
52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2548) 1253.pdf


of Chicago ([email protected]). Introduction: Understanding the divergent evolution of and Venus is one of the primary motivations to explore Venus. Recent climate models suggest habitable conditions may have been possible until 1 Ga,1 but how a habitable era would fit into Venus’ atmospheric evolution has yet to be investigated. We use overall mass balance constraints atmospheric evolution to determine areas of parameter space that enable a habitable era to have occurred on Venus. If an early habitable climate existed Figure 1. Schematic illustration of our new Venus atmospheric evolution model. We use a wide range of free parameters to identify areas of parameter space that on Venus, it required an atmosphere maximize the likelihood of a habitable era on Venus. thinner than the present-day 93 bar, CO2- dominated atmosphere.1 There are 2 options for the metamorphic decarbonation, or volcanic degassing), the source of the bulk of the CO2 atmosphere observed today: ratio of intrusive to extrusive on Venus, and 1) Volcanic degassing - delivery of melt to Venus' crust the ’s crustal production history.8 For the first time, and surface brings magmatic volatiles which are released we model the evolution of Venus’ atmosphere starting at into the atmosphere. 2) Metamorphic decarbonation - the end of a habitable era, and take a Monte-Carlo carbonates formed during the early habitable period are approach to find combinations of parameters most heated by a combination of burial and increasing surface consistent with both a habitable period on Venus and temperatures until the point of thermal decomposition, present-day constraints on atmospheric O2 and H2O. 2 releasing CO2 back into the atmosphere. We assume that Venus’ habitable era predates ~0.7 9 In either case, CO2 is not the only volatile introduced Ga. Dehydration and decarbonation of the habitable era into the atmosphere. Unless Venus' mantle is crust are assumed to occur instantaneously, so the desiccated/volatile depleted, water vapor will also degas atmosphere begins with some initial CO2 and H2O. Initial 3 during volcanic eruptions. For metamorphic CO2 depends on the fraction of present-day atmospheric decarbonation, some surface liquid water is required for CO2 derived from volcanic degassing (a free parameter). initial carbonate formation and to maintain habitable Initial H2O depends on the groundwater inventory during conditions.1 This implies the presence of groundwater in the habitable era, which is calculated using a simple the early Venusian crust to prevent infiltration of surface crust permeability model,10 given an water into the deep crust. This groundwater would uncompressed basalt porosity and habitable-era crustal evaporate during a runaway greenhouse, injecting water heat flow. vapor into Venus’ atmosphere alongside CO2 from Chemical analyses of rocks at the 14 and metamorphic decarbonation. landing sites resemble tholeiitic ,11 so we There are 2 main constraints on the likelihood of a consider a range of melt volatile concentrations based on habitable era on Venus: 1) Venus' atmosphere is dry, with those observed in terrestrial mid ocean ridge basalts. We 4 12 an upper limit of 100ppm water vapor , so if large use VolcGasses to calculate pressure dependent H2O volumes of water were added to the atmosphere they and CO2 solubility in basaltic melt throughout the model. must since have been removed by loss to space (hydrous A time-dependent crustal production rate is calculated for minerals are not stable on the present-day surface5,6). 2) each model using estimates of present-day eruption rates, Venus’ atmosphere is oxygen-poor, with a maximum of and the chosen intrusive:extrusive ratio and melt CO2 7 50ppm O2, so O2 left behind by H2O photolysis and H concentration are adjusted so that the final mass of escape must be compensated by loss of O to space and atmospheric CO2 matches Venus’ present-day other oxygen sinks, e.g. oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ in the atmosphere.

crust. For volatile loss from Venus’ atmosphere, we assume Model Description: There are many unknowns in a uniformly mixed atmosphere and complete Venus' atmospheric history, including the source of photodissociation of H2O by UV photons. Thermosphere atmospheric CO2 (early ocean degassing, temperature varies between model runs from 200-4000K. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2548) 1253.pdf

At high H2O mixing ratios, H escape is limited by Although much of Venus’ geologic record may have incoming solar XUV radiation. At lower H2O mixing been lost to resurfacing, the crustal production histories ratios and XUV flux, H escape is limited by diffusion of of terrestrial can be recorded by 40Ar, Xe, and H through the surrounding atmosphere.13,14 Oxygen is 4He.8 Noble gas measurements by DAVINCI+18 would lost from the atmosphere by early hydrodynamic escape help better constrain timing and total volume of crust and on-going non-thermal escape.15 We assume produced on Venus, which would refine both our priors negligible CO2 loss to space. on fraction of post-habitable era volcanic CO2 and crust O2 can also be lost through oxidation of volcanic production model. Whether high melt H2O is typical of products. Hematite is stable under present-day Venus Venusian volcanism can be tested using spectral conditions,5,6 and exposed basaltic olivine and glasses measurements of the surface by VERITAS or should oxidise under present-day Venus conditions DAVINCI+ to determine the abundance of low Fe, high 5,6 18,19 within weeks to months. Oxidation of flows may SiO2 rocks. This measurement alone would be only be in a thin surface rind15, but explosive basaltic powerful in distinguishing between the likelihood of an volcanism on Earth produces fine-grained ash and earlier vs. later habitable era on Venus. Our results also scoria16 which could fully oxidize more quickly. A have implications reaching beyond our - potential predictor of whether explosive volcanism can constraining the likelihood of a Venusian habitable occur is the gas:magma ratio,17 calculated at each period may be useful for determining whether young exo- timestep using degassed CO2 and H2O volumes. When Venuses are good targets in the hunt for habitable worlds. the gas:magma ratio exceeds 3:1, we assume complete Future Work: During a runaway greenhouse, water- oxidation of the basaltic volcanic products. rich atmospheres can generate surface temperatures Preliminary Results: The parameters that most exceeding the basalt solidus.20 Oxidation of FeO in a strongly influence the likelihood of a habitable era on surface melt layer could provide an important O2 sink. Venus are melt volatile concentrations, fraction of This sink is most important for habitable era scenarios volcanically derived CO2 in the present-day atmosphere, with large groundwater inventories (>0.1 TO). and when the habitable era ended. High combined melt Catastrophic resurfacing events may also be important H2O and CO2 concentrations favor explosive volcanism, for CO2 and H2O outgassing and provide a late O2 sink in the products of which are a very effective O2 sink and can the form of FeO in melt exposed to the atmosphere. We erase the O2 signature of large habitable era H2O will consider the effects of both these processes in future inventories. However, high melt H2O contributes more models. H2O (and therefore O2) to the atmosphere which can References: [1] Way M. J. and Del Genio A. D. accumulate rapidly once the ash sink is no longer active. (2020) JGR: Planets, 125(2), e2019JE006276. [2] Foley Additionally, high melt CO2 is anticorrelated with the B. J. and Smye A. J. Astrobiology, 18(7), 873. [3] total erupted volume of , the main O2 sink at high Gaillard F. and Scaillet B. (2014) EPSL, 403, 307-316. atmospheric pressures. Similarly, a low volcanically [4] von Zahn U. et al. (1983) in Venus. 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