1.1. lies in the Vale of York between the Dales and the . It is one of the largest districts in , situated between the urban area of the Tees Valley conurbation and Darlington to the north, and York and Harrogate to the south-east and south-west respectively. Excellent north-south transport links are provided by the A1/A1M, East Coast Main Line, A19 and A168.

1.2. Most development has occurred in the main market towns of and Thirsk. Bedale, Easingwold and Stokesley play a key role in servicing the surrounding rural communities.

1.3. To the east is the North York Moors National Park. The Howardian Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty falls partly within Hambleton. To the south, part of the York Greenbelt falls within the District.

1.4. As a diverse and predominantly rural district, Hambleton includes market towns and many villages, hamlets and farms within a District population of 89,800 (ONS Mid 2014 sub national estimates). Population levels are rising in Hambleton (+6.5% over the last 10 years); people are healthier and live lnnger than the national average, leading to an ageing population.


1.5. The rationale for developing an Open Space Strategy is underpinned by the preparation of a new Local Plan to guide development and land use up to 2035. This strategy will provide the evidence base for protecting existing provision and allocating new open space within the Local Plan over this timeframe.

1.6. The Council undertook a local needs assessment and audit of open space facilities across the District in 2006, in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Policy Guidance Note 17 (Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation, July 2002) and its Companion Guide (September 2002); this has provided the evidence base for policy making and implementation in relation to these subject areas, and in relation to this Strategy to open space, in the existing Local Plan, known as the Local Development Framework (LDF).

1.7. The LDF consists of the Core Strategy (adopted in 2007), the Development Policy DPD (adopted in February 2008), and the Allocations DPD (adopted in December 2010).


1.8. The Strategy draws on information, and updates the conclusions of, other Council documents including:

 Northallerton, Brompton and Romanby Draft Landscape and Open Space Strategy (2016)

 Hambleton Health and Physical Activity Plan (2009)

 Hambleton Biodiversity Action Plan (2002)

Play Strategy (2011)

 Hambleton Play Strategy (2009-11)

 Hambleton Allotment Survey Summary (2010)

 Hambleton Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2016).

1.9. This assessment has undertaken a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the existing and future needs and demands for:

 Amenity Greenspace

 Provision for Children and Young People

 Allotments and Community Gardens

 Cemeteries

 Civic Spaces

 Natural and Semi-Natural Greenspaces.

1.10. A methodology was adopted which is in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and its predecessor, Planning Policy Guideline 16 (PPG16). Some very small spaces (less than 0.2 ha and of limited amenity value) were excluded.

1.11. In addition, consultation was conducted with parishes throughout both districts. This sought views on the quality, quantity and accessibility of green space in those parishes. Some anecdotal information was also obtained relating to the desire for additional facilities in each parish’s open spaces. Focus groups were carried out in key settlement areas.

1.12. Some conclusions are drawn in relation to the need for actions in service as well as in planning terms. A number of actions were formulated, and included in an Action Plan for consideration in the short, medium, and long term.



2.1. The Key Outcomes for the study are as follows:

1. Provide evidence to justify the provision of new open space provision, or enhance existing

2. Help assess the merits of planning applications and guide planning obligations

3. Help direct expenditure of any future Community Infrastructure Levy monies and Section 106 planning contributions for open space

4. Support the improvement of open space facilities in the District by ensuring that a high-quality open space infrastructure exists

5. Support community groups and others to access external funding.



3.1. The methodology employed included a number of elements:

 Review of national, regional and local strategy and policy documents relevant to the exercise

 Division of open spaces into typology consisting of a number of different and discrete amenity “types”

 Creation of a qualitative template to include key elements of design and maintenance

 Qualitative on-site assessment of open spaces distributed throughout Hambleton in accordance with the NPPF and the principles contained in the PPG17 Companion Guide

 Analysis of results to qualitatively assess the value of open spaces

 Use of quantitative standards in accordance principles contained in the PPG17 Companion Guide (i.e. by applying a local standard based on new Fields in Trust standards to different types of open spaces grouped in accordance with the PPG17 typology in terms of ha per 1,000 population).

 Use of accessibility standards as defined by the Fields in Trust Guidance Document

 Defining of a parish questionnaire and distribution to all parishes within Hambleton

 Analysis of questionnaire results

 Conducting a series of focus group discussions in key community areas

 Drafting conclusions relating to the current state of open spaces in Hambleton

 Drafting recommendations relating to the significance of open space in Hambleton in relation to the Local Plan.




4.1. At the national level, before the replacement of all Planning Policy Statements (PPS’s) by the National Planning Policy Framework in March 2012, there were a number which dealt with planning issues in detail. These Planning Policy Statements are detailed for reference in Annex A.

4.2. The Localism Act was given Royal Assent in November 2011. It aimed to take planning power from central government and place it in the hands of local authorities and communities. The Act seeks to:

 Give new freedoms and flexibilities to local government

 Give new rights and powers for local communities and individuals

 Reform the planning system to make it clearer, more democratic and more effective

 Make reforms to ensure that decisions about housing are taken locally.


4.3. The Government issued planning policy guidelines for local authorities in the form of PPG 17 and Companion Guide to PPG17: Assessing Needs and Opportunities. They were first published on 13 September 2001. Although withdrawn on 7 March 2014, the guidelines were not replicated in succeeding enactments and guidelines, and are therefore still relevant as an evidence base. The PPG17 guidelines contained a number of recommendations which are directly relevant to this study.

4.4. One policy relates to areas of open space or recreational facilities of high quality or particular importance as a local amenity. These should be recognized by local authorities and given protection through appropriate policies and plans.

4.5. In terms of action which local authorities should be taking, they were advised through the PPG17 guidelines to:

 Avoid any erosion of recreational function and maintain and enhance the character of open spaces

 Ensure that open spaces do not suffer from encroachment (from traffic flows, etc.)

 Protect and enhance rights of way

 Consider the impacts of development on biodiversity and nature conservation.


4.6. In general, local authorities should:

 Promote accessibility to open space and the countryside

 Carefully consider safety and security in open spaces

 Improve their quality

 Meet regeneration needs through the provision of open space

 Consider using surplus land for open space purposes

 Consider the needs of visitors and tourists through open space provision.

4.7. PPG17 gives specific guidance in terms of defining how the quality of parks and open spaces can be audited. This guidance has been used to assess the quality of open spaces throughout Hambleton.


4.8. The Localism Act is being developed through detailed Regulations and the National Planning Policy Framework. This supercedes previous guidance as previously outlined, and introduced detailed modifications to existing Acts including the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Planning Act 2008. The Government laid stress on the role of the National Planning Policy Framework in the following areas:

 Clarified that the local plan was the keystone of the planning regime

 Was crystal clear that sustainable development embraces social and environmental as well as economic objectives and does so in a balanced way

 Referred explicitly to the five principles of the UK Sustainable Development Strategy

 Is clear that councils should look for net improvements on all dimensions of sustainability

 Made explicit that the presumption in favour of sustainable development works through, not against, local plans

 Made it clear that relevant policies - such as those protecting the Green Belt, Sites of Special Scientific Interest, National Parks and other areas - cannot be overridden


 Recognised the intrinsic value and beauty of the countryside (whether specifically designated or not)

 Made explicit what was always implicit: that councils' policies must encourage brownfield sites to be brought back into use

 Underlined the importance of town centres, while recognising that businesses in rural communities should be free to expand

 Embraced a localist approach to creating a buffer of housing supply over and above five years, and in the use of windfall sites

 Allowed councils to protect back gardens from development

 Ensured that playing fields continue to benefit from that same protection that they do currently.

4.9. There are a number of issues relating to the implementation of both the Localism Act and the NPPF. These are highlighted in table 4.1 below. This does indicate that there are some opportunities associated with the Localism Act, and in particular with the NPPF. However, there are also some gaps which presume against a fully co-ordinated planning approach. These need to be at least acknowledged when planning future open space requirements in the District.


4.10. Local authorities have traditionally used the National Playing Field Association’s “6 Acre Standard.” Recommendations on Outdoor Playing Space were first formulated in 1925, soon after the Association’s formation. This helped ensure that every man, woman and child in Great Britain should have the opportunity of participating in outdoor recreational activity within a reasonable distance of home during leisure hours. The National Playing Field Association urged all local authorities to adopt a minimum standard of provision of 5 acres (20,000 m2) of public open space for every 1,000 people, of which at least 4 acres (16,000 m2) should be set aside for team games, tennis, bowls and children’s playgrounds.

4.11. Since then, the National Playing Field Association has kept the recreational space standard under regular review. It now stands as the Six Acre Standard, recommending 6 acres (24,000 m2) per 1,000 head of population as a minimum necessity for space. The National Playing Field Association has since been superceded by Fields in Trust. FIT has conducted research which has indicated that 81% of local planning authorities’ express quantity standards for open space as “hectares per 1,000 population.” This has enabled comparison across England and Wales, and is the most widely used metric for open space standards.


4.12. The median level of provision for Designated Play Space was 0.25 hectares per 1,000 population. This corresponds to the Fields In Trust benchmark standard. The median accessibility standard was 100m. for Local Areas of Play (LAP’s), 400m. for Local Equipped Areas for Play (LEAP’s), and 1,000m. for Neighbourhood Equipped Areas for Play” (NEAP’s). Accessibility standards have often been expressed in terms of walking time rather than distance.

