




Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of



Y\o.i\ I would like to thank my advisor. Dr. Moira K. Ridley, for her guidance and C support. Thanks also to the rest of my committee. Dr. Tom Lehman and Dr. Necip

Guven, for their assistance and advice. Thanks to James Browning for his help wdth

setting up the flow through columns (oops!). Dr. Melanie Barnes for her help with

analysis on the ICP, and Blakely Adair for going out of her way to provide graphite

fiimace AA analysis on some samples. Thanks to David Jacobi for the X-ray scans, Mike

Hooper for the greatest opportimity, and Mike Gower for the thin sections. Thanks to

Blakely Adair and Toby McBride for help in the field. Special thanks to my family and

fiiends for their support. Partial financial support from NIEHS grant number ES 04696

and the Brand Scholarship.








1.1 Problem Statement 1

1.2 Goals 3

1.3 Use of Terminology 4


2.1 Overview 5

2.2 7

2.3 8

2.4 Copper 9

2.5 Lead 9

2.6 10


3.1 Setting 11

3.2 Smelter History 14

3.3 Waste Areas 15

m 3.4 Waste Management 15


4.1 Sample Collection 18

4.2 Site Descriptions 18

4.3 Sample Preparation and Laboratory Work 21

4.3.1 Extraction and Analysis 21

4.3.2 Petrology 23

4.3.3 X-Ray Diffraction 24


5.1 Sample Description 25

5.1.1 Field Description 25

5.1.2 Petrography 26

5.1.3 X-Ray Diffraction Results 27

5.2 Extraction Results 27

5.2.1 Variations Between Cores 28

5.2.2 Variations Between Elements 39

5.2.3 Variations with Depth 40


6.1 Redox Boundaries 42

6.2 Sequential Extractions 43

6.2.1 Exchangeable Fraction 44

6.2.2 Bound to Carbonates 46

IV 6.2.3 Bound to Fe and Mn Oxides 47

6.2.4 Bound to Organic Matter 48


7.1 Summary of Metal Partitioning 50

7.2 Conclusion 51




Nine decades of copper smehing operations in Anaconda, Montana have generated 5.7x10* m^ of waste material and 16x10^ m^ of tailings material. These operations resuhed in severe degradation of the surrounding soils (777 km), contamination of groundwater and the adjacent Clark Fork River, and posed human health risks, prompting the U.S. Envu-onmental Protection Agency to place the area on its

National Priority List. Resuhing from this listing, numerous studies have been conducted to identify the principal metal contaminants, which mclude As (ISOOppm), Cd (41ppm),

Cu (5200ppm), Pb (800ppm), and Zn (1900ppm).

In this study, the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of soils proximal to the tailings ponds were examined in order to identify the hydrogeochemical processes responsible for controlling the bioavailability and mobility of the contaminants. Soil cores up to 2.5m depth were collected from three sites. Sequential extractions were performed on samples taken from the cores at 30-50cm intervals. The extraction procedure followed that of Tessier et al. (Analytical Chemistry, 1979). This procedure is designed to differentiate between the adsorbed and coprecipitated metal fractions.

Extractions were performed on samples dried at 60°C, then sieved to 0.25mm. The

<0.25mm fraction was selected as being the most likely fraction to have readily adsorbed the metals of mterest, and to provide suflQcient material for the sequential extraction analyses. Extracts were analyzed for Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Pb, Zn by ICP-

AES. In addition, the residual metal concentrations were determined following standard

Uthium-metaborate fusions.


3.1: Characterization of wastes found at Anaconda 16

B. 1: Exchangeable Fraction 56

B.2: Bound to Carbonates 57

B.3: Bound to Iron and Manganese Oxides 58

B.4: Bound to Organic Matter 59


3.1: Location map of Anaconda 12

3.2: Areas of mterest at the Anaconda Superfimd Site 13

4.1: Location of sample sites 19

4.2: Cross-section illustrating samples cores, estimated water table,

and estimated redox boundary 20

5.1: Partitioning of Arsenic 29

5.2: Partitioning of Cadmium 30

5.3: Partitioning of Copper 31

5.4: Partitioning of Lead 32

5.5: Partitioning of Zinc 33

5.6: Arsenic with depth 34

5.7: Cadmium with depth 35

5.8: Copper with depth 36

5.9: Lead with depth 37

5.10: Zinc with depth 38



1.1 Problem Statement

Copper smehing at Anaconda, Montana began m 1884 and ended in 1980, producing millions of cubic meters of waste material, including flue dust, fiimace slag, and mill tailings. These wastes were disposed of on-site, e.g., mill tailings were transported as slurries to a series of impoundments named the Anaconda and

Opportunity Ponds (Tetra Tech, 1986), which now cover approximately 6,000 acres and contain 185 million cubic yards of material. Mill tailings are highly varied in their characteristics due to differences in processing methods, types of ores, and reworking.

Water and sewage were applied to the ponds from the late 1950's through 1982 to prevent wind erosion of the tailings (Tetra Tech, 1986). The ponds have all dried since operations have ceased.

The Anaconda smelter site has been under examination since it attracted the attention of the Environmental Protection Agency and was deemed a Superfimd site in

1983. Studies have been contracted to several environmental companies including Titan

Engineering, Tetra Tech, CH2M Hill, to assess the extent of contamination, effects on animals and vegetation, and the possible migration of metal contaminants.

The Anaconda smelter site is not restricted to the immediate vicinity of the smelter, but includes an affected area in excess of 700km . Metal concentrations in soils may be elevated near a smelter enough to pose a significant health hazard, but decrease

exponentially with distance from a smeher (Kuo et al., 1983).

Local and surrounding soil and water systems have been degraded by the

presence and migration of tailings material containing high levels of arsenic (1800ppm),

cadmium (41ppm), copper (5200ppm), lead (800ppm), and zinc (1900ppm). The local

aquifer system shows levels of the metals of concern in this study occurring in plumes

directly beneath and adjacent to the tailings material (Titan Engineering, 1996).

Most of the material processed at the smelter was copper porphyry ore including

the mmerals chalcocite (CuS), bomite (CuFeS), and enargite (CuAsS). The tailings that

are impounded in the ponds are rich in sulfide minerals - both primary and those formed

in situ. Although most metal contamination of surface and groundwaters is due to

activities exposing sulfides to oxygen-rich waters (Carroll et al., 1998), the

contamination at the Anaconda site is due to the long-term oxidation of sulfides and the

presence of toxic metals in the primary material.

In order to effectively manage metal contaminated dramage from mine waste it is

important to understand the mechanisms controlling metal solubility (Shum and

Lavkulich, 1999). The mobility of trace elements and metals is an important factor in

determining their bioavailability (Boisson et al., 1999). Bioavailability (or bioaccessibility) of metal contaminants is of concern at the Anaconda Smelter site since there are natural wetlands within the area with abundant bird and animal populations that may be adversely affected by the presence of these metals. Determination of total metal concentration in soil can provide information for

superficial comparisons and the identification of areas of significant contamination, but

it does not provide any information regarding the mobility, plant availability, chemical

reactivity, and biological effects of the metals (Narwal et al., 1999). This study was

designed to examine the mechanisms controlling metal concentrations found in the

sediments and tailings material since the majority of a potentially toxic element or metal

is bound in solid phases (Hesterberg, 1998).

The method used in this study employs a sequential extraction procedure

published by Tessier et al. (1979). This procedure allows the determination of the

partitioning of trace elements into five different chemical fractions: (1) exchangeable,

(2) bound to carbonates, (3) bound to Fe and Mn oxides, (4) bound to organic matter,

and (5) residual. The exchangeable fraction refers to metals found in easily soluble

complexes or minerals that are liberated through simple leaching mechanisms. Bound to

carbonates refers to metals that are associated with sediment carbonate minerals. Metals

bound to iron and manganese oxides are adsorbed onto the amorphous surfaces of these

materials. Bound to organic matter refers to metal associated with various forms of

organic matter: living organisms, detritus, and coatings on mineral particles. Residual

metals are retained within the crystal structures of primary and secondary minerals.

1.2 Goals

The research presented here describes the fate and transport of the toxic contaminants As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn at the Anaconda Smelter site. Parameters controlling the mobihty of the contaminants of concern include sediment texture, organic content, sedunent mineralogy, pore fluid chemistry, and the oxidation state of the sediments. The approach used in this study includes: (1) sequential extraction as outlined by Tessier et al. (1989), (2) petrographic description using thin section samples, and (3) mineralogic description using X-ray diffractometry. The sequential extraction procedure provided data to aid in the determination of the chemical fractions responsible for the adsorption of metal cations onto sediments. Mineralogic data were used to fiirther quantify the nature of the chemistry and metal contamination in the sediments.

