[.] . 444 [POST OFFJcg }'rancis Rev. Philip Emery James, farmer & landO\vner, Robotham Robert, farmer Hoare Rev. 'Valter Marsham, l\LA. Moor end Roxby John, shoe maker [rector] Empson John, cutler Seaman Henry, farmer COMMERCIAL. Ked!!e Lydia (Miss), draper & grocer Symonds Jonathan, wheelwright Bartle John, farmer Key Henry, farmer Symonds Robert, carpenter Bell William, farmer King Verdon, farmer ·wade Benjamin, brazier Boulter Thomas, grocer & draper King William Proctor (Mrs.), farmer Wade Benjamin, farmer Claxton Robert, beer retailer Mitchell Thomas, farmer & cattle dealer Wade Josepb, farmer & cattle dealer Curson Mary (Mrs.), farmer l\Iyhill Robert, Folgate, & carpenter Wade Thomas, beer retailer Drewell J ames, shoe maker N eale Edmund, blacksmith Wright William, King's Arms Eggleton James, blacksmith Pitcher William Richard, baker

STIFF KEY is a parish and village, near the North east, is a green knoll, supposed to have bP.en also entrenched. :::-lea, about 3~ miles ca:,t from Wells, in the X orth-Eastern The Marquis Towns!Jcnd is chief landowner and lord of the divbion of the county, North Greenhoe hundred, Walsing­ manor. The soil is light; subsoil, chalky. The chief crops harn union, county court district, and rural deanery, and are turnips, wheat and barley. The area is 3,912 acres and archdeaconry anrl diocese of .. The church of St. the population in 18Gl was 513. is an old building. The church of Parnh Clerk, vacant. St. Mary is in ruins. The register dates from the year 1548. The living of St. John and St. Mary is a rectory, PosT OFPICE.-Edward Mann, receiver. Letters arrive consolidated with that of Morston, joint yearly value £687, from Wells at 10.30 a. m. dispatched at 2.45 p.m. The with residence, in the gift of the Marquis Townshend, and nearest money order office is at Wells lwld by the Hev. Handle Barwick Brereton, ~r.A., of St. School, Miss Emily Cork, mistress John's College, Cambridge. On Warborough Hill are re- CARRIER TO NoRWICH.-John Brown, from his house, mains of entrenchments, and at Camping Hill, a mile to the every tuesday & friday, returning wednesday & saturday Betts l\fr. Benjamin Rurges 'Villiam, Red Lion Howard Wigmore, farmer Brcreton Rev. Handle Barwick, l\I.A. Carter John, carpenter & shopkeeper Jarrett Henry, carpenter [rector] Cracknell John C. grocer & draper Jary William, shoe maker Hankin Mr. Daniel Crasp James, blacksmith Mann Edward, boot maker COMMERCIAL. Frankling J ames, baker Page George Thomas, farmer, The Hall Baker John, Town.~hendArrns Frankling Samuel, miller & baker Pearson William, bricklayer Bell Paul, farmer, Vale house Griffiths Absalom, basket maker Yaxley Jeremiah, shoe maker Brown John, beer retailer Howard John, butcher

