Al£I VERNON — Union Represen the Pratt & Whitney Workforce Has Seniority Areas
28 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Fri., Nov. 26, 1982 Hasbro, W arner swap stock Liquor PM*. Could Eighth Hasbro’s net worth from $33.5 million at the end of 1982 A n actor's life Penn State wins Lego idles 13, PAWTUCKET, R!^. (UPI) — Hasbro Industries has to between $59 and $62 million. agreed to swap 40 percent of its securities to Warner Despite the Warner investment, a vot^B ^M t for h ea rin g Communications in exchange for a New Jersey toy rom- Warner stock would prevent the company from g g Ijbe consolidated "pany, a move Hasbro says will raise its net profit by To as Mark Twain showdown with Pitt\ control, Verrecchia said. “ ° ' cites video gomes percent. slated Under the preUmlnary agreement, Warner would . page 7 . page 17 . page 6 ENFIELD (UPI) — Lego Systems Penny Rlchman, media relations become owner of the largest block of common stock in - ^»BIoo"oiFF' ■ h . Inc., which makes plastic building manager for Toy Manufacturers of Hasbro, valued at $25 to $28 million, while Hasbro would HARTFORD (UPI) - A blocks, has idled 13 workers in America in New 'York City, said acquire Knickerbocker 'Toy Co., a Warner subsidiary. : An you conloinpl««ng hovlng • hearing is scheduled early Connecticut because video games there will always be a market for Knickerbocker, which has plants located in I maybo luit ■ quiot night at next month on the first are tying up the lion’s shai^e of toy Legos because the building blocks Middlesex, N.J., makes stuffed animals and dolls, in price fixing complaint retailers’ capital, a company are among “classic play Items.” cluding Raggedy Ann and Andy.
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