The County Council ( Borough Consolidation) (Static Restrictions and Prohibitions) Traffic Regulation Order 2019 (8289)

The Nottinghamshire County Council ("the Council") in exercise of its powers under Sections 1(1) and (2), 2(1) to (3), 4(2), 9, 32, 35 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 ("the 1984 Act"), Traffic Management Act 2004 (“the 2004 Act”), and by virtue of The Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (County of Nottinghamshire) Designation Order 2008 and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police for the Authority in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act, hereby makes the following Order:-


This Order shall come into force for all purposes on the 17 th day of June 2019 and may be cited as "The Nottinghamshire County Council (Rushcliffe Borough Consolidation Area) (Static Restrictions and Prohibitions) Traffic Regulation Order 2019 (8289)".


Parts and Sections Allocated :-

PART A (Waiting and Parking Control)

Section 1: Controlled Parking Zones, Residents’ Parking Zones and Prescribed Hours (Articles 1 and 2)

Section 2 : Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting (Articles 3, 4 and 5)

Section 3 : Parking Places (Specified Classes of Vehicle) (Articles 6 to 16)

Section 5 : Residents’ Parking Places (Articles 17 to 29)

Section 7 : Taxi Clearways (Article 30)

Section 8 : No Stopping on Entrance Clearways (Article 31 to 32)

Section 9 : Parking Places (Off Street) (Not Used)

Section 10 : Clearways (Articles 33 to 36)

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PART B (Moving Restrictions) (Not Used in this Order)

PART C (Revocations and Suspensions)


Section 1 : Permanent Revocation in Part (Article 1)

Section 2 : Permanent Revocation in Whole (Article 2)

Section 3 : Permanent Revocation of Specified Length(s) of Road (Article 3)

PART D Definitions of Category Letters


G1. All lengths of road specified in this Order are lengths of road in the Borough of Rushcliffe in the County of Nottinghamshire.

G2. The prohibitions and restrictions imposed by this Order shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any restriction or requirement imposed by any regulations made or having effect as if made under the Act as amended aforesaid or by or under any other enactment.

G3. Any reference in this Order to any enactment shall be construed as a reference to that enactment as amended by any subsequent enactment.

G4. In this Order, where the context requires, the singular shall be interpreted as being the plural and vice versa.

G5. In this Order headings are included for ease of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation or construction of the Order.


In this Order the following words and phrases (where used) have the meanings ascribed to them as follows:-

D1. “At Any Time” means all days and all hours.

D2. “Bank Holiday” has the same meaning as described in the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971. The first Monday of May shall be treated as if it were a Bank Holiday for the purposes of this Order.

D3. "Bus" has the same meaning as in Schedule 1 Regulation 2 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions.

D4. "Bus Lane" means any length of road specified in this Order and bounded by delineating road markings, prescribed under Regulations for use as a Bus Lane.

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D5. "Bus Stop Area" means any area of carriageway of a road (which is specified and intended for the waiting of a local bus) which is comprised within and indicated by a road marking complying with either diagram 1025.1, 1025.3 or 1025.4 in Schedule 7 to the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions.

D6. "Bus Stop Clearway Hours" means the hours specified in each relevant Schedule in relation to a length of road.

D7. "Carriageway" means a way constituting or comprised in a highway being a way (other than a cycle track) over which the public have a right of way for the passage of vehicles.

D8. “CEO” means Civil Enforcement Officer which has the same meaning as in Section 76 of the 2004 Act.

D9. "Cycle Lane" means a length of road specified in this Order as a Cycle Lane and bounded by delineating road markings as prescribed under Regulations.

D10. “Day Access Permit” means a vehicle in respect of which a permit has been issued under established criteria governing the issue of the aforesaid permit and as amended from time to time.

D11. "Director" means the Nottinghamshire County Council's Corporate Director of Place.

D12. (a) "Disabled Person's Vehicle" means a vehicle displaying a Disabled Persons’ Badge in a relevant position. (b) “Disabled Persons’ Badge” has the same meaning as in The Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) () Regulations 2000.

D13. "Doctor Parking Permit" means a valid permit issued for use within the relevant Doctor Parking Place.

D14. "Doctor Parking Place" means a parking place (specified in Schedule 3 to Part A, of this Order) which may only be used by a vehicle displaying a Doctor Parking Permit.

D15. "Driver" in relation to a vehicle waiting in a parking place means:- (a) The person driving the motor vehicle at the time it was left in the parking place or (b) where the vehicle is a pedal cycle, the person (being a user) riding, pushing by hand or otherwise in charge of the pedal cycle at the time it was left in the parking place. (c) Where a separate person acts as steersman of a motor vehicle, includes that person as well as any other person engaged in the driving of the vehicle, and “drive” and “driving” shall be construed accordingly and that if such person contravenes this Order, that person shall be treated as the owner.

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D16. "Dual Purpose Vehicle" has the same meaning as in Regulation 3(1) of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986.

D17. "Goods" includes postal packets of any description.

D18. "Goods Vehicle" has the same meaning as in Regulation 3(1) of the Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986.

D19. "Junction" means (in the Schedules to this Order) for measurement purposes only: The point where the prolongation of two kerblines intersect (measurements are taken along the line of kerb for the said length of road unless otherwise stated).

D20. "Lay-By" means any area of carriageway intended for the waiting of vehicles and lying at the side of the road and bounded partly by a traffic sign of the type shown in Diagram 1010 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions and partly by the outer edge of that carriageway on the same side of the road as that on which the sign is placed.

D21. “Loading Vehicle” means a vehicle whilst being used in a length of road to enable goods to be loaded or unloaded provided that when the aforementioned purposes have been completed, the vehicle must immediately proceed out of that length of road.

D22. "Local Bus" has the same meaning as that ascribed to it in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions.

D23. "Main Carriageway" means any carriageway used primarily by through traffic, includes any carriageway of a slip road, but excludes any lay-by.

D24. "Motor Cycle" has the same meaning as in Section 136 of the 1984 Act.

D25. “Motor Vehicle” has the same meaning as in Section 136 of the 1984 Act.

D26. "One-Way Street" means a highway in which vehicles are prohibited at all times from proceeding in any other than one direction.

D27. "Owner" in relation to a vehicle, means the registered keeper of that vehicle namely the person for the time being shown on the register as registered keeper in the register kept in accordance with Section 21 of the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994.

D28. "Parking Disc" has the same meaning as in The Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England) Regulations 2000.

D29. "Parking Place" means (subject to Section 3 of Part A of this Order) any area of highway authorised by this Order to be used as a parking place.

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D30. "Passenger Vehicle" means a motor vehicle other than a motor cycle constructed solely for the carriage of passengers and their effects and adapted to carry not more than 8 passengers exclusive of the driver, and not drawing a trailer.

D31. "Pedal Cycle" means a cycle (which has the same meaning as that ascribed to it in Section 192 of the Road Traffic Act 1988).

D32. “Pedestrian Crossing” means a crossing for pedestrians established:- (a) by a local authority under Section 23 of the 1984 Act, or (b) by the Secretary of State in the discharge of the duty imposed on him by Section 24 of the 1984 Act.

D33. “Police Vehicle” means a vehicle being used for police purposes or operating under the instructions of a Chief Officer of Police for Nottinghamshire Police Authority.

D34. "Prescribed Hours" has the meanings ascribed in each particular Part of this Order and shall be construed accordingly.

D35. “Private Hire Vehicle” means a vehicle which has been issued a licence under The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.

D36. "Relevant Position" (1) In relation to the display of Disabled Person's Badge, has the same meaning as that ascribed to it in The Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England) Regulations 2000. (2) In relation to a permit or authorisation, means the front nearside of the vehicle so that all the particulars are readily visible from the front nearside of the vehicle.

D37. "Resident" (1) In Part A of this Order means a person whose usual place of abode is premises the postal address of which is in any road or part of a road being a part of a controlled zone described in Schedule 1 to Part A or this Order, or any person deemed to be a resident by the Council. (2) In Part A of this Order means a person whose usual place of abode is premises the postal address of which is in any road or part of a road specified in Schedule 5 to Part A of this Order, or any person deemed to be a resident by the Council.

D38. "Residents' Permit" means a permit issued under the provisions of Article 19 of Part A of this Order.

D39. "Residents' Permit Holder" means a person to whom a permit has been issued under the provisions of Article 19 of Part A of this Order.

D40. "Residents' Parking Place" means any part of a road specified in Article 17 of Part A of this Order.

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D41. "Residents' Parking Space" means a space in a Residents' Parking Place which is provided for the leaving of a vehicle of the classes as specified in Article 20 of Part A of this Order.

D42. "Residents' Visitors Parking Permit" means a permit issued, under the provisions of Article 11 of Part A of this Order.

D43. "Residents' Visitors Parking Permit Holder" means a person to whom a permit has been issued under the provisions of Article 19 of Part A of this Order.

D44. "Restricted Road" means any road or part of a road specified in Schedule 1 to Part A of this Order.

D45. “Road Marking” has the same meaning as in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions.

D46. “Solo Motor Cycle” has the same meaning as in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions.

D47. “Special Access Permit Holders’ Vehicles” means a vehicle in respect of which a permit has been issued under established criteria governing the issue of such permits (in respect of persons having particular mobility difficulties) as determined by the Director and as amended from time to time.

D48. “Taxi” means in England and Wales, a vehicle licensed under Section 37 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847.

D49. “Taxi Clearway Hours” means the hours specified in each relevant Schedule in relation to a length of road and where days are specified they are inclusive days.

D50. “Taxi Rank” means an area of carriageway reserved for use by taxis waiting to pick up passengers.

D51. "Traffic Sign" means a sign of any size, colour and type prescribed or authorised under, or having effect as though prescribed or authorised under, Section 64 of the 1984 Act.

D52. "Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions" means the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions.

D53. "Verge" means any part of a road which is not a carriageway or a footway.

D54. “Virtual Parking Permit” means an electronic record of Parking Permit or Dispensation Permit of any kind, issued and confirmed by Nottinghamshire County Council.

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N1. In this Order all times and days are inclusive.

N2. In the Schedules to this Order, each length of road specified in Column 2 and itemised by number in Column 1 shall be related only to the specified instructions, times and exemptions (given under Columns 3, 4, 5 and 6) relating to that number.



Nothing in the following provisions of this Part of this Order shall apply to:-

(i) An authorised Hackney Carriage Stand, or (ii) A Taxi Rank during the Taxi Clearway Hours, or (iii) A Bus Stop Area during the Bus Stop Clearway Hours, or (iv) The area of road within the limits of a Pedestrian Crossing (including its road markings) whilst the particular Stand, Rank or Area (a) is delineated by the appropriate traffic signs and road markings, or (b) has current written authorisation.

In this Part of this Order, each road or length of road specified in Column 3 of Schedule 1 to Part A of this Order is a Restricted Road, within the Zone titled in Column 2 (numbered in Column 1 ) in relation to the length or lengths of road, during the prescribed hours specified in Column 4 in relation to that Zone number provided that: where a length of road is specified in Schedule 2 to Part A of this Order, that length of road shall not be a Restricted Road.

In this Part of this Order, "Prescribed Hours" means the hours (in relation to a particular road or roads) specified in Column 4 of Schedule 1 to Part A of this Order.

In this Part of this Order, each Permit shall only be valid for use in the Zone or part of a Zone specified in respect of the Permit.


1. Subject to the provisions of Article 2 and Sections 2, 3, 5, 11 and 12 of Part A of this Order no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to wait during the prescribed hours in any restricted road.

2. (1) Subject to Section 2 of this Part of this Order, nothing in Article 1 of this Part of this Order shall apply to any vehicle which is waiting with the permission of a Police Constable in uniform or a CEO or is of one or more of the categories A, B, C, E, F or G specified in Part D of this Order.

(2) Nothing in Article 1 of this Part of this Order shall apply to an authorised

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Hackney Carriage Stand and Taxi Rank whilst the particular Stand or Rank is delineated by the appropriate traffic signs and road markings.

(3) Nothing in Article 1 of this Part of this Order shall apply to any Local Bus waiting at any of the following points, being sites which have current written authorisation, in this respect, given by the Director:- (i) Crew Relief Points; (ii) Bus Timing Points; (iii) Bus Stands; (iv) Bus Turning Points; and (v) Bus Termination Points.


3. (1) Save as provided in this Article, no person shall, except with the permission of a Police Constable in uniform or a CEO, cause or permit any vehicle to wait in any of the lengths of road specified in Column 2 of Schedule 2 to Part A of this Order during the times specified in relation to each length of road, in Column 3.

(2) Nothing in paragraph (1) of this Article shall apply to any vehicle which is of one or more of the categories specified, in Column 4 of Schedule 2 to Part A of this Order, in relation to each length of road specified in Column 2 of the said Schedule.

(3) Nothing in paragraph (1) of this Article shall apply to:- (i) An authorised Hackney Carriage Stand, or (ii) A Taxi Rank during the Taxi Clearway Hours, or (iii) A Disabled Persons Parking Place, or (iv) A Doctor Parking Place, or (v) A Pedal Cycle Parking Place, or (vi) Any other Parking Place provided under the provisions of the Act, or (vii) A Bus Stop Area during the Bus Stop Clearway Hours, or (viii) The area of road within the limits of a Pedestrian Crossing (including its road markings) whilst the particular Place, Stand, Rank or Area (a) is delineated by the appropriate traffic signs and road markings, or (b) has current written authorisation.

(4) Nothing in this paragraph (1) of this Article shall apply to any Local Bus waiting at any of the following points, being sites which have current written authorisation, in this respect, given by the Director:- (i) Crew relief points; (ii) Bus timing points; (iii) Bus Stands; (iv) Bus turning points; and (v) Bus termination points.

4. In Column 4 of Schedule 2 to Part A of this Order, the reference letters categorise and have the meanings hereunder ascribed to them in Part D of this Order.

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5. In Article 4 of Part A of this Order "Authorised Vehicle" means :- Not Allocated.


In this Part of this Order the expressions "parking place" and "parking space" refer only to those areas of highway authorised under Article 6(1) of Part A of this Order.

6. (1) The areas of highway specified in Column 2 of Schedule 3 to Part A of this Order are authorised to be used, subject to the following provisions of this Order, as parking places for such classes of vehicles, on such days and during such hours as are specified in relation to each part of road in the Schedule.

(2) (i) The driver of a motor vehicle shall position the vehicle such that it is wholly within the limits of a parking place or, within the limits of a parking space which is delineated within that parking place, by signs and road markings specified in Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions.

(ii) The driver of a motor vehicle shall leave that vehicle in a parking place:- (a) if the parking place is not in a one-way street, so that the left or near side of the vehicle is adjacent to the left-hand edge of the carriageway; (b) if the parking place is in a one-way street, so that the left or near side of the vehicle is adjacent to the left-hand edge of the carriageway or that the right or off side of the vehicle is adjacent to the right-hand edge of the carriageway; (c) where the parking spaces are at an angle to the kerb, so that the vehicle stands within the limits of a parking space; (d) so that the distance between the edge of the carriageway and the nearest wheel of the vehicle is not more than twelve inches.

(3) The driver of a pedal cycle shall position that pedal cycle such that it is appropriately attached to the stand provided.

(4) Nothing in paragraph (1) of this Article shall restrict the power of the Council, for preventing obstruction of the streets, by order on the occasion of any public procession, rejoicing or illumination, or where the streets are thronged or liable to be obstructed, to close any parking place or part of a parking place.

(5) Nothing in paragraph (1) of this Article 1 shall apply to:-

(i) An authorised Hackney Carriage Stand, or (ii) A Taxi Rank during the Taxi Clearway Hours, or (iii) A Bus Stop Area during the Bus Stop Clearway Hours, or (iv) The area of road within the limits of a Pedestrian Crossing (including its road markings)

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whilst the particular Stand, Rank or Area (a) is delineated by the appropriate traffic signs and road markings, or (b) has current written authorisation.

7. (1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this Article, where in Schedule 3 to Part A of this Order a parking place, specified in Column 2, is described as available for vehicles of a specified class or in a specified position, the driver of a vehicle shall not permit it to wait in that parking place:- (a) unless it is of the class specified in Column 3; or (b) in a position other than that specified; or (c) for longer than the period of time, if any, specified in Column 5 (not being a period separated by an interval of less than the period of time, if any, specified in Column 6 in relation to that parking place, from a previous period of waiting by the same vehicle on the same part of highway on the same day).

(2) Where a period of time is specified in Columns 5 and 6 of Schedule 3 to Part A of this Order, any Disabled Persons’ Vehicle may wait in the parking place and, whilst so waiting, will not be subject to the provisions of sub-paragraphs (a) and (c) of paragraph (1) of this Article unless the class specified in the said Column 3 is that of Disabled Persons’ Vehicle.

8. (1) A driver of a vehicle shall not use a parking place:- (a) so as to unreasonably prevent access to any premises adjoining the road, or the use of the road by other persons, or so as to be a nuisance; (b) when for preventing obstruction of the streets the Council shall (after giving public notice for not less than 7 days prior to closure) by order made on the occasion of any public procession, rejoicing or illumination or when the streets are thronged or liable to be obstructed, have closed that parking place and exhibited notice of such closing on or near the parking place; or (c) when for facilitating the movement of traffic or promoting its safety, a Police Constable (after giving public notice for not less than 7 days prior to closure) has closed that parking place and exhibited notice of such closing on or near the parking place.

9. The driver of a motor vehicle using a parking place shall stop the engine as soon as the vehicle is in position in the parking place, and shall not start the engine except when about to change the position of the vehicle in or to depart from the parking place.

10. No person shall cause any vehicle to be used, while it is in a parking place, in connection with the sale of any article to persons in or near the parking place or in connection with the selling or offering for hire of his skill or services.

11. Subject to the proviso hereto, when a vehicle is left in a parking place in contravention of any of the provisions contained in Article 7 or Article 8 of Part A of this Order a person authorised in that behalf by the Council may remove the vehicle or arrange for it to be removed from that parking place : provided that

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when a vehicle is waiting in a parking place in contravention of the provision of Article 7(1)(b) of Part A of this Order, a person authorised in that behalf by the Council may alter or cause to be altered the position of the vehicle in order that its position shall comply with that provision.

12. Any person removing a vehicle or altering its position by virtue of the last preceding Article of this Order may do so by towing or driving the vehicle or in such other manner as he may think necessary and may take such measures in relation to the vehicle as he may think necessary to enable him to remove it or alter its position, as the case may be.

13. When a person authorised by the Council, removes or makes arrangements for the removal of a vehicle from a parking place by virtue of Article 11 of Part A of this Order, he shall make such arrangements as may be reasonably necessary for the safe custody of the vehicle.

14. The Council in exercise of their powers under Section 32 of the Act, with respect to the use as a parking place of any of the areas of highway specified in Column 2 of Schedule 3 to Part A of this Order, shall not be rendered subject to any liability in respect of:-

(a) the loss of or damage to any pedal cycle; (b) the loss of or damage to the fittings or articles carried on any pedal cycle; or (c) any accident, injury or incident howsoever occasioned in connection with the provision of the stands for pedal cycles within the areas of highway specified in Column 2 of Schedule 3 to Part A of this Order.

15. In Schedule 3 to Part A of this Order "Authorised Vehicle" means:- Not allocated.

16. Nothing in Part A of this Order shall restrict the power of the Council (on occasion of any cricket match which is to be held at the Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club Ground at Trent Bridge NG2 6AG and is to be the subject of a television broadcast) to temporarily restrict by Notice the specified classes of vehicle which may use any parking place or part of a parking place: PROVIDED that any such temporary restriction shall not be effective unless notice to the intention of the Council to so restrict has been displayed at the parking place for 7 days immediately prior to the first day of the temporary restriction and such notice is so displayed for so long as the restriction is to be effective, whilst this Restriction of Notice under this article is in force, the days and hours specified in Column 4 of Schedule 3 to Part A of this Order shall not apply


17. Subject to Sections 3 and 7 of Part A of this Order, each area of highway described in Schedule 5 to Part A of this Order shall be a Residents' Parking Place.

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18. Nothing in Article 1 of Part A of this Order shall apply so as to prevent any vehicle displaying a valid permit or obtaining a virtual permit (for a residents' parking place), issued by the Council, in the manner specified in Article 21 of Part A of this Order, from waiting in a Residents' Parking Space in a Residents' Parking Place.

19. Each Resident's Parking Space may be used, subject to the provisions of this Part of this Order, for the leaving during the prescribed hours of any such vehicles displaying in the manner specified in Article 21 of Part A of this Order, a valid permit (for a residents' parking place) issued by the Council in respect of that vehicle.

20. (1) Any resident who is either the owner or the primary user of a passenger vehicle, a Dual Purpose Vehicle, goods vehicle, or a motor cycle, may apply to the Council for the issue of a residents' permit for the leaving of that vehicle and any such application shall be made in a manner as prescribed by the Council including such information required at the time of application. (2) The Council may at any time require an applicant for a permit to produce to an Officer of the Council such evidence in respect of an application for a permit made to it as it may require to verify any information given to it. (3) On receipt of an application made under the foregoing provisions of this Article, the Council upon being satisfied that the applicant is a resident and is the owner of a vehicle of one of the classes specified in paragraph (1) of this Article, may issue to that applicant a permit for the leaving during the prescribed hours in a Residents' Parking Space in any Residents' Parking Place of the vehicle to which such permit relates by the owner of such vehicle or by any person using such vehicle with the consent of the owner other than a person to whom such vehicle has been let for hire or reward.

21. At all times during which the vehicle is left in a Residents' Parking Space during the prescribed hours pursuant to this Part of this Order there shall be displayed in a relevant position a valid permit (for a residents' parking place) issued in respect of that vehicle so that all the particulars referred to in Article 25 of Part A of this Order are readily visible from the front nearside of the vehicle. In the event that Virtual Parking Permits are in operation in the Residents Parking Space, there is no requirement to also display a valid permit in the Relevant Position. A Virtual Parking Permit must be obtained in advance of the vehicle being left within a Residents Parking Space and the Virtual Parking Permit must be valid for the entire duration of the parking period.

22. Every vehicle left in a Residents' Parking Place in accordance with Article 6 of Part A of this Order shall so stand:- (a) if the Residents' Parking Place is not in a one-way street, that the left or nearside of the vehicle is adjacent to the left or nearside kerb; (b) if the Residents' Parking Place is in a one-way street, that the left or nearside of the vehicle is adjacent to the left or nearside kerb or that the right or off side of the vehicle is adjacent to the right-hand kerb; (c) that every part of the vehicle is within the limits of a Residents' Parking Space.