Table 4.1: Gaps and Opportunities Relating to the Localism Act and the National Planning Policy Framework OPPORTUNITIES UNDERSTANDING GAPS SCOPE FOR IMPROVEMENT LOCALISM ACT  Local definition of GI  No clarity on range of measures to be  Guidelines required to clarify how localism delegated will work in practice  Deciding climate change methods at local level  How CCPs will operate in practice  Capacity building for neighbourhoods

 Lack of strategic-level planning and management without Regional Strategies

 Lack of expertise of local communities to lead on neighbourhood-level plans

NPPF  Presumption in favour of sustainable  Specific recognition for Local Wildlife Sites  Presumption against development in LWS’s development  GI in brownfield sites could be developed  Clarity over use of planning designation to  Climate change mitigation measures could protect GI in brownfield sites improve well-being

 Use of GI as panacea to development

 GI can be managed using specific designations

4.13. Fields In Trust has discovered that the median level of playing pitch provision was 1.21 hectares per 1,000 population (comparable with the Fields In Trust recommended benchmark standard). The median accessibility standard from respondents to the Fields In Trust survey was 1,200m. from dwellings, matching the Fields In Trust benchmark.


4.14. Respondents to the Fields In Trust survey provided data relating to an overall standard for parks and amenity green space. The median level of provision sought was 1.0 hectares per 1,000 population.

4.15. In relation to the meeting of local standards for open space being met in planning decision-making, 64% indicated a score of between 7 and 10 (where 1 indicated “seldom’” and 10 indicated “Always).

4.16. Of relevance to future planning of open space requirements in Hambleton are the new benchmark guidelines contained in Fields in Trust’s “Guidance for Outdoor Sport and Play: Beyond the Six Acre Standard.” These are shown in figures 4.2 and 4.3 below.

4.17. These national standards are used later in section 7, and have been used in conjunction with local standards in order to calculate quantitative standards.

4.18. The Council considers that the best approach is to utilise national standards if there is loss of existing provision; and that local standards should be applied to calculate the provision of new facilities (see Annex B).



PARKS AND GARDENS 0.80 710m Note: The FIT benchmark guidelines do not include quantity guidelines for civic spaces, cemeteries, churchyards and other burial grounds.


Table 4.3: FIT Quality Guidelines for Formal Open Space

 Quality appropriate to the intended level of performance, designed to appropriate technical standards.

 Located where they are of most value to the community to be served.

 Sufficiently diverse recreational use for the whole community.

 Appropriately landscaped.

 Maintained safely and to the highest possible condition with available finance.

 Positively managed taking account of the need for repair and replacement over time as necessary.

 Provision of appropriate ancillary facilities and equipment.

 Provision of footpaths.

 Designed so as to be free of the fear of harm or crime.

 Local authorities can set their own quality benchmark standards for playing pitches, taking into account the level of play, topography, necessary safety margins and optimal orientation

 Local authorities can set their own quality benchmark standards for play areas using the Children’s Play Council’s Quality Assessment Tool.



5.1. There were a number of constraints to this study. These were as follows:

 This part of the assessment was confined to open spaces. Sport and recreation facilities are covered in the recreation report

 Sites of less than 0.2 ha and of little amenity value were generally excluded in line with PPG17 methodology guidelines. Some which were smaller have been included because they are of particular significance (e.g. a small village green in a community which has little, or no, other open space provision)

 A number of the responses to the parish and town council consultation exercise were anecdotal in nature (i.e. they requested respondents to give their views in the form of comments rather than by asking them to respond using a rating system)

 Quantitative national guidelines have not been produced for allotments. However, the Thorpe Report of 1999 recommended a standard of 0.2 ha per thousand population, which has been chosen as the most definitive guideline

 There are no quantitative guidelines relating to the amenity use of cemeteries and churchyards, therefore assessments have been limited to qualitative criteria for this category



6.1. Open spaces were divided using the typology shown in Annex B, which is based on PPG17. This was clarified in the brief provided by the client. The PPG17 Companion Guide stated that: “Quality standards can obviously vary according to the primary and secondary purposes of different forms of provision and their level within any adopted hierarchy of provision. They are not absolute measures, but reasonable aspirations and benchmarks against which to measure the quality of any existing open space or sports facility in order to determine the need for enhancement.” Accordingly, a number of measures were used based on this guidance, and including:

 Cleanliness and maintenance  Welcome

 Security and safety  Climate change adaptation

 Ancillary facilities (toilets, footpaths, etc.)  General site access, including less able bodied

 Transport access  Information and signage

 Wider benefits (social inclusion, health, economic, etc.)  Overall potential for improvement

 Specific issues affecting potential for development

6.2. A number of factors for each of the above were scored up to a maximum of five points, and an average rating was calculated for each of the above categories. Total points were compared to a maximum possible score. This was expressed as a percentage to produce a rating for each open space. These defined qualitative provision as:

 Very poor  Poor

 Average  Good

 Very good

6.3. All audited sites were categorized using the typology, and are shown in Annex C.

6.4. The scores are shown for each category, and weighted in accordance with the weightings shown on the auditing template in Annex D.


6.5. Results are displayed in accordance with the agreed typology and are shown as:

 Provision for Children and Young People  Allotments and Community Gardens

 Cemeteries and Churchyards  Civic Spaces

 Amenity Greenspace

Table 6.1: Quality Issues in Hambleton OPEN SPACE TYPE ISSUE

 Standards variable dependent upon care taken by local parish or town council  Absence of welcoming signage/information/bins AMENITY GREENSPACE  Grass maintenance only average  Absence or shortage of benches

 Standards high CIVIC SPACES  Information signage could be improved

 Very variable standards CHILDREN’S PLAY AREAS AND FACILITIES FOR  Lack of signage YOUNG PEOPLE  More exciting equipment needed in places  Some shortfall in terms of benches and bins

 Cemeteries average or good  Inadequate signage CEMETERIES  Bins and seats in short supply  Some memorials are leaning and may need testing

 Mostly poor or average  Very difficult to find, and unwelcoming ALLOTMENTS  Modest facilities  Poor boundaries in places

6.6. The results of the qualitative audit are sub-divided by type, with a brief analysis of each.



6.7. Results of the quality audit for Facilities for Children and Young People are shown as Table 6.2.

Table 6.2: Quality audit for Facilities for Children and Young People

) ) % % 5 5 ( (1 n o ) ce ti ) % n a % 5 a ) t 0 ( n % ap 1 e te 5 d ( ag n (1 ) a s ) n i ) % ie % ) g a % ty 0 e it 5 % i m 5 e 1 g il 1 0 /s / 1 f ( an c ( 1 n ss ( a e h fa s ( o e e /s p c es rt ti r n n a) n y a ry c o a e io io h li m it c te a c p % b t t ( n co r s a ll A s rm l m a a e e a l u d ci n o ta u c c p z le e c n lim n te a f N Lo Lo Ty Si C W Se La C A Si Tr In To 10 Linton Playground Linton-on-Ouse CYP 0.17 4.6 2.7 4.9 3.4 1.8 3.6 4.1 3.6 0.5 65 11 Appleton Wiske Play Area Front Street, Appleton Wiske CYP 1.47 4.5 1.8 3.2 1.4 0.8 3.0 2.7 2.7 0.5 45 17 Station Road Station Road, Brompton CYP 0.11 4.6 0.9 2.4 1.4 0.9 2.1 3.1 2.7 0.0 40 25 Aldwark Rice Lane, Aldwark CYP 0.06 5.0 2.7 3.0 1.8 1.0 2.1 1.4 1.8 0.9 44 41 Aiskew Kingfisher Drive, Aiskew CYP 0.02 5.4 1.8 3.6 2.1 1.0 2.5 1.8 1.8 0.5 45 53 Newton on Ouse Playground Tollerton Road, Newton on Ouse CYP 1.53 5.1 0.9 2.4 1.8 1.0 1.8 0.9 1.8 0.0 35 56 Shipton Playground Main Street, Shipton CYP 0.04 5.0 2.7 4.9 3.0 1.5 3.2 2.3 2.7 0.8 58 64 Applegarth Playground The Applegarth, Applegarth CYP 0.08 5.1 3.1 4.3 2.7 1.2 3.9 4.5 3.6 0.9 65 68 Easingwold Playground Back Lane, Easingwold CYP 0.16 5.1 3.6 4.9 2.7 1.4 3.2 4.5 3.6 1.4 67 69 Crayke Playground Easingwold Road, Crayke CYP 0.61 5.4 1.8 3.2 0.0 0.6 1.8 1.4 1.4 0.9 37 70 Scruton Playground Station Road, Scruton CYP 0.63 5.4 2.7 4.1 2.3 1.4 1.8 2.7 2.7 0.9 53 72 Play Area, Rowan Avenue Rowan Avenue, Easingwold CYP 0.06 5.4 2.3 3.8 1.6 1.0 2.1 2.7 2.7 0.8 50 73 Playround R/O County Hall Broomfield Park, Northallerton CYP 0.14 5.4 1.8 5.1 2.3 1.2 3.4 4.1 3.6 0.5 61 75 Thistle Close Playground Land Adjacent Thistle Close, Northallerton CYP 0.01 5.4 2.3 5.4 3.2 1.7 3.6 4.1 3.6 0.5 66 76 Great Ayton Playground Playing Fields, Central Way, Great Ayton CYP 0.16 4.7 1.8 3.8 2.5 1.2 2.5 1.8 1.8 0.5 46 77 Northallerton Road Playground Northallerton Road, Brompton CYP 0.09 4.7 2.3 3.2 3.0 1.7 3.0 1.8 2.7 0.8 51 78 Bankhead Play Area Bankhead Road Northallerton CYP 0.14 5.4 1.8 3.2 1.4 0.9 2.5 1.8 2.7 0.5 45 79 Carlton Miniott Playground Carlton Road, Carlton Miniott CYP 0.20 5.0 1.8 2.7 2.1 1.4 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.5 42 80 Robin Lane Robin Lane, Huby CYP 0.10 4.6 4.5 2.4 1.4 1.0 2.3 2.7 1.8 1.8 50 88 Great Broughton Playing Fields Kirkby Lane, Great Broughton CYP 0.06 4.7 2.3 4.3 2.3 1.5 3.0 2.7 2.7 0.5 53 90 Tally Hill Land at Tally Hill, Huby CYP 0.45 4.9 2.3 2.7 2.5 1.4 0.9 1.4 1.8 0.9 42 91 Enterpen Play Area Enterpen, Hutton Rudby CYP 0.09 4.3 4.1 4.6 3.0 1.8 3.2 5.0 3.6 1.2 68 95 Leeming Recreation Area Mill Lane, Leeming CYP 0.24 4.7 4.5 3.0 1.4 1.0 2.4 3.1 1.8 1.7 52 99 Great Broughton Playground Kirkby Lane, Great Broughton CYP 0.06 4.9 1.8 4.5 1.2 1.4 2.5 4.1 3.6 0.5 54 101 Raskelf Raskelf to Easingwold CYP 0.76 4.9 0.9 3.8 2.3 1.5 2.1 2.3 2.7 0.0 45 108 West Tanfield Playground Tanfield Bridge, West Tanfield CYP 0.10 4.3 2.3 3.0 2.3 1.5 2.1 1.4 1.8 0.0 41 110 Bullamoor Road Bullamoor Road, Northallerton CYP 0.06 4.9 1.8 3.0 1.6 0.9 2.5 2.3 2.7 0.5 45 116 Sowerby Play Area Sowerby Road, Sowerby CYP 0.70 4.6 3.6 4.6 2.4 1.4 3.6 4.1 2.7 0.9 62 123 Norby Playground Front Street, Norby CYP 0.08 5.1 2.0 4.6 3.4 1.5 3.2 5.4 3.6 0.5 65 128 Easingwold Memorial Park Crabmill Lane, Easingwold CYP 0.36 5.1 4.5 5.1 3.2 1.7 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.4 73


