The Oxfored Democrat
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(MP xfariN eiuocv at TWO imM.LAKS PER YEAR TCKMi!, TlfE WORLD IS OOTCINFO VftU Ml CI!.- ONE DOLLAR ANII FIFTY CENTS IN AIPVA.NCK NEW SERIES, VOL 17. NO. 18. PARIS. MAINE. MAY FRIDAY, 25. 1866. OLD SERIES. VOLUME 33. NO. 28. THE OXFORD lW nit it DEMOCRAT. M I SCKI.I. A N V. ia«hing ipri* my («<« till it al- to t *o tUi iW A ihq«J, bud, kmtlji !ad#n. gtaab of blood stopped bi« mteraaco. »rmu pt'RUM» l> tvrjl tkll'tT «•>•*!«*» ■»o«f ii '■>< »o r»| |W B1 ; while M tian I ro»t» tfcr nimii of »»»» upon i giant «o a*-1 I Jartd not •tmp«r the cuwdoet 1 could ibe wnarn ■ WM.A bo t>a I conae d wrj wrt co*- far La I " PIDOIJT4 CO.. OOIMO ASHORE tvtnlj •itliR( hanl* mrrm at Wr Doi fool. Ml ptaw, ktld bark ** ■k* mA ** TWw ab# pU'rl* tU «twp mi»I- •iJ». iim) afc* >ii run tto i»nli *11 nar*»i .*4 ft**. riorunuti. ». air: that'a a be jo«t off the right «p It'* air." be after -»■- rigbt. wfcwp>M. taH ♦»'«• iktJrt «f »•»»».,. 1 Saak a*<l fiftcro lWr» Sbr'i a tkitrnn(, kaif-drown#«l fellow- with bis rm do a*d for ahouc UM as W.u p.«4. M»j pint ro«in( on. and " "* lying join j i* i k h TW««! look litrm criH tb» oM wan. «iwiiT»i lifted AW W»» a 4m \ rour. m arf an Konr. if the ain't oa out and Ihuti«4 up tte kour,—" it*» all and an old Ltr could Itjnk Stixlt, M ri|k, " •wtValj bt arm, at AlW. I'm a LMrbaun iriii»g Catrting not dto U-tter tbau duta' bis datr. I a»»rr •• T I' K 1*—• •» I*- •« •ir»»» Wk», a rota " Lnk 4 a*4 I "» rm»« |<r« tWr»'i boat-load Nu». lada." m «f i»l IrA lk« MTtk aa Mr «n mo n«ti«« of din- tig my m*d old Mark.*. Ibuvjbt to; bot 1 alwava Irk as I abo<jld lw»«. it*' •• Mi«»> 1 ■. U«.lUn »4 m raapanion (>•)«• M it- aab re TWr» ; il'io'l ro'i k«.—aow to tkr track .. r. fr»r tWtt * a-top wilk b»t. and »»'f» off kr to dto in u 1a"H. a* Hritoa written in bar****, tW* aajr, and mo I !*••»< k«t ■ •ko fwtrj o" tbat breaker?*" V>H ■■. nlM afaia; if< * * r« i« <•( Tin boat wa* aono " frtiuif of hi* bnian •otinlr*!. an.J rrrnr •Ik*:: but I »i»b iberr norr r» fcatk' ■ Mrwl « rrd f»<* u W dooJ bad bean Hi rt >f«tk Mi •- K I of a Of .~wtUad wIm. caught «|kl iimII boat crowded man at kit tkr (alkrr of iW two ** MlSIr rtmfa I '» Kt w n p"«t. la 1* M «re wLat? %iW». W« !»l • (|WU |li»th<*j» •bore. ia kit canvaa 1 Mid. Tw »« m 'imM ■ ilk tkrr ««k ariaf*. J' »H r»Cl> M\«i «f t»m hgurr*. and tWrr arpirJ tabr a kit tbe udf " W |W*ria| «»tl« briti place of ike old cook- Mun bo >th cr>«otl |Mpaa aaU • 4»iflylit tru'itm, tihrr'i boot*, bit** .1 rr+ry by aa»cd." wbiapored. "Tor nt»r««ga, tall carl owr it. and I •«« ru« it no oaore. •wain for no aacw> of oa «»• t rmr« «i b»4i: •birf, and Tied on pmiMoua •ro I'so br«i» afor* now in net ion tarpaulin bat. »i»b a bit ** and tbo *k l» UsUim lioa* taid th» ** K«inM| «• lW atW. !** old man ; 1 knowrd iber tide could rffrct a of "ibwia hand. «iiil« tbr >«ebin.J beat rfchnge A1o(Ih« onljr know* bow souls 1'« W ><k »*l»ai l» — it. dap it! " nun/ C. w SiHkiai cmU lit* •• tarb a Morn Tktrt wu another Stifi ia 1*4 «■ lit ktrii * D. aboat in th* | rkwr. ntuif abo»« tut '■§; nnd 1 wLo'ild libo to iui* a* <—1*| OOBDOU, irfaradoM wind that an ra- •• fool I'd to go iW lifeboat, and are if tkr Mora, and ibo crew were « >ar lam. Lft'a again gallant •aved aofi tban I did and (<n( for.—that's aTI. Hpnaj k« rmmrI w» Physician Surgeon, arr aail ikrt^k lW ibl •* tbry g iog off." I ; bnt tbc old man lauoi bed into tkc »urt. tkat wrotii to curl Off rrnii i mi i m * m llan(!" «'«t tic dull MotUrrJ rt- IVrfop* tb»T might go in Uto seal*. lo • ii ont to wa br!p j Caa li>«« k« la ffnii't Mtt lotcntl} ganug rowxl tk* boat a« to fill it in an »• ftmikma, ihf Amrk. '^k % !»