// or Wwtfleld HOUSE OF F1NEUWS • nu:%.i.ed w- n .1 den. :atic b>stem that AND LIGHTING_E1XI11RE£ will alb you, as educators, States Higgins, . \ , • LI r • .• rof ess 1 una 1 Beclchusen, Davis andMc- "Let's set the record responsibility once elected Dowell charged their oppos- 'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER EST. 18?2 straight/' stated board can- is to the system, one which . v i >_ 3 tl:.at when ing slate with running a ne- Rizzo Help Keep t J ted at the didates Eric Beckhusen, Eli- will enable children to de- gative campaign and with velop die educational tech- o \ i*t u that zabeth Davis and Harry Mc- being against education. Dowell, "distortion of facts niques needed to live pur- rn ut the poseful lives." They stated that since the Schools (~.i lm :^. ih. L- T ax - won't do in this campaign." candidates opposing them do The trio said, "We have VOL. 150, NO. 6 RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1972 3 i. Sf.^^id The trio said they are stand- not now have children in the never advocated air-condi- Rewiring -• Restyling -- '. e reten- Ing on their motivations and Rahway school system tioned schools, or carpeted ' It Is i"e a fa- Keenan, right, receives certificate of are "not using reverse gear they do not care about the Dial 232-4223 PROBLEMS AlKl classes; our only concern il. n H.< )OD M.KCIII, holding certificate, as presi- In educational policy-making exodus from Railway of fam- 106 Contial Avo., Westfieid froir. i or curriculum planning. In- is education." ic1 o'W riinr William ^anciulu v-h. ilies whose "children have Broad St.) :s - clujla^. i ut.:, Ul;, volving and informing the I . IL . n^ International, W».k in. "The fact is," the candi- been used as political pawns • L. d r' s i.s a ^ andiduu !•. i" public on issues and creating dates stated, "that the coali- in Rahway classrooms." a climate favorable to the tion is only against a dom- l r.:, .. achievement of a purposeful inated board of education. ele C . Lions Hear Rep Of Congresswoman education" No where else in govern- lub being taken In the I .b.Army The candidates said their ment, state or federal, can i a i \, Corps of L.ngiiK-t. rs anU local any top administrator hand a 1 upponents, Edward J. Hig- u, ___ communities. Mr. keenan gins, Louis R. Rizzo and pick his own bosses. The cation for a three-)ear term t k- said flood it= avail- Luster Oxman, "seem in- Hatch Act prevents this. It HAW PROBLEMS IN SCHOOL ? Rahway's voters on Tues- and also gave similar term;* able tu most residents ol the capable of ^believing that is time New Jersey adopted day reelected Edward J. tu Erie Beckhueen and Harry .^eckhusen township. A qin-biiun and .in- move than one community such an educational ruling." Higgins to the Board of Edu- McDowell. awef period t-riteotjti. THE LATEST, MOST EFFECTIVE AID TO SCHOOL SUCCESS MciXjwell u U group could be up in arms The Beekhusen-Davis-Mc- The current expense item over their collective mis- Dowell slate claimed that, uf $4,313,500 in the proposed use of the- educational sya- ' 'our present superintendent Luror,,x carriO.niiS one-to-one L:o 1972-73 SChooJ hiirWr nnd of schools has never before techniques and electrohtc teaching rnac"firne5:TCrac the capital outlay item of LL-111." signed any candidate*s pe- •• This year " The rrin went p celeraie your cr-.iid'y perfoii:.a:>ce up'TCTDT-beyond $50,687 were rejectee By rhzabetE 'our of "the growing list titiorr. ftc" signed •voiot'C-bv- cofripara.Qvc'ly s^rs^_Hig-_ margins. The cur- ixxapG&i:^ Rahwav xpenstr Yl.S H liuve Oxman, wa> F. due a tion (FORE) as {Grades 1-12) xpense N1> teated, 873-756, and die capi- Writer Favors t rue The group alleged, ' 'His their scapegoat. FORE is Capital tal outlay item lost, 895- (the superintendent's) con- 710. Last Fcbriary the vot- H turn. one- member of a coalition trol of the board must be Out 4t«i(jiiG&l»c tostmfl rae-asuies cuueai achievement Outlay YLS abilities.. By appointing"! , l-a\e been Selected ot North Flainfield. The eers ornraDTT7"ro^gaxtreT"and torney, announced that the !!• Postage Stamp The threesome said the that Messrs. Higgins, Rizzo mer member of the United [IS a i a.s this > ear's i"ecij)ients of couple has been married present data for faster court absentee ballot results had l. r coalition "was formed in and Oxman have their only Fund of" Rahway and Welfare tins \ ear's i >isanguished Ser- three years and is expecting action on removal of river not been received by die 1 ^ 70 out of fear also, fear allegiance to the taxpayers 233-6121 Assistance Board. rhr publt-c intv To Be Issued \\ 3;25 p.m. 1 L'k- uf what the Rahway Citizens vice Auard and i lutstanding their first child in the near encroachments. board in time to be included and because of this reading "Mi. Clarke's greateaLac- Council Presid na blown duur. fur Neighborhood Schools- n-Uillbi CltiZt v. Award, it was an- future. The team will include pre- Lake the trouble tu a cost of_. Dni_y_.S2.4UU wiiii m - the- -candidates—or- -budget and mathematics ability has compiishments incomtiunlcy li n b Irn 1 \-rracc structured board was doing nounced ycsterda> by Garner Mr. Clarke, a life-long sent RCFC attorney, George L. Crowell ut" Rahwi) Wll.il Ltlc City It) lull knowledge thai to cun- totals. Approximately 200 declined. service have been in the For US Park -1.11 p.m. l-ur tu education. We saw chil- M. I oz,ca> , Ja w i-e cliairnu.n rL'bkiem ot Rahway, is a grad- F. Bartell, who reported that rcrday defended the opposi- a : ing in ttu- way o! flood trol the dire flood problems persons were present to hear area of assistance to Rahway k ar 1J:iS dren being ill-prepared to l'he three candidates char- lor i;,is u'.ir's award j ro- uate ot Kahwa\ High School. another deputy attorney gen- tion of Mayor Daniel I.. 1 lam building requiremc-nts" the election results. s I L- lu \ am ged further that tile present residr-nts who have problems in Kahwav, the city niusi r>: r>< J j..m . jsburiic Lheir rightful places gr.ii:,. Me served m the Arnn dur- eral had resigned from the Martin to the one- \ ear build- an-.: lu^dusi.- 'the council- board has .applied _Burplui3_ that require che assistance have the services ul a pro- The l«72-73 budget will •nc down by wind ai 7HO in society. We wantedcandi- M-r, liaiil^cr wUi reccivc ing World War il and the State Bureau of Water Re- ing moratorium ^rup i 11141; ^Uuiiuvanj vutctl againat_ be sent tu thy Muaicipai- monies to reduce the budget of sorrTebne knowledgeable : -feasional- planner." i 'lace. dates who were not domin- Uit Jaiuci l ^ ting ul S tied Ser- . kuiean conflict.. Alter being sources, thus adding to the Firth Ward Councilman Peu r the retaining -fa; lanner at l.j and next year, with new con- CONTINtMTAL in the various aspects of Council by the board. The Wb.UNLSD.W , J ated un the board uf educa- vik_t. .\^ai"a lur tiis v-urk discharged, he studied elec- long delay getting court act- M. Donovan. ibi struction, there will be no community life," Mr. Poz- governing bod> may approve 1 : lu ['.m. I Ua. at tion. Ihe coalition only helps v\ ul. I v • v 'I^'L.I I rooj; 47, tronics under Uie Gl Bill. ion on RCFC encroachment A public hearing un [tu residual funds left. gay stated. As the director the budget as submitted by •4 • apobianeo Haza. the community select dieir tip*_»nsored b\ the i irst i'res- Mr. (. larke is die owner of complaints. Preliminary act- ordinance will be conducted EXPERT TAILORING of the Action Now Program, ress tiie board or may reduce [T.t =n> ^:02 p.m. rirt candidates," the trio stated, They also stated the budget b y i r his t Laboratories Inc. Policy Council in the State proposed legislation w: ~>v p.tn . Alarm olitical debtors. Their unly l loll fa t ColluilurU[> ol "'Mr. Clarke's service LO approximately 200 residents ever, may appeal" any de- ment of Environmental Pro- vating or modification of da- N! i\ur Par.iel L. Martin Mayor Martin revealed This sram" will he mv tt r .ii: M erck. i. L. urn j 'i'ding to Mr. the community ot Rahway is have sought assistance from crease in the budget total many-faceted," Mr. I'nzgay tection. original grades ol lands abut- ot Rahway rupurLed tins week thai die CIL> will cuinply with to the state commissioner t »1 elgl.t SI.ill., si 11, ll v i •:> Scott Avenue, Mr. Clarke." th THE M r. bukkei 31 said. ting tile Rahway River an,; •:\ rhe jir^gi'eds ut two flood more extensive and compre- of education. If there is an nr.s nununau. .:u-> i n iln ".' ati> •:". I-KIDAV, JAN Hichael NcHullen, Ernest J. Kuruc ITie turning point In Mr. Pressure for Rahway and the I nitec Mr. Clarke Serves as the its tributaries for a ;H- n> •>.; ; r.'gramtj and an application hensive flood plain building appeal, the commissioner i'arks i. entermial st-rir^ J.:4u p.m. Alarm NEW from I'lu Clarke's life cam 2 in June state legislation to protect arges R i//o NeibeiianL. 0 I - ^ VA.'l . . . ri of one year." tnr (Vdrral funding for anew requirements by a Jul> 1 would conduct a hearing and celebrate ttu Ii r M : iat !• i. .in Kahwa\ ! i let HAS OPENED featuring; presidunt L>f the Rahwa> Ro- flood plains is being aug- 1970 when he decided tu Council President L harU s 1.: e headquarters. deadline. At the J anua ry til en determine the final b-.b-t.-h an- m- I ark in r:.e ^ • •• i id. I lap..-, .i Chosen to Get Ad Altare Dei Aw he uas 21. t. Deeply interested tary L lub, j>resident of the mented by the RC FC while Alterations •Tuxedo Rentals leave his business and go Ihe Cit) received nu11C e meeting of Municipal Cuun- n 1 in scouting in his hunieland, Rahway YMC A board of di- it is soliciting signatures L. Crowell said tins wt-ik am )unt uf the fiscal nit-a- tor lax wU u--a[H each tu ctJfnpitrLtr lfeaUi.itit.tr oi 1 1'wo Boy Scouts from siewlcz. MichaelMatlosz and --' - -' -y Cleaning L -. y^to, full- time community ser- £li* the mayor was authorised ^T-rrr= pi H h - -a-n-tl—di-r-e&tor-t^f tfre- -•for- petitions—in—sttpporrxrf xhfi . he.- wants, ".ey-exy rcsi= en Jan* 2i. that ITS appilca- - -&U-T-&, — series b> ni i J-MJIIIIIU-i . i Rahwa> troops were recom- 11. S. Ilenriquez. vice, Mr. Pozgay saTcITFrom him^elt m scouting w ork when Kahway Ac uon Now Program councilman Peter M. Dono- dent of the city to know- tt. =i uun for >1 1 l.UOu ol floud to hire a planner to prepare srailiph .lie derilgiled t>'l ^ • mended to His Excellency The boys selected to re- Meti Dumimck Festa, a thoroughly experienced July through October, Mr. Mr. Beckhusen, Mr. Mc- I- he arrived in the L'nitcU been chairmanof the van's proposed ordinance to Mayor Martin's administra- i^i .nt rol work has been the necessary legislation for w M h Archbishop Thomas Bol'anU • o^lve the award are Michael tatfor from sht>ps in Italy, Switzerland and Clarke devoted every day co _ _Dowell_ and__Mr. IHg^ins de- rai> • r btates. He lias been a mem- Rahwa\ Planning Board.Mr. curb building in flood plains tion Is preparing very speci- approved byrhe Federal of- meeting furrheTfedcra:!-froad— d\ trotn and v-Ulpoini u| the divert- Responded to car fire at tu receive the Ad Altare WCMullen of Troop 38, where France. *- coordinating the construction feated four other candidates, -!. ^.isi -l ber ot Iroup 47 for i u > ears, c larke also is an active for one year. fic and very effective fkn o. fice uf l.mergency 1'rcpartd- plain building requirements. r s WeStlleld Avenue at John Dei award, the highest honor Harry Blitzer is Scoutmas- of the JFK Community Louis R, Rizzo, a member .tLL.iacru borne ot his accomplish- member of the Police Com. plain building measures." ness, MaV'ir Martin said. The vote, 5-4, followed party 1 he I ' . 1'usta *iervn.- btrre-l. that can be given to aCatho-" TET, and Ernest J. Kuruc of Center. Mr. Clarke's acti- A public hearing on die or- lines. Robert Rosa of Edison, of the board for 12 years; u:t ments w ith the troop have munitv Relations Board, May- Letters critical of the may- The gram covers reim- B; • y w.i is making special liu Scout. Troop 100, where Maurice vities were culminated on dinance will be he^d Monday j former plannin-g director for Lester Oxman and Burt J. [..- NU INDAV, JAN. 24 been the preparation and dis- or's Youth Task Force, ad- or because of • h»s atard t>ur^N3iit rir ol .ru^neyii spout nsent> fur ; ru in The recommendations Moran Sr. is Scoutmaster. Oct. 31, 1970, when the JFK at 8 p.m. by the Municipal Woodbridge, has bt en re- Arnold, former board mem- .at.: i 'dur uf gasoline m sewer (litJUtlon ot food baskets lui visory board for Guv. Wil- against the ordinance- "IUIL- 1>\ the city in 1^71 in emer- order requests toi fi i\M- were made by the Rev. Jos- 307 SOUTH AVE., WEST FIELD Community Center opened Council in Ciry Hall. tained at a cost uf $2,-100. bers, and Mrs. £lli?abeui ll fl re at at Cornell Drive and Madi- The awards will be pre- tiio needv, distribution of liam I . C ahill's Career inaccurate In their repre- gency tlnod work on ; ublic Davis. M rs. Davis was a .all> te.e.1 WAcb for canccllauona ol the Vt- son Hill Road. eph Sapeta, moderator for 232-2320 its doors to ihe community The city's application for i iggins, Louis sented at Sacred Heart Ro- United Fund materials, j a r- Development Program, Our sentation of the mayor's po- hullJin^s, 1 lumping srations member of a slate which JuarJ siurie stanij,. v ulli.- I'l TSIX-W, JAN. 25 I 'nion Council, Buy Scouts Open 7 30A.M to6PM. MON TIL 9 P.M. for rhe first time. •>50ti,0ou to build a fire head- ciati>. \tf a.nd QuiL Arnold are man Catholic Cathedral, tic lpation in Civil Defense bchools Committee, Rahway sition on the proposed build- and det.iris removal; nume) included Mr. Deckhusen and totiould t^.U-'W tli^ rij-^ci Brush fire- at Riverside of America, and his Catholic "Mr. Clarke's decision to William Wanko ing moratorium and they lur the repair and rebuilding quarters liafa been turned to th<- hrM tntc-resi •ol Watt, r surce Newark, on Scout Sunday, Mr. McDowell. Ihe opposing th s r r u c 11 u n s h e l n >; I s -s i; L Drive and King Street. Committee on Scouting; Cas- 'leave"hls'Txisinesa and gotn-" ~~do"wn by the Federal Foo- ti and t:.e taxj Feb. 0 at 3 p.m. tions uf LIH Kahwav were inaccurate in iht'ir ul dams at Jacksun and HTbod- slate consisted of" Mr. Hig- tluW tu SutU'.llt tJiel l 1 -I-'JL FRIDAY, JAN. 2b lrnir I3egier, Chester Dobo- tu full time service stemmed good i'onds, and cunversiun nomic Development Adminia- -aim -I-' SfcM Oil Collecting for charitable ur- To Head City representation of the wuik gins, Mr. Rizzo and Mr". V (.- 1 U i w s I ' < :: L t Fire in basement of house from :he need to have a tration, Mayur Martin re- 1 ganizatie.ut>, and assisting at Two Properties being done by the 1)! the j-tr-iidb; into i"e ten tion Oxman. Mr. Arnold ran as Ol ( !<(H c,. [ INK sprawls ovei J,-l un Holland Drive. full-time coordinator on the ported. The grant application, tration to effective-ly r basins, and m inev for a J 1 Ii re Clark Student Taking College Course area hospitals. filed under the l jblu- Works dn independent. i i: 1 • acres m nor tl.vv esfL n. SA IVROAY, J AN. 2^> ground during the construe- building in ttie floud plan," ii rii ited aniLiuni uf st ream I 'nder Mr. liakker's gui- Heart Campaign Impact Program, 'had been. Ihe vote [« (al^, which Faulty ilue. in garage, un Seem Abandoned tiun phase of the JFK Center. Councilman Crowull de- :ehri- clearance tu be dune bin dance, 1 ruop 47 consistently Since this time, Mr. Clarke approved by rhe Philadelphia do nor include the voitrs Cdwt 1 la rrison hi rtt-t. I lie State of New- Jersey William Wanko was named clared. iK-tween ^ov^ and June 4. lu In Swamp of Southwestern Florida has maintained a v e r > high has given fully of himself LDA office but was nut ap- b\ means of absentee bat- tains .- gc\ sert. il.an tl.<. percentage uf 1 agle bcuutb, lias listed two prupertie.-> in Rahway chairmanof the Union "For example, oru- wnnr Kalivsa> lias been recerti- 7 in serving the commjnity proved in Washington. The lur^, are as tullows; Mr. rest of ; ~w77n cTcTTrriTTn v ~C;" Kdhw-ay- i*fe--a-ppe4O million nowell, l.non, Mr TTlgglns, nerns ot jewelr\ and coins I-aitilful Allentown, Pa., a resident of Mr. ha kk e r w as awarded interests in the properties enacted legislation un fluud eligible tur its programs, tern Florida. Mr. Clarke's community 1 to appropriate fur projects l.t'oJ, Mr. Ri22u, 1 04-4, Mrs. stolen as the result ol a stamp. Clark, is among approxi- the scouting Woud Madge, are asked to write to Ldward plain requirements to bt.-eli- the maun explained. Basic i^avis, oii Mr. 1 >x MISB Herman is the daugh- service was recognized in th>ud plain management re- through ihe entire nation and ; brt-ak and entry un Jan. 2u. mately 75 students from une uf the highest awards an J. M juney, assistant to the gible for federal fl.»od in- that small projects were Mr. Arnold, n5,s. of the PtJM (.'ffict. -ind the ter of Mr. and Mrs. William July 19-7-L.when he was made surance and he complains quirements were met by the iotal loss it> nov. valued at Cedar Crest and other in- adult scourer can earn, and supervisor. Bureau of the given higher priority than Approxim itel\ I • _ ol the uncertainty uf che weather stitutions who are partici- V. Herman of 101 Thomas 1 budget and Accounting, State a member of the United that Rahway should be duinu lVt_. 17 deadline, the ma>'i>r in 1 J7O he was nominated large ones such as Rahway's, registered voters v.\ e n t U and the availability uf |:ei- Drive. During January, she States Arrriy Society of Pa- the same," Councilman C i\>- s a HI . TIM'RSDAY, JAN. 27 Capt. John Parker pating in the college's second ALL FOOD AVAILABLE IN HEAT and awarded the Jaycee's House, Trenton, N.J. 08625. ihe polls, A total sonnel thifa season at W-IU is residing at Remuda Ranch, triots. The inscription on well stated. " Ihefact is thai ui 2,2b2 K aliw a y Auto -^upj J1\ of 12 January term session in CONTAINERS FOR HOME USE 1 en I'uiriianding Young Men The presumed owners and vores were cast un st.-ne Park, all mail a $5,000,000 sportsmen's re- SEALED ...or die plaque he received reads: these other municipalities More mune\ is expected !uesda^. W. M iltun Avenue reported Florida. Award b> the United States locations are: D. R.Maloy, 1 h I s uar's vote requests lor fi rst-da\. sort which tiie GAG Corpor- ENJOY "For patriotism and devo- are following Rahway's lt-ad. Scout Troup 47 to be available in the next tu rnoui ti.e larceny <>\ an adding ma- Gets NS Degree Miss Herman is taking the Jaycees in I ul^a, Okla. 43 him Avenue, and W. C. was Jlr U-ss than cellations sl.oLild bt ^ ation has provided as a site tion to his Country and Com- Rahway has for sonic tinu- federal fiscal \. ear, and Rah- the I'C! chine valued at $1 5o' taken "Return to the Wilderness" Mr. Bakker, supervised W eaver, ft34 L. M llton turnuut. Hit. ' 'Yellow stone Stamj , for the educational venture. "»*. munity from the Officers and way will reapply, if it still ll'M'i ttu- Sel"V!Ce desk. Also, course specially designed for Troop 47's trip tu the Neth- Avenue. now had the requirt-nienis Washtngton, Students and faculty from Men of the United States meets unemployment level In Iuesda\'s balli.ning Lhe t!.e ^ ma re lie nia.chine. pdd- From AF Institute the month-long session to erlands in July lv)70. During Colonta Man Mugged necessary for federal ap- To Have Dinner ' 23 colleges and universities Army," proval and was recently re- criteria, thu nia>ur said. voters in three wj rdh, the runm- offer an opportunity for study a two-year period, members Lugune W. Carroll, 58, uf a a tance enclosed. b|eciul pro- from throughout the United Mr. Clarke is married to certified as being eligible Ik' added ihat Rep. Curnel- Fourth, Fifth and Sixth, ap- Ljreak and "ol an ol the troop raised approxi- 7° Starlight Dr., Colonia, •II ce.ssinj; will be j r>»vided h M States are participating ^for tederirr~no~o"tt ,ius 1 , uall aglier had done proved the current ex pi ered during the regular sem- ~nTaTel\^^^7OT>o—TD—itrrancc— -rrpo-Ft-eU-—tu 4iuhwa-y -Re-H-ee OIL Saturday expedite service. Marti) s nd the program, which includes of Newark. The couple has funds. Not unly was ' "an untjciirv-abiyoutstanding liA-Tii. \ i_itt;ri in ail u-axUi. r-e— AlK'ilftl the trip. Mr, hakkcr cour- on January 31 that he was will be . 1111 x u d in Washing- ester. exploration of the 10,000 Is- two children, Gregory, 15, the first in the count\ tu I k'J ^COiiL I t'oop -4 T" of job in dstoibung tiiu progress lected 'he capital outlaw i ro- ' -te-C U V'1.-; IW oU'I't'iJ 1 Wo Va dinated with friends and mem- mugged while walking un ton, and one ul two cancella- K 1 Instituted to provide ^ the lands of the Gulf of Mexico, and Mlchele, 16. Both youths meet flood plain building re- Kahwav v\ ill serve a spa- of our ap.plication on a daily posal. 1 He J['|' I'u val, !,uw - s[ i-akcrb stolen during students with time for "ex- bers of tile troop- committee Jaques Avenue near W. Al- basis." Ihe congressman e\er, was b\ uiil\ a slim 1 tions w ill be aj [ lied, Wa^h- the Fahkahatchee Strand, attend Rahway High School. quirements but nu othei ghetti suppe-r on Saturday • reak , ent i > and larceny perimentation, innovation known as the Last Wilder- Wli to insure the success of bert Street. from -1 tu s p.m. in Havis has pledged tu work fur fur- niargiii, ru u votes m the cast GLADLY The Rahway Jaycees and municipality in the count \ M a\ Iron. Liie In line ul Natiuiial I-'ark, W \ ." 1 tu. and flexibility both incoursee ness, and other parts of the Jaycee-ettes are inviting has stronger requirements.1' llall oi the Firi=t Tresbs- ther appropriations under • it rr.L' M\th Ward, four vo:o.s -: . VI :iry Artnv M ink lrwic L, and programs," the January DELIVF-R collector should IIKIKJU I:, Everglades. friends of the recipients to i en an Chu rch, Rahway, tn Public Works Impact i-'ro- ii' the f itth Ward and nine u. n.. Forecast Large Turnout at Breakfast Councilman C ruwell ^aui r pencil on the hn*. e r bit ul term at Cedar Crest includes This term is the first 310 INMAN AVENUE attend the award dinner at raise money lor transpor- yranih, and to assist Rahwaj \ m the 1-uurth WjrJ, i.e^dul'u I' e.llld ul 1 L01 study on the Allentown cam- of a year-round program di- William Wanko another letter writer cum- tation and camp expenses, in reapj.lying for funds. unoftic lal returns, rhtr envelopes whtch canct-l- 381-5150 COLONIA, NEW JERSEY tiie Golden Lantern Res- plained that thu mayur should .:;.-,.•:, 1 iill K'.'d'd ruj-urtud lations be desi n.'>. II n- • .1. ,,t 1 :- • U >. u d 111 iln a r\ Edmund Lauzeckas pus, on locale around The rected by Dr. Louis V. Wil- taurant, Route 1, Linden. February fund drive. His 1 iekt-ts m-ay be obtained qiuci: Jo nut include th*-- ah— at' •!« Of Holy Name Society at St. Mary's recommend specific legisla- bai !er\ btulen from his ;iA 1. rnmeiu t-in- world and at the college's cox and open to all colleges appointment was announced M the dour. \lw\ ^rt.- $1.50 Mayor Martin said mat vut L'S, sh^\s Uiat the p re1e renc e is indicated, the The dinner on Febr^S^vlll tion in view of his- oppusi :ar while the vehicle was Y e 1 1 u w s t o n e cancellation lu\i O m scicnnln:, tt-ch- new campus for environ- and universities. A large turnout is being comnunlon breakfast chair- commence at 6:30 p.m. The by State Senator Matthew J. (or adukh- and > 1 tor chil- thi^ development ''means slate ul Ii L.'C knuscn-Davit;— i \r\ ant tion to Councilman Donovan's , arked in the driveway. will be applied. Requests toi in.] oil, tlelus. Ed Lauzeckas predicted lor the- 1-atlier and man William Fee, cost is $6.50 per person. Rinaldo of Union, chairman dren lu yea r& ol age and that we will proceed at full McIJuuell v.dt, successful in :. a n e i; proposal. steam on our u 1 her niajur SUNDAY, JAN. J'j double cancellations un the liij nia- Airman Ii d m u n d Lau- Son Conintuniuii Breakfast of The priest was a mission- Members of the community of the county drive. undi:r. _ • the First and Fourth Wards and etil o . Si >::.et i'.i a Me!" '7o begin witJi, die JJ- community " facilitic-t, pro- > .e> i rge NUjr ris ul 1 77 1 same envelope v\ 111 sn >I 1»L 11; m.in i^e- zeckas, son of Mr. and Mrs. the Holy Name Society at ary in Brazil; a teacher at who desire to attend the Mr. Wanko, who lives at I Mans are being made for where all three candidates to rr.tt. r Uie '-'- •r:i- I ^ ministxation is niajiping >>ui jec t--cunverting the I.liza- Wl.ntier -Street reported the honored. Frank Lauzeckas of 1392 St. Mary's Rum in Catholic Seton Hall Preparatory dinner and awards ceremony 601 W. Grand Avenue, was 1 t w o - d a), fk-.i n 1 i r k e t in ran ahead ol their oppon- rear kite: .L-:I J> ><> r. \ .-.< the entire city, designating bethtown Gas Compan\ land I'.itury siulen from tus car Ah, Ke[ ubllC ol Liryant St., Rahway, com- Church, Rahway. School, South Orange; acur- are requested to notify Al- Rahway Heart Fund chairman e.trl\ June. ents. ol glJ.^b brt.-akiri^; \^a.-3i.e Addresses should be to what exact degree i-aih and buildings into a modern while the vehicle was parked l r dui s with a unit pleted his U.S. Air Force The affair is scheduled fred HigKlns, Jaycee com- 13 times. He is a machiniut lhe truop it> -pLanniny—tu- In the Second Ward, the and tin- liiiu: t'.irkiiiL • •* ]Uaced as far to the ln\u i area of the city is subject " police headquarters." The in the rear uf that address. 1 he i' .ic i lie Ai r Forces. basic training at the Air its 55th Anniversary for this Sunday after the ate ai St. Rose of Lima mittee chairman, at 382- at the Alloy Steel Products go tu C ana da lor sum m..'r voters favured Mr. Rizzu, dog appdre-nilv scared left as posbible because ol to flooding," Councilman city app rop ri a ted SI 30,0o0 [ l.e car stolen from John AC A r \a headquarters for Training Command's Lack- 8:45 a.m. mass. Roman Catholic Church, 6699 or Mrs. Senta Pozgay, Corp., Linden. camp [his year. Mr. Higgins and Mr. Mc- intruder a'A a > . t i.t r;. the stamp's size. Blocks tit The Union County Council Girl Scout Council. Crowell said. "Initial wurk late last year to purchase (.udnu-M ad of f>45 11 em lock air opL rai ii '!i.^ m S ait he a at land AFB, Tex. He was as- Short Hills, and a chaplain Jaycee-ette committee chair, 1 he troop's annual winter Dowell. The Third Ward vo- nut \^a iiied .-.; n>_ L tin, four stamps on standard ti- oi Parent-Teacher Associa- Mrs. Leonard E. Tandul, Guest speaker for the Mr. Wanko is a member on this waB recently com- the property and buildings, » »or Street was recovered on A ili 1 I-ur Latit and the signed tu Sheppard. AFB, at Newark City Hospital, man, at 925-3888. No tic- carnival was held the week- ters backed Mr. Higgina, from die ha>_ k , u ret, envelopes will be placed , * ' tions will celebrate its 55th county president, announced morning will be the Rev, of the Fraternal Order of pleted by the Army Corps and tu cover legal, archi- into l.ee-sville Avctuie. Two ju- i rea. Tex., for training In aircraft Newark. kets will be sold at the door. end ol Jan. 21-23 at Camp Mr. Rizzo and Mr. Beck- the kitchen ^a.-. .^e^ureJ idewise. '''';! anniversary at a Founders' the election of several new Joseph Sherer, announced Eagles and the Rahway Dem- of Engineers. Lach designa- tectural and other fees. As w 1 rtl veniles, residents of Ldison, ^ aj i .tin u a.s cuni - maintenance. Airman Lau- Brady, I 'ottersville, even husen. Mi.—liiggintg,—rvTTT anothei I..LN and ilidiiij: I lu ^ l Day luncheon on Monday, members to the board of A Saving-Not An Expense: ocratic Club. ted area will have specific of this date, title searches lu.41. were a rrested and charged . d in I »o through zeckas is a 1970 graduate of though there was no snow Rizzo and Mr. Beckhusen '1 ( 'I .iHAV, JAN. if. missit me "Feb. 7, at Wieland's Steak managers. The new county He and his wife Louise are and detailed building have been completed, the with, ] njtisession uf a stolen Joseph Snegon T raining _Schoul, Rahway High School. Hammer Tax Centan would like to announce lha for the event. The scouts received the Fifth Ward's i'oliee handled a j;reat i Hficer House, Mountainside. chairmen are Mrs. John Con- the parents of seven chil- survey is near completion, niutur vehicle. Lackland A I-11, 1 ex. "" requirements. gave much of their time to support while the Sixth Ward many calls in rci;.in.l to wind- The speaker will be the solo of Union, exceptional opening of their n*w oHlcai In LMen and llahway ... dren. work on final plans has start- A 1 a r L e ti \ w as r ej >o r t e d Navy beam an Apprentii. e i g^j- Councilman Crowell said cleaning of camp buildings followed suit. storm damage: Wires d^v-n, Joseph R. Snegon, son ul glonal High School, Clark, Rev. Carl J. Arico, family child; Mrs. Martine Leone now 3 office* In Union County to serve our rapidly Mr. Wanko said that ap- ed, and closing can be ex- tu have occurred at 152 land Springs (V a .) i ligh Mayor Martin criticized the which are being prepared for The board will have us trees upro«jted, damage to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. he received a bachelor of life apoetolate of the Arch- of Rahway, program and' Inxreailng clientelel proximately 3,000 Union pected in less than two weeks. Maple Avenue. I. n t r y was I, he reci. lved a bach- Donovan ordinance because renovation. reorganization and regular roofs and broken store-iruiit Snegon of 2092 Whittler M., science degree in chemistry diocese of Newark. His sub- Founders* Day, and Mrs. Hammer Tan Center* guarantees rree 1-R.S. County residents will die gained and d quantity of home clur ol science degree in "the councilman (Donovan monthly meeting on Monday windows. Rahway, was graduated from in I^o2 from Rutgers Uni- ject will be "The Challenge John Hansen, community ad- insurance, accuracy and frt« photo copiw of your tan this year from heart disease. fixtures of unknown value iyf-Wcstficld,-xicputrgovernor;- Avtiiyk^HMCl -SpOr-tSv.-Lr.iVv.r.rT.TSj-.-.-.V.-.'^lO-- ln^ 1959 and was last stationed hazardous conditions. slate of candidates for of- the home of Mrs. Ronald University scientist, the llnul nf 277 HiiifeR Road. In adcUtion to competing in individual'isvefftfe for the RHS through the mails and on a 1 TT I T e treasurer of the Rahway club, and Albert Hugger,, secretary WeddingB .;. -"6-R- ^ in^vMetnam. __„^ -" ^ _^«* - • Th.. e. contai* > n has completed fice in" _th e___^_ PTA_ for the cockroach has survived In team, young Nunez aleo swims in rolay events." hlto-house basis. T - - - , , . -. ThA "Silver star, ttie uronze Mar n roue of combat "d*utv ""lV T972^73~Bcnooi year". Ite 'present form for more fluremill> than 100 million years. model a e b Offc Medal and flward8 of ' ^e fT c SH M$ ->? ^ATn°EiH7^ S300" ^^ of Arthur L. Johnson Re-' " cusfled "the" progress-bciwg Inc.# 765 U.S. Highway No. 22, North Plalnuela75o-aouu. ^c Purple Heart. RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1972 PAGE 3 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT PAGE 2 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1972 identify the owner of an item Anita J.DuBrow of Rahway Force Reserve Officer Train- instantly by querying die com- has earned highest academic. . Project to Nark Valuable Articles As Deterrant to Thefts Explained puter with nothing more than ing Corps at Newark College honors at Franklin andMar- Club Has Aim, tification? of Engineering, Newark, for Infoririation about "Opera- Q. Where do 1 get the etch- reveal the individual's most the operator's license num- shall College, Lancaster, Pa.; tion Identification," a project A. A program to discourage ing tool and the window stic- recent address. ber. Ail items having an 7 - the spring semester. Mr. for studies completed during theft and burglary by iden- M-Weeny is Highland Blue To Find Friends which will let Clark resi- ker? Q. Has the program really identifiable mark such as the 1971-72 fall semester. dents borrow an electric en- tification of valuables and worked to prevent crime? this can be fed into the Band Squadron commander. She was named to the hon- notifying potential thieves A. Call at any participating Selection of major posi- graving tool to mark house- agency between die hours A. In Monterey Park, Calif, NCIC System and a check by By Kate Bauer ors list as one of 130 Frank- hold items, was provided this this action has been taken. where the program was any agency coming across tions in the corps was made lin andMarshall students who For Those Alone Q. Howls this accomplished? of 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. on by professional officers of week by the sponsors. days listed above, An etch- started with nearly 4,000 items in the nation withNCIC Perth Amboy General Hos- became American ciuzens earned academic achieve- The project is being backed A. By etching one's operator participating homeowners in would result in the Identi- pical Was the scene of the at a Naturalization Court the detachment and ranking ment distinction ranging Are you or do you know license number on portable ing tool will be loaned to cadets. somebody that is a widow, by the Clark Police Depart- you and stickers provided 1963 - only six have been fication of such items as birth of a son to Mr. and cererr. )n\ un Jan. 31 in the from 3.70 to 4.00, with 4.00 ment, Patrolmen's Benevo- items such as bicycles, tools, when you return the tool. victims of burglaries and stolen, where, when and the Mrs. William Bond of 337 L'nion County i ouri House, equivalent to a straight "A" widower, divorcee, separa- Safety measures toprevenc private. Arrangements were radios, appiances, TV setc, ted male or female of any lent Association Local 125, Q. Why not use the socialin only two instances were agency submitting same. K. Grand Ave., Rahw j> t un average. a repetition of Sunday s trag- made by the Walter J. John- etc. During February, 48 em- age or single person of 35 Clark Honorary Patrolmen's security number rather than identified items taken. Jan. °. New citizens from Clark ployees of Public Service edy In which two persons eon Funeral Home, 803 Rari- Q. Why does this discourage Q. What other advantages District Board to Meet PRUJF.C I' TO HALT THE FTS...Police Chief Anthony T. Miss DuBrow, the daugh- years or over and looking died in he Middlesex Water tan Road, Clark. Benevolent Association No. the operator's license num- Smar of L lark holds electric engraving tool which can be art Mrs. Ai-Ung I nij;, Chaui- £\Vc~trlc and Gas Company theft? would such a program offer? ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman for new friends and wanting Company resevoir in Clark Mr. Milewski was born in 125, Clark Jaycees and Vet- ber? The l'nionCount> Regional used by householders to mark valuable articles as a Mr. andMrs, I'aul ^ In ling, Joseph Juniu andwll ]cump iete 25 years' ser- erans of Foreign Wire Post A. A window sticker serves A. The New Jersey Depart- DuBrow of 735 W. lnman to attend social affairs? were discussed yesterday by Kearny and moved to Clark A. Because the social secur- High School District Board deterrent to thievery. With turn are, left to right, of 5o Malvcrn Or., *~ lark, t., a b»> v M . ri u v e g c b. vice with the company and Avenue, is a junior at F&M 7363. notice that the items have ment of Motor Vehicles now KJUJ/S :K-VV c liizens a I t* If so, contact the New Mayor Thomas A. Kacz- 14 years ago. He was a com- ity number cannot he ustd of Education will hold its Ihuma.s P. kelmarnn, the township's director of are the parent of a daughter will be presented gold serr and a 1970 graduate of Rah- Tools may be borrowed been identified; I hus. if sto- has the identity and address born on Jan. 0 in it. Lhzn- Mrs. NUrij^. . t. jnuxiJt- and vice emblems in honor of Outlook Social Club by call- marek, Thomas P. Kelmar- muhicant of StS . AgneA Chs Churchh len, would be direct evidence to trace people ( K-deral Re- of every licensed driver in monthl> meeting at 8 p.m public safety, Fire Chief I-rank Oberlies; Ira Berman, way High School. ing 634-3651. between 7 and 9 p.m. on the striction) whereas the oper- on 1 uesday, Feb. 22, in the president ut the t lark Honorary Patrolmen's Benevolent Hospital. Lhzabeth. Mrs. AJa Araci . the occasion. PARTY WEEKEND...Enjoying a conference weekend" AWARD WINNER...William Kluse, son of Mr. and Mrs. tin, director of public safety a sophomore in Arthur L. against the thief when fuund the State computerized. sponsored by District 16-E of the New Jersey Lions for the township; and Police Johnson Regional High following days and at thein his possession and would ator's license number can cafeteria of Governor Liv- Association, Harold kessler, cummandtr of Veterans Among the recipients are: Miss Roxanna Rode of 1051 William J. Kluse of 880 W. Lake Ave., Rahway, left, The club meets on the locations listed: Hence, any New Jersey law ingston Regional High A son was born ru M r J.'^L-; 1: I . bcaraiH' uf Rah- Carl U. LarBon of 442 W. Club at Pocono Manor, Pa., are, left to right, I-rank Chief Anthony T. Smar. School, a member of Boy also be most difficult to be traced readil> b> any law enforcement agency may tjf Foreign Wars Pust 73o3, and Steven Maytner, Maurice Ave., Rahway, has poses with Klaas Bakker, scoutmaster of Boy Scout second Friday of each month Scout Troop 246 and a mem- Monday, VI-'W Hall; enforcement agenc> and will School, Berkeley Heights. and Mrs. Philip b v, a \ 1 \\ i-wnrtrr Co ., ^ Route lnman Ave., Rahway, a line Vash Mrs. Yash, William Sangiuliano of Clark, past Troop 47 after receiving an Ad Altare Dei award from at the Golden Crown, 149 During Monday night's trade or sell. president uf the honorary PBA unit. No. -~, Kahway, attended deputy governor of Lions. Mrs. Sangiuiiano, Mrs. joined the Drew University special meeting of die Mun- ber of the Clark Little Tuesday, PHA Range House; 1721 Park St., Rahu.a\, on foreman with the electric Chorale as a soprano. Archbishop Thomas Boland on Sunday in Sacred Heart Westfield Ave., Roeelle Wednesday, PBA Range Dec. 27 in Muhlenberg iu>b- ihv champion service sem- distribution department at the Stephen Drenkowski and Mr. Drenkowski. Mr. Cathedral, Newark. William, fe star scout, is in the icipal Council In the Munici- League. ; The 40-voice chorus of Park, in the reception hall. House; Thursday, Fire Head- i lainficld. inar conducted b\ Victor Elizabeth division and Ed- Sangiuliano, who was a member of the conference eighth grade of St. Mary's School, Rahway. The next meeting will be pal Building, speakers'men- Surviving are his parents, Coni) lomeu-r L orpuratiun, commlttee,'is a candidate for district governor. Mr. the Madison college will be- tloned the possibility that a Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. quarters: Friday, PB A Range mund T. Kollor of 13 Rose gin its annual tour of the tomorrow at 9 p.m. Mem- House. f-uur Clark residents and business M achines Division, Ter., Clark, chief automo- Drenkowski is a past president of the Clark Lions fence might be required to Milewski; a brother, Mai- central Atlantic States later Linda Moyle Collette, 20 ber ship is drawn from Union Questions and answers two Rahway residents took in New ark. tive mechanic in the same Club Mr. andMrs. Yash wereguestaof the Drenkowskis. and Middlesex Counties, keep trespassers from the chew, at home, and his pa- the oath of allegiance and Mr. bcaranu stated char department and location. this memhj-with a program -Washington' -Street- Allee— reservoir prope_rjy_, _LL was ternal grandmother, Mr**. iib(ju£ the project _are:_ hi> :nici^auor, in the- m- •—;—• ' , ~ oT~retig±uuB, folic~and~popa- sandra Helen Babich, 9 Cutler stated'that four livas-'Fiave MltewEki" of Kearny. Q, Wh-at-is~"Operad*m Iden- will present us annual show, work-study program of co- lar worke Place; Jo Ann Hobble 56 been lost by drowning in the M^:=!-l-$M£aiW rstfifii'fi - V-tccor 4k.-Se^R>ka6-of^4^---^B^^ ... - W1BB Rode"is the daughter Lefferts Lane; RrosemaryM. Boosters to Have reservoir since 1960. Valley Rd., Rahway, a junior Show," on Saturday March The College ot Insurance ui p. Warren Rode of Rahway Lynch, 32 Kennedy Drive On Sunday afternoon Wil- - 4, in St. Michaels Hall; is a fully-accredited educa- 1970 graduate of_Rah- and Elizabeth Ann Walsh, 16 CLARK ELEMENTARY NRCT y and a 4*r .injA2.Ltl£._N _w_i rsey_Carnma ttoaal lnotitutio. Omegn a Alpha " OnTJa Lane, AH majored in Week of Feb. 14 Wendell PL Clark, and i£d~ e e Shuwtiim: is. elementary IJUWVI LIIU11I1M T MONBAY- 5, of 17 tin T IVLJVIMI IIV" i:u-i>, calculators and One-half pint of milk, spa- Mountain View Rd., Clark, national engineering honor 1 a.m. which will include fraternity at the college. five Clark students are can- The Arthur L. Johnson The Rahway High School cash registt-TS." society. ind meat sauce, green Band Boosters Club will have became the latest victims of William iiallard and Mi-. dancing and a buffet supper. — didates for bachelor of arts Chapter of Future Business or spinach, bread and Criteria for election into a basement sale at 981 Thorn the reservoir. Mr. Harrison CLARK Ticket information maybe OR the degrees from Newark State Leaders of .America tFBLAJ Italian cheese, fruit. died in the icy water while the society are superior scho- obtairied from Mrs. Louis Three •w De- College, Union. has planned an interesting St., Rahway, oh Saturday from the til V- - laatic achievement, integrity, viggiano at 388-9055. executive TUESDAY 10 a.m. to 4 p.m: trying to save the 15-year- Bearings ^he Rahway students, their of speakers for the One-half pint of milk, tur- old youth. Ano^h^jj-bo^-y-Hjiaii- DRUGS breath of interest both inside parture "^^p^— addresses and their majors 86 Westfield Ave^.Clark M • W. cny Sr. ol 1 409 and outside engineering, Joseph Yerkuvich, the sun months. In February, key and gravy, rice and sweet Antiques, furniture and Subliskey, 15, of 1 1 Win- si., iiaiiwa>, was are: Arthur S. J-acknow, 2491 --v^nd APri^ respec- potato, peas and carrots* honRfthold articles will been Rd. Clark, was saved adaptability unselfish n St. George Avenue, history; t selected one of the cadet Zeigler, division general ,^-ey will have speak- cranberry, bread and butter, aale. Mr. Harnsun. 381-7100 officers of the 490th Air Brunswick Kathleen Seeburger Mahon, Following the induction at was elected second vice manager. _„_, , . , _ ers fronV Berkeley, Cath- hip. Persons who have items First Ward Councilman 7 Jelio wlth w John Bodnar suggested that Thurs., Fri.f Sat., Feb. 10-11-12 Newark College of Lngineer- of Omega Alpha Effective Feb. 1, Peter tar?' Jaques Avenue, elemen- erine Gibb^, and Nancy Tay- WEDNESDAY which they would like to lsTneM fr«rprnir&«eTt v WallacW^ ackwak was s aVpomuappointeMd gengen- V education; Beverly P. lor SecretaWl Schools. In One-half pint of milk, fish donate to the Band Boosters residents of properties ad- Open daily 10 A.M. to MIDNIGHT I'M GLAD I CHANGED TO .. . , DusineBB utueiimy mnnllfOrr,lin,. niqna Rogers, new members was held in Cnl ei?e nf nmirflnce eral manufacturing manarnana- Rogers° •, 343 Washington May, a demorisC*ati' ot N.J. Same Day Sarvica * 382-2424 are advisor and co-advisor manager's choice. The two Clark boys, L\d- A i t RAHWAY HIGH SCHOOL El of the club. THURSDAY 'Mnewski and Brian B AppOJ )8 1- Week of Feb. 14 B CLARK.- COMPLETE LUNCHEON Choice ofone: *BnlfPidmeat were -ice skating Richard K. Harrison of loaf, *oven-baked fish sticks on the reservoir about 4 D 964-1430 9S4-1287 Boy Scout Troop 330, Clark, Must include 1/2 pint of whole white or chocolate with tartar sauce, *ninafish, p.m, un Sunday v-hen the ice 9 was one of 29 Catholic scouts boiled ham on hard roll, egg broke and the bo\b were 1 Floor of Early American and SUEDE COATS a JACKETS who were given Ad Altare Dei MOMnAV salad on hard roll. plunged into the icy water. 2 floors of Spanish. We carry awards in a ceremony on _ , MONDAY GOWNS 8. FANCY DRESSES Choice of two: Juice, Mr. Harrison was walking such famous names as Link- STORAttF Thursday afternoon in Choice of ^ one: Hot sliced Sacred Heart" Cathedral, chickxTT-^dwieh^tivgfOvy,-- creamy—whipped—potatoes, Toyloi1, FREE MOTH PROOFING Newark oven-grilled frankfurter on buttered carrots, tossed sal- and 'I homas, about two blocks (ANDL1S BRASS CHINA BRIDAL GOWNS CLEANED ad, cole elaw. REWEAV1,NG 8. DYEING roll, *tuna fish, salami on from his hume when he heard LEATHER COATS A hard roll, ham salad on hard Choice of one: Bread pud- the r.wu bo>s scream. NTrs. 3 Mountaineer Woodcraft JACKETS roll. ding with fruit, fruit, mana- Valeria Cisneros of 54 Wen- KNITS CLEANED A The Suburbatt>Uakers of choice of two: Juice, ger s choice. dell I'lace heard the cries BLOCKED Twine and Triplets &Jub will maaned potatoes, buttered A LA CARTE •!*';.'* and telephoned to Clark Po- AND MANY ALTERATIONS hold their monthly meeting garden spinach, tossed sal^ Beef barley soup; sand- lice Headquarters and then THE PINGRY SCHOOL on Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. ad cole slaw, wiches; Tuna fiBh salad, It- went to the reservoir, which ONK OF A KIND ITHMS MAN MADE Fl'RS- BORG ANZ AS in the Linden Elks Clubhouse, choice of* one: Apple- alian submarine, American adjoins the backyard of her 225 Luttgen PL, Linden. Ro- sauce, fruit, manager's cheese, manager's choice. property. A College Preparatory Day School NO EXTRA selle Patrolman ^ '— ' ~ Mrs. Cisneros said later «£ .-I .XondiscTW>tiii,ir<> hiitituno'i Carey will speak and show A LA CARTE Choice of one: Baked that Mr. Harrison, who was Now Accepting Applications 7AM -7PM MON THOU SAT an exhibition on Drugs. Re- Chicken rice soup; sand- manicotta with tomato sauce in the water, called to her U.S. ROUTE 22. MOUNTAINSIDE. N.J. TRY HARVARD'S OUALITY SERVICE freshments will be served. For 1972-1973 Openings wiches: Tuna fish salad, and Italian bread and but- and asked her to "throw RESERVATIONS (201) 233 5542 hamburger, baked ham, ter, oven-grilled hamburger something." Mrs, Cisneros PRIVATE PARTIES 10 TO 200 EntranceExominations Sat., Fob. 26, 1972 manager's choice. on bun, ""manager's choice, related that she and her son, LUNCHEON • COCKTAILS • DINNER h"ruc i>r felephi>rw TUESDAY American cheese and tomato George, tossed a hose and And We Only LOOK Expensive! Choice of one; *Breaded on hard roll, cold sliced meat electrical .extension cord^but — SERVING LUNCHEONS — The Pingry School Mon. thru Fri. 12:00 to 3:30 -5 E CHERRY ST. RAHWAY. N.J. veal cutlet, *baked ham loaf on hard roll. that Harrison couldn't reach 215 North Avenue, Hillside. N.J. (201) 355-69W steak, *cottage cheese, cold Choice of two; Juice, but- them. Mr. Harrison tried to 12:00 to 4:30 381-77 17 hold onto the ice but it broke OAIIYV3O.5 THUO 3O to sliced pork roll on hard tered garden peas, buttered roll ch<<"fr**n salad on hard whole kernel corn, tossed WMfafl'aEMSiiE(g& roll. salacl^cole slaw. Mrs. Cisneros related. Choice of two: Juice, Choice of one: Peanut but- Police and rescue workers buttered noodles, buttered ter bar, fruit, manager's arrived quickly but Mr. string beans, tossed salad, choice. Harrison and the Milewski A LA CARTE boy had slipped below die Con* Stand Fish...Constantly Cheating? colfc slaw, Choice of one: V anilla clam chowder; surface of the water. Wil- Are You Bored...Cant Get With It? pudding with fruit, fruit, sandwiches: Tuna fish salad, liam Wojciak, 19, of 59Win- $149 Diet for Two Days.-Then Gdof? „ - manager's choice. veal parmeean, pizza pie, throp Rd., Clark, responded Conserving © A LA CARTE manager's choice. to the calls for help and Table & 4 Chairs- (.,,. M..'."U ONIY 11 toil- M..l'"» ""'•«"" Tomato noodle soup; sand- SPECIAL COMPLETE entered the water with a rope WITH THIS COUPON J4 00 LUNCHEON tied around him but he was Natural WfeatHavt Yoo Got To lose? wiches: tuna fish salad, frankfurter, spiced ham and Large salad platter, bread unable to locate either of Gas CALL: 757-7677 American cheeee, mana- and butter, listed "dessert, the victims. The bodies of iqhest FOB COMPUTE INFORMATION ger's choice. milk. the two were recovered about WEDNESDAY *Add bread and butter to 5 p.m. Dr. Richard Newman ate! starred entrees. pronounced Ntr. Harrison and Chotce of one: Oven-gril- • ••»•*+••••• »+••*«•»•*' led cheese sandwich, sloppy * * * Mi-. Milewski dead. The"bod- Joe on bun, *deviled eggs. RAHWAY ELEMENTARY ies were taken totheHiggins * SAVINGS CERTIFICATE ACCOUNTS SCHOOLS Funeral Horn t, Plainfield, »•**•••+••••••+•••••»••+•+•••••••-»•»•••••»»> Week Of Feb, 14 for autopsy. Last rites were INTEREST FROM DAY OF DEPOSIT MONDAY administered by the Rev. Hot sliced chicken sand- Denis J. Whelan, pastor of wich and gravy and butter, St. Agnes Roman Catholic Dining By oven-grilled frankfurter on Church, Clark. eludes oval tuble, ( luirlotle Mitchell frankfurter roll and butter, Brian Subliskey was taken 6 choirs and 60" Din-L :<•' >>f salami Tsandwicb. to Rahway Hospital for treat- (. i 'ii -timer [nh» niiilli "J Choice of two: Mashed po- ment. He later was sent breakfront, over 30 mi tatoes, buttered garden spin- home. SERVtCE ach, juice. Talcing part in the rescue stock to choose Dessert: Applesauce; operation were members of from. S b. X V J C £ milk. the Police Department, CJark minimum TUESDAY Volunteer First Aid Squad lor 1 jrmr Breaded veal cutlet with and Fire Department. Police bread and butter, oven-baked personnel at the scene in- ham steak with bread and cluded Mr. Kelmartin, Chief butter, chicken salad sand- Smar, Lt. Donald Ficke and fe' SLKViCE wich. Patrolmen Richard Reider, Choice of two: Buttered Robert, Hartong Jr. and minimum SERVICE SI.MM pit'^cni Mippt\' ot i;;is u.m t.iUi noodles, buttered string George King. fur mi nmiilhi , .i: - ot iht: riL-L-d iinlil i-\p.nul- SERVtet Services for Mr. Harrison L .1.1 ,li illnii; p.i1. •* '''I Dessert: Vanilla pudding will be conducted this morn- SERVICE with fruit; milk. ing at 9:45 o'clock in the • + <•»•+•••*»••»• 1 I ") | 1L- llU'.i !•> ll> pi.ill IMIL li I ^ h WEDNESDAY Pettit Funeral Home, 371 t* -iH'.itv tor iht- tt-»p ol flte i .HIUL; -. REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Oven-grlUed cheese sand- W. Milton Ave., Rahway, and w** .IN LI! leu .!•> \ I'U cm AKii. wich, sloppy Joe on bun, pea- at 10:30 o'clock In St. Agnes •I ,i|1i/[ i 1 n. .11- «. 'H>k t ,|s!i_'l ih.lM b nut butter and jelly sand- Church. Interment will be -• ; \i--r-> your old gas ranqe ana mnntiv See ;i wide langt- < >' ' e^ (• ,ncn pi L p.iK'il itK .ils .ini.1 C011- [ n wich. in St. Gertrude Cemetery. 1 :L.: :. UtJ- .) ye, ynu'ro Glenwou.i lappnn Magic Chef and i 1(11111' Iv-- I IK 1 AiiJ vuu *_.iii -i Hnrdwick gas ranges in stylos sizes Choice of two: Tater tots, A native of Rahway, Mr. yd. 11 i.i ml. i in u-i|tn ; LLI ^ ooki ni; • .>!! and your com ! buttered mixed vegetables. Harrison had resided in v • •, ,i oi easier with a tuid colors, to fit any home On display u-mpi'i .ii in v ^ ilhinil pi i> Juice. Clark for 17 years, Hewasa now al OU' nearest phowroom V; Installation arranged i tonj*cit high tlamc Hv %ci(tt»i: it b appliance because Q! its & —-Deesetft-i-"-- Fruit-—Brown —construction inspector" Tor • cjsiOf cooking and B'jdget-suoiching prices -include i i h\- pnl i>n IIK- I'UIU'I Minnit-'t ' Betty; milk. the New Jersey Bell Tele- ttt'e^ and advanced delivety. normal installation and a —phono—Coinpany—4n-4=rinaen- Of voinxc. .iiuithiji noud ') 2-year'warranty on parts and sftrvtre IL .Vci lhese..new_ . . ——Biakod-rneat-loaf^with-br-ead- ^.. and- ivafl—a_rncmbox—of-the yur , use gas much more Credit terms are liberal too D>poii> iny «niounr — »ny lima All dspol'li mjtla on or bvtsra Mi* and L'lih.ina' \iuir rcpui.ilHin and butter, oven-baked fish Telephone Pioneers of Amer- so yoi; conserve energy sticks with Tar tar. sauce and ica. He served in the Army, 10th ot any Mttnih earn mtarttt front tha In p*ij „• compounded .IN .i LHHIIIUCI chel is uiih ,i quarterly. HHHIL'IM LM-> I .IMU'L- 1 hanks t > bread and butter, boiled ham in Europe during World t War II. hcttfi iriMiLilujn \i»u I;L-1 cwn It's Our 117th Anniversary! sandwich. 1 SAVINGS Choice- of two; Creamy -m*>f^—-fvic'ci*.*. - - loinpii* .iluit; Thank you for helping TO mak-B ct»ntrttl iiMtiu toss y.i>-. Aiu! ihc "wElpped potatoes, buttered Mrs, Louiee DeLoskey Har- hurncr - iviih - :i- hrain tcnturc with FIVE BRANCHES: carrots, juice. rison; two sons, William J. .ind IIL'\^ low Icnipci aturo Desserts Bread pudding and Thomas., at home; a vlVCIl1- MICH I ictU'! -pL'l ! L'Cl WESTFIELD ©WOODBRIDGE with fruit; milk. daughter, Jean Marie, at coivkint; wilhiHil tucl waste FRIDAY home; his pnrenro^ Mr. _and B^«d~lriSKIc;oEEa~~wIth~ to- Mrs. William Harrison of WESTHELD-AVE., CLARK, Any questions ahoul nai- Conserve Natural Gas—It's Pure Energy! mato sauce and bread and Rahway, and a sister, Mrs. MOUNTAINSIDE©GRANT CITY/CLARK 1591 Irvingi Sf.,"RaTiwayf 331^1242 TmjRS.r^Wi^&^SAT^OPLENl 1O A.M. TO mal pas'/ l'«-l he delighted lo butter, oven-grilled ham- Jane Plelack of Rahway. answer them personally. Jusi EUXABEYH WESTFIELD MEMLO PAttK (Op*n miM 'tit 0:30) burger on bun and butter, vvrile to me at One Eltzubcih- On* ETown f lain 184 Elm Si Opp. M.nlo fort* Shopping C*nt«r * FEDERAL Funeral services for Ed- 38 Elizabe Th«it; ihowroonn op*" no mghK ond Saturday* .SAVINGS/ tf;—Butteret Js_Aid_LUe garden peaa» buttered whole Give BO more will live. ifeT"torri, juices ~~ ~—~~ -Support the, 1972 campaign'! unl* Iniuri-ri )n £20,000 by Ocsaertt -Peanut, butter ^DfUnion County- Chapter, jtvinftl J. km Gr-ican^-H ear-t-^Ae Booia— .tlon. ' .-- - . ::-.. -:::-


