Davis Peace Project 2012 – Proposal Building Peace through Music and Dance Teresa Brugarolas International House

Project Idea Building Peace through Music and Dance is a project conceived to contribute to world peace through unity, communication, and joint efforts working towards a common goal. This project will create an opportunity for spreading peace by giving back through performances. This project will consist of a 3 day workshop using music and dance to spread the word of international awareness and cultural diversity to underprivileged high school students in Philadelphia, , who would not have this exposure otherwise.

Background Peace, as defined in the dictionary, is a state of harmony in interpersonal or international relationships where there is understanding, equality and a common work that serves the true interests of all.

Music is an international language spoken worldwide. As a communication vehicle, music transmits from the musician to the listener. In order to complete the communication, a response from the listener needs to be created. This response can come in the language of Dance. Countless communities use music and dance to define their culture. Music and dance are ways to share your culture, to learn from and accept others, to bridge the gap, to unite people towards the same feelings, to synchronize beats towards the same goals. Music and Dance are an optimum way to build and conserve peace.

Philadelphia is home to a vibrant and well-documented musical heritage stretching back to colonial times until today. The music of Philadelphia is internationally known through innovations in , , , soul, etc. Sadly, at the same time, Philadelphia is listed as one of the 25 most dangerous cities in the US, due to crime.

Project Description - Participants: This project is intended for 20-25 high school students from high schools, and five project leaders from International House representing each continent of the world. The selection of the high school participants will be made by the project leaders by presenting a contest to local high schools. - When: over the course of 3 days during the summer of 2012 - Location: It will take place at International House Philadelphia - Details: The workshop will be divided in sessions and multiple guests/speakers will be invited from music schools, universities and organizations. The first session, promoting UNITY, will consist of welcoming and introduction of participants. Each leader will be invited to present how music and dance are represented in their cultures giving a global perspective to the group.

The second session, promoting COMMUNICATION through LISTENING, will be focused on gathering and experiencing the music heritage from Philadelphia, with invited guests from Curtis Institute of Music, University of Pennsylvania Music Department, and other local music and folk institutions. The third session, promoting COMMUNICATION through EXPRESSION, will consist of learning world dances. Multiple school associations will be invited to teach (African Dance, Tango, etc.) some dance moves and show the differences between cultures.

The last session, will consist of working together to learn a choreography that will be performed in multiple public places around the city of Philadelphia. This will be an opportunity to give back to the Philadelphia community what all have learned during the three day workshop.

Expected Outcome The combination of an international environment using music and dance as a communication language will create unique opportunity for the students of West Philadelphia High School and the International House project leaders. A better understanding will be gained of what peace is on a day to day basis is all about. All participants will share this experience while bringing their own culture and background to the mix.

The West Philadelphia High School students will use what they have learned to help plant seeds that will grow and develop in their communities for future years to come. Students will also learn about the music heritage they own and how it can help to unite people, building peace in their own community.

Future Impact This workshop will teach participants that community and intercultural peace starts individually but it is built by a team. It will help participants to understand that respecting and learning from each other is indeed necessary to form harmony. It will also show that expressing ourselves is part of communication. A third dimension is also needed to establish peace consisting of generously giving back to the community and serving the true interests of all.

Project Organizer I am originally from Spain. I am currently a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania and a Resident Advisor at the International House Philadelphia. I have been living in IHP for almost three years and it has been one of the most enriching experiences in my life. It has taught me to appreciate the richness of diversity, to learn from and respect other cultures, and to make lifelong friends from almost every nation in the world. In addition, the chance that I have had to work as a Resident Advisor in IHP for the last 2 years has been the opportunity to get closer to the whole group of international students giving back a little of what I received from this community. It is my job to make a home outside of home for the international residents in the house, to help them adapt, and also to create opportunities for residents to socialize, educate and share their culture, learn and grow in an exciting comfortable, safe and fun environment. Living in Philadelphia has offered me the greatest music experience in my life. I believe this opportunity of working with the IHP international resident community in collaboration with local high school students for peace through music and dance will be a unique and great experience for both. I believe the personal experience of each participant will translate into a worldwide peace initiative. We will create this program with a goal of repeating it summer after summer in Philadelphia engaging International House residents and the Greater Philadelphia community.