Thirty-fourth Annual Report

of the Business Done in Pursuance of the CIVIL SERVICE SUPERANNUATION ACT

for the


Printed by A. SUTTON, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in right of the Province of British Columbia. 1970

To Colonel the Honourable JOHN R. NICHOLSON, P.C., O.B.E., Q.C., LL.D., Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of British Columbia.

MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR: The undersigned respectfully submits the Report of the business done in pur­ suance of the Civil Service Superannuation Act during the fiscal year 1968/69.

WESLEY D. BLACK, Provincial Secretary. Provincial Secretary's Office, Victoria, British Columbia, January 15, 1970. The Honourable Wesley D. Black, Provincial Secretary, Victoria, British Columbia. SIR,—I have the honour to lay before you the Report of the business done in pursuance of the Civil Service Superannuation Act during the fiscal year 1968/69. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, W. H. FORREST, Superannuation Commissioner. January 15, 1970. Superannuation Report, 1968/69

Report of the Business Done in Pursuance of the Civil Service Superannuation Act during the Fiscal Year 1968/69

Sections 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 18, 19, 21, 43, 52, 53, 54, 55 (Employee and Employer Contributions).—During the year an amount of $6,690,128 was received from employees, consisting of the following:— Compulsory and arrears contributions $5,993,823 Voluntary contributions 684,834 Repayment of moneys withdrawn 11,471

$6,690,128 During the year, employer contributions amounting to a net total of $5,910,865 were received from the following sources:— Minister of Finance— Compulsory and arrears matching $5,715,785 Reinstatement matching 11,471 Prior-service and reclassification require­ ments 447 2-per-cent formula requirements 1,208,378 Service-bonus requirements 80,093 Minimum-allowance requirements 20,936

$7,037,110 Less refund abatements 1,454,676 $5,582,434 Alcoholism Foundation of British Columbia 4,958 Dyking districts 1,294 Employees' association and credit unions 5,633 Liquor Control Board 296,367 University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, and Simon Fraser University 20,179

$5,910,865 As at March 31, 1969, there were 21,466 active contributors to the Fund. Section 13.—As at March 31, 1969, deposits with the Treasury at credit of the Civil Service Superannuation Fund amounted to $153,238,519. Section 14.—Interest earned by the Fund amounting to $7,423,989 was re­ ceived from the Minister of Finance. After crediting the accounts with interest calculated on the credit balances in the Fund on April 1 and October 1, 1968, com­ puted at 4 per cent per annum in respect of employees who entered the Service subsequent to April 1, 1958, and at 5 per cent per annum in respect of employees who entered the Service prior to April 1, 1958, and to the Contributory Pensions Account, there was a balance of unapportioned interest of $679,488, which amount was transferred to the Reserve Account. T 6 BRITISH COLUMBIA

Section 17.—A statement of all moneys received and paid out under the pro­ visions of this Act and the assets and liabilities appertaining to the granting of superannuation allowances under its provisions is given in the statement of revenue and expenditure and the balance-sheet appended. Section 18.—Of the 167 superannuation allowances granted under this section, eight were for reasons of total and permanent disability. Section 20.—Ten deferred superannuation allowances were granted under this section. As at March 31, 1969, there were 235 former contributors with credits in the Fund eligible to apply for a deferred superannuation allowance after attaining the minimum retirement age. Section 21.—Of the 167 allowances granted under section 18, 74 retiring employees selected the 2-per-cent formula under this section. Section 22.—Superannuation allowances were granted to dependents of 25 employees who died while in service, nine of which were granted on the 2-per-cent formula. Section 24.—Refunds totalling $170,049 were made to the widow, widower, or estate in the case of 49 contributors who died while in service. Section 25.—(1) Refunds totalling $1,496,360 were made to 2,126 former contributors who left the Service, including 84 with more than 10 years of countable service who elected to receive a refund. Of these, six were eligible to receive an immediate superannuation allowance and the other 78 were entitled to leave their credits in the Fund in order to receive a deferred superannuation allowance after reaching their minimum retirement age. (3) A total of $45,231 was transferred to the contributors' credit in the Employees' Suspense Account in respect of 47 former employees who were out of the service of the Government for more than three years. Section 28.—Administration expenses amounting to $87,728 were paid from the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Section 37.—An amount of $5,549 was paid over to the Minister of Finance from the accounts of 23 former contributors. Imprest Payments and Receipts.—An amount of $619,980 was paid out in supplementing allowances granted prior to April 1, 1953, under Schedules B and C, allowances granted prior to April 1, 1958, under section 58A (effective April 1, 1962), and allowances granted prior to March 31, 1966, under section 58B (effective May 1, 1966), and under section 58c (effective May 1, 1968). The Minister of Finance reimbursed the Fund for this amount out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund. By special arrangement with the Crown Life Insurance Company, payments totalling $41,744 to retired employees of the Liquor Control Board were made out of the Fund, which was reimbursed by the insurance company. These payments were in respect of the portion of their total benefits purchased from the insurance company prior to August 1, 1961. Section 47.—(1) and (2) Of the 33 allowances granted under (1) and (2), six retiring employees selected the 2-per-cent formula under section 21. (3) One disability allowance was granted on the 2-per-cent formula under this subsection. (4) Superannuation allowances were granted to dependents of two employees who died while in service. CIVIL SERVICE SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1968/69 T 7

DEATH BENEFITS FUND As at March 31, 1969, there were 1,695 superannuants participating. During the year 82 claims were paid, amounting to $48,300, financed as follows:— Amount Per Cent Contributions by superannuants $20,014 41.44 Contributions by Government 28,286 58.56 $48,300 100.00 For details of individual payments see statement appended.