1.3 Use of Terminologv

"Soil" or "soils" describes the unconsolidated material being investigated, which includes mine tailings, disturbed sediments, and natural soils. Disturbed sediments are those affected either by mine tailings or application of soil amendments, such as lime and clay. "Contamination" or "contaminants" refers to the high concentration of certain elements above background levels established by the Environmental Protection Agency, namely arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc. "Metal" or "metals" refers to the set of elements including arsenic, copper, cadmium, lead, and zinc, although it is well known that arsenic is a metalloid. "Toxic" is used to imply the potential health hazard that an element or situation may pose. CHAPTER II


2.1 Overview

The partitioning and stability of metal species are evaluated in this study to determine the extent of contamination at the Anaconda site. Rather than looking at the bulk metal concentrations found in soils, this study focuses on the specific chemical form binding various metal cations to the sediments. Sequential extractions can provide information on the partitioning of metals in various mineral phases in mine wastes, providing valuable information regarding the availability of metals to the environment

(Leinz et al, 1999). Metals in the environment are of concern because of their potential reactivity, toxicity, and mobility in natural soils. Toxicity may occur when metal levels become concentrated above natural background levels (Selim and Amacher, 1997). The fate of trace elements in soils depends on soil chemical and physical properties, such as alkalinity or acidity, pH, redox potential, mineralogy, predominant grain size, and soil moisture (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1992).

Soils that have many sorption sites favorable for precipitation will decrease the mobility of metal ions (McBride, 1994). The clay-sized fraction of a soil is the primary provider for the surface sites necessary for metal-soil reactions (Sposito, 1984). In general, soils that contain high fractions of clays, oxides, and/or organic matter tend to retain most natural levels of trace metals (McBride, 1994). Clay material has been added to many of the tailings ponds as an immobilizer, so the clay fraction of these sediments may contain a large portion of the metals being studied.

Metals occur in different forms in soils - as free ions, complexed with inorganic or organic hgands, or associated with inorganic and organic colloidal material (McLean and Bledsoe, 1992). Shuman (1979) defined several soil fractions where metals may be located:

1. Dissolved in soil solution,

2. Occupying exchange sites on morganic soil constituents,

3. Specifically adsorbed on inorganic soil constituents,

4. Associated with insoluble soil organic matter,

5. Precipitated as pure or mked solids,

6. Occupying structures of primary or secondary minerals.

All occurrences of metals in the forms listed above are of concern when studying metal concentrations that have been affected by anthropogenic activity (McLean and Bledsoe,

1992). Furthermore, the sequential extraction procedure used in this study enables the fractions listed above to be identified. The partitioning of metals by sequential extraction can be compared to the fractions determined by Shuman is as follows:

"Exchangeable" metals as outlined by Tessier include fractions 1 and 2 listed by

Shuman; metals "bound to carbonates" and "bound to Fe and Mn oxides" include fractions 3 and 5 listed by Shuman; metals "bound to organic matter" include fraction 4 listed by Shuman; and "residual" metals include fraction 6 Usted by Shuman. The extent and nature of contamination at the Anaconda Smelter site is still under investigation and a variety of remediation techniques are being tested, including clay capping, revegetation, and construction of wetlands. Reclamation of contaminated soils is a complicated problem, requiring a good understanding of soil chemical and physical properties, and of the extent and nature of contamination (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias,

1992). The contamination at the Anaconda Smelter site includes metals that are relatively immobile but are phytotoxic in nature, so it is important to fully understand the fate and transport mechanisms controlling these contaminants. The mobility of metal contaminants due to anthropogenic activity can be so low that their presence is permanent unless action is taken to remediated the soils (McBride, 1994). An overview of the occurrence and behavior of each metal studied is presented here, including possible implications regarding their occurrence at the Anaconda Site.

2.2 Arsenic

The mean concentration of arsenic in U.S. surficial materials is 5.8ppm (Kabata-

Pendias and Pendias, 1992), where arsenic is found up to 1800ppm m surface soils surrounding the Anaconda Smelter site.Arsenic, a metalloid, occurs in soils as either arsenate or arsenite. As (V) in As04^", and As (III) in ASO2", respectively. Arsenite is the more toxic and mobile form of arsenic (McLean and Bledsoe, 1992). In this study, only total arsenic was determined because it is relatively difficult to analyze for individual As species. Arsenate predominates in oxidizing conditions, whereas arsenite becomes predominant in reducing or high pH conditions. The mobility of arsenic is greatly limited due to strong sorption to clays, hydroxides, and organic matter (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1992). Boisson et al. (1999) however, state that there is no correlation between arsenic and the organic carbon or the cation exchange capacity of a soil, reiterating the fact that the distribution of metals in the solid phase depends on the concentrations, their nature and origin (Narwal, 1999).

2.3 Cadmium

The worldwide mean concentration of cadmium in soils is 0.53ppm (Kabata-

Pendias and Pendias, 1992), where cadmium is found up to 5ppm in soils surrounding the Anaconda Smelter site. Cadmium is found in soils predominantly as cadmiimi carbonate, cadmium hydroxide, or cadmium phosphate.

Cadmium forms soluble complexes with inorganic and organic ligands, CI" in particular and the chemistry of Cd m soils is primarily controlled by pH (McLean and

Bledsoe, 1992). Adsorption of cadmium in polluted soils is also sensitive to the presence of otavite (CdCOs) (McLean and Bledsoe, 1992), due to the ease of substitution of Ca^"^ for Cd^^ (Hickey and Kittrick, 1984). Calcite is found at the Anaconda site either primary, secondary, or both, in the tailings and surrounding soils, increasing the likelihood of finding cadmium bound into a carbonate form.

8 2.4 Copper

Copper is widely distributed geographically and geologically, with an average concentration of 13-24ppm in soils worldwide (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1992)

N\1iereas copper is found up to 5200ppm in soils surrounding the Anaconda Smelter site.

Green and blue salt crusts are abundant on and around the tailings ponds and in adjacent areas where no visible tailings materials are present. This suggests the occurrence of copper as a soluble salt.

Copper is relatively immobile corq)ared to other trace elements and there is typically httle variation in total Cu concentration with depth in a soil column (McBride,

1981). The greatest amounts of adsorbed copper have been found associated with Fe and Mn oxides, amorphous Fe and Al hydroxides, and clays (Kabata-Pendias and

Pendias, 1992). Copper has a high affinity for soluble organic ligands (McLean and

Bledsoe, 1992), and may be foimd up to 25% total Cu associated with the organic fi-action of a soil (Stevenson, 1981).

2.5 Lead

The worldwide mean concentration of lead in soils is 32ppm (Kabata-Pendias c and Pendias, 1992) where it is found up to 800ppm in soils surrounding the Anaconda

Smeher site. Lead poisoning in children is the primary reason for the demolition of Mill

Town, an old community adjacent to the smeker (Titan Engineering, 1996). Lead occurs as galena (PbS) or as Pb^^ in its natural state, although it may be oxidized to a valence of

+4. Lead minerals are quite insoluble in natural waters. Lead is reported to be the least mobile among the , however, its mobility is enhanced through its high affinity for soluble organic ligands. On the other hand, lead readily adsorbs to clays and a number of Fe, Mn, and Al oxides and oxyhydroxides, which decrease its mobility (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1992).

2.6 Zinc

The worldwide mean concentration of zinc in soils is 64ppm (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1992) where it is found up to 1900ppm in soils surrounding the Anaconda

Smelter site. Zinc occurs primarily as a sulfide mineral (ZnS), but may substitute in silicate minerals for Mg^"^.

Zinc is more soluble than the other heavy metals in soils, but is readily adsorbed by clay minerals, carbonates, and hydrous oxides (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1992).

The bulk percent of zinc in polluted soils was associated with iron and manganese oxides (14-38%, McLean and Bledsoe, 1992), and clay minerals (24-63%, Kabata-

Pendias and Pendias, 1992).



3.1 Setting

The Anaconda Smelter site is located in southwestern Montana, in Deer Lodge

County (Figure 3.1). The town of Anaconda is approximately 25 miles northwest of

Butte, Montana on the western margin of Deer Lodge Valley. The smelter stack is approximately 5200 feet above sea level and set at the edge of a valley bound to the

south by the Pintlar Mountains and to the northwest by the Flint Creek Range.

Three communities surrounding the smelter: (1) Anaconda (population 8,000),

(2) Opportimity (population approximately 1,000), and (3) Warm Springs (population approximately 1,000). Milltown was a small community adjacent to the smelter site that was destroyed in the early 1980's due to lead poisoning in the human population.

