. Yanukovych’s entourage to Ivano-Frankivsk claimed that a hard object Congress and its current main represen- tile ground for similar abuse by Russia is hit the candidate in the head, but the object in question had yet to be identified by the tative at the United Nations. cause for concern. observers. Law enforcement officials apprehended 17-year-old Dmytro Romaniuk, a first-year uni- versity student, who said he threw the egg out of frustration over the health of presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko who was recently poisoned. The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes letters to the editor and commentaries on a From a hospital room, in a statement broadcast on all major television news programs, variety of topics of concern to the Ukrainian American and Ukrainian Canadian Mr. Yanukovych said he would not pursue a criminal case against the student, whose father communities. Opinions expressed by columnists, commentators and letter-writers was rector of the local university, Stefanyk Prykarpattia University. are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of either The Weekly edi- In an interview with Interfax-Ukraine after returning to Kyiv, Mr. Yanukovych admitted torial staff or its publisher, the Ukrainian National Association. that he failed to grasp why he had been treated so badly. “I as a politician have not said a Letters should be typed and signed (anonymous letters are not published). single offensive word to my opponents for the whole election campaign. Now I understand: Letters are accepted also via e-mail at [email protected]. (Continued on page 11) No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 7

UWC pens letter to Yanukovych Let’s talk about it on the case of Ruslan Zabilyi BY YARO BIHUN TORONTO – President of the has the right to freedom of opinion and Ukrainian World Congress, Eugene expression; this right includes freedom to Czolij, sent a letter to President Viktor hold opinions without interference and to Yanukovych on September 16, concern- seek, receive and impart information and ing the recent detention of Ruslan ideas through any media and regardless A trip to New York City Zabilyi, the director of the National of frontiers.’ Memorial Museum Prison on Lontsky. “The UWC believes that governmental It was supposed to be a simple The letter states the following: agencies should take all necessary mea- four-day visit to New York City – “On June 21, 2010, the leadership of sures to prevent the violation of human albeit the first in some 15 years – a the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) rights and fundamental freedoms and the reintroduction to the charm and cul- presented you with the ‘Memorandum on return of Ukraine to an authoritarian sys- ture of Manhattan, its marvelous Major Issues that Pertain to Ukraine and tem of governance.” museums, galleries and other institu- the Ukrainian Diaspora’ that included the The UWC also stated in its letter to tions, as well as a visit to some old following points: President Yanukovych: “In connection friends. “[...] Article 15 of the Constitution of with the aforementioned, the UWC calls Returning home to Washington, Ukraine states that censorship is prohibit- upon you to investigate Ruslan Zabilyi’s however, it felt as if I was coming ed. case and to explain the actions of the back from a trip through the history “In addition, Article 19 of the SBU that have become a source of grave of Ukraine – ranging from the early Universal Declaration of Human Rights, concern in Ukraine and the diaspora. evolution of its culture in the B.C. which was adopted by the General Given the critical nature of the situation, period, the development of its artistic Assembly of the Organization of United we request a reply to this letter by expression of Christianity between Nations in 1948, states that: ‘Everyone September 27, 2010.” the 12th and 18th centuries, and the major conflicts it endured and friend- ships it formed with its neighbors in FOR THE RECORD the latter part of that period. Actually, the experience was chronologically reversed as we visit- ed some of Manhattan’s museums Petition by historians in response and galleries. Arriving right after Labor Day, we began our adventure to detention of their colleague Zabilyi the following morning at The Ukrainian Museum, which since Yaro Bihun The following open letter was disputes depends upon the free flow of April has been showing the exhibi- Serhii Lytvynenko’s 1961 plaster portrait of addressed to the Security Service of ideas, and free access to historical sourc- tion “Ukraine – Sweden: At the Ivan Mazepa appears to gaze at the top section Ukraine on September 15. The petition is es no matter how controversial they may Crossroads of History,” focusing on of the gold and silver frame he commissioned signed by historians and other scholars be. their relationship in the 17th and 18th for the Illinska Mother of God icon – as seen at from the United States, Canada, We believe that a truly democratic and centuries and response to their com- the “Ukraine-Sweden” exhibit on display at Germany, the Netherlands, the United independent Ukraine needs and facilitates mon aggressive neighbor, Russia. The Ukrainian Museum. Kingdom, Ukraine, Italy, Austria, Poland, full and free inquiry into its history. Such It was breathtaking: more than 100 Switzerland, Hungary, Sweden, Russia an enquiry can only take place with the artifacts and documents from 27 Swedish, lery, featured more than 70 religious objects and Israel; additional signatures are broadest access to Ukrainian archives. Ukrainian and other museums and archives, from the Kyiv Monastery of the Caves and being collected. (See http://eng.maid- Given the record of denial of access to including such rare and priceless pieces as the Sheptytsky Museum in Lviv, including archives and libraries, suppression of dis- the “bulava” (mace) Pylyp Orlyk inherited one of the oldest Ukrainian icons, an 11th senting views, denial of academic free- from Hetman Ivan Mazepa, letters of corre- On September 9, 2010, SBU agents century cross, textiles, chalices and other dom, and isolation of Ukraine from the spondence and agreements between the detained the historian Ruslan Zabilyi and liturgical items. All of the items were well- international scholarly community in the Kozak and Swedish leaders (among them confiscated his research material. Now documented and their context explained on past, any Ukrainian government must be the 1657 letter from Hetman Bohdan the SBU is seeking to launch a criminal informative wall placards. A 176-page hard- especially vigiliant not to revive such Khmelnytsky to King Karl X Gustav), a bound catalogue of the exhibit was on dis- case against him. Whether we share practices. flag with Mazepa’s coat of arms, as well as play at the book store, but, unfortunately, Ruslan Zabilyi’s views or not, we consid- Against this background, the treatment weapons, armor, clothes, paintings, draw- was sold out on the day we were there. er it absolutely impermissible for a secu- of Ruslan Zabilyi points to a reversion to ings and other authentic artifacts of that One is at a loss for words when trying to rity service to harass researchers and regrettable and dangerous practices of the period. adequately describe the magnificence and obstruct intellectual activities. totalitarian past. We find this incident The exciting period of Ukraine’s history impressiveness of these two exhibits. Many of us are signing this petition in extremely worrying, especially in view of we learned about in Saturday school many On the following afternoon, it was time spite of the fact that we seriously disagree earlier illegitimate uses made of the SBU with Ruslan Zabilyi’s politics and his years ago was brought to life. for the Ukrainian Institute of America, in the realm of academia and civil society Returning uptown from the museum’s views of Ukrainian history. Even while under the new Ukrainian government. across Fifth Avenue from Central Park, we abhor the politicization of history that location in the old Ukrainian section of which was in the last days of showing its Even strong disagreements about downtown, we stopped at the Museum of has become so evident in the recent years Ukraine’s past and its politics of memory “Ancient Trypillia: Seven Thousand Years of Orange versus anti-Orange debates, we Biblical Art (MOBIA). By its Broadway of Spiritual Art” exhibit of photographs and believe that the resolution of scholarly (Continued on page 11) entrance, there was a large poster promoting holograms of objects from that period in our the exhibition “The Glory of Ukraine: history. I was the only visitor there. The Sacred Images from the 11th to the 19th exhibit was scheduled to close on Centuries.” IN THE PRESS: Little reform The exhibit, in its large second-story gal- (Continued on page 22) “Viktor ludorum; Much talk and lit- dential power. In the run-up to local elec- tle reform. Poor Ukraine,” The tions on October 31, the government tried Economist, September 16: to erect new barriers to opposition par- ties. … “…Few politicians in Ukraine are “…[President Yanukovych] has yet to completely clean. But when corruption is pass any reforms that upset the vested widespread, going only after opposition interests in the bureaucracy or set fire to figures undermines pluralism. As one of what the World Bank describes as a Mr. [Viktor] Yanukovich’s [sic] allies ‘bewildering array of rules and regula- says, “foes get the rule of law, friends tions, permits, licensing, standards and everything else.” That some investiga- certifications, most of which serve no tions are carried out by the security ser- public services and are designed to allow vice, headed by a media tycoon who fell an army of inspectors find fault, collect out with Ms. [Yulia] Tymoshenko, merely fines or bribes and feed the large bureau- proves the point. Even more disturbing cracy.’ are reports of intimidation of non-govern- “Cosmetic measures will not do, the mental organizations. World Bank says. Ukraine must shift “In seven months in power Mr. from a parasitic state that extracts rents to Yanukovich has realized more fears about a modern state that provides services. The authoritarianism than hopes of reforms. good news is that there is a domestic He has played fast and loose with the appetite for reform and much opposition Constitution to form a coalition in to authoritarianism. The bad news is that Parliament and is trying to remove a con- even this may not be enough to force “Mazepa and Charles XII on the Dnipro,” an 1879 oil on canvas by Gustaf stitutional amendment that restricts presi- change.” Cederstrom hangs behind a 17th century Swedish chalice brought to Poltava. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 No. 39

memorial complex at NUKMA in honor James Mace... of James Mace will serve as the universi- (Continued from page 1) ty’s rebuttal to the government’s shameful with Robert Conquest, Dr. Mace man- policy on the Holodomor.” Dr. Vasylenko aged to skillfully synthesize on a scholar- said. He added that it was his hope that ly level the fact that the Ukrainian NUKMA would become a Holodomor Holodomor is a global tragedy for all research center with a particular focus on various legal aspects regarding the Terror- mankind. “I encourage historians, Famine. “The faculty of international law researchers and all those interested to had, in the past, organized a roundtable on visit this site, which I am convinced will this subject, and we hope to continue as become a disseminator of truth about us well as expand on this,” concluded Dr. throughout all of Ukraine and the world,” Vasylenko. added Dr. Briukhovetsky. As a former faculty member of Dr. Volodymyr Vasylenko, Ukraine’s NUKMA and currently senior historian at former Ukrainian ambassador to Great the Institute of History of the National Britain and current professor of interna- Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dr. tional law at NUKMA, shared his criti- Stanislav Kulchytsky was also invited to cism of the current presidential adminis- offer his personal views on the occasion Illya M. Labunka tration’s stance on the Holodomor by of the solemn ceremony. Dr. Kulchytsky Lev Lukianenko speaks during the dedication ceremony of the James Mace declaring Viktor Yanukovych’s policies surmised that, although James Mace Memorial Complex at NUKMA. anti-Ukrainian and contrary to the state’s managed to produce a number of publica- national sovereignty and overall interests. tions on the Holodomor and a good had already appeared prior to and follow- ty’s library had received a number of “Therefore, I hope the opening of this amount of material about Mace himself ing his death, the work of Dr. Mace’s leg- greetings which managed to arrive from acy must not cease. abroad on the occasion of the solemn cer- “The opening of the James Mace emony dedicating the opening of the Memorial Complex should act as a cata- James Mace Memorial Complex. lyst for compiling and printing the signif- Salutations were read aloud from Prof. icant amount of never-before-published Yaroslav Rozumnyj of Winnipeg, material written by James Mace prior to Manitoba, and Prof. Roman Szporluk of his death,” stated Dr. Kulchytsky. Cambridge, Mass. Prof. Szporluk had He also praised the Harvard Ukrainian served as Mr. Mace’s doctoral thesis Research Institute for spearheading a adviser when both were teacher and stu- major academic research project on the dent, respectively, at the University of Holodomor (1981-1986) led by Dr. Mace. Michigan in Ann Arbor. As the project’s “modus vivendi,” accord- Afterwards, Dr. Kvit and Mrs. ing to Dr. Kulchytsky, Dr. Mace’s research Dziubenko-Mace, took part in the formal became the basis for Dr. Conquest’s ribbon-cutting ceremony, as the Homin groundbreaking monograph “The Harvest mixed choir provided solemn background of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the music by performing a traditional Terror-Famine” (1986), the first full aca- Ukrainian folk song. Once the ribbon was demic history of the Holodomor. cut, all present were invited to enter the “The significance of this complex is newly dedicated complex to view the var- the fact that it will guarantee future gen- ious exhibits featuring photos and docu- Inside the James Mace Memorial Complex (Library-Archive-Museum) (from left) erations the opportunity to learn about the ments spanning the life and career of Dr. are: Prof. Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak, Natalia Dziubenko-Mace, Liudmyla Holodomor,” concluded Dr. Kulchytsky. Mace, as well as a portion of his library Babliuk (a relative of Mrs. Dziubenko-Mace), and Prof. Roman Serbyn. In a tone filled with frustration and collection. anger, but at the same time resonating Once inside the complex, some mem- with hope, former dissident and political bers of the North American diaspora who prisoner and current civic activist Lev also had the opportunity to attend the sol- Lukianenko declared during the ceremo- emn event, namely Prof. Martha ny that the opening of the James Mace Bohachevsky-Chomiak of Washington, Memorial Complex is a symbol of truth Prof. Roman Serbyn of Montreal, and and defiance against falsification in con- Marta Farion of Chicago, and offered temporary Ukraine. their points of view. Mr. Lukianenko underscored the fact Reflecting on her long-term scholarly that those regions where the Holodomor acquaintance and friendship with Dr. ravaged the country the most (southern Mace, Prof. Bohachevsky-Chomiak sug- and eastern Ukraine) tend to be the least gested that Dr. Mace found a “second aware of their own tragedy. He blamed wind,” a second life in Ukraine. “He felt this phenomenon on the catastrophic at home in Ukraine and he was able to usurpation of Ukraine’s leadership by involve himself with projects here which Russocentric elements who continue to were very personal to him when he was deny the very nature of the Holodomor. still living in the United States,” she said. “Therefore, it’s high time we switched According to Dr. Bohachevsky- from a defensive strategy to an offensive Chomiak, the existence of such research tactic in the name of truth. It is our complexes as the one which was just dedi- responsibility and the duty of the younger cated at NUKMA, is very important. “And generation, which is present here today, there should be more of them,” she added, to enlighten the Ukrainian nation for the “not because this one happens to be in sake of its future,” exclaimed Mr. honor of James Mace, but because such Lukianenko. academic venues offer a viable and digni- Following the insightful recollections fied manner by which to research and provided by the invited speakers, Mrs. Yaroshenko announced that the universi- (Continued on page 22)