RAHWAY NEWS-RFCQRD/CLARK PATRIOT PAGE 4 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1972 Lunchfime Break my tax bill will remain the member of Azure Lodge No. Mr. Arnold has served as Third and Fourth Districts; Fliers Weren't same as far as school taxes 129, F & AM, and New Jer- a member of various educa- District No* 3 ~ Franklin are concerned. Men like Ed- . sey Consistory, Valley of tional committees and is a School, St. George Avenue, Has Its Surprises Jersey City* He also is a ward J# Higgins and Louis member of the National, New Second Ward, First andSec- Sent to Back R. Rizzo can be expected to member of the Union County Jersey, Union County and ond Districts; District No. JohrTSarafin of 191 Broad- continue to consider the tax- Environmental Health Ad- Berkeley Heights Education 4 — Franklin School, Sec- While the distaff portion workshop, directed at the way, Clark, met two stran- Route' 22 Scotch Plains Any Candidates payer, while they provide visor y-Gommittee, boardrof 'Associations, He was theond ~Ward, Third -and Fourth of students discover the eastern coastlinev ^featuring gers—when he went home for lunch on Jan. 25. the education necessary for directors of the, Rahway recipient of a grant from Districts. many offerings "especially basic terminal rigging,baits 233-0675 New Jersey** Oldest We«htr EEsiabUshed 1823 AN OPEN LETTER our children. JTheir running YMCA, president of Focus on Funds for Local Education District No. 5 — Roose- for women" at the Rahway to use and how to rig them, Two men had a television Rahway Education. He has set and other items lined Member of TO THE BOARD mate, Lester Oxman, who Innovation last year for anvelt; School, St. George Ave- Adult School during the 1972 trolling, casting and bottom Member of PRESIDENT has previously and very suc- been president of the Rahway originai program of teach- nue, Third Ward, First and spring term, their "better fishing techniques. The uses up to go. Mr. Sarafin ar- Qoaliiy of Jersey, Inc. ' rived, and they left without New i*ress Association LOUIS BOCH: cessfully Berved as a board High Schoo , l Booste„ r „Clu„ b, ing elementary school sci- Second Districts; District halves" will delight in theof weather conditions, 1D4SB and the n their haul, having ransacked Union County's Newest Weekly Established member, will continue the Rahway Junior High ci i a child- No, 6 — Roosevelt School, array of courses specially charts, temperature and wa- If I am an innocent vic- board policies which have School ence base n Third Ward, First and Third geared for them. ter conditions also will be a great deal of the home. Published Every Thursday Moraloff by tim of anyone, it is not ofbeen so successful the past Club, anChorad a coacl hBooster in ths ecentered discovery method. Districts; District No. 7 — Electronics, designed to covered. Knowledge will be One of the uninvited guests' few years. city churches" athletic lea- He served as a member of Columbian School, New gained of utilization of fish- Was apprehended after a foot the opposition but of those the Rahway Safety Council i' give an understanding of the BAUER PUBLISHING & PRINTING LTD. members of the board of Election of men of their gue. Brunswick Avenue, Fourth transistor, how to read sche- ing aids and rod repair. chase by Patrolman Robert and as chairman for the Ward, First and Second Dis- Roman at Mr. Sarafin's gas 1470 Broad Street Rahway, N. J. 07065 388-0600 education who reacted so caliber will maintain a peace- Mr. McDowell and hisMarch of Dimes campaign matic diagrams and the uti- The M etal Work, Sculp- quickly and so irrationally ful school system while con- wife, Romalne, are the par- tricts; District No, 8 — lization of various electronic turing and Machine Shop will station at the corner ofRar- Arttor Nertlaad tSorofeoa, Jr. K£ni. KrrtboMoo E in Rahway schools. He is a Columbian School, Fourth itan Road and Central Avenue, R. C. Bauer Oaaer to a letter of complaint from sidering the ability of ents of a son and a daughter. Navy veteran of World War testing equipment, will be teach the many approaches PUBLISHER EDITOR ADVERTISING MANAGER one parent. taxpayers to support the edu- "As an independent candi- Ward, Third and Fourth Dis- among the favorites of dieto the art of metal sculpture, Clark. date, I run free ofpromises, II. Mr. Arnold and his wife, tricts. fellows attending the adult Apprehended.was Luis O. The Rahway News Record and Clark Patriot are weekly newspapers serving the best interests of When I sent out the list cational program. The Rita, have five children. using the electric arc welder of suggeetifetiQiJalificatlons Rahway school system should free of strings, and in no District No. 9 -- Franklin school tills spring. oxyacetylene torch. An op- Salazar, 25, of the 40 block Russell Kripaifls James D. Mumford their respective communities. It is the endeavor of these journals to present the news in a sound, Four are in city schools and for memberaFcfr local school not be so anxious to change one's hip pocket," Mr. one is to enter kindergarten School, Fifth Ward, First and Many men will find Wood- portunity will be available LABORING IN LEATHER...John Kuberski, owner of of Garden Dr., Roselle. His Russell H. Kripaitis of 381 Cornell Ave., Rahway, sane, and traditional manner, maintaining thq rights of all by accurate factual statement and boards, I was doing what I unless we change for tne Arnold declared this week. in September. Second Districts; District working ideal as a means of to learn the use of the power Lazarus Leathersmlths Inc., 103 Center St., Garwood, partner fled in a car and and James I). Mum'urd of 11 Crestwood Lane, Clark, Equipment measured reasonable opinion. thought was my responsi- better. We remember how a "I believe in the betterment The polls will be open No. 10 — Franklin School, relaxing while doing some- equipment such as lathes, works on a handcrafted belt, one of the many specialty is still at large. celebrated their 30-year anniversaries wuh Hsso bility as president of a Par- group Insisted on a change a of education for children. I from 2 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday. Fifth Ward, Third and Fourth thing useful and creative in milling machines, and band leather items made from scratch in his shop. Detective Sgt. Frank Hal- Research and Lngineering Company, Linden, principal Subscription Rate* by Mall Including PoaUfle $6-00; Outside Union and Middlesex ent-Teacher Association: To few years ago. feel it is the time to endThe polling places are: Districts; District No, 11 — the well-equipped woodshop saws, or even the fundamen- loran and Detective David Technical affiliate of the wu rid wide Standard Oil Com, any Counties $8 00; Second Class Postage Paid at Rahway. New Jersey keep the general member- the educational neglect of the District No. 1 — Grover Rahway High School, Madi- of Rahway High School. Stu- tals of sand-casting and met- Donahue are searching for (New Jersey). ship informed. JOHN C. CICCHETTO past few years, and push for- Cleveland School, E. Milton son Avenue, Sixth Ward, dents will learn the use ofalcraft. the suspect. Similar flyers have been 256 E. Grand Ave. ward for a healthy and whole- Avenue, First Ward, First First and Second Districts; power machines and other For the do-it-yourself A neighbor- alerted police Fashions Rahway some change to better the District No, 12 — Rahway tools in making items that when the strange men were sent out in past years, and education of our children. and Second Districts' Dis- buff, the course in Plumbing 381-85S4 they ~are supplied to us by LETTERS - trict No. 2 — Grover Cleve- High School; Sixth Ward, range from the simplest box and Heating can help him to spotted in "the backyard. Society the Union County Council of There must be only one win- land School, First Ward, Third and Fourth Districts. to more complex lampa, save expensive plumbing (Continued on Page 12) ner on Tuesday — the chil- bowls, chesrs"^ and tables. Shop At .... The national school public relations association Parent- Teacher Associa- costs. Included are the Of special interest TO merr proper iTg^"otplTirnt)xng tools. At 21 JohnKuberski, o^ner v"fft nllnfhia Rock, Folk Group f —the boarcfoT education pointect~"otit -w-m in- America and found fertile tnc, -has 'already worked in Leatheremltha Inc. nr schools waat&d—to—bg—canscieiw fium Paro 1 —Railway) -Xhi£—i£ hcafcing- ••y-ae—-taught—in-the- -plum-bing- .learneh r for four yearny, propro- Center St. ."Garwpod, PresFdenTTUxon's '•deliberately cauuoia^^BTlWSfTC— can only existft a s an open^-for children as a member of ducing a wide assortment of Mr. Kuberski named his is chat 10 7o of the nation's 18,000,000 high school plaint, the logical thing to universities of Japan. Sup- vidual problems will be dis- have done would have been system, in constant touch public school systems. plementary to this course cussed. useful personal items for shop for the Lazarus of the students are experimenting with marijuana. Most both men and women. Bilbe, the beggar who was The Catholic Youth Or- to call me and request a with the shifting realities Mr. Arnold promised to will be 30 techniques of self- Classes will begin on Feb. ganization (CYO)ofSt. John j Watch For Our- doctors, educators and drug authorities believe the By J tmes F. Kerasa closed meeting to discuss and in active pursuit of more work with other board mem- defence against chokes, pun- 7 and continue for 10 weekly His shop specializes in the ressurected by Christ. figure is closer to 25 or 35%. malting of belts, custom san- the Apostle Roman Catholic Education Committee Chairman the matter. effective ways of fulfilling ber^ to raise the educational ches, kicks, knives, guns, sessions. No .cash will be Everything in the shop is Church, Clark-Linden, is The public relations association report says: This its function. J am in pursuit standards of Rahway clubs and fighting two or dals, handbags and holsters handmade, and all goods with means that up co 6,000,000 students are talcing drugs Instead the board chose to accepted; all fees must be sponsoring a coffee-house Recent public discussion has centered on student push a resolution through of, and totally dedicated to, schools. more opponents. Postscript: paid hy. check or money or^ in premium leathers. brass appointments are solid. style concert on Sunday from illegally." It added tha: some 50,000 school children learning problems and the question has been asked, quality education." "1 feel this can be done Women may be admitted at der, made payable to the John quit Rutgers Univer- The shop is open on Mon- *0 are addicted hopelessly on heroin. which I believe ties the hand L 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the audi- "What is the board doing about the situation?" Follow- of PTAs and PTOs in the Mrs. Davis, a graduate of without spending large valentine the discretion of the teacher. Rahway Adult School. Addi- sity after studying there for day, Wednesday and Saturday torium of the church's school The survey found high rates of drug abuse In big ing is a summary of the past year. T-echruqnes irr "SaiT~~Water irom . 9 a.m, to 6 p.m.,. on cities. It reported that 40% of San Francisco's Junior city. I do riot consider this Rahway High School, is a amounts of additional tax -t±orrai "inform ation—can—be -two years. For- a while h-e on Vulley Road. Admission g We Specialize In Wedding Cukes J Last spring the education committee made an in- fair treatment. student at Newark State Col- money," Mr. Arnold stated. Fishing will be covered in a obtained by calling 388-8500. was a surveyor by day and Tuesday and Thursday from and senior high school students were experimenting 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and onprice is 750. with drugs. The figure was 22% for Houston. depth study of the results of all standard tests given Insinuations continue to be lege where she is studying "There should be fiscal re- a leathersmith by night, sell- The concert will feature during the past six yeare. It confirmed what many elementary education. She sponsibility without educa- g^o-Free Gift Wrapping ing many of his goods at Friday^—from 9 a.m. to 8 Some teachers may use drugs themselves. It has made that this flyer was p.m. a rock and folk group. people already suspected; there is a serious decline distributed to support the is employed by the Union tional irresponsibility." 65 W\\\ Have Communion Breakfast flea markets and on consign- | TWIN ONTENS j been suggested that high school students and teachers County Trust Company in ment in boutiques. undergo tests to spot drutf-uisefe. Drug abuse reflects in nr.htftVRm.ent levels in basic skills. opposition. ThiR is not true_, Mr. Arnold continued "If the failure of adults to enforce discipline in their The committee immediately began a series oirneet- and I have no axes to grind. Elizabeth" A" member ~oT the peopIeT'of "Rahway placT In 1971. he decided to de- homes, their schools and their cities. ings which are continuing, with the professional staff Ebenezer AME Church, she their faith in ability by St. Agnes for Mothers, Daughters ! BAKERY I ro d'iscuse the indicated deficiencies, particularly MRS. JOHN BUGAY is co-advisor of its Youth electing me to the board, I in reading and mathematics. Included were: 11 meetings Council, a Sunday School vow not to sell out my con- Girl Scout Troops 1290 the parish.. Noran Resigns 305 Elm Ave. and 1220 of St. Agnes Ro- In charge of arrangements Shiteto Jo Sie with administrators, principals and supervisors, two Rahway teacher, acting secretary to victions. I pledge 100% effort S 20 CLARKTON SHOPPING CENTER B meetings with the elementary school teaching staff and its Human Rights Com- to the children-of Rahway. I man Catholic Church, Clark, are Mrs. Robert Gallo, gen- one meeting with the U. S. Office of Education. mission and coordinator for promise that the part of their will-hold- a-K+other-Daughter eral chaiTm"aTi7~asststed *by From Position Higgins, R1220 Aid Those Living Two "Our Schools'* meetings were held to give the Administrators the summer enrichment pro- lives they spend in our Communion Breakfast spon- Mrs. James Cadigan, Mrs. Unlimited Convenient public, students and teachers die opportunity to express gram. Mrs. Davis has twoschools will lead them to a sored by the General Girl Thomas Campbell,Mrs. Ber- 1 CLARK, NEW JERSEY I their opinions'in public on the goals anefpribrities of children, pupils in Franklin better and brighter tomor- Scout Parent Committee on nard Fallen, Mrs. Arnold On Library Board On Fixed Incomes, Reader States Deny Support Saturday. Nasto, Mrs. Dennis Steele, education. A summary of -the-opinions-was sent to_the_ -School. row." John V CANDLES BRASS CHINA 1 just want to say thank does not necessarily mean state, released to the press, mailed directly to all Mr. McDowell said he has -^Fhe—brt-tikfawi^ The holder of a bachelor the Veterans of Foreign Wars Martin Scura andMrs. Char- of the board of trustees of you- to die-JtLahway Board we will have a better school participants and discussed in detail with the profess- For Candidates - dedicated- -himself to quality degree from Rutgers Uni- the Free Public Library of of Education, especially system. Candidates who want ional staff. The consessue was that schools should be Hall, 6 Broadway, Clark, lee Cordes. 3 Mountaineer Woodcraft We read several articles education, both vocational versity and master's de- following the'O a.m. masb. the City of Rahway, has re- Louis R. Rizzo and Edward to experiment with our chil- held most accountable for achievement in the three in last week's issue of The and academic. He added that grees from Rutgers and signed due to business com- J. Higgins who are running dren by making drastic Ken Maz^ei, a young ma- AND MANY _.. - Rs. Rahway News-Record con- he feels both are necessary Newark State College, he has gician from Clark, will en- mitments. for re-election, for holding changes in our school sys- To emphasize the board's concern, a plenary meeting taining statements made by "to create a climate where taught in Linden-High School, down the school budget, so tem should know that our tertain the Scuuts and their In 1971, Mr. Moran served was held, attended by all administisators, all super- various citizens of Rahway every youth has the oppor- Grover Cleveland School of guests. Guests will include as vice president of the board ONE OF A KIND ITEMS there is virtually no increase children are not guinea pigs. visors, all principals and the entire^baaxd^ln the saying that members of the tunity to contribute to theRahway and Berkeley School One Bat* u| in taxes this year for our I agree with many of my Mrs. A. B. l£ngel, area chair- of trustees and has headed memory of those who attended, it was the first such Rahway Administrators and betterment of his society." of Berkeley Heights, where man of die Delaware-Rari- the library materials and school system. friends that the present board Supervisors Association are "I feel we must find more he is employed at present. of education has done a good meeting held. tan Girl Scout Council; Mrs. personnel committees. Ac last, someone has recog- Actions taken by the board to date include; The backing candidates in the creative ways to involve the He has been vice principal Anthony Sheet, Jr., consul- A resolution honoring his introduction or^^s^rQc^DYe^^e^nitnBnP^roer3"1"*71"kin-— board of education elections. '.ee—was—passed- by- che- some rights, too, especially tem and the taxpayer. We tant; Mrs. Iuchara KosfvacK7 dergarten, the initiation of a more analytical testing The following is the posi- gram," Mr. McDowell way, principal of Grover troop organizer; Mrs. Paul board. taxpayers who have worked think that many of the voters program, the continuation of the pilot Technology for tion of our organization, com- stated. "We must reach out Cleveland, Washington and hard all their lives and axe will agree with us and vote Suszko, parish coordinator; Children Program (T4CP) in Madison School, the. posed of all 23 supervisors with determination to open Lincoln Schools in Rahway, Mrs. John Koatick, troop trying to live on a fixed to keep the present board creation of the position of reading supervisor, addi- and administrate rs—in- -the and Hamilton Terrace School And We Only LOOK Expensive! income. of education who are doing a avenues of involvement and 1220 leader; Mrs. James tional funds in the budget for implementing future staff school system which we hope activity 4?} order tojievelop in Berkeley Heights. He also Damiano. troop 1290 leader^ 85 E. CHERRY ST. RAHWAY, N.J. • After - reading the articles fine job. -recommendations and a request for federal funds to will clarify the record: a climate of cooperation.^ ~lia"s ~Berve~d published by all the candi- MARGARET LOVE investigate alternative approaches to teaching. Llnde lt We do not support any meeting and working tol •J { "^n^.: Rahway; High as trie priests ' iaO ** c . • .rr dates and what they stand 1603 OliVer St. The board also approved": A new policy of providing group or individual in- The S HOLT; for, I am convinced that Rahway ^ gether of the minds is truly -Schools. $, > ^ -~ .• / each, board member with a monthly report on educa- coming election. the way. We cannot only ac- ' SAVINGS ACCOUNTS spending large eurns of-memes tional developments in the district and a public reso- Never have, we discussed cees the needs of the com- Deufscher Club lution strongly endorsing Governor William Cahill's CHECKING ACCOUNTS in our -meetings support for munity in the realm of edu- MORTGAGE LOANS call for a statewide reading achievement test. Such a any group or individual board cation, but we can truly meet New Car^ Non-Partisan Movement Dominated test 1B sorely needed and long overdue. candidate. the needs." Elects Officers, COLLATERAL LOANS Other actions are under active review. At the same To the best of our know- Mr. McDowell said that Walter Worrall, headofWor- N.Y. AIRPORTS PASS BOOK LOANS time, the entire professional staff Is making an intensive ledge, none of our members there is a need for leader- GAL. rall Publishing Company of BANK BY MAIL — By Republicans, Writer Alleges effort to Improve the learning effectiveness of all Maplewood and of Worrall TRAVEL IN COMFORT belong to any group support- ship "which will develop in 1 SO Reviews 1971 IN NEW LIMOUSINES TRAVELERS CHECKS existing programs. It must be kept in mind that this ing, any_candL

ing knows full well that the


Feb. 9 Set by Society Mrs. Philip Corey of 968 Ave., Rahway, home of Kir. Richard Blvd., Rahway^ and The Concert Band, the Baumann's late parents* At the Annual Mid-Winter Merle Norman of West- Ward Baumann of 774 Garden The couple Is at home at Stage Band and the newly- Conference of Northern New St., Rahway, were married fbrmed Rock Ensemble at field will hold a cosmetic 774 Garden Street following Jersey Region of Hadaseah demonstration after the next on Saturday, Jan. 22, at 4 a Wedding trip to Jamaica. Rahway High School will hold held Jan. 26 at the Jewish p.m. in the Second Presby- a Mid-Winter Concert Wed- regular monthly meeting of Community Center, Para- terian Church of Rahway by The bride, a Rahway High nesday, Feb. 9, in the high St. John the Apostle Rosary mos, the Rahway Chapter the pastor, the Rev. Richard School graduate, attended school auditorium. and Altar Society on Mon- received awards for having day. . R. S tree ter. Dickinson College, Carlyle, Admission Is without Pa., and was graduated from fulfilled 6070 of their mem- Mrs. Corey, the former charge. All musical groups Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bowers Rosarians will assemble the Berkeley School, East bership quota and having re- In church at 8:15 p.m. for Miss Audrey Mbrss, is the are under the direction of enrolled 95% of their mem- daughter of Mr, and Mrs.Orange. She is secretary Ronald Dolce. the recitation of the rosary, to the Rev. Orrin T, Hard- DISTINGUISHED THOMASVILLE SAVINGS! bers. and the meeting and cosmetic John O. Morss of 752 Cen- Ttje Concert Band will pLay 4ft. and The awards were accepted tral Ave., Rahway. grove, pastor of the First demonstration will follow. Baptist Church. "Get Together," "Light My by Mrs. Lawrence Taylor Mr, Baumann is the son Fire," "Overture for Plans are being completed J and MrSv Fred Porter who for the Annual Card Party of the late Mr. and Mrs, Mr. Baumann, a graduate Tommy," "Ode to Joy," )4eddina represented the local chap- John R. Baumann. of Cornell University, Ithaca, "Travelin Band " "Scar- and Fashion Show to be held ter. Mrs, Diane Smith of Rah-N. Y., is president of J. R. borough Fair," 'I'd like to in the school auditorium on •. a n u Mrs l lark, and Mr. and Mrt». Theme of the day was way was matron of honor Baumann, Inc., Rahway. He Buy the World a Coke," and Monday, Feb. 21, at 8 p.m. Bowers of ^21 13a v i J Parsons, and their "Russians and Americans," Fashions will be by Joan's for her mother. Earl R, also is president of the board "House of the Rising Sun." Rahway, thrrc suns, David, Michael The newest immigrants into Fashions, Raritan Road, Silver Sr, of Ridgefield was of trustees of the Second The Stage Band will play wedding anniv< ar.d A-idruv-. David Parsons Israel." Following the lun- Clark. the best man. Presbyterian Church and pre- is the grandson ot" the Bowers. "Soul Slater," "Yesterday 28. The\ wert- cheon, a young Israeli po- Chairlady for the annual A reception was held after sident of the Hazelwood Cem- I Heard the Rain," and ^e ciry in Wu2. litical scientist, Avraham affair is Mrs. ' Robert the ceremony at 289 Maple etery Company. "Frank Zappa's Hairy Med- yhe ' couple were t-ntt-r- ,\lso ;. rcsenr were the pa- Aschkenasy, was guest spea- rusue uf Mrs, David Par- Mullady, and tickets maybe leyT - -—~ - - "rained" at a dinner party 3- ker. obtained from all Rosary The newly formed Rock cedar Gardens Restaurant, Si.nb, Mr. and Mrs. Ldwaro 400 Nulj.n -,1 Tunis River. On Jan. 24 the executive members and ticket chair-- group wUl play "Chicago's Mercervillf, by their oaugh- board met at the home of lady Mrs, Donald Richter at Ballet' from "The Girl in ter anj son-inllau., Mr. and Vr Bowers i.s 90 andMrs. Edward PeHowin and Sflfl-3RQ1. _ Buchannont" Mria (Vnn;r H Parfinna r»f hia v. iic of 70 years rs 69. Members of the Rock £n- the chapter to be held at been set for March 25 at 10 semble are Darryl Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. _ _ t Temple Beth To rah urrMon- Miss Peggy Gumann a.m. hy spiritual chairlady -saxr^anr: at CordasccTof 41Pehman Ave., Miss Leslie Marie Cordasco —— day, FeT5~"n7 which" time NIYsTToTih1 'Uangan trumphet; Joseph Hovanec, at- ut Mrs. Donald Goldberg, Youth Frank Meade. trombone; Kevin Tolley, gui- •Mito prise dinner-dance on Jan. Teachers College, Ewing, and Allyati" chairman, will pre- Rev. Edward R. Price is 22 in honor of their 25th Navy EnsignMichael F.Cor- tar and vocal; Brad Cole- sent a program. Matters Christopher and David Apellan ' man, bass guitar; Carlton -All. and - (iu. spiritual advisor of the Ro- we(IdIh^ajnnlVersary.-The af-' dasco, now stationed aboard Reports were givenon var- sary Society, with Mrs. Nor- fair has held at the Clark the aircraft carrier. U, S.S. Robinson, drums; Andrea •_ rairn.- Fuurski, and their Karavites, piano; Robert A surprise 25ti: ious projects by Mrs. Joseph man Bailey, president, and Rest/ Clark, and was attended Constellation, -n sun-in-lau Wllliam Fidurskl. Douglas, or^an and piano sary dinner part) ^as given Schwartz, Mrs. Leonard Sobc Mrs. Russell D'Archangelo, Clark Twins Winners by 100 guests from Vermont, Ensign Cordasco was un- and Gordon Osview, vocalist. for Mr. and Mrs. Amencu About Su quests attended, and Mrs. Porter. Mrs. Nor- Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mr. Plewa is also a grad vice president and program NBW"Yorlc,-eonnecticuvLqng able to attend the dinner but man DuBrow presided. llardo of 526 Vallc\ Ko., 1 he cuupU- were married Gumann of 10 Rose Ter., uate of Arthur L. Jonnsor director. Island and New Jersey. sent a special message which Clark. jn January 11, W-J7, at St. Regional High Sc_h_o_Q_l. and RCINO - HEGY SPA2IANI - KOVACS Clark, announced the engage- MA Host and hostess of the hhii s parents readd ddurini g thhe POLEWSKI-MILLER The affair which v.as hclj Ar.tr..,' n> 'b Roman C a tho lie In Woman's Day Contest Mr. and Mrs. Blase ment of their daughter, Miss die School oi Mr> and Mre> Loule Hegy evening were Mr. and Mrs. dinner. You now have a rare opportunity to own the new Cellini classic bedroom at the American Legion, iiall. Church, Elizabeth, by the Kovacs of Bethlehem, Pa., Peggy Gumann, to John Engineering and Drafting, f 1603 Westover Rd., Lin- Among the guests were The engagement of Miss Linden was hostec by- the Rev. Anthony Bregoleto, Plewa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bloomfield. Masters Christopher and vjdual congratulatory letters and dining room pieces from Thomasville at this important and unusual Suaan D. Miller to Wil- announced the betrothal of den, announced the engage- David Apelian, the- twin boys *from the editor of "Woman's Mr. and Mrs, Peter Tokar couple s daughters. Mis: Mr. llardo is owner uf Dav liam Damaa Poleweki, son oi their daughter, Miss lMary-ttJ ' ^ Plewa of 3 Georgian Dr., He served in the Air Fore. ment of their daughter/Miss of Mr. and Mrs. Henry " magazine. Miss Ger- of Linden who were the honor reduction. Each piece of furniture is styled in the spirit of Italy's Hip,h Marlene llardo andMrs. Lur- the Rico Uectric Co., Clark. - * ' - -> r.inrL- and recently returned from wflrv t nil uB~,, ^-K^KB^I -,. Mr_._and Mrs. WUUam J. jane Kovacs, to _ Fxahk_ Mar ou -attendants, -—— ettTrmrmlfi a grad- -a-tt>ur «* * - •w.-n-^ y ^ of 85 Renaissance — distinguished designs with a hint of fine Baroque. Heavy Polewskl of 41 Highland Rd., Spazianl, son of Mr"." and . i_., Lv»a.j.^ii*wt own wii«j.. culu i^iaxjc, aree botoothn winners oi Christopher andDavidalso -and-Mrs. -Cordasco. Cotonia, was announced by to be sent in fur Mrs. Joseph Spazianl of 142 uate of Arthur L. Johnson Hillside Metal Corp..a tNew! »?»^^tacent^Mwcjno of U Merjt-Aw^ds^of th^Chil- ^^^..und^ jjparw- wero married Jan. 18, 19-47 moldings frame alt doors and drawers, overlays adorn the even Wednesday night. Mow in St. Elizabeth Roman Cath- her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Broadway, Clark. Regional High School, Clark, ark. Ridge Rd., Rahway. dren's Poster Contest of the cover a pair of ~high~~power and end posts, massive tops are deeply contoured, mirrors -feature intri- WlUiam J. Miller of 142 the aan»_e. bana is making Miss Kovace, a graduate and is employed at the Clark . Miss Hegy was graduated "Woman's Day" magazine, binoculars each as their olic Church. Linden. Mrs. plans fur several exchange An October WpriH)ntY in Coddlngton St., Rahway, at of Pennsylvania State L'nl- branch of the Summit & Eli- weuuing is from Newark State college, The nationally contest was awards. , , Cordasco, the former Miss cate moldings. This is extraordinary furniture ... and this reduction is ex- a-party—at-the Miller home; conccrta, including one. w±rh ver-Bityr --—University Park, zabeth Trust Co. planned. helped-M^ Haton Solomln-. la the daugh- Springfield. Also they will Union. ^be_£eaches_ in the open_to_aU-youngstersf- and- _ThE__EwAPH__are;_ six years ceptionally outstanding. But don't wait...this is a limited offer! The bride-to-be is a grad- Rusk on Radio, received a master s degree Linden school system. the theme was "How to Save old» and they attend Frank uate Jiurse at Elizabeth Gen- soon attend anil play at ain education from Lehigh SCHIFANO - NEPSHINSKY MARUS - MOESSMANG Mr. Marcino is a grad- of 2200 WhittierSt., Rahway, and the late Mr. Joseph Solo- festival In Buston.." the World for Me." K. Hehnly School in Clark. eral Hospital, Elizabeth. Her University, Bethlehem. She Mlse Dale Nepshinsky be- The engagement of Mis uate of Morehead State Uni- Thev are celebrate their 30th wedding min of Linden, Christopher used the them* both straight-i anniversari y at Snuffy'Sff's C Cry- fiance is a mechanical drafts- Conducied by Andrew teachee in the Bethlehem came thh e fiancee of Philip Carol Anne" Moessmang to versitv, Morehead, Ky. He of fresh a/r|Vmployin*gm*aHic students. Mr. Cordasco is the son DINING ROOM PIECES SALE BEDROOM PIECES Reg. SALE Plans Concerts Jupina, they will entertain Schlfano BonofMr. andMrs, The stal Room, Scotch Plains, of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A, Closed deck, 70 $399.50 399.50 5319.00 man "tor" the Fedders Corp., area school -district. Gordon. Jhomaa_Marusf son la a Navy aviation ensign markersind c'rayonaYn'^Ss boys sing in a. youth G. Triple dresser, 76 . Juniors with a couple of their [ 5 Gordasco—of--West Greek, Buffot, 72 335,00 Edison. An October wedding Mr. Spaziani, also a grad- ™ P ( 'n Schlfano of 176 of Mr. and Mrs. George J. based in PensacolaTFlaT poster. David wanted tocon- choir at Osceola Presbyter- H. Twin vnrtirnl mirror 59,95ea The Arthur L. Johnsyn songs un Jar.. 2d as pa_rt yf - - - & Victoria Dr., Clark. Their Hosts were their sons, formerly of Linden. Oval table, 45x68-1 08 328.00 J. Chair-bock hdbd., queen 109.95 87.00 is planned. uate of Pennsylvania State Marus of 341 Waite Ave ^^UA^C^T ^entrate on the theme of ^ Church, Clark, called Regional High School Uance the humanities program. engagement was revealed by John and Martin Gontarz, T_o celebrate „their anni- Cane-back sido chair. 71.50 K Night stand . . . ' ... 129.95 99.00 University, is studying for . . - Rahway, was announced by WASILAK - KUCHARSKI cxean water and he worked the Cherub Choir under the DAVEY - TOWNSEND Band could be on their way The A.L.J. Dance Band w w both of Rahway, and their versary, MrTand Mrs.~Cor- Cane-back arm chair . 75.50 M. Armoire 449.95 359.00 a master's degree at Seton her ParentB* Mr- and Mrs. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. The Zion Lutheran Church with crayons and watercolors leadership of Anthony God- • The betrothal of Miss to fame and fortune. Or, Jan.is composed of five trum- A. J. NepshinBky of 1434Hugo J. Moessmang of 300 was the setting Saturday for f his poster. lewski, organist and choir daughters and sons-in-law, dasco are planning a trip to Mobile server, black 12, Ltnder the name of "Thepets led by Steven Schrader Hall University, South Or- New Church St. Rahway. or Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R, Spain in March. plastic top, casters. Judith Towneend to Spec. ange. He teaches in theCar- f w, Lincoln Ave,, Rahway. the marriage of Miss Marion Both boys received indi- director. Door chest.-41 x20x60'(h) 399.95 319.00 4 Thomas Davey, son of Mr. Ahoby Band/' radio station and Roger Splnella, about Miss N'epshinsky Is a Ju- Mirota of Plainfield and Mr. teret school system. The bride-to-be is a file Kucharski, daughter of Mrs. Not shown Chest. 38x20x48 (h) . . . . 259.95 305.00 and Mrs. Thomas Davey of WRCR 90.3 FM In Clark three trombones, five saxa- nior at Charles E. Gregory clerk with the American Edward Kucharski of 28 and Mrs, Hampton S. Smith SFORZA - PATLA played various numbers by phones played by Theodore of Los Angeles* Calif. The engagement of Miss China 61 xl6x81 (h 699 50 559.50 Vortical n-nrror, 34x53" . . 79.95 63.00 113 Delia Ter. Clark,was School of Nursing, Perth Flange & Manufacturing Co., Clauss Rd., Clark, and theLecture Triple dresser, bh ^ ... . , 339.50 the A.L.J. Dance Band such Rudmcki, Gar\ Collechlo, SCUTT - VAN GORDEN Amboy, and her fiance is The Rt. Megr. Charles F. Barbara May Patla to Robert Oval table. 44x66-108 299.95 239JS0 269,00 made known by her parents, Linden, and Mr. Marus is a late Mr. KucharBki, to Frank Chair-back hdbd.,king . . .169.95 135,00 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. as "25 or c to 4' andJames F^-ancurak, Robert Announcement was made majoring in business ad- Buttner, pastor of St. Mark's John Sforza, son of Mr. and Splat back arm chair.«. 79 95 63.50 of the engagement of Miss window display worker with K, Wasilak Jr.. son of Mr. "Townsend" -xrt 1040 ftartran "Walk -Wild.•'- -Pispecky, and John Wiilen- minietration__at Union Col- Stelnhnr.h, £lizabeth,-He-at—nnri Mm. Frank Roman Catholic Church, Rah-Mrs. Vincent S,. Sforza of Diane Van Gorden, daughter nther, Chilli St», Rfthway^was Rd., Claris brock, on the piano is lege, Cranford. tended Union College, Cran- of 231 Arthur St., Hillside, WRCR was entlreU run M VLnCGnl and spoke at their reception revealed by her parents, Mr. Miss Towneend attended by young disc-Jokeys, but "Crazy" Hari Morgan, three ^Cnr^ o™'f 569 Jaquo °'s ford. • The Rahway Area Junior board includedi Mrs. ph Union College, Cranford, and V anGorden KISH - SUPAK 30 years ago, attended and and Mrs. John R. Patla of unfortunately for the dance guitarists. Jeffrey Grysko, Ave., Rahway, to George TRIPPIEDI - PETERSON Woman's Club held their McGovern, drama chairlady ifl employed at the Cranford Robert Fakelman, and Louis Announcement was made SEAGER - JASIUKAIC spoke at this occasion. 870 Wu Lake Ave., Rahway. band and WRCR'e listeners, Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Janice L. Peterson flrBt atannual oueet nighg t Jan-—. frofrmo North Plainfieldlifild , andd Miss Patla is a senior accounting center of the New Perrotta, on the drums of the engagement of Mies The betrothal of Miss 1B the radio station wen: off James E. Scott of 1167 Old daughter of Mr. and Mrs!1 Claude H. Reed Mrs. Robert Knapp. maioring in elementary edu^ -Jersey Bell Telephone Co. Steven Cryan and Ilobert «wtM, nM —-^A , •lean. Supakk , daughter of Mr. Constance Ellen Jasiukaic the air Jan. 18. K 1 l jbelandr- _ —and—Cultural- a^ct~advisev from 3 Astronomy Club Mr. Davey was graduated Ruffalo an/ female vocalist « ™i ™L' S»>* and "Mrs. Stephen Supak of co' Pfc. Bruce W. Seager, cation .ai. Newark J5tate,-Cou_ Mies Van Gorden is em- Center, Xo70 Irving St., Rah- - ft ; lege. Union, and'Her fiance' frorrj Union County Technical Recordings of the "Adoby Karen Gottlieb from Queens 1566 Church St., Rahway, to son of Mr. and Mrs. John ,„„„ .^. x* .. ^ . . ., loyed by August Arace &. a d Insdiute, Scotch Plains. He Band" and their relations College. Joseph Kish Jr., son of Mr. W, Seager of, 14 Schuyler ***' " ^^ Tripoledl is employed by Sullivan 1J****••••• ments, in which aquanauts education program in Grpahic Arts. This could stated that this is an unequal educational facility REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAVINGS ON lived and worked for long have given Rahway a course 'par excellence'. Now and that they plan to do something about it. (These - periods of tlmeontheocean^ they are eliminating the graphic arts course in the same board members have been aware of this YOUR CHOICE OF floor. , -. . • high school in which 60 boys participate daily as an situation for over a year when it was brought up FULL LENGTH MINK COATS _, __ The experiments Were 'economy measure-* for a vote. At that time they all agreed some help performed to test man's abil- EVERY PURCHASE INCLUDES: 2. Returning the $77,000* grant for a human was necessary to remedy this Inequity but, since Were $895 Now $595 —Ity to live in~an—environ- delations program. Only four communities in the it wasn't budgeted, their hands were tied. This ia —ment as - hostile as space. Free Delivery, Free "set-up" in your horrie State of New Jersey were eligible for this type the second budget that has come up since that time MINK WALXING COATS of crant. H.E.W. spokesmen in Washington, D.C. and they still refuse to face up to the situation.) Were $795 Now $495 DONT MISS OUT, USE YoUfc REVOLV-CHARGE said--they-.-coitldtr-t- remember any other, community Had .these three items - been included,-the -total which had ever turned back such a grant. school budget would have gone up one-half of one FUN Girl Scouts Seek ~How-the;r^are turning^to the same SCARE tochni- ' percent. - ..... ques in the pre^eliT15a>n^algTn~MT~HlggiTis is trying— Dapout «ny amount — any t)tn*. iJipollti mttl* —to-scare the street departmentemployees, municipal in our public schools. However, accountability is a quarterly. ~The la to if In BtyUi. Ev«ry length and every «Ii», In tfock for your »ol»ctlon. employees, policemen and firemen in the city into two-way street and the board must also be account- On Our Discontinued. Line of thinking they won't get any money if BECKHUSEN- able, Girl Scouts in the Dela- BRIDAL GOWNS, BRIDESMAIDS, DAV1S and McDQWELL are elected. It is ridiculous Rahway can never move upward educationally ware-Raritan Council area MOTHERS-of-the-BRlDE GOWNSt -unriL._a__gr.Qup of foreward-looking adults -ie once are-gettins^QUt.the_vote,ln aft ~and~carpetlngtin schools When we cannot afford again a dominant faction of the Board of Education. effort~to capture^tfie^Hrjrest -->indow-shades. BECKHUSEN-DAV1S andMcDOWELL For that reason I urge your support of ^hare-of the Colgate-Palm- are not asking for things or for spending huge sums -oliyjsJGo/s