Surface water systems that outline the southern border of the site include Mill

Creek, Willow Creek, and Bow Creek; outlining the northern border include

Warm Springs Creek, Dutchman Creek, and Lost Creek (Figure 3.2). , flowing out of Butte, combines with Warm Springs Creek to form the Clark Fork River,

The Clark Fork is heavily laden with metal contaminants from its headwaters near

Anaconda downstream to Missoula due to activities at the Anaconda smelter and other mining areas including Butte.

The groundwater system in the area is comprised of an upper unconfined

Quaternary alluvium aquifer, and a Tertiary aquifer of alternating sands, clayey sands.

11 Anaconda _« SmeitBT


/'»-' *».-' 10 ' J »H I I Wlc—ttn 0 to

Figure 3.1: Location of Anaconda and vicinity.

12 Figure 3.2: Areasof interest at the Anaconda Superfimd site.

13 and clay layers (Tetra Tech, 1986). The groimdwater flow is to the northeast, following the surface water drainage.

Quaternary unconsolidated alluvial sediments, including glacial gravel till,

dominate the surfece geology at Anaconda. The alluvium is underlain by Tertiary

fluvial and lacustrine deposits, boulder conglomerates, and shales (Tetra Tech, 1986).

The bedrock is well lithified and consists of a variety of granitic, volcanic, sedimentary,

and metamorphic rocks including packages of pre-Cambrian Beh Supergroup sequences

and igneous rocks related to the Tertiary Idaho Batholith (Ah and Hyndman, 1986).

3.2 Smelter History

The copper smelter at Anaconda was established by the Anaconda Minerals

Con^any to process the ores mined out of the Berkeley Pit in Butte. Smelting took

place at two locations during two significant periods: The Old Works area operated from

1884 through 1902, and the Washoe Smelter ("Smeher Hill") operated from 1903

through 1980 (Figure 3.2).

In 1884, copper smelting commenced with 26 fiimaces with their own

smokestacks, with a total capacity of 500 tons of ore per day. Smehing began at the

Washoe Smeher in 1903 using a single 300 foot smokestack with a capacity of 12,000

tons of ore per day. In 1919, the mam flue stack at the Washoe Smeher was built up to

585 feet. All smelter operations were closed down in 1977 (Tetra Tech, 1987). Smeher

Hill was officially closed in September 1980 and all structures were demolished except

for the smeher stack.

14 3.3 Waste Areas

Figure 3.2 illustrates the general waste zones at the smelter site:

The Old Works, initial location for copper smehing (1884-1902),

Smeher Hill, location of the Washoe Smelter (1903-1980),

Opportunity Ponds, most of the mine tailings are contained here,

Anaconda Ponds, an impoundment of mine tailings.

Granulated slag pile, a Ikm^ pile of inert slag.

These wastes are described in Table 3.1.

The tailings characteristics vary considerably because of differences in the ores

mined, processing methods used, and extensive reworking of the materials (Tetra Tech,

1986). A 19-hole golf course has been constructed over most of the soUd waste material

located in the Old Works area. Smeher Hill, Opportunity Ponds, and Anaconda Ponds,

are contaminated primarily with aerially deposited and stored flue dust. Moreover,

Opportunity and Anaconda Ponds are filled wkh fine-grainedmil l tailings. Granulated

slag is sold for commercial use.

3.4 Waste Management

During the Old Works smehing operations, wet mill tailings were dunq)ed onto the land surrounding the Old Works hill (Figure 3,2) and tailings sediments found in

Warm Springs Creek can be traced to eictivity at the Old Works, When operations began at the Washoe Works, the tailings waste materials were contained in ponds constructed

15 Table 3,1: Characterization of wastes foimd at Anaconda (Tetra Tech, 1986).

Location Waste Type Area Approximate Condition (acres) Volume (yd^

Old Works Tailmgs 287 1,75x10* Spread out; Uncontained

Slag 39 7,75x10^ Piled up; Uncontained

Fhiedust 0,02-0,1 40-400 Dispersed over hillsides; concentrated in old flues

Anaconda Ponds Tailings 560 3x10' Impounded; covered with hme and clay

Opportimitv Ponds Tailings 3,390 4,3x10' Impounded; covered with lime and clay

SlagPUe Slag 130 1,6x10^ Piled up; Uncontained

Deer Lodge County Smeker stack 67,700 Metal saks soils &llout dispersed on sur&ce soils overawkie area

16 north of Smeker Hill; unfortunately these ponds were inadequately maintained resuking in tailings spilling onto the adjacent land.

Opportunity Ponds were begim in 1914, receiving tailings in the form of 25-30 percent soUds, Tailings waste deposkion into Opportunity Ponds ceased in 1980, but municipal sewage from the town of Anaconda was dumped here until 1982, Anaconda

Ponds were begim in 1943 and ceased also in 1980, receiving municipal sewage from

Anaconda and Butte (Tetra Tech, 1986), In addkion to disposal in the tailings ponds, smeking wastes were also used to construct pond dikes, railroad berms, roads, and line drainage dkches. Remediation efforts mclude the application of lime, clay capping, vegetative covering, and waste removal



4.1 Sample Collection

All samples for this study were collected during summer 2000, May through

August. Cored soil samples were collected fromthre e sites (Figure 4.1), on three separate occasions during the summer. A hand-operated stamless steel augur was used to collect soil core san^les to depths up to 2.5 meters (Figure 4.2). The cores were double bagged in Ziploc bags, and refrigerated if visible soil moisture was present.

Three sample sites were chosen in order to assess the effect of tailings material adjacent to partially "undisturbed" soils. She 1 was chosen as a reference core, comprised entk-ely of tailings material. Ske 2 was chosen due to ks proximity to the tailings material and surfeice water and relatively undisturbed appearance. Site 3 was chosen to test the extent and nature of metal contamination distal to the tailings material.

4.2 Site Descriptions

Ske 1 was located at the eastern edge of Opportunity Ponds directly on the tailings material. There was no vegetation covering the tailings material, although some decayed plant material was encountered at various depths during sampling. Three 2,5m cores were collected within a 1ft area at this site on separate occasions spread over a period of 3 weeks during the course of the summer.

18 I / f'y Warm (Springs Creek

SCALE 1:24 000



Figure 4.1: Location of sample sites.

19 NE

Site 3

26 cm

" 60 cm- 225 cm -U

93 cm- Tailings Material 100 cm Undisturbed soils"

0 Indicates sample used in extraction •"-• Inferred redox boundary zone - - • Approxirrxjte water saturation level ** Illustration not drawn to scale

Figure 4.2: Cross-section illustrating sanq)le cores, estimated water table, and estimated redox boundary.

20 Site 2 was located 250 meters northeast of site 1 in a ditch off the edge of Opportunity

Ponds, just over the vegetated berm that outlines the eastern border of Opportunity

Ponds, The dkch contains intermittent water. There were scattered grasses and

wildflowers covering the area, along with abundant salt crusts covering the soil surfece.

Three 0,75m cores were collected within a Ift^ area at this ske on three separate

occasions spread over a period of 3 weeks,

Ske 3 was located 100 meters northeast of ske 2 in a floodbankarea , created by

flooduig of the dkch where ske 2 is located. Like ske 2, there were abimdant scattered

grasses and wildflowers. In addkion, imidentified salt crusts were observed at this ske.

Three 1.0m cores were collected within a Ift^ area at this ske on three separate occasions

spread over a period of 3 weeks.

4.3 Sample Preparation and Laboratory Work

Initially all soil san^les were dried at 60°C and homogenized with a mortar and pestle, then sieved to < 60 mesh (0.25mm). In order to compare the effects of grain size on metal partitioning throughout the sequential extractions, some samples were sieved to different grain sizes.

4.3,1 Extraction and Analysis

Select samples (Figure 4.2) were sequentially extracted following the procedure of Tessier et al, (1979), which is outlined m Appendix A. Extractions were performed

21 on l.Og dried samples m 50mL HDPE centrifuge tubes. Each extraction step was followed by a KhnL aliquot of deionized water as a rinse.

The metal fractioni n exchangeable form was obtained by adding 8mL (1 .OM)

MgCl2 to a l.Og dried san^le and lettmg the reaction proceed at room temperature for 1 hour at a neutral pH. This step provided the metals easily soluble in neutral condkions.

The metals bound to carbonates were obtained by addmg 8mL (l.OM) Na-

Acetate to the residue from step one and lettmg the reaction proceed at room temperature for 5 hours at a pH « 5, which was adjusted with acetic acid. This step provided the metals adsorbed onto carbonate mineral surfaces or into the mineral lattices.