The banner above the entrance to the James Mace Memorial Complex during the dedication ceremony at NUKMA. No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 9

THE 19th ANNIVERSARY OF UKRAINE’S INDEPENDENCE Syracuse, N.Y. by Roma Temnycky SYRACUSE, N.Y. – Members of the Ukrainian community in Syracuse, N.Y., and surrounding areas gathered on Wednesday, September 8, to commemorate the 19th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine. The commemoration was to take place two weeks earlier, on the actual Independence Day in Ukraine, however, due to unforeseen events it was rescheduled. Master of ceremonies Nykola Lucak, president of the Ukrainian National Home, welcomed all present and spoke of the importance of the commemoration of the re- establishment of independence in Ukraine in 1991. The Rev. Vasyl Sendeha, pastor of St. Luke’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, opened the ceremony with the “Our Father” in Ukrainian. Pat Hogan, Syracuse city councilman Participants of the Ukrainian Independence Day commemoration in Syracuse, N.Y. representing the 2nd District, represented the Mayor, Stephanie Miner, who could not Several key Ukrainian organizations sent and a representative of the Ukrainian representing the Surma Men’s Choir; Hania attend the event. Mr. Hogan read the proc- representatives to the event, including: the Education Council; Pavlo Tkacz, secretary Hrycyk, president of the Syracuse branch of lamation designating September 8, 2010, in Rev. Bohdan Hedz from St. John the Baptist of Syracuse Branch 26 of the Organization the Women’s Association for the Defense of Syracuse as the observance of the 19th anni- Ukrainian Catholic Church; Dr. Ivan for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Four Freedoms for Ukraine; Lesia versary of Ukraine’s independence from Hvozda, head of the Syracuse branch of the Ukraine; Mykola Duplak, former editor of Soviet rule. Ukrainian Congress Committee of America the Narodna Volya newspaper; Toma Bocon, (Continued on page 21)

Bethlehem, Pa. BETHLEHEM Pa. – Members of the Ukrainian American community gathered on August 24 to partici- pate in the annual flag-raising ceremony held here at City Hall Plaza in honor of Ukrainian Independence Day. This year, Orest Harasymowych and Oleh Balaziuk of the local Ukrainian American Veterans Post 42 raised the American and Ukrainian flags. Oksana Kipa, a member of Branch 91 of the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, served as mistress of ceremonies and presid- ed over the program. The Rev. Daniel Gurovich, pastor of St. Josaphat’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, offered the opening prayer, after which members of the church choir led the singing of the American and Ukrainian national anthems. Mayor Don Callahan addressed the crowd and wel- comed everyone to this celebration of Ukraine’s indepen- dence. He presented a proclamation that spoke of Ukraine’s accomplishments during the past 19 years and declared the day as Ukrainian Independence Day in Bethlehem. Roman Mac was the main speaker and presented a very interesting talk on “19 Years of Independence in Ukraine.” Ola Cehelsky and Rosalia Polanska rendered very stirring recitations of Ukrainian poems. The pro- gram concluded with the attendees singing “The Lord’s Prayer.” Ukrainian community members at the Ukrainian Independence Day ceremony at City Hall Plaza in Bethlehem, Pa.

sented by community pioneers, post-World Jersey City, N.J. War II immigrants and members of the newest and very active Fourth Wave. What was most JERSEY CITY, N.J. – August 29 marked heartening was the presence of children with the 19th time Jersey City Ukrainians gathered grandparents in their embroidered blouses and at City Hall to have the mayor and City shirts. Council members read the official proclama- Ms. Syby is the daughter of the late Stacy tion marking the anniversary of Ukraine’s dec- Syby, a beloved community activist who was laration of independence in 1991. president of the Ukrainian National Home and This year the honor was given to Ward was involved in many other organizations in Councilman Bill Gaughan. Speaking in the the city. renewed rotunda chamber, Mr. Gaughan noted After a very patriotic brief speech in how the Ukrainian community has influenced English, Ms. Syby invited Mr. Halkowycz to him, for example, that he now knows about the the rostrum. Mr. Halkowycz spoke in Holodomor of 1932-1933. He said this was his Ukrainian and reminded all of the reason for ninth Ukrainian Independence Day ceremony this commemorative gathering. and that he hopes to be here for the 25th. At this time Councilman Michael J. The program began at 11 a.m. Zenko Sottolano entered and joined Councilman Halkowycz, president of the local branch of Gaughan in reading the 19th Ukrainian Day the Ukrainian Congress Committee of proclamation. America, introduced Tamara Syby, this year’s The councilmen invited all assembled to chairperson for the event. Ms. Syby is presi- City Hall’s balcony to raise the Ukrainian flag. dent of Branch 71 of the Ukrainian National Participants sang the Ukrainian and American Woman’s League of America, whose members national anthems. The ceremony was broad- In the Jersey City Council chambers (from left) are: Councilmen Michael J. prepared a nice brunch for all the participants. cast on the city cable channel, and the flag was Sottolano and Bill Gaughan, and community representatives Tamara Syby The Ukrainian community was well-repre- flown for the entire week at City Hall. and Zenko Halkowycz. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 No. 39

Hundreds protest... (Continued from page 1) Ukrainian American Coordinating Council, the Ukrainian National Association, the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, the Providence Association of Ukrainian Catholics in America and the New Ukrainian Wave – will gladly meet with you for a constructive dialogue when we detect from you a genuine concern about the Ukrainian nation and its problems.” [Editor’s note: the full text of the UCCA’s letter, in English translation, will be published next week, once an official trans- lation becomes available.] Protesters began arriving around 5:30 p.m., with the crowd swelling to its maxi- mum at around 6:00 p.m. Words to Ukrainian patriotic songs, pro- vided by the Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine (ODFFU), were distributed to the participants as they began to arrive. Andrij Dobriansky, a mem- ber of the local branch of the UCCA, spoke through a bullhorn with an opening state- ment about the policies of Mr. Yanukovych’s administration and instruc- tions for the protesters to maintain a peace- ful action. With the conclusion of his remarks, the crowd began with the reading of “Our Father.” The throng was led in song by Stepan Matthew Dubas Kaczurak on guitar, with assistance from Protesters carry placards, flags and banners in support of a democratic Ukraine. community leaders Askold Lozynskyj and Michael Koziupa. “No – Yanukovych!” address major issues in Ukraine, including stood on the ‘maidan’ [Independence Interspersed between songs and state- Ivanka Zajac, president of the local freedom of the press, the rule of law, the Square] in Kyiv or here today in New York, ments by Ukrainian community leaders, UCCA branch in New York, thanked the rights of women and the right of students to we are ready to proclaim Ukraine free. The various slogans were shouted, including protesters for their show of support, and a fair education. “I urge the president to lis- youth will not be silent!” Mr. Symczyk “Ukrainian language, our language,” addressed Mr. Yanukovych, when she said, ten to the concerns of Ukrainians in the reminded the protesters that freedom of “Ukraine is not for sale,” “Ukraine is not “the strength of the diaspora will educate diaspora and reverse course on his thought is persecuted in Ukraine and called Russia,” and “Holodomor is genocide.” you.” Russified policies,” she underscored. on his peers to loudly protest the policies In his remarks, Mr. Lozynskyj, a former Marianne Zajac, president of the Yurij Symczyk, representing the against Ukrainian sovereignty. president of the Ukrainian World Congress, Ukrainian National Women’s League of Ukrainian American Youth Association Mr. Koziupa, representing the denounced the policies of Mr. Yanukovych, America, said the developments in Ukraine (UAYA), asked “Why did we come here Organization for the Defense of Four saying they compromise Ukrainian national under the Yanukovych administration were today?” and answered “As we, the youth, Freedoms for Ukraine, pointed to the need identity. The crowd reacted by chanting disheartening, and focused on the need to for adherence to the rule of law in Ukraine. Mr. Koziupa highlighted the recent detention of historian Ruslan Zabilyi, director of the National Memorial M u s e u m P r i s o n o n Lontsky, by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). Other speakers who reit- erated similar points includ- ed Stefan Slutsky, editor of the Ukrainian-language n e w s p a p e r N a t i o n a l Tribune, and Roksolana Starodub, treasurer of the Federation of Ukrainian Student Organizations of America (SUSTA). Having seen the crowd, Oles Kudryk, 30, of New York, noted, “Ukrainians in Matthew Dubas America would clearly like Andriy Dobriansky instructs the protesters. (Continued on page 11)

Roma Lisovich Demonstrators Yurij Symczyk, Olexa Casanova, Alex Miskiw and Danylo Szpyhulsky. No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 11

