Robert* don act mention tbe firmer# ottila laipoitnal >i I :n« regard log the retirement to tbe Moddtr Rlrer. He i-*- boa Bllae joao*. Job*. nag al- aayai A RESOURCE OF •'McDonald to AN AGREEMENT. ready mada a rartial aoafemlon. Hrde wan despatched prerant tbe Urert tbs main drift at olarea that ho patsoaally know. aothlag blocking and aucmasfally eetatllahed of the Of I we, bat oayt that HaeIaa]Whlt- Koodoaeberg himself tb In ot tbe detirmlaed AND ENERGY lakfr, who wat a-rooted Immod'n e’y a*- TAILED AGAIN. spit* • flcrta of tbe Doers to blm. At STRENGTH ter tbo obootlag while raoelag from tbo dislodge oie-ofIre bolldlng, from which tbo thole McDonald's request, Babbloglon was mat with r-lnfcrcemeats. worn tired, kroon a gnat dial abort tba Wednesday, ret tfreatened the eilmo. It !i te ltffd that Joceo gate mar/ 7, Habblngton Dot rs a< rto of Koodoesbi while another Taylor Said To Have Given more lofortrniton than flat regarding rg Wblitakn, and that wtat bo told tbo po- frree c roe# off tbe Boin eoutbward.” The oonoloJes with tbe state- lite is? liad to fuitber near despatoh In. Klebmond Fa limn oounty, Ky. ment: “Tbo enemy bare now eraooated London Accepts As True Beer State- their poaltlon and none ere In sight." TAYLOR HOLDING OFF. GOES RACK AGAIN. Not Going To Decide Until lie Get. ments of Gen. Buller’s Defeat. dm. Duller a Third Time Forced Hack Heady. By Been. Will Sign Articles of Frankfort, Frbra.ry Governor Tay- liter Deed Laager, Ladyamltb, Thurs- lor annonaood to the Aeeoolaled Free, day, February 8.—Xbe Urltlsh who were Peace in 24 Hours. reprifoatetlfo at 1.80 »1. after aooa that In poueaslon of the kopje at Molen'a be wenkl take no notion In regard to tbo Drift abandoned It after a bombardment Lootoflllo agreement for ooaoo Maw, If at br Doer oannon Ibis laoralng and retired all. irr.ratbe Xngela rlrer to their former "I will etrtaloly not do anything In ra- Statements Were Passed position. A desultory cannonade Is pro- gorJ to the matter today. aald Got. by ceeding at tbe 'lugcla this morning but Taylor whoa pro.led for oomo definite otherwise ererylblDg It quiet. Long Conference in Frankfort Last ate lament. Ha aald ha could not aay British Censor. UKN. METHUEN FORCED. matter would be eetad when the upon by Koodossherg Drift, February 8.—This Night. him. morning tbe Infantry still remain In the old poaltlon. In order to oompletely sur- TWO MURK ARRESTS. round the Doors Oeneral liabbington was despatched from the Muddar rlrer with a K ran fort, Ky.. February 9.—Two moo large force of oaralry and two battirles of oompllolty la tho murder of auapeeted nt bore* artillery bat failed to rctob here Goreruor Goebel worn arrooted In a board- although be started early enough lo the bourn today. Tbo moo'a namea are Mr. Balfour Con- Democratic Legislators ing day to enable blm to get bare early thla Sllaa Jonas of Whltaloy oounty, and Speech by afternoon, l'bl* morning (Jeneral Me- of Noloen Tho man In Frankfort. Gottoobalk oounty. thuen ordered that the combined fnros are aald to hare alapt la the eieoutlri* firms of Boers. Report •hould retire upon tbe Modeler river, building for a time and they will be kept which movement i« now proceeding. The Ut oanttoemeal nntll eomttblag more definite It known aa to tbelr whcroabonU at tho time of the aaeaaelnatlon. liotb atroogly deny any knowledge of tbo First To Show Up There For murdar. Writers Allowed Free Hand in Describing Nearly a Week. HINT AT INTERVENTION. Buller’s Difficulties. Kmprror William Calls on British Ambassador.

Berlin, February 9.—Daring the Em- Frankfort, F. 'jruary » — Late tonight peror William's two visits yeetenlny to mid, th. situation wan eomewhat Lea- Quality polltloal the British Ambassador, Sir Frank eg Thors that General Mac- London, Febnrary 10.—4 00 a m.—Lon- lay, sty* thr.m the leading Cigar in oh vnged. AdjuUct General Collier was eoellee, Hie Majesty expieoied sympa- donald's and General Babblngton's force ik4 tbe statements n.J 1. llt.oliia'a don accepts true lioer I aOIm aKnnt thy with Great Britain and touohed upon will relnrn shortly, and adds that tbe NEW ENGLAND. al Bul.’e? hat follel a tha (eat ltllity of friendly [Inter- that Gere ,aln. Initiative to tbe rsconnolasanoe e manat id o'clook and waa In oonsnlUUon light lbs iiik'aer also hie re A favorite in vention. expreitei There etn'emente were paised by tbe from headquarters. every home, club, with Hi until a late hoar,, but would at the reoent utterance of Bake Re- that or office. of choice gret British censor at Aden and are read In lhe Ually Telegraph announces Every judge as to what From of ear nothing transpired. gent John Allbreobt Meeklenliurg- General Sir Francis Clery Is on the has tbe light of Ur. Balfour's announcement way cigars It waa Shwereen, to the oorreepondent of tbe authoritative sources, however, to England Invalided. PERFECT CONFIDENCE In that he had telegraphed In tbe oommons tbat Ueneinl Boiler la learned that a tied,Ion bad finally been Eolslr, adding A despatch to the Ually Mall from the Duke Kegant reproving him for the not preialng bis ndvance. that Ran- Waltt & Bond Blackstones tbe Pietermaritzburg, says Lady r.achtd and that peaoe agreement he had IndlsoretUa displayed. M. Winston Cbnrchill wires tbat Vaal dolph Cbprohlll has visited Chleveley No. S3 Blackstone St., Boston. probably would reodee tbe signature of Krunti wan luipra'tlcable for tbe gone Camp. Uov. lay lor Inside of twenty-four houra. POLYGAMOUS POS TMASTEH. wblob were seedcl to enppoit a farther Tv o liemcoretle member* of tbe legls Washington, February 8.—The lavasl- NOT ENCOURAGING. advance. Hie cablegram lvnvee Ueneral later* here this evening, the tagtlon of snargsa ea to tha polygamous appeared Mr. Balfour Appnrrutly Not Highly SEVEN I wae Boiler on Tuesday sending a fresh hare been 83sa here a annua of oertaln f»oe,al app rlatnea night llrsTtbat nearly tl, teg. practically oonoludsd today by tha Ucuse brigade to relieve the tired holders of SUTHERLAND week. { aomatHttooa poet offloee and post roads. Van! Kraals. London, February h.—Mr. Uelfuur, tte SISTERS’ A letter waa received from the United ti a The fereilptlve wrlfere with General government l<-»der,replying qne.tton Hair Browar and Scalp Olaxnar. I£ DOESN’T SOl’NI) PEACEFUL. States district attorney at Salt Lake In the Route of Commons this evening, A m the only preparation* that will restore t ha hair B Boiler were allovrel a rather fret hand to iUi original healthy condition. At all druggist*. City, stating that indictments had been rs to whether any Information had teen B Taylor Telegraph* London, Legislators found against one o( tbe postmasters, it?aln In explaining the ugly position received from the seal of war, said: Wilt Be Arrested. appointed,tut doubt waa expressed as to which the British held and the ratural "Unr Information points to the fsol London, February B —The follow- whether the evldenoe to auataln the lo- that Uenein' Roller Is not an Ky., obstacles whloh hud to he overoonre. Bo pressing was re- The Plies are ing message from Gov. Taylor rtlotuittnl o.-u'd be brought within tbe advanoe from the position be hes occu- AIMCIII V Awful It It tc Infer with Beer rifle- ft£ W ■" II I _ 1 had suffered for a member of tbe A sub-corn it lt- easy that, ■ ■ ww ■ wMI oelved today by legisla- statute of limitations. pied. We do not cons der It right to 15 years. Wm Cared men and them these COMPOUND ture: tee waa appointed to draft tbe rvport artillery delending pnss hints or details of the operations Kaall), Hultkljr PAINE’S CELERY mid Soft ly \o aid warrants Issued for members of later be in the full bten be "Have which will submitted bills, ravines and jangles tare act which are In progress, nor, If gives )r fll«k. Neither Knife or Llgat rr. < the liuuae and in the beads of the committee. do we II n rin Iraa Operation anti Kr- put overcome thus the Is euoh Information, deim It proper and public prepared llef. Give me your address If you suffer, and 1 to serve." ate sergeant-at-arms to make this public until operations will tell y«>u how 1 obtained Safe and Speedy Glens J¥. writes: In advance for tud news. Address Harry I>. Elks, Falls, V., Tbe warrants were made out lat» today completed. Tbe government has lo In- Uki.IKK. Send Stamp. Cecil of Ur. Charles Williams, n military writer W. It. S., Cox Lrulatou, Me. and given to Sergeanfcat-Arme formation as to whether General M to- tbe House. who Is understood to be In oontldentlal doiinld has retired.” last I found that I was tired and be L. SAWY ER’S “Early spring languid, my appetite Lieut Gov. Marshall telegraphed relations with Lord Wolesley, says that THE Ol U STORY. MISS A. would be here toraotvow morning. It and I was run down I was advised to doubt tbe most authoritative war was failing, becoming generally. here TREACHERY beyond London, February 13, 9 p. tn—Tbe wae fnpparent that all tbe legislator! School of Shorthand and In London It as olllce announces that It bos no fmther Typewriting Paine’s and after it I never felt so well In under a fever of ex- A M opinion regards probable take Celery Compound, using were today laboring A > persis- news to give out tonight. Centennial Tlloek, 03 RxchttUge;St.( olteraent In tbe Hoes* a resolution wa* 4 that an endeuvor will be made to force all life as I do now. It bracod mo up, gavo me and tent cough is Portluitil, Maine, my strength vigor declaring that Taylor was eleetid tbe line of tbe river before Wed- FROM KUUIOKtjUURG. adopt'd at first a 4 Orange Thorough Instruction given In shorthand a new man of me. I recommend it to all who havo and Marshall lieutenant gover- &c. and mado persons governor nesday next, possibly by Monday. Iho London, Felrunry 10.—A destalch to typewriting, correspondence. Inouni for it ► loaugeontf nor ; that the ether Hepublloan 'friend, the Times from ila’el to all and to all who work hard raon- Urkt lord of tbe Ur. George J. Koodoeeburg, tired and languid feelings, athletes, end that tbe results of warn- admiralty, tents were elected gives , Thursday, February 8, rajs: "It Is re- should net be disregarded < Uosoben, Is preparing estimates for a tally.” that election ingoftheap- ported that Beer r Inf'roeuients are ar- ANDERSON, ADAMS & CO., It la by compromise. proach of a large Inoreaee In the navy. thought riving from E' Our position deadly ene- ► not lmprobuble tbat Parliament will be Is easily trouble, hut tbe entln ftree hat Fire Insurance Agency Faine’s restores, 4 to rolura to Moddtr tomcr- Celery Compound strengthens my. Heed asked for for new ships. been irltrsd GOTTSCHALK RELEASED. i0,0U0.0(W pounde 31 Cxcliuns;!' Street. and the warning < row. and sustains vital energy muscular forec. **•▼• * Hilda Jonir* 8»l«l to before it Is ► NOLOUY KILLED. First Class American and Foreign Compapiea WHY TilFV UTIlIhRi W I 1! CHAM. C. A KAMA, Confession. OK AC 1C AM>KltSON. too late, be- London, Fe truory 10 —The Times has decis Thom. J. Little, ip eodtf THE WEATHER. W, clear: Buffalo. De- / 24. SW, clear; U.—John 4 from dated troit, 20, tV, Frankfott, Ky., February fore your the following Klrabsrley, cldy; Chicago, 10, S, Silas shelled clear: St. Paul, 8, S. cldy; St.Vincent, Gotteohalk, who wav arrested wllh .lungs be- \ Fetruar/ 8: "The Bolt big guns in the as- us ull but nobody was —; Huron, Dak., 4, SE. clear; Bis- Jones, suspeoted of complicity come in- ► day yesterday, alarm u mocks* marck, 0, SE, snow; Jacksonville, 08, of Governor Goebel, was re- 4 The Boer Cross-fire Caused Boiler’s killed. sasBlna’lon be- are but they sine a E, clear. to flamed, very musical, leaved tonight. The authorities xpeot fore the LETTING SULLEU DOWN. mighty disagreeable song. You Defeat. don’t have to near It quite so early February 10.—In the Merolng ALWAYS doctor “Consump- > London, if you use BENSON'S says, Post to^ay, Mr. Spsnoer Wilkinson, re- READY CHARCOAL, because it tion.” When the danger kindles the tbo so much quicker t lew lug the military situation, raysi signal first appears, help 4 titan wood. "The latest news riiarilug BIG BAGS IOC AT ALL GROCERS. nature with 10.—6.15 a. m.—A H ggks. London, February Builtr's operations Is puzzling. It special deapatoh from Spearman's Camp lcoksnowatlf he never seriously con- (TALK No. 113.) dat-d noon an attempt to rollese La ly- yesterday (Friday) says that, templated SET WRONC. Boston, Mass., February 9.—Local a demons ration to LENSES to the Boer oroaa-Ere and the Im- aml’.h, but only pre- Fair and much colder weather owing forecast: vent lhe Botri from diverting rjlnfcrue- The manner Id which complicated of lnuunoblng Vaal ttraotz, fair and continued cold Sun- THE portunity lenses are set to the frame makes all Saturday: AOLIAN inents to Magrrsfonteln.” to northerly wiuds. General Bullar withdrew. the difference In the world. They day; westerly U‘DON ALU’S OPERATIONS. musi- The Financial whleb moat be set exaotly oorreet. If they Washington, February 9.—Forecast for within the of everyone the entire range of Mews, publishes places scope Fetrusr/ 9.—In regtrl to over Cherry, that General Bull- London, are tamed aroand or turned For New this Saturday and Sunday: Eng- difficult the selection, the despatch, suggests rath Lcrd cal No matter how Uentrzl MoUonala's opt m, will have the opposite effect colder composition. Grossed tbo they Joifc land-Fair and much Saturday. the most er has not yet aetuully Tugela. break iEolian will render it, and in a manner to please Pectoral of wbat wm Intended. If yon Sunday fait, continued cold; light to U Don’t delay until your P< your frame or a lens drops out, hare fresh northerly winds. critical. | 4 lungs are sore and your ► It reset by someone who understands absolute control of time and expression, ’ I The player lias cold settled down deep In what position it should stand. LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. often hare come to me and and every note is given its proper rendering. ► in your chest. Kill the >< people Portland, Feb. 9, 110'—The local say that their glasses hare suddenly The .Eolian a solo orchestra affording nnlimited < enemy before the deadly ► weather bureau records tbe following: provides given out. 1 generally find that they to an .Eollan forget blow kills you. Cure 8 a. m.—Barometer, 30.109; thermome- Few who have once listened \ t Boiler's Third Like All hare had their frames repaired and pleasure. ► < Attempt ter, 38: dew point, 36; rel. humidity, the fascination of its of musical composi- your cough today. the lenses hare been put In wrong. of wind perfect rendering 92; direction wind, HE; veloc- One dose brings relief. \ the Rest. Instead of relieving the eye defect, state of w eather, it. rain. tion. ity, 9; i A few doses make the ► It has made the oonditlou twloe as 8 m. Barometer, 30.231; thermome- and shall < p. We are always pleased to show its capabilities cure bad. If your glasses are broken or dew 35; rel. humidity, >i complete. ter, 83; point, 100; __1 AWAMir •nuoiA IavAW for .mww.v Thres sizes: 25c. for so ordinary out of I will them direction of wind VVIUIV U VM* VIV*^ ► cold; >4 order, repair wind, N; velocity, 7; U|I|H 58c. for the harder colda; f 1.08 the Boat Neueia 4 Fetruary 0.—The at a reasonable I will tea state of weather, It. rain. ccoooakal for older cases. Lelpslg, you prloe. ► 4 mean rich ten a despatch that the lenses are In the right posi- Max. temp.. 38; min. temp., 81; “I consider Pectoral Naat prints special your Cherry t to max. wind 15 the beat for colds tion. I do pertaining temp., 84; velocity, SK, ► remedy and i a who claims that everything and throat frira correspondent precipitation—24 hours .68. 4 coughs all affections. the spectacle business. I have used It for 80 years and It f4 General BulUr's third attempt to rellere certainly beats thein all." 1 WEATHER OBSERVATIONS. 4 D. nXruvrr. ► Ladysmith bes completely failed. Face Humors ► Dec. 30, tan. N. Y. < rashes, The agricultural department weather Union, Pimples, blackheads, simple SONS CO. * A. M. WENTWORTH, M. STEINERT ft* Onfae. and & HMfa bureau for yesterday, Feb. 9. taken at 8 \ red, rough hands, falling hair, If you have any complaint whatever m., meridian time, the observation for Maine. 4 WILL RETURN. Cun- p. 517 Congress Street, Portland, / and dealt o the beat medical advice you V blemishes prevented by section in this orders ► can receive, write the doctor ^ baby Practical •acb being given possibly General MacDonald's Perce to Try of in- Optician, direction of state of i freely. You will receive a prompt re- n cura Soap, a sure preventive Temperature, wind, coat. Address . ► ply, without 14 510 1-9 Congress St. weather. T. C. McGOULDRIC . MANAGER. Da. J. C. AYER. Again. of the Pores. ^ Lowell, Maas. flammationand clogging Boston. 38, NW, New Turk. 88, London, February 10.—A deapatoh to eldy; tob8Tb&8ip Office llonrs- -Sft 2; 51 ft S N, p eldy; Philadelphia, 38, N, clear; ysss-srzrrj'f: the morning Post from M odder rl»sr,Ual- Washington, 38, NW, clear! Albany, 30, I * one cf Mill ova's tllk .belt I'm c.i. among tVmif »«•, JEFFERSON ROTH WERE WILLING. British leave In the fighting on Wednes- "wteii t t'tornnK's MANAGEMENT. n a district at* •ad tk«n couit until t> M. TALBERT AMY. day wire ufty man killed or wounded. frleics tnl s> testi I, t adjoarord to Is Isa tie merruw morning. »*• Word and Yoke* Will Probably bf Am U«4a London, February 9,—The dupitob IOLIXEIX. t reef ask t*e orrt AppareMl MimMdrtiiismIIm* HRS, not t.k.a b«ok to th* After Home. from Koodoenberg Drift dost not aay o'ar^e. Untie Isn't InncceH aid Opening Attraction. to Brearli ofPromlit Hull. he whether Owners I l!ohb!r giro finally ote nan la A«r erica a HI s ear t at DEATH OF W. THOMPSON announce* joined General UaortonaM, but tbe “ocm- did ntt address that poison | nc'n'e." B. Mr. Julios Cabo In bit Auburn, February V.—Ihe breach of Course! referrel to fe c arcs node by Wouldn’t Rec- ‘Join* Cahn's Official day. Iictb are life-long rerldente Head Laager, Ladysmith, Wednesday, fat Mr Weeks tal at t called wit eaaea theatre In Portland and tnat all book* of North Leeds. Ihe plaintiff ?s a February An armored train mate a flolirc For Husband’s to ref ote tV se e’ ar e» leca'sele odd Indianapolis, February 9.—A special lags by tba previous management a era widow and the mother of two eons sortie from Ohlsrely toward Bolens® and ntt "Wny oldie nttcaUVrs Inllln- from Terre cancelled, It was stated yesterday that Hbe Is 47 years old, and Is a healthy on tbe right of Haute, Indiana, says: landed *>0J British troops the contract had ler," Ip shout**I “I s tool I Inrt* Hired Colonel Richard W. died aetnal)|r been signed by locking. Intelligent, keen-witted woman. the Boer The olfiers Immediate- Crime, Thompson poeit'oj. sees see e In tils ciort when the new management, though that of The defendant .who (■ a and t'-e ti l»'p tre at 1.10 this Wli«Ic House in'an for widower, ly crossed the river and made an nttaek morning. Iproar 1 cress etamlced I or llct s e vas net course 1a a mere natter of form aa the father of a grown-np for, la OH, and Is lo with tin.* and orti’lery forcing tbe wlth- Ho had been unconscious for more callel. You know why." Awhile- deal was completed several days ago. rather feel 1§ health, to siy nothing of ilrnwal of loth tbe train and tha troops than 24 hours only occasionally awakon- ;At the aft* noon session DsIrlotAt- The opeolng attraction at the Jefferson hfh yeain, by reason of a partial shook t® Ct lively. • ing from the lethargy and failing to rec- ttrney Osbcras rwunol his summing up will probably be Ward and Yokes In tbelr of para’jftls uffs't'ng his left arm, which The llgbtlog ®n the Upper Tcgela river if he did lie failed to in- by n-idlng tbs “Uair rtsdls" Wbtfll r ognize any one, new play "The Floor Walker." it was hangs prartlcally helpless by hi* aide. lasted until 8.SU yesterday, (Tttaaday) dicate it The eud was latter as evlderci that klollnvnx'a mnr- remarkably quiet hoped to have John Drew, but be oonld Tbs oourtihlp of tie couple I ••.tan In Particulars are lacking. Filing at both At- and peace. No indications of a struggle not be secured aa soon aa the Messrs. the of and ended In the Attorney Osborne's r'.ags was suddvaly dsn rmlasd npoa. to spring IMWi), early Uolenro and along tbe upper Tugcla baa At tils Finally Allowed Have Tbe latter wr.tten by Miss Chsssl rjugb or any suffering was apparent. Uabn and Grant desired to open the days of Ootober. Negotiations, according been s nee five o'olook this po,leading Mis. tithe were the de- tack Upon Her. to liar rot on November 7th, tbrie walks bedside was I)r. Roberts, Henry, Hia theatre. plaintiff, opeoed by looming. Say. fendant the befrrs bir marriage to Mollntox, nod a daughter, and Miss Mary Thompson, through plaintiff’s brother, AcOTHKK HFPUL8E. son m. i wmam club at whole wife wrote the le!t»r the appearing on tbe ocraBcr n laqreit min- auother daughter, also the younger ihinoi* making 1’re 6.—Colonel atten- The oelebmted proposition which led to hsr rtturn from <>rla, Monday, February utes, next engaged lfr Osbrrne'e Harry and some distant relatives from M. 1. Whist club the af.aokfd Mat stohuH9tts to Leeds and the various Planter's forces, February 2, tion. “liarDel knew Mlaa Obeaebrangb Rockville, Ind. The oldest son, Richard second for the season, meat enjoyable Boer near Bamontta and af at conferences relating to mat riuiony. bhe tba petition and knew kin loeux,'' continued counsel, \V. Thompson, who resides in Marshall, Private Pension Hills Passed at "gentleman's night" last evening an endeavor called on ter heavy lighting, tnoludlng "and knew win topetbir a*. Riverton. Hr-1th served a meat Mr.Uould.and Mr. Gould called they Hying Texas, failed to arrive and a telegram Manager to take tbe plaoe by ronn, the British in Mrs. and did not rail. Yon run beautiful and bounteous In the cn b«r According to her ttiry, Mr. Dramatic Event of Famous Heille's, ludicatea that he cannot here until Night Session. dinner, Day get Uonld made bold to were Their loss Is unknown. that latter no olbtr oonslruotlon justly famous the tables state the matrimo- repaired. glee The funeral reception parlor, late today. arrangements nial tlon at the first she No Boer* ware Injured. Trial. than at showing tbe woman's desire for beating choicest floral decorations. The propcs call, but will l>e announced later. 4 ctneer relationship with Uu-net prizes wen* awarded as follows: Gentle- mid she gu 1 they better wait until n H. ti. a Htf’e belt *r and DUMBFOUNDED. "l.ogto and oommon aeBas," ha ooulln- Richard Wigginston Thompson, sec- n, first, Dotsn; second, W. 11. they get acquainted, the u- she bad time to consider tto mutter. It red, "suggested a motive for the defen- of the tiio adminatra- Waehlngton, February ‘J.—Upon Roberts** Jr.; laalss, llrst, Mrs. E. A. Hard lilovr For retary navy during Huller’s least llrtrrat dant's hatred tor Uarnat. Defendant him- e erably mg of the Honee today It wae Gray; second, Mrs. ho blotter berk. All sterns along the first few days Mr. Gould tion of President Hayes, was born in England* tad admitted hatred for Cornish. that when the Houee adjourn to- voted the ocoasloo one of the most enjoy- was on the aggressive. Insisting repeated- self a] June W, 1809. agm-1 Culpepper county, Vi, for a definite answer to his Mr. Osborne told of Captain MoClnsky's day It li- to meet nn Monday next. Mr. able In the history of this fauous olub. ly propc ml, Louden, February 9, C 40 p. ru.—lip to no had passod all the years of his nearly Payne than moved that the Uoum tike a and that later the tiblrs were turned,Mr. war oflloe has Investigation with Kotnow powder pro- the pres, nt tba evidently Objections Interposed life in Terre Haute and was familiarly L YNCHKRB MADE NO MIhTAEE. Exhibit reocae until eight o’olocK tonight. ihle Lould tvklng the defensive, although It of General Bailor's retreat, pie, and showed to tbe Jory O, heard nothing known as ‘‘Uncle Dick.” did not from her that he in Vain. a a tent medicine motion wae by thoee Interfiled Lumber tin, N. C., February 9.— A appear story as In the from tbe tbe letter written to | oppoeed deeoribed despatch over refused sheet of Ho has been personally acquainted In thla the eet oeldv named Reuben He** we* banged point blank to marry her. Bead firm an tbe oresoent-orsssed pa- olalma, being day negro Boer Laager, Ladysmith, February He mid he Carvalho, the with every president of the United under the role, (or the oontlderatlon of today fit criminal aaanult upon a whits simply that wasn’t able to 8. When shown the Boer tbe per, and dec! a rad that despatch nnd that If he ever mar- told tie save three, fieorgo Washington, bill. Mr. af New York woman named Mrs. B« ttle Ingram. The marry, anybody, ottlolals ut'erly dumb-faunded. tandwrltlng expert, tnd poltoe States, private Payne appeured ri*m mi/uuuj hlv wuuiu uh iuk oiioiot*. man need that oreeoent- Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. mid be made the motion booauae many negro dmlared hi* Innooenoe of this they had not the leaet eue- kind the whe Apparently 0 'lb lx wa« after the at the have found boon the an ember ■ datlred to attend tba funeral of but raid he was of arsiult put.'i?atlon of suoh an out- orestad paosr, nod you will For several years past he had srtme, guilty plolon of thn poeelblllty town okrk’s aud tie date of Lawton tola afternoon and the on a young white woman of office, tte It Is said on re- the murde-er.” member of the 27th Con- Ueneral Rockingham come of tbe operations. ouly surviving ehe bad been fixed. (Joff Will Jury a uuoruiu If the for wblob a John was wt'Jdlug.a* naye. that lien-ral Ballet’s de- Recorder Charge "New 1 lav," raid Mr.Osborns, "Whan Houee would be wlthoot negro, Evans, liable authority gress. Mrs. wante 9*mj0 ness tint to order were wltb. Mr. Knapp damage. sum and Tuas- you Hud a ir an who I npsr regular prooaeded hanged. spatch During Monday's The defendant denlee that be had ever Today. with a mo- effrrad a out of tnuveinenls was be tbs only nan In the world GETTING ALONG NICELY. l^iud of California way day’a particularly hope- refused the All to THE WALKING DELEGATE. to marry plaintiff. there Be deeoribed tbe as tive of hatred a' a'ost Uarnat and Cornish the tangle by morlng adjourn. ful. position gained iv about it If abo wanlel to fce married man Is the Althonah the majority wae In favor of Felru^r/ 9—Ft urfcesn then- effective so the news of another isllre- yon most see that ttnt guilty Havana, C onsul May I «f«l Very Wall at Pre- on a out kin and Mr. Uould wasn't motion a whan the ■and men are now on a strike In tbls day la bitter to the Brltlah the npon rising vote, city, ment exceedingly It wae d that Mm. toria. the werk. ri. ready. claim* from Boat Mr. Osborne deo’ared If at the letter roll wav called the motion waa defeated msjcrlly being clgcr Many and though It ootnee sources, left the house became of of tbs roanufaclur rj attribute the Knapp jealouey, to rileotedlt It. showing the die* aw from wbtob the writ- 90 to 151). Tbs question then reaurred up- elgsr there Is 11 tie disposition and that after ehe went Mr. Uould smt and natural er suffered cavil his Im- Washington, Fobruaty 9.—Secretary on the Motion of Mr. Fiyne and it pre- ku« myia«u ui tui «»» w.ic* The news spread rapidly New York, February 9.—Assistant Dis- proved beyond for her to retarn In order that the Hay toJav reonlved a cablegram from 107 t? at 1.20 and of Mr. >SaEUil tiompers. origi- was visible on all aides, moral nature. vailed 15. Accordingly p. disappointment trict Attorney Of borne, tonight complsted nal plan might be carried out. 2?he Adalbert liey, U. S. consol at Pretoria, m. tbe House recessed until 9 o’clock to- the alienee trout the In of Roland B. ‘‘Ibis young Kan, the defendant," nltbough long upper his argument the trial k.J kl. ..u„n.Ur wanud him to her that *<‘*aion devote«l to INDIAN MAGIC. marry tiueday bod moused attention of Kathe- counsel went on, "left the pa’ernal roof night the evening to be Tugela already appi Mollneux for »he murder Mr*. morning, and becaii** he would not ehe around at olube. Think ot the Wednesday, and that matters were very bills. that Geueral Boiler might bare found rine J. Adams. Recorder Goff will charge and lived private pension Before This of ths Wonderful Frut Performed got mad and went off. They had not at to foiwnr.1 in whlob cam stxial excesses, think of the »sxtal de- •atlsfactuiy. disposed appre- I here wai ai unusr.Vly Ja-ge attend- It lmpofsible go tho jury tonotiow morning, nud the the Isite ord I,)l1un, tha time the oertliiouio from the hension that existed In sjin* quarters got he would have no bat to rat rose to at think of the nights or excess ance at the night a*e-i>n Mr. lalfcnrt, option twelve men are expeoted take op pravity, of Indian magic town oletk a that the lioer decline The following story office. news oonsldtr*ble that this athlete to government might Democrat of South Carolina,av scon as the tbe river. Tbe caused once the of the guilt o’ the In- compelled splendid was told me the to whom question Ur. because of failure l*y person write a letter to receive Hay the ractlcn w tbe whole Georges Creek Cumberland blame counsel But that y r, Osborr.e said that of way. By seeds. One sort was sesame. The name Two German o lhcere on the aolive list. fy»r objecting. own oorner and tiers put it all over him. Bemooiatlo side wai aronsel. A dozen for steam aud is the concrete form of the crlmlco'ojy tangbt that poborers dl<1 of the other sort my informant did not unsurpassed general Von Khrski and Fretzdorff. have just woman living, Sullivan tried to ont of the oorner but get were on their feel Mr. ihe Barnet and It Is un- uot need great motives, and he told or members TaUert, know. Iloldiug these seeds aud having an able book on the South motive In case, him thxrs and landed a hard forgo use. published liana pinned sta ted down the between his and man who sent the ore man, wto when asbel why ho had thoroughly an«e el, the ring fingers thumb, African war. disputed that the poison was seen that Sulli- right on the Jaw. It officer was to to a well in the Genuine l.yken* >alley Franklin, a beaatlfnl 'Didn’t n a'n ats-’e shouting "Mr. Chairman, Mr. the go lo Barnet sent the pohon to Cornish.** po'forod gJri,replied: bans MUTINY OF SOUDANESE. van was In dire dlstrtsc, but kept corner of the compound. He was to dis- and American ( annel. Genu'il Mollneux left his seat at the you notice how thlok her ank'ei were?" Chairman.” t.ngllsli his man. As Sullivan books! of the seeds in a certain pounding Be tbe a os tn front of the pose way—I London, February 9.—A speotal from of this attack, Jmned over "The mo‘lve Is cootro’llng. Who U reached conclusion Into his corner lions landed an- think on the low wall around the well, Above Coals Constant- again rostrum all t e whl.'e touring Cairo says Ihe mutiny of Soudanese back of his wife's chair and the man who found Barret an Impedi- sfea'*er*s the patted other and into the depths of which he was to throw right ewlng, flooring Spike, ont denunolat'ons of the* cha'eiwao's On Hand. troops at Kharlonm has aseuuieu serious his on the ment?" Mr, Osborne continued. "Who the All this was done, and then ly daughtnr-ln-law reassuringly while wee on tbs floor one of his ring. Spike courre before the otu'rn an oon- I I.I.EPHONE ... l(IO.i proportions and Is causing great anxiety. Mollneux himself never moved. ta el Cornish? Who hated Harps er? arbitrary the magician asked Lord Lytton where shoulder. a fall of wttsr oxer ssconds threw sponge to him. Democrat* for his she sat with dry eyes, Who Ufei blue crescent-crested paper? deKendel recognize he would like the ring to reappear. He OFFICE: As wife, the Iflihmnu. Kotsree Whits, prostrsti all about were al« > shouting disapproval answered "in his box,” of SAYING AND THINKING. flushed face and tightly compressed lips. Who was aloatto be msrr'ol, and who dispatch that Sullivan was out-olessxl and to or Does coi the seeing Mr. Talbert rapidly cooled down after he which the key was attached his watch 7b Commercial & 70 Exchange Sts. comp’a’cel lmpotenoy? knocked out »pr3 M.WAKU in danger of being oompleto- that chain, or, nt all events, he had it with Th# niOrence Between Their Real 9.—Man helm name suggest lt*e*.f? The oily man In bad lean recognize!. U* explained New York, Felriary the bout and H to Hans, on The box was ly. slopped gars had him the spot. dispHtch and Assumed Sentiments. wh so Illness all the world who does tit that descrip- the pre since of a quorum completely Brown, the juror jesterda* two sivcntesn out. Lord it, and lime of round minutes, d brought Lytton opened NEW DESIGNS A a after recess vindicated hiv portion He suggs t gentleman steps upon lady's gown, preentei the resumption tion. there was the ring. and this is what said: the House set aside a day ease they of tho trial of Roland B. Molinoux, ha 1 Mr. Osborne queted from Kinsley’s tes- seconds._ that This trick would be easy if the British .OF. lie—1 beg your pardou, madam. It IRISH AMhiNUMtCMT LOST. month for legislation and discon- t;day quite recjverel frjin his lntMsptsl- timony that he had agreed with Carvalho pension officer was a confederate of the juggler me. was very awkward iu tinue sisalons. n to and tho trial ; r oee el, Assistant that one hand wrote the Cornish and Bar- London, February 9--During the de- tbe night aud if he possessed duplicate key the it is of uo The tl:n, Shi'—Oh, consequence. Mr. Democrat ol ienneaaee who box. Iu that case be would uot Oshcrne res n a in g his net letter», and tho address on the bate In the House of Commons today on Cdms, dispatch CHECKS blame lies with or, ruther. with District Attorney my gown, 18 Interested in southern war claims throw the ring into the well, but would ir sec the amendment to the address In reply to me for wearing it so long. argrm nt for the itlvn. po'son package. .OS A 1.1.. orltlolsed tne leaders for side take it into the house, open the box and an o la ini the Mr. Osborne the illfftrjnt Ut- from tbs Ictrodnoed Kcpublluan And this is what they thought: Mr Us'orne Ley by si ng compared the speech throne, insert the But this in- those obligations" of tbe riug. explanation lie—It serves You’ve no ns a c.ronors and t Id ters beet to medicine linns with Ur. John Joseph Ulancey, Irish tracking **jnst you right. ft notl if cjrrt, patent ty volves enormous improbabilities, while it to have been written attention to the in favor or pension Mils. The cf the inquest into the c*oath cf Mrs the litter admitted Nationalist, calling government b> unlikely, again, that the conjurer man- PORTLAND BANKS Street. 1 I’ve it out ut the fat*' had committee then prooeeded with tbe con- hope ripped A cams Bo hln self open by Mollneux, and deolarnl that over-taxation of Ireland, Ux. Timothy aged to insert a duplicate riug iuto the complimented sideration of pension bills and thirty-live gathers. n miner in lot evened to expose the prisoner Be Hi nil Irish Nationalist, protested box beforehand. 1900. the “i»| and Impartial y. were favorably acted upon. dispatch With New Date, She—You great luininux! Cau’t you the if which he c.ncii cted that investigatlcn,'* showed that the Utt ra wers alike In against ths Interpretation of the not of At 10 30 the House adjourned. Lord Lytton then asked juggler without walking all over a body? yralk form ami DUQCtuatlon. and deolar.*! that holnw Asm dail UT nnptih Hh Ann- Before adjournment Representative he could repeat the trick. He answered called the attention a sell the therein to Haines of Tenue-sec, in ;Ji# affirmative, and iady lent another as ‘‘one tf the m< st handwriting exptrti had writ- ora lil the Koglleh attitude The close of Mrs. Brown’s call on Mrs. him experience! of the House to sect on 4710 revised Auother officer took it, with the ACCOUNT BOOKS when the ring. this is what said: • la the United hint*-* were also alike. Aft r announcing the Veneauela essr United which do chin or Smith— they criminal lawyers ings under widow, seeds, as before, ami dropped the riug in- had a call. he would oak tho oourt ts charge foroed arbitration and in wtateh, heir of who engaged Id, aided Mrs. Brown—I’ve delightful Mr. Osborne referred to the luiilctsi ent that States any person to the well. The countenauce of the jug- in variety. the can be n a great It is such n to be in that no rseeooable douLt oould was or ubeiiHi rebellion, VlT, always pleasure found by the jury, and t 1! the the jury Mr. Healty aaeerted, Knglund ailVITU IU iuc |IOU3» «UIIU luuunt-u. grand pension. The pension committee algal lied |itT your bouse. Everything seems so charm- ln- If wire oonvioesd lj an ext mt worsted. the amendment was lost ty a he hail and jury that they were to consider that exlat they thut It would look Into the mutter. Something, said, gone wrong, ing and homelike. You may be sure that t sec- lets eni and the llnfilngs < f the c rouer's that would aet'.sfy them Id the’r rdlnsry trots of iCO to 77. a he seemed agitated. Turning to the I shall call soon and often. again very Mr. Osborne ent red ond he nsked, “Did you arrange merely as accr sullons “1 tell you business relations, Trivial Cause of a Bloody War. officer, denr. 1 shall expect you at our jury PARLIAMENTARY PARTY. Goodby, of the hand- IRISH the seeds a* 1 hade you?” “No,” suid this,” said be “lecacse I want to le fuir Into a defense of the science In the year 1G54 a Polish nobleman be- house just as soon as you can get there. that was non- SHOUT & HARMON. Kehurarv 8.— At • meeting of the officer; “I thonght all LURING. London. came obnoxious to the laws of his coun- Mrs. Smith—It’s reul mean of you not to this defendant. writing experts* and I threw them The dec27 eodlf the Irish Parliamentary parly thle after- a sense, away.” jug- in a Into con- All the exptrts united In this case, try by reason of his having committed to stay longer. You are always such Bt t joa hate ri;ht ti take seetued horrified. “Do you think I noon at whlob minor olBoers and to gler a it's no wonder e the oonolualou hare rjsobed la whips crime. He fled Bwedcii, whereupop .amioti 10 jnaotn«»iq hurry! But, then, you sideration tho fact that t pr scouting and they -do ihttf my* 4 mb watt, i aoHtitf ItmovAODn* were s umuUsr'hf contributions John kiug of Poland^ wrote tb' h * U*Wgtitful tare. I.osk at -ttiV defendant Consider elected, CnsTmTr, he offM* “fttflAlbO.'fhe of de- up. departed. Now don’t be such a were rvoe.ved The mombera also reoelved Charles Gustavus, kiug Sweden, place, you know. lef re the his his weaknesses die The well u as and at handwriting expert, prund ebaructerlitlos, of the crlmiual. carefully dragged, but call as often as can. from tbe of the manding the surrender stranger, you 1 Mr. Cartulho’s writes and "greatly oblige." a cable message ptvs'dent last the Indy’s ring wns brought to the jury, because he elieved ‘•please" The of Sweden on the dis- Ob, yes. It won't be before you see Hibernian kiug reading long ne In ooott at we detorlbt Massachusetts .Society, promis- surface. That riug, at least, had certain- etl’encv would enable the u t o tlnd an laughs open noticed that his own name and P. me. denr. mem- patch, Cornish, Goodby, hit friend liar tbe of thousand becu in the water. But had the first George of ing support thirty ly indictment against the defendant. Be the death agoa'ei net; titles were followed by two "et cetera*,” This is what they thought: been ns to the at the of Mrs. ber*. of ring faithfully consigned etidence of Mr the he laughs dying struggles _ while the uume of the king Polaud Mrs. Brown—Tuere, thank fortune, gpi e the Carralho, will he of various no or "et depths? Experts opin- that call’s over. And she calls herself indicted the and Adams. The defendant has soul, HOLD UP IN BOSTON. was followed by three. The missing grand jury defendant, ions os to that, yet the hypothesis of con- under the circum- cetera" so the of Sweden MERCHANT 1AIL0R, a That house is on he oould not laugh enraged king housekeeper! Mercy! tvls Is why Mr Carvalho was net pet Boston, February ».—Mrs. Fannie federacy and of a duplicate key to the " that he at once declared war Po- no better than a kennel. And whnt airs stances that at the beet mutt break the against — the stand by the defence a clerk in the routh end box is difficult. Longman’a Adam*, bauery wur was carried ou with dispatch she on over that ugly furniture! I’ll bis father and bis mother. laud. The great puts Mr. Battle cf counsel for Millneax, hearts of was held a man of Mrn.C.E. Patch, up by Magazine. _ have it on the install- bitterness until 1000, when a peace was j bet anything they (Jeutlenien. If you rafuas to oonslot St. at this statement. the ahoul 2 40 p. m., coil- 571 1-2 ment won’t see me there pretested whoentsied ebop signed at Oliva, uear Duntzig. A Lighting: tbe Voletlde I6mou,» I.U tremendous rate!—Boston 33 I* happy Transcript. not t> wai a vote ol 318 ajulnel Independent. “Yon would have seen,” bo said, Recorder Uoff warned the jory adopted by 1 «

