REVIEW question, request), emotions and positive or neg- ative sentiment, and discourse structure (topic or rhetorical structure). Second, performance im- provements in NLP were spurred on by shared Advances in natural task competitions. Originally, these competitions were largely funded and organized by the U.S. language processing Department of Defense, but they were later or- ganized by the research community itself, such Julia Hirschberg1* and Christopher D. Manning2,3 as the CoNLL Shared Tasks (3). These tasks were a precursor of modern ML predictive modeling Natural language processing employs computational techniques for the purpose of learning, and analytics competitions, such as on Kaggle (4), understanding, and producing human language content. Early computational approaches to in which companies and researchers post their language research focused on automating the analysis of the linguistic structure of language data and statisticians and data miners from all over and developing basic technologies such as machine , , and speech theworldcompetetoproducethebestmodels. synthesis. Today’s researchers refine and make use of such tools in real-world applications, A major limitation of NLP today is the fact that creating spoken dialogue systems and speech-to-speech translation engines, mining social most NLP resources and systems are available media for information about health or finance, and identifying sentiment and emotion toward only for high-resource languages (HRLs), such as products and services. We describe successes and challenges in this rapidly advancing area. English, French, Spanish, German, and Chinese. In contrast, many low-resource languages (LRLs)— ver the past 20 years, computational lin- strikes idle kids,” depending on the noun, verb, and such as Bengali, Indonesian, Punjabi, Cebuano, guistics has grown into both an exciting adjective assignments of the in the sentence, and Swahili—spoken and written by millions of area of scientific research and a practical as well as grammatical structure. Beginning in the people have no such resources or systems avail- O technology that is increasingly being in- 1980s, but more widely in the 1990s, NLP was able.Afuturechallengeforthelanguagecommu- corporated into consumer products (for transformed by researchers starting to build mod- nity is how to develop resources and tools for example, in applications such as Apple’sSiriand els over large quantities of empirical language hundreds or thousands of languages, not just a few. Skype Translator). Four key factors enabled these data. Statistical or corpus (“body of words”)–based developments: (i) a vast increase in computing NLP was one of the first notable successes of on May 12, 2016 power, (ii) the availability of very large amounts the use of big data, long before the power of Proficiency in languages was traditionally a hall- of linguistic data, (iii) the development of highly ML was more generally recognized or the term mark of a learned person. Although the social successful machine learning (ML) methods, and “big data” even introduced. standing of this human skill has declined in the (iv) a much richer understanding of the structure A central finding of this statistical approach to modern age of science and machines, translation of human language and its deployment in social NLP has been that simple methods using words, between human languages remains crucially im- contexts. In this Review, we describe some cur- part-of-speech (POS) sequences (such as whether portant, and MT is perhaps the most substantial rent application areas of interest in language a is a noun, verb, or preposition), or simple way in which computers could aid human-human research. These efforts illustrate computational templates can often achieve notable results when communication. Moreover, the ability of com- approaches to big data, based on current cutting- trained on large quantities of data. Many text puters to translate between human languages edge methodologies that combine statistical anal- and sentiment classifiers are still based solely on remains a consummate test of machine intel- ysis and ML with knowledge of language. the different sets of words (“bag of words”)that ligence: Correct translation requires not only Computational , also known as nat- documents contain, without regard to sentence the ability to analyze and generate sentences in ural language processing (NLP), is the subfield and discourse structure or meaning. Achieving human languages but also a humanlike under- of computer science concerned with using com- improvements over these simple baselines can be standing of world knowledge and context, de- putational techniques to learn, understand, and quite difficult. Nevertheless, the best-performing spite the ambiguities of languages. For example, produce human language content. Computation- systems now use sophisticated ML approaches the French word “bordel” straightforwardly means al linguistic systems can have multiple purposes: and a rich understanding of linguistic structure. “brothel”; but if someone says “My room is un The goal can be aiding human-human commu- High-performance tools that identify syntactic bordel,” then a translating machine has to know