FOR THE RECORD Yanukovych’s letter to UCCA The press office of President Viktor distorted information about our policies. Yanukovych on September 20 released the It tries to put labels on us and prevent text of a letter to the Ukrainian Congress Ukraine’s rapprochement with the West. Committee of America. We publish the Petty provocations and attempts are made text as it appears on the president’s offi- to convince the world that we, for exam- cial website. ple, are rolling back democratic processes and freedom of speech. The main objective, I came to the high You know, I never get involved in office of the President of Ukraine with, is strife. I always reacted with actions to to bring the state out of the crisis, and words. And when I hear that the Security make people’s lives easier. Saying that it Service of Ukraine allegedly persecutes is not an easy task means nothing, if one historians of the Museum ‘Prison at knows how difficult the situation in Lontskoho Street’ in Lviv, I give instruc- Ukraine was at the time of my coming to tions to the Cabinet of Ministers to power. Collapsed economy, unbalanced immediately transfer of the Museum from Roma Lisovich system of governance, destroyed judicial the Security Service to the Institute of University students show support at the protest. system, huge unemployment and external National Remembrance of Ukraine. And I debt, which made every Ukrainian poten- do authorize to provide financing in the tially owing about 2,000 U.S. dollars. next year budget for the museum already Hundreds... In this situation, I am forced to take in the system of the Institute of National (Continued from page 10) extraordinary and sometimes risky steps, Remembrance. to see Ukraine leaning more because the traditional system of When I hear people saying that I deny responding to the challenges faced by the Holodomor, I initiate declassification toward the West.” Mr. Kudryk Ukraine no longer works. There is only of archival materials on the Holodomor also remarked on the number of one purpose – to save economic indepen- and their transfer to the Institute of protesters. “This is the most peo- dence of Ukraine. Only economic inde- National Remembrance, where historians ple yet for a recent protest. And pendence can be a reliable guarantee of can have unlimited access to them and I’ve been to them all,” he said. political independence. There is no other study them objectively. I am against his- Another participant, Denys way. That is why, from the first day and tory being concealed and politics specu- Dlaboha, 30, of New York, said first minutes of my activities as the Head lating on it. the scene reminded him of a say- of the Ukrainian State, I got down to sys- When I hear allegations that freedom ing from the UAYA that roughly temic reforms and restoring the chain of of speech is being rolled back in Ukraine, translates to “language is our can- power. I initiate the process of establishing pub- In the first 100 days of work we man- lic television. In fact, this process is nonball, but the masses are our aged to develop the program of reforms already close to completion, and at the real weapon.” and restore the chain of power. Order can next meeting of the Humanitarian “This demonstration shows the be felt within the state. We have got Council we will approve the concept of Ukrainian diaspora’s unity, down to implementing reforms actively. public television that had gone through strength and common purpose,” One of the essential steps in this direction public hearings throughout Ukraine. Mr. Dlaboha said, “and this we will be the new Tax Code, which will Soon, local election will be held in do for those that can’t in Ukraine give a breath of fresh air to middle and Ukraine. I do everything so that the elec- due to repressive policies on free- small businesses. We have also begun the tions were fair and transparent. We dom of assembly. We will not be judicial reform. ensured that the government and opposi- silenced.” I would like to emphasize that along tion had equal representation in the terri- with the internal reforms, we are also torial election commissions. I gave the The protest concluded peace- instructions that would protect the elec- Roma Lisovich strengthening the foreign policy of fully at 7:30 p.m. with the singing Ukraine. It was really important for toral process from any administrative of Ukrainian patriotic songs. Yurij Symczyk representing the youth. Ukraine to restore normal strategic rela- pressure. We invited numerous foreign tions with Russia. This is good for the observers to Ukraine. I am truly interest- whole Europe. Good-neighborly rela- ed in local elections in Ukraine being two objects were thrown at the prime tions between the countries in the center free, fair and transparent. And we will do Turning the pages... minister, one of them solid. Ms. Herman of the continent are a guarantee of stabil- everything to ensure that. (Continued from page 6) blamed the “radial representatives of the ity and tranquility for all. The first for- I have always advocated broad consol- nationalism is a disease and unfortunately I Our Ukraine coalition,” who she said eign visit I made was to Brussels. Thus, I idation of all the constructive forces in have to state this,” he said. were “acting aggressively.” Contradicting reiterated that European integration Ukraine and abroad. I am for constructive Channel 5, which supported Mr. her statement, Kyiv local police issued a remains the priority of our foreign poli- dialogue with the Ukrainian diaspora. I cy. There are no alternatives to that am ready to explain, reason and clarify Yushchenko, provided viewers with a slow- statement which asserted that no “solid objects” had been thrown. “It was just an direction. But we will also develop other our every step. I would like that motion replay of the event. No other televi- egg,” explained Tetiana Podoshevska, new contacts if they are beneficial to the Ukrainians of the world helped their sion news media provided a frame-by-frame chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs national interests of Ukraine. One of the Motherland to come out of the difficult analysis of the incident in Ivano-Frankivsk, liaison department some three hours after eloquent examples of that would be my situation, rather than hindering it. I wish as most were aligned with business interests Ms. Herman spoke. visit to China, which laid the foundation that we all stood up together to protect that supported Mr. Yanukovych. Other misinformation spread when the for development of strategic partnership the interests of our country. And that you, Television footage could not identify Kyiv office of the Ministry of Internal with this country. here in America, came out with slogans what hit Mr. Yanukovych as he disembarked Affairs changed its account of the incident We attach great importance to the stra- of support for your native land, with slo- from a bus to greet students at the universi- to include information that two objects had tegic partnership with the United States gans of support for Ukraine. Not the con- ty. It did clearly show Mr. Yanukovych gaz- struck Mr. Yanukovych, one in the head and too. The fact that Ukraine supports the trary. ing at the remnants of the egg on his suit one in the chest. The Moscow-based TASS idea of nuclear-free world, not only in We should speak in one voice with you jacket and subsequently reacting to what he news agency reported that Mr. Yanukovych words, but also with the active actions is across the whole world – the voice of saw – rather than to what he felt – before was injured by a single metal object. a good example for all states. And we Ukraine’s national interests. I believe that falling backwards to the ground. His securi- will continue that policy. it will be so. I am convinced that we will ty detail immediately surrounded him and Source: “Yanukovych back at work after Of course, not everyone likes our find accord, because I am sure that none carried him to a waiting van in his cortege. egging in Ivano-Frankivsk,” by Roman determination and perseverance on the of you wishes harm to Ukraine. We are Initially, Hanna Herman, Mr. Woronowycz, The Ukrainian Weekly, path of reforms. Old corrupt bureaucracy all for prosperity and welfare of our land, Yanukovych’s press secretary, said that October 3, 2004. in Ukraine is doing everything to spread for respect of the world to Ukraine.

We call on Ukraine’s public and its Petition by historians... scholarly community not to tolerate the Need a back issue? (Continued from page 7) intrusion of blatant police methods where research, scholarly dispute, and public If you’d like to obtain a back issue of The Ukrainian Weekly, and history cannot be solved by methods debate should be the means of resolving send $2 per copy (first-class postage included) to: that amount to harassment and intimida- – or living with – differences. We urge tion. Ukraine’s reputation is also bound the Ukrainian public and the Ukrainian Administration, The Ukrainian Weekly, to suffer very severely from such meth- and international scholarly community to 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280 ods. join us in supporting Ruslan Zabilyi and We call on the SBU and the Ukrainian in censuring the use of police methods to Parsippany, NJ 07054. government to show responsibility. try to quash scholarly discussion. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 No. 39

Chornomorska Sitch hosts 41st Sports School at Soyuzivka by Omelan Twardowsky and Matthew Dubas PARSIPPANY, N.J. – The Chornomorska Sitch Sports School held at Soyuzivka July 25 through August 7 attracted 66 boys and girls in the first weeklong session, and 53 children for the second session. The two weeks passed by quickly, as the days were filled with daily training, scrimmages, recreational activities and a variety of other programs for the campers to enjoy. Each day began with morning calisthenics, which energized the children for the day, and the raising of the American and Ukrainian flags and sing- ing of the Ukrainian national anthem. Other daily routines included the recita- tion of a motivational phrase, “I will dili- gently learn and give my best effort for the good and glory of Ukrainian sport in the diaspora.” Each child selected a sport that he or she would work on in the mornings and another for the afternoons. Campers Participants of the Sport School’s first session. could choose from soccer, volleyball, ten- nis and swimming. Instruction in each night swimming sessions at 8-9:30 p.m. During camp dances, it was interesting Soccer instruction was provided by sport was provided by graduates of the under the lights and the star-filled sky. to see how the sound of music would Andrew Panas, Andrew Kudryk (first ses- Sitch Sports School. Weary from the day’s active program and unite the boys and girls in camaraderie. sion), Greg Serheev and Yaroslav During the hot and humid summer days physically drained from it as well, the By the end of the dance, even the most Twardowsky (second session). Additional it was nice to retreat into Soyuzivka’s campers and staff were refreshed with difficult child reveled in the moment. swimming instruction was provided by swimming pool, and often there were renewed energy and strength. Bonfires, at which campers sang and Roman Kowal and Walter Lemekha. joked as they toasted marshmallows, Tennis was instructed by Zenia were held on Friday evenings. Bonfire Olesnicky, Danylo Tulovsky and Larrissa nights concluded with the singing of Lukiw. “Nich Vzhe Ide,” (Night Has Fallen) fol- Each weeklong session concluded with lowed by the campers heading off to their a luncheon for the campers, parents and bunks. guests that featured recitations and songs This year, a new group of campers performed by the campers, with instruc- enrolled in the Sports School. They fol- tion from Ms. Polischuk. During the sec- lowed instructions with seriousness and ond session’s luncheon, greetings were enthusiasm, and applied the instructions presented by Roma Lisovich, UNA trea- they received in both heoretical and prac- surer, along with Oksana Trytjak, UNA tical sports lessons. national organizer, Ihor Laszok from the The camp was led by: Omelan Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Twardowsky, camp director; Marika Credit Union and Myron Stebelsky, head Bokalo, secretary; Maria Polishchuk, of the Ukrainian Sports Federation of the director of activities; Luba Humeniuk and U.S.A. and Canada. Taisa Bokalo-Gerardi, girls’ supervisors; After various performances by the Roman Hirniak, boys’ supervisor and campers, awards and trophies were dis- Swimmers learn basic strokes during the first week of camp. swim instructor; Mykola Kucyna and tributed to the Sitch Sports School partic- Nick Prociuk, assistant supervisors. ipants.

Volleyball participants during the frst week. Trainers Walter Lemekha (left) and Roman Kowal (right) Soccer participants from the second session, with trainers Greg Serheev (left).

