The Osterley and Wyke Green Residents’ Association (OWGRA) object to the demolition of the existing gar- age (used as a dwellinghouse) and the erection of a two bedroomed two storey house on the following grounds:

1. ‘Garage to house’ in rear garden of another house: This building, 190A Wood Lane, was originally the garage to a ‘granny annex’ (now described as 190B Wood Lane) at the bottom of the garden to 337 Jersey Road with vehicular access onto Wood Lane, for which permission was granted as a gar- age in 2001 but has been used intermittently as living accommodation and last year attracted the attention of the local police due to the production of cannabis there. The residential use is now the subject of enforcement action. OWGRA’s view is that this continued use is an unscrupulous attempt to maximise income from an illegal letting for as long as possible, certainly now for the duration of the appeal process.

2. The construction and use of a building for residential purposes within the curtilage of an existing house is contrary to LB ’s Local Plan policies, including SC1 (housing growth) which pro- poses new housing but not within the curtilage of an existing dwelling as they would, amongst other matters, not enhance the distinct character of suburban (London Plan policy 2.6).

3. Character and appearance: This is a tall 2-storey building, excessive in size and scale and in an inap- propriate position, being close to the road and very visible, whereas other properties in Wood Lane are set well back in garden settings. It would therefore be out of character and appearance in the Conservation Area in which 337 Jersey Road sits. (The applicant’s agent is wrong in stating in the design and access statement that the property is in the Spring Grove Conservation Area, that is south of the Great West Road, A4. The applicant’s agent also appears not to refer to up-to-date LB Hounslow or London Plan policies)

4. Loss of privacy for neighbouring properties: the proposed 2-storey house is 3m away from the boundary with 190B Wood Lane and 1m away from the boundary with 335 Jersey Road and would appear intrusive as well as impact on neighbours’ privacy.

5. There are no vehicular access proposals in the application the lack of which could present danger- ous conditions on Wood Lane, a narrow lane with recently introduced ‘red route’ markings to ease commuter travel and for access to the Nishkam School recently built on MOL south and opposite the site.

OWGRA therefore seek rejection of this appeal.


OWGRA, 130 Wood Lane, Osterley, , TW7 5EQ Telephone: 07562 385269 Email: [email protected]