163 Mattison Close Mattison Close, Leeming Bar CYP 0.32 3.5 1.1 1.9 0.7 0.8 2.4 1.8 1.8 0.0 31 169 Newton Road Newton Road, Tollerton CYP 0.10 5.4 0.4 2.4 1.2 0.8 2.3 1.4 1.8 0.0 35 172 Play Area, Bryden Close Bryden Close, Romanby CYP 0.11 4.7 2.3 4.9 3.2 1.5 3.3 2.7 2.7 1.2 59 173 Harewood Chasey Harewood Chase, Romanby CYP 0.02 5.4 2.7 5.9 3.6 1.7 3.2 4.5 4.5 0.8 72 177 Peirse Close Peirse Close, Bedale CYP 0.02 4.6 1.4 3.5 0.9 0.8 3.0 3.6 3.6 0.5 48 178 Ascough Wynd Ascough Wynd, Aiskew CYP 0.32 4.9 0.7 5.4 N/A 0.0 3.6 4.1 4.5 0.0 51 187 The Green Play Area, Crakehall The Green Play Area CYP 0.11 5.0 1.4 3.4 2.7 1.7 2.4 1.4 1.8 0.0 44 190 Bedale Hall Play Area Bedale Hall, Bedale CYP 0.04 5.1 3.1 5.4 3.6 1.8 3.6 4.5 3.6 0.9 70 193 Beech Close Beech Close, Snape CYP 0.81 4.1 1.8 2.7 1.6 1.2 0.9 1.4 1.8 0.8 36 208 Thornton Watlass Play Area Thornton Watlass CYP 1.57 4.3 0.9 2.4 2.3 1.5 1.6 0.9 1.8 0.0 35 212 Church Street Play Area Church Street Play Area, Well CYP 0.02 6.3 5.0 3.8 1.6 1.2 3.0 4.5 2.7 2.3 67 213 Play Area Play Area, Picton CYP 0.66 6.3 5.8 4.1 2.5 1.0 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.8 75 216 Recreation Area r/o Black Horse Inn 23 High Street, Swainby CYP 0.78 5.4 5.8 5.4 3.4 1.8 2.7 5.8 3.6 2.3 80 221 North Road Playground North Road, Stokesley CYP 0.08 5.1 2.3 4.3 2.5 1.2 3.3 3.1 2.7 0.8 56 222 Freemans Way Freemans Way, Leeming Bar CYP 1.57 5.4 1.8 4.6 2.1 1.4 3.2 2.7 2.7 0.8 54 223 Bedale Road Bedale Road, Leeming Bar CYP 0.32 4.7 1.8 3.8 2.3 1.7 2.5 1.4 1.8 0.5 45 230 Carr Lane Playground Carr Lane, Stillington CYP 2.64 5.1 3.4 4.3 1.4 1.0 2.5 2.7 2.7 0.9 53 238 Bagby Play Area Play Area, Bagby CYP 0.61 5.1 5.4 4.6 3.4 1.7 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.5 75 250 Dalton Playground Playground, Dalton CYP 0.61 4.7 2.7 3.8 1.8 1.2 3.0 2.3 1.8 0.8 49 252 Play Area, Appleton Wiske Recreation Ground Front Street, Appleton Wiske CYP 0.44 5.0 2.3 4.3 2.3 1.4 2.3 1.8 1.8 0.6 48 272 Low Street Play Area Low Street, Husthwaite CYP 0.46 5.7 4.5 4.7 1.8 1.0 3.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 71 274 Main Street Playground, Linton on Ouse Main Street, Linton on Ouse CYP 0.13 5.1 6.1 4.5 2.1 1.8 3.2 4.5 2.7 2.3 71 275/276 Play Area East Harsley Amenity Space, East Harsley CYP 0.78 5.4 2.7 5.1 3.2 1.8 3.4 3.1 2.7 0.5 62 283 Land at Jervaulx Road Land at Jervaulx Road CYP 0.07 4.5 1.8 2.7 2.1 1.4 1.2 0.9 1.8 0.6 37 292 Recreational Area Recreational Area, Brandsby CYP 1.46 5.1 0.9 3.0 1.6 1.4 1.4 0.9 1.8 0.0 36 294 Robb Close Robb Close, Thirsk CYP 0.06 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.8 0.8 2.4 2.0 2.7 0.0 45 295 Sessay Playground Main Street, Sessay CYP 1.64 4.3 1.4 1.1 0.9 0.8 1.4 1.4 1.8 0.8 30 342 Back Lane Playground Back Lane, Alne CYP 0.18 5.1 2.3 3.8 2.3 1.4 2.7 2.3 1.8 0.9 50

Scores (weighted) Very poor = 0% - 20% Poor = 21% - 40% Average = 41% - 60% Good = 61% - 80% Very good = 81% - 100%

6.8. Facilities for Children and Young People consist of equipped play areas. These sometimes have adjoining areas for ball games or other forms of informal activity. They are designed for toddlers, older children, and sometimes youths. In some cases there are items of “outdoor gym” equipment. Some sites incorporate covered “youth shelters” for informal gatherings.

6.9. Issues relating to quality include:

 There are 58 sites in this category

 The majority (53%) are “average” in quality

 33% are in the “good” quality category, achieving a combined score across all quality factors of 41% to 60%


 Eight are “poor”

 None of the sites was considered to be “very good,” achieving a score in excess of 80%

 No sites were “very poor,” that is, achieving a score of between o% and 20%

 In sites, which have been marked poor or average, many are poorly signposted. What signage exists tends towards the prohibitive “the use of this playground is for young children only,” “no dog fouling,” etc. Thus, there is little “welcome” for users

 Some rubberised safety surfacing is becoming uneven, or has been damaged. In some cases, this needs replacing

 Few include landscaping in the form of trees or shrub planting

 Many provide little shade to protect children or guardians from the sun

 Accessibility is an issue for a significant percentage, with no access path. This is exacerbated by poor positioning well away from the entrance to the open space in which they are located, necessitating a relatively long walk across unsurfaced areas (e.g. grass)

 Access for disabled or less able-bodied people is hampered by a lack of hard level surfaces or benching with arms

 There are some excellent examples of innovative play equipment, which is both exciting and imaginative. This includes the use of zip wires, “outdoor gym” and other recently installed items

 Some playgrounds have been forgotten, and contain relatively obsolete equipment which, although usually safe, is unenticing to use and shows no sign of recent maintenance in the form of new paint

 Most are rather conventional in design, lacking any “green” element, even though green play is extremely popular.



