e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

Cornwallis e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June 2020 Message from the Headteacher, Mrs Linney-Drouet With the slight moderation of the lockdown procedures I hope this will, or has already, brought some much-needed joy to your families. The ability to meet with a small number of other people (albeit outdoors and whilst observing social distancing) will hopefully enable our students to meet with members of their extended families. This is clearly something that the young people have dearly missed and should bring some comfort and happiness to all concerned.

Following the recent guidance concerning the expectations of partial school reopening for Y10 and Y12, we have been busy getting the school ready. I can assure you that we are all looking forward to seeing some of our students again. If your child is in Years 10 or 12, you have already received all the information you need. We are currently working hard to devise a timetable for your child and are hoping to send it to you by the end of next week at the very latest. We are of course continuing to support our Key Workers. Over the last few weeks, we have collaborated with New Line Learning Academy and used their building to provide support for our Key Workers. As of today, we are back at Cornwallis Academy. I would like to formally thank New Line Learning for their support at a time when staffing shortages made it impossible to keep both school buildings open.

As ever we are open and on hand to assist in any way possible. If parents have any concerns whatsoever then they should contact the relevant Year team. I hope you all enjoy another sunny week and wish you every happiness during these testing times. Illustration by Year 12 Student, Click here to view our latest class champions. I thoroughly Bridget Morgan-Jones enjoy looking at all the amazing work completed by students. Well done!

We are still asking for your nominations for our ‘Cornwallis Cares’ Campaign. More details can be found on the next page.

Finally, I’d like to congratulate the Mayhew Family for winning this Month’s Game of Chance draw.

Please remember if you would like to contact me, email [email protected]. If I feel that another member of staff can deal with the issue, I will pass it on.

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

In this Edition


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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

KS3 & KS4 Pastoral Update Mr Spurling: Head of Prospective Year 7 I hope that you are continuing to stay safe and well during these difficult times and keeping as active as possible. Many of you have this week returned to school for the first time in almost 3 months, which I'm sure is both exciting and slightly nerve racking at the same time! I hope that you have enjoyed seeing your teachers and friends again, and that you are now able to enjoy the end of your lives, which is a big moment for all of you.

Whilst I know that you will have plenty to keep you occupied over the next 7 weeks, I'm also inviting you to dip into some of the different subject specific tasks which your son / daughter can complete over the summer in order that they feel more 'Year 7 ready' before September. The Art, Food Technology and History departments have laid on a menu of fun and creative options and these will remain open throughout the whole of summer. The Head of Mathematics, Mrs Herlihy, has also included a link for the subject which will be very useful in terms of completing Key Stage 3 related activities, so making use of this would be really beneficial. These tasks and tips can be accessed via https://wakelet.com/@CornwallisAcademy

I am currently putting together the Year 7 Tutor Groups for next year. Can I please ask you therefore to complete the Year 7 information form if you haven't already done so, in order that I can make informed judgements over the coming weeks and complete this process fully.

Finally, if you need to contact me or Miss Perry over the coming weeks, please feel free to do so.

Mr Spurling – [email protected] Miss Perry – [email protected]

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

Mr King: Head of Year 7 Firstly, I hope you and your families are all safe and well during these difficult times. With the potential easing of the lockdown, coinciding with the wonderful weather we have been experiencing, I hope you are all able to enjoy your family time a lot more. From the conversations with many families, Mrs Cleall and I have been very impressed with the maturity, resilience and perseverance of our students. It has been fantastic to see all of the wonderful work they have managed to produce whilst at home and we hope this attitude towards home learning continues.

Microsoft TEAMs Staff will continue to upload work via Microsoft TEAMs. By now, all students should be able to login with their school e- mail and password. I you are unable to access TEAMs, please contact myself or Mrs Cleall and we will work to resolve the situation. Work can be submitted by submission of documents or you are able to produce the work on a sheet of paper, take a photo and submit via photo message. Again, any assistance or guidance can be provided from the year team. Students do not need to panic or be overwhelmed with the amount of work provided, we are more than understanding that this is not the norm and for some of our students it can be difficult to complete all work set.