Revenue Contributions as per requirements of the Act- Employees— Regular $5,993,823 Voluntary 684,834 Reinstatement 11,471 $6,690,128 Employer— Miscellaneous statutory $7,365,541 Less refund abatement 1,454,676 5,910,865 Transfers from Teachers' Pensions Fund 226,469 Transfers from former Liquor Control Board Pension Plan 7,333 Transfers from Government of Superannuation Fund 94,730 Allowance payment receipts (as per contra)— Re Schedules B and C, sections 58A, 58B, and 58c supplementary allowances $619,980 Re former Liquor Control Board employees 41,744 661,724

Interest received from Minister of Finance 7,423,989 $21,015,238 Expenditure Superannuation allowances— Paid from the Fund $3,938,386 Allowance payments (as per contra)— Re Schedules B and C, sections 58A, 58B, and 58c supplementary allowances $619,980 Re former Liquor Control Board employees.. 41,744 661,724 $4,600,110 Refunds 1,671,958 Transfers to Government of Canada Superannuation Fund 130,185 6,402,253

Net increase during year $14,612,985 Add deposits with Treasury, April 1, 1968— Civil Service Superannuation Fund $119,332,358 Retirement Fund 19,293,176 138,625,534

Deposist with Treasury, March 31, 1969 _ $153,238,519 CIVIL SERVICE SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1968/69 T 9


CIVIL SERVICE SUPERANNUATION FUND AS AT MARCH 31, 1969 Cash and securities held by the Province of British Columbia as shown on page E 18 of the Public Accounts, 1968/69— Cash in chartered banks in Canada $245,301 Investments— Bonds, debentures, and short-term deposits with chartered banks at book value 152,568,653 Bank of British Columbia, 17,780 shares at book value 424,565 Bonds and debentures— Par Value Province of British Columbia $1,536,500 Province of Ontario 105,000 Province of Quebec 179,000 Province of British Columbia guaranty— British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority 83,219,800 British Columbia Ferry Authority 15,655,000 British Columbia School Districts Capital Fi­ nancing Authority 8,145,300 British Columbia municipalities 12,864,209 British Columbia improvement districts 8,001,300 British Columbia school districts 19,021,900 Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company 5,800,000 Province of Manitoba guaranty—Manitoba Hydro­ electric Power Commission 2,000 Province of Quebec guaranty—Quebec Hydro-elec­ tric Commission 110,000 $154,640,009 Bank of Nova Scotia short-term deposit 883,000



Civil Service Superannuation Fund distribution— Contributory Pensions Account, being amount available for the payment of current pensions $34,408,790 Balance at credit of contributory accounts— Employees' compulsory contributions $55,564,245 Employees' voluntary contributions 6,921,532 $62,485,777 Employer matching contributions 55,564,245 118,050,022 Special Agreement Account re credits of certain employees of the British Columbia Ferries Division 6,050 Special Agreement Account re credits of certain employees of the Liquor Control Board 23,201 Reserve Account 679,488 Employees' Suspense Account, being unclaimed moneys at credit of former employees, as per Schedule No. 1 70,968