"•£tt&VS&%&<&^^ ST. MARY'S BOYS LEAGUE agent, west, Mike Arnold, TEAM w L toys to Register Labella also appointed Jack St. Joeepjb's 2 0 Bostock as public relations St. Boilaventure 1 0 -director;— ——'-'—- Duquesne l 0 e Standings and Results LaSalle 1 1 Fordham l 1 Clark Wrestlers The Clark Recreation Sat- Jim Tanke of the Rockets, St. Peter's 0 2 On Five Dates a urday Basketball League Tony Inacio and Mike Jas- Holy Cross 0 2 The Rahway High School The Quinn & Boden Com- 67-59 victory over Klm- GIRJLS LEAGUE St. Paul's 28, Zion Rock- pany team upset Rodney's *>erly-Clark. Blue received reached the halfway mark man of the Devils, Tom Voy- RESULTS Boys m ay register for Indians, who lost two Wat- SECOND ROUND ets, 17. in the season with the Knicks Rahway High School run- The race was won by Har- got off to a good start and second fastest all-time on Cleaners, 59-46, in a Rah- Wg games from Bruce Wit- TEAM W L Top Scorers nick of the Unknowns, Bob St. Joseph's 19, Holy tiie 1972 season of the Clark chung Conference games Zel wno still undefeated in five Schaefer of the Pistons, Jeff nere won die Group 3 title old Schwab of Centereach, flew over the four hurdles a .'flat floor track- Only Ken vay Recreation Department / scored 24 points. Zion Lutheran "A" 2 0 Martin Moore, 2nd Pres. Cross 9. Little League on two Satur- Frank Anneseof the wrest- last week, continue play in and games. B\ Ka\ Hoagland N. Y., in 7.2 beat Austin by two feet. C oniglio *e na tional record Men's City Basketball Lea- * George Wtlk and Bob 0 25. Schnarr of the Bulls, and Duquesne 42, LaSalle, 34. days, Feb. 5 and 12, between ling team of Arthur* L. John- their disastrous basketball at the seventh annual New Long Island, 2nd Baptist 1 The league, which oper- Henry Magaha of the Pham- Jersey State Interscholastic seconds. Schwab, a senior. of 7 seconds is faster. , , gue last Week but die losers Monahan, both with 17polnte. 2nd Pres. 1 0 Steve Kaelber, Zion Stars, Fordham 20, St. Peter's 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. and also son Regional High School, conference season during the 1 ates in Charles H. Brewer toms. 18". coming week. The Indians Athletic Association Indoor won the championship of the ^S* scorer of the night was Ebenezer AJvt.E. 1 1 23. on Monday, Wednesday and Clark, remained undefeated first half despite the set- Tom Schirmer with 29. 1 School on Saturdays from 1 The team standings: TOP SCORERS Friday of next week between in the 141-pound class afl have lost nine straight Relay Championships on Sat- Zion Lutheran "B" 1 Darrell Storey, 1st Pres. to 4 p.m., is under the super- urday murning in the Jersey back. The game was played Merck won the game with a St. Paul's Episcopal 0 2 17. W Greg Condron, Duquesne, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the the Clark team downed the conference games. last vision of Edward Muzik and Knicks 5 s*. • el KJIAVJV'S It J iiiij: -'. i. r. i '.i :!.<_-:"d:: No. /. u. n City Armory. on the Rahway High School period rally, 1st Pres. 0 2 Harvey Kirby, 2nd Bap- cafeteria of Charles H. wrestlers of Thomas JTeffer- I tie Indians will play the William Singer. There are Bucks 4 David Dephino, LaSalle, Brewer School. son High School, Elizabeth, ;., .l..r,r.' .i:ul 1 ..is 1 u't-.L i-a: N. . 1 »i three Highlanders of Governor Liv- Rahway won the 240-yard court. Merck & Co. Green led .Results tist, 13. 12 teams. • Hit- .i^IH IS .. 1 I v> • j'ji;,. j 11", a:1. I- 1Ibl I1 r eSb\ - Ebenezer 31, St. Paul's Don Parker, 2nd Bap- Bullets 4 15. All boys registering for 36-20, last Week. Anneee won ingston Regional 1 ligh bchuol, shuttle hurdles and the one- all the way to wallop UAW Some of the outstanding Hoofs 1C \ acei"i, :HJ ! • :0 tLMar. \, . J \«.!ule hirrii mile relay and two fourth The nip - and - tuck Local 736 by a 66-41 score, 6. tist, 12. 4 Ken Farrell, St. Joseph's, their first year of play are as his opponent wasdisqual- Berkeley Heights, tomorrow players are Keith Ruggeri Lakers 2 14, anJ M iri;ut'ri !h"t-.u:.. t rL.-buci :an \>.-. 1 took tiie at S p.m. in Berkeley Heights, places for a total of 16 game saw Quinn & Boden Art Klink led the scoring 2nd Pres. 33, let Pres. Carlos Mendes, St. being asked to carry their ified. witD 23 anc and Bill Cymansky of the Celtics 2 A four - \ ear-- U cclui-,: ,. j^ -:ar. u- t :\ The Hillside Cunitis.Nu. Nate Austin ran the anchor Walden led die winners with period, to score a 65-48 vie- 14. SECOND ROUND will serve during the 1972 Other Clark winners were to start a game in the Recreation Department's Rahwa> IS points whileCharlesMot- ^^ oVer xiiG CYRC Buz- Jim Hardison of the Celtics] Phantoms 0 Vassar \. 3 season. George Gordon, Mark Ver- :nid^.i> th n_-i.,s!. it.<- i°71 Aniaie^r -\tJUetu I nion's 3 team in the ^inference, legs for Rahway's two win- za Amy Esposito, Zion "A", TEAM W L Junior High School Girls' Basketball League. At lett Jey had 20 for the first half * j-.la> over-the-gunnerup-epot-wi^h WilKs MtJJi£LhoQp.Jfor 28. Results M-a-rtinr—ma-Jo-r—league—4i-ZDCrov. M iron's P'ruani, a If- where he represented Judo C omets scalped the Indians in tht- annual Rahv.ay-C.lurk. game next nijnUu 30.4 seconds, breaking the Joan Neubauer, 2ndPree.J St. Mark's 1 l etreatKNrBepartmeni rei. • •! v • >h v L j a n Radcliffe 30, Barnard 19. *• a i f^r'~iT f m'&"a r- , q .:alilU'd h.T the CT— ffoly Comforter 0 #^:S£ww>:::::>^ I I nsiuj s u be tu-ld ir, I'hiU- Vassar 15, Barnard 14, der; peewee director, east, Moe's Meanys. Hill Assas- delj hi.i, i;a., ...fi A; i"t4—2+, turd wassecond and Moores- SECOND ROPND Lou n am: .N. town, third. TEAM w 19. RAHWAY HIGH SCHOOL Santa Clara 23, U.C.L.A Top Scorers tor, west, Bob Walton; urn- games in the Rahway YMCA The C" ranford High BOYS BASKETBALL 15. i-erti.i ri:i: !ig at n: i je : rr-» basketball team roLl Autin's time for the final 1st Pres.-. - 2 2nd Baptist 68, St. Paul's Nancy Foulke, Vasear, 18. pire-in-chief, east, Joe Ma- Basketball -teague~r^hlcfa- incluUiiii: Hrandywiiu- K v rnir Hut-hicrcy ut Rati- the Railway Indians, leg of the one-mile relay Bob Glancola, who tallied Beth Torah 2 29. LEAGUE California 30, Stanford28. Mary Corridoiv-Ba«wHEd-.-caluso; umpire-ln-chief, started Its season last week- The Clark Adult Basket- TEAMS W Top Scorers 18. v. a',, \'. -:.K t_-i"i3 H.tccw a v v.a> r.'UeU a 2>^ ^anic m ihe m a i_ o n 1 e r e nc e g a n K event was 51.2 seconds. The ball League swung into the 18, and Bob Cook who scored 's 1 St. Mark's 45, 2nd Pres. west. Gene Hering; recording The scores were Knicks 1 ibert\ tVH 1 JMV , un 28. Marines 3 1 Jim Handy, Washington, Maria Tufano, Douglass, uarden btate LW>\\ 1's M uct-d Jan. 26 un [IK- Kahwa^ court. Three meets are sched- set his fifth school record RMS foursome finished in second lialf of tiie season 12 points for Paillard. Scotch- 1 secretary*. Skip Molson; re- 11 52, Hoop Troop 34-- • • * L e d ji U e . 3:30.3, Running with Austin with 4lpfe&-games-last week. wood was paced by Manager Lutheran 0 Top Scorers Army 3 1 19. 11- cording secretary. Bill Warriors 65, Falcons 32; The Indians, playing their uled for the Rahway High on Friday while finishing 2nd Pree. Navy 2 2 Jim Eicholtz, Santa Clara M > r; n ! ;. >'tv. lark av btar. whu has best first half uf the season, bchool swimming team dur- second to Bridgewait-r-Rari- were Mosley, Kevin Aylward LOVE THAT GAMU Miss Sue Allen, tennis instructor for the Clark recreation The opening game saw Al Bertolotti and Craig Ham- 0 Larry Young, 2nd Baptist. Nancy Foulks, Vassar. 10. Makoski; treasurer, Gil Moe's Meanys 68, Rig's ti bcrft e •tttlt-U a? a 14IU-, rolled Lhl't-t- tidncUoOfvi and Tim Solomon. Carteret program shows four of her pupils the forehand grip on the racket. Left to right mock who scored 14 pooints 1st Baptist 0 39. Air Force 2 2 14. DiAcangelO; player agent. Wreckers 59; Hill Assassins he-Id n slim 4o-42 lead at ing tile Coming week. tan West's unbeaten George Campana Realty defeat D's Coast Guard 0 William Crudup, Califor- Am ade go to Wai people [•lsul aiK! .siioicL.r, n.srru^ t>'i" ^anns, starred with an s- the haltv.a> mark. I'uaJi Hill The Hahwaj nators will Seveilles m the lui- - yard was second and Ferris of are Miss Allen, Maria Ruggeri, Regina CunninghamCunig,, Eddie Burns and Paul Burns. Athletic Club, 102-86. The apiece, Mickey Tauferro, Results Clarence Taylor, Ebene- 4 east, LenKorman, and player 70, Knicksl 33. b\ the NjLi-.nal RifU AbSu- pin raj . He then had lu Jersey City, third. ennis instruction iws give.,..n. ^»^.each. Wednesdaay "i"inn CharleCharless H11.. Brewer School for children yoong Realtors, who were who make 13, and JoeSuszko, 1st Pres. 23, Zion 12. zer, 17. Results nia, 12. and nb_p«»s.a0-nt ro.ults!, Martin's Cougars then out- lace the B ridge water-R a ri- backstroke event. b Army 83, Air Force Don Ructer, U.C.L.A. 10. cianon. strikes bctore Hmshmg with scored the Hrarrwa-y players, tan West team today at 4 In the 880-yard relay. Rail- h h ad and up and also f runners up __to the Original with 12. Beth Torah 34, 1st Bap- Don Kirby, 2nd Baptist 40. Nunez finished in t-.uh to in the seventh grade and up and also for adults. tist 13. 15. Marines 73, Navy 70. Ken Zrinski, Stanford, 10. * * * a r-j in Kavc iur the final M)-lu, in the third period p.m. in the Rahway YM.." A way was fourth behind WCe- Pals in the first half, broke The final game saw the snap the old mark oi" l:os.o Top Scorers It's Zion Lutheran ,\u. 1 moved ganie "1 2by. Me had a obi ana were iit-vtr ileaded ai- puui, tlie Rutgers Prep team quahic of Newark, which the game open with two strong Clark Jaycees, who were 2nd Baptist 36 "2nd Pres. William Marsh, 2nd Pree. RAHWAY BOOK set by Ken Miller in 19oo. 19. 14. Robert Ward, Navy, 48. into second i lace wfrneRah- series. Borh the score and rer'that. on M onday in the prep finished in 1:35.1; Englewood middle periods. Chet Melli without _a_victory during the In addition to holding five- Top Crowell, Army, wa> VVoiiii.: a L.hurcii-tiay.1-- set are tugtis Iur tile league school's pool and the North and Moorestown. In die sprint was tfie big point man for first half of the-season, nose • • * Bob Sica, St. Mark's, 14. 47. GROVER CLEVELAND Norm llobtue scored 2^ school records, N-unez has Bob Moro, Marines, & GIFT SHOP Jan-Ell American" Food ing I eagut vwth a team i.'us reason, 1'lainfield team next Thurs- medley, which was taken by Sports Schedule Use wliuiexg—with-H' »u t—Gar-wood—Reoc,—ZlSK- JUNIOR BOYS LEAGUE 26. BOYS LEAGUE pt'intfa fur the Cougars, who tied, another as a RMS com- the wlimerswith29p°^its^ Mario Ku-r-Vlak^Ai , ... TEAM . m __!_- st-ru-h >'l 2,622, KJ D\ i;ut * * * wun their ninth game in 12 da> in North Plainfield. petitor. Uemarest in 3:46.2, a re- He was followed by Steve Frank Grablachott was the JMJSKUsuXES •Cole's 2u7f l r-l j;;J h-llma Next Wednesday evening, cord. Rahway was behind W L 20. Princeton 3 1 FIGURIHES For d starts. Ilie\ opened the game I he Rahwav swimmers Nunez also won the 5u_ Nasto, who tossed in 21 big point-getter for the win- 52.i. i'hyi^is Knorr had a svP^'Htet-. wilinieei to ee- bu. Plainfield and Carteret. K7CTWAT HIGH __ 7 0 Mickey Kaminski, Mar- Seton Hall 3 i > with 10 consecutive" points," "bear yard -freestyle event in 25.4 aints^ Ron Dangelite and ners as he banked in 22 FENTOM GLASS Smart Fashions Chinatown Family Dinner lT o 192 and lei. i r a 5J1 leCC UK- teams for the an- p7, The other events were the ines, 19. Rutgers 2 2 > u including six b"y Pere Maz- IX*c, 22. rvjrth seconds and was a member Today "" - ~.~"~~~ gSb AdBa wEb~Ba~T2 __ 2_ Tops Si. Mary's At bt--t, I he team i:aj ^aniet ul nual I'niun bounty Conler- Plainfield distance medley, won by Nor- Varsity track, Governor 5 2 Navy, 14. Montelair -0-——4- HUMMKLS Orders tn Tafc* Qq* _ 1 1 zella. In the third period, defeated Rahway, 47-39, on of the winning •KJQ-yard free- The Crusaders of Arthur straight points, including piece.. John Stanklewicz had Chris Mauer with 17, Rich Si- !, Mi anj "21. ence Basketball Tournani>.-m n thern Highlands, and the two- The St. Agnes Ravens of Results L ranford ran UJ a 7u-5u J^ - 13. style relay team. Other mem- L. Johnson Regional High tour by Tom Pfeiffer, to Livingston Regional High 11 and' Rich Curry. 10, toCelinto, with 12 and Gene n ap PILGRIM GLASS mile relay, won by Moores- i j| £ Clark beat die St. Mary's RAHWAY JUNIOR HIGH Rutgers 26, Montclalr St. i >*jt K.jtub\ r*.J 111-L: a 21• ^ scheduled to start on Feb.lead un baskets b> Hubble * * * bers of the quartet were School, Clark, who split two School of Berkeley Heights, pace a well-balanced scor- Labonia with 10. Garwood WIDE RANGE OF BOOKS town. take a 30-20 lead into the eV lo an basketball team of Rahway, SCHOOL BOYS LEAGUE 17. Jr., Misses & ._ Annrhpr '1"llb. basketball games last week. home, 4 p.m. ing attack. D's Athletic Club Rest was headed by Jack ? l f vir-.tur-y- _ v ..^ ^_. . „ dressing room. The Blue BEST SELLERS victory over Mixed Trap;. It appears that the top will play one Warchung Con- V^arrs it ynsw1mmrng7i3rtdge~" 28-27. on Friday night ln_ TEAM W L Princeton 28, Seton Hall Half Sizes Rahway scorers were Ger- was scored by Bill Nunez Stewart Stripko. Devils outscored Clark, 25- "tvtmta^njmo^m^Yeiin'rpointB". a game which saw the two 16. BIBLES Canton House L'BCeola Presbyterian tiK'k. teams vwll bt- Westfield, 1 rhe Rahway track team water-Rariran West, home, California I j ald Kinch, 12 jioinis; Joe uf the Rahway High School Bridgewater-Karuan w^ ference game during the corn- 14, in the third period to who made 34 points. John Kurt Epps made 17 and Jack teams alternate as the leader Washington 1 0 Princeton 21, Montclair a three-game lead uvt-r Ziun Thomas Jefferson, Roselle, Proctor, In, Bob Moore. 4. swimming team on Jan. 2o will have a meet today at Ing week and a non-confer- take control of 4 p.m. DombrauBkaa scored 18 Ed_ Monk,. 12, •Clinched first round title. CHILDREN'S BOOKS 1490 Irving St. won the meet, 47-35, in the the game. r Results throughout the game. Santa Clara 1 0 13. Lutheran No, 1 wht-n it bwvue a ,mti -.,...,! ua 1'age 9J but rhe team lust to Irving--. 4 p.m. in Railway wIth tile enc^ game. Freshman wrestling, Jos- McDonnel, 15, and Jerry The standings: PAPER BOOKS (3000 T»I Rahway, Restaurant Rahway YMCA pool., uchvr All five Westfield start- 2nd Baptist 36, St. Mark's St. Mary's was ahead, 27- So. Calif. 0 0 Seton Hall 26, Rutgers 23. son, 1, Corev Bell. 11 ; lui ton High School's swimmers, KHS victors in individual Team from Governor Living- The Hillside Comets, who ers scored in double fig- eph E. Soehl Junior High Brennan, 14. Teams W L ston Regional High School, School of Linden, away, 4 33. 26, with only three seconds Stanford 0 l Top Scorers 53 E. CHERRY ST 1540 IRVING STREET (Lonunued on Page 9) ."57-32, in Irvington. events were Janulk m tlu beat the Clark cagers, b4- ures as they hit on 33 from In the second game, Pail- Clark Jaycees 1 0 Berkeley Heights. The team p.m. 2nd Pres. 35, Beth Torah to play when Jim Russo of Oregon' 0 1 Eric Rogers, Princeton, 388-0453 Nunez, undefeated in rhe 400-yard freestyle and Mxk«. 39, just two weeks agu, will the floor in 67 tries. The lard beat Scotcnwood, 81- Campana Realty 1 0 24. Clark sank a 40-foot jump U.C.L.A. 0 1 14. 381-1770 RAHWAY, N. J. DO-yard freestyle, won that Staryak in ihe luu-yard will compete in the I 'nion provide the opposition on Westfielders also had a 43- Tomorrow . . 75. Kevin Duggan, who is 1 0 'It; KLtCIAIC IN-CAN MtAttKV; shot to give the Ravens their Results Barry Hotz, Montclair, 13. S&H Stamps event m 25 seconds. He albo breaststroke. County Relays un Saturday Saturday at 8 p.m. in Hill- 25 edge on the boards. Varsity basketball, Gover- regaining his Shooting eye Original Pals 0 0 Zion Stars 52, let Pree. at 9;30 a.m. at Williams victory. Washington 46, Orf:gonl7, Mike Moore, Rutgers, 12. Ivy Storch Handi-Charge JM, was first in the 400-yeard The results. side. On Wednesday at 3:45 nor Livingston Regional, after a slow start this sea- D's Athletic Club 0 1 I-ielti, Ulizabeth. Scoring for the Crusaders *"i freestyle, finishing in 4:42.2. 50- Yard I-'reesi\U -- 1U11 p.m. the Crusaders will be were Mark Keitel, 14 points; away, 8 p.m. son, led all scorers with 42 Scotchwood 0 1 The only other individual Nunez, R-, 25,4-, The team of-Thorn as in Wescfield. tu._|jla_y the team Greg Hirr-ley,- 7; - • Harold Varsity, wrestling. Gover- points. He was followed by_ Garwood Rest 0 1 DTE.3S\ TIJFTD winner for Rahway was Mike 100-yard freestyle - Glen fersun High School, Eliza- of Holy Trinity High School, Kisner, 2; Vince Rudo, 2; TTO r LTvTngsron Regttmsj7 ENCH Staryak who took the 100- home, 4 p.m. riD»ivE.iN\ im, IK Pullman, BW, 57.3. bt-rh, will give the Rahway The Crusaders beat Pingry Jeff Felter, 15; Bob Parin, Tf ii I UMJUL yard breaststroke event in 200-yard freest* U- - Mike runners competition on Tues-^Prep of Hillside and lost 8, and Bob Schwankert, 6. Freshman basketball, Custom M*de-To-Order 264 2200 66NNECTI0N 1:1^.1. A Railway quartet Kotula, BW, 2:17. day at 4 p.m. in Elizabeth, to Westfield High School last Clark's overall record is Theodore Roosevelt Junior And Still Anxious r&JIMH SINATRA U. ill J. . *^ High School of Westfiei'cl, won the 400-yard freestyle 400-yard freestyle - Ja\ week. 7-9 and the team is 1-7 tfajb - relay in 4 20ir3. Swimming Nate Austin of Rahway, who away. •-/ ,•- : J-anulk, R, 5flQ,3. * * * in the conference. fur Rahway were Stewart rons for the- Rahway—High ' •• - -Suturday - - • Fitted In TOOT home 100-yard backstroke - School indoor track team, The Crusaders rallied in W«fc- Stripko, Bruce Panhone, Josh George Sevilles, BW^iipT.l, the middle periods on Jan. Varsity track. Union CoDn- Krell and Pat Weaver. finished second in the 60- ty Relays, away; 9 a.m. * lt)O-iyaii;cl breaststrttke - yard high hurdles during the .25 as they scored a 78-56 WATCHUNG CONFERENCE The defeat was Rahway's Monday Martin Schwartz of 671 his catch. Bruce held in the Specialties & Delicatessen Mike Staryak, R, 1:19.3. 23rd annual Cardinal Hayes victory over Pingry Prep BASKETBALL STANDINGS Sycamore St., Rahway, is division but lost it when fifth in eight meets. Irving- 100-yartl butterfly -Brian on the Hillside school scouri Team W L Varsity swimming, Rut- Games in the 102nd Engin- gers Prep, away, 4 p.m. leading in the spin casting another larger catch was 382-9222 FBEE ESTIMATE ton scored its seventh -Callenxan, JBW( 1:15.5. eers Armory, City. Mark Keitel contributed Westfield 8 0 Garden State straight victory. Tuesday division of the 37th annual verified. BICYCLES 200-yard individual med- two_hu8ke£ti during an eight- C ranford 8 2 Metropolitan Miami Fishing The tournament is spon- loners We Cater AH Occasions ley - Dave Shepard 13 W Varsity wrestling, Colonia, POWERMOWERS FU3-33H point run in the second per- Hillside 6 3 Tournament which ends April sored by the Miami (Fla.) All Types of Imported Bill Nunez of the Rahway 2:36.4. iod that gave the Crusaders Berkeley Heights 4 3 away, 4 p.m. High School swimming team Blejwas Scores Varsity track, Thom-as 15. He took the lead by Herald. Products LOCKS SAFES 200-yard medley rela> - a 29-26 lead. Vince Rudo Scotch Plains 3 7 catching a 61-pound 8-ounce Mr. Schwartz and his son Rahway BR1DGKWATKR WLSF made five points and Greg CLARK 1 7 JeffersoriNHlgh School of Eli- 220V Service Mom's Homemade Sauce STRONGBOXES zabeth, awa)v,4 p.m. sailflsh on a 12-pound test were fishing in Florida wa- CUTLERY, etc. (George S^viUes, OeoffSlaph, 13 for UC Owls Hurley, four, in a 12-2 third R AH W AY 0 & line~oW Islamorada witbGapt. ters wer the holidays. They Meatballs Mark Adams and Bill Miller) period burst that boosted Freshman X^baskotball, Wig Shoppe """"SCHEDULE Soehl Janlor High, home! Don Gurgiolo as guide. Bruce restrict their fishing to the 2104.1. Andy Blejwas of Clark Clark's lead to 61-50. Hur- Tomorrow Veal & Peppers • Sausage 1537 Irving St., INTERIOR bBCOBATOBS tft-.fi ftrt'JrvL-y^ ley paced Clark with Freshman wrestling, will receive a citation at'the ocean and to use of light rr 400-yard freestyle relay- scored 13 points for die Rahway and Berkeley close of the tournament for tackle. -COMPLETE- 33 WESTFIELD AVENUE Curtain* - Lbuu - Yftrd Good* t\ RAHWAY (Bill Nunez, Par 19 points while Gardner Cun- son, away, 4 p.m. Owls of l.'niun College, Cran- Heights, 8 p.m. RAHWAY Styling & Fitting CLARK, NEW JERSEY Rahway, N.J. Weaver, Jay Januik andStew- ford, as they beat the Bur-ningham led Pingry with 14. Westfield at Cranford, 8 Wednesday 388-3612 1421 MAIN ST. RAHWAY 1,1 Mike Nichols.. arr Stripko), 4:19. lington Junior College bas- Keitel finished with 17 points, p.m. Varsity basketball, ketball team, 97-73, on Harold Kisner had 7; Vincent Saturday side, home, 3:45 p.m. V Rudo, 15, Jeff Felter 9 Jack Brako Service KEN'S- FLUS Carnal ^w^dge Thursday night in Burlington. : Clark at Hillside, 8 p.m. RAY S CORNER ads Kq_to local jjeople Lewis—3T ARTHUR JOHNSON RK Travel Guide SLIPCOVERS RAHWAY and nearness means results! and sank three free throws Jay 0pperman,2; Jim Byrne, Hillside at Rahway, 3;45 OIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, by Specialists! Beauty Salon 2, and Bob Schwankert, 1. p.m. CLARK 1085 RARITAN ROAD DR&PERIES Rretty Maids Today NEWS The victory was Clark's (Continued from Page 8) Tuesday the Seton girls will CLARK, N. J. 46 E CHERRY^ STREET seventh in 15 games. Pin- Varsity wrestling, West- face the team of Our Lady DRAPERIES BEDOSMG The Owl and 1 Linden, Summit, Roselle all in a row ft gry's lose was its ninth in field, home, 3:45 p.m. of Good Counsel on the Clark 388-2699 RECORD Marling ROCK HUDSON Volleyball Season Starts Catholic, St. Patrick's of the Pussycat 12 games. Freshman basketball. court. MADE TO ORDER CARPETS ._ ._. _ .. *_.- *_ .* . . .. _. . Park Junior High School of Elizabeth, C ranford. Hill- " Look! The Rahway YMCA Vol- side,. Springtield (if it * * * New and Completely The Westfield Blue Devils Scotch Plains, home, 3:45 REUPHOLSTERY 400 N. WOOD AVE.LJNDEN 925 9787 leyball League season began p.m. enters), Holy Trinity of Dick M arsdeh rolled a 623 Furniture Refmishing, Repairing Brake Service Colonial Beauty Shop^ Try Our scored their 14th straight last week with—four games. Westfield, Berkeley Heights, to lead competitors of the victory, including eight in Saturday A Complete Travel Corey and Corey beat the HlUside, Clark, Scotch Union County Church Bowl- RI. AI.I^NMFMT SIX HAIR STYLISTS AT iej-a- Varsity basketball. Hill- Reupholstering i3irectoi , oft;—WedfUJi'tdge—M-a— side, 8 p m. nllwertts; New -ing—treague—at—G4atk-4=,aftee=- 'OtJRTSEKVICE ] NEW they beat the Giark Crusa- chine topped Fire Depart- t Fred Faulkner had a 637 SERVICE ders, 74-56. ment 11," "the Rahway Italian Freshman wrestling, South Providence and Union Cath- OPEN 9 to 6 MON., TUBS., Plainfield, away, 10 a.m. olic of-Scotch Plains, in the_ Cranford League on A Fabric Shop-at-Hwnfl Scrvica Advertisements Wash 'n Wear The Crusaders made a American Club stopped Wood- Games are expected to be the same alleys, CRUISES - TOURS WED. «nd SAT, 1850 ELIZABETH AVE. battle of the game until the bridge Machine and the Monday HOTELS OPEN 9 to 9 THURS.. FR1. Freshman basketball, played in the various schools * * * 382-I6IG RAHWAY final seconds of the first YMCA team beat the Fire- and many will be played in "The Performers of the Convenient parking directly in Style half with a string of 10 men. Myles J. McManus Junior K-2 Demonstration--Teanv^— CHANDLER BROS. UPHOLSTERY CO. High School of Linden, away, rise afternoon. Samuel J. Gossaway 1 && Bomestic rear of shop in Municipal lot * * * in sound and color, will be 79 EAST MILTON AVENUE 3:45 p.m. shown at the meeting of the REAR ENTRANCE for your 388-1790 As Part Of Wednesday Coach Lester Wallack, Rut- RAHWAY, N. J. 07065 i#vr «• o* •* H 1 Travel Arrangements Call 388-0600 Plainfield Ski Club in the Log 107 Monroe St. Rahway R * ~ convenience Varsity basketball. Holy gers University track coach, -Cahin^-Clark, _QiU-.luesda5t_ Today's Trinity High School of West- ~^toW~~your"reporter- thatrhe evening. All skiers may at^ field, away, 3:45 p.m. expects Rahway's Bill Sieben HE REPLACE .ocal - Long Distance CLEARANCE ON tend. AUTO QLASS .* * *. to . be. readyfor the spring - --- * * * .. BROKEN FR1HES "NEW" Look. season. Sleben 'injured his STEWART WATCH REPAIRS ill to come. SKIS & SKI CLOTHING MOTHER SETON REGIONAL Roy Faber, Colonia Coun- NOWI EXPRESS BUSES TO HIGH SCHOOL, CLARK leg at the National Collegiate Athletic Association cross- try Club golf pro, will be BEAUTY FOR EVERY WOMEN LIRP.BTV RELI . .._. Today. looking for his third straight ELETRICCO. Prodktion Basketball, Benedictine country champlonohps last CASUAL OR HIGH STYLE Every Racing Day fall. victory today at Colonial Ter- The Volkswagen Beetle wit! be around HART SKIS Academy of Elizabeth, home. race in Wanamaasa. Last "Watts My Line' for years to come. i: Buses leave Broad & E Jor- 25 Tuesday Coach Wallack could have week at Bea Lea in Toms 755 CENTRAL AVE., WESTFIELD sev Sts at 945 AM Basketball, bur Lady of1 used 3111 on Saturday at the Prediction (.'all 654-3777 for appointment River, he shot a 75 to win CUSTOM MIRRORS FURNITURE TOPS Electrical Good Counsel, hpme. third annual New Jersey Col- the weekly Shore Winter Lea<- Someone else somewhere wilt intro- Out Other Location Ai 75Main St . Woodbr Rahwoy: Buses leave U S Highway lege indoor track and field RESIDENTIAL GLASS & SCREEN REPAIRS GOLDBLATTS Cutting Contractors *M and B Grand Ave al 9 55 A M championship as his Scarlet gue PGA tournament. duce a new economy car and there will be Round Trip Ptrmunvnti PORCH ENCLOSURES JALOUSIES While You Wait! JEWELERS Storage lots of excitement. j. Cavaliers JCnightfl -finished a distant |Tlntlnp STORE FRONT REPAIRS Perth Ambov : Buses leave Public Serv- second to the^ Hrinceton Ti- FU 8-2128 We replace all types of RAHWAY'S OLDEST Prediction HART Spoiler ice Garage. 351 Smuh St. at 10.05 A.M. FREE ESTIMATES frtp gers* We were the official Hair Shaping ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS * DOORS ESTABLISHED JEWELER The excitement will die down. scorer for the meet. (Continued from Page 8) 8, Coloring Just bring In the pieces of Prudicfion Bindings Now Brunswick : Buses leave Memorial Win in CYRC your broken glasses DIAMONDS FOR SHEER DRIVING PLEASURE... 75 * * * Sobo, 2, and Gary Schulman, DISTINCTIVE HAIR STYLING ESTIMATES GIVEN As in the past, people who own old coo Parkway and Church St. at 10 35 A M. lound Trip Wlga SoiJ-5»*-vlc«J-Cl»an*d-R«»tyl*d • WATCHES -i Rahway's Ernie Hoesterey 2. .I ! It, !,i \^ lit.' McColley Bros. Volkswagens will trade them in for new Experience the Spirit and was, OIL target st the Garden TRANSPORT OF NEW JERSEY Cage Competition |,' 'Ptop. Mary Waftn & Ma« P. O. Box 575 Robt. E. Bruiraer 388-1667 Volkswagens because (we guess) they like Precision tryket> 602s gatile. The Raiders opened NEWS automobile ever made in the world, by- SKI JACKETS The Cavaliers, Lakers and WJ" P^^^trial League, the fourth period by ecorfhg Plumbing and Heating -passing^t-beWv^Gdel^-J^^d-wJ \h- A COMPLETE LINE OF Pistons were the winners EdFehn had a hlg night With l* straljit points, including LsUfte opening games c B 5 Floors of Furniture RECORD f Alterations of over 15 million vehicles. -Seventh and Eighth " "" ""* " i^^toin^bjeGlen^acriterpri " Prediction AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES League. # • * We won't let that last prediction go to SEE AND DRIVE ONE The Knicks, first rpMn.0. Pi _hls, ?Q. points during the. LINOLEUM - CARPETS TRACK l trjbe basketball team 6f^ period as the Raiders out- Delicious Pizza Nureer> Furniture - Edison, ourJieads- 1 8 STEREO TAWS winners, beat the "C FURNITURE - BEDDING TODAY at 25-11. The Hawks Mother Seton Regional High ecored their opponenets, 23- Lullabye, Chlldcrart, Biltxito School, Clark, defeated its y • EFFICIENT Bicycler - Rolirast &, HOURS: 9 A.M. to 9:00 TTW. the -Bullets, 26-21, L Arch rrtival, the Mistlee oi Directory Columbia 486-62OO Rockets defcat&dthg Braves/ Joe Proctor was high Come In and Browse REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE Sat. 9:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. nrnAinc ON HOMES CAR STEREOS Union Catholic High School scorer for tbe losers with Phone in Vour Ordefs SERVtCE Bcddinc-Sloepmastcr. Serta, —FREE PARKJNG IN THE REAR ,20-12e ' • '•-'•'• ">'•[• •/-- of Scotch Plains, 45-26, on 20 points.* Eric Handy made Advertisements SimmotiH REPAIKa COLOR a B&W TV'S The Cavaliers continued Thursday in Clark. 381^6665 Furniture-Bassett, Ketilea & yOLKSWAGEN -their- winning-w&ys~by:,beat~ 19 points, Jim Cunningham/ 67 WESTFIELD AVE. AUT-O-SALES- .(g»=iuBiveiy 1205 RarltaB Rd. Clark ^ng the-Bucksy 37-19.- The y-BeUy9fJohnl$wa*v.^ Colony "Toys <)•• itLilt CLARK Cg -Warx . Hand! , GE 3fc ESTIMATES jttL Kf^vicortancaB .the, 388-0600 37 Years of Valued Servi Benedictine Academy-of EU—its—Watt&ung—eonference-



^in.M^H^wifMuw'*^' •*-'»K- fa-; rfjrrt? Ti'j*<;>»i3*.->«' -j-^i' *•: -j-~ **?&>& jtjP^^s lie^fc^SJKafta RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD 'CLARK__PAT_R_IOT PAGE 10 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1972 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1972 PAGE