60 Second Challenges – Can you beat everyone in your household?! Dribbling Challenge – How many times can you dribble around two cones? (5 metre distance) Through your legs - How many times can you pass a ball through both of your legs in 60 seconds? Speed Bounce - How many times can you bounce over a pillow in 60 seconds? Plank - Can you hold the ‘plank’ position for 60 seconds? Step up - How many times can you step up and down a step in 60 seconds? Socks in the Box - How many socks can you pair up and put in the box in 60 seconds? Around the World - How many times can you pass the ball around your waist in 60 seconds?

Connect 4

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June


Mr King – [email protected] Mrs Cleall – [email protected]

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

Miss Parker: Head of Year 8 Hello to all year 8 students, parents and guardians. I hope you had an enjoyable half term and were able to enjoy the beautiful sunshine.

I hope you found my last resources fun and exciting. This week I have some new ideas to keep the family busy. The suggestions below are all based around trying to learn a new skill. Please email me and let me know how you get on. Have fun and enjoy.

Learn simple dance routines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwW86DjobrA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py5orHhPGvg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J79VmSPcJns

Learn Simple football skills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH_G1f6KzfI

Learn simple songs on the keyboard https://tonara.com/blog/seven-easy-piano-songs-for-beginners/

Learn a language https://www.duolingo.com/

Competitions to enter http://writersreign.co.uk/young%20writers.htm https://www.theprizefinder.com/competitions/kids-ccreative-competitions https://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/competitions-for-children/childrens-writing-competitions/

Fun online games to play: https://skribbl.io/ https://www.puzzle-words.com/boggle-4x4/ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pieyel.scrabble&hl=en_GB https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.magmic.android.squash&hl=en_GB https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ludo.king&hl=en_GB https://justdancenow.com/

Support sites for young people https://www.cornwallisacademy.com/wellbeing https://www.headspace.com/meditation/kids

Please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Lawson if you need our assistance with anything, we are always here to help.

Stay safe

Miss Parker – [email protected] Mrs Lawson – [email protected]

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

Mr McMahon: Head of Year 9 As we move into the start of Term 6, I would like to thank you all for your hard work and perseverance with maintaining a work life balance in this current climate. The last time we had all our students in the school was in March and we can’t wait to get everybody back together when it is safe to do so. The latest government guidance has stated that only Years 10 and 12 will return this term for some face to face support and it’s likely that Years 7-9 will now aim to return in September. By then, we will be Year 10 and we will do all that we can to make that process as safe and as informative as possible.

It has been great to see so many students accessing Microsoft Teams and completing the tasks set, as it will help put them in good stead in preparation for our return for studying their GCSE subjects in September.

If any family is experiencing technical issues with Microsoft Teams, please feel free to contact the school for ICT support by emailing [email protected]. Please also include the student’s full name and year group and they will then get back to you.

During term 6, all students will be receiving a letter regarding their GCSE options that their child has been allocated for September. If students wish to focus on these subjects for their home learning, then this is not a problem.

Recently, I met virtually with the members of the KS3 Parent council and as always it proved really valuable. I would like to extend my thank you to them all again for their support and look forward to our next virtual meeting in Term 6. Minutes of the meeting can be accessed by visiting the Cornwallis website and you can also send in matters to be discussed by filling out the form on the website too https://www.cornwallisacademy.com/parent-council

Random Acts of Kindness Challenge ‘When you choose to be kind, you make someone feel like they matter.’ Last week I set the challenge to ‘Help your family out around the home’ – and a huge well done to Olivia Elkins for completing this challenge! Olivia has been supporting her mother who works in the audiology sector that carries some extremely vulnerable and elderly patients. Well done Olivia for helping out around the home whilst your mother is helping others in need. This is very uplifting to hear, and we are all extremely proud of you

This week’s challenge involves you taking a moment to think about your friends and peers. Take a look at the photograph below which was taken when the year group was in Year 7 to celebrate 60 years of Cornwallis being open.