$153,238,519 T 10 BRITISH COLUMBIA



Name Department Amount

Allard, Marjorie C ... Mental Health .577.60 Anderson, Alice V Mental Health 176.54 Arai, Hatsume Marim.. Mental Health 736.18 Baker, Wilfred H Highways 23.95 Barnard, Michael John.. Forest Service 72.27 Bayley, Walter George... Attorney-General ... .243.35 Beattie, Barbara J Labour 171.20 Berry, Dr. Kenneth Mental Health . 128.57 Bizicki, Alex Highways 440.95 Bjorkman, Ellard O Forest Service .. 9.18 Brazier, Robert Henry— Public Works ... .105.22 Brian, Percy Public Works- 832.90 Burills, Verna Margrethe L.­ Agriculture 8.87 Buxton, Helena Matilda Mental Health.. 226.78 Carlson, Alma~ Mental Health . 216.81 Chalmers, Stephen Kent- Highways 43.78 Collins, James Raymond . Education 571.58 Dalman, Albert Oscar Highways 135.23 Daniels, Carl Dennis Finance 29.85 Deane, Marie Nel~ Mental Health... 78.41 Deplissey, Jean Isabel Public Health.... 55.48 Dickson, Randall Herbert Highways 38.26 Dumont, Machel V Highways 766.76 Elliott, Charles Francis Desmond.. Highways 229.01 Edmonds, Margaret Mental Health. ,377.20 Edstrom, Gail Sylvia Mental Health 144.75 Edwards, Phyllis P Mental Health.. ,020.70 Finch, Wallace M ._ Forest Service .... ,035.45 Fraser, Irene Eleanor... — Mental Health 35.63 Froats, Cecil Willis _ Public Works... ,769.11 Froese, Egon.. Public Works- 887.15 Garby, Alice Katherine. Public Health- 137.16 Gillies, Bernard Highways 381.32 Gleis, Elena Jean Social Welfare . 626.11 Godfrey, Gladys.. Mental Health... 87.90 Graham, Elizabeth Ann _ Public Health.... 135.45 Gray, Murray Thomas.— Forest Service- 176.08 Gregory, Hilda. Education 105.35 Grenon, Sophie.. Attorney-General- 16.48 Grieder, Arthur August. Highways _ 64.90 Harvey, David G._ Forest Service — 29.89 Helliwell, Louise Mary.. Social Welfare 433.04 Henry, Ernest Highways _ 10,08 Hope, Brian Trevor.. Highways 75.38 Hunter, Jo-Mary.. Public Health 503.12 Hunter, Mona Isabelle.. Social Welfare ,223.98 Isabelle, Paul E Forest Service 20.46 Jenner, Douglas Arnold Highways 15.34 Johnson, Douglas Ove Forest Service 42.44 Johnson, Frederick Joseph- Highways.. 457.74 Jorgenson, D. G Public Works .. 1.22 Kartner, Mary Public Health... ,079.13 Keyowski, John __ Highways.— 39.45 Klym, Stetania _ Mental Health . 99.57 Krahn, Jake Henry Highways.. 19.51 Koivula, Diana Irene Forest Service 130.44 Lariviere, Hattie Marie Social Welfare 98.10 Lee, Robert Chung Nin Mental Health 212.04 Leslie, George Gray.. Mental Health 170.58 Lester, Teresa Catherine Public Health 6.60 MacLauchlin, Margaret Anne Mental Health ,118.83 McComb, Margaret Kenrena.... Mental Health 152.29 McCrae, June Clare.. Public Health 27.97 Mack, Margaret G.. Public Health ,552.55 Marion, Michael Romeo Ludger.. Forest Service 23.01 March, Louise Ruth Mental Health 24.09 Marsiske, Wolfgang Mental Health 121.17 Miller, K. Ruth — Mental Health ,778.54 Moran, Bridget Ann Public Health 97.10 I- CIVIL SERVICE SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1968/69 T 11



Name Department Amount

Morgan, Elinor V...._ Hospital Insurance Service. 082.43 Nelson, Leif Antoni Highways _ 163.07 O'Neill, Martin Charles Highways ._ _ _ 42.89 Pickstone, Mary H Social Welfare _ ,690.55 Pipke, Joyce Featherstone Education . _ 132.60 Purcell, P. Randolph — Provincial Secretary ,706.37 Pye, Donna Carter Mental Health .._. 53.18 Quinn, Michael J. __. Mental Health ..._ ,100.33 Riecker, Peter— _ Agriculture '. 912.00 Roberts, Thomas H. _ Highways — _ _ 4.36 Rosenberg, Reinhold W H ighways _ ,525.33 Sam, Clifford Joseph Highways- 7.38 Sandberg, Norman Harry — Highways 71.44 Sandersen, Kathleen Patricia. Public Health 77.86 Sargent, Shirley Emily Mental Health ___ 71.21 Schneider, Frank C Commercial Transport. ,272.53 Sinclair, George A — Highways . _ „ _ ,583.40 Sirgianidis, Stella _ Mental Health. 39.22 Skoczylas, William Forest Service _. 729.81 Smith, Marjorie Irene Attorney-General 14.39 Szabo, Tivadar— Forest Service 273.33 Templeton, Irene Dorothy Public Health ,663.75 Turner, George - Highways .— _ 13.76 Turner, Gladys— _ Highways — 507.68 Schmilinsky, Erhart Education 21.26 Vivian, Reba Alice Social Welfare . _. 14.99 Warren, Norma Louise Mental Health 552.05 Williamson, Gilbert Frank. Finance _. 15.68 Williamson, Judith Anne ._. Public Works _... 160.83 Vandrishe, Edmond Highways 980.83 Total of 99 unclaimed money accounts,. $70,967.64 T 12 BRITISH COLUMBIA

CI CM CM CM CM 8 a-gs 00 in Tt D tMfi vc r~ OO T* "J-. n K fl> i-f oo oo ^ oo to r- r^ w- c- ff <—I oo <-i wt^ r»HTt »n c» oc> tt w r> fN o Z.5«o

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Allowances Number of Number of Refunds Number of Contributors Granted Number of Number of Allowances Fiscal Year Allowances Deaths and in Force at Granted Expirations End of Year

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

1947/48 5,349 1,914 304 358 90 6 23 1 706 78 1951/52 6,407 3,152 1,053 763 86 11 31 4 1,028 107 1956/57 .... 7,737 3,357 779 101 3 34 5 1,339 137 234 316 774 1961/62 _ 10,586 4,110 676 86 23 49 8 1,571 179 228 216 810 1963/64 11,824 4,525 666 119 26 62 10 1,682 213 176 151 785 1964/65 11,863 4,683 605 154 27 49 6 1,787 234 243 288 907 1965/66 . 12,474 5,193 720 142 35 67 10 1,862 259 185 254 1,032 1966/67 13,708 6,181 943 168 46 72 1 1,958 304 Non-active 352 347 1,283 1967/68 14,065 6,710 1,111 184 56 64 4 2,078 356 439 409 1,218 1968/69 14,925 6,561 1,068 185 53 80 9 2,183 400 593 717 1,058

Non-active—out of service less than three years. Those out of service more than three years listed on Schedule No. 1.




