LXII-LXIII 2018-2019









Rédacteur en chef : EUGEN NICOLAE

Rédacteur en chef adjoint : LIANA OŢA



Secrétaire de rédaction : RALUCA KOGĂLNICEANU

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RENATA-GABRIELA TATOMIR, Shabtiw, shawabtiw, ushabtiw in the collections of the Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology in Bucharest ...... 7 VLAD-ŞTEFAN CĂRĂBIŞI, Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age. A discussion on the stage of research ...... 117 ALEXANDRU AVRAM, Les Perses en mer Noire à l’époque de Darius Ier : nouveaux documents et nouvelles interprétations ...... 169 THEODOR ISVORANU, IRINA ACHIM, Découvertes monétaires dans l’aire de l’église paléochrétienne de Capidava : l’apport de la campagne 2015 ...... 199 ION TENTIUC, On the Viing enclaves and their relations with the inhabitants of the Carpathian – Dniester region between the 9th and the 11th centuries ...... 249 ANDRS SFALVI, Weapon fnds from ing’s Roc Castle ...... 287


GSEL SAZCI, MERAL BAŞARAN MUTLU, Die broneeitliche Siedlung Maydos ilisetepe und ihre Beiehungen um sdstlichen Europa ...... 310 FRED C. WOUDHUIZEN, On the Sea Peoples and their attacs on Egypt ...... 331 ADRIAN BĂLĂȘESCU, COSTEL ILIE, ADRIAN-IONU ADAMESCU, TIBERIU SAVA, CORINA SIMION, The Noua culture horse burials from Negrileti (Galai County) ...... 351 DAN DANA, La table de brone de Giuleşti : fragment d’une inscription latine offcielle découvert extra provinciam ...... 369 VLATA VUELI, The site of the Roman tavern in Sisa. An insight into the history of antiquarian research in 19th-century Croatia ...... 377 COMPTES RENDUS

G.I. Smirnova, M.u. Vahtina, M.T. auba, E.T. Starova, Nemirov Hillfort on the Southern Bug River. According to the excavation materials of the 20th century from collections of the State Hermitage Museum and documents kept in IHMC RAS (Gorodište Nemirov na reke Južnyj Bug. Po materialam raskopok v XX veke iz kollekcij Gosudarstvennogo Ermitaža i Naučnogo arhiva IIMK RAN). Annexes by .B. alinina, A. Zaocielna, M. erschner and H. Mommsen, S.V. Havrin. Sant Petersburg, 2018, 327 p., 9 annexes, 6 tables (Ion Niculiţă) ...... 397

IN MEMORIAM Petre Roman (June 29th 1935-uly 25th 2019) (Cristian Schuster) ...... 403 Gheorghe I. Cantacuino (1937-2019) (Daniela Marcu Istrate) ...... 409



Keywords: Early Iron Age, Hallstatt C, swords with a T-shaped hilt, Basarabi phenomenon, Glasinac group, Dolenjska group, Picenum Abstract: The article proposes a larger perspective on a certain category of swords, namely the short single-edge curved swords, often described in the literature as “machaira”. To date, over 60 swords were discovered. The distribution of the swords suggests three main areas, in the territories of relatively contemporary cultural groups: Basarabi, Glasinac, southeastern Alpine area, and Picenum. The swords were analysed from a morphological and typological point of view. The most relevant contexts are presented, with special emphasis on the funerary discoveries. In this regard, the position of the swords in the graves and their treatment were also taken into consideration. The most frequent combinations provide both common and different aspects. Almost all swords are associated with lances, rarely spears, but the graves in different areas follow their own pattern, although some elements, like harness items are common to multiple areas. In the Basarabi area they are usually associated only with spears and small knives, but also with ulae. In the southeastern Alpine area, a pair of axes (winged axe and trunnion axe) are prevalent, but also disk-helmets and elements of attire, especially multi-knobbed pins. In Picenum they are associated with horse-hair helmets as well as various types of pins and ulae. The chronology remains an open discussion, but this type of swords can be dated in the second half of the 8th and the frst half of the 7th century BC. The Trie – Donja Dolina variant indicates a later date, especially in the second half of the 7th and the 6th century BC, and are concentrated in the southeastern Alpine area.

Cuvinte-cheie: prima epocă a ferului, Hallstatt C, săbii cu mâner n formă de T, fenomenul Basarabi, grupul Glasinac, grupul Dolenjska, Picenum Rezumat: Articolul propune o perspectivă lărgită asupra unei anumite categorii de săbii, i anume săbiile scurte, deseori descrise sub denumirea de machaira. Până n preent, au fost descoperite peste 60 de piese. Răspândirea acestora sugereaă trei one geografce de distribuie, n ariile corespunătoare ale mai multor grupe culturale relativ contemporane: Basarabi, Glasinac, ona sud-est alpină, Picenum. Săbiile sunt analiate din punct de vedere morfologic i tipologic. Contextele relevante sunt preentate, cu privire specială asupra contextelor funerare. În acest sens, sunt luate n consideraie poiia pieselor n morminte i tratamentul la care au fost supuse. Asocierile frecvente ale pieselor sugereaă atât puncte comune, cât i diferene notabile. Săbiile se asociaă, de regulă, cu vârfuri de lance, nsă n mormintele diferitelor medii culturale se regăsesc modele diferite, dei unele piese sunt comune unor spaii mai largi. În necropolele comunităilor Basarabi, săbiile scurte sunt asociate cu vârfuri de lance i cuite, dar i cu fbule. În ona sud-est alpină se ntâlnete perechea formată dintr-un topor cu aripioare i un topor de tip Hallstatt, varianta leinlein, dar asociată i cu coifuri cu discuri i ace de tip Mehopfnadel. În ona Picenum sunt asociate cu coifuri cu creastă i diferite ace i fbule. Cronologia acestora rămâne o problemă deschisă, nsă aceste piese pot f ncadrate n a doua jumătate a secolului al VIII-lea – prima jumătate a secolului al VII-lea a.Chr. Varianta Trie – Donja Dolina indică o datare mai târie, n special a doua jumătate a secolului al VII-lea i pe parcursul secolului al VI-lea a.Chr i este ntâlnită doar n ona sud-est alpină.

* Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest; e-mail: [email protected]

DACIA N.S., tome LXII-LXIII, Bucarest, 2018-2019, p. 117-167 118 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 2


Weapons, in general, have been intrinsically linked to the warrior status. Even among the other categories of weapons, swords have held a particular place. In the following paragraphs, I would lie to discuss a particular type of swords which, at frst glance has a larger distribution but does not seem to be a generalied type, i.e. short single-edge bent swords with a T-shaped hilt. To date, over 60 such weapons have been found, distributed in a wide area comprising the Lower Basin, southeastern Alpine area, central Italy and across several cultural areas, including the Basarabi communities1, the Glasinac group2, the Dolenjska group, and Picenum3. Although the connections between the Balkans, the southeastern Alpine area circle and Picenum were observed early on4 and continued, a supra-regional approach was not attempted. The frst typology and distribution concerning the short swords with a bent hilt was provided by Mitja Gutin, using the therm machaira to distinguish them from other types of curved swords. The swords were separated into swords with a T-shaped hilt, also called the Basarabi variant and the Trie – Donja Dolina variant5. The Basarabi variant is characteried by a straight or slightly curved blade and a hilt placed at an angle and usually ended with a transverse iron bar, giving it a T-shaped hilt. The Trie – Donja Dolina variant maintains the general shape of the weapon, only with a more pronounced outward curvature of the blade, a more pronounced angle between the blade and the hilt, and the absence of the distinctive pommel. Gutin’s typology has a mainly geographical component, the swords with a T-shaped hilt being registered generally in the Basarabi area to which he adds the discoveries from Sofronievo, Legen, Frög and Podilija, while the swords from Picenum are ascribed to the Trie – Donja Dolina variant, although the main characteristic of the sword, i.e. the T-shaped hilt in at least two discoveries from Novilara6 are more liely lined to the Basarabi variant. Gutin dates the Basarabi variant in Ha C1 and the Trie – Donja Dolina variant in Ha C27. To these two variants, the Šmihel8 and Ljublianica9 variants were added, with a more elongated and curved blade, and dated at the end of the Early Iron Age and beginning of the Late Iron Age. In his work concerning the swords and daggers in , Alexandru Vulpe maintains to some extent Gutin’s typology. While the attention is focused mainly on the discoveries from southwestern Romania, Alexandru Vulpe also takes into account the discoveries from the southeastern Alpine area, Glasinac and Picenum10. Alexandru Vulpe places the discoveries from Balta Verde and Basarabi both in earlier and later phases of the necropolis, based on the associated ceramics, and dates them between the second half of the 8th and frst half of the 7th century BC. Peter F. Stary’s wor concerning the weapons in Middle Italy also analyses the fnds from Picenum. For this type of weapon, he uses the term sickle-swords (Sichelscherter) and attributes them a Balkan origin, their presence in the Italian peninsula being explained as the result of military contacts between Picenum and Istria11. They are dated in the frst half of the 7th century BC. In the context of the publication of Tumulus 181 from Frög, Gerhard Tomedi considers all available fnds of swords with a T-shaped hilt12. Tomedi correctly observed that at Novilara and Ancona there is another

1 Vulpe 1965; Vulpe 1986. 2 Benac, ovi 1957; ovi 1959; ovi 1987b. 3 Dumitrescu 1929; Lollini 1977; Naso 2000. 4 Dumitrescu 1929; Dumitrescu 1968; Nestor 1934. 5 Gutin 1974; Gutin 1977. 6 In the frst publication of the necropolis from Novilara the swords from Servici, grave 2 and 14 are distinctly represented with a T-shaped hilt (Briio 1895, p. 40-41, 51-52; Cf. Beinhauer 1985, pl. 50/A623). 7 Gutin 1974, p. 91. 8 Gavranovi 2011, p. 118, fg. 117/3. 9 Gaspari, Mlinar 2005. 10 Vulpe 1990, p. 74-79. 11 Stary 1981. 12 Tomedi 2002, p. 111-115. 3 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 119 possible variant of short sword with three rivet-holes on the guard of the blade, but it is unsure whether they represent a distinct variant or the hilt simply has not been preserved13. Recently Dragan Boi considers all the fnds belonging to the Podmelj 2 phase of the Dolenjsa group, among which the swords with a T-shaped hilt are given particular attention14. Only the swords from the southeastern Alpine area were considered, although their origin is indicated in the Lower Danube Basin. Fernando uesada San, also partially based on Gutin’s scheme, proposed a typological scheme from the Urnfeld brone curved nives to the Gree machaira and kopis, also containing curved swords (fg. 1)15. There is, however, no clear fliation between the types except between the Trie – Donja Dolina and Ljublijanica variants (fg. 1/M).

Fig. 1. Types of curved single-edge swords and machaira (after uesada San 1991).

13 Tomedi 2002, p. 112. 14 Boi 2015. 15 uesada San 1991. 120 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 4


From a morphological point of view, the short single edge bent swords have a straight or slightly curved blade, while the hilt is at an angle in relation to the blade axis. The pommel is perpendicular to the hilt axis giving the weapon a distinct T-shaped hilt. The blade is either triangular or triangular with a thickened back. The fully preserved swords are between 40 and 60 cm in length (fg. 3). Because of their sie, they were often considered daggers or nives, although a clear distinction based solely on their sie is diffcult to establish. The combination in some cases with smaller knives, e.g. Balta Verde Mound II, Basarabi III/3 and VII/3, Novo mesto – Kapiteljiska njiva I/16, would indicate that they were used as swords. Furthermore, given that 80 of the discoveries have various degrees of fragmentation, it is diffcult to establish the full length of the weapon. For this type of weapon, the Gree term (machaira) has often been used, especially in Central European literature16. According to uesada-San, the term initially described a nife in general or a sacrifcial nife, and only from the 4th century BC onward began describing a curved sword17. The usage of this term before the 4th century BC is, therefore, questionable and I fnd the term short single-edge curved sword with a bent hilt” more descriptive for this type of weapon. Several remarks can be made on the construction of the hilt. In the case of the swords form Balta Verde and Basarabi the blade and hilt were forged from a single piece and the grip plates, either made of metal or organic materials, were fastened with rivets. This is also the case for the swords from Frög Tumulus 181 and Legen – Kramaršek grave. The swords from Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva grave I/16, Gradenjska hosta above Gradenje Tumulus VII/1901 and Podilija grave B/7 have a brone or iron hilt18. The swords from Novilara – Servici graves 2 and 14 had the pommel added to the metal rod to obtain the T-shaped hilt. This may also be the case for the sword from Dolenje Vrhpolje19.

0 5 cm

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 2. Types and variants of short single-edge swords: 1. Balta Verde II (after Vulpe 1990); 2. Podiljia grave B/7 (after ovi 1959); 3. Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva grave I/16 (after ri, ereb, Teran 2014); 4. Novilara – Servici grave 2 (after Briio 1895); 5-6. Trie (after Gutin 1979); 7. Donja Dolina (after Truhela 1904); 8. Novilara – Servici grave 42 (after Briio 1895).

16 Gutin 1974; Gutin 1977; Metner-Nebelsic 2002. 17 uesada San 1994, p. 77-79. 18 In this case X-ray CT scans can be useful, as in the case of brone antennae swords. See Laharnar, Tur 2018, p. 32–33, fg. 23-24. 19 Dular 2003, pl. 13/5. 5 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 121

Cat. No. Sword State of preservation Preserved length (cm) Probable length (cm) 3 Balta Verde II Whole 51 6.1 Balta Verde VII/1 Fragmentary 31.7 ca. 40 6.2 Balta Verde VII/2 Fragmentary 27 ca. 50 7 Balta Verde X/3 Fragmentary 33.5 ca. 50 10 Balta Verde XIV/1 Fragmentary 30 ca. 45 1 Balta Verde XVII/3 Whole 41 2 Balta Verde XVIII/1 Fragmentary 38 ca. 45 8 Balta Verde XXI/3 Whole 38.6 over 40 11 Balta Verde XXVIII Fragmentary 36 over 40 12.1 Basarabi III/3 Fragmentary 29 ca. 40 12.2 Basarabi III/3 Fragmentary 9.8 ca. 41 13 Basarabi IV/3 Fragmentary 9 over 40 14 Basarabi VII/1 Fragmentary 46.5 48-50 15 Basarabi VII/2 Fragmentary 15 16 Basarabi VII/3 Fragmentary 19 ca. 50 18 Ostrovu Mare Fragmentary 35 38-40 19 Ostrovu Mare Fragmentary 19 40-45 21 Ostrovu Mare – 1975 I/1 Fragmentary ? ? 20 Ostrovu Mare – Prundu eiului Fragmentary 29.1 40-45 17 Desa III/5 Fragmentary 9.4 over 40 22 Sofronievo Fragmentary 38 ca. 45 23 “Vraca” Whole 37.6 over 40 24 Podiljiak B/7 Whole 60 25 Frög T 181/1 Fragmentary 33 over 45 28 Legen – Kramaršek grave Fragmentary 28 over 45 Novo mesto – Kapiteljiska 29 Whole 49.8 njiva I/16 30 Gradenje VII/1901 Fragmentary 11 ca. 50 31 Loa – Bela Krajna V/2 Fragmentary 22.7 over 40 32 Loa – Bela Krajna II/3 Fragmentary 33.5 over 40 33 Pusti Gradec II/2 Fragmentary 28 over 40 34 Vae Fragmentary 39.8 over 50 36 Ancona – Colle Cardeto Fragmentary 41 over 50 37 Ancona – Colle dei Cappuccini Fragmentary ? ? 38 Novilara – Servici, grave 2 Whole 54 39 Novilara – Servici, grave 14 Whole 52 40 Novilara – Servici, grave 16 Fragmentary 34 over 45 41 Novilara – Servici, grave 19 Fragmentary 29 over 45 42 Novilara – Servici, grave 30 Fragmentary 42 over 50 43 Novilara – Servici, grave 42 Fragmentary 38 over 50 44 Novilara – Servici grave 64 Fragmentary 38 over 50 Fig. 3. Preserved and probable lengths of the swords. 122 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 6

A strict typology of this type of swords is diffcult to establish, on one hand because the main characteristics such as the general shape of the blade (either straight or slightly curved outwards), blade cross-section (either triangular or triangular with a thickened back), the angle between the blade and the hilt are common to both types, with no general rule for one type or another, and on the other hand, due to the degree of fragmentation. Based on the manufacturing of the hilt, however, short swords with a bent hilt can be divided into: - Swords with a T-shaped hilt, further divided into: o Hilts forged from a single piece to which the metal or organic hilt-plates were fastened with rivets (fg. 2/1): Balta Verde II, XVII/3, XXI/3, the isolated fnds from Ostrovu Mare, Basarabi III/3, IV/3, VII/1, 3, Desa III/5, Legen – Kramaršek grave; o Solid hilts made of brone or iron (fg. 2/2-3): Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva grave I/16, Gradenjska hosta above Gradenje Tumulus VII/1901, Podilijiak grave B/7, and possibly Dolenje Vrhpolje; o Hilts where the pommel was made separately and attached to the hilt (fg. 2/4): Novilara – Servici graves 2 and 14. - Swords with organic hilt and without the T-shaped pommel, also called Trie – Donja Dolina type (fg. 2/5-7), found in the weapon hoards from Trie, Pula-Tivoli and probably osmati ostel, as well as in grave I/12 from Nesactium, graves 12, 34 and 39 from Donja Dolina, and two recently discovered swords from Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva20. To these, another variant can be added with three rivets on the guard (fg. 2/8): Novilara – Servici graves 16 and 43, San Severino, Loa near rnomlj, Pusti Gradec and possibly Trenianse Teplice. However, all the swords were fragmentary, therefore it is unsure if they form a distinct variant or it is just a problem of preservation. It must be noted that none of the completely preserved swords either with a T-shaped hilt or with an organic hilt had three rivets on or near the guard so ascribing them to one type or another is diffcult. Most swords were found without the scabbard, but for the few cases when the scabbard was preserved there are notable differences. For Balta Verde Mound II and Basarabi III/3 there are only two iron tubes with a attened side that may represent the chape of a scabbard (fg. 11/4, 14/6). The excellently preserved sword from Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva grave I/16 had an organic scabbard with a brone chape decorated with the same motifs found on the guard and the pommel, and fve brone fttings. The sword was mounted on the belt with two loops placed on the frst two fttings. The sword from Vae also preserved fragments from the scabbard made of brone sheet and decorated with a tremollo oomorphic motifs similar to the ones found on situla art21. From the sword from Tumulus 181 at Frg, three brone fttings belonging to the scabbard were preserved. The two best preserved swords from Novilara – Servici graves 2 and 14 showed an entirely different type of scabbard. The two scabbards were trapeoidal, made of organic material and covered with a brone sheet on the visible side, decorated with either ig-ag or checered patterns. On the scabbard from grave 2 three brone fttings were preserved. A brone ftting was also preserved on the sword from Ancona Colle dei Cappuccini. Three main areas of distribution can be observed (fg. 4). The frst one comprises the southwestern part of the Basarabi-style ceramics area with the fnds from Balta Verde, Ostrovul Mare, Basarabi and Desa, as well as the grave from Sofronievo and the isolated fnd from the Vraca Region. The second region is represented by the fnds from the southeastern Alpine area (Novo mesto, Legen, Frg as well as the Loa region). Finally, the third area comprises the area of Picenum especially represented by the fnds from Novilara and Ancona. To this, the single fnd from the grave from Podilija on the Glasinac plateau can be added. The fnd from Trenianse Teplice is somewhat eccentric in relation with the main areas of distribution.