6.10. Results of the quality audit for Amenity Greenspace are shown as Table 6.3

Table 6.3: Quality audit for Amenity Greenspace

) ) % % 5 5 ( (1 n o ) ce ti ) % n a % 5 a ) t 0 ( n % ap 1 e te 5 d ( ag n (1 ) a s ) n i ) % ie % ) g a % ty 0 e it 5 % i m 5 e 1 g il 1 0 /s / 1 f ( an c ( 1 n ss ( a e h fa s ( o e e /s p c es rt ti r n a) n y a ry c o a e io h li m it c te a c p % b t ( n co r s a ll A s rm l m a e e a l u d ci n o a u c p z le e c n lim n te a f t N Lo Ty Si C W Se La C A Si Tr In To 1 Pickhill Village Green Pickhill Village Green, The Green, Pickhill AGS 1.58 5.4 5.4 4.7 3.2 1.7 3.2 2.7 2.7 2.3 69 3 Swale Green Helperby Brisge Street, Swale Green AGS 1.71 4.6 1.4 1.8 0.9 1.2 0.3 0.4 0.9 0.6 27 4 Village Green Lead Lane, Newther Silton AGS 0.38 5.1 5.4 4.5 3.4 1.7 2.1 2.7 1.8 N/A 64 6 Exelby Village Green Tofts Lane, Exelby AGS 0.10 5.1 4.1 5.1 3.0 1.7 1.4 2.7 2.7 N/A 61 18 Thorntree Road Thorntree Road, Northallerton AGS 0.38 5.4 2.7 5.0 3.6 1.8 0.9 2.0 2.7 0.9 56 19 Land behind South View South View, Northallerton AGS 1.16 5.0 2.0 3.0 1.4 1.4 0.9 3.1 2.7 0.9 45 20 Lewis Close Lewis Close, Northallerton AGS 0.12 5.4 5.4 4.7 3.4 1.7 0.9 1.4 2.7 N/A 61 23 Sinderby Village Green The Village Green, Sinderby AGS 0.38 5.4 2.7 5.1 3.4 1.7 3.3 5.4 3.6 0.0 68 24 Sutton Howgrave Village Green Village Green, Sutton Howgrave AGS 0.21 4.7 4.1 4.1 3.0 1.8 2.7 1.4 2.7 N/A 56 26 Carlton Husthwaite Green Carlton Husthwaite, YO7 2BJ AGS 0.95 5.1 3.4 4.9 3.0 1.8 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.2 70 27 Oulston Village Green Oulston Village Green, Oulston AGS 0.34 5.1 1.4 4.5 3.0 1.7 1.4 1.4 2.7 0.0 47 28 High Green, Brompton Church View, Brompton AGS 0.25 5.0 4.5 4.6 3.6 1.8 2.7 4.1 3.3 2.1 70 29 Little Green, Brompton Church View, Brompton AGS 0.20 5.0 4.5 4.6 3.6 1.8 1.8 4.1 3.3 0.9 66 32 Land at Hilton Close Hilton Close, Brompton AGS 0.05 5.1 1.4 2.0 1.2 0.8 0.3 1.4 1.8 N/A 87 34 Amenity land Hambleton Leisure Centre Land, Northallerton AGS 0.75 4.5 5.4 4.5 3.4 1.8 3.6 2.7 2.7 N/A 68 36 Darlington Road Darlington Road, Northallerton AGS 0.91 4.1 5.4 5.0 3.6 1.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A 73 40 Shire Road Shire Road, Thirsk AGS 0.08 5.1 3.4 3.2 2.1 1.0 0.9 2.7 1.8 0.9 47 42 Land At Water End Water End, Brompton AGS 2.78 5.1 3.1 4.1 3.6 1.8 2.5 1.4 3.0 0.6 56 43 Great Smeaton Village Green Smeaton Village Street, Great Smeaton AGS 0.16 5.0 5.4 4.6 3.6 1.8 3.6 4.7 3.6 N/A 75 44 Land off Northallerton Road Northallerton Road, Great Smeaton AGS 0.21 4.9 5.4 5.2 3.6 1.8 1.4 5.4 3.2 N/A 73 45 Hornby Village Green Village Green, Hornby AGS 0.58 5.4 4.1 4.5 3.4 1.8 0.0 1.4 1.8 N/A 51 46 Land at The Nookin The Nookin, Husthwaite AGS 0.04 5.8 2.0 5.1 3.4 1.8 3.2 0.0 1.8 N/A 54 47 Low Worsall Village Green The Green, Low Worsall AGS 1.44 5.1 2.7 4.7 3.6 1.8 1.8 1.4 1.8 0.0 51 48 Land adj to Church Cottage Church Cottage, Maunby AGS 0.03 5.0 5.4 4.1 3.4 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 N/A 63 49 Land at Myton on Swale Land at Myton on Swale AGS 0.01 5.4 5.4 4.1 3.4 1.8 0.6 1.4 1.8 0.0 53 50 Myton Village Green Myton Village Green, Myton on Swale AGS 0.17 5.4 5.4 4.7 3.6 1.8 2.1 5.4 3.6 1.7 75 51 Newby Wiske Village Green Newby Wiske Village Green, Newby Wiske AGS 0.02 5.1 5.4 4.6 3.4 1.7 3.0 5.4 3.6 N/A 75


52 Newton on Ouse Village Green Moor Lane, Newton on ouse AGS 0.10 5.1 4.1 4.5 3.4 1.8 3.2 2.7 2.7 0.9 63 55 Nosterfield Village Green Thornfield Road, Nosterfield AGS 0.14 5.0 1.4 3.8 2.5 1.8 2.4 1.4 1.8 0.0 45 59 Land at High Street High Street, Northallerton AGS 0.17 5.0 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 3.6 4.7 2.7 N/A 75 61 Land at Lime Grove Lime Grove, Burneston AGS 0.10 6.2 4.7 4.5 3.4 1.5 1.8 4.1 2.7 N/A 68 62 Millennium Green Dowber Way, Thirsk AGS 1.38 5.1 2.7 5.1 3.6 1.7 3.0 4.1 3.6 0.5 65 65 Tollerton Green The Green, Tollerton AGS 0.94 5.1 2.0 4.5 3.4 1.8 2.7 0.0 1.8 0.0 47 67 Sowerby Flats Sowerby Road, Sowerby AGS 6.97 5.1 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 3.6 5.4 3.6 1.8 79 71 Station Road Recreational Area Station Road, Scruton AGS 0.63 5.1 2.7 3.8 2.3 1.2 0.7 2.3 2.7 0.9 48 74 Village Green The Green, Ainderby Steeple AGS 0.36 4.7 2.7 4.1 3.6 1.8 3.6 2.7 3.0 0.0 58 81 Great Ayton Low Green Low Green, Great Ayton AGS 0.62 5.1 4.1 5.1 3.6 1.7 3.9 2.7 2.7 1.8 68 82 Land At High Street High Street, Great Ayton AGS 0.07 5.1 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.8 3.3 2.7 2.7 1.8 70 83 High Green High Green, Great Ayton AGS 0.35 5.0 5.1 5.1 3.2 1.7 3.0 4.1 2.7 1.8 70 86 Land At Roseworth Roseworth, Great Broughton AGS 0.11 5.4 5.4 4.5 3.6 1.8 0.0 1.4 2.7 N/A 58 87 Land at Great Broughton Crossroads High Street, Great Broughton AGS 0.16 4.9 5.4 4.7 3.6 1.8 1.2 5.4 3.6 N/A 73 93 Land at North End North End, Hutton Rudby AGS 0.15 5.4 5.0 5.1 3.6 1.7 3.6 2.7 2.3 1.5 69 94 Hutton Rudby Village Green East Side, Hutton Rudby AGS 0.90 5.0 2.3 4.1 3.6 1.8 3.0 2.7 3.0 0.9 58 96 Amenity Land, Lowfield Lane Lowfield Lane, Kirkby Fleetham AGS 2.65 5.1 3.4 4.5 3.2 1.5 3.0 5.4 3.6 0.5 67 97 Kirkby Fleetham Village Green The Green, Kirkby Fleethm AGS 0.92 5.1 5.4 4.7 3.6 1.7 3.6 2.7 2.7 N/A 70 98 Knayton Village Green Village Green, Knayton AGS 0.13 5.4 4.7 4.7 3.4 1.7 1.8 2.7 2.7 1.8 64 103 Snape Village Green Village Green, Snape AGS 0.22 5.4 5.4 4.5 3.6 1.8 1.4 4.1 2.7 N/A 68 104 South Kilvington Village Green Upsall Lane, South Kilvington AGS 0.38 5.4 5.4 4.5 3.6 1.8 1.4 4.1 2.7 N/A 68 107 Thornton Watlass Village Green The Village Green, Thornton Watlass AGS 1.32 4.9 2.7 4.1 3.2 1.8 1.2 2.7 2.7 0.0 51 111 Land at Grange Drive Grange Drive, Stokesley AGS 0.18 5.1 3.4 4.5 3.2 1.7 1.2 5.4 3.6 N/A 65 112 St James Green St James Green, Thirsk AGS 0.21 5.4 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 3.6 4.1 2.7 1.8 75 113 Little Green Little Green, Thirsk AGS 0.26 5.1 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.8 3.6 2.7 2.7 N/A 70 118 Maunby Village Green Maunby Village Green, Maunby AGS 0.21 5.1 3.4 4.3 3.6 1.8 2.1 3.4 2.7 0.5 60 119 Tholthorpe Green The Green, Tholthorpe AGS 0.28 5.8 5.0 4.5 3.0 1.5 3.6 1.4 2.7 1.5 64 120 Bullamoor Memorial Park Forest Road, Northallerton AGS 1.20 5.1 1.8 4.1 2.5 1.5 2.7 1.8 2.7 0.5 50 121 Kirklington Village Green The Green, Kirklington AGS 0.78 4.5 2.7 3.4 3.2 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.8 0.0 44 122 Land at Front Street Land at Front Street, Norby AGS 1.36 4.9 5.4 4.7 3.6 1.4 1.2 5.4 3.6 N/A 70 125 Stockton Road Stockton Road, Thirsk AGS 0.46 4.7 5.4 4.9 3.6 1.8 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.4 75 126 Herriott Way Herriott Way, Thirsk AGS 0.11 5.1 4.1 3.6 3.2 1.8 0.0 2.7 2.7 N/A 54 130 Land at St Joseph's Taunton Road, Stokesley AGS 0.21 5.1 2.7 4.1 3.0 1.5 0.9 3.1 2.7 N/A 54 131 Land at Preston Way Preston Way, Stokesley AGS 0.15 5 3.7 4 3.2 1.5 1.8 3.4 2.7 0.8 58 133 Land at Fairford Road Fairford Road, Stokesley AGS 1.65 4.7 0.9 3.5 1.4 1.0 1.8 1.4 1.8 0.8 38 135 Land at Westlands Westlands, Stokesley AGS 0.24 4.9 5.4 4.7 3.6 1.8 0.0 N/A N/A N/A 63