Mrs. Mae Murphy Rodd, Synder, 83, of 1639 FernoteSt., Rah- Worker wiiy died Jan. 25 In the Ashbroolc Nursing Home, Robert h. Wiseman, 49, Donovan, 75, Scotch Plains. She was the Joins Directors t" 2Q3 William St., died J-'rl- widow of James Murphy and da> at home afiur a brief Frank Rodd. For the individual who level is a popular inclusion President William E. indlcated that there was a illness. in Mrs. Rodd was born in seeks relaxation or stimula- in the school s spring term. Of Insurance Firm Ozzard, for the Board of strong public need for con- A native tJf Farmingion, Word hae been received It is geared to the needs of Steelton, Pa., and came here /I- tion through learning, the Raymond E. Snyder, Public Utility Commission- tinuation of some service. \,i ., Mr. Wistman Uvt-d from California that Mrs. adults who wish to travel, 50 years ago. She was a Rahway Adult School may senior vice president and ers, has denied a requestThe PUC, therefore, re- in \rwark IK-it) re moving tu Of Clark Grace B. Rowe, widow of of professional or business I )LL)S communicant of St. Mary's be just the answer for him. director of Merck & Co., by Transport of New Jersey fused permission for the dis- Railway 11 u-ard agu. Fred K. Rowe, a longtime associations with Spanish- i. lirnnu- W1-,L-L Mrs. Agnes C. Donovan, Roman Catholic Church, A variety of educational Inc. Rahway, has Joined the to discontinue the Inman Mr. W 1st-man was cni- resident of Rahway, died Jan. speaking people, of social r continuance of all service 75, of 45 Jaques St. Eliza- Rahway. courses will be among the Arkwright-Boston Insurance Avenue service on its New- o yuars at; a checkt-r 18 in San Rafael, Calif. workers or just plain in- on the Inman Avenue section beth, died today in Elizabeth Surviving are a son, James 56 offerings on the agenda board of directors. ark— Elizabeth—Rahway— inatLiials department Gent-ral Hospital, Elizabeth, She is survived by twoMurphy of Avenel; two terested folk. The emphasis of the route but will permit when the school begins its Arkwright-Boston, a na- New Brunswick bus route (>t-iiL-ral Mi M after a brief illness. daughters, Doris B. Nichols daughters, Mrs. Raymond R. is on conversation in this die company to file a new Cor spring term on Monday. tionwide company, insures 132-134. lie.- was Born in Elizabeth, Mrs. and Winifred L. Niggeman, Rehak and Mrs. Joseph T. language course. schedule within 90 days Those who wish to learn large industrial properties. Testimony at the hearing lmJi-n Local Donovan was a communicant and a son, George F. Rowe. Nolan of Rahway, 12 grand- or review algebra may do The opportunity also is A member of the Factory - Indicated that Transport oi A1111 > Wurkurs. uf"Sc. Michael's Roman Cath- She was the grandmother children and 28 great-grand- so ln the Algebra course available to study the most Mutual System, It special- Raymond E, Snyder New Jersey will have a pro-showing seven daily round Mr. W isc-man fc.c-rvt.-u1 in olic Church, Elizabeth, and of five and great-grand- children. tripe, with at least three that will prove helpful to important and fascinating izes in IOBS prevention. jected loss for 1971 of more Arnu during World Wn1 a member of its Rosary mother of three. round tripe during die morn- Arrangements were com- individuals in technical subject of all: yourself. Dis- Mr. Snyder joined Merck than $4 million. The company Society and Ladies Auxiliary. Mrs. Rowe had lived in ing hours, starting about 5;3O pleted by the Thomas F. fields, desiring to improve cussions will include origin & Co., Inc. in 1941. During indicated that tlie 132-134 i)ii rvi ving arc Ins She also was affiliated with California for the oast 10 a.m. in Elizabeth and die Higgins sons Funeral Home, their knowledge of mathe- and meaning of psychology, his career, he has advanced line had an average hourly Willia Mac Wiseman, the Police & Firemen's Wi- years. last bus to leave Potter's 1116 Bryant St., Rahway. matical theory, or for chose personality development, through various positions: revenue of $8.57 for the daughters. Miss I. r- dows' Association, Chapter T who wish to prepare for col- formation of conscience. TRAINING COURSE Bh'G .NS...M rs. William Papirnik, wife uf Kahwa\'s ^ ivil Assistant treasurer, comp- first six mjnths of 1971. It Wiseman uf I'reii- 4. She was die widow of lege entrance examinations, emotional control and under- Defense and Disaster Control Director, ri^iriu-rs students for the basic puhce troller, financial vice was further testified to that Crossing, Edison, at aixjut Mrs. Barbara M.iuhews John L. Donovan, an Eliza- 8 30 a m A Basic Math course of- standing, etc. The presenta- reserve course being conducted by t!K I nhjn C >>uniy Civil Defense and UisastL-r president and finally to his discontinuance of the Inman : - - and also four round .iizabeth and M iss beth fireman. fering will include fractions, tions will consist of lec- Control Department in Hahway Cit> Hall. K^i.M<.nnc are, left u. right, Jose Rodrique.s present post of senior vice Avenue service would save trips in the afternoon, scart- Wiseman aL humu, J S J in ln J972 SCHOOL ELECTION -Among her-survivors is per cent. _and_ some _idea_s _P ?^ »_ discussions, and of Elizabeth, Richard lomshaw of K ah way, i imnrhy i unst- ol Clark--, f-rrt-nce president and director, 2,100 hours of operation and S Hlizabeth at approxi- suns, Juhn and MicluK-1, a daughter, Mrs. Thomas A. from algebra.- question - and: " -' answer Neison"oTNew Providence,"William" Haidair */f I illlsi JL •, James WilllanVsof result in an annual aavtngs -macely-3:10 p.m,, Jwirii the_ RAHW&Y hour will be at 10:30 a.m. A graduate of Miami C'ni- Rep. Florence P. Dwyer at home, iwu sisters, Kaczmarek> wife of the Clark: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Speed Reading avails the periods. The course is Pay- last trip from Potter's NO HCt rs. Nell it- l-'ret-nun uf Fellowship meetings are and Aiuuinette Adcd^j •>! Ko^ulK- I'ark. verslty (Ohio), Mr. Snyder (R-l2th -Bica.) announced yes- of $1,806. mayor and Union County free- Rahway student of an opportunity to chology for Personal Ad- The my of 30 pub- Crossing leaving about 6:30 itituwn and Miss Sarah holder. scheduled for Sunday as fol- received his master ofbusi- terday that the Office oi JTll.e.._R.eyJ., .Robert . _C_ d and coiripre-- Juetment^ - - —. ness administratio^__ n decree Emergency Preparedness witnesses ln opposition p.ni. Saturday err "Mocksvitle," Powley, hension of readin' g fo: r study5 . GlasseGlassess - -will - begin Feb. Juhn ut Junior Youth, 5 p.m., and Pollution Unit "from FTarvard Business has approved' a grant of Ymutm^ mi.mis i.l.ilo niusi._l>t;. duct the Sunday worship aer- recreation or meeting busi-7 and last for 10 weeks. 121- School. He is a trustee of $137,171 for restoration of «ass—OJ:—proiefisionaJ—H^_ AlclTRnnnl Information ran .XlonimUtee—far—iico—e 1-x—Un ion—LUmnty—bxid and four grandchil- His sermon will be "A™O~ther events scneduied are: Today and tomorrow, mands. be obtained by calling 38b- nomic Development and Up- including one in Rahway, and 70, Passes Away Punctured Drum Makes No SpanJ.sh on a beginning 8500. sala College as well as a for. general repair work. The Syufld." Children, grades 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., rummage director of the National State consist of shoal- one through six, are invited sale, Asbury Hall, Saturday," One hundred and rwenry- and seizure, radiarn n: dan- work will I he next ni jnthlv meeting Bank of Elizabeth and theing and dredging uf various Mrs. Juzwick, to participate each week in 11:30 a.m., Pennsylvania one men and women attended gers, tirsi aid and ,-i'lict- In Hoener Named VP at National State, iii die Ccnirtil Jersey New Jersey Manufacturers lakes, rivers and streams™ M a r \ kamuiski morning worship. They will Railroad Retired Men to the opening session of the communlry relations. Religious and Masonic Regfonal Alr~Polluuon Con- throughout the cuunty. oh, ui '$* be seated ln a reserved sec- meet; Tuesday, 6:45 p.m., 17-week basic police reserve Mr. Me Bride stated thai Insurance Company. Services were held Jan. 24 Methodist Men's meeting; trul Agency WiU be held in llldeii, died I- ridav 111 tion and will be dismissed training course on Jan. 2^Union County has rhe ropu- Mr. -Snyder, a member uf Th*? Six bridges were dam- in Jamestown, N .Y., for Emil Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Finance ir with Trenton Bank in City Hall, Rahway. The die second floor Conference Insurance Company. aged by Hurricane Dona last belli Hi Malmstrom, 70, a former following the children's s-er- tation J'ur having one uf die- Committee; Thursday, Feb. State Bank, announced on course is being given by die best prugrams . I u? ivpe Rvum uf the Rahway City Mr. Snyder, a member uf August, Mrs. Dwyer alter a \> resident of Rahway. mon for an extended session Edmund L. Hoener of 243 ti all ai 7;30 p.m . Wednesday . 10, 7:45 p.m., choir rehear- Maple Ave., Rahway, was Jan. 20, approval by coinp- l'nion County Civil Defense m the state. the Financial Executives'In- explained. The Rahway bridge Mr. Malmstrom was born of elective interest groups. ihe public is invited to Juzu,ick was bi:rn in sal; 8 p.m.. Women's Society promoted to vice president • troller of the "currency, and Disaster Control Depari- 'The trainees un. luded 24 stitute, belongs also to theis on l'nion County Park in Sala, Sweden, and came Seminar Series No. 3 of of Christian Service; Feb. William B. Camp, of the mem. at lend. Harvard Club and the Eco-Commission property and is iland, and wasto the United States when he tlie Church Learning Pro- of The National State Bank, Clark rc^ideiiti. AI\C 22. Rah- Mrs. Hannigan lo tiuti cuuiur\ in 12, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., paper Elizabeth. merger of TheNational State William J. McBride of Rali- wa\ residents. nomic Club, bodi of Newlocated at the end of Bedford was 17 vears old. He lived gram will be- held at 8:45 drive, parking lot; Feb. 16, York. Street between the commis- She resided 35 years in unrll.he to ?;45 a.m. for adults and Mr. Hoener is a native of Bank and the Trenton Trust way, county CD coordinator. J 7 to 9 a.m., Aeh Wednesday sion's service building and ramun, i a., before retired in I^o7 as manager young people. Child Care Hasbrouck Heights. A vet- Company, Trenton. reported that the group is He makes his home in service. Commuters' Cha- eran of the U.S. Army, he the largest tu register for Summit. the Rahway water works. in 195u. of an apartment building. He and Church School classes pel. Mie was a ouniiiu,iiica[U y' is a graduate of Hope Col- the course since tlie train- The other- bridges art in then moved to New Jersey. from Nursery through the Federal law requires a Cranford, Winfield, Spring- hei'esa Kunian t ath>>Uc lie was a past master of sixth grade meet as usual. lege, Holland, Mien., and waiting period of 3U days ing program was instituted your social event SECOND PRESBYTERIAN the courses offered by the about a dozen years ago. ing field and Mountainside. j.ri Bredablick Lod^e No, 880,Junior High (grades seven before the anticipated con- and eight)~wlll~meet in Con- American Institute- of Bank- The trainees fruni 12mun= ht-r 11 tr tiurvivurs Krec and Accepted Order Sunday worship will be solidation can become effec^ ference Room II and tlie 9th ing. icipallties in Union County The Communm Mothers' Plans for the celebration lainlu-1 kanunsk l uf M asuns, in New York., held at 11 a.m. with the Rev. tive, making Feb. 25 the Grade Confirmation Class and one municipality in Som- Club held 11^ nuip.it.\\ meet- 01 i-'aihers Night on March Film Subject a charier member of Breda- Richard R. Streeter preach- He is a past president earliest possible merger SPAGHETTI DIHHER blick Chapter No. 871, Or-F '72 will meet on the top and an instructor in the'Tri- erset County included two ing in tlu- Cldiuli- If. RL-I->J 2 1 with a dinner pari> at "Wild Rivers," a color, ing on "Our Perspective of date. Recreation and Cultural Cen- the number above der of Easter Srar, in Newfloor of the Community Councy Chapter of A1B. He women, several Spanish- SkH-py 1 lollow, Scotch Plains, sound- film, will be shown SATURDAY, FEB. 12 Others," The sacrament of Under the terms of the ter, Kahwa\, on Jan. 2r> with W. Mercer York, an honorary member House. Senior High Fellow- also has taught at Rutgers- speaking persons and many were completed. at The L'nion County Park infant baptism will be ob- merger agreement, die MrB First Presbyterian ship meets Dunday evening youths 6T18 and 19 years of - Mortmu-r iiibbona in A card party wtll be held L-iiarles I-.. W. Mercer Jr uf the Scandinavian Craft served. Sunday Church The State University busi- Trenton Trust Companp y Commission's TrailsideMa- is your answer, from 7 to 9 p.m, in the age. The youths were ac- charge oi tlie prugram. M rs. on Feb. 15 at the home of Church . «;t o-l bt-Cond Ave., bit Club of Philadelphia, a mem- School meets at 9:30 a.m. ness colleges in Newark and which has branches in Tren- ture and Science Center in library and Junior High Fel- cepted for the program for and ^ Mrs. Albert KjjehK-r. W. Grand Ave., Rahway nM, died Jan. ^ at hull ber of the Scandinavian Su- as well as seminars for New Brunswick. ton, Hopewell Township and die Watchung Reservation on * lowship Wednesday 7 to 9:30 tlie first time tints year. pic tu res u f lab rado r 1 IK- next meeting will be a lung illness. perintendents' Guild, in New adults and senior high school He began his banking Lawrence Township in Mer- Sunday at 2 p.m. DAVIS HALL p.m. in the youth room. career at the Chase Manhat- Council President Charles by her daughu-r mi A : luTd on l-eb. 22. Mercer was burn in York, and a member of Local students. Parents of church cer County and resources of trip. Also un Sunday at 2, 3 and 4 to 8 P.M. (Dur personal attention tan Bank, New York City. $200 million as of Dec. 31,t-. Crowell of Rahway com- -i p.m., Donald W. M^yer, ulUngbwwd and lived Nu. 32B, Superintendents' FIRST METHODIST school children are en- Adul»»: $1^0 (,ai'wuud 3u years. 1 le WLISJ I niun in New York. He joined the Elizabeth- will become offices of Themented that the group re- director of Trailside, will Rahway couraged to attend the sem- Clilldr»n 10 and Undir artner in I rulx-nbuch's lie was also active in nu- based bank in 1959 and wasNational State Bank. Mr. presented "the type of people First Hew Jersey Bank Assels present a program at the to Juoitr individual needs "Learning to Listen" will inars. $1.00 j and heed Sture, .Souih meruus Swedish organiza- promoted to aseistantcash- Roosevelt will remain as who make America great." Trailside Planetarium en- be the sermon at the 11 a.m. Meetings for the week are: C ranfurd, tor the tionb in New York. He was ler in 1961 and assistant vice president and chief execu- He welcomed the trainees titled "Star Light -- Star TROOP 47 of RAHWAY Sunday service by the Rev. Sunday, 5:30 p.m., Junior will be unparalleled. years. a soldier at tlie Salvation president in 1969. tive officer and Mrs. Mary and expressed the wish thai Increased 21 Per Cent in 1971 Bright." This is tlie story Kenneth- A* Anfitenberg. pas- High Fellowship and at 6:30 other citizens would take as o ^necoming: nn Army Central Citadel Corps p.m. Senior High" TelTow-" Hf> .haft hp^n a r.hj)irmannf C— B-oebling wJl.l hero me uf variable stars, and what tor. Church School meets at much interesTTrTi^olice'wo'rk"'." The assurs nf Firs! N-Vu Mr. Mercor had in New York.- He served as ship; Wednesday, 8 p.m. the zoning board of adjust- chairlady of die board of the ins, v. ere $1.60 per share they tell us about die uni- 9:40 a.m. ment in Rahway. He also has The curriculum includes J e ra e y b a nk g r e v. iJ^ 1 u verse. The same program for the store firm d Rahway school guard for Bible study and new mem- combined organization. FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL The election of the record- served as a member of the criminal law, crowds and $87,S>o5,2Ml in the year that be lore taxes on 325,4U7 will be presented on Wed- Private Parties 10 to 200 wars. He wasjscout- une year at Stone Street and ber class will meet in the The National State Bank ing secretary and the chair- assemblages, arrest, search ended Dec. 31, it was an- shares outstanding, com- ut I ruuj' 7D, Boy Madison Avenue. Manse; Thursday, 7:30p.m., citizens' advisory com- has 28 branch locations in nesday at H p.m. and on NEEDS CALL man of the administrative nounced bv Frank M Put,pared to $1.55 on 325,407 , oarwoud, fur several Surviving are his widow, Session meeting. mittee to the Union County Union, Middlesex and Hun- Correctlon Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- Contact our catering manager board will be held on Tues- Welfare Board. terdon Counties \and re- chiarman of the board. Total shares at the end uf 1970.day and Thursday at 4 p.m. and a communicant Mrs. Svea Malmstrom, one day. Wai raiiu Anne's Rum.in Catholic daughter, Mrs. VivianMoss- TEMPLE BETH TORAH flected assets totaling $441 It was incorrectly re- assets stood at $72,520,390 381- .\ K Richard Meyers of Cran- W. Emlen Roosevelt, for further imfortxiation. tjarvvouj. berg of Rahway, two grand- Rahway million as of Dec. 31. ported ln last week's issue as of T5ec. 3 1, i97u. Mr. H ford will be the caller at a president of The Nadonal his survivors is a children, and one sister, Rabbi Jacob Rubens tein that Third Ward Councilman Mr. Pitt pointed "i tlui Emergency Center Staff Warns square dance on Saturday, will conduct the services Richard J. Voynik voted the bank's asriett in JI .inieb 1.., ut Rahwav. Mrs. Helmy Lager, in Stock- Feb. 5, at 8 p.m. The dance holm, Sweden. tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. and Two Notion Pictures Scheduled against a moratorium on gas doub 1 ed in 11 vL- yi'ar; i i\ • 111 is sponsored by the Adult will preach the sermon. stations. In fact, he voted $38,858,155 un Djc,31 About Hazards of Cold Weather Fellowship, and tickets may Hazzan Solomon Sternberg for it. The third vote cast The Fir si New Jersey Mrs. King, 75 be purchased from members will chant the Liturgy. Oneg against the measure was bychairman also said thu bank's sels caused by breathing cold r Albee, 29 For Meetings of Retired Persons s caused by frt-ez- DIVISION OF berv lces were held Muii- or at the door. Refreshments Shabboe after the service. Fifth Ward Councilman Peter earnings, including bond pru- air may bring about a heart Services for Mrs. Maru will be sold. ^ Motion pictures will be Disney ^World at a future i;i^ WL-athur wcrt' cited this da> t^r M rs. Lillian E. K.ing, There will be a service M. Donovan. •Ac-ek by the Rahway Hospital attack. V1 SLOCKV TRAVEL rl iC^Eir^ousE^ Grace Albee, 29, of 270 Waiu ishown at the meetings of meeting. A motion picture 75, u[ 2 Georgian Dr., C lark, Z1ON LUTHERAN on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. I.mergency Center staff Persons who use snow- Ave., Rahway, a teacher, died Rahway Chapter No. b07, "Natural Gas and Clean Air, ' SHERIFF'S SALE who aird Hiursddy, Jan. o, Rahway ihe Junior Congregation will which ur^ed automobile dri- blowers were told to turn in Rahway Hospital. was shown. 41 E. MILTON AVE. fy/V^ ^V^^ The MoHer Family ^iV in Rahway Hospital, Rahway. Sunday Services will be conducted meet at 10:30 a.m.Members American" Association of SSSew Hea-draaster. Albee sustained a vers and pedestrians, espec- off the power before any snow RAHWAY, N. J. Mr.^. Kinc waja burn in New- Mrs. by tlie Rev. Walter J.Maier, of the Men's Club will Retired Persons, on Thurs- The chapter started the on of the right ankle ,-. , lally elderly persons, to use in the machine is removed 1 ana lived in ^ lark 10 8 and 11 conduct the service~~~oTT~ t^ tts' JanT caution Tn the remaining l itit. g Jan. 23 when she was struck pastor Sunday at Feb. 24, in the Claude H. meeting. Five new members U.S. ROUTE 227WOUNTAINSIOETN^r07092 was employed a m Ihe Servlce of Holy Sunday at 8:30 a.m. There months of winter. Tti IJH- toill a car in Rahway. - " Reed Recreation and Cultural were introduced and com- LUNCHEON • COCKTAILS • DINNER the the Prudential Insurance ">' Communion will be at 8 a.m. will be a breakfast and bowl- The staff pointed out that c-arl\ in iln. J quar- An autopsy performed by Center, Rahway. mittee chairmen gave re- State SIX MONTHS and ut ihe . at the firm's cafeteria Church School classes will ing party after the service. The board of trustees of snowfalls conceal holes in and, with l.is hack tu Dr. Bernard L. Ehrenberg, "Light a Light" will be ports. L-.juni> in u-hich h»* clann.s his Newark until her retire- meet at 9:15 a.m. Council Other services are set for Vail-Deane School, Eliza- the roadway and icy patches, \olv VuH TV I l.\VS next befuru bask t-t ,saiik a U>ul shot. L'nion County medical exam- shown by the Public Service Marge Defarrari, second mem several years ago. installation will take place Monday and next Thursday beth, this week announced thus causing accidents. The iiiicl y. ho has iner, was Inconclusive and Electric and Gas Company vice president, greeted mem- Surviving 3 re a son, at the 11 a.m. service. at 7 a.m. , , the appointment of Jesse J. staff added that Blower speeds p«_Tm;in<-nt!> i egistrreii in the additional tests are being at next Thursday's meeting. CARRY OUT municipal t'U-ciiun district at least !•. J r., twu grand- The Youth Choir will re- The Religious School will here; who observed January Morgan Jr. as headmaster, reduce the possibility of cars avf ..Robert Henderson, high scorer Inr ihe made. A business session also is FOOD SHOPPE lort> Uu>'> pnur to tilt' date uf chiidreri; and t \vu great- hearse on Wednesday ato;30 have its usual sessions on birthday anniversaries. A effective July 1. skidding. comrullu basketball tt-am, |,OM'& with an i-ightt scheduled. film, "Camera Closeups," the election, shall he entitled to grandchildren. Mrs. Albee was born in p.m. and tlie Adult Choir ai Sunday, Tuesday and next Mr. Morgan, who has been Llderty persons were vote at the schui'l election. Apph- r 11 ic l [ • a 1 um MoK-hkV, a plavel *>n til was shown by Public Ser- Newark. She lived in Ro.selle 8 p.m, Thursday. The Ner Tamid The New Jersey Bell Tele- the assistant headmaster of wa rned against going out- ior nul:tj:y or civilian ab- bdtu rda v '.-• gam . m Ai'U.ur 1 . Johnson Park and California before phone Company will show a vice, b;illoii nij> ().• made tu the Parents classes are can- Study Group will -meet on The Pingry School, Hillside, doors in snowy or icy wea- lark. 11K lacnll\ \uin moving to Rahway eight film, "The DEW Line Story," Secretary nf t.hc liuard uf Educa- Clark PTA Council celled for this Thursday but Monday at 7 p.m. since 1967, received his ba- ther unless ii was absolutely L, w111cn nab months ago. which describes the Distant uon will continue for three weeks chelor of arts degree from necessary. i' tin Carl IL —She was a fifth grade tea- FIRST BAPTIST Early Warning system de- be given iv Dartmouth College in 1952 Homeowners were warned msTRiCT NO. I and Cha rU-s a iUgh sciiooi seal r v,ho vvil. cher lnHTTnCo'TTrS ^si^ned—ri ut the Crovcr lhall he g<>in^ tu college anu pui- field, and had taught handi- FIRS! "A Child of theUniverse' clear attack. There will be gree with honors from New ( I e.vr la mi L;:O ill Eii^L Milton h a ro witli 1-i points. She w ati ltiu L lark juncilot P ! As d children in Plainfield SCIENTIST ia the sermon topic of Rev. eling snow. Dr. RobertHolli- B3 WESTHELD AVE. CLARK. N. J suinj; a teaching p ruk-sMi< >n. cappc a social meeting starting at York University in 1961. He day uf tlie I.mergency Center .Ivrnur u,e Stnoul Dibtrici, for a -1U3J b\ Karon Marcianu voted to support die town- for fuur Rahway Orrin T. Hardgrove Sunday opp. American Legion Hall o Parhlwq \m Joe L'ampana andViclUij;- years. She was a 12:30 p.m. when refresh- A hike and a rambie are has completed all academic 1, salinii within Gen- last qua rk-r. with W Cindy Schaefer wiUi ship schiKiI budget which tot- explained that increased phy- 7, di.jnated their service.-. ( graduate Jf Jersey City State at the 9:45 a.m. service. mentB wUl be served. scheduled for members and requirements for a doctor in- u, and Annete Stec with ft. ale ^S,5'S4 TSM.Sii tjn Jan. 2n. College. Intuition and spiritual Church School for children sical activity coupled with YoullLove the Change! ot Uard i. relel'eeS. All retired persons and gUe6ta of the Union County of philosophy degree from riiih. tnulm-; \v\ll bt' put bt_*- the narrowing of blood ves- I'OI.USt NO. 2 A c o n i h i n e d v a r s i i > team M iss Diane Satvcsen and M ry M rs_ Albee leaves her hua- sense are not limited to a and adults meets at 11 a.m. senior citizens may attend Riking Club on Saturday and New York University. tirovcr eighth grade girl* truin Ashley gave the girls turf 0K- vuU'rti I uisday. band, Charles- her parents, special few, but are available The Boards of Education, land SLI.MUI .it tnst Milton the chapter s meetings and Sunday Before going to Pingry in Hamarib competition bv tallying 13 I'IIL- council is also Mr 'and Mrs.'Joseph Panza to all, according to the Bible Deacons and Trustees meet Aw nue. in ML. SLLu.il . K unii-t and Rrewei join the AARP. On Saturday, Julia Somer 1956, Mr. Morgan taught at and *J points, respectively, supporting tliL- bund refer- ot I nion, and a brother, Nich-lesson-sermon entitleetitledd at 7 p.m. Sunday, QUALITY DRY CLEANERS It J..i v-.ni-, ic-..ll!ig within bchuolfci defeated tile wurnen Six new members were of Union and Barbara Wag- Cardigan Mountain School, A lutal ol 18 girls and 13eiiduni winch appuarb on the Spirit" at Christian Science A nursery is provided for Corner of: llI t inn l> faculty members, 4o-^N, in oiai B panwopaf TacomaTacma , WasWashh . "Spirit" «*^^- introduced at last Thursday's etaff of Cranford, will lead Canaan, N. H., where he Ja 1 ui Ward 1- women teachers saw action sank- hallw: for tiic construe- services Sunday. children during the worship i ducaiioii ihf bfcmid gatiK . Hie score meeting. John H. Topping, an eaey six-mile ramble in also was director of ath- Raritan Rd. *nd Walnut Ave. I'OI 1IN(. 1JISTK1CT NO. 3 in the well-played game. turn ol an additional gym- sclu ila rsluj W,lb close Hill 11 tile luui'th Opening the Scriptural hour. president, announced that he the Watchung Reservation, letics and co-headmaster. Jesse J. Morgan Jr. CLARK, N. J. Franklin nasium at Charles H, Rrewcr readings is the passage from Naomi Circle meets to- Sehonl .il SI. <.rori;r> .\ve., in the quarter w lien IIIL >;irls pun red was observinghis 79th birth- The group will meet at the School. Psalms: "O Lord, how mani- day at 1 p.m. with Hattie At Pingry he hae taught Eng- children, Jesse J. Morgan Same Day Service * 382-3424 now makes i3i_huul i-M-liiCt tv\ '•••^.,1 day anniversary. Harry Hanf, Trailside Nature and Science Men & Women 17-G2 U ujb lclt bv council nk-ni- Services for lieh and history and has 3rdt a freshman at Trinity i ,-•.!,! ,n,; '-' .tluJi t -eliei :il Election fold are they works! In wis- Cook., and choir rehearses who attended a seminar on Center in the reservation ^ 1 A. 'Z ui \\ ard 2. TRAIN NOW FOR bt-rfa j tha: : dom hae t thou made them tonight at 8 o'clock. Boy been head of the history College; Cheryl, 14 in the Mrs. Di Hartino & side Kd., L'nion, were held income tax reports for sen- at i:30 p.m. department, tlie senior ninth grade at Vail-Deani.-, I'OU.I.M; DISTKICT NO. 1 CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS gym t, .-, by both boys all: The earth is full of thy Scout Troop 88 will meet ior citizens, was introduced. On Sunday, Ted Murphy at the Franklin Margaret H. Saai Ma r\ A an N \ c z college counselor and ad- and Peter, K, in the third Mrs. CITY . iTAT£ • FEDERAL and £i at UK- seventh and Monday in riches. Thou sendest forth at 7 p.m. tomorrow. Ruth Mr. Hanf will provide free f The Bronx, will lead an t si. t.rorKt-s Avc, in the .TS4 Newman I '1 , ot 37 I larold U-vel is unde- pel of Phi Up Apter & Son, o vanced placement coordina- gradcat Vall-Deane. 'i-,;iu'i i"i- leyal voters )iM.irun No Hiigh Scliool Nocnsiary eightii thy spirit, they are created; Circle meets Tuesday at 8 K died un Jan. lu-d Fndav in 100U Springfield Ave., service for members and 11-mile hike from South- tor. He also hae coached Mr. Morgan, who succeeds >v .tliin I ieneral Eluctiou lark oft oi hi(jh oi; sirable And thou renewest the face p.m. with KayMacVicar. in I -. hzaheUi Maplewood. guests. Mr. Hanf announced fields, New York, to Arden junior varsity football, junior lidward W. Hathaway, will SUEDE COATS a JACKETS Nus S Ai 1 «f Ward 2. 'usi'tialt , Nf w of tlie earth." GOWNS a FANCY DRESSES IMH.I.IN*. DISTRICT NO. 3 nitul. 1 li^aiieth, after a S Mrs. Levine died Friday ZION LUTHERAN that he will be an instructor On the Appalachian Trail varsity basketball, freshman become the second headmay- \ altL-r a m ill— The unlimited source of for the defensive driving through old side trails and BOX STORAGE The Mew W&ght Watchers" program. lan- at th 4.21 Hr. in the Cornell Hall Nursing Clark basketball and varsity golf. ter and the seventh head of spiritual sense is also indi- FREE MOTH PROOFING The NEW Weigh! Watchers program is tho result of the i! St. diMirirrs Avr., in tJi A native of Talnn ra, M IBS Pail OH.co Plainfield Site Home, L'nion. The Sacrament of Holy course to be given in April Losr Road and back to He has been active In" the in .li/.alx-th, M rs. cated in this citation to be the ^107-year-old girls* day TOmSAITG'OWNS CLEANED most advanced scientific Information availabto on 1 n-li ift. l'ir lej-al Saar lived in Linden before U. S. Cl"** Pohc Born ln Montreal, Canada, in Bloomfleld. Southfielda. The meeting DiMurtinu lived in Irvmgton from "Science and Communion will be celebra- Pingry Summer School pro- college preparatory school. REWEAVING & DYEING health & nulriiion Our Staft Medical Advisor and our vuthm Cont'ral Election moving to RoHc-lle three Michon i c i 1 It also was announced place at 9:30 a.m. is the LEATHER COATS & N«M I ii 2of Ward 3. a short unit: hefure moving Of House Hearing she moved to Rahway in 1923. {T,^ ,!^ ..rXJhl^JT* ted at the 10;30 a.m. wor- grams and secretary of the Nutritionist have carefully designed a program lhat hoa ago She was Mr*. l.«vinft mnvRriro Union Health with Key totheScrlp- that Frank F. Greetham, Red Apple Restaurant on niSTBICT KO. 6 to Clark seven years ago. Knnp proi ml i o b pr«- ship eervice.with a message Trustee-Faculty Committee JACKETS 33 \ ears m the production tures by Mary BakerEddy: the best ot everything in food vanuty. nutrition, and bulanco pl.ici' at the Roosevelt bhc wab a ciimniunicani of par.nj til tor Residents of the 12th Con- two years ago. by the Rev. Joseph D. who has returned from Flor- Route No. 17, Southfields on Coeducation. KNITS CLEANED & department of 1' u r u 1 a u > r, "Spiritual sense, contradict- BLOCKED School at St. (.eorcc-i Avr, in the •>!. John thf Aposik- Church, gressional District, the Surviving are a daughter, - . _ Kucharlk. Sunday School and Ida, will give a talk about New York. Mr. Morgan is a member SC!,OI>1 District, for loyal voters Inc., Rahwav. mnrerlal eenae8 in duration Science ALTERATIONS Wider Variety New Food Products *"!-• (I- lud. No.) Union and L.esex County su- Adult Bible Hour meet at For further information of the Cum Laude Society residing uilhin t'.eneral Election Satir was a in ember Rodxling Room Surviving are Uvr husband, burbs, which includes Clark, 9:15 a.m. concerning theae hikes, and the Association of Col- Satisfying loods added We've evaluated many NIKS 3 Ai 4 of Ward 3. ui the I'urolator Huwling Lea- NATIONAL T RAINING e available foods, and put Joseph; a Bun, Joseph Jr., were invited by Rep. ter. Mrs. Pearl Feinbarg, Choir will not practice please contact the recrea- lege Admission Counselors. MAN MADE FURS-BORGANZAS to our program that POLLING DISTRICT NO. 7 gue and held a numbtn* of SLRVICES, INC- Place at the Columbian and a daughter. Miss Diane Florence P. Dwyer (R) to and rwo grandchildren, ity." title week. Confirmation, tion department of The Union He is a deacon of West- 12 noon to 4 p. m. weren't there before. new ones on the program.1 rrophies. P. 0. BOX 1001 Services are conducted by at \ew Ilrunswick Avc. in OiMarunu, both dthume;her participate personally in Con- classes convene Saturday at County Park Commission. minster Presbyterian NO EXTRA CHARGE the School District, fur legal vot RAHWAY, N. J. 07065 Mrs, plane Shine, first read- Daily parents, Mr. and Mrs, Paul gressional committee hear- 9:30 a.m. Sunday School«tatt Church, Elizabeth;. a mem bex. 3-tn 1 Is actually a triple bonus ITS residing within General Elec- er, and Mrs. Wana Burden, OPFN 7 AM -7PM MON THRU SAT PUBLIC NOTICE Nycz of Llizabeth, five bro- OR CALL20l-€T2-2501 ings on the elderly meeting meets Tuesday at 7;30 p.m. of the Men's Forum of the plan—3 programs In 1! tion DiMiirls Nob 1 & - of Ward si |'i- IIIOII (.Ol K 1 IH second reader, at 11 a.m. TRY HARVARD'S QUALITY SERVICE 4. thers, Joseph and Paul Nycz Feb. -1 and 5 in Plainfield. o, and the ChriBtiari Education church, and a co-founder of 'First. A weight reducing plan to \ \\\ ] \- li^i > Sunday. 1469 Irving St.. "" DISTRICT MO. 8 Committee at 8:30 *p.,m. Sc» for Saturday Wustrial Unit the Westminster Nursery get you dawn to your goal weight. DOrKFT NO. M TlVK I Jr. of Colonia and John, Mrs. Stella Ragno, -61, of Sunday School classes con- place at the Columbian TU i lib N>t I • I • I- A U 111_\ C1-. Ldward and Frank. Nycz.f ail School Committee." RAHWAY, N. J *Sucond. A leveling plan wtjen 305 W.HazelwoodAye.Jfcah- vene nr 10.55 a.rn;j children -SECQND.-BAB-TIST - Antique Sale and Flea BFT IJ _n£_ F.Uzahnth;, /inri flvp fllfl- Mr. Morgan was born in you're within ton pounds of your in the Scliuol District, Tor legal of and^yjounfiufliiLCleats..toj:^e_afie__ li you added Inconliuos.. Hv oriict ol ihi- Superior fLohway.. _ will behcld at -St. ..ALL ARE WELCOME voters residing within Gfcneml tiut>()ii*r lint- of ltirnl ters, Mrs. Antoinette Owsi- of her daughter,Mr, s obert n ^htTfiti M'ir\ Ah- <• 1)<"1' FIREMAN of 20 are welcome to attend. church PauTV Episcopal Church, Lou YeagTer Election Districts Nns 3 & 4 or fonnrrlv of (hurl*-* L. any of Colonia, Mrs. Pauline to the former Miss Doris Gritschke of 1287 Fulton St. A radio series, "The Truth 80 Elm Ave., Rahway, from town Gas, who is chairman of helps you stay at your proper Ward 4. ; .( .ijsl.llir,- nf (00.00 Uir pliiintiff »iii'l V ini art- llir Sluzis of hdison, Mrs. Jose- Mrs. Ragno, a lifelong Rah- Hammond. They have three frmlant, > on arc rnpiirfd lo RAHWAY Heals," may1 be heard 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sat- the Westfleld Area Chamber NOW FROM TELEX weipht while you're enjoying an POLLING DISTRICT NO. 9 .i point in the fiiMVrly 1 phine Silveretein of Soutii ~*~ 1 J '~~ — ' — ~— 9 ~~ —- "^ —~~ Tomorrow at o D«xin The Rev. sw IT ill' plain li ff* ^ rom- ld l of Commerce Industrial exciting variety of foods. pluce at the Frunklln knrnilZ Phu-i" atul Plainfield, Mrs. Helen Stal- way resident was employed every Sunday morning over Jame8 w Ealey, pastor, wUl urday. The No Attachment Hearing v pI«inl 'in >ir lie (ore tht- 1 Slh Opon to mu.« citlxvni 21 to 35 yoar* of ao«who UKO 'St. Gcorgen A ^f }» ;^*-M ae a clerk at The Sewing Kit Btatione WERA. Plainfield ^ - "Worry..*»** ...»: How to The sale will feature nov- Division, said thenexrmeet- Aid Eyeglasses ""District,'for legal 'vb'lera11 l\ fH'M'"C prcriiiii'fc'S ra J |( If comes Irom Weight Watchers . . . you know It's rlghtl Ualn-r S. Pr\ ^'a, plain- bve'rcefme lt^^Commmtion' - QUfleholiHeema-rbylc—Ing-will he a.6»30-p m-riln— residing within General Election Itn o wn as No. '.W \ K oj- n l ^ ] I on Dorothy Nycz of Elizabeth. niioniry, at lb.1 Vint* I th« announced closing dat«- Mrs. Racno was the widow at 9:45. The title of this as well as antiques, her session onT Tuesday at T«!»v, worlds l«rg—tmMnnfactorM •ad?l«fitt fl •~ •'•" JTTai^Fa>«i!*ypxrtijdyr- ~ Districts Nos. 1 & 2 of Ward 5. Pliu-tt, Rahwtiy, Nrv. Jersey. at the 11 a.m. Sunday a-brae dovlc«> provldaa 1h*M unlqu* QU«S«« Vullh you In mind. Nat- M illon \ vtiin', Haliv. ny , N <• v* Arrangements were com- POLLING DISTRICT NO. 10 Tlie forrpoing deweri plion of Leo Ragrto. Surviving also week's program is "We Can service Church School Weiland*e Steak Hquee, urally, not nil can boh*ftl equally, but many tlnd thli tha DUBIAKI Jf-rwry, 'Crti*»rrs!| d gHndpy oiiH ruiieiiu nujuc, WIIT «ioet «t 9*30 aitnV. ana ,—.— —«»—.—.-, :—L WE6TFIELD Trf-tiie—th«4Ve»tfleld Jlr^m. Chambcr District* Jmrsey CO,, INC. ^rtretmerTrftiie CA1LI-379-9O7B E)A V OKI 11Q Cantrai Av«no* No*. 3 At 4 iti Ward 6. $06^-18 day 'a"light luncheonwill .be" «£ CommercC e in hthe amount offered at reasonable charge. °* $6.50. RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD CLARK PATRIOT PAGE 12 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1972