20 The recent excavations at Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva grave XXIV/7 and grave LXVI/11 yielded two new swords possibly belonging to the variant with organic hilt (courtesy of B. ri). Information indly provided by M. Gutin, for which I than. 21 Teran 2007, p. 47. 7 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 123

By the number of discoveries, most of the swords (24) are found in the necropolis belonging to the Basarabi communities. Twelve swords were found at Balta Verde, four or fve at Basarabi, four at Ostrovu Mare, one at Desa, one at Sofronievo and one in the “Vraca Region”22. In Picenum, 13 swords were found, seven coming from the necropolis of Novilara – Servici alone, two from Ancona, two from Verucchio and one from Ripatransone and San Severino respectively. From the southeastern Alpine area come seven swords, and only one was found in a grave belonging to the Glasinac group. The occasional appearance of this type of swords in this area is consistent with the general scarcity of swords in this region. While in the western Hallstatt circle, for this period, the deposition of swords in graves seems to be the norm, in the eastern Hallstatt groups the “typical” panoply of warriors includes mainly lances and axes. In fact, in the entire necropolis from Frög, only two swords were found, one of which has a T-shaped hilt23. The situation is different for Glasinac, where deposition of swords in graves is a relatively common practice, but most graves contained Glasinac type swords and only Grave 7 from Tumulus B from Podilijak contained a sword with a T-shaped hilt. While the practice of depositing swords in graves exists, this particular type of sword is extremely rare. Also from the southeastern alpine area come swords belonging to the Trie – Donja Dolina type, eight from the weapon hoard of Trie, one from the weapon hoards of Pula-Tivoli and osmati ostel, respectively, three from grave I/12 at Nesactium, four from Donja Dolina (three from the graves and one chance fnd). To these we can add the two recently discovered swords from Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva.

Fig. 4. Distribution map of the short single-edge swords with a bent hilt. The numbers on the map correspond to the numbers from the catalogue of discoveries.

22 Fol, Lichardus, Niolov 2004, p. 295, fg. 256. 23 Tomedi 2002, p. 111-115. 124 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 8


Except for the sword from Trenianse Teplice, found in a settlement and the swords from Trie, osmati ostel and Tivoli found in weapon hoards, all others were part of grave inventories. Most fnds however, come from old excavations, therefore the analysis is tributary to the available information already published. For this discussion, the emphasis was placed on the Basarabi-type swords found in the graves, regarding their degree of fragmentation, position and treatment. Usually only one sword was placed in the grave, with the exception of Basarabi III/3, where it is uncertain if one or two swords were deposited. The swords of the Trie – Donja Dolina are mostly nown from weapon hoards, but also from a few graves. The hoard from Trie, contains in addition to the nine swords, numerous winged axes, lances and horse bits, as well as a brone helmet, possibly of Italian origin, dated in the frst half of the 6th century BC24. Two other swords come from similar, but much smaller weapon hoards at Tivoli and osmati ostel. Only six swords of this type were part of funerary inventories, three of which come from a single grave at Nesactium (I/12), which also contains numerous ceramic and brone vessels, ulae etc. The other three swords come from Donja Dolina graves 12, 34 and 39. Regarding the state of preservation, from the 54 pieces identifed in the graves, including those from Nesactium and Donja Dolina, 13 were deposited whole, while 41 were fragmentary. We can assume that the swords that were grave goods were intentionally deposited as such, in which case their degree of fragmentation is relevant. In most cases (20 cases), fragments of the blade (either the full blade or only fragments) and the guard were deposited, followed by fragments of the hilt and part of the blade (13 cases), only the blade (six cases) and only two cases where only the T-shaped hilt was deposited (fg. 5). Most swords come from inhumation burials (35 cases – 67), while only eight (16) come from cremation graves, but for 17 of the cases we have no data regarding the funerary rite (fg. 6). While the treatment of the body varies in proportion from region to region, a long-term trend of transition from cremation to inhumation can be observed during the Hallstatt period25. As for the position of the swords in inhumation graves, for the majority of cases (25) we have no data, fve were placed near the head of the deceased, fve near or between the legs, four were placed in the upper body area, three were placed on the side, while only one was placed in a functional position on the pelvis (fg. 7). Also, in most cases for which we have data, 13 were placed on the right side, four on the body of the deceased and only one on the left side (fg. 8-9). There is no identifable pattern regarding the deposition of the sword in relation to one part of the body, but the swords were usually placed near the body. Also, the tip of the sword is pointed both towards the feet and towards the head of the deceased, although this was not recorded in old excavations. A pattern can however, be identifed at Novilara – Servici, where the deceased was laid in a crouched position and in most cases the sword was placed in front of the eyes. The predilection for the right side of the body in the placement of the sword can be observed also for other contemporary regions in the western Hallstatt group, e.g. in Gaul, where 43 out of 60 Ha C burials with swords had the sword placed on the right side of the deceased26. This, however, needs to be investigated further, as the position of the sword in relation to the body was not usually recorded in older excavations (fg. 10). What must be pointed out here is that not all swords have had the same treatment during their functional period. The sword from Balta Verde (XIV/1) may present traces of repair27, as well as the sword from Ostrovu Mare (pl. II/4), where on the hilt there are additional rivet holes close to the main ones, indicating a reftting of the grip-plates.

24 Gutin 1974; Gutin 1977; Gutin 1979; Laharnar 2012. 25 Rebay-Salisbury 2016; Rebay-Salisbury 2017. 26 Milcent 2017, p. 92-93, fg. 5/2. 27 Berciu, Coma 1956, p. 350. and andhorse horse bits, bits, as well as well as a asbronze a bronze helmet, helmet, possibly possibly of Italian of Italian origin, origin, dated dated in the in firstthe first half halfof the of 6theth century 6th century BC24BC. Two24. Two other other swords swords come come from from similar, similar, but muchbut much smaller smaller weapon weapon hoards hoards at Tivoli at Tivoli and andKosmati Kosmati Kostel. Kostel. OnlyOnly six swordssix swords of this of thistype type were were part partfrom from funerary funerary inventories, inventories, three three of which of which come come from from a single a single grave grave at Nesactiumat Nesactium (I/12), (I/12), which which also also contains contains numerous numerous ceramic ceramic and andbronze bronze vessels, vessels, fibulae fibulae etc. etc.The Theother other three three swordsswords come come from from Donja Donja Dolina Dolina graves graves 12, 3412, and 34 and39. 39. RegardingRegarding the statethe state of preservation, of preservation, from from the 54the pieces 54 pieces identified identified in the in graves,the graves, including including those those from from NesactiumNesactium and andDonja Donja Dolina, Dolina, 13 were 13 were deposited deposited whole, whole, while while 41 were 41 were fragmentary. fragmentary. We Wecan canassume assume that that the swordsthe swords that thatwere were part partof grave of grave goods goods were were intentio intentionallynally deposited deposited as such, as such, in which in which case case their their degree degree of fragmentationof fragmentation is relevant. is relevant. In most In most cases cases (20 cases),(20 cases), fragments fragments of the of bladethe blade (either (either the fullthe fullblade blade or only or only fragments)fragments) and andthe guardthe guard were were deposited, deposited, followed followed by fragments by fragments of the of hiltthe andhilt andpart partof the of blathede bla (13de cases),(13 cases), onlyonly the bladethe blade (six (sixcases) cases) and andonly only two twocases cases where where only only the Tthe- shaped T- shaped hilt washilt wasdeposited deposited (fig. (fig. 5). 5). MostMost swords swords come come from from inhumation inhumation burials burials (35 (35cases cases – 67%), – 67%), while while only only eight eight (16%) (16%) come come from from cremationcremation graves, graves, but forbut 17%for 17% of the of casesthe cases we haweve ha nove data no data regarding regarding the funerarythe funerary rite rite(fig. ( f6).ig. While6). While the the treatmenttreatment of the of thebody body varies varies in proportion in proportion from from region region to region, to region, a long a long-term-term trend trend of transition of transition from from cremationcremation to inhumation to inhumation can canbe observed be observed during during the Hallstattthe Hallstatt period period25. 25. As forAs thefor positionthe position of the of swordsthe swords in inhumation in inhumation graves, graves, for thefor majoritythe majority of cases of cases (25) (25) we havewe have no no data,data, five fivewere were placed placed near near the headthe head of the of deceased,the deceased, five fivenear near or between or between the legs,the legs, four four were were placed placed in the in the upperupper body body area, area, three three were were placed placed on the on side,the side, while while only only one onewas wasplac placed ined a infunctional a functional position position on the on the pelvispelvis (fig. (fig. 7). Also,7). Also, in most in most cases cases for whichfor which we havewe have data, data, 13 were13 were placed placed on theon rightthe right side, side, four four on theon the bodybody of the of deceasedthe deceased and andonly only one oneon theon leftthe leftside side (fig. (fig. 7). There7). There is no is identifiableno identifiable pattern pattern regarding regarding the the deposideposition tionof the of swordthe sword in relation in relation to one to onepart partof the of body,the body, but butthe swordsthe swords were were usually usually placed placed near near the the body.body. Also, Also, the tipthe oftip the of swordthe sword is pointed is pointed both both towards towards the feetthe feetand andtowards towards the headthe head of the of deceased,the deceased, althoughalthough this thiswas wasnot recordednot recorded in old in excavations.old excavations. A patternA pattern can can however, however, be identified be identified at Novilara at Novilara – Servici – Servici, where, where the the deceased deceased was was laid laid in a in a crouchedcrouched position position and andin most in most cases cases the swordthe sword was wasplaced placed in front in front of the of eyes.the eyes. The Thepredilection predilection for thefor rightthe right side side of the of bodythe body in the in placementthe placement of the of swordthe sword can canbe observed be observed also also for otherfor other contemporary contemporary regions regions in the in Westernthe Western Hallstatt Hallstatt group, group, e.g. Gaul, in Gaul, where where 43 out 43 ofout 60 of Ha 60 C Ha burials C burials withwith swords swords had had the the sword sword placed placed on the on the right right side side of the of the deceased deceased26. This,26. This, however, however, needs needs to be to be investigatedinvestigated further, further, as the as positithe position ofon the of swordthe sword in relation in relation to the to bodythe body was wasnot usuallynot usually recorded recorded in older in older excavationsexcavations (fig. (fig. 8-9). 8 -9). WhatWhat must must be pointed be pointed out outhere here is that is that not notall swords all swords have have had had the thesame same treatment treatment during during their their functionalfunctional period. period. The Thesword sword from from Balta Balta Verde Verde (XIV/1) (XIV/1) may may presen present tracest traces of repair of repair27, as27 well, as well as the as swordthe sword 9from from Ostrovul Ostrovul Mare Mare (pShortl. (II/4),pl. single II/4), where-edge where oncurved theon hilttheswords hiltthere with there are a bentadditionalare hiltadditional in the rivet Early rivet holes Iron holes closeAge close to the to mainthe main ones, ones, 125 indicatingindicating a refitting a refitting of the of gripthe grip-plates.-plates.

Hilt;Hilt 2; 4%; 2; 4% No DataNo Data; ; 9; 17%9; 17% WholeWhole; ; 13; 25%13; 25% BladeBlade + + guardguard; ; 20; 38%20; 38% BladeBlade; 6; ; 6; 12%12% CremationCremation; ; InhumationInhumation; ; 8; 16%8; 16% 35; 67%35; 67% Blade + hilt; 11; 21% Blade + hilt; 11; 21% Fig.Fig. Fig. 5.5. StateState 5. State of of preservation preservation of preservation of of the theof short the short short single single-edge single-edge-edge Fig.Fig. Fig.6. Rite 6. 6. Rite Riteof the of of gravesthe the gravesgraves containing containingcontaining swords swords with with witha aa swordsswords T-shapedT-shaped hilt. hilt. swords T-shaped hilt.

24 Guštin24 Guštin 1974 1974; Guštin; Guštin 1977 1977; Guštin; Guštin 1979 1979; Laharnar; Laharnar 2012 2012. . 25 25 Rebay Rebay-Salisbury-Salisbury 2016 2016; Rebay; Rebay-Salisbury-Salisbury 2017 2017. . 26 Milcent26 Milcent 2017, 2017, p. 92 p.-93, 92 -fig.93, 5/2fig.. 5/2. 27 27 Berciu, Berciu, Com ComșaHead 1956,șa 1956, p. 350 p.. 350. 5 HeadHead 5 5

pper body 4 pperpper body body 4 4

elvis 1 elviselvis 1 1

Side 3 SideSide 3 3

Legs 5 LegsLegs 5 5

Cremation 8 CremationCremation 8 8

No data 25 No dataNo data 25 25

Fig. 7. osition of the swards in relation to the body. Fig.Fig. Fig.7 7.. osition Position7. osition of of the ofthe swardsthe swords swards in inrelation inrelation relation to tothe to the body.the body. body.

CenterCenterCenter CremationCremationCremation; 7; ;7 15%; 715%; 15% LeftLeftLeft; 1; ;1 2%;; 12%; 2% 4 4 4 Right; NoNo DataNo Data Data; ; ; RightRight; ; 13; 28% 2222; ;47%22 47%; 47% 13; 28%13; 28% 1 1 1 131313 LeftLeftLeft RightRightRight CenterCenterCenter; ; ; 4;4 8%; 48%; 8%

Fig. 8. osition of the sword in terms of left/right Fig. 9. osition of the sword in terms of left/right Fig. Fig. 8.8. ositionPosition 8. osition of of the theof sword thesword sword in in terms termsin terms of of left/right ofleft/right left/right Fig.Fig. Fig.9. osition9. 9. Position osition of the of of theswordthe swordsword in terms inin terms of left/right of left/right positioning (total). positioning (available data). positioningpositioningpositioning (total). (total). (total). positioningpositioningpositioning (available (available(available data). data).

