October 2019 Church and Village News for : Bedfield, , , Tannington,

Autumn Fayre Saturday October 26th, 11.30am Various stalls, games, refreshments and light lunches from 12.15- 1.30pm. Worlingworth Community Centre in aid of St. Mary’s Church funds.

Also raising money for Children in Need, three competitions with an entry fee of 40 pence for each class. Class 1. An Apple Cake, Class 2.Heaviest Potato, Class 3. Jack O’ Lantern made from a pumpkin or squash, to be judged by public vote. Announcement of winners 2.15pm. Followed by sale of any donated items. If you wish to donate your class item please indicate on entry slip. (See insert). More info 01728 628488.

Fireworks Saturday October 26th Worlingworth Community Centre

Gates open 6.30 Fireworks 7.15 Adults £5.00 Children over 3 £2.00

Hot Chocolate and BBQ

Worlingworth Community Centre Charity Trustees: Special General Meeting Since the Annual General Meeting last year the Trustees have been asking the Charity Commission to accept our amended Trust Deed (to replace original one dated September 1979) as our working document. They wish us to amend our constitution to be in step with the amended Trust Deed. We have to hold a special general meeting with members of the public present in order to witness the signing of the amended constitution. This meeting will take place on Thursday October 10th at 7.15pm. It will follow straight on from the monthly committee meeting. All welcome

Events at the Crown in Bedfield

Fish and Chips eat in or out Friday 11th October 7.30 to 9.30pm Saturday 12th October live music with Simon 8.30pm Open music night Wednesday 16th October 8.30pm Friday 18th October mobile pizza oven 6pm-8pm Saturday 26th live music with the Cheeseroom Collective at 8.30pm

Advent Festival Saturday 30th November/ Sunday 1st December.

St. Mary’s Church is to be decorated for the season of Advent with a festival similar to last year’s theme. We invite you, if you wish to be involved, to choose a seasonal theme of your choice to be displayed using a fruit/veg box. For more details please contact Veronica on 01728 628488.


Flowers and Brasses. October 6th....R. Ridgwell " 13th.....P. Kench. Cleaners " 20th.....Y.Wiley. 5th Stevie and Maggie " 27th.....V.Swallow. 19th Norman and Sue November 3rd..A. Davidson.

On the 13th of October our service of Let's Celebrate at 11am will be held in the Community Centre led by our Lay Elders. Following this you are welcome to a light lunch served by St. Mary's Guild. To have some idea of numbers to cater for please telephone Veronica on 01728 628488 or Val on 01728 628068 if you would like lunch. We look forward to seeing you

Farmer’s Market, Worlingworth School This month on Friday 11th October we will be holding our Farmer’s Market at 3.15pm, all are welcome to pop along and join us. This year we will be celebrating Orchard Fruits with the children making and selling a variety of puddings and cakes using some produce grown in the school garden and some donated or gathered locally. All money raised will go to further support school nutrition projects with the children. Thank you to Mrs Woods and Mr Wilkinson for working with the children in Gardening Club during the Summer and Autumn terms.

Church Cleaning and Flower Rota at Bedfield Barbara Corbett

Services at Bedfield Church for October 13th October, Family Harvest , 10am CS 27th October, H.C. 9-30am, DM

We would like to say a big “Thank You” to everyone for all our gifts, cards and love on our Golden Wedding anniversary. The Celebrations have gone on and on. “Thank you “ again