Granted during Year Expired during Year In Force at End of Year

•3 •a V a « •a c* u 3 T3 Fiscal Year u u C3 t3 u 0) 3* u 3 3 3 3 ^ -a a> 1> E •J a *3 O 1 3 3 1 < 3 < « o M 3.2 •go o 3 o < u u ~S 0) fu U. a « .5-a ft .5-a ,3 O £ "Ho H .5-a E s o c 3 3 u .3 3 o = 3 3 i c/5 O 3 H coCQ CN H 0 w o ^ 3 D H 1947/48— Normal 10 15 31 27 4 8 3 106 146 288 99 5 1 11 7 16 21 Death . 4 4 7 1 78 12 Totals . 14 15 31 36 12 8 3 1|__ ...... 195 [ 153 | 304 | 132 | . . 1951/52— 17 25 17 27 5 12 7 7 134 229 379 229 — Disability. 1 3 1 1 1 8 7 18 25 Death 6 1 1 87 19 Totals 23 | 26 | 17 | 31 5 13 | 8 9 229 | 236 | 397 | 273 | 1956/57— Normal 5 4 5 75 3 11 4 11 3 136 206 359 283 — 288 Disability- 1 3 1 2 5 6 12 39 13 Death 10 3 1 1 63 38 28 Totals 6 4 8 86 6 " 4 14 | ...... 4 204 | 212 371 360 329 1961/62— 2 4 3 22 60 6 10 11 8 6 122 164 336 232 62 579 Disability 1 3 1 2 4 1 5 4 11 35 28 Death _ 14 2 2 4 51 32 4 85 Totals 2 5| 3 22 77 9 12 11 14 | ...... » 178 | 168 | 347 | 299 | 66 692 1964/65— 1 10 9 4 31 102 7 13 7 6 1 12 129 1 151 314 202 147 773 Disability 2 1 4 4 9 32 38 Death 2 21 2 6 47 j 31 8 132 Totals.. .. 10 9 4 —. | 33 | 125 9 13 8 6 1 18 180 155 323 265 155 943 1965/66— Normal and de- 16 21 10 40 71 10 10 16 15 19 135 162 308 187 187 825 Disability 1 1 1 1 3 3 10 32 39 Death 2 15 2 3 45 31 10 144 Totals 16 | 21 11 | 42 87 13 11| 16 15 | _... 22 183 | 165 | 318 | 250 | 197 1,008 1966/67— Normal and de- 7 29 14 44 104 11 5 14 12 1 22 131 186 308 175 230 907 Disability.- 2 1 1 3 3 10 31 40 Death 3 11 2 4 45 29 13 151 Totals 7 29 14 — | 47 117 11 5 | 14 15 1 27 179 | 189 318 235 243 1,098 1967/68— Normal and de- 5 24 9 41 140 1 9 14 10 20 135 201 303 165 271 1,027 Disability 3 1 4 3 2 10 31 3 36 Death 5 13 6 2 1 39 27 18 163 Totals 5 24 9 49 153 7 10 14 12 25 177 203 313 223 | 292 1,226 1968/69— Normal and de- 7 26 6 74 90 10 16 17 12 2 14 132 211 292 153 343 1,103 Disability 7 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 9 28 9 36 Death 1 9 17 1 1 10 39 26 27 170 Totals 8 26 6 90 108 11 16 18 16 3 25 174 213 301 207 379 1,309 CIVIL SERVICE SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1968/69 T 15