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

It is easy to feel isolated very quickly in this current climate, and I would like to encourage you all to make contact with each other in a positive way. There are many ways of doing this and I have made a couple of suggestions below: ‘Send a text message to a friend to say you are thinking of them or facetime a friend to catch up virtually and most of all be kind’

I would love to hear about your own ‘Random acts of Kindness’ stories too, so please send them in with any photos if you are able to #BeBraveBeKind

Mr McMahon – [email protected] Mrs Judd – [email protected]

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

Miss Harding: Head of Year 10 Welcome to Term 6! We hope you managed to have a restful half term break and took some time out away from schoolwork to enjoy the sun. As a year team it has been great hearing from so many of you and your families and we will continue to make contact and check-in with as many of you as possible. A large number of Year 10 students continue to engage fantastically with the assignments set of Microsoft Teams, producing some high-level work. Please keep this up as every little task you do now will go a long way in preparing you for Year 11. In addition to this, we plan for a number of Year 10 students to have face-to-face contact with some of their teachers over the next few weeks with further details to follow.

Wellbeing support reminder As we begin Term 6 it is important to reflect on how we are feeling and what we can do to ensure we are keeping our minds healthy. Please remember that a number of wellbeing tasks have been uploaded to www.cornwallisacademy.com/year-10 as well as https://www.cornwallisacademy.com/wellbeing should you need any advice or support.

Picture challenge! Time to get snappy! There is no better time to document your creativity and successes and we want to see what you have been up to.

The rules: - Each week you will be given a new theme. - You will need to take a picture that you feel best represents that theme for you and email your entry to me at [email protected]. - Each week one winner will be chosen and they will receive a small reward once we return.

This week’s theme: This week’s theme is ‘something new’. This could range from trying out a new activity, painting a new picture, reading a new book etc… I would like to start us off by introducing you all to my ‘something new’, the new addition to my family, Beatrice Harding:

Quote of the week ‘You must do the things you think you cannot do’ (Eleanor Roosevelt)

As always, if you have any questions or require any support with anything, please do not hesitate to contact the year team. We are more than happy to help in anyway we can. We hope you have a productive week and we will look forward to receiving some great pictures!

Miss Harding – [email protected] Mr Gabell – [email protected] Click here to see what is in this edition Page 9 of 27

e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

Mr Spurling: Head of Year 11 Good afternoon to all year 11 students, parents and guardians. Miss Perry and I hope that you are continuing to stay safe and keeping fit and healthy. It's great to see that many of you have continued to work on tasks across all GCSE subjects in order to keep your brains active. We appreciate that it is difficult, but the quantity, and standard of the work that has been uploaded is excellent. Please continue to work on these activities over the next few weeks.

For those of you who are staying on in Sixth Form, Mr Sutton and Mrs Woollett have set up transition tasks for your A level subjects on Microsoft Teams. Please access and complete these over the coming weeks in order that you are ready for a fast start in September.

We know that finding new and exciting things to pass time gets harder every day, and that some of you might feel that some activities are a bit young for you, but please look at the range of different activities available under other year group entries to keep you and your families busy this summer.

As I mentioned in the last newsletter, the Government has announced that Year 11s will receive their GCSE results on August 20th.

If you or your parents have any further questions throughout Term 6, please contact me or Miss Perry.

Mr Spurling – [email protected] Miss Perry – [email protected]

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

KS5 Pastoral Update Mr Sutton: Director of Sixth Form I hope you are all well and remaining positive; slowly but surely normality is returning.

All year 12s should have received an email from me this week with a step by step guide to getting started on UCAS. Everything is included, but to summarise:

- Buzzword and centre details are required and included in my email. - Although the site is open now, no applications can be made until September 8th. - Form groups have not been allocated, so you will need to join the default group on the UCAS website. - The UCAS search directory is open, and I have provided guidance on personal statements which can be drafted and checked ahead of September. - You will need a list of the subjects you studied at GCSE - 15th October 2020 is the deadline for Oxbridge/Medicine/Veterinary/Dentistry and some BioMed courses.

Please contact Ms McIntyre or Mr Sutton with any questions you may have. We are also happy to check personal statements for you too.