nication, such as in machine translation (MT); and semantic information as well as information enough to suspect that this person is probably not Downloaded from aiding human-machine communication, such as about discourse context are now available. One running a brothel in his or her room but rather is with conversational agents; or benefiting both example is Stanford CoreNLP (1), which provides saying “My room is a complete mess.” humans and machines by analyzing and learn- a standard NLP preprocessing pipeline that in- Machine translation was one of the first non- ing from the enormous quantity of human lan- cludes POS tagging (with tags such as noun, verb, numeric applications of computers and was studied guage content that is now available online. and preposition); identification of named entities, intensively starting in the late 1950s. However, the During the first several decades of work in such as people, places, and organizations; hand-built grammar-basedsystemsofearlydec- computational linguistics, scientists attempted of sentences into their grammatical structures; ades achieved very limited success. The field was to write down for computers the vocabularies and identifying co-references between noun transformed in the early 1990s when researchers and rules of human languages. This proved a phrase mentions (Fig. 1). at IBM acquired a large quantity of English and difficult task, owing to the variability, ambiguity, Historically, two developments enabled the French sentences that weretranslationsofeach and context-dependent interpretation of human initial transformation of NLP into a big data field. other (known as parallel text), produced as the languages. For instance, a star can be either an The first was the early availability to researchers proceedings of the bilingual Canadian Parliament. astronomical object or a person, and “star” can of linguistic data in digital form, particularly These data allowed them to collect statistics of be a noun or a verb. In another example, two in- through the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) word and word sequences and to terpretations are possible for the headline “Teacher (2), established in 1992. Today, large amounts build a probabilistic model of MT (5). of digital text can easily be downloaded from Following a quiet period in the late 1990s, the Web. Available as linguistically annotated the new millennium brought the potent combina- 1Department of Computer Science, Columbia University, New York, data are large speech and text corpora anno- tion of ample online text, including considerable 2 NY 10027, USA. Department of Linguistics, Stanford University, tated with POS tags, syntactic parses, semantic quantities of parallel text, much more abundant Stanford, CA 94305-2150, USA. 3Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020, USA. labels, annotations of named entities (persons, and inexpensive computing, and a new idea *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] places, organizations), dialogue acts (statement, for building statistical phrase-based MT systems


(6). Rather than translating word by word, the of this form is much more practical with the therapy for less-abled persons [e.g., Maja Mataric’s key advance is to notice that small word groups massive parallel computation that is now econo- socially assistive robots (17)]. They also enable ava- often have distinctive translations. The Japa- mically available via graphics processing units. For tars to tutor people in interview or negotiation stra- nese “mizu iro” is literally the sequence translation, research has focused on a particular tegies or to help with health care decisions (18, 19). of two words (“water color”), but this is not the version of recurrent neural networks, with enhanced The creation of SDSs, whether between hu- correct meaning (nor does it mean a type of “long short-term memory” computational units mans or between humans and artificial agents, painting); rather, it indicates a light, sky-blue color. that can better maintain contextual information requires tools for automatic speech recognition Such phrase-based MT was used by Franz Och in from early until late in a sentence (10, 11)(Fig.2). (ASR), to identify what a human says; dialogue the development of . The distributed representations of neural networks management (DM), to determine what that hu- This technology enabled the services we have are often very effective for capturing subtle seman- man wants; actions to obtain the information or today, which allow free and instant translation tic similarities, and neural MT systems have al- perform the activity requested; and text-to-speech between many language pairs, but it still pro- ready produced some state-of-the-art results (12, 13). (TTS) synthesis, to convey that information back duces translations that are only just serviceable A still-underexplored area in MT is getting ma- to the human in spoken form. (Fig. 3). In addition, for determining the gist of a passage. However, chines to have more of a sense of discourse, so SDSs need to be ready to interact with users when very promising work continues to push MT for- that a sequence of sentences translates naturally— an error in speech recognition occurs; to decide ward. Much subsequent research has aimed to although work in the area has begun (14). Finally, what words might be incorrectly recognized; and better exploit the structure of human language MT is not necessarily a task for machines to do to determine what the user actually said, either sentences (i.e., their syntax) in translation sys- alone. Rather it can be reconceptualized as an op- automatically or via dialogue with the user. In tems (7, 8), and researchers are actively building portunity for computer-supported cooperative speech-to-speech translation systems, MT com- deeper meaning representations of language (9) work that also exploits human skills (15). In such ponents are also needed to facilitate dialogue to enable a new level of semantic MT. a system, machine intelligence is aimed at human- between speakers of different languages and the Finally, just in the past year, we have seen the computer interface capabilities of giving effective system, to identify potential mistranslations before development of an extremely promising approach suggestions and reacting productively to human they occur, and to clarify these with the speaker. to MT through the use of deep-learning–based input, rather than wholly replacing the skills and Practical SDSs have been enabled by break- sequence models. The central idea of deep learn- knowledge of a human translator. throughs in speech recognition accuracy, mainly ing is that if we can train a model with several coming from replacing traditional acoustic feature– representational levels to optimize a final objec- Spoken dialogue systems and modeling pipelines with deep-learning models that on May 12, 2016 tive, such as translation quality, then the model conversational agents map sound signals to sequences of human language can itself learn intermediate representations Dialogue has been a popular topic in NLP re- sounds and words (20). Although SDSs now work that are useful for the task at hand. This idea search since the 1980s. However, early work on fairly well in limited domains, where the topics of has been explored particularly for neural net- text-based dialogue has now expanded to include the interaction are known in advance and where work models in which information is stored in spoken dialogue on mobile devices (e.g., Apple’s thewordspeoplearelikelytousecanbepredeter- real-valued vectors, with the mapping between Siri, Amtrak’s Julie, Google Now, and Microsoft’s mined, they are not yet very successful in open- vectors consisting of a matrix multiplication fol- Cortana) for information access and task-based domain interaction, where users may talk about lowed by a nonlinearity, such as a sigmoid func- apps. Spoken dialogue systems (SDSs) also allow anything at all. following in the tradition tion that maps the output values of the matrix robots to help people with simple manual tasks of ELIZA (21) handle open-domain interaction by multiplication onto [−1, 1]. Building large models [e.g., Manuela Veloso’s CoBots (16)] or provide cleverly repeating variations of the human input; Part of speech: NNP NNP RB VBD IN NNP NNP , CC PRP VBZ RB VBG PRP IN PRP . Mrs. Clinton previously worked for Mr. Obama, but she is now distancing herself from him .