The metal fractionboun d to Fe and Manganese oxides was obtained by adding a combmationof 5mL (0,3M) Na2S204, 5mL (0,025M) H-Citrate, and lOmL (0.175M)

Na-Citrate to the residue from step two and letting the reaction proceed at room temperature for 1 hour at a pH « 2, adjusted with nitric acid. This step provided the metals adsorbed to the surface of these amorphous confounds.

The metals bound to organic matter were determined after two steps: (1) adding

3mL (0,02M) HNO3 and 5mL (30% v/v pH=2) H2O2 to the residue from step three and letting the reaction proceed m an 85°C water bath for 2 hours at a pH « 2, adjusted with nitric acid, then (2) addmg another 3mL of the H2O2 and reactmg under the same conditions for another 3 hours. This step provided the metals adsorbed onto the surfeces of or chelated by various types of organic matter, such as Uving organisms, detritus, and coatings on mineral particles (Tessier, 1979),

22 The extraction leachates were fikeredthroug h 0,2 micron MilUpore fikers, acidified wkh nitric acid to pH <2 and subsequently analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), The "exchangeable" fraction from step 1 was analyzed for Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, As, Cd, Cu, Al, K, and Na; the "bound to carbonates" and "bound to Fe and Mn oxides" fractions were analyzed for Fe, Mn, Zn,

Pb, As, Cd, Cu, and K; and the "bound to organic matter" fractionwa s analyzed for Mn,

Zn, Pb, As, Cd, and Cu. A few sanq)les were analyzed using graphite furnace AA to conq)are with ICP-AES results and provide more accurate data for As, Cd, and Pb at low concentrations. For the purpose of this study, only the values obtamed for the contammants of interest. As, Cd, Cu, Zn, and Pb, are reported m Appendbc B. The ICP-

AES data were corrected using a linear regression equation and have an associated error of<10%.

Three grain sizes were extracted for a sanple from both ske 1 and site 3 sanqjles:

(1) bulk sanqjle, (2) < 0.25mm, and (3) < 0.045mm, to assess any grain size effects on metal partitioning. Results are tabulated in Appendix B,

4.3.2 Petrology

Select samples (Table 4.1) were mounted in epoxy and made into thin sections in order to examine the mineralogy using a petrographic microscope. The sUdes are described in section 5.1.2.

23 4.3.3 X-Ray Diffraction

Some samples were analyzed as bulk powders using an X-ray diffractometer, using a Cu lamp set to 0.154184nm, to provide additional details on sample mineralogy.

X-Ray reflections were used in conjunction with the petrographic results and are described in section 5.1.3.



5.1 Sanyle Description

Site and sample descriptions were noted in the field during each samphng event.

The following section describes the visual appearance of the sedunent cores, thki sections, and x-ray diffraction resuks. Redox boundaries were mferred in terms of color transkions and mmeralogy.

5.1.1 Field Description

Site 1. All three sediment cores were obtained from this site had similar characteristics. Surface samples from 0-12cm were iron-oxide stained very-fine sand, grading downward into a light yellow very-fine sand/silt. At approximately 140cm there was a color change to medium to Ught gray very-fine sand/silt with yellow mottled clay lunqjs. Visible crystals from 140cm to the bottom of the borehole indicate a correlation between the color transition and mferred redox boundary. Soil moisture was present toward the bottom of the borehole, but no water saturation boundary was reached.

Site 2. The different sedunent cores obtamed from this ske all had similar characteristics. Surface samples from 0-15cm were light yellow very-fine sand/silts with mottled dark brown/kon-stamed chunks. The remainder of the core was a medium to

25 Ught gray brown clay. The water saturation level was poskioned at approxunately 30-

40cm, correlatmg with the mferred redox boundary.

Ske 3. The different sediment cores obtained from this site all had sunilar characteristics. Siuface samples 0-15cm were yellow very-fine sand/clay, gradmg downward to rusty brown very fine sand. The next portion of the core, from 15-80cm was Ught to medium gray clay with gravel clasts; with the remamuig depth of the core was a medium gray-brown silt/clay. The water saturation level was at approxunately

85cm, correlating with the inferred redox boundary zone.

5.1.2 Petrography

Site 1. Sample 15-21cm fromth e surface cont£iined abimdant and highly altered (serickized) feldspar grains, with thm hematke coatmgs existing on most grains.

There were oxidized pyrite grams and a few scattered accessory minerals. Sample 51-

61cm contained abundant quartz, sericitized feldspar grains and some carbonate grains with a few smaU scattered pyrite grams. Sample 221-23 8cm contamed abundant opaque minerals - predominantly pyrite which may have formed in-situ. Clay aggregates were present with opaque grams mcorporated.

Site 2, Sample 0-17cm contained abundant quartz, weU-cleaved feldspar grains, and fine-grainedhematke . There were scattered ferromagnesian minerals and some clay coatmgs on aU grams. Sample 44-58cm contained very fine-grainedplagioclas e feldspar and quartz grams. There were abundant carbonate fragments and scattered accessory muierals.

26 Site 3. Sample 0-13cm contained coarse-grained quartz and fresh feldspar grains with abundant oxidized iron oxide grains and gram coatings. There were clay aggregates containuig organic material. Sample 26-51cm contained fine-gramed peUetized clay grains with a few quartz grams also present. Sample 95-104cm contained very fine-gramed quartz and calcke grams with calckic sheU fragments. There were

scattered ferromagnesian minerals found m clumps.

5,1.3 X-Ray Diffraction Results

Site 1. Sample 15-21cm fromth e surface showed predominantly quartz with

lesser amounts of gypsum, ilUte, kaoUnite, and perhaps potassium feldspar. Sample 51-

61cm showed predominantly quartz with lesser amoimts of ilUte, kaoUnite, and perhaps

cerrusite. Sample 221-23 8cm showed predominantly quartz and gypsum with lesser

amounts of ilUte and kaoUnite.

Site 2. Sample 44-58cm showed predominantly quartz and calcite with lesser

amounts of ilUte and kaoUnite.

Site 3, Sample 0-13cm showed predominantly quartz with lesser amounts of

illke and kaoUnite, Sample 95-104cm showed predominantly quartz and calcite with

smaU amounts of pyrite.

5.2 Extraction Resuks

Each of the three skes yielded highly varied resuks, an artifact of the

heterogeneity of the area. Although buDc and residue samples were extracted and

27 independent extractions were performed, this study focuses on the sequential extraction results in terms of site variation, chemical fraction variation, and depth variation. The results are plotted in figures 5.1 through 5.10, Data that are below detection Umits are not shown on the plots, leavmg some gaps in the figures. Note that the data for each element at each ske are plotted using different scales.

5.2.1 Variations between Cores

Site 1 resuks show most As and Cd were bound to the organic fraction,wherea s

Cu, Pb, and Zn were predommantly m the exchangeable fraction. Trace amounts of As were bound to the Fe and Mn oxide fraction, and trace Zn was bound to carbonates.

Metals were found at this ske in varied concentrations (up to 7ppm for any one element).

Ske 2 resuks show As, Cd, and Zn bound to organic matter, especiaUy in the

surface samples. Most Pb, some Cu, and trace Cd, Zn were bound to carbonates. The

Fe and Mn oxide fractioncontai n some As, Cu, Pb, and Zn. The concentrations of metals found at this site are low (< 4ppm for any one element) relative to sites 1 and 3.

Site 3 results show that aU contammants, except Pb, were concentrated in the top

40cm of the core. As and Pb were the only metals bound by organic matter, while Cu,

Zn, and trace amounts of As were boimd to carbonates. The Fe and Mn oxide fraction contained most of the Pb, and trace amounts of As and Zn, Metal concentrations at this site were high relative to skes 1 and 2 (up to 140ppm for any one element).

28 Site 1 Arsenic Concentration (ppm) 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60

^c/j, ^^9«a6/e

Sot/,"Qf/ o ^^rton^ afes • 12-23cm ^, ^C'/O; •««S/Wo • 56-67cm Oxides nl18-131cm a'ot^oc y nl42-153cm ^OQr'9ani., c/lf.afte r

1- '-.;•,;rf-'yyWit^:-''; •::-,'•'•SV-^;|:'':--.V..'i:'' -^ , i ••^/••'-:-V' .j 4-A.- Ai^rim,

Site 2 Concentration (ppm) 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 ^^ch, '^''deetL fi.°una toe^rbo; '^a^es m: • 14-32cm e,°una fopf. • 32-50cm O^c^'e, s 8, r • 50-61 cm • ':-•-' -f • • 61-70cm ^''te/i,, ^er

^^,•^•^-.•^-^4:••^- ,-...; /I- -' -vvt ;,.