7/ ///A) //- Of Wastfiold HOUSE OF FINE LAW>S ('* un 11 :u.i.Vi 1 r 4 den: JC r atic system that AND LIGHTING FIXTURES w ill allow yuu. au educators, • Fin* Bohemian States H igginss., H ; crt< rn. \> -ur p rt ife ssionul Beclchusen, Davis and Mc- Imported i responsibility once elected CrY»lul i.lk ^ . "Let's set the record Dowell charged their oppos- is to the system, one which Chand*ll«r.u a that v*. h e n straight," stated board can- ing slate with running a ne- and oth»r» ccp will enable children to de- Lamp" of Rizzo Help K ,,ih Ki::.' ^ tat ed at die didates Eric Beckhusen, Eli- gative campaign and with velop the educational tech- Distinction (or ; '. •. >. j:iU;dai.t. s Night that zabeth Davis and Harry Mc- being against education. • v«ry purpc.it* niques needed to live pur- i:.e . rn:.jr\ v. • nee rn ul the Dowell, "distortion of facts They stated that since the - Larg" S"l"cUan Schools (\i Ini poseful lives." ol Shod«» ;•(. .si ::i 1" a i .: ^ the tax- wun't do in diis campaign." candidates opposing them do 15 CENTS 1 The trio said diey are stand- The trio said, "We have * Lamp Uountiid VOL- 150, NO. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1972 not now have children in the Rewiring - Rostylma -- .i- ,: tr.<- rcten- ing un their motivations and never advocated air-condi- Rahway school system th-at right, receives certificate of are "not using reverse gear tioned schools, or carpeted they do not care about the Dial 232-4223 Ii I" I-L.(JOD PROBLEMS AIR in educational policy-making classes; our only concern Il.r holding certificate, as presi- exodus from Railway of fam- 106 Cential Avc. Westtield j[ i reeiatiun fruir. j is education." iK.r William saniiiulian.., v-li». or curriculum planning, in- ilies whose "children have t>J«ar Coi. Broad St.) .Jen: Nicholas i ut/., international, lu* 'h '•u. vulvlng and informing die "The fact is," die candi- been used as political pawns i.s a c jndu_iaie public on issues and creating dates stated, "that tiie coali- in Railway classrooms." a climate favorable to dietion is only against a dom- achievement of a purposeful inated board of education. Lions Hear Rep Of Congresswoman education" No where else in govern- being taken In file I .S. Arni> The candidates said their ment, state or federal, can IS VOUR CHILD Corps of L e rs and local any top administrator hand J'e uppunents, Edward J. Hig- ten- Mr. keenan pick his own bosses. The gins, Louis R. Rizzo and cation for a three-year term said fluod insurance it avail- Hatch Act prevents this. It Lester Oxman, "seem in- Railway's voters on Tues- and also gave similar terms able to most residents ut the is time New Jersey adopted HAVING PROBLEMS capable of ^believing diat day reelected Edward J. to trie Beckhustrn and Harry tuwnship. A i-iuebtK>n and an- such an educational ruling." l-icckhusen move dian one community THE LATEST, MOST EFFECTIVE AID TO SCHOOL SUCCESS Higgins to che Board of Edu- McDowell. awtrf period vn^uud. group could be up in arms The Beekhusen-Davie-Mc- MciXjwell Dowell slate claimed that, The current expense item over their collective mis- of $4,313,500 in die proposed ^ i --1: ' 'our present superintevident use of di& educational sya- tlbronix corr.Dines one-to-one leering. notivdl.onal 1972-73 nrhnni g of schools has never before techniques aad electronic teaching ' igned any candidate^ pe- the capital outlay Item celerate your cr.ild's pedoiiiitfv.ua up rcro $50,687 f iimpariy, buf the "growing list otoro -t _ Railway rhey three, those of Messrs. Hig- narrow margins. i^0maninfTnBT77n - SPElLIWta - MATWEMATTCS Writer Favors v,a\ Education (PORE) as L xpense N teated, 873- 756, and die capi- ranee at their scapegoat. FORE is Capital tal outlay item lust, 895- 1:15 turn rMTHM one meffiber of a coalition trol of the be outlay YKS 710. Last February the vot- -compos-ed- of • ail die- CORW- abilities- By .ippnintm*Tnt pnly Rahway Citizens for Flood capital ers defeated" trie proposed 11 r slipping. His rubber stamp munity's parents, taxpayers, Control Inc. agreed at Mon- nutlay NO 1971-72—budget—by W 1 r board, " diey said, ' 'has And Arnold al retired citizens, profess- cost che taxpayers $184,000 day night's meeting in St. margin. fi- ionals, semi-professionals, in his salary alone since Mark's Church Hall to en- When die election results laborers, teachers, members 19oo, a salary that is sup- age-an Elizabeth attorney, were received by the se'ho-oi t) 1 - ul diversified religious Klaas liakcr ui 34Kutgers the three-week trip. tors of the Eastern Union posed to purchase adminis- County American Red Cross, anford Halberstadter, and board on Tuesday night in ^ruups. They also respected trative guidance." , i, ulutua, and luunnuy Mr. Bakker is married to Decker and Kirkpatriclc As- che Rahway High School audi- individuals of die city." 221 LENOX AVE. W. L larkv ot 75^ Mam St., the former Miss Judith l-'lury and Mount Carmel Guild The trio stated further advisory board. He is a for- sociates, consultant engin- torium, Leo Kahn, board at- WESTFIELD, N.J. , I.JVL- IJL-LMI sck-cicJ ot North Plainfield. The Postage Stamp The direesome said die diat Messrs. Higgins, Krzzo mer member of die United eers 0fTTnTuTi7TD~gaTtier"and torney, announced that die ai as thib \rar'ri IX-Cijiients ut' couple has been married u\ coalition "was formed in and Oxmah have their only- present data for faster court absentee ballot results had \ (.-a r'i= 1 Hsanguidhc-d ^(--r- three years and is expecting Fund of Rahway and Welfare ^ ^[:;IIK.:U: > , it. tr> l^Tu out of fear also, fear allegiance to the taxpayers Assistance Board. action on removal of river not been received by die \v:nlc rhr public lf To Be Issued oi' what trn= Rahway Citizens 233-6121 Aw a rd and nutb landing their hrsi child in ihe near encroachments. jboard in time to be included and because of this reading "Mi. Clarke's greateaL&c- ;:.. ^ , Mil -1 >'t e-ina blu i UiAvn 11v ^ ind at fur Neighborhood Schools- Citi2<.-n .\uard, it was an- future. Council President Uiu nui Lake ihe Lruiiblc tu a cost of unlyi.. S.2,4LJU WILD. in- the--eandi-diitti=-«r- -budg-et— and madiematics ability has complishments incom-nunity rhe team will include pre- 1- li i.in i lin e r r a c e. structured board was doing Ll yustL-rda> by Ganu-r Mr. Clarice, a lift*-long sent RCFC attorney, George L. Crowell of Rahwa> yes- iu\ Ltiu^aLc \\l:di die ciiy is lull knowledge that to con- totals. Approximately 200 declined. : service have been in uhe For US Park -4.11 p.m. }• urnace bh v\ tu education. We saw chil- M. l o/;i:a>. Jay u'l cliairrnan resident of Rahway, is a grad- terday defended the opposi- i i'<-\ di nig m [In- way ul flood persons were present to hear ink- r.. The three candidates char- F. Bartell, who reported mat trol die dire flood problems :uck at 123^hr> ant street. dren being ill-prepared to tur IMS U'.ir'ri award \ n.'- uate ot Kahwa\ High School, area of assistance to Rahway tion of Mayor Daniel L.. [ lain building requirements" die election rebiUts. VV ged rurdier diat die present anocher deputy attorney gen- in Kahway, the city muai rS: 5M p.m . i. him ne\ bh V. n lie served in the Army dur- rt-sidirnta who have problems Martin to die one-\ear build- "tlu- council- M dbsume their rightfttl places board has applied ^uxplua. eral had resigned from the have the services ul a pru- The l«72-73 budget will 1 1.-1 jnwn by winu at 7hn Lauryl Mr. iialcKcr will receive ing World War H antl die diar require the assistance ing moratorium ^.rupuseU b; nj vuttrd against •nov uIU. r., in society. We wanted candi- monies to reduce the budget of someone ~'lcnowleu*g~eable Stare Bureau of Water Re- - planner," be fient tu i-hv Municipal, IK- n. . Korean conflict. After being Flfch Ward Councilnian PetCr th.e retaininu .f a i lanner at ruce. dates who were not domin- and next year, widi new con- in die various aspects of sources, thus adding to the council by the board. The Wl- DNL-.SDAV, J.-W. Jr COMVINtMIAL lur lus discharged, he studied elec- long delay getting court act- M. Donovan. the al ated on die board of educa- struction, diere will be no governing bod> may approve -J7 tronics under the Gl Hill. community life," Mr, Poz- A public hearing on tht an 1 :11J p.m . 1 louse ti re at iiun. The coalition only helps residual funds left. gay stated. As the director ion on RCFC encroachment the budget as submitted by rt. '. apobianco lJlaza. the community select dieir ui'L-d b\ dif i irst i'res- Mr, C larke is die owner uf complaints. Preliminary act- ordinance will be conducted die board or may reduce !'."'[!• anru\ i-1 ^.t They also stated die budget: EXPERT TAILORING of die Action Now Program, Progress '.V : ! 5:02 p.m. Fire in woods candidates," die trio stated. byit-nan {"liurch ot ttahxtroy; tlon and directives for by theMunicipal Council dur- die total amount, leaving the fatom. Nam .r.al i .s is up $500,000, even though Mr. Clarke assisted citizens irisue-f < .p. M arc'- p.i-jf Rahwa> Rner a: l'nii>n "When die community and Mr. v. brkv will rccc-ivt- L umpany and the president removal of encroachments ing its meeting on Monda\ board to determine which he die amount to be raised by of Rahway to solve problems at 8 p.m. in City 11 all. I he U^al first ;1.a> "cr ~.t i out. elected two of our candi- ol L, W.. Llarkti Lliictruiuc in "a" timely and " efficient have been made by che Water individual ajipropri.ario.ns are I 1H RMJ.W , JAN. 1~ taxes has risen only about i •\wai\l tor his (. Uaboraturies Inc. Policy Council in the State proposed legislation would ie^ a( 'In.- i jfk Mil dates in 1971, they were nor manner. During die past year, to be cut. The board, how- • 'i-.^) p.m. ALrrn received political debtors. Their only $ro,ooo. t-; ir.L cuiiununit> ul "Mr. Llarke's service to Water Bureau of the Depart- prohibit "the filling, exca- ever, may appeal any de- ir,ii;g anO in W a.s!i i :tci • approximately 200 residents i:"i_.n. Merck i> L L.-rIs_• ..i.I;> Inv.., Kal.v..i\, .i^^.-rdiiiy^ to Mr. ment of Environmental Pro- vating or modification of tLe Mi\or Dar.iel L. Martin M ayo r M artin revealed hi-; starr.-" will he itiv ti t die community ot Railway is have sought assistance from crease in die budget total ! . Scon Avenue. many-faceted," Mr. I'ozgay tection. orlginal gradesol lands abui- »i R;ih\.\.u> fcpuitddiliiii week diat die city \,v ill comply widi elgll.I Sl.ili:, b II: ll \. i - Mr. Clarke." to the state commissioner I-RIDAY, JAN. 2^ Ernest J- Kuruc Mr. r, 31, said. cing die Rahway River an,: .-n the progress ot two flood mure extensive ar.d compre- of education. If diere is an btati niitninai 1. .•n.-3 m ll;- *>' at i. , vv- Michael Rie Turning point In Mr. Pressure for Rahway and -:4u p.m. Alan'.: received i u u • d S i a i L•.-. t r u i n ! I u Mr. Clarke Serves a^ the its .tributaries for a pern d ; ri^rams and an application hensive flood plain building appeal, the commissioner CS .in> I'ark.s ^ L'IHCIIIIIHI Hvrn^ Clarke's life cams in June state legislation to protect 1 r. mi R ahwa\ 1 licl. .^cl.> ><• -1, N t-i t u- r 1 a nd h in l^d wl i L- n president of the Railway Ro- of one year." tnr federal funding for anew requirements by a Jul> 1 would conduct a hearing and find ihat Celebrate lh(. tlr'M liatl' HA S OPENED featuring. 1970 when he decided to flood plains is being aug- M iJibuii AVL-IUJL-. Chosen to Get Ad AHare Dei Awards DL-CI'1\ interested tary Club, president of the Council President ». hark s I;:e headquarters. deadline. At die January dien determine die final [ ark 111 T!JL \\«1 iKl. HJU.I . leave his business and go mented by the RCFC while A,kerations • Tuxedo Rentals in his homeland. K ah way YMCA board of di- 1 l u L. Crowell said dus wei k ! he Clt> received notice meeting ul Municipal Coun- am mm uf the fiscal niea- tu cmnpltrtc- ib&u«ii*-'r v.' 1'WU Boy Scouts from BlewiczT Michael Matlosz and 1 { ^ full-time community ser- it is soliciting signatures Quality CleamnR r&Gt&r-&, a-nd-^ir-eetei -o4 tft-e the he iv^jats- ."every rcsi= cn Jan. 24 rhar ITS applica- CJL The mayor was axithorjjzed in.-rieM by in 1O-.-3UIIHIH-1 . Rahway troops were recom- H. S. Henriquez. )• ( j vice, Mr. Pozgay saldTFrom --for- petitions in- supporr-of- Kahway AcuunNow Prugram dent of die city to know [\,.-.\ t.'in for ^lll.UOu ol flood to hire a planner to prepare a !• u.> mended tu His Excellency The boys selected to re- Domtnuk Festa. a thoroughly experienced t-ll liis^ouungwork w!n.-n July through October, Mr. councilman Peter M. Dono- Mr. Beckhusen, Mr. Mc- and "has been chairmanof the Mayor Martin's adnnnisi ra- ci-nirol wurk has, been the necessary legislation for WLDM-.bDAV JAN. 1^ Arohbishop Thomas Boland GffiJve the award are Michael tailtJr frt)m sht>ps in Italy. Switzerland and amvud in [lit- I niu-U Clarke devoted every day to van's proposed ordinance to Dowel_l_ andMr. Higgins de- ad:n irusi raw • r Rahwa\ Planning Board. Mr. tion is preparing very speci- approved by the Federal of- meeting furrrheT-federat-froorr" and will point u| tli<.-aivi-i hii d lu car fire tu receive the Ad Altare CTCMullen of Troop 38, where France. States, fie lias been a m.m- coordinating the construction curb building In flood plains feated four other candidateB, L larke also is an active fic and very effective flui d fiCL of L.niergency Prcpared- plain building requirements. Westtleld Avenue a! Jo Dei award, the highesthonor Harry Blitzer is Scoutmas- t [ roo[; 4 7 for lu years. of die JFK Community for one year. Louis R. Rizzo, a member r..l. •[<. plain building measureb." nt'ss, Mayor M artln said. The vote, 5-4, followed party "t he t ' .:r>. 1'usial ^ervn. ir .^ldeilL at St rret. Some oi his accomplish- member of che Police Com- of the board for 12 years; that can be given to a Cadio-—rer, and Ernest J. Kuruc of Center. Mr. Clarke's acti- A public bearing on the or- lines. Robert Rosa of Edison, r Ml'eel. ments with ihe troop have munity Relations Board, May- Letters critical of die may- ! hr- grant covers reim- Lester Oxman and Burt J. is making special jrr.mu MONDAY, JAN 24 he Scout. Troop 100, where Maurice vities were culminated on dinance will be held Monday former planning director for Ju- _i 111" e U1 been die preparation and dis- or's Youth Task Force, ad- or because of • hie etard imrts^^ifcifir ol .moneys »punt Arnold, former board mem- nientir fur pruv. i-.->.-'in^ i:..i < 'dor of gasoline m bev.er Tlie recommendations Moran Sr. is Scoutmaster. Oct. 31, 1970, when the JFK at 8 p.m. by die Municipal U Woodbridge, has b*. en re- _ a i : . i k me KJ[ . iiiDutlun ot food baskets lux visor) board for Guv. Wil- against the ordinance "wm b\ the ciry in 1 71 in emer- order recjuetits |di firM-J. and Madi- were made by the Rev. Jos- Community Center opened Council in City Hall. bers, and Mrs. fTl*abeu) hi. i.ser i li .'.abetl 5Ud,Ouu tu build a fire head- ciatii •n n.i r .il.- \t man Cadiolic Cadiedrai, ticipatu>n in Civil f schools Committee, Kahway sition on die proposed build- und dc'tris removal; mone> included Mr. Deckhusen and to d i *._! 1.1 e I' i •_ .' 1 should tollt'W tht- >i-j-<.-iCla 1 ;: Brush fire at Riverside of America, and hiaCadjolic "Mr. Clarke's decision to lng moratorium and dicy quarters hub been tuined tru .1.1: Newark, on Scout Sunday, Sni^luicr-^,- - iooaj-d -.ui-di r-oc— l^-»r the repair and rebuilding Mr. McDowell. The opposing struc iiuns he ing i ssui. u : Privo and King Street. Committee on Scouting; Cas- leaVe"hTs"busTness and'goin- ~oXfw>i by die Federal Fco- Feb. o at 3 p.m. f du Kahway , were inaccurate in their ol daniB at Jackson and Hlood-T slate consisted of Mr. Hig- !iu\v tu sulmii t tJiei i reUL.L -.1 FRIDAY, JAN. 2b lniir Begier, Chester Dobo- Uons tu full time service stemmed nonuc Development Adminis- tin. -all I !• •jj foi cliantalile or- "representation of tlie uuik good funds, and conversiun gins, Mr. Rizzo and Mr". Fire 111 basement ut house from the need to have a To Head City tration, Mayur Marun re- ns, and assisting Jt Two Properties being done by the aJnuni:. oi rhe ponds into retentien Oxman. Mr. Arnold ran as it.ra.wls over -',-'1 \-'' on Holland Drive. full-time coordinator on die ported. 'I he grant application, M a; v t •:: tire a r area hos itals. tration to effectively reguLiu basins, and m >ne> for a an independenr. llortliUe^te II: V\ bA! IRDAV, JAN. » Clark Student Taking College Course ground during die construc- filed under the Public Works ivva\ • 1 Mr. Bakker's gui- building in die flood plan," Inn itrd J mount of bt ream ulllillg, [•uultv. iluu in garagu un nder tion phase of the JFK Center, Heart Campaign Impact Program, had been The vute I' ial^, which .a rbapc bin dance, i roop *17 consistently Seem Abandoned Councilman Crowe 11 de- uhri- clearance lo be done I! arrisun st reel. Since diis time, Mr. Clarke approved by die Philadelphia do nor include the voters caat .»!i 1 ea tllef has maintained a v<_-r> high [lie State of New Jersey William Wanko was named clared. between now and June -I. geysers. il;an t In Swamp oi Southwestern Florida has given fully of himself LI)A office but vv as nut ap- b\ means of absentee bal- percentage «.f lagle bcoutb, lias listed two properties in Rahway chairmanof die Union "For example, one writer Kaliwav lias been receru- w.'Trlc!""CTTnilM"h studies nearditr Fah- in jserving the community proved in Washington. The lor^t .irt? as lulluwj; Mr. Miss Raren Merman, —aborrr"ti-v-c times "hi"gtTPT~trran Hahwti-^ db- appeapiftg to bw County Chapterof che Am eri- complains diat other count) fied b> tlie federal i-loou kahatchee Strand of die Big and citizens of R~ahway~ re a sun- -u,j.-v^n—w*, that- die Heckhusen, l.luu, Mr. Mc- W73 at Cedar Crest College, the national nveragt*. in l^os, abandoned. All those with can Heart Association's m unlclpaltxi es~h a vir -rre C-TTH y will Cypress Swamp in southwes- Mr. Pozgay said. t-.DA had only $4u million Dowell, T.non, Mr. nigg^ns, ea 1 Allentown, Pa., a resident of Mr. liakker was awarded interests in die properties enacted legislation on lluud eligible lur its programs, tern Florida. tu appropriate for projects I.t'o2. M r. Rizzu, l,d44, Mrs. Wen as the result of a Clark, is among approxi- die scouting Wood Badge, are asked to write tu Tulward Mr. Clarke's community plain requirements to be eli- the ma\ o r explained, llasic Miss Herman is die daugh- through the entire nation and Uavis, ° 11 ; Mr. i >xm an, 7 5h; t-dk and entry un Jan. 20. mately 75 students from of tht- fiighest awards an J. M junoy, assistant to die service was recognized in gible for federal fL»od in- IK Hid plain management rt - uf die I'usi ('ffict. and tlie .-.-.-.-.-.-.>-,-.-.-.s-. ter of Mr. and Mrs. William that small projects were Mr. Arnold, d5s. ital loss is nuv. valued at Cedar Crest and odier in- adult scuuter can earn, and supervisor. Bureau of die July 19-7-Lwhen he was made surance and he complains qLiirenuTits were met by the V. Herman of 101 Thomas given higher priority dian ApproMm atel\ 15 _ uf die uncertainty ui the weadier stitutions who are partici- in iy?u he was nominated budget and Accounting, State a memlier of die United diat Rahway should be doini: iV-c. 17 deadline, the mayor and die availability ul j.ei- Drive. During January, she large ones such as Kahway's. registered voters . nt u • of Mrs. II:T 'RSDAY, J.-\N. 21 Capi. John pating in the college's second ALL FOOD AVAILABLE IN and awarded the Jaycee's Mouse, Trenton, N.J. 08625. States Arrny Society of Pa- the same," Councilman C i\>- s n HI . sunnel this seayt.in .it ^ <_ Hi ivs - is residing at Remuda Ranch, ihe polls. A tutal ul :,2b2 ul 1 i ^" M" Kahway Auto buppK uf 12 January term session in I en * lutstanding Young Men The presumed owners and triots. The inscription on well stated. " Thefact is that entered 1 > 1« stone I'd rk , all mail < • rder a $5,000,000 sportsmen's re- CONTAINERS FOR HOME USE Mure mune> is expected votes were cast on Milton Avenue reported Elorida. Award h\ die United States locations are: 0. R. Maloy, die plaque he received reads: these odier municipalities ing tt.e 1' "^h requests lur first-da> L.HI- sort which die GAC Corpor- Scout Troup 47 tu be available in the next I nib \ car's vote;" turnout L larcenv <>i an adding ma- Gets MS Degree Miss Herman is taking the Jaycees in I ulsa, ()kla. 43 him Avenue, and W. C. "For patriotism and devo- are following Rahway's lt-ad. Side. N' i r 1* ^ cellatiuns shuuld In .sent in ation has provided as a site tion to his Country and Com- Federal fiscal u-ar, and Rah- was Jlr Itss thar, ihe LCI ,l:ie valued at % 1 5i) taken "Return tu die Wilderness" for the educational venture. Mr. liakker, supervised Weaver, n3-} L. Milton Rahway has for some unit.- the tap .:«- MIL "Yelluwsrune .^tamj , |\ .st- munity from the Officers and way will reappl>, if n still turnuui. ••'•I1 i [in- service desk. Also, course specially designed for Students and faculty from Troop 47's trip, to the Neth- Avenue. now had die requirements rcni; t !"/}•• master Men of die United States meets unemplov mi -nt level In luc^day's balloting, From AF Institute die month-long session to 23 colleges and universities erlands in July ls>7(j. During Colonia Man Mugged necessary for federal ap- To Have Dinner -Ui :^)Wi;i' WITh Army." criteria, the ma^ur tiaid. in three wj:-Js( die —tjUCC*- uuUll — offer an opportunity for study from throughout the United a two-year period, members proval and was recently re- o a a tance encln.sed. bj ecial j n>- Lugene W. Carroll, 5S, of Mr. Clarke is married to He added chat Rup. Curnel- Fourth, Fifth and Sixth, ap- break and Jl I Mr. of an States are participating of the troop raised approxi- 7*-' Starlight Dr., Colonia, certified as being eligible CesSing will be i P'Vided U die_jgrjii£r_MJBJi-t!iol-l-i-&\4ay©- tor federal Tro"O"d""l"nFirraTic c .ius 1-.. uallagher had done pro\'ed the cu rrent expt-nt-L' J M 'aiker ered during the regular sem- die program, which includes T^27tx>o—re—frrrantre re-por-t-ed - to- R-ahw-^iy- -1-^1-l-e-f On Saturday expedite service. branijS* o? Newark. The couple has funds. Not only was Rahua\ ' "an unbeiir-v-ahlyoutsranding lien; - \ uXi^rs. in aii u^arUi; re— I 1U1JA\, JAN. 1^ ester. exploration of the 10,000 Is- che trijj. Mr. liakker coor- un January 31 that he was "lii.- capital outlaw [ :\<- in :Ll! ,:,al will be .i 111xed in Washuic,- "" two children, Gregory, 15, the first in die count\ tu job in usbibung die. prugress letted " h i , 'rH-CUV'',-. IUilMfl'd tWu • nJ \\i ha: ceived lands of the Gulf of Mexico, dinated with friends and mem mugged while walking on license and tun, and one ut two cancella- Instituted to provide che and Michele, 16. Both youths K ah way will se r\'e a spa- ut our application on a daily 1 iu- "ap|, ruval, l,u« - \ s| i.-dkcrb aiiili-n during n . .i: I' r ilv. ( dev; ret.- die Fahkahatchee Strand, bers of die truop committee meet flood plain building re- iiuns will be ,i| plu d', '" Wa.-,!.- ' students with time for "ex- Jaquee Avenue near W. Al- attend Rahway High School. ghei ti supper on Sat urda\ basis." Ihe congressman was b\ wiil> a slim Mlbn i <- 1 [""• L i-re JK , ent: > and la reeiiy insiMute ot known as the Last Wilder- Wh to insure the success (if bert Street. quirements but no otlk-i mgtun, i). "IIV "\ elli aviy has pledged to wurk fur fur- margi: i, r\^u voles in tlie cas< 1 e n e > k ' i la. .,.-,' M J\ iron, tiie in inie ui ness, and odier parts of die GLADLY municipality in the counn National 1 'ark , VV ^ .'' ( hi. and flexibility both incoursee Jaycee-ettes are inviting 1 !! all oi tlie PirM I'resbv- ther appropriations under ..t rr.e M\th Ward, fmrvoreri tup ul l.Ci" *. .'• r^ M :trv Anne K'i ink lt-wic t )in 1... Everglades. DELIVER has stronger requirements. ' t C u 11 e c t u r ri h i J , 1 d i n d l *. a u 11. and programs," che January (en an Church, Kahway, in Public Works Impact Pru- • fifth Ward and rune bla.s:.eo. ihe v L friends of the recipients to : v. . idJiiKinii M rec-t. I term at Cedar Crest includes Forecast Large Turnout at Breakfast Councilman Crowell ^aui m the 1-OLirtli W j ru ruUed Ji 'V. I penc ll un the Imu-r U-ii ul This term is die first 310 INMAN AVENUE attend the award dinner at raise nw>ne\ lor transpur- yranih, and to assist Kahwaj a 1 !;Lv.Jurc I-uiiivi ut llol study on die Allentown cam- of a year-round program di- William Wanko another letter writer com- in reapplymg for funds. unofficial returns, uj en. I '. (J.l:i the envelopes which ciincrl- CGLONIA, MEW JERSEY die Golden Lantern Res- tat ion and camp expenses. \' _i.;;.T. •:. 1! ill K'.'dd reported Edmund Lauzeckas pus, on locale around che rected by Dr. Louis V. Wil- plained diat tilt; mayor should, du not include {.in< ub— rettes ^ ' l"e ; latiuns tie desire:-. It n> • Of Holy Name Society at St. Mary's taurant, Route 1, "Linden. February "fund ""Ortve. His i lckrrs -rrtijy btr obtainrtl :,i t>ai ILTV stolen irorn his [^reference is indicaied, die ,,A 1. rtiin L-nt world and at che college's cox and open to all colleges recommend specific legisla- at tlie dour. lhe\ dru $1.5(1 Mayor Martin said diat Mt-ntee vuics, tihuu Uiat the Mrs. JLJ; The dinner on Feb;" lrS~~wtll appointment was announced : 3 r while th e vehicle was lu\ ll in scicnrttic, new campus for environ- and universities. tion in view of his- oppusi thi:> di'velopmciu ' 'means blaLu ul lieckliUiiCn-Uavis— uf 13fHt i,r\ Yellow s i u ni c ancellai inn A large turnout is being com-nunlon breakfast chair- commence at 6:30 p.m. The by State Senator Matthew J. to i adulih- dHd > 1 lor chil- t jrked m the driveway. will be applied. KeilueM.stur oil tleldb. Ed Lauzeckas tion to Councilman IVuiuvan's dren lu > ea r^ ul age and that WL- will proceed at full McDowell «as successful in ported a a 1 I e 1: •t ed • r 1 predicted tor the Father and man William Fee. cost is $6.50 per person. Rinaldo of Union, chairman M/NDAY, JAN. J'J double cancellations on the hu i.na- Airman tdmund Lau- proposal. steam on our uiher major the LirM and I-uurtli Wards and v:iir\ b( Son Communion Breakfast uf The pr-ieet was a mission- Members of the community of the county driv^. tie>-rge Morris ul 1771 same eiivelupe will nut I ><_ .Mi 11 mill lge- zeckas, bun of Mr. and Mru, 'io begin with, dit- ad- community facilities pro- wfit'i-L- all three candidates tu iMiii r • t: Che i loly Name Society at ary in Brazil, a teacher at who desire to attend die Mr. Wanko, who lives at Plans ai"e being made for Wl.niu-r Street reported the llient l'i 1 111 1 Frank Lauzeckas of 1392 ministration is mapping i>ui huiiured. St. Mary's Rom in Cadiohc Seton Hall Preparatory dinner and awards ceremony 601 W. Grand Avenue, was i i w o - d a \ 11 e a market I n ject— converting che l.hza- run ahead ot their oppon- ruar kite ; .tilery stolen from his car el llbllC ut Bryant St., Rahway, com- the entire city, designating Addresses shuuld I >e Church, Rahway. School, South Orange; acur- are requested to notify Al- Rahway Heart Fund chairman ea rl\ June. bethtown Gas Company land ents. u 1' g 1 a .s b I wtnle the vehicle was parked Kn! ea, U >i >lut\ v. ith a unit pleted his U.S. Air Force to what exact degree t-a^h _ and buildings into a modern i.il'k III'- (lie placed as far to die luwei Ihe affair is scheduled fred Higgins, Jaycee com- 13 times. He is a machinist I he troop is -ul-anrung -tu- In the Second Ward, die and die in the rear uf that address. ul ihe i ',k it ic Air l-urces. basic training at die Air 1 ei i as ijosblb 1 e bee a u se u 1 for this Sunday after die ate at St. Rose of Lima mittee chairman, at 382- at the Alloy Steel Products area of die city it, subject go to C ana da tor summer police headquarters." The vot ITS favored M r. Rizzo, dog dpj >d rent 1 v I'.e car stolen from John l'ACAI' is headquarters tor training Command's Lack- die stamp's size. Blocks ut 8:45 a.m. mass. Roman Cadiolic Church, 6699 or Mrs. Senta Pozgay, Corp., Linden. to flooding," Councilman camp this year. city appropriated S130,OuO Mr. Higgins and Mr. Mc- mtii del" a'A a> . f.i r> Cudnu-M ad ut f ^-4 5 ! I em lock air i»i uMiii'iih in S tutheabt land Al'B, Tex. He was as- The Union County Council Girl Scout Council. Crowell said. "Initial wurk late last year to purchase four stamps un standard o- Guest speaker for die Short Hills, and a chaplain Jaycee-ette committee chair- Mr. Wanko ia a member I he rrooj/s annual winter Dowell. The Third Ward vo- not gained t>: Hi. Tin. Street was recovered on Abia, diu.-. 1-ar L.ast and the signed tu Sheppard AFB, of Parent-Teacher Associa- Mrs. Leonard E. Tandul, on this was recently com- die property and buildings, 'i/4 envelopes will he placed morning will be che Rev, at Newark City Hospital, man, at 925-3888. No tic- of the Fraternal Order of carnival was held the week- ters backed Mr. Higgins, f rum die !).1L. k. intu l.eesvilie Avenue. Two ju- 1'a c111 c area. lex., for training in aircraft tions will celebrate its 55di county president, announced pleted by the Army Corps and ru cover legal, archi- didewise. Joseph Sherer, announced Newark. kets will be sold at the door. Eagles and che Rahway Dem- end ot Jan. 21-23 at Camp Mr. Rizzo and Mr. Beck- die k lichen \\ a .-> : 1. ri veniles, residents of tidison, I lit \.a| i-iiii w di~, cum-maintenance. Airman Lau- anniversary at a Founders' the election of several new of Engineers. Lach designa- tectural and other fees. As ocratic Club. Hrady, I'uttersville, even husen. -MTT:—HigginB;—ivTrT anuthei l-a'. and .11. were arrested and charged niissit med in t wro tlirough zeckas is a 1970 graduate of Day luncheon on Monday, members to die board of A Saving-Mot An Expense! ted area will have specific of this daie, title searches "Feb. 7, at Wieland's Steak He and hie wife Louise are Uiough there was no snow RiZ2o and Mr. Beckhusen TI T hPAV, JAN. 25 with possession of a stolen Joseph Snegon utficer T raining School, Rahway High School. managers. The new county and detailed building have been completed, die House, Mountainside. Hummer Tux Cent«r« would like to announce the the parents of seven chil- for the event. The scouts received the Fifth Ward's Tuhee liandKd a great niutur vehicle, Lackland A ll\, \ ex. " chairmen areMrs. John Con- requirements. survey is near completion, Navy Seaman Apprentice opening ol their new offlcei in Unoen and ftuhway . . • dren. gave much of their time to support while the Sixth Ward many c alls in re^.i ru n» wind- A 1 a r L e n \ w a b r e j >o r t e d A 1 ^^^ graduate uf ! ligh- The speaker will jbe thesolo of Union, exceptional work un final plans has start- Joseph K. Snegon, son ul gional High School, Clark, now 3 office, in Union County to lerve our rapidly Mr. Wanko said chat ap- Councilman Crowell said cleaning of camp buildings followed suit. sturm damage: Wires duwn, lu have kjecurred at 152 lain-i Springs (Va.) High Rev. Carl J. Arlco, family child; Mrs. Martine Leone ed, and closing can be ex- Mr. and Mrs, Joseph A. he received a bachelor of increatlng clientele! proximately 3,000 Union Mayor Martin criticized die which are being prepared for The board will have its trees uprouteJ, damage id Maple A v e r; u e. I- n t r y was hchuul, lit reci ived a bach- life apoGtolate of die Arch- of Rahway, program and ' pected inless than two weeks. Snegon of 2092 Whittierbt., science degree in chemistry Hammer Tax Center* guarantee* Free IMS. audit County residents will die Donovan ordinance because renovation. reorganization and regular roofs and broken storefront gained and a quantity of home elor vi acictice degree in diocese of Newark. His sub- Founders* Day, and Mrs. Rahway, was graduated from in 1QO2 from Rutgers Uni- this year from heart disease. "the councilman (Donovan monthly meeting on Monday winduws. fixtures oi unknown value 19o5 irium the University uf ject will be "The Challenge John Hansen, community ad- Insurance, accuracy and free photo cople* of your tax Richard I 'etras ui fi3u Cora recruit training at the Naval versity, New Brunswick, of Parenthood." visor for WJnfield Park. He based the estimate on at 8 p.m. in the Roosevelt were stolen. Arixuna. His wife, Faye, is return. School Training Center tn Gretu the daughter uf Mr. andMTrfe. where he w-as commissioned Presenting tlie colors at Thomas W. Long, juvenile We prepare tax return* honettly and confidentially. an American Heart Associa- auditorium. A pre- Lakes, 111. through the Air Force Re- tion prediction that-40^00 sident and vice president Al Kipfer ut 2UU4 J'aterson the luncheon will be members protection chairman, and Your return li n*ver *»»n by ouHide eyes and no He is scheduled tu report serve Officers Training New Jerseyans would be fatal will be elected and" appoint- St., Rahway. J •'' of the Washington Rock Mrs. Tandul, both of Linden, information U svar »old to mutual fund saiftsmtn or to Radioman "A" Schuul at Corps program.. appeared recently on W JDM a victims of heart and related ments, including attorney die Naval Training center, radio program, "Dialogue** credit bureau*! disorders during 19 7 2. auditor and custodian of Bai-nbridge,-VT-deaths -from^car dio-" M adison School PTA wa~s ~Tfie"nextnPTA H. Heneck, 30, son of Walter I', S, Air Force Captain the general membership will rent-Teacher Association. vascular diseases, we have Lieneck of 1096 Stone St., George 1.. J-ord, son of Mr. held at die home of Mrs.be held Tuesday at 8 p.m.Mrs. Norman Citron of Un- a particular obligation to Rahway, participated in a and Mrs* Lester I-'ord of 4 Donald Stewart on Jan. 20. ion, who is the county health support the fund raisttfgiicT- IN THIS ISSL'L week-long field training ex- Hall Drive, Clar-k, received Mrs. Charles Leonard, Guest speaker will be chairman, will continue to ivltles of the Heart Asso- ercise at Ft. Bragg, N.C., his second award of the Air president, appointed Mrs. Church News 12 Marcel Miles of the Rahway supply Information and work ciation/'-said Mr; Wanleo. Classified 11 with fellow members of theMedal at Griffiss AFB, N.Y. Ronald Edzek chairman of Jaycees who are handling with local units on this sub- During February, which AJLL PURPOSE...Economical Toyota Corolla 1600 82nd Airborne Division. Cpt. Ford, a pilot, was die nominating committee, L-.ditortals 4 station wacon for 1972 includes such standard features the Child Shield program, ject. has been proclaimed Heart Movies ,. g Set. Lieneck, a 'section cited for his outstanding air- with Mrs. James Cherego a system of identified homes RAHWAY Month, volunteers from the - --ius-power^flc-fir^efi^swingr-^^^^ -leadex-in Troop A,-lstSquad-. .mQnshlp.and-courageoaauc-._ and Mrs..Alan.Ealmex...... ELIZABETH AID SIGHT PRESERVATION PROJECT...Check for $100 to be used for sight preservation Obituaries 1 1 4 children "to" call- uponln — - -old -rimer ~ Rt. 1 Corner- J D-^XAR-^as^iJinx-Nunez^ataj^ s wimm.er_.Ql Ji^ IjlC the. •work'"•"of -the-trions- tHub -ie -presented by John L.-Pitchell^president of..tho.Rahway Lioxui. ._ .through ventilation fully reclining front bucket.sears, ron of ^ dfv^lon.s 17th ™*MU\ceseful "nandd importanimportant t TheTheyy will call for four 509 Rahway Ave. has broken school records in all but two events, receives coaching from Robert iUiy..Uoagland - Cj n team who American Heart Association cftrnfffftd Inferior and tinted glaaa. Alour-speeomanual rflvn1rv nnt*»r*»rl rh*> Armv m)n^jrt«^ ^,™r>i«i-f*H imfi^r vr»iimr«^>-Q nn ana - for studies completed during _ which will let Clark resi- theft and burglary by iden- Q. Has the program really identifiable mark such as ccia McWeeny la Highland Blue the 1971-72 fall semester. To Find Friends ker? dents borrow an electric en- tification of valuables and A. Call at any participating worked to prevent crime? this can be fed into the Band Squadron commander. She was named to the hon- graving tool to mark house- notifying potential thieves Selection of major posi- agency between die hours A. In Monterey Park, Calif, NCIC System and a check by __ fty Kaie Bauer. ors list as one of 130 Franlc- hold Items, was provided this this action has been taken. where die program was any agency coming across tions in the corps was made lin andMarshall students who For Those Alone of 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. un week, by the sponsors. Q. How is this accomplished? days listed above. An etch- started with nearly 4,000 items in die nation with NCIC Perth Am boy General Hoa- became American citizens by professional officers of earned academic achieve- The project is being backed A. By etching one's operator participating homeowners in would result in die identi- pital Was die scene of theat a Naturalizatioli n CCourtt detachment andd rankin kg i ment distinction ranging Are you or do you know ing tool will be loaned to somebody that is a widow, by the Clark Police Depart- license number on portable you and stickers provided 1963 • only six have been fication of such items as birth of a son tu Mr. andcerem >n> un Jan. 31 in the cadets. from 3.70 to 4.00, with 4.00 items such as bicycles, tools, widower, divorcee, separa- Safety measures to prevent private. Arrangements were ment, Patrolmen's Benevo- when you return the tool. victims of burglaries and stolen, where, when and the Mrs. William Bond uf 337L'nion County t ourt House, equivalent to a straight "A" lent Association Local 125, radios, appiances, TV setc,' in only two instances were agency submitting same. L. Grand Ave., Rahwa>, on t-.lizabeth. average. ted male or female of any a repetition of Sunday strag- made by the Walter J. John- Q. Why not use die social During February, 48 em- age or single person of 35 Clark Honorary Patrolmen's etc. security number rather dian identified items taken. Jan. °-. New cm if as from Clark edy in which two persons eon Funeral Home, 803 Rari- Q. Why does this discourage PRUJKCT TO HALT THE FTS...Police Chief Anthony T. f"-" ----- — •- - - p^OyeeS of Public Service Miss DuBrow, the daugh- years or over and looking died in he Middlesex Water tan Road, Clark. Benevolent Association No. die operator's license num- Q. What odier advantages District Board to Meet art Mrs. Ai-hng I ing, L haul- Electric and Gas Company ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman theft? would such a program offer ? Smar of Clark holds electric engraving tool which can be Mr. and M rs. P aul ^ for new friends and wanting Company resevoir in Clark Mr. Mllewaki was born in 125, Clark Jaycees and Vet- ber? The l'nion County Regional used by householders to mark valuable articles as a Chi ling, Joseph Juniu and wllj compiete 25 years'ser- DuBrow of 735 W. lnman erans of Foreign Wirs Poet A. A window sticker serves A. The New Jersey Depart- uf 5o Malvern Or., L lark, (labor M . i to attend social affairs? were discussed yesterday by Kearny and moved to Clark A. Because die social secur- High School District Board deterrent to diievery. With turn are, left to right, vice with the company and Avenue, is a junior at F&M 7363. notice that the items have ment of Motor Vehicles now 1 are tilt.- parents of a daughter d art" If so, contact the New Mayor Thomas A. Kacz- 14 years ago. He was a com- been identified; Ihus. if sto- ity number cannut he used of I- ducatlon will hold its I horn a:-. I . K elm a run, the- township's director of 1 will be presented gold ser- and a 1970 graduate of Rah- Tools may be borrowed has the identity and address Ixjrn on Jan. ^ in St. Eliza- Mrb, NUru - arnaxidt- and Outlook Social Club by call- marek, Thomas P. Kelmar- mynicanhicant of StSt. Agnes Church len, would be direct evidence to trace people (K-deral Re- monthly meeting at S p.m public sak-ty , Fire Chief I-rank Uberhes; Ira Berman, vice emblems in honor uf way High School. ing 634-3651. between 7 and 8 p.m. un die of every licensed driver in beth Hospital, Elizabeth. Mrs. Ada Ar the occasion. PARTY WEEKEND...Enjoying a conference weeTcemr AWARD WINNER...William Kluse, son of Mr. and Mrs. tin, director of public safety a ' sophomore in Arthur L. against the thief when fuund striction) whereas the oper- the State computerized. on luesday, Feb. 22, in dit- president ui tlie L lark Honorary Patrolmen's Benevolent sponsored by District lft-E of the New Jersey Lions for the township; and Police Johnson Regional High following days and at the ator's license number can cafeteria of Governor Liv- Association, Ha ruld kt-ssler, cummandt r uf Veterans Among the recipients are: Miss Roxanna Rode of 1051 William J. Kluse of 880 W. Lake Ave., Rahway, left, The club meets on the locations listed: in his possession and would Hence, any New Jersey law A sun was born ro Mr. J". 1. Scaraiu. ^.'l Carl O. Larson of 442 W. Club at Pocono Manor, Pa., are, left to right, I-rank Chief Anthony T. Smar. School, a member uf Buy also be most difficult to be traced readily b> any law ingston Regional High uf Fo reign Wars Post 73o3, and Steven Maytner, Maurice Ave., Rahway, has poses with Klaas Bakker, scoutmaster of Boy Scout second Friday of each month Scout Troop 246 and a mem- Monday, VFW Hall; enforcement agency and will enforcement agency may School, Berkeley Heights, and M rs. PhiU[- Brugt- ^l w a v i v writer Co., ^b Ruutc lnman Ave., Rahway, a line Yash, Mrs. Yash, William Sangiuliano of Clark, past Troop 47 after receiving an Ad Altare Dei award from at the Golden C rown, 149 During Monday night's trade or sell. ('resident uf the huriurary i'iiA unit. deputy governor of Lions; Mrs. Sangiuliano, Mrs. Joined the Drew University ber of the Clark Liirie Tuesday, PBA Range iiuuse; 1721 Park St., Rahwa>, ,.n Nu. 2", Rahway, attended foreman with the electric Chorale as a soprano. Archbishop Thomas Boland on Sunday in Sacred Heart Westfield Ave., Roselle special meeting of die Mun- Dec. the champion service sem- Stephen Drenkowski and Mr. Drenkowski. Mr. icipal Council in the Munici- League. Wednesday, PBA Range 2/ in Muhlenberg Mub- distribution department at the The 40-voice chorus of Cathedral, Newark. William, fe star scout, is in the Park, in the reception hall. House; Thursday, Fire 1 fead- , riain.fie.id. inar conducted by Victor Elizabeth division and Ed- Sangiuliano, who was a member of the conference eighth grade of St. Mary's School, Rahway. The next meeting will be pal Building, speakera'men- Surviving are his parents, Comptometer c urpu ration, committee, is a candidate for district governor. Mr. the Madleon college will be- tioned the possibility diat a Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. quarters; Friday, PBA Range mund T. Kollor of 13 Rose gin its annual tour of the tomorrow at 9 p.m. Mem- IioiJse. '•our Clark residents and Business Machines Division, Ter., Clark, chief automo- Drenkowski is a past president of the Clark Lions bership is drawn from Union fence might be required to Milewski; a brother, Mat- Rahway residents cook in New a rk . Club. Mr. and Mrs. Yash were guests of the Drenkowskis. central Atlantic States later Linda Moyle Collette, 20 keep trespassers from the thew, at home, and hie pa- Questions and answers tive mechanic in the same this months with a program AVashlngtoH- -Str^ett AUee- and Middlesex Counties, ternal grandmother, Mrs. about the project _are_;_ the oath of allegiance and M r. Scarano stated thar department and location. : reservoir prop_eriy_, tt was ruination in the in- •—~ , ~~ ot"~retlglDTiH^foticr-and-popu- sandra HelerrBabich. 9 Cutler stated "that four lives, have Mllew-skt" of Kearny. Q, Whac-is-"-Operation Iden- V-ietor -K.-Sestokas of-149-i"- will present us annual show, work-study program of co~ lar works_ Place. Jo Ann Hobble, 56 been lost by drowning in the ., Rahway, a Junior Show," on - MlBB~1R.T>de~i8 the dauchter Lefferts tane; RosemaryM. Boosters to Have reservoir since 1960. uf F. Warren Rode of Ranway Lynch, 32 Kennedy Drive, CLARK ELEMENTARY On Sunday afternoon Wil- Coirege'orErtgln- 4 in St. and a 1970 graduate of Rah- and Elizabeth Ann Walsh, 16 » t tata a m-thuds for Vicror s ti*H*&4 Inodtution—^ta-cing ^a0 HlfyTi s^hr»r.l — rrffm—i-ft-ftp All majored in is 8 p.pi.__aad three _Omega Alpha way Week of Feb. 14 Wendell PI., Clark and Ed- elementaxy education. MONDAY mund P. Milewfiki, niachi:u-b, calculators and One-half pint of milk, epa- national engineering honor 1 a.m. which will include fraternity at the college. five Clark: students are can- The Arthur L. Johnson The Rahway High School Mountain View Rd., Clark, cash registers." society. dancing and a buffet supper. — and meat sauce, green Band Boosters Club will have became the latest victims uf William liallard and Mi- didates for bachelor of arts Chapter of Future Business or BDinach. bread and the reservoir. Mr. Harrison CLARK Criteria for election into Ticker information may be Three promotions on the degrees from Newark State Leaders of..America IFBLA) Italian cheese, fruit, a basement sale at 981 Thorn ---guul J—iui"u a.xc rhe society are superior scho- obtained from Mrs. Louis butter St., Kahway, on SaturdayTrorn died in the icy water while tu r: . executive staff of New De- College Union. has planned an interesting TUESDAY trying tu save the 15-year- lastic achievement, integrity, Viggiano at 388-9055. uarture - Hyatt Ueanngs The Rahway students, their ^ogram of speakers for the One-half pint of milk, tur- 10 a,m. to 4 p.m: DRUGS breath of interest both inside „ old youth. AFK^hAjx-bu^.r-B£iaj^- 86 Westfield Ave.. Clark ' J<.h:i M W_eny Sr. ot 1 4o and outside engineering. Jos*pn Yerkovlca the sun Division of General Motors addresses and their majors cbq^ months In February. key and gravy, rice and sweet Antiques, furniture and Subliskey, 15, uf 11 Win- FernuLc sut Runway. were "announced: by Philip B .^ Arthur S. Jacknow, 2491 MarbtJ^and April respec- potatOp peas and carrots, hnimfthnld articles will beon- U.d. 4- throp Rd.. Clark, waa saved and unselfish Zeialer division general St- George Avenue, history; tively.^y wUI have speak- cranberry, bread and butter, 381-7100 selected une of the cadet activity. Brunswick Ave., Rahway, sale. Mr. Hamsun, officers of the 49Oth Air Following the induction at manaKer Kathleen Seeburger Mahon, ers from. Berkeley, Cam- jello wltn whip. Persons who have items First Ward Councilman was elected second vice Effective Feb 1 1'eter "27 Jaques Avenue, elemen- erine Gibb^ and Nancy Tay- WEDNESDAY 10-11-12 Newark College of Lngineer- of Omega Alpha tar which they would like to John Bodnar suggested that Wallack was appointed gen- y education; Beverly P. lor Secreta^ Schools. In One-half pint of milk, fish donate to the Band Boosters residents uf properties ad- ing, a dinner welcoming the Ro erS 343 MIDNIGHT I'M GLAD I CHANGED TO . .. eral manufacturing rnana- 8 . Washington May, a demoasftsuiis plan- fiuet. buttered rice orelbow foMr the event may call 388- new members was held in at T*he College of Insurance, eral manufacturing joining die water company's izer- C. Frederick Crow was Street, elementary education; ned by the--Walsh Stenotype macaroni, corn, bread and 6723. land be equipped with ropes Le Seaul Restaurant, Irvlng- New York City. Helen Donahue ton. He is a sophomore study- named director of manufae- Dcnooi. t butter, Tartar sauce, pud- suitable for life saving on NATIONAL ADVERTISED PRICES ON EVERYTHING PREMIER Oiti ing for a Bachelor of Busi- uiring engineering anc Elm Avenue, The chapter is also plan- ding with whip, bologna on hard roll, peanut cation, and ning a sales campaign for THURSDAY IW~STOCKMWSTANT DELIVERY! MadisoIVIUUIBUMn niHillu Chapter, ness Administration degree Charles A. Rowley was cho- w 4AnMari F1e Claire butter and jelly on white man Bodnar said arrange- Avenue, the monthof February. Mem- One-half pint of milk, ments might be made be- AND Sweet Adelines Inc., Clark. and enrolled in a five-vear sen director of quality con- m^m^ retarded. bread. (CLARK STORE ONLY) GASOLINE trol and reliability. bers will be selling scented pizza pie, salad, bologna^ Choice of two: Juice, ta-- tween tht- township and the SUPPLY The Clark candidates are: candles to raise money to cheese; bread and butter, ter tots, buttered mixed water cumparn to purchase attend regional contests and Cgokies or fruit, vegetables, tossed salad, tlie rope. the TitarfcrconTerence in At- ~ —-^- "FRIDAY C ounc llm an-a t-la rgf Connie 1972 World lantic Cky at the end of One-half pint of milk, cole slaw. FOR FRIENDLY RELIABLE SERVICE Baruarb Choice of one: Fruit brown Stanley D. LeVVand com- the school year and a tea choice of soup, chicken noo- Betty, fruit, manager's mented that all letters from AND HIGH QUALITY OIL an Book Encyclopedia QUALITY DRY CLEANERS for the school secretaries diCj cream of tomato, cream choice. the tov. nship tu the w ater ANDCHILDCRAFT Corner ah to celebrate National Secre- ^ _ muahroom; choice of A LA CARTB company concerning cleanup Electrolysis Treatment taries Week. sandwiches, toasted cheese. uf the- property and odier Dial 388-5100 New, Expanded Editions Raritan Rd. and Walnut Av«. Cream of potato soup; Mrs. Marie Nesguod andcol d cucs? peanut butter and sandwiches: Tuna fish salad. matters have n^t been an- G'atlual Lcrgeit-Setling Encyclopedia CLARK, N, J, Mrs. Josephine ChevaJier jelly• cake and fruit, cheeseburger, egg salad, swered. are advisor and co-advisor The two Clark boys, ta- Sam© Day S«rvic« * 3M-2424 of the club. RAHWAY HIGH SCHOOL manager's choice. B. Appo, Week of Feb. 14 THURSDAY MiiewsKi ancl Brian CLARK. ^ Choice of one; *Bakfidmeat Subliskey, were lee skating ,,. I, Richard K. Harrison of COMPLETE LUNCHEON ~ J 9G4-1S30 9G4-1287 Must include 1/2 pint of loaf, "oven-baked fish sticks un the reservoir about 4 Boy Scout Troop 330i Clark, with tartar sauce, *ninafish, p.m, on Sunday when the ice was one of 29 Catholic scouts whole white or chocolate 1 Floor of Early American and lUc boiled ham on hard roll, egg broke and the boy a were SUEDE COATS a JACKETS who were given Ad Altare Dei rn h salad on hard roll. plunged intu the icy water. 2 floors of Spanish. We carry awards in a ceremony on MONDAY :•;-:•:-»:-.--•--• GOWNS & FANCY DRESSES Choice of one: Hot sliced Choice of two: Juice, Mr. Harrison was walking such famous names as Link- nnx STORAGE Thursday afternoon in creamf—whipped—potatoes,- - FREE MOTH PROOFING Sacred Heart Cathedral, buttered carrots, tossed sal- and '1 bomas, abuuc two blocks Toylor, (ANDL1S BRASS CHINA BRIDAL GOWNS CLEANED Newark. oven-grilled frankfurter on gusta. Lane, Pulaski, Ameri- REWEAVI^G a DYEING ad, cole slaw. from his home when he heard . roll, "tuna fish, salami on Choice of one: Breadpud- the two bo>£ scream. Mrs. can of Martinsville, Bassett LEATHER COATS & hard roll, ham salad on hard 3 Mountaineer Woodcraft JACKETS ding with fruit, fruit, mana- Valeria Cisnerus of 54 Wen- and Drew. KNITS CLEANED & roll. ger s choice. dell Place heard the cries BLOCKED The Suburbattvfc^kers of choice of two; Juice, A LA CARTE and telephoned to Clark Po- AND MANY ALTERATIONS Twins and Triplets &lub will mashed potatoes, buttered Beef barley soup; sand- lice Headquarters and then THE PINGRY SCHOOL hold their monthly meeting garrjen spinach, tossed saL- wiches: Tuna fish salad, It- went to the reservoir, which ONK OF A KIND ITHMS MAN MADE FURS- BORG ANZ AS on Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. aa- coleslaw, alian submarine, American adjoins the backyard ot tier in the Linden Elks Clubhouse, choice of' one: Apple- cheese, manager's choice. property. A College Preparatorv Day School FOLD NO EXTRA CHARGE 225 Luttgen PL, Linden. Ro- sauce fruit, manager's — FRIDAY- - Mrs. Cisneroa said later .-1 ,\<>n-Jt!iCnminal<>ri Imntulion Careaelle y wilPatrolmal speakn anEdwd shoa 1w d cjjOlce ——A LA— CARTE Choice of one: Baked that Mr. Harrison, who was OP6N 7AM OPM MON THRU SAT an exhibition on Drugs. Re- Chicken rice soup; sand- manicotta with torrvato sauce in the water, called to her U.S. ROUTE 22, MOUNTAINSIDE. N.J Now Accepting Applicarions TRY HARVARD'S QUALITY SERVICE For I<)72-1973 Openings freshments will be served. wiches: Tuna fish salad, and Italian bread and but- and asked her 10 "tliruw RESERVATIONS (201) 233 5542 hamburger, baked ham, ter, oven-grilled hamburger something." Mrs. Cisneros PRIVATE PARTIES 10 TO 200 Entrance Examinations - Sat., Fob. 26, 1972 manager's choice. on bun, ""manager's choice, related that she and her son, LUNCHEON • COCKTAILS • DINNER Write or telephone TUESDAY American cheese and tomato George, tossed a hose and And We Only LOOK hxpensive! on hard roll, cold sliced meat SERVING LUNCHEONS The Pingry School Choice of one: *Breaded electrical extension cur^ -5 E CHERRY ST. RAHWAY. N J. veal cutlet, *baJced ham loaf on hard roll. that Harrison couldn't reach Mon. thru Fri. 12:00 to 3:30 38 1-7717 215 North Avenue, Hillside. N.J. (201) J55-WW steak, *cottage cheese, cold Choice of two: Juice, but- them. Mr. Harrison tried to 12:00 to 4:30 hold ontu the ice but it broke OAIIY9 3O-S THURS - 9 30 to 9 P M .^ ... , sliced pork roll on hard tered garden peas, buttered j roll, chicken salad tin hard whole kernel corn, tossed Ljfl < arh umtUiu--g-r-ai>beU it-,- roll. ealadVcole slaw. Mrs. Cisneros related. Choice of two: Juice, Choice of one: Peanut but- Police and rescue workers buttered noodles, buttered ter bar, fruit, manager's arrived quickly but Mr. string beans, tossed salad, choice. Harrison and the Milewski A LA CARTE boy had slipped below the Con « Slond fish...CoBslanlly Cheating? cole, elaw, Choice of one: Vanilla Manhattan clam chowder; surface of the water. Wil- Arc You Bored...Cont Get With If? pudding with fruit, fruit, sandwiches: Tuna fish salad, liam Wojciak, 19, of 59Win- $149 Diet for Two Days...Then Gdof? „ . manager's choice. veal parmesan, pizza pie, throp Rd., Clark, responded Conserving A LA CARTE manager's choice. to the calls for help and Tomato noodle soup; sand- SPECIAL COMPLETE entered the water with a rope Table & 4 Chairs- LUNCHEON tied around him but he was Natural WITH THIS COUPON S4 00 What Have YOD Got To Lost? wiches: tuna fish ealad, frankfurter, spiced ham and Large salad platter, bread unable to locate either of 1 Gas utunnitf I CALL: 757-7677 American cheese, mana- and butter, listed " dessert, the victims. The bodies of s oighest interest 1 FOB COMPLETE INFORMATION ger's choice. milk. the two were recovered about 5 p.m. Dr. Richard Newman Mediterranean, French or Italian "OFFER EXPIRES FEO, WEDNESDAY *Add bread and butter to starred entrees. pronounced Ntr, Harrison and Rates in The State! 1 Choice of one: Oven-gril- by Bassett Si:0,0.;iOF;FfeWlTH THIS" COUPON WHEN REGISTERING ! led cheese sandwich, sloppy M:-. Milewski dead. The"bod- **********************•*•*****••* Joe on bun, *deviled eggs. RAHWAY ELEMENTARY ies were taken totheHiggins SAVINGS CERTIFICATE ACCOUNTS SCHOOLS Funeral Home, Plainfield, for autopsy. Last rites were Week of Feb, 14 administered by the Rev. MONDAY Denis J. Whelan, pastor of Hot sliced chicken sand- Dining wich and gravy and butter, St. Agnes Human Catholic oven-grilled frankfurter on Church, Clark. cludes oval tuble, I'hiirlntti* Mitchell frankfurter roll and butter, Brian Subliskey was taken 6 chairs and 60" salami eandwich.-- to Rahway Hospital for treat- Choice of two: Mashed po- ment. He later was sent breakfront, over 30 tatoes, buttered garden spin- home. in stock to choose SERVICE ach, juice. Taking part in the rescue Dessert: Applesauce; operation were members of from. milk. the Police Department, CJark r r,> \ j TUESDAY Volunteer First Aid Squad Breaded veal cutlet with and Fire Department. Police k bread and butter, oven-baked personnel at the scene in- •.!J ', ham steak with bread and cluded Mr. Kelmartin, Chief i r \ t butter, chicken salad sand- Smar, Lt. Donald Ficke and SLKV wich. Patrolmen Richard Reider, u .ilk .uKI u[ aiul Choice of two: Buttered Robert, Hartong Jr. and noodles, buttered string George King. o! ihe ncfti mil il cxp.uul- SERV+et Services for Mr. Harrison 1M 11111 L; p.i\ s ' >lt Dessert: Vanilla pudding will be conducted this morn- 1 SERVICE with fruit; milk. ing at 9:45 o'clock in the hlf lilt .1 hli' pLill .MK--.ll-.il WEDNESDAY Petdt Funeral Home, 371 |v tor the mp ot flte t.niiiC Oven-grilled cheese sand- W, Milton Ave., Rahway, and REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ill [I'll ,,s \ Oil CHI ,-\KlV wich, sloppy Joe on bun. pea- at 10:30 o'clock in St. Agnes .1^-1 H K'.lU „ .Mils l.lSk'1 ih.lll - • -i ; ,i<>~> ynur old gas range ana monuv See a wnJe rangL- -n nuw nut butter and jelly sand- Church. Interment will be .1-pi Vji.iK'il MU.lK .11H.1 Clill- wich. in St. Gertrude Cemetery. .::. . ..;..•.. >JJI r..inye, you're Gienwoui!! lappnn Magic Chet and Hardwick gds ranges in stylos sizes Choice of two: Tater tots, A native of Rahway, Mr. in.iinl.iin Ki|iiii i. <.! i . t>:* and your com .• •. , •- , ,i :o! easier with a and colors io tit any home On display buttered mixed vegetables, Harrison had resided in UMUX'i ,i[ in L' \\ ilhmil pi o juice. Clark for 17 years, Hewasa km lied hiyh tin me li\ ! .••.;•-;•! ..i^ appliance because at its now at our nearest showroom Installation arranged Budget-Rtrptching prices inckide - -Deesert: - Fruit Brown —construction inspector" for 1 hi" P»H i>n I IK t/t. MM *• ;••:•• rosier cooking and deJiveiy. normal installation and a Betty; milk. the New Jersey Bell Tele- „„..,., ,^M)u,ed and advanced —-phone—Company-—4n—feji Of HhiJi 2-yoar warranty on parts and service jci., JL:^I"L .Vet lhese_new. , |——Bakod-meat-loaf-wlth-br-ead ~_ and_ was—a__member—of- the -I - ;.;..,,iiui::. use gas much more Credit lerms are liberal too incL." \our and butter, oven-baked fish Telephone Pioneers of Amer- Dapoiir iny • mount — jny i" • \ so \o\i conserve energy TOtfe of *wy Mould is \^ill\ sticks with Tartar.sauce and ica. He served in the Army nk'l chel quarterly. Ih.lliks bread and butter, boiled ham in Europe during World It's Our 117th Anniversary! sandwich. War II. pujoiM*-- ici"pui.aun; ,\ m Choice., of two; Creamy Thank you (or iT ol ttsiilu loss y.iv Ami the t with FIVE BRANCHES: whipped potatoes, buttered rsTLouise DeLoekey Har- r - u"lth-;i - hr;un feature carrots, juice. rison; two sons, William J. .Hid iu*u low I em pci a I Lire Desserts Bread pudding and Thomas, at home; a with fruit; milk. mean leHe;-pci led WESTFIELD *WOODBRIDGE daughter, Jean M arie, at iv; rtiihiuii luel w.isie FRIDAY _ hom.ej...hl8 parents., Mr, anxl ^rh to- Mrs. William Harrison of •\n>" questions ahout nat- Conserve Natural Gas—Its Pure Energy! ui.il i-i^? I'd be delighted lo MOUKTAINSIDE©GRANT CITY/CLARK mato sauce and bread and Rahway, and a sister, Mrs. THURS 10 A.M. TO butter, oven-grilled ham- Jane Pielack of Rahway. answer them personally. Just ELIZABETH WESTFI6LD MENLO PABK (Op*n nit., -til 0:30) burger on bun and butter, write to me at One EHzahcth- Plata 184 Elm Si Opp. M*nlo Park Shopping Ctmt«r ' FEDERAL Funeral services for Ed- 2B9-3000 —|~Amerlcarrcbeese~and tomutcr to'wn ^lina. Elizabeth. N. J 3B 9-5000 tn.llx*icullv« floxa.Bldo- / .289:5000. AA EN LO P ARK SH O P PIN & MAUL mund-P. "Milewski will "be .SAVINGS/ sandwich. 6lve to Aid \iifi "Ovr 4S*h Year" |^T-G holce—of—two:—Bu tteredi garden peas, buttered whole Give BO more will live. ir fiolly ^^e^hfet 'CoiTii7~Jtifce7^ ~ " ^~ -Support the 1972 campaign^ nnti tniured to !t2Q.Q00 fay t>cSBBr.ti Peanut, butter ^fUnion County Chapter, J Lo*n :-t~^A 8 social tion. RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY TO, 1972 PAGE 5

RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD CLARK PATRIOT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1972 PAGE 7 PAGE 4 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1972 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD CLARK PATRIOT PAGE 6 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1972 Stereo Facilities Pictures of Trip Rosarians RAHWAV Are Available To Europe Viewed Chinese The engagement of Miss Joan Anton to Dennis Wil- At City Library For tomorrow -/• New Jersey's Oldest Weekly By E. Sldrnan Wachter liam Franczak was announced The Free Public Library Rebecca Cornell Chapter, A meeting and Chinese 655 and the county share will counties of Union, Essex, by Miss Anton's parents, Daughters of the American auction are planned by the Member of Member of Amidst the welter uf facts be $3,423,097; no matter how Hudson and Passaic, "the Mr. and Mra. Stephen Anton of die City of Rahway an- New Jersey Press A & "Patriot Weeklies of New Jersey, Inc. and figures presented at th .- channeled, rj-ie funds come m nounced this week that stereo Revolution (DAR), met at the St. Mary's Rosary Altar So- Qua counties wherein some 50% of l°8 Cornell Ave., Rahway. -home of Mrs. W. A.Milbury, ciety of Rahway for tomor- Jan. 1-; meeting the I nlor. from the same source, the of t±ie State's welfare clients listening facilities are avail- Inlon County's Newest Weelily Established 1965 Mr. Franczalc is the son 615 Seminary Ave., Rahway. row at 8 p.m. in the hall of county Welfare i a rd two taxpayers' pockets. reside," as these counties of Mrs. Miriam Rose Franc- able to the public as the re- realities stood nil. sult of the gift of a atereo Mrs. Lyle Cooper, regent, St. Mary's School. I*ul)llnlied Every Thursday Morning by Welfare assistance in presently have no represen- zalc of lfc Walter PL, Ir- console to the library by had charge of the meeting. Rosary and benediction will Ihe number -I A in c lark and Rahway for Jan-tation. Such members would If vington. She was elected as a dele- PrBl..lSHINV< M PRINTING this eountv ben- 1 ruin the Rahway Junior Service be led by the moderator, the BAl'l-.R Pl"B LTD. uary of this year will be- "afford the Governor full The bride-to-be is a grad- League. The equipment will gate to attend the 82nd Con- Rev. Ldward Myers, in the weitaie j ayn.i r.: extendc-d tu 2s>cases($l,tWo) opportunity to familiarize li uate of Rahway High School R.ihv,.i\. N J i)70«5 388 0600 be used with groups In the tinental Congress in Wash- church before the meeting. 147U Broad Stri-ot m 1 lark and 30."' cases ($51 himself with the problems and the Berkeley Business ington, D.C, In April. Mrs. rhe me rcase. I eMl- attendant to the administra- meeting room and also is Mrs. Raymond MoceUcis K. C. Bauer Arthur Hartland Mershon, Jr Mrs. Katherlne E Bauer T^S) m Railway, lnbothcom- BOOKS FOR INMATL.S .. Books from the Thrift and School, Last Orange. She is available with earphones J. Nelson Smith was selec- and Mrs. Joseph Coleman n> ited thai ii; l munltles, and elsewhere tion of public assistance pro- consignment Shop of the Rahway berviee Ueague are employed as a medical secre- ted as alternate. "S2 will be ,.., grams in areas where wel- for use by Individuals. are chairman for the auc- throughout the nation, the 1 acked by Miss Gloria Fiori, welfare chairman of the tary for Dr. Lewis J. Brand- Mrs. Mllbury showed pic- tion. Refreshments will be l'he Rahuav News Kecord and Clark Patriot are weeklv newspapers serving the best interests of sisfunce pa\n, r. i. n AM UJ Dependent Children organisation, for shipment [w the State Prison, Wood- wein of Kenllworth. The new facilities may be v ounty anc1. a tures of her trip to Germany, served. [heir respective communities It is the endeavor oi these journals to present the news in a sound, category uf assistance is bridge, for use of inmates. The groom-to-be is a grad- used with the library's col- e -v j - e n s e s in c. r 1 u Ml. lection of records, which Belgium, Luxemburg and ^.uu- and traditional manner nuintainin^ the rights of all h> accurate factual statement and responsible for some 75 uate of the Fordham L'ni- them Uncludir., ntal lee 'I the total. It Is a bit grue- POLICE includes many new selec- Switzerland. measured reasonable opinion \ "1 $00,000 t, : versity College of Pharmacy, Mrs. J. Paul Walker as- Admits Grabbing \V .-Hare some to realize how many ] arked car by jimmying the Service League The Bronx., N.Y. tions, complete plays, poems, "filet- on Hi i, Heel ill children are being raised ms-ide dour latch and stole short stories, Instructional sisted the hostess In enter.- .p .jn Kjlrs b\ Mall Inrli;diM;: >. 00 [ nion ;uul He is em iloyed by Muh- Sultai 1 llzabeth.) ] ! .iu anci in our allegedly free enter- BLOTTER a stereo tape player and 37 and comedy records, as well taining. counties - 00 Second I'l.ti.s at New JerM led-ral than lenberg Hospital, Plainfield, Plans for a Patriotic Tea "S Purse of Woman 1 I! prise system .to look w the tapes valued at $242. Report on Help as a pharmacist. as classical, folk, popular, I..3. million mil.In.- Slu.2oS, guvt-rament- tor- food, -shed- - M JNDAY, JAN. 31 The car srolen from James Stfel rock and soul music. on Feb. 21 at the home ot Dennis Peoples, 21, of 1024 ter, clothing and education. ICosSrio DeCarToofRosellc Mucrl of RJselle was" re- Mrs. William Rand were Randolph Ave., Rahway, Participation in tlie Union reported the theft, of a dump covered in the rear parking Given Famines made. pleaded guilty before Mid- (!.in One Serve County ,. . ,, ,, trailer valued at $10,000 lot of the Rahway Recreation Hope Blood The State Spring ..Confer^- Hie welfare chairman of Card 4ocialI Set dlesex County Judge Charles The Legacy of Abraham Lincoln I-ood Stamp Program fi,um G( Ceory^Wenue and ence will be- held on March also soaring. In Decem- bowling alley. The four ares the Rahway Service League, M. Morris Jr. to a charge soaring. In Decem- -;r,,n^.Sir££i._ 23 .and 24.at the Holiday Inn, -W-cti—rt-s-- M it V < > 1 to'L'jl or IQ^"-^ JITI' rmmvcu .and riMil.-ir.pd Will Restore -of- larceny of Sti^liA from Detectives are investi- "rjy bald tires, the tacometer Miss Christine Zacher Trenton. Helen CritelLL, 66, of 433 gating a break, entry and at the league s meeting on BY VFW Auxiliary was taicen and the ignition progress made during the- _£i£SLj}runswlclc Aye., Pexrb. 7\iul arcehy ,a t bu ; J efis'eH Kve-~ swTtcIV removed. Depleted Reserve A card social will be held .. i Tec benefited from the program past m mdis. ~at~ 8-Tr.nrT:-tomm t^ The Rahway Hospital nue. Entry was gained by • S U .\ U A V-.-EiJl^-O Mrs. James J. Coman .liege Anthony V. Caruso, assis- It was reported that in Sept- ~? "wtnrrrrctrair was pur- A )iloiid.._b_ank^._upen to_r,he 'ulvey-Uitmars Ladies -, According to the com- board of governors re- foreing open a rear bedroom Fwo Rahway juveniles al tant treasurer. tember, 1971, a total of $1 58, chased for die Woodbridge public, will he- held from 1" -he- jjlaint, Peoples jumped out decred James Smith Jr. to Mr. Smith, vice president window. A small television were apprehended tor har- l about 592.80 was distributed in .state- Schoetl and thecommtt- "iss Kathi S. Reinhstdt on Monda> at Mrs. Joseph D. Morenko eign Wars "Post NcT at —ryf—a aatL' UII Maicli 7, l-9*7-i7* the: office- oi president for set was taken along with A assing the -driver uf a car ro ]',m Miss Jean L. Nelson 1 regarding the p of Premier Oil Company and bonuses. tee is planning to participate i'Xt-sbs terian P the Rahway Post Horn. , Missiluth A. Dean and grabbed her purse. 1 large quantity of jewelry. A The former Miss Maureen Burked n ^ :;. n;cro\wi. lus fourth consecutive term It was noted that die new by grabbing the rear of the in the school's shade tree Proceeds will benefit dis- She said it contained 5610 i'ther 1°72 officers art-: complete inventory will be CT.urcr., Ni:rtn anti -saltrni ,VI r."" "and Mrs. TJbnalcr' 11 Kitli'^i regulations make local wel- vehicle while it was in niu- project in the spring. Miss Aici., Llizabed., ^.nder the tour or dufy there and is now abled and confined veterans in cash, $70 in Jewelry, 5100 t;,a yldik Robert: L. Jones, first vice taken to see what is missing. Zacher of Houston, Minn., Miss Lorraine A. Dudek Today, Tomorrow J I.,_ . -vv.: : i- :! . f tr-.i , i\ bl ems on fare boards act as both de- Police are investigating' Jlun..i. Musing tile driver to Florl said. - sp.or.so rsr.i j ol t-.astern announced the engagement assigned to the data process- j\u/ti - ?J. worth of U, S, Savings Bonds president. Angelo R. Fiore, and $389 in checks. IK !•:••:• legaliu pository and dispenser of lose control of the car and Ing division at the Naval i:.v : me u. tl: se-cond vice president, Rob- two suspects in connection The league spent more I'niun ^'ovjiuv ^'liapter, of their daughter. Miss Chris- The campus bookmobile, .i .-J .IV Food Stamps. The proposed swerve. Communications Center, Peoples will be sentenced • i : [: . ••. .** . .'.ruruk with the mugging of Eugene than JL200 to heljj families American Kcd I rcss. unc Zacher, toSeanTSn David at the door or in advance a modern innovation ert etna Jecrtdi.1 P. Muart, son of Mr. andWashington, D.C. from chalrlady in school book fairs, came next month. 1 iiuin.is I). Dunham, aasis- W. Carroll of Colonia. The J m r : •. 11 •- i I-- securities" in the same en- Uneeda Dependable Appli- food, meals and homemalcer Seaman Stuart is a at $1.50 each. same Uin e . incident occurred on Jaque:s Allatdltr ;r. bluvjj donations due t^ • Jc f Mr=. W«siey B.' Stuart of Announcement was made Dickinson University and Q. • Mct^n-h to Valley Road School lant" secretary, Stanley velope as welfare checks ance, 17KKM. de-urge Avenue o e ture and Science Center in v. -^ ' ^ ."} [-. Jl kllM« graduate of Rahway High ! ,-. | K i: services. • t ; Avenue near W . Albert Street. vvidesj read respirators ln- ll=>s> mm Terr., Rahway. oi the engagement of Miss will receive his bachelor of yesterday and will remain \brahams, tre-asurer, and yvas scored by board mem- reported a break, entry anu School and was graduated i u.i^ made ol carte-ret iligh bchool and rhe Watchung Reservation on .1 " ly citretr-d l-lc-v- Mr. Carroll's waller contain- Ihe committee members Murray lecLions, anc ilic Red L r^as Miss Barbara Lynn Maly- breath. WAAC Sp. Zacher is as- Jean L. Nelson, daughter of arts degree in economics The marriage of MlssMau- Ring bearer was the bride's Psychiactric Unit there today and tomorrow. . .1 M 1st, Rum ib employed at I . b. Gypsum, rl\ lit'.. n i o n c uunty, but ber, K. C. Bauer, who said larceny. A window on die are Mrs. Arthur DcLorenzo, from a computer program- tills Bummer from Newark Sunday at 2 p.m. c r t* ing personal papers was sto- hope^ l..r a good response ska, daughter of Mr. and Francis X Coman of Win- signed to the Walter Reed Mrs. Peter Earl Nelson of retn Burke, daughter of Mr. brother, Thomas Burke. The announcement _wius_Staniey Peal of a5n Alber- The. mobile book fair for a .i i. tt. r ot Mr L lark, lie lb also a mcm'xr < .11 ii . IK.-' . it would exaggerare mall north side of the building ming course before enlisting The film shows the dra- '.. i j iii i .- .'. 1 ^- v la ; arttmu Makes an Appeal len/ Mrs. John U'Duniicli, Mrs. a .; r a d - TIT N-V^TTtthi-y' s -bafil^-tfv er-Uer- -M-rv*-. Morris G. Malyska of ston-i>alem acted as bc^lHoVpital, Washington, D.C. Lexington Ave^ C ranford, State College, lie is em- and Mrs. Edward C. Burke schools features nearK diefts and opportunities for was smasHed to gain entry. The bride is employed by nnade of the engagem _-nt of marie St., Rahway. i 'can oi ^J5 ot rhe N. J. National Guard. matic fight to return the can all oe I n a w I . !!.a : ::. L a ris that Mr. Donald Lucov, Mrs. Richard to build up depleted blood 2.^ Dougal Ave., Livingston, man for his brother. I-dward seaman Stuart was as-in theNavy. and the late Mr. Nelson, to ployed by Connell Rice and or rsi2T:arntiert"St., Rahway, Reports 1971 Work 16,000 paperback books uf l.i: fraud. It was stated unat. TUESDAY, FEB. I A portable television valuuu Style-Rite Beauty Salon, Eli- Miss Lorraine A. Dudek, Miss Dudek is employed crewmen of die Apollo 13 .1 J , .1 ', .: '. N .1. Z , h i.olds ii. I rembley and Mrs,Malcolm reserves. \irnT Harold W. signed to the data processing- Sugar- Company, Wes-t-fiel-dT- JD Vlorenko, r. .. : ru 1'•!-.-, Willard C. MaeArgel 3rd was married to James J. M. eoman of ftaiiway served • __^^V Andrew—Gi—Kokinda, son of- t zabeth, and the groom works A case load of 7°0 anddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. by Gruif Bros. Corporation, all leading publishers. Main son r Inasmuch as the new regu- at about SI lc was missing Mrs mission safely to earth fol- i:... : • : \l.r.. r ! •-' e!...lo, r .in.l . i - For 'Real Unity' M ac I- a rlane. Maier ot I'niun, chairnian Coman, of Winston-Salem, as usher for his brother. division of the Naval Com- - Mr. and Mrs. George as a commodity analyst. of Mr. andMrs. Joseph Mor- for the Postal Service in a walling list of 28 chil- hard cover volumes are in- }'l; Apollo Mission lations for the Food Stamj o! Woodbridge reported ills from the wind, .u . '.V Ben Dudek of io;io Barnett Railway. Her fiance is em- ..; IK r. lwin^i an explosion on board STT 111 .i;-, d [ \..I ' -. el.it. I .1 T '.. . ' I .--: ; ( .: of the chapter's volunteer N. L ., son of Mrs. Catherine A reception followed at the munications Center, Saigon, and Kokinda of Dawn Dr., Clark. A late fall wedding is being tt enko of 1970 Price St., Rail- dren and eight adults were cluded and other volume? : -Program decrease-the-botHis car stolen from the Puru- Railway. St., Rahway, to Richard D. ployed by the New Jersey the service module. 1 i services, v.ill serve as cap- M. coman of Rahway and Wedgwood Inn, Momstown, Vietnam. Miss Nelson was grad- planned. way, was solemnized Satur- reported by the Union Coun- for young readers. to recipients, they will have lator pa rkiifg'^Tol^ Tie aT Trie-' the After a wadding trip to Peal, eon oi Mr. and Mrs. Bell Telephone Co., Linden. i a t •Hell 1.),. i._ the late Mr. Comin, on Sat-after which the couple k ft uated from Cranford High day in St. Agnes Roman c am- ty Psychiactric Clinic as of _—;:::;; Film Subject Of All ^BelicVer"? ~ to invest additional dollars New Brunswick Ave-nue side I-rjitrnnj and the tain. MAI ri- RS-A1.1 I X bt. Ihumas, the cuuple will Parents are Invited to visit Artiiu: S10 Billion Loss .1J flic i ^T9^D03eftlement Reached for Girl. uate School in 19-69-afKl completed olic Church, Clark. Dec. 31. the bookmobile at Vall»-\ lili^tt - ••:.' ! his \:< mdensed story might in order to participate. M- of the factory. urday in Vanderhoven Chapel—for—a- -wedding—trt-p—Hr reside i i Rahwav. Ink, and it "Houston. ^_ . Wt-'vt- Cot \u r r Rahway. The Rev. Thomas England. They will reside in her studies at L nion College, Ihe Rev. William P. Wil- The clinic's staff put in Road School today - and tu-umpl^i ^<_*_raith e 1-ratcrnif. Cranford. She is employed as Mr. and Mrs, Albert L. son performed the double-- 24,056 hours treating pa- disease- In the United States . Ukin ^rs. ll lb LLi i£lYf ere-dlt to ties for ' -skips— (faiki-re-tcr- report eo Nolan officiated at the double- Wlnston-Salem when they re- Allen of Matawan made morrow from 9 a.m. to 3Sonau uici?. Inc., motion picture, will be shown legi lat i .lit.-CIS Mother for Doqbite on Nov. 27, 1970 Park. Ihe group will meet ring ceremony. turn. a secretary by the Westfield ring ceremony and was the tients in 1971, 1,934 of p.m. and tonight from 7 toClark has been estimated at more ihe Mstc-r Carmel Dominic, a use Food Stamp authoriza- from at the Packanack-Wayne known the engagement of at tile Union county Park ITiunU' 1, A Rah'wiiy " mother was a German shepherd, The bride was escorted by The bride is a graduate Board of Education. celebrant of the nuprial mass. which were in December. 9 p.m. Mr. than S10 billion yearly. in. n :K Ugious coordinator at St. James Smith, Jr. tions have been revised Co. parking dog, Shoppifl^ Center at Q; 15a.m. their daughter. Miss Patri- - a ^ruduarc Commission's TrailsideNa- gUun ilJ,7i'ii L.nder a settle- her rather and wore an em-of Llvi-ngdton-Hi-gh ^e-lwol and At School Anniversar-.-, ,- y Mr.— Knkinrla was i;rad- A reception was held at the Hours put in for area re- i'aul the Apostle School on l-erti Soil Company in Rail- downward. A recipient may Avenue opp- llu- injuries, including a Also on Sunday, Dwlght eia \jvl-a-r-y—Ail-^nv-t^ -RoWr-t 11 ^ l. I > . w i \ . n Plan Hike And Ramble pire-styled gown of white Saint Vincent's Hospital John i;. Conlin of Gar- dinner. Town and Campus fes-' -irtdents arcr -Clark, 483-, and esbn Terrace in Irvington, way, was elected tu the board now "skip" three months in gate. n lent reach,, d in I niun tractured nose, lacerations Berreman of Westfield will Other speakers in- uated from Arthur L. John- L. Mattern, sun oi Mr. and the nu \ that e-ople say School of Nursing, Montclair. wood, principal of Frank K. eluded John Swintek, presi- itiurant, Union. Rahway, 910. • r delivering a unity mess- of governors In W4S. He has a row (instead of two) be- WEDNESDAY (. uunty- District Cuurt, ol die mouth and face,, re- 1 .ui'.iain Reservation. Ihe silk organza with tile bodice son Regional High School, Mr/, Frank Mattern of c>9 ai tile- citizens Frn. 2 .\ rai:- lead a group In a tour of the llehnly School in Clark and dent of the Clark Board of oi lionoi was the The unit used to report It led l on Jan. 23 at the Second fore being dropped from the Police are luv eSllgatl Ug 1 lizalHiii. lor injuries sus- quired ^2 sutures, accord- .L.t ^ill meet ai Locuai and short sleeves of Mencon The bridgegroom is a grad- Clark, and L'nion County Hurtchinson St., Clark. Maid served as ehairtnan of the SCiieduli . amusement area at Coney Education; Mra. Natalie the number of cases in- about the Mi",Presbyterian Church in Rah- program. an armed rubbery which IL ok tained r-y her l(i-yoar-olu ing to the complaint. The . ve at 1 :3C p.m. lace and seed pearls. uate ol Seton IU11 Pre-member of rJne Board of Technical Institute, bcotch /Miss Allen and her fiance brldt-'s bister. Miss katlue dual uttio - managlng, executive and gUl.'Stb Island, a desolate sight in paratory School, .-loutti Education of Union County Waldt, new president of the volved in each community u a y . While e-verybody pre- joint conference coir, -luttccs place at McDunald's, Route daughter when she was hit— incident haj | ened on Nov. [•. iur.d.o. Lev and 1 rudy A wide border of Alencon Plains, where he majored in ire seniors at Trenton State '*A Burke. holding and re-place him whe-n The Lnion County Welfare Hiking ' 1 mid-wlmer. Ihe m-eiing Orange, Saint AnselmS Col- Regional High School Dis- regional board; Stephen bur. has now switched to re- sent xhe re was congratulating as well as the building com- 1 and 1 ,.\n ten by a neighbor's dog. 2~, 1 97i'. ^ t e .1 • 'ran^e will Lead a lace edged the hem of the computer programming. t e ullege, Lwing. She is maj- rrr ttir the election time- Corileb. Hoard by unanimous resolu- awrence- btreet. i_ r. ^ a •. Shepherd Lake pUce is at the Aquarium en- lege, Manchester, N. IL.and trict Nu. 1 for 18 years, Marcinak, president of the porting the number of hours tin- speaker, 1 suggested that m ii tie for two t \[ ansion lntruder I n.ii-r tile' te-rms of rhi liurton /.Homer of I'nlon •ol GilUv p p skirt and the chapel train. He attendee! Fairk'igl oring in special education Misses I lleen Burke, Uiant- New drs Clark JUL^ not nci J a part- tion advised the State Divi- herded ll\ e en;) U Wikc Forest l.niwrsny was the guest of honor at the Clark Education Association Wescort and Donna Bird. logged by staff. she would be- uur tirst lady ees into a refrigt- rat. r, ^,,_ scl th [: ....ill appreVL-d by re| resented Mrs. Poldenand 1 m nuU r.i! circular in bkylands trance ai 1U;3O a.m A tiered silk illusion veil 1-RLSCk.l-KRuk and is a member of Theta time niayoi programs. Prior tuhiselee- siun of Public Welfare that it with detachable cathedral School of Law, Winsron-bu- Huh anniversary dinner of and member-elect of the re- Besc man was Cadet btep- mshnp Bhoilld sht- t-vr-rvt-ri- -tirm lo the offien sed tlw door yjul siolf „>„ Iciigi-.. John P. WalsU. tlit her daughtci, and Robert J, if gional board, and Mrs. Ros- Phi Sigma sorurlty, and he H.Y. AIRPORTS One YllHl If ilu ii i^ something in uire tu come into our jurls- Td—oppotted—-to tht- new—3ii- tra^Ttrr; TnvTnsnranci? attor- length veil was attached to lem. llehnly School on Saturday hen Klrin, and he was as- .-Cond unknown amounts if casi. ii „. enirj,''T auric-"Pnraen wn j Miss Rusalie Krok is the is majoring in industrial arts Library to Have the records ol (.-ithei I'nluii de-nt, lie served .is s ministrative regulations re- J* ii: the Mountainside Inn, lyn Friedman, president of TRAVEL IN COMFORT dieiriun. the safe. Mllloh Avenue- will receive- ney , rej resented the t nder- a Cam ilut headpiece of Alen- He is employed by Wacho- of John Frescld Jr., education and is a member sisted by ushers Brian *.ounty and or the Inwnship vice president and li rs \ lee garding the federal 1-uud .Vlv>untamsid£ the Parent-Teacher Asso- fiancee IN NEW LIMOUSINES Said SUter, Carmel I>om- A break, entry and la rceri-y S14,L:9L', and her inuUier. Woe'ds. con lace. The bride carried -wi-a B-ank -and T-rutJ-fe rnnpanv, erf—Tfrera—Nti Sigma fiaicr^ Macanka and Al Siracusa. ol e lark liiai state-b that rJ-ic president. Mr. w.uklives Stamp program. In order tu ciation. inlc, Krnierly a mother sup- occurred al Ann's Drive-In Mrs. i aruline PuKlen, an a colonial bouquet of white Winston-Salem Mr. Conlin, who has person may Ih.lei both jobs, at °ut) Charloiu K e., I Tain- relievo already overbur- served as principal since Frescki of 16 Poplar 1 er., nlry. erior at bt. Pelt, r's Convent Diner, 745 1 . I lazelwood A\ e- additional $5,003 for legal roses and baby's breath. TOMCZYK-BUUN 1 Clark. Their engagement was FOR RESERVATIOHS The Rahway Public Li- I apologise lor rhe remarks field. dened local boards from ad- the school was opened a HOWELL-STECKY A December wedding IS in Parsiipany, wastes her nue. 1- ntry was gained by- and other eX] eMISe-s. Lost Collie Is Mrs. Theresa Park Coman revealed by her parents, Mr. Three Promoted brary will present a film 1 have made, 11 Mr. Junes, uas ap- ministrative duties and docade ago, was feted by planned. CALL 291-3313 HAPPY^Bl'YERS... Purchases at the "Campus Book- not tinie m the cloisters with breaking a window ai tin- ihe judgment is against ot WinBton-Salem, N. C., MIS.-, and Mrs. Stanley tCrok of program on Wednesday at V . k a c z n. a r c k ] pointed in 1 04c is resident costs, it requested a change The engagement ol parents, staft members and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph mobile," which was a feature of tile book fair of such a talent of oratory. As east Side of the building. th^ Polden's next " door sister-in-law of the groom ken- 29 Florence Dr., Clark. 7:30 p.m. anci tre.iSL.rii . t Jones i in the regulations. It also Up for Adoption Barbara Anne Berem i friends. An oil painting of Stecky of 103Glenwood Ter., Charles II. Brewer School, Clark, are made byMarilou i'leaehe-r ol Divine I un> ul Missing are a su reo tapc nelghburs, -Mrs. and Mrs. served as matron of honor, neth Joseph Tomciyk, son ot The future bride is a se- To Be Assistants A former baseball player Brooks and Kenru-th Horin. Assisting Mrs. Betty KIc liAKb J. Aucrbacher hie Newark. 11 e urged the State Division of A large, handsome trl-. Mr. <- onlin, presented at theClark, announced the mar- I 1 A mankind, I would give her player'" \WYh two «pealcers Glenn Inderwoud. bhe wore a ruby velvet em- I om- CALL Jackie Robinson will star in lp has served in Public Welfare to "restruc- He's true-blue. One of America's finest. A man That man in the blue uniform is an active member Mr. and Mrs. Joseph riage of their daughter. Miss cretary for New Jersey Of- Fitzpatrick, Parent-I eacher Association president, at Services i ..an I al .leiur!.-..^ u a c l. ttu ttietn • .•! 3o I. uldevln Rd. all the comfort of a travel- these coriw colored female collie found pire styled gown with a scoop testimonial affair, will be mlrtees: ture the purchase and issu- valued at about $luu. Police ! lie girl was on her way czyk of 1021 John Glcnn Valorie Stecky, to Gary ficers Federal CreditUnion, Weddio, the "Jackie Robinson Story." the desk are Donna Peluslu, loreground, and Susan Utrr. m.ilice tuward none, wuhenaruv c la rk ing missionary dnd let her 'ublic relations, home Irom school when she in Rahwa\ without identifi- neckline and short puffed aisplayc-d in riie school. insurance ance of coupons to present are investigating two sus- Dr., Hillside, was announced Howellj/^eon of Mr. and Mrs. Clark, and her fiance is At National State 297-3313 Admission Is free. The pro Tucker, background, m-m'oers of the Future 1 eachers mnc-T^ m the right a:? (imi gives t:s it go rhe world over to pro- nominating, man- cation of any kind is now sleeves. She carried a modi- The welcoming address 1 peers observed in the artrd. was allegedly jurnpt;d by the- who's from a very special breed. He's dedicated of the community. It's not part of his job. It's part by 'her mother, Mrs. Vin- Charles Howell of 62 Stanton with the New York Telephone gram will last about one hour Club. Ine P I'A retained 20 per cent of all book sales SAVINGS ACCOUNTS igt us slrl\L to finlsl: tlu wurk wL ail in, 1 i)l I i 'R'S M.ITL. I here IS aging, personnel, building, a nvjre practical program waiting to be adopted at Kind- claim the Kingdom ol UUL! Police recovered property fied colonial bouquet of redcent W. Berent of 12' was given by Mrs. Myrna St., Clark. Co., New York City, and is Cakes I wo men in [he consum.-r and 15 minutes. during the- event. 11:c liati.iti's wuunds, tu care lur tun v.ii. no lau that prohibits a n:un by-laws, numuriul, retire-- of purchase and benefit to ness Kennels, Society for the CHECKING ACCOUNTS in itie modern world. stolen during a break, entry and pink roses and baby's Broadway, Rahway. Kohen, co-chairman for the a volunteer fireman in Clark. credit department and a wo- II b"ri the hartle and for nis widow and Ins from serving as both a mayor ment, pensKn, planning participants." Prevention of- Cruelty to to the protection of property and personal rights MORTGAGE LOANS I started an ecumenical and larceny at 2"4 Wilson Tree Is Downed of his civic duty. And, he lives up to it! Charity The wedding is set for n.nibaf.d le' man in ' the collections de- .-oi, . J, all uhich :na\ jdiu-vj aiK! clu-nst. a and a freeholder. There u as joint conftrence and execu Another resolution ap- Animals (SPCA), 90 St. COLLATERAL LOANS movement right after my tlve. Avenue and charged thret Sept. 30. fnol only will It b< partment of the N irional State ai, l.joLlli,; ,.1-ji.t .jjli jiu; vUtSeKea and witli all introduced in the last session proved die signing of a joint George Ave., Rahway. .hold but It will cunseeratj.ua in Springfield, . juveniles involved in the Bank, Elizabeth, have been PASS BOOK LOANS ot the legislature, a bill that He was irlt-c tfd second vice letter to Governor Cahlll On Seminary Ave. kinouieftS kennels is open for the general well being of all. A guy who puts drives get his sponsorship. Drug addicts get his BADER-ANTAS Mass., uniting some Ortho- president from Woo to l°oS crime. nanied administrative assis- BANK BY MAIL would have barred dual, with the Welfare Directors from I to 4 p.m., Monday dox and Old Catholic pre- and first vice president from I HPHbDAV, l-tli. -' A large tree at Church tants. TRAVELERS CHECKS elective of fie e-holding. That of hssex, Hudson and Pas- St. Agnes Roman Catholic lates into first Orthodox C'ath 1969 to the present time. The car stolen frem bcreei and Seminary Ave., to Saturday his life on the line for "others. Someone who is support for rehabilitation. Local projects and bill, liowuv^r, appuiirii—PH>C saic Counties by L'nioj Church, Clark, was the set- They are Theodore J. Et- CHRISTMAS CLUB A tttt+> -o-Uc P-atriafohat-e-t*f America He TTveE ar 2tv-BTacic nifch Jerome Whit^, Jr. e>f NrwR-amvay-, was -bl-owR-dewn by ruargie's' to be llstt-d in the most County Welfare Director ting for tlie wedding of Miss gacki of 311 Green Ave., VAVATION CLUB uf which I became secretarv Rd., Scotch Plains. Providence, while the vehicU strung winds Friday. Thank !?\. • current issue ,.f ihe •'Legis- Victur W. Liotta. It deplored Over 6,500 families read The M-uldle^ex, and J^IKV J 4^J— SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES of the Holy Synod, but dldn'i was located at Rahway Brake- A public works crew was always ready to lend a hand. Someone who does organizations get his assistance. Youth groups get T lative Index." Mr. Fiore, employee liai- the "enormous amounts uf News-Record Patriot. That's and Mrs. Walter J. Antas of chinski of 50 J. F. Kennedy Ir's A warm fei»ling_luiQwing^ou're finan- Hc.irs.u Isn't Needed to Save propagandize it on a big Service, was recovered in needed to clean up tlie de- ursrsAvitres sowtrs scale. son manager atMerck ^. Co., work created by the many 41 Lupine Way, Clark, and Blvd., Milltown, who areas- Inc., Rahvva\ , was appointed good condition in the Capo- bris scattered by 50 to dii 76.000 people reading your ad. MONEY ORDERS cially secure. One way we make people happy Reader Pniises With our small resources, changes in program admini- more than his share of good deeds per day. And, his time and energy. He's not looking for a pat Anton Bader, son of Mr. and box signed to the installment loan The Two-Partv Svstcm: GOPer: to the board if governors in stration (of welfare) which biancu Plaza parking lot. mile-per-huur winds. Your Choice of Mrs. Frederick Bader of account office at 415 Avenel is by ofTcring them Savings Accounts. I could only extend said 1064. H as served as a The car was stolen from the movement to Last Germany, have taken place In the past 1169 Jefferson Ave., Rahway street, Avenel, and Mrs. Jo- ^ .a.-, to correct one ul system in Rahway and Hospital's Aid member 1 law and insur- lew months by legislative Rahway Brake Service gar- that someone is your local Mr. Policeman. on the back. He's just being a friend. on Saturday. Ann E. lliggins Treslar of Poland, Scandinavia and Af- age as the result uf a break, .-.turjl inaccuracies m the no need for a non-partisan rica. Lvery year I am jon- ance, executive, and planning decree and by action on the V 1 913 South Ave., Westfield, . T'cr IroPi Rahway Demo- governmental form. I also Since first joining the committees and as chairman State level." These involve entry and larceny. Entry was who is assigned to the main Rahway Civil Defense and sec rating at least rwo bishops gained by breaking a pane of DREAM KITCHEN crauc club leader bdmund see no necessity fur argu- ot any nationality, and letof the tmance Com mitte-e computing and changing bud- MILLERS Invites You ufflce at 58 Uroad St., Eli- !• ly nn. ments based\ri hearsay and Disaster Control Police Re- since I°o7. gets and submission of glass and opening the zabeth. serves back In 1^54, I have them do their share in this overhead door. A number of BY OUR AWARD WINNING STAFF OF Mr. llynn mistakenly misinformation in opposition Mr. Mure took part in thevarious data requested by great mission. assorted tools is also miss- DESIGNERS & CRAFTSMEN At Sensible wrote rhar during rhe January to anything. had many opportunities tu organization of tlie hospital's the State, "all of which has Mr. Legackl, a native of My Spiritual Father, the ing, and the case is under Prices! BATHROOMS TOO! R L u b 1 l c a n Committee Mr. Flynn's letter gives observe Rahway Hospital's 1070 building campaign for greatly added to an already Philadelphia, Pa., is a grad- t Ecumenical Patriarch investigation. FEB. 1° meeting former Mayor John the impression that the competent medical staff, the current expansion pro- heavy burden being carried uate of Pleasantville High Athenagorafl, wiifl informed BUMPERS AND DO-IT-YOURSELF TRADE _ ^ . Marsh stated that "five "Martin _». Harmett Derrio- empltryees tifld—vt>lunt-<^fcM4} -m -^rttTn-.—f+e—n~a s-c+tCTtti f-of- Sr.hnnl anrl IK nrrpnrllng »nr.. cratic clique" -- which Mr. actual or simulated emer- about the idea, and, as we tant treasurer in 1068 and Detectives recovered the BRING IN MEASUREMENTS 8. SAVE gers University, New Bruns- Hejoblican cummitteemen A third resolution called 31s Central Ave., Clark Flynn seems to support -- gencies, and in addition, all know, Pope Paul VI is en-second vice president from car stolen last month from wick, where he is majoring ^YO^L Suj|e ti.,. present time. Lloyd t. Stone of Lilzabeth, in economics. been patients over the past point to the Governor's_W-£l- i. rnnient. movement; otherwise, BO si.vr. He lives ai "17 W. Meadow fare Advisory Council resi- while the vehicle was parked Mr. Pochinskl, a native paranolc a letter would never few years. Recently, with the clergy Ave., Rains a v. in the Acme parking lot on of North Brunswick, is a • \s a paruclpant in that dents of the nordiern urhan Planning! & Desigi* Cvnter n.t.-eung from its beginning have been written. Cer- My recent 24-day stay in of various denominations, I Mr, Muretu lri chief cost St. George Avenue. The car graduate of New Brunswick at b6t> Stone St., Rahway, Is ^ y ' FHEf'tSTljytAr* * SUWVSY tt it.~ end, 1 mist note that tainly, with the majority of the hospital gave me much concelebrated St. JohnChry- accountant at Purolatur was found on F. Hazelwood AUTO SUPPLY & SERVICE CO. SUPERMARKETS OF High School and has taken r time to study internal op- owner of The Beverage Shop, Avenue after it had been courses with Tri-County a no time during the course voters being either Demo- sostom's Liturgy at St. John't Products, Inc., Rahway. He 38i ^m MI1ION «.VS RAHWAV 1351 Fulton St., Rahway Broad St. and W. Milton Ave., Rahway Rahway. He was'appointed to O Chapter, American institute i» oi the- m .-enngdidMr. Marsh crats or Republicans, we erations from a patient's Episcopal Church iu Sonier- served as a member of the completely stripped. "Your Local Chevrolet Dealer" who support the two-party viewpoint. 1 can state ser- ville wiuh the approval uf public rtTartons, investment the board of governors in Joseph Dempskie of 1271 of Banking, and Dun and Of .-i.akc the statement attri- 1959 and served as chair- UratiBTreer: tx.tc..: to hini. system should have nothing vice was excellent, although Bishops Banyard of Trenton and endowment, by-laws, Brlarcllff Drive reported - Uniqutr-Gi-fts I am sure che' operation of man of the public relations B i support thtr r-we»-party to fear. and DeWltt of Philadelphia. medical, finance and Joint someone broke a window in such a large institution can Time is ripe for a real conference committees. He and human relations com- his garage door and gained Mrs. Treslar, a native of Mr. Flynn's tactics only mittees and as a member of TITOS RESTAURAi JAN'S FASHIONS, INC. Elizabeth, is a graduate uf work to the advantage of and dues at times cause unity of all believers in Cod, is chairman jf the continua- entry. It was not determined RAHWAY SAVINGS the medical, planning, and 1189 Raritan Rd., Clark "Crystal *Wall Plaques .Ohjcts D'Art I Battin High School of that PEK Asks Adoption the non-partisan movement. some minor complaints, the Creator of Heaven and tion committee. He was ap- if anything is missing. 54 W. Cherry St., Rahway 1500 rrvlng St., Rahway Your Valuables Deserve A despite all efforts touards l-.arth. pointed tu the board of gov-executive committees. In SATURDAY, FHB. 5 city. She-joined the bank"s ANNUM Since so many Republicans, 1971 he was elected assis- staff following her graduation Democrats and independents elimination of ilienu MOST RLV. PI IT R A ernors in l',o3, elected as- A break, entry and larceny *Handpaintcd Ceramics • Stuffed Animals tant treasurer. from high school and has been Ot Ordinance would relish an opportunity Ihe hospital's greatest ZTRAWETZKY sistant secretary from l°06 occurred at B & D Cycles, asset towards recovery is °40 Leesville Ave. Mr. Caruso, a former in the bank's loan department Sweethearts Everywhere-Pnefer It was gratifying to,reud to remove Mayor Daniel L. to ls>70 and as secretary in Route 1 and K. Scott Avenue! Featuring Only the Finest the wonderful, cheerful and Rahw ay- Rahway municipal Judge, is and in the management train- Safeguard documents and other a Li j L t Guv. William T. Martin from office, Mr. 1971. II,.. lives at 16A Mtd- A north side window was HE LEHRER-CRABIEL FUNERAL HOME efficient manner in which a lawyer In Railway. He was ing program. •. ahill's concern for curbing Fly-nn Is- helping cho non- field RJ., L ,,lonla. broken with a large rock and 275 W. Milton Ave., Rahway 1083 Raritan Rd.. Clark MILLERS GIFT SHOP valuables against possible Fire, theft all personnel, both paid and appointed to the board of St. George & W. Milton Ave., Rahway building in flood plains and partisan proposal by turn- their quick response in Mr. Dunham, secretary- entry gained. Three forks and and loss with a Safety Deposit box. volunteer, carry out their transporting me tu the hos- governors in 1967 and hasa wheel valued at $870 were Tu«»., Thurm., Fri. 10-9 P.">- other flood-hazard areas. ing this controversy into a treasure- r of tile Willard served on tlie executive and Since such state legislation Martin versus Marah con- respective tasks . Thel r state pital. It is not uncommon Dunham c. unstrucUon Com, stolen. 23U Inman Ave., Hallway. N. J. Woj. \2~6; Sot. 10-6; Sun. 1-9 Our rental rates are reasonable, finance committees. He re- Closed Monday is now in work, it looks tesi* "infects" the patients. to see a police car drive up pany, was appointed to the William Arvanltes of 943 Thifi stay also gave mc to the emergency room and sides at 1088 Mldwood Dr., Apgar Terrace reported and the peace of mind — divine. like the (. lty of Rahway will By limiting ourselves to board of governors in 1968Rahway. ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 1 1b bOK S2.00 be forced to pass an ordi- Intellectual arguments and an opportunity to learn more see a popolicu e officer jump and elected assistant someone entered his locked QUADREL BROS. TRUCKING CO. about the current expansion' nance to protect Its rapidly facts, not mlsformation and out anflcc:arri y a youngster retary lni97I Hehas'served 140 Central Ave., Clark Hart and H. Hazetwood Ave., Rahway 1030 Raritan Rd., Clark diminishing flood plains, hearsay, the two-party sye- program designed tu meet hurriedly In. It is regrettable as a member of die oroundu in the future the medical the public does not know executive and planning corn- sooner or later by state law. tern should carry the day. g IS YOUR CHILD The way our low lands are short, members of parti- in more of these effortsff , mittees d h «j tr^.iv^.-u.u. will make next Monday a Republican to aid the expansion, techniques ana feieciro.nicleacn.nr ; mocr..iic.s to ac- r ANO SAT«M HtAHIS IROW Jl memorable Valentine's Day. Commltteewoman 1 especially want to ex- Wash 'n Wear your cr.tid's periorrr.a.-.ce up to of Dcyor.J be sure to call By doing so, Rahway will Second Ward, press my thanks to the Rah- HAVE"U" VISITED US YET? JOHNSOH'S MOTOR OF STATE BAM and TRUST THE NATIONAL make a favorable Impression Second District way Police Department for Exit 135 on the Garden State Parkway 1515 Irving St., Rahway 1-120 Irving St., Rahway h& -Statu Style Central Ave. Environmental Department, HEADING - SPELLING - MATHEMATICS the State Bureau of Water DRUG STORE (Grodos 1-12) Resources, the Army Corps TsTaTnjr Barbara Gordon of Engineers, New Jersey HAND MADE VALENTINE CARDS & GARDEN SUPPLIES, INC. CH0D0SO]«JS7&~WEXLER FUEL CO. rtdstititostlnemo3surDScuu -members—of Congress, -the JEWELRY, Today's abilities.. By appointment only. OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR 277 Central Ave., Clark 36 E. Grand Ave., Rahway Federal Department of CANDIES GALORE w CLARKTON SHOPPING CENTER Housing and Urban Develop— CLARK, N. J. ment, and—last but not "The Complete Medical Center" "CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING" least--the flooded and flood- PRBSCRIPTIONS-OUR-SPECIALJ-Y aEle ASSN. OF THE LOG CABIH tLMADISON HILL ROAD^RAHWAY 9.30 lo 8:30 Monday thru Saturday Free Parking — Free Ci/t II rni>i>ing FREE-PAMCIMfc -— 1255 Weflrtield Ave., Clark T:Ttlzfens Will 1591 Irving St., Rnhway Raritan Road. Clark Rahwav. New Jersey public hearing: at 8 HOURt. 318 Itinncin Avd., Colonia p.m. FREE DELIVERY DJUIV 1 WESTFIELD OPEN •mVrxaXY TO.« * u. » £m«Y» Hm»fg PC) Seven Days r I rt^iitlnn At-76M&ln Si. WaodbrldoaL . Tnrthe Woi-td® "-TRVING -STREET, ^P-POSilE-JELUZABEXli v 505 Central Ave. Rahway

•••* I . '