% hctllwopi, STAPLES. KILLING A RATTLER. _mmumon. SENT FREE TO MEN STRENGTH OF SCHOOLS IK CUBA...... *.. Ltit I • > A Most Remark it ble Remedy That A PUT UP JOB. Pftlurt tf Ui« M«rk«t Clover Way in Which the King Qniekly Restores Lost Week. Snake Does (he Job. Mother and Vigor to Men, Now York, Febroasy B.-Bra lstraot'o cf Island on With En- tomorrow will aayi Th» tUength {Fire A Free Trial Package Sent by Mall to 4 Battle to the Death la Whlefc Maple, nod partloalurly tboos < f ngrl- All Who Write. I.lehtnln* Swiftness and Muscle Doctor Too cultural origin, la th* loodlng feature thusiasm. Free trial of a wort tanarkabl. Match For Ven- paokagen weath- Were More Thna.a | Until the doctor come*, and for minor \ are mall*! to all who will this week os loot. In gonoml trade, rrnmlj bring omous Fangs That Coaldn*! Strike. ilia and accidenta, the mother muat > Mwlloal Institute. 1 h«7 to Save not favored a large writ, tba Utata Miller Arrested er condition, bare 1 doctor her Tenaoftboua- who had battled for family. ouretl to many men dletrlbutloo, but eomparloona with * year If the rattlesnake la justly colled the tbs mental and pb/ileal ! amla of mother* nave relied upon years against favorable. Enlarged king of America's woods and rocks, yet ■offering of lost manhood that the Insti- ego are ttlll quite , JOHNSON'S ANODYNE UNI- elver his crown is not held without danger, 1 tute has decided to distribute free trial Reynolds. la rcdarted In Inoreaeed Exceeds All That MKNT, and have found it alwava apeoulatlon Popular Feeling and success- all who writs. It is • home ore since be Is limited diligently packages to and com son with loot yonr reliable. It ia need both externally , Inga pari are and I and all men who suffer with fully. Ills fangs Indeed deadly, > treatment while avar yoara pra- Had Bern For. and internally and it ia the remedy form of sexual weakness resulting eaoouragtng, galna Hoped he wears a fine suit of armor, but the 1 1 any marked. for inflammation from any cauae. train youthful folly, premature loss of vloua to im ar* very deer and the wild never fail to at- ( hog __ T'«r*rl rontlniiallv for Cjo vrHra aa a weak vari- and cf ad- strength and memory, back, In of demand lisa and he has an of his atnngth tack him, enemy < sustained > or of can now household remedy, its popu- cocele, emaciation parts H«t. Th. atrength more to him. raooo, ootton 1* ooally own kind still dangerous * use cure therotelvea at home. anil increasing every year cf th* row act notorally affeota mon- Snakes may be divided into three class- larity The remedy has a peculiarly grateful Montreal At prod are the best possible testimonials to seems to act direct Wasn’t In wbloh ar* Brin and es, those which ore venomous, the con- effeot of warmth aDd tf iotnrad goods, Tory Schools Have Increased its curative powers. > which are neither. to the desired location giving strength la demand from Jobbara. Relent strictors and those is needed. good and development Just where It All. of wotor, Unless the second of these are wonderful that rains have Increased th* (apply It cares all the Ills aod troubles Tenfold. for their sire secure llttle*of our at- are now running they oome from of misuse of the nsto- and New England mills yeais tention, an«l yet they are generally beau- ral functions and has been so absolute suc- Southern mat- to tholr fullest oopaolty. tiful in colors, moat grnceful In action , Johnson^ cess In all oases. A request to the State and will us* i-faotorrn ara vary busy, our best friends. Medical Institute.. 4*2 Klketron Bond- and often among ootton LINIMENT South'! total pro- es- 1 ing. Ft. Ind., stating that you one-sixth cf the In Florida we bnve two constrictors Wayne, | is of greatest value in treating colic, cramps, diarrhira, cholera tnor- , one their free trial Daokanea the black desire of duct loo this saaaon. Hundred Thousand At- pecially noticeable, racer, bites, bruises, burns, be with The Pupils feet and bus, stings, chafing, colds, coughs, croup, will compiled promptly. Corn Is In sympathy with which grows to the length of 12 1 1 of that higher,partly catarrh, bronchitis, !a grippe, lameness, muscle soreness and and Institute Is desirous reaching Views Affair With of on and pain Chief on cf damage to makes a business warring rats, of men who are unable to Devery wbsst, bat also report* Public Nrhools. in any part the body. Sold in two >!>• bottle., sod uk. Tb* great class tending seems to inflammation of the king snake, whose mission b**n't tend a*. first. leave home to be treated and the free th* Argentine crop by heot. Provisions larger b non economic*!. If fonr d**lev it to Ask see how It Is be the extermination of the rattler. sample will enable them to Suspicion. bsv* l>>sn strong throughoot the I.S. JOHNSON A CO., 22 Custom House St., Boston, Mass, weakness when quite One 1 was from a to be cured of sexual e day returning day's aad aotlse demand Is rasponalb I l*»»»*Aw»**|)|>»s|»S<(»»si«»| U**Ut»* the remedies are employed. The week, hunt, at peace with the world and myself, proper aad lard In tha Institute makes no restrictions. Any fir higher prise* of pork when I heard a squirrel scolding as if he who writes will be sent a five at man f toe cf 'ntg* raoelpta cf hog* primary Unrtat, February 9.—Mr. Alexia Frio, were a ward politician the night before carefnlly sealed In a plain puck- sample, markets. •uterlotindont of Coban eohoola, la hie election. The noise he made was bo loud to that Its recipient need have no age main- and Insistent that 1 turned out of my fear of embarrassment or publicity. Uldoo end leather or* llemly report to the UoTernor General upon the and to see whnt could be the matter. I Benders are requested to write without His tained, though reports from th* baot derelopment of tbe tehool oyxtsm alnoa way Makes not found the little fellow on the trunk of a delay. Reynolds shoo trad* cf onnent buslne.s ar* tbe work of reorganlaallon began all about ten feet from the are pin© ground, vary good. Fin* gra Is* cf wool quiet, weeka ago, aaya that tha whole rogntry Jumping about as if in convulsions. He MARK DOWN SALE. SAILOR PENNY. Report. demand far for eduoa- but thorn Is still an urgent aaoma on lire with enthualaam would flourish hia tail wildly, scold in blood* rxoeeda all be Our 15th annual clearance Sale of broken lots liavo nnd ruodlom arn lea, aod qvarler tlon. The popular fueling anger, threaten an assault, run back a provod very successful, wool to will continue this week only. We advise our customers to order Friday aud A Romance In Rral Llfr. sell seatlly, conoldernble Imported bad rantorid hope for. little way up the trunk and then return , early mar- Saturday. having changed hands at saltern Six week* ago there axlatid In tbe and scold again. WE the I'OLLOW'I.VIi fur FRIDAY nnd SATURDAY. ket*. laland laaa than two hundred aohoota, all I looked carefully and saw that his an- QUOTE was directed at a rattlesnake that p. (W. K. Curtis In Chicago Record.) ? In tho West, Chicago report* tba* a baaed en tbe old Upanlah foundatlona, gcr lay U. U. .self raising floor, in 8 id iu 10 ill!) i.ard pur.-, Wo a Scotch sailor a** coiled at the foot of the tree. The snake packages, 13o Lean Smoked Shoulder*, 7 1-Jo Along In the Ws on numlnr cf new (took* of tardeara with the exoeptlon of a few that had been His Story Not Very Clear wns into a from the 8 lb tin Best Baltimore Leg* lOo deserted from a man-of- aa6o bnah .t.-_A._U .n.kl middle of which its rattle sounded con- Potatoes, Points. we*tern but lombir I* doll at Ueaeral Wood. There are ICO Common 17o Fore 0 to 7o Some buyer* Uaut'.ago by tinuously. Its blazing little eyes were Crackers, quarters Spring Lamb, of 1 lb can and found his way to tbe Interior of bulldlag om now In the of whloh 1 quart can Honey Huger ICo Lnnobeon Hem, 20o a reaull of the (trike kOM eebools Island, fixed unchangingly upon those of the Drips, it a miner and Good Carolina Kloe, 63 It—0 lbs 26a 1-2 lb tla Dried Beef, lOo Bolivia, where be worked 801 aie In Havana oity, 1BJ In M tinsas ploy**. fine New Preserves In glass jars, lOn 1 lb tin Dried beef, 20a a In tbe oouree th* did odd jobs for living. In th* Northwtat bualnaa* I*. In elty and 170 In Purrto Principe olty. summer air with a sleepy effect, but the Best Corn feturcb, 63—0 for ii5o beet California Prune*, 4o be tcok with an Iadlan scolded In an ever 63—0 for U5o Heat 7o of time up main, r*ry ta lifaitory. Tbns far reports have been resolved from squirrel ascending key. Best Laundry Starch, Sparkling Gelatine, him hint of the I Kirk's 2 l-2o 3 lb tin Grated for woman, and after ebe bad nnrtvd trade oondltlon* are moat en- 07 and there are 84 others But for the squirrel’s eyes good Laondty Soap, Pineapple, good Southern municipalities, 25s To Illness be could not have located the rattler. His 8 oans Trophy Tomatoes, sauce, tbrongb a long and dangerous ootton »hown ah ad- be heard from whleh will In- oouraglng, baring tt> pro bably offered Boast Fork Loins, 0o 2 lb tin blackberries In heavy syrup. Ho show hie She of color and his variegated markings married her to gratitude. New York, Februa-v 9.—Captain Rey- vance cf 40 oent from tne low prloe crease the number of sohools by 400. Tbe Best Silver Skin 18c Salt Pork Fat, 7o per but little contrast to his surroundings. Onions, pk hie oonlldenoe and afteotlon submitted to Chief cf Police have id snow Best Pure Klo 12 l-2c Fresh Lamb Flanks, 4o reciprocated nolds today the ecaron. eehoele tbst already report His monotone of noise was indefinite, and Coffee, leading him to ananotent mine, which bla formal cncmloi hla In aoode, for of more then Fine Formosa Tea, .00 and 40c Homo-Made Pickles, 25c gal fey Deyeiy lepci't Dual nee*, partloula-ly dry an eggregetx attmdanee to sight as well ns in sound he seemed had been abandoned and tilled Miller cf the ret- Choice Cooking Molasses, 25 and 35c gal 1 qt. bottle blueing, 5c portlally lindlng cf William F. spring account. Is cf an encouraging 100.000 pupils. only a blur on the background of dark tbe time of the In order to exosllsot at onnquest "Fiahklln Syndicate.” urn* a*, caitsrn rra-kets. An Usnsral Wood will appoint a mixed sand on which he lay. bands of the keep it from fulling Into the ;Caoin'n Kiyoolda’s report itaVs tlat he hislnes* Is reported doing In prints at oommlsslon of autonomists, revolutionist ■ Was the squirrel only curious to satisfy With tbe aid of bis wife and himself as to the character of that JOHNSON & led him a Spaniards. followed newspaper c’uee. Tbiy Boston, and ginghams hare alranoeu and Americans tx arrange tbe details of LAMBERT, named Maoksnzle, ‘‘whoee strange object or was he hypnotised? 1 • fallow-countrymen to Moctnal od the Call of ii a ad cf a oent. an election tx be held on May 1. The 34 WILSOr STREET U llie place your ilollar will go the <|Uarter have often amused myself by exciting the Fenny cleaned oat tbe rubbish and struck 1 do net knew.'' He followed week of La Urande bae furl hr si lownril purchii.liig your Suiitliiy at tltf Grrat C'hlrago Flrr, October, 1*71. wlfojcould it eae on the fact that on the LITTLE REAL TROUBLE. paid The Captain Jayi still the highest reaohed present quarter. Luatm at the Great Boston November, IN7'4. or understand t?4‘-4,e residents out set fire to tte bull I- dent arbiter the time cf the when I first saw him I could have seen some summer’s stroll schonl. Daring the voyage, by some lyo on Wednesday night, els In this week a year ago. ln*s aid liter drove the Inhabitants to seemed j Some 20 years ago you might Perchance during indaoed Mrs. Penny to think of but some human bully on lend a means. Craig alleged Uncling cf Miller In Monfexl; A feature of the week In Canada has Bal’einoa. nothing at Bordeaux market days strange your steps may you l>7 sparkling, marry bin, and whan they arilveu at surprised in the act of torturing his help- crowds of arriving on stilts from woodland brook. Here pause a moment aad that Miller, eyer elect hit escape,haa been the break lo mining etocks, oaused The s MIssiorl was villagers Oruro, be a marriage certltt- hospital tip lying sur- produo.d under less victim and suddenly compelled to distunt hamlets heavy laden with sacks aud. placing your face close to the took charge of the property and dis- been In the ylclnlty cf thle c'ty th* shut-down of several large British In tke harbor at Honolulu when the oate, by face an adversary worthy of his strength. but now the would face of a durk aud quiet pool, look closely tbs faithful who bad counsel. and baskets, sight missed Meokenzle, tbe protection cf hla Columbia mlnrs. This oaused a heavy s earner Aim ela lofi that Tke Mfs- pork The king snake seemed to enjoy the situ- cuuse almost as much sen^atiou there as at the bottom. Among the sand and peb- been sols manager of tbe mins for many and Mont- In at Toronto sjcrl report© I an exceedingly rough pas* ation as a cat does her cruel owu towns. The bles will see a number of small bun- yeets. Then Mrs Penny died under drop quotations dallying it might iu one of our you mysterious circumstances. Although her real, and affeoto I trade activity at Interi- sigeefer lowing Kujesikl, and durlog with a mouse. only stilt walkers that I have ever seen in dles of sticks anJ little cylinders of tiny dootors round went the as husband attempted to keep away DONE TO SAVE REYNOLDS. or British Columbia mark its. Main- that trip sixteen of ker passengers dlei, Bound and king snake, Bordeaux were great manikins prancing stones moving about though endowed __■_I ska aU IcHe ikK.nnk sa no*. the rattler followed the movement stilts tained ftreagth Is the I feature of staple mecf them frjm wounds received In and about among the crowd on giguntic with life. send word to friends Th* A ■-. »«« nf HKvuilIrwtc" Miller \\ «B • vant, managed to ..._ tl_A-_1 IT...D4I.J was Whenever it however, The Mis- till Its neck twisted. at the autumn fair, to the joy of small If you take them out, they that she needed protection, and before tbe war and from dyventery. Put-t'p Jab. attempted to turn, the king would spring but these were are dead and entirely devoid her death declared that she bad been hna Interfered with buelncia tble week, souri had £79 s'ck and wound© 1 sol Hers children, merely profes- apparently and It was evident that the first of motive but break them open The soaudal wae hushed with forward, sional acrobats. power, poisoned. 8.—Chitf cf for trade le report- on bonr-i when gke sirr ed friin Me.n 11 v. n Montreal,Fthruary Kellert, but the outlook aprlng #alln»n ilia pniilup In BixrlftnoGU wmilH will lind each one to be a little money, and Penny lived like a lord on Near Lake Cazaux, however, where aud you the Detective Bureau, today ed Bualneae la light In tha mari- to clinch with with soft and silk the pro tits of the mine, of whloh be Metropolitan good. be the signal for muscle much of the land is yet unreclaimed uud tub© lined shining a that he did not billeve where oolleotlona ere OBITUARY. race left to a olalmed to be the sole owner; bat after sold emphatloally time provlooee, venom. The king would from marshy, the pensauts cling to this mode and containing whitish, caterpillarlike Maokenzle learned what had for the wark if the rattler of the time young the etory that Captain Heynoldi cf ftlr. Canadian oleerlnga right and then reverse, and of locomotion, and we may still see the larva. This, then, is the solution in Bolivia and started for move transpired arretted Miller In or near Mont- a of 8 per oent failed tQ follow that would be the end of his flock on stilts. the grub wishes to his a Brooklyn aggregate IU.5i7.iWl, gain WILLIAM L. L. D. fcbepherd guarding puzzle—when Orurlo to proteot right*. Being GEORGE SMITH, saw the klrm of hi* a him. This happened, and I of A reaction there about he projects the forward part British subject, he plaoed his olalms In real. From what oan bi learned Millet over thoae of thla week year ago. In the neighborhood The sail news of the death of George In the air, but could not catch the stride be found in the and body from the tube and crawl* around, tbs hands of Tbomns H. Anderson, wai arretted in .tout email city In New Canadian failure# for the week num- are stilts to cottages, was There was a him. But the United Slates minister to Bolivia, who William L. L. D., has so Instantaneous It. small with the of a few drugging hi* house behind York State through a apeolu' arrange- ber 25, aa oompnred with 38 In tble week Smith, Thursday boys, prospect In of British Interests, and confusion of needles In a cloud on moment he is disturbed or frightened he was oharge received in Waterville. He was the Hying pine sous to be gained, will buckle them in ut between hie frlende and the dle- a been the latter, with the aid of Dr. Alonzo, year ago. of white dust, and I saw that t^o Inches .edi- draws back into We active*, wherein of* and perform varWu* tfi<*k» for your of endeavored trloc * and when all ar- eldest!-son Profl-ttmiwuA K. Smith, was the throat of ns as r-oently president Bolivia, attorney oOloa, of (he king*"* coll aWtft There is some about he remains hidden long danger settlement of the WOMEN SUFJKAUIBT'a. fication. difficulty to arrange an amicable were made Captain emeritus of rhetoric and Eng- the rattler. Over and over they went, be threatens. rungeaeente Keynolde professor putting on the stilts, and they will not controversy under which the two boys February 9.—The morn- bead above that of bis little tubes of various was told where to go and get him. Washington, lish language in Colby for many years. the kiug'a enemy over it The starting You will find the were to have «<]U*1 shares In the mine. hurried shepherd s sslon of tha National Ararr can and a curve of his sctlng as a buffer S_ I.. ..-ill m/Minl nn win* kinds, and sizes. Some are cylin- When Mr. Anderson returned to the ing George Smith was graduated from Colby body shapes of Assrolatlon was devoted to ad- to op the motion which enabled him he drical, made of sticks placed lengthwise, United States at the and of hla term SHORT SESSION SENATE. Suffrage in tbe class of 1883 and wa9 considered keep dow sill for the purpose. In the fields, to take another turn and still another. while others are like little houses of oflloe be brought young Mackenzie Penny dr suss s'ate pr sldents All tha speak- sits on the to tie them on and log no sena- by one of the mon of th it ground with him In order tbnt he com- Washington, February 0.—As brightest young And so the continued till the rat- the being fastened cross- might ers toll ot s»tl>f*ctory In tbalr struggle then rises with the help of a long stick. straw, pieces plete ble education In Washington, bat tor was prepared to prccied with dltcjs- decade in college. Soon after his gradu- tler not writhe freely, and be was wise. These miniature log cabins are/»f- stat s the past year coqjd The lnndes of Gascony, once endless after a time, whan the boy returned to r.sptollve during fas- elon of the flnanco meaaure today, the ation he took courses In held as a vine wraps a tree. brushwood and un- ten decorated with tiny snail shell* Alonzo a B. Blackwell of Massichusjlts post-graduate plains covered with Bolivia, President organized Henry be the snake to moreover the Senate traneaoted only routine business several not this Institutions and also When lay (till, began were blessed with a soil so tened to the walls, and, syndicate to bay out both the heirs fur a of the manner In which dergrowth, gave hlsvry uncoil himself slowly, and at every mo- the shells are not always empty. Quit.- often $500,000 each. Be now oontrols the and adjourned early to enable the.mem- studied abroad for some time. Then he impenetrable that It never absorbed the had been kept Informed on the tion of hla enemy the constrictor's folds fiud snails sec* rely at- mines, and Is the two heirs Id of lieneral public and even after a shower the you may living paying here to attend the obsequies entered educational work aud in '86 was rain, slight while both are of wowao auffrage through the contracted and crushed with killing ef- into and thus compelled to ro?e about Installments, drlnnlng Lawton. subject hollows would be transformed tached, and Oth- chosen to the of fect. Even when there waa a IUC TT 111 Ul Util muuivi u. themselves to death at Antofagasta. agency of newspapers speakers responsible position only quiver marshes. There were no roads or sheep Dl of the tall the king still gripped the of Other tubes are entirely of bits of ers who made addresses Ircl odad Lncy president of Colgate university. Here paths of any kind, and tho cottages built throat It waa plain be had a wholesome were moss and leaves. The commonest forma He Fooled the When the Senate convened Mr. Allison Hobart Day of Maine and Laflnla A. he won a wide reputation for his eru the shepherds and small farmers Surgeons. for the that were still terri- little or respect fangs dotted about so far from each other in are those composed of pebbles presented the of his colleague, Hatch of Massichosetts. ditton and for his as the AU doctors told Renick Hamilton, of general ability ble. As a last precaution the king ap- were an of sand. These are usually very Senator from the swamps that the “long legs” grains West after 18 John P. Gear, re-elected head of a institution. to those of the rattler In which Jefferson, O., suffering large plied hla nostrils absolute necessity. regular and smooth cylinders. months from Rectal he would Iowa for a term of elx yta-e from March THE FOSTER FLOATED. that several times at If to Fistula, Dr. Smith later commenced the prac- and repeated Now tbe landcs, for centuries regard- the grains are all of nearly equal size, die uulcBS a was per- 4, 1001. The crtdentlale were tiled. 9 Lon- detect the faintest breath. (Satisfied at but them And costly operation Dlgby, N. S., February —Ship tice of law In the state of Minnesota and ed as a hopeless waste, unprofitable and amoQg you may frequently formed; but he enred himself with five little rontlna business was tran- at It released its enemy, but atlll most sonic with several atones fastened Veiy nie Bnrrlll, before reported Waetport, was with success aud last. unhealthy, have been for tbe part larger boxes of Bucklen's Arnica the meeting great at the Salve, sected bfore the llnanclel bill was laid watched, ready to resume Its bold and drained. Forests of to either side in a very curious manner. la allll there and la leaking badly. Cap- fame when he was strickeu reclaimed pines surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best winning with of life. There I left him, far houses of ail are the Senate. The eenatore who were orsw ie- slightest sign have been and, instead of being By the prettiest a before tain Larkin war Injnrel.and tha planted, Salve in the World 25 cents box. Sold the trouble tlist has now resulted in his over the of his little shells and are on the keeping grim guard body some of tho district, shaped like spiral II. P. S. Goold, 567 Congress expee'ed to address the Senate fnaed to go to tea until tha ahlp la re- unhealthy, parts by street, death. He will be brought to this vanquished foe.—Youth's Companion. have even become compoeed entirely of almoet microscopical were absent and city such as Area chon, and H. G. Starr, Cumberland Mills. meaaure temporarily, Science. paired. for burial. health resorts. Thus the strange old stones.—Popular • fter a brief lull In the prcoedloge Mr. K. B. which waa Schooner Foatar, — have Glorious News Established 1848. stilts are fast vanishing, for they Boar suggested “qaxlloo, Mr. Presi- aahora on tha New Brunawlok ooaat, haa BOSTON BUYS FREEMAN. Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Wash- lost their raison d’etre. The stilts are dent.” Senator Chandler, chairman of here Pearl Fisheries. I. T. He writes: “Four bottles of been anooeaefnlly floated,and grrlvaa Pa„ 9.—Free- usually about six or seven feet In height, ita, WUkeabarre, Febrrary On# of the chief pearl fisheries of the Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer the coTomltleson privileges and elections, Jest night. She will load palp for Port- and about five feet from tbe ground there man, wbo playei right field for tbe Wash- world is that of Island, which of scrofula, which had caused her great said, "If the Senator from Tennessee Ma. Lotion is a rest to support the foot, provided Thursdy land, ington clut last year, reoelved notice Palmer’s 18 miles from York, the north- and lies Cape suffering for years. Terrible sores would (l'urlty) were In hie seat I would oill up The great BEAUTIF1ER with a stirs*p and a strong strap. High- BUKNED TO DEATH. today that Boston had pnrohased h’s re- of ernmost point of Australia. The popular break out on her head and face, and the the senatorial cose. I hare er up a band of leather holds the top Pennsylvania wbosi home this tion of tbo whole Island fa not over 1,500, best could no but her Isae*. Freeman, la In to below the knee. doctors give help; refralnel from the cose as I was N. February Mrs the atilt firmly the leg pree-ilng Half**, 8., la 1 with his transfer. Be a true of the nations, for here cure and her health is excel- elty, pleased assembly Is complete was burned to Borne stilts are much higher than these, ltfornied all the time would b) taken by Francrs Forsythe, widow, will play right Hell for Dostoa. are men of race and color of the lent.” This shows what thousands have Skin Cure'r especially for fancy walking and tricks, every the tlnaioo bill, but If the Senate le not death today ty a limp exploding In her all earth. The are, however, Eleotrlo Bitters is the best Tetter, Eciems, and man mounted on them is large majority proved—that DECISION FOR WATER CO. For Pimples, and the gifted on the to on with the bill room la boas> 19 Nor.h stmt. The de- The pearl fiehlng Is carried blood purifier known. It's supreme prepared go pending Diseases of the Skin and Mucous Mem- with veritable seven leagued boots, for Japanese. 9.—The Law Court a fleet of 230 luggers," va- for totter, salt rheum, I will nek the senator to oMstd baa four ohlllren Utlag abroad. Bangor, Fe'rusry a by “shelling remedy eczema, (Ur. Turley) that can be reached an outward he can cover the ground at truly prodi- stim- banded down branes by in size from 10 to 15 tons. A ulcers, bolls and running sores. It with the o ns. One daughter Is steward'ss on tha Plant cf Melre has the r.scrlpl as much as eight or ten rying preeved Quay c> gioua pace—often ulates and In e s> the application. m years of these fisheries averages liver, kidneys bowels, expels No senator tndlc ited hie desire Una steamer Olivette, running to Cuba cf an opinion tbo of Maine an hour. The lower end of the stilt, produce having miles Island da chiefly poisons, helps builds up the vs $500,000. Thursday digestion, to dUouee the flaaao* bill, the at from Port Tampa, FI*., and another Water Company the City of Water- Lotion Soap which touches the ground, la usually cap- 60 cents. Sold H. P. Senate, known as a station for vessel* strength. Only by Is all such bone to it.— coaling on la a la a Beaton Tire, la whloh judgment f.r the Prevent* and assists in curing with a sheep strengthen 8. Goold, 667 street, and H. O' L06 p. a., motion of Ur. Aldrich, ad- daughter aalaalady dry plain- ped plying in these waters.—Chicago News. Congress 84. Fear sou's Magazine. [ ^ Starr, Cumberland Mills. journed. gooda atom tiff la *9 afflictions. At Druggists only. # FUNERAL OF GEN. LAWTON. LION HUNTING IN SOMALI- The TMMl oarrled ISO (CM of {Night eon- ■MfH-MHIWW.MIPCttLAIBOPA■UCCLLPHBOm signed to Honolulu, bnt thin »m not LAND. Inodnd. Three deothn (rcm the A Great Popular «u«l Official Gath- plngne oeonrred el nee thn lont ad elrei from *»«• Hooolulo. The health olllcl.le oo F* bra- flow* Low- If water KnlrrH ■ ThlrkM COMMON itnted thot oil SENSE iny Sd, thn detention TALK Washington, February Major General end Shot a Lien Better** the Kyrt. ennepn warn free from nlekaana and thn One was bcrlel In Henry W. Lawton tHlay I'ootore erero oodar the Impraaa'on tbit tbe Natl nil Ceafter/ at Arlington. Tbe (Marion Wright In Outing.) the plague had about run Ite course, at tbe were WITH ser.Ices grate irece'ei by a eea the WOMEN. It le eery pretty eight to In those at tbe ohnn-'i cf Me Covenant Somalia work for 'all the tracking—they If a this city where President W. hi. Striker GIFT FROM GER- person la m and needs a modlolne Is H Girl world Ilka a pack cf bounds Keeping UNIQUE of Hrmtlten eolloje New York ^elf er©1 pretly eloee together, they go along at a MANY. not wlao to gat one that has stood tho tost of the funeral or*il a. ■low wot nntll the trail la loet; then they Ne'er In Mob la'crr < f tbe Uaj Itr 1 I as time and has hundreds of thousands of ouren spread out In different direction*! tone Mere le o a mere re:resen a l e fatter* one the fact to the to Mo orodlt 7 Who who Unde It eonvaye Herman Slndeuts Prrarul a lllblc to low cf Me nn ion’s off rial life to a pay other* hie all by (napping Unger*; they Krv. Mary Hakrr i«ldy. last ribn'e to Me na l:n’a ben; re I deal. A groat many women who are Ml eloee up, and on they go, perfect alienee try every- | three thousand teen infantry, co'alr/ being maintained the wbol* time. W* thing hoar of In tho of and • fdlsvel Me they way modlolne, nn artlllerc Dap- m;el In the Identical retraced our way almost (We publlah ibe subjoined article at the Was caisson to IT e g ra* e this with unknown e end In a abort experimenting Is Una tbat we bad come, of a number of subscriber*. We drugs mere offclai f r nulac wen’ request a9 where wa bad tint time neared the place know about tho statements con- constant menace to tholr livarfet I ’e ttefe©9 t emon* nothing already Impaired ©si popular the jumped Hon. tained In it, and oar of them s ra ii n tl at M e br rial c f Me c*ead arid- publication I now and lift my In dismounted pony la not to bo oonatruei a* In any sente an Mr called f rth. Ever/ ce ar nrentef tbe This is very unwise, for there arc remedies which nre no Saved of the as the Ilou seemed so experi- charge syoa, endorsement. Is Nor this paragraph to and have been known and to be governnrent fail is oUcial tribute. waa years years doing only good. this particular grove lit be taken as Impugning tht lr truth. We lavs hi n at i nlf-’i nsX Take for instance, quite likely tbat b* would .top somewhere simply know about them.—kd. Mins Frank to of 16th The 1 m*l eat and l is Ca ine nothing Hathaway, re;re- en the outskirts. Uls trank, however, led “I am 21 It PKhtiS ) E. Pinkham's 8t.. Holland, Mich., nay*: sentatlTes cf Me Happen:© Court cf tbe Lydia Vegetable Compound. old, at ifi 1 wan pale and weak. I up through some of the densest parts of For its record has been one v ths lime 1 was nineteen iloose nnd and cf t e and From tbo Conoord Monitor.) thirty years linhrdkcn chain of suo- Enars years berate, ar;oy the and aa It was growing ( I was so weak 1 could not walk undergrowth, cess. No medicine for female ills the world has ever old t > Conoor d bns bod two visitors known bus such navy, all oLiiilot) fill Me darkened ohanoe was to recently across the I was terribly late oar last remalnlrg try a record for cures. wbo name hero upon an unuaual and emaciated and my skin lied lost church tilts ut'mst But'these oil'd a 1 It. and sight him somewhere among errand. These were Frau all color. Tbs doctor unique visitors seems so some pronounced os * f t e were 1 st In It strange that people will take medicines about which thev know some of disease amrmlH. i.dvtoed re;lvsentatl i© lie all the men outside exoept one liertba Uanther-Petereon and Fraoleln really nothing, whieh the Being Leaving and when on crowds t at s-rrauudei tbe who might be, are, really harmful; the other hand it is that over one million women have been to try Dr. Williams' Pink 1*1 lls for the gn*nt eblkarl whom I took to do the traoklng Ida tionoon of Hannover, Germany, easily proved ! Pale' 1 a box, and to restored to health by I.yilia K. Pinkham’s Vegetable People. bought cV rc and linel Me streets which crossed toe water to pov their r^sp'ota Compound. before 1 had taken all of the akng end also to see the beast If h* wss We have in the of tho pills help au eminent citizen of Coaoord. Mary published newspapers United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been found that were me Me cessl 'n j assed. we our the they doing pr atout, pushed nay through iiaker and to her with a in the interest of other medicine. Increased ana the Kddy, preaeat published any good. Appetite A uring if citizens Piled Me bushes as best ws might, now crawling of Ger- color to show In my great outre beaautlful and valuable copy the We have thousands like tne following addressed to Mrs. Pinkliam : healthy began under them on our hands and knees, now cheek* and I continued to streets lon.i lefore Me Lour when tbe man hlble, the gilt of the Christian lips. Into their depths and vetting use the pills until 1 found rnysell plunging ciolentUta of Germany. Baok- Another Case of Kid- A sen ices nt Me Chrrch cf the Covenant our and fsors scratched unmerci- Monthly Suffering Letter Which Proves cured. Blnoe then 1 hands Frau Peterson, wbo Is the leader of permanently whose all ache and have had uo return of my old were t» ommenoe o»er t*?e hero, fully, until at length we lost signs Christian ^olencu work In liaanover, Ger- Bearing-down ney, Y/omb and Bladder That f. Plnkhantfs trouble. I know that Dr. Williams' * of the trail and didn't know which way Lydia rei ak s a lain In state ont*er ir Hilary many, Is the daughter of a oelebraud Pains Cured Pink Pills for Pale People saved a clutch always by to turn. Just then I felt sharp and la a woman of Intel- Trouble Cured Vegetable my life and I believe that no other guard, through t«e silent watches cf tbe pnyaUian, grnal f. Plnkham's by Lydia Compound on my arm, and my shikari whispered Lydia Vege- medicine could have done It."— nlvlt lectuality and marked ability. Through Em Pinkham’s Vege.abCe Will Remove Tumor and JfYom Ottawa Times, Holland, Mich. tne healing of a friend wbo had oouie to table Compound. ires! ent hfc iuler was among the to a spot some 85 yards away. America, she was led to send for a copy I suffered untold ngonv every Cure Other Weakness. folntlngfollowed the direction be was pointing, Compound. — ———1 earlier cittern arc uzipiuied by the fc'ccre* of the C&ristlan Solenoe text-book, could no relief until I tried " month, get — Two was but for tbs life of me canid sen nothing. to the “Dear Friend Two years ago I years ago I a great suf- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor Pal* Peoplt e Science and Health with Key t ir if V ar "Jher ca m w ith Adjutant Point wltb the I told him and your medicine ; your letter of advice art never sold the doren or hundred, ride," had child-bed fever and womb trouble ferer from womb trouble and by of a few of E. profuse In At all I Cener 1 C« r in. vh‘», as slate 1 ty Colonel locking oner tbs (sights, saw a pair aud bottles Lydia Pink- but always packages. druggists, author. From bor study ot this treaties in its worst form. Fur months each and tumors him>li offrinl nr- oa as aauoars at us from ham’s have mado eight flowing month, would or direct from the Dr. Williams Ikedlclns eyea big peering on the Solenoe ot Elio, she was herself Vegetable Compound after birth of babe I was not to Co., N.Y.. 60 cents per box, under tbe tuvbes. terete malaulet anil restored to me the woman alive. I shall able sit form in the womb. I had four tumors Schenectady. range * enfcs. J he .* ecretary cf tin* heileri of happiest As soon as the lion fonnd bis — 6 boxes $2.60. pressnoe health. She then visited Aiurrlca bless you as long as I live." Misa up. Doctors treated me, but with no in two I went the fc'ecretnr / tf tlie lnterl r, the Pest* he showed bis dissatisfaction perfect years. through treat- ■—SS^M—— wet known, and took n thorough omrsa of atndy In Joie Saul, Dover, Mich. help. I had bearing-down pains, burn- n aster General the Att General atid two rows of shining ivories ment with doctors, but did me no rney by dlslaylng one ot the leading Christian Hcleooe In- Four I had almost in and bladder they In a noiseless snarl. shikari was all years ago given ing stomach, kidney the t cf re were also My stitutes. On her return to Uermany, she and I I would have to ecretar/ Agricult whis- of ever well I and back was so still ami good, thought tnls time twltoblag my sleeve and work up hope being again. trouble, my was re rrent- at once entered actively upon tba there i he Star re re Court no shoutl” was afflicted with those dreadful head- sore. The right ovary was badly affected resort to morphine. pering, "about, shoot; why of applied Christianity with great sue- .•d by Chief Jistloe Fuller and se.rrnlif 1 told him to shut up, and, walking ache spells which would sometimes and everything I ate distressed me, and The doctor said that all that could A Adu inti Lowe* slowly toward the hrote with rill# in last three or four Also had btfck* there was a bad the Kscclate Jistices This movement has a large following In days. discharge. me was to an csss he have operation and readiness to shoot qnlokly In I was confined to bed when I help Cents! is a sent frjin V* a-hingt :n, btt v a* rep- Uermany, and, ae elsewhere, la growing ache, bearing-down pains, leucorr- my should got within U yards of have the womb removed, but I had *ix- spring, rapidly. Among the Ural to visit Frau hoo oooooooooooooooooo o was a sight, tbe dsad rank ti rauk down the nowtei avenue, very picturesque Ing religion Is a distinguished doctor ol the monarch of the jungle forming tbe oenter who said to Frau Peterson: I ring in-z troop after troop and | lat »on neitutne, | of tbe group, and tbe half-naked men. Your religion Is doing greater things line ’J a sun reflect- Corner after |lnl>cn wlieellnr into lien, with tbe red glow of setting than 1 have ever dune.'' A clergyman t ed on tbslr skins. 