PRESENT: Councillor Gwyneth Parry – Chairman Councillors: D. Browne, C. P. Carnall, C. Coates, D. A. Ingram, E. Owen, D. Robertson and J.J. Summerfield.

Also Present: County Councillors R. Dew and G. O. Jones.

Clerk: Mai Owen.


1. DECLARATION OF INTEREST – Cllr Delyth Ingram - item 10.2 planning application HHP/2021/48.

2. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS Resolved: to approve the minutes of 27 January 2021 (prop. Cllr. D. Browne, sec Cllr. C. Carnall) minutes 2 February 2021 (prop. Cllr. C Coates sec Cllr. D. Ingram)


4.1 Library:- Two of the windows had perished Cllr. Derek Browne agreed to obtain quotations for their replacement / repair. Cllr. Coates offered to get another key cut for the front door.

4.2 Toilets:- Jones and Whitehead had stripped the faulty door mechanism and were waiting for a part to carry out a repair. They were also checking whether they could be recalibrated to collect a higher entrance charge. The broken gate hinge had also been repaired.

4.3 Parking:- Cllr. Dew was in discussions with the Oyster Catcher regarding extending their car park.

Submitted: enquiry from IOACC regarding proposals for a temporary one-way system along the High Street and Broad Beach Lane in Rhosneigr. It was agreed that the temporary experimental one-way system should be reintroduced from 1.5.2021 to 31.8.2021.

The proposal of a permanent restriction would require full consultation which would include an opportunity for anyone to comment or object.

4.4 Llanfaelog Village Hall – The inspection work on the water ingress on the gable end was ongoing, in the meantime the Village Hall Management Committee would purchase dehumidifiers to combat some of the damp. The clerk was waiting to hear from Mike Jones Roofing Ltd. regarding the urgent work on the roof. She would consult with members as soon as his report was to hand. It was noted that the Llanfaelog Village Hall Committee was currently reviewing its Constitution and that they would require two trustees from within the Community Council. It was agreed that Cllr. Gwyneth Parry and Cllr. Charles Carnall should be nominated.

Signed: (Chairman). 1

MINUTES OF THE REMOTE MEETING OF LLANFAELOG COMMUNITY COUNCIL HELD AT 6.30pm ON WEDNESDAY 24 FEBRUARY 2021. 4.5 Clock – The clock mechanism could only be repaired by a specialist installation/repair company, arrangements had been made for Smith and Derby Ltd. to look at it as soon as possible. It was agreed that Cllr. Gwyneth Parry would start looking at activities to celebrate the clock’s centenery in August 2021.

4.6 Llanfaelog Cemetery Sign It was agreed that the clerk would draft a policy for the Council approval and a sign woukd be commissioned as soon as that was agreed.

4.7 Tree protection orders (TPO):- the clerk would forward a list of trees as compiled by Cllr. Robertson to the County Council.

4.8 Ty Coch - access to the beach:– nothing further to report on the path but Cllr. Coates reported that wooden posts had been erected there to prevent vehicle access to the beach.

4.9 Tennis and Bowling Club Committee – It was reported that IOACC was not be prepared to transfer the existing lease or enter into any direct agreement with a new Community Group. However they were willing to renegotiate the lease to allow for wider use of the facility and allow the Community Council to sublease to a new Management Group. A final decision would be made as soon as the draft lease / sublease was available for discussion.

4.10 Football Club It was confirmed that the cost of cutting Cae Cynlas would be reduced to £50 per cut from March 2021 if the Football Club was to cut the pitch themselves. There would be an additional fee for strimming the edges. As this was a substantial saving for the Community Council it was resolved to waive the fee for a further 12 months and review the agreement once they were satisfied that the new grass cutting regime was working


6. PAROCHIAL MATTERS 6.1 Grass cutting contracts The clerk was awaiting a response from J Cunnliffe, resolved to extend the existing contracts for a further 12 months provided that the annual increase was restricted to 3% as per the existing contract.

6.2 List all holiday homes, second homes, Air B&B and empty houses. It was agreed that the clerk would ask IOACC for this.

6.3 Broad Beach House It was reported that the life ring had been put back and Cllr. Carnall would arrange for the bin to be put back on the corner. It was also noted that the residents of Broad Beach House were to be thanked for the work they had done in the Memorial Garden.