PositionPositionPosition OrientationOrientationOrientation Cat.Cat.Cat. GraveGraveGrave SwordSwordSword tip tip tip GraveGraveGrave no. BodyBodyBody Left/RightLeft/RightLeft/Right orientationorientationorientation orientationorientationorientation RiteRite Rite 1 1 1 BaltaBaltaBalta Verde, Verde, Verde, XVII/3 XVII/3 XVII/3 pperpperpper body body body RightRightRight WW-W- - InhumationInhumationInhumation 2 2 2 BaltaBaltaBalta Verde, Verde, Verde, VIII/1 VIII/1 VIII/1 pperpperpper body body body SWSW-SWN-N -N InhumationInhumationInhumation 3 3 3 BaltaBaltaBalta Verde, Verde, Verde, II II II NWNW-NWS-S -S InhumationInhumationInhumation 4 4 4 BaltaBaltaBalta Verde, Verde, Verde, IV IV IV InhumationInhumationInhumation 5 5 5 BaltaBaltaBalta Verde, Verde, Verde, VI VI VI InhumationInhumationInhumation 6,16,1 6,1 BaltaBaltaBalta Verde, Verde, Verde, VII/1 VII/1 VII/1 NWNW-NWSW-SW- SW InhumationInhumationInhumation 6,26,2 6,2 BaltaBaltaBalta Verde, Verde, Verde, VII/2 VII/2 VII/2 NN-SWN-SW- SW InhumationInhumationInhumation 7 7 7 BaltaBaltaBalta Verde, Verde, Verde, X/3 X/3 X/3 LegsLegsLegs CentreCentreCentre SSWSSWSSW-NN-NN-NN InhumationInhumationInhumation 8 8 8 BaltaBaltaBalta Verde, Verde, Verde, XXI/3 XXI/3 XXI/3 elviselviselvis CentreCentreCentre WNWWNWWNW-S-S- S InhumationInhumationInhumation 9 9 9 BaltaBaltaBalta Verde, Verde, Verde, XXII/1 XXII/1 XXII/1 LegsLegsLegs CentreCentreCentre WNWWNWWNW-S-S- S InhumationInhumationInhumation 126 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 10

Position Orientation Cat. Grave Sword tip Grave Body Left/Right Rite no. orientation orientation 1 Balta Verde, XVII/3 Upper body Right W-E E Inhumation 2 Balta Verde, VIII/1 Upper body ? SW-NE ? Inhumation 3 Balta Verde, II ? ? NW-SE ? Inhumation 4 Balta Verde, IV ? ? ? ? Inhumation 5 Balta Verde, VI ? ? ? ? Inhumation 6,1 Balta Verde, VII/1 ? ? NW-SW ? Inhumation 6,2 Balta Verde, VII/2 ? ? NE-SW ? Inhumation 7 Balta Verde, X/3 Legs Centre SSW-NNE ? Inhumation 8 Balta Verde, XXI/3 Pelvis Centre WNW-ESE E Inhumation 9 Balta Verde, XXII/1 Legs Centre? WNW-ESE ? Inhumation 10 Balta Verde, XIV/1-2 ? ? ? ? Inhumation 11 Balta Verde, XXVIII ? ? ? ? Inhumation 12,1 Basarabi, III/3 Head? Right? WSW-ENE S Inhumation 12,2 Basarabi, III/3 Head? Right? WSW-ENE SE Inhumation 13 Basarabi, IV/3 Head Right SW-NE SW Inhumation 14 Basarabi, VII/1 Legs Right NW-SE SE Inhumation 15 Basarabi, VII/2 Legs Right SSW-NNE SE Inhumation 16 Basarabi, VII/3 Legs Right NNW-SSE NNW Inhumation 17 Desa, III/5 ? ? S-N ? Inhumation 18 Ostrovu Mare ? ? ? ? ? 19 Ostrovu Mare ? ? ? ? ? 20 Ostrovu Mare – Prundul eiului - - - - Cremation 21 Ostrovu Mare – 1975, I/1 ? ? ? ? Inhumation 22 Sofronievo - - - - Cremation 23 “Vraca” ? ? ? ? ? 24 Podilijak, B/6 Upper body Centre? NW-SE SE Inhumation 25 Frög, T 181 ? ? ? ? Cremation 28 Legen – Kramaršek grave ? ? ? ? Cremation Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva, 29 Head Left NW-SE SE Inhumation T 1/16 30 Gradenje, VII/1901 - - - - Cremation 31 Loka, V/2 ? ? N-S ? Inhumation 32 Loka, II/3 ? ? E-W ? Inhumation 33 Pusti Gradec, II/2 ? ? S-N ? Inhumation 36 Ancona – Colle Cardeto ? ? ? ? ? 37 Ancona – Colle dei Cappuccini ? ? ? ? ? 38 Novilara, grave 2 Side Right NNW-SSE ? Inhumation 39 Novilara, grave 14 Side Right NNW-SSE ? Inhumation 40 Novilara, grave 16 Upper body Right NNW-SSE ? Inhumation 41 Novilara, grave 19 Side Right WSW-ENE ? Inhumation 42 Novilara, grave 30 ? ? WNW-ESE ? Inhumation 43 Novilara, grave 42 Head Right WSW-ENE ? Inhumation 44 Novilara, grave 64 ? ? NNW-SSE ? Inhumation 45 Ripatransone ? ? ? ? ? 46 San Severino ? ? ? ? ? 47 Verucchio ? ? ? ? ? 48 Verucchio ? ? ? ? ? 60-62 Nesactium, I/12 ? ? ? ? Cremation 64 Donja Dolina, grave 12 ? ? E-W ? Inhumation 65 Donja Dolina, grave 34 ? ? NE-SW ? Inhumation 66 Donja Dolina, grave 39 ? ? E-W ? Inhumation Fig. 10. The position and orientation in the graves with swords with a T-shaped hilt. 11 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 127

A few observations can also be made on the treatment of weapons at the time of their deposition in the grave. Except the sword from Novo mesto, and possibly the swords from Balta Verde XVII/3 and XXI/3, whose missing parts may have been the results of natural decay in the ground, all pieces have suffered deformations. The sword from Balta Verde Tumulus II and the sword from Podilijak have been broken into two parts. The sword from Kramaršek grave in Legen was deformed and traces of fur and textile were uncovered28. The intentional deformations prior to the deposition in the grave are present also in other contemporary cultural milieus29, and the same can be said about wrapping the swords in textiles30, displaying shared funerary practices of the elites across multiple areas. Although other types of weapons suffered the same treatment, i.e. fragmentation or deformation, wrapping in textiles, exposure to fre etc., it has been argued that the shared practices across large areas may indicate a shared identity concerning the elites31. While it can be argued that for the fnds in Central Europe, based on the distribution of the metal fnds, connections over large areas can be observed, for the Basarabi area the evidence is still too scarce to reliably identify how much the elites shared the same ideology.


I would like to discuss in the following paragraphs two aspects of the contexts in which this type of swords was found. The frst part presents the most relevant contexts, providing critical comments where necessary, based on a reevaluation of the archaeological literature, while the second part deals with the most frequent combinations of grave goods. In the Basarabi area, swords with a T-shaped hilt were found in the cemeteries of Balta Verde – a mormini and a glod32, Ostrovu Mare – 197533 and Prundul eiului34, Basarabi35 and Desa36. Among the most important cemeteries are the ones from Balta Verde and Ostrovul Mare, in fact groups of cemeteries belonging to a large cemetery in the Balta Verde – Gogou – Ostrovu Mare area, which suggest, at least partly, a chronological succession37. The necropolis from Balta Verde was excavated in 1932 and 1934 and in 1949-1950. Short swords with a T-shaped hilt have been found at Balta Verde in T II, T IV, T VI, T VII/1, 2, T X/3, T XVII/3, T XVIII/1, T XXI/3, T XXII/1 and T XXVIII. Most of these are associated with a single iron lance (T IV, T VII/1, T VII/2, T XXI/1). T XVII/3 also contains a small knife and a bracelet, while graves X/3 and XXI/3 contain in addition to the sword and the lance a double-looped bow fbula. The central grave in Tumulus II from Balta Verde was excavated by Dumitru Berciu in 1932 and 1934 and only partially published38. The inventory has been republished by Alexandru Vulpe39, but the direct observations regarding the position of the grave goods are lost. The deceased was buried with a short single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt, two iron lances, a horse harness set and two bowls (fg. 11).

28 Djura eleno, Boi 2015. 29 Trachsel 2005, p. 68; Fontijn, Foens 2006, p. 367-368; van der Vaart-Verschoof 2017, p. 159. 30 van der Vaart-Verschoof 2017, p. 159-160. 31 Fontijn, van der Vaart-Verschoof 2016; van der Vaart-Verschoof, Schumann 2017. 32 Berciu 1934a; Berciu 1934b; Berciu, Coma 1956. 33 Safta Ciocea 1996. 34 Stângă 1980. 35 Dumitrescu 1968. 36 Gherghe, Ridiche 2005; Bâsceanu 2017. 37 Vulpe 1990, p. 113-120. 38 Berciu 1934a; Bercu 1934b; Berciu, Coma 1956. 39 An iron cross-shaped openwor mount and a brone bracelet were published as part of the grave goods (Vulpe 1990, p. 75, cat. no. 103, pl. 56/A, 3, 16). However, in the frst publications (Berciu 1934a, p. 170, fg. 1; Berciu 1934b, p. 9), the two items are said to have been found in the eastern part of the Tumulus at -0.15 m depth, therefore, it is unlikely that they are part of the central grave inventory. Apart from this, there is no information about the position of the grave goods inside the grave. 128 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 12

10 11

8 9 12 13

15 16 14 23 17 24 0 5 cm 18 19 20 21

25 26 27 2 3


1 4 5 6 7 29

Fig. 11. Balta Verde, Tumulus II. A. Plan and profle of the tumulus; B. Grave goods from the central grave (modifed after Berciu 1934a; Berciu, Coma 1956; Vulpe 1990). 13 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 129

The harness set is particularly important as it provides a wider area of distribution, as well as important observations on the contacts between the Early Iron Age groups. The harness set contains two bridles, four round open-work cross-shaped distributors, one frontal lunula-shaped mount and two open-work strap-ends. It is worth noting that no parts of the horse-bit were found. The horse bridles belong to ossac type Ia40 and Metner-Nebelsic type I A 141. This type of bridle is mainly distributed in the Middle Danube Basin and the Great Hungarian Plain42, with analogies at Batina43 and Dalj44. The round strap-distributors belong to Metner-Nebelsic type B Ia, round open-work strap distributors with inner cross (Runde durchrochene Riemenkreuzungen mit Innenkreuz)45. Analogies can be found at Budinjak Tumulus 139 grave 646, Molnik Tumulus 17 grave 6, albeit with different types of bridles, and in the hoards from Ilok47 and Sarkad48. Pieces with similar but more elaborate decorations are present at Glasinac in the graves from Ilijak Tumulus 4 grave 149, Podilijak Tumulus A grave 4/550. Similar decorations can also be found on the belt pieces from Glasinac, Ilijak Tumulus II grave 151 and Breje Tumulus I grave 152. The same combination between Metner-Nebelsic type I A 1 bridles and Metner-Nebelsic type B I distributors can be found at Batina53 and “Bacs-Bodrog” Find I54. Tumulus XVIII/1 (fig. 12) contained a fragmentary short single edge sword along with an iron lance and a 3 square strap-distributor in the shape of a Maltese cross with 0 5 cm closed arms and central nob, type Metner-Nebelsic C/III (Malteserkreuzsenknop mit zu einem ast uadratischen 2 mri geschlossenen Kreuzarmen und Mitteluckel)55. The same association between a short sword with a T-shaped hilt 1 can be found in Tumulus B grave 7 from Podilijak on the 56 Fig. 12. Balta Verde. Grave goods from Glasinac plateau . T XVIII/1 (modifed after Berciu, Near the groups of tumuli from Balta Verde there is the Coma 1956; Vulpe 1990). group from Ostrovu Mare, excavated by Emil Moscalu in 1975. The documentation was lost and only the recovered grave goods

40 ossac 1954, p. 136, 135, fg. 11/s. 41 Metner-Nebelsic 1994; 2002, p. 215, fg. 97. 42 Metner-Nebelsic 2002, p. 216, fg. 99. 43 ossac 1954, p. 135, fg. 11/s; Metner-Nebelsic 2002, pl. 19/7, 36/1-2, 38/12. 44 Darnay 1903, p. 35, fg. 9; Metner-Nebelsic 2002, pl. 102/16, 117/1, 5-6. 45 Metner-Nebelsic 2002, p. 318-327, fg. 139-140, 142a, 147. 46 Egg, Neuhuser, oberne 1988, fg. 5/5; oberne 1999. 47 Metner-Nebelsic 2002, p. 319, fg. 146. 48 Metner-Nebelsic 2002, p. 322, fg. 149/7. 49 Benac, ovi 1957, pl. 6/10. 50 ovi 1959, pl. 2/15. 51 Benac, ovi 1957, pl. 20/5. 52 Benac, ovi 1957, pl. 23/3. 53 ossac 1954, p. 135, fg. 11. 54 Metner-Nebelsic 2002, pl. 117/5-6, 8. 55 Metner-Nebelsic 2002, p. 328, 530, 306, fg. 141/C, III. 56 ovi 1959, p. 65, pl. VIII/6-7; Boi 2015, p. 46-47. 130 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 14 were published by Elvira Ciocea Safta57. Tumulus I grave 1 (fg. 13/A) contained fragments probably belonging to a sword, fragments from two iron nives, an iron double-looped bow fbula with hourglass catch-plate, a whetstone and a fragmentary bowl with reverted rim. An iron arrowhead is also published as part of the grave’s inventory, this being the only case of an arrowhead in Basarabi graves and, given the state of the documentation, its presence among the grave goods is rather unsure. From the cremation grave excavated at Prundul eiului (fg. 13/B) comes a short sword associated with an iron piece resembling the handle of a nife similar to the ones from Legen – Kramaršek grave and Podilijak. A similar piece was found in the grave from Bujoru associated with Basarabi-style ceramics, a brone miniature chariot and brone harness pieces58. Also from Ostrovu Mare come two short swords in the collection of the Regional Museum, without any indication of the associated fnds59, but which most likely belong to destroyed graves in the area (pl. II/4-5). The necropolis from Basarabi was excavated in 1943 and published more than two decades later, during which some of the material was lost. The necropolis contains seven tumuli with a total of at least 25 graves60. Short swords with a T-shaped hilt were present in fve graves.




4 8 0 5 cm

8 9 7 5

6 10

Fig. 13 A. Grave goods from Ostrovu Mare – 1975, T I/1 (modifed after Safta Ciocea 1996; Bader 1983); B. Ostrovu Mare – Prundul eiului (after Vulpe 1990).

57 Ciocea Safta 1996. 58 Moscalu, Beda 1988, fg. 3/2. 59 Berciu 1953. 60 Dumitrescu 1968. 15 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 131

0 0.5 1 m

4 10 11

0 5 cm 3 5


1 2

6 7 8 12

Fig. 14. Basarabi. A. Plan of T 3; B. Detailed plan of grave 3; C. Grave goods (modifed after Dumitrescu 1968; Vulpe 1990). 132 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 16


0 5 cm 7 8

6 10

0 5 cm

1 2

4 0 5 cm

3 5

Fig. 15. A. Basarabi, plan of Tumulus 7; B. Grave goods of grave 1; C. Grave goods of grave 2; D. Grave goods of grave 3 (modifed after Dumitrescu 1968; Vulpe 1990). 17 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 133

While the grave good assemblage of Tumulus III/3 appears to be the most signifcant, it is only partly reliable. The seleton is only partly preserved, especially the long bones. On the grave’s plan, near the main seleton there is another long bone possibly belonging to another individual (fg. 14/B). Furthermore, the grave goods contain at least two swords, i.e. one Glasinac-type sword, one sword with a T-shaped hilt and another blade fragment with a triangular cross-section and thickened back, which may belong to the same or another sword with a T-shaped hilt, as well as two iron knives61. The number of weapons present is contrary to the general tendency of one sword per grave. It is, however, uncertain if we are dealing with a double grave or overlapped graves, in which case it is diffcult to separate the grave goods, and as such should be taken with caution. The grave goods include, besides the two swords, two iron knives, one double looped fbula with brone ribbed bow, two brone bracelets with overlapping heads, an iron tube, probably belonging to the chape, two cups with a high handle, one footed bowl, and one bowl with everted rim62 (fg. 14/C). In Tumulus VII, the central grave and at least one of the secondary graves contained swords with a T-shaped hilt (fg. 15). The pottery is identical in graves 1 and 2, i.e. one undecorated bowl with everted rim, and graves 2 and 3 contained a double-looped bow fbula, possibly suggesting that not much time passed between the burials. The presence in the mantle of the tumulus of a double looped bow fbula with a Boeotian shield63 would indicate an earlier date for the swords with a T-shaped hilt. The inventory from the grave of Sofronievo (fg. 16) appears rather heterogeneous. The grave was unprofessionally excavated in the 1960s64, but from the descriptions provided by B. Nikolov, it can be identifed as a small mound with a cremation grave under a layer of stones65. The grave contained the blade of a short single-edge sword, a trunnion axe66, a horse harness set, a brone phiale, a brone double-looped bow fbula with a Boeotian shield catch-plate, a brone spiral bracelet, two Ghidici-type pendants and a brone openwor belt bucle. Subsequently, Bernhard Hnsel67 identifed three ceramic fragments with stamped decoration of Basarabi-type68 as part of the grave goods. The Ghidici-type ring pendants have a wider distribution, mainly based in the Sava – Danube area, but they can also be found in Greece and Macedonia69. Ghidici-type pendants have been found in association with spectacle ulae and double loop bow ulae made of brone cast over an iron core with bird protomes in the Blvăneti – Vin series of deposits70 at Ghidici71 and Hunia72. In grave 15 from Marvici, this type of ring-shaped pendants form together with phalerae and knobs a complex belt assemblage73. The fbula from Sofronievo is, however, one of the earlier variants of ulae with Boeotian shield catch-plate74. The brone ribbed plates (fg. 16/15-20) are similar to the one found at rina Gora, grave 475 associated with a willow-leaf bow fbula dated in the second half of the 8th century BC76.