23. (1) A permit holder may surrender the permit to the Council at any time and

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shall surrender the permit to the Council on the occurrence of any of the events set out in paragraph (3) of this Article. (2) The Council may, by notice in writing delivered to the permit holder by leaving it at or by sending it by recorded delivery post to the address shown by that person on the application for the permit or at any other address believed to be that person's residence (i) withdraw a permit if it appears to the Council that any one of the events set out in paragraph (3)(i), (ii) or (iii) of this Article has occurred and the permit holder shall surrender the permit to the Council within one week of the delivery of such notice; (ii) deem a permit to cease to be valid. (3) The events referred to in the foregoing provisions of this Article are:- (i) the permit holder ceasing to be a resident; (ii) the permit holder ceasing to be either the owner or the primary user of the vehicle in respect of which the permit was issued; (iii) the vehicle in respect of which such permit was issued being adapted or used in such a manner that it is not a vehicle of any of the classes specified in Article 20 of this Order; (iv) the issue of a duplicate permit by the Council under the provisions of Article 24 of Part A of this Order; (v) failure by a permit holder to supply any evidence required of him pursuant to paragraph (5) of this Article. (4) A permit shall cease to be valid at the expiration of the period specified thereon or on the occurrence of any one of the events set out in paragraph (3) of this Article, whichever is the earlier. (5) The Council may at any time require a permit holder to supply to an Officer of the Council such evidence in respect of any permit issued by it as it may require.

24. (1) If a permit is mutilated or defaced or the figures or particulars on it have become illegible or the colour of the permit has become altered by fading or otherwise, the permit holder shall surrender it to the Council and may apply to the Council for the issue to him of a duplicate permit and the Council, upon receipt of the permit if such receipt is accompanied by an application for a duplicate permit shall issue a duplicate permit so marked. (2) If a permit is lost or destroyed, the permit holder may apply to the Council for the issue to him of a duplicate permit and the Council, upon being satisfied as to such loss or destruction, shall issue a duplicate permit so marked. (3) The provisions of Article 20 of Part A of this Order shall apply to a duplicate permit and an application for a duplicate permit as if it were a permit, or as the case may be an application therefor.

25. (1) A permit shall be in writing and shall include the following particulars:- (a) the registration mark of the vehicle in respect of which the permit has been issued; (b) the period during which, subject to the provisions of Article 23(3) of Part A of this Order, the permit shall remain valid; (c) an authentification that the permit has been issued by the Council.

26. Where a permit has been displayed on a vehicle in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Part A of this Order, no person, not being the owner of

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the vehicle, shall remove the permit from the vehicle unless authorised to do so by the owner of the vehicle.

27. A Police Constable in uniform or a CEO may, in the case of an emergency, move or cause to be moved any vehicle left in a Residents' Parking Place to any place he thinks fit.

28. (1) Any person authorised by the Council, a Police Constable or a CEO may suspend the use of a Residents' Parking Place or part thereof whenever he considers such suspension reasonably necessary:- (a) for the purpose of facilitating the movement of traffic or promoting its safety; (b) for the purpose of any building operation, demolition or excavation in or adjacent to the Parking Place or the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of the Parking Place or the laying, erection, alteration, removal or repair in or adjacent to the Parking Place of any sewer or of any main, pipe or Utility apparatus; (c) for the convenience of occupiers of premises adjacent to the Parking Place on any occasion of the removal of furniture from one office or dwelling house to another or the removal of furniture from such premises to a depository or to such premises from a depository; (d) on any occasion on which it is likely by reason of some special attraction that any street will be thronged or obstructed; or (e) for the convenience of occupiers of premises adjacent to the Parking Place at times of weddings or funerals or on other special occasions. (2) Any person suspending the use of Residents' Parking Place or any part thereof in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall thereupon place or cause to be placed, in or adjacent to that Parking Place or the part thereof the use of which is suspended, a Traffic Sign indicating that waiting by vehicles is prohibited. (3) For so long as a Traffic Sign prohibiting waiting is displayed in accordance with paragraph (2) of this Article no person shall cause or permit a vehicle to be left in that Residents' Parking Place or that part of a Residents' Parking Place.

29. Residents Parking Permits, Residents Visitor Parking Permits and Virtual Parking Permits are not valid if used within any vehicle exceeding 3.5T Gross Vehicle Weight.


30. (1) Save as provided in this Article, no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a Police Constable in uniform or of a CEO, cause or permit any vehicle (other than a taxi) to wait during the taxi clearway hours in a taxi rank comprised within the lengths of road specified in Schedule 7 to Part A of this Order. (2) Nothing in paragraph (1) of this Article shall render it unlawful for a person to cause or permit a vehicle to wait in a taxi rank:-

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(a) if the vehicle is being used for the removal of any obstruction to traffic; (b) if the vehicle is being used in the service of a local authority or a water authority in exercise of statutory powers or duties and whilst being so used in such service it is necessary for the vehicle to wait in that bus stop area; (c) if the vehicle is being used for Police, Fire Brigade or Ambulance purposes; or (d) in any case where the person in control of the vehicle - (i) is required by law to stop; (ii) is obliged to stop so as to prevent an accident; or (iii) is prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond his control. (3) The Council are satisfied that, for facilitating the passage of vehicular traffic on the roads specified in Schedule 7 to Part A of this Order, it is requisite that Section 3(1) of the Act should not apply in relation to this Article of this Order.



In this Section of this Order— (a) "carriageway" has the same meaning as in section 329(1) of the Highways Act 1980; (b) “causing” includes permitting; (c) “during school term times” has the same meaning as determined by Nottinghamshire County Council under Section 32 of the Education Act 2002. (d) "the clearway" means the lengths of road specified in Column 2 of Schedule 9 to Part A of this Order; (e) "vehicle" includes part of a vehicle;

General prohibition of stopping

31. No person shall cause or permit any vehicle to stop, during school term times, in the clearway


32. (1) Nothing in Article 31 of this Article shall render it unlawful for a person to cause or permit a vehicle to stop on entrance clearway marking :- (a) in any case where the person in control of the vehicle (i) is required by law to stop or not to proceed; (ii) obliged to stop the vehicle so as to avoid an accident; (iii) prevented from proceeding in the vehicle by circumstances beyond the person’s control; (iv) getting or giving help in consequence of an accident or an emergency, or otherwise taking action for public safety;

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(v) opening or closing a gate or other barrier at the entrance to premises to which the vehicle is being driven or from which it has emerged if it is not reasonably practicable to cause the vehicle to stop elsewhere for the purpose; (vi) using the vehicle for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes; (vii) using the vehicle in connection with the removal of any obstruction to traffic; (viii) using the vehicle in connection with the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of any length of road specified in Column 2 of Schedule 8 to Part A of this Order. (2) The prohibition specified on Article 31 of this Section do not apply in respect of a vehicle which is waiting at the edge of a carriageway for as long as may be necessary for the purpose of delivering or collecting postal packets as defined in the Postal Services Act 2000. (3) The prohibition specified in Article 31 of this Section does not apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or a CEO in uniform. (4) The prohibition specified in Article 31 of this Section does not apply to any Bank Holiday. (5) If the Council are satisfied that, for facilitating the passage of vehicular traffic on the roads specified in Schedule 8 to Part A of this Order, it is requisite that Section 3(1) of the Act should not apply in relation to this Article of this Order.


Interpretation 33. In this Section of this Order— (a) "carriageway" has the same meaning as in Section 329(1) of the Highways Act 1980; (b) “causing” includes permitting; (c) "the clearway" means the lengths of road specified in Schedule 10 to Part A of this Order; and (d) "vehicle" includes part of a vehicle;

General prohibition of stopping 34. Subject to the provisions Articles 35 and 36 of this Section, no person shall cause any vehicle to stop at any time in the clearway.

Exemptions at bus stops and stands 35. (1) The controls specified in Article 34 of this Section do not apply in respect of a person causing a vehicle to which this Article applies to stop at a bus stop (being an area of road bounded by a traffic sign which includes the words bus stop") for so long only as may be required to enable passengers to get on or off the vehicle or, in the case of a vehicle being used to provide a local service, for so long only as may be required for a change of crew. (2) The controls specified in Article 34 do not apply in respect of a person causing a vehicle being used to provide a local service to stop at a bus stand (being an area of road bounded by a traffic sign which includes the words "bus

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stand") for so long only as may be required for timetabling reasons. (3) This article applies to - (a) a motor vehicle constructed or adapted to carry more than eight passengers (exclusive of the driver), and (b) a local bus not so constructed or adapted;

Other exemptions 36. (1) The controls specified in Article 34 of this Section do not apply in respect of a person causing a vehicle to stop if that person is— (a) required by law to cause the vehicle to stop or not to proceed; (b) obliged to stop the vehicle so as to avoid an accident; (c) prevented from proceeding in the vehicle by circumstances beyond the person's control; (d) getting or giving help in consequence of an accident or an emergency, or otherwise taking action for public safety; (e) opening or closing a gate or other barrier at the entrance to premises to which the vehicle is being driven or from which it has emerged if it is not reasonably practicable to cause the vehicle to stop elsewhere for the purpose; (f) using the vehicle for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes; (g) using the vehicle in connection with the removal of any obstruction to traffic; (h) using the vehicle in connection with the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of any length of road specified in Schedule 10 to Part A of this Order; (i) using a disabled person's vehicle which displays a disabled person's badge in the relevant position to stop for so long only as may be required to enable a disabled person to get on or off the vehicle. (2) The controls specified in Article 34 of this Section do not apply in respect of a vehicle which is waiting at the edge of a carriageway for as long as may be necessary for the purpose of delivering or collecting postal packets as defined in the Postal Services Act 2000. (3) The controls specified in Article 34 of this Section do not apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or a CEO. ______



Each Order specified in Schedule 1 to Part C of this Order is hereby revoked insofar as it relates to any lengths of road specified in the other Schedule or Schedules to Part A of this Order.


Each Order specified in Schedule 2 to Part C of this Order is hereby revoked.

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(1) Revocation of Length Where, in Schedule 3 to Part C of this Order (i) an Order is specified and (ii) a length of road is specified in respect of that Order and (iii) no provision is specified in relation to that length of road:- the effects of that Order are revoked insofar as it relates to that length of road.

(2) Revocation of Provision Where in Schedule 3 to Part C of this Order (i) an Order is specified and (ii) a length of road is specified in respect of that Order and (iii) a provision is specified in relation to that length of road:- the effects of such provision of that Order are revoked insofar as the provision relates to that length of road. ______


Definitions of Category Letters

In this Order, where specified in a Column of a Schedule to a Part to this Order the following reference letters categorise (where used) and have the meanings ascribed to them as follows:-

"A" - Means a vehicle which is being used to enable persons to board or alight from that vehicle.

"B" - Means any vehicle which is, if it cannot be used for such purposes in any other length of road, being used in connection with any building operation or demolition, the removal of any obstruction to traffic, the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of any of the lengths of road so referred to, or the laying, erection, alteration or repair in or near any of the lengths of road of any Utility apparatus.

“B1” - Means any vehicle which is (if it cannot be used for such purposes in any other length of road) to be used in connection with the maintenance or other works of any railway level crossing which crosses the length of road referred to.

“B2” - Means a vehicle which is being used for the purpose of delivering or collecting postal packets as defined in Postal Services Act 2000.

"C" - Means any vehicle which is, if it cannot conveniently be used for such purposes in any other road, being used or is to be used in the service of a Local Authority in pursuance of statutory powers or duties.

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"E" - Means any vehicle being used for Police, Fire Brigade or Ambulance purposes.

"F" - Means any vehicle being used to enable goods to be loaded on to or unloaded from the vehicle during times specified in Column 3 of the Schedule provided that this paragraph shall not apply during any times specified (in Column 5 of the Schedule) in relation to that length of road, unless the vehicle is being used (in a length of road which is not a cycle track) for the purpose of delivering or collecting postal packets as defined in the Postal Services Act 2000.

"G" - Means any vehicle which is a disabled person's vehicle which displays, in the relevant position, a disabled person's badge and a parking disc (on which the driver or person in charge of the vehicle has marked the time at which the period of waiting began) provided that the vehicle does not wait for a period exceeding 3 hours (not being a period separated by an interval of less than 1 hour from a previous period of waiting by the same vehicle on the same road) provided that where, in relation to the length of road, times are specified in Column 5 of the relevant Schedule, the vehicle does not wait in that length of road during those times.

“I” - Means any Vehicle in respect of which a current valid Dispensation Permit has been issued and is being used in accordance with the conditions of issue ALWAYS PROVIDED THAT this exemption shall not apply during any times specified in Column 5 of Schedule 2.

"J" - Means any vehicle, other than a privately owned vehicle, which is being used as an official vehicle for the purpose of a wedding or funeral at a Church or place or worship provided that where, in relation to a length of road, times are specified in Column 5 of the relevant Schedule, the vehicle does not wait in that length of road during those times.

“N1” - Means a licensed hackney carriage or a taxi.

"P" - Means an Authorised Vehicle.

“R” - Means any Vehicle in respect of which a current Restricted Access Permit has been issued and is being used in accordance with the conditions of issue.

"S" - Means a Special Access Permit Holder’s vehicle which displays, in the relevant position, a disabled person's badge and a Special Access Permit (on which the driver or person in charge of the vehicle has marked the time at which the period of waiting began) provided that the vehicle does not wait for a period exceeding 3 hours (not being a period separated by an interval of less than 1 hour from a previous period of waiting by the same vehicle on the same length of road) provided that where, in relation to the length of road, times are specified in Column 5 of the relevant Schedule, the vehicle does not wait in that length of road during those times.

“T1” - Means a Tramcar.

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“T2” - Means Tramway operator Vehicles undertaking essential maintenance of the Tramway system.

“T3” - Means Tramway operator Vehicles undertaking routine maintenance of the Tramway system.

“V” - Means any vehicle, being a purpose built or specially adapted security vehicle which by distinctive external marking s and/or trade signs may be easily identified as a security vehicle, operated by uniformed security personnel and which is being used for the purpose of delivery or collection of: (i) bullion or (Iii) substantial quantities of money in the form of cash or (iii) high value commodities.

“W” - Means any vehicle displaying a Day Access Permit authorised and issued by the Council or the Nottinghamshire Constabulary.

______APPENDIX Appendix Allocated :-

Appendix 1 to PART A of this Order.

SCHEDULES Schedules Allocated :-

Schedule 1 to Part A of this Order.

Schedule 2 to Part A of this Order.

Schedule 3 to Part A of this Order.

Schedule 5 to Part A of this Order.

Schedule 7 to PART A of this Order.

Schedule 8 to PART A of this Order.

Schedule 10 to PART A of this Order.

Schedule 2 to PART C of this Order. ______

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Those hours (1) during which the appropriate traffic signs are displayed on the relevant road Indicating the effect of PART A of this Order and

(2) which are authorised by the Chief Constable (in relation to the prohibitions contained in PART A of this Order).

Provided that :

(a) he has obtained appropriate consent in writing from the traffic authority, and

(b) that the authorisation is reasonably required in consequence of any of the following taking place in the vicinity of any road specified in PART A of this Order.

(i) any football match involving Nottingham Forest Football Club ;

(ii) any football match not involving Nottingham Forest Football Club ;

(iii) any other sporting or non-sporting event. ______

------END OF PAGE------

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PART A SCHEDULE 1 Controlled Parking Zones, Restricted Parking Zones and Prescribed Hours Column Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 1 Prescribed Item No. Zone Title Road or Length of Road Hours

1 ALBERT ROAD AREA, ALBERT ROAD () Mon-Sat WEST BRIDGFORD from its junction with Central Avenue / Tudor Square in a 8am-6pm north-easterly direction to its junction with Mabel Grove Except Public Holidays FLORENCE ROAD (WEST BRIDGFORD) from its junction with Albert Road to its junction with Abbey Road

PRIORY ROAD (WEST BRIDGFORD) from its junction with Albert Road to its junction with Abbey Road


2 BLAKE ROAD AREA, BLAKE ROAD (WEST BRIDGFORD) Mon-Sat WEST BRIDGFORD from its junction with Gordon Road to its junction with 8am-6pm Abbey Road Except Public Holidays ELTHAM ROAD (WEST BRIDGFORD) from its junction with Gordon Road to its junction with Abbey Road


4 CHARLES STREET CHARLES STREET () Mon-Sat PARKYNS STREET, from a point 26 metres east of its junction with Church 8am-6pm RUDDINGTON Street in an easterly direction for 64 metres Except Public Holidays PARKYNS STREET (RUDDINGTON) from a point 23 metres east of its junction with Church Street in an easterly direction for 74 metres

5 EPPERSTONE ROAD EPPERSTONE ROAD (WEST BRIDGFORD) All days AREA, from its junction with Patrick Road to its junction with 10am-8pm WEST BRIDGFORD George Road Except Public Holidays GEORGE ROAD (WEST BRIDGFORD) from a point 44 metres east of its junction with Musters Road in an easterly direction to its junction with Avon Gardens

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PART A SCHEDULE 1 Controlled Parking Zones, Restricted Parking Zones and Prescribed Hours Column Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 1 Prescribed Item No. Zone Title Road or Length of Road Hours

6 EXCHANGE ROAD EXCHANGE ROAD (WEST BRIDGFORD) Mon-Sat AREA, from its junction with Rectory Road in a southerly direction Except Public WEST BRIDGFORD to a point 48 metres north of its junction with Clumber Road Holidays

TUDOR ROAD (WEST BRIDGFORD) from its junction with Exchange Road to a point 155 metres north of its junction with Terrian Crescent



9 PARK AVENUE AREA, PARK AVENUE (WEST BRIDGFORD) Mon-Sat WEST BRIDGFORD from a point 16 metres south-west of its junction with 8am-8pm Bridgford Road in a south-westerly direction to its south- Except Public western extent Holidays





14 STRATFORD ROAD AVON GARDENS (WEST BRIDGFORD) All days AREA, Between Stratford Road and the closure point, an 10am-8pm WEST BRIDGFORD approximate distance of 48 metres. Except Public Holidays CHURCH DRIVE (WEST BRIDGFORD) from its junction with Stratford Road to a point 59 metres west of Bridgford Road

STRATFORD ROAD (WEST BRIDGFORD) between its junction with Rectory Road and the closure point approximately 178 metres north of Church Drive


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PART A SCHEDULE 1 Controlled Parking Zones, Restricted Parking Zones and Prescribed Hours Column Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 1 Prescribed Item No. Zone Title Road or Length of Road Hours



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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

1 Abbey Circus (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

2 Abbey Circus (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

3 Abbey Lane (Aslockton) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 18 metres G

4 Abbey Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 15 metres south of its junction with G Davies Road

(ii) from a point 10 metres north of its junction with Blake At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction to a point 5 metres south of G its junction with Blake Road

(iii) from its junction with Eltham Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(iv) from its junction with Rodney Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 12 metres G

5 Abbey Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Burleigh Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 10 metres north of its junction with Eltham At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction to a point 10 metres south of G that junction

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

(iii) from a point 5 metres south of its junction with Blake Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction to a point 10 metres north of 6pm G its junction with Eltham Road

(iv) from a point 10 metres north of its junction with Blake At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction to a point 5 metres south of G its junction with Blake Road

(v) from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Davies At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction to a point 15 metres south of G that junction

(vi) from a point 18 metres south of its junction with Priory At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction to a point 10 metres north of G that junction

(vii) from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Florence At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction to a point 10 metres north of G its junction with Florence Road

(viii) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 10 metres south of its junction with G Violet Road

6 Abbey Road Depot Service Road (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Eltham Road in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

7 Adbolton Lane (Holme Pierrepont) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 60 metres north-east of its junction with Sat and Sun & A, B, C, E, F, Regatta Way in a north-easterly direction to a point 212 Bank Hols G metres north-east of the main entrance to the National Water Sports Centre, measured along the centre line of the road (an approximate distance of 1391 metres)

(ii) the north-west side of the turning head from its junction Sat and Sun & A, B, C, E, F, with Adbolton Lane (approximately 122 metres north-east Bank Hols G, U of the main entrance to the National Water Sports Centre) along its entire length

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

(iii) the south-east side of the turning head from its junction Sat and Sun & A, B, C, E, F, with Adbolton Lane (approximately 122 metres north-east Bank Hols G, U of the main entrance to the National Water Sports Centre) along its entire length

8 Adbolton Lane (Holme Pierrepont) (the south side)

(i) from a point 60 metres north-east of its junction with Sat and Sun & A, B, C, E, F, Regatta Way in a north-easterly direction to a point Bank Hols G opposite a point 212 metres north-east of the main entrance to the National Water Sports Centre, measured along the centre line of the road (an approximate distance of 1391 metres)

9 Albert Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 8 metres north of its junction with Mabel At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Grove to its junction with Central Avenue G

10 Albert Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Central Avenue in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 25 metres south-west of a point G opposite the southern kerbline of Florence Road

(ii) from a point opposite the northern kerbline of Florence At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a south-westerly direction for 16 metres G

11 Albert Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 17 metres south of a point opposite the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, southern kerbline of Mabel Grove in a northerly direction G for 32 metres

12 Alford Road (Edwalton) (the north-east side)

(i) from the centre line of Wellin Lane in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 18 metres G

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

13 Alford Road (Edwalton) (the south-west side)

(i) from the centre line of Wellin Lane in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

14 Angletarn Close (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Coledale in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 9 metres G

15 Angletarn Close (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from its junction with Coledale in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 9 metres G

16 Ashworth Avenue (Ruddington) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point opposite the north-western kerb line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Packman Drive in a south-easterly direction for 25 metres G

17 Ashworth Avenue (Ruddington) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point 14 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Packman Drive in a south-easterly direction to a point 10 G metres south-east of that junction

(ii) from a point 10 metres south-east of its junction with Mon-Fri 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Packman Drive in a south-easterly direction for 12 metres 4.30pm G

18 Avon Gardens (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 10 metres south of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with George Road in a northerly direction for 24 G metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

19 Avon Gardens (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with George Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 50 metres G

20 Avon Gardens (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Stratford Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 2 metres G

21 Avon Gardens (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Stratford Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 2 metres G

22 Avon Gardens (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with George Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

23 Balmoral Avenue (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 77 metres west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction to its westerly G extent

(ii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 8 metres G

24 Balmoral Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 34 metres G

(ii) from a point 77 metres west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Loughborough Road in a westerly direction to its westerly G extent

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

25 Barratt Close (Cropwell Bishop) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Nottingham Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

26 Barratt Close (Cropwell Bishop) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Nottingham Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

27 Belton Drive (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Compton Acres in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 7 metres G

28 Belton Drive (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Compton Acres in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 7 metres G

29 Belvoir Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Trent Boulevard in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

30 Belvoir Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Oakfields Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 12 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Trent Boulevard in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

31 Bingham Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with New Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to the eastern boundary of the Garage No. 1 Bingham G Road

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

(ii) from a point 20 metres west of the centre line of Lorne At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Grove in an easterly direction for 38 metres G

(iii) from its junction with Grantham Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 46 metres G

32 Bingham Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Grantham Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 46 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Cropwell Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 35 metres G

33 Blake Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 56 metres G

(ii) from a point 68 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iii) from a point 85 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iv) from a point 102 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 4 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(v) from a point 117 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vi) from a point 134 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vii) from a point 148 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

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(viii) from a point 192 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(ix) from a point 211 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(x) from a point 230 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 18 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xi) from a point 257 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xii) from a point 13 metres west of its junction with Abbey At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 9 metres east of G that junction

34 Blake Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 9 metres east of its junction with Abbey Road At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to a point 17 metres west of that junction G

(ii) from a point 249 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iii) from a point 221 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 19 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iv) from a point 204 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(v) from a point 177 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 7 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vi) from a point 157 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

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(vii) from a point 141 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(viii) from a point 116 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(ix) from a point 93 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 12 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(x) from its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 36 metres G

35 Blind Lane (Keyworth) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with The Square in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 17 metres G

36 Blind Lane (Keyworth) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with The Square in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 17 metres G

37 Boundary Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) From its junction with Loughborough Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to the western property boundary of 60 G Boundary Road

(ii) From the western property boundary of 60 Boundary Road 8am-6pm A, B, C, E, F, in a north-easterly direction to a point 13 metres south- G west of the junction with Repton Road

(iii) From its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 75 metres G

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38 Boundary Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) From its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 75 metres G

(ii) From its junction with Loughborough Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point opposite the western property G boundary of 60 Boundary Road

39 Boxley Drive (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its northern junction with Walcote Drive in a south- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 14 metres G

40 Boxley Drive (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its northern junction with Walcote Drive in a south- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 14 metres G

41 Bridge Grove (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Rushworth Avenue in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 5 metres G

42 Bridge Grove (West Bridgford) (the north and west side)

(i) from a point 5 metres north of its junction with Rushworth Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Avenue in a northerly then easterly direction to a point 43 6pm except any G metres east of its junction with Musters Road Public holiday

43 Bridge Grove (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Musters Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 8 metres G

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44 Bridge Grove (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Musters Road in a west and At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, southerly direction to a point 43 metres north of its G junction with Rushworth Avenue

45 Bridge Grove (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Rushworth Avenue in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 5 metres G

46 Bridgford Road (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a south- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri easterly direction to a point 60 metres north-west of the G 7.30am-9.30am centre line of Hound Road and 4pm-6pm

(ii) from a point 60 metres north-west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Hound Road in a south-easterly direction to a point G opposite the north kerb line of Millicent Road

(iii) From a point 40 metres south-east of the point At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, perpendicular to the boundary line between the property G comprising of numbers 15 to 19 and the embankment of the former Nottingham to Melton Mowbray railway line, in a south-easterly direction for 12 metres.