1 with a rjiui le (f ahcls and clank of glistening enjoyed was healed ot many ailments after an it almost us tuuch as themselves. When of trace chaius feld and lotteries unprejudiced and Intelligent study Into the i siege bad finished dancing, the work of tbey Solenoe and and Is cow perform — ^ * Dr. the anti the hero if Health, A joined fr.oesslm, which ao Lyon’s skinning ooratnenoad, they log his Chrlstly mlnletratlons In healing Future abort three wars was motei on his la>t journey cotnplUbed In an extsaordlnary space (be elok and restoring tbs sinful In the PERFECT of time. The skin and head were tied to his restinr j lot** on the Virginia light of Christian Solenoe. W'i'M ccr- * 1 mount- anj; degree of behind the saddle on tbe pony. Aftrr being convinced from a thorough hillsi :e levond the PotJicao tainty, affairs might be ed, and we started tor oemp, leaving tbe Investigation of the Chrlat Spirit marie y arranged so that the necessity oaroess of the lioa to be burled In the manifest In lie followers, he declared that j* stomachs of the and vultures— M o/- Life Insurance nvould not y WItOIE BOltDEBEAU. hyenas be ruust put In praotloe Its divine Prin- Powder creature />€• 50 ^ut such Tooth last of *1 the retting plaoe every ciple. pronounced, which dies In the opon. The studious habits, the profound l foresight is impossible. In con- AN IlEGANT 7*!LET LUXURY. Into Major (onut Kitrrlusy Coniri scholarship, the kindly natures and the —sequence, no act of life is more u, faith uf tha Herman make than Uncer- Used by people of refinement 1*» ouilur lice Agalu. MAINE TOWNS. simple people important protection. $ easy the aooeptanoe of the Christ Science tainty lingers at every footstep. Life over a of a Christian jl for quarter century which Mrs. Eddy has named Insurance does not overcome this Paris, February U.—lbs Temps saya It Science g in the least, but it makes the com- ® understands Count in- Units ol Interest (Lathered by Our Local In the only the State church o’ Major Esterhazy past, It existence sure, whatever has had a charter from ti e Where forts of tends to surrender himself for trial on the Uermany J Correspondents. those who depend upon • On application, however, befall. for ^ of In hla the government. ** GOLF, HUNTING, FISHING! old charge having possession from tbs Christian .-dentists, an excep- you for support. As a certainty, it famous document known as “Cette tion was made In their favor. Apart Comes From discounts death's uncertainties. •! Florida West (’oast Hotels BK1UUTON. from the state church this It the only MUTUAL Policies SOW OPEN. canaille de 13-," which figured so N*h> UNION $ Hale Is re- denomination wblrb has ever been grant- in the recent trial at lienoee Biidgton, Feb. 8.—(Jso. F. A Boston business man, with his wife, was given it a name. He said it was a certain completely meet insurance require- W Finest serai-tropical Winter Retorts prominently the severe tloknees ed a charter by empire. in the United States a coveries from his lets Paris his wife fell cure for sore ments, Z of Captain Dxcyfue and that he asks lor Cases of healing have occurred so fre- over in Europe. While in rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, and has been at hit plaoe of business near- ot this Hannover weak PLANT SYSTEM safe conduct regarding the other proceed- quently at the meetings from a carriage and hurt her ankle dreadfully. throat, cold in the cheat, backs, tired Reasonable in Cost e of the time. now attend their ser- | It is further as- ly every day lately part eburch that people sore Through train service. New York to Florida ings taken against him. She was laid up in bed for weeks, and the arms, shoulders and legs, stiff joints, j Liberal in Privilcacs has all aoits of weather vices for that purpose and their simple $ .*rttfd that he now admits he wrote the Brldgton had Hotel. Fla faith 1s thus manifested doctors couldn’t do a thing to relieve her. muscles, aching feet, and all bruises, sprains, Exact in Ualucs Tampa Bay Tumpa, and a little A. E. ordereau at the late Col. Eandherr'e In- of lets, t-xoe; pleasant, very of the Herman for 1 Dick, Mgr. The gratitude people the Boston man had his wife carried to and aches. without Hotel Fla Then pains They give incontestability w Belle*lew, Hellealr, ductions lo order to deoeive 'Joi. Vou of that between (terms. benvllta received and their profound re- with- i1: W. a. Barron. Mgr. railroad train and took her to a small vil- The Boston man tried the oil for all limitations, extended insurance % No additional oases of scarlet fever or verence for the founder and discoverer the green HemIuole Hotel, \\ Inter Park, Fla the former German mill- out deductions, and many other fea- dihwarzkoppen of Christian Science la marks! in these and found it was amax- O. L. Frlsbee, Mgr. ■naoalnd Vasa W so gntMAPM! lit tnwn for thtt especially lage on the side of the Alps mountains troubles, really J j 's iy attache atsParta, to whom he oom- notable. This found ex- tures of definite worth. Z Ocala llouae, Ocala, Fla and gratitude cures the oil ef- two v wblob Is a reason for Switzerland, thinking a change would do her ing what wonderful green A F. F. Brown. Mgr. munlcated the bogus documents. The re- put r.'krf, pression In the presentation of tbs gift Interesting particulars, precise Hotel Kissimmee, Fla to Frau Paterson visited Concord. he came%cro*s an fected. Then he made to have at and illustrated Kissimmee, btituhlance of hU and Dreyfus’s handwrit- •Inoere thankfulness parent! aspse- for wlilob good. Here, by accident, arrangements figures any aye. H. DiefTen’oacU, Lessee of He which £ le aloo led to aoousa- This copy Holy Scrlptnree, a Swiss herb and other sent Z Tl»c Port Fla ing, U cl timed, the lallf. old Swiss peasant, who peddled green- the ingredients brought paper anywhere. lull, Tampa, le a rare sterlmeu of the printer's and H. Lion ui i»ne miwr nuco sue uurum<«u wan of the CItixan'a and he Murdk-k, Mgr. The Ufth eulurtalnmeot book-btnder’e le substantially bound colored oil in a bottle. The Boston man got across to America in ships, when got Pnula Goula Hotel, Fuma Gorda, Fla r: tu rued to the trench war cilice. art, Lecture Course, will be glean February In leather with rleb silver trimmings and two hours after a to K. C. Rog-rs. Mgr. some for his wife, rubbing back to Boston he organized company Union mutual j Folk Miller, whose will and upon the latter of which Is ** 17, by entjact clasp, it on her ankle she could stand and walk make and sell the It had no name, Rites and all Information at If one knows of any the name of Mrs. up remedy. | any present Just be Old Times In tbs Houtb." This la -ngiaved Eddy. cause or why these two per- From the title-page one learns that the as as anybody. Before that she was so he called it Omega Oil. PLANT SYSTfcM OFFICE impediment entwt and good Ins. 1 sons should not be joined together in holy eald to be a unique tlnmeot snored work Is a translation of the Holy Cite Co., 290 Washington Street utterly helpless. Then the Boston man hunted It is good for everything a liniment ought matrimony, let him now'speak." from Its title muit eeitalnly be lntsrest- Scriptures aouorJlng to Martin Hulhar, » - Also Travelers* Information Co and after a Portland, ttlalne. That is the challenge of the old marriage and oontalns thirty line engravings upon up the old Swiss peasant again, to be good for. j Mass. lng. 175 Devonshire St., Boston, service. It is Old Testament eubjeota by the greet trouble he succeeded in a Since It* introduction in Shis country thousands w'lhe Hr too Lumber Co. are whole lot of buying the challenge Id* begin- masters and Ufteen rare engravings on have been and the oiL The and thousands of bottles sold, many of church and to taw bireb Inti spool strips at life of Jeaui tbu woria-rtmou* recipe for making green green ning the by people all over the country hare been cured of their state, and their mill. Hulorlob Uofmanu. he found caine from a rare nrtlit, color, out, very Most druggists sell it. All ought to. It is rarely is an- The new engine which has lately been pains. Adp* mowntoUv «f Ittiheli) Mrdndfrtll swered. Hut n.t In plane of■ the smaller one at the hcrfvtlmtgrew*on ftheddty avny itaitymhM EVER la In atock. If dealer does not it, DID YOU .Msnr if that chal- Frost mill, proves to be just whet rood* ns followa: ihe member* of Viral and it was this same herb which had so quickly liniment your keep > look ot when in medicines. It lenge were needed t supply the power Churob of Christ, Scientist, In Hanuover cured his wife's ankle. The old tell him he can get of any jobber mill Is sprained offered to the water la low. This running Uermany, In profound esteem, pmeant he won’t get it for you, the Omega Chemical Co., Science how and at the re sen I true and 1 sac bar and told him he had been this the night day p this volume to tbalr beloved peasant making Boston, Mas* will mail you a bottle prepaid if you stop to compare present orders ca mind. I often would has an ahundanoe of Ijaadar. Then follow the naiuaa of the but he had never *_J benefit liberal accident remedy for many years, I send Me. in cash, money order or stumps. double she forbid the ihelnew engine st Fodadloherrr Mill donor*. of today, with the WIGS. in the of The Filar and fcitowell of policies banns, frooi the factory In oonncotlon with tbla expreaalon old-time limited benefit interest of Is about and Co. of Milwaukee, Wlaooueln, lova and gratitude for tha pbyaloal 7 forms before the technical Send for Illustrated Catalogue. woman's crt up and la a oeauty. spiritual beillbg that has oome to three and un ■ PREFERRED Goods sent by mail to eramine before you health reverent people through Mr*. Eddy le SCAKHOKO. Insldent. One of the pay for them. . Interesting early Thousands of Mr*. wea a Herman, ▲ full line of Wigs, Krout Pieces aud Switches Light Corners, Feb. •.—The sleighing •tudente Eddy entered the field. of hippy and to hint Mrs. said, “Uarmany in also made to order. boa bean very One tbs peel wesk. Kddy stock; maidens who will be the drat nation ta ao- Mr. Asbury Libby has aeon red a fins European A Good have looked heieno*. Tbalr lova of *>od of loe from his pond at Nonsauah oert Chrl»tl»n IHlJhtlrrjiOMJoH WE DID IT. to marriage as crop oharaoter, tbalr Paris Hair corner. their profound religious Lovering's Store, the chnsum- end Intellectual quali- Mr. Fowler takee the lead In deep faith, strong vAlI. all the other companies have 1999 Washington St., lioatou, m at ion of Henry them ta Nearly chickens. He has s flock ions week! ties make particularly receptive jO>> been forced by the i'ltr kkrhf i» com- AM eodtf 1 their early of earthly old. Christian Sol 'noe In tbs presence Child petition to folio wit he leader—The PHKPKBKKD have found it a to the It la seen that tbla the lusurlmc in hand te happiness, blight Mr. snd Mrs. Freedom Libby of None- this prized gilt prophe- —but it stands public a to the mind. The fpldlled. the company— The Tit F. FT it UK />— body, martyrdom irreg- job were st Mrs. Libby's breth- cy Is hflng patronize NOTICE. ular and painful periods of maidenhood Corner, Healthy children are good because they | that mode the other companies glre the er's Mr. J. W. Johnson, Wednesday. " and tUx-eal contracts. were looked upon as a pari of the common feel A “bad child is never a well i public double benefits Miss Hath U. LI boy was the gueit of good. lot of woman, and so, neglected. Wife- t ANAUEK 8WKU AKRKSTED. II having come lo our notice her aunt, Mr*. J. C. L. Johnson, one child. A feverish i hood brought with it debilitating drains, pale, peevish, fretful, that we ure as liuving day hut week. reported and the trial of motherhood left an inflamed NiBbua,N. a, February William child needs Truk’s Elixir to restore of the Mrs. J. M. Conrad and bar daughter. given up the ugenejr Hard and ulcerated condition of the ol womanly visited Mra. Wm. W. Skllllns at M. hwatt, who olalma to ba manager health. It will tone the stomach and mutt Plano, we deem II our duly Then followed the slow decay of Louisa upset organs. Couth Portland, iueaday. the conoern whlob employed Mrs. Helena to the public, and onrselve* to and mind ; the ons tormented with bowels, make rich, red blood, bring color body Matter Stanley Conrad's tenth birth- C. F. DUNLAP, state that we mill control Ibe the other irritable, or despondent. F. Jonas, wheat recent arrest, ohargel pain; occurred Thursday. Little gifts from to the cheeks, sparkle to the eyes and ] mile of the llardman Piano, and Science which cannot forbid the banns of day with defrauding through the malls, ar- friends and a Una trut of delicious home to the It is the “TrukTonic’’ i Slate Agent, ahull couiluuf a* heretofore lo marriage, can undo these sad consequences. wea ar- vigor body. made candy, snared with his neighbors, tlved here tble afternoon nnd In mock a full line of It is the hand of science which offers af- carry •erred to make the day vary enjoy able. rested by United hteus Marshal Mute thote renowned inutramciiia. flicted women that marvelous medicine, SG EXCHANGE STREET Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It pos- He wai given n hearing before United cures female weakness 91. SIEIXEKT A SOXS CO., itively irregularities, ABK1VAL OF ALAMKDh. btitea Co moils*loner L. B. Parker Intel Portland, Tie. and disagreeable drains on the system. It ilecll«°dlt 51? Street. on a almllar to that ondar whlob Coagrcsa allays inflammation and beats ulceration. ban Francisco, Cal., Feoruaiy 9 —The obarge Mrs. b* waa ordered to True’s Elixir It makes the trial of motherhood and Jones Is held, and T. C. HcGODLDKIC, easy sUsiurr Alameda arrlrtd hen today fiom 9lgr. brief. It brings back lost health and furnish bonds of tltO) for be- " via Samoa and Hono- appearance and therefore safe. It is j Australian ports is wholly {eb&dtf beauty. Favorite Prescription contains next vegetable uueraotlne fore the United htatee UUtrlot court no alcohol, whisky or other stimulant. lulu. Mr. Kicyoun, ftate tested by 48 years household use and there- 1 is as for women as month. Nothing "just good" utlioer reports that up to Febrnaiy 9, fore reliable. Ask for a bot- 1 1 " no substitute. your druggist the Prescription.” at hwett olelmed that he oame here from “ Reward. Accept them had been no oaeos of the plague and their 1 $100 Women single or married wrtll find inval- tie, 35 cents. Write for Children u I do. There are for tha of fnrnlahloa uable advice in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Honolulu since January Brooklyn pnrpoa* < 1 will Diseases.” Sent free. rFBK Portland Electric Light Company Medical Adviser. Sent free on of and Chinees In ball for Mr*. Jonas. After his bearlni 1 who will turnisu evi- receipt ^400 Japanese quuramlte pay Sluuioanyoue to cost of and Dll. J. F. TIll E * CO, He. dence that will couvict any person of tamper- stamps defray mailing only. at Honolulu. hwatt furnished ball for hlmstlf Send 21 one-cent stamps for edition. eg with their liuee, lamps or machinery. paper Aleuisda did not dock ct Horn Mr*. Jones. to lemva tonight For cloth ti Address Dr. The They expect PORTLAND KGECTR1C LIGHT COMPANY edition stamps. off fer sic brim • or New Fork. Geo. W. Brown. PreeideuL R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. lulu, tut ley that port rota to tbe U tenets sf twt mnpmnl a ■•■bar of mm w ho had Robert B. A here Thomas J. Magnet, mymlt mj IN WARD THREE. Feley. people, I «m the tniwlwl of l work- AND DRIED. no right to pnrtialpoao In tho grooeodlag Bartley U. Flaherty. Stephen CUT wen sod I shell week fee tbe lets?lets hft wna to tnho n ballot ing Tho only thing IN WARD FOUR. Round. Bold ■* OvC men. of the Mllagi KfAI4«rnaa U l« and aaraoal aaon wore aaontlonad who working Hear At ward fair tbt oaaeni wet of tha ftbehave tried la do knee been turned down. III* Raet. ^illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIMIIIIIIIHIg abctaId atop hohlnd tho tall and oonnt the and peetedly tame rand espeeted flgbt Bono Mr that more orders ef Mine hare votao to daotdo tbla soman too* question. conteet did aot aaonat to ro eery meet W, L, WILSON & CO. tod off been famed dewa la Ike Msmen oonnell Finally everything got oleely by Mr. Toblan A. Bark*, who wan I | i Democratic afar alL than tkoee ef other doa'I The Way Alderman Manalx that ho ear man, bat 1 Thorn la to be ft eooteat la the Bepabll- aanoonolng a candidate for ahterman was defeated by ■lad that. 1 shall bsep right on present- ms oaoeoe Id ward Una thle yaw after weald withdraw from the groat oontwt. a rote ot Held. Mr. Jompb R. F. Coanolly by them If I tbe taka Caucuses Were now took ing get obgaoe. I shall all, and It will dm m a Urea elded oon- Kx-Councilman Dougherty Tbe tain and bad 10} to 41. walking tbe matter of or- and road tho call. Mr. np pabllo baths and tbs taet either. hie plaoa again fa*al to Mr. Bnrbe't ebanae as proved dinance which will the to who rereral had a hard time of It daring compel oltr Mr. Jamei A. Plea, year* Dougherty bit was la that of itrenght mostly part oltlxene of Portland In Its the eoeeaion THE the reet of the but he ampler only ago curved two terra* la FIRST, evening, acquitted tbt ward rortb of Uorabwlatd (treat, oontreote Ihstead of Itallane and Dagos. and who wae a oendldete tor the | btmaelf In It through coonell, I good (trie, trlng was la the white Mr. CosnoUy’e etrengtb shall also to enact laws will in Wards Two and tho trr whlob nomination for alderman la ward thro Lively Contests no fault of bit that noley proceeding# ot Ibt ward 100a. Tlotnity get at lha rot tew A. P. A. lem la the Ore hee announce I hlmeelf aa a BAKERY. were not oheoked. Ho eald that three of laat year, area o'elork tbe wara room was At the hot bed of A. P. A‘s. I thle Four. the had him to not department, eandldate for the nomination year. | candidate# reqneited tbe number of those | grratsr parked fall, ana stand all tbs rid loo le and blame that K. Kounde hee S ae obalrman of the oooooa Joeeph Ex-Alderman B. ojenly Because It’s a pert miss of 5 summers who dressed the preant who male ttiemaleee beard In E products—like Is oast apoa ms bat I ask to mo not be a nandllate fur woe declared elected teeratary, ron giro eta tad that be will •3 for the occasion is on her behavior before be Melauyh tie taniolt of tbe cnaoue loos were good company—rnniiot Sj and lr ron era satisfied with other oaniee had been with- roar support the nomination thle year In ward three, —- alter eeveral Connolly men. Mr. Jniepb k F. Con- suppressed. mr aollons the other eight ward* of tbs and farthnraioro be mye that he will not drawn. tbe otnlnran of tbe force themselves upon one's attention, they’re so dainty 25 tolly, Dereon'ntly sen to — They fairly drat bualnere In the Mleotlon of tho cltr go straight under any ooaetderatlon take an motive Mr. Driscoll Nominated Xhe ward railed tbe cnneae to — nnrl commlttse, Ur. was Mr. appetizing. I word ticket waa the nomination of alder- Conaollr'* speech frrqnsntlr pert In tke polltloe of that ward. order and then read tbe call. Ut< then liest of as as look. Hl crlee ol "that's tbs Indorea him to enter EE And, all, they're good they mao. Contrary to expeotatlono all waa Interrupted br staff," Ptne'e frleode have in Ward Two. • ailed for alect’on of a chairman. tie "harrah for tbs Irish alderman," and Alderman wrens on thte point ae Alderman Maanlx the field ae a candidate agalnet .Inst n few of the Saturday's specials: EE Jama U. MoDorald was alert'd with- ; It to 'tm Jos." an- made hie wnj to the front and explained "giro John eon' and be baa aeoordlngly out and Tkn-nasJ. oppotlt'on Flaherty The test of the the oaaoss E Washington and Cream Pie., 11c each. S that he had earved la the upper board for Z baelnsss of nounced hlmeelf aa a oandldate. and M. J. Kelly were electrd obeokers. : Boston a cookie dcoorated with seeded 25 and that ho waa now to was rapid lr disposed of. A oommlttee Drop Cakes, sugar two yeara ready chosen Thomas W. la MeCoSongh was of Xboiaaa J. Frank 3E raisins washed. Me dozen. ~E Succeeds etep down and out. Ho then atated that oonslstlng Flahertr, thoroughly Mr. J. E. P. Connolly eeerstA*y. MISS LONG'S SINGING. Counollmaa Klorenoe F. Drlaooll who McGowan and Tobias A. Unrke waa ap- E Meed Cookies, fle dozen. s Mr. MeDornld on aseumlng the ebalr in Ward Four. bad earved In the lower board for three pointed to prepare a list of name* for the •B Hot It oils every afternoon at 130. —E said that It rema'nrd with tbe caaeae to oommlttee and delegates. Pea Beans, baked well— yeare, waa o candidate lor the oomlno oltr maroraltr The Former Portland Aid- EE Raked Bean*. l»est selected California £= leelde whether or rot tbe nominations Young Lady « moved that tie nomi- The oltr oommlttee waa ohossn as fol- the demand. You can some- tlon. Mr. Mnnnlx In Revival Work. we’ve never yet been able to supply judge 25 should be male by uMlnmatlon. There- lows: U. M. J. ing nation of Mr. Drlaooll be made onanl- James MoDoasld, Kellr, from that fact. na- = thing of their deliciousness EE upon sons began tl about by aroln J. K. F. Conaollr, Frank J. Foler and moua aad the caucna ao voted. Mr. Drlo- as as the bean* in ctaere for the oheck HE Brown Bread, just good every particular. They were held last tion, usd howled Mlobarl J. Hanraban. gj Th« U mocrntlo caucus. ooll woe oalled for and made a 11 tile worked bis Mlaa Hath Cord I e Long who will be were made for each other. and Iste. At la t Mr. Ulbbane Th* wen K. B. 22 ,B They were of the usual eat of maroraltr delegatee Portland Bight. ipeach aooeptanoe. and etrod ploaenetly remembered by peo- i* B?ICe of for Me. two wards war t> tbe front of tbe orowd Luther B. X. A. EE Catsup EE dried orders excepting la Next earns the nomination of flrat Wlaelow, Koberte, member aa a few ycara ago being n of a of — upon n ornir. oe itiwriw w ««1 ple EH Today we shall give every customer copy .Mrs. there are Democrats to were o Burke, Joku Ner, Ur., William U. Mc- where euough oouncllmoo and although there tae High Street Congreg at'ornl ehorch, In ward at tint there waa a bowl or protist wbleh Donald and J. J. Gibbons. — l.incoln's Cook Book. E make a contett interesting. fow dleeenUng voloee, Edward Morphy bat ohoaen revival work inther than life lasted (or tome minuets and when It waa are no UeiuoorsU. If there William F. Diasser, Gsorga P. Xboniaa eight there who hoe been a member of the lower In the open. She la now elnglng nt a to In an ended Mr. Gibbons eald: and J. Curran wars obossn as S_jg are any there they failed pot ap- board for the pact year, waa declared to liartler aertea of revival roeetlnaa In the Ureee we a deal end a tlie famous EE caucus and "All nek for la square eandldatss for tbs common oonnoll with- EH A nip of Hot Coffee from pearanoe at the Demoeratlo be the nominee. Metbodlat ohnreb In Woroee fair abow In this caucus. We aek that t he Kplaoopal so no were mads. Evident- out opposition. Mr. John F. A. Merrill with Cream will be nomination, Joeeph McLaughlin, Jr„ who haa been ter, Mam.,nnder the direction of the Rev, Cowdrey Brands Mack worth reached almost ah Ideal ebook lists be used.’* wm Dominated M a oandldate for tha ly word eight h.a In tbe oonnoll for two yeara, waa tha can- Dr. Jamee lirady. Mlaa Long baa a rich served Free to all callers. to be There was eoneldernble opposition school oornmlttee. oondltlon as the people there went didate for tti' eeoond plnoe on the tlokot. anntralta voter, and becauae of the re- e| tj this but It wee deeldel one mind In mat- manifesto by Michael W. MoUonougb wae oboeen nearly all of polltloal markable power of bet voloe, the effect are concerned. the chairman that the cheok list* should warden and John K. Morrison wm ward ters as far aa party lines Koeenberg party were terribly nolay at of her on her oongregatlone le I I singing a sandwich of crackers and very popu- S wards two and four tbar. ware the be ueed. olerk. Penolln, powdered peanuts, In (bis stage of tbe prooeodlngs and hollared very marked. Council- Joseph U. DeCoiti then got a hearing 5 lar, IOc Par huge. usual contests. In ward two out with all of their might. But tbey WARD FIVE. Mlae who Is the nleeeof Secretary and ti nominate Mr. Long, man Florence F. Drlsooll was nominated proceeded Joieph were evidently apprehensive that tbelr Tbe oall wm read and ibe oauoua of the Navy John D. Long, has been sing- K. K. whom he said worked opened for alderman without while waa Connolly, opposition, Idol oould not get this honor elnoe It 0. Perry ing since she was 14 years of nge. At the for the of the for a time by Hugh Sweeney. Stephen 8amne) Hosenberg waa turned down and Thereat good party long really due Mr. McLaughlin. wm chosen ohatrman and Ungn A. age of 17 she was brought out by Anna SOUP. waa nomi- and was a young naan ot fine oharactsr. 1 Joaepb McLanuglhln, Jr., Mr. lioeenberg eald that he waa not a Tbaae nomination! Louise who saw In the 1 = young = When Mr. DeCosti Mr. Con- hwwmy, secretary. Cary, nated for a third term In the oounoll. In and that ne presented candidate for eeoond plaoe were made: girl great promise for the Operatic siege. ^ A pint can of Sunnysldo Soup, IOc can, 3 cans for 9*c. four Courcllman Tobias A. Burke's nolly's name there waa a yell of approval ward would try ble chances el third place. Tbe Alderman—Jerome C. Leighton. But Miss Long shuddered at the thought ....•ua. »a hi. navi* and Kim ampfl In IKa from the orowd. Mr. Gibbons then got Held wae left dear to Mr. MoLaogblln Councilman— Frank U. Maedonald, of tbs and declined to consider to footlights council were hi* con- upon a chair and faced the orowd C. Thornton TboroM J. Madlgan. city recognized by who waa then named. Libby, the step. She has been elnglng In Bos- him In present the name of Mr. Barks. The Warden—Charles B. Wish. stituent! who felled to support Now oanie tbe real Issue of tbe a She was evening. Ward Clerk—Ueorge C. Edwards. ton churches for several year DRIED FRUITS. ae alderman. crowd did not seem disposed to listen to bla (Sort to be nominated Mr. lioeenberg an! ble gang ware deter- Constables—Wm. J. Booh, Augustus a the contralto In the quart tti of the whnt be had to bnt after Mr. Gib- | Mr. any | 21c.* Had tbe weather been propitious mined that tbey would win and tnry Im- Libby. Commonwealth avenue oburch, and late- Er rigs In one pound bags. nice, clean fruit, Mr. hone bed rapped upon the oelllng with Sohool Committee—Seth C. Cordon. Burke would bate glvan Connolly mediately eel out to accomplish their went to the Warren avenue Baptist Pound Pnrknge of Hales, He. a A. Sweeney, J. ly the candidate a run for bl* hie umbrella for a little while be gut City Committee—Hugh succesefnl purpose. Ihey shouted tbe name of Jerome C. Leighton, church. Ue said that all that be asked Uenry Bradley, money, so Mr. Bnrko's friends olalm but Koienberg at tbe top of tbelr voloee and bearing. Thornes J. Madlgan, Usarge C. Edwards. Dr. Brady heard of Miss Long’s voloe not oontrol the weather for wee n square deal. At this there were C. Gordon, Mr. Burke oould repeatedly naked that ble nomination be Mayoralty Uelegalea—Seth and asked her to sing at revival meet- orles of “sit "shut up,” "toat’a Levi Ureenleaf, Stephen C. ferry, Jerome and so was defeated. aoclnmatlon. But there waa an- down," made by C. J. Bradley, Llewellyn ings In the Woroeftsr church. FRUIT. enough," and eat man over la the corner Leighton, Henry WAHU ONE. other aspirant In tbe Held. This wae Edward E. Rogers. Mlsa Long was born In East Boston, "three Barton, | somewhere In | who said little persisted shontlug Tbe oauous chose Thomas B. Mlobael J. Lander*, only but she oalls herself a Maine girl. Her of these California Navels, the Suullower EE Ustelsy, cheers for Mr. Gibbons WARD SIX. Moro brand, sweet, been In eoiue Ladysmith." ohalrman and Martin 8. Burke, sec- bnt wbo bod putting telling father, Zsdoo Long, a brother of Hon. at It! l-t!c a dozen. Jr., waa not rattled by this demonstration Tbs oancne wm oelled to order by S juicy Oranges, Hoke. Mr. Lhnders end hie ooborta da D. when sue was a child retary. John Long,died There's no mistake. It's 19 1.9c a dozen. bat oonttnaed to the name of Mr. Jsbh J. Mnrren, who was oboeen ebalr- Head tiio price again. mended a ballot to settle the and place Her mother move] to this and lived Alderman—Edgar ri. Fosaelt. dispute olty It! l*t!c a dozen. E Burke before the oauous though be waa ■aan, and Weston M. Eaton, poorstary. I.omoiiH at the siiinc price, Councllraen—Milton J. Boring, John tbe chair In putting the question, decided In Portland until within a few years. U. William F. Shaw. several times Interrupted by the shouts of The following nominations were mede: Conneen, that the ballot ebonld be taken. After She la tall and slender, of good form and j Warden—Klohard B Neley. the Connolly supporters In the orowd. Alderman—Hanno W. Uage. Waid Clerk—Murtln 8. Burke. another petty row over tbe matter of wbo F. N'oyee, T. a deolded brunette. The polls were then opene 1 and the Counellmen— Ueorge Sohool Committee—Oakley C. Curtla. should be ejected to oount tbe votes. Al- Black, W. U. Walker. oanous to ballet. Several at- Henry CONFECTIONS. Constables—William Price, Edward dermen Mennlz and Harry K. Wilson proceeded Ward Clerk—Jamee L. Blair. J. Eogue. tempts were made by those who voted Warden D. Frank Magner. were obceen. ] | Delegatee—John F. Blake, Charles F. tint to east two or three ballots at ones. Constables—William Morgan, Patrlok Chinese Thrift. the of goods got into our stock. E For tbe nezl boor the voting wont on. EE Only purest Hiram Pieros, Beaeklab Roberts, H. Smith. ~ Uuptlll, The aecntary of the oauous was a Con- No race of men can surpass the Chi- are made especially for us. They’re not to be found z Oakley C. Cuttle, Jona B. Keboe. The crowds surged up to lbs railing be- City Committee—Jamee J. Mnrren, D. Many grades but he said that he In- Wes- nese in habits of industry and thrift, says SE City Committee—T. B. Uateley, Jr., hind which were the efflears of tbe meet- nolly supporter, Frank Magnet, Thomas H. Nolan, S5 elsewhere. D. Z. Sheffield in The Atlautic. He will ~ Martin 11. James E. Butler, J. tended to tbs other man a son M. Jams* E. Owen. Hogan, on a of It give aquare Eaton, Pnnoeha, made of maple sugar, best creamery butter, Mack- ing and number oocaslons and work for a mas- EE pure U. Conneen, Thomas K. Small. and after the first at Delegates—C. W. Richardson, Hanno patiently faithfully •earn as trouble was to ensue deal, attempt 1 — cream and 17c pound. >d though W. Uage, Usorgs L, Haight, T. H. ter for half a generation, and in the sec worth walnuts, WAKD TWO. etuUing the ballot box wax drteoted he oser tbe question of allowing men to Flaherty, J. J. Murren, Weston M. ond half he will appear as his own mas- .Hint Square*. Delicious chocolate cream mint frosted will, vanilla felt of ballot which wae Tbe cauone In ward two was a lively, votes. But there wae no out- penonally every Eaton, 1>. Frank Magner. at the hend of a business. throw tbelr ter, thriving — cream. ISc pound. boisterous and In a most dis- deposited. Thus in the industries of the future, many ways break. Had then been any, Uilioers Chaw WARD SEVEN. Wnlnul t reams, I8r pound. = When the crowd In the ward room had affair, wild, nnoslled for scenes would bare been on band wherever th£re is work to be done, there graceful and Foes rlgbt The oancus was callad to order by Ed- Peanut lliillermps, 19r was a lull will bo found Chiuese to “sell pound.* from the very minute that Tbe feted them In the proceedings ready piedowlnatlng to eettle tbe disputes. Rosenberg ward A. of the city oornmlttee, in cream, you’ll like ’em. -E for a few and one of Mr. Con- Flaherty strength,” as working for hire is called Dipped Grapes. Malaga Grapes dipped the gathering woe called to order nntll It collevted tbemwlvee and con- minutes, gang by who was also ohosen permanent ohatrman more =- .Iiuilissrs 1,1 friends made a motion in Chiua, and they will sell Btrength IPiU'lilMlIOlirU VUIIU), had been adjourned after being In session shrieks. about nolly's that the tinued tbelr Tbey perched aoolamatlon. Joseph C. Smith was for the than will men of other he olosud. Mr. Burke to by money any for an boar und a half. on obalrs polls objected tbe windows and the and cried: olsrk. A oornmlttee oi nation. a dollar in the hands of a asked oboeen oonelstlng Again, 1'nere was a good crowd In attendance tble end that the polls be kept open "All vote fur Koeenberg, tbe peo- Enoch W. Coleman J. Flaherty Chinaman represents fur greater pur- a little and the chairman deolded Rant, when Councilman Joseph McLaughlin, who bae done more (or thla longer thau it does in the hands ple's friend, and Daniel Bogan was nomi- chasing power ward to Mr. Burku’e Aftor a Captain PICKLES. Jr wbo Is tbe chairman of tbe ward than other man. When be was grant request. of a European. any nated to make up the werd ticket. They read few minutes however, he deolded that all Iu China a dollar will commutes. Jumped upon a obalr and in tbe oounull be stood for ue purchase 1,500 I up laboring their duties —— who had voted and deolared the performed very acceptably, of cash of and o of sweet or sour each 35c. the oall. Juit as soon as he had finished men." wlstel pieces composed copper qaart jar Pickles, submitting tbe fallowing tloket: These with a hole in the tbe row closed. The vetea ware then oounted zinc. cash, from Vermont, in bottles, 30c. raiding tbe tumult eoininenoed, When tbe time came to ooont np It waa polls Maple Syrup, right ijuart Alderman—Augustus R. and on a seven — and It sfas aunounesd that K. V. Wright. center strung cord, weigh n smarting over tbe aeleotlon to te made of found tbat Mr. bandore bad US votes and Joseph W. John J. Old-t'u'.hioncd Buck whcut, 3c pound. Counellmen—Enoch Hunt, pounds. A servant or common laborer Several men with Connolly had 105 votes and Mr. Barks Thomas Leonard. Corn Ircsli and chairman. good, lusty that Mr. Koeenberg bad 71 votes. This Foley, in Peking is glad to give ten days of la- Hulled every Tuesduy Friday. the names had 45. The whole number of votes oast Warden—Edward P. Twomey. Voices hollered out respective was a stunner to tbe defeated tar and n or mason six oomplete Clerk—John J. Carr. carpenter days of Cornelius A. Manulx and William H. was 160. A FHKS8 reporter sat luslds mon- candidate and he and bis friend* got out Constable r—Willard Frank, Jeremiah to secure this amouut of cash. This some the and obeeked off 113 men Doughtery. This was kept up for of tba ball In double qulok style. A few voting place Carroll. ey would give a comfortnblo support to tbe excitement became who voted. This did not Include one to Convention— an Three dollars a ten minute! and minutes later when a ooiumltUo bad been Delegatee Mayoralty average family. of both man who voted for Mr. Barks whose John W. Doorlng, Frank D. True, Chne. month, or $30 a year, would cover the Intense. The cbamplona gentle- to prepare a ward committee appointel Thornton Wyer Ureene, Daniel a of the name was not on the but Libby, living income of Chinese family men pushed their way through tbe crowd and Mr. Rose bad been chosen he voting list, nberg Bogan, Nathan Clifford, Melvin P. working class. The mrnning of this is L. WILSON & and tbelr lingers to the tble was not discovered until after the savagely pointed oould not be found end another man wae Frank. will survive and CO.,1 that the Chinaman pros- man had his ballot. Committee—Ueorge L. Swett, pre. thing ofiioer and demanded that they oboeen. deposited City conditions of life which would |w. under Nathan Clifford, Enoch W. Hunt, Ed- per 7 Wholesale and I.etail Grocers, bs listened to. Cf course the>nnounceinent of the vote Eu- John P. Jooes wee nominated for ward ward A. Flaherty, Jamee H. Kelllter. discourage and finally overwhelm the was with and elvers. *---- clerk end Michael J. (.serin and Thomas gteited applause Tbe utmost ropean. harmony prevailed tnroogh- _ chairman Mr. McLanghlln Mr. Burke, Ihe defeated candidate, then ont the entire proceedings, the selection any tonight,” Joidun were named aa constables. Ex- Recovered Her nignlty. 651 CONGRESS ST. 1112 EXCHANGE ST. of the oornmlttee to say between the outcries. got upon a chair and made a very hand- being unanimously | waa as | managed Alderuian Mite McCann named rattlled. Many years ago Queen Victoria paid =: 503-3. Telephone 503-3. == at me.” some He said that "we bare all Telephone “Idtop shaking your lingers one of the oonstables, but was defeated. speech. a visit to Parkhurst Female Convict olUoer tried to oome here ae Democrats and we WARD NINE. Then tb* presiding There waa another hot time whan It tonight prison. As soon as she entered the wo- that have had a fair canoue. No one oo- nlo* L. was chosen smooth matters over by enggestlng came to nominate aoandldati for warden. good In ward K. Watkins men’s great ward, accompanied by Mrs. he the Mannlx the result of thl* cauous with better obalrman anil S. E. secretary. Gilson, the then handsome and su- illlllllllllllllllllillllilllllllllilllliilllillllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUilllllllllli the hall divided, sup- The nairet of John 11. Hay and Harry E. oepts btrout, stately one side and the graoe than I do. The oontest between The tiokit wai nominate!: perintendent, a great silence fell upon the porters taking Dougherty Wilson were mentioned, bat tke Hey peo- following vast assemblage of her suffering and err- sympathizers taking the other side. But bad the loudest voices and Mr, Counollr and myself has been a Alderman—Ernest L. Watkins. ple according- Her was for and 1 realize that Ouuucllnten—C. S. Boammao, Gardner ing sisters. majesty gieatly this at ocoi met with opposition, won out. friendly one, though *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ *♦♦♦♦♦♦« •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ *«*♦♦♦♦. •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Hf ly H Cobb. James P. Blake. affected. And then au indescribable ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ several e( the voters explained that there there hare been personal differences be- John J. O’Nell, Jospeh A. McGowan Warden—H. E. Bterena. scene ensued. Hie queen, erica me o« hwepJM Ww Hfcq hart SHBPOrSed ue, thej, *• «u — *•* arw iistv urn ansi klkhari J. Gib tin were appointed t& 'p4•r^(Wlvl«h^a,••I^*, tW^M<*if"hchMf!; THE MOST'WPLCOMP’fftESgNT the l hare not disturbed friendly relatione Lyman Bile’ll pardon us! She'll set ns free!” Aud. select a ward eoiomittre and they re- Marat on. existing between Mr. Connolly nnd my- screaming and crying, they prostrated ported the named of William H. Ualegatee—B. E. Btersns, C. F. fc'oxni- you can get your wife Is a barrel of X OOOOOOOOOOOOO ask all friends to at her feet. self. 1 will then my mon, Uennla UulUrar, Mathew J. themselves "Ileukel s Seal of Hour. V Dougherty, John J. O’Neil, Jamea K. her Purity” bury all personal differences and come Flaherty, a E. Btrout, Mark Jordan, For a few moments the queen lost If slio doesn't know slie'll Edward J. and J. already it, J Harnett, Young Joseph Uardnar H. Cobb. nerve and begged her attendants to eleur It is a O here on election day and give Mr. Con- soon liud out tliat no other Hour makes * 8 O'Conner. These were declared eleetad Committee— Gardner H. Gobi a a for her to an room. as I City way adjoining sucli absolutely, cookery. ♦ nolly your cordial support, shall do. Uennla C. a Scatn- ii reliably perfect soma made hlmaelf beard E. Bterena Uulllter, door but patriot by Half an hour elapsed. Suddenly the If she doesn't like it the grocer will ♦ I would move yon Mr. Chairman that mon, Wn. Kimball. 2 Common 2 orylng out: ‘‘What's the matter there! of the groat room was thrown open agsiu, money back. Mr. Connolly’* nomination be made give your X la It that the lower end of the ward and her majesty, with supreme dignity, Why unanimous.’’ Mistake to O BETA XUETA PI BEUNION. with an unutterable fnrawayness about O oao’t ha represented on tbta oomalttse!" ♦ Mr. Burke was cheered when he her and every inch a queen, walked Commercial Milling Co., The final trouble of the evening was loudly Eleten nu mb ire of the Beta Xbeta PI now into ooncluded hie brief through the women, hushed 1ft DKTKOIT, M1C11. ft aa to whether the chair speech. met at the Falmouth kotel list O Over-Eat 8 over the question society Awed alienee.