Named entity recognition: Person Date Person Date Downloaded from Mrs. Clinton previously worked for Mr. Obama, but she is now distancing herself from him.

Co-reference: Coref Coref Coref Mention Ment M Mention M Mrs. Clinton previously worked for Mr. Obama, but she is now distancing herself from him.

Basic dependencies: conj cc nmod nsubj nmod nsubj case aux compoundadvmod advmod dobj case

NNP NNP RB VBD IN NNP NNP , CC PRP VBZ RB VBG PRP IN PRP . Mrs. Clinton previously worked for Mr. Obama, but she is now distancing herself from him .

Fig. 1. Many language technology tools start by doing linguistic structure analysis. Here we show output from Stanford CoreNLP. As shown from top to bottom, this tool determines the parts of speech of each word, tags various words or phrases as semantic named entities of various sorts, determines which entity mentions co-refer to the same person or organization, and then works out the syntactic structure of each sentence, using a dependency grammar analysis.

262 17 JULY 2015 • VOL 349 ISSUE 6245 SCIENCE The protests escalated over the weekend Machine reading The printed word has great power to enlighten. 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.2 - 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 - 0.2 - 0.4 - 0.3 Machine reading is the idea that machines could 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.5 become intelligent, and could usefully integrate 0.1 - 0.1 0.3 0.9 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 and summarize information for humans, by read- - 0.4 - 0.7 - 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.5 - 0.7 - 0.7 - 0.7 - 0.7 - 0.7 - 0.7 - 0.7 - 0.7 0.2 0.1 - 0.3 - 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 ing and understanding the vast quantities of text that are available. In the early decades of artificial intelligence, many 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 - 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 - 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.6 - 0.8 0.6 - 0.1 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.6 researchers focused on the approach of trying to - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 enable intelligent machines by manually building 0.1 - 0.7 - 0.7 - 0.4 - 0.5 - 0.7 - 0.7 - 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.2 - 0.5 - 0.7 large structured knowledge bases in a formal logi- 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 cal language and developing automated reasoning methods for deriving further facts from this knowl- 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.4 0.2 edge. However, with the emergence of the mod- 0.6 - 0.6 - 0.3 0.4 - 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.6 ern online world, what we mainly have instead is - 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 - 0.3 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1 0.1 - 0.5 - 0.1 - 0.7 - 0.3 - 0.4 - 0.5 - 0.4 - 0.7 - 0.7 - 0.7 - 0.7 - 0.7 0.3 0.4 - 0.7 huge repositories of online information coded in 0.1 0.4 0.2 - 0.2 - 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 human languages. One place where this is true is in the scientific literature, where findings are still Die proteste waren am wochenende eskaliert The protests escalated over the weekend reported almost entirely in human language text (with accompanying tables and diagrams). How- Fig. 2. A deep, recurrent neural MT system (10). Initially trained on parallel sentences that translate each ever, it is equally true for more general knowledge, other, the model learns a representation of each word as a real-valued vector and internal parameter matrices so where we now have huge repositories of infor- as to optimize translation quality. The trained network can then translate new sentences. Each arrow represents mation such as Wikipedia (26). The quantity of a computation unit of a matrix multiplication followed by a nonlinear transformation; the small vectors shown in scientific literature is growing rapidly: For example, the illustration might really be 1000-dimensional. The recurrent network first encodes the meaning of the source thesizeoftheU.S.NationalLibraryofMedicine’s sentence (left side, blue). It maintains an internal state representing a partial sentence, which is updated after Medline index has grown exponentially (27). At each new word is read (horizontal arrows). Having the upper network layers [mapped to by additional (upper on May 12, 2016 such a scale, scientists are unable to keep up with vertical) computation arrows] makes this a deep recurrent network. Adding depth improves the ability