137 Sutton on the Forest The Green Main Street, Sutton on the Forest AGS 0.20 5.4 1.8 4.7 3.6 1.8 1.2 5.4 3.6 0 62 141 Trinity Gardens Trinity Gardens, Northallerton AGS 0.15 5.4 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 1.2 5.4 3.6 N/A 75 143 Bankhead Road Bankhead Road, Northallerton AGS 0.61 5.4 3.1 4.3 3.4 1.7 1.6 1.8 2.7 0.5 54 145 Central Drive Central Drive, Northallerton AGS 0.09 5.4 2.7 4.1 3.2 1.8 0.0 N/A N/A 0.5 53 146 Valley Road Valley Road, Northallerton AGS 0.33 5.1 3.4 4.6 3.4 1.8 2.1 5.4 3.6 0.5 66 147 Crosby Road Crosby Road, Northallerton AGS 0.24 4.7 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.4 2.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 75 148 Grenadier Drive Grenadier Drive, Northallerton AGS 0.19 5.1 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.7 1.2 5.4 3.6 N/A 73 149 Bryden Close Bryden Close, Northallerton AGS 0.67 5.1 3.4 4.6 3.4 1.7 0.6 1.8 2.7 N/A 54 151 Crestbrooke Crestbrooke, Northallerton AGS 0.16 5.7 4.1 5.8 3.6 1.8 1.2 5.4 3.6 0.8 71 152 Broomfield Park Broomfield Park, Northallerton AGS 1.37 5.0 1.8 5.4 2.3 1.2 3.2 4.1 3.6 0.5 60 153 Thistle Close Thistle Close, Northallerton AGS 0.52 5.4 2.7 5.4 3.6 1.7 3.6 4.1 3.6 0.5 68 154 OS Field 2140 OS Field 2140, Northallerton AGS 1.11 5.0 3.4 5.4 3.4 1.6 2.4 4.1 3.6 0.5 65 158 Land at Manor Green Land at Manor Green, Romanby AGS 0.11 4.9 1.4 3.1 1.6 0.9 1.4 1.4 2.7 0.5 39 159 Romanby Green Manor Green, Romanby AGS 0.13 5.0 5.4 4.1 3.2 1.5 1.4 1.4 2.7 N/A 56 162 Great Fencote Village Green Village Green, Great Fencote AGS 0.13 5.1 5.4 4.1 3.3 1.8 0.0 2.7 2.7 N/A 58 164 Land at Townend Pond High Street, Stillington AGS 0.31 4.9 2.7 5.4 3.9 2.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 69 166 Church Hil Church Hill, Crayke AGS 0.50 4.9 0.7 2.0 0.9 0.9 1.8 0.0 0.9 0.0 27 167 Cross Wood Cross Wood, Londonderry AGS 0.90 4.3 N/A 4.1 4.1 1.8 N/A 1.4 1.8 N/A 39 170 Newby Village Green Sneak Gate Lane, Newby AGS 1.17 4.7 0.9 3.1 3.0 1.7 3.2 1.4 3.0 0.0 47 171 Seamer Village Green The Green, Seamer AGS 0.09 5.1 2.7 4.5 3.4 1.8 3.6 2.7 3.6 0.0 61 174 Sowerby Memorial Park Sowerby Road, Sowerby AGS 0.09 5.0 2.3 4.9 3.6 1.8 3.6 3.1 3.6 0.0 62 175 Peirse Close Peirse Close, Bedale AGS 0.97 4.5 2.7 4.6 3.0 1.7 2.4 1.8 1.8 0.5 51 176 Blakey Lane Blakey Lane, Sowerby AGS 0.31 4.3 4.7 3.5 2.5 1.7 0.6 2.7 2.7 1.7 54 183 North End North End, Bedale AGS 0.17 4.6 2.7 4.1 3.2 1.8 3.6 1.4 2.7 N/A 56 184 Bedale Hall Park North End, Bedale AGS 1.26 5.0 3.8 5.7 3.6 1.8 3.6 5.4 3.6 1.2 75 188 Crakehall Green The Green, Crakehall AGS 1.53 5.4 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.7 3.6 4.7 3.6 1.8 78 191 Thirkleby Village Green Long Causeway, Thirkleby AGS 0.08 5.0 3.4 4.1 3.2 1.7 2.7 1.4 1.8 0.8 53 192 Recreational Field Recreational Field, Thornton le Beans AGS 0.24 5.4 2.3 4.9 2.7 1.5 2.7 3.6 2.7 0.9 59 194 The Green The Green, Romanby AGS 0.58 4.7 5.4 5.1 3.4 1.8 3.4 4.1 2.7 N/A 73 200 Galtres Land Galtres Land, Easingwold AGS 0.01 5.4 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.8 3.0 4.7 2.7 N/A 75 201 Market Green Market Green Easingwold AGS 0.09 5.7 5.4 5.9 3.9 1.8 4.2 6.3 3.6 1.5 85 202 Easingwold Market Place The Crescent, Easingwold AGS 0.03 5.7 5.4 5.0 3.0 1.6 1.6 4.1 2.7 N/A 68 204 Larch Rise Larch Rise, Easingwold AGS 0.91 5.1 5.4 4.9 3.6 1.8 2.7 4.1 2.7 N/A 70 206 Hunters Close Hunters Close, Easingwold AGS 1.02 5.8 4.1 4.9 3.4 1.7 4.2 5.4 4.1 0.8 76 214 Great Busby Village Green Busby Lane, Great Busby AGS 0.02 5.7 2.0 4.1 3.2 1.8 1.8 0.0 2.7 0.0 47 215 Land At Mill Lane Land At Mill Lane, Faceby AGS 0.47 4.9 2.7 2.7 1.8 1.4 0.0 0.0 1.8 0.0 34 217 Carlton in Cleveland Village Green Village Green, Carlton in Cleveland AGS 0.13 5.1 2.0 4.1 3.6 1.8 2.7 0.0 1.8 0.0 47 218 Land Opposite Church House Church House, Middleton on Leven AGS 0.03 5.0 5.4 4.5 3.0 1.5 2.7 1.4 2.7 N/A 61 220 West Green West Green, Stokesley AGS 0.32 5.7 5.0 4.6 3.6 1.7 2.4 4.7 3.2 1.4 72 224 Land at Cromwell Drive Cromwell Drive, Morton on Swale AGS 0.17 5.1 5.4 4.3 3.6 1.8 2.4 5.4 3.6 N/A 75 225 Sandhutton Green Sandhutton Village Street, Sandhutton AGS 0.34 4.7 4.1 4.5 2.7 1.7 3.6 2.7 2.7 N/A 63