•»>•* ■*(««», m port .»! a hra»r c*m. and ia tbe ahade of tbowgb balaa<-« tbo bad." mitwr •* II* |Imk Iraaa larrkaa Wrt, Ma«a !»«»••« llitrr; jnat a* I »a»d.~ be •tant. roac *' tbo 'booted It and fell a dark naas ibi<1 Hot ton did a A ad mai*ft nifbt I j>iaf caught ai^M of a allaa part of «owe dot* .** paapuaf i»M.gat» *a <W auri ■ •I ia I be *"* boamlr, "jiaat pint* Mm'i itrack." lk* wkilf foam for an •• ** 4 ad famt 4a «b of Wbera «•- tbe raatant, and ikfi Ah bo dot* ! Yn. miU I «ujrait>«(lM I*. C. M l» ruii M* ligbt. atood, whiaportd. Or lW ii !■« fcam *aat<i tki, And tbrn, above iW of tbe •eemed to ky <11 xnaaa < am* m telling »U>rtn. into a bank of >r* ibould do !•»*»• T l*«u. M |t r«t«W»i. Vt •fit rwaliing like a h#a»v Hnna of plo«|- fogyr their >1 -itr ; and 1 folt it «aa W»<m* teni »■■! »*) con Id brer a J H k M |I *, rraafc. and a wild shriek, L»la» kr»r»*. tor Ud fallrn TW (aatta Imm aauk* U »»■». rain: while tbe of tbe wind, and mine. to-nigh*. to go Wc old aaon-o'var a Im*< t > m!lt< M whittling I* L'ttN. II*. lLat Krai to mjj Br a w a 1 could not tbr in tkruggk upon drag myaelf **ir froi tike »< n were trained lo anawor to a in Ira M l» I •«• M« tbuiwhrin^ of tbr roller* a* mil calm I*«n»i iy>«( ka« r«v, aW ia Wart t~Mi|. buf* tbrjr • tornat wben far inland wjr m^kt. 1 luita to KtM irwtsd me. tux 1 wwd be Id or Morn lu m iai rorlrd oarr ar.J »>»«•» on (be aanda. tear- Mirrinf and when lirea were at Makr to- y Man of tkr in'l S H. M wind. to ike t a MUm| traokWa WKBBKK. D. it oat from knwlm| »p> by «trange htriiiaiion All 1 folt tbat 1 wm railed, and I |i)ly M|, ing among tbr rlaaa. and •-rap- night. hope I LiU rim I feat •*<*! lis BOW or Mid IM oetrr!" lb« oU Mtl, at on*** a lurid 1 abol for a did nr datr ng it awav toaa. Made in tbe ght up. quantity Will jom ask thom fifteen to \NU sIRUIOY by atar-iding it U ran down PBVMCII> io*w<ii whrre lU 1'k-buil of *tra» bad been wt on and face if au b a atom tiir»«elr Sit, iW llaari |>**t »ajr a word or two for tb« old man ia * »>t mi:. confa« nj ; rARij*. »t l it* < wiiL * '•pa tmu ujh.i. arriage. crowd ol rotml and rraHiled a* ira-«*rd and ibeir sir I aad »et bondrrvia were owt upon tb »b<>re dry prayer*, mean wbea I am goa«? D. mi it tnl ijiata uuiwU. the wown B. SAWYfcR. M D. ku;- piK*« ot wood »er» be 1 to i«mai# I • cioee awder tbr ft»»t • ami-bank. iranrbr-l ape up think I boo Id like tbem to. for I'm an old mg on to their kMbuJi, aud tbc wfcick t apparently glare, to ike erect* mi tor. and can't m* ram w\ \m> tbr akin with tbe aprar. for lb# newa bvi appeared |i!d boast of paat life." that would not dare tto of an ** mam, br((in( they p«ri la tbe ■»»«, J ikre w ialo bold relief ike no tbe that a lla«e job relatives?" 1 1 Tub Slavs Tr*i>k nt »Ol TH HI. apread |Ldmi(Ii ailla^* tbrte* before wbispere Anne*. Dr. rAKIK. ibra. on tbe kmw- ■aaater waa figure* aan-i*. <->ut to no friends tbat too woo Id like to Utrrill » l« I»• KmI. g ■<ng aahore. gaxiag am?" Lifiafitoa, ia kii lut book of African TU M-a ha! looked Jarful from aea: •oa* lite •• aabora! t*> land*- enough watching eagerly fringe cf Far awae.—for away,"* aai<J be with a lr»wU, |i«*« imibif <■—g Hiaflr ■ pictar* of the ef- brrt we stood but at ** * brrt. clw** t>fr»krr», to raab down and »e<-urc I 1>K P ■MA I f»r» : I ut «Ut do iWf Mrth TV* ready •bake of be k«-ai ; and tunc aro a-wait- of tbv ila«« trade ia JONKS, a* •• We*»era Atrira tared tbe it •• go breaker•. looked per- anything tUat be waabed aakore fruta a' me a-'ble »*«»l tearing and plunging tbroagb might fur to join tbeir waicb Ikm't lea** On tbe KXb of January.