(iv) From a point 35 metres north-west of the north-western At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, side of the public footpath between Bridgford Road and G Edward Road, in a south-easterly direction to its junction with Central Avenue.

(v) from its junction with Central Avenue in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, then south-easterly direction to its junction with Rectory G Road

47 Bridgford Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from its junction with Rectory Road in a north-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its junction with Central Avenue G

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(ii) From a point 3 metres north-west of its junction with Park At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Avenue, in a south-easterly direction to its junction with G Central Avenue.

(iii) From a point 5 metres south-east of the point Mon-Sat A, B, C, E, F, perpendicular to the boundary line between number 50 7.30am-6pm G and the Co-op supermarket in a south-easterly direction to a point 3 metres north-west of its junction with Park Avenue.

(iv) From a point 10 metres north-west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Millicent Road, in a south-easterly direction to a point 5 G metres south-east of the point perpendicular to the boundary line between number 50 and the Co-op supermarket.

(v) from a point 32 metres south-east of a point opposite the Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, centre line of Hound Road in a south-easterly direction to 6pm G a point 10 metres north-west of its junction with Millicent Road

(vi) from its junction with Loughborough Road, including the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri north-east and south sides of the triangular traffic island at G 7.30am-9.30am the said junction in a south-easterly direction to a point 32 and 3.30pm- metres south-east of a point opposite the centre line of 6.30pm Hound Road

48 Brook View Drive (Keyworth) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 15 metres G

49 Brook View Drive (Keyworth) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 15 metres G

50 Bunny Lane (Keyworth) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Nottingham Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 18 metres west of its junction with G Manor Road

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51 Bunny Lane (Keyworth) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Nottingham Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 18 metres west of a point opposite the G western kerbline of Manor Road

52 Burleigh Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Abbey Road in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 12 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Melton Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

53 Burleigh Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Rodney Road (defined as a point At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, opposite the western kerb line of Abbey Road) in a G westerly direction for 20 metres

(ii) from its junction with Melton Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

54 Burnside Grove (Tollerton) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Tollerton Lane in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 25 metres G

55 Burnside Grove (Tollerton) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Tollerton Lane in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 25 metres G

56 Butt Lane (Normanton On Soar) (the north-west side)

(i) from the south-west corner of its junction with Main Street At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, in a north-easterly direction for 48 metres G

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57 Butt Lane (Normanton On Soar) (the south-east side)

(i) from the south-east corner of its junction with Main Street At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, in a north-easterly direction for 45 metres G

58 Byron Road (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Rectory Road in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 7 metres G

59 Camelot Street (Ruddington) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Clifton Road in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 7 metres G

60 Candleby Lane (Cotgrave) (the north side)

(i) from a point 9 metres south-east of the eastern kerbline of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, the access road to The Precinct in a north-westerly G direction for 114 metres

61 Candleby Lane (Cotgrave) (the south side)

(i) from a point 5 metres south-east of the south-eastern At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, property boundary of No.32 Candleby Lane in a north- G westerly direction for 9.4 metres

62 Carlyle Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

(ii) from a point 42 metres east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Loughborough Road in an easterly direction and then G north-easterly direction for 19 metres

(iii) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

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63 Carlyle Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

64 Carter Avenue (Radcliffe On Trent) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Grantham Road in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 44 metres G

65 Carter Avenue (Radcliffe On Trent) (the south-west side)

(i) from its junction with Grantham Road in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 44 metres G

66 Castle Hill () (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 14 metres G

67 Castle Hill (East Leake) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 14 metres G

68 Cedar Drive (Keyworth) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 15 metres G

69 Cedar Drive (Keyworth) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 15 metres G

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70 Central Avenue (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 82 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Albert Road in a north-westerly direction to its junction G with Bridgford Road

(ii) from its junction with Albert Road in a north-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 38 metres G

71 Central Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from its junction with Tudor Square in a north-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 45 metres G

(ii) from a point 84 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Tudor Square in a north-westerly direction for 33 metres G

(iii) from a point 161 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Tudor Square in a north-westerly direction to its junction G with Bridgford Road

72 Chantrey Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 15 metres G

(ii) from a point 17 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Carlyle Road in a north-westerly and then south-westerly G direction for 21 metres

73 Chantrey Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 17 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Carlyle Road in a north-westerly and then south-westerly G direction for 11 metres

(ii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 17 metres G

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74 Chapel Street (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Church Street in a westerly Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, direction for 5 metres 6pm G

75 Chapel Street (Ruddington) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Church Street in a westerly Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, direction for 5 metres 6pm G

76 Charles Street (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Church Street in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from its junction with High Street in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 8 metres G

77 Charles Street (Ruddington) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with High Street in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to its junction with Church Street G

78 Charnwood Grove (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 14 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

79 Charnwood Grove (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 17 metres G

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80 Chaworth Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 12 metres G

81 Chaworth Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 13 metres G

82 Cherry Street (Bingham) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Church Street in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 79 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Long Acre in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 12 metres G

83 Cherry Street (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Long Acre in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 58 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Church Street in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

84 Chestnut Grove (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

85 Chestnut Grove (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

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86 Church Drive (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Stratford Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 11 metres G

(ii) from a point 59 metres west of its junction with Bridgford Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction for 11 metres 6pm G

(iii) from a point 35 metres west of its junction with Bridgford Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction for 24 metres 6pm G

(iv) from its junction with Bridgford Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

87 Church Drive (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Bridgford Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 59 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Stratford Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 13 metres G

88 Church Street (Bingham) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Market Place East in an easterly 8am-6pm A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point opposite the eastern kerb line of G Cherry Street

89 Church Street (Bingham) (the south side)

(i) from a point 7 metres east of its junction with Cherry At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in a westerly direction to a point 16 metres west of G that junction

(ii) from a point adjacent to the boundary of 4c/4b Church At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in an easterly direction for 15 metres G

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90 Church Street (Bunny) (the north side)

(i) from a point 14 metres west of its junction with 8pm-midnight A, B, C, E, F, Loughborough Road in a westerly direction for 119 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 14 metres G

91 Church Street (Bunny) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 14 metres G

92 Church Street (Ruddington) (the east side)

(i) from a point 8 metres south of its junction with Charles At Any Time Street in a southerly direction for 7 metres

(ii) from a point 15 metres north of the centre line of Charles At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in a southerly direction for 26 metres G

(iii) from a point 11 metres north of the centre line of Parkyns At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in a southerly direction for 28 metres G

93 Church Street (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from a point 46 metres west of its junction with Wilford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Wilford Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 12 metres G

94 Church Street (Ruddington) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with High street in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 11 metres G

(ii) from a point 47 metres west of its junction with High At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in a westerly direction for 15 metres G

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(iii) from a point 90 metres west of its junction with High At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in a westerly and southerly direction for 31 metres G

95 Church Street (Ruddington) (the west side)

(i) from a point 10 metres north of its junction with Shaw At Any Time Street in a northerly direction for 7 metres

(ii) from a point 5 metres north of its junction with Chapel Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Street in a southerly direction to its junction with 6pm G Distillery Street

96 Churchill Drive (Ruddington) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Clifton Road in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 12 metres G

97 Churchill Drive (Ruddington) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Clifton Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 12 metres G

98 Clifton Road (Ruddington) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Road in a north-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 30 metres G

99 Clifton Road (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Camelot Street in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 11 metres G

100 Clifton Road (Ruddington) (the south-west side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Road in a north-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 53 metres G

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101 Clifton Road (Ruddington) (the south side)

(i) from a point 12 metres west of its junction with Churchill At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Drive in an easterly direction to a point 12 metres east of G that junction

102 Clumber Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

103 Clumber Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 12 metres G

104 Coledale (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Whinlatter Drive in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 25 metres G

(ii) from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Stockgill Mon-Fri 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Close in a south-westerly direction for 16 metres 9.30am and G 2.30pm-4pm

(iii) from a point 9 metres east of its junction with Stockgill At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Close in a westerly direction to a point 10 metres west of G that junction

105 Coledale (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 19 metres south-west of the centre line of the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Threlkeld Close in a north-easterly direction G to a point 15 metres north-east of the centre line of that junction

(ii) from a point 12 metres south-west of the centre line of the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Angletarn Close in a north-easterly direction G to a point 15 metres north-east of the centre line of that junction

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(iii) from its junction with Whinlatter Drive in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

106 College Street (East Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 28 metres G

107 College Street (East Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 28 metres G

108 Colwick Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 31 metres north of its junction with Orston At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road West in a northerly direction to the entrance to the G Nottingham Forest Football Club Ground

(ii) from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Orston Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road West in a northerly direction for 10 metres 6pm G

(iii) from a point 5 metres south of its junction with Orston At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road West in a northerly direction to a point 7 metres G north of that junction

(iv) from a point 91 metres north of its junction with Radcliffe Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction to a point 4 metres south of 6pm G its junction with Orston Road West

(v) from a point 74 metres north of its junction with Radcliffe Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction for 8 metres 6pm G

(vi) from a point 61 metres north of its junction with Radcliffe Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction for 6 metres 6pm G

(vii) from a point 10 metres north of its junction with Radcliffe Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction for 40 metres 6pm G

(viii) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

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109 Colwick Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 43 metres north of its junction with Radcliffe Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction to the entrance to the 6pm G Nottingham Forest Football Club ground

110 Compton Acres (West Bridgford) (the eastern side)

(i) from a point 75 metres south of its junction with Wilford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Lane in a southerly direction to a point 10 metres south of G its junction with Redwood

(ii) from its junction with Melford Hall Drive in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 107 metres G

(iii) from its junction with Landmere Lane in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 20 metres G

111 Compton Acres (West Bridgford) (the western side)

(i) from its junction with Landmere Lane in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 20 metres G

(ii) from a point 52 metres north-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Landmere Lane in a north-easterly direction for 30 metres G

(iii) from a point 30 metres south-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Belton Drive in a north-easterly direction for 97 metres G

(iv) from its junction with Wilford Lane in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 53 metres south of its junction with G Heathervale

112 Coronation Avenue (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) From a point 16 metres east of its junction with Vernon At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, At Any Time Avenue in an easterly direction for 88 metres T2,T3

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113 Coronation Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) From a point 15 metres east of its junction with Vernon At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, At Any Time Avenue in an easterly direction for 88 metres T2,T3

114 Costock Road (East Leake) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to a point 46 metres east of a point opposite the centre line G of Meeting House Close

115 Costock Road (East Leake) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to a point 42 metres east of the centre line of Meeting G House Close

116 Croft Road (Edwalton) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

117 Croft Road (Edwalton) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

118 Cromford Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 9 metres G

119 Cromford Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 9 metres G

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120 Cropston Close (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Swithland Drive in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 11 metres G

121 Cropston Close (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Swithland Drive in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 7 metres G

122 Cropwell Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Bingham Road in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 18 metres G

123 Cropwell Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Main Road in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to the north-western boundary of No.4 Cropwell G Road

124 Crosby Road (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its northern junction with Edward Road in a south- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 14 metres G

(ii) from a point 11 metres north-west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Trevelyan Road in a south-westerly direction for 24 G metres

(iii) from its southern junction with Edward Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 13 metres G

125 Crosby Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from its southern junction with Edward Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 10 metres G

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(ii) from its northern junction with Edward Road in a south- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 14 metres G

126 Cumberland Close (Ruddington) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Easthorpe Street in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

127 Cumberland Close (Ruddington) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Easthorpe Street in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

128 Davies Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Tudor Square in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 3 metres west of the building line G between Nos 7 & 9 Davies Road

(ii) from a point 18 metres west of its junction with Abbey At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 18 metres east of G that junction

(iii) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point opposite the south-west kerb line of G Brockley Road

129 Davies Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its junction with Brockley Road G

(ii) from a point 18 metres west of its junction with Abbey At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 18 metres east of G that junction

(iii) from its junction with Tudor Square in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point adjacent to the eastern boundary of No. G 30 Davies Road

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130 Debdale Lane (Keyworth) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Highfield Road in an easterly Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, direction for 64 metres 6pm G

(ii) from a point 64 metres east of its junction with Highfield At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to its junction with G Nottingham Road

131 Debdale Lane (Keyworth) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Nottingham Road (north to south At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, section) in a westerly direction for 19 metres G

(ii) from the centre line of Dale Road in an easterly direction Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, for 14 metres 6pm G

132 Devonshire Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

133 Distillery Street (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Asher Lane in a westerly direction Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres 6pm G

134 Dovedale Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

135 Dovedale Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

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136 East Street (Bingham) (the north side)

(i) from a point 21 metres west of its junction with Rutland At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point opposite a point 10 G metres east of its junction with Fosters Lane.

137 East Street (Bingham) (the south side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 10 metres west of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Rutland Road in an easterly direction to a G point 10 metres east of its junction with Fosters Lane.

138 Easthorpe Street (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 62 metres G

(ii) from a point 18 metres west of the centre line of Pear Tree At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Orchard in an easterly direction for 30 metres G

(iii) from a point 115 metres west of the centre line of Rufford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road (the eastern boundary of No. 39 Easthorpe Street) in G a westerly direction for 30 metres

(iv) from a point 36 metres east of the centre line of Rufford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road (the western boundary of No. 65 Easthorpe Street) in G a westerly direction to a point 11 metres east of the eastern boundary of No. 39 Easthorpe Street

139 Easthorpe Street (Ruddington) (the south side)

(i) from the western boundary of No. 38A Easthorpe Street in At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, an easterly direction to its junction with Loughborough G Road

(ii) from its junction with High Street in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to the eastern boundary of No. 16 Easthorpe Street G

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140 Edward Road (West Bridgford) (the north and east side)

(i) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 20 metres G

(ii) from a point 38 metres south of its junction with Radcliffe At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction to a point opposite the G southern property boundary of No. 16 Edward Road

(iii) from a point 26 metres north of the centre line of Crosby At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction to a point 2 metres north of a G point opposite the northern property boundary of No. 48 Edward Road

(iv) from a point 6 metres south of the boundary between At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, properties Nos. 61 & 63 Edward Road in a south-westerly G direction for 27 metres

(v) from a point 18 metres west of the centre line of Crosby At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road (southern junction) in an easterly direction for 30 G metres

(vi) from its junction with Ella Road in a westerly direction for At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, 8 metres G

141 Edward Road (West Bridgford) (the south and west side)

(i) from its southern junction with Ella Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 8 metres G

(ii) from a point 2 metres north-west of the boundary of Nos. At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, 110/112 Edward Road in a north-westerly direction for 18 G metres

(iii) from its junction with Richmond Road in a southerly Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, direction for 36 metres 6pm G

(iv) from its junction with Richmond Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 11 metres G

(v) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 22 metres G

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142 Ella Road (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its northern junction with Edward Road in a south- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 20 metres G

(ii) from a point 10 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Trevelyan Road in a south-easterly direction for 25 metres G

(iii) from a point 2 metres south-east of the common boundary At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, of No. 119 & 121 Ella Road in a south-easterly direction G for 28 metres

143 Ella Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point 17 metres north of the centre line of Edward At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road (southern junction) in a southerly direction for 33 G metres

(ii) from a point 10 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Trevelyan Road in a south-easterly direction for 25 metres G

(iii) from its northern junction with Edward Road in a south- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 18 metres G

144 Elm Tree Avenue (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

145 Elm Tree Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

146 Eltham Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 36 metres G

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(ii) from a point 71 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iii) from a point 140 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 37 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iv) from a point 197 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(v) from a point 216 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 19 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vi) from a point 247 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 12 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vii) from a point 20 metres west of its junction with Abbey At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 12 metres east of G that junction

147 Eltham Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 10 metres east of its junction with Abbey At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction to a point 10 metres west of G that junction

(ii) from a point 106 metres east of its junction with Oxford Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 7 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iii) from a point 85 metres east of its junction with Oxford Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iv) from a point 63 metres east of its junction with Oxford Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(v) from a point 24 metres east of its junction with Oxford Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 28 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

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(vi) from a point 8 metres east of its junction with Oxford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road to a point 7 metres west of that junction G

(vii) from a point 96 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 32 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(viii) from a point 52 metres east of its junction with Gordon Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(ix) from its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 19 metres G

148 Endsleigh Gardens (Edwalton) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

149 Endsleigh Gardens (Edwalton) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

150 Epperstone Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Patrick Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from its junction with George Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

151 Epperstone Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with George Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 33 metres south of its junction with Patrick At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction for 23 metres G

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(iii) from its junction with Patrick Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

152 Ethel Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Exchange Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 6 metres G

(ii) from a point 27 metres east of its junction with Exchange At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a north-easterly direction for 8 metres G

(iii) from its junction with Gordon Road in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

153 Ethel Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Gordon Road in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 6 metres east of its junction with Exchange Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 10 west of its 6pm G junction with Gordon Road

(iii) from its junction with Exchange Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 6 metres G

154 Eton Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri direction for 50 metres G 7.30am-9.30am and 4pm-6pm

(ii) from its junction with Musters Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

155 Eton Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Musters Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

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(ii) from a point 10 metres south-west of its junction with At Any Time Repton Road in a north-easterly direction to a point 12 metres north-east of that junction

(iii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri direction for 64 metres G 7.30am-9.30am and 4pm-6pm

156 Exchange Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Tudor Square in a southerly Mon-Sat except A, B, C, E, F, direction for 24.5 metres any Public G holiday

(ii) from a point 175 metres south of its junction with Tudor Mon-Sat except A, B, C, E, F, Square in a southerly direction for 14.5 metres any Public G holiday

(iii) from a point 26 metres south of the extended common Mon-Sat except A, B, C, E, F, boundary of Nos. 55 and 57 Exchange Road in a southerly any Public G direction for 5 metres holiday

(iv) from a point 48 metres north of its junction with Clumber Mon-Sat except A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction for 77 metres any Public G holiday

(v) from a point 12 metres north of the centre line of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Ethel Road in a southerly direction to a point G 10 metres south of that centre line

157 Exchange Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 112 metres north of its junction with Clumber Mon-Sat except A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction to a point 54 metres south of any Public G its junction with Tudor Road holiday

(ii) from a point 47 metres south of its junction with Tudor Mon-Sat except A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction to its junction with Rectory any Public G Road holiday

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158 Exeter Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

159 Exeter Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

160 Fairfield Street (Bingham) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Long Acre in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 70 metres G

161 Fairfield Street (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Nottingham Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 73 metres G

162 Firs Road (Edwalton) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

163 Firs Road (Edwalton) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

164 Fisher Lane (Bingham) (the east side)

(i) from its northern extremity in a southerly direction for 22 At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, metres G

(ii) from a point 22 metres south of its northern extremity in a Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, southerly direction for 34 metres 6pm G

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165 Fisher Lane (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) from a point 22 metres south of its northern extremity in a Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, southerly direction for 34 metres 6pm G

(ii) from its northern extremity (and including that extremity) At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, in a southerly direction for 22 metres G

166 Fleeman Grove (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melbourne Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 11 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Lady Bay Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 9 metres G

167 Fleeman Grove (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Lady Bay Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 9 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Melbourne Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 11 metres G

168 Florence Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 10 metres east of its junction with Albert At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction to its junction with Albert G Road

(ii) from a point 34 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 16 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iii) from a point 65 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 7 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iv) from a point 77 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

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(v) from a point 154 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vi) from a point 95 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 37 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vii) from a point 165 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 4 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(viii) from a point 174 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(ix) from a point 185 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(x) from a point 202 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xi) from a point 212 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 16 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xii) from a point 234 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 7 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xiii) from a point 246 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xiv) from a point 257 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xv) from a point 267 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

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(xvi) from a point 13 metres west of its junction with Abbey At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 10 metres east of G that junction

169 Florence Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Abbey At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 10 metres east of G that junction

(ii) from a point 254 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iii) from a point 243 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iv) from a point 220 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 17 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(v) from a point 185 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 30 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vi) from a point 172 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vii) from a point 161 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(viii) from a point 130 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(ix) from a point 116 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(x) from a point 66 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 35 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

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(xi) from a point 52 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xii) from a point 38 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xiii) from a point 12 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xiv) from its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 12 metres measured along the centre line of the road G

170 Fosters Lane (Bingham) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with East Street in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 20 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Grantham Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 16 metres G

171 Fosters Lane (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Grantham Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 16 metres G

(ii) from its junction with East Street in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to a point opposite a point 20 metres south of its junction G with East Street.

