Analysis of Kelvindale bus consultation


Total number of respondents: 377

Answers to consultation

1. Did you use the old 4A service?

# respondents Did not use the old 4A service 13 Did use the old 4A service 358 No answer given on whether used the old 4A service or not 6

2. Over the last year has your satisfaction with bus services from Kelvindale…

# respondents Decreased 316 No Change 22 Increased 8 Don’t use buses 9 No answer 22

3. The frequency of the new M4 from to is every hour. What frequency do you think is reasonable?

# % of respondents Respondents 0.5 per hour, 20 people (this looks like an anomaly, perhaps they mean 2 per hour?) 20 5% (n/a) 0.75 per hour, 1 person (this looks like an anomaly, perhaps they mean 3 per hour) 1 0% (n/a) 1 per hour 18 5% 1.5 per hour (one to two per hour) 5 1% 2 per hour 219 (239) 58% (63%) 2.5 (two to three per hour) 11 3% 3 per hour 38 (39) 10% (10%) 3.5 per hour (three to four per hour) 2 1% 4 per hour 21 6% No answer 42 11%

Number of M4 buses desired per hour 5



2 buses buses per hour 1

0 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Respondents (Respondents, correcting for anomoly answers)

4. If an improved service connected Kelvindale to any of the following destinations, which would you be likely to use (please tick no more than three boxes)?

Popular destinations identified by respondents (more than 10% of respondents)

Popular Destination % of respondents University 50% City Centre 41% Woodlands 39% Anniesland Cross 32% Gartnavel Hospital 17% Shopping Centre 16% Byres Road 11%

Other destinations identified by respondents:

New Maryhill Health Centre, Partick (bus station), Glasgow Club Maryhill sports centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, (schools/shops), Sauchiehall Street, Charring Cross, (Knightswood cross Aldi), Southern General Hospital, , Great Western Road (Marks and Spencer), Kelvinhaugh, Anderson, Argyle Street, Art Galleries, Bridge Street, Cleveden School, Clydebank, Crow Road Shopping Centre, Cumbernauld, Eaglesham, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow Southern University Hospital, Notre Dame Primary School, Scostoun, Hostpital.

5. Your additional comments on how public transport services serving Kelvindale could be improved?

# respondents

M4 infrequent and not every hour 26 Redirect buses through Kelvindale (buses from Maryhill Road or Great Western Road) 23 94 and M4 clash 21 Reliability 19 Accesibility for disabled and elderly (inc. bus shelters and seating, more direct buses to popular routes) 16 More commuting time buses (work and school) 15 Later and more evening buses 14 M4 Sunday bus service 6 Uncertainty over most up to date timetable 6

Many respondents also mentioned that they were users of the 4A in the past. They suggested that the real volume of users were likely higher than realised by First. This is because a high volume of users were pensioners and students who did not pay in cash and were waved in without purchasing a ticket. Common themes in additional comments

M4 infrequent and not every hour Redirect buses through Kelvindale (buses from Maryhill Road or Great Western Road) 94 and M4 clash Reliability Accesibility for disabled and elderly (inc. bus shelters and seating, more direct buses to popular routes) More commuting time buses (work and school) Later and more evening buses M4 Sunday bus service Uncertainty over most up to date timetable