226 Scruton Communal Land Common Lane, Scruton AGS 1.64 5.1 5.4 4.1 3.4 1.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.8 66 227 Dawnay Garth Dawnay Garth, Shipton AGS 0.27 5.1 2.0 4.5 2.7 1.4 0.9 3.4 2.7 0.0 50 228 Village Green Village Green, South Otterington AGS 0.03 5.1 5.4 4.5 3.6 1.8 2.4 2.7 2.7 N/A 65 229 Top Green Top Green, Stillington AGS 0.08 5.0 2.0 4.1 3.2 1.8 1.4 1.4 1.8 0.0 46 231 Land at Beechwood Avenue Beechwood Avenue, Stokesley AGS 0.08 4.9 0.7 2.4 0.9 0.8 0.9 4.1 2.7 N/A 40 232 Land at Linwood Avenue Linwood Avenue, Stokesley AGS 0.18 4.6 3.4 3.4 1.8 1.0 0.9 0.0 1.8 N/A 40 233 Land at Crowood Avenue Crowood Avenue, Stokesley AGS 0.19 4.3 2.0 4.1 2.1 1.2 1.8 3.1 2.7 0.8 49 236 The Green The Green Stillington AGS 0.81 4.9 0.4 2.7 1.8 1.0 0.0 1.4 1.8 0.0 31 242 The Orchards The Orchards, Sutton on the Forest AGS 0.12 4.7 2.0 3.5 2.3 1.2 1.8 1.4 1.8 0.9 44 243 Mallison Avenue Mallison Avenue, Stillington AGS 1.56 5.0 1.8 2.7 3.4 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.8 0.9 45 246 Windross Square Windross Square, Easingwold AGS 0.12 5.1 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.7 3.6 5.4 2.7 N/A 77 247 Land at Drovers Court Drovers Court, Easingwold AGS 0.03 5.1 1.4 3.8 3.0 1.8 0.6 1.8 1.8 0.0 43 248 Uppleby Amenity Land Uppleby Amenity Land, Easingwold AGS 0.44 5.1 4.7 5.4 3.6 1.7 1.2 5.4 2.7 N/A 70 251 Amenity Land Small Village Green, Ainderby Steeple AGS 0.20 4.7 2.7 4.1 3.6 1.8 2.4 2.7 2.7 0.0 55 253 Applegarth Park Applegarth Park, Applegarth, Bedale AGS 0.47 5.1 4.1 5.1 3.6 1.8 3.9 4.5 3.6 0.9 72 267 Harbour View Harbour View, Bedale AGS 0.11 5.4 5.4 5.4 3.4 1.9 2.5 3.6 2.3 1.8 71 269 The Dialstone The Dialstone, Bedale AGS 0.03 5.4 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.7 3.6 5.4 3.6 N/A 80 270 Oak Tree Drive Oak Tree Drive, Bedale AGS 0.51 5.1 2.7 4.6 3.4 1.7 1.8 3.1 2.7 0.5 57 271 Village Green Bedale Wycar, Bedale AGS 0.13 5.0 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A 77 277 Dondeen Avenue Dondeen Avenue, Thirsk AGS 0.51 4.3 1.4 4.7 2.1 1.2 1.2 4.1 3.6 0.5 51 278 Land at The Acres The Acres, Stokesley AGS 0.73 5.0 4.7 4.9 2.5 1.5 2.1 5.4 3.6 N/A 70 279 Land at Millfield Lane Millfield Lane, Easingwold AGS 1.77 5.4 5.7 5.7 3.6 1.8 4.1 6.3 4.5 1.8 86 280 Castle Garth Castle Garth, Thirsk AGS 0.78 5.4 5.4 4.3 2.1 1.0 3.6 5.4 3.6 1.8 73 290 Amenity Area Leyburn Road, Crayke AGS 0.37 5.1 4.1 4.9 3.6 1.8 3.2 4.1 3.6 N/A 70 291 Amenity Land Lagthorne Hall, Langthorne AGS 0.36 5.7 2.7 4.1 3.4 1.7 0.0 2.7 2.7 N/A 54 292 Brandsby Recreational Area, Brandsby AGS 1.46 5.1 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.7 0.0 N/A N/A N/A 67 293 Amenity Space, Smithy Green Smithy Green, Appleton Wiske AGS 0.29 5.4 5.4 4.6 3.4 1.5 2.1 5.4 3.6 N/A 73 297 Amenity Land Amenity Land, Carlton In Cleveland AGS 0.14 5.1 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.7 0 N/A N/A N/A 67 303 Land at Hunters Ride Hunters Ride, Appleton Wiske AGS 0.04 5.4 5.4 4.6 3.4 1.5 2.1 5.4 5.4 N/A 73 392 Amenity Land Long Street, Easingwold AGS 0.75 5.1 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.7 3.6 5.4 3.6 N/A 75

Scores (weighted) Very poor = 0% - 20% Poor = 21% - 40% Average = 41% - 60% Good = 61% - 80% Very good = 81% - 100%


6.11. There are a number of issues relating to quality:

 There are 136 sites in this category in Hambleton. Some very small sites (below 0.2 ha) were excluded because they were too insignificant or small to be considered appropriate for a district-wide study, although they may have some value at a very local level

 A third (33%) are considered “average”

 The larger percentage (57%) were “good”

 Nine were “poor”

 Three were exceptional, and fell within the “very good” category

 Grass cutting and litter collection were generally carried out to a high standard

 Nearly all had to be marked down in relation to signage. This was generally prohibitive in nature, warning people not to play games or cause dog fouling. Even some of the commons and other high profile sites in this category were let down by interesting and informative signage which can increase a “sense of place.” Hambleton is a district which is full of heritage and history, and whilst it is recognised that many amenity greenspaces are unsuitable for interpretation, others, many of which are village greens or other open spaces which are the only form of greenspace in the neighbourhood, would benefit greatly

 A few had nowhere to sit

 Many are poorly landscaped, with just an area of lawn and no tree or other planting.



6.12. This consists of parish or town cemetery sites, or prominent churchyard burial sites. All are suitable for outdoor recreational purposes, and usually have fine heritage and local interest value. Hambleton is fairly unique in having a network of churches and burial grounds of great historic value, with many interesting features. Results of the quality audit for the seven sites in this category are shown as Table 6.4.

Table 6.4: Quality audit for Cemeteries and Churchyards

) ) % % 5 5 ( (1 n o ) ce ti ) % n a % 5 a ) t 0 ( n % ap 1 e te 5 d ( ag n (1 ) a s ) n i ) % ie % ) g a % ty 0 e it 5 % i m 5 e 1 g il 1 0 /s / 1 f ( an c ( 1 n ss ( a e h fa s ( o e e /s p c es rt ti r n a) n y a ry c o a e io h li m it c te a c p % b t ( n co r s a ll A s rm l m a e e a l u d ci n o a u c p z le e c n lim n te a f t N Lo Ty Si C W Se La C A Si Tr In To 298 St Mary's Graveyard, Birdforth Birdforth, YO61 4NW C 0.19 4.3 2.7 2.2 2.3 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.8 0.8 41 299 St Mary's Graveyard, Raskelf Raskelf, YO61 3LG C 0.27 5.1 2.0 4.9 2.7 1.7 2.4 5.4 3.6 0.0 62 300 St Mary's Graveyard, Kilburn Kilburn, YO61 4AH C 0.30 5.0 3.1 4.1 2.3 1.5 1.8 2.7 1.8 0.9 51 304 St Mary's Graveyard, Over Silton Kirk Ings Lane, Over Silton C 0.28 5.1 2.7 3.5 2.7 1.7 1.6 3.1 2.7 0.5 52 305 St Mary's Graveyard South Cowton C 0.57 4.5 2.4 2.7 2.5 1.8 1.6 2.3 1.8 0.5 45 306 St Mary's Graveyard, Leake Leake, YO7 4BN C 0.75 5.4 2.7 4.1 3.2 1.7 2.1 3.6 3.6 0.9 60 307 St Michael's Graveyard, Coxwold Coxwold, YO61 4AB C 0.68 5.1 2.7 4.1 2.3 1.5 2.7 3.1 2.7 0.0 54 308 St Michael's Graveyard, Maunby St Michael and All Angels, Maunby C 0.12 5.4 3.1 3.2 2.7 1.7 2.1 1.4 1.8 1.4 50 309 St Michael's Graveyard, Well Church Street, Well C 0.72 5.1 4.5 4.3 2.5 1.7 1.6 3.1 1.8 1.2 57 310 St Michael's Graveyard, Kirklington Whitecross Hill, Kirklington, DL8 2NB C 0.73 5.1 4.9 5.4 3.6 1.8 2.7 5.4 3.6 1.4 75 311 St Michael's Graveyard, North Otterington North Otterington, DL7 9JG C 0.55 4.5 2.4 2.7 2.5 1.7 1.4 3.6 2.7 0.5 49 312 St Nicholas' Graveyard, West Tanfield Main Street, West Tanfield C 0.37 5.0 4.7 4.3 3.4 1.7 2.1 5.0 3.6 1.4 69 313 St Nicholas, Stillington Vicars Lane, Stillington, YO61 1LA C 0.19 5.4 2.7 4.9 2.5 1.7 2.7 4.5 3.6 0.9 64 314 St Nicholas' Graveyard, Husthwaite High Street, Husthwaite, YO61 4QA C 0.19 5.7 5.1 4.3 2.7 1.5 2.3 3.1 1.8 1.5 62 315 St Oswald's Graveyard West Rounton C 0.19 5.4 5.1 4.6 3.6 1.8 0.9 4.5 2.7 1.8 68 316 St Oswald's Graveyard East Harlsey C 1.08 5.7 3.4 5.1 3.4 1.7 1.4 4.5 3.6 0.8 65 317 St Oswald, Sowerby Front Street, Sowerby, YO7 1LG C 0.33 5.1 1.8 5.4 3.4 1.8 2.9 3.6 3.6 1.2 64 318 St Peter's Graveyard, Osmotherley School Lane, Osmotherley, DL6 3BL C 0.19 5.0 3.8 4.3 2.5 1.5 2.5 5.0 3.6 1.4 66 319 St Peter's Graveyard, Birkby Birkby Lane, Birkby, DL7 0EF C 0.64 5.4 4.7 5.1 3.4 1.7 2.3 5.4 3.6 1.8 74 320 Stokesley Cemetery High Street, Stokesley C 1.36 5.0 4.1 4.3 3.4 1.8 1.8 3.6 2.7 1.4 62 321 St Peter's, Dalby Low Lane, Dalby C 0.21 5.1 2.4 3.2 2.5 1.8 2.3 2.3 1.8 0.0 48