172 Fox Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its junction with Hound Road G

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

173 Fox Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 160 metres south of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Radcliffe Road in a southerly direction to its junction with G Hound Road

(ii) from a point 116 metres south of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Radcliffe Road in a southerly direction for 30 metres G

(iii) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 82 metres G

174 George Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 12 metres G

(ii) from a point 18 metres west of its junction with Musters At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 10 metres east of G that junction

(iii) from a point 32 metres east of its junction with Musters At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 12 metres G

(iv) from a point 10 metres east of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Epperstone Road in a westerly direction for 25 metres G

175 George Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 20 metres east of its junction with Musters At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 18 metres west of its junction with Musters At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 10 metres east of G that junction

(iii) from its junction with Melton Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 12 metres G

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

176 Gertrude Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 13 metres north of its junction with Trent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Boulevard in a southerly direction to a point 14 metres G south of that junction

(ii) from its junction with Holme Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

177 Gertrude Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 13 metres north of its junction with Trent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Boulevard in a southerly direction to a point 14 metres G south of that junction

(ii) from its junction with Holme Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

178 Glebe Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 15 metres G

179 Glebe Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 15 metres G

180 Gordon Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Davies Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to a point adjacent to the southern boundary of No. 55 G Gordon Road

(ii) from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Abbey At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Circus in a northerly direction to a point 10 metres north G of its junction with Abbey Circus

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

181 Gordon Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Ethel At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction to a point 10 metres north of G that junction.

(ii) from a point adjacent the southern building line of 64 At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Gordon Road in a northerly direction to a point 1 metre G north of the southern building line of 26 Gordon Road.

(iii) from a point 1 metre south of the northern building line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, 20 Gordon Road in a northerly direction to a point in line G with the southern building line of 18 Gordon Road

(iv) from a point 1 metre south of the northern building line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, 16 Gordon Road in a northerly direction to a point 1 metre G north of the southern building line of 14 Gordon Road

(v) from a point 1 metres south of the northern building line At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, of 14 Gordon Road in a northerly direction to a point 2 G metres north of the southern building line of 12 Gordon Road

(vi) from a point in line with the northern building line of 12 At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Gordon Road in a northerly direction to a point 3 metres G north of the southern building line of 10 Gordon Road

(vii) from its junction with Tudor Square in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 2 metres south of the northern building G line of 6 Gordon Road

182 Gordon Square (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from the Parking Spaces outside Nos. 5 to 11 Gordon At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Square to its junction with Gordon Road G

183 Gordon Square (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Gordon Road in a south and At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction to the Parking Spaces outside nos. 1 to G 3 Gordon Square

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184 Gordon Square (West Bridgford) (the west and south side)

(i) from the Parking Spaces outside Nos. 1 to 3 Gordon At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Square in a southerly and easterly direction to the Parking G Spaces outside Nos. 5 to 11 Gordon Square.

185 Gotham Road (East Leake) (the east side)

(i) from a point 93.5 metres north of its junction with Main At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in a northerly direction for 53 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Main Street in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 85 metres G

186 Gotham Road (East Leake) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 98 metres G

187 Grange Road (Edwalton) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

188 Grange Road (Edwalton) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

189 Grantham Road (Bingham) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 21 metres south-east of the centreline of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Long Acre East in a north-westerly direction G to a point 15 metres west of that junction

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

190 Gresham Close (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Lane in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 15 metres south-east of its junction G with Gresham Gardens

191 Gresham Close (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point opposite the south-western kerbline of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Gresham Close in a south-westerly direction for 20 metres G

192 Gresham Close (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Lane in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 34 metres G

193 Gresham Close (West Bridgford) (the south-west and north-west side)

(i) from a point 68 metres south-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Wilford Lane in a south-easterly then south-westerly G direction for 40 metres

194 Gresham Gardens (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Gresham Close in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 20 metres G

195 Gresham Gardens (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Gresham Close in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 20 metres G

196 Gresham Park Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 242 metres north and north west of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Wilford Lane in a north westerly and G northerly direction to the school entrance

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(ii) from a point 173 metres north and north west of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Wilford Lane in a north westerly direction G for 36 metres

(iii) from a point 64 metres north of its junction with Wilford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Lane in a westerly direction for 84 metres G

(iv) from its junction with Wilford Lane in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 40 metres G

197 Gresham Park Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from the School entrance in a south westerly direction to At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, the end of the kerb radius on the entrance to the pavilion G car park

198 Gresham Park Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Lane in a north and north At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 118 metres G

(ii) from a point 143 metres north and north west of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Wilford Lane in a north westerly direction G for 35 metres

(iii) from a point 203 metres north and north west of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Wilford Lane in a north westerly direction G for 45 metres

(iv) from a point 270 metres north and north west of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Wilford Lane in a north westerly and south G westerly direction to the end of the kerb radius on the entrance to the pavilion car park

199 Greythorn Drive (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 135 metres north of its junction with Stowe At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Avenue in a southerly direction to its junction with G Waddington Drive

(ii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 58 metres G

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

200 Greythorn Drive (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 9 metres north of a point opposite the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, northern kerb line of Stowe Avenue in a southerly G direction to a point opposite the northern kerb line of Waddington Drive

(ii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 64 metres G

201 Haddon Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

202 Haddon Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

203 Hardwick Grove (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 7 metres G

204 Hardwick Grove (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 11 metres G

205 Hawksworth Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 41 metres north-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Thoroton Road in a north-easterly direction to its eastern G extent

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

206 Hawksworth Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its easterly extent in a westerly direction for 6 metres At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, G

(ii) from its junction with Thoroton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 18 metres G

207 Heathervale (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Compton Acres in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

208 Heathervale (West Bridgford) (the south and east side)

(i) from its junction with Compton Acres in a westerly and At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, then a southerly direction for 63 metres G

209 Henry Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Millicent Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Melton Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

210 Henry Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 20 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Millicent Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

211 High Street (Ruddington) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Easthorpe Street in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to the centre line of Kempson Street G

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

212 High Street (Ruddington) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with The Green in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 14 metres G

(ii) from a point 23 metres north of the centre line of Charles At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in a southerly direction to a point 18 metres south of G the centre line of Parkyns Street

(iii) from its junction with Church Street in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 18 metres G

213 Highfield Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Rectory Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 11 metres G

214 Highfield Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Rectory Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 11 metres G

215 Highgrove Gardens (Edwalton) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

216 Highgrove Gardens (Edwalton) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

217 Holme Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Trent Boulevard in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 16 metres G

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(ii) from its junction with the access road opposite No. 6 At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Holme Road in an easterly direction to a point opposite G the western kerb line of Pierrepoint Road

(iii) from a point opposite a point 17 metres west of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Mona Road in a westerly direction for 17 G metres

218 Holme Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Gertrude At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road to a point 10 metres east of that junction G

(ii) from a point 17 metres west of its junction with Mona At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction for 11 metres G

(iii) from a point 10 metres west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Pierrepoint Road in an easterly direction for 20 metres G

(iv) from a point 10 metres west of the centre line of Lady Bay At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 16 metres G

(v) from a point 15 metres west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Melbourne Road in an easterly direction for 30 metres G

(vi) from a point 15 metres west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Woodland Road in an easterly direction for 30 metres G

(vii) from its junction with Trent Boulevard in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 24 metres G

219 Hound Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Bridgford Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 14.6 metres G

(ii) from a point 59 metres north-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Bridgford Road in a north-easterly direction for 11 metres G

(iii) from its junction with Fox Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 14.5 metres G

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

220 Hound Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Bridgford Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its junction with Fox Road G

221 Hunt Close (Radcliffe On Trent) (the east and south-east side)

(i) From its junction with Main Road in a southerly and south At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction to a point 72 metres south west of the G Health Centre Access Road

222 Hunt Close (Radcliffe On Trent) (the west and north-west side)

(i) From its junction with Main Road in a southerly and south At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction to a point 3 metres south east of the G boundary of Nos 42/43 Hunt Close

223 Julian Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 12 metres north of its junction with Trent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Boulevard in a southerly direction to a point 12 metres G south of that junction

224 Julian Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 12 metres north of its junction with Trent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Boulevard in a southerly direction to a point 12 metres G south of that junction

225 Kegworth Road (Gotham) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Nottingham Road in a westerly Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 89 metres west of the centre line of the 6pm G junction with Hall Drive

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

226 Kingswood Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with (A60) Loughborough Road in a At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 16 metres G

227 Kingswood Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with (A60) Loughborough Road in a At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 16 metres G

228 Kirk Lane (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with High Street in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 56 metres G

229 Kirk Lane (Ruddington) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with High Street in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 83 metres G

230 Kneeton Road (East Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 33 metres north-east of its junction with Mon-Fri 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Trent Lane in a north-easterly direction for 46 metres 4.30pm G

231 Lady Bay Bridge (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a north-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to the Nottingham City boundary G

232 Lady Bay Bridge (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a north-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to the Nottingham City boundary G

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

233 Lady Bay Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Holme Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 18 metres G

(ii) from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Trent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Boulevard in a southerly direction to a point 20 metres G south of that junction

234 Lady Bay Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 19 metres north of its junction with Trent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Boulevard in a southerly direction to a point 20 metres G south of that junction

(ii) from a point 12 metres north of the centre line of Fleeman At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Grove in a southerly direction for 24 metres G

(iii) from its junction with Holme Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 18 metres G

235 Landmere Lane (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 24 metres north-west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Compton Acres in a south-easterly direction to a point 20 G metres south-east of that centre line

236 Lantern Lane (East Leake) (the south side)

(i) from a point 28 metres north-east of its junction with St Mon-Fri 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Marys Crescent in a north-easterly direction for 42 metres 4.30pm G

(ii) from a point opposite a point 42 metres north-east of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with St Marys Crescent in a north-easterly G direction for 28 metres

(iii) from a point opposite a point 28 metres north-east of its Mon-Fri 8am- A, B, C, E, F, junction with St Marys Crescent in a north-easterly 4.30pm G direction for 14 metres

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237 Little Bounds (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Lane in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 27 metres south of its junction with Wilford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Lane in a southerly direction for 10 metres G

(iii) from its junction with Beaver Green in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its southern extremity, including the turning G head forming the access to Ellerslie Cricket Club

238 Little Bounds (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Lane in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its southern extremity, including the turning G head forming the access to West Bridgford Tennis Club

239 Long Acre (Bingham) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Fairfield Street in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point adjacent to the boundary between G properties Nos 9 and 11 Long Acre

(ii) from a point 20 metres west of its junction with Market At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in an easterly direction to a point 48 metres east of G that junction

(iii) from a point 12 metres west of its junction with Cherry At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in an easterly direction to a point 12 metres east of G that junction

(iv) from its junction with Grantham Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 12 metres G

240 Long Acre (Bingham) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with The Paddock in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to a point 4 metres east of the eastern building line of No. G 30 Long Acre

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(ii) from its junction with Tithby Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to a point opposite the boundary between properties Nos. G 9 & 11 Long Acre

241 Long Acre East (Bingham) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Grantham Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 21 metres G

242 Long Acre East (Bingham) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Grantham Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 21 metres G

243 Lorne Grove (Radcliffe On Trent) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Bingham Road in a north-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

244 Lorne Grove (Radcliffe On Trent) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Bingham Road in a north-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

245 Loughborough Road (Bunny) (the west side)

(i) from a point 6 metres north of its junction with Main At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in a southerly direction to a point 7 metres south of G that junction

(ii) from its junction with Church Street in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 9 metres G

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246 Loughborough Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Trent Bridge in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri to a point 8 metres south of the northern property line of G 7.30am-9.30am No.75 Loughborough Road including the south and west and 4pm-6pm sides of the triangular traffic island at the junction with Melton Road

(ii) from a point 8 metres south of the northern property line Mon-Fri 4pm- A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri 4pm- of No. 75 Loughborough Road in a southerly direction to a 6pm G 6pm point 120 metres north of the junction with Victoria Road

(iii) from a point 120 metres north of its junction with Victoria At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri 4pm- Road in a southerly direction to a point 82 metres north of G 6pm its junction with Eton Road

(iv) from a point 82 metres north of its junction with Eton At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction to a point 50 metres north of G that junction

(v) from a point 50 metres north of its junction with Eton At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri 4pm- Road in a southerly direction to a point 68 metres south of G 6pm that junction

(vi) from a point 9 metres south of a point opposite the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, southern kerb line of Swithland Drive in a northerly G direction for 57 metres

(vii) From a point 34 metres south of the centre line of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Boundary Road in a northerly direction to a G point 31 metres north of the centre line of Boundary Road

247 Loughborough Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 20 metres south-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Greythorn Drive in a north-easterly direction to a point 20 G metres north-east of that junction

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248 Loughborough Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 14 metres north of the centre line with the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction of the link road between Loughborough Road and G the road serving numbers 304 to 316 Loughborough Road in a southerly direction for 25 metres.

(ii) from a point 55 metres south of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Swithland Drive in a northerly direction for 112 metres G

(iii) from a point 13 metres south of the centre line of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Kingswood Road in a northerly direction for G 25 metres

(iv) from a point 10 metres north of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Springfields in a southerly direction to a point 75 metres G 7.30am-9.30am south of its junction with Rugby Road

(v) from a point 13 metres south of its junction with Chestnut Mon-Fri A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Grove in a southerly direction to a point 10 metres north 7.30am-9.30am G 7.30am-9.30am of its junction with Springfields.

(vi) from a point 13 metres north of its junction with Chestnut At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Grove in a southerly direction to a point 13 metres south G 7.30am-9.30am of that junction

(vii) from a point 14 metres south of its junction with Elm Tree Mon-Fri A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Avenue in a southerly direction to a point 13 metres north 7.30am-9.30am G 7.30am-9.30am of its junction with Chestnut Grove

(viii) from a point opposite a point 8 metres south of the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri northern property line of No.75 Loughborough Road in a G 7.30am-9.30am southerly direction to a point 14 metres south of its junction with Elm Tree Avenue

(ix) from its junction with Trent Bridge in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri to a point opposite a point 8 metres south of the northern G 7.30am-9.30am property line of No. 75 Loughborough Road and 4pm-6pm

249 Loughborough Road Access Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Greythorn Drive in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 21 metres G

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250 Loughborough Road Access Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Greythorn Drive in an easterly direction for 22 metres At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, G

251 Loughborough Road Service Road (Nos, 304 To 316) (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) the Link Road (between Loughborough Road and the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Service Road) from its junction with (A60) Loughborough G Road in a westerly direction for 16 metres

252 Loughborough Road Service Road (Nos. 304 To 316) (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 10 metres north of the centre line of its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with the link road between Loughborough Road G and the service road serving numbers 304 to 316, in a southerly direction for 21 metres.

(ii) from a point 56 metres south of the centre line of its Mon-Fri 8am- A, B, C, E, F, junction with the link road between Loughborough Road 9.30am and G and the service road serving numbers 304 to 316, in a 3pm-4.30pm south-easterly and then a north-westerly direction for 49 metres (as measured along the kerb line including the length of kerb line within the turning head).

253 Loughborough Road Service Road (Nos. 304 To 316) (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) the Link Road (between Loughborough Road and the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Service Road) from its junction with (A60) Loughborough G Road in a westerly direction for 16 metres

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254 Ludlow Hill Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

255 Ludlow Hill Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

256 Lyndhurst Gardens (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Waddington Drive in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

257 Lyndhurst Gardens (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Waddington Drive in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

258 Lytham Drive (Edwalton) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Wellin Lane in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

259 Lytham Drive (Edwalton) (the south-west side)

(i) from its junction with Wellin Lane in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 19 metres G

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260 Mabel Grove (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to a point 7 metres west of the eastern property boundary G of No. 24 Mabel Grove

(ii) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

261 Mabel Grove (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

262 Machins Lane (Edwalton) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

263 Machins Lane (Edwalton) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

264 Main Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the north side)

(i) from a point 15 metres west of the centre line of Shelford Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction to a point opposite the 6pm G western boundary of Church Hall

(ii) from a point 15 metres west of the centre line of Shelford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 15 metres G

(iii) from its junction with Shelford Road in an easterly Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 3 metres west of the centre line of 6pm G Kingston Court

(iv) from a point 38 metres west of its junction with New Road 8am-6pm A, B, C, E, F, in a westerly direction for 6 metres G

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(v) from its junction with New Road in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 32 metres G

265 Main Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the south side)

(i) from the eastern building line of No.5 Main Road in an At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction to its junction with Cropwell Road G

(ii) from a point 7 metres east of its junction with the Car Park Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Access Road in an easterly direction to a point 3 metres 6pm G west of the centre line of Kingston Court

(iii) from a point 14 metres west of the centre line of Vicarage At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Lane in an easterly direction to a point 7 metres east of its G junction with the Car Park Access Road

266 Main Street (Aslockton) (the east side)

(i) from a point 4 metres north of the northern building line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, the Olde Cottage in a southerly direction for 34 metres G

267 Main Street (Aslockton) (the west side)

(i) from a point opposite the northern building line of the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Olde Cottage in a southerly direction to its junction with G Abbey Lane

268 Main Street (Bunny) (the north side)

(i) from a point 14 metres west of its junction with Church At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in an easterly direction to a point 14 metres east of G that junction

(ii) from its junction with Loughborough Road for 14 metres At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, G

269 Main Street (Bunny) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road for 14 metres At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, G

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(ii) from a point 14 metres west of its junction with 8pm-midnight A, B, C, E, F, Loughborough Road to a point 43 metres west of the G centre line of its junction with Church Street

270 Main Street (East Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 25 metres east of the centre line of the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction of College Street in a westerly direction to a point G 64 metres west of the centre line of the junction of College Street

271 Main Street (East Leake) (the north side)

(i) from a point 50 metres west of the centre line of Gotham At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 127 metres east of G the centre line of Gotham Road

(ii) from its junction with Costock Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 39 metres G

272 Main Street (East Leake) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Costock Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 39 metres G

(ii) from a point 19 metres east of the centre line of Salisbury Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Avenue in an easterly direction to a point 39 metres west 6pm G of its junction with Costock Road

(iii) from a point 18 metres west of the centre line of Salisbury At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Avenue in an easterly direction for 37 metres G

(iv) from a point 45 metres west of a point opposite the centre At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, line of Gotham Road in an easterly direction to a point 44 G metres west of the centre line of Salisbury Avenue

273 Main Street (Keyworth) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Selby Lane in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to the southern building line of No. 7 Main Street G

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(ii) from a point 58 metres north of a point opposite the centre Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, line of Brookview Drive in a southerly direction to a point 6pm G 26 metres north of the centre line of Cedar Drive

(iii) from a point 26 metres north of the centre line of Cedar At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Drive in a southerly direction to a point 22 metres south of G that centre line

274 Main Street (Keyworth) (the west side)

(i) from a point 58 metres north of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Brookview Drive in a southerly direction to its junction G with Wysall Lane

(ii) from its junction with The Square (the eastern building At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, line of No. 1 The Square) in a southerly direction to the G southern building line of No. 8 Main Street

275 Main Street (Normanton On Soar) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 25 metres north-west of its junction with Butt At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Lane to a point 31 metres south-east of that junction, G including the whole perimeter of the traffic island

276 Main Street (Rempstone) (the north side)

(i) from a point 116 metres south of its junction with the A60 8am-6pm A, B, C, E, F, Loughborough Road in a south easterly and north easterly G direction to a point 17 metres south west of the south west kerb line of Elms Close

277 Main Street (Rempstone) (the south side)

(i) from a point 17 metres south east of its junction with A60 At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Loughborough Road in a south easterly and north easterly G direction to a point 13 metres south west of a point opposite the south west kerb line of Elms Close

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278 Main Street () (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 15 metres south-east of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Bucks Lane in a north-westerly direction to the north-west G boundary of No.102 Main Street

(ii) from the north-east corner of its junction with St Annes At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Lane in a northerly distance to the northern boundary of G No.86 Main Street

(iii) from its junction with Hungary Lane in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 82 metres G

279 Main Street (Sutton Bonington) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point 32 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Pasture Lane to a point 90 metres south-east of that G junction

(ii) from a point 15 metres south-east of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Bucks Lane in a north-westerly direction to the north-west G boundary of No.102 Main Street

280 Manor Park (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

281 Manor Park (Ruddington) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

282 Manor Road (Keyworth) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Bunny Lane in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 46 metres G

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283 Manor Road (Keyworth) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Bunny Lane in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 46 metres G

284 Manvers Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 30 metres G

285 Manvers Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 20 metres G

286 Market Place East (Bingham) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Church Street in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its junction with School Lane G

287 Market Place East (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Market Place South in a northerly Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, direction to its junction with Market Place North 6pm G

288 Market Place North (Bingham) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Market Place West in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point adjacent to the western boundary of 18 G Market Place

(ii) from a point 17 metres west of its junction with Station At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in an easterly direction to a point 3 metres east of G that junction

(iii) from a point 20 metres east of its junction with Station At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in an easterly direction to its junction with School G Lane

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289 Market Place North (Bingham) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Market Place East in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point opposite the eastern kerb line of G Station Street

(ii) from a point 30 metres east of its junction with Market At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Place West in an easterly direction for 18 metres G

(iii) from its junction with Market Place West in an easterly Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, direction for 13 metres 6pm G

290 Market Place South (Bingham) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Market Place West in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 25 metres G

(ii) from a point 25 metres east of its junction with Market Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Place West in an easterly direction to its junction with 6pm G Market Place East.

291 Market Place South (Bingham) (the south side)

(i) from a point 1 metre east of a point adjacent to the western At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, boundary of 27 Market Place in a westerly direction to a G point 1 metre west of a point adjacent to the eastern boundary of 28 Market Place

(ii) from its junction with Market Street in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point adjacent to the boundary of 30/32 G Market Place

292 Market Place West (Bingham) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Market Place North in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its junction with Moor Lane G

(ii) from a point 5 metres north of its junction with Market Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Place South in a northerly direction to its junction with 6pm G Market Place North

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(iii) from its junction with Market Place South in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 5 metres G

293 Market Place West (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Market Street in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Sat 8am- direction to a point 1 metre north of a point adjacent to the G 6pm northern boundary of 1 Market Place.

(ii) from its junction with Newgate Street in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 25 metres north of a point adjacent to G the northern boundary of 1 Market Place

294 Market Street (Bingham) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Market Place South in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its junction with Long Acre G

295 Market Street (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Long Acre in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 9 metres G

(ii) from a point 8 metres south of its junction with Union At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in a northerly direction to a point 2 metres north of G that junction

(iii) from a point 30 metres north of its junction with Union At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Sat 8am- Street in a northerly direction to its junction with Market G 6pm Place West.