Soccer students with trainers, Andrew Kudryk (third from left) and Andrew Panas (far right) during the first session. Tennis participants during the first week of camp. No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 13 Marko Krasij of Texas is USCAK’s men’s tennis champion at Soyuzivka by Petrusia Sawchak KERHONKSON, N.Y. – Marko Krasij from Texas won the men’s title in the National Tennis Championships of the Ukrainian Sports Federation of the U.S.A. and Canada held at the Soyuzivka Heritage Center during Labor Day week- end by beating Dennis Chorny, last year’s winner, 6-4, 6-4, in a highly competitive match. Mr. Krasij, originally from Connecticut and now a mathematics lecturer at the University of Texas at Arlington, said after receiving the trophy as men’s champion: “I want you to know how much this tour- nament means to me. To me this is the most important tournament that I play. That’s why I came here from Texas this year and winning made it extra special. Petrusia Sawchak Thank you for everything.” Participants of the 2010 National Tennis Championships of the Ukrainian Sports Federation of the U.S.A. and Canada (USCAK). The men’s final match was fast-paced and powerful with two very formidable 6-0, and Mr. Chorny defeated Greg opponents: Mr. Chorny, a lawyer and four- Olesnycky 6-3, 6-2. Also in the quarterfi- time winner of this tournament from New nals, Stroynick beat Yuri Pereyaslawsky York City, played with strong methodical 6-2, 6-1, and Nalywayko took Ihor strokes against Krasij, who was deter- Ferencevych 6-1, 6-1. mined and consistently accurate. In the men’s feed-in Greg Olesnycky The women’s group was won by long- defeated Pereyaslawsky 6-1, 6-1 to win time participant at Soyuzivka but first- the group. Pereyaslawsky won over time winner, Svetlana Goletz, presently Damian Petrykevych 6-1, 6-1. from Connecticut, who won first place Steve Sosiak of New Jersey became against Christine Toth, a competitor for champion of both the men’s 35 and 45 age several years from New York, by a score groups. In a highly competitive final of 6-4, 7-5. Absent was last year’s winner, match in the 35 group, Sosiak overcame Olenka Olesnycky, who was unable to Nalywayko, three-time winner in this compete this year due to injury and school group, 2-6, 7-5, 10-7 in the tie-breaker. In commitments. the semifinals, Sosiak defeated Peter The opening ceremonies for both the Goletz 6-1, 6-1, and Nalywayko beat tennis tournament and the swim meet held Roman Wasylak 6-1, 6-0. that weekend took place by the swimming In the men’s 45, Sosiak battled long- pool on Saturday, September 4. During the time champion Ivan Durbak 1-6, 6-3, 6-3 ceremonies, the national anthems of to win the title, and in the semifinals beat Ukraine, the United States and Canada George Walchuk, 6-3, 4-3, retired. Durbak were played. advanced to the finals with a win over Marko Krasij (second from left) from Texas, receives the UNA-funded men’s USCAK’s (the Ukrainian-based acro- Goletz 6-2, 6-1. In the quarterfinals of the champion’s trophy, the Roman Rakoczy Trophy, the Bohdan Rak Trophy and nym for the Ukrainian Sports Federation group Walchuk beat Wasylak 6-1, 6-1. generous Winner Group Inc. stipend, for winning the men’s title at USCAK’s of the U.S.A. and Canada) tennis director, Yaroslaw Sydorak of California National Tennis Championships. With him (from left) are Ivan Durbak (KLK George Sawchak, welcomed everyone to retained his title for three consecutive repesentative), Dennis Chorny (semifinalist), Roma Lisovich(UNA treasurer) and the 55th annual National Tennis years in the men’s 55 group by defeating George Sawchak (tournament director). Championships and introduced Marijka George Petrykevych of Connecticut, Bokalo, USCAK’s director of the swim- another long-time champion in various ming competition, who wished all the par- groups, by the score of 7-6(4), 7-5. In the ticipants much success. semifinals he eliminated George Hrabec of Irenaeus Isajiw, first vice-president of Massachusetts 6-2, 6-2, and Petrykevych USCAK, talked about the involvement of advanced to the finals over Walchuk of the sports club at this event, and the presi- New Jersey, 3-3, retired. In the quarterfi- dent of the Ukrainian National Association nals Hrabec beat Walter Dziwak, also of (UNA), Stefan Kaczaraj, officially opened New Jersey, 6-1, 6-4. the tournament with his greetings. Also There was a round-robin format in the present were Roma Lisovich, treasurer of men’s 65 group. Petrykevych won the the UNA, and Omelan Twardowsky, presi- group as he defeated Dziwak 6-2, 6-2 and dent of the Chornomorska Sitch Sports Hrabec 7-5, 6-4. Hrabec took second place Club, along with many other dignitaries with a win over Dziwak 6-2, 6-1. and spectators. There were two boy’s groups defined as This year there were many changes that older and younger. In the older group Greg greeted the players as they assembled for Olesnycky frrom New Jersey, who also the tournament. Only three courts were played in the men’s group, won over available for them at Soyuzivka since a Andres Konowalsky from New York. This stage was erected on the upper three courts year in the younger group, Adam on Friday to prepare for the benefit concert Oscislawski, at age 10 by far the youngest Svetlana Goletz of Connecticut (second from left) was awarded the UNA-funded to be held Sunday night featuring the spec- in the group, beat Konowalsky, who played women’s champion’s trophy, the Roman Rakozy Trophy and a Winner Group tacular Ukrainian pop music star and in two groups, 2-6, 6-3, 6-4, in a very com- Inc. stipend for winning the women’s group. Also winning a UNA trophy and Eurovision 2004 winner Ruslana. Orest petitive match, thus reversing last year’s Winner Group Inc. stipend was finalist Christine Toth. Joining them at the pre- Fedash, manager of the Hudson Valley final’s results by a very similar score. In the sentations were (from left) Ivan Durbak, Roma Lisovich and George Hrabec. Resort, generously provided four courts at semifinals Oscislawski defeated Oliver that facility, which were used by the senior Chernyk 6-1, 6-0, and Konowalsky won Sportsmanship Trophy, determined by the Mr. Hynansky is the owner/chairman/CEO age groups (age 35 and up), who graciously over Orest Pyndus 6-0, 6-3. tennis committee for exemplary behavior, of the Winner Group, Inc., an affiliation of accepted the challenge. The tenacity of the The closing ceremonies were held on was awarded to Yuri Pereyaslawsky. The 24 companies including many car dealer- tennis committee is credited with the suc- Sunday afternoon, September 5. The ships (Ford, Mercury, Mitsubishi, Porsche cess of this endeavor. There were fewer weather conditions were beautiful with the late Mrs. Dushnyck was a longtime supreme vice-presidentess of the UNA and and others) both in the United States and participants in the tournament due to some magnificent views of the Shawangunk Ukraine. His involvement with Soyuzivka confusion and misinformation about wheth- Mountains, but the presentations were a participant of this tennis tournament beginning in 1956. She was much loved has a long history – first as a visitor to the er the event was actually taking place dur- made difficult with the echoing sounds of resort, via his son’s tennis camp partipa- ing the Labor Day weekend at Soyuzivka. the Ruslana band rehearsing for the eve- and contributed much to the Labor Day tournaments for many years even once she tion, as a participant in tennis tournaments In getting to the men’s finals Krasij ning performance. Mr. Sawchak and mem- and now as a sponsor, which helps attract defeated the second seed, Mykola bers of the tennis committee Messrs. stopped competing. Monetary stipends were awarded to the good players to the tournament. Stroynick, last year’s finalist from New Hrabec and Durbak, made the presenta- The Ukrainian National Association has winners and finalists in the men’s, wom- York, 6-4, 6-1 in the semifinals, and tions to the winners and finalists along also been a staunch supporter of this tourna- en’s and junior groups from John Chorny beat Mykola Nalywayko from with UNA Treasurer Lisovich, Mr. ment for 55 years, providing the facility and New Jersy 6-1, 6-0. In the quarterfinals Twardowsky and Petrusia Sawchak. Hynansky, entrepreneur, philanthropist, art Krasij won over Damian Petrykevych 6-0, The coveted Mary Dushnyck Good patron and Ukrainian sports enthusiast. (Continued on page 22) 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 No. 39

Remembrance Candle is currently travel- Herman speaks on lustration of the international and Ukrainian academic NEWSBRIEFS ing across Ukraine and will be the focus of communities will not allow the pressure to KYIV – The deputy chief of Ukraine’s commemorative initiatives in over 30 continue.” (Center for Research on the (Continued from page 2) Presidential Administration, Hanna countries of the diaspora. The Liberation Movement) ment of Ukraine to champion.” Stefan Herman, has suggested conducting a lus- Romaniw, secretary-general of the Remembrance Candle will be introduced tration in Ukraine, it was reported on Zabilyi case noted worldwide Ukrainian World Congress, said on in Canada during the XXIII Congress of September 20.“I think a lustration would September 21 that, although the Ukrainian Canadians being held be very useful for Ukraine. The Polish KYIV – The scandal around Ruslan Holodomor section was restored on the November 5-7 in Edmonton, Alberta. The experience has shown an amazing fact: Zabilyi, director of the National Memorial president’s website, it was altered less than candle will be the focus of local commem- after the lustration it turned out that it was Museum Prison on Lontsky, has had inter- 12 hours later. “Only four sections remain orative events during National Holodomor the right-wing camp that had more securi- national resonance. More than 100 and the majority of the sections have dis- Awareness Week in Canada, which will be ty officers than the left-wing. I think European, Ukrainian and American schol- appeared,” Mr. Romaniw wrote in a com- marked on November 22-28. (Ukrainian something similar could happen in ars from the international academic com- muniqué to the press. The UCC added in a Canadian Congress, Ukrainian World Ukraine as well,” Ms. Herman told jour- munity have signed a letter in his support. press release that the Holodomor Congress) nalists. A lustration “will allow not just to Historians and other scholars from purify the authorities and to increase con- Columbia, Harvard and Cambridge uni- fidence in officials, it will also protect versities, as well as universities in Canada, those who are sometimes victimized by Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary and CLACLASSSSIFIEDIFIEDSS various sleazy provocations by the press,” other countries, spoke out against politici- she said. “You know how easy it is to zation of history in any direction. Their letter also noted that the success of the TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL MARIA OSCISLAWSKI (973) 292-9800 x 3040 make provocations and to accuse someone of having worked for the KGB. It is very scholarly debates depends, above all, on or e-mail [email protected] difficult to protect oneself from this. If we free circulation of ideas and access to his- open [the archives], hold a lustration and torical sources, no matter how controver- publish lists of those who cooperated, that sial they are. Mr. Zabilyi was detained in SERVICES PROFESSIONALS means that those people who did not coop- Kyiv on September 8. On September 9 the erate will be guaranteed that no one would Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) report- upset them in this country,” the deputy ed the initiation of criminal proceedings chief of the presidential administration against him on suspicion of preparing to said. Ms. Herman made her comments on divulge state secrets. On September 13 September 17 after attending an exhibition and 14 representatives of the Security about East Germany’s secret service Service searched the offices of the muse- (Stasi), which opened in Kyiv. She um and seized two laptops, a hard drive explained that secret files can be declassi- and hard copies of historical documents fied while people mentioned in them are from the offices of scholars. Among the still alive. “I am not supporter of the idea documents seized were video testimonies that documents should remain classified as of Soviet-era dissidents recorded by long as people named therein are still researchers in 2009-2010. (Ukrinform) alive,” she said. “One has to know the Yanukovych, Medvedev meet truth, no matter what it is like and whoev- er might be involved, and one has to KYIV – President Viktor Yanukovych answer for the truth,” she said. “Our soci- of Ukraine and Dmitry Medvedev of ety needs to be purified. So far there are Russia met on September 17 in Hlukhiv, no such statutory acts and today we cannot Sumy region of Ukraine, discussing bor- force the Security Service to break the law. der cooperation, including the construction I suggest passing legislation for these doc- of more border crossings for pedestrians. uments to be handed over to institutions, “We would like to reach an agreement to in particular, the Institute of National make border crossing points convenient FOR SALE Memory. It will be done,” Ms. Herman for our citizens. It is important to establish added. (Interfax-Ukraine) order there,” the Mr. Yanukovych said at GLEN SPEY, N.Y. the meeting, stressing that citizens of both Lontsky museum to be transferred 56.7 beautiful wooded acres, 1220 ft Ukraine and Russia should be able to road frontage. Cost $389,900. Build KYIV – Ukraine’s Presidential “cross the border as often as they need, your dream retirement, vacation Administration has resumed the process of without humiliating queues during the home, or hunter’s compound. 3 min removing the management of the National inspections.” The Russian president com- to Ukr churches, 15 min to Port Memorial Museum Prison on Lontsky from mented that there is too much bureaucracy Jervis, 5 min to Delaware River. Call the aegis of the Security Service of Ukraine in the process of border crossings. He said Don at Geba Realty: 845-856-6629 (SBU). According to reports by Ukrayinska that enhancing border cooperation requires MERCHANDISE Pravda, Secretary of the Presidential the introduction of “reasonable rules to Administration Serhiy Lyovochkin con- regulate this area.” Messrs. Yanukovych Home for sale firmed that President Viktor Yanukovych and Medvedev also discussed other bilat- had ordered Prime Minister Mykola Azarov eral issues and cooperation in areas such Zolota Osin community and SBU Chief Valeriy Khoroshkovsky to as energy, transportation and space revisit this issue. Those involved with the research, focusing on good-neighborly museum are pleased that the process has relations between the two countries. The #25 – Second house on right side finally been renewed and believe that the two presidents also participated in a motor decision by the president was correct race rally dedicated not only to the 100th Three bedrooms, side deck because it is not the role of the SBU to anniversary of the St. Petersburg-Moscow- manage museums. Ruslan Zabilyi, director Kyiv international motor race, but also to Please call: of the Prison on Lontsky Museum, com- the 65th anniversary of victory in the Orest Walchuk @ 908-713-6307 or mented that the president’s decision was the Great Patriotic War. They got into two George Walchuk @ 908-638-4732 result of pressure by the country’s citizens. Pobeda cars and headed the motorcade “Transfer of management of the museum from Khomutivka to the town of Hlukhiv. was planned from the beginning of the proj- The two heads of state also met informally CONDO For Sale ect, and we all knew that it was our obliga- at the Russian president’s official resi- tion to Ukrainian citizens to fulfill this man- dence in Zavidovo, Russia. Mr. 55+ Ukrainian Community. date,” said museum co-worker Lidia Yanukovych asked his Russian counterpart First floor 5 rooms total Topolevsky. In an order dated February 3, to support Ukraine’s bid to host the 2022 with 2 bedrooms.Quiet setting. Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers decreed that Winter Olympics in the Carpathian Close to shopping and major the memorial museum, located on the Mountains. (Official Website of Ukraine’s highways. Central New Jersey premises of the former museum on Lontsky President) location. Call 908-429-9213 Street, be transferred to the management of the Institute of National Memory. On Nazi victims demand compensation March 19 this process was halted by the KYIV – Ukrainian victims of the Nazis Azarov government on the order of Vice have demanded that Germany’s Deutsche Prime Minister Sergey Tigipko, which left Bahn AG, the successor to the German the museum under the SBU’s control. “The railways during World War II, pay them involvement of authorities, particularly compensation for their transportation to those responsible for state security, in the concentration camps under inhuman con- work of researchers is not acceptable,” said ditions during the war. The Ukrainian Mr. Zabilyi. “We have personally felt the Union of Prisoners-Nazi Victims named effects. Immediately after the recent confis- the amount of 445 million euros, the chair- cation of materials by SBU preparation for man of the union, Markiyan Demidov, and the new exhibit on dissidents was para- lyzed. We believe, however, that the voices (Continued on page 15) No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 15