\ ':< 'i'lA

RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT PAGE 8 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, __ • RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD CLARK PATRIOT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1972 PAGE 9 T4CP Projects AZA Members Golden Age In Rahway Seen \ • • - Nv In Clark Work Plans Trips, r*,iti Sees Film By Educators For Telethon The Technology for Chil- Bus rides to see a Passion dren Program bein^ con- Two Watchung Conference ing three by bteve Bu- Seven Clark AZA mem- Play, to attend a per- ducted In M adleon School, kowieckl. bers were among the games are on the basketball formance at the Paper Mill Rahway, was observed in schedule of the Crusaders Mark Keitel was high scor- hundreds of volunteers who Playhouse in Millburn and operation last week by er for Clark with 14 points worked at the annual I'nired 1of Arthur L. Johnson Re- to Lakewood were announced Andrew Montequollo ofMor- gional High School, Clark, while Hurley had 13 during cerebral Palsy Telethon In by Mrs. Rose Nardone at ris Hills Regional high the evening. Rahway High School run- in the sprint medley relay laetlc invitation meet on Sat- Newark on Jan. SO. Fur more for the coming week. the meeting of the Rahway School and Mrs. John Seroka, The loss was Clark's lUth ners retained their title in consisted of Autin, Mosley, urday in the 102nd Engineers than five hours thev were -tmm Golden Aj*e Club on Feb. 2 member of the Denville By Ray Hoagland The Crusaders will play in 18 games. the annual Scotch Plains Win- Jeter and Tim Solomon. Their Armory, 168th Street and busy answering phones and in the John F. Kenrredy Board of Education. • * * the Rahway Indians tomor- «S' ter Relays on Saturday in time was 3:-l3.3. Pascack Washington Avenue. The doing paper wurk. Apartments. >:t.'>'ii Mrs. Seroka and Mr. row at 3:45 p.m. in Rahway The Clark Crusaders :**^H 20-degree weather made Hills was second and Scotch event is slated to start at relevisiun sets were sta— Motion pictures were Montequollo, at the conclu- and the Highlanders of Gov- scored a thrilling double more birter by gusty wind. Plains, third. noon. turned around the ruom so ahown by Arthur Sudall, di- sion of their visit to several ernor Livingston Regional overtime victory over the ;*•-'•$ 1 he Raliwdj track team Meet records set In 60- The Edison High team will ihe nu-mbt-rs c u L. 1J watch rector of the Rahway Public classes, commented on "the Jim Phelan, a 6-4 senior to make an Olympic come- High School, Berkeley Scotch Plains-Fanwood Rai- scored 15 points in evenis degree weather last year provide opposition for the the telethon being aired irom Library. It was reported that stimulating atmosphere from Clark, is the third back as a Judo player. Heights, on Friday, i-eb. 18, ders, 72-70, on Feb. 1 in on the Scotch Plains-Fan- were untouched in Satur- Rahway team today at 4 p. N i v. ^ 'irk L 11 \ . Mrs. Minnie Dipple, Mrs. which exists in the classes" leading scorer on ths Bos- Campbell said, "By re-at 8 p.m. In Clark. The Cru- Clark. wood High School outdoor day's races as runners m, in Edison. Next Wednes- Mrs>. 5>lvia HirsclK.rn co- crack as North Bergen touk Crescent Reesig and Mrs. and thanked Urban Weiss, ton College Eagles basicet- fusing to allow mt to com- saders defeated the Indians With only seven scorers bundled against die freez- day at 4 p.m. the Rahway ,.rainau-d me telethon at the second with 12 points and Florence Newiclrlc, who had assistant director of Rah- ball team. Phelan is averag- pete, the AAU ia preventing 67-36, on Dec. 17 and lost left on the clock in the record ing temperature. youths will be in Elizabeth Kolx-rt 1 reat Hotel, Newark. SomervlUe third with lu * * * an eye operation, are on the way's career development ing 13.1 points a game from me from trying out for the to the Highlanders, 54-51, on overtime. Bob Schwankert of for a dual meet with the ! iU" re were l.J SHIN SPLIT 1 1 kb...kirl>> 1 hret, points. Other teams scoring sick list. Seventy-rwo mem- program, for giving them his guard position and itsOlympics." Jan. 14. Clark passed to Jay Opper- The Kahway runners will team of Thomas A. Edison ••<. answered and much bers were presery;. throw the puck U>T a tact u 11 u 1 a r t 11: • I I i i: were: Westfield and Scotch the opportunity to see theHelen Slocum, left, and Kay Genis, teacher, find out second in assists. Jusr for the records, A game with die Bears of man who drove the lane to compete in the annual New Vocational and Technical hockey, one ui tlu- [ ru \ the t. 1 ark Plains, each 9; Snyder, 7; jper wurk to be aone^ The meeting closed with public school project. A very accurate shooter, Campbell ha9 never reques- David Brearley Regional High score the winning basket for York University mterscho- High School. together how to cane an antique chair. recreation dt-j .iruiniu. ali. 11 n illU Hi .In i I Rutherford, 5 1 2; Weequa- . I iht hundreds of phone recitation of the Mlszap The visitors watched a Phelan has hit on 50 perted in writing for reinstate- School, Kenilworth, on Feb. the Clark team in the Wat- LliL ^ ill A J. LU. r l iljl ttu hie and Saddle Brook, 5; .allb tr.L A/.A members re- benediction by members. simulated launch of a space cent of his shots from the ment. A rwjueatmuarbeBenr 23 ^n Kenilworrh will write Chung Conference game. r Am 1.1 indue le 1 V..in Pascack. Hills—-znd Ridge- ^LiveJ, man> were from floor and 82 per cent from to the chairman" of the New finis to the regular season program wl Ray. Schnitzer's two foul in k. ind e I" - wuod, 4; Holy Trinity, Plain- special education class, strw Chair-caning to the foul line, the beet record Jersey Association of thefor Coach Mike" lannelli's* tu nuun in I N. lor shots with eight seconds to tiii'uuiifi field and Wayne Hills, 2, e AZA niuinburii AL .ox! rhp r]\\\> Ttm AAI"R registration commit- Clark Honorary PBA a darkroom constructed by play gjvy th-e- Kai-*ie-iH3 life, Bloomfield, 1 I '2; Sprlng- ofi were Albert Bass pupils for use as .a photo- leading scorer with 17pDints tec, Preston B. Fairlamb of but a short one. He sent the in. the., Cagtefa.. rcccnt- mar;, Mark 1-j.titein, Charle 1 ales Lectures dUrlng a 1 e e slor teU over the Holy Cross Crusa- Regarding C\imiibeTT 's rt- Comets knocked over tlie minures later Clark won it on ^r.cKicliard j^p] a_P'^rr . .i°, L ?-\ y- - In addition to pursuing in- Piano and Organ. Learning --m-atttf effl-en t— ^rtr • p^ ^y—****• TT3~WOTK". Ertel's first grade where The Eagles will be hosts rules. Article 55(Reinstate- sprint medley rela\ and the The Kahway High School by one point, 56-55. Last ' raieo L ereLral i!als\ re- way Adult School, couples sure guarantee of limitless Saturday in Hiilside and kept matched baskets in the first to die Seton Hall Pirates to- ment) - limited states: "Any third place among Watchung overtime with Mark KeiteTs J4<»-\ard shuttle hurdles, Indians w-i-14- -conve—to—tive- ^k the Rahway five lost to ai\fL; about >J nullior, fr> >u\ On Police Work - -„ were employed, and ^gcyyej- an opportunity for group fun and personal sat- ^ morrow night and next Tues- individual who competes for t- each John Moon'-^ team al- end of their dismal basket- Wcstfield and Governor Liv- U/t & examlned wire sculpture in CuRe[herneiiS available .. in isfacaon. Conference basketball teams. jumper for Clark tying the Guest speakers who will Mrs. William Classes in Art and Oil day" will play St. John's of money or is otherwise pro- With the score tied at game with 30 seconds left. HC took third place in rheball season com irrow at 3:45 ingston Regional of Berkeley Miss Diane Mane Newhard . many of the course offering- fessionalized under AAL' deal with police work and fifth grade. Fainting, Papier Mache, Brooklyn, N.Y. 17-17, the Comets outscored Glen Warner of the rwj_mile relay vv luch was i>.mL when they entertain the Heights in conference games. whic • -f ings. rules, regardless of age, wuii b> Westlield in H 30.S. how member6 of Local 31, * * * the Crusaders, 7-l#*as Har- Raiders and Schwankert ; C rusaders uf ArtJiur L. John- The losses were the Indians' Beginning and Inter- Sketching, Flower Arrange- The basket Lull iL-am < >fwill i. 1 a > the :earn Honorary Patrolmen's Rahway basketball Ja>- may apply for limited rein- vey Wooten put in a jumper, traded jumpers to start the ^ jnic-ron Musley, ivuri sun Regional I iigh bchool, 13th and 14th of the season. v ldrk, were helv.1. Ihe IK * mediate Ballroom Dancing ment and Calligraphy offer Mother Secon Regional \" ince.ru AcaJein \ m Benevolent Association Sellers Market ceee are rated 13th in a field statement to amateur status Mike Maddalena made two second overtimer. Baskets g Jeter, L hns Hans en and Nate t. Urk. * • * ll rM vice i resident i^!ie:ir\ Miss Smith is a senior at teaches both novice couples a diversifed menu for the School, Clark, lark. (1'llA) can assist the Rahway Mr. and Mrs. James A. student with an artistic ap- of 15 in the I'nion County as and be eligible to^participate free- throws, Paul Yungst by Jeff I-dier and Rick ; lav tiic-ir Ausn:: won the 24U-v ard shut- Ihe t rusaders trounced The basketball ream of '. ^; i:; - >t Kahw. a\ , J :v.en; :H > of 803 Featherbed Arthur L. Johnson Regional and avid dancers the very first game in 'hi.- a N Jer- Police Department will high- Smith of press tini -. in amateur competition after one foul shot and Haul Los- Urban tied it at 70-70 and ttu secono. gam _• rle hurdles lor Rahwa>, fin- Loach Millard Harris' In- Governor Livingston Re- ! : ::\J.vr. A.' A. ::e w. •!-. .in High School, Clark, and is Of Homes Seen latest steps, while review- petite. For the creative in- annual Girls' S son Ke- * * • (3) three year a from date of seff a pair of conversions. set tlie state for Uppcrman's iiunal Bas- Se\ t. . 1 rl.- ^ Jlil*-Jj ishing in il.2 seconds. Rutli- dians, ther -H.-U.'!1 \ ding and placing, ideal for Candlemaking, Decoupage, is headed for Rider College, to trail by on\\, three points, points for the winners. Greg ourt. I he winning Rifb quant t Ihe Indians scored their 72-59 victory, over the In- 'jllilUniciiSlv U • be riixi'lK! m June, president, initiated the pro- So* 4 Richard Shevelt-v son of from Roselle Catholic andd Continued increasing professionalism under tlie The Mother ieLun [_.la>eiii ,..1 Mr. a:u: Y.:^. A- ' -•• ym and Furniture Cosmetics, Trenton. 52049, with 1:59 to play. Hurley made 14, Keitel, 1-J, coached bv Marge 1. only victory ot die season dians on Friday. .^ majoring in gram Detectives John Oe Mrs. —Theodor ' e is serving with the United housing costs for 1972 was chose wishing to learn ur following conditions; A - The will meet the winner of die Wober .'t '~ --A-'et !T:.I: Mr. and Refinishing and Chair-Can- * * * Greg Hurley made six ofSchwankert, 12; Bob Parin their ninth gam;- of the sea- on Jan. 4 when they beat Rahway led 28-24, in the v ice pruisiijuiit. I lit." pre^i- ~aria~ William Argen- Shevelev, uf 322 Mercer States Army and is stationed predicted to with Ave., Roselle. in Germany. Colangelo, secretary of the contract bridge. No vice or half-back of die Rahway Inl participate in any sport in The Cuniets, however, made High School and Heru-dictint- stopped the £irl^ of Bene- is M r. Rappapori- taren;--. Y r. >•-• on drugs and drug The Crusaders victory High School, Scotch. Plains, .ihes liv attendanee dpoke Union County Multiple Lisi- seasoned divot-diggers can Driver Education provides wmch he wab professional- Academy, botl; L.f l-.lizabt-iJi. led on Page 10) 1 dians, 1B going to Dayton the final five points, includ- dictine Acaden'u, 1 lizal-eth, A a 11 e I "• . "- '• *'• • - • '-'• abuse. 1 basic instruction in safe- was their eighth in 1 7 names. ^at-a r J.a\. evening inu Service,— improve their games by par- University in Ohio next Sep- ized; U - The athlete shall That game is scheduled tur -i5-3'\ un tliL- C lark court. < w w tn any national or district Mother Seto.n gymnasium. scorer for the winners with New :.a : J. ;.. r: « men. prices in the offering," Mr. if golf isn't your racket, then fied by the New Jersey Div- championships (This is the The Clark team is entered 14 points while Terrs Hudak MIS.- \ew!.ul .:, s Springfield, Mass., Col- Help Rosenwalds Union County Trust Colangelo explained. "With the Tennis course can guar- lsion oi" Motor Vehicles. championship in whieh in the Parochial School-North contributed 1 '•. ..JtL .4 M.-li:er -'- I I; lege has its eyeson Railway's Iiver> Saturday through 1 • b 2r> and • : U . d colU-cn. r. U. r t-'-e or $ 1 .s>5 per share. land for new homes in short antee a net profit with each Classroom sessions enable L ampbell wanted to com- section of the luurnamrnr ^l^nal riifct-. ict. . I, - Don Kirby fur us football Monday. Feb. 21. ;w. * en-.^i hiliac sons ot N!r. r Net income after securi- supply, the law of supply and lesson. Yoga, which was re- tho student to study rules of pete)", Olympic Games'or any being sponsored by the New u; a a.i,K.j:i. • t :x 1- J Net Income Up the road and safety con- team. Skcet Shoot Scheduled Ll. 1ZABL HI, Broad & Jersey Stti. 7:00 a.m. $10.50* inc Mrs. Willi^~ ^ ] demand 'will cause land-costa ceived well last term will be * • • international competition, Jersey State Interscholastic l:i^ut iL > t ~T\ <- -.^< ' • RAHWAY I' S. Highway 1 &i_L. Grand Ave. u , 1 r a s t i- « J n; - $2,505,403, or $2.03 per to rise. In addition, the build- offered again. cepts related to driving an t - The athlete shall not be Athletic Association. t,L. txll visu >:: ulNew \..n a Andy Blejuae of Clark had I lu- M){h annual nventy- 7:lQ.a.m. wj\, lri ^chcduleU It 11 1- cb\ en maintains share, compared to 1970's ing trade unions have con- Without previous muBicai automobile. Behind-the- '- * eligible to compete in any The sectional champion- «, i r^irs , "^-^ ''• rk a big night fur the cagers il\ e straight L ll.b Skeet Pl.K Hi AMIU)Y, I'NJ Garage, 351 Smith St. :i :> w. • lark, re- net income of $2,410,561, or tracts calling for automatic training:, individuals or wheel ins true don is on an amateur spurt or event s<->.ri-ii 'Mi points. LLu w a sship gam• js are slated for w [,i-ii :-r-.e !"t-^. <. I •. ( -.: .i : L. nlon College, Cranford, as The Original Pals re- Slu.".;i, Sponsored b> the 7 15 a.m. $10.00* hu. d\ . >l.s>o per share. increases in labor periodi- couples can parsue hidden individual basis. For the stu- where an admission lee is : in aj i a rel Ji ^ iy-- '''-•' :-.-•• ".... , U-li,['CbfCL[- they rolled over the Ramapo mained • undefeated in the followed by Richie L.jugher> Frida> and batuivia\ tr b. I nion I ounr\ Park L omnus- Nl W BRUNSWICK, Memorial Parkway and Iltr cally for some time ID come, musical Lalentfi via cuursts dent who aims higher, the charged or collection Taken. lingerie JeM^r,-. r f- __;.:.i, „ 1 l'_ ••?--3 : ; :_' 4-.NJ, ... r >!.-- former Clark star scored 12 gue by beating Scotchwood, McDonnell who tallied 2u. omnt\ park trap and skeer *RuuniJ 1 rip Including admission to track. givi :'1I' car increasing from the 1970 approach, and builders sell mediate Guitar, Beginning aspirations really off the accepted by the Tnited States U> Hi, N L-W h rk - :; •. . points, made 13 assists and 110-76, last week in Clark The Clark Jaycees were led The unbeaten basketball grounds, off Kenilworth 1 -j J , i ' ~>, 2 u >, off their inventory of houses ground. -. Olympic <. nm.-nittee for any TRANSPORT OF NEW JERSEY dbkciJ I" ^••niact rr.e Ki^eii- tutal of $203,552,090. L Adult Basketball League com- by Gene Labonia with 14 JOHNNYjCASH Her liance it a cr on hand and under construc- collected 23 rebounds. events in 1 J7> that is for team of Mother' ^cton He- Boulevard, Cranford, on (Forrrnrly n*m«d Public S«rvic« Yram*port> w aUl'.-,. * * • petition. C anipana Realty defeated H»l, Clark, Sunda\. AGUNFIGKr" « tion, they will be unable to Garwood Rest, 10b-89. The hold the line on current pri- Richie Schialabba of Rah- Jimmy Manhardt was the way scored 12 AH big _gun_for the_ winners as Realtors were paced by Steve cee. Tney win be lorCe" Nasto who scored 29 points, .price their homes to reflect Dickinson University, Golt Coach Appointed "he "made It p61rits7TTe"~was~ Boys 1o Register erford, scored a 59-52 vic- followed closely by Adam lie was followed by Chet the increases in costs of Melh with 2o points. Other tory over lona College in Richard M Caterino was Plorzak who tallied25, Tom- - land, labor and materials. scorers were Manager Joe a. These factors will also have New Rochelle, N.Y. appointed coach of die Rah- my Sinnot with 16 andMana- GALAXY ROC toil con change -LI -if you • • * way High School golf team ger Mike "Moose" Marzano Campana, 1b, Rich Curry, For League Play ii an Inflationary effect on 12, and Bob Stankiewicz and ,, 1 ,,11. ,, J,. ,. .1 homes being offered for re- With the closing of the '.•y the Board uf Education- -with 11. Scotchwood was Bob "Blue Jay" Blejwas, 11 Boys who Wish to compete ,., vi W .-.1.1.»c - lull- ' sale. regular basketball season on Jan. 17. The coach will paced in the scoring column apiece. Garwood Rest was led in the Clarkf- Little League SONS eet for tomorrow, records receive $215 for his extra by Joe Suzsko who tallied Mr. Colangelo advised services. 17. CraigHammock made 15, by' Jack Monk with 17, Mike during the 1972 season %(l l"| It Clark N. J, 07066 I prospective homebuyers to show thar the Rahway High Robertz with 14, Bob Sadiak have two final il.. M" 86 Westfield Ave.y I'RKSFN'T DRAM \...Roosevelt School pupils who took School varsity baeketball Roy Wheeler, 14; Joe Wzarek, 'visit any of the 112 real 13, and manager Al Ber-and Wally Miller with 12 to register. PHONE 381-7100 - FREE DELIVERY estate firms in the Union part in a dramatic presentation, "A Tribute to Dr. team has a 1—13 record. Olympics Start Aug. 26 each, Fred Petrel la and Jack Martin Luther king Jr.," included, left to right, On offensive, the team aver- uototti, 12. Youths may sign up to- COSMETICS - GIFTS - GREETING CARDS— -€ottnry area which comprise ! he Olympic Games, Maikos with ll each and morrow from O;3U to i Debbie ftlker, Mary Ann Johaneson, Tern Kozma and aged 50.6 points and on de- The second game saw D's •"TiHinuT""'"1 "'-|ijii "''-.~ w.ir....tn>iJa the membership of the local Greg Young with It). p.m. in thecafecena of Char- Rose Mantu. fensive it allowed an average ni irking the XX i Hympiad, Athletic Club roll over the Multiple Listing Service. will be held in Munich, Ger- Clark Jaycees, 95-57. Big les 11. Brewer School, West- "Each week pictures, des- of H4.1 points a game for a The second half standings: 381-8564 | difference of 33.5. many, from Aug. 2o through John Dombrauekus was the field Avenue, and on Satur- criptions and locations of day between 9 a.m. and 2 Pupils Stage Tribute for Dr. King Sept. IU. big point man for D's as he learns . W L 7 all multiple-listed proper- The Clark team, with an p.m. at the same location. 400 H. WOOD AVE.LINOEN 975 9'l 601 IRVING ST RAHWAY 3JI-1Z5O Shop At .... , | H-0 rnftrk^has-averag-ed 54-. 7~ Campana Realty 2 0 ties are distributed to all Mrs -Martha Sextoti's slxd" - compassed die Rev. -Dr. Boys who are co_ register our members. As a result. grade class at Roosevelt King's life history as well points to 61.1 for theopposi- Original Pals 1 tf Halliard 1 0 for their first year of play TWIN OVEN_S BAKERY the prospective home buyer School, Rahway, presented a as his contrxbutiona ro hu- uon a difference of t>.4. are asked to take their birth manity., WJXB + + * D's 1 1 can easily "and"~qulctTy "see , ' - A T r I- certificates with them when bute to Dr. Martin Luther drama by the students. Ex- Peg Hoepfel of Zlon Luth- "Where Bcct'-r Butter Bakers Bake Best" the major portion of the they register. • Complete Accoloratod • Make up Course! for King Jr." Jane Caulfield was cerpts of his recordings, eran No. 1 waa high scorer Scotchwood local real estate market High School Program Collage Admission the narrator. "We Shall Overcome" and with an 184 in the Rahway Garwood Rest A COMPLETE LINE OF 6imply by visiting one MLS Women's Church Bowline HOME AND CAR STEREO UNITS Watch For Our member firm." The program, which en- "Dr. Martin Luther King A SECOND CHANCE IS A SPECIAL ACCELERATED Jr. in the Struggle for Free- League as her team scored LIVE ANIMAL SHOW GIVEN TO A STUDENT TO PROGRAM BY WHICH A AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES dom and Human Dignity," a sweep over St. Paul's and 70 SIATA SPRING, -FIC^ od $995 FOR: FINISH HIGH SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL GRAD were played. moved to within one-half Ro MAKE UP LOST TIME SO MAY MAKE UP SUBJECTS 8 TRACK STEREO Participating students game of league-leading Ob- '70 CHEVY Cu.tom Impala, air $2295 FILL YOUR NEXT • Blue-Gold Dinners AS TO ENTER COLLEGE REQUIRED TO FURTHER were: Albert Vill, "barly ceola Presbyterian who took 70 VW BEATLE, Automatic $1595 • Organ nations NURSING SCHOOL OR HIS EDUCATION AND EN- Life and Education," Gre- a 2-1 decision over the First '67 CADILLAC Eido.ado. i-own.,, $2195 • Birthday Parties BUSINESS TER COLLEGE. We Specialize In Wedding Cakes gory Kobal, ' 'March on Wash- Presbyterian. PRESCRIPTION • Church Groups UN HUMt © Sump Pumps Installed '67 VW BEATLE, ^ Roof $1095 Day or Evonina Clones, DUD A IDC & I-AH ington, D.C.," Lisa Trinity Methodist won the NEWARK; ! COLOR.& B&WTVs ©Drainage Systems Bogdanffy, "Death," Jane odd game from the Mixed '66 CHEVY Mollbu, 4 dr. i.dan, air $895 CH 5-5262 WISS B.'.tX;. -• Caulfleld, "Bus Boycott/' Team and Zion Lutheran No. '67 CONTINENTAL 4«",«" $1595 67 1 BROAD ST. .9tH F1.1 1205 Raritao Rdl. Clark Lucy Kawczynski, "Non- T-WIN "OVENS o Masonry Cracks Repaired 2 won all three games over '66 CONTINENTAL 4 dr., ir.. ...r $1095 'Dpp. Military Park" "" Donna First o DRUGS EPA>JK MrSWEENEY MArUl 3-4C5C - MA^ot '-y 7 3*1-4147 7 o Epoxy Painting 66 RAMBLER 2 dr., HT. 6-cyi.. .n $595 109 00 STREET SPRING TE"RW Kopp, "Nobel Peace Prize; * * * 86 Westtield Ave., Clark ROSELLE NJ 07303 Randy Sklar, "Letter^from '65 DQDGE W°flon, V-8, powr $896 APPROVED POR VETERANS. BAKERY REASONABLE HATt^h - Mike Kuzman, a senior a Birmingham Jail," and at Rahway High School, re- '65 BUICK Wildcat, d-df,, HT.. °'r $895 381-7100 If your bank isn't Sharon Stern, "After Death." ceived the L'nion County Ju- '64 CORVAIR 6-cyi., ..ick $295 20 CLARKTON SHOPPING P. O. Box 293, Springfield, N J The bulletin board com- nior Bowling Association's witling to make loans, mittee members were Mary "Bowler of the Year" award DOG OBEDIENCE RARITAN ROAD 379-9O7V Ann Johaneson, Terrl Koz- for 1971. maybe you need a CLARK, NEW JERSEY ma, Debbie Rlker, Rose The Rahway youth won the Manro and Nancy Telep. singles and all - event titles 245-55O4 hew bank. UCTC The class also paid tribute in the L'nion County Junior to Ben jam-In - Franklin and Tourney and .rolled the_ makes loans. All kinds of Robert E. Lee who have county's highest junior game 146W.Westfte1d Ave. Roselle Park loans. Bill clean-up loans. January birthdays. Students of the season, a 277. participating in these events * * * OUR PERMANENT SHOWROOM IN ROSELLE PARK CLEARANCE ON Tax loans. Automobile loans. were John Freeman, David Veteran pinner Len Romeo ENROLL NOW FOR Stranzenbach, Melvin Wil- of Rahway rolled a 695 to THURS. P.M. CLASSES 130 W. WEBSTER AVE., ROSELLE PARK, NJ. SKIS & SRI CLOTHING Personal and business loans liams, Ronald Jones and highlight the opening of the AT Michael Dwyer. UCBAs annual officers tour- nament at Linden Lanes. WESTFIELD CUJBiHTUD CASHMERE TWEED $ of every description. BONT Mrti tH» OPPOKTUMfTY TOPCOAT THE Romeo had games of 257, UNION OR ELIZABETH It's not that we're easy. Liquor License PACUhCtOtAL 224 and 214. He teamed with 3 GUSTOM SHIRTS 2 MEN'S KNIT HART SKIS An Expense! Jack Bonner for an 1,174 We just feel a "full-service' ( Ol KSI -^ ^ J with Monogram On. Suit SUITS is Suspended net score and 1,444 gross On* Uitchin| SI* 135 FEATURING Hlggins Liquors Inc., of 00 On. Sport JiCket bank like ours should total to lead both divisions. & 'IS * Shirti with Mixi $190 U -a>. % QFE V V V V V V 1592 Irving St., Rahway, did * • * N. J. DOG COLLEGE »ttlCI» VVCLUIIVV Of HAIUNG AMD tJUTV make good loans for WHY TAKE WE STANDARD not defend itself against a Al Benedict led the Inter- 687-2393 a DEDUCTIONS WHEN HAMMER TAX charge that it had three city Bowling League pinners FOR FRIENDLY RELIABLE SERVICE reasons. CENTERS WILL TELL YOU IF YOU bottles of alcoholic bever- at the Rahway Lanes with a HART Spoiler good ages with labels which did high game of 268 and a high AND HIGH QUALITY OIL CAN ITEMIZE, AND IF YOU CAN'T not truly describe the con- set of 696. George Holt had WE'LL DO YOUR STANDARD FOR SHEER DRIVING PLEASURE... tents. a 638. followed by Jim King, Dial 388-5100 $1 "B COO THE ULTIMATE IN FINE CUISINE DEDUCTION TAX RETURN FOR The municipal board of 289-630; JoeMelcarski, 625; 'nce the Spirit and Come in soon. We're alcoholic beverage control FOR THE DISCRIMINATING GOURMET ONLY -S-4.-00- "Joe--Rytel,--61&t-Connle--Zel Precision ready to listen and help. ordered the retanTiquorlf- inka, 618; Fred Buglovslcy, cense suspended for 15 days 617; Ted Markoweki, 613; by No other Car in tho Wl BELIEVE IN YOUR WGHt SH-PANTS Weekdays luncheon 11-30-2 Joseph, 246-606; Ken Bow- "World. - COWE IN AND SEE US SOONI Warm-lips Si Rell FORJU.LYIIUB fKBVik ieh, 605; Henry Fedeli, 604, family.. ^nrf^n^Y 4)innerr 4 — NEEDS CALL Sam Zitcrer rolled a 686 set and Richie Huncon a 671 ALL FOOD AVAILABLE IN HEAT oet to top other bowlers in CLOSED TUESDAY 381- SEALED CONTAINERS FOR HOME USE .or 2002 tii -fuel injected 2-door the Clark Lanes Suburban -ENJOY SKJJACKH||S 8-75- g 315 Central Avenue h Other scores: Phil Weiss Our Men's, Women's, Children's 660; Wilburn Stichter, 610- 2002 family 2-door sedan" TRAVEL Tony Volph, 608; Phil Donal, Snack Shop DINING 603; Joe Casale, 603; War- Cocktail Lounge _ SEJE 'AND DRIVE ONE where goodthtngs^tartio happen ren Grlftm; TtajpCTp "DuKatT Supervised Playroom ROOM al Ctaposit lr«ur»nc# Cocpwmlloo RAHWAY DIVISION OF 248-602. for Bowling Mothers TDDTY at 1453 Main St.r Railway, NJ. ELIZABETH LINDEN 507 hafaway Av«. 1012 WeU Rf. \ tamer VISLOCKY TRAVEL HOURS: 9 A.M. to 9:00 P.M k r St. Gootgo Ave. . GrattdLAve.. Several Rahway sports Sat. 9:00 A.M.-6:pO P.M. -fane—aokod—your- p WE FRfEFTTCKKTNG ^ 965-0666 382-8333 TOcnt7ro about the recent attack on RAHWA-Y.--N-.-J. the-Amateur AthlGtic-Uhion- -BEfclV-ER— "{TExclusivolynBMWr""" Reservations 388-€lO0 Free Patron Parking g by Milt Campbell, 1956 50 Brunswick Automatic Lanes Qlynxpic Canute decathlon—I 301 Prfcllft; ?? Next to Iclw Bowlina 2^3^8420 champion—and—former:—prt football player with the Where Service Is as Important as the BMW Cleveland Browne who hoped

3 •!•-'••'"

% •I \ RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT THURSDA*rTEBRUARY 10, 1972 F^AGE IT RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD CLARK PATRIOT r i r L J i James Cadigan John Mason, 50, Rahway YMCA Sports Schedule Rahway Recreation Department Tingler Shipper •*•*•

Swimmers Set ARTHUR U JOHNSON c M II I A^-Ilik The wrestling team of Rah- 141 - S. Shallcrosa, BH, REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. . rOOlD<9ll 1630116 Basketball League Standings way High School will end its pinned Singley, i--12-^ CLARK 3 dual meet season during the 148 - Elsaesser BH, de- Tomorrow Record in Relay James Cadigan of Rahway John Mason, 50. of 120 coming week when it faces cisloned SchoU, 16-5 • Varsity basketball, Rah- was elected president of the ; the wrestlere of Plainiield 157 - Duffy, R, decisloned Florence PL, South Plain- The Rahway YMCA swim- JI 'NIOR HOYS Lt:AGl b: RAHWAY JUNIOR HIGH way, away, 3:45 D.m Union County Junior Foot- l T Hijrh School tomorrow at 6:30 Hogan, 5- 3. Varsity wrestling, Scotch field, died Thursday inMuh- ming team's quartet in rhc Secund Hound SCHOOL GIRLS Lt A~ t. p.m. in Plainfield and the 168 - Ruff, BH, pinned ball League (Pop Warner) WANTED FEMALE SITUATION WANTED lr-O-yard freestyle rcla\ fur W Plains-Fanwood, away, 6:30 lenberg Hospital, Plainfield, HELP '68 CADILLAC Convertible, '69 CHRYSLER '300' 2-Dr. '70 TOYOTA Corolla 2-Dr., ! eam Second R'jund team of Scotch Plains-Fan- Severance, 5:04. last weelc. after suffering an apparent " boys 13 dnd 14 >ears >>Li -> Team w L p.m. Other officers are-. Vice Mr Cond. /very luxury op- Hdtp., Vinyl Roof, Air Cond., Stand. Shift, R&H, like new! The Knlcks, winners of the ^r. M ark *s wood High School on Wednes- 178 - Woodman, BH, pin- Saturday heart attack at home. NEED EXTRAMONEY?Mam Hersonable young girl wishes set a record <.jn Jan. -N /. u 'ii hears J Douglass 1 J president, George Paxton of to don, showroom new inside Deluxe Radio, Int. & Trim Assume BANK payments, call first round in the Citizens 1 J u day at 4 p.m. in Rahway. ned Mensak, 1:48. Freshman wrestling, Car- Mr. Mason was born in Avon Representatives earn obtain position In office & out REALLY clean! As- perfect! Assume BANK pay- Mr. Barkley at 756-5300 fox Youth Recreation Commit- during a nu-ei withdiebtait-: . 1st 1' r t- s. • V usar 1 Elizabeth; teasurer, Alfred island, N.Y., Y\K A in th< * * * Heavyweight Dowling, BH, teret, away, 10 a.m. Iselln and lived in Clark an estimated $40 a week or as clerk or ' "^" " sume' payments, call Mr. ments, call Mr. Lang at credit O.K. tee's Fifth and Sixth Grade Si. Paul's 1 Radcliffe >• 1 S. Wyatt Jr. of Elizabeth, before moving to South Plain- more. Earn extra cash - some typing, J The Rahway High School pinned Holley^0:48. Wednesday Lang at 756-530*3 for credit 756-5303 for credit O.K. Basketball League, contin- Rjhwa\ po'd. I lie Rah* i;> 2nd Prt-ri. 1 Barnard *- * and secretary, Ralph A. w Y\K A W.T. tiu- nit-et, Ui - 1 wrestling team was tossed, Varsity wrestling, David field four years ago. He and have fun, tool For de- rUe Post Office Box 1001 O K '^0 TOYOTA Mark UWagop, ued their winning wa\s ur, /.lull KuCK Results Walsh of Cranford. was a shipping clerk for tails call now: 353-4880 Rah- Hahway, N.J. 07065. ^ Oudglass 36, Barnard, 21. 5fi-6, by the wrestlers of The Rahway team won its Brearley Regional High Mr. C adigan announced ' '71 DODGE Monaco 4-Dr. Auto., Wheel Covers. W/W, Friday in the Rahwav High School of Kenilworth, away, Tingley Rubber Co., South way, Clark and Westfield. School gymnasium, and the 1 Vjj.s,ir 18, Raicliffe la. Governor Livingston Re- second meet in seven starts that the league has been '67 CADILLAC Convertible, Luxury Hdtp., Air Cond., Radio, under coating, perfect! giunal High School of Berk- on Jan. 27 when It beat 3:45 p.m. Plainfield, for the last 17 442-^2462 Woodbridge Town- FOR SALH AM/FM, Tilt Wheel, Air every power assist, lo. mi.. Assume BANK payments, Cavaliers, victors in the Se- , And> \ - Top Scorers expanded to include 10 teams. l/r DLR13Y WiNNIZRS ... Boys at Cub Pack 88, Madison School, Rahway, years, ship. and 1 on> V^verka c^'. Maria Tufa no, Douglass, eley Heights on Friday on West Side of Newark, 3.5- Freshman basketball, The new members are Pls- Cond., Cruise Control AB- showroom new! Assume call Mr. Lang at 756-5300 venth and F.ighch Grade Lea- held their annual rocket derby on Jan. 26. Each boy made his own rocket. With Mr. Mason served in the — SH AiU'bH^. «. 1 LKi . . ^r sect>nd< truii) ihe ti r- 1 n. the Rahway mats. 27, on the Rahway mats. Brearley, home, 3:45 p.m. cataway and Watchung Hills. SOLUTELY immaculatel As- BANK payments, call Mr. for credit O.K. gue's first round, alsu re- L'tb the awards are (1. tu r.): Robert Gassaway, Scoutmaster; John Boyne of Den 9, Army in the European and LAUNDRY WORKERS- All 2 BRAIDED RUGS - 9 x 12 Lan at Nanc> SMhra and I d _-r rtrC'.'i'J in tmi^hinc i:". M. M. I'aiil's Nincy Foulkti, Vassar, 14. Eight Rahway boys were*- Other members are Rahway, and 8 x sume BANK payments, call K 756-5303 for credit mained unbeaten. second place winner; Hex Ur of Den 3, first place winner; Randy Pannell of Den African theaters during departments - modern equip- 10 - like new, 12 x 3£ K i-^^ak were tl'-e wir.ru-rs •••! 2-i.4 atu-r a cl.>st- rict . I.aann Martin, DUJ glass. pinned by their opponents. The results: RAHWAY HIGH SCHOOL Clark, Elizabeth, Linden, Ro- at 756-5303 for °- - '70 COROLLA Station Wa- The results after tv.< ^CC-K^ ^, third place winner, and John Mulligan, Webelo leader of Den 8. All formal World War II. ment. All benefits, will train swimming pool with filter. the .'u.r. L.uU-.t-ra:: . hur^h <. ..ac h Ru bt-r t I Mill en i -is ' 2nd Hap- The only winners for -RHS 98 - Glimm, W\ decis- Today selle. Hillside, Cranford and gon, Standard Shift, W/W, of play in the second round presentations uf awards will be made at the Annual Blue and Gold Dinner on Sunday Surviving are his widow. Call 388-3388 - Hamilton hobby- horB^ and baby play a\ sw ' IIII:M_TS * ill ;_n_ were Larry P-eterson who ioned Jimenez, 22-4. Varsity track, Edison, Kenilworth. '70 DODGE Coronet '440' Radio Vinyl, undercoarlng. are: UM 2r . * • * at the Catholic War Veterans Hall, Carteret Ave., Carteret. Mrs. Margaret Padnusiak Laundry, 276 Hamilton St., and eat formica table. Call N nu-st i'-el ti.r ir; ^^ am ir. it > H; ^ai LI rdav h : 2nd Tr^. MARYS U^Yb LL ACiLL rook a 3-0 decision in the 106 - Lemtm, WS, decis- away, 4p.m. '70 ELDORADO Luxury 4-Dr. Hdtp., Air Cond., all like newl Assume BANKpay- FIFTH AND SIXTH _.K\i. i.- h 388-1799. ower a n-.et-i \utt~. r. .a: em's "i M Team W L 115-pound bout and Joe Duffy ioned Freeman, 9-5. Varsity swimming. North Mason; a son, Gary, and a Rahway. Coupep, , Air Cond.o.,, ffull pop - P - immac. inside & out. menis,'calenis,cll Mr, LanLang ai_7-56= LL ACl L _Mo_ny_ daughter, Mlsa_Arlehe_viason —=—_ .—_ A .lr^ctt-d b> J> hr. _A _ "" ""_ L-rh T..rah who won/ 5-3,"in"the i57^- -115 - -Pete^on,- R.-pin- Plainfield, away7 3r45 p.m. Assume BANK aaymentacair T earn a rniTFOTi:n wer, 4-owner, Uke new! As- MrAssume BANK aay_menta^cair .5303 for credit-CUC. ' puund class. ' ned Smith, 1:01. Freshman wrestling, Ter- Varsity swimming, St. Jo- .1 Shannon both at home; his mother, HELP WANTED MALL OR fiume BANK payments, caU - Barkley at 756-5300 for K nicies Yoaer. Awant h"0 " ""R^-way swimmers Duqutrsnc EXLLLblVE COL 1 ERIER * .. \A *- n^v-Ho,. -, r T;A z.^r\n f,^ ; The results; 123 - Scott, WS, decis- rill Junior High School of seph's of Metuchen, home, Mrs. Frances Mason of Rah- FEMALE FABRICS Mr. Barkley at 756-5300 for credit O.K. '69 TOYOTA Corona 4-Dr. Rockets ted :- ±tv.inr:crsh , \», u" tl'.e 11" -y ard but- , Scorers St. . Joseph'Jos s from designers like DIOR ai 1 98 - T. Shallcross, BH, xoned Jeter, 11-0. Scotch Plains- Fanwood, 4 p.m. way, and two sisters, Mrs. credit O.K. Sedan, Air Cond., Tinted Hawks 1\ rula\ l. r Lx^d I ' ar.d kaelber, /.lonsrara, i_aSalle Wednesday Roee~STdote of Wobdbrlgge SWITCHBOARD '69 DODGE Polara 2-Dr. 1 P. [r pinned Ditzer 0:41 130 - Wesl-ey, MS, de away. Dies M W/W Whppi f,n^ brave"5" .ir'tl lH;i; •T-homao-A: and Mm. rac Marrir. Mo. ix- TOb - harrell, BH, CleClS- clyiuneU Adi lancer onurrow ETDTJITA'DU Luxury * F=^«"to., mH-pewer1rde—veire;~DeTCKe~ Tnr."~« BuHete Edison Vocational and Tech- Rahway. Many Openings in All Areas Rc* 22 N- J 1 1 & inierior P R -i^~— -{--; Hlgh SchQQl Ol Eliza--- 755-6917 "• - Coupe, full power. Air Cond., ^^.J^ " > ^ -~ Trans. Radio, .immac.. As- XT Paul Caravella, 48, Dies Driving am -were .by the Results u-t y.as compuSfd ol t J \K- ! in. 1 jrr'.Liir. _ beth, away, 4 p.m. BAN K ent a11 Mr Ioned Hickman, 3-0. 148 - Scholl, R, pinned School .____. _._c_i__ — _ o Thomas F. Higgins Sons Fun- APARTMI V'T ' payments, call Mr. ™ ?> ^ - Barkley at r. Lang at 756-5303 for Knicks 1", Bullecs ^. Kenna, C-eorge Bounceloi, lo. St. Uonaveniurt- 02, La- Varsity wrestling, Scotch eral Home, lilt) Bryant St., TEMPORARIES l M Ziun 123 - Preston, BH, pinned Austin, 1:15. p.m. of Clark, home, 4 APARIMLMnBarkle .. y a',„t 756-530, „*0 for cre- T^.s^oO for credit O.K. credit O.K. Rockets IS, Hawks v i.t-urge Kaniinskv and Tom Dave I iende rson, 16 Plains- Fanwood, nome, 4 p. ._ Re.rna rd L. Shannon, 78, Cash Bonuses High Rates WANTED I aytor, un the W*v-ydr*j ic- Start, 12. Holy Cross 2o, Kordham, Ruseo, 3;25. 157 - Duffy, R, declsloned Varsity wrestling, Plain- Gar on Haple^enue4n of 28 Bersey Court, Forda, dit O.K. Braves 17, Celtics Ir. as Annese Evans, 7-6. m. _____ Personalized Service \d\ team \«.ere Lor. Kalis!:, Ha rve\ Kirh\ , 2 130 - La Grange, BH, field, away, 6:30 p.m. died on Monday in Rahway NEED 2 bedroom apartment "70 LINCOLN Mark 111, Air -7i VOLKS "Super Beetle' Top Scorers 168 Sev^cano-ej &->—WOJI- Varsity swimming, Marist No Fee To You ., Stereo, AM/FM, Split Sedan George srreisei, «ndv nsr, 11. —~Presrrrn_n basketball. Hill- A 48-ytar-old n^an died Mr. Caravella WQS born Hospital after a brief ill- for H a '71 CHEVY lmpala 4-Dr. Kevin White, Rockets, IS. by default. High School of Bayonne, home, n 73 219 Park. Ave..Scotch Plains Y " employee, wife and Dennis Luck, Knicks, 1'". J, :insor. ano ^ \:r\s Solo, . 136 - Keyes, BH, pinned side, home. Feb. 2 of an apparent heart in Mount Vernon, N.Y., and ness. Born in Jersey City, " " ~~'^~ ' 322-8302 Hdtp., Factory Warranty, Air ... Cond. every accessory, Takes 8th Bout Cardacl, 3 25. 178 - Mensak, R, won by Saturday 4 p.m. attack suffered while driving lived in Rahway 30 years. kindergarten daughter - for lm mint condiiion. Sam-Solomon, Braves, 1 ^ r Kalivuv v\ir.r:L-rs -A I'up Score : he spent most of his life Mrs. irma Morgan. 73, 1995 Morris Ave A ri Cond. Assume BANK pay- Frank Annese v*,_.r. B.jllwagf, S[. B.ma- forfeit. Varsity track. New York Freshman basketball. Hill- his car on Maple Avenue, lie was an Army veteran of L'nion P -l. Call 688-9287. menus, call Mr. Barkley at call Mr. Lang at BANK payments, call Mr. the in Rahway. He resided in of 5 James Ave., Clark, 964-1301 ' 756-5303 for credit O.K. srraigiu match , ive kali 14- L Force, 2o. Heavyweight - Bryant, WS, University Invitation Meet, side Avenue Junior High in Rahway, police reported. World War 11 and a main- 756-5300 for credit O.K. Lang at 756-5303 for credit SEVENTH AND ir U , 22. Av&nel for four years be- died Sunday in Aiexian 101 No. Wood Avc Linden BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES tur the v, rebtling Justin McCarthy, Navy, PINNED Holmes, 1:50. away, noon. of Cranford, home. Paul Caravella of 1097tenance foreman with L'.S. O.K. GRADE L.L \G Cond run, Gypsum Co., Clark, for 23fore moving to hords a year Brothers Hospital, Elizabeth 925-1601 " jl Arthur L. Johnson m-JiviJual nu-dK-\ , M^Ktinu, LeesvilU- Ave., Rahw-ay, was a CONCESSIONAIRE -operate '71 ^«^Y Brookwood Wa- Teams V. 1 years. 8°- Mrs. Morgan was born in . Regional High School, Clark, h and ,.nJtr 2^' - \ ard frue- LoFrete, pronounced dead on arrival M LEGAL NOTICE Cavaliers Jim 'J'Neill, OuQU Jim Mr. Shannon wascmployed Scranton, Pa. and moved to both concisions at WaVinaco g>"> ? <-ondf. Roof Rack,. as the Clark >ouihs beat * * * at Rahwaj Hospital, Rahway, deluxe ^vli'nr^n" S*?ul«; , 15-1" 1« '"-uiv. Frank Pc-raz It's Surviving are his widow, by the Pennsylvania Railroad Clark 25'years ago Park Lake. Must be mature. Deluxe- Vinyl Int. & Trim, A 8uni North Flainfit-ld'b grabbers, freestyle, kanunsky. P.' an<.i russ. 15. GROVbRCLEVELAND RAHWAY BOOK shortly after the accident ar Mrs. Mary Prokop Cara- Company's marine depart- - '-•-*.. . ^Lmf ee BANK oapayv -" by the Business Vlministrator Warriors 1 5 p.m. She worked for many years No investment required Au- original owner sold because f of the City of Rahway on Fcb- 27-21, last wevk. under 2u-'*ard backbtruke. a SalU-, LEAGUE vella; a son, Paul F. uf ment as a barge captain with Childhood Interests Inc., William Hurley Bucks 1 Annese v-hu wrestles m Team W L Police said t. aravella's South Plainfield; three bro- ply UnionTountyTarkCori;- of illness. Assume BANK ^56 S^oStr crecft'o K" ruury 22nd, 1972 ul 10 A.M. in Lakes i Lull Babbitt, 11-12 4u-> ard 1 L Jan-Ell American Food for 38 1/2 years, retiring Roselle Park, before retiring the Council Cluunbcra of City the 141-pound division, 1'rinceton* 5 1 & GIFT SHOP car veered our of concrul thers, Peter of Edison, William A. Hurley, 52, of mission, AcmeSt.,Hlizabeth Payments, call Mr. Barkley ^56-5300 for credit O.K. Suns " i.-reasisir^ke, V aruiiu, Li- in 1954. He was a member 10 years ago. She was the N.J. Mon. to Fri. 1 p.m. ar 7 1170 Campbell Street, scorcU a ^-1 decision after beton Hall 4 2" and struck a tree m front of Vincent of Iselin and Alfred f e roll a 56-53OO for credit O.K. '70 OLDS'442 Conv.f Chrome """• „ , • u Results 14 PX'-\ard bruaststroke, R Al! W A N' MUSIC BOXES ?. .?. . Pennsylvania Railroad wife of chdateChnsMorgan. "* ^ ? IV^if^V^ - 4 p.m. hhis Nuith Plainfield opr^- Rutgers 2 4 .•J-a For 32f) Maple Avenue. ut Rahway; two sisters, Mrs. Honor Roll and also a mem- She is n \iru. -. -i ^- n 'c * J Iliihwuy, New I eraey. for the Cavaliers 3^, Lakers itreisel, 15-17 P'u-yar d Mark .1 AGl 1 FIGURINES Wh nt.-fu, Paul Bucossi. Muntclair 1 5 Chinatown Family Dinner A motorist told police he Juliua Richheimer of Iselin- gon'70 , CHEVfull Ypowe BrookwoodWar & electric - especialleels yal llo Sporw mileaget options, 1, - 9Utcha2 ALI-3lv 5 oofr O1)e Aero-Li ft Mod*.for th] e Warriors 25, Fimonti Smart Fashions Name ^^ CARS FOR SALE-! owner The victory was the fourth •Princeton won first round. FENTON GLASS passed Caravella s car, and Mrs. Harold Soranson Society. _ Born in Bayonnt-, Mr. Hur- absolutely Immac. inside & cil- Assume.BANl l l K -p_y1 - -Doprtmuu •- •l of Publilc h Bucks 33, Suns 31. under 2i»->ard buiu-rfl\, and 4 5 At Orders to Take Out si8ters' Specifications may be se- fur the Clark wrestlers in bcott Jar.uik, 1.-5-14 K.'» •- Results HUMMELS which was traveling east, of Morris, N.Y., and a grand- Crace Cocfy of leyUve d in Top Scorers eight dual meets this season. Navy 1 Modest Prices about a minute before die daughter. He is survived by his wife, Dover, Mrs. Myrtis Price H " ^a /Ai f V,,' '^ BLTCK Riviera 2-Dr. cured from Arnold D'Arabrosa, \ a rd bi:iu-rt~l\ . l, list Princeton 34, Rutgers 22. He was Luxury Hdtp., Air Cond., call Mr. Barkley at 756-5300 Braylon Jackson, v. a". i, i! a s i G u a r cl 1 PILGRIM GLASS Mrsr-s.. Anna CnbrarrColacarrno ShanJ- off ForkeP^VU^dH RiveDIr 2 an*Hd X,Mrs_ . a chief petty officer , MVllr.x, ,,H Su perintcudeut of Public Works, North. Hlainfield's record is itDjn Hall 21, Montclair accident. I le said the car Arrangements were com- non. mree 80n8 £99 Hurt Street, tluhway, Now lers, 14. A rm y WIDE RANGE OF BOOKS Jr., Misses & Brother Valeda Price of RoSelle Park; War 11 and'saT^rvice, VinylRoof/AM/FM, load! for credit O.K. '70 OLDS Delta 4-Dr.Hdtp., ; W. was moving at .a low speed pleted by the Thomas F. Bernard, S.J., of St J craey, Allan Jones, Bucks, 1 j. Air K'rce *- and CaravellaseVrned to be . Ignatius three grandchildren Ami a *.i~~ n._,__ _ __ ed' . likee new! Aisume-^-.--^-_-__--,- bbony ^lark victorieb Chance To Limber Up /'lull l Crinceton 16, SetonHallS. BEST SELLERS Half Sizes Higgins _ Sons ^ * - "the Pacific area. Brookwood Wa- Hiadc, Air Cond., full A~~trertiiKs >rt. rt> Michael Moore, Rutgers, JohirSarafin, 77, Farm Owner, and Mrs. Margaret Feather- Ville, White/ Black Vinyl Top „ ,/ £ ,, -53OO for tltt- riyhl to reject any or ull Kuin -> 388-0453 Services were held Satur- Home Products Inc., Cran- The results: ^.ir.. m C arl 11. i^ Rt tv rt W.irJ, Navv, RAHWAY. N. J. man and Miss Rose Marie all Luxury options, ABSO- credit LEGAL NOTICE bids a a deemed in the beat 0? - Metner, NP, do- Ken Harrison, Rutgers, day for Mrs France6 A ford. He was with the firm Scaled bids will be received School. Carls u. ^radet- . 2r;> Jotwi ^ ernic kat», C 38I-HT0 S&H Stamps Shannon, both of Fords; a - - LUTELY beautiful! Assume inlcrautu of die City of Rukwuy. cistoned illion, 4-2. CuU 2o years. IJV th r- Husioesa Atlmiui strator HOBtllT W. SCHnOF (Continued Irom Hdge 4; through 12 ^^ wumen ma> Guard, 35. lu. brother, Thomas Shannon of f i J BANK payments, call Mr. of iht* (iitv of Ruhwu.} on 1'cb- NP AshU*\ Eric Rogers, Princeton, Ivy Storch Handi-Charge To Have Marked 53rd Wedding Day Cranford who died Feb. 2 K'C - J. Schneider, attend. Mr*. Bonnie i LK-IU-- luiii L rowell. Army. Tol. 388-5939 Jupitor, Fla.; three sisters. He was a communicant of Lang at 756-5303 for credit ruary 22n<\, 197 2 «t 10: 30 A.M. Highlanders nuved in trunr devisioned Gordon, 5-2. at home after a brie*illness. St. Helen's Roman Catholic with eight puints. including id supervisor. Arnold Robinson, 1U. O.K. in tlif Council ("h unibrra of LEGAL NOTICB 115.= Vernacchio, C, yjr- Joha Sarafin, 77, of t^21 Westfield, and a City 11 till. 147') Campbell Street, ToiiT—by—ICnrr Mohns. The- -M-axh-aorr i I ill -R-4-,-, --C-l^-r-k-,—a- cisioned Zampella, ^-1. way. Agnes Hedin- 15 nrenrbeTT of^Wesrfield Coun- '69 ~ CADILLAC Sedan De- -H««h-w-«vt - -N-tr-w- j-»-rr*«ry(- for—thxr winners outscored Rahway 123 - P. Schneider, Nl\ Nl- W LOCATION nurseryman, dit-d I hursda\ prior to coming to cil 1711, K, of C. NOTICE purcliusc of two 197 2 Chevro- Notice la hereby given that by 47-22 margin in the mid- MERCHANTS in Rahwav Hospital, Rahway, He was a communicant of ®er . ...Colonia. , and Ville, Air Cond., Vinyl, ev- The Annual Met-tin ^ of ih e lel C iihs* und I'hassis, or equi- 1 lie following resolution was dectsioned Mehalick, 2-O. Custom Made-To-Order Cranford in I95o. Surviving are his widow. \ouiig Mcu's Christian Aaso- dle periods. Mohns, with 10 after a brief illness. St. Agnes Roman CathoUc ^randchUdren. possible power & elec- valent, for the Dcpartmcnl oi adopted on February 3. 1972. at 130 - Opperman, C, de- 700 W. Grand Ave. And Stilt Anxious The funeral will be to- She was die widow of Wil- Mrs. Muriel Potter Hurley; riutiou of Rahvuay will bc held Public WorltM. a regular meeting of the Hous- of 13 from the floor, canned • Largest selection In He and his wife, Mrs. Church, Clark. accessory, fine condi- 24 points. Don Reynolds had cisioned Marina ro, 3-1. this area morrow at 8:30 a.m. from liam Scull. his mother, Mrs. SusanHur- throughout. on Tucaduy, February 22. 197 2 SpecificalioiiM may be se- ing Authority of the City ot 13c - Steele, C, decisloned Lottie Zemrzycka Sarafin, nt 8:00 P.M. ut the Hahwny cured from Arnold _ Ambroau, Rah way. New Jcrec . 22 points as he scored nine Rah-way Fitted in your home would have m irked their 53rd John Jr. of Clark; five Y.M.C^-V. building, 156_ Irving Superintendrnt of Public Works, JAMES J. DAJLY Pete Bucossi, b-2. > Guaranteed Work- Llnd a and goals in 17 shots. VENICE weddlng anniversary un tere, the Misses Patricia Funeral Home. The funeral o , , u , L Lang at 756-5303 for credit ^trt-el. Hah way, N^w Jersey. 909 Hart Street, Hallway, New Chairman 141 - Annexe, C de- -_ manship 8 9 m ln St field, The* purpose of Ui« incftinn i^ March 2. -and Antointette Sarafin, Mra, V™ . °t ?- - - Patricia Hurley at home; o K J e ra e y . WHEREAS there Is a need to The loss was the Indians' cisioned 1'aul Bucossi « Finest rabrl_ Andrew s Irene Nash oTOCe"ah Grove. 11) elfi'l 111 T'-i. 1 ora, rrvicw Uif i-iigugi^ nn Executive Director b-2. Italian-American Food A native of Poland, Mr. Beatrice Florian and Mrs. Church, Avenel. four brothers",' Edward. ' A certified check mud*- pay- 14th In 15 games this sea- 14S - Show alter, C Bike & Key Shop w LrOwcst prices oprTUtion of tin- li .M.t;,A. '<-"• able to the City of Hahway in and Secretary in order for the pin- Plugs - Switches - Specialties & Delicatessen Sarafin came to the United Caroline Carson, all of Clark Over 6,500 families road The eon. ned Mehtretter, 3:17. [he yritr 197 t, and consider the amoiinl of 10 per cent of llie lluuaint Authority of the City FREE ESTIMATE States in 1915 and settled and Mrs. Frances Kuch of plann for lit r fu turf. ut Hahway, New Jersey, to * * * 157 - Ahbruzzese, NP, 'S Cranford, and seven grand- ters. Miss Kathleen Hurley News-Record and The Patriot. totul bid mu M an com puny pro- The Wesrfieid Blue Devils pinned Creamer, 3:50. Stoves - Heat - 382-9222 in Newark. He lived in Cran- John G. Midi, 63 Dies Shoveling and Mrs. Rita O'Reilly, both That's 26,000 people reading The C'. on at i tut ion provides poMul. properly conduct Its business; BICYCLE5 tord 33 years before moving children. thut all m t-m hers* 2 1 veart. of Municipal Council reserve* and handed the hapless Rahway IcS - Muchmore, C jnn- FU 8-3311 of Bayonne, and Mrs. Harold We Cater All Occasions POWERMOWERS to Clark 14 years ago. Arrangements were com- yom jj:r JnJ older art- invited l>\ n the ri^ht to reject any or all W11 UREAS the services of Indians their 13th lose of ned Parriah, 4:25. Air Conditioners Sweeney of Monroeville, Pa. public uaiiouiKxnifou All (iieiH- inch Executive Director and Mr. Sarafin operated the pleted by the Walter J. John- Snow in Front of His Residence bids as deemed in the best the season as they led all the 178 - Geissel, L , de- All Types of Imported Window Cleaning LOCKS SAFES SHERIFF'S SALE lirrs in j; joil stand in p. are r li- llitere-it?. o( the Citv of Huliway. StMTfi:.ry are profeasoinal and Rahway Sarafin Perennial Farm at son Funeral Home, 803 Rari- fiiMe to vote. .,ii- ol such a qualitative nature way to score a 98-59 victory cisioned Tufaro, 0-0. Products STRONGBOXES SI1 PERU) H COl'HT OK iU)l)i It r tt. M.HUOF his home address, recently tan Rd.. Clark John G. Mraz, 63, of 151 Mraz; a son, John C, of H, I'. SMI I H Hii sin esM \dm inistrator j* will nut reasonably permit over Coach Jvl_i_rd Harris' Heavyweight -Hanilcu.NP, Mom's Homemade Sauce . Demarest, 73 \KW JERSKTf, LAtt DIVISION, tin. tiruwinji oi specincationa or chargers on the Rahway CUTLERY, etc. W. Inman Ave., Rahway, died Piscataway; two daughters, I'NION COUNTY. OOCkKT General Secretary pinned Krov, 5:43. »ervice Fashion Fabrics Services for Albert M. 1 lecL-ipt of competitive bids; court on Feb. 2. * * * Meatballs of an apparent heart attack Mrs. Chester Clement of NO. I.-H427-*y,J-.S-::J- -69 COM- LEGAL NOTICE Wig Shoppe INTERIOR DECORATORS Demarest, 73, of 1102 New MUNITY STATK HANK AM) PUBLIC NOTICE NOW THEREFORE, it is The Blue Devils, in win- 1537 Irving St., Sunday night while shoveling Rahway and Mrs. John Sealed bids will be received hereby resolved by the Board oi Veal & Peppers • Sausage Curtain* - Linen* - Yard Good* Paul D. Lowman. 66r Former Trustee Brunswick Ave., Rahway, TRUST COMP-VNY. a banking SUPKIUOH COliHT OK hv the HusiueHy Administrator ning their eighth straight The Cranford High School snow in front of his home. Leonard of Aurora, 111.; a rnrpormion Q.L ._C MflLH ill ___ A EH J_ilS_Y. . __ll__i LUll Commissioners of said Author- 33 WESTPJELD AVEN^iE Mr. Mra_, owner of--the brother -George Morris -of were neia _L of "the "City" of Hnhwoy onHPet- "iry-^is-follows: — Watchung Conference game, wrestlera beat the Clark COMPLETE jg^ Rahway, N.J. 1421 MA-tN-STv RAHWAY te ay Jerwey, Plaintiff vs.. H I. UN \H t) DIVISION UNION cni'NTV Mraz Amoco Service Station-Elizabeth, and two sisters, ^ - _ .. , GUPTON unA1.E O I- chase of one Aero-Li ft Model Hage WALTER SCHAFF- [SLIPCOVERS RAHWAY Rahway for 31 years. He The Thomas F. Higgins ^idge he came ro_Rahway MRS. WILLIAM TUHN_R, hia 3TH-SU or equivulent for the HAUSEK of 74 Daniel Street. afternoon contest with 21 cision in the 9H-pound m itch; 88 t. Hazelwood Ave., Rah- two grandchildren, wife, (firat name beiu£ ficti- J I way, a retired expediter for Arrangements were com- operated'the service station Sons Funeral Home, 1116 as a chUd. He was employed By virtue oi ilic ubovc-yta- I)epurtmt.in of Public Works*. Carteret, New Jersey, for a tious) and all their heirs, de- points. Mark Vernaccino, who took by Specialists! Beauty Salon led writ of rxrcuiion to ni«* di- Specifications may be se- term of five years to perform DRAPERIES NEWS Merck and Co. died Sunday pleted by Lehrer-Crabiel the last 20 years Bryant St., Rahway. com- for many years as astation- \ises and personal ri-prewt-ntu- Gerald Klnch playing his <* 12-4 decision in the 115- 1085 RARITAN ROAD the last 20 Jyears. rected I shall exposr for Malt- cured from Arnold D'Ambrosu, for the Authority the duties ary engineer by the Metal tives and their, or un\ of their best game of the season, pound class, Dean Steele, 46 K CHERRY STREET in Rahway Hospital, Rahway. Funeral Home, 275 W. Mil- Surviving are his widow, pleted arrangements. by public vnidur, ID room H-H, *riuleudeul of Public Worlcti, of Executive Director and BEDDING in the Court Hmjsr, in tin* City heirs, dev is I»H, excrulors, Secretary at an annual'com- scored 31 points, a season who won a n-3 decision in CLARK. N. J. RECORD Born in Williamson, Pa., ton Ave., Rahway. Mrs. Magdalena Jasiulewicz Thermit Co., Woodbridge, Mart Street. Htihwuy, New prior to hiss retirement in of Elizabeth, New ] t-rscv, on emissaries, grunt******, .issi^ns pensation of $13,500.00. high for a Rahway player, the 130-pound event; Frank 388-2699 Mr. Lowman lived most of or sinL'i'SNors in ri^ht, title ur CARPETS his life in Rahway" where 1966. He also worked for U'edne-aday, I IM* I"! 'lav of A certified -check made puy- 2. Such contract shall be In He made nine of his points Annese, who remained un- J. Burns Tavern, Rahway, as Murch A.D-. 1972. "i t^ tin- follow- I 'nkuoun Own«r», their heirs, be increased by the (lousing and was well on us way at9-4 score. Furoitwe Retinishing* Repairing A member of the Trinity Municijial f'onncil reserves Authority in its discretion \ Complete Travel Directory Owner, Ex .American. Legion Officer on Jan. 16_in hast Orange Qn the USS Delaware. He was devises and person"! represeu- the halfway mark, ar— 35. The deie.aL wa_ Clark's. Gtiurch^ • " — * --- -- .. _.— ... Veterans Hospital after Liui\ c^ tind llieir, or an\ of rhe riphi to--nrj-rr-t ~nuv-or n^- """ only: ~ WHEEL ALIGNMENT United a member of Rahway Poet 5 All thnl trii<-f « "YOUR SERVICE ihcir suLecbsora in ri^hl, line btds us tlrr-mvd- -in the beat $~. A copy oruns * * * fuurth in seven meets. Cran- ReuphoVslering Service Rahway, Mr. l.owman was a Anthony C. ColeUa, 49, of mer vicecommander of Rah- long illness. American Legion and die le, ly in fi an d \< ford has won six uf SERVICE Advertisements former trustee of the Rail- and interest, interests of the City of shall bc published in The OPEN 9 to 6 MON.. TUES.. 809 Nicholas PL, Rahway, way Post 5, American Leg- Born in Woodbridge, Mr. Original "Ramblers ~cTub~of t y of R ah w ay , ( ounly ROBFHT W. SCH HO F \\ alnv ;i> News-Heeord within WATCHL'NC HJN1-L1U-.NU' meets. 1850 ELIZABETH AVE. way Free Public Library ion. and Male "j tin lire |n*rc!i\ ^um imui ed CRUISES - TOURS WED. and SAT. a Jeweler, died Friday in ion. He also was a member Punko lived most of his life Rahway arc required in fn-rvf upon H11 -in ess \dministrutor 1U d;iys uf its passage. BASKETBALL STANDLNO ft Fabric Shop-at-Home Service OfEN 9 to 9 THURS., FRI. and a former commissioner Rahway Hospital, Rahway. of the legion's Forty & Eight in Rahway. He had been em- HOTELS RAHWAY His wife was the late Mrs. lJlXI.NMM. Mit^ner, \ bra ham, Orlando, Teams w of the Rahway Redevelop- ne had suffered an apparent unit and the Rahway Knights ployed by Quinn & Boden in EsVelle 'R^trrdKel^eTnarest" k.itin & Pinansky, 1' la in ti f Is' Weetfield 382-1616 Convenient parking directly In 1 *** e*» (onnt-rlv LEGAL WOTICS LEGAL NOTICE Plan Special Olympics rr,«nmenrt Authorityinrhnrirv , heart attack at home Thurs- of Columbus. Rahway until several years ^e is survived by a sister" ("harl(*s, a! n point lh»-rt-in .iltoruevs, ivKoht' adiirea^ is rear of shop in Municipal lot PUBLIC NOTICE Cranford All Domestic and Overseas He also was amember day night. He was a communicant ago, and since then was a Mrs. Adelaide Hooper of distiint 176^10 fct-i nortlu-rK , H-lO N onh U nod \ venue, I. m- Hillside CHANDLER BROS. UPHOLSTERY CO. Samuel J. Gassaway Gall 388-0600 > den. New J«"rs»"*\, an Answer to This Ordinance published herewith was introduced at a Special The nurthern New Jersey REAR ENTRANCE lor your 388-1790 of the Quarter-Century Club Born ln Newark, Mr. Co- of St. Mary's Roman Catho- bartender at several taverns rw.iln rV7vTnH^»«U^f «r_-._'.? Berkeley Heights 79 EAST MILTON AVENUE Travel Arrangements at Merck and the Merck lella lived here 13 years, lie Church, Rahway. in Union County. j hews e a a t« r 1 y Hue of K o e u i ^ P 1 a c i* the Cloiiiplaint filed in a civil meeting of the Council of the Township «.f Clark. 111 the County regional ' "Special Olym- 107 Monroe St. Rahway convenience iini i neD action, in which Dorninic Ti" Of Union, State of New Jerst-y, held Fi'tjrn.n> 7. 1972 and will be Scotch Plains gun uiui5; He conducted a jewelry shop "Surviving _r"e~hls widow, Mr. Punlco, a World War ArranVements were com fn)ni il f* -inl**rN«*olUMi witli llif pics," a program ol track., RAHWAY, N. J. 07065 nortlic-rl\ line o f ft Ii itlit-r Strr-i-i, l.arrea and Mary N. Carrea, his further considered for final passage after public luariny at a regu- CLARK .ocal - Long Distance Surviving are his widow, at 334 St. George Ave., Rah- Mrs. Anne Eckert ColeUa; II veteran, served as a tail- pieted by the Pettit Funeral w.ife und Pluintiffs und Uilliam lar meetnig of said Council of the Township of Clark tu be held RAHWAY 10 field and swimming events REPLACE formerly Rlaiirkc AVMIIIR, and for mentally retarded Mrs. Dorothy Peterson Low- way, until Jan. 1, when he a daughter, Joanne at home; gunner with an Air Force Home 371 W Milton Ave from mtiii bfpinninK point run- Turner, ut iilu, ar« dofundantH, February 22. W2 at Q.OQ P.M. SCHHDULL GLASS WATCH REPAIRS man; two sons, Paul D. Jr. became a jeweler for the and three sisters, Mrs. Ma- Unit in the Pacific Theater, ning; thrni-r ( 1) North 8 Township Clerk campus of Newark State Col- of Bowie, Md., and Howard T&W Setting Co., Union. rie Toscano of Hillside, Mrs. He was a-member of Post (,'rcen 28 minulfJt '10 ^fcoodN CLARK at RAHWAY, 3:45 A. of Arlington, Tex.; a He was a Navy veteran Sue Dietrich of Hazlet and 681, Veterans of Foreign West, und JIOIIC the ufores.ud after February 10* 197 2, exclu- ORDINANCE AMENDING A BOND ORDINANCE OF lege, I'nion, un May 2u. Ap- sive of such date. If yon fail THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARK. IN THE COUNTY OF p.m. Beauty daughter ^rs. Elaine P. of World War II and a for- Mrs. Josephine Caggiano of Wars, and a communicant i-usterly line of Kocnin Phuc, proximately 5U0 aru ex- ELETRIC CO. u distiincc of 46.00 ft* ft to ,i lo do »o, judgment by defau It UNION. NEW JERSEY. Scotch Plains at Berkeley BEAUTY FO«EVERY WOMEN Rahway. of St. Mark's Roman Catho- ¥ pected to compete. E >,;•(••' R.o;-••:]'y.- point; thenco ( 2) North 8 1 dr- may bt: rendered againul you BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OF THE. Heights, 8 p.m. CASUAL OK HIGH ST YL E lic Church, Rahway. for the [elie.f demauded in the TOWNSHIP OF CLARK. IN THE COUNTY OF UiNION. NEW' "Watts My Line' 1 Secretaries—Typists pr i*r s .11 m in U t r.-s 10 s er on d s . rin A^ Jc,we-r/ ' Surviving are his widow, Henry T. Dollberg, 70 f^ust, a I rifzlit tin u It's, to tli<- Complaint. You shall file your JERSEY 'not less than two-thirds uf all the members thereof C. L of 1Ct46 Answer and proof Qf service in affirmatively concurring'. AS FOLLOWS: Mr6, Marie Salvia Punko; Colonia Dr., Rah- aforfMiiid rusiirlv lint* i>( k•'«•"- wav Section 1. The ordinance of The Township of Clark, in the Electrical ,« », A. Lawrence 60, Michael, of Edi- > ^ed Friday. Jan. 7, nig Plutre and nlon^ u liof uf duplicate with ilie Clerk, of the Merck Blue, Buzzards. Rodney's, FURNITURE TOPS GOLDBLATTS rwoe Superior Court, State H outie County of Union. New Jersey, heretofore adopted on March 23rd, St CUSTOM MIRRORS of 145 W. Second Ave., Ro- Rahway in Overlook Hospital, Sum- lund now or formerly of Charles RESIDENTIAL GLASS & SCREEN REPAIRS Contractors Storage 8on and RonQld of Lukocui^a a dismniT of 100.00 •\nnex, Trenton, New J ersey, 1070. entitled "Bond ordinance appropriating $b00.000. and author- JEWELERS seUe? died Saturday in Mem- a stepbrother, Stephen S-zlin- mlt. in accordance with the rul en izing the issuance of $600,00U bonds 01 notes of ihu Township, for While You Wait! Born ln fret to it point in a line of land Cu,,in0 various improvements or purposes auUiorued to be undertaken by PORCH ENCLOSURES JAL0USIE5 RAHWAVS 9LDEST , orlai General Hospital, sky of Metuchen; three sis- Germany, Mr. now or formerly of Pmil \s- of civil pruciire nnd procedure. Kimberlev Clark league Victors P «rmon« We replace nil types ot the Township of Clark, in the County of Union. New Jersey." is STORE FRONT REPAIRS FU 8-2128 FREE ESTIMATES . . , has immediate openings for full-time Union. terSj Mrs# julia Dubuskiand DoUberg was brought to New- [ii on dit, ft u x ; ihfiiff ( 1) Sou ill The action has been insti- Tinting / lenses, too! ., ESTABLISHED JEWELER ark aa a tuted lo quii-l the title of |)umi- hereby amended to the extent and wiUi the eiTect that Section 3 Merck Blue, CYRC Buz- top scorer ut the Jaycees employees in the folfowing positions; A native of Pottsville, Pa., Mrs veronica Varao both child. He moved ro U d <: g rtt «.• H 2G minutrs ;(U HCC- thereof shall read aa follows: DOORS Just bring in the pieces of DIAMONDS Mr, . ,Lawrenc «.™™e H™livedH *-in DRo« -Qf -Woodbridge> an$ *Mre> Rahway 10 years ago. on ilsi r' a M jut rail v\ with the nii V. Carrea and Marv N. Hotr bt'apin AUMIMM STORM WINDOWS House & Industrial zards Rodney'a and Kim- with 21. your broken glasses selle most of his life. Mr ufurfsiaid oaMlt-rly lint- of K"r- Carrea, his Wife to certain •Section 3. The improvements hereby authorized and. (J, Coloring WATCHES McColley Bros, Becty Ely of the shore area - Dollberg retired six lands und premise** knoisn us the several purposes for the financing of which said h_r?v-Cl_rk. were theafecond CYRC Buzzards took a Wiring veara a Q aa a nifi Plurr and nlong iht* .iforf- • A 11.,11 I'i'-i of n •*•;,!;tY • SECRETARIES: Mr. Lawrence was a sheet- and four grandchildren. 8 maintenance a portion of Lot 53 upon a cer- obligations are to bis issued, the appropriation made round" opening night wipers 14-4 lead in the first period HAIR bITLING metal worker. man for che saidliiiL- of luiid now or for- for and estimated cost of each such purpose, und the L the Rahway Recreation and never trailed as they Robt. E. Brunner 388-1667 The Corey & Corey Anheuser-Busch mi'rly of Paul Asmondn, **t u\, ium map entitled "Map of P. O. Box 575 - MOVERS - Positions open for both experienced Sec- He was a member of the Belonging to estimated maximum amount of bonds or notes to be Department's Men's City scored a 45-27 victory over Funeral Home, 259 Elm Brewing Co., Newark. He a diHtune** of .16.00 f«*'l 1" u Issued for eueh uueh purpose, are respectively fts fol- Prop. Mory Wolnn (L Ma. 84 E- CHERRY,IT , retaries and recent grads. Good steno and Woodbridge Ellts. Ave., Rahway, completed ar- Prfviously worked for P. point; th«nct- (4) South 8 1 Je- Turner, (Hahwav PorO, Basketball League compe- the UAW Local 736. Walk Rahway, New Jersey l lows: CRANFORD 388-3014 Among his survivors is ^rtrt'M 3 I minut«*a 30 New Jersey, IH69" 1743 St. G»org< R onway and typing skills required. rangements. Ballandne Si Sons, Newark. Appropriation, tition last week in Rahway Wilke with 22 points was TOMS RIVER ., • , , RAHWAY a brother. William.' , . Skttai uiiriilltil wiUi ike mWSchobl1. ' the leading—see-rer- ~ of- *he- Lilcd in 'he L!ni_n L*m»ti Estimated 561-05S51 189 W,-Mai^St^ Rakway,, KLJL Surviving _are._his_ widow, oonrtiu of thin il<:ncriplion und Clcrlt'a Oftict: June 2, Ifl70 - Cost Aiid,— L the most exciting game, game. Don Richie e 8 points Mrs. Marlon Springer DoU- iilouy anolin*r line of land now and now filed in the L nion Estimated fought -off TYPISTS; . Men & Women 17-82 bergj a eon, Henry T. Jr. or formerly of Ch»rles L» K.OP- County HegiHter*H Office it?* m puriud- Of Warren Townslhlrt- n nic a diHtnnce of 100.00 fpel Mnp tfl49 B, 'miid propt-rty & Boden in the last - TRMN-N9W-F0R- --- """To Amount of co score a 60-55 vie- vided Merck Blue with a No experience necessary, liut a reason- ski, 42, of 44 point in iht* caN ondirn tory The winners were in 50-40 victory over their ri- Ted's Pizzeria RAHWAY CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS man of Clark; two brothers of Kornifl Placo and the place Mup und u\uo known us IMPROVEMENT Oil PURPOSE Notes of Rahway ably good typing sUTU is required. H 3S F.ust Milton Avrnue, R ah- (a) Acquisition, by purchase or condemnation, for use front 41-32, at the start of vale, Merck Green. Green CITY . STATE . FEDERAL of nKCINNINC- wtiy. New Jrrney. \ou are 1501 Main St. No HI oh School N»c#»»ary HKINCi premiers cotninon ly ua a site for a public swimming pool, of those lands lo- the final period when the was in front, 21-18, at the Floor & Bedding made a defendant DCCIIUUC you cnted ln the Township on the southerly side of Oak NEWS Brunswick, after a long ill- Mrs. Catherine Schmidt & at* No. 39 1 koenic Founded 1928 e chmidt in 1Muc appear on record un un owner Ridge Rond between Woodland Road and the Clark-Edl- i & BoUen—team, -led- halfway mark. Then Bruce r Piombing and 388-0318— ", • • Excellent -starting salaries. Wide range of 3?' . „.. . . • .t North Carolina,—andsrs - twlwpo p» ntUiwny, N^W jrrHcy, . oi-IpoKjilblo "owh&i: of "mi "intt:^- san~^0TOTfttry7~^cmti«i^E~Ti^ i bv Mike Dawra, Vlnce Wlt_el with four baskets and Born in Elizabeth, "Mrs. jrrandsonfl '••* **- — — -The fOrr-pomp--rf™cripiioti Open TW*. 'til' 9 iM tlr wln in being L^ot i in Block No. 4 ns shown on the Official Thauer and -Xurt Wallace George Wilke led an 18- Repairs, Alterations benefits, include a TUITION REFUND PLAN. l » »*-rordiinc« willi II «'st in Maid property or us tm 5 Floors of Furniture Brezinski lived there and Ar»-inrr*»*m^nra tiro-« ^«™ d il heir of un owner of on interest Mny of the Township DUlled back into the game, point period to give Merck Romodoling Poil Office Cusfom $250,000 C vil Encineprs and surveyors, in Huid property, wtlli ihe in- Ron Ziazid scored 11 points Blue ite first victory of the Try Our rime ic FLOORS For an interview, please visit our Employment u. s. ci-*» Pollc. in Linden before moving to plotS bv Z wL«r? S" tb> Construction on the lands described above 1n 215 Afield A»«ue, Klix..- terestH of tht- Pluinttff» not paragraph (at of this Section 3. of o public awtmmlng ln the last half, Doug Barr had 14 for LINOLEUM CARPETS Furniture - EtliBoti, Bureau any time between 8 A.M. and 2:30 T-maoK,,^ r^r^ ,,^n^« „ pit.H_a oy cne waiter J. John- paracraph ] JLuUahye.- ChUdcxatt.JJl_C___j MdHHd Jamesburg two years ago. Funera^ -Clar-l Homek , 803 Ra- —t__vt_aaUi_acLQrily_rcaa_y_i» ppool . »ith pumping *m<>rinK p, neriod to clinch the victory. The ureen.-vmzertfll_cd-22- onB Pizza |ob will I* pre- Ntfiss Susan Brezinski 01 so n FURNITURE - BEDDING PROMPT. EFFICIENT Bicycles - RoUfcLBt Si n«i 22. I96B. ncc-ordinc to the rc-cortn« for Gowm- Clark; a brother, Robert athletic, recreational and plnyKround facilities, mid all Columbia REAL There in ilu«.- Union County, New Jersey, 23 DOints. TomSchirmcrhad The final standing of the D ^rectory nunt EwoniK. Smith of tlie Army at Fort Dandtie Instructlod GlveM structuree and appurtenances necessary or desirable for SERVICE $094-37 •"><< co»i«- and a quuution arising during the construction of such nwtmmlJtia pool facility, and all -Tntm Mr.KVnna 11L fl-St half foUows; Sldepmastcr, Scrta, rhe rifI onid period, the purpowo being Wrlt*t (Inctud* Pttoti* No.) Dbc; a sister, Mrs. Claire ^'« re«=rve8 the work mid materials necessary therefor or incidental 1RF the™ winners^ while TEAM W 17 Simmons - to quiet said title und deter- L H B tUreBaS NATIONAL TRAINING ther., Mrs. Elizabeth Smlrft is conducted for HALPH omscELi.o mlnlttg the owntr-io " be ihti •^550.000" wlnnera;- while Rodney-fl 6——. 381-6665 Colony ^ Our Byword" Plninliffs in this mutter* 18 and Wallace, 67 WESTFIELD AVE. 0W1T? ! Total ——:_ The 213 Washington St., Newark, N.J. 1 20 days after" CLARK pleted by the Walter J. John- ^^^S® ^2¥ ??? nj& nNn cl--*3*os first p as ptcivided \xy"~ eon Funeral ~" "' "* "" " JLr~Li I>Qcnl Bond Law of Nfrw Jersey. Rahway FU 1-6889 Cal -AT-NO-OBLIGAT-ION- Corner of Grand Ave. Dwayne Clfuee-led the win- ners While Steve Brown wad •V'*" "—'"