Ms Williams will be sending details out to year 12s about how to apply for a place on the Extended Project Qualification for next year. This is an additional qualification and is a similar mode of study to an undergraduate module at university as it is undertaken largely independently, with limited lesson time with the co-ordinator. The course is a standalone AS qualification but carries slightly more UCAS points than an AS. Most universities rate the course very highly, but a few will not accept the UCAS points it carries – so it’s important to do your research. The application method will be far more stringent than previous years, so be prepared: you must be able to prove you’ve considered a topic you’d like to research and that you have (and can prove you have) the levels of diligence and independence required to be successful.

If any students (or parents) need any careers related support or advice, please contact Ms McIntyre [email protected]

Stay safe; keep working hard on Teams, and I hope to see you before too long.

Mr Sutton – [email protected] Mrs Woollett – [email protected]

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

Wellbeing Wellbeing Wednesday Quiz

BBC Bitesize Goals, perspective and anxiety: Three philosophy nuggets to help you during lockdown, click the link below for more information https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zk6c92p

Something Positive With all the problems in the world at the moment, we want to give you something positive to read! https://www.justgivemepositivenews.com/#

Exercise These days we are increasingly aware that regular exercise is every bit as important for our mental wellbeing as it is for our physical health. Regardless of our age or fitness level, studies show that making time for exercise provides us with some significant mental health benefits. ‘Making time’ isn’t always easy but a deeper understanding of the benefits of regular exercise to our physical and mental health can help to motivate us to develop a regular routine.

When we exercise, we stimulate certain areas in our brain, releasing chemicals that affect how we feel. These effects can last for several hours after a workout, and noticeable improvements in our mood can be seen after as little as 10-20 minutes of physical activity. The task - plan to do some exercise today and notice how you feel afterwards. There are lots of free suggestions online about what to do: Joe Wicks workouts or Indoor exercises without any equipment. You can make your own plan to challenge yourself for the week to do one more of each activity every day - good luck! Click here to see what is in this edition Page 12 of 27

e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

News Computing Project: Click – Episode 1 If you didn’t tune into the first episode of ‘Computing Project: Click’ then welcome! Here is a reminder of what we are doing and below are the project ideas for this episode.

The use of computers and technology are vital to our way of life and this has become even more apparent during the current Covid-19 crisis. I would love you to explore more about how computers are integral to our lives by having a go at the projects that I am creating.

In each publication of the e-bulletin I will be sending out a project for you to have a go at based upon an episode of BBC Click. Each project will have a variety of ideas that you can choose from. This is open to all years and I would love to see all your efforts and be able to publish some of them in future e-bulletins. Please send any project work to [email protected]. Have a read of the project ideas below for this issue.

Happy creating! Mrs Balzan

Watch this episode of BBC Click and then choose a project idea to do below (or more than one!). https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000g2gh/click-foldable-phones-fashion-or-future

For each project idea you may wish to do extra research as well as watching the episode of BBC Click. It is also completely up to you how you wish to present your project; it could be done by hand, on the computer, a poster, powerpoint, speech, video, making a prototype (where applicable) or any other method you can think of! The choice is yours – be creative!

Project ideas: • How is the technology of a microcomputer helping with heart conditions? You could create a newspaper article or presentation to explain this. • Do you like the idea of a robot librarian taking a human librarian’s job? Justify your opinion. • Design a new smart phone with a foldable screen explaining the technology behind how this works. • How does an electric toothbrush use Bluetooth technology? Design your own new one explaining the technology behind it. First Aid from the Red Cross

We're delighted to bring you details of our brand new learning website, First aid champions, to help give you some fresh ideas for home-schooling. What could be more empowering than learning a new life-saving skill during lockdown?

Find out more >

You might think you need training to be in a classroom or even access to special equipment to learn first aid. Great news! Everything you need is within First aid champions. Young people can learn through our engaging films, photos and online quizzes.

We’ve designed a specific pathway for home-learning for secondary aged students to help guide you and parents through the site. Alternatively, pick and choose from a variety of activities to suit your individual needs or encourage students to learn independently.