296 Melbourne Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Holme Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 11 metres north of the centre line of Fleeman At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Grove in a southerly direction for 21 metres G

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(iii) from a point 16 metres north of its junction with Trent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Boulevard in a southerly direction to a point 10 metres G south of that junction

(iv) from its junction with Rutland Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 14 metres G

297 Melbourne Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 16 metres north of its junction with Trent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Boulevard in a southerly direction to a point 10 metres G south of that junction

(ii) from its junction with Holme Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 9 metres G

298 Mellors Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

299 Mellors Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

300 Melton Gardens (Edwalton) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

301 Melton Gardens (Edwalton) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

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302 Melton Road (Tollerton) (the north side)

(i) from a point 21 metres west of the western property At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, boundary of No.1 Melton Road in an easterly and south G easterly direction to a point 347 metres south-east of its junction with Tollerton Lane

303 Melton Road (Tollerton) (the south side)

(i) from a point 21 metres west of the western property At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, boundary of No.1 Melton Road in an easterly and south G easterly direction to a point 347 metres south-east of its junction with Tollerton Lane

304 Melton Road (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a south- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri easterly direction to its junction with Melton Grove G 7.30am-9.30am and 4pm-6pm

(ii) from its junction with Melton Grove in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri 4pm- direction to a point 25 metres north-west of its junction G 6pm with Henry Road

(iii) from a point 25 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Henry Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 16 G 7.30am-9.30am metres south-east of its junction with Glebe Road and 4pm-6pm including the south-west side of the triangular traffic island on the north-west side of the junction with Musters Road

(iv) From a point 15 metres north west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Clumber Road in a north westerly direction for 6 metres G

(v) from a point 7 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Clumber Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 7 G 7.30am-9.30am metres south-east of that junction and 4pm-6pm

(vi) from a point 7 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Portland Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 12 G 7.30am-9.30am metres south-east of that junction and 4pm-6pm

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(vii) from a point 10 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri 4pm- Manvers Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 6 G 6pm metres south-east of its junction with Carnarvon Road

(viii) from a point 6 metres south-east of its junction with Mon-Fri 7am- A, B, C, E, F, Carnarvon Road in a south-easterly direction for 32 metres 7pm G

(ix) from a point 38 metres south-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Carnarvon Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 14 G metres south-east of its junction with Burleigh Road

(x) from a point 14 metres south-east of its junction with Mon-Fri 7am- A, B, C, E, F, Burleigh Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 81 7pm G metres north-west of its junction with Stamford Road

(xi) from a point 81 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Stamford Road to a point 101 metres south-east of its G junction with Dovedale Road

(xii) from a point 101 metres south-east of its junction with Mon-Fri 7am- A, B, C, E, F, Dovedale Road to a point 167 metres north-west of its 7pm G junction with Valley Road

(xiii) from a point 167 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Valley Road to a point 15 metres south-west of its G junction with Village Street

305 Melton Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point 8 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Grange Road to a point 50 metres south-east of its G junction with Machins Lane

(ii) from a point 10 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Exeter Road to a point 126 metres south-east of its G junction with Boundary Road

(iii) from a point 20 metres south-east of its junction with Mon-Fri 7am- A, B, C, E, F, Taunton Road to a point 10 metres north-west of its 7pm G junction with Exeter Road

(iv) from a point 15 metres south-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Devonshire Road to a point 20 metres south-east of its G junction with Taunton Road

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(v) From a point 12 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Cromford Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 15 G 7.30am-9.30am metres south-east of its junction with Devonshire Road

(vi) from a point 12 metres south-east of its junction with Mon-Fri A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Haddon Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 12 7.30am-9.30am G 7.30am-9.30am metres north-west of its junction with Cromford Road

(vii) from a point 28 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Haddon Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 12 G 7.30am-9.30am metres south-east of that junction

(viii) from a point 80 metres north-west of its junction with Mon-Fri A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Haddon Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 28 7.30am-9.30am G 7.30am-9.30am metres north-west of that junction

(ix) from a point 120 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Hadden Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 80 G 7.30am-9.30am metres north-west of that junction

(x) from a point 12 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Carlyle Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 120 G 7.30am-9.30am metres north-west of its junction with Hadden Road and 4pm-6pm including the north-east side of the triangular traffic island at its junction with Musters Road

(xi) from a point 9 metres south-east of its junction with Mon-Fri A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Charnwood Grove in a south-easterly direction to a point 7.30am-9.30am G 7.30am-9.30am 12 metres north-west of its junction with Carlyle Road

(xii) from a point 5 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Charnwood Grove in a south-easterly direction to a point 9 G 7.30am-9.30am metres south-east of that junction

(xiii) from a point 9 metres south-east of its junction with Mon-Fri A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Victoria Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 5 7.30am-9.30am G 7.30am-9.30am metres north-west of its junction with Charnwood Grove

(xiv) from a point 8 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Victoria Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 9 G 7.30am-9.30am metres south-east of that junction

(xv) from a point 28 metres south of a point opposite the Mon-Fri A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri southern kerb line of Melton Grove in a south-easterly 7.30am-9.30am G 7.30am-9.30am direction to a point 8 metres north-west of its junction with Victoria Road

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(xvi) From a point 3 metres south of a point opposite the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri extended southern kerb line of Melton Grove in a south- G 7.30am-9.30am easterly direction to a point 28 metres south of that point

(xvii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a south- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri easterly direction to a point 3 metres south of a point G 7.30am-9.30am opposite the extended southern kerb line of Melton Grove and 4pm-6pm including the eastern side of the triangular traffic island at the junction with Loughborough Road

306 Melton Road Turning Point (east of Tollerton Railway Bridge) (Tollerton) (the north side)

(i) Along its entire length At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, G

307 Melton Road Turning Point (east of Tollerton Railway Bridge) (Tollerton) (the south side)

(i) Along its entire length At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, G

308 Melton Road Turning Point (west of Tollerton Railway Bridge) (Tollerton) (the north side)

(i) Along its entire length At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, G

309 Melton Road Turning Point (west of Tollerton Railway Bridge) (Tollerton) (the south side)

(i) Along its entire length At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, G

310 Mill Lane (Cropwell Bishop) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Nottingham Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

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311 Mill Lane (Cropwell Bishop) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Nottingham Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

312 Millicent Grove (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Bridgford Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

(ii) from a point 23 metres south of its junction with Bridgford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction for 4.5 metres G

(iii) from a point 36.5 metres south of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Bridgford Road in a southerly direction for 4.5 metres G

(iv) from a point 45 metres south of its junction with Bridgford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction for 4.5 metres G

313 Millicent Grove (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 45 metres south of its junction with Bridgford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction for 6 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Bridgford Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 8.5 metres G

314 Millicent Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 25 metres measured along the centre line of G the road including the north-east and south sides of a triangular traffic island at the said junction

(ii) from a point 17 metres west of its junction with Musters At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 19 metres east of G that junction

(iii) from its junction with Bridgford Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

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315 Millicent Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Bridgford Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

(ii) from a point 17 metres east of its junction with William Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 15 metres west of 6pm G its junction with Bridgford Road

(iii) from a point 10 metres west of its junction with William At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 17 metres east of G that junction

(iv) from a point 19 metres east of its junction with Musters Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 12 metres west of 6pm G its junction with William Road

(v) from a point 17 metres west of its junction with Musters At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 19 metres east of G that junction

(vi) from a point 14 metres east of the centre line of Henry Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 17 metres west of 6pm G its junction with Musters Road

(vii) from a point 14 metres west of the centre line of Henry At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 28 metres G

(viii) from a point 25 metres east of its junction with Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Loughborough Road in an easterly direction to a point 14 6pm G metres west of the centre line of Henry Road

(ix) from its junction with Loughborough Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 25 metres measured along the centre line of G the road

316 Mona Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 23 metres north of its junction with Trent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Boulevard in a southerly direction to a point 31 metres G south of that junction

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317 Mona Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 37 metres north of its junction with Trent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Boulevard in a southerly direction to a point 22 metres G south of that junction

318 Moor Lane (Bingham) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Market Place West in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its northern extremity G

319 Moor Lane (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Newgate Street in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 12 metres G

320 Mowbray Gardens (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

321 Mowbray Gardens (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

322 Musters Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Bridgford Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 27 metres south of its junction with G Millicent Road

(ii) from a point 17 metres north of its junction with Patrick At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction to a point 15 metres south of G that junction

(iii) from a point 15 metres north of its junction with George At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction to a point 15 metres south of G that junction

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(iv) from a point adjacent to the northern boundary of No.115 At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Musters Road in a southerly direction to a point opposite a G point 23 metres south of the centre line of Chaworth Road including all the sides of a triangular traffic island on the south-east side of the junction with Melton Road

323 Musters Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 19 metres north of the centre line of Eton At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction to a point 56 metres south of G that centre line

(ii) from a point 5 metres south of the boundary line of Mon-Fri 8am- A, B, C, E, F, property no. 306 and 308 in a northerly direction for 32 9.30am and G metres 3pm-4.30pm

(iii) from a point 15 metres north of the centre line of Millicent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction to a point 26 metres south of G the centre line of Chaworth Road and including the north- west and east sides of the triangular traffic island on the north-west side of the junction with Melton Road

(iv) from a point 16 metres north of its junction with Millicent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction for 5 metres G

(v) from a point 16 metres south of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Rushworth Avenue in a southerly direction for 5 metres G

(vi) from a point 8 metres north of its junction with Rushworth At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Avenue in a southerly direction to a point 11 metres south G of that junction

(vii) from a point 17 metres south of its junction with Bridge At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Grove in a southerly direction for 4 metres G

(viii) from its junction with Bridge Grove in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 8 metres G

(ix) from a point 53 metres south of its junction with Bridgford Mon-Fri A, B, C, E, F, Road in a southerly direction to its junction with Bridge 7.30am-9.30am G Grove

(x) from its junction with Bridgford Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 53 metres G

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324 Needham Street (Bingham) (the east side)

(i) Its total length from its junction with Long Acre in a At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, northerly direction to its northern extent G

325 Needham Street (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) Its total length from its junction with Long Acre in a At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, northerly direction to its northern extent G

326 New Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Shelford Road in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 20 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Bingham Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 11 metres G

327 New Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the south-west side)

(i) from its junction with Main Road in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 11 metres G

(ii) from a point 11 metres north of its junction with Main Sat 8am-1pm A, B, C, E, F, Road in a north and north-westerly direction to a point 20 G metres south-east of its junction with Shelford Road

(iii) from its junction with Shelford Road in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 20 metres G

328 Newgate Street (Bingham) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Kirkhill in an easterly direction to a Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, point 13 metres west of its junction with Moor Lane 6pm G

(ii) from its junction with Moor Lane in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 13 metres G

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329 Newgate Street (Bingham) (the south side)

(i) Its total length from its junction with Kirkhill in an Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction to its junction with Market Place West 6pm G

330 Newhall Grove (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 12 metres south-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Radcliffe Road in a south-westerly direction 28 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 6 metres G

331 Newhall Grove (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 8 metres G

(ii) from a point 24 metres south-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Radcliffe Road in a south-westerly direction for 6 metres G

332 North Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 15 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 20 metres G

333 North Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 20 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 15 metres G

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334 Northwold Avenue (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 20 metres G

335 Northwold Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 20 metres G

336 Nottingham Forest Car Park Entrance (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Scarrington Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 9 metres G

337 Nottingham Forest Car Park Entrance (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Scarrington Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 9 metres G

338 Nottingham Road (Barton In Fabis) (the east side)

(i) From the Nottingham City administrative boundary 75 At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, At Any Time metres south of its junction with Farnborough Road, in a T2,T3 southerly direction for 9 metres.

(ii) From a point 48 metres north-east of the prolongation of At Any Time A, B1, B3, B4, the northern kerbline of the Park & Ride Entrance, B5, C, E1, E2, heading in a south-westerly direction for 89 metres E3, F1, I, K1

339 Nottingham Road (Barton In Fabis) (the west side)

(i) From a point 48 metres north-east of its junction of the At Any Time A, B1, B3, B4, Park & Ride entrance in a south-westerly direction for 88 B5, C, E1, E2, metres. E3, F1, I, K1

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(ii) From the administrative boundary, 74 metres south of the At Any Time A, B1, B3, B4, At Any Time prolongation of the southern kerbline of Farnborough B5, C, E1, E2, Road, in a southerly direction for 9 metres. E3, T2, T3

340 Nottingham Road (Bingham) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Fairfield Street in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 74 metres G

341 Nottingham Road (Bingham) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Tithby Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 38 metres (measured from the north-eastern G corner of the traffic island)

342 Nottingham Road (Cropwell Bishop) (the north side)

(i) from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Barratt At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Close in an easterly direction to a point 10 metres east of G that junction

(ii) from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Mill Lane At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, in an easterly direction to a point 10 metres east of that G junction

343 Nottingham Road (Cropwell Bishop) (the south side)

(i) from a point opposite the western kerbline of Mill Lane in At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, a westerly direction for 27 metres G

(ii) from a point 9 metres west of its junction with Richards At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Close in an easterly direction for 40 metres G

344 Nottingham Road (Gotham) (the north & north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Kegworth Road in a north, north- Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction to a point 61 metres north of the centre 6pm G line of its junction with Bidwell Crescent

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345 Nottingham Road (Gotham) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Wallace Street in a south-westerly Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, direction for 81 metres 6pm G

346 Nottingham Road (Keyworth) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with the south side of Nottingham Road At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, in a southerly direction for 27 metres G

(ii) from a point 27 metres south of its junction with the south Sat 9am-6pm A, B, C, E, F, side of Nottingham Road in a southerly direction to its G junction with Church Drive

(iii) from its junction with The Square in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to a point 91.5 metres north of a point opposite the north G kerbline of Bunny Lane

(iv) from its junction with Nottingham Road, at a point At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, opposite the southern kerbline of Bunny Lane in a G southerly and easterly direction to its junction with Selby Lane

347 Nottingham Road (Keyworth) (the north side)

(i) from the eastern property line of the Fairway Public House At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, in a westerly direction to its junction with Debdale Lane G

348 Nottingham Road (Keyworth) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with the east side of Nottingham Road in At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, an easterly direction to a point opposite a point in line with G the eastern boundary of the Fairway Public House

349 Nottingham Road (Keyworth) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Bunny Lane in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 45 metres G

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(ii) from its junction with Debdale Lane in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 28 metres G

350 Nottingham Road Park & Ride (Barton In Fabis)

(i) All Internal Access roads from its junction with At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, Nottingham Road to its junction with the A453T Access F,G, W Road, except in marked bays

351 Nottingham Road Park & Ride Access Road (Barton In Fabis) (the north side)

(i) Linking the A453 to the Park & Ride site At Any Time

352 Nottingham Road Park & Ride Access Road (Barton In Fabis) (the south side)

(i) Linking the A453 to the Park & Ride site At Any Time

353 Oakfields Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Rutland Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 7 metres G

(ii) from the centre line of Belvoir Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 12 metres G

354 Oakfields Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Rutland Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

355 Orston Road East (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Thoroton Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction around the turning head to its eastern extent, G outside No. 12 Orston Road East

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356 Orston Road East (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Thoroton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 3 metres G

357 Orston Road West (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Colwick Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its junction with Thoroton Road G

358 Oxford Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Eltham Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

359 Oxford Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Eltham Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

360 Packman Drive (Ruddington) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Ashworth Avenue in a south- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 10 metres south-west of its junction with Mon-Fri 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Ashworth Avenue in a south-westerly direction for 12 4.30pm G metres

361 Packman Drive (Ruddington) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Ashworth Avenue in a south- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 10 metres south-west of its junction with Mon-Fri 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Ashworth Avenue in a south-westerly direction for 12 4.30pm G metres

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362 Park & Ride Access Road ( Off Nottingham Road) (Barton In Fabis) (the north side)

(i) From its junction with Nottingham Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, easterly direction for 18 metres F,G, W

363 Park & Ride Access Road ( Off Nottingham Road) (Barton In Fabis) (the south side)

(i) From its junction with Nottingham Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, easterly direction for 18 metres F,G, W

364 Park Avenue (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Bridgford Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction up to and including its southern extremity G

365 Park Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Bridgford Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

(ii) from a point 16 metres south-west of its junction with Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Bridgford Road in a south-westerly direction for 4 metres 8pm except any G Public holiday

(iii) from a point 40 metres south-west of its junction with Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Bridgford Road in a south-westerly direction for 13.5 8pm except any G metres Public holiday

(iv) from a point 76 metres south-west of its junction with Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Bridgford Road in a south-westerly direction for 8 metres 8pm except any G Public holiday

(v) from a point 95 metres south-west of its junction with Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Bridgford Road in a south-westerly direction for 1.5 8pm except any G metres Public holiday

(vi) from a point 107.5 metres south of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Bridgford Road in a southerly direction to its termination G point

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366 Parkyns Street (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with High Street in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 14 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Church Street in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 11 metres G

367 Parkyns Street (Ruddington) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Church Street in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its junction with High Street G

368 Patrick Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 15 metres west of its junction with Musters At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road to a point 15 metres east of that junction G

(ii) from its junction with William Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point opposite a point 10 metres west of the G centre line of Epperstone Road

369 Patrick Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 31 metres east of its junction with Musters At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from its junction with William Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 10 metres west of the centre line of G Epperstone Road

(iii) from a point 15 metres east of its junction with Musters At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road to a point 15 metres west of that junction G

370 Pavilion Road (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 17 metres north of its junction with Radcliffe At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction for 77 metres G

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(ii) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri direction for 17 metres G 7.30am-9.30am and 4pm-6pm

371 Pavilion Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Trent Bridge in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 27 metres G

(ii) from a point 46 metres north-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Trent Bridge in a north-easterly direction for 20 metres G

(iii) from its north-eastern extremity in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 57 metres G

372 Pavilion Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 13 metres east of its junction with Pavilion At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road (north to south section) in a north-easterly direction G to its northern extremity

(ii) from a point 95 metres north-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Trent Bridge in a north-easterly direction for 12 metres G

(iii) from a point 47 metres north-east of its junction with Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Trent Bridge in a north-easterly direction for 48 metres 6pm G

(iv) from a point 37 metres north-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Trent Bridge in a north-easterly direction for 10 metres G

(v) from a point 24 metres north-east of its junction with Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Trent Bridge in a north-easterly direction for 5 metres 6pm G

(vi) from its junction with Trent Bridge in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 8 metres G

373 Pavilion Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri direction for 17 metres G 7.30am-9.30am and 4pm-6pm

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(ii) from a point 33 metres north of its junction with Radcliffe Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction for 7 metres 6pm G

(iii) from a point 47 metres north of its junction with Radcliffe Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction for 5 metres 6pm G

(iv) from a point 59 metres north of its junction with Radcliffe Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction for 5 metres 6pm G

(v) from its junction with Pavilion Road (north-east to south- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, west section) in a southerly direction for 15 metres G

374 Peartree Orchard (Ruddington) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Easthorpe Street in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

375 Peartree Orchard (Ruddington) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Easthorpe Street in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

376 Pierrepont Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Holme Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 11 metres G

(ii) from a point 13 metres north of its junction with Trent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Boulevard in a southerly direction to a point 13 metres G south of that junction

377 Pierrepont Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 13 metres north of its junction with Trent At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Boulevard in a southerly direction to a point 15 metres G south of that junction

(ii) from its junction with Holme Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 18 metres G

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378 Portland Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 17 metres G

379 Portland Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 17 metres G

380 Priory Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 24 metres G

(ii) from a point 52 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 18 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iii) from a point 80 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iv) from a point 93 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 32 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(v) from a point 130 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vi) from a point 163 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 23 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vii) from a point 195 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(viii) from a point 210 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8.5 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

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(ix) from a point 224 metres east of its junction with Albert At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8.5 metres G

(x) from a point 245 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xi) from a point 256 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xii) from a point 271 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xiii) from a point 287 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xiv) from a point 15 metres west of its junction with Abbey At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road to a point 20 metres east of that junction G

381 Priory Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 22 metres east of its junction with Abbey At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road to a point 13 metres west of that junction G

(ii) from a point 288 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 7 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iii) from a point 268 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iv) from a point 258 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(v) from a point 248 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

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(vi) from a point 232 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vii) from a point 222 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(viii) from a point 209 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 4 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(ix) from a point 192 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(x) from a point 161 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 18 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xi) from a point 147 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xii) from a point 126 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 12 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xiii) from a point 111 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xiv) from a point 99 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 7 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xv) from a point 83 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xvi) from a point 72 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

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(xvii) from a point 39 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xviii) from its junction with Albert Road in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 34 metres G

382 Radcliffe Road (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Trent Boulevard in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri direction for 39 metres G 7.30am-9.30am and 4pm-6pm

(ii) from a point 39 metres south-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Trent Boulevard in a south-easterly direction to a point 90 G metres south-east of that junction

(iii) from a point 90 metres south-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Trent Boulevard in a south-easterly direction to a point G 7.30am-9.30am opposite the south-east kerb line of Trevelyan Road and 4pm-6pm

(iv) from a point opposite the south-east kerb line of Trevelyan At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a south-easterly direction for 34 metres G

(v) from a point 30 metres south-east of a point opposite the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri 4pm- south-east kerb line of Trevelyan Road in a south-easterly G 6pm direction to a point 92 metres south-east of its junction with Rutland Road

(vi) from a point 92 metres south-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Rutland Road in a south-easterly direction for 45 metres G

(vii) from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Abbey At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 13 metres G 7.30am-9.30am south-east of a point opposite the south-east kerbline of and 4pm-6pm Davies Road

383 Radcliffe Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Trent Bridge in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri direction for 18 metres G 7.30am-9.30am and 4pm-6pm

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(ii) from a point 18 metres north-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Trent Bridge in a north-easterly direction to a point 36 G metres west of its junction with Pavilion Road

(iii) from a point 36 metres south-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Pavilion Road in a north-easterly direction to a point 36 G 7.30am-9.30am metres north-east of that junction and 4pm-6pm

(iv) from a point 36 metres north-east of its junction with Mon-Fri 4pm- A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri 4pm- Pavilion Road in a north-easterly direction to a point 13 6pm G 6pm metres south-west of its junction with Colwick Road

(v) from a point 13 metres west of its junction with Colwick At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Road in a north-easterly direction to its junction with Lady G 7.30am-9.30am Bay Bridge and 4pm-6pm

384 Radcliffe Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 20 metres south-west of its junction with Fox At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Road in an easterly, north-easterly and south-easterly G 7.30am-9.30am direction to its junction with Trevelyan Road and 4pm-6pm

(ii) from a point 49 metres south-west of its junction with Fox At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a north-easterly direction to a point 20 metres G south-west of that junction

(iii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri easterly direction to a point 49 metres south-west of its G 7.30am-9.30am junction with Fox Road and 4pm-6pm

385 Radcliffe Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point 15 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri Abbey Road in a south-easterly direction to a point 13 G 7.30am-9.30am metres south-east of the south east kerbline of Davies and 4pm-6pm Road

(ii) from its junction with Trevelyan Road in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri direction to a point 15 metres north-west of its junction G 7.30am-9.30am with Abbey Road

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386 Rectory Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point adjacent to the eastern building line of No. 3 At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Rectory Road in a westerly direction to its junction with G Musters Road

(ii) from a point 49 metres south-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Highfield Road in a south-westerly direction for 11 metres G

(iii) from a point opposite a point 16 metres north-east of the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, centre line of Highfield Road in a southerly direction for G 26 metres

(iv) from a point 10 metres south-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Stratford Road in a north-easterly direction to a point 21 G metres north-east of that junction

(v) from its junction with Tudor Square/Central Avenue in a At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction to a point 49 metres west of its junction G with Bridgford Road

387 Rectory Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Exchange Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 58 metres G

(ii) from a point 7.5 metres east of the western boundary of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, No.44 Rectory Road in a westerly direction to its junction G with Byron Road

(iii) from a point 16 metres east of the centre line of Highfield At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction for 26 metres G

(iv) from a point 30 metres west of its junction with Highfield At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction for 30 metres G

(v) from a point opposite a point adjacent to the eastern At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, building line of No. 3 Rectory Road in a westerly direction G to its junction with Musters Road

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388 Redwood (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Compton Acres in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

389 Redwood (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Compton Acres in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