6.4 Avondale and Waverley House Rhosneigr

Signed: (Chairman). 2

MINUTES OF THE REMOTE MEETING OF LLANFAELOG COMMUNITY COUNCIL HELD AT 6.30pm ON WEDNESDAY 24 FEBRUARY 2021. Submitted: a request for suggestions for a Welsh name for the development, the following were to be put forward - Tonnau'r Môr - Tonnau - Waves / Môr – Sea and Golygfa'r Môr - Sea View.

6.5 Seddi gwag / Vacant Seats Notices had been issued with a closing date of 3 March 2021.

6.6 Footpaths:– Some repair work had been carried out on Maelog Boardwalk

7. FINANCIAL MATTERS: Submitted and confirmed the financial report for the period to 31.1.2021 together with Bank Reconciliations and Bank Statements.

7.1 Contracts of Employment and Salaries Resolved to issue new contracts of employment to the cleaners from 1 April 2021.

It was agreed that the duties and responsibilities of the clerk were appropriate to salary grade LC2 she was asked to produce details of costings for the next meeting.

7.2 Members Allowance Some members had written to decline the allowance the others would be paid as soon as possible.


Salaries 799.70 Welsh Water 636.87 Disposables 233.66 D &P Graphics 66 N Power 62.43 E. A. Owen & Son 148.8 Flo gas 578.44 D. Robertson 150 SSE 48.33

It was also agreed that the RFO would be making payments for utilities and previously agreed works and quotations prior to the next meeting.

9. CORRESPONDENCE – submitted and noted.

9.1 Independent Remuneration Panel for - Review of the Remuneration Framework for Community and Town Councils

9.2 Member Training Remote training sessions (One Voice Wales)

9.3 Annual Fee for green garden waste collection

9.4 Elections Newsletter

9.5 Litter & Fly-tipping Prevention Plan for Wales

Signed: (Chairman). 3



10.1 VAR 2020/57 Ty Newydd Bach, Llanfaelog, Ty Croes Application under Section 73 for the variation of condition (06)(Drainage details), (09)(Structural Alterations) and (10)(Development to be carried out in strict conformity to plans/documents received) of planning permission reference 28C202C: Full application for the conversion of a stable into a dwelling, creation of a new vehicular access together with the installation of a septic tank so as to approve existing works – no objections.

10.2 HHP/2021/48 11 Tai Newydd, Llanfaelog. Full application for alterations and extensions – no objections.

103 HHP/2021/25 Tyddyn Merddyn, Full application for alterations and extensions – sent in error by IOACC.

11. RISK ASSESSMENTS. To be forwarded to the clerk.

11.1 Play Areas – it was noted that the Llanfaelog Hub Garden was closed.

11.2 Cemetery – nothing further to report.


12.1 FPL/ 2021/9 Stay Little, Rhosneigr Full application for the erection of an annex –refused.

12.2 FPL/2020/224 Coedlys, 6 Brynteg, Llanfaelog Full application for the demolition of the existing garage/bedroom and erection of a new detached annex and garden shed together with an extension to the curtilage – granted.

13. Covid 19 Volunteers were still working with residents, assisting with transport to vaccination appointments etc.

14. MEMBER REPORTS 14.1 Cllr. Charles Carnall:- Reported that two EV Charging Points could be installed by the Public Toilets subject to IOACC permission but the cost of installing a charging point by Llanfaelog Village Hall could be prohibitive. This was because the main electricity board was on the Church side of the hall and a new cable would have to be put in to allow for a charging point in the car park. Resolved to make a final decision as when a full details of costs were to hand.

Signed: (Chairman). 4

MINUTES OF THE REMOTE MEETING OF LLANFAELOG COMMUNITY COUNCIL HELD AT 6.30pm ON WEDNESDAY 24 FEBRUARY 2021. 14.2 Cllr. Delyth Ingram Suggested that IOACC should be asked whether there was any support available for beach wardens, additional bins etc. because of the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic.

14.3. Cllr. Gwyneth Parry. Reported that there had been issues with antisocial behaviour in the village recently. The clerk would ask for an update from the PCSO.

15. NEXT MEETING: 24 MARCH 2021 6.30pm

Signed: (Chairman). 5