“concerns about activities of the govern- NEWSBRIEFS ment of [Ukrainian President Viktor] (Continued from page 14) Yanukovych regarding infringement on the the chairman of the Ukrainian freedom of speech, the extermination of Organization of Jews-Former Prisoners of democracy, the elimination of an indepen- Concentration Camps and Ghettos, Borys dent judicial branch of power, the use of Zabarko, said at a press conference at law enforcement bodies for political perse- Ukrinform’s headquarters in Kyiv on cution and preparations for falsification at September 22. The amount of compensa- the upcoming elections to local councils.” tion was calculated on the basis of the In addition, according to the party, “on the German NGO Trains of Memory, which whole, TV channels ignored the visit by said that around 3 million people were opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko to the transported from Eastern Europe during international forum in Brussels,” the the second world war. Mr. Demidov also European People’s Party assembly. stressed the need to distinguish between “Reports about the [opposition] events of the notion of compensation for the exploi- last week were not broadcast: [including] a tation of prisoners and the transportation meeting of the opposition government, a of these prisoners. He noted that non-gov- meeting of the temporary investigatory ernmental organizations from Ukraine, commission regarding the ruling of the Russia, Poland and Belarus had recently Stockholm Arbitration Tribunal, [and] a united and proposed that the German side press conference by former Vice Prime resolve this issue, but Deutsche Bahn AG Minister Hryhorii Nemyria,” reads the has not yet responded. (Ukrinform) report. (Interfax-Ukraine) Shots reported at local office of PRU Yanukovych vows to unite Ukraine ODESA, Ukraine – Officials from KYIV – President Viktor Yanukovych, President Viktor Yanukovych’s Party of who is the honorary head of the Party of Regions of Ukraine (PRU) say shots were Regions of Ukraine (PRU), has said that fired overnight at a party branch office in he is proud of his team and believes in it. Odesa, RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service “The period during which we were reported on September 20. No injuries together should give all of us an opportu- were reported in the incident, which nity to see our common future. First of reportedly took place late on September all, I believe that the party that was actu- 19. Odesa police officials have neither ally built in a difficult political and eco- confirmed nor denied that such an attack nomic situation in the country and twice took place. Odesa Oblast Administration passed the exam to be in power and dem- Chairman Eduard Matviychuk, who is also onstrate results is now obliged to do chairman of the Odesa branch of the PRU, everything possible to unite the Ukrainian asked that the organizers of the attack be people around the development of a brought to justice and called for a thor- strong state with a strong economy, and ough investigation. He did not provide around the improvement of the lives of details of the shooting. Local media the Ukrainian people,” he told partici- reported that party officials discovered pants in a national assembly titled traces of the shooting when they entered “Building a New Country” that was orga- the office on the morning of September nized by the PRU in Kyiv on September 20. (RFE/RL) 9. Mr. Yanukovych said that “national deputies in Parliament today united EU Association Agreement in 2011? around the country’s program of reforms KYIV – The European Commission is that we declared many years ago, and not expecting the signing of an only now there is a chance to implement Association Agreement between Ukraine them.” Therefore, he stressed the need to and the European Union during the bilat- fight “economic dislocation, poverty, cor- eral summit to be held on November 22 in ruption, and prevent any attempts to sab- Brussels, European Commission spokes- otage the reforms for the sake of the person Angela Filote told an Ukrinform return to power of those who ruined the correspondent on September 22. She said country.” The president said that the PRU the summit with Ukraine would show the now faces a historic task: to build a new current progress in the preparation of the country. “This is an economically strong bilateral Association Agreement, but it is and democratic state, but, first and fore- too early to say when this agreement may most, it is united, rather than affected by be signed. Ms. Filote also said that civil strife, political confrontation, social European Commission President Jose and cultural conflicts,” he said. “That’s Manuel Barroso and President Viktor why, I’ve set the task to do everything to Yanukovych of Ukraine have already ensure that Ukraine becomes a united agreed that such a singing may take place state. I again propose that politicians … no earlier than 2011, provided that prog- cooperate for the benefit of their mother- ress is made in relevant sections of the land. It’s a call, but it’s also a warning. agreement and both parties make enough For the sake of the good of the Ukrainian efforts toward that goal. Ms. Filote people, I will not allow anyone to return explained that the timing of the signing the state to the period of political instabil- will largely depend on the progress in pre- ity, and I want to assure everyone who paring an enhanced and comprehensive doubts this that I always keep my promis- free trade area between Ukraine and the es,” the president said. (Ukrinform) EU, talks on which are “very complicated Seven Millennium Development Goals and very technical.” (Ukrinform) KYIV – A national report titled “The Batkivschyna cites information blockade Millennium Development Goals. KYIV – The leadership of the Ukraine-2010,” which was presented in Batkivschyna Party plans to inform interna- Kyiv on September 3, outlines seven tar- tional monitoring organizations about “the gets that are to be reached by Ukraine by information blockade organized by the 2015 to make progress in achieving the authorities” in relation to the Batkivschyna, United Nations Millennium Development according to a press release of the Goals. The report was prepared by the Batkivschyna Party issued on September Ministry of the Economy with the assis- 21. As examples the press service presented tance of the U.N. Office in Ukraine. The the findings of a monitoring study of the list of national goals includes reducing TV channels that have the largest share of hunger and poverty, achieving access to live broadcasting, as well as information education, promoting gender equality, programs broadcasting in prime time. reducing maternal and child mortality, According to Batkivschyna, leading TV slowing down the spread of HIV/AIDS channels “in their daily and final informa- and other infectious diseases, ensuring tion editions almost unanimously ignored environmental sustainability and harmo- the news about a resolution by the nizing foreign aid to developing countries. European People’s Party,” which expressed (Ukrinform) 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 No. 39

Soccer host the final match in February 2012. Martial arts Championshps in Tucson, Ariz., on Boxing September 1-6. Bondar and Oleh Kolodiy • In the UEFA Europa League, FC • Georgi Zantaraia (60 kg) won the sil- won bronze medals in the men’s three- Metalist tied Ireland’s Omonia 2-2 on Vyacheslav Senchenko (31-0, 20 KO) ver medal at the 2010 World Judo meter synchronized springboard event. August 26 at Metalist Stadium in defeated Charlie Jose Navarro (18-4, 13 Championship in Tokyo on September Viktoriya Potekhina and Viktoriya Kesar Kharkiv. The Ukrainian club advanced to KO) of Venezuela on August 30 by unan- 9-13. also won bronze medals in girl’s three- the group stage, having won 3-2 on imous decision in Donetsk to retain his meter synchronized springboard event. aggregate, winning 1-0 in the first-leg • Ukraine won third place at the WBA welterweight title. The judges Triathlon match. Karpaty Lviv tied 1-1 against scored the bout 116-113, 115-113, 115- Sportaccord Combat Games in Beijing on Galatasaray of Turkey on August 26 at 113. Senchenko won the title on April 10, August 28. During the competition, Yulia Sapunova won the silver medal Ukrayina Stadium in Lviv, but the 2009, after beating Yuriy Nuzhnenko of Ukraine collected 23 medals: seven gold, at the ETU Triathlon Under-23 and Youth Ukrainian club advanced to the group five silver and 11 bronze. Thirty-one ath- Ukraine. European Championships in Vila Nova stage as well, based on the higher point letes from Ukraine competed in seven out de Gaia, Portugal, on August 28-29. value of away goals. Dnipropetrovsk Motorsports of 13 martial art styles. The competition Dnipro was eliminated after a draw attracted more than 2,000 athletes from Pentathlon Ihor Chapovsky and Andriy Nikolaev, against Lech, with the Polish club win- nearly 100 countries. both from Odesa, won the Prime Yalta ning on aggregate 1-0 at the Miejski Viktoria Tereshchiuk and Pavlo Rally 2010 as part of the FIA European Wrestling Stadium in Poznan, Poland. Tavriya Tymoshenko won the silver medal in the Rally Cup and Ukrainian Rally combined relay event at the Modern Symferopol was eliminated by Bayer Vasyl Fedoryshyn won the silver Leverkusen 1-6 on aggregate, with Championship. Only one third of the 64 Pentathlon World Championships in entrants completed the race. The compe- medal in men’s freestyle and Armen Tavriya losing 1-3 in the second leg Vardanyan (66 kg) won the silver medal Chengdu, China, on August 30 through match on August 26 at Lokomotiv tition was held on September 10-12 with September 8. racers from 14 countries participating. in the men’s Greco-Roman division, and Stadium in Symferopol. In the group Oleksandra Kohut (51 kg) won gold in Badminton stage, Dynamo Kyiv tied 2-2 at home The Ukrainian team was driving a Subaru Impreza. the women’s freestyle event at the World against BATE on September 16, Metalist Wrestling Championship in Moscow on • Natalia Holovkina and Olha defeated Debrecen of Poland 5-0, and Chess September 6-12. Alla Cherkasova (67 kg) Nadtochiy won first place at the Andriy Karpaty lost 3-4 at home against Borussia tied for bronze with Ifemeoma Iheanacho Haiduk Junior International badminton • Yuriy Kuzubov won the 12th Dortmund. Karpaty is in third place in of Nigeria in the women’s freestyle event. tournament held in Dnipropetrovsk on Group J, Metalist Kharkiv is in first place International Chess Festival in Trieste, September 8-11. The tournament attracted in Group I, and Dynamo Kyiv is in third Italy, on September 11. Kuzukov scored Paddlesports athletes from Russia, Israel, Kazakhstan seven out of nine points, with 42 interna- place in Group E. The next match for the Ukraine won the gold medal in wom- and other countries. Viktoriya Pohrebniak tional chess players. group stage will be played on September en’s four-person crew event at the 2010 and Serhiy Horist won the gold medal in 30. European Rowing Championship in mixed doubles. Mykola Dmytryshyn won • Ukraine’s Vasyl Ivanchuk and Pavel Montemore-o-Velho, Portugal, on second place in the men’s singles. Eljanov were listed among the top 10 • In the UEFA Champions League, September 10-12. Ukraine also won the grandmasters in the September ranking Dance Shakhtar Donetsk defeated Partizan of bronze medal in the men’s Quadruple by the World Chess Federation (FIDE). Serbia 1-0 in Donetsk on September 15. Sculls and men’s eight-man sculls. Yaroslav Brovarsky and Yelyzaveta Dario Srna scored the winning goal for Eljanov was ranked sixth and Ivanchuk Hizhko won the gold meal in the juvenile Weightlifting Shakhtar. The Ukrainian club is in second was ranked ninth. event, and Serhiy Bezprozvanny and Olha place in Group H, behind England’s Tennis Ukraine’s junior team won second Dedushkevych won the gold medal in the Arsenal. Shakhtar faces Braga in Portugal place in team classification and third adults A-Latin event at the 24th German • At the U.S. Open, held on August 30 on September 28. place among men’s and women’s teams, Open Championship in Stuttgart, Germany, through September 13 in New York, with eight gold, six silver and 10 bronze on August 17-21. Maksym Kravchenko and Sergiy Stakhovsky retired in the third • Ukraine’s under-21 team is scheduled medals at the International Powerlifting Kateryna Petrova, and Roman Herbey and round of men’s singles against Feliciano to play against the Netherlands on October Federation (IPF) Men’s and Women’s Hanna Kravchenko won bronze medals. 9 in Rotterdam. Ukraine tied France 2-2 in Lopez of Spain, after losing 3-6, 0-4, to World Sub-Juniors and Juniors The competition attracted 4,683 dancers the UEFA Under-21 league qualifying the Spaniard. Alona Bondarenko lost in Championships in Pilsen, Czech from more than 40 countries. match on September 3 at Obolon Stadium the women’s singles third round to Republic, on August 28 through Fire and rescue sports in Kyiv. Prior to the draw with France, Fracesca Schiavone of Italy 1-6, 5-7. And September 4. The event attracted 337 ath- Ukraine led Group 8 with 14 points after in the girl’s junior singles, Elina Svitolina letes from 32 countries. Ukraine was rep- Ukraine’s national team won first six games played, with four wins, two was defeated in the third round by Sloane resented by 32 competitors. place at the sixth Fire and Rescue Sports draws and no losses. Ukraine has 11 goals Stephens of the U.S., 4-6, 0-6. World Championships in Donetsk on for and three against. Diving August 27-29. The competition included • Sergiy Stakhovsky won his second Futsal Oleksandr Bondar won a bronze medal teams from 14 countries. tournament of the year on August 28 at in the men’s 10-meter platform at the the Pilot Pen tennis tournament in New Ukraine submitted a bid to host the 18th FINA World Junior Diving – compiled by Matthew Dubas qualifying round of the 2012 UEFA Haven, Conn. In the final match, Futsal Championship at the Lokomotiv Stakhovsky defeated Denis Istomin of Sports Palace in Kharkiv. Croatia is set to Uzbekistan 3-6, 6-3, 6-3. “For the authorities, journalists are Concerns mount... enemies because they cover public issues (Continued from page 4) and they do so in a professional manner. UOC organizes winter mission Fears for journalistic freedom Journalists are clearly a threat to the regime.” to orphanage in Ukraine Although it remains unclear whether The incident also comes amid mount- the incident was linked to Mr. ing concern over the disappearance last CHICAGO – The Ukrainian Nicholas, and providing time and aid Furmanyuk’s journalistic activities, it has month of Vasyl Klymentyev, the editor- Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., to the orphanage adopted by the UOC- raised fresh concerns about media free- in-chief of the newspaper Novyi Styl, through its Consistory Office of U.S.A. Participants are given an oppor- dom in Ukraine. which focuses on corruption in the coun- Missions and Christian Charity and in tunity to deepen and live their faith Media watchdogs say attacks and pres- try’s eastern Kharkiv region. cooperation with the Office of Youth through love, experience and action in sure on journalists have increased since His deputy editor says Mr. the February election of Yanukovych as and Young Adult Ministry, has working with the children of Klymentyev, who is now presumed dead, president. announced the dates for a winter mis- Znamianka. had received threats after refusing to take Mr. Furmanyuk’s alleged beating by sionary trip to the Znamianka The deadline for applications is money to halt the publication of an article Orphanage in Ukraine. October 22, however, interested per- the police took place just hours after RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service published an accusing a prosecutor of bribe-taking. This trip will take place December sons are encouraged to apply as soon The European Union has expressed 21-30. The cost for volunteers, which as possible and to begin passport pro- article in which he accused the local authorities and police of widespread cor- “deep concern” over his disappearance includes the flight, in-country travel, cessing immediately in the event they and urged President Yanukovych not to lodging and food, is $1,700 (travel to are chosen for the team. Applicants ruption. It is the second attack on a Donetsk renege on his pledge to uphold media and from New Jersey is not included). are not guaranteed a spot on the team pluralism and protect journalists. Bishop Daniel will lead this trip until notified of their acceptance. journalist in less than a week; the head of with the aim of sharing in the love of For information readers may contact the local Union of Professional Copyright 2010, RFE/RL Inc. Christ, through the celebration of the Protodeacon Ihor Mahlay at imahlay@ Journalists, Hennadii Berezovskyi, was Reprinted with the permission of Radio ministry of the holy wonderworker, St. assaulted on September 12. “Over the five years of Viktor Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Yushchenko’s tenure, we’ve lowered our Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington DC guard. We forgot that the state machine 20036; (See http://www. cannot be on the side of journalists and Visit our archive online: will not defend journalists,” says publi- About_Press_Freedom_In_Ukraine_As_ cist Stanislav Fedorchuk. Journalist_Attacked/2164350.html.) No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 17