Site 3 Concentration (ppm) 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 ^c/7, , ^""Seebie

^, w• - - . na ^th • ^^'i'oo,afe s ^ria • 15-26cm ^th p. ^***'0«^ • 26-37cm ^, n49-60cm nd "^th Q ''"Sao, D 81-93cm 'oMatt, er mmmmmuHm

Figure 5.1: Partitioning of Arsenic,

29 Site 1 Cadmium Concentration (ppm) O.OE+O 5.0E- 1.0E- 1.5E- 2.0E- 2.5E- 3.0E- 0 04 03 03 03 03 03 ^c^, '^"eea^e ^; na ^th C^rton^ a^es • 12-23cm ^nd ^thp. • 56-67cm ^^Mn °^ctes ni18-131cm fioo,nd ^th • 142-153cm Or9ani,, ""^att, er

Site 2

Concentration (ppm) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8

• 14-32cm • 32-50cm n50-61cm n61-70cm

"'^'^mer .^^ , 1

Site 3 Concentration (ppm) 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30


fioo,ndto ^arboi'nates • 15-26cm fiou ndto • 26-37cm ^^Mn Oxidi es n49-60cm Boo, • 81-93cm ndto Orgat '^'c/lfaft, er I

Figiu-e 5.2: Partitioning of Cadmium.

30 Site 1 Copper Concentration (ppm)

0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00

^C^. ^""deebL

e,oo/7c y toe.3^ , "^afes • 12-23cm a,°ond to p. • 56-67cm ni18-131cm a°und ni42-153cm to Or, 9anicu after

. . I- .1 • —r- t-;kf!^i^ihfmS!^;:r:'i C

Site 2 Concentration (ppm) 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 ^-^c/,.ar), ^6/, a'ouna, toC; ^^, ">a/—..f^,.,-, ^-, „ „ . : . ,-_—W—- —...... _ W- • •"• "" •••—»^;— ^4^0 Q • 32-50cm '^<'« s a'o^o< ^ • 50-61cm LaiHiii'^M'-iniM. ._—.-••—- I •••. I -I. I.. .. I I.I ..•-• ..- ..,_ I .-- ., '. I h-i...> .1 '.. ..I " I ' '°%'«o/ b n61-70cm H'^ttBr

Site 3 Concentration (ppm) 40 80 120 160

^1 '^"^eab/e

^i '"C/fo Oarton^ ates

- • • 15-26cm aoui '^C^/OA ^^Mn • 26-37cm Oxides n49-60Gm ^ ^i '"^dto • 81-93cm On9ani, 'cMiatter

- . • - .- • -,•••> .-.L-l ^..A,i ,-..J

Figure 5.3: Partitioning of Copper.

31 Site 1 Lead Concentration (ppm) 0,00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 ev< •^/'ao, '^^bie —+ Sou, I ^fo, -arbon, 'ates • 12-23cm Sou, • 56-67cm Oxid,'es nl18-131cm Sou, '''CI to nl42-153cm On'9ani, ""^att, er ^ r- J

Site 2 Concentration (ppm) 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60

^('^^ao , 'deabie

Sou, ''CI to Oarb, '°natie s a • 14-32cm ^nd toA= ^Mr) • 32-50cm Oxid,'e s n50-61cm a^nd too- 'dam, • 61-70cm '""^att, er

Site 3 Concentration (ppm) 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 ef( ''^/'ao, yeabie 1 Sou, "'CTfo Oarb, '°nat es • 15-26cm Sou, '^fo ^^Mn • 26-37cm Oxid,'es ^^^•^^^ 1 • 49-60cm Sou, 1 " n81-93cm •^tffo O, ''yam, '""^att, er \

Figure 5.4: Partitioning of Lead.

32 Site 1 Zinc Concentration (ppm) 0.00 0.40 0.80 1.20 1.60 2.00 ^C/). '^^^eabfe a°und r toe. w^^^d ^'tOi'"ates a • 12-23cm °(Jnd top. e«SyWn • 56-67cm Q^c/, a 'es nl18-131cm "^"dto • 142-153cm On9anic^^ atter

• :. ..• :v,..-,„ ^

Site 2 Concentration (ppm) 0.00 0.40 0.80 1.20 1.60 ^^c 'c^.'an, a '^«^6/e ""^nd to, I ''^QO. St '^fes • 14-32cm '°^nd to p ^"S/lfr, • 32-50cm O^c^, fib. 'es 0 50-61 cm '"^cr/b, ^'9ar,/c • 61-70cm 1^, '^tter

Site 3 Concentration (ppm) 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 ^^Ch. '^"deabie •

a^nd tor 3^i "ates a ™ • 15-26cm °«^n(/ top. e«S/Wr • 26-37cm Oxidte s n49-60cm B, ^na r ^°Orrto„- n81-93cm ^"^/i^, ^er 3

Figure 5.5: Partitionuig of Zmc.

33 Site 1 Arsenic Concentration (ppm) -0.20 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60

•Exchangeable E u Bound to Fe & Mn Q. Oxides Q •Bound to Organic Matter

Site 2 Concentration (ppm) -0.10 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0 10 Bound to Organic ^20 Matter 3, 30 Bound to Carbonates "S. 40 r Bound to Fe&Mn ° 50 Oxides 60 \ 70


Site 3 Concentration (ppm) -5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 n U 10 - 20 - ? 30 - / •^-^"""'^ —•— Exchangeable / ^^^""^"''^^ ^ 40 i 1 y^y^ i. 50 - Y Bound to Fe & Mn tS 60 - 1 Oxides 70 - • Bound to Organic Matter 80 - I yU

Figure 5.6: Arsenic with depth. Note: Trend lines are only for reference and may not be accurate.

34 Site 1 Cadmium Concentration (ppm) 0 0.001 0.002 0.003

O III u • ',__ • 20 ^.,,^^^, f '°- ^^"'^'^N. o. 60 - J • Bound to Organic 5 80 - y/ Matter S 100 - y/^ 120 - y^ ^^ 140 -

Site 2 Concentration (ppm) 0.001 0.003 0.005 0.007 0 10 ^ 20 E ii 30 Bound to Organic Q. 40 Matter ° 50 60 70

Site 3 Concentration (ppm) -0.05 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0 10 20 E 30 o 40 Exchangeable Q. 50 Q 60 Bound to Organic 70 Matter 80 90

Figure 5.7: Cadmimn with depth. Note: Trend Unes are only for reference and may not be accurate.

35 Site 1 Copper Concentration (ppm) 1.00 3,00 5.00 7.00 0 20 40 E o 60 80 •A Fraction Q. 0) Q 100 •D Fraction 120 140

Site 2 Concentration (ppm) 0.00 2.00 4.00

Bound to Carbonates

Bound to Fe & Mn Oxides Bound to Organic Matter

Site 3 Concentration (ppm) C0 00 2 00 4.00 6.00 0 10 20 E 30 o^ 40 Bound to Fe & Mn .c a 50 Oxides 0) Q 60 •Bound to Organic 70 Matter 80 90

Figure 5.8: Copper with depth. Note: Trend lines are only for reference and may not be accurate.

36 Site 1 Lead Concentration (ppm) 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60

E o Exchangeable a. 0) Bound to Organic Q Matter

Site 2 Concentration (ppm) 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0 10 ^20 Bound to Fe & Mn Oxides ii 30 ••—Bound to Organic a 40 Matter ° 50 -Ar—Bound to Carbonates 60 70

Site 3 Concentration (ppm) 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 n U 10 - 20 - c on ^ C VJU ^ ^ 4ADU Bound to Fe & Mn .C •*-" en Oxides Q. JU Q 60 - • Bound to Organic i 70 - Matter 80 - 90 -^

Figure 5.9: Lead with depth. Note: Trend lines are only for reference and may not be accurate.

37 Site 1 Zinc Concentration (ppm) 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00

0 , 1 ' 1 , 20 40 Exchangeable E u 60 80 -*—Bound to Carbonates Q. 0) -I 00 20 -•—Bound to Organic Matter 40

Site 2 Concentration (ppm) 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50


Bound to Fe & Mn Oxides -•—Bound to Organic Matter -A—Bound to Carbonates

Site 3 Concentration (ppm) 0.00 5.00 10.00


Bound to Fe & Mn Oxides -•—Bound to Organic Matter -*—Bound to Carbonates

Figure 5.10: Zinc with depth. Note: Trend lines are only for reference and may not be accurate.

38 5.2.2 Variations between Elements

Arsenic (Figure 5.1) in sites 1 and 2 was predominantly (0.35-0.6ppm) bound to organic matter, whereas in site 3 it was found in all four fractions(2-lOppm ) in the 15-

40cm depth zones.