322 St Peter's Brafferton Bridge Street, Brafferton, YO61 2NW C 0.64 5.1 4.7 4.1 2.7 1.3 2.3 4.1 3.6 1.7 65 323 St Radegund's Graveyard, Scruton Scruton, DL7 0QY C 0.17 5.1 4.1 5.1 3.4 1.8 1.8 3.6 2.7 0.9 64 324 St Stephen's, Aldwark Aldwark, YO61 1UB C 0.17 5.0 2.0 3.8 2.3 1.4 1.4 2.7 1.8 0.9 47 325 St Thomas' Graveyard, Brompton Church View, Brompton, DL6 2QX C 0.30 5.1 4.7 4.6 3.4 1.7 2.5 5.4 3.6 1.4 72 326 St Wilfrid, Thirsk Stockton Road, South Kilvington C 0.30 5.1 4.5 4.3 3.2 1.8 3.0 5.0 2.7 1.5 69 327 St Wilfrid's Graveyard Little Langton C 0.51 4.5 3.1 1.4 2.5 1.5 0.9 1.4 1.8 0.8 39 328 St Wilfrid's Graveyard Kirby Knowle C 0.75 5.4 4.5 5.4 3.4 1.5 1.2 5.0 3.6 1.4 70 329 Sutton on the Forest Cemetery Skates Lane, Sutton on the Forest C 0.20 4.7 2.4 4.6 3.2 1.7 1.6 2.7 1.8 0.9 52 330 St John's Graveyard Skipton on Swale C 0.18 4.7 2.3 4.1 2.5 1.7 1.2 1.4 1.8 0.5 45 331 St John's Cemetery Skipton on Swale C 0.06 5.7 2.3 4.3 2.3 1.7 1.2 0.9 1.8 0.8 46 334 Topcliffe Cemetery Winn Lane, Topcliffe, YO7 3RP C 0.15 5.1 1.8 5.4 2.7 1.7 2.7 4.5 3.6 0.0 61 335 Thirsk Cemetery Cemetery Road, Thirsk C 2.08 5.0 2.7 4.6 3.4 1.8 2.1 3.6 2.7 1.2 60 338 St Mary's Burial Ground C 0.54 4.7 1.4 2.7 1.8 1.5 1.4 2.3 1.8 0.0 39 340 Stokesley Cemetery Stokesley C 1.36 4.5 1.4 4.7 3.2 1.8 3.0 4.1 3.6 0.0 58 341 Great Ayton Cemetery Guisborough Road, Great Ayton, TS9 6AA C 1.57 4.7 1.1 4.1 2.5 1.4 1.8 2.3 1.8 0.0 44 344 Little Crakehall Cemetery Gate Lane, Little Crakehall C 0.77 5.7 1.4 3.8 2.5 1.5 1.6 2.7 1.8 0.0 47 345 Northallerton Cemetery High Street, Northallerton C 2.52 5.4 5.1 5.4 3.6 1.7 3.6 5.4 3.6 1.7 79 346 Brompton Cemetery Stokesley Road, Brompton, DL6 2UD C 1.52 5.1 2.4 5.1 3.0 1.5 2.3 4.5 2.4 0.8 60 347 Osmotherley Cemetery Clack Lane, Osmotherley, DL6 3PW C 0.32 0.0 1.1 4.3 2.3 1.5 0.5 2.3 1.8 0.0 30 348 Husthwaite Cemetery Low Street, Husthwaite C 1.10 5.1 1.1 4.6 2.5 1.5 2.1 1.8 1.8 0.0 45 349 Thornton le Moor Cemetery (St Barnabas) Main Street, Thornton le Moor C 0.13 4.7 1.4 3.5 2.5 1.7 1.8 0.9 0.9 0.0 39 350 St Leonard's Graveyard Sandhutton C 0.23 4.7 4.3 4.6 2.7 1.5 2.1 5.0 3.6 1.4 66 351 Stillington Cemetery Back Lane, Stillington C 0.37 5.1 2.7 4.6 3.4 1.7 2.5 4.5 3.6 0.0 62 352 All Hallows, Sutton Main Street, Sutton on the Forest, YO61 1DW C 0.23 5.1 3.4 4.9 3.2 1.7 2.3 4.5 3.6 1.4 66 353 All Saints Graveyard Girsby C 0.28 5.1 1.8 3.2 2.1 1.4 1.4 2.3 1.8 0.0 42 354 All Saints, Brandsby Church Town Street, Brandsby C 0.28 5.0 2.7 3.8 2.3 1.5 1.6 3.6 2.7 1.0 54 355 All Saints Graveyard, Great Ayton Low Green, Great Ayton, TS9 6NN C 0.31 4.3 4.7 4.1 2.7 1.7 1.4 3.6 2.7 2.1 61 356 All Saints Graveyard, Crathorne Crahorne, TS15 0BB C 0.42 4.7 2.7 4.1 3.2 1.7 3.0 4.5 3.6 0.9 63 357 All Saints Graveyard Ingleby Arncliffe C 0.41 5.1 3.8 4.3 3.4 1.8 1.4 4.1 2.7 0.9 61 358 All Saints Graveyard, Thirkleby Long Causeway, Thirkleby, YO7 2AS C 0.44 5.1 4.7 4.3 3.2 1.7 2.7 4.1 2.7 1.4 66 359 All Saints Graveyard, Low Worsall Low Worsall, TS15 9PH C 0.21 5.1 5.1 4.9 3.6 1.8 2.3 4.5 2.7 1.8 71 360 All Saints Graveyard, Nether Silton Lead Lane, Nether Silton C 0.17 5.4 3.1 4.3 2.7 1.5 2.5 2.7 1.8 0.9 55 361 All Saints Graveyard, Pickhill Church Hill, Pickhill, YO7 4JW C 0.56 5.4 5.1 5.1 3.2 1.7 2.5 5.4 3.6 1.8 75 362 All Saints Graveyard, Newton on Ouse Cherry Tree Avenue, Newton on Ouse, YO30 2BN C 0.29 5.1 5.1 5.1 3.6 1.8 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.8 77 363 All Saints, Yafforth Yafforth Road, Northallerton C 0.29 5.7 4.1 5.1 3.0 1.5 2.5 5.4 3.6 1.4 72 364 All Saints Graveyard, Rudby Rudby Bank, Hutton Rudby, TS15 0EY C 1.24 5.0 4.1 4.1 2.7 1.8 2.7 3.6 2.7 1.5 63


365 Chapel of Ease Graveyard, Thornton le Beans Thornton le Beans, DL6 3SP C 0.07 5.4 2.0 3.8 2.3 1.5 2.1 2.7 2.7 0.0 50 366 All Saints Graveyard, Deighton Deighton Lne, Deighton, DL6 2SJ C 0.22 5.0 3.1 3.8 3.0 1.8 1.2 2.7 1.8 0.9 52 367 Parish Graveyard, Danby Wiske, DL7 0LY C 0.46 5.0 2.7 4.3 3.0 1.5 2.1 4.1 3.6 0.5 59 368 Swainby Cemetery Whorlton Lane, Whorlton C 0.38 5.4 4.5 4.9 3.6 1.8 2.7 3.1 1.8 1.4 65 369 Holy Cross Graveyard, Swainby Whorlton Lane, Whorlton C 0.46 5.1 5.1 4.9 2.7 1.8 3.9 5.4 3.6 1.4 75 370 Holy Church Graveyard, Shipton by Beningbrough East Lane, Shipton by Beningbrough C 0.41 4.3 3.8 4.3 2.5 1.5 1.6 3.6 2.7 0.9 56 371 Holy Trinity Graveyard Boltby C 0.24 3.4 4.1 4.1 3.3 1.7 2.3 4.5 2.7 1.4 61 372 Holy Trinity Graveyard, Yearsley Well Lane, Yearsley, YO61 4SL C 0.04 5.1 3.0 4.1 2.7 1.0 0.7 0.9 1.8 0.0 43 373 St Andrew's Graveyard, South Otterington South Otterington, DL7 9HD C 0.54 4.7 3.1 3.8 2.3 1.5 3.4 4.1 3.6 0.9 61 374 St Andrew's Graveyard, Ingleby Arncliffe Church Lane, Ingleby Greenhow, TS9 6LX C 0.37 5.0 2.4 4.3 2.7 1.7 1.6 2.7 2.7 0.5 52 375 St Andrew's Graveyard, Great Fencote Todd Lane, Great Fencote, DL7 0RS C 0.33 5.0 4.1 3.8 2.7 1.7 1.4 2.7 1.8 1.4 54 376 St Augustine's Graveyard, Kirkby Kirkby Lane, Kirkby in Cleveland, TS9 7AQ C 0.68 5.0 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.7 3.6 5.0 3.6 1.8 78 377 St Botolph's Graveyard, Carlton Carlton in Cleveland C 0.41 5.1 4.1 3.5 3.0 1.8 2.7 1.8 1.8 1.2 55 378 St Columba's, Topcliffe Church Street, Topcliffe C 0.44 5.1 3.4 5.1 3.2 1.7 2.1 3.1 3.6 1.2 63 379 St Cuthbert's Crayke Church Hill, Crayke, YO61 4TA C 0.41 5.4 3.6 5.1 3.6 1.8 1.8 2.3 0.9 0.5 56 380 St Cuthbert's Graveyard, Kildale Station Road, Kildale, YO21 2RJ C 0.32 5.0 3.8 3.5 3.0 1.7 0.9 1.8 2.7 0.0 50 381 St Cuthbert's Graveyard, Sessay Church Lane, Hutton Sessay C 0.31 5.1 4.1 3.2 2.3 1.4 1.6 3.1 2.7 1.0 54 382 St Eloy's Graveyard Great Smeaton C 0.32 5.0 5.1 4.9 3.2 1.8 2.3 4.5 2.7 1.8 69 383 St Felix's Graveyard, Felixkirk Felixkirk, YO7 2DP C 1.18 5.0 3.8 3.8 3.0 1.7 0.9 3.1 1.8 1.0 53 384 St Gregory's, Bedale North End, Bedale, DL8 1AF C 1.18 5.1 5.1 4.9 3.6 1.8 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.2 75 385 St Helen's Graveyard, Ainderby Steeple Ainderby Steeple, DL7 9PZ C 0.56 4.7 3.4 4.3 3.0 1.5 2.5 4.5 3.6 0.5 62 386 St Hilda's Graveyard, Chop Gate Chop Gate, TS9 7HY C 1.15 4.7 4.5 4.1 3.0 1.8 2.3 5.4 3.6 1.8 69 387 St John's Graveyard, Easingwold Church Hill, Easingwold, YO61 3JX C 1.15 5.4 5.1 5.1 3.0 1.8 2.3 5.0 3.2 1.5 72 388 St John's Graveyard, Bilsdale Chop Gate C 0.43 5.0 4.5 4.3 2.7 1.7 3.2 5.4 3.6 1.4 70 389 St John's Graveyard, Kirby Wiske Kirby Wiske, YO7 4ER C 0.19 5.0 3.8 3.8 3.0 1.7 3.2 3.6 2.7 0.8 61 390 St John's Churchyard Roman Road, Leeming C 0.47 4.7 4.1 3.5 2.5 1.8 1.8 3.6 2.7 1.0 57 391 St John's Dalton C 0.24 5.4 1.4 4.1 2.1 1.2 2.1 2.3 1.8 0.6 46 393 St Leonard's, Farlington Farlington YO61 1NW C 0.17 5.0 3.4 3.2 2.5 1.7 1.6 3.6 1.8 0.9 53 394 St John, Easingwold Long Street, Easingwold, YO61 3JB C 0.09 5.1 4.7 5.1 3.4 1.7 0.9 4.5 2.7 1.5 66 395 St Lambert's Graveyard, Burneston Burneston, DL8 2HZ C 0.84 4.7 3.1 3.8 2.7 1.7 1.2 2.7 2.7 0.9 52 396 St Laurence's Graveyard East Rounton C 0.20 5.0 4.1 4.1 3.4 1.8 1.8 3.8 3.6 0.9 63 397 St Lawrence's Graveyard Hutton Bonville C 0.21 4.7 2.0 3.0 2.3 1.5 0.3 0.9 0.9 0.5 36 398 St Lawrence's Graveyard, Carlton Miniott Carlton Miniott, YO7 4NJ C 0.27 4.7 4.1 3.5 2.5 1.5 2.7 4.5 2.7 1.4 61 399 St Lawrences Graveyard, Sowerby under Cotcliffe Chester Lane, Sowerby under Cotcliffe C 0.22 5.1 3.1 4.1 3.2 1.8 2.3 4.5 3.6 0.5 62 400 St Leonards Graveyard, Thornton le Street Ford Lane, Thornton le Street C 0.35 5.4 3.8 4.9 3.0 1.8 2.5 5.0 3.6 1.0 69 401 St Leonard's Graveyard, Welbury Welbury, DL6 2SE C 0.27 5.0 3.8 4.3 2.5 1.7 1.2 4.1 2.7 1.4 59 402 St Martin's Graveyard, Seamer Hilton Road, Seamer, TS9 5LR C 0.37 4.5 3.1 3.8 2.5 1.5 1.4 2.3 1.8 0.8 48 403 St Martin's Graveyard, Whenby Whenby Village Track, Whenby C 0.16 4.5 2.0 3.0 2.3 1.5 1.2 1.8 1.8 0.0 40