Jane and Bernard Butler

Items for November Newsletter by 19th October Please

To Val Swallow : [email protected] or by post to: Ivy Cottage, Shop Street, Worlingworth IP13 7HX tel 01728 6280683 Please put in Subject November 2019 NEWSLETTER ( No PDF) CThe next meeting of the Parish Council is on Wednesday 16th October at 7.30pm in the Community Centre, all are welcome. [email protected] Minutes of previous parish council meetings can be viewed on the village website at www.worlingworth.onesuffolk.net First Aid Training (Including Use of the new Defibrillator) – Tuesday 22nd October The Parish Council has arranged for First Aid, CPR and Defibrillator training to take place on Tuesday 22 October in the evening, at the Community Centre. If you would like to take part please RSVP to the Parish Clerk as soon as possible. Recycling in Worlingworth The Parish Council is looking to collate a definitive list of what can be recycled in Worlingworth and where parishioners need to take their recyclable goods. If you, or someone you know, collects specific items (such as printer cartridges/old glasses/crisp packets etc) then please share the details with the parish clerk for inclusion in the list [email protected]

Worlingworth Walking Day – Saturday 12th October 2019 Please meet at the Community Centre at 10.30 am before heading off to explore the wonderful network of paths around the village, then return to the Community Centre to enjoy a delicious lunch. By ensuring all parts of the footpath network are walked any issues that may require attention can be reported. Last year on our Walking Day a number of issues were identified, reported to the County Council and then swiftly remedied.

Dog Fouling Again! This time particularly in relation to fouling the playing field at the Community Centre. Please remember that dogs are not permitted on the playing field. As always please clear up after your dog. There are a number of dog bins provided throughout the village.

Website Update Emails If you would like to subscribe to a mailing list to receive notifications of when updates have been posted to the village website please email [email protected] with “PC Alerts” in the subject line. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose. 30 mph Speed Awareness Stickers We still have some stickers available, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Jubilee Cup – Nominations Needed by Monday 4th November Please Each year the Jubilee Cup is awarded by the Parish Council to an individual, team or group who deserve recognition for their achievements or service to the community. Any member of the community may nominate any individual, team or group for consideration by the Council. All you have to do is describe briefly (up to 400 words) why you feel they should be awarded the Jubilee Cup. Please send your nomination to the Parish Clerk as soon as 4 possible and by Monday 4th November at the latest. NEWS FROM WORLINGWORTH CEVC PRIMARY SCHOOL

Fairies and Elves – New Time Our friendly and fun tea and toys group, Fairies and Elves is moving its day to the first TUES- DAY of the month. The next meeting will be on Tuesday 8th October at 1.30-3pm at the school. We welcome young children who would like to enjoy singing, stories and some craft activities with their parent, grandparent or carer – babies are welcome too! Above all else, it’s a great chance to meet oth- ers, relax and have a cup of tea! Aldi Team GB StickersWe are taking part in Aldi’s Kit for Schools competition and a chance to win up to £20,000. We would appreciate it therefore if you could please collect any Team GB stickers of- fered when shopping at Aldi and drop them off into the collection box in the school entrance. We need 300 stickers to enter the competition! Many thanks for your support. Crumble Robot DayAs part of their Robot topic, our Upper Key Stage Two children are being chal- lenged to enter the world of Robotics at a special day at Adastral Park this month where they will learn how to use computing and technology to programme robots to carry out tasks and discover the impact of robotics on day to day life. We are hoping they will not come back and wish to replace their teacher with a robot instead! Willows Nursery Our full time nursery is a hub of activity with our youngest and newest children settled in well and enjoying exploring their current topic of ‘Invention of the Wheel ‘ through lots of games, art, role-play, listening to stories and singing songs as well as activities with wheels and cars in the garden. We always welcome new parents to come and visit our Early Years class and see the learn- ing in action so please contact the office if you would like to pop in.

Literacy Café – Mercury ClassThis month there is a special Literacy Café on Thursday 10th October to which all parents or carers of Reception and Nursery children are invited to come along and learn alongside your child in a variety of reading, phonics and writing activities. As well as having fun with your child, it is a chance to ask the teachers and support staff any questions about Literacy in the Early Years in order to help you provide the best start possible for your child’s journey to become a fluent reader and able writer.