of the the literature, even in their narrow domains of model to learn, generalize, and remember. Once the end of the sentence (denoted by ) is reached expertise. Thus, there is an increased need for (middle, dark blue), the network additionally starts to produce a word of translated output at each step from its machine reading for the purposes of comprehend- internal state (using a multiclass logistic regression–style model). During translation generation (right side, ing and summarizing the literature, as well as ex- green), the last generated word is fed in as the input at each step. From the stored hidden state and this input, tracting facts and hypotheses from this material. the model calculates the next word of the translation. This process repeats until is generated. An initial goal is to extract basic facts, most commonly a relation between two entities, such this approach is also being attempted in spoken- mans can also disambiguate words such as “yeah” as “child of” (for instance, Bill Clinton, Chelsea chat systems designed to provide a sense of com- and “okay,” which may have diverse meanings— Clinton). This is referred to as relation extrac- panionship for target audiences such as the elderly including agreement, topic shift, and even tion. For particular domain-specific relations, or individuals with dementia (22). In spoken dia- disagreement—when spoken in different ways. many such systems have been successfully built. logue, information about the speaker’smental In successful and cooperative conversations, hu- One technique is to use handwritten patterns state inferred from multimodal information can mans also tend to entrain to their conversational that match the linguistic expression of relations be used to supplement the system’sknowledgeof partners, becoming more similar to each other in (e.g., ’s daughter, ). Bet- what the user is saying. pronunciation, word choice, acoustic and pro- ter results can be obtained through the use of There are many challenges in building SDSs, sodic features, facial expressions, and gestures. in addition to the primary challenge of improv- This tendency has long been used to subtly in- ing the accuracy of the basic ASR, DM, and TTS duce SDS users to employ terms that the system Speech in

building blocks and extending their use into less- can more easily recognize. Currently, research- Downloaded from restricted domains. These include basic problems ers are beginning to believe that systems (parti- Automatic Speech of recognizing and producing normal human cularly embodied agents) should entrain to their Recognition conversational behaviors, such as turn-taking users in these different modalities, and some ex- and coordination. Humans interpret subtle cues perimental results have shown that users prefer in speakers’ voices and facial and body gestures such systems (23) and even think they are more (where available) to determine when the speaker intelligent (24). Open issues for DM have long been is ready to give up the turn versus simply pausing. the determination of how to architect the appro- Dialogue These cues, such as a filled pause (e.g., “um” or priate dialogue flow for particular applications, Management “uh”), are also used to establish when some where existing experimental data may be sparse feedback from the listener is desirable, to indi- and some aspects of the dialogue state may not yet information access cate that he or she is listening or working on a have been observed or even be observable from the request, as well as to provide “grounding” (i.e., data. Currently, the most widely used approach is information about the current state of the con- the POMDP (partially observable Markov decision – t versation). Non humanlike latency often makes process), which attempts to identify an optimal ou h SDS burdensome, as users must wait seconds to system policy by maintaining a probability distri- ec pe receive a system response. To address this, re- bution over possible SDS states and updating this Text-to-Speech S Synthesis searchers are exploring incremental processing distribution as the system observes additional of ASR, MT, and TTS modules, so that systems dialogue behavior (25). This approach may make can respond more quickly to users by beginning use of the identification of dialogue acts, such as Fig. 3. A spoken dialogue system.The three main these recognition, translation, and generation whether the user input represents a question, components are represented by rectangles; arrows processes while the user is still speaking. Hu- statement, or indication of agreement, for example. denote the flow of information.