Effective Particu­ Name Department Date lars

Part I Allowances Alexander, Mrs. Phyllis Helena- Public Utilities Commission.. Dec. 1 ,1968 N. Allen, Mrs. Verna Marie Mental Health May 3 ,1968 N. Alton, Jack. Highways Apr. ,1968 N. Anderson, Roland Carleston. Labour Apr. ,1968 D. Andrews, Gerald Smedley.. Lands Service.. Jan. , 1969 N. Armour, Mrs. Constance Esther.. Attorney-General- Aug. ,1968 N. Asel, Gilbert Charles Attorney-General- Apr. ,1968 D. Assman, Albert Public Health Jan. ,1969 N. Atkins, Miss Eileen Beatrice.. Health Services and Hospital Insurance- July ,1968 N. Austin, Mrs. Marguerite Mental Health _ Mar. 18,, 1969 Def. Barteluk, Peter Clarence Mental Health Jan. ,1969 D. Beddis, Aimer Mental Health Dec. , 1968 D. Bouvier, R. A. Gerard Mental Health _.. Jan. ,1969 N. Bowes, Miss Phyllis Lillian ... Public Health ,1968 Def. Nov. 2 , 1968 Boyd, Harold Joseph.. Forest Service Dec. N. Briggs, Claude Grasley ,1968 Recreation and Conservation- June 20 ,1968 N. Brinkman, Mrs. Kitty Winifred.. Attorney-General Oct N. Brown, Boyd Trapp ,1968 Public Health Aug. 2 ,1968 N. Browne, Henry Robert— — Public Works May ,1968 N. Budd, Russell Albert _ Mental Health Oct. ,1968 N. Buzzell, Cameron Willard Mental Health— Aug. ,1968 N. Calder, Mrs. Ellen Irene Finance Nov. ,1968 N. Caldow, David Forteith Agriculture _ Sept. ,1968 N. Campbell, Adam Public Health Apr. ,1968 N. Ceal, Walter Peter.. Public Health Nov. , 1968 Dis. Chadwick, John Howard Public Works July ,1968 N. Chalmers, Edward John Highways- May , 1969 D. Chandler, Richard Melville.. Liquor Control Board- Jan. , 1969 N. Chase, Lucius Albert Forest Service Mar. , 1969 D. Chope, Mrs. Rose- Finance Feb. ,1968 Def. Christie, Ralph Oliphant- Forest Service Nov. , 1968 N. Clarke, Arthur William HighwayS- Sept. ,1968 N. Clough, Leslie John. Attorney-General- July , 1968 N. Coggin, Gilbert Helmn. Attorney-General.. Sept. , 1968 D. Collington, Mrs. Olive Emmie.. Provincial Secretary- July , 1968 N. Collishaw, John Herbert— Mental Health Aug. , 1968 N. Cook, Reginald Alexander Attorney-General July ,1968 N. Cooney, William Leslie Public Works Oct. ,1968 N. Cooper, George Victor Liquor Control Board- Dec. ,1968 N. Coulter, Robert Public Works Aug. ,1968 N. Curtis, Wilfred Rupert Harper- Public Works May ,1968 N. Damon, George Finance Aug. ,1968 D. Darch, Mrs. Olive Mental Health- , 1968 N. Dec. 2 i, 1968 Davies, Mrs. Marion Willard— Public Health- May 24. N. de Hart, Mrs. Anna Mental Health- ,1969 N. Dec. 10 , 1968 Dewar, Miss Dorothy Grant School Board- Jan. N. Ditchburn, Raymond Blackett- Finance , 1968 N. June , 1968 Dodge, Stuart Emerson Public Health July N. Dowling, John Mental Health- , 1969 N. May ,1968 Duncan, Jack Ross Mental Health- Jan. Dis. Eden, Charles Edward Public Works , 1968 N. June ,1968 Fishaut, Dr. Samuel Henry... Public Health Sept. N. Fordyce, William Mental Health- >, 1968 Dec. , 1968 N. Fox, Mrs. Christine Ross — Provincial Secretary- May 30, N. Fredette, Mrs. Irene Maude.. Education ,1969 Oct. ., 1968 N. Friesen, Alpha Hiebert Highways Jan. N. Fritz, Peter George.. ,1968 Mental Health- Nov. 16 , 1969 N. Furness, Raymond Gordon Liquor Control Board- Oct. ,1968 N. Garland, Miss Leila Margaret Hospital Insurance Service- Jan. , 1968 N. Geoghegan, Mrs. Mary Margaret- Finance Oct. •, 1969 N. Gilbart, Keezie Clark.. Mines and Petroleum Resources.. July ,1969 N. Gilmour, Frederick Robert Bruce.. Highways.- Feb. , 1968 N. Gourlay, David. Liquor Control Board- Feb. , 1968 N. Green, Leslie Ronald Lands, Forests, and Water Resources- May , 1969 N. Gurney, William Harold Education - Sept. ,1968 N. Hardy, Mrs. Clareta Attorney-General.- Jan. N. Harkness, Robert Chester- Mental Health Apr. N.

N.=Normal retirement (192). Def. = Deferred allowance (11). D.=Death in service (27). Dis.^Disability allowance (8). T 16 BRITISH COLUMBIA