Bags to School

Do you have any unwanted clothing, shoes, sheets or towels etc? We are once again collecting these items through the Bags to School organisation in order to raise funds. Bags are available from the school office and any donations should be dropped off at the school on the morning of Tuesday Novem- ber 5th. Many thanks for your support. Website Please log on and take a look: www.worlingworthschool.co.uk . There are lots of new photographs from our residential trip and information about the curriculum and activities in our school as well as policies and information about the school day. You can also follow us on Twitter: @WorlingworthSch and face- book: Worlingworth.School

Worlingworth Gardening Club

Wednesday 27th November we are inviting all to hear ADRIAN BLOOM from Foggy Bottom at Bressingham Giving a talk entitled

THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAIL Contact5 Janie on 01728 628 296 or e-mail [email protected] for more information


On Wednesday 30th October we start our winter programme with an evening talk at the Worlingworth Community Centre on Companion Planting by Tim Fuller of Plantsmans Preference. The following month on the 27th Adrian Bloom will be with us in Worlingworth to give a talk titled 'The Devil is in the Detail' which sounds very much as if it will be one not to miss! This talk will be open to anyone and tickets will be £6.00 but our members get in free!

Members will be e-mailed with details as usual. Anybody thinking they would like to to join our club can contact Janie, on 01728 628 296 or e-mail [email protected] for more information.


You are welcome to come to our October meeting on Friday 18th 7.30pm. Bedfield Sports Pavilion IP13 7JE. A panel of friendly experts will be answering any garden related ques- tions you may have. Please e mail these beforehand. (Visitors £3) Fur- ther information from Barbara (Lee) 628048 gardenclubgar- [email protected]

The Stradbroke and District Royal British Legion September Meeting. Bernard Mills paid tribute to Mrs Susan May Doy, a Branch friend, whose funeral was held at . Mrs Doy was the former Mayor of Southwold, a staunch supporter of the RBL. He also thanked Joyce Cooper, the Branch Standard Bearer, for her exemplary ceremonial duties at recent events. He introduced the speaker Mr Geoffrey Robinson, Local Historian, author and leading light of Worlingworth Local History Group. His subject ‘Buffalo Bill’s Wild West’, and his visit to East Anglia in 1903’. The winter meetings will now be held at the Royal Oak at Laxfield at 1130hrs. The next is on 10th October – Speaker:- Rev Mandy Jenkins, Hospital and Forces Chaplin.

Lightwave comes to the Four Rivers Churches We are setting up Lightwave groups across the eight parishes in the Four Rivers and looking for ideas and folk to join in. Lightwave is a Christian community all over , meeting in small groups in homes, offices, schools, pubs and other places. It works alongside the more traditional ways of doing church. It is committed to shining the light of Jesus in Suffolk through acts of kindness and practical service as well as worship and witness. There are no sermons, but we do read the Bible and try to put it into practice in our lives. Lightwave en- ables those who cannot get to a Sunday Service to be fully included in the community based on Christian faith. Our aim is to encourage people who find the Sunday service too formal or structured to join a Lightwave group. Lightwave groups have lots of fun together for example – barbeques, bonfires, Trade craft parties, children’ s events, bowling or cinema. 6 For further information and expressions of interest, please contact Chrissie Smart at [email protected] or telephone 01728 627838 Dear Friends October 2019