Explore up to 17 different first aid skills with films, activities and quizzes. Each skill has a key action to take so learners can easily remember what to do when someone needs help. There are also ideas on kindness and safety, and we encourage everyone to share their learning with others to create resilient communities.

Explore First aid champions >

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

Day 70/71/72 in the Waddington house. Who knows ??! It’s hard to remember what day it is now, all days blend into one way way back on the 23rd March we went into lockdown, I had already been locked in for a week as I believe my son had the virus. A lot of time has passed since then and I’m sure we will all have stories to tell. It’s interesting what has happened in this lockdown, but I do believe in all covids darkness there has been some goodness. I for one will never forget the amazing Captain Tom who raised millions for the NHS what an amazing man,

How did you feel when you were told you couldn’t go out until further notice, maybe worried ( I’ll never be able to stay in ) or maybe a bit relieved (yes all that catch up TV I can get through!! ) and now after all this time it kind of feels normal not going out, and being told I can go out seems a little scary.

When this first began I think I ate my way through the entire house I was like a cow grazing all day, well what else was there to do, I had breakfast, elevenses, twelveses, afternoon drinks and snacks and evening picky time. I would cook cakes and cookies until I run out of caster sugar and flour and then, when I couldn’t buy flour, I craved cakes even more. I was well on the way to becoming the size of a small house, drastic measures needed to happen. Firstly I cleaned , cleaned and cleaned until there was not a cupboard in my house that hadn’t been blitzed then I started walking and then jogging my poor dog Denzil wondered what was going on he had never been walked so much in his life, and then when we started jogging he thought we were having a game and would jump up at me, until he learnt this was serious and gradually jogged along with me, I was often a bit rebellious and went over my hour of exercise but always maintained a safe social distance weeks in and I feel the fittest I’ve been in a long time and actually a little slimmer.

I tried ZOOM but those of you that know me know I hate technology and I’d usually crash and give up.

In my hours of freedom for exercise I’ve actually visited places near me that I never knew existed. The Darnley mausoleum here’s a little fact. The Earls of Darnley were usually buried in Westminster Abbey, but by the late 18th century, their vaults were full. In his will, the 3rd Earl, John Bligh, left instructions for a mausoleum to be built in Cobham Park, , where he and his descendants could be laid to rest in a grand manner.

Hiking through the woods and there next to me are huge cows with enormous horns just casually walking along. I’ve learnt little snippets of amazing facts such as where does the saying” dead ringers” come from. In ancient times people were buried with a string around their finger and a bell above ground. If they weren’t quite dead the bell would ring and they could be dug up!! Why do we have so many blue bells?? because again years ago wild boar ran loose through our forests churning up the blue bells and spreading them far and wide. Why is a WAKE called a WAKE because when someone died the body was kept in the house for days and family could visit? If after a few days, the person did not AWAKE then they could be buried!

My son and I have long conversations, (always a rarity before lockdown ) My Mum has told me stories I’ve never actually had the time to listen to before, Like how my Nan and Grandad went on their first date canoeing past the Malta inn. Which at the time was a tiny pub. How my Mum used to sing and dance in the halls around Medway for a shilling a night. On VE day she was in Cornwallis playground with all her friends. My car has not left the driveway and has families of spiders on it. I’ve seen the seals in the River Medway. I’ve noticed that there’s less rubbish around, I talk to my neighbours I talk to strangers and I’m loving every minute. I’ve turned into Barbara from good life (you’re too young to remember that series but YouTube it and there I am in my gardening boots and shovel) . Growing my own veggies, playing in homemade manure and getting excited at the sight of a slow worm munching his way through my compost bin.

I hope more than anything when all this is over and we all get back to normal we will continue to enjoy the beauty of this world around us, walk instead of drive, talk to people rather than walking on by. Spend time with your families, listen to their stories. Take life at a slower pace to avoid the stress and be kind to each other.

