Source: Dewi Hackl Indonesian Steamed Glunous with Shredded Chicken Filling Ingredients (Rice)

• 500 g glunous rice • 125 ml • 2 cups of water • 4-5 Salam leaves (Indonesian bay leaves, see photo)* • 1 lemongrass stalk • 3 candlenuts (see photo next page),* (mashed into a paste using a mortar and pestle) • ½ tsp powder • Pinch of Salt

Ingredients (Filling)

• 4 • 2 , fine chopped ** • 2 cm of , fine chopped ** • 6 candlenuts (see photo next page)* • ½ tsp sugar • ½ tsp salt • 2 Tbsp vegetable oil • ¼ tsp coriander powder • ½ tsp powder • 250 g chicken breast, minced • 2 cm of (a kind of ginger, see photo next page)* • 3 Salam leaves (Indonesian bay leaves)* • 3 kaffir lime leaves

Ingredients (Assembly) • Banana leaves for wrapping* • Toothpicks to secure the banana leaves * Candlenuts and galangal can easily be found in grocery stores. Banana leaves can be found at NTUS Fair Price or wet markets – sold as fresh or dried leaves. Salam leaves can be found at wet markets, sold as dried or fresh. Cook: Dewi Hackl ** Can also grind in a food processor. Side dish, , inexpensive Candlenuts Galangal

Salam leaves Instrucons (Rice)

• Soak the rice in a bowl for 1 hour. Drain and rinse. • In a saucepan cook the glunous rice, coconut milk and water and the rest of ingredients for 12 mins. Sr me to me to make sure it doesn't sck to the saucepan. • Steam for further 15-20 mins. • Set a side to cool.

Instrucons (Filling)

• Using the food processor, grind the shallots, garlic, ginger, candlenuts, coriander, sugar and salt. This is the “ground spices”. • Heat the oil in a pan. Sauté the “ground spices” unl fragrant. • Add the galangal, Salam, kaffir leaves, turmeric powder, and the minced chicken. • Cook unl the chicken is almost dry. Set aside to cool.


• Take a large tablespoon of rice and place onto a piece of (15 x 15 cm square shapes). • Flaen the rice to 1/2 inch (12 mm) thickness. • Put a good teaspoon of chicken filling in the middle and mold the rice around it into a cylindrical shape. • Roll the banana leaf and secure the ends with toothpicks to make a neat parcel. • Heat the parcels over a barbeque or steamed for 15 mins, than allowed to cool again to serve.