Cadmium (Figure 5.2), hke arsenic, was bound to organic matter (0.003-

O.OOSppm) in sites 1 and 2, whereas in site 3 it was in the exchangeable fractioni n the

15-40cm depth zones.

Copper (Figure 5.3) in site 1 was in both exchangeable form (2.5ppm) and bound to organic matter (6ppm). In site 2 copper was found mostly in the 14-32cm depth zone predominantly bound to organic matter (4.5ppm) and Fe and Mn oxides (4ppm), with a trace amount (Ippm) bound to carbonates. Copper in site 3 was boimd to carbonates


Lead (Figure 5.4) was found in site 1 to be in the exchangeable fraction

(0.55ppm) and boimd to organic matter (0.2ppm). In site 2 lead was bound to carbonates

(0,3ppm), Fe and Mn oxides (0.2ppm), and organic matter (0.6ppm). Lead in site 3 was bound to Fe and Mn oxides (0.15ppm) and organic matter (0,37ppm),

Zinc (Figure 5.5) in site 1 was predominantly in exchangeable form (1.6ppm), but also bound to carbonates (0.2ppm) and organic matter (0.4ppm). In site 2, zinc was bound to carbonates (0.3ppm), Fe and Mn oxides (0.55ppm), and organic matter

(1.6ppm), with trace amounts (0. Ippm) in exchangeable form. Zinc in site 3 was predominantly boimd to carbonates (60ppm) in the 15-40cm depth zones.

39 5.2.3 Variations with Depth

The concentration of arsenic in site 1 (Figure 5.6) increased with depth for the exchangeable and organic bound fractions,wherea s the As bound to Fe and Mn oxides decreased with depth. In site 2, As concentration decreased at a shallow depth for the fraction bound to organic matter but increased for the Fe and Mn oxide bound fraction.

The fractionboun d to carbonates was unchanged with depth for this core. Arsenic in she 3 decreased at the redox boundary for the exchangeable and organic bound fractions and increased gradually with depth for the fraction bound to Fe and Mn oxides.

Cadmium was only bound to organic matter in sites 1 and 2 (Figure 5.7) with the maximum concentration in she 1 at 60cm and at 20cm depth in site 2. Cadmium in site

3 was at maximum concentration in the exchangeable form at 20cm and the fraction bound to organic matter remained unchanged with depth.

The concentration of copper in site 1 (Figure 5.8) increased at 120cm for the

fraction bound to organic matter whereas the exchangeable fractionremaine d constant with depth. In site 2, the copper concentrations decreased at 40cm for all three fractions.

Copper in site 3 reached a maximum at 30cm for the Fe and Mn oxide bound fraction, and gradually increased for the fraction bound to organic matter.

Lead concentrations m site 1 (Figure 5.9) mcreased at 120cm consistently for both the exchangeable and organically bound fractions. In site 2, lead reached a maximum concentration in the surface sanq)les for all three fractions with a gradual decrease in depth. Lead in site 3 reached a maximum at 30cm for the fraction bound to

40 organic matter, whereas the fractionboun d to Fe and Mn oxides was relatively constant with depth.

Zinc concentrations ui site 1 (Figure 5.10) were relatively consistent for the fractions bound to carbonates and organic matter but there was a maximum concentration at 60cm for the exchangeable fraction. In site 2, there was a consistent decrease in zinc concentrations at 40cm for all four chemical fractions. Zinc in site 3 shows consistently decreasing concentrations at 55cm for the exchangeable, bound to carbonates, and organic matter fractions.



6.1 Redox Boundaries

The redox potential of an environment affects the solubiUty of a number of soil

con^nents. The downward migration of the oxidation zone in and around the tailings ponds at Anaconda, as noted by Tetra Tech (1987), presents a mechanism for the

liberation of metals. In general, oxidizing conditions fevor metal retention in soils,

while reducing conditions enhance their mobilization (McLean and Bledsoe, 1992).

At she 1, a redox boundary at 120cm depth (Figure 4.2) is suggested by changes

in the concentrations of arsenic, lead, and copper. Unoxidized pyrite grakis noted in a

thin section from a depth of 55cm may in:q)ly that the redox zone starts at a much

shallower depth.

The redox boundary at site 2 was inferred at 35 cm from a significant change in

the chemical partitioning of arsenic, copper, lead, and zinc; this corresponded to the

water level encountered at 32cm (Figure 4.2). The thin sections showed no oxidized

minerals below a depth of 44cm, but significant oxidized iron minerals were present to a

depth of at least 17cm. A decrease in the concentrations of the above mentioned metals at depths below 35cm suggests either that the soils below the 35cm horizon are undisturbed, or protected from metal concentrations nearby, or that the availability of the metals below the redox zone is limited.

42 At she 3, a change in the chemical partitioning of all metals of interest indicated

a redox boundary at 55cm depth. The apparent decreased availability of metals below

the redox boundary suggests the soils are undisturbed, or the reduced form of the metals

makes them relatively immobile.

6.2 Sequential Extractions

Parameters to account for in the determination of trace metal partitioning in soils

include organic content, soil properties and chemistry, and the nature of contamination.

The approach used here provides insight into the partitioning of metal contaminants into

four different fractions:(1 ) Exchangeable, (2) Bound to carbonates, (3) Bound to Fe and

Mn oxides, and (4) Bound to organic matter. The mobility and bioavailability of metals

decrease following the extraction sequence (Hickey and Kittrick, 1984). Not all

chemical and physical characteristics of the soils studied were examined, therefore, the

sequential extraction resuks reported in this study may be used only to infer general


Calvet et al, (1990) suggest that sequential extraction procedures do not provide

an unequivocal distribution of the metals in soils; as the extraction order may affect the concentrations of metals released. For example, usmg MgClz in the first extraction step may liberate metals fromth e carbonate fraction (Tessier, 1979), however, minimizing the extraction time in this step may decrease this effect.

Specific aflSnities inherent to metals such as lead, copper, and zinc may affect their parthioning in an extraction procedure. For example, soil affinities for zinc and

43 copper are greater than that of magnesium, therefore, MgCl2 may not be an ideal sah to exchange metals in a sequential extractwn (Calvet et aL, 1990).

Sequential extractions of different grain size fi*actions yielded little variations within the accuracy of the technique and analysis, vvliich is consistent with the results of

Lemz, et aL (1999) and Carroll, et aL (1998). However, only shght differences were noted for copper.

The occurrence of clay globules, or peds, m thin sections from all three sites suggests reduced reactivity of clay material in the soils. Clay materials are highly mfluential in the partitioning of metals in soils due to their sur&ce areas, so the clumpy nature of the clays in the Anaconda soils may keep the clays from releasing a possibly significant concentration of metals. Clay globules may account for the lack of variation in concentration with grain size.

6.2.1 Exchangeable Fraction

Metals found in the firstextractio n step are most readily leached and likely to be affected by local mobilization agents such as rainfell percolation, and aerial redeposition.

Arsenic was found (up to 10% total As) m the exchangeable fi-action in sites 1 and 3, v^ereas no arsenic was detected in the exchangeable fiaction in site 2. Therefore, a fiaction of the elevated As concentrations (up to 18(X) ppm) is not readily mobile in the environments seen at all three shes at Anaconda.

Cadmium was in an exchangeable form at shes 1 (10% total Cd), and 3 (50% total

Cd), concurrent with Narwal, et aL (1999), WIK) found significant (14-46%) Cd

44 associated with the exchangeable fi-actioni n acidic soils. Exchangeable cadmium is

most Hkely due to the acidic nature of the tailings material and adjacent soils, as

cadmium is more mobile in acid environments (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1992). The

lack of exchangeable Cd at she 2 suggests a low soil acidity or that another soil fi-action

controls the availability of cadmium at site 2.

Copper was in the exchangeable fi-action (45% total Cu) m site 1, contrary to Hickey

and Kittrick (1984), and EUiot et aL (1986) who report Cu as bemg primarily bound by

the organic and residual fi-actionso f a soiL Considering the elevated levels (up to

5200ppm) of copper at the Anaconda she, it is uiQX)rtant to recognize the mobility of

copper in a readily leached form.

Lead was found exchangeable in site 1 (45% total Pb), but not m sites 2 or 3, perh^s

due to the uptake of Pb by carbonate and iron hydroxide phases (Carroll et aL, 1998).

The occurrence of exchangeable lead suggests lead is readily mobilized and available at

site 1 contrary to the findmgs reported by Elliot et aL (1986) stating that Pb is strongly retamed by soils and phytotoxic effects from Pb uptake are rare.

Zinc was in the exchangeable fi-action(10-75 % total Zn) in all three sites, agreeing with McLean et al. (1992) and Elliot et al. (1986), and reiterating the idea that zmc is relatively more soluble and mobile than other heavy metals in soils. Zinc is predominantly found in the readily exchangeable fi-action of a soil (Elliot et aL, 1986) and is therefore a concern in terms of mobility and availability at the Anaconda site.