The Battle of Britain Memorial which is in the shape of a Propeller is situated on the Cliffs just outside Capel-le- Ferne about 2 miles from Folkestone. The Battle of Britain Memorial as its name sounds is devoted to the memory of those lost in the Battle of Britain from July to September 1940. It was the idea of Wing Commander Geoffrey Page DSO DFC, himself a veteran of the Battle, that there should be a permanent, national memorial. The Cliff tops of Kent over which most of the Battle was fought seemed an appropriate location. It was opened by Her Majesty the Queen on 9th July 1993. It is recessed in the cliff top slightly, with banked up edges which can be used for viewing, however the best view is from the air and it was designed as such. The memorial is in the form of a three bladed propeller. The three blades are chalk, cut into the cliff top with a central stone memorial and stone paved area. The figure is approx. 60 metres wide, the blades are 3.5 metres at their widest point. The design of the centre piece of a lone pilot in contemplative mood was felt to be more appropriate to the memory of those who lost their lives in the Battle (This was made in Cambridge). Beneath the figure are the Crests of those squadrons that flew in the Battle of Britain, many no longer exist. The R.A.F. was decimated during the defence of France and was ill prepared for the defence of an invasion, and in July of 1940, Hitler grew tired of waiting for Britain's surrender and made plans for the invasion of Brit- ain. German forces of 60,000 men were to be landed along the coast between Folkestone and Brighton. He aimed to capture the whole of Kent by October 1940, having commenced the invasion on 21st September. What gave those young airmen the impetus to carry on the fight? Well they believed in their cause, they be- lieved in the machines that they flew and they were supported by devoted ground crew and the home radar system. They could so easily have given up especially when they were sent up to face the enemy for the third or fourth time in one day but they did not. Even when the enemy seemed to have limitless resources they bat- tled on and thank God they did because without their tenacity and bloody minded refusal to admit defeat the history of the Second World War may have been written by a different set of victors. The also church seems to be getting smaller with fewer members and churches closing; is this the end? Yes, it is, if we do not take the lesson from history that the Battle of Britain gives us. The Battle was won by the faith the airmen had in their machines and by the support they were given. As Christians we need also to keep the faith and also be ready to support those who carry the message to others or who face daily the canon shells from a world that has rationalised out the need for God. ’The right to guide the course of world history is the noblest prize of victory. We are still toiling up the hill; we have not yet reached the crest-line of it; we cannot survey the landscape or even imagine what its condition will be when that longed-for morning comes. The task which lies before us immediately is at once more practical, more simple and more stern.… For the rest, we have to gain the victory. That is our task. ‘ So said Churchill again in that wonderful speech, we must keep our eyes on the now, we do not know what the future holds it is pointless to speculate. When the roof of a Suffolk church was renewed in the 1980s a note was found hidden in the rafters from the Victorian church wardens saying when the note was found they believed there would be no Christian Church and all was lost, They were wrong. The task which lies before us immediately is at once more practical, more simple and more stern.… For the rest, we have to gain the victory. That is our task. ‘ In other words do not lose heart follow the task God has given you and the future will look after itself. David

Framlingham Medical Practice Flu Saturday, 12th October – by appointment only

Our flu Saturday will be held on 12th October 2019. It will be slightly different this year as we will be seeing patients by appointment. Please ring or pop into the surgery to book an appointment (01728 723627). :You are eligible for a flu vaccination7 if:  You are age 65 years or over  You are pregnant


There is a vacancy on Bedfield Parish Council If you are interested in being a Bedfield Parish Councillor please contact Geoff Robinson, Parish Clerk, or any Councillor as soon as possible on 01728 685425 or [email protected] who will be very pleased to discuss what is involved and help in any way. It's not too much work and you could help to keep the village the wonderful place it currently is to live. The meetings are four time a year and can also be interesting and convivial.

Monk Soham Meander. The sun shone, lovely people came to enjoy the day and £600 was raised . The Children’s Hospice, Junior Diabetic research and St. Peter’s church benefitted from the proceeds . Not having a village hall makes it difficult to put on different events and so Geoff and I want to thank those in our village who enthusiastically took part and gave pleasure to folk who came to Monk Soham again this year.

The Village Meander on Saturday 31st of August which included a number of people visiting St. Peter’s Church. We would like to thank Gay Clarke and all others involved in this event, for which the P.C.C. is very grateful for the £ 140 donated as a share of the monies raised. The Harvest service took place on Sunday 8th of September with the church very colourfully decorated. A big thank you to Joy and everyone else involved in this. The large amount of fruit and vegetables went to the Light House refuge for women and their children. The service was taken by the Rev. Rebecca Artiss, which was enjoyed by all. In the afternoon the church was open for visitors to see the wonderful decorations with teas and organ music along with prints and cards from a painting of St. Peter’s church kindly donated by Kay Lacey. Other craft work, cards etc. were also on sale. Many thanks to all who gave and worked to make this a success, as well as those who visited the Church. A total of £200.50p was raised during the afternoon.