ML. A structured prediction classifier proposes is the proposal for universal schemas (47), which instances of such relations based on extracted allow simultaneous inference and knowledge- The Right Honourable features from the sequence of words and gram- base completion over both the open set of textual John Curtin matical structure of a sentence (28, 29). Such sys- relations (such as “born in”)foundinOpenIE tems are the mainstay of literature fact-extraction and the more exact schema of databases (such toolsinfieldssuchasbiomedicine(30, 31). as per:city_of_birth). Even with all of our text- In many scientific fields, there have been ma- extraction techniques, any knowledge base will jor efforts to build databases of structured infor- only be partial and incomplete; some recent mation based on the textual scientific record, work explores how it can be probabilistically com- such as the Gene Ontology database (32)inbio- pleted to deliver a form of common-sense rea- medicine or the PaleoBiology Database for fossil soning (48). Finally, we hope to move beyond records (33). This has generally been done man- simply extracting relations, events, and facts to ually, via concerted work by trained profes- be able to understand the relations between sionals. Using artificial intelligence software to events (such as causation) and complex multistep 14th Prime Minister of Australia extract these databases, as well as to perform procedures and processes. In (49), Berant et al. Elections: 1937, 1940, 1943 subsequent reasoning and hypothesis genera- explore how this can be done for understanding Personal details tion, has become a major research goal. One the steps in biological processes, showing that subfield where these questions have been ac- extracting explicit process structures can improve Born John Joseph Curtin 34 8 January 1885 tively pursued is pharmacogenomics ( ). For the accuracy of . The flip side of Creswick, Colony of Victoria example, Percha et al.(35) trained a model of machine reading is to provide question-answering British Empire drug-drug interactions based on drug-gene in- systems, by which humans can get answers from Died 5 July 1945 (aged 60) teractions extracted from the literature and were constructed knowledge bases. There has recently Canberra, Australia able to use it to predict novel drug-drug interactions. been dramatic progress in building such systems If a partial knowledge base—for instance, Freebase by learning semantic parsers (50). (36), (37), Wikidata (38) (related to Wikipe- dia), or the Gene Ontology database (32)—has already Mining social media been extracted from biomedical research articles, The development of social media has revolution- per: date_of_birth per: city_of_birth on May 12, 2016 then there is an opportunity to automatically align ized the amount and types of information avail- known facts from the knowledge base with puta- able today to NLP researchers. Data available tive expressions of those facts in text. The type labels from sources such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, from this mapping can then be used as if they were blogs, and discussion forums make it possible John Curtin (1885-1945), supervised data for ML information-extraction sys- to examine relations between demographic in- prime minister and journalist, tems (Fig. 4). This is referred to as distantly super- formation, language use, and social interaction vised relation extraction. Early systems aligned (51). Researchers use Web-scraping techniques, was born on 8 January 1885 entity mentions and then made the naïve assump- often via application program interfaces pro- at Creswick, Victoria, tion that sentences containing a pair of entities vided by websites, to download previously unim- eldest of four children of expressed every known relation between the two aginable amounts and categories of data. Using entities in the database (39). More recent systems statistical and ML techniques, they learn to iden- Irish-born parents John have used increasingly sophisticated probabilistic tify demographic information (such as age and Curtin and his wife inference to discern which textual clauses map to gender) from language, track trending topics and Catherine (Kate) Agnes, which facts in the knowledge base, or to something popular sentiment, identify opinions and beliefs else entirely (40, 41). A dramatic recent applica- about products and politicians, predict disease née Bourke. . . . tion of this approach has been the DeepDive sys- spreading (for instance, with Google Flu Trends: tem (42), which aims to automate the construction from symptoms men- of such systems by providing efficient large-scale tioned in tweets or food-related illnesses (52), 53 learning and inference so a user can simply focus recognize deception in fake reviews ( ), and Downloaded from on good features for their domain. PaleoDeepDive, identify social networks of people who interact its application to the fossil record, has recently been together online. Learn how to extract shown to do a better job at fact extraction from In this era of big data, the availability of social slots from free text: journal articles than the scientist volunteers who media has revolutionized the ways advertisers, was born on maintain the PaleoBiology Database (43). journalists, businesses, politicians, and medical per: date_of_birth The relation-extraction task is made general, experts acquire their data and the ways in which if less semantically precise, by aiming to ex- those data can be put to practical use. Product born . . . at tract all relations from any piece of text, a task reviews can be mined to predict pricing trends normally referred to as open information ex- and assess advertising campaigns. Political forums per: city_of_birth traction (Open IE) (44). Early work emphasized can be searched to predict candidate appeal and the development of simple but highly scalable performance in elections. Social networks can be fact-extraction techniques that do not require examined to find indicators of power and influ- Fig. 4. Distantly supervised learning. In this ap- any kind of hand-labeled data (45). With ever- ence among different groups. Medical forums can proach, facts in a structured knowledge repre- growing computational power, a second genera- be studied to discover common questions and sentation are projected onto pieces of text that tion of work increasingly emphasized careful use misconceptions about sufferers from particular mention the people, places, dates, etc., that appear of linguistic structure, which can reliably be ex- medical conditions so that website information in knowledge-base entries.This projection is noisy, tracted with the use of detailed NLP (46). can be improved. but when done over large quantities of text, it pro- Currently, a number of avenues are being Social media also provide very large and rich vides enough signal to successfully learn good clas- explored to further extend the ability of compu- sources of conversational data in Web forums sifiers for extracting relations from text. [Photo ters to build and use knowledge bases starting that can provide “found” data for the study of lan- source: National Library of Australia, from textual information. An exciting unification guage phenomena such as code-switching (mixed au/nla.pic-an12267621]