—Mainly About People. liters were now orbs on all sldej for and a should name delegatee to the mayoralty erenlng enjoyed banquet. Xhty X NOTH—Other Commercial Mills products X oonventlon. There waa a wrangle which Connolly and the suooeasful oandldat* alto eleoted tba folio Winn oBoera: Moody's Persistence. X are: ‘Henkel's Koval Mar Pastry Flour,” X A ihighest grade); "Henkel's Fancy Straight a President—Cal tin E. Woodelde of Port- Ij. fre- * Grape-Nuts. oouLlnued for several minuter regarding took ohalr and standing np in It pro- An uncle of Dwight Moody X Flour”; “Henkel's Whole Wheat Flour.” X land. this matter but the chair waa of theopln- ofed to speak. He was greeted with quently told this Btory of the boy Dwight, X Knch brand the best In its class on the X g Vice Prctldenl—S. B. B. Plngiee of that the man's Z market. Ask your grocer about them. X ^ It had been allowed the orlee of "Ihrow out which indicates qualities In that authority your oheel, Joe," Lewlatoo. of were not acquired iu OOOOOOOOOOOOO and named Jcaeph A. McGowan, Michael Uet up there and give us n speel," "Do Beoretary and Xreutnrer—B. B. John- perseverance The was entertaining a son of Portland. manhood: boy Letters are coming from ail over the J. Walsh. William Cavanougb, Florence It handsome Joe, my boy" while thelrre- group of people on the steps of his home country saying that the writers have boon F. Cornelias A. Win. over In tba oorner shouted Driscoll, Menntx, pressable throwing at a tree which stood some led to eat double or more than double WABB ABE EXPENSIVE. by J. Haesett and William H. Dougherty. "Hurrah for.Ladysmltb." He was to cease his the allowance of because of yards away. urged Grape-Nuts Mr. Walsh did not want to serve and 0.—A hut insisted and the fascinating flavor. Mr. Connolly said: “I am dseply London, February parliamentary ▼iolent esercise, the boy Wilson was named In hta Issued this afternoon estimates he would hit the tree before he The result of overeating this food is Virgil C. place. thankful for what you have duos for me, paper 13,- Towed additional will te and be did. the same as io overeating candy, or any and 1 wish to thank Mr. Bnrke for bis 000,OjO pounds requir- quit, WARD THREE. ’’That will make something of him- other delicacy, the system gets more eonsoleus that ed for the war espensrsJof the year end- boy handsome remarks. I am his uncle. than it and there follows a self in the world,” declared requires, The was called to order Mr. of a March 31. caaous by 1 have been more partlsaa for myself ing _—_ spleeuing against it for a time. Mr. Moody would never admit failure, REAL ESTATE Samuel G. Hates. Major Charles Collins than Mr. Burke has been for himself, and a Coniine your allowance of Grape-Nuts says Mr. Holton. He was always genial to three heaping teaspoons for the cereal waa tiro tea chairmen and Thomas J. 1 aooept what be bss said to yon with friend aud loyal to the backbone. He SOLD OR EXCHANGED. of and tho food will he clerk. The nomina- We bare worked ahoolder to as a but BOUCHT, part your meal, Magnsr, following gratitude. The point of a woman’s was not particularly bright boy. a to tions ware made: we in whatever he undertook daily delight you. shoulder during the two year* bare his persistence in If Re- Bl:ll.l>l^<* I OTS-All prices, everywhere and around the city. 100 you have been overeating, try Grape- Alderman—Charles Colllua. baea in the oounoll and we hare letter is said to be in was noticeable.—Springfield together always always class lots in I be 1 leering section. Nuts in the proper quantity, and, our Counollinen— Charles F.SCubbs, Everett llrst presented some fnnny notions In that publican. I'AIIK is goo 1 judges to be far the finest word for it, you will stick to them, and G. Scully, Tbomaa F. the CtlVI.ll acknowledged by by Btafaop. postscript. houses are to be built there in the obtain day by day tbe valuable elements Warden—Thomas J. Magner. board, soma ef which have been voted Oak piling in salt water sometimes suburb in Maine. Several lino early spring, a P. a surely advance there soon. Make your selection, make pay- Or which nature use* to rebuild Ward Clark—Fred J. Close. down. Borne of these nations have wo S.—Pay Prophylactic lasts no longer than nine years, but it has races will ajsmall particles sale and 1 will wait for the balance. Now is the time. and nourish the brain and nervous cen- Constables— Nathan 8. Varrlil, Stephen the ooademnatlan of our been known to survive 40 years. In fresh ment to insure Foley. Repabllean Tooth (Brush—it cleans be- ters all over the body. A definite feeling frlaads to the board and have been water its life ranges from 8 to 30 years, School Committee—George £. Sawyer. upper of strength and reserve with an of 20. In land oak powercomes Delegatee to Mayoralty Convention— rldlooled by tba PR£BB and othar Re- tween the teeth. JJo other with average dry the use of this food, lfave tbe cook an average L. M. LEIGHTON, dry Charles Collins. Samuel G. Everett Bat I don't oar* lasts from 8 to 20 years, with it in a Bates, publican papars. sbout pan in the oven if It has been ex- G. Scully, George K. Sawyer, Tbomaa J. does. of 12 S3 Street. febseodiw posed to. and moisture that. 1 shall have the oounsel this year If years._ Exchange gathered from, Fattiay, U. H. Varrlil, Mlotaael J. said In a yellow box. At all dealers. the air. I sun r leo led to the board of alderman of Alwayt The Tiolln Is mentioned as at the Grape-Nut* should be crisp and oTlrloh. ASUll JUS, 360. Children's tteo sizes>^i<. early brittle. ■City Committee—Samuel L. Bates, Mr. Burke and ot Mr, Chase. I shall ds- beginning of tha thirteenth century. i | riWAWUAh AnVIEnr.MTB. I AmiHENRIVTI, oat ol all thla that we do not get for ae- FINANCIAL._. tolntely nothlag I y the neotrallullon of PORTLAND wikatre, the canal. The answer will ha that w» ui^rziT eeaas In COMPANY the of ahat ap the TRUST SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1000. get power '..Lag PORTLAND BANNER ATTRACTION. our enemy In eni of war. Bat nor AND • night* and *atnrdny Nallnff, Friday and Mnturduy, Feb. ft and IO •neiry will then here the right to shut It TKIIM against u*. and In spite of all the pranan- C. J. Gorman’s MERRY PRESS— 7 PAli.Y be DEPOSIT Urral C'omedr and Stare.MAKERS, llona we could take there would great SAFE VAULTS, Specialty to advance nr IT at the end of KXTIU f Prof. €• €. Bon cite In Ills Wonderful By the year. *0 danger that It would eocoeed. It la aatfly STREET. IIJDF. TOR FIFE the year. 87 AND 89 EXCHANGE The ni051 daring not over seen In Portland. oonoelrable that tae population of tbs Venal Prices. -1- me month. BO cents. By tarrlUny through wblob It extends oenld “THE CHEAT EVENT OF THE SEASON.” In which ones It be stirred ap against os, la ..... $200,000 Is delivered at lliese raiee Capital Paid la Cask, The PAH.Y PRBBS matter to lee a Entire Week, Commencin'? Holiday, would be an eery organ ... 200,000 February 12, to auhacrltiers In all parts ol Stockholders’ Additional Liability, New England's Greatest every naming raid wblob would Inillet ao much damage Favorite, Portland, mid In Westbrook and soutu Port- Margins and I udi tided Croats, .... 1A4.O0O to the canal that It woold be useless. land. Deposit*,. 1,400,000 MISS KATHERINE ROBER, PRESS iWeeklvi — Unce closed we should he the oblet Supported hr a very olever company ol artist. In great production, of New Volk siicce..e« MAINE STATE -~* • — Monday Matinee The k the we Dnacon's|D tighter Monday veiling. Kt 'arnev uie In advance, or *1.26 at scITsrers, for then should not be able By year, *1 Know., livening. ie, 2o. jnc. Dally Matinee, commencing Motniar to and 20c. Heats now on sain. one ore the end ol the year. to transfer our Beeta from et te o* Trust Ex- month*, for Holder# Funds, Assignees, tlx 60 cents; lor three otter and a nasal oonld de- A CHURCH RUN BY WOMEN. Legal Depository For mamba, great power mid Banks, UNDERWOOD SPRINC. yficent* ecutors, Administrators, ©nnrdlnn# NINTH ANNUAL strry them la detail. From a military Spacious inning llall always open. Music Card and hnwHBng Booms, all will* liras standpoint all things considered, we That open Knry Ofln Held by Them brilliantly lighted by electricity and heated by •ball be belter off to be sure at a SubtiTlbers v how paoers are not delivered always of Pastor. steam, decorated with palms and evergreen. DRILL ol An excellent menu from which to order, AND BALL are requested lo notify the office free pas tape or our ships, though the promptly PUD ON DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK. (lame and fish dlnrers a specialty. QITKB1ST ... OF ... Ilie DAILY TRASS. No. K7 Exchange eueet eneu y'e ships here free passage too, than jnnscdtr Arrangements made for Dinner, Dancing or THE Card or without ears at Poriland Me. lo run tbs risk of Ihs canal ob- (From tb. Detroit Newa-Trlbone.) parties with special baring office of Cortland A Yarmouth Electric Rall- The women of tb. Method let ehureh structed so|that our Basts cannot gat from w iy Co., office 440 Congress street. Telephone bate tb. bo aw of know- »lo-3. nov*J3»lti Portland School Patrone olihe PRESS who are leaving town one ooean to Ibe other. In Karl, Mlob., High Cadets, ol their U the .hnrob on temporarily may have the addresses Bet there It the fetal objection to ing that only MCCORMICK k CITY whlob CO., as nlten as may desire by to tor at onn be PRICE, HALL, papers changed they exoluslre control that If we do rrocrd, aeoertalned, MAINK SAVINGS setting up OF THE— BANK, the office women. And In taob —MEMBERS 10, nolltvlng we at all 1. ran by BONDS yiDB. 1900. that oennol hnlld the oanal entirely No. 1VN Middle It., Portland. Mr. 100 a for It la n little hamlet, barboring aearoely without rlolatlog treaty, eaatly Nov York Slock No. 70 The programme consists of half an hour foot form, a exam- Eickoogo, concert Mr. who wits nominee 1 for that would abrogata •oula, tale etrlklng riMlK annual meeting of the will by American Cadet Band; a drill of ConreVy, Improbable iiogland eor|M>ratlon alKiut nn bonr the of tbe of tb. time.. Tbe Nov York. ■ bn lield at their rooms on by Cadets; and a dance, abler II oh In Ward 4 t y the Camion's bar rlghta lo coitiol which the ple program Broitfviy, CITY OF banking music jo'.at WESTBROOK, ME., WKDNKttDAY. the lttti Inst at :i o'clock n m. • by American Cade; Orchestra. Norl women did not take tb. ebarob 7 Ickelfl last tns won tmaldainMe fume Clayton-Bnlwar treaty bar unlam WM.U. DAVIM. ALPHRtBU. KCKiKKM. BOc. Reserved seat % 75c*. at Cressey, night, glree Jones A Into tnelr own band. entirely President. Sec and Treasurer, Aden's. fetx;dtd In the Common Court' I In the put y n* we agree lo the neutralization of the aOalre Co. REFUNDING FOURS, y I 8. Cast Iron Pipe febs did etlll retain their re- nn nod ho aided to it non ewbnt from aboleo. They ns orntnr oanel. Fnnsolidaled Rubber Tire Co. On* l»io. AltTlOk sAl.Ks. » n cY In *be caooca a' el i>ot and admiration for tha> init night ly ape Rubber baods Manufacturing and ttelr belief In tb. executive wh'ov he wit, norntruted. Curing ttc BT. JOHN 8 I1KA1N BHU’Mii.VJB. rax, F. O. BAILEY & CO. It la Co. csurre cf hie oration he n'lrged.we untlar- ability of men: but, unfortunately, (Motfoul ttu.) 17. 8. Flour Willing O s. CITY OF ttn' the FKivad tnl ridiculed aamrted, tb. particular man connected BELFAST, MAINE, Aodioatera aiidComniisaien flereUni* einni, 81. la John. N. B. ttmdlly Increasing lacked MeekerJones-Jewel Os. him. We Hike exception* to tint. The with tb. M.thodlet oburob of Noel SilurMm 40 Street* Its grain shipments, and If the rate of Northwestern Will- refunding fours, Kxrbaa^ PltfcSd Iron ed him with die- tbe energy and |.ueb n-ormnry to tbe Consolidated Inmlenyr maintained the last Bre F. O. BAILKIf. C. W. alLKs progress during and «} oaiue Duo 1018. con .Idem lion. Not long n ;o aucoats of tbe Instltutloa, It ing O’*. tlngulahid Is It before yeais maintained. will, many tbit when foiled to none to STEPHEN BERRY, _a It vixfcrhoa upon him the emit bcnor cf to pan they years, I ome one of the great grain lime with tbe minister's salary, and ether his ptir rn t n'ong with the por- PORTLAND OFFICE, for SALE by printing purls of Amo-loa. Alietdy this wlntsr, things neorssary to euelaln the ebureh, tn’.'stf arch diatlngnlahed xtalasnwo the women In and took the cra< and Cart •luring the ironit s of November, Irroem- stepped Boot, Job Printer, mm Ihn linn WIlH'k-n .1. UlYAD. PX-'JhV'.r- Into tbelt own keeping. NO. 31 PLl'M KTKKKT. b*>r and be chela of MONEY 2,47U,78S own alien ST. TO Jannsry, bis LOAN. The minister, feeling NO. 216 MIDDLE nor Altgeld and the lion. John J. Lentz. gnli bare been reoelred at the Canadian pars i, nod rvoognUing tbe exeoutlve I.OCIS S. COLWELL, Wgr. Any amount, large or small, to suit the bor- oi me h bicis, ion in nne wnu BARRETT CASCO LOAN and BUILDING rower. on Household 4 Or- soirees ars to Pacific and ability SWAN I’unos, If despa tehee from boor Kailway i-lavators, 1,661,Sill felitfdtf Bn retreat Tugala. of grain l,4£6 the to, 1900. can b hud In thu Shite. All loans may be Mrv Sarah U. Mis of A'Hoc atluii. Saturday, February paid si the total of Truitws, Taylor, at (or the election of the directors and by Installments, each pavment reducing noth b'omenbat corroborative of this deapaton bushels lpped. qnanllly KUa MAINE. 7.30. William Vanlle* t, Mrs bpeocer. such other business as may legally come before principal and Interest Real estate runners that in from 8t. John last scieon P8£JLAND. mortgages Is the report brought by an slipped Mis Jennie Bloomer and Mrs. Lillian FEBRUARY It. J. F. CH'jTK. negotiated. Business strictly confidential. buller was hard pressed, the boela bring was 8,6-8 321, and It Is exp« Mt-Kcnzla. cor. Snrlmr And fbirli Pblllf pines or launder obligations he will have a to render that b i a port that te year report A. J. £><; Portland Pier. to them In* things ig equal, open of Me 4’s. H.trtor, keep all legislation In regard will be convincing when the question Newport Water Ce , 1929 A. Kastman. 8 Custom House all the year around can oiler b*t er rates G. WharL Card in tho ohnicb the of the constitution. the eligibility of woman John Cox. 23 Monument square. side restrictions one that U oloeed for a of Book,— then portion shall oorne tor dlsoos- F. klutchlusou. 12 him street. AND- whloh the Invest management up Co. And Other Choice loiestments- J. Amend the & of the Thirteenth during oepital The language year slon. Perhaps action will bo taken to H. M. Payson .1. J. Thus*. 61 India streeL i'i In facll.'fee for H. » Preble street rcent forbidding slavery “within tue providing handling extend the new Idea—at least every Special inscriptive Circular sent on Applica- C. Btoweil. busloesa is ills and unproductive. For- ST. C. F. Bimonds. 67 India street to who bears Brother Marvin’s re- 32 EXCHANGE tion. United estates or any place subject Montreal has so preaoher febGdtf A. Griffin. 181 Brackett street. tunately many advantag- In the JOB port will tight for women rights Also at the news stands In the Falmouth. their jurisdiction" seems to Imply that es as a summer port over all other ports PRINTER, church. U may be Interesting to the Preble. Congress Bquare. t inted Bute* and FK INTERS’ EXCHANGE. not a of America that Its winter le there may he territory which Is disability are but five West hud hotels, and Grand Trunk ami reader to know that there MERCANTILE TRUST Union 97 l-‘i *1., I’ortluiii! oil. <*:. CO., It can also be obtained ot Chisholm Exchange part of the United States, but yet sub- male members of the Novi Methodist lntpots. Montreal bns no reason to fear Si John’s Bros.. Agent* on all trains ol the Maine Cen- to their The church now conducted by women. L. Portland, Wf. ject jurisdiction. language competition In summer ae the railway Ralph Merrill, tral, Grand Trunk and Portland & Rochester FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. it the of the oorstttutlon la hanl to that olty is 4&1 miles longer than j&ntfdtf-fc railroads and ©X ageuts ou any ol the Boston prohibition All mall or to Montreal, but the distance to Portland TO DlbllEUAKD ENGLAND. Trains. ordersby telephone promptly regard to duties and Imposts and the The Press can also be round at the attended to. aei»t22o. to £.0o m.: order 9.04 a rigid examination of experts & Jose* p. Money department, rtmarked an old man- panted Cape Elizabeth— Dyer 6.00 iu.: the matter about bin oopy,' of the CAPITAL AND 8CRPLC8 •• a. m. to 9.00 a. discriminate In regard to it In Into law regardless pendlrg Hay- are «i t. Marnner. p. Registry department. and endorsed by leading attorneys in. ae be looked over the m. to 6.00 p. of duties or the right of migration. The aging editor, day's PaDnrcfote treaty now awaiting ratlllsa- from all of the Cumberland Mills—U. G. blare. parts country. Freu Lewis. oeiurtu Delivery, (Sundays excepted) 7.30 “Wecsadto a con- Senate and Camden— fundamental to be decided would tcidlniH. publish tlon In the United btates that a. iu. to 7.00 iu. Sundays 9.00 to IO.00 a. qurs'.lon Government, Stale, ,Municipal, Cornlsli— L. fc. Knight. p. ul, tribution from him once a cn Sat- beoauie It Bcanlon. 1.00 to 2.00 p. in. g em to be whether territory acquired week, the treaty ebonld he rejeoled Deerioa—N. J. Grade Knilrond nnd l>eer time Center—A, ▲. Met-one. Carrierc’ Deli varies, (Sundays excented.)—In on books, the of the Monroe doc- ONE poll? i'8—anything MILLION of the the United States must be Dy vlrLe urdays, j contravene* polloy H. Gam busmen* section city between aud by Bonds. DainariscoC.a—M. ige. High to write abouk He o»3J to to Electric R)'. Deer W. A. Golden. India streets at 7.oo. 9.00 and ll.oo a. ul. t.30 and of that a parr of tha United he chi so trloe, sutreeder* American rights ha-*t mg— acquirement Fairfield—K.IL Evans. 6 p. m.; lu other sections at 8.00 a. in., 1.30 p. m. wrise bis own and he was and the so- all of the United States. Stat s or whether It may lie regarded as headlines, British Interests re-establishes from part* Farminglon—11. P. WhiteJtOo* buuday delivery at Office window, 9.00 to 10.00 have them as he wrote since Particulars application. W. M lichen. a. m., 1 00 to 2.00 j>. m. Collections from street territory simply under Its Jur’sllotloD part i solar to go oi*lied Clayton-Bdlwer treat/ long upon DOLLARS. Freei'oAr-A. * New C. boxes at 7.00 and 11.00 a. ul, 4.00 aud 8.00 p. ul the time he had three timis Bond* lilted on the Boston Fryeourg—A. I*rye. and not a of It. If ths then them. Half and now noil and void. T. Wultinoret bundays. g.oo p. m. only. part laittr, lapsed York Stock Exchange* bought and »olu Fryeburg—J. as words is would tit in the ool- Gardiner—Bussell Bros. AND DEPARTURE or MAILS. It would seem that Congress oould legis- many usual commission. Interest Paid on AURIVAL AGAINST HELPING ENGLAND. on the Gre n'a lAhdlng—B. W. Flflold. Boston, Southern and Western, intermediate umn, and thsn often jist a word or two, late in regard to It ss It saw Ut without Jant3,mon,wrd,sat Gorham B. J* Lermond. office* and connections via. Boston & Malue the whole from a Montrea Fabroaiy 9 —Hoo. S. H__ M. Leavitt A Bat* regard to the limitations of the Constitu- that speiled page, typo- 1, Qus TIME DEPOSITS. railroad (Eastern Division.) Arrive at 12.15, minister cf lie Gore— F. K. U us sell. 6.00 and 10.45 p. m.: close 8.00 and 11.43 a. m.. pciat of tisw. 1 os 3d to tell Jcs-ph Israel Taarta, put Bradford. tion. graphical Knightville—L. B. (..00 and 9.00 p. iu.; Sundays, arrive 12.45 ami to the the copy-readers tj follow bis headlines works, is strongly oppisod sending Kulghtville—G. K. Bush. 11.00 p. iu., close 11.45 a. in., 3.30 and 0.00 p. ul Drafts drawn on National Provincial II. OOS. and as more Uanedltes to bouth Afiica. Keunebuuk—J. Boston, Southern Western, ami Interim* as they could. One day he cf any 1st. Bank of or Miller. If, under the present circumstances, nearly Second Twin Begins Feb. England, London, In large Keunebuultpori—C. K. dlale offices and connections, via Boston lud edit, American view Is dtsiiuU‘1. Iib sonnd- stalked In in high dudgeon. Krf-rtlng to a propcsil to send out lO.OJO small amounts, for sale at current rates. Livermore rails—C. Newman. Maine railroad. (Western division) —Arrive at C urrent ActuuuU received on favor* Lew latou—Chandler & WiusbUa au«l 8.20 close 0.00 ness oan te mere clear to all by the in- men, his papier. La Patile, s*y«: 10.46 a. m.. 6.30 p. m.; aud 8.00 able terms. Long Island—S. H. Marslou. anu 11.30 a. ul, and 2.30 p. nu clusion of Nicaragua, with Nicaragua's 11'kn Oitnnlvw hau *1n>aH v irnnf roiplv solicited hit article again," he slid, 'and I want Correspondence from Indt* Llmenck—B. A. C. Graut. Eastern, via Maine Central Railroad—An lve approval, as a state of tbs Unloo. Bucb Hanks and H. Poster, It h to send two to Af- vlduals, Corporations, IJsbou—C. 2.00and 4.30 a. nu. 12.46 and 6.15 p. ul; close a if It be necessary to the opped.' (B,000,(00 ontlogents to accounts as well M. transaction, siveral otbers.deslrlng open l.tb sou Falls-A. Gerry. g.oo 9.45 and 11.45 a.m.. and 9.00 p.m. buudavs. "I bad argued with him times It & oonetruollon of an American Isthmus tics These show what wor and as from those wishing to transact Bank- Moc haute Falls— Merrill Denning arrive 12.45 close li.u a. in., aud u.00 but couldn't make him under- tlguroe p-m.; a of our national about It, UNIVERSITY business of At Cana.', !e pro- If we ing any description through No. Deerlug—Noyes Purvey. in. necessity eonld not be what will teour response 111 y 11. p. and well York Son. 8 and that type expanded, this Bank I Wat «i boro—j. Uiuso. Augusta. Intermediate offices and connec- gress being.—New J la all the conlliota lo cut or squeezed. So I sold, as the easi- are to take part 8oo llaveu-C. 9. Buyic;. tion via Maine Central tall road—Arrive at 2.0# If It 1* to unre*. to Nft.-J. C Hutfibla necessary Nlovragua est way to out of H:— turn- North Btratloro anil 9.oj a. in.. 12.45 ami 0.15 p. in.; close at 6.00. get Europe, Instead' *f'de*»iort»g »U»ne. make the canal an American It's thesi asinine odors STEPHEN R. SMALL PrsskM. Norway—l*F. 8.45 and 11.45 a. m 4.15 ami ;*.no p. ni. exclusively o.ipy-r. again, and onr wo PREPARATORY At KnibalL llx ■ouu-s Improving cosntry, Maik Mil i ft onnme r«ekw William* Farmmgton. Intermediate offices and conne oanal that Is a reason for I'll them.' A O. Noves pretty strong professor; la armaments f r febTdtf tlons. via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at "When a thing o&n't ba helped, ley It will spend oar uomy M. vsnimaer. not making the canal exclusively Ameri- N.C’onwav- 12.45 and G.15 p. ul ; close at 7.45 a. in. and 12.16 on tbe Is the rule in all Canada hss no dirccl ta- OrfUard—John 1- ttcftiumon. oopy-readen, wars In which Old p. ui? can. In all probability tt would be neo- olbc of oourse. tbe SCHOOL. Oxford—C. F. SUtfblra. newspaper is, Well, Roeklani, Intermediate offices and connec- ts A. U Crajilo. for to mnke tns oanal exclusively next week I gave orders for them to run reit."__ FUilipps—W. tions via Knox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive rsasry, A Unli/kik 1 f At* TIavl; Kicnmond—A. L. Freoie. headline as he rote KJV •• va »» and 6.00 in.; close at 6.00 and 11.45 a. in. American we must bv able to It Prof. Swing’s just It, FHKSHMAN WAS FKKSH. V W Fall*—F. J. Bolt®. 12.45 p. protect Bumford Intermediate offices and conuets no matter what It was. Tbs form was liuun St Carr. Skoichegan, Its entire and to do that Kocklmid— via Maiue Central railroad—Arrive at along length, like this;— Luffelo, N.Y., February A despatch Art & Wall tlons, for Har- FaperCo close at 12.16 m we must the ■* 12.45 p. in.; p. effectively be sovereign from Monlrsul siv» that an American Pupils successfully prepared A. J. Huston. offices and POLITICS IN CHICAGO, Bros. Island Pond, Ft, intermediate on both aides Uowdolu aud other classical Sanford—Trallou Truuk of the territory freshman at Mc'illl Unlieni'y was vard, Yale, C. Graves. conuectlons, via Grand Hallway—Ar. BkowUegan—it. rive at U.45 a in.. 6.00 in.; h.jO of A small of raiders BY DAVID SWING. and scientific courses. F. Merrinuut 6.30. p. Sundays It. party knocked down ant decked In ths dissent- BoutU ForUaud—J. at 7.30 1.00 and 6 00 tl. Kleker Si Bon. а. ui.; close a. in.. p.m. the aenal. The the sent his SL ra. noald easily obstruct "Friday night professor baths for c Iticl tng the Hrl'ldi School rooms, US© Slate •• W. H. Mo rlson. Sundays 5.00 p. and tt to tea ing Gorham. Ar.V/., Intermediate offices and cotv of n little at the copy down, happened Windham—J. W. Bead, explosion dynamite in South Af lo* Ths rtudest hsd Apply to the Priucipal, Couth via Grand Truuk railroad—Arrive at scathing review uf some nuwlvpu tillsl.ed troops boutli Fans—A. 1>. SturtevanL nections, would make It abso- M. 8.30 and li .4f» a. m., aud &oo p. m.: Sundays h.:w right points books which did not meet his referred to the Hrl'irb offerrs as “saws" ItEV. T. E. CAEVEKT, A., South Fans—F. A. Bhurtleff & Oo. approval. Primary. and Tertiary Blood Poifon ». ui.; close at 7.30 a. ra., 1.00, 6.00 p. ul Sun- As as all tbe com- Secondary Waterhoro—U. C. l>owua lutely useless. long The next de; readers of tbs paper were as "owards." U© Susie SI. Cured. You can be treated at South at 7.00 a. ra. aud 5.00 p. lu. and ths troops Permanently L. Streeter. days and the whole town was set under tame guarantee. If you have taken Hacii-W. -Arrive at 8.30 and 11.15 a. m. and mercial nations bars equal rights to Its auin.od Tel. OS‘J-3. jan23cod3w home H. Kendricks St Co. Montreal lodtde and still have aches Sa®o- H. at and 5.00 in. tbe article under mercury, potash, ** б. 00 p. ui.. close 1.00 p. Sunday under In war as laughing by professor's K. U Freble. use, all olroumettucei, — and Mucus Patches In Mouth. Kore 5 00 m. this headline: A Life and Death Fight. pains. South Bristol—N. W. Gama*®* close p. Throat, Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers Swatiton. Ft.. Intermediate ofllces and con- well as in peace, It Is for every body’s of ThomaatoD—B. W. Wal»h. Mr. W. A. Hines Manuheeter, la., ou of the body. Hair or via Mountain Division M. C. H. It.— SOUK BAD WHITING, any part Eyebrows Vlnal llaveo—A. B. VtnaL nections. Interests to keep tbe oanal free from ob- of his almost miraculous escap- out, write at 8.40 p. m.. close at 8.oo a. ul writing falling WalUoboro—Geo. Bliss. Arrive after A’. //.. Intermediate ofllces aud con- struction. But when one power claims BY DAVID SWING. from death, says: “Exposure T. White. Bartlett. REMEDY CO. \Vest4Farls-S. nections via Mountain Division M. O. IL It.— measles induced serious lung trouble, COOK Wlsc&sselt—Gibbs St Buudlett. absolute ownership of it, with tbe right at 8.50 a. m. and a. 40 close at 8 a. "Tbs professor missed the joke, and which ended In Consumption. I had free 328 Masonic Temple, Chicago, III., for proofs D. Spalding. Arrive p. in.; We solicit the most m. and 12.00 in. to reserrc its ure exclusively to itself, Field and Dr. Bristol and hemorrhages and coughed night Knack of cures, aplial $*<0,000 ••tbrook-W. B. Boothby. Kngens The oon- quent We have cured the worst Satervlll®—W. Rochester. A*. II.. Intermediate offices and In tbe saints’ and sinners’ obstinate cases. St Wyman. then under certain olrouunstanaes there ethers over and Ail my doctors said I mutt free. Woodford*—Chapman via Portland & Koehester railroad— day. eases m 15 to 36 days, loo-page book Yarmouth* 11 la—A. J B. Mllchell nectlons. oorner kept their own oounssl. Next Then 1 to use Ur. close at 6.JO a. m. will be a strong motive for some soon die. began King's novffdt! Arrive at 1.46 aud G.00 p. m.; week we oarne out with au article en- New Dl.oovery for Consumption, which aud 12.00 ul other or to obstruct it. For is If estbrook power powsis titled :— cured me. 1 would not be Of Good Printing Cumberland Mills, Gorham amt completely NOTICE, Arrive at 8.45 a. in. 1.4r» and 6.70 instance, toppose that we olalm tbs it even If It ooet 15.00 a bottle. (Saccarappa) right without the artistic into the 12.00 m. 6.30 m. SOUK MOKK BAD WRITING, insight Wo, the undersigned, do hereby agree p. m.; close 6.30 and a. and p. In ease of war with another nation to Hundreds hove used It on nry recommen- booth 1‘ortland, H'Ulard and Cape Cottage— “ For on Iwo 25 cent bot- ours arts.” Women. BY DAVID SWING. dation and all say It never falls to art of all to refund the money Arrive at 7.30. 11.00 a. m, b.uo p. m.; close .630 keep our enemy's war vessels 'ont of the preservative Dr. Tohuan's Monthly Regulator bss brought Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." Heg- Mandrake Bit- a. ni.. 1.30 and 6.30 p. ul The thut liras was too us is not to hundreds of auxious women. tle* or boxes of Baxter’s oanal. there will then certainly arise a joke by good ular else 50cts. and 11.00. Trial bottles With printing happiness Pleasanttlale and Cash Corner—Arrive 7.30 ccenslon on There is no other remedy known to to keep, and it was the last 577 positively ters, if it falls to cure constipation, bil- and 11.15 a. in. and 4.30 p-m.; close 7J0&.UL strong Inducement for our enemy free at H. P. S. Uoold, Congress mechanical—we treat it as an to medical science, that will so quickly and which the professor said anything to ms aud 1 JO aud 6.36 p. ul us ont of or to make tt unavaila- street, and U. U. Starr, Cumberland safely do the work. Have never had a single iousness, sick headache, jaundice, loss of keep it, about bs&dlinea.'' MAII.IL Mills, drug store. art should be treated. failure. The longest and most obstinate cases ISLAND ble for our ships, and tbe meet fail. No other sour stomach, dyspepsia, liver practicable are relieved in 3 days without appetite, Peaks Isiand—Arrive at 10.00 a. m. t close at do that will te to obstruot It. To Coat I Wouldn't it be wise for to will do thia. No pain, no danger, no or of the diseases for way to BRIEFLY TOLD. The Appetite of a you remedy complaint, any 1J0 p. ul interference with work. The most difficult Long and Chebeague Islands—At• prevent tbls w* should have to very all whose a with us } treated corres- which It is recommended. It le Uarpsusll, Is envied by poor dyspeptics trial order cases successfully through highly 10.00 a m.; close at P- m. place satisfaction rive at stroegly fortify both sons of It, and Stomach and Liver are out of order. AH pondence,and th^nostcomplete as a tonic and blood in instance. 1 relieve hun- recommended puri- STAOB MAILS. WoJoctt of Uassaohussila such should know that Dr. New guaranteed every probably keep a large fleet at each end, Kx-Governor King’s dreds of ladies whom I never see. Write for fier. Bold in and tablets Bofrrry Beach-Arnve at 5JO p. m.; closest the wonderful Stomach and liquid bottles, addition It ou both sides bos declined an In the usw Life Pills, farther All letters truthfully 2.00 p. m. end In guard appointment particulars. Price 25 cents for either. One at Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite, THE THURSTON PRINT answered. Free confidential advice In all In boxes. Caps Elisabeth and KnlghtvUIo—Arrive along lie entire length. To do tbls effeo- Philippine commission. a or delicate nature. Bear in. aud 6.30 m.; close at 6.00 a. ul aud souud digestion and a regular bodily matters of private package of either guaranteed to give sat- 7 JO p. 11 we should have to take Genual John R. Lewis ono of tbs best ! 97 1-1 EXCHANGE GTIEET In mind this remedy Is absolutely safe under 5.00 p m. rely protably habit that insures perfect health and isfaction or refunded. Prtdh'i Comor, Windham Ifa. and every possible condition and wifi positively money Duck Pond. under our ehergr, as lbs Bun suggests. known men In U. A. R. araay at II. P. S. no after ill effects the health. and South Buoo-ArriT* great energy. Only 25e, •PHONE SO PONTLAND, MAINE leave upon By C. H. GUPPY & CO., Windham. Raymond Dr. E.M.TOL- m.: close at 0.00 o. in. Nloaragus, and Costs Rica as wall. circles, died suddenly In Chicago Thurs- Uoold, 577 Congress street, and H. U. mail securely sealed. 92.01. Me. at 11.00 a. | MAN CO., 170 Trentont St.. Boston, Maas. Monument Bq, Portland, Now whst shall ws get of advantage day night. Starr, Cumberland Mills. \ h. MORRILLS. day freeing, Febroary It, at People'* DON’T EXPERIMENT T WESTBROOK. K. ohureb, a Oder the euaplee* of the $ Ladle*' Circle, promliei kill most en- TAKE THE SUREST CURE! The Ladles' elrole of AU Bools’ Unlver- joyable affair. Tbla la the program an: eallel eharob met late even lag In toe Tee- Kudymlon Valuta, Oakdale MaadoUa and Cellar dob. of the o bur oh. try Polka do Concert, iter. 8. U. Davie, paetor of AU Boole’ pianola, Services at the Churches Unlreraall.t ohnreh wUI take for hie .ob- Beading, Pe'eoted morning, “Abraham Lin- Mr. Wilton. Dr. Greene’s Nervura Sunday ject Vocal Frlendehlp Life and eorvltee," Duett, Sunday. coln; llie Ulgk Mleere Motley and Tilton. the Bearlet degree will ha seofrrrsd by Fifth Noeturae, Op. M, Blood and Norvo Remedym Labanon eommandvry, Knlghte of Malta, Pianola. March, at Ite to to told util Tuesday Alpha meeting Mandolin and dollar Clnb. Now U the Time You Are Most Out of Order. erasing. He! cation [leading—Dialect a, Now la the Time You Need It Moat. Popular Trolley Car Condutlor The State and LV wing street Whlet Mr. MtlobelL Cornet Solo—Southern Swetthaarti, slabs will mjey a social tble evening at Mite K rang ail n> Ballara. dose Resigns. llce;g hall. Dewing Center, going ant When yon your poor nerves with dnngornns drugs and Mocking Bird, when you overwork them or ahnse them, then are like la the parlor oar UramhalL There Pianola. opiates, you Se'eatel the man In the —you are dancing. Vooal Solo, picture Mlaa Annie Hamilton. •purring them into the great vortex B. «. of AII Boole* Hev. Davlre, pastor Heading, fcetacted from whence there Is no return. WHY NOT? Sunday ohnreb, wlU take for kla nahjeit Mr. Wllaon. They know better than you. They The Serenade Electric Light People morning "Abraham Unooln Waltaca, are trying to warn you by dulnesa, Patriot. Pianola, tired Croat Hare Taken, .exhaustion, feelings, dyspep- We have left from our stock of Winter ”__ Quartette—I My fsla, etc., To Song of lb* Nightingale, melancholia, despondency, Going Augusta. that aid. are WOODFORDS. Mandeltn and Cellar Clnb, they need They cry- Cloaks somewhere from a hundred to a hun- ing for f>r. Oreene's Nervura, the OCEAN VIEW COMMANDERY. remedy which Nature planted In dred and Ladies’ Jackets. Since we Vltv the earth solely for the nurooae of fifty Po Use Oflloer Brown was oalled ta the The follovlnu offlser* of Ooean A the ovcr- am Comraandery, U O. C. C., were duly ln- recuperating weakened, are to sell them for from a third to a Plant of Kennebec bonce of a Mr. Holfe residing High willing Will Inspect •t tiled at the tail of the : M worked nerve* and Impure blood. strict by order of a pByrlclan, meeting eootety kjyiMrtta yesterday It will bring back to you the half former not one? and Heat Co. where the offleer found Mr. Holfe • offer- P. N. O.-A. Y. Skinner. and of health. It prices why buy Light N. K.—Fred K. Dole. power vigor teg from temporary 'aeantty. Ha carried ■ will revitalize and enrich U. N. C.-Mre. Oilman Strout. your Of course there are not all kinds now nor of him to the polios station by direction Prelate -Mra Emma Jordan. Y whole body. It will fill your the unfortnnstc man’s family. Mr. Holfe F. 8 —Joekua C. Hoea. f nerve* and vein* with the fire all sizes of the kinds we have but we can has had several elml'tr attacks and each a 8.-John Mella. and vigor of youth, and make a Herald—Mlaa Patlanoe W man or woman of to bli Ilfs Tbampaon. regnl you again. fit to will tine aUrapU take by hanging. M. A. Wllaon. you you like. Her. Wanes lsflt, former psator of tba W. I. U.—Mra It 1* a veritable Fountain of Youth probably something W. O. Q.—Freeman Willard. — at Keel nnd of Strength tliou*und* will tes- Advent efaurcb, sill presob Treaaurer—C. A. Tilton. If, then, the are is to thl*. don’t It ? garment you wearing getting Hoebeitrr, N. U.» Sunday. Mar. A. H. GORHAM. tify Why you try Member* of the Y. P. C. U. will meal a Kearney will occupy tie pulpit et the Ad- Mm. rLoawfoa Tatlob, of 4 Courtland Place, Bridga- little or if will have to a new at tb* rraldene* of Mlaa Ada C. Cole, ('onn., shabby you get m. Sub- port, says:— rent church. Servlets at two p. *• For four f was troubled with nervous William M. Dyer a we*l knowu »n1 Sunday erenlng, at 6 30, for a eerrloe ol yearn debility one next not one now "Ijod'e Temple.” Sunday elbool at and hysteria In a most aggravated form. It caused year anyway why buy Jeot. much rearer tel ottlien of Ucrbara dl«*l All Interettad are tnrlted to ba sleeplessness and mental and at one time eeran tong. depression, Id.DU p. m. Social eerrloa at 1 feared blood For month* I was eon- l’hcrsiay He-r*$r/ 8 At his home cn p recent. poisoning. and save half or two-thirds the o'olook. Scieloea at tba Uetbodl.t -v Bui’d to tny bed. My constitution wasted, and I price? Unvn street alter an Illness of neir.y two Mine Elizabeth Allen of bat lost I was advised to meet- Bucktleld, totally my appetite. try oburob Sunday as followa: Prayer at I»r. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve jo rs Hr. Djer was brrn In Urrhatn been tae gueet of her unole, Mr. R. M. remedy. ing, 9 a. m. j preaching by tha pallor at I was in a terrible condition when I began It* t e siuth pert of tve t>wn and was from lb* week. use. and almost there was a won- la Colt, during Immediately 10 30 a. m. eubjiot, “Who Worthy;” came over me. I tte old and ro*,e:tel families of our Mr. Herbert l'upper baa bought Mr. derful change regained my THINK IT OVER. ecbool at 12 j the dizziness In bead It Sunday m.; Young People'* Ucrhavn appetite, my departed. t >wn. He was well known In Bryant'* milk rout* eat and oomuitnoed renewed my Interest In life, and made me feel. meeting at 0 p. m., and at eaten o’olook like thank- and Westbrook es a meson and builder. hualneee Friday morning tn the olty. In fact, another persoa. I Prof. Harriet Cooke will speak on an Im- fully proclaim myscl f strong and well. Wo are for $10 Jackets that were k‘r. was of me re than ordinary In Mlaa Grace of Stanford Greene's Nervura did for me what selling formerly ♦22.00, 23.50 lie In- Djer Cumminge *jDr. ouett'.on In wblob all will — portant ■ hundred* numerous te’leat. He was a roomier of the .mtM.tal.anl tk. kaaia .Ink of Itaaa of dollar* and 25 00 and 29.00—a on this of from to 00. worthy cannot to saving grade $t2.oo 19 tereitjd. AH are Invited to attend there physicians failed to do. I do credit its merits. Truly. I>r. Greene's Nervura should be congregational ohtrob and oocuplei Wednesday A lauded to the skies. I advise everybody to take it If want to feel well.” eerrlces. log, evening. very pleas- they tlcna of trist. Ho will be many pcs ant time was enjayed by alL Dr. Greene. S4 is the most successful in nervous Wo are Jackets that were and Conductor fral T. Kogg of tbe Port- Temple Place, Boston, Maas., specialist curing sellii>g|at $8.00 formerly ♦17.59 *re t'y m'itsel l ram the community. Ho Tbe Tuesday evening wblet olub will and chronic diseases. He has remedies for all forms of disease, and offers to give free consulta- land Hallroad company Weftbrook dl 18.00— a of 10.OO. k*%ves a widow and two sins and a troth- be entertained next week at the borne of tion and advice, personally or by letter. You can tell or write your trouble# hi Dr. Greene, for saving rlelou U to oonclude his labors with tbe er who now rea'dea In Soarbcra. Tte fa- Mrs. Hpanldlog of Hohonl street. Toe Bll communications are oonfldentlal, and letters are answered In plain, sealed envelopes. company this evening. Ur. Kogg has it* Wo are at $(>.00 Jackets that were 12.50 and ccr.ii will u* ma in uuhsi«|biwihhi olub will glTe an Febru- selling $12.00, accepted a on one of tbe calendar entertainment, poRUioo at 3 o'clock. otorrjh Sunday afternoon ary 2J. 15.00— a for you of $6.00 to 9-00. machine* at the S. D. Warren paper FINES FOR OMEGA CLUB. saving Tbe puollc rre invite 1. Tbe members of Bethany ehuroh will which was to have Tie entertainrnent observe Lincoln day next Wednesday In- We are at Jackets that were 10.00 and upon the discharge of tbe da tie* of bla Pathetic Letter From Au “Orphaned” selling $3.98 formerly $7.50, leen last e.enlng in tfce Congrega- ■ Its 1 git**o tvad of Monday. A doable quart rortland, February 10. im new position Monday morning. Conduo- (laaband and Father. 