ALLOWANCES GRANTED, APRIL 1,1968, TO MARCH 31,1969—Continued

Effective Particu­ Name Department Date lars

Part I Allowances—Continued Hasemann, Henry Frederick Mental Health Jan. 24, 1969 N. Haslett, Stuart Cedric Public Works Feb. 1, 1969 Dis. Haverman, Johan Hendrik Forest Service Nov. 1, 1968 D. Hayward, Claude Edgar Forest Service— Mar. 1,1969 N. Heaton, Miss Annie Hodgkinson Public Health Oct. 1, 1968 N. Heggelund, Mrs. Jessie Claire Mental Health Oct. 2, 1968 N. Henderson, Charles Elliott Forest Service — May 1, 1968 D. Herchmer, Miss Elizabeth Catherine.. Public Health Oct. 9, 1968 N. Heyes, Frederick Alphonse Public Works Apr. 27, 1968 N. Heywood, John Leonard Mental Health Dec. 1,1968 N. Hickling, Ralph Ernest Ward Forest Service — Nov. 1, 1968 D. Hird, Jack Lands Service Nov. 1, 1968 N. Hoffman, Clarence George Highways... Oct. 1, 1968 N. Horn, Daniel Forest Service May 1,1968 N. Home, Mrs. Janet Attorney-General Nov. 1, 1968 N. Howard, Raymond Comer Public Works Sept. 1, 1968 N. Howland, Frank Highways Oct. 1, 1968 N. Huber, August Andrew Maple Ridge Dyking District June 1,1968 N. Hurley, Frederick Harold Provincial Secretary June 1,1968 N. Hrynewich, Michael Education Oct. 1, 1968 N. Ingram, Howard Roy Highways Apr. 1, 1968 N. Inkster, William George Forest Engineering June 1,1968 N. Isbister, Mrs. Ida Mary Mental Health Jan. 1, 1969 N. Jamieson, Miss Margaret Social Welfare July 19, 1968 N. Jeffery, Ivan Hartland Ryerson Education Aug. 1, 1968 N. Johnson, Herbert Raymond Mental Health May 10, 1968 N. Johnson, Thomas. Public Works _ June 1, 1968 N. Johnson, William Archibald Mental Health.. _. Jan. 22,1969 N. Jones, Arthur Dexter Worthington Education. Aug. 1, 1968 N. Kelly, Harold Joseph Highways Aug. 1, 1968 N. Kershaw, William Thelwell Agriculture- Jan, 1, 1969 N. Kirkpatrick, John Andrew Houston ... Social Welfare Oct. 1, 1968 N. Klondnicki, Walter Mental Health _. Sept. 1, 1968 N. Kostachuk, Nicolia Mental Health Oct. 1, 1968 N. Kulchyski, Anthony Highways Sept. 1, 1968 D. Laing, Arthur Ernest Percy Highways May 1, 1968 D. Latham, James ~ Public Health _. May 1, 1968 N. Law, Adrian Augustus Stuart _. Liquor Control Board. Apr. 1, 1968 D. LeComte, George Valmore Attorney-General _. Jan. 1, 1968 N. Leese, Arthur Hedley Highways.- Apr. 1, 1968 N. Leverington, Melvin Mental Health Aug. 1, 1968 N. Little, George Allan— _ Labour Feb. 1, 1969 N. Long, Russell Jonas Mental Health- _. _ Oct. 1, 1968 N. Loutit, Frederick Alexander Attorney-General Mar. 21, 1968 N. Mackenzie, Charles Gordon Forest Service Dec. 1, 1968 N. MacLean, Miss Genevieve Edith Mental Health Oct. 25, 1968 Def. Manion, Clifford Thomas _ Mental Health May 1, 1968 D. Mathews, George Edward— Mental Health— _ May 1, 1968 N. Matthews, Miss Edith Evelyn Public Health _. Dec. 1, 1968 N. Matthews, John William Public Works Oct. 1, 1968 N. McCallum, Mrs. Margaret Gallacher.. Highways _. Nov. 26, 1968 Def. McConnell, Kenneth Gordon Howard Attorney-General June 1, 1968 D. McCook, Mrs. Florence Edith Mental Health Dec. 1, 1968 N. McDonald, John Ward _. Forest Service Dec. 1,1968 N. McGowan, James Kerr _. Public Works Mar. 1,1969 N. McKay, Miss Marguerite _ Public Utilities Commission- July 15, 1968 Def. McKinnell, John Douglas Highways Apr. 1, 1968 D. McLellan, Frederick Andrew Education July 1, 1968 N. McNeilly, William Mental Health Nov. 6, 1968 N. McPeake, James Gerard Attorney-General June 1,1968 D. Meier, Jonathan Mental Health Apr. 1, 1968 N. Messier, Francois Xavier Liquor Control Board _. June 1,1968 D. Miuigan, Archibald Edmund Forest Service July 1, 1968 D. Mogensen, Miss Clara Irene Public Health Sept. 1, 1968 Dis. Moore, Harold Gordon Attorney-General May 1, 1968 N. Mora, Charles Mental Health Dec. 1, 1968 N. Mortensen, Valdemore Christopher Social Welfare Oct. 1, 1968 N.

N.=Normal retirement (192). Def.=Deferred allowance (11). D.=Death in service (27). Dis.^Disability allowance (8). CIVIL SERVICE SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1968/69 T 17


