ASSOCIATED STUDENTS, INC. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, DOMINGUEZ HILLS 1000 E. Victoria St., Carson, Ca 90747 ♦ Ph: 310-243-3686 ♦ Fax: 310-516-3890

Minutes Organizations Commission Friday, February 21, 2020 12:30 P.M. Loker Student Union, Ballroom B

I. Call to Order at 12:33 PM by Black Anger, Chairperson.

II. Roll Call Voting Members Present: Blake Anger, Lola White, Andante, Arts Collective @DH, Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA), Association of Political Science Students (APSS), Ceramics Guild, Child Development Association, Clinical Science Club, Computer Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institutions (CAHSI), Cyber Security Club, Digital Media Arts Success Club (DMA), Earth Science, Espiritu de Nuestro Futuro (ENF), eSports Association, Finance Student Society, Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Hermandad de , Human Services Student Association (HuSSA), Integrated Cultures Through Occupational Therapy (ICOT), Latina Sorority, Latino Student Business Association (LSBA), Male Success Alliance, Mathematics Club, Mu Phi Epsilon, NAMI on Campus, Omega Fraternity, Multicultural Sorority, Fraternity, Fraternity, Fraternity, Philosophy Club, Physics Club, Pi Theta Epsilon, Pre-Health Society, Pre- Law Society, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Psi Chi, Scholars United, Senior Living Management, Society of Independent Student Journalists (SISJ), Southern CA Chapter of NOBLE (SCC NOBLE), Students of OT Association (SOTA), Toro Pep Band, United Greek Council (UGC), Sorority, OCEANIA Non-Voting Members Present: Christina Ibarra, Melissa Norrbom- Kawamoto Advisors Present: Donisha Quiller Visitors: Michellena Lakey, Christian Jackson, Katherine Molina, Jessica Achugbue

III. Approval of Agenda – Action Item *M/Omega Phi Chi, S/APSS to approve the agenda with amendment to add action item to consider the funding request of Mu Phi Epsilon. VOTE: UNANIMOUS

IV. Approval of Minutes (January 24, 2020)– Action Item *M/Pre-Health Society, S/Math Club to approve the minutes as submitted. VOTE: UNANIMOUS

V. Time Certain – 12:45 PM – Christian Jackson, ASI President will present on “My ASI, My Fee” Campaign. Jackson explained that ASI participates in government advocacy work, and funds various services and student affinity centers. The proposed fee adjustment is $50. The current fee of $135 has not been adjusted for the past 18 years. Lakey distributed informational packets regarding the campaign. The Commission asked Jackson why the fee needs to be increased when the enrollment rate has risen by 2,000 students this year. Jackson explained that ASI seeks to provide bigger events, expand the affinity center resources, and more – he also explained that the full $135 amount does not go to ASI alone, but also to the centers and departments that are supported by ASI. Students will be able to vote during the ASI elections on March 16-19. ASI will provide iPads in the East Walkway so that students my cast their votes.

VI. Open Forum – Agenda Items Only – None Time for members of the audience to address the Commission on specific agenda items only.

VII. Unfinished Business – None

VIII. New Business A. Latino Student Business Association (LSBA) – Action Item The Commission will discuss and consider funding LSBA Grad Celebration LSBA requested $500 for materials (Grad Sashes) toward their graduation celebration *M/Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity, S/MSA to approve $500 in funding for LSBA’s commencement ceremony sashes. VOTE: UNANIMOUS

B. Clinical Science Club – Action Item The Commission will discuss and consider funding Clinical Science Club for Mock Interviews. Clinical Science Club shared that their mock interviews event will give students the opportunity to practice interviewing and to receive feedback from professionals. The organization originally requested $442 for catering and LSU reservation fees; Quiller suggested the organization request the full $500 to cover service fees and taxes, and Clinical Science Club agreed. *M/Pre-Health Society, S/ENF to approve $500 in funding for Clinical Science Club for Mock Interviews. VOTE: UNANIMOUS

C. Association of Political Science – Action Item The Commission will discuss and consider funding Association Political Science. Association of Political Science requested $100 for a banner to be used during events. *M/MSA, S/Math Club to approve $100 in funding for a banner for Association of Political Science. VOTE: UNANIMOUS

D. Mu Phi Epsilon – Action Item The Commission will discuss and consider funding for Mu Phi Epsilon. Mu Phi Epsilon representative requested the commission table this request. *M/APSS, S/Phi Kappa Theta to table Mu Phi Epsilon’s funding request. VOTE: UNANIMOUS

IX. Reports Hermanadad de Sigma Iota Alpha (SIA) - Co-hosting an event with Kappa Sorority, Omega Phi Chi, National Sorority, , called Self-Empowerment Social Workshop. The workshop is schedule on February 27th at 8pm to 10pm in Welch Hall D165. There will be guest speaker, and all are encouraged to participate. eSports - hosting a eSports tournament during the Campus-wide Homecoming event. The eSports tournament will be held in Extended Ed 1213. Arts Collective & Ceramics Guild – will be cohosting 2 workshops and a 3-day exhibition. The advisor, Jim Keville will also offer clay and pottery workshops. All are welcome to participate. Espirtu de Nuestro Futuro (ENF) – will host a LinkedIn Workshop located in LSU 110 on February 29th. Scholars United – will be hosting “Voices Unheard” Panel on February 24th in the Palm Courtyard, open to all DH students. They will also host “Criminal Justice Awareness” Conference on March 19th in LSU Ballroom B. Those interested in participating are encouraged to RSVP as space is limited. Phi Kappa Theta – will be hosting “Putting your Major to Work” workshop on February 25th in LSU 326-327. Physics Club – Will be hosting a Physics Event on February 27th in the Library room 5520 Accounting Manager – Quiller showed an updated Orgs Commission Budget, as well as Club Points status. Office of Student Life – Anna Liza informed the Commission that Club Lockers will soon be online. Clubs will be selected via lottery at the next Orgs Meeting (3/6/20) Orgs will also be asked to vote on whether the locker lottery will be opened every semester or yearly. Christina informed the Commission that EMS training will be available soon. EMS is a campus wide system to reserve rooms for meetings and events. Orgs are encouraged to watch for an email regarding EMS training. University Designee – Melissa Norrbom informed the Commission that Homecoming is this weekend. This event should be huge and will feature free games, free food, and opportunity drawings. Unfortunately, due to expected weather conditions, some of the outdoor activities have been canceled. OSL will be holding a contest for the best Org Banner made for Homecoming. Winners will receive a monetary prize to their Org/Club account. Career Center will be hosting a Criminal Justice Expo on March 5th. Extended Ed will be a voting center from February 29 to March 3, 2020. Study Abroad Fair will be on Tuesday March 3, 2020 on the east walkway from 10-2pm.

X. Open Forum –Discussion Item Time members of the audience to address the Commission.

XI. Adjournment

Chair’s Signature: ______Date: ______