12.00— a of 50 lo 8.00. tional cha[el was postpone! on ioc:unt will furaieli mualo for the saving $3 tor Fogg bni te?n lu the employ of the evening. of t^e strm ti this Sat or Jay evening. Portland Kallroad company for three Tbe entertainirent will be well wcrth at- tlUJU Bl'KKKT CHUHCH. The PRESS bee leodved ttc followings W'e are selling at $2.50 Jackets that were formerly $5.00 and 6.50— yean, coming nere from Brownfield to Oor Dear PH ESS: tending. At the High (Meet chuioh this evening a of to 4.00. acoept a with the oompany. Bj I nota by issna that tha saving $2.50 position tke eervloea will bn as your morning's Seteral ire mb era of Grrbam Grange moalenl follows: Let u* his uniform courtesy be has made a host Alpha olob ban baen formed. wi 1 attend tbe Pomona Grange at Gray Voluntary, Chopao earnaatly hope that tbs ladles will s>on of fronds, who will wish him suooeas In Anthem—Jehovah's E. L. White today. Praise, form tbs Oi sa olub. his new business relations. Choir fc'e cation—Htrike the Cymbal, "O ii .* baok my deir old boms." Visa Jennie P. Wnitney la visiting give Dr. Cobb of Mechanic Falls Is at Cum- Puoltta 1 am sorrowfully yours, friends in Pcrtlmd. Jerusalem, Qlorlous Husband and Father. berland Mills as tbe of bis father's Response— My An Orphaned guest Homos Lowell Maon Mr OH"" A. Cobb. family, ISO UTH PORTLAND. Contract Anthem—O Taste and See, VANCOUVER AT HALIFAX. Ben. T. H. Burns returned Wednesdsy Marston EASTMAN BROS. & BANCROFT. Kluck The Domic Ion line steamer Vancouver evening from an extended business trip Poatlude, Sopranos, Mlaa Varney, Mlee Duuton; left Liverpool 1st Inst., arrived at Halifax to Boston and Mew York. REMEMBER THE CAUCUSES MON- Altos, M!s: Mlee Box- Hchuraacher, 7 ik m.f Friday. fence erected s me two Ci 'ihe temporary DAY N1UHT. ton; Tenon, Mr. llln, Mr. Cook; months ago in front of the Warren block Bass e, Mr. McDonald. Mr. Whipple. MAINE MAN PROMOTED. Republican. ahould bw In mind ttat on Main street. Welt End, was removed February 9—Tha an- their oausum will be held Monday .Ton- HU1C1UK BY BHOOXING. Washington, yeiterday, by order of tie owner of the Doanoemsnt has been mode of the ing at 7.10 o’clock. Ward 1, at Mu Hore just property, who plane! it in position to New Portland, Februarx.2.—Mr.Tennsy Everett U. Are Can Ward at llruoki . appointment of Norton. Esq., rout. In Willard; 3, about maintain his right to hold the property Pierce, aged twenty-tbree yeats, of Farmington, Me., as a special agent of [un factory, corner Preble and High as required by law. living with ble mother and stepfather, offloe Mr. Norton y°u Ward at Booth Portland More the post department. we itreetr; 8, Mr. of and—, Superintendent E. B. Mesrodmb and Eugene Day Millay Hill, New baa been serving for the post two years as On rout.; Ward 4, at tbe Hoc. Ettes the Westbrook EoigtttvHl. committed eulolde et an Eleotriolan Jesse of Portland, early the assistant elerk of the ways and means Push route; Ward 5. at the Town hoiue; Ward a Mleotrlo Eight and Power oompany, up- hoar Thursday morning by shooting blm- committee of the House of Representa- 1, In baa.rn.nt Pleeaantdale tohool on Invitation of Uon. George P. Wescott belf.wtth a thirty-thirty osllbra tin*, tives. ‘dead you route; Want 7, In the ward room of Bald of Portland are to accompany a party of blowing the top of bis head off. ward. The e nomination* will te mad*: electric light oompany ofllclals on a visit Mr. Pleroe retired as usual Wednesday marriages. center by. rUd.-mun, on* warden, one ward to the plant of tbe Kenrebeo Beating and night, but about three o'clock a report one olty eonitable, there deVrale* 8. F. of Gordiner rlerk, was bear and Mr. Day went to Flee os's In this citv. Feb. 0. by Rev. Pearson, A s ight push in the right direction will start the engine Lighting company Augusta, a both no econ. ,o mayoralty convention, and dye mem- Carl Mitchell Meanl a d Mass XII Tobin, and Uallowell. Xbe party will leave on room where he found him on tbe bad of Buckfleid. Maine. oomurlttm. In brr* of Republican city in this city. Fab. 7. Kev. 8. F. Pearson. know when 100 of steam the 10 25 a. m. train this morning and re- coed. Tbe cause of the act la not known by omy you pounds fails. Ward 5 a member of the tohool William Henry Curtis ana Mrs. Eliza M. Brag* THERE’S commit; but lis bad been 111 health for turn late In the afternoon. suffering uoii. noth <>f Portland, in the lee will alao te named. Feb. and saving are on a Kev. Nathan Bunt will preach at the several weeks, although doing srme work. lu Farmingtou. 3, Tyler Judgkius Perhaps you pushing dead center. ; The mayoralty convention will bo hold Miss Kettle Locke. Baptist church tomorrow morning from He had been somewhat despondent, it In in Brookliu Jan. 30. Austin C. Gray of lllue- dollar or two or three Saturday, tb. 17th inrt., at 7.80 p. nr., Psalms 42 11. Sunday school will meet said, thinking hit financial affairs were hlll and Miss lleUie A. Cloamm of Nadgwlck. If so, we can help you. ■t the Mote hoc In Knlghtvllle. In Pennbecot. Jan. 31. Buford B. Leach and that an Umbrella costs at twelve o'clook. In the afternoon Prof. colng to ruin. The event seems doubly Miss Lottie II. Gray. MUSICAIE AT PEOPEK’M M. E. In Jan. L. Tarker of Farm- We want Just six solicitors, of the kind we have been F. L. Jackson will lead the smg sirvico sad, ns hie only brother, together with Lynn. 31, Harvey a hat ington and Miss Jennie P. Austin of Be Itirade. and wetting good two other were drowned and a s*lect orchestra furnish inuslo, CHURCH. boys, while bath- In Camden, Jan. 31. Louie M. ICliandler and between 25 and 50 of with desk- KiD Frances Ward well. and suit of clothes to the talking about, years age, Prayer meeting at s>ven o'clock. Tb. mualoole which will be Moo- ing a few years ago. He leaves a mother, given In Dover, Jan. 3i. Elmer C. McKechutc and tod one married s'star. Miss Harriet M. Eageriy. verge of ruin. room and headquarters at Portland Office. GKNEKOCB HONG KONG. DEATHS* Moreover, 'tis well Address: Washington, Febmnry 0.— Secretary to remember that In this Feb. Thelma, only child enough Long received a cable message today from city, 7. Gladys of Alberta ami F. K. II tmllfon, aged 3 days an tbe Aet- Annie of the of THE LIFE 1 Admiral Watson, commanding lu South Portland, Feb. 9. L, wbe timely purchase EQUITABLE ZZ7Z 20 illc station, dated at Hong Kong Febru- Fred 1). Wish, aged years. [Funeral bunuay afternoon at 2 o’clock, Umbrella may stave off i1 In more than a million households can you !f sty 8, raying that the residents cf Hong from the residence of her mother, Mrs. llatile ASSURANCE SOCIETY. A. KulglitviFe. 1 Kong have subcrlbed a thousaud dollars Libby. several times its cost in breathe the aroma of At Hi Josephs Home, Peb. 9. Ellen McCarthy, fragrant | for the families cf those killed and In- aged MO years. Utile m F. n. HAZELTOX & CO.. MANAGERS FOR MAINE, PORTLAND, William M. CC jured by tbe explosion on board the in Gorham, Feb. 8, Dyer, aged years 10 mouths. Wheeling on the U7tb. Admiral Watsoo [Funeral on Sunday afternooa at 2 o’clock. between you and pneu- Chase & Sanborn’s says that all the wounded are doing well. ill IUO 1 UXIKI liiiiiv u. auu ( friends are IiivTumI to attend. monia and the other re- Secretary Long sent the following reply lu hwmiugton. Jan. 30 Hubert K. Bu-kmiu- to the Admiral Wataon'a despatch: stor. aged 67 years 2 mouth j, sultant ills of a drench- In Stonington, Jan. go. Avery B. Banks. Grade Coffees to Its High Department wishes yon express In Oils. F«b. 2. Miss Mary B. Salisbury, aged high appreciation cf the great generosity 73 years 3 montns. ing. Seal Brand, Java and Mocha, in tin In Latnolne. Feb. 2. Foster Staoles. cans. Other High-Grade Brands in shown by the residents c f Hong Kong In In Stoulugtou. Jan. 2d. Israel M. Taylor, aged There’s reason 1 every parchment-lined fibre bags. providing for the ftmlllei of the klljed 87 years 8 mouths. T. F. FOSS In Berry, Jtn, 27. Samuel’Young, aged 87 " end lo he who health Injured the Wheeling's acc’drut. years 7 months.1 why puts i They have won their way into these [ In Vtnalhnven. Jan. 28, Jacob Kossuth, aged CADET AHRKHTED. 80 years 2 month* before other considera- "& SON. as < In llampdeu, Jan. 28, M. C. Abbott, aged 69 homes, they will win their way into , Loudon, February 9.—Edmund E. years 8 month*. tions should be well sup- 1 In Nortu Jan. 29, Mrs. Lavlnla home on the merit of absolute described as a naval oadat on Appleton. your pur- ; Haler, Fuller. aged 83 years 8 months. with Umbrellas. board the Amerloao Hue steamer HI In Warren, Jau. 31, Oeorge Malieft, aged plied 1 Any ity and uniform richness and strength. 83 years. Louie was arrested at Southern; ton yea- In (louldsboro, Jan. 26, Oren Fcrunld, aged One isn’t enough. It come to and fresh 1 77 years. They you crisp lu Huoksport. Jan. 28, Mrs. Kditb L. Leland, not be found of aooeptaooe for 111,134 marka In transit 3- 11 months. may readily in sealed tin cans or in \ aged years hermetically from Berlin to New York, the property I a Wilton. Jan. 28. Nathaniel L. Flercher, or it be at the aged 78 years. may colored fibre of hlr. Clifton J. Mori-house. When richly bags, lined with In Topsbam, Jan. 28. Mr*. Mattie, wife of end of the route” charged today, Ualer Bald h e ploked up E. K. Star bird, formerly of Farmington. “wrong Heating are lu Wakefield. Jau. 29, MaJ. J. W. Wellman, l parchment. Strength and fragrance the bllla on the docks of I Southampton about 84 years. and time lost in aged hunting a> he had on toard the Ut. retained until the last is used. i I and, gambled i grain an Umbrella is worse Louie and lost all hla mon.y, he thought for No other coffee on the market is so there wae no barm In negotiating the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. than wasted. We sell a Stove 1 kills, lie was remanded for a well Not a detail is 1 week. put up. single , Umbrella for fairly good IN STOCK At HO left to chance. Worth of , USE FOB 1). A. B. YOU quality, a dollar, better ones all i safe-guarded by most careful packing. i Washington, February 9.— Mrs Usnl-1 the to and of the KNOW way up ten, i Manning,preilleot gentril Daugh- They represent the excel- ( 20 Per Cent highest ters of the Berrlutlon, and Mrs. Senator an excellent one quite lence in coffee and coffee cur- were heard the House commutes growing i Frye by THE for all U m- on public bolldtoge tcdsy In adroctcy good enough Discount ( ing and are guaranteed the best coffees J of tbe treason for h national building DIFFERENCE brclla uses and in ap- For 11 is on a eite to be in the world. Insist on organisation gltea to 17. your grocer betweeu tlic custom made suit to For Cvili from Feb. IS 1 ty the government, it was stated that pearance quite equal with Chase Sr Sanborn's ami the affair. The supplying you was in and that tba “ready-made” 150,Clll already hand, ■■intertill, the workinnuNhlp any, at $2.97, made by 1 bnl would c>at for our Coffees. They are not cheap, they ding $250,000. and the Fit in the former speak j and We want the room for themselves. Vou can Lyon in New York Spring Clue of are 1 only [ good, they economical; solace, BPAULD1NUB DEFKA1ED. at either in the latter. Vou ] Cue,a j there's no better maker in of what health. < Ur sent. TO TUI ru* fret every penny pleasure, you puy lor la the clothes 1 Blddeford, February 9 —The Btddeford the world. Look for the seal; it is a «f make. guar- polo teem tonight defeated the Spanld- REFRIGERATORS. antee of purity and worth. Inga at Portland, • la 1. COiV OrlUDaS A.N’D PRmBZjll STS Tha regular monthly meeting urface. The connection with wondered got dynamo for oharglng batteries and ac- this reel may be carried to a email air looke; but I waa Juet aa bad In a abort CASTORIA on these used to small For Infants and Children. No trouble to heat cumulator*, balng propel compressor, driven by tbe dynamo lima; you ooulln't balp It. Tba only the boat when she Is entirely submerged aft, and a •.sufficient quantity of air for If oould oall It that, waa a on houae. you and the chimney unshipped. Sailing several hours' me stored In a few bola Id tne roofed over with the coldest the Narvxl ground, days. the surface at 12 knots, prom- minutes' time. The boat oan lie Indefi- wreokage, and tlmbera tbat had waehed ises a of notion of 252 miles, and under tbe same conditions, renew- to have. range nitely aabore, ana In which the men had piled The Kind You Have to and 8 the Is 626 miles. When as te re- Easy buy pleasant r.t knots range ing the si pplyS of air may big rooka to prevent tbe roof from blow- accumulators are submerged, the expect- quired. and to It from being with our miles at 8 knots ing away proteot Make an ed to propel the boat 25 During an aotlou tbe diver will proba- crushed the loe and enow wblob In appointment i0 at 5 knots. She Is by i_a :_ and miles equipped bly be very short, as the boat will be tbe form of avalanohea sometimes came tubes and carries two Bought %■ four when Always with torpedo obliged to go under water only; rushing down from tbe mountains. In ii^uuiig vApvi officers and nine men. This boat Is be- carried tor- menac'd with torpedoes by this hut there was nothing bat a table lieved to be the best In It Is to type yet developid pedo boats and when necessary and some seats. The men bunked on tba unobserved. France. anproaoh tbe v«s?el attacked floor on aklna of the tea lion and featheri Thera be said to be bnt one dis- be Ad- may Rapid live guns may disregarded. of the penguin. Everything waa oovered of the submarine boat In tbls of tbe tinct type vantage may be taken practical lib oil and grease. tbe Holland now of tbe vessel when run- country represented by invulnerability "After leaving a load of store* tbe Portland Stove Go., build- BHQBE1£5!B| at and the a-waeh with fall steam to do — • Foundry Washington, Plunger, ning power steamer sailed away and we did not are for the at Hsltlmore. While t work on tbe surface of ing Navy a large pai of Its bar for a year. Xbe stores did not | again Ibe Hollaed seems to have fully proven Its attaok will be more r«pld notes the water. last very long, and than we settled down Digestion,Cheerful- Makers of the “ATLANTIC" Cooking Ranges, her to fulfill ail the requirements If the g£ opacity and more certain, especially ship to what was a regular diet—gulls and andHcst.Contalns neither of submarine for naval pur- navigation can be Intercepted. and tbe meat ot the aea elephant. nor Mineral. Fl’K^trUI, HOT WATER mid STEAM HEATERS. g£ the Plunger Is said to possess, or the a-waeh a dive mXorphine pose, Fruii) condition, ringulnanew that I had been trapped, but 1 have when still further im- at can be will finished, while running fall speed rovde. bad tbe aenae to aay nothing about It os rNARCOTld. will render her a raoet this provements that prooably, In 2*.) second*. During tba sobooner bad sailed and 1 bad signed oraft. It does not follow that be- a boat can run capable time .O-knot torpedo only for two yeare. Xbe nrxl day tbe Ilfs be- cause the experts have opposed tbe build- 225 A diva can be made from the yards. gan. Haloing or snowing, wa were al- ing of further snbmarlne boats at present a-waeh condition when at half \_troun-SAMVZLmaui speed ways routed out early In tbe morning. that this of craft will not in all and a 20-knot SmU~ type in 10 seconds, torpedo Xbe wound or third day I wai tent by Pmmftm , be by the naval ser onn cover no more than 112 JbiUvmr I probability adopted host the toaa to kill gome penguins for break- vice. The bureau chiefs are by no meins the same time. There AMUt- I yards In fast, and I nearly loat my life In tbe unfavorable to the boat, but simply be- but small that 1*. therefore, probability bant. A great part of the laland seemed v lieve tbe should be tried before boat can be Plunger the onset of tbe submarine to be oovered with tbrse blrda; they were SKSliu.. the lioverninent enters the off o her ineuns than the [ upon pur- warded by any so think tbat It waa bard to foroe your chns3 of other vessels of her class. of the vessel uttaokei. superior speed way them aa thay peaked at yon The tbe result of an through Plunger represents viciously on all aides. Xbe penguin Bgfc. ) Into the subject covering the Inquiry IVORK OF A DOLL DOC TOR. rookery was In a big mass of tussock last ten years, duiiug wbloh time tbe fo r Const! tbat grow almost aa high aa my rfert Remedy pa- has advanced from tbs theoret- grata nEEHM®VJ(TAlji! problem bead, and the blrda had laid It out In Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, ical to the 'there were A l*iofc*nlou Introduced from praotlcil stage. Recently streets and lanes, and along them and to be thought of In connec- ns .Convulsions .Feverish- many things Uuropc lik This Country. In them they stood In groups and droves. tion with the ,submarine boat, the [most ; and LOSS OF SLEEB Xbe streets were slippery and undermined Pearls of wbloh was tne mainteuano I important by other birds, and every few atsps 1 of life and of the oratt be (From the Philadelphia Times ) management broke through into these cellars and waa ac Simile Signature ot math tbe surfaoe of the sea. While In- These are busy days tor the doll dootor. also attuoked by tbe blrda tbat earns out tended for offensive purposes solely, lta ! An odd mao you think. "Xo myaelf 1 laid around with e&StffZ&u; Is an feature of the professional he, proteot promotion Interesting 1 and turned and Years oarrled, finally structure. This la afforded by the Not it all. He Is a very necessary ad- N~EW VORK. body tried to run out of tbe aa the blrda Thirty Are a 1 pluoe Gentle, of weter surrounding the .boat, wbloh It of and al- junct every European city, cams at me thicker and faster, and near- to dive below the surfaoe to a supposed though little known in America, he has ly crazed me with their peoklng and the depth of 20 feet in 20 seconds after the become In New York and noise made. 1 wis bewildered, and older is to the boat at established tney fl given disappear, only by obance found my way out of tbe Soothing Purgative the time tlmlln; light and running full Boston. The doll doctor of the latter oity bird city Into whlah 1 had gone further ahead. toe of com- ■pead During period is really a unique and Interesting person, than I 11 rat Intended, thinking to see bow submergency, with three feet of EXACT COPT OF WFAPPEB. plete operating what Is called the down town large the rookery was. When 1 reached and their use is not r§ Wftt*r over the turrets, the pilot who ward of the "Caleb Plummer caoip, oovered with blood, with my arms CASTORIA the oraft obtains a view of tbe sur- emergency followed fl guides full of blids, tbe men met me with a by griping roundings by mean* of a camera lucid a hospital for dolls," with quite a goodly rear, and I saw tbat a joke had been put are In a tube which projects above the surace number of patients awaitlug at- pains. They pleas- mi. I found later that they never | tendance In tbe operating room. upon entered the bird oltv, but killed the birds ant to take, and will H meut's notion. Lovers of Dickens all know Caleb about aud on tbe edge. Tbe is located In an armord tur- A 1 vuv urni UIU >uuu nuv| uy cure pilot Willuiri, "Xbe man were called sealers, but sea four feet above tbe bull quickly ret, which rites the aid of his blind daughter, skilfully ■ lAnSmnf* waa the teams. Wa Were SUD- nod Is eight Inches la thickness. Tbe the of nnfottnnato dollies, repaired eyes posed to calob big animals. tba males be- kUilsoe of tbe ooverlng tbe while all tbe time lamenting that he upper bull, ing from fifteen to nearly thirty feet while running on tbo sur- could do for tbe of his own part emerged nothing eyes long and weighing several tons. Ac one Sick I face of tbe water, will be of steel plate adored child. In his honor has been Headache, time, fifty or sixty yean ago, they fairly one Incb thick. The for named whete dolls of all arrangements the hospital covered the beaches, but tbey had been lighting and rontllstlng tbe Interior an sorts and conditions be seen await- may killed off so rapidly that they were con- Ingenious and complete. When the boat ing tbe skilful band of the doctor. I fined to one part of the beach on a side Heartburn, Is on tbe surface of tbe two do to them In water, lurge “Why they try repair that could not be appioaohed by eea. So the blower nnd the air these dsra. when naw anil baslitlful dolls companlonwnye, we had to travel over tbe glaolers and abaft abundant ventllutlon. are so c provide our barrel*, When I p Shrubsn p *vo J n*»rl I pii^iiBtaipa. rolling I nlr t« »1 Wnsn submerged, constantly deft tty- I look on Constipation near the divide we oonld down la weil to from tbe nlr reservoirs how a child cbsrlabea an old escape tenderly the elephants that looked l'ke great blaok above pressure. doll. Tbe little affection for n doll slightly atmospberlo girl's on the white sand. We orossed miserable fl Vitiated air from Dear tbe bottom Is she has nursed nnd loved la slugs and that oomparable down without frightening them, gettingt forced outward a small driven to that of a true Iriand for the by pump companion between them and the water. Then a sickish feeling that fl an electrlo motor. on the who has stood the teat of time. by Lighting the word from the bars we made a rush surface Is tbrougb tbe oompan- -The rffeollon Inspired In Charles Lamb the forerunner of a provided on them. When they eaw u» tbey slowly is and by 4-noh deadlights. tbe old familiar faces about which he jRj lonways eight by lifted op their heads. Inflating their curi- If not and In dual was moved to write a charming poem Is bilious attack. & deeply submerged, ous trunks that made them look like ele- water, will still beadmltltd skin. to the love of a cbild for And Indeed, Seeds light tbrougb phants. Clumsily they tried to renob tbe tbe eight deadlights, anil, whenever re- or “Dorothy,'- with tbslr “Josephine" water, bat a sharp blow over the bend You’re all if looandeecent lights, supplied by maimed limbs and their right you quired, straightened laid them out. Once one oaugbt a man p tbe storage batteries, can be broken ayes replaoed. The old babies" employed. by tbe ooat nnd tossed him Into the have a of B Tbe method of operating tbe vessel li are endeared to them by association*. package herd, where we thought he would be torn also Interesting. When the vessel Is on This makes the doll dootor a kind of these Little ■ to piece*, as be fell on the back of an old BY MAIL. Pearly the SDriace of tbe wltb tbs siu oke- home Une when llttla water, missionary. day, hull, but be escaped after having tbe fl Hack snd the air shaft and run la her beautiful Pills with you. erected, ten-years-old glvlag clotbea literally torn off him, Sometimes nlng ahead full speed, and It Is desired tc birthday dally an airing In lte dainty forty or fifty of the animals would be Our mail order I* now one of lUe chief features tbe valves on tbe bottom In the precious lnfaol falls department For sale at all 25 cents, or live, placed perambulator, killed In an hour; then tbe work of druggists, ^B the water are and the nil out and smashes both it brown Plant, shrub. Fruit aud Seed Store. mailed by spaces opened glorious aklunlng them began, and tbe boiling of tills progressive soatalned In these spaoes allowed to e«- eyes. Ihe sad mother weeps and refuses out of towu to down. 1 was soon reeking In oil and that We have perfected a systom which euablcs our patrons ST. ALBANS REMEDY CO. tape through valves provided at tbelr to be comforted uolll, perohanoo, ths ^^B was the oondltlon of us all tbe time. these and save car fare. Our entire stock is upper ends. The blower Is tb« household mamma t3 think of intelligently select goods St. Albans, Vt. stopped, happens “In the oouroe of the year I never nsw furnace and ashpit doors are closed air- the dull doctor, and comes to place tbe much at as if you were hero to buy personally. a whole day of ennehtne, and sometime! just as your disposal tight, the smoke staoks are shipped, tbs doll patient In her onre. Then joy telgns men have had of for weeks the son did not appear at all. The packing and shipping is in charge of who years ■HHBHHi151 BH^F^ nvrr of tbs aperture through which they once agnlo. ean That soon take* the life out of one, I and what order is cer- sasa when erect is around and Boston's doll dootor Is a llttla in the haudling of tender plants you swung pleasant tall that and the enow, rain and experience Into Its and Uerman whose real enthusiasm yon, condition. the Largest Iropped place damped tight frsoleln, sleet. At the end of the year some of the tain to reach you in first class Being W. PERKINS & CO. By this time tbe vessel will be nearly tor her makes her perennially we Wholesale ly. profession men whose time wa* np were paid eff; per- in .Halite and as we do many specialties Agent-JOHN twash. While the awuh posi- interest'd In ohlldren and In their pete. House controlling reaching haps they had been working on share*, tion she Is run in tbe dlrsotlon In whloh A collection of her own oontains soma ..Mnai.nt in lilt nnv order sllltsfIlClOCilV. Oltr Spring ana they went to the Cape of Uood Hope; it Is neoessury to steam dolls of dlitlnct Interest. “Look nt this bad a stssr, power aod In a week or two their money was Catalogue I* now ready and nmy be by sending postal Wing still employed until tbe steam pres- one," she exclaimed to tbe oaller to to tbe gone In ways known only sailor, address on it. rare in tba boiler Is run off. whom she was her vtiill name and displaying treasure*, aud several of tbe eea elephant banters your As soon as the horizontal at and she held up gowned, woad- position aqualntly oame buok to the Ilf* of sludge and loe. MERRY'S the Is attained an automatic a doll. proper depth en-jolnted damsel, "grown lady" of dirt and slaughter. Hut two years tpparatus further considerable "Is she not like the woman Uosthe de- prevents wsre enough for me, and two yearn too movement in a vertloal direction. If bj scribes!" And, Indead, the obarmlng mnoh," said the little man, rising from Collars. failure of any of this tbi maiden night have been Bettlna herself. 10 Cent part appaartus ths box on wbloh ha had been sitting. rosael should rub to a greater deptb that “Ihe dolls are d'fferent nowadays," the Best in the market for la desired, ssy beyond forty feet deep tbi frauleln sighed regretfully. "There are lower end of the lever engage# wltb a no longer lady dolls. Tbe old-fashioned WASHINGTON TOUHS, (36. the money. ibort lever that operates a valve plaoed on doll* had snoh claeeloal faees, exquisite vn air pipe leading forward to tbs for- straight Ur.-ek noses nnd beautiful, slan- Descriptive Itineraries of the eerie* of ward section of tbe boat. Whan forty der hands I Today's doll* are all babies. tonrs to Washington, leaving Boston CUFFS 18c, 3 |>rs. for 50c. or more Is reaohed a ol It la as well. The other feet depth oharge Perhaps Just March 2, 16, and 30, April 13, nnd 27, air will be allowed by this valve to pass kind was kept In bureau drawers and & the from tbe servloe air reaervolr, II •till smell! of lavender. The modern nnd May 11, under per*ona)lj-oon- Whitney, through aloag this pips Into tbe bow Motion of doll le au every-day ohild; It ha* Its nurs- duottd tourist system of the Pennsyl- tbe waMr oontents out its Its bathtub with 237-239 the vessel, forcing ing bottle, cradle, vania Railroad, may be obtained of D, N. W'DDMLSjJ the valve on the bottom. Thli real water, its baby basket and tbe many through Tom 1st 203 Washington AND TEMPLE STREETS. Will Immediately ejfel 1,660 pounds ol art loin found la every wall-equipped Bell, Agent, teWiiit weight of water, educing the weight of layette.” Street, Boston. ILPBOSSO BUT KILLED.

Body Found in Saugus ■ |- or- River. % BOYS’ fit CHILDREN’S CLOTHINGT lias Resided at Peals Island Will MEN’S, His Nothir.

The entire stock of C. W. Hull Co., Clothiers, corner of Middle and Cross Sts., consisting of Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Clothing, will

% chattel held David F. be closed out regardless of cost to satisfy mortgage by Murdock. \ His Record Here Not of the Best. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO CLOTHE YOURSELF AND BOYS AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE.

Appearances Indicate a Ose of FIXTURES FOB Foul Flay. DAVID F. MURDOCK, Mortgagee. Lynn, Musa., February 9.—The body of of a mar, appaiently 95 or Sti year* age, ■was found Boating in the riser at baogus tbi* niteruoon nod from paper* and let- U. 8. DISTRICT COURT. MUSIC AND DRAMA. ters found In ills pockets It ie thought to THE LAW COURT. have been HW be that of Alfonso Hunt of Fort Clyde, Petition* la bankruptcy on P'enke by Daniel M. Heokett, South Portland; Me., whose mother llree Island, KATHKKINIC KOUKH. Edward K. Portland barber, lhe retrn'ns were taksn Some Important rWengre Propond try Elmer E Dow, Aagosta; Never In the of 1’ have await Birr Assorts- Jutltton A. Cordon, hletcry to the baugue town hall where they a < oniinUtaa of the Statr Pearson, Lewiston; •□eh been cffired _ui 'I ho «nan!S a If VI11 Kraoklln; Lewis K Oilman, Soarboro; gr-ia* produotlons Cion* favtr- HI chard Henry thcee by New Kngiaad'e grwteet wu crashed la and he had the appearance Henry Darla, Shaplelgh; lte. Mix Katherine Kobrr. The o; cuing cf having been struck by • train. lhe C. Knox, Augusta. bill afwrnooa will be one of but a abort Monday body had been In tbe water At a meeting of the Bute 11*p As-oela- SUPKKIOK COURT. MIm Uohcr'e elrjngeet plays, “Xha Dea- time. tion, hold daring the s ss’ouof the Legis- rs.Mark A.Mulko- con’s Daughter." Monday evening, Conn Medical Examiner of Fre shirr t Llttlefleld, Is Kcsamond L. Harmon lators id 18J9, Katie to- examination wloh. 'Ibis la an action at trover to re- T. Morphy’* great**! play, Lynn made superficial his addrrvs. made certals leooaimsnda skull bad cover tre raise of certain personal prop- mett'e "Klllaroey”; lucsdsy matinee, end found that tbe lions ms to ihe time of the bolding of the husband Charier the greatest r-alletle ceusatlonal comedy- II \ K El) 1*011 K AND BEANS. J been fractured In two places. He le lew oourt, A committee e ty. Tbe plaintiff's ANOTHER s sslons of the Mar- From beans and a She claims drama ever written, ‘‘She CojMn’t Maine grown pea j of the opinion that the cnee irnv be one of Mod. CisarUs f. Libby of J. Harmon was physician. eoEs s'.tng Jaoob CONFECTIONS. selected pig pork raised on the Walton and of tbe Idea that that owing ti his habits of Intoxlentlcn ry Three;’’ Toeeday evening, cf foal piny, dlepoeee Poitland, Mon. M. M. Heath of Auguste, Large Consignment farm, Hlverton Koad, 20c per Lilt's greatest of all | rsductlons, a grist quart as win found nrar tbe lallfrni and at snob times pawulng everything The sweets tbu body and Uenerul W. S. Choate of Augusta, announced for last Sat- -OF- STEAMED BROWN HICK AD hands sv» wettrrn romsdy-dr.iroa, ‘'Shall we For- was struck it locomotive, that ho oould lay hts on, kept sold short in the latter trestle It by wr s to draft a bill on the line urday's selling (not baked.) appointed We matinee one of on tbe heal all of the Instruments and books wbloh give Her?”; lnesduy of the afternoon and tuauy eveo- From corn meal and se- showing tbe wounds of these reooiumanduthns Country the most famous of tbe taken callers were therefore Inflict'd n louo- he nseJ In ter name; that she bought plays day, fiartng disappointed, lected white rye, 10c per loaf ate not of tbe kind by Urtiernl Chmte at the request of the Sweet Seedless the from the Kreneh, "The Great Uleren- the repetition of the same A CHOCOLATE FROSTED CAKE. This t however, these things for him but lettlned specialties luctivs. leory cannot, other members of the committee has draf- Yellow aonre onsn and Wednesday evening one today. mountain sponge—generous be out until n'ter in In ft's in heiself. She alalms that Uses;" carried autopsy. ted a bill to oover tbe recoruinendulkiu. of Caracaschocol ate cream various aitl- of the greateit sccnlo ev«r ORANGES icing pure of n a «« the caw time lor husband t>ok productions tbe pocket garment cb, It bos not, we understand, yet beeu ap- ago HOLASKKS .HIT CANDY. and sugar, 10c per loaf one cent t wo sets of lias attempted, "Romeo gold tilled, vat found, and the committee. No bill has yet o’es Including enoyolopae ond_Julielj^MThe I’lain old fashioned molasses from tlio famous Riverside section— PETITE srilAVVIlKHH V PIES. proved by two baleree of tbe frr the"r it of the candy at tbs Is tlat and a set of Instruments plays '•Pound for con- lhe dresi Indicates tl body been drawn to cover the nisi pries or sarglrnl with an inkneading of minced nuts. California.! pound” strawberry are and well known. and the wattkes and various ireilcal works all of week Just as strong 15, 19, £5 cents per dozen and up. serves in llakev puff pa-try. of a working man, pa Ua'ly court In wbtob a jury participate s at Thera has been a isle of sell), anil C HEESE letter to si unknown the value of »3SO.aO and pawnol them large STRAW, wrlttui oorrevpon- the more Important obauges tn toe HUT SHERBET CREAKS, 1009 Iba. PERSIAN Nt UAlt DATES, desirous of seats should make 7c per dozen d.-rt out this for cne the defendant's She als t olnlrcs all good bears supposition, new hill are In ssttkirs -y, to and 41 shop. 13c per tender moist cultivated fruit, tto pound KENNEDY'S MILK CRACKER*. line rta 1 Hat he tad secured that evlous tu this she had warcel early application. » tic declpbsred while the greater cumber of tbe ether p per pound be per pound a ai c.ok at u Icmter de'endant as rtell as ether pawnshop (JuKMAN'T MKKllYMAKKKS. EVAPORATED APPLES. position rasp. obsngis ere ameedments to conform CHOCOLATE NEEDHAMS. BAITY Ll'XCII BISC UIT, kts'.e s net tt receive anything brought the Eastern Northern He box with the three sretlocs, Tbe general re- A large sized eudlenoe attended 9c per dozen grown Snows, Spies per lor husband rs he didn't own a thing to wltnex and Greenings cured by the aidin pro- OYSTERS Ac lb—COMMONS, 4r doi well known at sult will be the Dividing of Ihe year ty by Portland Theatre hit evening Alptorso Hunt was a treatment, wl ich the In the world. Dr. Harmon at the ptes- cf a MALTED cess, preserves where he has lived several holding a law court in Argisti in Janu- Uormen’s Merrymakers, composed ALMONDS. Peeks Island, at At- natural flavor of the fresh apple. will take ont true Is In the Instne bcspltil lirst class cf artists, cf All sorts uf fish are salted and it's Us was arrested ary ef each year, which np the troupe specialty Snow 15c lessons with bis mother. the de- Apples, i>er pound DELICATESSEN. the gusts. She ntade a demand upon whlon the scti: so with almonds. We are now salting several bat was eas.s coining to that ouuit from fall following gave good Northern Spies, 15c per pound COD FISH for stealing years ago, Slid he* refuse 1 tv the of the Alhambra BALLS, fendant for the goods Mix Mabel the chubby meats 9c sentenoed for the offense. Later ha terms of the u.'sl price courts This will Russell, soprano singer, Greenings, per pound 20c dozen not Xbe defendant oleins variety which are the tei direst aud tbe other half of toe year for the I give thorn up. versstlle Charles Namrog, dsnolng CALIFORNIA PRUNES. FRIED SCAR BORO CLAMS, was arrested for and this leave trio; tastiest of the almoud stealing again vere n«t tre prope.ty of family. 9c dozen and June terms of the law court. I that tha goods and Merrill, time served a sentence In jail. May specialty; Cushing ln|the!r uOc per pound Choice grafted double cured Santa CLAM Mrs Harmon tut the proierty of her FRITTERS, We append art ions 89, 40 and 41 In comedy iketoh; and Fredo and Cuehlng, Claras, 4c per pouud and up 25c dozen J husband. Stuuuel L. B«tes fer tha plain- s rauleal who drew out raeny a SHRIMP SALADS, A KHKK SILVER SUBSTITUTE. full: team, SALTED PEA HITS, PRUNES A LA CORDIAL. tiff. D. A. Holier fi r t‘e de'endant. 15c order Bee. 39. For the purpoere of tie law good laugh. The event rf the evening brand new 75c box per 9Senator Jones | 12c Dtr pound (a thing) per BARLEY PIDUINU, Wsshiogt m.Fsbriay couit tie fctue shall constitute ole dis- from tho LINCOLN DAY EXERCISES AT waa the elide for life, made top 10c loaf cf Arkansas today latioduc d a frss »li- trict ihe seldom cf the court as a law DRV CURE CR VST A LI ZED GINGER per | of the to the stage. The ptr- MEDIUM PIC KLES, oourt shall be holden at Auguit r on the CITY HALL. gnlltr/ EHEMII HO AST ED PEANUTS, ver oricage substitute for the pending made by Chany Kong, Canton, China. Oc ! liret of January, at Uaogor on firmance will be riposte 1 this afternoon per quart 1 ill. Tbe sons!Lute provides iuesday Tbe Sunday afternoon exercises at H.UO f>c per quart In one pound scaled tins, RUAKER PEPPER RELISH, onrreruy tbo fourth iuesday of May and at Port- ind evening. from and after the cf this arc to be In the nature of a 7c per pint that pasrage land on tbe second iuesday of June tn o'ulook M REPP'S CANTON PRESERVED GINGER, HOME MADE KETCHUP, S net the mints of the United States sha’i each year A meeting of all tbs ju-tiers put riot to nnd military Sunday at City UKMMICATKD COCOANCT.I 19c ;i per pot lu nicklc screw 9o shall be held annually at Augusta during ooinmrmo- top pint bottles, be open to the coinage cf silver, and hall. The aerrloec are to be la ARMOUR AS A BRAKEMAN. 5c per packet the law tirm and all undecided quantoo* CROSSE 4c. BLACKWELL'S CANNED APPLES, 1 of Abr t- there stall be cUsed dollars cf the weight af l.m anM annlfv nmnlnngl* gllhm ration of the life and cervices GINGER CHIPS, I'neun- sno POUND PACKAOKS Sc per quart tin la The Millionaire's Brief and cf 413 1-1 troy cf s'ant'a d silver, than De decided. nam Lincoln. Ueneral C. P. Uauoets JA-VO-KA COEKKK. 