Revised List of Queensland Birds
Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 0 19. 1984 Revised List ofQueensland Birds G.M.Storr ,~ , , ' > " Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement No. 19 I $ I,, 1 > Revised List oflQueensland Birds G. M. Storr ,: i, Perth 1984 'j t ,~. i, .', World List Abbreviation: . Rec. West. Aust. Mus. Suppl. no. 19 Cover Palm Cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus), drawn by Jill Hollis. © Western Australian Museum 1984 I ISBN 0 7244 8765 4 Printed and Published by the Western Australian Museum, j Francis Street, Perth 6000, Western Australia. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction. ...................................... 5 List of birds. ...................................... 7 Gazetteer ....................................... .. 179 3 INTRODUCTION In 1967 I began to search the literature for information on Queensland birds their distribution, ecological status, relative abundance, habitat preferences, breeding season, movements and taxonomy. In addition much unpublished information was received from Mrs H.B. Gill, Messrs J.R. Ford, S.A. Parker, R.L. Pink, R.K. Carruthers, L. Neilsen, D. Howe, C.A.C. Cameron, Bro. Matthew Heron, Dr D.L. Serventy and the late W.E. Alexander. These data formed the basis of the List of Queensland birds (Stort 1973, Spec. Pubis West. Aust. Mus. No. 5). During the last decade the increase in our knowledge of Queensland birds has been such as to warrant a re-writing of the List. Much of this progress has been due to three things: (1) survey work by J.R. Ford, A. Gieensmith and N.C.H. Reid in central Queensland and southern Cape York Peninsula (Ford et al. 1981, Sunbird 11: 58-70), (2) research into the higher categories ofclassification, especially C.G.
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