TRINITY UNITED Z1ON LUTHERAN Sunday School classes con- METHODIST vene at 10:55 a.m; t children stall Rahway Clark and young students to the age t'. "Our Lenten Journey'*will 1 be the sermon topic of theof 20 are welcome to attend. \f I Race Relations Sunday Nursery is provided for chil- V h 3e observed at the ser- Rev. Joseph D. Kucharik at dren to the age of three. visor "SECOND BAPTIST ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL the 10:30 a.m. service on - \ vice on Sunday at 11 a.m. Wednesday services are held J ':'••: Rahway Other officers are: Worthy Rahway The Children's Choir will Sunday. Sunday School clas- at 8 p.m; child carets pro- Miss Sally Jean Rice, dau- "If Life Caves in. Then ses and adult Bible hour enter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale associate advisor, M iss Bon- Last Sunday after the reharse at 8:45 a.m., Church vided for children to the age %f Rice Sr. of 1143 fclm nie Marbach, Chant\, Miss What?" is the sermon sche- Ihe School classes will meet at will be at 9:15 a.m. of twelve. Lynn Davis, Hope, Miss Joy duled to be delivered by Rev. hpiphany will be The Lenten season will be NEW JERSEY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER EST. 1822 Ter Rahway, was installed with ^oral^iicharist atS^LS 9:30 a.m. and the coffee and A radio series, "The Truth Faith, Miss James W. haley, pastor, at fellowship hour will begin at observed at Zion In the tra- as worthy advisor of Adrienne Christopher; the 11 a.m. Sunda\ service. that Heals," may be he'ard chaplain. Miss 1 10:30 a.m. ditional manner with mid- Assembly No. 68, Order of Nancv Cannon Sunday School meets ai ^:3U nie " Prayer at 10:30 a.m. week services each Wednes- every Sunday morning over Rainbow for Girls, Rain 6 Mo^berg, drill ltad- On Ash Wednesday, Holy The Young Adult Fellow- stations WERA, Plalnfield, Miss liobt-tu- Walton, a.m. day at 7:30 p.m. These ser- 15 CENTS 1 offered ship will gather at 4:30 p.m., at 8:15 and WVNY, Newark senior ai Kah*a\ High The Flower v. lul will hold I ucharlst will be vices will feature a serial RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1972 in the chapel at 7a.m. and the Junior Youth Fellowship at °:45. The tide of this Car Dealers Set ni- its annual Valentine U-a on reading of our Lord's suf- Sunday ar 4 p.m. at 10 a.m. and in theat 5 p.m. and the Methodist fering, and a series of film week's program Is "Short VOLUME 150, NO- 7 church at 8 p.m. Youth Fellowship at 7 p.m.strips, "Journey to Joy."of Cash? Is More Money Up Scholarships OSCLOLA I'lU bl>\ 1 HUA\ Blessed ashes, obtained Other evening scheduled The Lenten season will begin Really the Answer?" Clark are: Today, 7;45 p.m., choir Three annual tool sc from palm branches, will be on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 10. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN I'he Rev. Ruben lUabChke, distributed after all services rehearsal, 8 p.m.. Women's Rahway arships valued at >1 ,uw missionary io Daliome>, on Ash Wednesday in reSociet- y of ChristianService; FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST were v o t e d to he give r. West Africa, \* hu is on fur- Saturday, ° a.m. to 1 p.m., SCIENTIST 1 membrance of the Biblical ' 'Be What You Are" will be deserving s!io[, siuderiis lough and living nu ranforu , truth thai all men are made paper drive, church parking R ah w a y Arthur L. Johnson Reg)-. the sermon subject of the "flirt 11 °/ will present the message at oi dust and to dust they shall lot; 7:30 p.m., Valentine Rev. Robert C. Powley on High School, t Urlt, h\ the °:30 and 11 a .m . services return. Dance of Young Adult Fellow- What is che nature of the 1'nion { ount\ Auiuni M KWAKD...lr bt. Sunday at 10 a.m. of worship on Sunda> . Since St. M ary's Guild will spon- ship, Asbury Hall; Tuesday, joy that lasts? Dealers Association. rl's best irit-nd. At K-asi t>nu the sanctuar> is in the \i~u- 8 p.m., Administrative An answer to this ques- Seminar Series No. 3 of ri'ii SL ji'laiu sor a Pancake Supper un the Church Leaning Program 1-avorabK- JCIKT. Ka ce-ss of being renu-deled, Board; Wednesday, 7 a.m.tion will be brought out at !;ju 1 ea riH-d Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 15. will meet on Sunday at 8:45 r eco m m e nde c \ w. e , l.M. services vyin_ be lield in 'u ° p.m., Ash Wednesday Churches of Christ, Scien- last year of Police Chief t. • i There will be two seatings. a.m. Child Care and Church An Increase of 10.1% in board of trustees tn ;• VSlll , •, I'l^.l"(li he-llowship Hall. tist. Sunday in a Bible les- one year in the number of Herbert Kinch, said the num- t-rl - < -utt t-L»^ k W. " The Adulr wr.rk Cr.mmit- one- ar 3-"3O and the other observance, Commuters School classes will meet as dent L. J. "Pete* .U f--3u p.m. Tickets are Chapel; 1 hursday, I-eb. 17.-suii-fierjaian^niiiiecL''Soul., " —trstrai. Junior high grades will crimes committed in Rah- ber of crimes reported in ar.d Benjamin Mtlana, • V eu rail i .ill tec moots JI tlit; ci.-rch on ni the city last year was 1,228 priced at $L50 for adults < •*$ P- - choir rehearsal; Kveryone is invited to at- meet in Conference Room 11 way was reported by Direc- man of the scholarship Monday at R r.m. M 1 Board ot tor of Police John J. Hummel as compared to 1,115 during also said the section by the mayor that the city And $1 for children. P-" - Trustees. tend services at First Church and theNlnth Grade Confirm- -Fifth. Councilman -was- planning-some measures, niittee. I'hcrtr will be a im. ation C-las& will gather on the to Mayur Daniel L. Marun the previous year. Re- Cub Pack 88 to Hear FIRST BAPTIS I ol" Christ, Scientist at 830 A tot^l of 239 crimes were Peter M. Donovan, a chat affect flooding was so but It was not necessary to — rnn flnnr nf rhp r.nmmnnlrv rKTnicipal Council. publican, and the adminis- institute the—moratorium, .it •ZIUN LrntT tration of Mayor Daniel L. broad as to inclu~de~ many AA. 1'hey bejiin at 11 a.m. House. Director Director Hummel stated. _wtnr.p work flp flood laws Rahwav been acting chief of police r^-^ p i oppe i Lie a—n*«—p^aliv—in- Rahwav, and ast e-tne«—the—rettr-emettt late Director Hummel listed „ MI ilnr-Mxradav d would progress without pass- of the gro^j. . -arty" will be the sermon Services will be conducted the crimes committed in Trreetrng of-the— tended to come under the The scholarships animal subject of the Rev. Orrln T. 3y the Rev. Walter J. Maier 1970 and 1971 as follows-. in City Hall over a law to if there was any o rdinance^ awarded b\ rcconin the Annual Hardgrove at die s):45 a.m.3n Sunday at S and 11 a.m. Murder, 1970, none; 1971, ban construction for one year flood plan being considered Residents of the Fourth ul Henr> ; ias scl. co^ Dinner 6f service on Sunday. Ctiurch one; manslaughter by negli- Ward complained that the Last bunda> Alter Church School classes will in die city in flood plains. to be prepared during the i fi'lllf H*1 M prinrannn sunday 2 classes will meet at meet at 9jl5 a.m. CARRY OUT gence, three, two; forcible Mr, Donovan's proposed one-year moratorium which, Tneaetii^e would curtail build- atur at the rplphany onSiindaywuh Holy 11 a.m. A nursery will be War Veteran Parents classes will meet FOOD SHOPPE xcessi rape, three, five; robbery, -ar-dlnflnc£L_wafl defeated 5-2 he said, wae the purpose of ing on the banks or the Rah- and acied ^ ommuruon at a\ ailable during the worship today at 8 p.m. The Pro- 57, 53; aggravated assault, In a bipartisan vote, with instituting the stoppage" of analv Service (Continued on~Page~~4) perty Committee work night 40, 29; residence burglary, Mr. Donovan and Third Ward construction. He was told claSSe> tiler events scheduled 18o, 233; non-residence bur- Mu rning i i will be tomorrow. Councilman Richard J.Voynlk oday, S;15 p.m., choir Senior High Happening will Twenty-nine Rahway resi- glary, 154, 162, larceny, its supporters. Both are Re- i til I I over $200 in value, 45, 49; arshif s a? (<_. viio • -rac rehearsal, tomorrow ( 7 p.m ., have a progressive dinner dents have filed suit in publicans. Those voting canons in car Utralt-i"» v HI Shrove Hu> S^UUr Truup fab,Monda y , larceny, $50 to $200 in val- , the .AJtar and sleep-over during ihe Superior Court, Elizabeth, against the measure were: vicc departments. Miss Sally Rice iii>on, Delta Alpha Class lun- weekend. against the City of Rahway ue, 113-143; larceny, under First Ward Councilman J. l> ' onifurie r cheon, Wednesday I j,.m. Good Food For Good Health $50 in value, 205, 235; auto Milton Crans, Councilmen- annual buftei The Church Council meet- because the Municipal Coun- theft, 199, 206; other as- , and Karen Scar- Hoard vif Deaconesses. ing will be Monday ar 7:30 B3 WESTFIELD AVE. CLARK. N. J. cil approved "excessive" as- at-large Francis R.Senkow- ours are 5 to saults, 110, 100. sky and Wilson D. Beau- Feb. 15 Proclaimed accomparued b\ .* er Nl 1LDML "HOU1S 1I p.m. opp. American Legion Hell » Parltlw^ In R^qr sessments against the pro- lays tlie pKiiv , perty owners for road and Nineteen of the residence regard, Fourth Ward Coun- ot fond. [ lckelS Rahway cilman Dr. Adam T. Mc- K>r adults and $1 Kev. Kenneth sewerage improvements burglaries and seven of the non- residence burglaries AT THE WESTERN WALL...Zev Chaim Rubenstein, left, chants portions of the Torah at Daniel, who was president Abraham Clark Day dren under f AusienbVrg will preach on along Bramhall and Dukes the Western Wall in Jerusalem where his Bar Mitzvah was held on Jan. 3. His father, pro ternpore for the meeting, tf Care" at che Roada. were solved by arrests last The proclamation • re- Republic in various capaci- The public la 11 year, the police director rabbi Jacob Rubenstein, center, of Temple Beth Torah, Railway, looks on. all Democrats, and Second claiming Feb. 15 Abraham ties until he died in 1 7^4. and kett> may be obtained b\ a.m. service on Sunday. The residents, who own property along the two said. Twelve robbery cases, (Another Photograph on Page- 5) —. Ward Councilman James R. C lark Day in the fowmihip Whcrc^, knuwliid^L of his Women of State calling 3S2-3ct.i5 ur 3hb-3025 Church School classes will and 43 larceny cases and 17 Pickeris, a Rspublicaiy, contains some lnlurnuuun basic character and j ublic Ash Wednesday, Feb. !<•,be at ^:4u a.m. The United streets, also obtained a court order, answerable March 1 auto theft cases were solved Council President CharleB un the Uie vi Abraham CUrlt rc\:urd ^.ruvides a worrh- \K ill bt. obsex'ved wiili 1 lolv \uuili Fellowship will meet by arrests, accoring to the and is published herewith. w,hile U-sboii u.< y. ii, "div ear communion at 7 and ltia.tr.., ar 7 p.m, before Superior Court Judge E, Crowell and Sixth Ward and i vensong andLiuua^ will: A communion service will Walter L. Hetfield 3rd, di- report. . Council woman Esther For- Normally proclamations are Secret nt success 1> OTI- l not published in their en- Miss Barbara urran ot Addl"eSS at S j .Ml. There ^lll tx held in the Fellowship recting the city io ehow why Other arrests were; Neg- sythe were hospitalized. stanc y ro pu rpose; " anu trl.T. tirety. -- T ditor. Whereas, in lso-4 the ter-We^tlield, formcrU of Clark, be a i>*_ lal hou r l llt ^ ing tfu Hall on Ash Wednesday at a trial date should not be set. iigent manslaughter, two, t- Because of the concern ritory of Clark township was die first woman tu be named service in Ui under- s p.m. The informal service I'he plaintiffs are John and forcible rape, three; other expressed by many citizens executive director of the Ne^ 1 \ e IP. j • Helen Hopkins of 92 Cornell While in Jerusalem, a sac- Whereas, the f ionorabk* named and dedicated as a cr Fins sch.e dule v. ill IK- at the beginning of the Len- assaults, 110. By the outer wall of the Chaim, 13, conducted the en- at Monday night's meeting, FIREFIGHTERS GET PROMOTIONS... Donald Higbee, left, Jerse> Republic an State Com- WHS • r d i r; a t n i ten season will include tile Avenue, Walter and Dorothy red spot for three of the Abraham Clark , signer ol living memorial in the im-m - ke 'JL h. Wedr.t. .-v\d\ in 1 elH . Director Hummel noted Second Temple in Jerusa- tire service. the mayor announced yester- was advanced from captain to deputy chief and Edward ury and ueeds ot Abratum miLCee, spoke about "Women :i; eal- e rs 1 iu i"i a^. I> l" first ot a series of Simons Wood uf 163 Dukes Road, that the 1,228 crimes listed worlds religions, Christian- the Declaration uf Indepen- fHlAN lem, commonly referred to The rite was the highlight day that a special adminis- O'Connor, center, was given the job of captain that Mr. in Politics" at tile M id- dent Nixl n'.-; carnj in I'Ki M1V b\ rhe Rev. Austenberg on William and Jane Zite of 141 dence from New JcrsL'V. was Clark, N for 1971 were those reported as the Western Wall, Zev of the pilgrim mage, and a ity, Judaism and Islam, Rabbi trative public hearing will Higbee is vacating. Presenting the men with hats which Winter Kepubhcan Wumcn'b ,' ew J e r s o y .. n d HC: Kahv. • rWno Is This Jesus?" " " Dukes Ruad, Francis and born Feb. 15, 172o, and Now, therein r<- , be it n- to the State Police under the Chaim Rubenstein, son of reception was conducted after Rubenstein and his son were be held next Thursday, Feb. have rank titles on them is fire chief George G. Link. (Story i onterence on l'uesda\ in v. am; JI>;I. Jh>i>i .iin Olga Pingor of 127 Dukes Uniform C rime Reporting Whereas, 2uv >ears agu, sulved thai 1 : lu- Iwelvt- will meet to- Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob Rub- it at the Hotel Holy Land asked to help conduct mem- 25, at 8 p.m. in the council on page 3.) the' hursgate Countrv Clul>- i J( I state ct. J! r:: .ui KL-V. >\ : v- !•. .i : d l^ . Road, Lester and Audrey System. enstein, conducted his Bar in Jerusalem. -on- Serir. _2n, 1722T Abrnimii' rrn^ night at the par- And that orial services and the rite chambers of city hall to dis- i.he v ahili lor (..• >vy L 11 Sixth-eight violations of Mitzvah ceremonies. Later the same day, Jan. oi rekindling the eternal light cuss measures to alleviate A no flier speaker on th Ml 1 ^f ' . 1 ' i"eV 1 usl>, a pastorate u. Pa.'li, Ta., Pred~and 'Buxbara^herjevtrrt the—rta-rcotie -atid -drrug—htws- cided as a patriot, resigned claim I-eb. 1 5, W72, v. ill i .reach hit fnul ser- of 50 John Place. Trre-suc-retl-pl^ee- fo ^Je^e Abraham Clark lias, program was William I- M I'LL- Ul. 1 !1 1OKAH were among the 361 other is the last vestige of the a Bar Mitzvah certificate at the Yad Va-Shem Mem- as Sheriff ol" Essex Cuumy, _ the j ident ot rhe Stale mon in the church on Minda\ IIUUI^. City administrative offi- a secure royal appointment, lie n further resolved that Dowd, a lornier staff as is yours in L^ ho Mrs. Alfred Forte of 894 crimes reported last year, Second Temple begun in 516 and a Bar Mitzvah medal by orial, Jerusalem, built in rant to President Richard A furniei" ai 11 a.m. His subject v-ill cials will be present to dis- because the Royal Council ot ail churches^ s hojiil^j asso- editor oi W. Inman Avenue, Lewis and the police director pointed B.C. and destroyed by the the Israeli government in remembrance of the 0,000, M, Nixun. He discussed the t be "Ud's Neu I lung." 1 lie cuss what che city is doing the Governor passed an act rib, buainesseti, and the Rabbi Jacob Rubenstein Catherine Ueidlicker of 89 out. He listed the other Part Romans in the first century a ceremony held at the of- 000 Jews killed by the Nazis •'\'oung People and tile NLXOI, Miss Curran was a partner bac ramt'nt of the Lord's Sup- (even before you select the Gar) about flooding and what can rescinding land tide rights muruciijal government of will |;reach the sermon and Dukes Road, William and _ II ClaBS offenses as follows^ A.O. fices of the ministryoftour-^ Administration." in a publishers firm whicli per will be observed and new during World War II. be done. of those who were no[ nat- C lark, [ ruvide apt mj riate conduct the services tomur- Maureen Kurtz of 497 Bram- Forgery and counterfeiting, Zev Chaim chanted port- lam. "We hope to explore posi- portraits provides an Miss Cu r ran turiuerl> wat- j ubli l-ed industrial .nid corr.- members will be received. orv. AI S;3U p.m. Hazzan hall Road, William and Mir- seven; embezzlement ana "The worLffs most beauti- ural-born subjects ul the Comnu-lli rJIloi: nt Lis deeds Dirth Date ions of the Torah, the five tive measures that will be gorlcal interpretation of the editor of The Rahwa\ News- inuiu newspapers h>r toui The Church School clas- iam Johnston of 487 Bram- ful medal"(and the world's Crown; and which have uuLlasLcd his lite. ses and Adult Seminar group bolwm m Sternberg will chant frauds, 18; stolen property, books of Moses in the Old workable, so Rahwdy's reel- victory and the peace which years.. She alsu \>- L-xper- the Diving Liturgy. Uneg hall Road, George and Helen including buying, nine; wea- Testament, during the morn- largest an« heaviest silver Whereas, this act placed lenced in news writing and will meet on Sunday ai °-:3u can be free from the coin are the latest additions followed. Shabbofa after the services. How Long Then Driza of 137 Dukes Road, pons possession, 13; sex of- ing service, reading from a Mr. Clark in the role of the announcing for radio and tele- a.m. Crib room care will be Home Phone flooding every cime to the National State Bank's The central motif un the leading, outspoken patriot of Other services scheduled Albert M artin of 95 Cornell fenses, seven; family and text that contains no musical ,'" the mayor stated. reverse depicts rwomcinted vision stations. available from o:l5 a.m, to Avenue. display of limited issue med- Essex County; and 12:15 p.m. A nurser\ v\ ill arc-: Saturday, 8:3o a.m., children, 16; liquor laws, Instructions. School Unbeknownst to the mayor horsemen galloping into ac- She is a candidate fur a law junior congregation at 10:30 HOW Long Salary Joseph Tenneben of 76 six; drunkeness, 38; dis- als, coins and ingots at the Whereas, because of this degree- at~-S-enjn Hall l;m- bf available JI 11 a.m. During the ceremony, a 1970 Census figures from and his administration, the bank's silver center in the tion, urged on by the winged leading action, Clark was a.m.; bunday, 8: 30 d.ni.; Mon- Princeton Avenue, Frank and orderly conduct, 98; driving pries;, a decendant of Aaron, The Rahway Board of Ldu- Rahway Citizens for Flood figure of Victory which flies Versiry School of Law, New- (.'Cher events scheduled du>, ~ a.m.; Thursday, l-'eb. Employs! I Mildred Lech of 54 Richmond while intoxicated, 33, other cation decided at Monday receiving benefits under the Rahway office, 1420 Irving elected to the second New ark. are: Monda\, 7;ju p.m.. i annual Salary blessed the congregation. In program, it was pointed out Control placed an advertise- Street. between them. The border Jersey Provincial Congress 1", 7" J .m . Terrace, George and Elsie offenses, 48. the United States, this bless- night's meeting in Roosevelt ment in The News-Record composition represents the Hoard of I rustees, Wt.-dne>- I liu Ruligiuus ^clmul will Wolf of 222 Ridgedale Ave- "The total value of all School to delay acceptance til at children who did not Both the Waterloo Medal which convened in Burlington Our ads go tu local people day, S i .rn., HibK- stud\ , ing is given only four times need the benefits of the pre- requesting such a meeting, mythological battle of the liave sessions on Sundays, Pjymen! nue, and Leonard and Ruth of an additional $16r599 in and the 20 Balboas coin from June 10, 1770; and Thursday, 1 eb. 17, 7;3o | .ni., property reported stolen a year: At Hasuover, Pente- school and summer school prior to the administration & giants in their assault on and nearness moans results! Iuesda\s and Thursdays. Sklar of 477 Bramhall Road. during 1971 amounted to cost, Tabernacles and Rosh Title I funds until the board announcement. the Republic of Panama were Heaven. Nineteen giants are Whereas, on June 21, 1770, Board of Peacons. According to the suit, the has more complete informa- programs would be eligible struck from sterling silver bcifvg-- th-a-t- M-is—Clar-k loved— $368,619," Director Hum- Ha-Shanah, for enrollment because they shown. They refer to the 19 Council on Feb. _I0^ 19o5. mel said. ."The value of all in lsxaei, this. tlon about ^requirements to Acrimonius debate and con- under the auspices of the years of war between the his country, and wishing to adopted a bonding ordinance recovered property amoun- be met by pupus~in~o"rder"to _fnalnn anrrniinrifd (11 RCUBfllon Franklin Mint/ the world's adhere to her in the darkest blessing is given every Sat- Mr. LuKocco moved that of the ordinance, with resi- largest private mint. Oilier Ci editor authorizing $85,000 in muni- ted to $182,015." urday and daily at the sacred attend pre-school and sum- hour of her struggle against mer school programs. the matter be tabled until dents of the RCFC insisting The Waterloo Medal was Each specimen in the limi- oppression, he volunteered cipal improvements, consist- The police director stated wall to which Jews were de- ted edition is edgemarked. ing of concrete curbs, storm the department conducted nied access by the Jordanian The board voted, 8-1, to definite information about the the ordinance should be created more than 100 years ro accept the dangerous as- requirements is obtained by adopted ae a move in the ago by the great Italian with its own serial number signment of delegate to the sewer extensions, paving and 5,338 investigations during government from 1948 to table a motion to authorize and is accompanied by a resurfacing, along Bramhall 1971 as compared with 5,250 acceptance of the additional die board. He suggested that direction of etoppong land- medalist, Benedetto Pis- Continental Congress and ail children who need the fill in the flood plains of certificate of authenticity. and Dukes Roads. The project in 1970. The wall was the center money for the 1971-72 school trucci, who also created the In addition to the Welling- Whereas, on July 4 177o, was described as a joint Desk officers at police year, which ends June 3U. benefits of the programs the Rahway River and its "St. George and the Dragon" he voted for ihe effort of the city and the of rejoicing in 1967 after should be involved. tributaries. design for British coinage. ton Medal and the Pana- of Independence; and hSl K\',\NC1 ...Acting Mayur 1 headquarters received the Six Day W.\r in which The additional sum would manian 20 Balboas coin, !'A 1 H Township of Woodbridge. 14,377 telephone calls in have increased the Title I Mrs. Stephanie Cedervall Pistrucci designed and other custom-minced coins Whereas, he served the A\« r .Ian. (' the proc lamation ol Date Israel defeated the combined of 521 Central Avenue, RCFC created the Waterloo Medal ! ill- HS ol applicant On Jan. 10 the Cauncdl 197 money received by the board available at the National ^ lark 4t.lup un 1-cb. IX Ihe signer M ACH TNTS I and rilfiparr.hftd radio -forces of hex Arab neighbors Mayor Criticizes secretary and publicist, made to commemorate Welling- tL-in.k-ncv us th<- naniL ^ lark adopted a resolution affirm- car patrol units as the re- and reclaimed the section of to $79,029 for the"year. State Bank's silver center ing assessments on proper- sult of 12,938 of the calls, Louis G. Boch voted an impassioned plea for pass- ton's great victory over in Rahway include United S 75 Q ' TKU^T Jerusalem in which the wall age of the measure, saying Napoleon in 1815. Because ties benefitting from the im- die director said. He added is located. against tabling the matter. School Board's States Olympic Team com- Christian Scionco WE Will REBUILD ANY MODEL 19 and up provements. The resolution that 5,425 of the patrols dis- Voting to table rhe motion ' the people who should help the original dyes were ac- D Rabbi Rubenstein and ^Tus the most are doing the ••mcmoratlV'e—medalt^—per^p — Readlrig Roorh -ft—r .-CS3- hdw-ere—eenr^to gTVe" "others from R~a~rivray—on tht;—— tually considered too val- foot on Bramhall Road and assistance to individual re- president; Lawrence L. ^ geTSfafeme n! least." She was referring to uable to harden, the medal sonal Zodiac medals embed- special pilgrimage to the the majority of councilmen was never struck from the ded in sparkling lucite, and Just f,|l ,n this SETCO -ZIP' application form tor a $21.70 a front foot on Dukes sidents. Holy Lands watched as Zev Pratt, vice president, James 12 noon to 4 p. m. who were opposed to the original dyes; — - more coins, medals money-m-advance new-ca. loan ,n 24 hours It s that fast Road. F. Kernan, Joseph L. Keefc, Mayor Daniel L. Martin andingots. Daily of Rahway this week criti- ordinance because, they felt, The sterling silver medal and that easy Then walk into any new-ca. dealer and The plaintiffs maintain che Paul LoRocco, Eric H . Beck- it was not specific enough, THIS Wll-k assessment was in excess husen, Harry W. McDowell cized the Board of Lduca- was finally struck from soft 12 New Street pick your car with the confidence that comes from knowing Elect Dr. John Sprowls including a ban that would copper Impressions of the S of the amount appropriated and Edward J. Higgins. tion for "misleading the halt redevelopment and con- Assessment 1469 Irang St.. your lmancial arrangements are set by the 1965 ordinance, the The vote was preceded by people of Rahway about original dyes made by John 2 Suits... 2.39 struction of projects bene- Pinches, Medallists Ltd. of RAHW.* V. N J final cost included items not a lengthy discussion about taxes." ficial to the city. contemplated by the original School Board President the requirements for eligi- Mayor Martin cited state- England, an affiliate oT~the~ 4o-Be Inspecting Do it now! ordinance, and some of the were cast by Louis G. Boch, bility of pupils for the pro- ments made by the board Mrs. Cedervall noted that Franklin Mint. At 2 1/2- Full service loan Dr. John J. Sprowls of 300 homes in Rahway had to inches in diameter, the new A letter was dispatched FtH ,n the ZIP' appuation and lake M work done did not benefit Dr. Sprowls, Paul LoRocco. gram. Frank D. Brunette, which said the school budget SL1CO :• lull service finance plan 1067 W. Lake Avenue, Rail- have their cellars pumped copper dyes are filightly to owners of property in lo yout nearest SLTCO branch or the residents' properties. way, was elected president Joseph L. Keefe and Law- principal of Columbian and for 1972-73" will cause no ps >•"••; t6r~w^ll—be -held REAl FSTATE-INSURANCE-MORTGAGES -and—T-rust~ .Company were ALb OUTSTANDING budget will show an in- Tuesday at the; Knights of Columbus Hall, 80 W. Inman named as depositories for BILLS AGAINST THE RAH- crease and it will prob- board funds. Roger Prlbush, ably be substantial becaust Avenue, Rahway. February the city's director of revenue WAY DEPARTMENT OF there is $350,000 of surplus Stores of blood for the buffet meeting of the Rahway Junior Service LTeague id "finance, wasr -appointed WELFARE INCURED DUR- -being Treed™tn -the 1972-73 -Wcreu-termed- Realtor custod^ojuol school funds. "desperately low" by spokes- TTraaTnvk, AR ^g For Best Results by Mesdames Malcolm MacFarlane and Joseph Kasko, center. ING 1971 MUST^BE PRE- budget." Main Street, left, and Mrs.-Alberta Howard of 1341 Stockton Mnndamce John O'Donnell, left, Donald Lucov, right, and Mayor Martin explained men running the effort. The Rahway News-Rec- SENTED <£0R PAYMENT ^The drive will be con- Street both ^f—Rahway, provided a display of African art for ^ J^i^Qu^ta_werfi._Uje.J^is_eeB__Catherine ord, The Star-Ledgcr -_o£_ that he did riot take issue Che celebration of Negro History Week by the Rahway Secton dMt-QStrBEHMlt: WARCIT - with—the. -hoard^ earlier J*e- ducted from 2 to 7 p.m. Bernoskie Spelcn, tfieclB Newark and The T>ally Jour- and aiiyone~rn\e"r~e^e"d"~Ih"lib^~ of-N ational-CouncU" oX;^^ _wcre desiff- 15tU72TO BE HONORED. cause by law he cannot be- viewed at the Rahway Public Library during the month of Most Active._ Realtor VANfN lL ttatlng Bhould call die Rosen- : Mrs. William nated official newepaporsfor walde at 381-3148. " " : ~"S~"" "'Fb^ :::::: legal advertising. Welfare Director Education election.