14c box FRESH GROUND gintns shall reaeful Itnllroad Career. per 4 the act cf Janu- Bea. 4U. At least tin ilays before the be the of the oooaalon. The \\ HITE GRAHAM, 4 C*10 fine, at provldcl by to spanker Not a Rio berry in It—Java and Cl BA GUAVA JELLY. of each tarm of the taw the The lato (ieorge A. Sheldon, depot 2c and the mine terms sitting oouit, band 1* to farnl3h tbe per pound ary IS, 1837, upon of Ameiloau Cadet Mocha flavors, l-.'jC clerk of roait In the several oountles master of the Luke Shore station, who From Principe Alfonso, Havana, VERMONT DAIRY RI TTER, and subject to tbe Umlln Las ned pro- shall to tha alerk of atuclo, and Charlca (Honey) Johnson 14c box the Btita, oertlfy j died after 4U years of continuous service EXTRA LAUNDRY SOAP, per 25c per pound cf law tbs and all oases, In the so will reolla the “Soldier vlvloDt regulating cilcage suoh term, pending by request with the Lake Shore compauy, was a 10 bars for 22c A CAS OF BEST and ocurts In lei a' teuiler quality c f gold.” Tbe substi- preiue judicial superior i'rump.'' veritable of railroad Inci- Smoko BLOOD RED SALMON their marked law encyclopedia A O sil- respective counties, be rendered and tute a'sa provides that whenever the which Jaw Pali lotto selaotlcna ore to dent, and his well told tales If repented flood tie for tlL $ and all other mat tin of the PURE VEHMONT A CAN OF treas- voioea. the as ver coins shall be received Into lhe oouit baa ruaas In by the chorus of eewnty-llve in his own select phrase would rauk MAPLE W jurlsdlitlcn. exempt SYRUP, At the Cigar Counter. HITE MARROWFATPEAS. be Issued for them ill which or in proeesd- of the O. A. B. Belief classic literature. His narrations were ury cTtlhcates may sxoepttoas appeals mom ben Corps 20c per quart bottle t!Oc in hare been adjudged frivo- coufiucd to thus them the manner os prescribed by law. Ings equity and tlie various mllltatry oompaolea to actualities, giving lous and Intended fur delay; unn th«y was a con- hundred have la re- a real vnlne. He many years shall be entered on the docket of the (he number of three ductor. and among the beat of tbe inci- law court and shall, tug. t) e'l’wlth all ■ponee to lnvltatloos aent ont this weak No Exact Brigade Standard. dents be related is the following: other lunll-is therein pending he In order signified their intentloa to attend the is no absolute standard for the for dctirmlnctlou or oottlna- "One day there stepped aboard my Tliprc argument, of the of tha A PiSTOL. of services. Several clergy city a business TAKING AIM WITH If you use a cylinder pistol, strength of a brigade or division ance In the alphabetical order of counties. train well dressed, appearing CANDY STORE WAYS. weight. ats'sl the eor- for and Bee. 41 The clerks of court in the are alto to attend and la man who as he tendered bis fare re- then you must protect the finger from the troops such as there is the yard Pointing; (he Forefinger Finds (ho of counties of Kenuebeo, Penobscot end vices. Clerks Eat What They Want aa4 escaping powder fumes between the bar- for the pound. A brigade infantry, marked: Range Quickly nnd Accurately. Cumberland shall he the clerks of the a leath- be taken to mean a body ‘I see you are still ou the road, Mi. Don’t Get Tired of It. rel nud cylinder by wearing thick however, may the law comt held In their re- NKWB. When I was a man over 40 and twins of CLUB young years er of four battalions or 4.000 officers Sheldon.' There is an old story to the effect that linger guard. spective counties anu each shall, npon ago, shooting was one of my most A division is ot the Woman’s I am still at It.' I ‘but I pistol “If auy of your readers has never tried men, or a little over it. tta in*-no of a term thereof bolden The February meetiag 'I’m, replied, it is a custom in caudy stores to tell the adjourn admired sports, nnd 1 spent hours and of be will be of two such brigades and may be transmit to tits olerk of Union will be held tomorrow af- am not certain that I remember you, new clerk to eat nil the she wants, this method shooting, pleas- formed lu this county, Literary candy in to become proficient. For officers and men, all duokets with I think I have seen you before.' days practice antly surprised at the results accomplish- taken to number 8,500 the next term together ternoon at tbe Bine street oburcb. Tbe though the result being that she is soou surfeited usual documents In " em- a long time I followed the practice ed in a short but of course with three batteries of artillery sli exhibits and bis custody 'Yes, you have seen me before,' and wnnts no more for a time, system- together molting will be conducted by tbe Agoaals candy long over to oanasa. The duokets ‘and while of 'sighting'—that is, looking sights atic is to t *ome or IS guns; a squadron of cavalry, say, relating pending phasized the passenger, you time. The fact uppears to bo that sub- practice required profi- from Uni elub ond the will be "Solanos and ou the but one us of the law court shall ha made subject ... placed barrel, day L, a field of engi- OOUUllfBH UBTC lUIH'HiCU u nun kvass* cient.”— Washington Star. 140 men, and company ■ stantially there is no rule or custom in to time and kept as the oouit may dlreot. Koonomtoe." The ooramltlee In ohnrgs mauy would say, accidentally discovered 300 men.—London Telegraph. her that you once did me tbo greatest stores the of can- neers, say, The chief on la hts abosnoe the candy regarding eating to take aim without and to justloe j are Mr*. John A. Maoa, obalrmau, Mrs life. Come to seat when how sighting senior present stay allow the favor of my my dy by the sales people. It is of course WOMEN IN PERSIA. justice McUsoob and Mrs. Cbarlee shoot accurately in any position, and it Irish Advice. several olerks for attendance, nit exceed- W. Stanley you get time, and I’ll toil you about it.’ required that they shr.ll not eat candy in came about in this way. 1 saw a red Are Wo Word* For Wife and “Never be critical upon rne iaaies ing two and one-half dollars pgr day, and hi. Stoddard. "When 1 bad linisbed collecting fares, 1 the of customers. It be There presence might a short distance dowu re- s for and be squirrel away, by Home In That Langnagr. was tlio maxim of an old Irish peer reasonable compensation muklng Tbs Samaritan association has reoelved dropped into the stranger's seat, that a new clerk who possible developed the side of a mother be- to the sox. dockets, which shall be paid by the State, I was four fence, aud, my the wo- murkable for his homage 1103 from the estate of tha Into Freeman continued: ‘Years ago days an inordinate fondness for would Life is sud in Persia, especially lint, do fee shell he charged._ l candy entry brukemau abotftd your trnin. At the Tte la*# of Ulani allows effeh •^iW^aol shall take eUsd flPMkbtr tirvenougb. but as it was concealed in the took mo aside nearly wives, llis wives ho fit and all actions then end of the four days you told when they begin work that they may muu to have four — first, niou, pending Tha masting at tha Cosmopoli- she could not see so I ‘Now to his regular tone grass it, said, word "bosh” is of a pretty woman is shut eyes. before the law suurt In the several dis- and remarked in a of sympathy: or may not eat ia said may divorce at will. Our tan elub was bald Thursday with Mrs. candy. Nothing look along my finger,' at the sarno time tricts as now constituted trans- •I‘m sorry to have to tell you so, but the the Turkish word by which a Moslem di- Collier’s Weekly. •hallfb* about that at all, and they do as they of Charles Huberts, Ernei y street Literature too much of pointing with the index finger my right he ferred to the dooket of said ooart as here- fact la, young man. you are about It and eat what vorces his wife. It doesn’t count If please they want, as looked established. was tha to for tha afternoon. Tha olub hand, aud she, requested, along said the Cannel coal was once used as a snbstl- in top a fool to ever make a good railroader. it is to be says it ouly once or twice, but if governing themselves, presum- as would in a can be cut into Invitation vlslsad tha custom house and I took your iny linger you sighting pis- the woman must and there t»te for candles because it by Take my advice quit.’ ed, discretion and common sense. third time go, by tol, when she 'You are point- and burns with a clear later entertained on tha Parisian into other business, and remarked, is no recourse. There are no words for blocks or strips BKTTLKD OUT OF COURT. and warn advice and went It was ulso the common testimony that I ing directly at it.’ flame. Its real name is caudle the result is I made a fair fortune. do not tired of wife and home in Persia. There are no yellow people get candy by being “I it as The slander suit of William A. Kolarts H1VUHTOB PAB1TKS. for wise immediately caught by inspira- and few wives. It is curious to coal. thank you, Mr. Sheldon, your always in the midst of it, and this seems hoine9 _ of Bkhieford A. or tion that there was something worth re- against Ueorge Qnpill A society whist club oomposed of counsel.’ to alike to those in hear a handsome woman say, “I have linen was apply engaged the and the next I the The art of starching brought entered for trial at the rseent ’’ namcT I asked. memberiug, day put husband if he marries another Portland, twenty-rour members enjryed n suppar ’What is your manufacture of candy and the handling told my iato England in 1583 by a Flemish worn- idea into practice and soon found myself shall and 1 intend to teem of lha York county supreme eeurt. social with wblat at Hirer ’Phil D. Armour of Chicago,’ replied of it wholesale and to the clerks en- wife I poison him, and erasing by an expert in accuracy. The method I teen the lee. The ex-brokeman, ‘and I shall always re- constant actual of do it.” Or to ask a woman about her has settled by pari tun last This a my gaged in the handling nursued was this: 1 used a simile barrel avealng. evening parly hnma Ii nn.l th» fliwnvr: “I.OVP RlT member your kindness. I was a stupid sale of It at retail. Those amount paid Is said to have been |U0. of from the ofhoe of the Araonr candy In the of fair and and, twenty advised me for my pistol weight length, husband? I lore him. I love him railroader, and you who are fond of cundy, men as well as Ob, yea, Mr, Roberts, than a candidate for the Beef Commercial street are to grasping the stock firmly in the hand, company, the as much as a sieve holds water." good.’ women, are not surfeited by sight of used the second on the Demoexatlo congressional nomination, a and social nt tha Shel- linger trigger, the Moslem women—and enjoy suppar evening “Until this interview,” added Mr. it in constantly surrounding In the cities was arrested last summer, on quantities placing the ludex finger along the side of complaint that Philip D. 1 .1_ a :. 1.__ J ....,1. Ik.. L- nm all but about GO,OUO or so of the 4,000,- part. don, “I never suspected the barrel aud used that for at of Mr. the being embez- brakemnn I pointing 000 women of the land are Moslems—nev- Unpttll, obarge Armour, the packer, was the the same aud HUMINAHY KKCKPTION. liking it just enjoy eating the mark, it taking the place of sighting. zlement of certain funds entrusted to his before.”—Adrian (Mich.) it. er apiMM&r in public save dressed in black discharged years what they want of 1 soon found by practice that l could a and the out nas In the starting of a newspaper by Thu mll-wlnter dance and Detroit News. men or women like can- heavily veiled, eyes looking rece[tlon Cor. As to whether shoot from any position if 1 could only fRAIN’0THE FOOD DRINK a small meshed space of the stock Mr. Roberta stood t ill of tbe students tf Westbrook Seminary was some difference in through company. dy better there get a chance to point my finger at the sgh bell last at Ball sad Cancer. veil. Custom, fear of roeu and not mod- and was acquit tad. lha civil suit just seeing Ucegg Meat the expressed opinion. At some places it mark. well at- this dress. The wom- Grain-O is not a stimu- Peering Centre the affair being how far the Increase of aud women liked can- esty impose poorer brought was the outoome of that sffslr. The question wag said that men •To assist me in holding by finger di- tended and much enjoyed by all civilised en or the women in the villages wear no like coffee. It is a cancer among the more highly dy equally well. It wna said, for in- rectly In line with the bore of the barrel lant, so marked veils, or throw the veils buck and leave nntlons, which baa appeared stance, that in a little company of men until I familiar with it I fastened a got their faces unless now and and its effects are POLIOK COURT. is caused by tbo men uncovered, tonic during recent years, and women eatiug candy the would or for the the eaten loop guide linger alongside then in a way draw a of meat which is women. At one coquettish they The session of the Mnnielpal oouit Fri- greater quantity eat as much as the place barrel, but I only required this a short permanent. countries is a matter of fold of the dress across the mouth. In prosperous where the opinion was expressed that time. The idea is that if you day morning was a long but not Import- point your Ihe fire or Guebrcs are but A successful substitute iOEEGHAJMrSl considerable interest. That man is do uot like worshipers very men, take them altogether, index linger at auy object you will find ant one. may be taken few in Persia uow, though it is the land by nature not a vegetarian candy so well as women do it was said the and will for because it has Marcus on rauge accurately, practice of their but their women can be coffee, O’Hara and Martin Leyden, certain, but it is also certain was origin, PILLS as pretty that if a man was fond of candy he to gun j meat improve your ability point your out at once in Teherau or in the the coffee flavor that al- chargee of lotoxlca'lon, were eonvleted. been the fun-1 > aa the result of hard necessity so that he picked tor many year* popular that likely to be very fond of it, where you want to place the shot. eentenotd medicine wherever the English language • in times been to him few cities where they are fouud by theif O’Uara was to thirty days In lly has generally past eat a of it at a time. It most likes. without a > might quantity “This is one of the great secrets in rap- everybody la spoken, and they now atand nnd has but rarely found a pre- dress. Outside of Teherau is the tower jail and Leyden wee lined S3 and eoete. Disorders, a luxury was said that arnoug children for rival (or Ullious and Nervous with everywhere id aud accurate pistol shooting, yon of neither in Lots of coffee substi- Sick Headache, element In his diet. But for Silence, where, believing Hugh J. Murphy from Blddstord woe Wind, Pain in the Stomach. ponderating and girls are alike in their love can take aim us as cau ■ boys quickly you point Fulness after meals. Dimness. Drowsiness, and with the greater case with cremation nor in burial, the tire worship- tutes in but lined f3 and oneta for Intoxication, as These prosperity caudy, but taking into account expres- your und it does not require rais- I the market, illare> Owtlveocss and Sallow Complexion, can now be obtamed finger, ers expose their dead. From the hillside which uuimal food as us of all arise from a disordered or sions of outside the business the arm. Let the arm rest the waa also Cor sell Donovan Kden. I aflicdmia meat people iug by it looks out In solemn stillness over the one food the stomach and liver, wo And whole nations falling upon | ©nly drink— J abused coadttiou of well as of those in it the weight of opin- side of the bend the Joseph Bishop waa given thirty days as will of their body, elbow, poiut dead eveu as the dead of > ibwhsmS Bills, taken directed, as a uecessary ingredient daily | broad, plain, • ion seemed to be that among grown per- I have an Grain-O. for intoxication and a aentenoe * quickly restore Females to complete health, your finger, and you accurate this look In solemn still- suspended diet, and In the very nations among l dying people up + They remove any obstruction or suns there are more women w’ith a sweet aim This ie one of the of waa also forward. promptly la most noticeable we by practice. only ness from their ghastly burial place to thirty days brought of the syalam. <• whom this change that men All lie. tad S50> * irregularity tooth than meu—that is to say, many positions, but gives an idea how It R grocers ; Thomas was eentenoed to thirty cancer shows the greatest the unanswering sky.—Hubert Speer Foley and 23 at ad stares, are told that are so fond of as women.— J 10 casts casts, drag \ [ uot caudy is done. 1 prefer a single ahot pistol that in Leslie's Monthly. day t In j ill for lntoxloation. increase.—Hospital. I New York San. pulls fairly easy and la of good, fair TO LIT. «■ SUNDAY SERVICES. Wear E»d Mrthodist Episcopal Cnrnrn _worn mfc_ NATIONAL GUARD. — Rot. H. E. Duunack. pastor. Residence SO REPUBLICAN CAUCUSES. Forty w«rA* lawrtvd Frederic street. At 10.80 a. tn. Demon. Subject. Forty word* Inwrtrd wader thla head water this Horn* "The of At aebool. week for M ewek la »dvaace Ciy Love.” Bandar •■a week for 99 rent*, cash la advance. eeats, I If otic*-Church notices are published free At 13 m. I'sstor’i Bible o ass. At Junior C*«*«»t4 Wmm Bp. The of herein- Ck»|n lit The League meellng. At AM p. m. League Hapnbltoana Portland, as an accommodation to the churches. Ipworth HALF.-16 H. pTboller. 12 prater meeilnx. At 7.3B p. m. Rerlrel meeting: tenement, 3S Grant Bt..! H.|P. engine, after are notified to meet In ■oasc.4, shers that be sent to the LET—Upstairs I^OR16 11 vhaftlng, lot hanver*. belt- designated. publ request they sermon the pastor. 8 "The Curie ol next to comer of State fit. first class rai t puil*ys, by bje t, ing, rrfio ft, 1 t-*j and 11-4 inch all fix first eaocua In their ward rooms, on office by 6.00 p. m. on the day before publlea* Indecision,” and • bsshias hath and pipe; reepeotlre neighbor hood, rooms, cUm condition, been u«od uo to this date; must as p.intr>,lkundrv. steam beat, very sunny rent, Palmary Slat, A. U K00. at tion, written legibly and as briefly possible moved at once; will take best offer. Wrdnsaday, A DJUTANX-UBNK AL’S OFF1UK. all modern Improvements, anyone desiring such notices are not received or corrected by A F FA IKS ON CJL'AM ISLAND MKWKH TOOL CO., 63 Exchange fit. *1 • o'clock p. m, to select lire CalegUse a good house will be satisfied with this. L. M. faeneral Orders, No. 4. telephone. LEIGHTON. No. M Exchange form each ward to attend the Uepoblloan Si._10-1 HALF—At a bargain, stnjle o room. Commissions war* learn I Id Decem- All 80(711'CltnwM (Slovens Plains Ave!, n-w held In 1. RENT—Apartments, tr. fl rooms: FOR home, never occupied, at Coyle Park, Mtate Contention to be olty ball, fol- Rev. H. 0. Davis, Preaching service at Am from May, b r, lbU'J. and January, lWO, to tho pastor. Interesting Hepert Capt. FOR*/o Port bind. s rooms; ha Wllmot, 9 rooms all modern conveniences, nijh lot, sewerage on April 10.46 a.m. Hunday school at 12.16 p.m. Y. snd first view from Lewiston, Maine, Wednesday, lowing offloera: it the Oovrrnor. hath; 104 Mruckett, bouse, 11 rooms; 170, class, plax/.a Unsurpassed, will P. C. U. 7.16 p. m. A1 are welcome. Leery 7 be sold with small balance 11 1S00, at 11 o'alook a. m.. for the »IKBT INFANTHT. flat rooms, both, steam beat; 99 Eastern very payment down, Vb, A. M. R. Zion Miaaion. Rve. W. H. Single- Promenade, house with sta:«ble. Particulars as rent. Term# very leasouaMs. L. M. for purpose of aeleotiag all oaadldatea Sergeant Liter A. Partridge, Pint ton, pastor, I.ovefeast at 10.46 a. m. Holy Real EsUte office, First Na< tonal Bank Build- LKIOHTON. 63 Exchange street. 10-1 Communion 3.80 m. at 7.46 n. m. niKDKItl' K g. elector a of President and V loe President of Lieutenant, Co. K., eommlealuoed De- p. Preaching (Washington Star.) l'.g. VAII.I. Rev. W. J. Smith of Cambridge, Mas.s Ail _IM_ HALE—Handsome ease of birds for sale. e-at- wiabar 15, 1899. to rank from November by here la FORCase oontains one hundred tbe Uul'ed Stales, and foor delegate are Ins Red. The latest offlaial news reoslved rro I.RT-Drik room, with prlvato offlro, birds all aught 20, 1809. vloe Flrat LLnteoant C, Hart * and within ten miles of Portland. Worth wl.l four altarnatea to attend the South Portland. to the oondlUoa of affalra In typewrlur rault. ROOM a*. Klrai $100; large and Blaoklngtan, resigned anl honorably Hktiiany COHO. Chuhch, regard National Bank. lake less. Inquire *t2i QXKOHO ST. 9-1 Contention to be Rev. E. H. Newcomb, pastor. Preaohlng 2.30 the mld-PaelQo of the _ai Rational iiepubilean discharged. welcome. it Uuam, peeeerslon and 7 p. m. Ail are LET—A fquare room on first flopr HALE-Elegant home of 9 rooms and on Second Llautmant William J. WI lean, Fore street-Rev. United yta contained In n report f|H> large held at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Bfthrl Church, 286 tea, * with also a small room 24 fj'olthath. 4 bay wiudows, fine steam December 108 ^s board; piazza, also to seleol lira Co K., oomaalraloned 15, 18U9, Francis South worth, pastor. Residence of the PEERING I heat, hot end cold water, modern Tuesday, June 111, 1BOO; 3 and Just teoslred ny tho Secretary plumbing, of rank from L'eorraber 8, 1809, vloe Flrit Newbury street. Services at 10.80 A m.. STREET._P stable. 12.000 feci land, half mtie from Monu- eaeb ward to attend the In the afternoon. from K. P. United delegates from Lieutenant Clement M. Ulvaen, honora- p. m. Preaching service Nary, Oapt. Leiry. LE ABE for a term of years, lot number 5 ment Hqiinro. street cars every 5 a if minutes, Conten- Ibe recommendation A11 are welcome. H la tee of Unnm. The TO to M Plum St., frontage on Plum St.. M forced s.tle at $40no; cost gf&'ti only 5 years ago. Portland Uapoblloan Mayoralty bly discharged upon navy, gofernot feet, W Tttr with a of M feet, light oti three sides and H. WALDRON Si CO., I so Middle Ht. »1 a oan- of a Board of CHrnrii or Messiah. (Unlversallst)— depth tion (or tbe purpose of nominating Inquiry report la dated Uovernmaat House, a on the south side In addition to Private William K Flrat Lieu- corner Congress and India sts. Rev. John M. drive-way three female oandt Orove, at 10.80 a. in. and December and la Plum street frontage. I will build a three or HAI.E- l>eerlng Avenue. Fessenden date for May or, and Atwood, pastor. t-ertlaee Agana, Unnm, L. I., 7, *•pOR Co. C. commissioned lieoember wants of rant, new nine tenant, 7. 0 m. ‘Divine Providence four story brick building to suit owcr, elevator, etc., provided I can lights, baths, eto. Price only lease whole or a for a term of 93,600. Easy terms. DALTON St 63 Kx- bard, resigned nod hoi orably discharged. Y. P. C. U 6 p. m. Y. P. C. U. 6.16 p. m. All be the part years. CO., ward aa follows, to wlti One Alderman, typhoid fersr ashore seems to waning Wt, »l change a-i WBIrrl C. Pooh r, Second Lieutenant, are Invited. ELIAS THOMAS, 184' n Wards 1, 3, 4 6 and to rank frim Uctot* r II, 1800, vloe Bio- Ust.) Rev. Dr. Blanchard, pastor. of tui men now In the hospital doing gant houses directly on car Hue. 10.80 A m. The pastor till officiate. Hunday modern convenience member of the School ond 1 l-uteuant Mirrvn Ap Bite, ra and that there have been no deathe WE TEST EYES Every prices range Irons 8, a eandldata for school at 12 m. Junior ¥. P. C. U. at 6 p. m. well, i.’.soo to and terms limed end dirdiarjed. 94,.vx) are right and easy. Committee; also to select for eaeb ward bonrrably Y. P. U. 7.30 p. m. la the command tinea tbs three already Free of charge. We have the largest stock oI Dcertng 1 roperty Is booming remember. 1 rirata Cecil Hooke, Beoond Ilmten- DALTON Si Brown’s Block, 637 Congress im- Lye Glasses ana In the solid CO.. 63 Exchange Ht. !»-l fire tnemb re of tbe Kepublioan City nnt, Co. oommli. lined livenbt r 15, Christ Science, reported, bat unfortunately at this Spectacles city, F, st. Service 7.8o n. m; Miss L. R. Cilld- Gold. Gold Filled. Aluminum and Nlckte frjm Sunday the machine HALE-No. 367 Forest Commit to for the enralng year. 18.’0, to rank November 30, 1800, All are welcome. tf portant period Yoeemltas loo Frames. We guarantee a fit. Our Avenue. Wood" den, speaker perfect house has m rim Second Lieutenant Ben In D. are the lowest, our glasses the F’ORfords, rooms and 10,000 feet of will be at four o'clock Jan or CRBtsT. Scientist Services In Is atatn out of commission, and ths sick best, Tbe polls op?n dl<- Church IcKENNEY 1IIE Monument land and will be sold at once for finoo: only Bavage, railgned and bonarably the New Jerusalem High St., at 8 p. m. Brices OPTICIAN. and will lemaln open until nine o'oloek church, ars crying for I os. Square. J*n2ddtf •.too down, hslanee 91S per month pays for ir. obrrged. Subject, -Mind.” Wednesdav evening mecllug Remember It's on Forest Avenue. hays to sseors an L__ DAl.fuN m and for auob further time as any H. rresnt Burton K. Kannarl, S’eoond at 7.«6. Seats free. Allure welcome. Ws bssn nbls addi- Si 63 Ht. p. LET—Rooms and board at the RAY- CO., Exchange 9-1 Ida itenant, Co. A, ocmtrle toaod De- Conor f as St. M. E. Church-Rev. W. 8. tional foioa of native laborers to work caucus may rote. TO MOND HOUSE, r.) Free Bt., by the dav or BALK OR KXCIlANOE-Fl >e eem b* r to rank frjm Decem- Devotional meeting 0.30 a m. traveling the 16, 1800, Bovard, pastor. on the sewer and tbs work Is week; also meal tickets. 1jH>Routfit. Plc&san'. sure anl A check Hat prepared by Keepubll- Beoond Liiurenant at Am. at ditches, pro- _H easy, largo ber 7, 15t9. tloa Harry Sunday school 10.80 Preaching profits; also fine magic lantern outfit, si de, live be ueed In each 3 m. the Kev. C. C. Whldden.” At 6.hO p. so as Is tbal of the WAWTKTX ean City Committee will H. Sawyir. dlthoncribly dltebergad by p. by gressing favorably, topics, everything complete. Fortune for one m. Junior Endeavor meeting. At 7.3>» p. m. whose name has la. O. No. IS. A. «. O, airlaa 1800. evaporating that I have directed ■A corner rooms to let. furnished or unfur- or two live usen; also acetylene gas outfit. mud, and nny person Rev. C. C. Whidden. :A11 are wel- plant, buy 100 M. feet two Inch the recommendatlun of a Board preaching by WANTED—To nished. with or without also first class Success guaranteed. Address BOX lif, Kuight- thereon as a upon Lieut. to bo ready to to "* beech or NKw hoard; not been marked Itepubll- come. Leopold prooeed birch, maple p'ank. table corner of K>m H-g of Me. hoard at 307 Cumberland, vllle._ In this call and will Inquiry. First Pariah Church—(Unitarian! Con- Manila In the first vssssl that touohea ENGLAND FURNITURE Ct5., Detrtng. references MRS. COLWEi-L. oan, Is not Included lborean T. HUeout, Seoond 10 1 street, required. Sergeant street. Rev. John C. Perkins, i»Astor. BALK—A ear load of horses, welshing or take oomm Iseluned gress at this aa bis work la now suffi- not be allowed to role any part 1 i lutenant. Co K, De- at 10.80. school at port, Ij'ORfrom 1000 to some extra Morning service Sunday single tnan wishes io hire an 170 Its., good ne mb. r 15, 1890, to rank from December m. for own fores t» WANTED—A"" LET—Detached house of eleven rroms matched also several soemid In said esuoos. 12 ciently prt Jeoted oar unfurnished room In western pirt of city. pairs: band alia SYoond Li-utnant William TO and bath, six rooms, steam heat, horses. J. A. Cumberland MUD. be the 8,1801, Furr. Church. Preaching at 10.46 a m and oonttnue It Boa sleeping TKAFTON, Said check lists will sreriOad by rapidly and affislently. 1M7-_ _KM_ slate tub, cemented cellar, large J. W1 son, | romotrd Unit ll-uteuant, 7.3o p. m. Sunday school at close of morning Address^G., open fireplace, T 1 committees and all errors “I will take tbta to com yard, sun all dav. centrally located on Oak Hr., reepeotlre ward Co. C, commir-ioned Deciubir 15, 1800, service ;Y. P. S. C. K. meeting 0.16 p. m. Week- opportunity nARTNKR for eniplovment ofnce. estab* I or near street. For price and particu- 124 Pleasant street, be- the will to rank fro required, or won d sell, rent lars Inqu of HKNUY B. 1 RICKEY. nelgbor- ond lliaitenant Chari, t. A. re- t Irst Methodist Episcopal hurch. South performed hood and verv about L* 600 be corrected to said Doyle, reasonable, come at once. MRS. ORA A. hauge sunny, comprising upon application Wav If A loitli natlnr' rt>4t!«’<> ewuiun, lor HU vni, eumid kiiu fnnr,;, street._7-1 hUned and bonorably dlMheregrd. t-otv .i.i...... u. it... feet of laud. ICO feet on street, with home 14 nuru v>uiu iu mm 1.30 m. Preach- deter mrca, Sergeant Jlmotby A. Seaton. Second 6 Evans st Sunday school p. and especially (or bla oourageous fftO LF.T-Larce pleassnt front rooms with rooms, bath and laundry, stable, carrlag-i at Read oommiselanail Janu- ing service at 2.30. Kpworth league 6.80. Gen- mlnatlon to overcome obtaolee and utilize _10 1_ I. alcove, furnished or unfurnished, steam hniupl Mild i».inl**n: will Iim «nld for '>««« than for that purporo Republloan LI mtennnt, Co £, m. All are weW eral social service at 7.30 p. all resources svallsble or bast Is heat and bath. Inquire at 34 FINK. ST. 6-i valuation. Apply to M. H. FOSTER. Brown 537 Con- ary 18, 1900, to rank from January IP, tf possible procur- desiert, which jelly _7-1^ Room 8, blook, coe. sugar, r. quarters, monies r, able for a auooesofnl tcrmlnatlcn of the WANTED—Theonn. M.vlo In a minute without HALF.—The house and lot k ionn as the 7.30 to 0 r.w, VIM beoouu uududi Oak street. Fllhon R- ROOMS, furnished or unfur- gress street, Portland, from Fmiends' Church, dlllloalt task to him. flavors, lemon, orange, raspberry, strawberry, 1jK)R•Turingtou property” nt the corner of bhelvay, if signed and honorably dis- assigned or en from 75c to and Purdy,pastor. Morning service at 10.80. Sunday wild cherry and ea fsfooL Hold by grocers and DESIRABLEnished, single suite, Main and Stroudwater streets. Westbrook. o'olook In tbe evening, of tbe lWh Endeavor “1 regret that Lieut. Leopold was aot at 30 BT. 6-1 charged. school at 12 m. Junior Christian general st«»re«. For quality and economy no $8 00, OAK lot and n modern ltou-e. ordered to at thla station or as chief I.arge comparatively 2 jtb of February, and at any time prior NAVAL KESKKViuS. meeting 8.80 p.m. Intermediate Christian En- daty fine. of W. W. CUTTER. 7 3 the whioh equal._Try lb_Is _8T LET—Lower rent 5 ro»ms. No. 25 Orange Inquire but deavor meeting 3.30 p. in. Evening Social ser- eoglner of YosamlU, eeteel 1* rjpo to 3 o'clock on tbe day of tbe osucna, M. Fig** low, l.l^atenant fir*- tf well known, In- A afreet. Upper and lower lent. 5 rooms Harry vice 7.30. without a stugle competent engine tr WANTKD-A good paying. PAPERS FOB 8Al.K-About kind will bo maae oommissionod vv busmens In Portland: would each. No. 17 Hummer. Lower rent No. «o no corrections of any Division, January IS, 1UC0, First Church or Christ. Scientist, 484V% officer, alnoe by 's order creasing 20 volumes of the Srlentiflc American, like a active or silent wiib capital, safe Anderson, 5 room". Apply to WILLIAM II. SCIENTIFIC to rank from January 2, 1100. street, Preble House. Servi- Lieut. Nulton, the ollloer partner bound and unbound, dating from near Its com- nltjr tbe bour above mentioned, provided Congress opposite only engineer mvesiment. letters confidential. Address BOX WILLARD, No. 1M 1-2 Middle St. 5-1 George K Stovers Lieutenant junior ces. at 10.30 a. in. Children's Sundav school at attached to the was relieved from mencement, and In good condition; also that who register on Monday ship, 1615, Republicans grade, hi at Lhisiiu, commissiu.ol Jan- c ose of morning service. Experience meetings duty Id that department and ordered to City._6-1 Patent office Reports fiom I860 to 1 ; ni to, and on the uary rank from 7 Wednesday at 7.46 n. m. t. f. reasonable offer relused. G. I- HAILEY. .0.1 and Tuesday previous is, 11.00, to January duty ae a line officer, and although Lieut WANTED—Good farm, near city. Will give Church, the "» In fine ball and tenemonl. CLOCK WON’T GO. Middle street 6-1 of the cauous, and whose names have 1100 First FreeBaptibt opposite Nnlton’s presence as au advisor exchange store, day Public Rev. Lewis Malvern, pastor. expert In two hours drive from Portland. Kverett EosUu Fi»sk. Li ision Library. be does not relieve good village, Send or It to us. We do the not been marked on said list may vote U.Foully, at 10 80. school at 12 may vsry gratifying, It make No Incum- postal bring only LAMB'S KBFOMA cures Krysipeloa, to rank Morning service Sunday Chance to good easy living. of and have ma le a of It commissioned January IS, 110J, tf the loexperlenoed officer of any reeponal- to best work, specialty nil.Scrofula, Eczema. Salt Rheum and all of satisfactory evldenoe m. Evening service 7.So. brance ; also good city property exchange. work warranted. McKKNNKY upon presentation Irom January 2.. U0J for the oare and of the for years. All disease* of the akin. Dr. Lamb was a graduate corner of WUmot blllty preservation Address BOX 12, KnfghlvHIc. have and after satlo- First Baptist Church, _8-2 'I Ilk Monument Square. Janaedtf, of Harvard Mrs. Lamb m tier- that they registered 10.30 m. engine and Its s. nor ot University. CASUALTIES. andl Congress Nts.—Preaching at a. appuitenano> terrible stands the medicines and sells them since her that are WANTED-All sufferers from that 'I’O LET—First class upstairs Rat. Emery, the Ward Committee they by Rev. F. G. Me Keener of New London. Sun- blame for possible acoldent or Injury re- husband's death at fylng "v disease asthma, to send their address to t corner l lor Ht.. 8 rooms, besides bath 337 CONGRESS 8*1. Not FIRST INFANTRY. day school at 12 m. Evening service at 7.30. sulting from the latter offloer’s ay sold Republicans. Inexpert- BOX Gflf. Portland. Me., and learn of something and c >al on same floor, cold storage, by druggist*. 6-1 Baptist Jo- ODOM- their pantry, see h i Li'utennut Thomes F. AleGi’li- Frf.r Street Church—Rev. for which thoy will be grateful the rest of hot and cold water, sun absolutely all All HepnDlloans are requested to laundry, SALE —I he only available lot of land seph Kenuard Wilson. L>. !>.. pastor. Preaching "The guard of the Yoeemlts la la no better rent and location to be found. marked cuddy, Co. K, expiration of terai of 8»r- lives.__7-2 day, fiORon the Western Promena le, located be- that their names are correctly at 10.80 a. in. *ii*l 7.30 p. m. by the pastor. charge of a sergeant. as Llsut. Andrrs- U M. LEIGHTON, 53 Exchange St. 10 1 v loe, October 0. 1890. at 12 in. Y. P. 8. E. fl.30 a Welsbach 15c, 25c; burn- tween the residences of Messer*. artland and anil take Sunday school C. p. en's services were needed on and GENTS mantles. this and to be Mi ** shore, No. 20 Ahoa open list, present Second Li 'Utormiit MiTiim J. sin, nt.Evening sermon, ‘My Faith looks to Thee:’ ers toe; combinations tic; conopies 6c. RENT-Two story frame bouse. Conley. first-class furnished cottage, Lieut. U. B. M. who stable and at In their respective ward rauouses. Co K ooainissiin vacated by acoeptanre the Fong of the ITplook. third In the aeries Woog, <1, appears Send 10c for licensed mantle and catalogue. IjlORprospect street; ten rooms, sunny expo- land Wiliard Roach. Apply part to be only a ollloer at thla 71 Park Place. N. Y. M sure; Immediate BENJAMIN to TRUE BROS., No. 834 Fore street. 31-tf east In ward of coujnii.**sl m rs Mrs: lieutenant. De- on "Old Hymns and their Blessed Meanlinrs.” temporary VANllor i KN. possession. A plurality of voles any station, has Joined the battalion, making SHAW & CO.. f»l 1-2 Exchange street. 3-1 cember 16, 1*90. First Presbyterian Church—Cor. Park cottage lats and canons will be to nominate can- three officers ashore, vlx., WANTED—To a medium sized, SALE—Magnificent requited II. Leaves of atsmoe have Lein grant- and Pleasant Streets. Hunday school at 2 p. m. only duty purchase SOB RENT—Store No. 253 Middle street. FORnew cottages at Ottawa Park, (Cliff Cot- v v convenient, detached house, in for olHoe, follows: *t 3 by Rev. C. C. Phelan of West- Lleuts. Carpenter. Andressen and Woog, compact, I Possession given April 1st, I'.hn). For tage ) on ( ape electric line, near didates tdrs Preaching western of city, flood lot and surround- Property brook ; address at 7.30 by Mrs. A. K. Trafton: ssjCapt. Ingate baa Just bten under the part terms apply to 1>. F. EMEKY Jr.. First Nat- ( asiuo. Some o! Urn auvautage* are good To accommodate those residing In the I iiQtennnt-CoIonel John M. Gliidcn to $8,600 BENJAMIN Cape "Two Foundations.” Heats f ce. All knife and will be on the elok ings; price $7,600 ional Bank Building or W. M. BRADLEY, 188 streets, excellent car * water, A i on tbe s'afT of the Uov- subject. surgeon’s Hit AW At 61 12 St.6-1 service, Scb.ig of Island Ward 1 and Is- le-dv-Cainp are welcome. CO., Exchange Middle electric fine to date restaurant voting prectnota one list for a while, and (Japt. Bussell hat street.__feb3dtf light*. beech, up treor and Coiuraand-r-ln-Cfcief for the only destia’de no oauous for Island Ward Gospel Mission— Rev. 8. F. Pearson, pas- unit Is to bs sent to the WANTED—Burnham’s beef, wine and Iron ORE TO LET-At 2«7 street on) grounds, parties, land Ward 2, the from October 7. wi*h pel mis been surveyed Congress Ap- year 1893, tor. Rev. II. F. Dexter, assistant At at or or half SI to A M EH N N1N G11A 277 Cou- cheap cottages, every tiling strictly *jrst class. and for for tbe pastor. hrenltsl at Yokohama. your druggists grocers, pints ply J CU M, 1 will be held at Long Island, si in to leave the Ur 1 ted States a. m. Conse ration service. At 1.30 m. trade In stock at Prices and plan* at our office. DALTON & ('()., 10.30 p. “Tbe llrutus boa 1 GOO tons of coal In pints. H.irgain cases for the greas A—Mdtl at four of la Europe and tbe school and Bible classes. At 3 p. in. II. 8. Melcher f Patrick a Co., street._ 63 Kxchage Island Ward 3 at Peaks Island, traveling Sunday Co.’s, onant, rents in In street._Jan^’.dtf At 7 m. service cargo, and tbe Yosvmlte will eoon require A Pen LET-Knur elegant Dcrrmg. turpesjII8 V Union meeting. p ( has. McLaughlin Ac Co.. Cook, Everett r|H> store in m. on the temperance exhanet tbe A Ik*st residential section, steam heat, lights, HALE—The only drug tlnlving o'olook p. day appointed. I imtenant-CoKmel John D. Piloda- of song and praise. A t s p. m. preaching by the 8(0 tons, which will nearly Dell, and Jobbers generally. 6-1 bells, architects plans between two car lines, I^OBmatnifacturlrg village whh large surround- official ballot to be used at tbe eev- of tbe pastor. All are welcome. cargo of the Brutus. The bie, A i le-de-Carup on the stall everything u„ to date and houses are new, ing country to draw irmn. good fixtures, small, Mission corner Pearl snd Lin- servloeon shore who wants a new clean eral cauousts will be aud print- Governor and Commauder-ia-Cbl *f for Gospel Cliapel, "IheThanksgiving day WANTED—Everyone never occupied. Will rent low if taken at stock, low pilcc Address DRUG STORE, prepared in. service. At /.15 ebnrob waa a vv house tu Portland or Its suburbs to see us tweotr Irt 190U. coln *H. At so.30 a. praise at tbe Homan Catholic once. Look at them before you settle any- Box 1667. Committee days from Januaiy several new houses which we _nor27-tf ed by the Republloan City p.m. Children's servlee.euslk talk for young and great sc cease, and was attended by a at once; we have where. DALTON, f»3 Exchange AU 25-tf liy oruer of the Commander-In-Chief lc service. At will sell low on terras, or will exchange SA I.E— Magnificent double house, names of candidates old. At 3 p. m. special SvnngeUs than has ever before easy (every- and will contain tbe larger congregation this Is House 140 Pine street. Posses- EK)K on JOHN T. RICHARDS, 7.30 n. in. spec la service for Christian Workers for good collateral; no fair offer refused; .''OR RENT thing entirely separate ) Brown sireet- been witnessed In thle island, ths interior At for delegates to the several conventions Adjutant-Ueneial and the unsaved. Ah are welcome. tf your chance. DALTON At CO. 63 Exchange I sion given Immediately. Enquire PORT- (now Norwood street.' Deerlug, open fire- of tbe oburoh being packed In every avail- street JuneOdti LAND HAVINGS BANK. S3 Exchange street. steam beat, sunnv. oflioer*. The names Hioh Street Church—Rev. W. II. Fenn. places. piazzas, bays, very and all other ward able while outside the who 1-11 near two hues of electrics, a modern house In D. D..pastor. Morning service at 10.30. Lec- place, people of candidates fur said delegates and ward THE HOME. conic aot tn tbe door were fifteen every respect, architects plans and built by tbo ture at 7.30 p. m. on "Living by the Heart.” get O LET--Summer visitors take notice the »’|■ day; you can live In one rent and let the other be these ballots rows deep, and tbe entire assemblage Hatne House is located 60 Spring offioiri will placed upon M. E. Church. J. A. Corcv.pastor. centrally for $300 year; look It over; call afternoons, Knlgbtville " to erlnoe a earned and street, cor. OAK, rooms and board, Price $1.00 per suoh to be mode to MACARONI. Preaching at 2 p. in. Subject. f he Worth of seemed sincere, State Convention DALTON, 63 Exchange street. on request, request A per day. 25-tf_ l ime. Sunday school at 3.16 p. m. Endeavor devont Interest In their first American Republican UFtf_ _ of the Committee on on SALE—New nou-cs In Dealing, on street tbe ohalrman City Mnssronl In Its Plain Form —Put meeting at 7 m. sarvloe, and reports VOR RENT House No. 63 street. Mne p. lbankagtvlng day UF. HELD IN— Gray FORcar line, for $1000, $2000. $24- o and $3800; noon on me tbe —WILL r rooms beside halls, bath ami store rooms; or before twelve o'olook Tuesday, to oook In salted water, and boll New Jerusalem Church. New Hglh St. froui other villages assure that all modern conveniences. baih room, fire- tolling hot atul cold water, set tubs, furnace heat; h»*at, but otbei writ- Rev. Samuel Worcester pastor. Morning ser- day was properly respected throughout etc. Terms of sAine »* rent: February 30th, 1U00, any rapidly until tbs pasts will hang limply with yard room. All lu ftrst class order. places. payment vice 10.30. of sermon. "The l’ros- the ot which Is moat good remember our bouses are entirely new and not In Imitation Subject Island,all gratifying Hall, Lewiston, a*. 