ALLOWANCES GRANTED, APRIL 1,1968, TO MARCH 31, 1969—Continued

Effective Particu­ Name Department Date lars

Part I Allowances—Continued Nadeau, Mrs. Mary Edith Forest Service- Nov. 1 1968 N. Neish, George McKidd Agriculture Sept. 1 1968 N. Neroni, Frank Liquor Control Board- Apr. 1 1968 Def. Newman, Carl Adelbert Provincial Secretary Nov. 1 1968 N. Norris, Mrs. Joan Mary Public Health Dec. 20.196 8 Def. Nurrn, Karl Munroe Mental Health June 1 1968 N. Olsen, Leonard Mental Health Sept. 6 1968 N. Orr, Miss Mildred Catherine.. Education Sept. 1 1968 N. Owen-Jones, Arthur Herbert- Attorney-GeneraL. Apr. 1 1968 N. Park, Seymour English- Forest Service Oct. 1 1968 D. Paterson, John Reid Public Health May 1 1968 N. Pattinson, John Joseph Public Works Dec. 1 1968 N. Paul, George SamueL Mines and Petroleum Resources- Oct. 1 1968 N. Pendygrasse, George Kenneth John Public Works Mar. 1 1969 N. Pennycook, Alexander Public Health Nov. 1 1968 N. Peters, Arthur Warrelow Public Works Jan. 1 1969 N. Peterson, Stanley Gus_ Forest Service May 1 1968 D. Pitkethley, Andrew William Edward- Hospital Insurance Service.. Apr. 27 1968 N. Putnam, Mrs. Gladys Maude Attorney-General Dec. 1 1968 N. Plows, Arthur Howard Education Jan. 16 1969 N. Pollock, James Robert- Education July 1968 N. Quigley, Miss Florence Phyllis Frances Hospital Insurance Service Nov. 1968 N. Regehr, Peter John Mental Health Apr. 1968 N. Riedel, Miss Wanda.. Public Health Mar. 22,196 8 N. Ripley, Mrs. Gwendolyn Jeanette.. Mental Health June 1 1968 Def. Ritchie, Malcolm Harold Mental Health- May 1968 N. Robert, Mrs. Marie Louise Mental Health- Dec. 27 1968 Def. Rogers, John Cecil Ingram Forest Service- Sept. 1968 N. Roy, Mrs. Rena S. J Mental Health- Apr. 1968 N. Sargent, Arthur George- Water Resources Service.. May 1968 N. Schley, Miss Irene Angela Alice Mary.. Attomey-General Feb. 1969 Dis. Scott, Perry Ward- Highways.- Jan. 2'.' 1969 N. Sellers, Frederick William.. Liquor Control Board- Apr, 1968 N. Sendey, Mrs. Ruth- Provincial Secretary Oct. 24 1968 N. Shaw, Miss Kathleen Margaret- Provincial Secretary Dec. 1968 N. Shipp, Alfred Arthur Social Welfare Aug. 1968 D. Simmons, Miss Enid- Public Health Apr. 10,196 8 N. Skillicorn, Mrs. Marjorie- Mental Health Nov, 1968 N. Skora, John Public Health Oct. 1 1968 N. Smith, Dr. Dorothy Blakey Provincial Secretary Nov. 1 1968 N. Smith, Harry Farquharson Ennis Industrial Development, Trade, and Commerce. Feb. 1 1969 N. Snider, Harold Edward Provincial Secretary Sept. 1 1968 N. Stibbs, Roy Bishop _. Education Sept. 1 1968 N. Strimbold, Stone Thore Forest Service July 16 1968 N. Stubbert, Joseph Gordon Finance Mar. 15 1969 Def. Stubbs, Hugh Charles Provincial Secretary- Apr. 26 1968 N. Terry, Arthur Norman- Forest Service Mar, 1969 N. Tindale, William Henry. Attorney-General Apr. 1968 N. Turgeon, Rene Joseph Public Works Feb. 14.196 9 Dis. Turner, Dr. David Binnie.. Recreation and Conservation- Oct. 1968 N. Tyrrell, Mrs. Mae Grace — Provincial Secretary May 23 1968 N. Uglene, Miss Christie- Public Health July 1968 N. Ulmer, Joseph Samuel Public Works Jan. 1969 D. Van Dem Emster, Fredrik Hendrik- Public Works July 1968 N. Villeneuve, B aptiste Recreation and Conservation- Aug. 1968 N. Wagner, Clifford James Forest Service May 1968 Dis. Wain, Alfred Public Works Dec. 1968 N. Walker, James Robert _ Public Works July 1968 N. Ward, Thomas Public Works May 1968 N. Watts, Walter- Hospital Services Division- Jan. 1969 D. Webb, Miss Frances Marguerite .. Provincial Secretary Jan. 1969 N. Wells, Mrs. Elsie Sarah Social Welfare Sept. 1968 N. Wells, James Silvilion Agriculture July 1968 N. Willis, David Michael ._. Mental Health May 1968 N. Wright, Dudley Jesse Lawrence Mental Health Mar. 1 1969 N. Wright, Miss Muriel Evelyn Education Sept. 13 1968 N. Zala, Mrs. Loyal Yukona Attorney-GeneraL. June 1968 N. Zariske, John Social Welfare Jan. 1969 N. N.=Normal retirement (192). Def.=Deferred allowance (11). D.=Death in service (27). Dis.=Disability allowance (8). T 18 BRITISH COLUMBIA


ALLOWANCES GRANTED, APRIL 1, 1968, TO MARCH 31, 1969—Continued

Effective Particu­ Name Department Date lars

Part II Allowances Albrecht, John James Highways- Nov. 1 ,1968 N. Bell, Harry Beardsall Highways- Oct. 1 ,1968 N. Beninger, Delbert Minto Highways June 7 , 1968 N. Birchard, Allen Chester- Highways Nov. 1 ,1968 N. Cain, Mrs. Constance Ethel Mental Health- Oct. 19 ,1968 N. Carmichael, Donald Alexander- Highways Mar. 1 ,1969 N. Clark, Oliver Forest Service- Apr. 1 ,1968 N. Cowling, Thomas James... Highways Jan. 1 ,1969 N. Davy, John Humphrey Highways Sept. 1 ,1968 N. Duke, James Albert Highways Apr. 1 , 1968 N. Ekren, Olav Olsen Forest Service- Mar. 6. , 1968 N. Fichten, Frank Hubert Highways Feb. 6 ,1968 Dis. Fraser, John Alexander Highways June 1 ,1968 N. Gray, Wilson Highways Apr. 1 ,1968 N. ,1968 N. Grieff, Alphonse.. Highways Oct. 1 , 1968 D. Hanson, Tor Helmer Ragnar— Highways July 14 ,1968 N. Harrison, Dr. William Elliott- Public Health- July 1 , 1968 N. Hooper, William Henry — Highways June 1 ,1968 N. Inglin, John Highways June 1 ,1969 N. Janzen, John J.. Highways Jan. 1 ,1968 N. LaMarsh, Kenneth- Highways June 11 ,1969 N. Landreville, Jean J. Pacifique.. Highways Feb. 25 ,1969 N. Lanzo, Pilligrine Vincent- Highways Feb. 1 ,1969 N. Lawrence, John Townley Rezeau.. Highways Mar. 1 ,1968 N. MacPhee, Donald Highways May 1 ,1968 N. Marr, Alexander Busfield- Highways July 1,196 8 N. McKone, Wilbert Belford- Highways Apr. 1,196 8 N. McLaughlin, Clifford Edward.. Highways Sept. 1 ,1969 N. Miloglav, Michael Highways Feb. 1 ,1969 N. Nofield, Simon- Highways- Mar. 1 ,1968 N. Pronk, Bernard Johannes.. Public Works- Dec. 1 ,1969 N. Ryder, Arthur Highways Feb. ,1968 N. Schulli, Louis- Highways July , 1968 D. Triplett, William Robert- Highways July 14,,196 8 N. Wilkinson, George Highways May 1 ,1969 N. Yungblut, Joseph Highways Mar. 1