264 17 JULY 2015 • VOL 349 ISSUE 6245 SCIENCE language in bilingual speech), hedging behavior uncommitted belief, or neutrality of a sentence) Sentiment classification is widely used in opin- (words and phrases indicating lack of commitment on the basis of lexical and syntactic information. ion identification (positive or negative views of to a proposition such as “sort of ”), and hate speech Both sentiment and belief constitute attitudes to- people, institutions, or ideas) in many languages or bullying behavior. Social media exist in a wide ward events and propositions, although sentiment and genres. Particular applications abound, such variety of languages, including both HRLs and can also concern attitudes toward objects such as as identifying positive and negative movie or pro- LRLs. These data can be invaluable for enriching people, organizations, and abstract concepts. De- duct reviews (59, 60) and predicting votes from con- ASR language models and developing TTS synthe- tection of sentiment and emotion in text requires gressional records (61) or Supreme Court decisions sizers without the need to create costly special- lexical and sentence-level information. Sentiment from court proceedings. Figure 5 illustrates a typical purpose corpora. In turn, these technologies can canbesignaledbywordsconveyingpositiveor restaurant review, annotated for positive, negative, be useful in producing SDSs in LRL areas. Such negative orientation: For example, “sad,”“worried,” and neutral sentiment, as well as basic emotions. systems can provide millions of people with the “difficult,” and “weak” are all words with negative Mining social media for sentiment or classic emo- ability to obtain information over their cell phones orientation, whereas “comfortable,”“important,” tions has been a particularly popular topic for the (which are ubiquitous, even among populations “successful,” and “interesting” convey a positive purposes of assessing the “public mood” from Twit- with low literacy rates or whose languages or sentiment. Online sentiment dictionaries, such as ter, predicting stock market trends, or simply eval- dialects have no standard written form), similar to Whissel’sDictionaryofAffect(56), and systems uating a community’s mental state (62). Social media the residents of HRL countries. The development created from subject-ranked terms, such as Tausczik such as Twitter, blog posts, and forums also provide of tools for LRLs from found LRL data, by adapt- and Pennebaker’sLIWC(LinguisticInquiryand researchers with very large amounts of data to use in ing HRL tools, is another important way to use Word Count) (57), can be used to assess positive assessing the role of sentiment and emotion in found text data. A particular application of data and negative sentiment in a text. More sophis- identifying other linguistic or social phenomena mining in LRLs is the mining of data collected ticated approaches to also seek [e.g., sarcasm (63), power relationships, and so- from Twitter or blogs to provide valuable infor- to identify the holder (source) as well as the object cial influence (64)],aswellasmentalhealthis- mation for disaster relief organizations, identify- of the sentiment: for instance, who is positive about sues [e.g., depression (65)]. ing the most serious problems, where they occur, what person, country, activity, or concept (55). and who is experiencing them. The speech community has also studied pos- Conclusion and outlook There are also some drawbacks to social media itive and negative attitudes by focusing more Many times during the past 50 years, enthusi- data mining. There is an increasing concern for generally on the identification of positive and neg- astic researchers have had high hopes that the privacy issues, particularly for an individual’scon- ative emotions, primarily using acoustic and pro- language-understanding ability of robots in sci- on May 12, 2016 trol over their own data versus researchers’ desire sodic information. However, more work is currently ence fiction movies was just around the corner. to mine it. Sites such as Twitter severely limit a being done to identify particular emotions, such However, in reality, speech and language under- researcher’s ability to download data, which im- as Ekman’s classic six basic emotions (anger, dis- standing did not work well enough at that time pedes speedy corpus collection. There is also a gust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise), which to power mainstream applications. The situation major issue with discovering “ground truth” in may be reactions to events, propositions, or objects. has been changing dramatically over the past five online postings, because there is no clear way of There has also been considerable research using years. Huge improvements in speech recognition validating an individual’s demographic information; features that have proven important in recog- have made talking to your phone a commonplace the validity of posts concerning events; and most nizing classic emotions to identify other speak- activity, especially for young people. Web search reviews of hotels, restaurants, and products. Aggre- er states (such as deception), medical conditions engines are increasingly successful in understanding gating information from multiple sources at similar (such as autism and Parkinson’s disease), speaker complex queries, and MT can at least yield the gist times can address some validity issues, and sites do characteristics (such as age, gender, likeability, of material in another language, even if it cannot attempt to identify spurious reviews, but this issue pathology, and personality), and speaker conditions yet produce human-quality translations. Com- remainsperhapsthemostdifficultoneforthose (such as cognitive load, drunkenness, sleepiness, puter systems trade stocks and futures auto- working with social media data. interest, and trust). Corpora collected for such matically, based on the sentiment of reports about studies have been used in the Interspeech Para- companies. As a result, there is now great com- Analysis and generation of speaker state linguistic Challenges, which have been conducted mercial interest in the deployment of human Speaker states (54), also termed “private states” since 2009. Emotion generation has proven a language technology, especially because natural (55), include opinions, speculations, beliefs, emo- more difficult challenge for TTS synthesis. Although language represents such a natural interface