STOCKTON is a village and parish, 4~ miles south-east shilling per quarter from each of the children. The town from Loddon, 3 north-west from Beccles, and 4 north-east estate consists of two cottages and 48 acres of land, now let from Bungay, in the South-Eastern division of the county, for £65 per annum, which sum is applied in the repairs of Clavering hundred, Lodtlon and Clavering- union, Beccles the church and relief of the poor. J. Kerrich, Esq., who county court district, rural deanery of llrooke, archdeaconry holds the manor, and Mrs. Carlos are chief landowners. of Norfolk, and diocese of Norwich. The church of St. The soil is mixed clay and sand; subsoil, clay. The chief .Michaelis a small edifict>, with nave and chancel, round crops are wheat, barley, beans and peas. The area is 1,051 tower, short spire, and 5 bells. The register dates from the acre!>, rated at £1,649 8s., and the population in 1R61 was year 1536. The living is a rectory, valued in 1831 at £280, 129. with 32 acres of glebe, in the gift of Mrs. Carlos, and now Parish Clerl1, Richard Savage. held by the Hev. J. Coldham, but the duties are performed by the Rev. Daniel Gillett, A.M., of Magdalene College, Letters through Bungay. The nearest money order office Cambridge, rector of . Here is a small parish is at Beccles school, supported hy Mrs. Carlos, and a payment of one Parish School, Mrs. Mary Ann Fairhead, mistress Barber William, market gardener Harrod Robert, Black Boy Page Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Barwick Jas. farmer, l'rlanorHouse farm Morris James, farmer, Church farm Pearce Richard, farmer Fulcher Robert, blacksmith Morris Robert, farmer, Manor farm Youell Henry, carpenter

STODY is a parish, about 3 miles south-west from Holt, livin~ is a rectory, with that of annexed, joint in the .North-Eastern division of the county, Holt hundred, yearly value £3-!2, in the gift of the Marquis of Lothian, union, county court district of Holt, rural and held by the Rev. J ames Bulwer, M.A., of College, deanery of Holt, and archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich. Cambridge. The Marquis of Lothian is lord of the manor The village is picturesquely situated in a dell, and is and principal landowner. Tl1e chief crops are wheat, turnips, watered by a rivulet running- into the river Glaven. barley and grass. The area is 1,277 acres, and the popula­ The church of St. Mary is a cruciform stone building, with tion in 1861 was 160. an embattled round tower, and has some stained glass in the Parish Clerk, J acob Graveling. tracery of the windows, and one mural monument to the Letters through 'fhetiord. The nearest money order office late Hector. The register dates from the year 1580. The is at IIolt Kendle l\'Irs Emery John Hill, farmer Ives William, beer retailer Robins Mrs Graveling Jacob, carpenter Smith Thomas, farmer, ball Cushling John, shopkeeper Gymer John, Horse.~hoe.~ Stimson Thomas, farmer

STOKE FERRY is a parish and small town, 7 miles Clifton House commercial and boarding school, pleasantly east-south-east from Downham Market station, and 14 situated on an elevated spot of ground in a most healthy south-eru;t from Lynn, situate on the navigable river locality, and with ample grounds attached: the principal~.<, \Vissey, and at the junction of roads from and .Mr. and Mrs. Hill, have tor many years been engaged suc­ Brandon, in the Western division of the county, Clackclose cessfully in educational p.ursuits. Here are chapels for lmndred, Dowuham union and county court dibtrict, rural 'Vesleyans and Methodist New Connexion. A fair for deanery of Fincham, archdeaconry of Norfolk, and diocese horses and cattle is held on December 6th., and one for of Norwich. The church of All Saint.3, restored in 1848, is a hiring' servants on the Thursday before Old 1\lichaelma:~: neat edifice, with nave and chancel, and bell-turret at the i considerable business is done at the wharf in corn, coals, west end containing I bell. The register dates from the: malt, flour, &c.: there is also a brewery. James Bradfleld year 1703. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £15G, in ! Sanders Bradfield, Esq., D.L., who resides in the town, is the ~ift of the Lord Chancellor, and held by the Rev. John lord of the manor, and possesses considerable property in M cGill. The small tithes are commuted to the Crown at the parish. The population in 1861 was 781, and the area £192 18s. per annum, and the great tithes to the Norwich is 2,0.:i9 acres. Union .Fire Insurance Company at £247. There is a Parish CleTk, Samuel Theobald. National school for hols and girls; also a Free school for the education of2-'> boys of the parishes of Stoke Ferry and Wretton, endowed by the late James Bradfield, Esq.; these PosT & MoNEY ORDER 0FFICR & Post Office Saving" ~chools are now closed. A short distance from the town is Bank.-George Watson, sub-postmaster. Letters atri\'e