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

Science in Lockdown Science Competition – All years How to grow fruits and vegetables from leftovers. We would love to see this over term 6 – send pictures of your growing efforts to your science teachers of teams. http://www.eatingwell.com/article/290729/how-to-grow-fruits-vegetables-from-food-scraps/

Activities to try at home National Insect week is coming up (June 22- 28th). it is based around photography. Follow the link and find out more about it. (https://www.nationalinsectweek.co.uk/). Send in your photographs of insects to your science teacher on TEAMS.

The Royal Society of Biology Photography Competition is now open for entries! This is a national competition and there are prizes attached. Have a look at the information by following the link and let me know if you have entered. https://my.rsb.org.uk/item.php?competitionid=36 Deadline is the 24th July 2020.

Combine your love of science and art with this national competition http://www.schoolscience.co.uk/thenancyrothwellaward follow the link and have a go. Deadline for entries is 1st July. If you enter please send me your entry as well so we can put it in the bulletin.

Did you watch the NASA Space X launch on Saturday? Follow this link to watch what is happening live on the International space station http://www.ustream.tv/channel/iss-hdev-payload

Meet your teachers in 10 Ms Chantler –Science Teacher

1. What do you love about teaching science – The ‘I get it’ moments when something that seems complicated suddenly becomes clear. 2. What is the best practical in science – anything that doesn’t involve Bunsen burners as I am prone to setting myself on fire 3. Name something you love – Volcanoes and weather phenomena 4. Favourite thing to cook – Canelloni or Sheppard’s pie 5. Favourite band – Powderfinger (Aussie band) 6. Favourite book – Druss the Legend by David Gemmell 7. Pets – my cat Kipling 8. Favourite film – Twister, but any film with a natural disaster in it 9. Best experience – Flying a plane 10. What do you do to relax – Gardening at my allotment and crafting stuff

Can you guess? Who worked in a zoo – Ms Chantler Who in the science department used to be the British TKD (tae kwon do) champion and a bingo caller!

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

Marble Run Competition Winners!

After a fantastic set of entries to the marble run, I found it incredibly difficult to choose winners! A massive well done to those who took part – you showed great enthusiasm, creativity and fantastic engineering skills!

Prizes will be awarded for the winners in September.

Year 7: Harry Chiddention and Connie Goff! Year 8: Mia Davison and Jacob Wright!

Year 9: Shane Fox

Year 10: Oliver Williams (video went too fast to get a picture of it all!)

Well done!

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

Computing Do you want to be a Cyber Security Agent? We have been notified by Kent Police of a fantastic government initiative launching a Virtual Cyber Security School as well as an online summer course. Take a look at the information below and be sure to apply as soon as possible if you are interested as places are limited. You have to be 13-18 years old to join in. The website says it is “designed to enable a student to work through the challenges at their own pace, without the need of a teacher or anyone who has a background in cyber security.” So, don’t worry about needing help doing this online from home as everything is built into their online school to help you, including the opportunity to sign up for weekly webinars with industry experts. Have a look by visiting https://cyber- school.joincyberdiscovery.com/

Do let me know if you are successful in applying and how you get on with it by emailing me at [email protected].

Have fun! Mrs Balzan

New virtual cyber school gives teens chance to try out as cyber security agents from home Thousands of young people are being offered the chance to join a virtual cyber security school as part of plans to make sure the country develops the next generation of professional cyber defenders.

At a time when schools remain closed to most children, the online initiative aims to inspire future talent to work in the cyber security sector and give students a variety of extracurricular activities to do from the safety of their homes.

Teens can learn how to crack codes, fix security flaws and dissect criminals’ digital trails while progressing through the game as a cyber agent. This will help them develop important skills needed for future jobs, particularly in cyber security.

The school provides free weekly webinars run by industry experts teaching fundamental security disciplines such as digital forensics, cryptography and operating systems.

Also the government has announced a number of other online training courses to give UK school pupils the opportunity to learn and develop cyber security skills, this includes the launch of the National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC) hugely popular CyberFirst summer courses. The courses are moving online this year to help more than a thousand 14 to 17-year-olds develop important cyber skills from home during the coronavirus pandemic.