61 The drawing of the piece published in Dumitrescu 1968, p. 187/j; p. 207, fg. 16/4 suggests that only the left part may belong to a short sword with a T-shaped hilt, while the right part may belong to another knife. It is possible there are two different pieces, i.e. a short sword and a knife. 62 An iron spear, although found at only -0.18 m depth, is considered to be possibly part of the grave goods (Dumitrescu 1968, p. 185, 206, fg. 15/2). Given that the grave was found at -0.60 m depth, it is questionable if the iron spear was indeed part of the funerary assemblage. 63 Dumitrescu 1968, p. 198, fg. 21/1, 22/1. 64 Niolov 1965; Hnsel 1976. 65 Nikolov 1965, p. 166. 66 The trunnion axe was initially interpreted as the handle of the machaira (Niolov 1965, p. 166-167, fg. 4/a; Hnsel 1976, pl. 68/1) and later correctly identifed by B. Teran (Teran 1987, fg. 7/14). 67 Hänsel 1976. 68 A. Vulpe considers the decoration technique of Basarabi origin, but not the motifs. 69 Boue 1974, p. 321, 323; ilian 1975, pl. 91; Vasi 1988, fg. 4. 70 Petrescu-Dmbovia 1977; Rusu 1963. 71 Oancea 1972; Oancea, Tătulea 1974. 72 Stoica, Cioană 1975. 73 Mitrevsi 1999; Mitrevsi 2007. 74 Heilmann 2016, p. 11-12. 75 Urleb 1974, pl. 2/10. 76 Urleb 1974, pl. 2/3; Teran 1987, p. 15-16. 134 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 18


8 6 7

9 10


1 2 3 22 0 5 cm 16 21 17 18

19 23 20 15


11 13

12 14 25

Fig. 16. Grave goods from Sofronievo (modifed after Niolov 1965; Hnsel 1976; Teran 1987). 19 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 135


4 5 7 0 5 cm

2 3 14 15 16

10 11 12 13 17 1 9


18 19

Fig. 17. Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva, A. Plan of Tumulus I; B. Plan of grave 16; C. Grave goods (modifed after Dular 2003; ri, ereb, Teran 2014). 136 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 20



0 5 cm





10 7 8 6 Fig. 18. Legen – Kramaršek grave (modifed after Djura eleno, Boi 2015). 21 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 137

Grave 16 from Tumulus I at Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva was excavated in 1987. The pit was rectangular and lined with stones, while from the skeletal remains only of the skull was preserved, fact which was attributed to the acidity of the soil77. It is possible, however, that only the skull was buried in a pit made for the full body. The deceased was buried with decorated short single-edge sword with a brone T-shaped hilt, two iron spears, one brone winged axe with a loop and one iron trunnion axe, a curved iron nife, a helmet with dis-plates, a brone horse bit, two multi-nobbed brone pins with a dis and a trumpet guard, two large black graphite-coated jars decorated with vertical ribs and incisions, one of which contained a cup with a high handle (fg. 17). The bowl helmets with disk-plates are a relatively common appearance in the elite graves in the southeastern Alpine area78. There are worth mentioning Tumulus 139 grave 6 from Budinjak79 and Tumulus 17 grave 6 from Molnik80. Both graves contained besides the bowl helmets, harness sets including round open-work strap distributors with an inner cross similar to the ones found in Tumulus 2 from Balta Verde. The Kramaršek grave from Legen near Slovenj Gradec (fg. 18) was excavated in 1958. The grave-goods were partly published on several occasions81, only recently being completely published82. It is a cremation urn burial, containing a sword with a T-shaped hilt, an iron spear, a brone winged axe with a Hallstatt type loop, variant leinlein, an iron item broen into three pieces interpreted as a “battle knife”, fragments belonging to a grey-brown jar with slightly concave base, fragments from a grey bowl decorated with four oblique grooves in a ig-ag pattern and one handle 3 belonging to an unidentifed grey-yellow vessel. The pommel of the sword presents similarities with one 0 5 cm of the swords from Ostrovu Mare83 (pl. II/4) Tumulus VII/1901 from Gradenjska hosta above Gradenje near Šmarjeta was excavated in 1901, and reidentified and published84. The cremation grave contained the handle of a short single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt, one iron 2 4 lance, one brone spear, one trunnion axe and fragments belonging to a bowl helmet (fg. 19). During the revision excavations at Glasinac, Tumulus B was excavated85. Grave 7 was located in the southeastern part of the tumulus and contained a single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt, two 1 open-wor brone mounts in the shape of a Maltese cross with a central knob, and one iron item Fig. 19. Gradenjska hosta, Tumulus VII/1901 similar to the “battle-knife” from Legen and Ostrovu (modifed after Stare 1973). Mare (fg. 20).

77 Boi 2015, p. 48. 78 Gabrovec 1962-1963; Egg 1988. 79 Egg, Neuhuser, oberne 1988, fg. 5/5; oberne 1999. 80 Tecco Hvala 2017, pl. 24/4, 25. 81 Stare 1974; Gutin 1974; Strmni-Guli 1979. 82 Djura eleno, Boi 2015. 83 Berciu 1953; Vulpe 1990. 84 Stare 1973; Boi 2015. 85 ovi 1959. 138 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 22

2 3 4 5 6

0 5 cm

7 8 9


Fig. 20. Podilija, Tumulus B/7 (modifed after ovi 1959). 23 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 139

1a, 1b, 1c 1

11 3 2

15 4 5

8 9 10 16 17

12 13 14

0 5 cm

6 7 Fig. 21. Frg, Tumulus 181 (modifed after Tomedi 2002).

Tumulus 181 from Frg near Rosegg (fg. 21), excavated in 188886, contained a double cremation grave. Based on the grave goods, the individuals were identifed as a man and a woman. The male inventory was composed of a fragmentary short-sword with a T-shaped hilt, an iron trunnion axe, an iron winged axe of Hallstatt type, the leinlein variant; a brone multi-nobbed pin, two pieces of resin and a lead fgurine depicting a horseman. The three iron pieces with rivets may be part of the scabbard. The “female inventory” contained three spindle-whorls and a double-loop bow fbula with a low triangular catch-plate and brone hangers. The grave also contained a ceramic situla with brone studs and a cup with a high-handle. The most common association present in all three areas is between the sword with a T-shaped hilt and one (15 cases) or two lances (3 cases). Apart from this there are clearly distinguishable patterns in the graves with weapons (fg. 22-23).

86 Tomedi 2002, p. 536-540, pl. 82/E, 83-84.

140 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 24

Bronze vessel Bronze



1 3 1 1


1 1 1 2 1

Footed bowl Footed

Ceramics 1 1


2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1


1 1


8 1


1 2 1 1


Double looped bow bow looped Double 1

fibula Glasinac


fibula e č


1 1 1 1 1 Attire

pin head -



pin ed b knob -


2 1 1

Ghidici pendant Ghidici



Belt Belt

7 2



knob lobed - Multi


Front mount Front

1 1

Maltese cross" mounts cross" Maltese "

1 2

Disk shaped mounts shaped Disk


Horse harness Horse


1 1 1



Bowl helmet Bowl

1 1

"battle knife" "battle

1 1


1 1 1 2 1 1 1


Trunnion axe Trunnion

1 1 1 1

Winged axe Winged

1 1 1

Bronze Spearhead Bronze


Weapons and tools and Weapons


2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

22. Combination table of the graves with bent swords in Basarabi, Glasinac and eastern Hallstatt areas.


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1? 1+ Fig.





ek grave ek

š Prundul Prundul 1975

Kapiteljska Kapiteljska 2 – –



, –

Grave VII/1901 B/7

IV/3 VII/1 VII/3 III/3

, , , , , Kramar , 181/1 Bela Krajna Bela

– I/16 III/5 T –

, , , Balta Verde, II Verde, Balta IV Verde, Balta VII/1 Verde, Balta VII/2 Verde, Balta X/3 Verde, Balta XVII/3 Verde, Balta XVIII/1 Verde, Balta XXI/3 Verde, Balta XXII/1 Verde, Balta Basarabi Basarabi Basarabi Desa Mare Ostrovu Deiului Sofronievo Podilijak mesto Novo njiva Legen Gradenje Frög Loka Gradec Pusti Basarabi Mare Ostrovu

. Cat. No Cat.

1 2

. . 3 4 7 1 2 8 9 12 13 14 16 17 20 21 22 24 29 28 30 25 31 32 6 6

25 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 141

Bronze vessel Bronze

1 2

Unidentified vessel Unidentified

2 1


1 1 1


2 4 1


1 1


Ceramic situla Ceramic


Footed bowl Footed

1 1



Bronze rings Bronze

3 3 2

Crescent razor Crescent

1 1 1 1

Sanguisuga fibula Sanguisuga


fibula shaped -



Serpentine fibula Serpentine


Drago fibula Drago

1 4




head d e

Pin with a thicken a with Pin


pin head -


1 1 1

Belt pieces Belt

1 1 1

helmet hair -


1 1 1

Curved bronze knife bronze Curved




23. Combination table of the graves with bent swords in Picenum.

Socketed axe Socketed

1 Fig.

pearhead s

Bronze Bronze



2 1 1 1 1 1 Weapons and tools and Weapons


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

, grave 2 , grave 14 , grave 16 , grave 19 , grave 30 , grave 42

Grave Servici Servici Servici Servici Servici Servici

Colle dei dei Colle Colle Cardeto Colle

– – – – – – – –

Ancona Ancona Cappuccini Novilara Novilara Novilara Novilara Novilara Novilara Novilara Ancona

Cat. No. Cat.

38 39 40 41 42 43 36 37

142 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 26

It is worth emphasiing that in the eastern Alpine area the sword with a T-shaped hilt appears only by exception. For the Dolenjska group the most common combination of weapons is the lance alongside with winged axes (appeneile) and trunnion axes (Armcheneile). This pattern is also present in Hallstatt graves 5487 23688 and 462b89, but in a later phase90, and leinlein, Grellwald 2291 and Leitengritschwald 2792. Also, the graves with weapons generally contain multi-headed brone pins with trumpet guard, as it is the case at Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva I/16, Frg and Loa – Bela Krajna V/2. Graves with weapons never contain ulae, considered to be an indicator of female attire. This is not the case for the Basarabi graves where the association with double looped bow ulae is frequent. For the Glasinac area, the iron lance is associated with the Glasinac type sword93. Although not as elaborate as the pieces from Glasinac94, the custom of depositing whetstones in graves with swords is present at Balta Verde Mound II and Ostrovu Mare I/1. The swords from Donja Dolina are associated with both offensive weapons (lances), and defensive weapons (brone shield umo in grave 39), as well as pieces of attire (one Borajna-type fbula and one fbula with asymmetrical foot). The necropolis from Donja Dolina, however, provides a more disparate model both in burial rites and material culture, and should be reconsidered in its own right95. The graves from Novilara containing swords with a T-shaped hilt, however, have an entirely different pattern regarding both the burial rite and the grave-goods combinations. The burial rite is exclusively inhumation in crouched position on the right side in a pozzo graves. While also most commonly associated with the lance, it is also associated with horse-hair comb helmets (graves 2, 16 and 42). Similar helmets are nown in the eastern Hallstatt area from the princely grave at leinlein, Hartnermichelogel 1, associated with an antennae sword and a trunnion axe of Hallstatt type, leinlein variant96, and from the southeastern Alpine area at Magdalenska gora grave 12/197 and Trnovo98. The associated attire includes brone pins, and boat-shaped, sanguisuga and drago ulae. Some parallels can be drawn between the fnds from Picenum and those form the eastern Alpine area, lie the combination between the sword and a brone spear at Ancona – Colle Cardeto and Gradenje, and the roll-head pin present at Novilara – Servici (graves 16, 19 and 42) and Loa – Bela Krajna V/2.


While supra-regional chronologies are generally less precise than individual chronologies99, synchronising the phases of the various Early Iron Age groups is also a diffcult endeavour, given that metal pieces have a wider circulation. Not all metal pieces are chronologically sensitive nor do they have the same period of usage. While the ulae may have a rapid stylistic variability, other personal adornments may be transmitted from generation to generation100. Of course, one must consider that the date of manufacturing is not necessarily the date of deposition and that each item has its own biography. Nonetheless, a discussion on the available chronological data from multiple regions is useful. The internal periodiation of the Basarabi phenomenon remains largely unsolved. Alexandru Vulpe proposed two phases based on the decorations of the ceramics, but pointed out the diffculty of a clear

87 romer 1959, p. 49, pl. 4. 88 romer 1959, p. 74, fg. 45, pl. 34. 89 romer 1959, p. 109, pl. 77. 90 Wesse 1990, p. 158. 91 Dobiat 1980, pl. 69. 92 Dobiat 1980, pl. 99-100. 93 Benac, ovi 1957. 94 Govedarica 2017. 95 Gavranovi 2018, p. 437-440. 96 Egg 2004, p. 101, fg. 7. 97 Teran 2007, fg. 1-2. 98 Gutin 1979, pl. 12/5. 99 Pare 1996; Pare 1998; Pare 1999. 100 Trachsel 2004; Arnold 2012, p. 90-91; Rebay-Salisbury 2016, p. 47. 27 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 143 separation between them101. In the later phases of the Basarabi style ceramics, the pottery with grooves was considered later than the pottery decorated in the “classic” Basarabi style, composed of a combination of stamped, incised and incrusted motifs. The tripartite periodisation proposed by Marian Gumă for the discoveries from Banat102 and accepted by other researchers103, raises some doubts as it is based on ceramic decoration and is not entirely supported by stratigraphic evidence. For the southwestern part of the Basarabi complex, on the assumption that the groups of tumuli from the Balta Verde – Gogou – Ostrovu Mare area indicate, at least in part, a chronological sequence, Alexandru Vulpe placed the tumuli from Balta Verde – a glod and a mormini and the frst tumuli from Ostrovu Mare – 1975, as well as the necropolis from Basarabi in Ha C104. In absolute terms, Tumulus II from Balta Verde cannot be dated earlier than the second half of the 8th century BC and no later than the frst half of the 7th century BC105. For this a terminus ante uem can be cited the Gogou group, dated in the second half of the 7th century BC, where no such swords were found. The grave from Sofronievo can be dated, based on the fbula, the belt piece and the phiale, as well as the Ghidici-type pendants, in the frst half of the 7th century BC106. The phiale is also found in Tumulus II grave 1 from Ilijak107 also dated in the Glasinac IVb phase. Tumulus B Grave 7 from Podilijak may belong to the same phase, although, except for the brone hoos, which also appear in earlier combinations, few chronological indicators can be cited. For the Dolenjska group, the short swords with a T-shaped hilt were considered chronological indicators for the Podmelj 2 phase of the Dolenjsa group108. The only 14C date from a grave with a sword with a T-shaped hilt comes from Tumulus I grave 16 from Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva, which is dated in the frst decades of the 7th century BC109. Another 14C date comes from Molnik grave 17/6 and placed it in the frst half of the 8th century BC110. The grave contained similar strap distributors to those from Balta Verde Tumulus II, albeit with two crossed hemispherical loops on the underside, somewhat different from those at Balta Verde. In my opinion, the argument is not suffcient to date Balta Verde Tumulus II in the frst half of the 8th century based solely on the harness pieces as they may have been slightly earlier than the grave itself. The double grave from Tumulus 181 at Frg contained a double-looped bow fbula with a low triangular catch-plate and hangers, placed in phases 2 or 3 of the necropolis111 and a multi-knobbed pin, placed in phases 3 or 4112. The sword itself was placed in the Frg 3 phase and synchronised with the Podmelj 2 phase, based on the grave from Novo mesto113. The graves containing short single-edge swords from Novilara were placed in the Novilara II phase114, corresponding to general phases Picenum IIB and IIIA, and dated in the frst half of the 7th century BC115. The synchronied phases would therefore be Podmelj 2 – Frg 3 – Picenum IIIA – Glasinac IVb. While it is tempting to synchronise the Basarabi style with the central European and Italic chronologies, this is extremely diffcult, on the one hand because the internal periodisation of Basarabi is still a matter of debate and on the other hand, because the internal chronologies and periodiation of various group do not necessarily

101 Vulpe 1986; Vulpe 1990. 102 Gumă 1993, p. 232-234. 103 Ursuiu 2002, p. 73-75. 104 Vulpe 1990, p. 120. 105 Vulpe 1990, p. 120; C. Metner-Nebelsic places the Tumulus 2 from Balta Verde starting with the frst half of the 8th century BC, based on the chronology of I A1 type bridles (Metner-Nebelsic 2002, p. 271-272; Metner-Nebelsic 2017, p. 351, fg. 2). This does not, however, automatically lead to the conclusion that the grave can be dated in the frst half of the 8th century, as it is not unusual for earlier items to be found in later contexts. 106 Metner-Nebelsic 2005; aarevi 2014; Heilmann 2016. 107 Benac, ovi 1957, pl. XX; Vasi 2009; Govedarica 2017. 108 Gabrovec 1987, p. 36-42; Boi 2015. 109 ri, ereb, Teran 2014; Teran, renar 2014, p. 715. 110 Tecco Hvala 2017, p. 225-226. 111 Gleirscher 2003, p. 47, fg. 24. 112 Gleirscher 2003, p. 46, fg. 23. 113 Tomedi 1996, p. 544. 114 Pare 1998, p. 322-326, fg. 14. 115 Stary 1981, p. 261; Pare 1998, p. 326, Tab. 2. 144 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 28 line up. If we assume that graves with swords with a T-shaped hilt are more or less contemporary, we can take into account a chronological parallel of the graves containing swords with a T-shaped hilt between the regions. The Basarabi, Balta Verde and Ostrovu Mare graves with swords may be synchronied, with the necessary caution, with the Podmelj 2 and Glasinac IVb phases, roughly corresponding to the Ha C1 or C1b phase. The deposit from Trie, based on the brone helmet, was dated in the frst half of the 6th century BC116. Grave I/12 from Nesactium, which also contains three bent swords as well as numerous ceramic and brone vessels is dated in the second half of the 7th century and the beginning of the 6th century BC117. The swords from the graves from Donja Dolina also indicate a later date, i.e. the 6th century BC118.


The Hallstatt C period appears as a period of contacts across large regions and multiple cultural groups, even to a greater degree in the case of elites. What should be noted is that graves with swords stand out from the rest of the graves, probably indicating a higher social status. Several examples can be cited here. The central grave from Balta Verde Tumulus II, based on the grave goods, can belong to the local elite as might be the case for Tumulus III grave 3 from Basarabi. Grave I/16 from Novo mesto is another example of “princely” grave with a short single-edge sword, in this case decorated. Also, in the eastern Hallstatt circle, the grave from Tumulus 7/1901 from Gradenjska hosta above Gradenje near Šmarjeta and the Kramaršek grave from Legen near Slovenj Gradec may also belong to the local elite. Dress elements like ulae and brone buttons are a common presence in Basarabi graves and they are also found in graves with weapons. There is also the peculiar presence of the swords from Novilara, some elaborately decorated, which may indicate an adoption of a certain type of weapon for the elites, most likely as a result of connections with the Istrian area119. Contacts between the Basarabi and the Glasinac communities are also proved by Glasinac-type swords at the cemeteries from Basarabi and Desa, but also by other materials, especially double loop bow ulae. On the other hand, Basarabi-style pottery, while formed in the Lower Danube area, has a wider distribution both in the east and the west. While the eastern part may be considered a periphery of the Basarabi phenomenon120, Basarabi-style pottery can also be found in the southeastern Alpine area at Frög121, Potela122, Borte123 etc., and even further in the westward124 as early as the Hallstatt B3/C phase. Whether or not this represents an actual movement of population or just contacts across multiple regions is still a matter of debate. Not all items have however, large scale distribution areas. For example, the double loop bow ulae have distinct western and eastern variants125. Multi-knobbed pins with trumpet guard are characteristic to the southeastern Alpine area, and are not to be found in the Basarabi area or Picenum. In Picenum however, the association between weapons and toiletries, especially crescent-shaped raors, is frequent, but such pieces are rare in the southeastern Alpine area and absent in the Basarabi area. A problem is the origin of this type of swords as it does not seem to have an identifable precursor or brone prototypes. Alexandru Vulpe proposes a Lower Danube origin126, but there remains the question why is it concentrated only in a few necropolises on the Danube and it is not present in Muntenia and the Mure basin where Basarabi-type discoveries abound. Furthermore, this type of swords is not present in the group of tumuli from Gogou, near Balta Verde, starting from the second half of the 7th century BC. The question remains, if we consider that this type originated in the Lower Danube area, why it continues in the southeastern Alpine region with some variations throughout the 6th century BC and is abandoned at its place of origin.