390 Repton Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Eton Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

391 Repton Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Eton Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

392 Richmond Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 19.5 metres west of its junction with Edward At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 2 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Edward Road in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 5 metres G

393 Richmond Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Edward Road in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 5 metres G

(ii) from a point 19 metres west of its junction with Edward At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction for 6.5 metres G

(iii) from a point 37 metres west of its junction with Edward At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction for 1.5 metres G

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394 Rodney Road (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Abbey Road in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 6 metres north of the boundary line G between numbers 1 and 3 Rodney Road

(ii) from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Stamford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a north-westerly direction to a point 12 metres G north-west of that junction

395 Rodney Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point 9 metres south of its junction with Stamford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a north-westerly direction to a point 13 metres G north-west of that junction

(ii) from its junction with Abbey Road (defined as a point At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, opposite the western kerb line of Abbey Road) in a south- G easterly direction to a point 8 metres north of the boundary line between numbers 4 and 6 Rodney Road

396 Roecliffe (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Swithland Drive in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

397 Roecliffe (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Swithland Drive in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

398 Ropsley Crescent (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 57 metres south-west of its northern junction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, with Rutland Road in a south-westerly and then south- G easterly direction for 22 metres

(ii) from its junction with Rutland Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

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(iii) from a point 46 metres south-west of its southern junction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, with Rutland Road in a south-westerly and then north- G westerly direction for 12 metres

399 Ropsley Crescent (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Rutland Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 37 metres south-west of its southern junction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, with Rutland Road in a south-westerly and north-easterly G direction for 27 metres

(iii) from a point 55 metres south-west of its northern junction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, with Rutland Road in a south-westerly and then south- G easterly direction for 12 metres

400 Rosebery Avenue (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Pavilion Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 25 metres G

(ii) from a point 86 metres north-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Pavilion Road in a north-easterly direction to its north- G eastern extent

401 Rosebery Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 86 metres north-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Pavilion Road in a north-easterly direction to its north- G eastern extent

(ii) from its junction with Pavilion Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 38 metres G

402 Ruddington Lane (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) From the Nottingham City administrative boundary in a At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, At Any Time southerly direction for 118 metres T2,T3

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403 Ruddington Lane (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) From the Nottingham City administrative boundary in a At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, At Any Time southerly direction for 120 metres T2,T3

404 Ruddington Lane Industrial Estate Access Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) From its junction from Ruddington Lane in a north- At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, easterly direction for 27 metres F,G, W

405 Ruddington Lane Industrial Estate Access Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) From its junction with Ruddington Lane in a north- At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, easterly direction for 27 metres F,G, W

406 Rufford Road (Ruddington) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Easthorpe Street in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 37 metres G

407 Rufford Road (Ruddington) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Easthorpe Street in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 39 metres G

408 Rugby Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 60 metres G

409 Rugby Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 60 metres G

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410 Rushworth Avenue (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its junction with Musters Road G

411 Rushworth Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Musters Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 24 metres west of its junction with Musters Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction for 10 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in an easterly Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, direction for 26.5 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

412 Rutland Road (Bingham) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with East Street in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 15 metres G

413 Rutland Road (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with East Street in a northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 15 metres G

414 Rutland Road (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Trent Boulevard in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 32 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Melbourne Road in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 17 metres south-east of its junction G with Oakfields Road

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

415 Rutland Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point 12 metres north-west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Ropsley Crescent (northern section) in a south-easterly G direction for 27 metres

(ii) from its junction with Trent Boulevard in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 33 metres G

416 Rydal Gardens (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

417 Rydal Gardens (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

418 Salisbury Avenue (East Leake) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 38 metres G

419 Salisbury Avenue (East Leake) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 38 metres G

420 Sandringham Avenue (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 84 metres west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Loughborough Road in a westerly direction to its westerly G extent

(ii) from a point 25 metres west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Loughborough Road in a westerly direction for 4 metres G

(iii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 12 metres G

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421 Sandringham Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 11 metres G

(ii) from a point 23 metres west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, G Loughborough Road in a westerly direction for 10 metres

At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, (iii) from a point 68 metres west of its junction with G Loughborough Road in a westerly direction for 6 metres

At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, (iv) from a point 80 metres west of its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly direction to its western G


422 Scarrington Road (West Bridgford)

(the east side)

At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, (i) from the entrance to the Environment Agency Depot in a G southerly then easterly direction to its junction with Lady

Bay Bridge

423 Scarrington Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, (i) from the entrance to the Environment Agency Depot in a G southerly direction for 78 metres

424 School Access Road (East Leake) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Lantern Lane in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

425 School Access Road (East Leake) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Lantern Lane in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

426 Selby Lane (Keyworth) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with The Square in an easterly direction Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, to a point 23 metres east of the eastern kerbline of 6pm G, J Windmill Court

427 Selby Lane (Keyworth) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with The Square in an easterly direction Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, to a point 23 metres east of a point opposite the eastern 6pm G, J kerbline of Windmill Court

428 Shelford Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Main Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 35 metres G

(ii) from a point 11 metres south-west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Rushcliffe Avenue in a north-easterly direction to a point G 21 metres north-east of the centre line of Oak Tree Avenue

429 Shelford Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 11 metres south of a point opposite the centre At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, line of Rushcliffe Avenue in a north-easterly direction to a G point 21 metres north-east of a point opposite the centre line of Oak Tree Avenue

(ii) from a point 30 metres north-east of its junction with Main Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F,

Road in a north-easterly direction for 116 metres 6pm G

(iii) from its junction with Main Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F,

direction for 30 metres G

430 St Johns Road (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F,

direction for 9 metres G

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431 St Johns Road (Ruddington) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 9 metres G

432 Stamford Road (West Bridgford)

(the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F,

direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 21 metres west of its junction with Rodney At Any Time A, B, C, E, F,

Road in an easterly direction to a point 14 metres east of G

that junction

433 Stamford Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 9 metres west of its junction with Rodney At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 10 metres east of G that junction

434 Station Street (Bingham) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Market Place North in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

435 Station Street (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Market Place North in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

436 Stockgill Close (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Coledale in a northerly direction for At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, 10 metres G

437 Stockgill Close (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Coledale in a northerly direction for At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, 10 metres G

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438 Stratford Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) From its junction with Bridgford Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 61 metres G

(ii) From a point 61 metres (as measured along the centre line At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, of the carriageway), in a southerly direction to the north G extremity of the road closure between the Co-Operative supermarket and No. 9 Stratford Road.

(iii) from a point 170 metres north of its junction with Church At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Drive in a northerly direction to the closure point, G including the turning head

(iv) from a point 65 metres north of its junction with Church At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Drive in a northerly direction for 6 metres G

(v) from a point 4 metres east of its junction with the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F,

north/south section to a point 5 metres north of its junction G

with the east/west section.

(vi) from its junction with Rectory Road in a north-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 13 metres G

439 Stratford Road (West Bridgford)

(the north-east side)

(i) from a point 5 metres south of its junction with Church At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Drive in a northerly direction to a point 5 metres north of G that junction

(ii) from a point 5 metres south of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Wellington Crescent in a northerly direction to a point 4 G metres north of that junction

440 Stratford Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Rectory Road in a north-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 17 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Rectory Road in a north-westerly direction for 35 metres G

(iii) from its junction with Avon Gardens in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 2 metres G

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(iv) from a point 146 metres north of its junction with Avon At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Gardens in a northerly direction to the closure point, G including the turning head.

(v) From a point 61 metres (as measured along the centre line At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, of the carriageway), in a southerly direction to the north G extremity of the road closure between the Co-operative supermarket and No. 9 Stratford Road.

(vi) From its junction with Bridgford Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 61 metres G

441 Swithland Drive (West Bridgford) (the east and south side)

(i) from a point 10 metres south of its junction with the east- Mon-Fri 8am- A, B, C, E, F, west section of Swithland Drive in a southerly direction to 9.30am and G its southern extent (to include the driveway of No.1 3pm-4.30pm Cropston Close)

442 Swithland Drive (West Bridgford)

(the east side)

(i) from its junction with the east - west section of Swithland At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Drive in a southerly direction for 10 metres G

443 Swithland Drive (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with (A60) Loughborough Road in a At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 74 metres G

444 Swithland Drive (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with (A60) Loughborough Road in a At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 74 metres G

445 Swithland Drive (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 10 metres north of its junction with Cropston At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Close in a southerly direction for 20 metres G

(ii) from a point 16 metres north of its junction with Roecliffe At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, in a southerly direction for 32 metres G

(iii) from a point 47 metres north of its junction with Roecliffe At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, in a northerly direction for 7 metres G

(iv) from a point 92 metres north of its junction with Roecliffe At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, in a northerly direction for 17 metres G

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446 Taunton Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

447 Taunton Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

448 Tavistock Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

449 Tavistock Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

450 Tewkesbury Close (south-east north-west Section) (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with the west-east section of Tewkesbury At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Close in a north-westerly direction for 26 metres G

451 Tewkesbury Close (south-east north-west Section) (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from its junction with the west-east section of Tewkesbury At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Close in a north-westerly direction for 25 metres G

452 Tewkesbury Close (south-west north-east Section) (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Rodney Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 15 metres G

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(ii) from a point 4 metres south-west of its junction with the At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, South-North section of Tewkesbury Close in a north- G easterly direction to a point 9 metres north-east of that junction.

453 Tewkesbury Close (south-west north-east Section) (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Rodney Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 7 metres G

(ii) from a point 46 metres north-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Rodney Road in a north-easterly direction for 9 metres G

454 The Becket Way (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Lane in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 97 metres north of that junction (to the G extent of the adopted highway along The Becket Way), including the turning head located approximately 90 metres north of its junction with Wilford Lane

455 The Becket Way (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Lane in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 97 metres north of that junction (to the G extent of the adopted highway along The Becket Way)

456 The Green (Ruddington) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with High Street in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 14 metres G

457 The Square (Keyworth)

(i) The total length of the perimeter of the Traffic Island At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, G

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458 The Square (Keyworth) (the west side)

(i) from the western building line of No.18/20 The Square in At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, an easterly and northerly direction to its junction with G Bunny Lane

459 Thoroton Road (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Orston Road East in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 4 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Hawksworth Road in a south- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly then north-westerly direction for 5 metres G

460 Thoroton Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) for its entire length including the turning head At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, G

461 Threlkeld Close (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Coledale in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 6 metres G

462 Threlkeld Close (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Coledale in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 6 metres G

463 Tithby Road (Bingham) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Nottingham Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point opposite a point 48 metres south of the G north-eastern corner of the traffic island

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

464 Tithby Road (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Long Acre in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 60 metres (measured from the north-eastern corner of G the traffic island)

465 Tollerton Lane (Tollerton) (the north-east side)

(i) from the north side of the entrance / exit to Tollerton At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Airport for approximately 501 metres in a north-westerly G direction

466 Tollerton Lane (Tollerton) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 58 metres G

(ii) from a point 20 metres north-east of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Burnside Grove in a south-westerly direction to a point 20 G metres south-west of that centre line

467 Tollerton Lane (Tollerton) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 45 metres G

468 Tollerton Lane (Tollerton) (the south-west side)

(i) from the north side of the entrance / exit to Tollerton At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Airport for approximately 501 metres in a north-westerly G direction

469 Trent Boulevard (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Lady Bay Bridge Road in an At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction to a point 40 metres west of a point G opposite the south-west kerb line of Rutland Road

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(ii) from a point 10 metres west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Woodland Road in an easterly direction for 20 metres G

(iii) from a point 10 metres west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Melbourne Road in an easterly direction for 20 metres G

(iv) from a point 10 metres west of the centre line of Lady Bay At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 20 metres G

(v) from a point 10 metres west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Pierrepoint Road in an easterly direction for 25 metres G

(vi) from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Mona At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 10 metres east of G that junction

(vii) from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Gertrude At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 10 metres east of G that junction

(viii) from a point 12 metres west of its junction with Julian At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 12 metres east of G that junction

470 Trent Boulevard (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 12 metres west of its junction with Julian At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 12 metres east of G that junction

(ii) from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Gertrude At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 10 metres east of G that junction

(iii) from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Mona At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to a point 10 metres east of G that junction

(iv) from a point 10 metres west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Pierrepont Road in an easterly direction for 25 metres G

(v) from a point 10 metres east of its junction with Lady Bay At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly direction to a point 35 metres west of G that junction

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(vi) from a point 15 metres west of the centre line of Belvoir At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 30 metres G

(vii) from a point 10 metres west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Melbourne Road in an easterly direction for 20 metres G

(viii) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, and then easterly direction to a point 23 metres east of the G centre line of Rutland Road

471 Trent Bridge (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from the Nottingham City/ Rushcliffe Borough At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri administrative boundary at the centre of Trent Bridge in a G 7.30am-9.30am south-easterly direction to its junction with Loughborough and 4pm-6pm Road

472 Trent Bridge (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from the Nottingham City/ Rushcliffe Borough At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri administrative boundary at the centre of Trent Bridge in a G 7.30am-9.30am south-easterly direction to its junction with Loughborough and 4pm-6pm Road

473 Trentside North (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Trent Bridge (A60) in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 30 metres measured along the centre line of G the road

474 Trentside North (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Trent Bridge (A60) in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 30 metres measured along the centre line of G the road

475 Trevelyan Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Crosby Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

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(ii) from a point 10 metres north-east of its junction with Ella At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a south-westerly direction to a point 15 metres G south-west of that junction

(iii) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

476 Trevelyan Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 10 metres north-east of its junction with Ella At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a south-westerly direction to a point 15 metres G south-west of that junction

(iii) from its junction with Crosby Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

477 Tudor Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 63 metres west of its junction with Exchange Mon-Sat except A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly then southerly direction to a point 155 any Public G metres north of its junction with Terrian Crescent holiday

(ii) from its junction with Exchange Road in a westerly Mon-Sat except A, B, C, E, F, direction for 38 metres any Public G holiday

478 Tudor Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Exchange Road in a westerly Mon-Sat except A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres any Public G holiday

(ii) from a point 30 metres west of its junction with Exchange Mon-Sat except A, B, C, E, F, Road in a westerly then southerly direction to a point 155 any Public G metres north of its junction with Terrian Crescent holiday

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

479 Tudor Square (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from its junction with Albert Road in a south-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its junction with Davies Road G

480 Tudor Square (West Bridgford) (the south-east and south-west side)

(i) from its junction with Exchange Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, and then south-easterly direction to its junction with G Gordon Road

481 Union Street (Bingham) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Market Street to its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Needham Street G

482 Union Street (Bingham) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Market Street to its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Needham Street G

483 Valley Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) From its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 70 metres G

484 Valley Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) From its junction with Melton Road in a north-easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 70 metres G

485 Vicarage Lane (Radcliffe On Trent) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Main Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

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486 Vicarage Lane (Radcliffe On Trent) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Main Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

487 Vicarage Lane (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from a point 34 metres west of its junction with Church At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in a westerly direction for 76 metres G

488 Vicarage Lane (Ruddington) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Church Street in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 40 metres G

489 Victoria Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 11 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

490 Victoria Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in a south-westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a north- At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, easterly direction for 14 metres G

491 Village Street (Edwalton) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

492 Village Street (Edwalton) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Melton Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

493 Violet Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 11 metres G

(ii) from a point 21 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 15 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iii) from a point 52 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 28 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iv) from a point 90 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(v) from a point 109 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vi) from a point 127 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vii) from a point 145 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(viii) from a point 163 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(ix) from a point 178 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 46 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

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(x) from a point 230 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xi) from a point 247 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 3 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xii) from a point 265 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 19 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xiii) from its junction with Abbey Road in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 16 metres G

494 Violet Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Abbey Road in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

(ii) from a point 232 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 8 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iii) from a point 245 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 16 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(iv) from a point 213 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(v) from a point 195 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vi) from a point 177 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 7 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(vii) from a point 159 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

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(viii) from a point 140 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(ix) from a point 120 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(x) from a point 90 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 20 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xi) from a point 71 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 14 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xii) from a point 54 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 7 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xiii) from a point 22 metres east of its junction with Albert Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction for 27 metres 6pm except any G Public holiday

(xiv) from its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 12 metres G

495 Waddington Drive (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 10 metres north of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Lyndhurst Gardens in a southerly direction to a point 10 G metres south of its junction with Lyndhurst Gardens

496 Walcote Drive (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its northern junction with Greythorn Drive in a At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly direction for 14 metres G

497 Walcote Drive (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from its southern junction with Greythorn Drive in a At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, south-westerly direction for 33 metres G

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498 Walcote Drive (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its northern junction with Greythorn Drive in a At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, westerly then southerly direction for 184 metres G

499 Walcote Drive (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its southern junction with Greythorn Drive in a At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, south-westerly direction for 34 metres G

500 Welbeck Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) The total length from its junction with Loughborough 8am-6pm A, B, C, E, F, Road to its western extremity G

501 Wellin Lane (Edwalton) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 12 metres north-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Alford Road in a south-westerly direction to a point 16 G metres south-west of that junction

(ii) from a point 16 metres south-west of its junction with Mon-Fri 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Alford Road in a south-westerly direction for 25 metres 4.30pm G

502 Wellin Lane (Edwalton) (the south-east side)

(i) Form the north-eastern property boundary line of Fairfield Mon-Fri 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Bungalow in a north-easterly direction for 25 metres 4.30pm G

(ii) from a point 20 metres south-west of the centreline of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Lytham Drive in a north-easterly direction for 77 metres G

503 Wellington Crescent (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Stratford Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 4 metres G

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

504 Wellington Crescent (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Stratford Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 12 metres G

505 Whinlatter Drive (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 15 metres north-west of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Coledale in a south-easterly direction to a point 10 metres G south-east of that junction

506 Wilford Lane (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) From a point 68 metres west of its junction with The At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, At Any Time Becket Way in a westerly direction to the Nottingham T2,T3 City administrative boundary.

(ii) From a point 68 metres west of its junction with The At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, Becket Way heading in an easterly direction to a point 133 F,G, W metres east of that junction

(iii) from a point 10 metres west of the eastern property At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, boundary of No. 6 Wilford Lane in a south-westerly G direction to the eastern property boundary of No.110 Wilford Lane

(iv) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri direction to a point 10 metres west of the western property G 7.30am-9.30am boundary of No. 6 Wilford Lane and 4pm-6pm

507 Wilford Lane (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Fri direction to a point 62 metres west of point opposite the G 7.30am-9.30am western property boundary of No. 6 Wilford Lane and 4pm-6pm

(ii) from a point 10 metres north-east of its junction with At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Bruce Drive to a point 153 metres south-west of that G junction

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(iii) The Service Road (Serving Nos. 115 to 127) from its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Wilford Lane in a southerly and south G easterly direction for 15 metres

(iv) The Service Road (Serving Nos. 115 to 127) from its At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, junction with Wilford Lane in a south westerly direction to G the south west extremity (including that extremity and the turning head)

(v) from a point 22 metres south-west of the centre line of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Gresham Close in a south-westerly direction to a point G opposite the eastern property boundary of No.110 Wilford Lane

508 Wilford Lane (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) From a point 20 metres west of its junction with Compton At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, Acres heading in an easterly direction to a point 128 F,G, W metres east of that junction

(ii) From a point 20 metres west of its junction with Compton At Any Time A, B, B2, C,E, At Any Time Acres in a westerly direction to the Nottingham City T2,T3 boundary

509 Wilford Road (Ruddington) (the east side)

(i) from a point 0.5 metres north of the boundary of Nos. At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, 30/32 Wilford Road in a northerly direction for 49 metres G

(ii) from a point 12 metres south of the centre line of St Johns At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in a northerly direction for 27 metres G

(iii) from a point 12 metres south of the centre line of Woodley At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in a northerly direction for 20 metres G

(iv) from a point 69 metres north of its junction with Easthorpe At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in a northerly direction to a point 7 metres south of G a point opposite the centre line of Manor Park

(v) from a point 52 metres north of its junction with Easthorpe Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Sat 8am- Street in a northerly direction for 18 metres 9.15am and G 9.15am and 5pm-6.30pm 5pm-6.30pm

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Exemptions Item No. Length of Road Duration No Loading Time Other

(vi) from a point 43 metres north of its junction with Easthorpe At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Sat 8am- Street in a northerly direction for 9 metres G 9.15am and 5pm-6.30pm

(vii) from a point 23 metres east of its junction with Easthorpe Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Sat 8am- Street in a northerly direction for 20 metres 9.15am and G 9.15am and 5pm-6.30pm 5pm-6.30pm

(viii) from a point 18 metres north of its junction with Easthorpe At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Sat 8am- Street in a northerly direction for 5 metres G 9.15am and 5pm-6.30pm

(ix) from a point 13 metres north of its junction with Easthorpe Mon-Sat 8am- A, B, C, E, F, Mon-Sat 8am- Street in a northerly direction for 5 metres 9.15am and G 9.15am and 5pm-6.30pm 5pm-6.30pm

(x) from its junction with Easthorpe Street in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 12 metres G

510 Wilford Road (Ruddington) (the west side)

(i) from a point 11 metres south of the northern building line At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, of Bella Court Wilford Road in a southerly direction to its G junction with Clifton Road

(ii) from its junction with Church Street in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to a point 12 metres north of its junction with G Manor Park

511 William Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Millicent Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 12 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Patrick Road in northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 20 metres G

512 William Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Patrick Road in northerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 15 metres G

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(ii) from its junction with Millicent Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 12 metres G

513 Willow Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) From its junction with Boundary Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

514 Willow Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) From its junction with Boundary Road in a southerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

515 Woodland Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Holme Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Trent Boulevard in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

516 Woodland Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Trent Boulevard in a northerly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

(ii) from its junction with Holme Road in a southerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 10 metres G

517 Woodley Street (Ruddington) (the east side)

(i) from the southern kerb-line of the west to east section of At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Woodley Street in a northerly direction to its northern G extremity (including that extremity and the turning head)

518 Woodley Street (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction for 10 metres G

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(ii) from a point 25 metres east of its junction with Wilford At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Road in an easterly direction to its junction with the north G to south section of Woodley Street

519 Woodley Street (Ruddington) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Wilford Road in an easterly At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, direction to its junction with the north to south section of G Woodley Street

520 Woodley Street (Ruddington) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with the west to east section of Woodley At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, Street in a northerly direction for 66 metres G

(ii) from a point 83 metres north of its junction with the west At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, to east section of Woodley Street in a northerly direction G to a point 14 metres south of its northern extremity

(iii) from its northern extremity in a southerly direction for 9 At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, metres G

521 Woodside Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Grantham Road (A52) in a At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, southerly direction for 38 metres G

522 Woodside Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the west side)

(i) from its junction with Grantham Road (A52) in a At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, southerly direction for 38 metres G

523 Wysall Lane (Keyworth) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Main Street in a westerly direction At Any Time A, B, C, E, F, for 29 metres G

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

1 Abbey Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 54 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Eltham Road in a northerly 6pm direction for 5 metres

(ii) from a point 41 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Eltham Road in a northerly 6pm direction for 6 metres

(iii) from a point 10 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Eltham Road in a northerly 6pm direction for 21 metres

2 Albert Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 25 metres south-west of a All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour point opposite the southern kerbline of 6pm Florence Road in a north-easterly direction for 15 metres

(ii) from a point opposite the northern All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour kerbline of Florence Road in a north- 6pm easterly direction to a point 14 metres south-west of the southern kerbline of Violet Road

3 Bridge Grove (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 8 metres west of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Musters Road in a westerly direction 6pm for 35 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

4 Bridgford Road (West Bridgford) (the north-east side) All Vehicles All Days (i) From a point perpendicular to the (except during All Hours boundary line between the property the hours comprising of numbers 15 to 19 and the prescribed in embankment of the former Nottingham to Part A Article Melton Mowbray railway line, in a south- 16) easterly direction for 25 metres.