Ukrainian pro sports update: golf by Ihor Stelmach

He did make every human effort possible Adopted in 2004, the rule seemed to be Kuchar a star on 2010 PGA tour to arrive at the course for his 7:30 a.m. tee questionable from the outset. At the Barclays time on Wednesday, August 25. He ended up event the rule obviously did not apply to the A scant four years ago daylight was bare- leaders. oversleeping when his cell phone alarm did whole field, as only 54 out of 125 players ly visible to golfer Matt Kuchar when he “I knew that my game was steady not go off due to a dead battery. Reports had were in the pro-am. was struggling for survival on the nation- enough. I think I’ll be able to look back on him flying out of bed, donning some clothes Fellow golfer Phil Mickelson had this to wide tour, while attempting to once again that in other situations that are similar and and getting to Ridgewood Country Club say: “If you’re going to have a rule that does grab hold of his PGA Tour card. fall back and take a lot of pride and a lot of only five minutes late. Apparently he forgot not apply to everybody because not every- Today he not only sees the daylight, he confidence from those situations.” his socks and didn’t bother with a belt – he body played the pro-am, you cannot have it may require a new pair of dark sunglasses to was informed he could not play, not for vio- offset the brightness of the center stage on affect the competition. I cannot disagree with Furyk furor causes lating dress code, but for breaking an it more. I have no idea how the commission- which he finds himself. The strapping obscure pro-am tardiness rule. 32-year-old golfer of Ukrainian descent is er let this rule go through. It’s ridiculous.” rule change “I am glad the PGA Tour has changed the Speaking of whom, the PGA Tour com- most grateful for the fortuitous ending to his rule surrounding my disqualification from roller coaster career ride. missioner, Tim Finchem, requested an evalu- On the last day of August, the PGA Tour last week’s Barclay’s Championship,” Furyk “I think there’s an old saying, to appreci- ation of the pro-am regulations from player announced it had suspended the regulation said in a statement distributed by the tour at ate sunshine you’ve got to go through rainy directors and the player advisory council. which disqualified Jim Furyk from the T.P.C. Boston on August 31. Furyk acknowl- days,” said Kuchar in an interview with Joe The review’s purpose was “to determine Barclays Tournament for his late arrival to edged pro-amateur events were vital to the Vieira of Boston The interview whether alternative measures can effectively his assigned starting time at the pro-am success of the tour, yet he was satisfied PGA took place at the start of the Deutsche Bank ensure that players honor their pro-am obli- event. For Furyk, this was about one week officials quickly amended the rule before the Championship held at TPC Boston over too late to make him feel any better. situation presented itself again. (Continued on page 19) Labor Day weekend. “I think if all you know is playing great golf, I don’t think you appreciate it near as much as the guy that’s kind of seen some of it all, had ups and downs, and it kind of makes the good times all that extra special,” he said. Ah, special. The perfect adjective to char- acterize Kuchar’s 2010 season. He just hap- pens to lead the PGA Tour in scoring at 69.62 through 81 rounds of golf, is first on the money list with over $4.2 million in earnings and is also No. 1 with 10 top-10 finishes in 22 tournament starts. Kuchar’s achievements this year made him an automatic pick to the U.S. Ryder Cup team. His dramatic playoff win at the Barclays one week prior to the Deutsche Bank Championship, the first event of the FedEx Cup playoffs, allowed him to leap up to the top of a lengthy list of possible Player of the Year candidates. His prolific 2010 performance sure has come a long way from the 2006 campaign when Kuchar made the cut in only two out of six tournaments on the PGA Tour. This after consistent play on the nationwide tour where he made 16 out of 21 cuts, including five top-10 finishes. “I think all of us that are out here envision themselves in this situation,” said Kuchar in his talk with Boston “I think there’s not a professional golfer, not a guy playing this week, that doesn’t envision being in this position, with a shot to win the FedEx Cup with a shot to be the No. 1 guy.” “It’s just taken a road that I never knew. I never really planned what the road would be like, but this is certainly where I want to be,” he said. The 1997 U.S. Amateur champion went on to assert the most important factor in his success has been patience, plus his practice time with his coach, Chris O’Connell. He denied any overnight sensational improve- ment in his golf game. “I just feel like I’ve made a steady improvement and it is amazing how a little bit goes a long way out here,” said Kuchar. “The margins of who makes it big, who just makes it or who just misses it, those are small margins. So it’s not a huge jump, but I’ve made small jumps the last four years.” The reassurance gained from the small jumps has had a powerful effect on his confi- dence, the ultimate proof of which was real- ized in the final round of the Barclays, when Kuchar came back from a five-stroke deficit. This was on the heels of almost eliminating himself from any possible hope of winning the day before (Saturday), when his round included a bogey-double bogey after the turn. “I was solid enough that it was not going to rock my boat,” Kuchar said of that rough patch, which he followed with four straight birdies to get right back up there among the 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 No. 39 No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 19

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Chicago area official honors Chicago alderman visits SUAFCU CHICAGO – This city’s recently elected As the credit union’s 60th anniversary Ukrainian and Armenian artists 1st Ward alderman, Proco “Joe” Moreno, approaches, Selfreliance leaders said they visited Selfreliance Ukrainian American can proudly state that it has played a sig- Federal Credit Union August 27. He met nificant role in maintaining the integrity with CEO Bohdan Watral and Lubomyr of the Ukrainian Village. It has provided Klymkowych. The Ukrainian Village, financial services to residents and home- where the credit union’s home office is owners, shopkeepers and professionals, located, is an integral part of the 1st Ward. and supports the many Ukrainian church- Selfreliance partners with community orga- es and community organizations that are nizations in various initiatives to maintain located in the 1st Ward and beyond. the area’s appearance and safety. Alderman Moreno pledged to maintain Mr. Moreno spoke with the credit open communication channels with the union’s leaders about their ongoing coop- leaders of Selfreliance UAFCU, and to eration with the ward office and the credit keep neighborhoods safe and well-main- union’s commitment to the community. tained.

CHICAGO – Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas (second from right); Ukrainian Consul Kyrylo Kalyta (far left); Vera Eliashevsky (second from left), Ukrainian community leader and emcee for the event; Minas Gharibian, Armenian- born artist (center); and Ukrainian-born artist Anatoliy Khmara (right) cut a cake at a reception on August 24 honoring the artists in Ms. Pappas’ downtown Chicago office. “Anatoliy and Minas both showed extraordinary talent at an early age,” Ms. Pappas noted. “Through training and work, that talent was revealed to be true genius, and today their spectacular and sensitive creations are shown here in Illinois and in galleries across this country and the world.” The artists were presenting their work in “Golden Chicago,” an exhibition presented by the Colby Gallery in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood. Ms. Pappas regularly shows the work of Chicagoland artists in her office. Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union CEO Bohdan Watral (left) and Lubomyr Klymkowych (right) with Chicago’s 1st Ward Alderman UAV Post 24 hosts golf outing Proco “Joe” Moreno at the Selfreliance home office. Ukrainian officer presides over call to duty ceremony

CLEVELAND – Ukrainian American Veterans, Post 24 of Cleveland, hosted their 22nd annual golf outing on July 24. Seventy-two golfers participated at Pine Hills Golf Club in Hinckley, Ohio. All enjoyed the beautiful golf course, delicious lunch and dinner, and supported the prize raffle. Through the generosity of all the spon- sors and golfers, $700 was raised for Post 24 activities. Seen above is the winning team: (from left) George Potapenko, Duayne Lemmer, Victor Strapko and Steve Lukasevich.