116 Gutin 1974; Gutin 1977; Gutin 1979; Laharnar 2012. 117 Mihovili 2001, p. 83-92, p. 149-176, pl. 8-26. 118 Truhela 1904; ovi 1987a; Gavranovi 2011; aarevi 2017. 119 Teran 1995; Teran 2007. 120 auba 2007; auba 2008. 121 Vulpe 1986; Metner-Nebelsic 1992. 122 Teran 1990. 123 Dular 1979. 124 Vulpe 1986; Metner-Nebelsic 1992; Eibner 1996; Gavranovi 2007. 125 Gabrovec 1970, p. 29, arta VIII. 126 Vulpe 1990, p. 74-79. 29 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 145

The chronological implications of the short swords with a T-shaped hilt have already been emphasied127 and even considered as chronological markers for a later period of the Basarabi phenomenon128, as well as for other regions129. Based on the available chronological data, it seems likely that this type of swords circulated between the second half of the 8th century BC and the frst half of the 7th century BC. If we admit that it was probably not a widely-adopted weapon, possibly in use one or two generations, it is possible that this type of weapon circulated sometime between the end of the 8th c. and the beginning of the 7th century BC, although this date may be subject to change considering other chronological methods130. There are still, however, many problems with the chronology of the Basarabi graves and, by extension, with the internal periodiation of the Basarabi phenomenon. While it is clear that connections exist in the period, in the current stage of research it is diffcult to ascertain how intense were the connections between the Basarabi communities and the rest of the Hallstatt C cultural milieus. Both the differences and the similarities need to be taken into account for a better understanding of connected regions. In this case, both Balta Verde and Basarabi necropoleis need to be revised and integrated into a much larger discussion of the Early Iron Age in southeastern Europe, starting from the archaeological material and its treatment.


SWORDS WITH A T-SHAPED HILT ROMANIA 1. Balta Verde – a glod (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County). Contet Tumulus XVII, grave 3. Secondary inhumation, lying on the bac on a bed of rocs, W–E orientation. ind iron short single-edged sword with a T-shaped hilt. Well preserved during the excavations. The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thickened edge and is decorated on either part with grooves. The grip-plates were made of iron and fastened on the hilt and the pommel with fve iron rivets. Between the hilt and the grip-plates there was probably an organic material, now disintegrated. Positioned on the chest with the tip pointing towards the legs (pl. I/1). Dimensions131: preserved l. 40.5 cm; blade l. 28.8 cm; hilt l. 11.7 cm; pommel w. 9.6 cm. Associated nds iron lance, lenticular cross-section, positioned on the right side of the sull; small fragmentary iron knife with the blade triangular in cross-section and the grip-plates fastened with three rivets, positioned in the right hand; fragmentary iron bracelet with a rectangular cross-section, placed on the left arm. it. Berciu, Coma 1956, p. 363, fg. 93/3. 2. Balta Verde – a glod (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet Tumulus XVIII, grave 1, severely damaged. Secondary inhumation, the deceased was lain on the back in a rectangular pit (w. 0.50 m, depth 0.30 m) and covered with stones (l. 1.80 m, w. 0.80 m), SW–NE orientation. ind fragmentary single edged sword with a T-shaped hilt. Most of the blade and part of the hilt are preserved. The blade has a triangular cross-section with thicened edge (pl. I/4, fg. 12/1). Dimensions: preserved l. 38 cm. Associated nds iron lance, well preserved, elongated blade and lenticular cross-section (fg. 12/2); iron mount in the shape of a Maltese cross with joint arms and a central nob (fg. 12/3); very corroded fragments from a double edge sword? it. Berciu, Coma 1956, p. 368-369, fg. 100/1-2, 101/1; Vulpe 1990, p. 76, cat. no. 108, pl. 20/108. 3. Balta Verde – a mormini (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet Tumulus II, central grave. Inhumation. The deceased was lain on a bed of stones and covered with stones. The tumulus was excavated in 1932 and 1934 by D. Berciu and partially published. The grave goods were republished by A. Vulpe. ind well preserved, almost complete, single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt (only part of the blade is missing). The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thickened edge. The iron grip-plates were fastened on the hilt by three rivets. Between the grip-plates and the hilt there was probably a perishable material (pl. I/3, fg. 11/1). Dimensions: preserved l. 51 cm; blade l. 39 cm; hilt l. 12 cm; pommel l. 10.6 cm.

127 Vulpe 1990, p. 106-109. 128 Popovi, Vumanovi 1998. 129 ovi 1987b; Gabrovec 1987; Boi 2015. 130 Trachsel 2004. 131 The abbreviations used in the catalogue are: l. = length, w. = width, th. = thickness. 146 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 30

Associated nds two iron lances (fg. 11/2-3); fragmentary iron curved nife (fg. 11/5); a pair of brone Thraco-Cimmerian horse bridles (fg. 11/8-9); four brone dis-shaped strap distributors, decorated with concentric circles and dots (fg. 11/10-13); brone lunula decorated with two spirals (fg. 11/14); four brone dome-shaped buttons (fg. 11/18-21); fve brone trilobate buttons (partially illustrated, fg. 11/17); two brone open-wor rectangular strap items (fg. 11/15-16); several iron pieces with rivets (fg. 11/6-7); iron ring (fg. 11/26); four iron beads (fg. 11/18-21); perforated whetstone (fg. 11/27); iron tube probably belonging to the chape (fg. 11/4); bowl with reverted rim (fg. 11/29); small bowl (fg. 11/28). it. Berciu, Coma 1956, p. 368-369, fg. 100/1-2, 101/1; Vulpe 1990, p. 76, cat. no. 108, pl. 20/108. 4. Balta Verde – a mormini (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet Tumulus IV, central inhumation grave. The deceased was lain on a bed of stones and covered with stones. ind fragment possibly belonging to a short single-edge sword with a slightly curved back (pl. I/2). Preserved l. 25.3 cm; maximum w. 4 cm. Associated nds fragmentary iron lance; fragment from an iron object with a rivet; bowl with reverted rim. it. Berciu 1939, p. 162-163, fg. 185; Berciu, Coma 1956, p. 327-328, fg. 58/1-4; Vulpe 1990, p. 90, cat. no. 184, pl. 29/184. 5. Balta Verde – a mormini (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet Tumulus VI, central inhumation grave. The deceased was lain on a bed of stones and covered with stones. ind three fragments possibly belonging to a short single-edge sword with a T-shaped hit (not illustrated). Associated nds iron lance; fragmentary bowl with reverted rim; fragmentary cup with a high handle (the handle is missing). Only the bowl and the cup are illustrated. it. Berciu, Coma 1956, p. 329-330; fg. 59. 6. Balta Verde – a mormini (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet Tumulus VII, grave 1 and grave 2 (possible double grave). Both graves were covered with the same stone layer. 6.1. Contet Grave 1. Inhumation, NW–SE orientation, irregular pit. ind fragmentary short single-edge sword, only the blade and part of the hilt are preserved. On the hilt, there are two rivet holes (pl. I/5). Dimensions: preserved l. 31.7 cm; blade l. 25 cm. Associated nds iron lance; fragment of a cup decorated with hatched triangles; jar with a lateral handle, not illustrated; fragmentary bowl with reverted rim and four lateral nobs, not illustrated. it. Berciu, Coma 1956, p. 330-331, fg. 60/1, 4, 6; Vulpe 1990, p. 75, cat. no. 104, pl. 20/104. 6.2. Contet Grave 2. Inhumation grave, NE–SW orientation, irregular pit. ind two blade fragments, probably belonging to a short single-edged sword (pl. I/6). Associated nds iron lance; cup with a high handle, not illustrated; footed bowl. it. Berciu, Coma 1956, p. 331-332, fg. 60/2-3; Vulpe 1990, p. 76, cat. no. 105, pl. 20/105. 7. Balta Verde – a mormini (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet Tumulus X, grave 3. Inhumation, the deceased was lain on the back with the arms positioned on the pelvis, SSW–NNE orientation (pl. I/7). ind two fragments of the blade of a short single edge sword, triangular in cross-section with a thickened edge. Placed between the legs. Associated nds fragmentary iron lance, positioned near the left arm facing the head; fragmentary iron fbula with brone ribbed-bow and hourglass catch-plate, placed on the chest; bowl with reverted rim and four nobs, placed at the feet (not illustrated). it. Berciu, Coma 1956, p. 317, fg. 64/1-2, 65/1; Vulpe 1990, p. 76, cat. no. 106, pl. 20/106, 56/B. 8. Balta Verde – a mormini (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet Tumulus XXI, grave 3. Secondary inhumation; only the long bones were preserved. The deceased was in supine position in a pit, on a bed of rocs and covered with stones (2.01 1.40 m). WNW–ESE orientation. ind short single-edged sword with a T-shaped hilt. The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thickened edge. The grip-plates were made of bone and fxed on the hilt with fve rivets. Placed on the pelvis, on the right side (pl. II/1). Dimensions: preserved l. 20.2 cm, blade l. 15.5 cm; hilt l. 4.7 cm; blade w. 2 cm. Associated nds iron lance placed on the right side of the head; fragmentary iron double-loop fbula with hourglass catch-plate, placed on the chest; bowl with a reverted rim with four nobs decorated with parallel horiontal grooves interrupted by groups of diagonal grooves (not illustrated). it. Berciu, Coma 1956, p. 379-382, fg. 93/5, 113-114, 117, 120/1, 3; Bader 1983, p. 79, cat. no. 168, pl. 26/168; Vulpe 1990, p. 76, cat. no. 109, pl. 21/109. 31 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 147

9. Balta Verde – a mormini (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet Tumulus XXII, grave 1. Inhumation grave, only some fragments from the skull, some teeth and the femurs were preserved. The deceased was lain a bed of rocs. WNW–ESE orientation. ind fragmentary short single-edge sword, only part of the blade and part of the hilt are preserved. The blade has a triangular cross-section and three rivets were preserved on the hilt. Placed between the knees (pl. II/2). Associated nds iron lance. it. Berciu, Coma 1956, p. 382, fg. 124/1-2; Vulpe 1990, p. 76, cat. no. 111, pl. 21/111. 10. Balta Verde – a podică (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet Tumulus XIV, grave 1-2? No human bones were found. The “graves” were covered with the same stone mantle132. ind Grave 1? Blade fragment probably belonging to a short single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt. Found in the western part of the stone mantle (pl. I/8). Dimensions: preserved l. = 30 cm. Associated nds: shapeless iron fragments. ind Grave 2? Fragment of a curved knife. The blade is triangular in cross-section. Found in the eastern part of the stone mantle. Dimensions: preserved l. = 9.5 cm. it. Berciu, Coma 1956, p. 350-351, fg. 78/3-4; 79; Vulpe 1990, p. 76, cat. no. 107, pl. 21/107. 11. Balta Verde – a podică (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet Tumulus XXVIII. There is no mention about the funerary rite, position, orientation or associated fnds. ind fragmentary single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt. The blade has a triangular cross-section (pl. II/3). imensions: preserved l. = 36 cm, hilt l. = 7.5 cm. it. Berciu 1959, p. 532-533, fg. 3; Vulpe 1990, p. 76, cat. no. 110, pl. 20/110. 12. Basarabi (Calafat mun., Dolj County) ind Tumulus III, grave 3. Possible double or overlapping graves. Inhumation, only the long bones were preserved. The deceased was lain on the bac and possibly covered with stones. Orientation: W–E. ind fragmentary iron short single-edged sword with a T-shaped hilt with a slightly curved back. The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thickened back. The grip-plates were made of iron and possibly an organic material, fxed on the hilt with four rivets. Placed near the sull (pl. III/1, fg. 14/1). Associated nds fragment from a Glasinac-type sword, part of the hilt with six rivets and part of the blade are preserved, along with a brone mount decorated with incisions, belonging to the upper part of the sheath, placed in the pelvis area (fg. 14/3); fragment from an iron nife or another short-sword with a T-shaped hilt, placed between the legs (pl. III/2, fg. 14/2); iron nife with slightly curved blade, placed near the sword with a T-shaped hilt (fg. 14/8); fragmentary iron double looped fbula with brone ribbed bow and probably an hourglass catch-plate, placed on the chest (fg. 12/9); two brone bracelets with overlapping heads (fg. 14/4-5); iron tube, probably belonging to the chape (fg. 14/6); decorated cup with a high handle (fg. 14/10); undecorated footed bowl; decorated fragmentary bowl with everted rim (fg. 14/11). it. Dumitrescu 1968, p. 185-187, fg. 5, 7/1, 12/2, 6, 13, 16/4-5, 18/1-2, 25/8, 26/1, 27/3, 33/6-7; Bader 1983, p. 82, cat. no. 206, pl. 28/206; Vulpe 1990, p. 76-77, cat. no. 112-113, pl. 22/112-113. 13. Basarabi (Calafat mun., Dolj County) Contet Tumulus IV, grave 3. Secondary inhumation, partially preserved seleton, lain on the bac, SW–NE orientation. ind fragment from a short single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt. The hilt has protruding edges and the grip-plates were fxed with four rivets. Part of the grip-plate on the pommel was preserved (pl. III/3). Dimensions: preserved l. = 9 cm. Associated nds iron lance; iron button; undecorated large bowl with everted rim. it. Dumitrescu 1968, p. 190, fg. 8, 12/3, 14/3, 15/5, 17/2, 25/1; Vulpe 1990, p. 77, cat. no. 114, pl. 22/114. 14. Basarabi (Calafat mun., Dolj County) Contet Tumulus VII, grave 1. Central grave. Inhumation grave, only the lower limbs were preserved. The deceased was lain on the bac, directly on the ground and covered with a layer of gravel. NW–SE oriented. ind fragmentary iron short single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt. Only the blade and part of the hilt were preserved. The blade has a triangular cross section with a thickened edge. On one side of the blade there are three parallel incisions. Placed on the right side near the lower members (pl. III/4, fg. 15/1). Dimensions: preserved l. 46.5 cm.

132 As no plan of the tumulus was published and no details regarding the sie of the stone mantle are given in the text, it is diffcult to ascertain if there were indeed two separate graves, a double grave, or if the fragmentary sword and knife belong to the same grave. The absence of human bones, motivated by the humidity of the soil (Berciu, Comşa 1956, p. 350), is also problematic. 148 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 32

Associated nds undecorated bowl with everted rim (fg. 15/2); fragmentary brone saltaleoni (not illustrated). it Dumitrescu 1968, p. 197, fg. 11, 12/1, 25/4; Vulpe 1990, p. 77, cat. no. 115, pl. 22/115. 15. Basarabi (Calafat mun., Dolj County) Contet Tumulus VII, grave 2. Secondary inhumation grave, SSW–NNE oriented. ind fragment belonging probably to a short single-edge sword. The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thicened edge. Two rivets were preserved (pl. III/6, fg. 15/3). Dimensions: preserved l. 19 cm. Associated nds iron lance placed on the right side of the humerus (fg. 15/5); fragmentary iron fbula with ribbed brone bow (fg. 15/4). it. Dumitrescu 1968, p. 198, fg. 16/3, 15/10, 22/7; Bader 1983, p. 83, cat. no. 210, pl. 28/210; Vulpe 1990, p. 77, cat. no. 119, pl. 22/119. 16. Basarabi (Calafat mun., Dolj County) Contet Tumulus VII, grave 3. Secondary inhumation grave. The deceased was lain on the bac, NNW–SSE oriented. ind two fragments from a short single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt. Part of the blade and the guard, as well as the pommel were preserved. Placed near the right leg, and pointing to the sull (pl. III/5, fg. 15/6). Dimensions: preserved l. 19 cm; pommel l. 9.2 cm. Associated nds fragmentary iron lance placed near the right humerus (fg. 15/8); slightly curved iron nife with two preserved rivets (fg. 15/7); fragmentary iron double-looped fbula, placed near the right arm (fg. 15/9); undecorated bowl with everted rim placed at the feet (fg. 15/10). it. Dumitrescu 1968, p. 197-198, fg. 12/5, 15/4, 21/4, 25/6; Bader 1983, p. 75, cat. no. 151, pl. 25/151; Vulpe 1990, p. 77, 82, cat. no. 116, 133, pl. 22/116, 24/133. 17. Desa – Castravia (comm. of Desa, Dolj County) Contet systematic excavations. Tumulus III, grave 5. Central grave. Inhumation with limestone ring and covered with stones, S–N oriented. ind fragment from a short single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt, bent and broken. On the hilt, there are two preserved rivets (pl. III/7). Dimensions: preserved l. 9.4 cm; hilt l. 6.4 cm; hilt w. 1.7 cm; hilt th. 0.4 cm. Associated nds fragmentary iron double-looped fbula with ribbed bow and triangular catch-plate, placed in the immediate vicinity of the seleton; cup with high handle decorated with grooves, incisions and excisions. Placed near the sword. it. Gherghe, Ridiche 2005; Bâsceanu 2017. 18. Ostrovu Mare – unnown place (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet unknown, possibly a grave. The piece was in the collection of the Iron Gates Region Museum and published by D. Berciu in 1953 and republished by A. Vulpe. ind fragmentary iron short single-edge sword. The blade has a triangular cross-section. The hilt has elevated edges and three rivet holes were preserved (pl. II/5). Dimensions: preserved l. = 35 cm. Associated nds ? it. Berciu 1953, p. 626, I/556, pl. 38; Vulpe 1990, p. 77, cat. no. 117, pl. 22/117. 19. Ostrovu Mare – unnown place (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet unknown, possibly a grave. The piece was in the collection of the Iron Gates Region Museum, published by D. Berciu in 1953 and republished by A. Vulpe in 1990. ind fragment of an iron short single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt. The pommel is covered on either side by two plates. Eight rivet holes were preserved, some of which are closely together, possibly indicating repairs. The blade has a triangular cross-section (pl. II/4). Dimensions: preserved l. = 19 cm. Associated nds ? it. Berciu 1953, p. 626, I.557, pl. 38; Vulpe 1990, p. 77, cat. no. 118, pl. 22/118. 20. Ostrovu Mare – Prundu eiului (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet: tumulus? Cremation grave covered with stones. ind fragmentary iron single-edge sword. The blade has a triangular cross-section. On the hilt, two rivets were preserved (pl. II/6, fg. 13/8). Dimensions: preserved l. 29.1 cm, maximum blade w. 5 cm. Associated nds fragmentary iron small nife (fg. 13/9); bowl with reverted rim decorated with Basarabi ornamentation (fg. 13/10). it.: Stângă 1980, p. 117, fg. 2-3; Vulpe 1990, p. 77, cat. no. 119A, pl. 23/119A; Ciocea Safta 1996, p. 183, 185. 21. Ostrovu Mare – 1975 (comm. of Gogou, Mehedini County) Contet Tumulus I, grave 1. Inhumation. Excavations conducted by Emil Moscalu (1975) and published by Elvira Ciocea Safta in 1996. Documentation lost, only the grave goods were identifed. ind six fragments, probably belonging to an iron short single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt (pl. II/7, fg. 13/1). 33 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 149

Associated nds fragments from two iron nives (fg. 13/2-4); iron double-looped fbula with hourglass catch-plate (fg. 13/5); perforated whetstone (fg. 13/8); fragmentary bowl with reverted rim (fg. 13/6); iron arrowhead (fg. 13/7). Lit.: Ciocea Safta 1996, p. 162, fg. 1, 5, 5a.