45 6.2.2 Bound to Carbonates

Metals bound to carbonate minerals are susceptible to acid leaching due to their high solubility at tow . Many carbonate mmerals were visible m the sections. In addition to naturally occurring carbonate minerals, it is possible that carbonates have formed in-situ, resuhing from the heavy liming of the Superfimd site.

Arsenic was bound to carbonate minerals in small amounts (10-17% total As), at shes 2 and 3 suggesting the in-situ formation of arsenic-carbonate phases in soils surrounding the tailings materiaL The solubility of any arseno-carbonates would therefore control the mobility of arsenic bound to the carbonate fi-action.

Cadmium was associated with the carbonate fi-action at all three sites (up to 14% total Cd), agreemg with Hickey and Kittrick (1984) who found Cd in the carbonate bound fiaction up to 23%, The ease of substitution of Cd forCa in calcite suggests octavite (CdCOs) is a significant sink for cadmium as noted by Carroll et al. (1998).

Copper was found in the carbonate bound fi-action at sites 2 and 3 (up to 30% total

Cu) inferring the formation of copper carbonate phases which is likely considering the high concentrations of copper found at the site, accounting for the occurrence of Cu in this fi-action.

Lead occurred in the carbonate bound fi-action at sites 2 and 3 (up to 24% total Pb) suggesting the possibility of siderite (PbCOs) formation in the soils surrounding the tailings material, providing an appropriate sink for lead, as suggested by Carroll et aL


46 Zmc (up to 15% total Zn) was bound to carbonates at all three sites. Carroll, et aL

(1998) have shown zinc to be easily taken up by carbonates, accountmg for the abundant zinc found in this fi-action.

6.2.3 Bound to Fe and Mn Oxides

Iron and manganese oxides and amorphous phases are stable metal retainers, however, metals will be Hberated at low pHs.

Arsenic (15-25% total As) was associated with Fe and Mn oxides at all three sites, a resuh of the strong sorption of As onto oxides and ox>iiydroxides as noted by Kabata-

Pendias and Pendias (1992), Hickey and Kittrick (1984), and McBride (1981). The adsorption of As onto Fe oxides is at a maximum at pH 3-4 (McLean and Bledsoe,

1992), suggesting these oxide phases may be significant retainers of As under moderately acidic conditions as seen around Anaconda.

Copper was bound to Fe and Mn oxides at sites 2 (25% total Cu) and 3 (40% total

Cu), an artifect of the ease of sorption onto iron hydroxides (McLean and Bledsoe, 1992, and Narwal, et aL, 1999) and the common substitution of Cu for Fe or Mn in the oxide structure (McBride, 1981; Hickey and Kittrick, 1984). The adsorption of Cu onto Fe and

Mn oxides is an irrqwrtant mechanism in the mobility of copper at Anaconda, but mfers a dependence on the pH conditions.

Zuic (10-30% total Zn) was found m this fiaction at shes 2 and 3, concurrent whh results of Narwal, et al. (1999), Hickey and Kittrick (1984), and McLean and Bledsoe

(1992), \^K) state that the majority of Zn was partitioned into the oxide fi-action. The

47 zinc retauied in this oxide fraction is not likely to be very mobile or bioavailable at the

Anaconda site.

Lead (10-20% total Pb) was bound to Fe and Mn oxides at sites 2 and 3, with only minor amounts at site 1 uidicatmg this fraction of Pb to be immobile and not bioavailable, concurrent with resuks of EUiot, et al. (1986), who note the preferential adsorption of Pb onto sinq)le oxides over Cu, Cd, and Zn.

6.2.4 Bound to Organic Matter

Organic matter content can be usefiil in explaining differences in retention between surface and subsurface samples of the same soil (EUiot et al., 1986). Organic matter is an important adsorbent for many inorganic soU contaminants (Hesterberg,

1998). Organic matter uicludes plant matter, humic and formic acid compounds, and microbial organisms. SoU organic matter is of particular interest in the retention of metals m soils because of the tendency for these elements to form stable complexes with organic Ugands (EUiott et aL, 1986). Metals bound to organic matter are susceptible to mobUization upon oxidation or degradation of plant material. The occurrence of vegetation at skes 2 and 3 accounts for the metals bound in this fraction ui the shaUowest layers.

At aU three skes the elements of concern were concentrated m the fraction bound to organic matter: arsenic (60-70% total As), cadmium (60-80% total Cd), copper (30-

45% total Cu), lead (40-50% total Pb), and zmc (15-5-% total Zn), Organic matter is not the dominant contributor to the partkioning of copper in ske 1, perhaps due to the lack of

48 surfece vegetation (Figure 4.2), akhough decayed plant material was encountered m ske

1 samples at various depths. Any copper bound by organic matter may have been released during the breakdown and oxidation of the plant material, providing a source of mobUe copper. The lack of plants at ske 1 and significant organic material in the thin sections from ske 1 indicate the retention of these metals by organic matter other than plant material, such as humic and formic acids or microbial organisms.

Plant material is abundant at skes 2 and 3, therefore the root zone, which may penetrate to significant depths, provides an environment conducive to the stabUization of metals bound to this fiaction. Migration of the redox boundary in the tailings material and adjacent soils provides a mechanism that may oxidize and hence liberate toxic metals that are presently m reduced forms.



7.1 Summary of Metal Partkioning

Metals at ske 1 were predominantly bound by two fractions:exchangeable , or bound

to organic matter. The Zn and Pb m exchangeable forms at this ske are most Ukely to be

mobUe and bioavaUable regardless of the location of the redox boundary, suggestmg aU

tailings material resembling that found at ske 1 are a potential source of Zn and Pb

contamination \^iien e?qx>sed to simple leaching mechanisms. The metals bound to

organic matter (As, Cd, and Cu) at this ske are relatively hnmobUe fromth e tailings

material and are only likely to mobilize under oxidizing condkions.

Metals at ske 2 were predominantly bound to organic matter, with minor amounts

bound to carbonate minerals. The presence of plant material (Figure 4.2) at ske 2

promotes the immobilization of metals in the soils, therefore the major mechanism that

may release metals from this ske is the oxidation of the soils, and/or degradation of the


Metals at ske 3 were predominantly bound to organic matter, with significant

amounts bound to oxides and carbonates. Plant material at ske 3 (Figure 4.2) is the

controUer of the stabilization of metals bound to so Us surroundmg roots and plant

matter, therefore oxidation or degradation of the plants or root system wiU mobUize any retauied metals, making them bioavailable and transportable. The metals bound to oxides and carbonates at ske 3 wiU only become bioavailable and/or mobUe with a

50 change of pH toward more acidic condkions, which is a possibUity at the Anaconda ske surrounding the taUuigs materials.

7.2 Conclusion

Chemical partkioning of metals at the Anaconda ske is important when studying the effects of contamination and possible remedial techniques. The partkioning of metals m soUs exammed m this study is more significant than total metal concentration values in terms of evaluatuig the mobUity and fate of contaminants. The sequential extraction procedure used in this study provided data that made k possible to determine the changes m environmental parameters that might Uberate metal contammants from the taUing materials and soUs surroundmg the Anaconda Smeker Superfimd ske.


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54 Tessier Extraction

Godi Obtam metal fractions bound into the foUowmg partkions:

1. Exchangeable 2. Bound to carbonates 3. Bound to Mn-Fe oxides 4. Bound to organic matter 5. Residual

Sample: Sample size = Igram of homogenized material (mortar ground)


MgCl2 (IM) NaO-Acetate (IM) Acetic acid (IM) Na2S204 (0.3M) Na-Citrate (0.175M) H-Ckrate (0.025M) HNO3 (0.02M) H2O2 (30%v/v) NFLjOAc (3.2M) m 20%HNO3 Digestion chemicals - HF, HCIO4


1. Extract with 8mL(*10mL)MgCl2 • Time = I hour • pH = 7 • Temperature = room temperature

2. Extract residue from step 1 with 8mL (* lOmL) NaO-Acetate • Time = 5 hours • pH = 5 - adjusted with acetic acid • Temperature = room temperature

3. Extract residue from step 2 wkh 20mL NH20H*HCl + HO Ac • Tune = 6 hours • pH = 2 • Temperature = 96°C

55 4. a. Extract residue from step 3 with 3mL HNO3 and 5mL H2O2 Tune = 2 hours • pH = 2 - adjust wkh HNO3 • Temperature = 85°C b. Add 3 mL H2O2 (*+HN03) Tune = 3 hours (*2 hours) • pH = 2 - adjust wkh HNO3 • Temperature = 85°C • Intermittent agitation c. Cool, then agitate for 30 minutes m 20mL NH4OAC