Many thanks to all who helped on Sat. 14th September with the Suffolk Historic Churches Ride and Stride with 17 cyclists signing in at St. Peters. An increase of 4 over last year.

The Pastoral Quire led the singing of a sung compline service, held on two Friday evenings, this was taken by Revd. Artiss. These services were well attended and enjoyed by all. 10 HIGH SUFFOLK COMMUNITY BUS

Except at Bank Holidays, EVERY WEEK the bus runs to: on Tuesdays on Thursdays Diss on Fridays IN ADDITION there are services to - first Saturday and third Wednes- day of the month. To BURY ST. EDMUNDS - first Wednesday and third Saturday of the month and to NORWICH -second Saturday and fourth Wednesday of the month. During May, June and September there is also a service to on the fourth Monday of the month. During 2019 these ran on Monday May 20th, Monday June 24th and Monday September 23rd. During October the dates of our services will be: Wednesday October 2nd. Saturday October 5th. Ipswich Saturday October 12th. Norwich Wednesday October 16th. Ipswich Saturday October 19th. Bury St Edmunds Wednesday October 23rd. Norwich

Timetables are available on the bus or from Gerry Garwood (685415) and John Ridgwell (627181) !!Timetables now available on our brand new WEBSITE!! combus.org.uk

NEW DRIVERS PLEASE!! We are always seeking potential new drivers. If you can help, or if you know anyone who might be interested, please contact our Chairman, Gerry Garwood, on 01728 685415

Dr Dan’s letter available on Worlingworth web site www.worlingworth.onesuffolk.net

Worlingworth Fish and Chips, Every Tuesday (check notice board and facebook ) Worlingworth Community Centre Car Park 4pm to 7pm 11 Southolt Supports MacMillan New Date Saturday November 23rd 11.30am - 2.30pm At Willow Farm Barn, The Street, Southolt We will be serving Soup and Savouries, Cakes, Tea and Coffee from 11.30am - 2.30pm Plus crafts for sale including ceramics, glass and many local homemade items together with a Prize Draw. All funds raised will go to MacMillan Bring your friends and enjoy some homemade Soup and Savouries, Cake, Tea and Coffee. Free event but donations to MacMillan please If you would like to contribute in any way, either with cakes or savouries or to sell your homemade wares (with contributions to MacMillan), then please get in touch with one of us Contact Valerie Bevan 01728 628520 or Gill Richardson 01728 627916

Rotary Club of High Suffolk The Rotary Club of High Suffolk is w: www.highsuffolkrotary.org looking for new members. e: [email protected] Rotary changes people’s lives. As part of an international voluntary organisation of more f: www.facebook.com/ than 1.2 million men and women in over 170 RotaryClubHighSuffolk countries around the world, Rotarians work together locally and globally to make life better for others, regardless of race, religion, culture or political inclination. Rotarians live by a code of high ethical standards and carry the creed of international goodwill and peace throughout all aspects of their personal, busi- ness and community lives. Rotarians make things happen, whilst enjoying mutual fel- lowship and having fun. If you’d like to know more, email us at [email protected]

Fed up of Cooking? Fed up with Ready Meals? Need some help with Admin? Telephone Sophie Finch. Trained by Universal Aunts and Age Concern (London) 01728 723456. Lessons in Piano, Singing, Theory also, Basic Pipe Organ lessons. Rates on request T. W. Artiss 01728 685 663