BULGARIA 22. Sofronievo (Miija municipality, Vraca district) Contet tumulus, cremation grave covered with stones. Unsystematically excavated. ind blade of a short single-edge sword with a triangular cross-section and thicened bac (pl. III/8, fg. 15/1). Dimensions: l. 38 cm; maximum w. 4 cm. Associated nds two iron lances (fg. 16/2-3); iron trunnion axe (fg. 16/4); iron two-part horse-bit, one plain and one twisted, with attached hoo (fg. 16/5); brone phiale (fg. 16/22); brone double-looped bow fbula with Boeotian shield catch-plate, decorated on the bow with two nobs and on the catch-plate with three scores (fg. 16/12); brone spiral bracelet with slightly attened edges (fg. 16/13); six brone rectangular pieces of horse harness (belt pieces) (fg. 16/15-20); two Ghidici-type pendants (fg. 16/6-7); two brone distributors with six lobes (fg. 16/9-10); brone openwor belt bucle with a ring and two lateral protomes (fg. 16/11); brone button (fg. 16/14); brone bead (fg. 16/21); brone harness front-piece with bull’s head, decorated with fve circles and dots and spirals (fg. 16/8); three ceramic fragments with stamped decoration (fg. 16/23-25). it. Niolov 1965, p. 166-170, Abb. 4-8; Hnsel 1976, p. 172, pl. 67/11-20, 68; Teran 1987, fg. 7. 23. “Vraca Region” (Vraca district) Contet unpublished fnd, possibly from a grave. ind short single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt. The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thickened edge. Dimensions: l. = 37.6 cm. Associated nds: ? it. Fol, Lichardus, Niolov 2004, p. 295, fg. 256.

BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA 24. Podilijak (Sjeversko, Rogatica municipality, Republika Srpska) Contet Tumulus B, grave 7. Secondary inhumation grave, the deceased was laid in a pit, on a bed of stones, NW–SE orientation. Revision excavation conducted by Z. Mari and B. ovi in 1957. ind short single-edge sword with a T-shape hilt, broken into two pieces. The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thicened edge and has three parallel grooves running along both sides (pl. IV/1, fg. 20/1). Associated nds fragment possibly belonging to a nife (fg. 20/2); two square mounts with a central nob and four holes arranged in a Maltese cross (fg. 20/3-4); two round brone clasps with an openwor cross, one with a hoo at one end and the other with a loop (fg. 20/5-6); iron fragments, some being fxed with rivets (fg. 20/7-9). it. ovi 1959, p. 65, pl. VIII/1-9; Boi 2015.

AUSTRIA 25. Frög near Rosegg (Villach-Land district, state of Carinthia) Contet Tumulus 181, grave 1. Double cremation grave (male and female), covered with stone slabs. ind fragmentary short single-edged sword with a T-shaped hilt. Only the hilt and part of the blade are preserved. Three rivets are visible on the hilt (pl. IV/2, fg. 21/14). From the scabbard, three iron fttings were preserved. Dimensions: preserved l. 33 cm; blade l. 22 cm; hilt l. 11 cm; pommel l. 9 cm. Associated nds iron trunnion axe (fg. 21/12); iron winged axe of Hallstatt type, leinlein variant (fg. 21/13); brone multi-nobbed pin (fg. 21/11); three brone ftting belonging to the scabbard (fg. 21/15-17); two pieces of resin (fg. 21/8-9); lead fgurine depicting a horseman (fg. 21/10). The female grave contained a brone double looped bow fbula with a low triangular catch-plate and circular hangers (fg. 21/1, 1a-c); two brone bracelets (fg. 21/2-3); two spindle-whorls (fg. 21/4-5); ceramic situla (fg. 21/6); cup with a high handle (fg. 21/7). it. Tomedi 2002, p. 536-540, pl. 82/E, 83-84.

SLOVENIA 26. Dragatuš (rnomelj municipality) Contet Grave 10. ind fragmentary short sword; fragments from the blade and the guard were preserved. Associated nds: iron piece; jar; cup with a high handle; footed bowl; kantharos. it. Gutin 1974, p. 86, fg. 7. 150 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 34

27. Dolenje Vrhpolje (Šentjernej municipality, Lower Carniola) Contet chance fnd (1897). ind fragmentary short single-edge sword. The blade has a triangular cross-section and the hilt is made of brone (pl. V/4). Associated nds yellow glass bead? it. Dular 2003, p. 178, pl. 13/5. 28. Legen near Slovenj Gradec – Kramaršek grave (state of Carinthia) Contet tumulus, cremation in urn grave. Chance fnd, published on several occasions and reidentifed and republished by S. Djura eleno and D. Boi. ind fragmentary short single-edge sword withe T-shaped hilt intentionally bent in three parts. The blade has a triangular cross-section and has three longitudinal grooves on the back on both sides. On the guard there are barely visible horiontal grooves. The hilt has elevated serrated sides, giving it a H-shaped cross-section. The hilt tang is covered on each side by an iron grip-plate. The grip plate was attached with four iron rivets. The pommel is decorated on both sides with hatched triangles at the ends and with oblique hatched bands in between, while the apex of the pommel is decorated with three longitudinal grooves. The front of the grip is decorated with four horiontal bands with alternating oblique and reticular incisions. Remains of textile were identifed on the bac side of the blade, the bac side of the guard and the front side of the pommel (pl. V/1, fg. 18/1). Dimensions: preserved l. 28 cm; guard w. 5.4 cm; pommel w. 8.6 cm; hilt tang th. 0.3 cm. Associated nds iron spear with long blade and pronounced midrib, bent and broken into four pieces, decorated on the lower part of the socet with fve bands divided by horiontal lines, and alternating motifs of rings-and-dots and oblique lines (fg. 18/2); brone winged axe with a loop type Hallstatt, variant leinlein, broen into two and slightly deformed by fre; below the butt there is an incision depicting IIIX or XIII (fg. 18/3); iron item broen into three pieces, possibly a nife (fg. 18/4); eight fragments belonging to a grey-brown jar with slightly concave base (fg. 18/6); fve fragments belonging to a grey bowl decorated with four oblique grooves in a ig-ag pattern (fg. 18/5); nine small fragments belonging to a blac urn decorated with nobs on the shoulder (fg. 18/7, 9-10); one handle belonging to an unidentifed grey-yellow vessel (fg. 18/8). it. Stare 1974; Gutin 1974; Strmni-Guli 1979; Djura eleno, Boi 2015. 29. Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva (Lower Carniola) Contet: Tumulus I, grave 16. Secondary inhumation; only the sull was preserved. The pit (3.30 1.70 m) was lined with stones. The skull was covered with a phalera belonging to a bowl helmet with disk-plates, the weapons and horse-gear were found on the right side of the deceased, and the ceramic vessels, one containing a small cup, were placed at the feet. ind iron short single-edge sword with a brone T-shaped hilt. The sword was found in its wooden scabbard and it has fve band-shaped brone fttings, the frst and second bearing a loop for suspension from the belt, and a triangular chape. The hilt, the guard and the chape were decorated with tangentially connected rings-and-dots motifs (pl. V/3, fg. 17/1). Dimensions: l. 49.8 cm. Associated nds phalera belonging to a helmet with dis-plates (fg. 17/6); bipartite brone horse bit with two rings in the end loops (fg. 17/14); three iron rings with oval cross-section, two preserving traces of leather (fg. 17/10-12); iron ring with a round cross-section (fg. 17/13); two brone beads (fg. 17/15-16); multi-nobbed brone pin with a dis and a trumpet guard (fg. 17/9); long multi-nobbed pin with a dis, a trumpet guard and a dis-shaped guard towards the tip (fg. 17/8); two iron spears (fg. 17/2-3); brone winged axe with a loop (fg. 17/4); iron trunnion axe (fg. 17/5); curved iron nife (fg. 17/7); two large blac graphite-coated jars decorated with vertical ribs and incisions (fg. 17/18-19); dar grey graphite-coated cup with a high handle (fg. 17/17). it. ne 1993; Dular 2003; ri, ereb, Teran 2014; Teran, renar 2014; Boi 2015. 30. Gradenje – Gradenjska hosta near marjeta (marjee Toplice municipality, southeastern Slovenia) Contet Tumulus VII/1901. Central urn cremation grave. The tumulus measured 2.4 m in h. and the pit was lined with small stone slabs. Excavations conducted by F. Schul (1901). The inventory was partially published by Vida Stare (1973). Several other pieces were reidentifed by A. Dular (1991) and D. Boi (2015). ind the T-shaped hilt from a short single-edge sword, decorated with oblique incisions, reticular motifs and parallel grooves (pl. V/2, fg. 19/1). Dimensions: preserved l. 11 cm. Associated nds brone studs belonging to a bowl helmet (not illustrated); iron trunnion axe (fg. 19/4); iron lance (fg. 19/2); brone spear (fg. 19/3). it. Stare 1973; Dular 1991; Dular 2003; Boi 2015. 31. Loka – Bela Krajna (rnomelj municipality) Contet Tumulus V, grave 2. Central grave Inhumation grave, N–S oriented. The pit (2.50 1 0,50 m) was lined and covered with stones. Excavations conducted by . Peni and published by . Dular. 35 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 151

ind fragmentary short single-edge sword with a slightly curved back and triangular cross-section. On the guard three rivets were preserved (pl. IV/4). Dimensions: preserved l. = 22.7 cm. Associated nds iron spear; multi-nobbed brone pin with disc and trumpet guard; brone roll-head pin; two vessels placed at the feet (not illustrated, lost). it. Dular 1983, p. 225, pl. 11/1–4. 32. Loka – Bela Krajna (rnomelj municipality) Contet Tumulus II, grave 3. Secondary () inhumation grave, E–W oriented. ind the blade of a short single-edge sword with a triangular in cross-section (pl. IV/3). Associated nds: ceramic vessel (not illustrated, lost). it Dular 1983, p. 222, pl. 6/1. 33. Pusti Gradec (rnomelj municipality) Contet Tumulus II, grave 2. Inhumation grave, N–S oriented. Excavations conducted by . Peni and published by . Dular. ind fragmentary single-edge sword. The blade has a triangular cross-section and on the guard three rivets are preserved (pl. IV/5). Dimensions: preserved l. = 28 cm. Associated nds iron lance decorated on the socet with two parallel grooves; brone bipartite twisted horse bit with rings at the end loop; iron fragment (not illustrated); ceramic fragments belonging to a jar decorated with grooves in a ig-ag pattern. it. Dular 2003, p. 210-211, pl. 42/2. 34. Vače (Litja municipality) Contet unknown ind fragmentary single-edge sword, part of the blade and the guard are preserved. Found in a brone sheath decorated with a tremollo geometric and oomorphic motifs. The blade has a triangular cross-section. Dimensions: preserved l. 39.8 cm; maximum w. 5.3 cm (pl. V/5). Associated nds ? it. Stare 1953.

SLOVAKIA 35. Trenčianske Teplice – virigovec (Trenin district) Contet: settlement (hoard). Chance fnd. ind fragmentary iron single-edge sword with a triangular cross-section with a thickened edge. The blade has two parallel grooves running along both sides. On the guard four rivets and fragments from the iron grip-plates are preserved. Dimensions: preserved l. 23.1 cm; blade w. 5.3 cm (pl. V/6). Associated nds iron lance with two perforations on the blade; three iron nives; folded iron piece (the chape of the sword?). it. ambal 2015.

ITALY 36. Ancona – Colle Cardeto (Ancona province, Marche region) Contet at inhumation grave. The deceased was E–W oriented. Excavations E. Briio. ind fragmentary short single-edge sword. Dimensions: preserved l. = 41 cm, hilt l. = 9 cm. Associated nds brone spear; fragments belonging to an askos. it. Briio 1902, p. 441, fg. 4. 37. Ancona – Colle dei Cappuccini (Ancona province, Marche region) Contet: at inhumation grave. The deceased was laid in a crouched position on the right side, W–E oriented. Excavations D.G. Lollini. ind the blade and part of the guard of a short single-edge sword. The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thicened edge. A brone ftting belonging to the scabbard was preserved (pl. VI/6). Associated nds iron lance with brone wire at the base of the socet; iron soceted axe with a square socet; two fsh hoos, two fsh harpoons, two brone rings (belonging to the scabbard), one smaller brone ring; footed cup with a high handle; kantharos. it. Lollini 1977, p. 134, fg. 9; Naso 2000, p. 54, pl. 4. 38. Novilara – Servici (Pesaro e Urbino province, Marche region) Contet Grave 2. Flat a pozzo inhumation grave. The skeleton measured 1.93 m and was laid in a crouched position on the right side, NNW–SSE oriented. Excavations by E. Briio (1892-1893). 152 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 36

ind iron short single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt, found in its scabbard. The blade is slightly curved. The trapeoidal scabbard was made of wood and fully covered with a brone sheet on the visible side and on the other side only on the guard and the chape. The brone sheet is decorated with ig-ag motifs. On the visible side, in the guard and chape areas, the ig-ag motifs are framed by two incisions. The sword was placed on the right side of the deceased (pl. VI/1). Dimensions: l. 54 cm; w. 7 cm. Associated nds conical brone helmet with horse-hair comb decorated with impressions and with a ig-ag motif at the basis, placed at the feet; two iron lances placed near the right shoulder (not illustrated and lost); brone Arnoaldi type nife (not illustrated and lost); brone crescent moon shaped raor placed near the right shoulder (not illustrated and lost); two boat shaped fbulae (a navicella) and two sanguisuga-type ulae, placed on the chest; fve brone rings placed on the abdomen; skyphos placed on the left side (not illustrated); small ceramic vessel with reverted rim and conical foot, placed on the left side; bowl containing a kantharos with one handle, placed on the left side (not illustrated); brone ribbed cist with two handles, placed on the left side of the feet near the helmet (not illustrated and lost); kantharos placed inside the cist; brone nife (lost); brone pin (lost); brone hoo (lost); iron awl (lost). it. Briio 1895, p. 197-202, fg. 39-41; Beinhauer 1985, p. 724-725, pl. 50/A. 39. Novilara – Servici (Pesaro e Urbino province, Marche region) Contet Grave 14. Flat a pozzo inhumation grave. The deceased was laid in a crouched position on the right side, NNW–SSE oriented. The rectangular pit (2.35 1.05 1.67 m) was lined with stones on the base and on the sides. ind iron short single-edge sword with a T-shaped hilt, found in its scabbard. The scabbard was made from wood and covered with a brone sheet. The sheet is decorated on the right side, in the guard and chape areas with checered patterns and on the left side with triangular and S-shaped openwork motifs. Placed on the right side of the deceased (pl. VI/2). Dimensions: l. = 52 cm. Associated nds: brone serpentine fbula with eight nobs on the bow, placed on the chest; fragmentary ucchero askos, placed in the nee area (not illustrated); three brone rings discovered on the nees (not illustrated); badly preserved iron lance, broken into two pieces, discovered in the knee area (not illustrated). it. Briio 1895, p. 362, fg. 51-52, 60. 40. Novilara – Servici (Pesaro e Urbino province, Marche region) Contet Grave 16. Flat a pozzo inhumation grave. The skeleton measured 1.70 m and was laid in the pit in a crouched position on the right side, NNW–SSE oriented. ind the blade and guard from an iron short single-edge sword. On the guard, three rivets were preserved. Placed in the right shoulder area (pl. VI/4). Dimensions: preserved l. = 34 cm. Associated nds conical brone helmet with horse-hair comb decorated on the crest with concentrical circles framed by ig-ag motifs, placed near the head; two iron lance-heads placed near the right shoulder; brone crescent moon raor placed near the right shoulder; brone roll-head pin, placed on the chest; brone pin with thicened and twisted head; brone belt hoo placed on the pelvis; brone wire fragment; brone drago fbula found near the feet; two groups of ceramic vessels, one composed of two kantharoi, a situla, a skyphos, an askos, and a small vessel containing bones, and the other one composed of two kantharoi and a small vessel. it Briio 1895, p. 205; Beinhauer 1985, p. 732-733, pl. 66-67/A. 41. Novilara – Servici (Pesaro e Urbino province, Marche region) Contet Grave 19. Flat a pozzo inhumation grave. The skeleton measured 1.81 m and was laid in a rectangular pit (1.95 0.95 1.20 m) in a crouched position on the right side, WNW–ESE oriented. ind fragmentary short single-edge sword. Traces from the scabbard have been preserved. Placed on the right side of the deceased. Dimensions: preserved l. = 28 cm. Associated nds iron lance placed on the right side of the deceased; brone crescent moon raor placed on the right side; wild boar fang () placed on the right side; brone roll-head pin, placed on the chest; brone belt hoo, placed near the legs. it. Briio 1895, p. 365-366. 42. Novilara – Servici (Pesaro e Urbino province, Marche region) Contet Grave 30. Inhumation grave, only the skull and the long bones have been preserved. The deceased was laid in a rectangular pit in a crouched position, WNW–ESE oriented. ind the blade and part of the hilt from a short single-edge sword. Traces from the scabbard have been preserved (pl. VI/5). Dimensions: preserved l. = 42 cm. Associated nds conical brone helmet with horse-hair comb placed at the feet; brone ribbed cist with two mobile twisted handles with water bird-shaped ends, placed near the helmet; double vessel with a horse-shaped handle, found inside the cist; brone globular footed vessel with a lid decorated with bird protomes and chain. it. Briio 1895, p. 207, fg. 44-46, pl. XIII/19, 24; Beinhauer 1985, p. 739-740, pl. 77/B-78. 37 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 153