44 DEE RING noon or ten or ballots, over a not stirring oc- of tlie Goon and the Troubles of the City Enquire HT., morning, never ana seo them. printed (irk, slipping off, to lus, as being representative of tbeir sep5-tf have been occupied. Call ivii.” school at 12 m. AH are welcome. _ 63 of the Official ballot, will be received. casionally—enough to prjv.nt sticking. Iteritv Hunday cordial and faithful acosptauoe ot the nlgnt.__ DALTON, Hxcliango sircer.____26-tf Oakdale School, in hall on Pitt street, 1900 r|t|J WILL BUY household goods or store chairman and secretary of each ol Sunday radical change of 11th. or will re- 8AI E—House lots at Woodlord*. East The It will rsqulrj fully tbr'e-quarte:s m. All aro welcome. tf government. Wed., April it fixtures of any at 9.45 p. In description, for 4c and 60 a of the names “It le a pleasure to repoit response ceive the same at our auction rooms for Ij»ORDeerlug and Deei lng Center, caucus will make reoord an hour to oook macaroni, nearly oils* Island Methodist Church. Rev. At 11 O'C'lork, A. M. Peaks to order No. 6 more then if’O sale on commission. GOHS A WflAON, per foot; lan l ts rapidly advancing and now is whom ballets are cast 8. Preaching at 10.30 s. my general of all persons for half hour for spaghuttl, and ten or Wm. Jones, pastor. have already enlisted In tbe ranks Auctioneers, 154 Middle street, corner Silver the tune to secure a lot at old prices. Easy m. and 7.80 p. m. Sunday school 12 id. Y. P. people for the of .electing six candi- Call afternoons. DALTON, 63 Ex- and the number of votes ovst for eaoh vermloelll. Xne time re- of riotnesUo and civil yeformntlon, a purpose street.t*t3-tt payments. minutes for s. C. E. Tuesday evening. 7.45. Class meeting of President and Vice- and dates for electors change street._26-tf candidate, and certify and deliver the upon th. aud age Thursday 7.46 p.m. Hirungers are always small army of children are jubilant, quired depends quality tf President of tlie United States, and four in our “made strong the obeok list at Re- welcome. the wedding Delia are yet a-rlnslng. V30RSALE—Bargains same, together with of th. American brand, requiring at and four alternates to we sell for 1.25. 2.00 pa.te, Fine Street Churi n. (Methodist “The Solace hat arrived from Honolulu delegates largo : tionscro,” $1.00, 1.60, Episco- JEWELRY REPAIRING Best value for the publican Headquarters Immediately let. time than th. Imported. When done, Rev. F. s. J .McAllister, pastor. At 10.30 tour offioere for the attend the National Republican Conven- and 2.60 per pair. money pal). bringing Junior sold If not satisfactory on examin- of the caucus. a. in. 3 and 7.3'» p. in. preselling by Rev. Wal- Guam which will be a very tion to be held at Pennsyl- III Oar Factory On (lie Premises. anywhere. after tbe adjournment drain and turn onto a hot Battalion, Philadelphia. ation money will be refunded by returning to thoroughly ter Russell, Evangelist. of Canids. At 12 in. and to attend the addition tj onr present busy vania, on Tuesday, Juno 10, 1000, us before having been worn. HASKELL Si The delegates releotsd dust with pepper, und add salt If school. At H 30 p. m. Kpworth League acceptable We make this a principal In our business. platter, Hunday as must return other business that Lancaster Building, Monument re- Atl are welcome. Seats free. foroe, Lieutenant Woog transacting any may We take the utmost to execute JONES, Square, State Convention at lewlston, are tb-re Is a of freshness In tbe prayer meeting. pan.* your 31-4 suggestion to hlnntla per Solace. come bsfore it. whether that be for a Diamond Portland, Maine. Salvation Army. 239 FederalBt. Meet- properly order properly, to meet at Head- cooked Now add has a suita- or cheapest McKK.N- quested Republican ilavor of tbe paste. at Sunday "livery other naval station The basis of representation will bo as Setting the* repair Job. ings every night 8. except Tuesday. Monument Si Wilson, auctioneers, ra- on at in. ble while this station has none, and i’.nuta- NEY. the Jeweler, Square. 1\JOTICP—Goss quarters Thursday, February 23d, some lumps of butter, testing tbe maoa- at 7 and ft a. in., and 3 ami 7.3t> p. Adju- library, follow,: Each City, Town il moved to 154 to ICO Middle 8L. corner of In All are not even as much as a law book, JaU23dtf four o'olook for tbe puruoee of ee- Is tant and Mrs. McDouall charge. single tion will be entitled to ono delegate, and 8Rver 8L dtf p. in., ronl about between two forks until It tl this oonmiand to be de- welcome. and not wanting for eaeli seventy-tivo votes cast for the FEMALE HELP WANTED. lectlng three delegatea-at-large. melteJ, then onver with another hot plat- and of the ordinary facllltlea for plain 8t. Pauls Church—Corner Congress puted Republican candidate for Uovernor in Tbe delegatee selected to attend tbe and send Immediately to tbe tabls. Locust streets, Rev. Jos. Battell Shepherd, rec- mental and lntslleetnal eustenaam while MIHCKI.LAXFOV3. ter, in. an additional aud for a tor. Hours of service 10.30 a. ni. ami 4 p. »uu ~~ 1800, delegate, Convention are to as lauiauru uuui Mayoralty requested baked Macaroni.— Prepfare the paste school at the close of the ser- votes in excess of sev- onr week for £3 mill, raah laa advaucr. TO LOAN—On first and second Sunday morning aim! in an armor of oral and barnacle*, fraction of forty meet at on Frl- vice. always welcome. tf MONEY on real estate; also on stocks, Repnblloan Headquarters above for plain macaroni, breaking the Strangers reuew for votes, an additional delegate. mortgages I mint ri-apeotfully my requett enty-five bonds or other securities. A. C. at tour ooioca in tne Bt. Stephen’s Church (Protestant Episco- of anv o any good day, *eburary odd, sticks once or twice beture the oooktng. a suitable library to be aant to tbe Vacancies in the delegation ily WANTED—Good cook and laundress; sma 1 & 42 1-2 Bt. 10-3 street, head of State. Rev Dr. v? I.IBBV CO., Exchange arid pal) Congress or can be fillerl family; short distance in country on trol- afternoon for tbe purpose of nominating Rutter a baking-dish tnoroughly, rector. service at •tattoD.’* Town Plantation only by Dalton, Sunday morning ley wages 13.00. G. D., Box 1637. lM NEGOTIATED—We have oover the bottom with oook.d maoaronl; school at 12 m. a resident of the in which the line; ft oandldate for Mayor, and three female 10.30 a.m. Sunday Weekly county MORTGAGESluuds of clients to Invest In desirable first with grated ebeeve, service at 4 p. m. tf exists. of the Sohool sprinkle quits heavily Wednesday 1BE STAK OF ALL BOUBRETTK8, vacancy mortgages <»ii real estate security at from 41/* candidates for membera and and over 8t. Lurk's Cathedral—State street Cler- dust with pepper salt dot The State committee wi.l be In session to 6 cent. We make a of placing C. Morton Sills. D. D.t Dean. Services IN GREAT NEW per specialty Committee. generously with butter. Continue thest gy—Rev. KITTY HOBKR, room of the hail at nine loans on and suburban For Communion at 7.30 a. m. Morning in the reception city property*. par- Com- —Holy ticulars apply to Real Estate Office. First Per order of the Hepnblloan City and Holy Communion at 10.30 a.m. YORK PKOOU1ION& on tho morning of the conven- urltn the cheese. Now blend one teas- Prayer o'clock, National Bauk Building, FREDERICK 8, mittee. Hunday School at 3. Evening service (choral) for the of receiving tho cre- of llour end one of one tion, purpose VAILL, H. Chairman. pooaful generous cup- at 7.30. tf The announcement of.the coming In order OLD GOLD UKO. ALLAN, end dentials of delegates. Delegates ful of cream or rich milk, poor It are held at No. 6 Cen- and beat have now located at :■$$ Congress Sail Loft meetings of the finest equipped repertoire to bo to lu ttio con- Remodeled, exchanged or bought for cash. We OTICE-1 THOMAS A. BOWEN, Seoretary. ever the macaroni, little eligible participate where l have a making open- tav the cash price as we use It lu our N street, opposite City llall, companies headed by New England's must bo elected subsequent to highest chains Portland, Jan. 89, 1900. ings with a furs for It to run through the at 10.80 a. in. All are welcome. tl vention, factory. We can make vou any article you wish choice line of clocks, watches,, rings, and call for this kinds. I make a muse. Bake nntll a gulden brown In • St .Paul’s Church, (Protestant Episcopal', greatest favorite. Kitty Kober, sup- tbe date of the convention; from your old gold. MclvESNKY, Manufac- and Jewelry of all specialty should not 1 of tine watch and clock repairing. My 20 year* bit EL) N EH ROES. moderate oven, then oover with n pie-tin cor. C and Locust streets. The Kev a of olavar arttata In and delegates, under this call, turing Jeweler. Monument Square, lan-OdU tOLLEHK ongress by company l» •• w. fifteen or min- -rcecer- ported to bd I'lllCi leiico ni—Burnham’* clam boulllion served Thls has been suggested ID by moisture, baa the endorsement olergr All electors of Maine without regard to ft and bred uegrces. Kev. J. L. Jenkins, D. D. minister. MornhiK " «t soda fountains, hotels confection- ing the di»h more softly lust i jus. The be tbe Jfrob- are woinau cook, situation loose talk und service at 10.30. Sunday school at 12 u>. Eve- and oan well styled differences, who in W ANTED- By a good ers. In stock at Schlottcrbcck & Foss. H. II. by the quantity of of or need must de- press, past political part amount cream milk service at 7.80. tv as cook, meat or pas.ry < r noth, can fur & Uesrltlne & Co., and trade gener- to what the ning man" of them all, notwithstanding'^ sympathy with the sentiments expressed Hay Son, speculation there Is In regard pend upon the amouut of maoaronl but nlsh good references, in or out of ctljr. Mease also t ook. Kverett Si Pennell and John Second ParishConorbgational Church, of all thane In tho call of the Republican National at No 40 Hanover bt. ally; who have reoelved a col- the proper'1 in of dour to the oupful mast enormous expanse great pro- call or address COOK, IV. Perkins & Co. Is young negroes Congress, cor. Pearl St. Eev. Itollln T. Hack, Committee for the National 0-1 good._P-1 be preserved, os the oreuuy medium Servlets at 10.30 a. in. anil 7.30 p. m, ductions, tha will be lO-fO-30 oenta, Republican eduoallon do for a and how pastor. prion* arc Invited to unite lege lvlng, about the maoatonl should tsom school at 12 m Preaching In Convention, cordially only Sunday morning ooiniuSnolog Monday, 10 WANTED—A position as druggist. Twenty •nooaasful are, and will answer the net a sauoe or Kev. W. K. "The of dally matlnaa, wiih of the state In elec- they like t'alok cream, like by Kerry. Subject. Duty the Republicans TT years experience. Registered lu Maine ihe Christian to the State." and £0.cents. Tha way seata are aalllna to this Convention, Address X. Box 1557. queries as to tbe numbers of nsgross who paite. ting delegates and New Hampshire. Z., WATCH REPAIRING. Con means So. Portland People’s M. p. Church— a aura lndioatlon that tha bonaa State Committee. been the Macaroni Sago.—'Till la l’er order Republican We make a of Watcn Hepalrlng. have given higher training Kev. J. A. pastor. Preaching at 10.80 specialty maoaroDi c oked as above, with some Corey, at at thla JOSEPH ir. MANLEY, Chairman We da your w ork In the best possible manner, W. B. Do of Econ- a. m. the "The World of packed every performance, by registered druggist, Dr. E. bole, profeeaor sauce added with the better or iottead of by pastor. Subject. M. and every Join We are prompt and Kooks/’ Sunday school at 12 ni. Kpw orth BYRON BOYD, Secretary. WrANTED-Situationas night or day clerk. Address O., guarantee la In or roast-beet g;eat company oerlalnlyjdasar»e,[aa^the have a done when p omtsed. omic# in Atlanta University, charge buttir. Uood t irkey gravy in. on Jan. Press Ofllce, always Job League 0.’6 p. Un temperance meeting bean out Augusta, Maine, Thursday, 4,1900. Portland._1-1 McKENNEY TI1E JKWEi.BK, Monument Kiavy are eioellent fur the purpose. If leu Kev. W. F. All are in- 8. R O. sign .has oontlnually of the work, and will make hla complete at 7 p. m.; by Kerry. a steno- with a clove of WANTED—Position by young lady In the Annual Conference the bt t plett or 1» rubbed vited. at every performance, wherever this com- References Square.__Janpidti report Negro ff grapber with experience. FORT UN ES are being derived lUCO His garlic cst li half It gifts a line plouunoy Second Advent Church, Congress Place No. 113 Forest at Atlanta University, May, pany has played. furnished. Apply -C.” avenue, IVNOJlMOUSfrom the cultivation of coffee, rubber, to the dl«h without Besetting Itself un- Rev. K. P. Woodward, pastor. Preaching at g‘1 so fur. indicate between 1,1.00 Presidential Electors Most All Be Portland. Me. oranges and other tropical product*; let us Inquiries, some to 10.30 a. ni. the t Subject, "Ibe indis- and negro college pleasant'y. Add ourry-powder I by pastor, PENSIONS. send tree a llitle book, showing how you 1,600 living grednstes. Condition of 8a.vatlon."sunday *< hool MAINE is KGIttTKHED druggist, 16 years experience' you In all oasea where addresses gued veal gravy a detest t spoonful tin pensable in State Convention. oermaneut may eIn these profile without con- To these. in. Christian Euueavor at G.3o p. Chosen Jtlr first class reference, would like parilclpa cr more If hot. and use at 12 meeting with regular business. Tne eould be he haa sent carefully liit preferred followed a short February 9.—The follow- Address PHARMACIST, Box 1557. thctlug your obtained, Praise service 7.3<» p. m., by Washington, position. OAXACA 020 Fullerton Building, at schedules of as direct -d aburs. Thli glres "ourriid on tf ) D0V23-U CO, questions, covering ’’ sermon from the pastor •Consecration,” resulting Headquarters lenikUw prepared macaroni (or.tod obtese It added at ing Maine pension change* Louie, Mo. family life, sobolastlo life, oconpatlon ter which there will be a “Consecration service Republican State Committee, > of are an- new Hen- •lnoe literary efforts, official table to all of these "sugo1’. mattros 1 led by Miss FI ra M. Berry. Seats free. All from the laaue January £6, Jan. 4, 1900. ) THLETIC OOOD8—The vgiiiely graduation, Augusta, Maine, drickson wrist machine and IHeudriokson tlnanotal enooeas. The an- dishes. are Invited. positions and nounoadt To the of Malue:—Prior Indian boxing Beohamsl and ether meat eauoee may Lawrence Congregational.Church. Republicans exerciser, clubs, dumb-bells, swers era coming In rapidly, and all St. ADI'ITlOXAr.. to 1892 two Presidential eloctorsat PIANO TUNING.- and Palls, fencing foils, streets—Rev. A. 11 large, gloves, polo sticks Indicate full and valuable returns. also bs used with plain maoaronl Tomato Cor. Congress and Munjoy Thts Ls lo Inform my friends and customers ami Arctic things service 10.30. Sun- Will lam E. Fcactn, Olamon, |8 to (10. to the two United Stales skates, snow shoes moccasins, careful sacoe the best of all effecti In tVe Wright, pastor. Morning corresponding that my order slate can be found at C. C. also safety for It is only by suoh statletloal gives C. K. at 4 con- rubber Ice creepers; guard and If the sauoa day school at 12 m. Junior meeting were nominated in Slate Music Store. 4Jl Congress street. that tbe oan be macaroni "sugo" dishes, ad- ucasAin. senators, HAWES. Jr.. couimoo razor, bl. I BAILEY, 3si Middle St etulles necessary light p. in. Evening Choral service and Gospel the cor- Plano Tuuer. feb3eodinio# and Is made rlftt the mult justifies the vention, and remaining electors, II. K. MILLS, thrown on the vexed negro problems, dress at 7.30. Chari AO N Cotton, Tagirs. >8 to >0; __27-2 err lug uf tie tilth as a course. m. to the membtrs of tbe United on It Is believed that tbe results of the pres- eeperoto Chimes whl ring at 10.00 a. m. and 7.00 p. PleuaantTllle, 18 to >17, responding in A. WHITING, T. H. TOMPSON, Con- ONEY~TO LOAN —Mortgages negotiated Make tomato eaurc &■' follows: Put one Henry Oavlr, States House of were an l Store \ ar- estate city and suburban ent Inquiry under Dr. Do Bote' able man- W hosoever Will Mission, N. D Smith, leader, Representatives V« tractors. House Palming, first class real of butt r a and Hotel. Meet- tbe several Graining. Staining, Tinting. While- property at3 and 8 per eeni; for sale, houses agement will prore very interesting, and ttblcspoonful apiler, 18 Green st.,near Congress Square SIR HENRY STANLEY BETTER. nominated by congressional ntsblng, as ins to osier add a tf washing. All work done lo satisfaction of all and house lots In CUy and In Peering addition at the same time extremely Instructlre as soon It beg llnely ings at 8 and 7.30 p. m. every Sunday. district conventions. concerned, office, 63 Exchange street, at desirable Timber lauds In Maiue minced large onion, and fry until frown CONOHEOATIONAL CHURCH— 9.—It la announce i of the Australian Ballot parties baigalus. and nseful. WOODVORM London. Fabruaty The passage Me. Tel. MS. 2Mf and New N. 8. OAKDINKB. 33 Now add a can of t ivuat ell service at Portland, Hampshire. tee, doves, Rev. E. P. Wilson, pastor. Mbrning that M. Stanley tha eg law the Un- street. 88-2 at close of morning ser- today Sir Henry entirely changed procedure. Exchange •li alls|lot>, one half tisspoonfnl of gin- 10.30. Sunday school are a Kellef in Mi Hours. in. memler cl der the law, all Conventions por- TO LOAN-dn first and second one balf of vice. Evening service at 7 p. A cordial (lorrrand Liberal-Unionist gfiSNKY ger, salt-spoounfnl grated this .11 on Estate, life Insurance welcome to ail. tf 111 tion of our election system, and mortgages Real and bladder diseases nutmeg, one of ralt, one wba was taken suddenly ws Distressing kidney dessertspoonful Parliament, aot that candidates to be policies when three ye old, personal prop, and one ten- West Church. Preaching at ballot requires relieved In elx hours by tbe “NEW salt spoonful of pepper, level Congregational e 1 In tha Hous* of Common; erly. diamonds or any oilier good collateral m. 7.30 m. »uhool lb gaatrl'ls tbe Voters the UKEAT SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY of ml ted ground her os. Cook 10.30 a. and p. Sunday voted for by throughout security. W. F. CARR. Room i, Oxford Build- spoonful 12^in. baa now pruollotllj must be In nomina- CURE." It la a great surprise on ao- one half hour, rob through a soup-strain- Wednesday night, whole State placed lug, 183 Middle sheet4-8 Williston Church, corner Thomas and no less oount of Its exceeding promptness In re- er, and thicken t> the oonel tensy of ncaverel. tion by a convention Carroll streets. Take spring street car. Kev. representing IIMI.P. In tbe and thlik with tlonr and butt r rubbed tf Mr. Gerald Balfour, a than the whole State. W A NT KD—MACK lieving pain bladder, kidneys gravy Smith Baker. I). D pastor. Morning Topic. Tha condition constituency back id male nnd female. Relieves reten- to a thlok past When the maoaronl Is At 7.30 m. lecture to and Hence, all the candidates of a for “Christ a Strength.” p. Conaarvallre member of ParlUmonl party IJuf tA'ANTED—An experience farmer to take tion of water almost Immediately. If you doue aud drained return it to n dean, People, “The Triumphant Young Man.” Presidential eleetois must be nominated SHUeiw.”ajrvjgp if Youug cM f for Ireland, who baa tou charge ol the farm oo Cushings Island; want relief and ours this Is the hot euuoepan, poor the tomato sane* over Woodford's Uni vers a list Church, Rev- arcretery in State Convention, and I have there- Will rent ibe «ame or Day salary. Address quick crl lcallv 111 from a clot t f blood on tb< (u'ual DrossUM. I’UILATpA.^Efc remedy. Sold by C. H. Happy & Oo., It, and ton about nntll the mow Is thor- Harry E. Townsend, pastor. Preaching at 10.46 in tbe oall six electors. 1,14 with retereoces, FRANCIS CUSHING, Pori- and who suffered a relspee yester- fore Included 46J street, blended, then torn on ta n hot a. m. Subject. “What Most I Do to Be Saved?” heart, laud, Maine. U* Druggist, Congress Portland, oughly la J. H. MANLEY, Chairman. mon.thuAsat-tf platter, oover, nnd nod t« table. Sunday soaool 12 m. Ail are invited. day, Improved today. RAftKOAM. Lard-Pura. leaf.- •Y»*I0'4 Orate Qmmimm I nKAICItL. n»A»fl»U 0TBAMBH0. Hams. 10 m 10*4 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRAD*, riMNCIlLMDCOlMERCIIL Chickens. 1*# J* Fowl. VAJ? fhuridays allocations. Turkevs.-. >ati* WK BAT. t Fm Ooenlne. Closing 66% ••• F*R. International Ltd. Beana, P«a.• Zinc California Pea May....68*4 68% Go., Beans. or Products in the Yellow July. 66 •»% Quotations Staple Beans kyes. In Effect December I #99. Beans, Bed Kid hot CORN. 4, unions, bid. 83% Largs Ms-Absolute Dividends. Markets. May. 83% Security-Monthly Train* leave Union Station. Railway leading Potatoes » bus. 84% 34% Square, Sweet Potatoes, Norfolk July. lor station* named and intermediate stations at OATH. follow*: For Hungor 7.00 and 10.25 a. m., Sweets, VInland.... Karialng* and net profits certified M It assured by whose value Pastern fresh 23% security properties *U». 1.10 and *11.00 p. in. For Belfast t oo a. Ktrr*.1 May....13% rot reel by Chartered Accountants, BAKKOW, has been attested the examination of tlie 92% byl nt.. 1.20 and ) 1.0*> l>. in. Fox lirunssvlrk, S«<* York Stork, Moor? and drain Finrs. Western fresn July... OlTTHHIK ft CO..of New York. Chica- i'libtlo Accountants, as tneir esnlfled re* WAI»K, per Augusta and Watervllle T.'M) and 10.25 ri. The superb, new. steel. screw s’eam'hfn Krjc*. held. and Kan Francisco, who supervise Us ac- Market RrvltW ^SllroRK. go ports. m.. •Si35. 1.20. 5.10 and *11 oo p. m. For Haiti •‘GOV ERROR DIRGLEY,” CapL John Thnmiv Butter, taner creamer May.. 1130! counts. skid icon PHOtPRCTl'S containing an Lewiston via Brunswick :.00 and IQJtt son. and I lie stanneh and eleirnnt steamer Butter. Verwtot.i.. 11 23 The opporfnnlty offered Investor* bv the*e r«»|Mirts In fui;. with detailed statements a m.,*12.36,15.10 and Ml. 00 P. in. For Kockfaud “HAY AT A IK,” Cant. A. C. l»enntson. Attar ( N. York and Yer'snt. July. beese, litis company Is unexcelled, we believe un- ol earnings, e\|>eiitr9 uml net profit* fioin the 7.00 a. n»., 12.35 an I 5 to p. m. For Mkowhe- nately leave Franklin Wharf. fVriiand, and Cbccfte.Sace LAWK ..... equalled. any oiner xlnc company in the various mines. g«n 7.05 a. m and ll.oo B m. For Koi- India Wharf. Buairn, at 7.00 p. in. daily, ex- 617% by Cranberries May.... r nited States. croH and|Ureeuvllle 1.20 Bll'l 11.00 p.m. For cept Hnnd ar. direct wire to Lor It E. Fran 0 26! u. These steamers meet demand of (fly private July...... Not only the opportunity for magnifi- Hncksport 7.00 m.. 122*5 and 11.00 p. m. For every • liar Harbor 12.33 and 00 in. For firrta- modern steamship service in manager ot Pil'e, MoOorn lak Lemons, Messina. .3 0094(10 AIRS. cent profit*, hut the opportunity of knowing SHARES 11 p. safety, speed, Colwell, ♦ HI* and and of ... 9 10 100,000 IVonlton via Oldmwn and B. comfort luxury traveling. Oranges, Jamaica.3 Ot'a.l Bo May..„. at ail limes tbe exact condition of thoir compa- Si Co.'s Lranch No, 21G PI idle are now offered for public subscription at 4 A. R. K. 12.36and 11.00 m. For Wash- Through tickers for Providence, Lowell, oftloe, (‘ranee* California..3 01*43 BO Friday's ouorationa. i» nr- ington C o. H. H. 12 .16 Mild U1.00 m. F«*r Worcester, New York. etc., etc. Baldwins.300.43 75 are on the p. itret, Portland, Me.) Apples, U W >1 A AT Dividends paid promptly flat ta wain 7.00 a. ill 1 *•> and 11.00 m J. F. MACOMB. r of aud for the new now don wrs steady it inodertst3 advance* lurneutme. 62M72 Juiy. C0V4 08% this means a return nearly p »y rollla being built. Fori Pair Arid and Caribou via H. «i A. K. annum m cash The shares are of the value of 1.00 Licoum and ivntenniai oil., bbl.. Ifmui l*Vk CORN 14 per cent per monthly par f each, K. 11.00 p.m. For l«r wist on and Mechanic over oar otoelog prices arbitrage houses aud are and non-aasetable. KettncMiHi Petroleum. 120 .... 12Vs payments. fully paid Pnlla 8.30 a. m 1.10 and 5.15 p. in. For Hum May.■. 33% 33% in vast men! on se- for re- wera not buyers at the apsnlug, the ex- Pratt's Astral. 14S4 A sound depends, first, Application, slock, accompanied by ford Pali#, Fa rot I ngf on and Phillips A2M July....84* a 84* a Half bbl* lc extra. curity; second, on profit. The profit or such an mittance, received at either of the following a. Ut., 1.10 p. in. For lienils and ICangcley being th*t shortly aft or ten is the BOSTON planation Cumberland, coal.. 6 0045 25 OATS. Investment as this nnquesUonable; and Its offlees of fiscal agents. I. 1(1 p.m. For l comparatively I tick— ItIRB. For Bartlett 8.50 a. nt.. 1.00 and 6.30 p. in. ■untn^e effected at olflc*. commit s'en be s'be ss the first No 1.33 For and Harrison 8 30 a. Ill and During May. 6 06 Brtdgton for the West U»e Penn. K. EL and No 3.28 5.50 p. m. For Berlin, Omirton, Island Freights by hour however there was no MUBOAMt ffouih forwarded linos. halt pressure No lO. 20 28HS20C; No 3 at 28c; No 2 white a: 31 He: Pond, Lanrastfr, No. Htratford and by couneoting Portland Press lUork Round $HMt to and were fairly well roa In- 10 oz.13 Hally Haotatloas. N« 3 white 31c; track mixed Western 23 H Beecher Palls 8.30 a. m. and l.oo p. m. For Passage 911X001 Trip sell, prices Meats snd room Included. H OZ.11 Correct*! by Swan A Barrett. Bankart, 166 track white Western at SI *3*c. Lnurnbnrc, 3lontrral, Chicago, Ml. talned. Suts i$48 and Mass. oocudtf — 7.20 a. m. and 12..t*. m For nl the fact that there was little outside busi- Ammonia.15«-30 t aaoo National Bank.100 102 1 iO shoulder* ; do lutnis t»l% a he llaugor p. 0 Cumberland National Bank. IOC 100 102 Western steamed nt H Feb at Adoodthin$\ point* east, via Augusta, except Hkowdegan --- — ■ Ashes, pot.6*.* 4 Lard 40; net* r*suited In declines all round. easy; 11.00 in. Bi.chu Leaves.of* 470 Chapman National Bank.loo loo 101 • 37 Mi; refined steady; rout Incut —; 8 A —; p. FUst National Hank..loo 100 102 One of the weakest sticks on the 11*t Hals copabla.6t»aH/ sonirwHind —. ARI1IVAIA Becscwax .37 o>42 Merchants’Natloual Bank.... 76 101 102 Cheese steady. 8.23 a. in. from No. Con and was Third avenue on a revival of the re- Bartlett, way Borax.lOall National Traders' Bank.luu 69 Pork firm; mess at 810 60*10 75 ;*hort clear tfrgo a. in. latvlaloii and Me- loo by!3 Cornish; LX DOMINION LINE. port that there was some bltoh In the ne- Brimstone. 2 s* B Portland National Bank.100 106 110 $11 7ft«li3 w#; family $13*1* bo. chanic Palls; 1.43 H. til. Watervllle, An- Cora 1 tie. Muriate, ner oz.6 7Ho f\ 16 Port land Trust Mutter t Western 21 ?26c; and Rockland IIAl a. in. Heer l»rr being conducted between tbe Co.100 146 160 steady creamery Between, ; gotiations Cochin al. 4J Portland Gaa Oomoany.60 Ho 60 do factory at Idgll»c; June creamer* at 18* fnsta'nils, baucnilrr, Fahyans, No. Contvif Portland to via. frXa 2 Liverpool Queenstown oompeu? and Kohn Lovb & Co. It wss Copperas.1‘itt Poitland Water Co.100 103 106 23V»c; Ira erm *7tf2.ic; stale ualry l&*24Va ; St and Harrison; 12.15 p. nt. Bangor, % n t ream tartar 27 ha <30Vb do rrm 21 Chicago. and From also stated thnt tbe controlling ir.tirea's Portland SC Railroad Co..100 140 160 4g£6c. nc- gnsta Kocklaud, 12.20 p. m. King- K x Los wood.1A416 MatneOentfat R’y.100 160 170 Kggs firm; Mate and Penn at 16cj Western Paul. Min Acid, Phillips, I armlngton, He in is, Mfrijiuui rrun ns to 22 of the company were not In uocord <;umiarable.70,^1 Portland h Ogdenaburg K.R. 100 60 61 ungraded >imK til. 1*. ti. was another stock whloh wi a \VLst Superior Aroostook Mnosehrad R. X. PoiUmnd 4a 1902—1912 luS 108 Tiirpeullue Arm. Harbor, County, SaL 27, Homail, Wed. »4 .62*66 Funding.. " but this reenaed to be lllylrn Port lam! 4s. 1913. 106 Rice Mteailv. Thur. Feb. i. Vancouver, SnL 17 decidedly heavy, Opium.3 85 u.4 86 Funding.log and Ashland. Itumford 61. 190*. Water.112 114 Molasses Arm. k>'nr mlngton. r'nlls, l.ruMou, Thur. 15, Dominion, Sat. Mar. .’) more to bear than to any Indigo.Hfx'ti Bangor due selling Bath Mumoioal.101 Fretgnts to Liverpool quiet; cotton 25 ; grain k. to P. ni. Chicago, Montreal, Unrbrr, ;«n>l Sat. 24, < ambrouian, Wed. 14 Iodine .3 .£»o,3 DO 4%a. 1907, 103 " news ooiurnnv. —d. ail Whtie Mountain point*; l.?3 a. m, daily from R«L Mar. Roman. Wed. 21 actual about tie 4 40 a 5 00 Bath 4\. 1821. Itefnnding.101 103 3, IpCC.iC. f » I Bar Harbor, Hath and l.« wU- ** " Bel fart 4s. Municipal...102 106 Sugar—raw strong; fair refining 110; Bangor, Thur. h. Vancouver, Sat. 24 W. U. was weak and would probably Licorice, rt.In*20 test at Molasses at Cleared. ton and 2.50 a. m. Monday, from •* A • Calais 4a l'Jol—1911 Kafunding....loO 103 Centrifugal'.*) 4H; sugar dally except Thur. -.9. Dominion. FrL pi. 13 Moipuine.—2 36'* 2 O *• have been weaker but for the faot that l.awtrtondV 1901. Municipal.103 106 3% ft3 13-10; refined firm, quiet Steamship Parisian, (Br) Vipond, Liverpool— Haltfas. Mt. John, liar Harbor, W'ater- Hub 31. < amhroman, Tues. 17 Oil bergamot.2 76*3 20 flllf and *• .I &o« 2 OO CHICAGO—Cash quotation*. 11 & A Allan. Aaguita, SaL A pi. 7, Roman. Wed. 25 the s'ook la bard to borrow. During the Nor. coil liver l,ewistc:i 4«. 1913, Municipal ..105 107 •Dally. American cod liver.1 OOn l 26 Saco 4a. 1901. Municipal.100 102 Flour Steady. | SAILED-Steamer Peruvian. Glasgow. H. 8. ••Roman” carries no pat'engcr*. a off In thn — GKO. F. KVA V. P. & G. M. afternoon was sharp falling Lemon.1 80*2 20 Mama Central K U7s.19l2.coDn.nitf 136 137 Wneat—No 2 spring ; No 3 do 63*.*c: No 2 NS, M " 2 F. K. BOOTH BY. G. 1\ & T. A. couamhalon dealing and the tendency of Olive.. .1 00a2 60 *4%8" 108 110 led 70‘* c. Corn—No 2 at 828s g32Hc; No FROM OUR C01tRKSFO>TOKNTS. RATES OF PASSAGE. 1 75* 2 OO • • at Oats-Vo2 at dec'-’dtf reppt. 4s cons. mtff... .105 106 yellow 32‘s iSHt HOOTIIIIAY HARBOR. Feb ll-Ar, schs Ber- Flrat Cabin — $50.00 and upward*. Hrturn seemed to be clown wurd. There 6u«;« ** •* No 2 white No 3 wldteat 2 *18 prices Wlutergreeu.2 00 ftts.r.xxi.sxicn'sn. 102 103 23He; 2«Mre: tha 1> Nlckereon, Cogall. Sydney. t’B; Nellie —sioo.oo nml upwards, according to steumnr Polish br’mdo. 68*80 c: 2 No 2 at 38 a 43c; wa- a from l’aria that Portland A g6s,l900, 1st nugl02 1C3 25% No Rye 66c; Barley Baton. Calais for Mil Heed, and and accomodation. report wiuun*t'.ng Oiioiate.18*20 Ogd*g W Flaxseed at 1 NetrYork; Portland Water Cu% 4a. 1927.106 107 No 1 Flaxseed and 60; prime Cutawamtcak. Bo.-klaml for do: lua I. Hay, Mrrnml Cabin—To Liverpool or London. $33 General Duller had teen driven Look to Iodide.3 76*3 t*& 2 Mess Pork 10 10; Timothy seed 40; 00*11 Doer Isle for Boston: Geo F Keene, do (or do. pe.~. i Merrnge—To Liverpool, laMidon. London- Quicksilver.73 * 78 Lard nt .1 obi short ribs > ides 6 10. the aouth Hide of the Tugela rlvar and Boston Slorkf.Virkrt. 00u%tl derry. Glasgow. Queenstown, $22.50 lO $23.30, meats—shoulder* at short ROCK PORT. Feb 9—Ar, sub Klpley, Stinson. Quinine. .42*4 Drv salted 6% £6; according to ‘■teamer. there were lore that the bank rt.75 « \ 50 The were thecloslug quotations of n!*i.V 1wIm4 At n 1 r>.a«l Iri. Camden (or Boston. predict Uhcuharb, following to T. P. McGOWAN, 420 Con ere** HI snake.35 a 40 dairies Sailed, sell Break of Day. Po ter son for New Anplv statement would make an unfavorable stocks at Boston Butter flrin—crmerjr l'j&'JlVxC; 19® street. J. B. KEATING, room 4, First Nation- Saltpetre. 9*12 12c. York. TRAINS PORTLAND Atchison. Tod. wssanta re.K. new. 21% LEAVE al Bank Building. CHARM S ASHTON. 947A ■bowing. It appears that the tank: have Senna. 26*80 Cheese Arm—12313c. Boat w or DAVID TORRANCE A * 5*-% kiuui. •••••••198% Pembroke, Feb 9—Capt Edw Pattengill. of For 8.10 a. m* 1.30, 4.00, *0.00 p. m. Congreve street, lost in their with the sul-treafl- Canary seed...4l% Eggs weak —fresh 13 « 1 a V*«w Lrwlilou, ot India street. dealings Cardamom .1 26*1 60 do pM. 168 this place, has pnrehased lh*s controlling shares CO., general agents, loot Flour—receipts 32.000 hbls; wheat 20.000; F»/r Ivlnud Pond, 8.10 a. in., IJQ, •G.Ofl p. ru. nov24dtf ury some They have received by car b.3*4* 6% lio M4V. i*ic. 65 $683,900. Soda, bush; corn 014.000 bush; oats 292.000 bush; For Montreal, 8.10 X Sal.2’ :* 3 oo common. 13 tons, Imilt at Hath tn 1MM7. Ipielirt’, Chicago. in., from the interior aome $1,*50,000 making « ryr 4.o0o bush; barley bush. 8 M ilm ..ICO HucKsport. Feb 9— Mansers McKay and Dix, •c oo m Montreal at 7.00 a. m, Sulphur. 3a 02.cxa» bbi*. wheal |2!‘.000 p. reaching a net of some This of Union Pacific.... .60 Bblpmeiits—Flour of New York, have leased the Beasley snlpyard ga*23 bush; corn bush; oats 253,Obo bush nud 7.00 u. in. Waite wax.SncSu Unton Pacific nta... 76% 32H,00O| at this pDce and wllil l>ui«l a 1-mh IMMN .sclu course does not Include the suras received rve 2.000 bush; barley 41 OO0 bush. V Urol, blue. 8*11 Moiie»u ( entru .. 75% and a three in isted schr here next teavon. TRAINS ARRIVE PORTLAND ALLAN LINE by registered mall. Van l la. bean.313.*$ 18 Am err-an tie!! .349 DF.TROIT—Wheat quoted at 7SVfcc for cash Am»ruan »..kar. common.110% White; cash Red at <2Mio; May 73He> July RXCHANOE DISPATCH BA. Prmn Lewiston, *3.10, 11.30 a. n»., 5.45 and 6.45 th3 activity which prevailed On u Halifax & Probably powder—snot. do p(U. 114 at 72Vi©. p. m. Liverpool, Blasting.3 25*3 50 Ar at Halifax Uth, steamer Vancouver. Liver- In the st joic market during the hi si two TOLEDO— Wheat at 71Vsc; May and sailed for Portland. From Island 11.30 a. 5.45 sporting.4 50*0 25 quiet—cash pool. Pond, *8.10, rn., 72 Arat Kona 8th Isaac m. Portland Service. or three days in the week brs caused An Drop shot, 25 lbs.1145 Now York Qnotiuioni of Alnclci and Bonds. 7314c; July Vac. Hong lust, ship Reed, p. Band .1 70 New York. From i'blrugo, Montreal, timbre, *8.10 expansion of loan, consequently de- larger (By Telegraolu Ar at Genoa 9th. steamer Cotton Markets. Augusta Victoria, a. in.. 5.45 in. From The following are the ciojwig quotaUous of York via Funchal. p. From From crease in the surplus reserves is by no H*i New Halifax. Pressed .$14 Bonus (By Telegraph.) Liverpool. STEAMER. Portland. *$10 FKB. 9 Ar at Hamburg Uth Inst, steamer Teutoula. Othei train* week days. means Impossible. Loose I lav.$18*$'. 8 Feb. ft. Feb. 8. Portland via Falmouth. •Daily. NKW YORK—The Cotton market was Straw, car lots.$io*$i2 New 4s. re....134 134 to-day Sunday train leave* Portland every Sunday 22 Jan. | tBuenos Ayrean 7 FeO. uuect New 4s. coun.134? 134 l-ICc lower; middling uplands at 8 9 16; for Ijcwlston. Gorham and Beilin at 7.30 a. tit. ** ** Memoranda- 25 *Pa. Islan 10 NKW Feb. 9. Lentltci. 114% ft ill 8 13-lGc; sales — bales. * ** YORK, »ew|4s.;rcg.114% £iet, Pullman Palace Sleeping tar* on uiglit 2 Feb. Nutnldlan 21 New York— New 114% Boston, Feb 9 -Sell Hannah F Carlton, Falk- ** Money on call was steady; actual transac- 4s. coup.114% CHAR LKS TON—Tho Cotton market to-day * I •Californian 24 25 Feb. Light. 27* p |!cnver A K.Jti. 1st.102% 102% ingham, from Kllznbethport for Portsmouth, train* and Parlor Cars ou day bains. ln*t loan at 2 cnt. closed Arm; middlings 8Vie. 17 Mongolian_7 Mar, direct tions at 2a2'% per cent; per MHi Weight .*.8*29 Erie uen. 4s. 71 7o% arrived here yesterday disabled. She was run .*•_[ UALY F.STON—The Cotton market closed • Prime mercantile putter at 4g5 tar cent. Heavy .28*29 Mo. Kan. A Tex. 2dfl.366% 6G% Into oft Chatham by steamer Carlo, lrom Jack- No callie carried on these steamers. Hood Arm; middlings 8 a-10c. and had malt.mast earned and lirtn. with actual busi- d’mg.28*.27 Kansas A Pacific consols. sonvtlle, away Steamers sail from Portland afier arrival of Sterling Exchange Union backs. other to tho amount of The .39*40 Oregon 110 MEMPHIS—The Cotton market to-day closed damage, $000. Grand Trunk train Toronto a tor de- at foot of India Railway leaving ness in bankers hilts 4 873* 4 87^a Am calf.UOjl 00 8 Carlton was towed here Uie steamer. Ticket Office, Depot Texas Pacific. L. U. lsts....J*3% 113% firm; middlings Vic. by Pa. m., or Montreal *.43 p. m., Friday. and 4 84‘> ci.4 84* 4 lor sixty days ;poste UO 2US. 64 Street. o.'LTSdtf mand Lambir. reg. |54 NF.W ORLEANS—The Cotton market closed N. B.—The new steamers Bavarian and Union Pacific lata. OoniMlte Ports. rates 4 85 and 4 88Vi. Uumuiercial bills 4 83 '4 Whitewood— 104% steady; middling* 8 5-1 tic. 10.37* and 10,200 tons, have Twin of stocks— NEW YORK—Ar 8th. IT S transport Me Lei- Ti'.mman, No 1 Quotations Screws, and will make tlie from Port to @4 84. 142, in...$40*$45 Folk Feb. 8. MOBILE—Cotlou market Is quiet; middling lan. Cuba; ship Aryan, s.»u Francisco; schs passage 1 in. 35* 40 9. 8 Poll to about seven Silver certificates 5IF* Sape. 2o% 21 3-lttc. J V Wellington. Newport: Isaac Orbetou, Pro- days. §C1. Common, 1 lu. 28,*} 32 Atchison. Portland & Rumford Falls 03% SAVANNAIT—The Cotton market closed vidence; Iireadnauglit, Boston ; Eva May, Pro- By. Bar Silver 5U% in No AtchiHOiitoin.—. 02% 1 142.$40*;$46 firm: 8*«c. vidence K D Bibber, do for Philadelphia. RATES OF PASSACE. North < mulina Pine— Central Pacific. middling* Mexican dollars 47**. A Ohio. 29% Ar Uth. steamer Horatio Hall. Portland; s-hs Cabin to A reduction of 10 1 inch. No .$25 *$16 Ches. 20% In Effort Dec. 1. 1*00. $50.00 $$0.00. Governments Bur. A Uutncv.124% 125 Ella F Crowell. Thomas ton; Henry May. Port- reul is uUoufe on return tickets, except steady.! No. 2 $2*g«33 Chicago. European Markets. per land; Modoc. 8 J Lindsay. Rockland. on the lowest rates. and 2 No. 1.$ao«$40 llel. *s»'auai Co.114 114 ; Machias; PEPARTURKS IV*. 1% inch. (By Telegraph.) BOSTON—Ar Bill, sch Hannah F Carlton, Cabin-To Liverpool. 1»ndoo or Hides. No 2.$28*$38 Del. Lack. A West.177 178 8A0 A. M. and f.10 P. M. From Union Station Second LONDON. Feb. 9. l8»9-conso!s dosed at Falktngham, Elizabeth port for Portsmouth, uta- Huckfield. Londonderry— single; $65.50 return. tn«t Cyprus— »enver A If. Q. ... 