The National Crime Agency and Cyber Security Challenge UK will also this week announce teenagers can access their online cyber skills platform CyberLand for free during the coming months. In the game designed to teach teenagers the fundamentals of cyber security, players protect the virtual city ‘CyberLand’ from cyber-attacks while learning key skills.

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

English in Lockdown First News & Activity Sheets To support schools during closures, First News will be providing their newspaper for free for a limited time. There's never been a more important time for children to feel in touch with events around the UK and around the world. Why not follow the links below and attempt some of their activity sheets? https://schools.firstnews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/resources/Look-Closer-728.pdf https://schools.firstnews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/resources/L2-Crossword-728.pdf

Year 10 students should have a browse of Mr Bruff videos on YouTube. He covers everything literature and language in a really simple but thorough way that will help refresh your memory of the units studied so far (AQA Language paper 1 & 2, An Inspector Calls, Jekyll & Hyde). He also has videos for the poems you are studying on Teams this term too! https://www.youtube.com/user/mrbruff

This would be interesting for prospective Year 12 students who plan to study English Literature and Language: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000j4bl/charlie-brookers-antiviral-wipe. Charlie Brooker is one of the author’s that students will study on the A-Level course from September.

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

History in Lockdown Who are these historical people in the cropped photos below? Try to identify their name and/or job role.

1 Send your answers to Mr Clapp – [email protected]

Correct answers will be revealed in the next issue.






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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

St Hugh’s College University of Oxford

Julia Wood Prize 2020

The Principal and Fellows of St Hugh’s College offer the Prize, worth up to £500, for the best historical essay submitted by a pupil who, at the closing date, has been in the Sixth Form of any school or college for a period of not more than two years. The winning essay will be published on the College’s website.

The choice of historical subject is left to candidates. Essays should be between two thousand and four thousand words and submitted by the candidate as a Microsoft Word document through the form on the College website:


Essays should be submitted by 5pm on Friday 24th July 2020. The winner will be announced on the College website by the end of September 2020.

Last year, two essays shared the prize. The winners were: Isabelle Greig, in the Lower Sixth of Headington School, Oxford, for her essay entitled ‘The Lingering Stay: How a Changing Economy and Shifting Ideas Affected British Corsetry in the Regency Era’; and Rupert Gardiner, in the Lower Sixth of the Perse School, Cambridge, for his essay entitled: ‘The Man Who Put the Jewel in the Crown: How far was Robert Clive Responsible for the East India Company’s Success on the Subcontinent?’

Please direct any enquiries to [email protected]

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

St Hugh’s College University of Oxford

Images: a tutorial on the lawn at St Hugh’s College; Mary Renault (1905-1983); a selection of Mary Renault’s books

Mary Renault Prize 2020 The Principal and Fellows of St Hugh’s College offer two or more prizes, worth up to £300 each, for essays on classical reception or influence submitted by pupils who, at the closing date, have been in the Sixth Form of any school or college for a period of not more than two years. At least one prize will be awarded a pupil who is not studying either Latin or Greek to A-level standard.

Essay Requirements: Essays can be from any discipline and should be on a topic relating to the reception of classical antiquity – including Greek and Roman literature, history, political thought, philosophy, and material remains – in any period to the present; essays on reception within classical antiquity (for instance, receptions of literary or artistic works or of mythical or historical figures) are permitted. Essays should be between two thousand and four thousand words. Essays should be submitted, together with the Mary Renault Prize Cover Sheet, using the upload form on the College website: www.st-hughs.ox.ac.uk/prospectivestudents/outreach/mary-renault-prize

The deadline for submissions is 5pm on Friday 24th July 2020. The winner will be announced on the College website by early September 2020. To see the list of previous winners, please visit: https://www.st-hughs.ox.ac.uk/prospectivestudents/outreach/mary-renault-prize/

Please direct any enquiries to [email protected]

St Hugh’s College T: 01865 274910 St Margaret’s Road www.st-hughs.ox.ac.uk Click Oxfhereo rtod, seeOX2 what 6LE is in this edition Registered CharitPagey 1139 21717 of 27

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

Community Bulletin

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

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e-bulletin Wednesday 3rd June

Quiz Answer:

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