Dr.N. SATHISH GOWDA Assistant Professor of Law P.G. Department of Studies and Research in Law, & University Law College, Jnanabharathi Campus, University, Bangalore.56

Email: [email protected] Mobile: 09916007211 Experience (both U.G &P.G levels) : 09 Years (2014) Date of entry into permanent service : 28-03-2007 Date of Birth : 25-01-1982

Academic Qualifications: B.A.L., LL.M., M.A., M.Phil., PGDHRM, MCJ, Ph.D. Degree Institution/ University Grade Year B.A.L. Vidyavardhaka Law College, University of 5th Rank 2001 LL.B. Vidyavardhaka Law College, University of Mysore 3rd Rank with Distinction 2004 LL.M. P.G. Department of Law, University of Mysore First Class 2006 Ph.D. P.G. Department of Law, University of Mysore Awarded (Constitutional Law) 2012 NET University Grant Commission, Delhi Qualified 2005

Teaching Experience

. Worked as a Lecturer in Vidyavardhaka Law College from 15-7-2006 to 27-03-2007 . Working as Assistant Professor in P.G.Department of Studies in Law & University Law College, , Bangalore from 28th March 2007 till date

Areas of Interest . Constitutional Law . Human Rights . Land Laws . Comparative Public Law . Women and Law . Business and Trade Law

Subject Taught for both PG & UG

. Constitutional Law –I & II . Centre-State Relations and Constitutional Governance . National Security, Public Order and Rule of Law . Public Utilities Law . Human Rights . Land Laws . Comparative Public Law . Contract –I . Labour Laws . Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing . Consumer Protection Act . Drug Addiction, Criminal Justice & Human Rights

Research Guidance

Four research scholars pursuing their Ph. D Programme under my supervision and guidance. Actively involved in teaching the Ph.D Scholars in the Course Work of Bangalore University

Research Projects Research Project Completed: “Implementation of Dowry Prohibition Act: Issues and Perspectives with Special reference to Mysore City” under Young Research Brigade programme to the Bangalore University in June 20th, 2012. Ongoing Project: Co-Investigator under UGC Major Project on the topic entitled “The Prevailing lacunas in implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 in Karnataka State: A An Assessment”.

Publications/Presentations/Special Lectures

has published more than twenty research articles in different reputed law journals and a few articles in leading news papers. Participated and presented various research papers at the International, National State level seminars, conferences and Workshops and has attended national seminars as resource person.

Coordinator/ Convener/ Organizing Secretary

 Co-ordinator for the One Day National Seminar on ‘Law on Disaster Management in India: Issues and Perspectives” organised by P.G.Department of Studies and Research in Law and University Law College, BUB.  Co-ordinator for the One Day National Workshop on ‘Intellectual Property Rights” Jointly organized by P.G.Department of Studies and Research in Law and University Law College and Karnataka State Council for Information Science and Technology held on 13th April 2012.  Organising Secretary for the Two Day National Seminar on ‘The Role of Police in Protection of Human Rights in India: Issues and Perspectives” organized by University Law College and P.G. Department of Studies and Research in Law and University Law College in association with Bureau of Police Research and Development held at Seminar Hall, Jnanajyothi Auditorium, Central College Campus, Bangalore University held on September 2012.  Convener for International Seminar on “INDO-UK Perspectives on Public and Transactional Laws”, held on 12th Nov. 2014 organized by University Law College, P.G.Deptt. of Studies and Research in law, Bangalore University in association with British Council

Training Courses and Conferences/Seminar/Workshop . Participated and obtained ‘A’ Grade in UGC Orientation Programme held from 16TH May 2008 to 12th June 2008 conducted by UGC- Academic Staff College, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore. . Participated and obtained ‘A’ Grade in UGC Refresher course in Law held from 8TH May 2010 to 3rd June 2010 conducted by UGC- Academic Staff College, University of Punjabi, Patiala, Punjab. . Participated and obtained ‘A’ Grade in State Level Interdisciplinary ‘Research Methodology Workshop’ for Assistant/Associate Professors, organised by UGC Center for Women Studies, Bangalore University from 20th September to 4th October 2011 held at Prof. M.S.Thimmappa hall, Jnanabharathi Campus, Bangalore University, Bangalore . Participated in the 10 days Orientation Course for NSS Programme Officer organized by the NSS Training and Orientation Center for Karnataka, University of Mysore from 08-09-2009 to 17-09-2-009 held at NSS-TOC, University of Mysore, Mysore sponsored by the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India, New Delhi . Participated 7 days 11th South Asian Teaching session on International Humanitarian Law organized by International Committee of the Red Cross, The Indian Society of International Law and the Department of Political Science, Bangalore University, during from 13-11-2007 to 20-11-2007, Bangalore. . Participated in the 3 days ICRC South Indian Regional Teachers training programme on International Humanitarian Law organized jointly by Department of Studies in Law, University of Mysore, Mysore and International Committee of the Red Cross, Regional Delegation for South Asia, New Delhi, during 28th -30 May 2012 at Mysore, Karnataka . Participated in Professional Development Workshop for Lawyers and Law Teachers on Consumer Rights Advocacy and Access to Justice (6th to 11th August 2013) organized by IBA-Chair on Continuing Legal Education Chair on Consumer Law And Practice (Govt. of India) NLSIU, Bangalore and Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy Training Trivandrum.

Academic Administration Experience

1. Served as NSS Prograame Officer (2008 to 2012) NSS ULC BUB 2. Served as Chief Warden of the P.G.5Hostel, Bangalore University, Bangalore 3. Served as a Assistant Custodian for LL.B Valuation, Bangalore University, Bangalore 4. Served as a Deputy Custodian for Ph.D. Course Work Valuation, Bangalore University, Bangalore in the year 5. Served as Squad Chief for LL.B Examination Bangalore University, Bangalore 6. Served as Nodal Office Observer for conducting K-SET Exam on 23-10-2011. 7. Paper setting and evaluation for LL.B and LL.M of Bangalore University and other outside Universities

Membership of University Authorities/Bodies 1. Member, Faculty of Law, Department of Law, BUB 2. Member, Board of Studies (UG & PG) Department of Law, BUB 3. Member, Board of Studies Department of Law, KSOU 4. Member, Board of Studies Department of Law, University of Mysore 5. Member, Board of Examination (PG &UG) Department of Law, BUB 6. Member, Board of Examination Department of Women Studies, BUB 7. Member, Board of Examination Department of Social Science , BUB 8. Member, Board of Examination Department of Law, KSOU. 9. Squad member for MBA/MCA/MA/MSC/LL.M. Examinations BUB 10. Member of the Library Committee in University Law College, Bangalore University, Bangalore (ULC, BUB). 11. Member of the Syllabus Revision Committees for LL.B and LL.M courses in ULC and Department of Studies & Research in Law, BUB 12. Member of the Admission Committee constituted for the admissions to LL.B and LL.M 13. Member of the Committee for organization of seminars in Bangalore University 14. Member of the Committee for preparation of Regulations and syllabus of One Year LL.M Course of Bangalore University.

NSS Special Annual Camps Served as NSS Camp Officer in 7 days NSS Special Annual Camp . First NSS Special Annual Camp held from 2nd March 2009 to 8th March 2009 at NSS Bhavan Bangalore University, Bangalore organized by University Law College NSS Unit. . Second NSS Special Annual Camp conducted from 1st March 2010 to 8th March 2010 at Mallathalli, Bangalore. . Third NSS Special Annual Camp conducted from 14th February 2011 to 20th February 2011 at Thavarekere Village, Hosakote Thaluk, Bangalore Rural District.