(ii) From a point 25 metres south-east of the All Vehicles All Days point perpendicular to the boundary line (except during All Hours between the property comprising of the hours numbers 15 to 19 and the embankment of prescribed in the former Nottingham to Melton Part A Article Mowbray railway line, in a south-easterly 16) direction for 15 metres.

(iii) From a point 52 metres south-east of the All Vehicles All Days point perpendicular to the boundary line (except during All Hours between the property comprising of the hours numbers 15 to 19 and the embankment of prescribed in the former Nottingham to Melton Part A Article Mowbray railway line, in a south-easterly 16) direction for 10 metres.

(iv) From a point 62 metres south-east of the All Vehicles All Days point perpendicular to the boundary line (except during All Hours between the property comprising of the hours numbers 15 to 19 and the embankment of prescribed in the former Nottingham to Melton Part A Article Mowbray railway line, in a south-easterly 16) direction to a point 35 metres north-west of the north-western side of the public footpath between Bridgford Road and Edward Road..

5 Central Avenue (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 64 metres north-west of its Special All days 7am- 3 hours 1 hour junction with Albert Road in a north- Access Permit 7pm westerly direction for 18 metres Holders

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

(ii) from a point 64 metres north-west of its Disabled All Days 7pm- junction with Albert Road in a north- Persons midnight and westerly direction for 18 metres Vehicle midnight-7am

(iii) from a point 38 metres north-west of its Loading Mon-Sat 7am- junction with Albert Road in a north- Vehicles 7pm westerly direction for 26 metres

6 Central Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point 45 metres north-west of its Special Mon-Sat 7am- 3 hours 1 hour junction with Tudor Square in a north- Access Permit 7pm westerly direction for 18 metres Holders

(ii) from a point 63 metres north-west of its Loading Mon-Sat 7am- junction with Albert Road in a north- Vehicles 7pm westerly direction for 21 metres

(iii) from a point 117 metres north-west of its Special All days 7am- 3 hours 1 hour junction with Tudor Square in a north- Access Permit 7pm westerly direction for 19 metres Holders

(iv) from a point 117 metres north-west of its Disabled All Days 7pm- junction with Tudor Square in a north- Persons midnight and westerly direction for 19 metres Vehicle midnight-7am

(v) from a point 136 metres north-west of its Loading Mon-Sat 7am- junction with Tudor Square in a north- Vehicles 7pm westerly direction for 25 metres

7 Charles Street (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from a point 11 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Church Street in an easterly 6pm direction for 12 metres

(ii) from a point 8 metres west of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with High Street in a westerly direction 6pm for 18 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

8 Church Drive (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 59 metres west of its All Vehicles All Days 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Bridgford Road in a 10pm westerly direction for 11 metres

9 Church Street (Bingham) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Market Place South All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 2 Hours in an easterly direction to a point 2 metres 6pm west of a point adjacent to the eastern boundary of 2c Church Street

10 Church Street (Ruddington) (the east side)

(i) from a point 5 metres north of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Parkyns Street in a northerly 6pm direction for 6 metres

11 Church Street (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from a point 51 metres west of its Parking At Any Time junction with Wilford Road in a westerly Places direction for 39 metres

(ii) from a point 12 metres west of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Wilford Road in a westerly 6pm direction for 34 metres

12 Church Street (Ruddington) (the west side)

(i) from a point 18 metres north of a point All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour opposite the northern kerbline of Parkyns 6pm Street in a northerly direction for 29 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

(ii) from a point 14 metres north of a point Disabled At Any Time opposite the northern kerbline of Charles Persons Street in a northerly direction for 3.6 Vehicle metres

(iii) from a point 28 metres north of a point Disabled At Any Time opposite the northern kerbline of Charles Persons Street in a northerly direction for 3.6 Vehicle metres

(iv) from a point 64 metres north of a point All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour opposite the northern kerbline of Parkyns 6pm Street in a northerly direction for 19 metres

13 Colwick Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 25 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour junction with Orston Road West in a 6pm northerly direction for 6 metres

(ii) from a point 5 metres north of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour with Orston Road West in a northerly 6pm direction for 10 metres

(iii) from a point 7 metres south of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour with Orston Road West in a southerly 6pm direction for 7 metres

(iv) from a point 68 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour junction with Radcliffe Road in a 6pm northerly direction for 6 metres

(v) from a point 51 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour junction with Radcliffe Road in a 6pm northerly direction for 12 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum No Return Item No. Length of Road Class of Vehicle Hours of Period of Within Operation Waiting

14 Colwick Road (West Bridgford) (the west side) All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour (i) from a point 10 metres north of its 6pm junction with Radcliffe Road in a northerly direction for 33 metres

15 Exchange Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 47 metres south of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 2 Hours 1 hour junction with Tudor Road in a southerly direction for 10 metres

16 Florence Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 10 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Albert Road in an easterly direction 6pm for 10 metres

(ii) from a point 132 metres east of its Parking Places At Any Time junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

17 Florence Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 265 metres east of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Albert Road in an easterly 6pm direction for 10 metres

18 Fox Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 149 metres south of its All Vehicles At Any Time junction with Radcliffe Road in a (except during southerly direction for 11 metres the hours prescribed in Part A Article 16 )

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum No Return Item No. Length of Road Class of Vehicle Hours of Period of Within Operation Waiting

(ii) from a point 82 metres south of its All Vehicles At Any Time junction with Radcliffe Road in a (except during southerly direction for 39 metres the hours prescribed in Part 19 George Road (West Bridgford) A Article 16 ) (the north side)

(i) from a point 10 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Musters Road in an easterly 6pm direction for 22 metres

20 George Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 30 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Musters Road in an easterly 6pm direction for 14 metres

(ii) from a point 10 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Musters Road in an easterly 6pm direction for 10 metres

21 Gordon Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 1 metre north of the southern All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 30 Minutes 30 Minutes building line of 26 Gordon Road in a 6pm northerly direction to a point 1 metre south of the northern building line of 20 Gordon Road.

(ii) from a point in line with the southern All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 30 Minutes 30 Minutes building line of 18 Gordon Road in a 6pm northerly direction to a point 1 metre south of the northern building line of 16 Gordon Road.

(iii) from a point 1 metre north of the southern All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 30 Minutes 30 Minutes building line of 14 Gordon Road in a 6pm northerly direction to a point 1 metre south of the northern building line of 14 Gordon Road.

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

(iv) from a point 2 metres north of the All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 30 Minutes 30 Minutes southern building line of 12 Gordon Road 6pm in a northerly direction to a point in line with the northern building line of 12 Gordon Road.

(v) from a point 3 metres north of the All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 30 Minutes 30 Minutes southern building line of 10 Gordon Road 6pm in a northerly direction to a point 2 metres south of the northern building line of 6 Gordon Road.

22 Gordon Square (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) the Parking Spaces outside Nos. 5 to 11 All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 hours 30 mins Gordon Square 6pm

23 Gordon Square (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) the Parking Spaces outside Nos. 1 to 3 All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 hours 30 mins Gordon Square. 6pm

24 Gotham Road (East Leake) (the east side)

(i) from a point 85 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 9am- 30 Minutes 30 Minutes junction with Main Street in a northerly 5pm direction for 8.5 metres

25 High Street (Ruddington) (the west side)

(i) from a point 18 metres south of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Church Street in a southerly 6pm direction to a point 23 metres north of the centre line of Charles Street

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum No Return Item No. Length of Road Class of Vehicle Hours of Period of Within Operation Waiting

26 Hound Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side) All Vehicles (except during (i) from a point 15 metres north-east of its the hours At Any Time junction with Bridgford Road in a north- prescribed in Part easterly direction for 44 metres A Article 16 )

All Vehicles At Any Time (ii) from a point 70 metres north-east of (except during Bridgford Road in a north-easterly the hours direction for 39 metres prescribed in Part A Article 16 )

(iii) from a point 118 metres north-east its All Vehicles At Any Time junction with Bridgford Road in a north- (except during easterly direction for 19 metres the hours prescribed in Part

A Article 16 ) 27 Main Street (East Leake) (the south side)

(i) from a point 18 metres west of the centre All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 30 Minutes 30 Minutes line of Salisbury Avenue in a westerly 6pm direction for 26 metres

28 Main Street (Keyworth) (the east side)

(i) from the southern building line of No.7 All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour Main Street in a southerly direction for 12 6pm metres

(ii) from a point 17 metres south of the All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour southern building line of No.7 Main 6pm Street in a southerly direction for 10 metres

(iii) from a point 33 metres south of the All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour southern building line of No.7 Main 6pm Street in a southerly direction for 14 metres

(iv) from a point 58 metres south of the All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour southern building line of No.7 Main 6pm Street in a southerly direction for 13 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

(v) from a point 77 metres south of the All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour southern building line of No.7 Main 6pm Street in a southerly direction to a point 58 metres north of the centre line of Brookview Drive.

29 Main Street (Keyworth) (the west side)

(i) from a point 35 metres south of the All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour southern building line of No.16 Main 6pm Street (Post Office) in a southerly direction to a point 58 metres north of the centre line of Brook View Drive

(ii) from a point 8.5 metres south of the All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour southern building line of No.16 Main 6pm Street (Post Office) in a southerly direction for 20 metres

(iii) from the northern building line of No.16 All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour Main Street (Post Office) in a southerly 6pm direction for 4.5 metres.

30 Market Place North (Bingham) (the north side)

(i) from a point adjacent to the western All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 2 Hours boundary of 18 Market Place in an 6pm easterly direction to a point 17 metres west of its junction with Station Street

(ii) from a point 3 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 2 Hours with Station Street in an easterly direction 6pm for 17 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

31 Market Place North (Bingham) (the south side)

(i) from a point 48 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 2 Hours with Market Place West in an easterly 6pm direction to a point opposite the eastern kerbline of Station Street.

(ii) from a point 13 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 2 Hours with Market Place West in an easterly 6pm direction for 17 metres

32 Market Place South (Bingham) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Church Street in a All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 2 Hours westerly direction to a point 1 metre east 6pm of a point adjacent to the western boundary of 27 Market Place

(ii) from a point 1 metre west of a point All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 2 Hours adjacent to the eastern boundary of 28 6pm Market Place in a westerly direction to a point 10 metres east of a point adjacent to the boundary of 30/32 Market Place.

(iii) from a point adjacent to the boundary of Loading Mon-Sat 8am- 30/32 Market Place in an easterly Vehicles 6pm direction for 10 metres

33 Market Place West (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) from a point 1 metre north of a point Disabled Mon-Sat 8am- adjacent to the northern boundary of 1 Persons 6pm Market Place in a northerly direction for Vehicle 6 metres

(ii) from a point 7 metres north of a point All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 2 Hours adjacent to the northern boundary of 1 6pm Market Place in a northerly direction for 18 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

34 Market Street (Bingham) (the west side)

(i) from a point 9 metres north of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 2 Hours with Long Acre in a northerly direction to 6pm a point 8 metres south of its junction with Union Street

(ii) from a point 2 metres north of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 2 Hours with Union Street in a northerly direction 6pm for 11 metres

(iii) from a point 13 metres north of its Disabled Mon-Sat 8am- junction with Union Street in a northerly Persons 6pm direction for 17 metres Vehicle

35 Melton Road (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) From a point 16 metres south east of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour junction with Glebe Road in a south 6pm easterly direction to a point 29 metres north west of its junction with Clumber Road

(ii) From a point 21 metres north west of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Clumber Road in a north 6pm westerly direction for 8 metres

(iii) from a point 7 metres south-east of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour junction with Clumber Road in a south- 6pm easterly direction for 30 metres

(iv) From a point 7 metres north west of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Clumber Road in a north 6pm westerly direction for 8 metres

(v) from a point 12 metres south-east of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour junction with Portland Road in a south- 6pm easterly direction for 35 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

36 Melton Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 126 metres south-east of its All Vehicles Mon-Fri 7am- 2 hours 20 mins junction with Boundary Road in a south- 7pm easterly direction to a point 8 metres north-west of its junction with Grange Road

37 Musters Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 55 metres south of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with George Road in a southerly 6pm direction for 10 metres

(ii) from a point 15 metres south of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with George Road in a southerly 6pm direction for 30 metres

38 Musters Road (West


(the west side)

(i) from a point 12 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 30 Minutes 30 Minutes

junction with Millicent Road in a 6pm

northerly direction for 4 metres

(ii) from a point 21 metres south of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 30 Minutes 30 Minutes

junction with Rushworth Avenue in a 6pm

southerly direction for 13 metres

(iii) from a point 11 metres south of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 30 Minutes 30 Minutes

junction with Rushworth Avenue in a 6pm

southerly direction for 5 metres

(iv) from a point 21 metres south of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 30 Minutes 30 Minutes

junction with Bridge Grove in a southerly 6pm

direction to a point 8 metres north of its

junction with Rushworth Avenue

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

(v) from a point 8 metres south of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 30 Minutes 30 Minutes with Bridge Grove in a southerly 6pm direction for 9 metres

39 Park Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 30 metres south of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Bridgford Road in a south- 8pm westerly direction for 10 metres

40 Parkyns Street (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from a point 11 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Church Street in an easterly 6pm direction for 12 metres

(ii) from a point 14 metres west of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with High Street in a westerly 6pm direction for 6 metres

41 Patrick Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 15 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Musters Road in an easterly 6pm direction for 58 metres

42 Patrick Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 41 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Musters Road in an easterly 6pm direction for 32 metres

(ii) from a point 15 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Musters Road in an easterly 6pm direction for 16 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

43 Pavilion Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side) All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour (i) from a point 27 metres north-east of its 6pm junction with Trent Bridge in a north- easterly direction for 22 metres

(ii) from a point 67 metres north-east of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour junction with Trent Bridge in a north- 6pm easterly direction for 13 metres

44 Pavilion Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 6 metres north-east of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour junction with Pavilion Road (north to 6pm south section) in a north-easterly direction for 8 metres

(ii) from a point 28 metres north-east of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour junction with Trent Bridge in a north- 6pm easterly direction for 9 metres

(iii) from a point 8 metres north-east of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour junction with Trent Bridge in a north- 6pm easterly direction for 16 metres

45 Pavilion Road (West


(the south-west side)

(i) from a point 17 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour

junction with Radcliffe Road in a 6pm

northerly direction for 16 metres

(ii) from a point 40 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour

junction with Radcliffe Road in a 6pm

northerly direction for 7 metres

(iii) from a point 52 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour

junction with Radcliffe Road in a 6pm

northerly direction for 7 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

(iv) from a point 64 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour junction with Radcliffe Road in a 6pm northerly direction for 7 metres

46 Priory Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 24 metres east of its junction Disabled Mon-Sat 8am- with Albert Road in an easterly direction Persons 6pm for 12 metres Vehicle

(ii) from a point 36 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Albert Road in an easterly direction 6pm for 16 metres

(iii) from a point 152 metres east of its Parking All Days junction with Albert Road in an easterly Places All Hours direction for 11 metres

(iv) from a point 282 metres east of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Albert Road in an easterly 6pm direction for 5 metres

47 Priory Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 300 metres east of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Albert Road in an easterly 6pm direction for 5 metres

48 Radcliffe Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 36 metres north-east of its All Vehicles Mon-Fri 1 Hour 1 Hour junction with Pavilion Road in a north- 7.30am-4pm easterly direction to a point 13 metres and Sat 8am- south-west of its junction with Colwick 6pm Road

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

49 Rectory Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side) All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour (i) from a point opposite a point 10 metres 6pm south-west of the centre line of Highfield Road in a south-westerly direction for 39 metres

(ii) from a point 42 metres south-west of its Disabled At Any Time junction with Bridgford Road in a south- Persons westerly direction for 12 metres Vehicle

50 Rectory Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 74 metres west of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Exchange Road in a 6pm westerly direction for 16 metres

(ii) from a point 105 metres west of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Exchange Road in a 6pm westerly direction for 17 metres

(iii) from a point 129 metres west of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Exchange Road in a 6pm westerly direction to a point 7.5 metres east of the western boundary of No. 44 Rectory Road

51 Rushworth Avenue (West


(the south side)

(i) from a point 10 metres west of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour

junction with Musters Road in a westerly 6pm

direction for 14 metres

(ii) from a point 26.5 metres east of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour

junction with Loughborough Road in an 6pm

easterly direction for 9 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

52 Shelford Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the west side)

(i) from a point 35 metres north-east of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour junction with Main Road in a north- 6pm easterly direction for 30 metres

(ii) from a point 10 metres north-east of the All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour northern building line of number 11 6pm Shelford Road in a north-easterly direction for 10 metres

(iii) from a point 23 metres north-east of the All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour northern building line of number 11 6pm Shelford Road in a north-easterly direction for 35 metres

53 Stratford Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 95 metres north of its All Vehicles All Days 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Church Drive in a northerly 10pm direction for 75 metres

(ii) from a point 71 metres north of its All Vehicles All Days 8am- 1 Hour 30 Minutes junction with Church Drive in a northerly 10pm direction for 24 metres

54 Stratford Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point 10 metres north-west of its All Vehicles All Days 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Rectory Road in a north- 10pm westerly direction for 7 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

55 Stratford Road (West Bridgford) (the south side) All Vehicles All Days 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour (i) from a point 52 metres north-west of its 10pm junction with Rectory Road in a westerly direction to its junction with Avon Gardens

56 The Square (Keyworth) (the south side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 44 metres All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour east of the western building line of No. 6pm 18/20 The Square in an easterly direction for 21 metres

(ii) from a point opposite a point 19.5 metres All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 1 Hour 1 Hour east of the western building line of No. 6pm 18/20 The Square in an easterly direction for 21 metres

57 Violet Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 11 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Albert Road in an easterly direction 6pm for 5 metres

(ii) from a point 122 metres east of its Parking At Any Time junction with Albert Road in an easterly Places direction for 5 metres

(iii) from a point 140 metres east of its Parking At Any Time junction with Albert Road in an easterly Places direction for 5 metres

58 Violet Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 10 metres west of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Abbey Road in a westerly 6pm direction for 10 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Days and Maximum Class of No Return Item No. Length of Road Hours of Period of Vehicle Within Operation Waiting

(ii) from a point 12 metres east of its junction All Vehicles Mon-Sat 8am- 2 Hours 1 Hour with Albert Road in an easterly direction 6pm for 5 metres

59 Wilford Road (Ruddington) (the east side)

(i) from a point 52 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Easthorpe Street in a 9.15am-5pm northerly direction for 18 metres

(ii) from a point 23 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Easthorpe Street in a 9.15am-5pm northerly direction for 20 metres

(iii) from a point 13 metres north of its All Vehicles Mon-Sat 2 Hours 1 Hour junction with Easthorpe Street in a 9.15am-5pm northerly direction for 5 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

1 Albert Road (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 14 metres south-west of a point opposite the southern kerbline of Violet Road in a northerly direction to a point 17 metres south of a point opposite the centre line of Mabel Grove

2 Avon Gardens (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 2 metres west of its junction with Stratford Road in a westerly direction to the closure point.

3 Avon Gardens (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 2 metres west of its junction with Stratford Road in a westerly direction to the closure point.

4 Balmoral Avenue (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 8 metres west of its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly direction for 69 metres

5 Balmoral Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 34 metres west of its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly direction for 43 metres

6 Blake Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 56 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 12 metres

(ii) from a point 76 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres

(iii) from a point 91 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

(iv) from a point 106 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

(v) from a point 122 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 12 metres

(vi) from a point 142 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres

(vii) from a point 154 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 38 metres

(viii) from a point 200 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

(ix) from a point 219 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

(x) from a point 248 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres

(xi) from a point 266 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction to a point 13 metres west of its junction with Abbey Road

7 Blake Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 258 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 20 metres

(ii) from a point 240 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres

(iii) from a point 209 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 12 metres

(iv) from a point 184 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 20 metres

(v) from a point 168 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres

(vi) from a point 150 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 7 metres

(vii) from a point 124 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 17 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

(viii) from a point 105 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

(ix) from a point 36 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 57 metres

8 Bridge Grove (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 5 metres north of its junction with Rushworth Avenue in a northerly direction for 38 metres

9 Charles Street (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from a point 26 metres east of its junction with Church Street in an easterly direction for 64 metres

10 Church Drive (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 11 metres east of its junction with Stratford Road in an easterly direction to a point 70 metres west of its junction with Bridgford Road

11 Church Drive (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 13 metres east of its junction with Stratford Road in an easterly direction to a point 70 metres west of its junction with Bridgford Road

12 Eltham Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 37 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 34 metres

(ii) from a point 80 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 60 metres

(iii) from a point 177 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 20 metres

(iv) from a point 203 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 13 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

(v) from a point 235 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 12 metres

(vi) from a point 258 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction to a point 20 metres west of its junction with Abbey Road

13 Eltham Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 113 metres east of its junction with Oxford Road in an easterly direction to a point 10 metres west of its junction with Abbey Road

(ii) from a point 93 metres east of its junction with Oxford Road in an easterly direction for 13 metres

(iii) from a point 73 metres east of its junction with Oxford Road in an easterly direction for 12 metres

(iv) from a point 52 metres east of its junction with Oxford Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

(v) from a point 8 metres east of its junction with Oxford Road in an easterly direction for 16 metres

(vi) from a point 128 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres

(vii) from a point 58 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 38 metres

(viii) from a point 18 metres east of its junction with Gordon Road in an easterly direction for 34 metres

14 Epperstone Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Patrick Road in a southerly direction to a point 10 metres north of its junction with George Road

15 Epperstone Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 56 metres south of its junction with Patrick Road in a southerly direction to a point 10 metres north of its junction with George Road

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

(ii) from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Patrick Road in a southerly direction for 23 metres

16 Exchange Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 24.5 metres south of its junction with Rectory Road in a southerly direction for 150 metres

(ii) from the extended common boundary of Nos. 55 and 57 Exchange Road in a southerly direction for 26 metres

(iii) from the extended northern building line of No 67 Exchange Road in a southerly direction for 34 metres

17 Exchange Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) From a point 48 metres north of its junction with Clumber Road in a northerly direction for 64 metres

18 Florence Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) From a point 20 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 14 metres

(ii) From a point 50 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 15 metres

(iii) From a point 72 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(iv) From a point 85 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres

(v) From a point 143 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

(vi) from a point 159 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres

(vii) from a point 169 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres.