43. Novilara – Servici (Pesaro e Urbino province, Marche region) Contet Grave 42. A pozzo inhumation grave with a decorated funerary stela. The deceased measured 1.70 cm and was laid in a rectangular pit lined with stones (2.50 × 1.25 × 1.40 m) in a crouched position on the right, WSW–ENE oriented. ind the blade and the guard form a short single-edge sword. Three rivets are preserved on the guard (pl. VI/3). Dimensions: preserved l. = 38 cm. Associated nds four brone drago ulae placed on the chest; brone roll-head pin; brone awl () with a rectangular cross-section found in the chest area; brone crescent moon raor placed near the head; two brone rings placed near the head; the blade of a brone nife, placed near the right shoulder; skyphos decorated with ig-ag motifs, placed near the legs; bimetallic () lance placed near the legs. it. Briio 1895, p. 172-173, 380, fg. 25, 50, pl. XIV/4. 44. Novilara – Servici (Pesaro e Urbino province, Marche region) Contet Grave 64. A pozzo inhumation grave. The deceased was laid in a rectangular pit (2.10 × 1.10 × 1.25 m) in a crouched position on the right side, NNW–SSE oriented. ind the blade of a short single-edge sword. Fragments from the wooden scabbard were preserved. Dimensions: preserved l. = 38 cm. Associated nds: two iron lances; fragmentary brone crescent moon raor; fragmentary kantharos. it.: Briio 1895, p. 405. 45. Ripatransone (Ascoli Piceno province, Marche region) Contet unknown, possibly a grave. ind short single-edge sword. Associated nds it. Dall’Osso 1915, p. 188; Stary 1981, p. 447. 46. San Severino (Macerata province, Marche region) Contet grave. ind short single-edge sword. On the guard, three rivets were preserved. Associated nds? it. romer 1950, p. 142, fg. 10/3; Stary 1981, p. 447. 47. Verucchio (Rimini province, Emilia-Romagna region) Contet unknown, possibly a grave. ind fragmentary short single-edge sword, broken in three pieces and missing the hilt (pl. VI/7). Dimensions: preserved l. = 28 cm. Associated nds ? it Briio 1894, p. 305, fg. 14. 48. Verucchio (Rimini province, Emilia-Romagna region) Contet grave 19. Excavations by E. Briio. ind four fragments belonging to a short single-edge sword (not illustrated). Associated nds three fragments belonging to a lance; large dolium; cup with two high handles; several other ceramic fragments. it. Briio 1898, p. 376-377, fg. 17.

TRŽIŠČE‑DONJA DOLINA TYPE SWORDS SLOVENIA 49. Tržišče near Dolenja vas (Sevnica municipality, Lower Carniola) Contet hoard inside the settlement found in 1909. ind fragmentary single-edge sword; the blade and part of the guard are preserved. Near the guard a rivet was preserved (pl. VII/1). Associated nds eight other swords; brone helmet; three brone winged axes; eight iron winged axes; four trunnion axes; 58 lances; fve nives; several whole and fragmentary horsebits; other iron fragments. it. Gutin 1979, pl. 31/1. 50. Tržišče near Dolenja vas (Sevnica municipality, Lower Carniola) Contet hoard inside the settlement found in 1909. ind single-edge sword with a blade curved slightly outward with a triangular cross-section with a thickened edge. On the handle three rivets were preserved (pl. VII/2). Associated nds eight other swords; brone helmet; three brone winged axes; eight iron winged axes; four trunnion axes; 58 lances; fve nives; several whole and fragmentary horsebits; other iron fragments. 154 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 38

it. Gutin 1979, pl. 31/2. 51. Tržišče near Dolenja vas (Sevnica municipality, Lower Carniola) Contet hoard inside the settlement found in 1909. ind fragmentary single-edge sword with a blade curved slightly outward with a triangular cross-section with a thickened edge. The blade is bent further on the blade then the guard. On the handle two rivets were preserved (pl. VII/3). Associated nds eight other swords; brone helmet; three brone winged axes; eight iron winged axes; four trunnion axes; 58 lances; fve nives; several whole and fragmentary horsebits; other iron fragments. it. Gutin 1979, pl. 31/3. 52. Tržišče near Dolenja vas (Sevnica municipality, Lower Carniola) Contet hoard inside the settlement found in 1909. ind single-edge sword with a blade curved slightly outward with a triangular cross-section with a thickened edge. On the guard a rivet was preserved (pl. VII/4). Associated nds eight other swords; brone helmet; three brone winged axes; eight iron winged axes; four trunnion axes; 58 lances; fve iron daggers; several whole and fragmentary horsebits; other iron fragments. it. Gutin 1979, pl. 31/4. 53. Tržišče near Dolenja vas (Sevnica municipality, Lower Carniola) Contet hoard inside the settlement found in 1909. ind fragmentary single-edge sword. Only part of the blade is preserved and has a triangular cross-section with a thickened edge (pl. VII/5). Associated nds eight other swords; brone helmet; three brone winged axes; eight iron winged axes; four trunnion axes; 58 lances; fve iron daggers: several whole and fragmentary horsebits; other iron fragments. it. Gutin 1979, pl. 31/5. 54. Tržišče near Dolenja vas (Sevnica municipality, Lower Carniola) Contet hoard inside the settlement found in 1909. ind fragmentary single-edge sword. Only the blade is preserved and has a triangular cross-section (pl. VII/6). Associated nds eight other swords; brone helmet; three brone winged axes; eight iron winged axes; four trunnion axes; 58 lances; fve iron daggers; several whole and fragmentary horsebits; other iron fragments. it. Gutin 1979, pl. 32/1. 55. Tržišče near Dolenja vas (Sevnica municipality, Lower Carniola) Contet hoard inside the settlement found in 1909. ind fragmentary single-edge sword. Only the blade is preserved and has a triangular cross-section with a thickened edge (pl. VII/7). Associated nds eight other swords; brone helmet; three brone winged axes; eight iron winged axes; four trunnion axes; 58 lances; fve iron daggers; several whole and fragmentary horsebits; other iron fragments. it. Gutin 1979, pl. 32/2. 56. Tržišče near Dolenja vas (Sevnica municipality, Lower Carniola) Contet hoard inside the settlement found in 1909. ind fragmentary single-edge sword. Part of the blade and the hilt are preserved, the blade has a triangular cross-section with a thickened edge. Possibly the same sword with Cat. no. 57 (pl. VII/8). Associated nds eight other swords; brone helmet; three brone winged axes; eight iron winged axes; four trunnion axes; 58 lances; fve iron daggers; several whole and fragmentary horsebits; other iron fragments. it. Gutin 1979, pl. 32/3. 57. Tržišče near Dolenja vas (Sevnica municipality, Lower Carniola) Contet hoard inside the settlement found in 1909. ind fragmentary single-edge sword; part of the blade is preserved. The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thickened edge. Possibly part of the sword from Cat. no. 56 (pl. VII/9). Associated nds eight other swords; brone helmet; three brone winged axes; eight iron winged axes; four trunnion axes; 58 lances; fve iron daggers; several whole and fragmentary horsebits; other iron fragments. it. Gutin 1979, pl. 32/4. 58. Tržišče near Dolenja vas (Sevnica municipality, Lower Carniola) Contet hoard inside the settlement found in 1909. ind fragmentary single-edge sword; the blade and part of the hilt are preserved. The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thickened edge and is slightly curved outward (pl. VII/10). Associated nds eight other swords; brone helmet; three brone winged axes; eight iron winged axes; four trunnion axes; 58 lances; fve iron daggers; several whole and fragmentary horsebits; other iron fragments. it. Gutin 1979, pl. 32/5. 39 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 155

CROATIA 59. Kosmati Kostel (Istria region) Contet hoard Chance fnd in 1965. ind fragment possibly belonging to a short single-edge sword (pl. VII/18). Associated nds eight fragmentary iron lances and four fragmentary winged axes. it. Mihovili 1991, p. 208, pl. 1. 60. Nesactium (Nezakcij) (Istria region) Contet Grave I/12. Tumular. Cremation in stone urn. ind fragmentary short single-edge sword. The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thickened back. On the guard and in the centre of the hilt there are two rivet holes. Fragments from the brone sheet were preserved. Dimensions: preserved l. 56 cm, w. 2-6 cm; th. 0.7 cm (pl. VII/11). Associated nds several fragmentary brone situlae; brone ribbed cists; brone vessels with cross-shaped hangers; several ceramic situlae; eight ceramic oenochoai; a skyphos; three globular raters; boat-shaped ulae; fragments from serpentine ulae; two brone multi-nobbed pins with diss; several brone bracelets; fbula with bone beads; ulae with long foot and decorated with buttons; brone trapeoidal pendants. it. Mihovili 2001, p. 165, pl. 24/1. 61. Nesactium (Nezakcij) (Istria region) Contet Grave I/12. Tumular. Cremation in stone urn. ind fragmentary short single-edge sword. The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thickened back. On the guard a rivet and two rivet holes were preserved. Fragments from the brone sheet were preserved. Dimensions: preserved l. 40 cm, w. 2-6 cm; th. 0.5 cm (pl. VII/12). Associated nds several fragmentary brone situlae; brone ribbed cists; brone vessels with cross-shaped hangers; several ceramic situlae; eight ceramic oenochoai; a skyphos; three globular raters; boat-shaped ulae; fragments from serpentine ulae; two brone multi-nobbed pins with diss; several brone bracelets; fbula with bone beads; ulae with long foot and decorated with buttons; brone trapeoidal pendants. it. Mihovili 2001, p. 166, pl. 25/1. 62. Nesactium (Nezakcij) (Istria region) Contet Grave I/12. Tumular. Cremation in stone urn. ind fragmentary short single-edge sword. The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thickened back. Dimensions: preserved l. 36 cm, w. 2-6 cm; th. 0.5 cm (pl. VII/13). Associated nds several fragmentary brone situlae; brone ribbed cists; brone vessels with cross-shaped hangers; several ceramic situlae; eight ceramic oenochoai; a skyphos; three globular raters; boat-shaped ulae; fragments from serpentine ulae; two brone multi-nobbed pins with diss; several brone bracelets; fbula with bone beads; ulae with long foot and decorated with buttons; brone trapeoidal pendants. it. Mihovili 2001, p. 166, pl. 25/2. 63. Pula-Tivoli (Istria region) Contet hoard Chance fnd in 1988. At the time of the discovery it was in a secondary position. ind fragment belonging to a short single-edge sword; part of the blade and the hilt were preserved. The blade has a triangular cross-section with a thickened back (pl. VII/19). Associated nds two fragmentary brone spears, one decorated; fragmentary brone axe; 14 fragmentary or fragments belonging to iron lances; four fragments from blades with a single edge. There are also mentioned amorphous brone and iron fragments. it. Mihovili 1991, p. 208-212, pl. 2-4.

BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA 64. Donja Dolina (Gradia municipality, Republia Srpsa) Contet Grave 12. Inhumation at grave, E–W orientation. Excavation by C. Truhela in 1900-1902. ind short single-edge sword with a pronounced outer curvature. Three rivet holes were preserved on the hilt. Dimensions: l. = 43 cm, w. = 4 cm (pl. VII/14). Associated nds: two iron lances, one with a sheath; brone bracelet; small bowl. it. Truhelka 1904, p. 126, pl. LXXIII/4. 65. Donja Dolina (Gradia municipality, Republia Srpsa) Contet Grave 34. Inhumation at grave, NE–SW orientation. Excavation by C. Truhela in 1900-1902. ind short single-edge sword with a pronounced outer curvature. Dimensions: l. = 52 cm, w. = 3.7 cm (pl. VII/15). Associated nds three iron lances with a sheath; whetstone with a perforation; small bowl. it. Truhelka 1904, p. 116, pl. LXIII/7. 66. Donja Dolina (Gradia municipality, Republia Srpsa) Contet Grave 39. Inhumation at grave, E–W orientation. Excavation by C. Truhela in 1900-1902. 156 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 40

ind fragmentary short single-edge sword; part of the hilt is missing. The blade has a triangular cross-section and is curved outwards. Dimensions: preserved l. 47 cm; blade l. 39 cm; maximum w. 5 cm (pl. VII/16). Associated nds two iron lances; brone shield umo; brone bracelet; Borajna type fbula; fbula with rubbed bow and long asymmetrical foot; two triangular brone appliqués; two brone hangers with seven diss; two fragments from a brone chain; two brone rings; iron rod. it. Truhelka 1904, p. 100, pl. L/3, 17. 67. Donja Dolina (Gradia municipality, Republia Srpsa) Contet chance fnd. ind short single-edge sword. The blade is curved outwards and the chape was preserved (pl. VII/17). Associated nds ? it. Truhela 1904, p. 152-153, fg. 104.


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1 2 3 4 0 5 cm

5 6 7 8

Pl. I. 1, 4. Balta Verde – a Glod XVII/3, XVIII/1; 2-3. Balta Verde – a mormini IV, II; 5-8. VII/1, VII/2, X/3, XIV/1 (after Vulpe 1990). 162 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 46




0 5 cm

4 5 6 7

Pl. II. 1-3. Balta Verde – a mormini XXI/3, XXII/1; XVIII; 4-5. Ostrovu Mare; 6. Ostrovu Mare – Prundul eiului (after Vulpe 1990); 7. Ostrovu Mare – 1975 I/1 (after Safta Ciocea 1996). 47 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 163




7 0 5 cm


8 5 6

Pl. III. 1-6. Basarabi III/3 (1-2), IV/3, VII/1, VII/2, VII/3 (after Vulpe 1990); 7. Desa III/5 (after Gherghe, Ridiche 2005); 8. Sofronievo (after Hnsel 1976). 164 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 48

1 3 2 0 5 cm

4 5

Pl. IV. 1. Podilija B/7 (after ovi 1959); 2. Frg T 181/1 (after Tomedi 2002); 3-4. Loa II/3; V/2 (after Dular 1983); 5. Pusti Gradec II/2 (after Dular 2003). 49 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 165




0 5 cm


3 5

Pl. V. 1. Legen – Kramaršek grave (after Djura eleno, Boi 2015); 2. Gradenjska hosta near Gradenje II (after Stare 1973); 3. Novo mesto – Kapiteljska njiva I/16 (after ri, ereb, Teran 2014); 4. Dolenje Vrhpolje (after Dular 2003); 5. Vae (after Stare 1953); 6. Trenianse Teplice (after ambal 2015). 166 Vlad-Ștefan Cărăbii 50

1 2

0 5 cm


3 4 5 6

Pl. VI. 1-3. Novilara – Servici Graves 2, 14, 42 (after Briio 1895); 4-5. Novilara – Servici Graves 16, 30 (after Beinhauer 1985); 6. Ancona – Colle dei Cappuccini (after Naso 2000); 7. Verucchio (after Briio 1894). 4-7 without scale. 51 Short single-edge curved swords with a bent hilt in the Early Iron Age 167


3 6 10 4 9 2 7 5



0 5 cm 19

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Pl. VII. 1-10. Trie near Dolenja vas (after Gutin 1979); 11-13. Nesactium Grave I/12 (after Mihovili 2001); 14-17. Donja Dolina Graves M39, 34, 12, chance fnd (after Truhela 1904); 18. osmati ostel (after Mihovili 1991); 19. Pula-Tivoli (after Mihovili 1991). ABRÉVIATIONS