5. Digest residue from step 4 for residue analysis




57 Table B.l: Exchangeable Fraction

Grain Site Samplins Depth (cm) Size Zn Pb As Cd Cu Date (mm) 1 7/1/00 31-42 bulk 1 7/1/00 31-42 0.25 2.490 0.140 bd' bd 3.764 1 7/1/00 31-42 0.045 4.771 6.525 bd 0.041 10.650

I 7/6/00 16-25 0.25 1.014 bd bd bd 1.902

1 7/23/00 12-23 0.25 0.704 bd bd bd 2.045 I 7/23/00 56-67 0.25 1.573 0.127 bd bd 2.624 1 7/23/00 118-131 0.25 0.888 0.100 0.063 bd 2.425 1 7/23/00 142-153a" 0.25 0.884 0.580 0.335 bd 2.474 1 7/23/00 142-I53b" 0.25 0.828 0.508 0.314 bd 2.342

2 7/6/00 37-49 0.25 0.065 bd bd bd bd

2 7/23/00 14-32 0.25 0.067 bd bd bd bd 2 7/23/00 32-50 0.25 0.058 bd bd bd bd 2 7/23/00 50-61 0.25 0.049 O.lOl bd bd bd 2 7/23/00 61-70a 0.25 0.050 bd bd bd bd 2 7/23/00 6I-70b 0.25 0.050 bd bd bd bd

3 7/2/00 36-51 bulk 3 7/2/00 36-51 0.25 0.549 0.097 0.796 0.173 1.279 3 7/2/00 36-51 0.045 0.649 bd 0.870 0.172 1.789

3 7/7/00 91-96 0.25 0.054 0.120 bd bd bd

3 7/22/00 15-26 0.25 2.236 bd 1.797 0.250 1.063 3 7/22/00 26-37 0.25 0.371 bd 1.064 0.196 0.851 3 7/22/00 49-60 0.25 0.051 bd 0.075 bd bd 3 7/22/00 81-93 0.25 0.052 0.113 bd bd bd

AU values m ppm *bd indicates value below detection limk of instrument **a/b indicates first and second repUcates, respectively

58 Table B.2: Bound to Clarbonates

Sampling Depth Grain Site Date (cm) Size 7M Pb As Cd Cu (mm) 1 7/1/00 31-42 bulk 0.252 bd' bd bd bd I 7/1/00 31-42 0.25 0.228 bd bd bd bd 1 7/1/00 31-42 0.045 0.454 bd bd bd 0.343

1 7/6/00 16-25 0.25 0.198 bd bd bd bd

1 7/23/00 12-23 0.25 0.188 bd bd bd bd I 7/23/00 56-67 0.25 0.202 bd bd bd bd 1 7/23/00 118-131 0.25 0.193 bd bd bd bd 1 7/23/00 142-153a'' 0.25 0.1873 bd bd bd bd 1 7/23/00 142-153b 0.25 0.1944 bd bd bd bd

2 7/6/00 37-49 0.25 0.514 0.320 0.042 bd 0.556

2 7/23/00 14-32 0.25 0.274 0.306 0.053 0.0004 1.113 2 7/23/00 32-50 0.25 0.161 0.298 0.051 0.001 0.416 2 7/23/00 50-61 0.25 0.080 0.230 0.042 bd 0.161 2 7/23/00 61-70a 0.25 0.042 0.240 bd bd 0.138 2 7/23/00 61-70b 0.25 0.048 0.247 0.052 bd 0.145

3 7/2/00 36-51 bulk 13.385 bd 2.04 84.702 8.754 3 7/2/00 36-51 0.25 10.423 bd 1.522 64.400 9.585 3 7/2/00 36-51 0.045 13.478 bd 1.796 76.766 8.425

3 7/7/00 91-96 0.25 0.378 bd bd 0.545 5.491

3 7/22/00 15-26 0.25 58.114 bd 5.157 137.963 4.981 3 7/22/00 26-37 0.25 10.475 bd 2.413 79.383 8.818 3 7/22/00 49-60 0.25 0.229 bd bd bd 4.397 3 7/22/00 81-93 0.25 0.195 bd bd bd 4.024 AU values in ppm *bd indicates value below detection hmk of mstrument **a/b indicates firstan d second replicates, respectively

59 Table B.3: Bound to Iron and Manganese Oxides

Sampling Depth Grain Site Date (cm) Size Zn Pb As Cd Cu (mm) 1 7/1/00 31-42 buDc 1 7/1/00 31-42 0.25 bd* bd 0.106 bd 0.131 1 7/1/00 31-42 0.045 bd 0.129 bd bd 0.285

1 7/6/00 16-25 0.25 bd bd bd bd bd

1 7/23/00 12-23 0.25 bd bd 0.066 bd bd 1 7/23/00 56-67 0.25 bd bd 0.085 bd bd 1 7/23/00 118-131 0.25 bd bd 0.135 bd bd I 7/23/00 142-153a" 0.25 bd bd 0.059 bd bd I 7/23/00 142-I53b 0.25 bd bd 0.056 bd bd

2 7/6/00 37-49 0.25 0.701 0.119 0.051 bd 1.301

2 7/23/00 14-32 0.25 0.547 0.180 bd bd 3.894 2 7/23/00 32-50 0.25 0.189 O.llO bd bd 1.031 2 7/23/00 50-61 0.25 0.082 0.097 0.09 bd 0.285 2 7/23/00 61-70a 0.25 0.096 0.066 0.06 bd 0.351 2 7/23/00 61-70b 0.25 0.089 0.065 0.13 bd 0.314

3 7/2/00 36-51 buUc 3 7/2/00 36-51 0.25 35.006 0.075 0.570 0.056 2.611 3 7/2/00 36-51 0.045 27.190 1.030 3.738 bd 206.422

3 7/7/00 91-96 0.25 1.583 0.242 0.391 bd 5.391

3 7/22/00 15-26 0.25 0.189 0.112 bd bd 1.034 3 7/22/00 26-37 0.25 38.247 0.138 5.185 0.118 6.617 3 7/22/00 49-60 0.25 0.677 0.173 0.394 bd 2.948 3 7/22/00 81-93 0.25 0.400 0.132 0.185 bd 1.030 AU values in ppm *bd indicates value below detection limk of mstrument **a/b mdicates first and second repUcates, respectively

60 Table B.4: Bound to Organic Matter

SampUng Depth Grain Site Date (cm) Size Zn Pb As Cd Cu (mm) 1 7/1/00 31-42 buUc 1 7/1/00 31-42 0.25 0.246 0.306 0.105 bd* 2.069 I 7/1/00 31-42 0.045 0.598 0.128 0.112 bd 5.483

1 7/6/00 16-25 0.25 0.423 bd 0.131 bd 2.097

1 7/23/00 12-23 0.25 0.256 0.095 0.307 0.001 2.336 1 7/23/00 56-67 0.25 0.377 0.087 0.278 0.003 1.425 1 7/23/00 118-131 0.25 0.276 0.067 0.436 0.002 1.470 1 7/23/00 142-153a" 0.25 0.522 0.208 0.664 0.002 7.238 1 7/23/00 142-I53b 0.25 0.309 0.184 0.452 0.002 5.034

2 7/6/00 37-49 0.25 1.247 0.242 0.187 bd 0.777

2 7/23/00 14-32 0.25 1.573 0.583 0.347 0,007 4.320 2 7/23/00 32-50 0.25 0.590 0.207 0.167 0,003 0.622 2 7/23/00 50-61 0.25 0.561 0.186 0.175 0.002 0.167 2 7/23/00 6I-70a 0.25 0.500 0.200 0.174 0.003 0.135 2 7/23/00 61-70b 0.25 0.497 0.186 0.175 0.003 0.191

3 7/2/00 36-51 buUc 3 7/2/00 36-51 0.25 13.070 0.182 4.757 bd 18.528 3 7/2/00 36-51 0.045 50.824 2.616 9.876 bd 84.544

3 7/7/00 91-96 0.25 0.510 0.022 0.2875 bd 0.340 0.265 3 7/22/00 15-26 0.25 21.051 0.163 10.471 bd 50.502 3 7/22/00 26-37 0.25 10.376 0.359 6.327 bd 24.182 3 7/22/00 49-60 0.25 0.663 0.072 0.439 bd 0.344 3 7/22/00 81-93 0.25 0.415 0.066 0.150 bd 0.184 All values in ppm *bd indicates value below detection limit of instrument **a/b indicates firstan d second repUcates, respectively


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