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

(viii) from a point 180 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(ix) from a point 191 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

(x) from a point 207 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(xi) from a point 228 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres

(xii) from a point 241 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(xiii) from a point 251 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres

(xiv) from a point 262 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

19 Florence Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 249 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(ii) from a point 237 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres

(iii) from a point 215 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(iv) from a point 180 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(v) from a point 167 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(vi) from a point 150 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

(vii) from a point 125 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

(viii) from a point 101 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 15 metres

(ix) from a point 61 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(x) from a point 46 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres

(xi) from a point 23 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 15 metres

20 George Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 10 metres east of the centre line of Epperstone Road in an easterly direction to its junction with Avon Gardens

(ii) From a point 44 metres east of its junction with Musters Road in an easterly direction to a point 10 metres west of its junction with Epperstone Road

21 George Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 10 metres east of its junction with Musters Road in an easterly direction to its junction with Avon Gardens

22 Hardwick Grove (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 7 metres south-west of its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south- westerly direction to its south-western extremity

23 Hardwick Grove (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 11 metres south-west of its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south- westerly direction to its south-western extremity

24 Hawksworth Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from its junction with Thoroton Road in an easterly direction to a point 6 metres west of its eastern extremity

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

25 Hawksworth Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 6 metres west of its eastern extremity in a westerly direction for 25 metres

26 Millicent Grove (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 15 metres south of its junction with Bridgford Road in a southerly direction for 8 metres, measured along the centre line of the road

(ii) from a point 27.5 metres south of its junction with Bridgford Road in a southerly direction for 9 metres, measured along the centre line of the road

(iii) from a point 41 metres south of its junction with Bridgford Road in a southerly direction for 4.5 metres, measured along the centre line of the road

(iv) from its southern extremity in a northerly direction for 14 metres

27 Millicent Grove (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from its southern extremity in a northerly direction for 14 metres

(ii) from a point 8.5 metres south of its junction with Bridgford Road in a southerly direction for 36 metres, measured along the centre line of the road

28 Newhall Grove (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 40 metres south-west of its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south- westerly direction to its south-western extremity

(ii) from a point 12 metres south-west of its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south- westerly direction for 6 metres

29 Newhall Grove (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 8 metres south-west of its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south- westerly direction for 16 metres

(ii) from a point 30 metres south-west of its junction with Radcliffe Road in a south- westerly direction to its south-western extremity

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

30 Orston Road East (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with Thoroton Road in an easterly direction to its eastern extremity

31 Park Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 20 metres south of its junction with Bridgford Road in a south-westerly direction for 20 metres

(ii) from a point 53.5 metres south of its junction with Bridgford Road in a south-westerly direction for 22 metres

(iii) from a point 83 metres south of its junction with Bridgford Road in a south-westerly direction for 12 metres

(iv) from a point 96.5 metres south of its junction with Bridgford Road in a south-westerly direction for 11 metres

32 Parkyns Street (Ruddington) (the north side)

(i) from a point 23 metres east of its junction with Church Street in an easterly direction for 74 metres

33 Priory Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 70 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres

(ii) from a point 88 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(iii) from a point 125 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(iv) from a point 141 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

(v) from a point 186 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

(vi) from a point 200 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres

(vii) from a point 219 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(viii) from a point 233 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 12 metres

(ix) from a point 251 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres.

(x) from a point 262 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres.

(xi) from a point 277 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres.

34 Priory Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 295 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(ii) from a point 278 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres

(iii) from a point 263 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(iv) from a point 253 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(v) from a point 243 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(vi) from a point 228 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(vii) from a point 213 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres

(viii) from a point 200 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

(ix) from a point 179 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 13 metres

(x) from a point 156 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(xi) from a point 138 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres

(xii) from a point 121 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(xiii) from a point 106 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(xiv) from a point 94 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(xv) from a point 78 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(xvi) from a point 47 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 25 metres

(xvii) from a point 34 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

35 Richmond Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 19.5 metres west of its junction with Edward Road in a westerly direction to its western extremity

(ii) from a point 5 metres west of its junction with Edward Road in a westerly direction for 12.5 metres

36 Richmond Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 5 metres west of its junction with Edward Road in a westerly direction for 12 metres

(ii) from a point 23.5 metres west of its junction with Edward Road in a westerly direction for 13.5 metres.

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

(iii) from a point 38.5 metres west of its junction with Edward Road in a westerly direction to its western extremity

37 Rosebery Avenue (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 25 metres east of its junction with Pavilion Road in an easterly direction for 61 metres.

38 Rosebery Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 38 metres east of its junction with Pavilion Road in an easterly direction for 48 metres.

39 Rushworth Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 35 metres west of its junction with Musters Road in a westerly direction for 76 metres

40 Sandringham Avenue (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 25 metres west of its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly direction for 69 metres

(ii) from a point 12 metres west of its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly direction for 13 metres

41 Sandringham Avenue (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point 11 metres west of its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly direction for 12 metres

(ii) from a point 33 metres west of its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly direction for 47 metres

(iii) from a point 72 metres west of its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly direction for 8 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

42 Stratford Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point 95 metres north of its junction with Church Drive in a northerly direction for 75 metres

(ii) from a point 5 metres north of its junction with Church Drive in a northerly direction for 60 metres

(iii) from a point 4 metres north of its junction with Wellington Crescent in a northerly direction to a point 5 metres south of its junction with Church Drive

(iv) from a point 5 metres north of its junction with the east/west section in a northerly direction to a point 5 metres south of its junction with Wellington Crescent

43 Stratford Road (West Bridgford) (the north and east side)

(i) from a point 13 metres north-west of its junction with Rectory Road in a westerly and north westerly direction to a point 4 metres east of its junction with the north/south section

44 Stratford Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 52 metres north-west of its junction with Rectory Road in a westerly direction to its junction with Avon Gardens

45 Stratford Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 10 metres north-west of its junction with Rectory Road in a north-westerly direction for 7 metres

(ii) from a point 2 metres north of its junction with Avon Gardens in a northerly direction for 144 metres

46 Thoroton Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with Orston Road East in a southerly direction to its junction with Hawksworth Road

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

47 Tudor Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 38 metres west of its junction with Exchange Road in a westerly direction for 25.5 metres

48 Tudor Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Exchange Road in a westerly direction for 20 metres

49 Violet Road (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 16 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(ii) from a point 36 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 16 metres

(iii) from a point 80 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres

(iv) from a point 98 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

(v) from a point 117 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(vi) from a point 135 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(vii) from a point 154 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres

(viii) from a point 173 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(ix) from a point 224 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 6 metres

(x) from a point 236 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

(xi) from a point 250 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 15 metres

50 Violet Road (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 261 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 16 metres

(ii) from a point 240 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(iii) from a point 222 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres

(iv) from a point 203 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres

(v) from a point 184 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 11 metres

(vi) from a point 168 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres

(vii) from a point 150 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 9 metres

(viii) from a point 130 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres

(ix) from a point 110 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres

(x) from a point 85 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(xi) from a point 61 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 10 metres

(xii) from a point 49 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

(xiii) from a point 17 metres east of its junction with Albert Road in an easterly direction for 5 metres

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Item No. Length of Road Permit Area

51 Wellington Crescent (West Bridgford) (the north side)

(i) from a point 4 metres east of its junction with Stratford Road in an easterly direction to its eastern extremity, including the turning head

52 Wellington Crescent (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 12 metres east of its junction with Stratford Road in an easterly direction to its eastern extremity, including the turning head

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Days and Hours of Item No. Length of Road (Containing Taxi Rank Clearway Area) Operation

1 Bridgford Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point 3 metres north-west of its junction with Park Avenue in a north 6pm-midnight westerly direction to a point 37 metres north-west of its junction with Park and Avenue midnight-7.30am

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Days and Item No. Length of Road (containing entrance clearway) Hours of Operation

1 Ashworth Avenue (Ruddington) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 6 metres north-west of its junction with Devon Drive in a north-westerly Mon-Fri 8am- direction for 38 metres 4.30pm

2 Avon Gardens (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 39 metres south of its junction with George Road in a southerly direction Mon-Fri 8am- for 26 metres 9.30am and 3pm-3.30pm

3 Barnstone Road (Langar) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 4 metres south-west of the south-western kerbline of Mon-Fri 8am- Belvoir Crescent in a north-easterly direction for 43 metres 4.30pm

4 Bingham Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 5 metres south-west of its junction with Gatcombe Close in a north- Mon-Fri 8am- easterly direction for 81 metres 4.30pm

5 Burnside Grove (Tollerton) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 43 metres north-west of its junction with Tollerton Lane in a north- Mon-Fri 8am- westerly direction for 51 metres 4.30pm

6 Carnarvon Road (West Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 31 metres south-west of its junction with Exchange Road in a south- Mon-Fri 8am- westerly direction for 26 metres 4.30pm

7 Church Drive (Keyworth) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 5 metres south-east of the boundary line of no. 31 and 33 Mon-Fri 8am- in a south-easterly direction for 24 metres 4.30pm

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Days and Item No. Length of Road (containing entrance clearway) Hours of Operation

8 Church Lane (Willoughby On The Wolds) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 14 metres north-east of the property boundary line of Willoughby Primary Mon-Fri 8am- School and Rosebank in a south-westerly direction for 42 metres 4.30pm

9 Church Street (Bunny) (the north side)

(i) from a point 14 metres west of its junction with Loughborough Road in a westerly Mon-Fri 8am- direction for 38 metres 4.30pm

10 Coledale (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 25 metres north-east of its junction with Whinlatter Drive in a north- Mon-Fri 8am- easterly direction for 87 metres 4.30pm

11 Cromwell Drive (East Leake) (the west side)

(i) from a point 3 metres south-west of the property boundary line of no. 16 and 18 in a Mon-Fri 8am- south-westerly then southerly direction for 41 metres 4.30pm

12 Cropwell Road (Radcliffe On Trent) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 2 metres north-west of the south-eastern kerbline of Mon-Fri 8am- Victoria Street in a south-easterly direction for 56 metres 4.30pm

13 Crossdale Drive (Keyworth) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 6 metres north-west of its junction with Brockwood Crescent in a north- Mon-Fri 8am- westerly direction for 26 metres 4.30pm

14 Crossdale Drive (Keyworth) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 4 metres north-west of the northern kerbline of Mon-Fri 8am- Brockwood Crescent in a north-westerly direction for 26 metres 4.30pm

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Days and Item No. Length of Road (containing entrance clearway) Hours of Operation

15 Exchange Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point 34 metres south-east of its junction with Carnarvon Road in a south- Mon-Fri 8am- easterly direction for 24 metres 4.30pm

16 Greythorn Drive (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) from a point 71 metres south of its junction with Rugby Road in a southerly direction Mon-Fri 8am- for 46 metres 4.30pm

17 Haileybury Road (West Bridgford) (the west side)

(i) From a point opposite a point 4 metres south of the southern kerbline of Haileybury Mon-Fri 8am- Crescent in a northerly direction for 31 metres 4.30pm

18 Inholms Road (Flintham) (the east side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 14 metres north-east of the north-eastern property wall Mon-Fri 8am- projection line of no. 4 in a north-easterly direction for 26 metres 4.30pm

(ii) from a point opposite a point 58 metres north-east of the north-eastern property wall Mon-Fri 8am- projection line of no.4 in a northerly direction for 26 metres 4.30pm

19 Kegworth Road (Gotham) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 33 metres north-east of its junction with Kegworth Road (east of property Mon-Fri 8am- no. 36) in a north-easterly direction for 25 metres. 4.30pm

20 Kegworth Road (Gotham) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 22 metres north-east of the eastern kerbline of Kegworth Mon-Fri 8am- Road (east of property no. 36) in a north-easterly direction for 44 metres. 4.30pm

(ii) from a point opposite a point 11 metres north-east of the eastern kerbline Kegworth Mon-Fri 8am- Road (east of property no. 36) in a south-westerly direction for 57 metres. 4.30pm

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Days and Item No. Length of Road (containing entrance clearway) Hours of Operation

21 Kneeton Road (East Bridgford) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 14 metres south-west of the south-western property wall projection line of Mon-Fri 8am- no.8 in a south-westerly direction for 26 metres. 4.30pm

22 Lantern Lane (East Leake) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 23 metres north-east of the north-east kerbline of Sharpley Drive in a Mon-Fri 8am- north-easterly direction for 43 metres 4.30pm

23 Lantern Lane (East Leake) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 83 metres north-east of the north-eastern kerbline of Mon-Fri 8am- Sharpley Drive in a north-easterly direction for 26 metres. 4.30pm

(ii) from a point opposite a point 30 metres north-east of the north-eastern kerbline of Mon-Fri 8am- Sharpley Drive in a north-easterly direction for 26 metres 4.30pm

(iii) from a point opposite a point 51 metres south-west of the north-eastern kerbline of Mon-Fri 8am- Sharpley Drive in a north-easterly direction for 81 metres. 4.30pm

24 Main Street (Costock) (the south side)

(i) from a point 5 metres west of the boundary line of property no. 55 and Costock Hall in Mon-Fri 8am- a westerly direction for 26 metres. 4.30pm

25 Main Street (Kinoulton) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 3 metres south-west of the boundary line of no. 90 and 88 Mon-Fri 8am- in a south-westerly direction for 63 metres 4.30pm

26 Main Street (Normanton On Soar) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 51 metres north-west of the boundary of property no. 55 and 57 in a north- Mon-Fri 8am- westerly direction for 32 metres. 4.30pm

(ii) from the boundary of property no. 55 and 57 in a north-westerly direction for 32 Mon-Fri 8am- metres. 4.30pm

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Days and Item No. Length of Road (containing entrance clearway) Hours of Operation

27 Musters Road (West Bridgford) (the east side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 3 metres north of the northern property wall projection Mon-Fri 8am- line of no. 298 in a southerly direction for 24 metres 4.30pm

(ii) from a point opposite a point 8 metres south of the property boundary line of no. 308 Mon-Fri 8am- and 310 in a northerly direction for 25 metres 4.30pm

28 Nottingham Road (Keyworth) (the west side)

(i) from a point 45 metres south of its junction with Rose Hill in a southerly direction for Mon-Fri 8am- 75 metres 4.30pm

29 Nursery Road (Bingham) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 8 metres south-west of its junction with Abbey Road in a south-westerly Mon-Fri 8am- direction for 26 metres 4.30pm

30 Nursery Road (Bingham) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 7 metres south-west of the south-western kerbline of Mon-Fri 8am- Abbey Road in a south-westerly direction for 27 metres 4.30pm

31 Owthorpe Road (Cotgrave) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 21 metres north-west of its junction with Ash Lea Close in a north- Mon-Fri 8am- westerly direction for 45 metres 4.30pm

(ii) from a point opposite a point 43 metres north-west of the north-western kerbline of Mon-Fri 8am- White Furrows in a north-westerly direction for 37 metres 4.30pm

32 Park Lane (Sutton Bonington) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point 10 metres north-west of the boundary line of properties No.10 and 12 in a Mon-Fri 8am- north-westerly direction for 26 metres. 4.30pm

(ii) from a point 51 metres north-west of the boundary line of properties No.10 and 12 in a Mon-Fri 8am- north-westerly direction for 26 metres. 4.30pm

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Days and Item No. Length of Road (containing entrance clearway) Hours of Operation

33 Plumtree Road (Cotgrave) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with The Cross in a south-westerly direction for 42 metres Mon-Fri 8am- 4.30pm

34 School Green (East Leake) (the south side)

(i) from its junction with The Nook in an easterly direction for 19 metres. Mon-Fri 8am- 4.30pm

35 School Lane (Colston Bassett) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point 3 metres north-east of the boundary line of no.1 and Colston Bassett Mon-Fri 8am- School in a north-easterly direction for 25 metres 4.30pm

36 Stockwell Lane (Cropwell Bishop) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point 11 metres north of the southern property boundary line of no.9a in a Mon-Fri 8am- northerly then north-westerly direction for 25 metres 4.30pm

37 Tewkesbury Close (south-west north-east section) (West Bridgford) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 9 metres north-east of its junction with the South-East, North-West Mon-Fri 8am- Section of Tewkesbury Close in a north-easterly then southerly direction around the 4.30pm turning head to a point 55 metres north-east of its junction with Rodney Road.

(ii) from a point 15 metres north-east of its junction with Rodney Road in a north-easterly Mon-Fri 8am- direction for 26 metres 4.30pm

38 The Cross (Cotgrave) (the south-east side)

(i) from its junction with Plumtree Road in a north-easterly direction for 2 metres Mon-Fri 8am- 4.30pm

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Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Days and Item No. Length of Road (containing entrance clearway) Hours of Operation

39 The Nook (East Leake) (the east side)

(i) from its junction with School Green in a southerly direction for 12 metres. Mon-Fri 8am- 4.30pm

40 Trent Boulevard (West Bridgford) (the south side)

(i) from a point 6 metres east of its junction with Belvoir Road in an easterly direction for Mon-Fri 8am- 28 metres 4.30pm

41 Tudor Road (West Bridgford) (the south-west side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 2 metres south-east of the property boundary line of No. Mon-Fri 8am- 13 and 15 in a south-easterly direction for 26 metres 4.30pm

42 Waddington Drive (West Bridgford) (the north-east side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 5 metres north-west of the north-western kerbline of Mon-Fri 8am- Lyndhurst Gardens in a north-westerly direction for 26 metres 4.30pm

43 Wellin Lane (Edwalton) (the north-west side)

(i) from a point 28 metres north-east of its junction with Alford Road in a north-easterly Mon-Fri 8am- direction for 27 metres 4.30pm

44 Willow Brook (Keyworth) (the south-east side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 19 metres south-west of the south-western kerbline of Mon-Fri 8am- Fairway in a south-westerly direction for 31 metres 4.30pm

(ii) from a point opposite a point 19 metres south-west of the south-western kerbline of Mon-Fri 8am- Fairway in a north-easterly direction for 37 metres 4.30pm

45 Wolds Drive (Keyworth) (the west side)

(i) from a point opposite a point 10 metres north of the northern kerbline of Beech Avenue Mon-Fri 8am- in a northerly direction for 43 metres 4.30pm

The Nottinghamshire County Council (Rushcliffe Borough Consolidation) (Static Restrictions and Prohibitions) Traffic Regulation Order 2019 (8289) Page 190 of 193


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Days and Maximum Class of Item No. Length of Road (Containing Clearway Area) Hours of Period of Vehicle Operation Waiting

1 Bunny Hill (Bunny)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road, Bunny to its junction All At Any with Bunny Hill, Costock Vehicles Time

2 Bunny Hill (Costock)

(i) from its junction with Bunny Hill, Bunny to its junction with All At Any Nottingham Road, Costock Vehicles Time

3 Bypass Road (Newton)

(i) from its junction with the Newton roundabout to its junction with All At Any Gunthorpe Bridge Vehicles Time

4 Gunthorpe Bridge (Gunthorpe)

(i) from the Newark and Sherwood District Council Boundary to its All At Any junction with Bypass Road Vehicles Time

5 Loughborough Road (Costock)

(i) All At Any from its junction with Nottingham Road, Costock to its junction Vehicles Time with Loughborough Road, Rempstone

6 Loughborough Road (Rempstone)

(i) from its junction with Loughborough Road, Costock to the All At Any

Leicestershire County boundary Vehicles Time

7 Margidunum Link Road (Bingham)

(i) from its junction with Margidvnvm Roundabout in a northerly All At Any direction to its junction with the Newton roundabout Vehicles Time

8 Melton Road (Tollerton)

(i) from its junction with the A52T roundabout in an easterly All At Any

direction to a point 21 metres west of the western property line Vehicles Time of No.1 Melton Road

9 Nottingham Road (Costock)

(i) from its junction with Bunny Hill, Costock to its junction with All At Any

Loughborough Road, Costock Vehicles Time

10 Radcliffe Road (Gamston)

At Any (i) from a point 99 metres east of tis junction with Ambleside in an All Time easterly direction to its junction with the A52T / Gamston Vehicles roundabout

The Nottinghamshire County Council Rushcliffe Borough Consolidation) (Static Restrictions and Prohibitions) Traffic Regulation Order 2019 (8289)

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PART C SCHEDULE 2 ORDER(S): PERMANENT REVOCATION in Whole The Nottinghamshire Count y Council (Bridgford Road, West Bridgford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Order 1959 The Nottinghamshire County Council (Prohibition of Waiting) (Gotham) Order 1965 The Nottinghamshire County Council (Gotham Road, East Leake) (Prohibition of Waiting and Parking Places) Traffic Regulation Order 2016 (8228) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Musters Road, West Bridgford) (Prohibitions of Waiting and Limited Parking Places) Traffic Regulation Order 2016 (8245) The Nottinghamshire County Council (B680 Wilford Road and Clifton Road, Ruddington) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (8248) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Central Avenue, West Bridgford) (Amendments to Parking Places) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (8249) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Rushcliffe Borough Consolidation) (Static Restrictions and Prohibitions) Traffic Regulation Order 2016 (8251) The Nottinghamshire County Council (A606 Melton Road, West Bridgford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (8256) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Gertrude Road, Holme Road, Northwold Avenue, West Bridgford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (8258) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Lantern Lane, East Leake) (No Stopping on Entrance Clearway) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (8260) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Greythorn Drive, Loughborough Road and Walcote Drive, West Bridgford)(Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (8261) The Nottinghamshire County Council (A606 Melton Road, West Bridgford) (Prohibition of Waiting & Parking Places) Traffic Regulation Order 2017 (8262) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Epperstone Road Area, West Bridgford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Residents’ Controlled Zone) Traffic Regulation Order 2018 (8263) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Park Avenue, West Bridgford) (Amendments to Residents’ Controlled Zone) Traffic Regulation Order 2018 (8264) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Various Roads in West Bridgford) (Prohibition of Waiting and Amendments to Residents’ Controlled Zone) Traffic Regulation Order 2018 (8265) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Adbolton Lane, Holme Pierrepont) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2018 (8266) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Kneeton Road, East Bridgford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2018 (8267) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Lantern Lane, East Leake) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2019 (8269) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Ashworth Road and Packman Drive, Ruddington) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2019 (8270) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Alford Road and Wellin Lane, Edwalton) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2018 (8271) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Rodney Road and Stamford Road, West Bridgford) (Prohibition of Waiting) Traffic Regulation Order 2019 (8274) The Nottinghamshire County Council (Charles Street, Church Street and Parkyns Street, Ruddington) (Prohibition of Waiting, Parking Places and Residents’ Controlled Zone)Traffic Regulation Order 2019 (8279) Nottinghamshire County Council (Tram Line No.2, Clifton, Nottingham) (Parking Prohibitions And Provisions) Net Traffic Regulation Order 2015 (TMP 91008)

The Nottinghamshire County Council Rushcliffe Borough Consolidation) (Static Restrictions and Prohibitions) Traffic Regulation Order 2019 (8289)

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THE COMMON SEAL of THE ) ) NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL ) ) was hereunto affixed this 12 th day ) ) of June 2019 in the presence of:- ) Affix Seal:


Authorised Signatory:


Authorised Signatory

The Nottinghamshire County Council Rushcliffe Borough Consolidation) (Static Restrictions and Prohibitions) Traffic Regulation Order 2019 (8289)

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