AA – Archäologischer Anzeiger. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin AAR – Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia. Institut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów ACSS – Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia, Leiden ActaAntHung – Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Budapest ActaArch – Acta Archaeologica, København ActaArchCarp – Acta Archaeologica Carpathica. Polish Academy of Sciences – Cracow Branch, Kraków ActaArchHung – Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Budapest Acta Hargitensia – Acta Hargitensia, Anuarul Mueelor din judeţul Harghita, Miercurea Ciuc ActaMN – Acta Musei Napocensis. Mueul Naional de Istorie a Transilvaniei, Cluj-Napoca ActaMT – Acta Musei Tutovensis. Istorie Veche şi Arheologie. Mueul Vasile Pârvan, Bârlad Aegyptus – Aegyptus. Rivista Italiana di Egittologia e di Papirologia. Scuola di Papirologia dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano AfO – Archiv für Orientforschung. Institut für Orientalistik, Wien AJA – American Journal of Archaeology. The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America, Boston AJAH – American Journal of Ancient History. Harvard University Aluta – Aluta. Revista Mueului Naional Secuiesc, Sfântu Gheorghe AM – Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung, Athen AMI(T) – Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran (und Turan). Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Eurasien Abteilung, Außenstelle Teheran, Berlin. Analele Brăilei – Analele Brăilei. Mueul Brăilei Carol I, Brăila Anthropozoologica – Anthropozoologica. Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris Antiquity – Antiquity. A Review of World Archaeology, Durham University, Durham Apulum – Acta Musei Apulensis. Mueul Naţional al Unirii, Alba Iulia ArhMold – Arheologia Moldovei. Academia Română, Institutul de Arheologie, Iaşi ArhVestnik – Arheološki vestnik. Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana Arheologija SSSR – Arheologija SSSR: Svod arheologiesih istoniov. Aademija Nau SSSR, Institut arheologii, Moskva Archaeometry – Archaeometry. University of Oxford ArchBulg – Archaeologia Bulgarica, Sofa Archrt – Archeolgiai rtest. A Magyar Régéseti és Mvésettrténeti Trsulat Tudomnyos Folyirata, Budapest ArchIug – Archaeologia Iugoslavica. Arheološko društvo Jugoslavije, Beograd Archorr – Archologisches orrespondenblatt. Rmisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Main Argesis – Argesis. Mueul udeţean Argeş, Piteşti Arta – Arta: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology AS – Anatolian Studies. Journal of the British Institute at Ankara, Cambridge University Press ASAE – Annales du Service des antiquités de l’Egypte, Le Caire AŞUI – Analele Ştiinţifce ale Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cua din Iaşi AW – Antike Welt. Zeitschrift für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte, Darmstadt Banatica – Banatica. Mueul Banatului Montan, Reşiţa BARBrSer – British Archaeological Reports, British Series, Oxford BARIntSer – British Archaeological Reports, International Series, Oxford BARSuppSer – British Archaeological Reports, Supplementary Series, Oxford BASOR – Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, The University of Chicago Press BCMI – Buletinul Comisiunii/Comisiei Monumentelor Istorice, Bucureşti BerRG – Bericht der Rmisch-Germanischen ommission des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts, Franfurt am Main BiblIstrPont-SA – Biblioteca Istro-Pontică. Seria Arheologie. Institutul de Cercetări Eco-Mueale Gavrilă Simion, Tulcea

DACIA N.S., tome LXII-LXIII, Bucarest, 2018-2019, p. 417-421 418 Abréviations 2

BiblMusAp – Bibliotheca Musei Apulensis. Mueul Naional al Unirii, Alba Iulia BMI – Buletinul Monumentelor Istorice, Bucureşti BSNR – Buletinul Societăţii Numismatice Române, Bucureşti BSS – Black Sea Studies, Aarhus Bucureşti.MIM – Bucureşti. Materiale de Istorie şi Mueografe. Mueul Municipiului Bucureti CA – Cercetări Arheologice. Mueul Naţional de Istorie a României, Bucureşti CAH – Cambridge Ancient History, 14 volumes, Cambridge University Press, 1970-2005 CAJ – Cambridge Archaeological Journal. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge Carpica – Carpica. Complexul Mueal Iulian Antonescu Bacău CCA, campania .. – Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România CCD – Cultură şi Civiliaţie la Dunărea de os, Mueul Dunării de os, Călăraşi CEFR – Collection de l’cole Franaise de Rome CercIst – Cercetări Istorice. Complexul Naional Mueal Moldova, Iaşi, Mueul de Istorie a Moldovei, Iai Chiron – Chiron. Mitteilungen der ommission fr Alte Geschichte und Epigraphi des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, München CIGP – P. ovcs (ed.), Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum Pannonicarum (editio maior), Hungarian Polis Studies (HPS) 8, Debrecen, 2001 CII I.1 – R. Schmitt, Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum, Part I: Inscriptions of Ancient Iran, vol. I: The Old Persian Inscriptions, Texts I: The Bisitun Inscriptions of Darius the Great. Old Persian Text, London, 1991 CIL – Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, 17 volumes, Berlin, 1853- Classical Review – The Classical Review. The Classical Association, Cambridge University Press ClQ – The Classical Quaterly, The Classical Association, Cambridge University Press CN – Cercetări Numismatice. Mueul Naţional de Istorie a României, Bucureşti CNA – Cronica Numismatică i Arheologică. Foaie de informaii a Societăii Numismatice Române, Bucureti Dacia N.S. – Dacia (Nouvelle Série). Revue d’archéologie et d’histoire ancienne. Académie Roumaine. Institut d’Archéologie « Vasile Pârvan », Bucureşti Danubius – Danubius, Revista Mueului de Istorie Galai Drevnosti Bospora – Drevnosti Bospora. Institut Arheologii, Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, Moskva Drobeta – Drobeta. Mueul Regiunii Porilor de Fier, Drobeta-Turnu Severin Electrum – Electrum. Journal of Ancient History. Department of Ancient History at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow ESA – Eurasia Septentrionalis Antiqua. Bulletin et mémoirs consacrés à l’archéologie et l’ethnographie de l’Europe orientale et de l’Asie du Nord, Helsinki EO I – Erdélyi Okmánytár I (1023-1301). Beveet tanulmnnyal és jegyeteel regestban étesi Zs. a, Budapest, 1997 FGrH – F. acoby (hg.), Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, Berlin (und Leiden) 1923- Gallia – Gallia. Archéologie de la France Antique. CNRS ditions Germania – Germania. Aneiger der Rmisch-Germanischen ommission des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts, Franfurt am Main GlasniSarajevo – Glasni Zemaljsog Mueja Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo GM – Gttinger Misellen. Beitrge ur gyptologischen Disussion, Georg-August-Universitt, Gttingen Godinja – Godinja. Centar a balanoloa ispitivanja. Aademija Naua i Umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo Hierasus – Hierasus. Mueul udeean Botoani Historia – Historia. Zeitschrift fr Alte Geschichte, Fran Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart Historia Urbana – Historia Urbana. Comisia de Istorie a Oraelor din România, Academia Română, Sibiu Histria Antiqua – Histria Antiqua. Institute društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, Zagreb Hrvatska revija – Hrvatska revija. Matica hrvatska, Zagreb HS – Historische Sprachforschung. Vandenhoec Ruprecht Verlag, Gttingen HSCP – Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. Harvard University Press IDR – Inscripţiile aciei romane, Editura Academiei, Bucureti, 1975- 3 Abréviations 419

IG – Inscriptiones Graecae, Berlin, 1903- IGLR – E. Popescu, Inscripiile greceti i latine din secolele IXIII descoperite n Romnia, Bucureti, 1976 ILD – C.C. Petolescu, Inscripţii atine din acia Bucureşti, I (2005), II (2016) ILS – H. Dessau, Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae, Berlin, I (1892), II.1 (1902), II.2 (1906), III (1914/1916) Iran – Iran. Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, London Istros – Istros, Mueul Brăilei Carol I, Brăila IvestijaHasovo – Ivestija na Istoriesi Muej Hasovo. Regionalen Istoriesi Muej - Hasovo IvestijaSofa – Ivestija na Nacionalnija arheologiesi Institut, Sofa AM – A Nyregyhi sa Andrs Meum vnyve, Nyregyha JEA – European Journal of Archaeology (continues Journal of European Archaeology). European Association of Archaeologists, Cambridge University Press JIES – ournal of Indo-European Studies, Washington JNES – Journal of Near Eastern Studies. The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, Chicago RGZM – ahrbuch des Rmisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Main, Main JRS – Journal of Roman Studies, London Kêmi – Kêmi. Revue de philologie et d’archéologie égyptiennes et coptes, Cambridge University Press lio – lio. Beitrge ur Alten Geschichte, Berlin KRI I – K.A. Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions Historical and Biographical, Volume I. Ramesses I Sethos I, and contemporaries, Oxford, 1975 KRI II – K.A. Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions Historical and Biographical, Volume II. Ramesses II royal inscriptions, Oxford, 1979 KRI IV – K.A. Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions Historical and Biographical, Volume IV. Merenptah and the late 19th dynasty, Oxford, 1982 KRI V – K.A. Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions Historical and Biographical, Volume V. Setnakht Ramesses III, and contemporaries, Oxford, 1983 SIAMosva – ratie soobenija Instituta arheologii, Mosva SIIM – ratie soobenija o doladah i polevyh issledovanijah Instituta istorii material’noj ul’tury, Moskva LRBC – ate Roman Bronze Coinage A.. ; part I. he Bronze Coinage o the House o Constantine A.. (P.V. Hill, J.P.C. Kent) ; part II. Bronze Roman Imperial Coinage o the ater Empire A.. (R.A.G. Carson, .P.C. ent), London, 1965 MAA – Macedoniae Acta Archaeologica. Maedonso Arheoloo Nauno Drutvo, Sopje MAInstUngAk – Mitteilungen des Archäologischen Instituts der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Budapest Marisia – Marisia. Mueul udeţean Mureş, Târgu Mureş Meander – Meander. Rocznik wydawany przez Komitet Nauk o Kulturze Antycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk powicony ulture wiata staroytnego MCA – Materiale i Cercetări Arheologice. Academia Română, Institutul de Arheologie Vasile Pârvan, Bucureti MemAnt – Memoria Antiquitatis. Acta Musei Petrodavensis. Complexul Mueal Naional Neam, Piatra-Neamţ MIA – Materialy i issledovanija po arheologii SSSR, Moskva MIBE – W. Hahn, M.A. Metlich, Money o the Incipient Byzantine Empire (Anastasius I Iustinian I ), Vienna, 2000 Mnemosyne – Mnemosyne, A Journal of Classical Studies, Brill, Leiden MonAnt – Monumenti antichi pubblicati per cura delle Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Roma MonHungHist – Monumenta Hungariae Historica 2, Scriptores 1-38, Pest-Budapest, 1857-1906. Mousaios – Mousaios. Buletin Ştiinţifc al Mueului udeţean Buău NABU – Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires. Société pour l’étude du Proche-Orient ancien Nature – Nature, scientifc journal, London OJA – Oxford Journal of Archaeology. School of Archaeology, University of Oxford Opuscula archaeologica – Opuscula archaeologica. Arheoloi avod Filoofsog faulteta u Zagrebu, Zagreb 420 Abréviations 4

OREA – Oriental and European Archaeology. Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna PamArch – Pamty Archeologicé, Praha PAS – Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa. Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie Berlin PBF – Prhistorische Bronefunde. Aademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Main, Seminar fr Vor- und Frhgeschichte der Goethe-Universitt Franfurt a. M., Abteilung fr Ur- und Frhgeschichtliche Archologie des Historischen Seminars der Westflischen Wilhelms-Universitt, Münster Peuce – Peuce. Studii i note de istorie veche i arheologie. Mueul Delta Dunării / Institutul de Cercetări Eco-Mueale, Tulcea Peuce S.N. – Peuce, serie nouă. Studii şi cercetări de istorie şi arheologie. Institutul de Cercetări Eco-Mueale Gavrilă Simion, Tulcea Philologus – Philologus. Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur und ihre Rezeption, Berlin Phoenix – Phoenix. Journal of the Classical Association of Canada, Toronto PIF – Problemy istorii, flologii, ul’tury. Magnitogors PMMB – Publicaţiile Mueului Municipiului Bucureşti Pontica – Pontica. Mueul de Istorie Naţională şi Arheologie, Constanţa Praehistorica – Praehistorica. Univerzita Karlova, Praha PZ – Praehistorische Zeitschrift. Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie, Berlin Radiocarbon – Radiocarbon. An International Journal of Cosmogenic Isotope Research, Cambridge University Press RAnt – Res Antiquae, Bruxelles RBN(S) – Revue Belge de Numismatique (et de Sigillographie). Société Royale de Numismatique de Belgique, Bruxelles. RE – Realencyclopdie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Stuttgart, 1893- REA – Revue des Études Anciennes. Maison de l’Archéologie, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Pessac REG – Revue des tudes Grecques. L’associations pour l’Encouragement des tudes grecques en France, Paris RESEE – Revue des tudes Sud-Est Européennes. Academia Română, Institutul de Studii Sud-Est Europeene, Bucureşti Revista Arheologică – Revista Arheologică. Academia de Știine a Moldovei, Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, Chiinău RevBistr – Revista Bistriei. Complexul Mueal Bistriţa-Năsăud, Bistriţa RevMu – Revista Mueelor, Bucureşti RIC V.2 – P.H. Webb, he Roman Imperial Coinage, V.2. Prous Amandus London, 1933 (reprinted 1968) RIC VI – C.H.V. Sutherland, he Roman Imperial Coinage, VI. rom iocletians reorm (A.. ) to the death of Maximinus (A.D. 313), London, 1967 RIC VII – P.M. Bruun, he Roman Imperial Coinage, VII. Constantine and Licinius A.D. 313-337, London, 1966 RIC VIII – J.P.C. Kent, he Roman Imperial Coinage, VIII. The Family of Constantine I A.. , London, 1981 RIC X – J.P.C. Kent, he Roman Imperial Coinage, X. The Divided Empire and the Fall of the Western Parts A.. ), London, 1994 RMI – Revista Monumentelor Istorice, Bucureti RMM-MIA – Revista mueelor şi monumentelor - Monumente istorice şi de artă, Bucureşti RossArh – Rossijskaja Arheologija. Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, Institut arheologii, Moskva RPRP – Reports of Prehistoric Research Projects. Prehistory Foundation, Sofa SA – Sovetskaja Arheologija. Akademija Nauk SSSR, Institut arheologii, Moskva SAA – Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica. Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cua, Iaşi SAAC – Studies in Ancient Art and Civilisation. Jagiellonian University Institute of Archaeology, Kraków Saeculum – Saeculum. ahrbuch fr Universalgeschichte. Georg-August-Universitt, Gttingen SAI – Studii şi Articole de Istorie. Societatea de Știine Istorice din România, Bucureşti Sargetia – Sargetia. Acta Musei Devensis. Mueul Civiliaiei Dacice şi Romane, Deva 5 Abréviations 421

SCIV(A) – Studii şi Cercetări de Istorie Veche (şi Arheologie). Academia Română, Institutul de Arheologie Vasile Pârvan, Bucureşti SCN – Studii şi Cercetări de Numismatică. Academia Română, Institutul de Arheologie Vasile Pârvan, Bucureşti Situla – Situla Journal: Dissertationes Musei Nationalis Sloveniae, Ljubljana SlovArch – Slovens Archeolgia. Archeologic stav SAV, Nitra Sovetsaja Etnografja – Sovetsaja Etnografja. Aademija Nau SSSR, Institut etnografi, Mosva SSH – Social Science History. Social Science History Association, Cambridge University Press Starinar – Starinar. Nauni asopis Arheoloog instituta u Beogradu, Beograd StComSibiu – Studii şi Comunicri, Sibiu Stratum plus – Stratum plus. Arheologija i ulturnaja antropologija, Vysaja Antropologiesaja ola, St. Peterburg-Chiinău-Odessa-Bucureti Studia Hercynia – Studia Hercynia. stav pro lasicou archeologii, Filoofc faulta Univerity arlovy, Praha Suceava – Suceava. Anuarul Mueului Naional al Bucovinei, Suceava SympThrac – Symposia Thracologica SzO V – L. Sdecy ardoss (ed.), Szkely klevltr , olosvr, 1896 Talanta – Talanta. Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, Amsterdam Thraco-Dacica – Thraco-Dacica. Academia Română, Institutul de Arheologie Vasile Pârvan, Bucureşti TIR – aula Imperii Romani TBA-AR – Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi, Ankara Tyragetia – Tyragetia. Anuarul Mueului Naţional de Istorie a Moldovei, Chişinău Ub. II – F. Zimmermann, C. Werner, G. Mller (hrsg.), rkundenuch zur Geschichte der eutschen in Siebenbürgen II, Hermannstadt, 1897 Ub. IV – G. Gndisch, F. Zimmermann (hrsg.), rkundenuch zur Geschichte der eutschen in Sieenrgen I, Hermannstadt, 1937 Ub. V – G. Gndisch, F. Zimmermann (hrsg.), rkundenuch zur Geschichte der eutschen in Sieenrgen , Bucureti, 1975 UF – Ugarit Forschungen. Internationales ahrbuch fr die Altertumsunde Syrien-Palstinas. Institut fr Altorientalistik und die Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Münster UPA – Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, Bonn VAHD – Vjesnik za arheologiju i historiju dalmatinsku. Arheološki muzej Split Valachica – Valachica. Studii i cercetări de istorie i istoria culturii. Complexul Naional Mueal Curtea Domnească, Târgovite VAMZ – Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu, Zagreb VDI – Vestni Drevnej Istorii. Otdelenie istorio-flologiesih nau Rossijsoj Aademii Nau, Mosva VHAD – Vjesnik Hrvatskoga arheološkoga društva, Zagreb Vizantijskij vremennik – Vizantijskij vremennik. Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, Moskva WPZ – Wiener prhistorische Zeitschrift. Wiener Prhistorische Gesellschaft, Wien A – iva Antia / Antiquité Vivante. Drutvo a antii studii na SRM, Seminar na lasina flologija, Filoofsi faultet, Sopje Ziridava – Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica. Complexul Muzeal Arad ZPE – Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Bonn