tions, and any other evaluative views that are there are some systems (e.g., MARY) that at- when interacting with mobile phones. In the Downloaded from personally held by the speaker or writer of a tempt to generate emotions such as depression, short term, we feel confident that more data language.MuchoftheworkinNLPhasfocused aggression, or cheerfulness (58), the best synthe- and computation, in addition to recent advances on sentiment analysis (identification of positive sized emotion still comes from corpora recorded for in ML and deep learning, will lead to further or negative orientation of textual language) and particular emotions by voice talent imitating those substantial progress in NLP. However, the truly identification of belief states (committed belief, emotions. difficult problems of semantics, context, and

Breakfast on Broadway is a new place focusing on, you guessed Breakfast on Broadway is a new place focusing on, you guessed it, it, breakfast/brunch. Went there last Sunday around 1. The food breakfast/brunch. Went there last Sunday around 1. The food was was not bad but the service was pretty terrible. We had to wait 15 not bad but [Anger: the service was pretty terrible]. [Disgust: We minutes just to get menus and another 30 to get something to had to wait 15 minutes just to get menus and another 30 to get eat. And there were only a few tables occupied! If you don’t mind something to eat. And there were only a few tables occupied!] If the wait though, the price is right. I’ll probably give it another try. you don’t mind the wait though, the price is right. I’ll probably give Maybe they need time to get their act together. it another try. [Uncertainty: Maybe they need time to get their act together.]

Fig. 5. Manually annotated text analysis on a sample restaurant review. Sentiment analysis is shown on the left (blue, positive sentiments; red, negative; gray, neutral). In the emotion analysis on the right, emotions are shown in bold type and delineated by square brackets. Note in particular the importance of going beyond simple keyword analysis; for example, “not” has scope over “bad,” which might mislead simple systems. Also, the presence of “hedge” words and phrases, which muddle the intended meaning (e.g., “pretty,” which has a positive connotation, modifying the negative word “terrible”), somewhat decreases the negative score of the next clause.


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266 17 JULY 2015 • VOL 349 ISSUE 6245 SCIENCE Advances in natural language processing Julia Hirschberg and Christopher D. Manning (July 16, 2015) Science 349 (6245), 261-266. [doi: 10.1126/science.aaa8685]

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