N.=Normal retirement (192). Def.=Deferred allowance (11). D.=Death in service (27). Dis.=Disability allowance (8). CIVIL SERVICE SUPERANNUATION REPORT, 1968/69 T 19



Name of Deceased Date of Death Amount

Hygh, Ernest C January 19, 1968.. $500 Whelan, Charles Stuart. March 10,1968— 500 Daniels, Edward G March 25, 1968— 500 Jobin, Leon Joseph March 27, 1968 500 Woodward, Kenneth B.­ April 19, 1968 500 Jones, Agnes Margaret... April 20, 1968 900 Hodgkinson, Edgar T April 26, 1968 500 Goss, Samuel Henry May 4, 1968 500 Herdman, Thomas May 13, 1968 500 Wilson, Samuel G May 23, 1968 500 Moore, William May 27, 1968 500 O'Neil, George H May 27, 1968 800 Holman, William John.. May 28, 1968 1,000 Paget, John Thomas June 1, 1968 900 Blackburn, John W June 3, 1968 500 Gray, Jessie M June 14, 1968 1,000 Tyler, William E June 14, 1968 600 Lewis, Francis H June 20, 1968 800 Boyes, Francis C June 26, 1968 500 McKinnon, Erice J July 2, 1968 800 Gill, John J July 4, 1968 1,000 Hallock, Charlotte- July 7, 1968 500 Palasty, John July 9, 1968 1,000 Giles, George.. July 12, 1968 500 Sharpe, George P July 19, 1968 500 Lambe, Sharen H July 20, 1968 500 Davies, John W July 25, 1968- 500 Steven, James H. A.­ July 26, 1968 . 500 Jones, Frank August 6, 1968 1,000 Withers, Alfred E... August 6, 1968 500 Sigalet, Peter John- August 11, 1968 500 Booth, John August 13, 1968 500 Rutherford, William... August 21, 1968 500 Rothwell, William A.. August 24, 1968 500 Turnbull, William H.­ August 24, 1968 500 Crawford, Jesse E August 26, 1968 500 Parkes, Douglas J September 3, 1968— 1,000 Covalcine, John- September 12, 1968_ 800 Nicholson, John M.­ September 12, 1968„ 500 Davidson, James September 19, 1968.. 500 Doyle, Charles M September 22, 1968- 500 Gibbs, William R.__ September 22, 1968- 500 Barlow, Claude R September 24, 1968- 500 Redman, Joseph September 30, 1968- 500 Clarke, James October 8, 1968 500 Mandy, Joseph T October 15, 1968 500 Laidlaw, William A.. November 2, 1968 500 Hope, John „ November 3, 1968— 500 Cooter, Arthur E.. November 10,1968- 500 Shirras, John November 15, 1968- 500 Bigwood, Victor N._ November 23, 1968_ 500 Eastham, John W November 26, 1968- 500 Hall, Harry W November 27, 1968- 500 Travis, James December 3,1968 500 Fisher, John V December 4, 1968 500 Hadfield, Hugh J December 7, 1968— 1,000 Attree, Ernest H. L December 14, 1968- 500 Leppard, Wallace E December 16, 1968 _ 500 McLenaghen, Jessie L.~ December 19, 1968._ 500 King, Henry B December 22, 1968- 500 Boyce, Frederick E December 23, 1968- 800 Gower, Gordon H December 23, 1968- 500 Lawson, George G December 23, 1968- 900 Williams, John A.. December 25, 1968- 500 Cruickshank, Gladys E.­ December 26, 1968- 500 Fritz, Peter G December 27, 1968- 1,000 Grant, Charles H December 27, 1968... 500 McKay, George R December 27,1968- 500 T 20 BRITISH COLUMBIA



Name of Deceased Date of Death Amount

Smith, Ernest- January 2, 1969. $500 Taylor, Douglas B. January 8, 1969 500 Willisson, Stanley C._ January 14, 1969— 1,000 Gilbert, Frederick A.­ January 16,1969— 500 Love, George E January 17, 1969— 500 Watson, James A. January 28, 1969— 500 Mitchell, Joseph February 2, 1969— 500 Henderson-Watt, Henry G._ February 6, 1969— 500 Wilkie, Otway J February 12, 1969- 500 Scoble, Robert L March 2, 1969 500 Gorle, John W March 3, 1969 500 Warman, Harry March 5, 1969 500 Henshaw, George C.­ March 9, 1969 500 Russell, Lilian March 11, 1969 500 Total of 82 death benefit payments made- $48,300

Summary of Payments Sixty-four at $500 $32,000 One at $600 600 Five at $800 4,000 Three at $900 2,700 Nine at $1,000 _ 9,000

Total $48,300

Printed by A. SUTTON, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in right of the Province of British Columbia. 1970