19% 20% lor Poland. Mechanic Falls. Utu- $35.00 The fdTlo’vtnp quotations represent pn> 101 Vs for money and 1011 account. i ablet!. London. Glasgow. Haps, l in. 35*} 40 Erie, new.112*4 12% a!for tou. Dixnelu and Rumlord Fail*. Stefraoe—Liverpool. !ng prices In tills market: Ar 9th. Rachel Rosario; schs or 1 in. * 32 LIVERPOOL. Feb. 9. 1900.-The Cotton barque FIniery. Belfast, Ixmdonderry Queenstown, $23.50. Cow hiuI steers. ..7 c P 9 Common. 28 Erie 1st bid. 36% 30% KM a. m. 1.10 and 5.15 n. m. From Union market closed 5 3 sales Mary E Palmer, Noriolk; Red Jacket, Rock Prepaid certificates 524. Hulls aud .....C c Southern pine.$30* 40 Illinois Central.112% 113 weak; spot 32d; U>,000 bu»u hi for Meviiamo Falls and intermeul He bales. land. Children under 13 years, half fare. Rates to 1 .. 10a Clear plue— Lake Erie & West. 20% 30% Skins—No quality 70 Sid Uth, steamer Grecian, for Glasgow. stations. or from other points on application to No .8 o Uppers.$65i Lake shore.194 194 60 80 Cld 8th. schs (lara A Imuueil, Brendlgc, for l. 10 it. in. train connect* at Rumford Falls for T. P. McGOWAN, 440 (ouBrr.» St., 3 .0 Select. *> Louis A .Visa. 80% 81 % No A’7' 46 Baltimoro, Ellen M Goluer, Pierce, Baltimore. Uciuis and Lake*. Portland, Mr. .2u.a6t Fine commou. a, 65 Manhattan Klevated.. 97% 97% BAILING DAYS OF OCKAN STKA MKI1.1 Range Icy Culls ltftf 19 In LuhthousH Channel rttn. sell Alice Hol- Mewinahlp Agency', Doom 4, Spruce. Mexican Central. 12 12 rnos ror. Foreign Hemlock. 12* 14 brook, and Evira .1 F*rencb, for coal pons. First National Hank Building, Port- Ilrtalt Grocer*’ Hngar illnrlcrt. Michigan central. Germanic.New York.. Liverpool Feb 7 URL)N8WICK—Sit! Mill, schs Gertrude Ab- R. C. BRADFORD, Trafflo Manager. land, Maine lupboards— Minn. A Ht. Louis. 63% 631* Portland. Main* Portland mar net-—cut loaf 7c: confectioners X. 32* 35 8t Paul.New York Ho’anmton.. Feb 7 bott, Hall. Philadelphia, Blanche II King, Ben-, II. A, A. ALLAN, I India HI. UcclGdtt Spruce a ixhus ufd. 93 93 Clear. 28* 30 Minn, nu Champagne ....New York. Havre ...... Feb 8 nett, Amboy. K. L. LOVKJOT. Baperti-ten-lent. 8c; at 6c: granulated at SVfce; coffee Missouri 46% Main* powdered 2d clear. 26* 27 |Pacific. 46% Parisian.Portland Liverpool Feb 10 Cld 8th, sch Dora Mattliews, Brown, New )el8 dti Kumford Falla crusueu New Jersey Central.117 117% 5c; yellow No 1 .... 16 o' 20 City WashlmrtnNew York. .Tampico.. Feb 10 York. 4VSC._ New York Centra'...134% 13»-%i Pine.. 25 * 60 Mexico .New York. .Havana. — Feb 10 Sid 8th. barque Julia. Coombs. New York. Kxporta. Shingles— Northern Pacific com. 63% 68% Lucauia.New York. Liverpool ..Feb 10 BALTIMORE-Cld 8th. sell Elizabeth M BOSTON & MAINE R. J£. CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT CO. GLASGOW. Salaela—55,807 bush X cedar ..3 25*360 Northern Pacific old. 74% T4% Patricia.Now York. H*mbur|g...Feb 10 Cook. Boston. Steamship 161% do oats do 8632 do Clear cedar.2 .0*3 76 Northwestern.lot F Bismarck-New York Hamburg ... Feb 10 Cld 8th, barque Amy, Vaughn, Rio Janeiro. iu II fact Oct. 'id, isjj w heat 28041 25,366 peas 231k 24 lot!2 bbls anples 83u bales oil cake 5‘>« X No 1 cedar.1 25*1 75 Ont. A West. Newlvun.New York. Montevideo Feb 10 Mid hui. M-h .1 S Winslow. Smith, Portland. iUhldiii llou.c Wharf, rye Jteadinc. 18% 18% sch ev annloH 2 do bacon 37 tes meats 65 > sacks Spruce.1 60* 1 75 Hlldur.New York. .Curacoa —Ksb lo BOOl HBAY HARBOR—In port uth, An- He. Isianu.108% 108% WmERS DIVISION. l*oillanil, oatmc 1 300 do asbestos 125 do peas s do s«ed LaUis, 76*3 OO Jtock Trojan Prince .New York. .Naples .Feb 10 nie M Allen, hi John, NB. for New York; Wins- spee.2 124 Trains Uuioo Suttlon. to f»t t*5 do Hour 3ot8 boxes cheese 9268 pcs deal 81. Paul.123% Niagara.New York. .Bout Cuba Feb 10 low Moisc. VYintorportl lor Hostou; G !•' Kcrue, leave Portland. Couiuieuclns Monday. Sor. 1st, 1S99. ufd ...... 172 Fcaiboro 10.J0 a. 111.. 5.25 1183 bales hay 22 cs brooms 12 organs i2U bxs Lime—Cenieut. St. Paul 171% Pouce.New Y'ork. Porto Rico .Feb 10 Deer isle for Portland; E A Wnltmore. North- Crossing, A Omana.118 116 1*20. Scarboro ll«ach, Pino Point, 7.0(1 hardware 76 cs furniture 3; bales leather 205, Lime p cask.35*00 8L Paul Chum— .Now Y’ork. .RioJaneiro Feb 10 east Harbor for do; Annie l Kimbalt.Mt Desert p.m.; WEEK I»AV T11K TAOLK, a. yJO. 5.23. 6.JO m.. Oi Or meats 139* lumber 300 cat Cement.1 20*0 OO st. Paul A Omaha ufd. Uller .New York. Deinarara...Feb 13 lor do; Wt Pendleton, Portland tor Damans- 1«A) nu, p. tilrtt lbs canned pcs 7.00 For Forest City LandIng,Peak* Island, New * ork. cotta: FTank G and Herman F chard, Bsoo, lllddeford Keimsbunk, tie 33 horses. Blatckci. Texas! Pacific 16*4 16% Westernland Antwerp.... Feb 14 Rich, Klmbftl', 5.45. ;0.3»* a. m.. 2.15, 4.00. *•.15 III. _ 19.00 a. m.. 12.30, 3-3U. ft.2c, 0.2O 5.90, S.00, p. Star .00*}5.» Union Pacilic 76% 76% New Y’ork.... New Y’ork. S'thampton. Feb 14 Rock poet lor Portland; Loon a, Ella May. II S 4.00 p gross ptd. nu Kennebankoort. 7.O0. 8.45. J "."O For t tmliliii'a Inland. G.4 >. 10.30 a. 111.. Fortlaud Wliuleau'e Market. 1 hrigo. 00*55 Wabasu. 7% 7% Kensington. ...New York. .Antwerp .Fob 14 Boynton, and Chester R Lawrence, do (or do; p. n. III., 12.30, 5.25, IU OL Wells ! p m. 21 Is Y'ork. .Trinidad- — Feb 14 Mabel E for do. 3.3o, PORTLAND. Feb. 9 Forest City.00*>o Wabash pm. 20% Grenada..Now Goss, Stonlngton North Berwick, Fur Little min firrat Dlaiuuuil lalitnds, Dn.tnn (ilVtulliA 1 UH SOX s. Beach, Dover, Eastern Prince New York. .Bnntos ... .Feb 15 CHATHAM—Passed 8th, h Mary E Palmer. The Flour market continues steadv. but rath- Metals. 7,1 O, 8.45, a. in., 3.30,5.25 p.m. hem^rswsrth, Trefrtlarn'a l.u utl Ins;, l'e.tka Island, York. .Havre .. 15 Noi toik (or Boston. New York ami New Eng. pf.. Gascogne.New ....Feb 8.45 3.30 n. in. M 00, 10.P0 a. Hi.. •-» 15. 6.15 p. tn. was Copper— KMhsiisr, 7 no, a. nu. 12.30, er quiet, at uuclmnged prices. Wheat a Old 7 204 Columbia..... New York Hamburg.... Feb 15 FERNANDINA—Cld 7th, sch Laura,Lamson Luml 14 il 48 common....00*3 Colony.203 Alton Hay, I.akaporr, and Northern Divio- For Pouca’a luq, Lung laluuil, b.'M, Vi .116 116 w Porto Rico.. Fob 17 New York. little weak today, closing ".^a’sc under yes Polls Led 22 Adam* Express Han Juan.NcwJY'ork. ia30 a. m.. -M5 o. m. copper.00* Express.147 14774 Etruria.New Y’ork. .Liverpool....Feb 17 Ar8th, schs Wm II Sumner, Pendleton, New at Corn and Oats are Bolts. ..OOa2 Vi American Bo men worth 7.00 a. in. MeneiiMltr, Concord C. W. T. General Manager. terday's figures Chicago. »< 47 147 Dominic.New York. Paroi.Feb 17 York; Sedgwick. Hagcrthy, Jabos. PR. UODINO. V M sheath.Ooa i7 U. 8. xpress.. rimI Norib, 7.00 a. in., 3.3u p. in. Dover. Kx». nov2 dll Provisi ns quiet at the advance. 109 Waldersee... New York. ... Feb 17 sld Htli, sch Robl ur.diain Dun, Kelley. Balti- fairly steady. Y M, 18 People Gas.107*4 Hamburg ter, Haverhill. Lawrence, Lowell, 7.0.'. 8.45 1 41 York. ....F«*b 17 Bore. Coffees very firm and about *c higher. Eggs Bottoms.25«3l Pacific Stall.. 41% Marquette.New .Glasgow a. m.. 12.30. 3.30 p. m. kioatou, a 4.05. 7.00 Palace. 188 188 Trave .New York. Bremen.Feb 17 JACKSONVII.LFI— Qd 8th, sch Norombega, r scarce and held Po- Of, 17 Pullman 8.45 a. in.. 12.30, 3.30 p. in. Arrive Boston were rath today higher. Ingot.1 11274 Philadelphia. .New York. Feb 20 Port' Rico. Tin- Sugar,'common. .lioMi l-aguayra Armstrong. 7.25. 10.15 a. m.. 12.45. 4.10. 7.15 p. in. Leave International Co. have an .. NoRFolK—siu sch (lara Goodwin tatoes upward tendency. Straits.28 ii30 Western Union.83% 84** lot bn.New York. Bremen Feb 20 nth, Boston for I’ortlAU I 6.69, 7.30, 8.30 a. m.. 1.20, Steamship si on. ■ ■ ■ Numldlan .... Portland.. Fob 2L Pinkham, H -t fou_. The to 1 fa wing quoL^uaeSrepittaOUI tJe whole- As, it mew.-.••»•••.12^.14. Southern Kv pfd. ..Liverpool.. gild I'.nu.iLMUviUo JvflW^dfed*-, n " ■» a'wnm-ta'* **• I — * Hi Iajhi*. New York-. ..Feb -r NKAYyrnrrkww iTbrt Mh.’eeuWHYti^ivG feme pneasroi the iftavklkP rtilnrT'.TTrr*: :rrr.rrrr. rr: r. —. r4 79 «r*» oo Y 1T>» .He'ampton l2.1o. &.00. 7.50 p. m. BrnoKYvn' IWiti Tr.lliltt:'..:V.'.‘. 1:t bbl.3 50$ Street it 1781 Cusnlng, Herwiok, Dover, Lieter, III, N. B. Mien, and hLLoutsst. roller.3 00 Metropolitan It.177% New Aretuiul. do for do; 90&4 Coal tar. 5 oo«*5 25 PC Sparmlani.New \ork Rotterdam reb 24 Yont, oii/.tmbo,Cal- ren<-«, l.owcll. Bouton, 12.55. 4.30, p. in. Louis 65 u 3 90 Term.coal & iron. J»7% >or New do U lutrr Mich, aiul bt. Hclear.a Roofing Pitch, t>gallon...*.. ll« 13 Maracaibo.New York. .SanJuan.PKl el> 2 4 ais Haveu. Madagascar, to do. A>nve iu Boston 5.18. 8.22 j>. ill. Arrangrnirut. lo IT. h. Rubber.37% 37% I NEW for Winter Wheatpateuts.4 t'Ogi WllPitcll..3 25. Leave 7.30, Oats, lots.35 .« 36 p. ni. bag Re lined.2A4 u 3 Talisman.New York. Detnarara.. .Feb 28 POUTSMOl'TH Below Otn. scbs Mian to fcOO a. m.. 12.39, 7.00, 7.46 m. Arrive Poit- Cotton s*ecd. ear lots.oo 00 n 34 50 p. 1 or tickets and staterooms apply at ‘.he Tine .4 « 4Vi 3 90S 4 50 nomah, ltockport for Boston; Carrie C Miles, lnml. 11.46 a. in.. 12.9). 4.30. 10.15, 10.40 p. Ill Colton Seed, lots..00 OO Norway Spring patents Tree Ticket office. .Monument square, or for bag 00&25 last Steel 8a.l0 W uier patents. 3 75 "4 35. Kenuebunk lor Itockiand ; steamer a Harrisburg, .<■1 N Information at Office, Railroad Backed Bran, car lots. is o<> MIAN1 l'U 14K AI MANA4 ..FKBUAKY 10. for Portland. DAY. other Company's 19 Sboesteel.3 Vs* 31i (hear and straight. 3 25 4 00. Philadelphia Wharf, foot of state street. backed Bran, bag. lots.oo 00* 00 Sheet lrou— SAN FBANClSCO—Ar 7th. steamer Illddrford, Kltlrv)’, Portsmouth, \rw Corn—steamer yellow 4S%c. 8un rises. 48! „.„h1 .... 7 4i> lnduiua. J. F. I ISC'OMB. SupL Middling, cal lots.16 LW 20 OO I! C. 4'i«) 5 w*~'r Manila. hui v|m*i I, Salem, L.i mi, Hostou, 2.00k. n:., 20 GO Bun sets 5 101,1,8!| i ... 8 30 nov4dtf 11. F. C. HKB8EY. Agent Middling, bag, lots.19 0*'* lien Russia.13Vfe*14 Ar Hth. I 8 transport St I*anl. Manila, 12.45 p. III. Arrive Hostou, 6.57 it. in., 4.00 iced. € tncaco I.if* moor Marker. Moou sets.. 4 lol Height.00 Mixed <£19 00 Amerieau Russia.11 *12 SAYAN N Alim-Cld tn, sell Win 11 Swan, p. in. Leave Hostou, 9.00 a. m„ 7.00. p. Uk By TkUarapn.* Arrive Portiaud, 12.10, 10.30p. OL, Sugar. Coffee, ea. Mo!a««e*. Uaislu*. Galvanized.6 VsS 7 Philadelphia. lead- THICAGO. Feb. 9 1900. —Tattle—receipts Sid 8th, hens Gertrude L Trumly. Do^ge, for Monday. Sugar—Standard granulated. G 30 A-Dally except sheet. 'Sfl'Yt to choice cattle at 6 33 art poor MARINE NEWS Newport News; Methnbesec, New York; An- Sugar—hr.tra tme granulated— r, 39 -.090; good 10; Portland & Steamboat Cot Zinc.Wi « 10 to medium at 4 0u« 4 90 mixed stoekers 3 26 nie V Kimball, do. \Y. N. A P. DIVISION. Boothbay Sugar— Extra C. 6 00 Pipe.. ••••••. *0’* r»;i 80; selected feeders at » 15 u 4 90: cows at YINKYAltD-HAVKN-Ar Oth, •tenmer Man- roasted. Hu.15 Station Foot of Preble Cjofiee—Rio. Otis-Paint*. u PORT OF PORTLAND. New York for Portland, and culled; Street. STKABBR K\TKHI»IIIKK leave* Fast Coffee—Java and Mocha. 3 25*4 50;iheilers at 3 60 4 76; bulls 2 76 4 hattan. tug 27 «28 So do Bootlibav at 7 a. m. Wednesday and Sperm.70,a 4 6o; caifes 4 6og8G0;fed Texas beeves at FRIDAY,. Peba I.ykens, with barges Bear KKIge and Alaska, For Worcester. Clinton. Aver, Nashua, Monday, Teas— \iuoys. 22*30 Friday for at So. Bristol, Whale.60*04 4 <>o«5 o >. Arrived. for Portland. Windham and at 7.30 a. in. and 1’orihuid, touching 14ms—Congous. 27 a 6o Lppiug 12.30 lioothhnY Harbor. Bank.40*45 flogs—receipts 23.000; mixed and butchers at Steamer St Plica, St John, via East- m. Teas—Japan. x;;a3s shore.3 . S coiner State. Dennison. Boston. Sid fm Hong Kong Jan 3. ship Maine, 7.30 a. m. huU U.30 iu. Molasses—Porto Klco.... 33a36 l ard rough Bay p. F.isi at Borthbay Harbor .i...66*70 Shet*;>—receipts 7.0011; native wethers at 4 60 Steamer Bristol and Booth Coleord. and Mary L Cushiug. Peudletou, for For Waterbora Bootlibav, touching Molasses—Barhadoes. :»2 u.35 Castor.I lou 1 20 Enterprise, Race, Rochester. Sprimrvale, Allred, atul Ho. Bristol. New 2 crown.2 446 76; lambs at 5 oOit7 00; Western wethers bay. and Saco Ul\er at 7.10 a. ui., 12 3u and 5.30 K..tsms, oo# 2 25 NeatsfooL.0 a 70 Land at Fire (stands on signal. at 4 60*6 40; Western lambs at 8 00*7 OO. Seh Brook, Collins. New York. Hid fm Kotteruam 8th lust, steamer Sparndam nu do 3 crown.2 25,&2 Go Lead — Stony p. ALFKMD RACK. Manager. Tur Vow York. at 7.90 >.43 3.09 ooilldU do 4 crown. 2 60w2 75 Pure 6 OO Sch Luc ret la. Colwell. Prospect Harbor, For Gorham and a. m 12.30, ground...... 0 *7 A Aral Bremen Oth. steamer Alter, New York aud 6.20 in. Raisins. Loose Muscate. 7 ^*.9 Red.G OO l>«ra»eelte Msrketi Sch Emily Staples, Taiuier, WiuierporL 6.30 p. 61*7 Deer via Southampton. Cumberland Mills, Westbrook Kngltsh Yen Red.2 0o*« 25 Sch Loduskla, Johnson, Isle for New For Westbrook, l>rr Fish and Mackaral. York. Sid fm Queenstown 8th Inst, steamer Oceanic, Junction and Woodford* at 0.15 a. Amerieau zinc.6 00*7 yy (By Telegraph.) 7.3), uk, Feb. 9.1900. from for New York. 5.30 and 6.20 Ik 111. YOKIi OIKECT USE, Cod. large Shore. 4 75 «5 00 RIh-HsI h ren. Sch Maud Seward, Anderson, Deer Isle for Liverpool 12210, 3.00, NEW t-Np|eea-tM NEW YORK—The Flour inaraet—receipts Sid (in Nanaimo 8th lust, Trains arrive at Portland from Warces’er at Medium biiore fish. 3 Go a 4 oo Domestic rice. 5‘3«i 7 New York. barque Onaway, bids: 0b»: sales Meeclr. lroui Rochester at 8.30 ;\. 1.25. Pollock.. 2.50,«x 3 75 lurks Island salt, is lb hd.2 60u2 80 15,818 exports 19.728 7.100 Sch Mary F Pike. Curtis. Calais for New Bovk Queenstown. 1.25 p. ilk; ni., Maine Co. Inactive and but not Passed St Vincent steamer Pomeranian, and 5.48 m.; from Gorham at 8.30 aud Steamship Haddock. .. 2 o« 2 75 60 easier* quotably Sch Sardinian, Halver»ou. Rockland for New Hth. p. 6.40, Liverpool.2 25*3 Africa. farng Island Sanmd Uj Pay'HihL Hake. 2 2&£ 2 50 Diamond Crystal bbL. «2 60 Eackages;>wer. York. from Halifax for South 10.50 a. m.. 1.25. 4.15, 5.48 p. m. scaled. 11 16 Flour—Winter'pis 3 00 d3 86;winter straights Sch Jennie G Blake, Rockland tor At Colon Jau. 31, sch Lena K Storer, Bruce, IX J. FLANDLlts. G. P & T. A. Boston, PER WEEK. Herring, per box, «, Baleratus.5*5 Vi PUIsbury, dtl 3 TUPS Mackerel, Shore Is.2500*,30 00 tspicet— 3 45aS 50; Muiiideutalputouts 3 85** 16; Win- New York. from Paacagoula. " Kediin d rare* One Mackerel, Shere 2s. Cassia, pure.21 «22 t. 1 exti is 2 12 90; Minnesota bakers 2 85tt Sch Merrill C Hart. GllchrUt, Kockiand tor Cld at Kio Janeiro 7th Inst, steamer Grecian $3.00 Way. Laike 3s. 1G00«$18 Mace. 9o*i 05 3 1 hi; do crude1 J 6*2 40. New York. Prince, New York. The steamships lluiallo Hall and Maa- 24.800 bush; exports Sid fin Uio Janeiro 8th Glad Tid- leave Franklin Fork, Buaf, .1>ai <1 uuJ iiiuitr f. Nutmegs. .40*40 Wheat—receipts 39,918 Seh A W Bills. Maddox, Kockiand for New lust, barque atian alternatively Wharf, Pepper. ...,,18*17 bus; sales l.iejc.ooO bush futures. 248,000 bus York. ing*. Baltimore. HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT GO. Portland, Tuesday*, Thursdays aud .Saturdays (MW I14M snot No 2 Red 70% elev; Ar at Colon 7Ui steamer from leave Cloves...... 14 all export* steady; No 2 Sen W C N< it cross. Lane, Rock port for Bostou Inst, Fioaure. Oct. 'A 1689. steamer Ancoclsoa at 6p. in. lor New York direct Returning, rork— Mod nun.w) no* in 60 7 7 fob afloat No 1 New Beelnnlnp Dinger.14@13 Red at •« prompt; Northern Son .las A Webster, Webster, Ylnaluvhen for York. wilt leave Portland Pier. Portland. Sun- Pier 3AK.1L, Tuesdays. Thursdays aud Betur- Heel-lwav..12 oOu ia 50 aMnai fm steamer Midi daily. Laundry ssarch.3 a 5Vi IiuiuUi 80%c fob prompt New York. Hid Bermuda Hth Inst, ana, o. m. at 6 p. m. days eveapted. at 2.00 for Long Island, days fur- B«ll—light....n 25*11 60 .. 08.300 bush: from New York for Barbados. fitted and tiloes...... GVi a7vi Corn—receipt* exports 221,63k Sch Onward, Lowell. Rockland for Boston. Little and Great Hilt 8o. These steamers are superbly Boneless. ba’Jbfcls. £ G 50 busii ChaCeague. Island, afford the msd l'ohaccs. bush; sales 25,000 futures; 9 0.000 bus Sch Thomas Uix. Aylward, Kockiand lor New L'rd 7th. ich Navarino. Mayaguoz. and Orr’s Islands. nished for passenger travel and Imre—te* aim naif ubi.nure_ Best .60 £07 No 2 at liarpsweil Halley's route between brands.«.... exports; spo'Arm; 4l%o fob afloat; York. Kelurn for Portland, leave Orr’s lslandand convenient and comfortable Lard—tea and hail bbi,oom.... aid Mi 15 No 2 at 41c elev. hew. York. Medium...3(>a Sch Kiln Francis, Thorndike. Rockland for ftp* a. m. Portland Portland and New laird— Pans pure. 8>. ab;;» above landings 7.00 Arnva Common.60*35 ais—receipts 52,000 bush: exports 44.683 New York. Feb fl, lat 3d 37 N. loa 71 BA W, seh Lucinda j. F. L1HCOMB,General AgaaW Lard—Palls, coin pouua. 6 o> 7V£ bush Natural.30*70 bus. sales— exports 1 spot cutlet; No 9 at Steamer Minnie & Lizzie, Beals, Jouesport. Sutton, from Portsmouth for ooal port. "‘wipuSdl UU1AH DAN1KL3. U.aUgr. TU0& M. BABlLfc.iT. AgW ootedtt row APniniimKwm wwimwiiwKwim, wtw aufEBTinE«ww. PERUVIAN SAILS. THE PBESS. MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. For Haw ta Idrarpeel— Short Bi-loti oTtbo Board MoM Departure Trip IBW advertiikiiiti touav* A t’pper outer Moles at Ik. Water Front. Y.ttrrdaf *(lfr»«.». Onn Hooper’s Bonn. Owen. Moore ft Co. on hour & A of tha board of Mayo* The storm thot tegaa ot early zzzrz J K. Ubov. apeolal mooting and wbloh coatlaoed w&m Ea«tmau Broe. ft Bancroft o'*look D%£ibbii ■ad A Idumea wa» bold at four Friday morning, wTl. Wilton ft Co. Aider men Merrill, nntll tte afternoon, had Iti effect among Gf o. C. Nhaw A Co. yesterday afternoon. but no ooaee- B. M. Hay ft Bon. Maaalx and Dow were absent. the oraft In the harbor, \V. L. Card. of moment, we e noticed. The Tlie l ife Ass. Co. a M. Mitchell wae granted permission qneneei KqalUb'e le't her dook at Frank- T. W. t oss ft Bous. to move two wooden binding* front 40# Governor Dlngley __ all in one direction,—These but after looking For—t through Allen arena* to lin wharf late Thursday nlgnt They’re Bew Wants. To I*t rot Bala, lxwt Foow avenue, undei ahe and similar advertlsentents will be found Woehhnrn a venae, the time to oeoupy not getting out near Bog Light dropfei G. hair appropriate beads on page aaobor and lenalaei t ere natll about mere then two day*. Jackets. All are the Store morning, when she facing Bernstein end Koblnton wen lleenead 0 o’oloak yesterday pretty leturoe! tv her dook. At I o'clock In brief jottings. at pawnbroker*. WlUlem M. Wed* wae afternoon ate left for ter trip tv Bos- lloeneed ae an Inn bold— and Austin Q. tke out State arrive 1 at T o’olook they’re tvn. The Exit,—for tn Bay going Hill wee allowed to keep employment U. V. Foliar mod Arthur K. Hunt art also office. la the morning, t'e itvrm having can dldutrs for tie ooinmon cuunoll Iron Dar- ‘of the Portland Kleotrlo rage! at tte Hoctvn pb.1 of the lice. baa withdraw! The petition Ward tt. Wanea W. Colo foievoon tve s'tevmer Pcnobsoet light oompany to (reel poire on Hanover ing tte as a ondldate. for sbr'ter. street and of the Deerlng Elsotrlo Light oalre Intv tte hartor Tbe Triumphant Young Mao,” will Line left to erect on Beacon street The Pe avian, of C e Allah of Dr. liaker’e lecture at oompanj poles be tbe sul jHt ter tv at S o'olooh won granted. on voyate Glasgow Wllllitrn obuerh, t miorrow erenlog. of abont The of C. B. Levery for mak- last night. She took ont a cargo will at tbi petitions Her. W. F. Derry speak and l!3C tend of ooft e. The e ing an addition to a stable at Allen's J.tOO tvna Liver aeeorid Parish oburob Sunday morning of this Kidneys, of Smith and to were no par sen fern The ParlB’an "The of tbi oerner and Romery upon the subject doty tv at about 9 make additions to a dwelling on Higgins line Is get away ChrUt'an to tbe State." Her dest’nstlon and Bowels street were o’olook this morning. A. Waldron and Don w en granted. Tboredey, N. Is Liverpool. the awarded a oontract for furnishing tb« dee at PERUSALS. Tlese ore tte stevmer that sie ,,eanses System with COO bushels o: street department this pott from the ctker s'dei Kltstvn „ oats. nnd Istvk of the Thoms in line; Chris- ^EFFECTUALLY Commissioner Mr. Charles Samner Carlton will elng Yesterday morning. 11 ids, of the Hamburg-A ire.-loan line Farnald bad tbe olt] "Laeola Chlo Plania’’ of Public Work. the tenor aria, snl the Almerlan of the Leylnnd line the Ice at oroaa at Cheetnnt men out cutting away from Handel’s “Klneldo," This wlU to the Initial trip of tte where of water bad innrnlng. walk corner^ pools street church, Sunday Kltstonto this olty. Bbe left Shields accumulated. Rev. Dr. Keen will lecture tomorrow on January 98,thus, days after the Istvk, W. Dowers has announoeo his on by tbe Hiatt." Mr Jobn evening "Living bad le't the same poit. The Christiana '1 UAU to the counoll in Ward t, Dlf Rev. Samuel V. Pearron will lead tbe Curc^T,,*™NPERMANENTLY candidaoy left Hamburg January 89, wnlle a ooople lor tbe oOlce am! at tbe Y. M. C. Sunday. excellent qualifications ecriloe A., of days Into* the Almerlan left Antwerp. wide circle or friends make him a form Dr. of Fort Preble eotertelned Griffith, The Almeriau brings a very large oar- Mrs. James ldable faotor In the light. the Catd Club T. Mr. and Is made value will move them. There are go, tke gieater part of which up ,T56eneF,c,;>ects If or even less than half their Tbs nc-sohool signals were sounded to A. Spalding chaperoned tbe party. OUT THe GENUINE M4H7 O Oy half, of svgur. Winter but as the storm was not rrrj Stnvt Church Thursday eve- hundred of them. Ostensibly Jackets, day, for wblle At High The dalaola, of the Donaldson line, left maybe a couple nersra at the time tbe walking was eery there was a supper and eoofable ning, for Liverpool late Thor slay night. (aurpnia ffc ,Syrvp(s well to April or May as to February. it was too wet lor tbe small with old-fashioned games. Tbe supper Lonle- adapted March, nlippery,and Within a few days the steamer »•'«!«« ex children to be oat. committee was Mrs. Louisa M. Cults, »*u MX MABOTTU. borg will arrive with a Virgo of ooal con- fOA »AU W AU ORUAA4TX Jobo ohlel engineer for tbe In Miss Venn, Mr. J.H. H. Hall Mrs. B. from Taylor, signed tv the Allan line. She oouies NECKWEAR. Tcck*. Strings, ternattonal Dteamsblp Company, got C. Gibson, Mrs. C. A. Ring, Mrs. fsoao Jackets, made of Lot II. at 79c. Cape Breton. In the aftsrnooa the SENTENCED. 81.98. Twenty-five ami and tbs wall al Mia Mrs. MITCHELL Imperial* Jammed between a planer Dyer, Mies Conant, Lawton, Kote t and B.dwln arrived with and Uoucle, colors nee Made ot fine Print, ihonlder-ruflle, braid smaok Kersey TDc ’nffs. Were 75o and 50c. Now machine Mrs I. S. Btan, Mrs trimmed, belt, pocket, very elite. |0o tbe company’s shop Thursday. JcB’pb Chute, tan and black. arc wliat wo car- They 1lor 50c. Dr. was called and found no In W. Slruonton. Every one entiled Fifteen Months Imprisonment at Hard Kogers George ried over from last season and dupli- Lot III. at 98c. bcrnal but Mr. Taylor will bi Into the garni a with spirit. There were CLUB. Injuries, THE KOTZSCHHAR Labor In Portland Jail. cates of what we sold then at $7.50, $0.50 The char- Best Print, red. blue end gray, shoulder laid for several days. D. D.a LL.D.S, and M. D a ruf-full ANOTHER lot Bow and String up and $5 00. fle, clastic In sleeves, finished eeaius. very Mr. Albert D. Dali states that he doei acter skeotht a provoked no little merri- skirt. 98c Tie*. Our regular 25c Pleasant .Musical Meeting Held iThurs- Fred G. All to the letter carrier, who To close out at SI.98 not desire to be a candidate for Bohoo ment. Tbe ropr* 6 intatloc t covered a wide bell, rind at 5o Kvrnlug. w am Indicted for the embezzlement of A committee from Ward 1 again this ys.r range,from "Old Dog Tray" to Huh tn B. d«y Lot IV. at 98c. letter from the was Mention has been made of Dr. H. W Admiral Dewey and the Pope. mills, yesterday season’s Jackets, also made of licet I’rlur. p’aln Anthony, Kots- 85.98. Fiftyt,lls This lot Is MEN’S CLOVES. 25 per cent Urst meeting of the before Webb for on braiu trimmed, waa of the to uak “Are The regular morning brought Judge Mills sleeve*, epaulets shoulders, Ducknam for tbe place. It unkind Judge made of Washington .1.' to discount on elub was belli with Ur. Mokerson F. Moulton deep rulllo on skirt, buund Artn-seye, Offloer Dali took tc when tne character arid 1 sohmsr sentenoe. Mon. Augustus 990 Yesterday morning you Bryant" satin lined throughout (fancy 44. Prloo our evening, February 8, and bed Kersey, my Men’s Gloves in stock today. three 1 on Thursday was bis oounsel. After Mltohell tbe police station runaway boyi am dead." four rows of stitching down of the twenty-two oharter mem- Mr. Moultin nddrearel colors), Lot V. $1.25. who belong In Datb. Their names ar. Mr. Philip J. Lorlug of State street twenty pleaded guilty, front and around back. A new col- lekw Unstla... 1 wnnen bers were the nourt In behalf of the Mb FINISHINC BRAID. nlfl FrPfl K DatU left town Tburslay for New York, where prevent. prisoner. ne*t Print. tlght-flltlnir llnlnc. full sleeves, Colors are tan and black. 13 After a short bnslners meeting, during called the attention of tbs court to the brown, ruffles on abouTdor*. trimmed with Imported lection; noar- 14 years old, and Thomas Larrabee, she will visit among relatives during colors an first of $10.00. In btal'l, ruffle on skirl, fflue, brown, pink which It wee voted to open honorary distress ot tbs family and re- Were, at season, y 75 different patterns, said to bo tbo years old. They came here on a freight the afcsinoe of Ur. Goring. prisoner’s and gray, *,/:a list and to limit the active membership ferred to his Uftsen of servioe In the this sale tho price will be 85.98 most assortment In the 0 a very dim Idea of what the] Mis Andrew Bean and Mr. Alfred, years city, yd. pioces oar, having W. U. ot the olob to forty members, Mr. cflloe Lot VI. $1.39. 20 cents. were going to do for a living after get- who have been vis ting In Browuflsld, post employ. it 5, 8, 10, 12','. 15, oholr master of tit. Luka's cathe- In to a of the court as to in this made of on shoul- to this The Lath hav- have returned home. Carter, reply question Twenty lot, Percale, selected style*, epaulets ting city. police S6.75* and braid, deeu was introduced as the essayist of the had oontraoted Mills ders, yoke trimmed with ruffle held In custo- and Miss of dral, whether prisoner of been notlUed that they are Miss Grace Oil's Briggs Kersey—Washington ruffle on skirt, color* are blue, brown, pink and FINCER PURSES of Brown re- tbe evening. habits of Intoxication, Mr. Moulton Satin lining ui dy, and probably someone will be sent Brownlleld have been vis ting In Poit- make—strap seams, fancy gray, elastic sleeves, Black Pig-skin, Ur. Carter read a most lot'testing and Mltohell had been ont of health them home, Best >u. plied that stitching around from that oity to accompany land on their way to throughout, dotib'e iomo with Initials, some without, 50o on "Ibe Training of ths sod had drank beer to tome extent. Not Lot VII. SI.39. The that did not Intend tc Mis U. C. of Machles Is vis- scholarly paper also a effect, 6ix pearl boys say thiy Crowley bottom, scallop Deerskin Flayer Pulses, wlili an Intel lor > for tbe Service of the Angli- used to It was probable that be fine Percale la choice styles, black run bat that they went out for herdaughtir, Mis. U. A. Uardlng. Boy tiopran being it, Kalia hasped cmopartmeiit, vrry smart, $1.CS away, iting of his buttons. Wills While, blue with white, aud pink, combi- of can Chnrob,” and brought eight had taken more than be realized. a rid on a freight car. Mrs Charles J. Chapman Spring Prices the first of tho season were nation yoke trimmed with Imported braid, best oholr boys from his class to demon- The then eentsaced Mltohell to vest deep rulll on skirt. M. M. Rich yesterday received notlc« steet, went to Boston by the Yankee judge light fitting lining, The nowest at hard $10.OK and $10.00. **'30 PULLEY BELTS. Etat* strate the lessors fifteen months Imprisonment Price, that the semi-annual meeting of the Thuislay. cithers at 51.75, 2.00, 3.25. fad ol satin the of the use of >11. This sale price 86.75 be held In Uldde- B. MllUksn left for New Be Urst t-aoed history labor In Portland j Hoard of Trade would Mr. Frank Dr velvet 09c oholr from times, ribbon, 49, ford last week in March. A for Cuba teday boys prs-reforraatlon the pro York Thuislay, silling >nd more elaborate ones at ices. also the development of the mutloal set- THEE UUKNEU BY LIVE WIHE. higher pi more interes from for on als-noe of several lot of ox- A sot for tlio gramme of than ordinary thrt port NICHE R. A small very Belt Silver 75c of the liturgy from the Uregorlan wire brrned off two Bully Bings, Sterling pr will be and It Is expected that months. tings. An electric light clusiue Jackets. Finest prepared, Its various ones and plain song through o t'e trank of the of a siui;le the meeting will call out a large alien Mrs. Gilt’s O. Bailey of Wat Word, form- llmts end burned int Cloth. Prices were prico forms to ths form of hymn, Kersey and Oxford now of Is la town for a shirt harmonized tree on itetens Arenue no;r Evergreen HAIR BOWS, design, 25c dance. erly Fort'ani, and $15.00. wll! anthem and ohant of the present day. lie llmts fell * rid $23.00 ptoce. ; The Mutual Improvement Club v's't Cemetery yesterday, oholr $10.00 to $12.50 This was llluit-stid by the boys, one of t e wires tf This sale price i n meet with Mrs b\ V. Whitt* Monday af- Mis Buoy Hobart Dry of this olt) was in s> dciog trjko An Undorsblrt STATIONERY. Special barga!n John O. assisted by Uessrs. Barry Kilos, and Poeer cream, blue, hello- ternoon Te‘r. ary 12 at 69 At'ant'c street appoint id a member of the llnanclal oom- tfe West rook Electric Light Ur. Coleman and Ur. Mokerson. In Drawers for Roll-call from the fourth chapter of the mlttie at tie opening s ss'on of the Na- Burke, comtany Tto damage wss repsirel and trope, 24 sheets paper, 24 envelopes, per Ths then au exhibition of NEW SKIRTS. manual. tional American Suffrage AssiolatlOD, boys gave a short time box, 25c tbelr abilities at readlog music and were Our Cloak the price of the which convened In Washington, D. C-, A live wire nlso borne 1 one :f t'e poles their regular drill in vooali- f.reucon lu fr;nt Wool Underpants for women, French ■AT THE Y. M. C.*A. Thuislay. put through quite badly yesterday Shirt alone. xstlon as It Is In Shs oholr at East Buyer or were $1.23. M ss Mary Clapp and maid left town practiced of the gruccr/ st^re tf Mr. Euc.s band, gray white, A audience is expected at the Y. and their large for D. where ssbool. gaining for then's'less The wires sigped and c>u.e la To close all This sale price, 75c after- Thuislay Washington, C., Peering brought from M. C A. men's meeting Sunday able onolr mast r the applause sle has engaged rooms at the Blchmond frequent contact with t e pole oiusluj it to e tch noon at 4.80 o'clock. Rev. K. R. Purdj olub. \T._V—L winter lots out. the remainder of the siesio. of the members of tbe Urv. The wires Were linot iduriug tie for Women. The fa- and musk for STOCKINCS will be the speaker, special Tbs was discussed by Uessrs. Miss Anne Brss y and M ss Klizabtth pipsr day so as to art 11 future trouble. mous Wayne Match- will be furnished by the Male Quartette. Blanchard, Bowioln, this week a Merrill are the guests of Miss Claire Kotzaobmar, True, less Knit lavender, sizes Is a talker and lied, blue, Mr. Purdy practical Ur. C. O. Files, Ur. Mokerson and EXHIBITION. 25c. One hundred good warm winter Plummer of Best id. BOXINU fow 9. 94. doubtless wbat he has to say will be ol early Undershirts and 84, Mfss Marie Smith of Bcston, who Is others. Prof. "Jaok” of the Casco Drawers, Interest to the teen of the Fraser, This sale price 25c especial city. At ten o’clock a light lnnob was served fleeced, well our best 50c kind. t e guest of Mrs W. K.Dow, Park street Athletlo club, has succeeded In arranging SpriDg made, In Informal rnuob social attention dur- and a social hour was spent and This sale at 25c has receive! a boxing exhibition with Barry Page STOCKINCS. ERIN* talk on ths o’ tbe evening. Skirts mado Another lot, were $1.69, at $011 CHILDREN’S SPECIAL MONDAY HATH ing tor itiy. A email and early tel wa< subject Maurice Koienbdrg as the principals This olub hss eight applications for lllaclc Stockings for RULER MATINEE. given In her honor ye terday afternoon. Page was the young man who made suoh of Broadcloth All wool children; membership to act upon at Its next regu- at Mr. A. B. Tower, hydraulic engineer an excellent Impression against Pocahon- FANCY BOSOM SHIRTS, all sizes; 23c kind. This sale 1240 have of i On account of the enormous ndvane* York haa been In town for lar meeting and s'etts to promts; while and Storm of New olty, tas at the recent exhibitions, many styles, have been $1.50, $1.00. sale for the entire the a us'ful and pioliUblu future. week, being largts f t week, reflate el at theCongieja Is too well known to need any sale at Vlorls 15c lOo Hoeenberg Also Skirts of This 49 c Colgate's Soap, kind, in the history of Portland a specie! a Sergo. Rainy Day Square Bitel. 1CLAKKNCL B. KANU. extended notice. It would be royal Matinee has been arranged for Monduj Prof. Double-face goods. NICHT SHIRTS of Outing Flan- home of Is bout and one will worth seeing. Dollar kind for ti Clarence U.Hand dlad at the and * 10.0b KID CLOVES. at ibe Portland Theatre. The (day will artlolee on to be *0.00, *7.00, *7.50, *10.00 extra and Hand Frarer baa rent the nel, long Made of fine Sucoe*s WEDDINGS. patents Ur. and Mrs. Fenjwuln A. 79c. Annie Plxloy’s greatest Comedy both men’s managers having at tie of 15 etgned, full body. soft 2 black "The Deacon’s on Thnrslay morning ase Sale grain skin, olastic, clasp, Daughter." Manage] to the match. It will hs for twelve A Seven Lot Wrapper Today. has been 75c. Trice now 11 mont'-s He bud teen slok agreed l'rice 59c silk stitching on tlio Rounds has to a jews and and self-color back, gone very big expens, VOSK—BLANK. rounds and will oome off within two for a time Bright and genial as 59c. of to gst this great organization that has long Lot I. newest shades brown, tan, mode, red; be lettlnol his weeks. Home interesting preliminaries Men’s Black of the and Pr*s< noon, at the home of Mr. te was In health, bright- colors, hoth light STOCKINCS. (Hun- also white. the endorsement Clergy Wednesday will also be arranged. New Style Print, assorted and Mrs. Cambridge, their ness throughout bis Illness dlpLylng and darS; plain sleeves; lull riltlrl, flutshed ker Hill) wool salo at and no doubt will pack the Portland Irving Blake, 0Uc $1.00 quality. This 79c far his Arm-seye, sizes 32 to 41, Marlon wa» married to and forCtaeo beyond all sizes, at 12Me Theatre to the doors at every perlor- daughter, Irving, pat'enre HOME WEPPINU. Stockings, Kev. J. W. Gnat on. A and loving sen the kind- mane*, as they are doing io every tows Cbarlea 8. Vow by yearn geut'e a — #» s nd n trio ntlH faltS. A pretty wedding took place at ICO that they play. Notwithstanding tht Katherine Squire and Merlel Squire,little hi, Vrteftr fit.raster V* H.l nHVeDinS. lb* R. LIBBY CO. J. R. LIBBY GO. were brldearoaldi. ful ftlend he lerrej tedder faintly CO. J. enormous expens» of thesj great produo nli r .1 tf the bride, J. R. LIBBY friends t muum bis lose. contracting parties were Mr. William tlons the prions are 10-U0-30 cents, dallj Mr. nod Mrs. Voee will make their futnre many young ooouis Curtla and Mrs. Ultra M. Hrogden. Has. matinees 10 and 20 cents home In Franoi*town, N. U. The funeral today. sj. p. Pearson olUotated. After the oare- HKA1. ETAIK XA.NYKKB. moDj a light lunoh was served, and the A MAINE’S GREATEST STORE. Knootr Blake of Btandilh to George H. '■eantifnl wedding cake was out by the Fees of Btindlsh tor fS.WW, a lot and bride. It was a quiet home wedding, Its buildings at St»nd!sh. only relatives and a few friends stand- Pocket Arthur B. Noyes of Falmouth to tCnooh ing. The presents were very beantlful. Blake and Clinton B Blake of Standlsh, In the course of the evening Meters. Comb land and In Falmouth. William and a for (1, buildings Utorgo aud Uraguon sang is such a convenience, Samuel Be vis P. Knight of Naplse recitation was given by Miss Harriett to MAHOGANY for a If the fire should happen to Edward K. Jewett of Naples for fl Uraokatt. Mr. and Mr*. Curtis will re- always ready finishing In In be in store or house are ^• land and buildings Naples. side Portland. touch. jour W. Chamberlain of South Port- SEWING George We have a large assortment well insured? X land to Henry O.Gurtln of B’enmark for PI. A NTS UX MAILi.ll you of them in cases and without fl a lot of land In Hrldgton. One of tbe ohlef features of Kendall & If not, better come in and ♦ and from hard horn s;ed store Is thslr mall order rubber, UNION TEMPERANCE MKKIISU. Whltuey's it over. TABLE. whloh cnnblea tbelr ont of and celluloid. talk t will be department, The union tomperanoe meeting sbruhs and town patrons to select plants, Good ones for 10c, and the held at Mission hall Sunday after- Gospel seeds mall and thui save lots of time be by 25o. The cut show* one of the neatest pat- noon at three o'slook. Addresses will best and largest for aod car fare. Their spring oatalogue la DOW & terns of a boudoir or room stand by Hev. H. F. Dexter, Chester I. one in sewing given uow aud be had eendlug a llave your pocket. \ ready may by and O. B. Norton. that has ever been on our floor. It is Orr, D. P. Parker postal with your name and addrees. Each will dlsousa the temperanoe : built on honor, of rich old dark grained speaker PINKHAM. entirely different topics. H. H, HAY Middie St. mahogany, with a polish luce place glass. question, upon &TS0WT The ladles’ temperance quartette will It haa a eonven'cnt of 27 Inches, atnl a top 20 iuehos square. The two height oholoe selections. All are 44 with beau- render some drawers are divided into bandy compartments, and are liued throughout A Little Spark May cordially Invited to go and enoonrage the tiful bird’s eye maple. The tnblo lias swell ends, front aud back, and solid brass good work. colonial handles. Notice the graceful curved legs and the general uniqueness of Make Much Work/' BLACK sure design. We never have duplicate etock of such pieces, so you are reasonably P HO BA IK HEARING. bad blood lurking your next door won’t have one just like it. In this table you are getting The Utile "sparks" of Is Fashionable Now. neighbor Before Judge Peabody In the Probate twenty-five dollars’ worth of for in the system should be quenched v>it\ style court yesterday morning, Daniel B, Hood's America s great blood not have that faded colored dress Graflam of Westbrook had a bearing on Sarsaparilla, Wliy ■ - S12.00 It vitalises and enriches black and be in style ? You can be Teeth. petition for the reopening of a formal purifier. purifies, dyed Artificial and all Cures economical and fashionable at the same Superior hearing on bla petition that Fables M the blood of both sexes ages. catarrh. .b,t:ss Hay of Westbrook, executor of the will o salt rheum, dyspepsia, time. plates X saWifwrSM scrofula, you want, a lit and natural appearance, ordered to perfect Ellas Dodge, should be give rnPTFDiP Forest City Dye limit fuller aooouot of his acta, on the ground FOSTER S r DR. E. P. Y. M. a of fraudulent tsetlmony. Petition was de BLANCHARD, A.Juilijng. Preble House. Died. Graff am appeared for himself ant 18 Preble 81.. opp. uteres Cleansed Every Day. Oils Joalah Drummond, Jr., for Ray. CF~kL4