activity as a penalty. A player missing his Kuchar a star... pro-am obligation in its entirety would be (Continued from page 17) ineligible to play in the tournament gations without placing them at risk of dis- unless officially excused within the pro- qualification.” visions of the regulations. The ramifications for Furyk were poten- Furyk and Kuchar on Ryder Cup team tially damaging, as he slid from No. 3 in the points standings to No. 8 with three FedEx Jim Furyk and Matt Kuchar were among events left to play. He’ll need some solid a group of eight golfers who automatically CLEVELAND – Maj. Peter Rakowsky, administrative officer of the 112th Engineer results to offset the loss of what could have qualified for the U.S. Ryder Cup team when Battalion, presided over the call to duty ceremony, Operation Enduring Freedom, been a big payday – a payday which could points closed at the conclusion of the 92nd which took place at the Nautica Pavilion in Downtown Cleveland on July 7. Over be the difference between first and second PGA Championship. 180 men and women of the 112th Engineer Battalion of the Ohio National guard place in the place in the playoffs. All due to a Furyk is a Ryder Cup veteran with six were deployed to Afghanistan for 12 months. The ceremony was attended by a rule which was eliminated a week after it appearances in the biennial matches vs. number of city and state representatives. Members of the U.S. Congress, Ohio was enforced at his expense. Team Europe. Kuchar is one of four rookies representatives, the mayor of Cleveland and mayors of several suburbs all gave The amended regulation stipulates if a on the team in 2010 and one of two players inspirational and patriotic speeches. Over 1,000 people – family, friends, employ- player is tardy for his pro-am starting in the top eight who have not yet won on ers, well-wishers and military brass – attended. Among the well-wishers were time he must still participate and may tour this year. Neither is a stranger to per- several Ukrainian American Veterans from Post 24 of Cleveland. Seen above are have to undertake additional sponsor forming well on big stages. Major Rakowsky, his son, Lukas, mother, Daria, and father, Roman. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 No. 39 No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 21 Family programs offered at The Ukrainian Museum in NYC NEW YORK – One of the most interesting develop- To complement its current major exhibition “Ukraine- ments in the evolution of vibrant, modern museums from Sweden: At the Crossroads of History,” The Ukrainian the traditional, formal institutions of years past has been Museum will offer two family workshops – on October 3 the rise of a strong educational agenda directed at families, and October 17 at 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. – that allow youth and children. families to develop a more complete understanding and Family programs are an important part of The appreciation of the objects on display. Ukrainian Museum’s outreach to the public and are an Children with their parents will be invited to explore integral part of its mission to preserve the cultural heritage the flags, letters, and art objects in the exhibition, and then of Americans of Ukrainian descent. participate in hands-on activities such as designing a per- This fall, The Ukrainian Museum is launching a new sonal coat of arms, creating a stamp for sealing letters, series of programs for families with children age 5-12 that making a fabric banner and crafting a faux repousse metal draw inspiration from its permanent collection as well as plaque. short-term exhibitions. “The workshop is designed to bring history to life by The family programs at The Ukrainian Museum fall giving participants a chance to tell stories about them- within the purview of Larissa Raphael, the museum’s edu- selves through art activities,” said Ms. Raphael. “My goal cational programs coordinator. She explains: “Family pro- at The Ukrainian Museum is to create programs that help grams present an opportunity for intergenerational learn- families find new common interests, explore new materi- ing and interaction, and offer a fun opportunity for fami- als and, above all, encourage them to become lifelong lies to learn together about the museum’s collection of friends of the museum.” Ukrainian art and artifacts through age-appropriate discus- To promote its Family Programs, the museum has pub- sion and a variety of art activities.” lished an informative brochure, which lists all upcoming The recurring Folk Art Workshops allow families to activities. The information is also available online at become familiar, through hands-on experience, with such All Family Workshops are activities as embroidery, weaving, and sculpting out of $5 per family member; $3 per museum member. All clay, based on samples from the museum’s permanent col- materials are included. lection. These traditional crafts serve as the basis for indi- For information call 212-228-0110, e-mail edu@ukrai- At The Ukrainian Museum in New York, an instruc- vidual exploration and interpretation., or log on to tor guides a student in an embroidery project.

life with two gunshots to the head. *** The first and second... Gongadze never wrote anything about Mr. A conversation... The diminutive star’s concert was a (Continued from page 3) Kravchenko; he did, however, write a great (Continued from page 5) deal about the other people mentioned in big hit, with guests crowding the seats ing Gongadze he was in the internal affairs this yet, but I sing his songs because he is and area behind the tennis courts and on minister’s office, where Mr. Kravchenko Gen. Pukach’s statements. in my heart. I grew up singing these Perhaps certain behind-the-scenes details all balconies. Ruslana sang some of her allegedly introduced him to Mr. Lytvyn by songs, with his words, with him. In fact, will emerge during the Pukach trial, provid- newer songs, but mainly stuck to her big saying, “This is our colleague who personal- late last night as the “zabava” was still ed that it is open to the public – and provided hits. The crowd sang along, cheered and ly took care of Gongadze.” Mr. Kravchenko going strong down here, I was lying that the defendant doesn’t meet with an gave Ruslana an ovation when she spoke also allegedly tapped Mr. Pukach on the down singing his songs – “Dva Persteni,” of her politics and love for Soyuzivka shoulder, turned to Mr. Lytvyn, and said: untimely accident or suicide. But perhaps the most significant outcome “Vodohrai,” “Pisnia Bude Pomizh Nas” – and the diaspora. “Tell the president that we will carry out all all of them. The concert culminated with a large of his instructions.” of the Gongadze killing has been the mobili- zation of journalists and Ukrainian society in We don’t have these types of songs group of young people dancing on the Gen. Pukach insists that not only Messrs. anymore, we don’t create these anymore. grassy knoll behind the tennis court as Lyvyn and Dzyga knew about the murder, general in a concerted defense of freedom of Ivasiuk left us these. This is why they she sang her last few songs. Many but that President Kuchma and Ukrainian speech. There were serious achievements in were so dear to us, and obviously why it walked away with a new appreciation for Security Service chief Leonid Derkach did safeguarding this freedom after the 2005 angered others. We must continue to sing the star and great memories of her time at as well. Mr. Lytvyn denies ever meeting Orange Revolution. these songs – granted not many currently their favorite resort. Gen. Pukach. But many of these now are in danger of understand this in Ukraine, but there is September 17 is the last day on which being completely rolled back. If the tenden- I had the good fortune to get to know hope. anyone can be charged with ordering cies that we are currently seeing in Ukraine one of Ukraine’s premiere musicians. Gongadze’s murder, because of the statute of become the status quo, then the cause that Is that your hope? That some day Ruslana is as genuine and passionate as limitations. If this does not happen, the guilty Gongadze stood for will die. He will have young kids will be singing your songs anyone could have hoped. I have never parties will have gotten away with murder. been murdered a second time. around the campfire? met anyone even within a mile of her That may very well be why this investiga- Copyright 2010, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted success who was as down to earth, sup- tion has dragged on these 10 years. Those with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ Oh, that would be a dream. But I think portive and approachable as she is. who did the deed will be punished, but the Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, that maybe most of my music is a little If Ruslana’s dream comes true and she crime’s real masterminds will remain in the Washington DC 20036; (See too energetic to sing around the campfire. becomes a regular at Soyuzivka then I shadows. Perhaps it is no coincidence that all However, my new material will be much encourage everyone to see her great the blame is being placed on Mr. Second_Murders_Of_Georgiy_ easier to sing around a fire, because the show. The experience would be more Kravchenko, a man who ostensibly took his Gongadze/2161488.html.) songs of “Dyki Tantsi” were more dance complete, however, if you are lucky music. But these new songs were written enough to steal a moment and speak with so that they could be sung with just a gui- her. Ruslana will renew the Ukrainian tar, even though they are arranged to be spirit we felt when our parents and grand- Prize by the Organization for Security and dance numbers, they can be toned down parents spoke of the Ukrainian nation that U.S. Helsinki... Cooperation in Europe Parliamentary and just sung. must be freed. (Continued from page 1) Assembly when Co-Chairman Hastings establish a democracy rooted in respect for served as that body’s vice-president. human rights and democratic elections,” The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s independence from the in said the Helsinki co-chairman, Rep. Alcee annual session in Oslo passed Sen. Cardin’s August 1991. L. Hastings (D-Fla.). “However, the recent resolution in July aimed at strengthening Syracuse... press freedoms and protection for investiga- The Rev. Hedz spoke to the crowd about deterioration in freedoms of media and (Continued from page 9) tive journalists across the 56-country OSCE the importance of the immigration of assembly, and the growing intimidation of Paraszczak, representing the Syracuse region. The measure calls for countries to Ukrainians to America, starting before journalists, academics, and non-governmen- branch of the Ukrainian Federal Credit repeal criminal defamation laws, increase Union; Roma Temnycky, treasurer, and World War I, and their role in establishing tal organizations by the Security Service of Ukrainian communities in the United States the free flow of information, and actively Mark Temnycky, counselor, representing Ukraine,” he added, “raise questions about and Canada. He stated that these immi- investigate and vigorously prosecute those Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization, the government’s fulfillment of its OSCE responsible for threats against or physical grants and the new generation of Ukrainians Syracuse branch; Mykola Fruscello, chair- commitments to human rights and democra- attacks on journalists. living in America today are instrumental in man of the Auditing Committee for the cy.” fighting for the rights and freedoms of our Ten years ago, the decapitated corpse of The Commission on Security and Ukrainian National Home; Leonid Jemetz, brothers and sisters in Ukraine. investigative journalist Gongadze was dis- Cooperation in Europe, also known as the president of the Parish Council for St. Luke’s Although Ukraine currently faces many covered in a forest outside Kyiv. While the U.S. Helsinki Commission, is an indepen- Ukrainian Orthodox Church; Slawka challenges and hardships, especially with perpetrators of the murder were convicted dent agency of the federal government Bobesky, director of the Ukrainian American the administration of newly elected following the Orange Revolution, those charged with monitoring compliance with Youth Association Dance Ensemble, Odessa; President Viktor Yanukovych, it is a young who reportedly commissioned the crime the Helsinki Accords and advancing com- Greg Lisnyszyj, representing the Ukrainian country that needs time to continue to move have yet to be brought to justice. The anni- prehensive security through promotion of American Youth Association in Syracuse; in the right direction of democracy, said the versary of Gongadze’s death comes against human rights, democracy, and economic, and Julia Sydorowycz, vice-president of the Rev. Hedz. the backdrop of protests by journalists, environmental and military cooperation in Ukrainian National Women’s League of The program concluded with the “Hail human rights and democracy activists in 56 countries. The Commission consists of America. Mary,” led by the Rev. Hedz and a moment reaction to accelerated pressures against the nine members from the U.S. Senate, nine As Mr. Lisnyszyj raised the Ukrainian of silence for Irene Kuprowska Anderson media and civil society. from the House of Representatives, and one flag, those present sang the Ukrainian and Deacon Dr. Myron Kotch, two impor- In 2001 Gongadze was posthumously member each from the Departments of national anthem. The flag flew for the entire tant Ukrainian activists in the Syracuse area awarded the Journalism and Democracy State, Defense, and Commerce. observance of the proclamation of Ukraine’s who recently passed away. 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 No. 39

Dumka’s 60th anniversary celebration to continue in Washington WASHINGTON – Тhe Ukrainian Chorus Dumka of New York City will appear in concert at the Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine on Sunday, October 10, at 3 p.m. The chorus is con- tinuing its 60th anniversary celebration initiated on March 28 with a concert at New York’s Merkin Hall. Under the direction of Vasyl Hrechynsky, Dumka’s program will fea- ture religious and secular works by Bortniansky, Verbytsky, Leontovych, Berezovsky, Caccini, Verdi, Hnatyshyn, Kos-Anatolsky and others. Originally formed as a male chorus in New York City in 1949 to preserve and cultivate the rich secular and religious musical heritage of Ukraine, Dumka became a mixed chorus a decade later. The chorus has performed in Carnegie Hall, Alice Tully Hall, Avery Fisher Hall, The Dumka Chorus of New York. Town Hall, the Brooklyn Academy of Music and St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New European concert tour, appearing in Catholic National Shrine Library and Legeckis, Zenoviy Onyshkevych, York; the Garden State Arts Center in England, Austria, Germany and France. Washington’s Branch 78 of the Ukrainian Romana B. Rainey, Ilona Sochynsky, and New Jersey; the J.F. Kennedy Center for Dumka first visited Ukraine in 1990 with National Women’s League of America. Martha H. Voyevidka. A reception on the the Performing Arts in Washington, as concerts in Kyiv, Lviv and Poltava. In conjunction with the October 10 shrine’s terrace will follow the concert. well as in Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, The concert is co-sponsored by The concert, there will be an exhibition of For detailed information contact aima- Toronto and Montreal. Washington Group, The Washington mixed media works by Christine [email protected] or visit http://www.ucns- In 1985 and 1988 Dumka went on a Group Cultural Fund, the Ukrainian Baransky, Natalia Kormeluk, Martha

turn, did not do enough. Ukraine did not James Mace... provide Dr. Mace the appropriate instru- UCCLA launches website, new awards (Continued from page 8) ments, because the system did not and CALGARY, Alberta – The Ukrainian The UCCLF has made two further honor the memory of an entire stratum of does not respect its scholars. “Therefore, my hope is that this com- Canadian Civil Liberties Foundation scholarship opportunities available to stu- Ukrainian society which perished.” (UCCLF) has established a significant dents. The Internment Recognition High plex will serve as a transitional research At the same time, Prof. Serbyn offered online presence with a new website at School Award and the Internment venue on the Holodomor where students his comments by suggesting that Ukraine The UCCLF also has a Recognition Opinion-Editorial Award can witness and study examples of Dr. did not actually utilize James Mace to his Facebook page and a Twitter page (twit- have continued the UCCLF’s tradition of Mace’s methodology, and then continue fullest potential. According to Prof. encouraging students to engage in Serbyn, Dr. Mace managed to do a great from where he left off by taking their Information can be found there on researching civil liberties themes. These job in getting the word out about the research onto a different, higher level,” UCCLF’s third annual Holodomor- awards focus students’ attention on Ukrainian Holodomor, but Ukraine, in stated Prof. Serbyn. themed scholarship initiatives. One out- Canada’s first national internment opera- lines details pertaining to the High tions of 1914-1920. The deadline for both School Civil Liberties Award and the of these awards is April 30, 2011. other outlines details pertaining to the The Ukrainian Canadian Civil Civil Liberties Opinion-Editorial Award Liberties Foundation may also be con- (open to both high school as well as post- tacted at 48 Wood Crest Close SW, secondary students). E-mail inquiries Calgary, Alberta T2W 3P9; phone, 403- may be sent to [email protected]. 800 5860; e-mail; [email protected].