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LADY GARDENER For general maintenance and gardening work DANIEL ABBOTT GARDEN Tel 01728 628424 MAINTENANCE W Sharpe Computer Services GRASS / HEDGE CUTTING Computer/Laptop/Pads & Books FENCING PAINTING SHEDS ETC Internet/Broadband/Printer & Net- AND OTHER GARDENING JOBS : working Support & Repair. 01728627806 / 07898308601 01728 685905 [email protected]

Chris from Tannington Garden Services,

Hedge Cutting, Strimming, Grass Cutting, Power washing and More Currently working in Athelington and Pettistree , References available

Own equipment 4/8 hour day preferred. Rates negotiable tel 07535 494760 or [email protected] SM Plumbing & Heating Marks Maintenance Specialist in bathroom installations, main- All Types of house and garden tenance and repairs And Property Maintenance For your local plumbing needs Free 01728 621341 Mob 07887 925507 quotations Telephone: 01728 628046 Mobile: 07732 272403 Cooker cleaning Email: [email protected] 13 Tel Nick Williams 07923 897705 Mustard Pot Boarding Kennels AJS CONSTRUCTION The lodge, New Road Worlingworth Groundwork and Building Contractors IP 13 7PA Landscaping, Mini digger and driver available Heated Kennels, with outside covered runs, Dogs exercised regularly 01728 861799/ 07746 213000

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POSTMAN FENCING SERVICES Paddock & Agricultural Fencing Specialist Mechanical Post Driving, Gate Installation Home: 01728 628078 Mobile: 07876355579

Kathy Thurman MCIAT Chartered Architectural Tech- nologist

Locally based practice for the last 30 years Wide range of experience both in practice and educa- tion. D.G Carpentry and Joinery Have won Listed Buildings awards and worked all over East Anglia Renovations, , Extensions, Roofing, Will look at all your proposed Building Kitchen installations Flooring Projects whatever the size Can be involved from feasibility to completion including Fb page D.G Carpentry joinery statutory bodies Tel 07913 291732/ Broad based both in clientele and pro- jects, where a personal service is [email protected] essential Tel /Fax 01728 628470 email

Simply Beautiful by Anne Weddings, Bridesmaids, Ball Gowns, curtains alterations and 14 much more Free estimates and quotations given 01379 384097 07944894757 [email protected]

15 St Mary’s Guild Tuesday October 9th , Home of Janet Rodwell 2.00pm

New members welcome, please call Val on 628068 or Veronica 628488

Tuesday Fellowship The next meeting will be on Tuesday 1st October at 2pm in Meg’s home. Our speaker on that occasion will be the Rev: Neil Dear.

Worlingworth Social Club Community Centre, every Friday. Carpet Bowls 7.30pm first Friday (4th October )

Worlingworth and Tannington WI October 2nd Speaker is Kindra Jones - Fashion through the Ages. Competition is “Come Dressed As You Like!” Details please call Diana 628077 ; Jane 628446

Games for Guys and Gals We meet every Tuesday at the Community Centre at 2pm. Come and join us and play board games such as Rummikub and Scrabble. £1.30 (Details: Christine 628177)

Make Munch and Motivate

On Saturday 26th Oct Wendy from Paint Pots in will be bring some of her ceramics for us to paint. It’s a chance to paint things like Christmas decorations or personalised Christmas presents. You pay for what you paint. It will be held at Horham Baptist Chapel in the hall, 10am to 4pm, feel free to come & go as you please. It’s bring & share lunch. Tea & coffee will be provided. children un- der 12 yrs old must be accompanied by an adult. Details Jane Smith 628573 Wreath Laying at the P.C. Ernest Whiting Memorial There will be the usual wreath laying at the Fingal Street memorial of P.C. Ernest Whiting this year, but it will instead be held on Thursday 10th October 2019 at 3pm. This will be to remember the exact time that the bomb detonated and so as not to clash with local Remembrance Day services in November. The memorial is located at the western end of Fingal Street opposite the entrance to Oak Tree Farm. Further information from Adrian on 628177