awarded: the Roman Rakoczy trophies to Marko Krasij... the men’s and women’s winners, the men’s (Continued from page 13) Bohdan Rak Trophy, the women’s trophies for the event. The Carpathian Ski Constantine Ben Trophy, the men’s 35s and Club (known by its Ukrainian-based acro- over Jaroslaw Rubel Trophy, men’s 45 and nym as KLK) has been the host club for over Dr. Wolodymyr Huk Trophy, and the many years as well, providing the tennis men’s 55 and over Dr. Petro Charuk Trophy. balls and press announcements; it was rep- Ms. Lisovich officially closed the 55th resented this year by Messrs. Durbak and USCAK tennis tournament by congratulat- Hrabec. ing all the winners and finalists, and urging In addition to the UNA-funded trophies everyone to continue to support Soyuzivka, awarded to all the winners and finalists, the the tennis tournaments held there and the following memorial trophies were also Ukrainian National Association.

Education in cooperation with the U.S.- A trip to New York... Ukraine Business Council and with the sup- (Continued from page 7) port of the Embassy of Ukraine. September 19. And if you haven’t seen the “Ukraine – The “Glory of Ukraine” sacred images Sweden” exhibition at The Ukrainian exhibit at the MOBIA closed a week earlier, Museum as yet, you have until October 31. on September 12. But if you missed it in While there, don’t miss its other exhibits: New York you’re not completely out of “The Gift of Art,” featuring large modern luck. It is being moved to Washington’s paintings by Arcadia Olenska-Petryshyn, Meridian International Center, where it will and “No Other Home,” a photo exhibit be shown from October 20 through January about the return of Tatars to their native 16, 2011. Its U.S. tour will conclude at the lands in Crimea. And, with Christmas not Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, between too far ahead, don’t miss the gift shop. February and May 2011. But don’t keep putting it off, as some of While at the Meridian Center, it will be my New York friends did with the “Glory of joined by a scaled-down preview showing Ukraine” exhibit. They did manage to see it of “Golden Treasures and Lost on the very last day, after I told them about Civilizations,” its sister exhibition about the how great it was and reminded them that it 6,000 years of history of tribes and people was closing within a couple of days. who inhabited the territory of modern Afterwards, one of them, artist Orest Ukraine. Both are presented by the “Gogo” Slupchynskyj, shared his reaction in Foundation for International Arts and an e-mail: “Amazing!” No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 23 OUT AND ABOUT

Through October 14 Art exhibit, “Hide and Seek,” featuring works by Lydia Manalapan, NJ Dead Zone,” Ukrainian National Women’s League of Texas City, TX Bodnar-Balahutrak, College of the Mainland Fine America – Branch 98, Monmouth County Library Arts Gallery, 409-933-8354 Headquarters, 732-431-7220 or October 9 Presentation, “Against Their Will – The Reality of October 1-3 63rd annual Ukrainian American Veterans Chicago Human Trafficking,” Women’s Association for the Kerhonkson, NY convention, Soyuzivka Heritage Center, Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine, Ss. 610-867-4052 Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church hall, 773-793-0967 October 2 Tryzub 60th anniversary, Ukrainian American Horsham, PA Sports Center Tryzub, 215-343-5412 October 9 Fall festival, St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Parma, OH Cathedral, 440-886-2108 or October 2 Wine-tasting fund-raiser, Ukrainian Museum - [email protected] Parma, OH Archives, 216-791-4329 October 10 Concert featuring the Ukrainian Chorus “Dumka,” October 2 Ukrainian Festival, Ukrainian American Cultural Washington The Washington Group, Ukrainian National Shrine Whippany, NJ Center of New Jersey, 973-585-7175 of the Holy Family, 703-760-0438 or [email protected] October 2 Potato bake and pig roast, featuring a dance with Lehighton, PA music by Capt. Mike, Ukrainian Homestead, October 10 Lvivsky Ball, featuring music by Klooch, Bajda and 215-235-3709 Toronto Kavalery, Trident Banquet Hall, 416-566-2664

October 2 Book presentation, “Beyond Borders” by Dr. October 14-15 Concert featuring the Pavlo Virsky Ukrainian Parma, OH Myroslava Mudrak, Ukrainian National Women’s Edmonton, AB National Folk Dance Ensemble, Jubilee Auditorium, League of America – Branch 12, St. Josaphat Astrodome, 440-887-1201 October 16 Feast day, New Kuban Kozak Community, Ss. Peter October 3 12th annual Hetman Awards Banquet, Ukrainian Millville, NJ and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Edmonton, AB Canadian Congress – Alberta Provincial Council. St. 856-697-2255 John Cultural Center, 780-414-1624 or October 16 Antique appraisals, Blessed Virgin Mary Guild, Scranton, PA St. Vladimir Parish Center, 570-963-1580 October 3 Ukrainian American Talent Festival, United Somerset, NJ Ukrainian Orthodox Sisterhoods of the U.S.A., October 16 Harvest festival, St. Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Ukrainian Cultural Center, 609-882-2477 New Britain, CT Church, 860-229-3833 or 860-677-2138

October 4 Lecture by Taras Kuzio, “Ukraine’s Domestic and Baltimore, MD Foreign Policies Under Yanukovych: How Much Are They New, How Much Are They Old?” Johns Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events Hopkins University, 202-415-4608 advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors October 6 Film presentation by Irene Zabytko, “Life in the and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected]. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 No. 39

PREVIEW OF EVENTS Wednesday, October 6 at 3 p.m. The event is open seating in the cathedral’s nave and tickets are $25 and may MANALAPAN, N.J.: Ukrainian National be purchased in advance by sending a check Women’s League of America Branch 98 of made out to TWG Cultural Fund and sent to: Holmdel/Middletown, N.J., has invited Dumka, c/o C. Kinal, 3303 Upland Terrace author and filmmaker Irene Zabytko to pres- 216 Foordmore Road NW, Washington, DC 2015. Tickets can also 1-845-626-5641 ent her latest project, a documentary film P.O. Box 529 be purchased at the door the day of the event. [email protected] about Chornobyl titled “Life in the Dead Kerhonkson, NY 12446 Contact phone: 703-341-9635. Refreshments Zone.” This film tells the story of elderly res- will be served after the concert. This event is idents who choose to return to their village sponsored by The Washington Group, The near the site of the world’s worst nuclear Washington Group Cultural Fund, Ukrainian accident. The event will be held at 6:30 p.m. Sept 30-Oct 3 – Ukrainian American Oct 29-31 – Halloween National Women’s League of America at the Monmouth County Library Veterans Convention Branch 78 of Washington and the Ukrainian Nov 6-7 – USCAK Convention Headquarters, 125 Symmes Drive, Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family. Sept 25 – To be announced Manalapan, NJ 07726; website, www.mon- Nov 12-14 – Plast Orlykiada; phone, 732-431-7220. Saturday, October 16 Oct 8-10 – Wedding Nov 19-21 – Scrapbook Weekend The event is free, with refreshments and a NEW BRITAIN, Conn.: A Ukrainian Oct 15-17 – Wedding discussion period to follow. Harvest Festival will take place from 9 a.m. Nov 25 – Thanksgiving Saturday, October 9 to 2 p.m. at St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Oct 22-24 – Wedding Nov 27 – High school reunion Church, 54 Winter St., (behind Newbrite CHICAGO: The Women’s Association for Plaza). Featured will be a new cook book, the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine, “More Best Recipes of Ukrainian-American Alla Horska branch in Chicago, is hosting an Cooks,” nut rolls, Ukrainian breads, a giant awareness event “Against Their Will – The tag and Christmas item sale, a large collec- Reality of Human Trafficking” featuring the tion of costume jewelry, a cake and dessert following speakers: Victor Malarek, author table, a raffle, as well as a Ukrainian kitchen j and investigative journalist; Orysia Sushko, featuring traditional foods, plus hot dogs and Alex E. Ky former president of the Ukrainian Canadian hamburgers. Free parking is available behind Financial Advisor Congress and community activist; Rachel the church. For further information call 860- Financial Planning Specialist Durchslag, founder and director of the 229-3833 or 860-677-2138. Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation. The event will take place at Saturday, October 23 6:30 p.m. at Ss. Volodymyr and Olha TROY, N.Y.: A benefit concert for Ukraine’s One Liberty Place Ukrainian Catholic Church Hall, located at orphans, organized by members of Ukrainian 1650 Market Street, 42nd Floor the corner of Superior and Oakley streets. churches in New York’s capital district, will Admission: $20 per person. Light refresh- feature violin virtuoso Vasyl Popadiuk, who Philadelphia, PA 19103 ments will be served and attendees will have will headline this event, and a special appear- (215) 854-6284 (800) 233-1414 an opportunity to obtain signed copies of Mr. ance of the area’s children’s dance ensemble Malarek’s books, “The Natashas” and “The Zorepad. Lydia Kulbida, WTEN Channel 10 Johns.” For more information e-mail kvit- news anchor, will MC the program. The per- [email protected] or call 773-550-6519. formance will be held at the Troy Savings Sunday, October 10 Bank Music Hall, Second and State streets. [email protected] Tickets are: $25 and $30; $15 for those age WASHINGTON: A 60th anniversary cele- 17 and younger. Tickets may be purchased bration of the Dumka Chorus in the nation’s by calling the box office, 518-273-8945. capital will be held at the Ukrainian Catholic Website: For infor- National Shrine of the Holy Family, 4250 mation call Anna Mariani, 518-235-5951, or Harewood Road NE, Washington DC, 20017 e-mail [email protected].


Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a service BACK TO SCHOOL provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community.

SPECIAL: To have an event listed in Preview of Events please send information, in English, written in Preview format, i.e., in a brief paragraph that includes the date, place, type of event, sponsor, admission, full names of persons and/or organizations involved, and A subscription a phone number to be published for readers who may require additional information. Items should be no more than 100 words long; longer submissions are subject to The Ukrainian Weekly! to editing. Items not written in Preview format or submitted without all required information will not be published. Give the college students in your family their own nine-month gift subscrip- tion to The Ukrainian Weekly. The Weekly is a great resource for students Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of who plan to write college papers on topics about Ukraine, helps students publication. No information will be taken over the phone. Items will be published keep in touch with the Ukrainian community throughout the United States only once, unless otherwise indicated. Please include payment for each time the item and Canada, and gives students the opportunity to keep learning about is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, their Ukrainian heritage once they leave home.The subscription rate for senders are asked to include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by the academic year is only $45 ($35 if the student is a member of the UNA). The Weekly during daytime hours, as well as their complete mailing address.

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