404 St Mary's Graveyard, Marton in the Forest Marton in the Forest, YO61 1NH C 0.25 5.0 4.7 3.8 3.0 1.7 2.1 5.4 3.6 1.4 68 405 St Mary's Graveyard, Myton on Swale Myton on Swale, YO61 2QY C 0.42 5.0 3.4 4.9 3.2 1.8 0.7 2.7 1.8 0.9 54 406 St Mary's Graveyard, Bagby Church Lane, Bagby C 0.42 5.0 3.1 4.1 3.4 1.8 2.1 4.1 3.6 0.5 61 407 St Mary's Graveyard, Appleton Wiske Front Street, Appleton Wiske, DL6 2AD C 0.66 5.4 4.5 4.3 3.2 1.8 2.7 5.4 3.6 1.7 72 408 St Mary's Graveyard, Thirsk Kirkgate, Thirsk, YO7 1PQ C 0.66 4.7 4.1 4.3 3.2 1.7 2.1 3.6 2.7 1.0 61 409 St Mary's Graveyard Kirkby Fleetham C 0.27 4.7 2.4 3.5 2.3 1.5 0.9 2.3 1.8 0.8 45 410 St Mary's, Alne Church Wind, Alne C 0.74 5.7 5.4 4.9 3.4 1.8 3.2 5.4 3.6 1.7 78 411 St Mary's Thormanby Thormanby, YO61 4NN C 0.27 4.7 2.7 3.2 2.3 1.5 2.3 3.6 2.7 0.5 52 412 St Mary's Graveyard, Faceby Church Lane, Faceby C 0.14 5.0 4.5 4.6 3.2 1.8 3.9 5.4 3.6 1.4 74 413 St Mary's Graveyard, Thornton Watlass Thornton Watlass, HG4 4AH C 0.50 5.1 3.4 3.2 2.3 1.5 1.6 3.1 2.7 0.9 53

Scores (weighted) Very poor = 0% - 20% Poor = 21% - 40% Average = 41% - 60% Good = 61% - 80% Very good = 81% - 100%


6.13. The quality issues relating to these sites is as follows:

 There are 105 churchyards or cemetery sites in the district

 42% are “average” in terms of quality

 53% are “good”

 Five sites are “poor”

 The “poor” sites are generally in isolated locations, and probably without ready access to grounds maintenance services, whether voluntary or professional

 Standards of grass cutting and litter collection were generally very high

 Some sites had recently been refurbished with Heritage Lottery funding

 More information signage would have been welcome given the interesting and educational nature of both monuments and buildings

 Site access was generally adequate, although some paving was uneven, and may cause access difficulties for the less able-bodied

 Some were very well-landscaped, and a number had small areas of meadow which adds to their amenity and biodiversity value. However, there is a lot of opportunity to use the graveyards for limited informal areas of grass or meadow to improve biodiversity

 Benches and litter bins were in short supply at some sites.



6.14. These spaces are usually hard surfaced (i.e. are “grey” rather than “green” spaces), and are public spaces where people congregate, sometimes in association with another function (e.g. are adjacent to a war memorial, outside a library, etc.). There are few such sites in the district, but they have been included because of their unique character. Results of the quality audit for the two sites in this category are shown as Table 6.5.

Table 6.5: Quality audit for Civic Spaces

) ) % % 5 5 ( (1 n o ) ce ti ) % n a % 5 a ) t 0 ( n % ap 1 e te 5 d ( ag n (1 ) a s ) n i ) % ie % ) g a % ty 0 e it 5 % i m 5 e 1 g il 1 0 /s / 1 f ( an c ( 1 n ss ( a e h fa s ( o e e /s p c es rt ti r n a) n y a ry c o a e io h li m it c te a c p % b t ( n co r s a ll A s rm l m a e e a l u d ci n o a u c p z le e c n lim n te a f t N Lo Ty Si C W Se La C A Si Tr In To 157 Northallerton War Memorial Ainderby Road, Northallerton CS 0.08 5.8 4.7 5.7 2.5 1.0 3.4 4.5 4.5 1.0 73 332 Thirsk Market Place Market Place, Thirsk CS 0.05 5.7 6.5 5.8 3.2 0.5 4.3 5.8 3.6 2.3 84 333 Market Square, Northallerton High Street, Northallerton CS 0.03 5.1 5.4 5.8 2.7 0.5 4.3 5.4 3.6 1.8 78 336 Market Tolls, High Street, Stokesley High Street, Stokesley CS 0.27 5.1 4.1 4.5 3.6 0.0 3.6 5.4 3.6 0.0 67

Scores (weighted) Very poor = 0% - 20% Poor = 21% - 40% Average = 41% - 60% Good = 61% - 80% Very good = 81% - 100%

6.15. The quality issues relating to these sites are few, and are as follows:

 There are few issues at any of these sites. All are “good” or “very good” in qualitative terms

 Standards of cleanliness and maintenance are very good at all sites

 The only significant area of weakness was in terms of available information and signage. Whilst the weighting for this factor is low, there was little in the way of information at Northallerton War Memorial other than references to grant aid for renovation work, and none at Market Tolls on the High Street in Stokesley

 Few other improvements are necessary.



6.16. There are a number of allotment sites in Hambleton District. Results of the quality audit for the sites in this category are shown as Table 6.6.

Table 6.6: Quality audit for Allotments

) ) % % 5 5 ( (1 n o ) ce ti ) % n a % 5 a ) t 0 ( n % ap 1 e te 5 d ( ag n (1 ) a s ) n i ) % ie % ) g a % ty 0 e it 5 % i m 5 e 1 g il 1 0 /s / 1 f ( an c ( 1 n ss ( a e h fa s ( o e e /s p c es rt ti r n a) n y a ry c o a e io h li m it c te a c p % b t ( n co r s a ll A s rm l m a e e a l u d ci n o a u c p z le e c n lim n te a f t N Lo Ty Si C W Se La C A Si Tr In To 15 Ladycarr Lane Ladycarr Lane, Easingwold A 1.99 5.4 0.9 3.6 3.6 1.8 0.7 3.1 2.7 0.0 49 21 Sowerby Ox Moor Lane, Sowerby A 2.54 5.1 2.3 4.5 2.7 1.8 1.1 3.6 3.6 0.5 56 139 Thirsk Allotments Cemetery Road, Thirsk A 1.26 5.4 5.0 5.1 3.2 1.8 1.4 5.0 3.6 1.2 70 160 Stokesley Allotments Lady Hullocks Court, Stokesley A 1.64 5.4 3.6 6.8 3.6 1.8 1.8 5.8 4.5 0.9 76 161 Great Ayton Allotments Great Ayton A 4.52 4.7 2.7 5.4 3.6 1.8 1.2 3.1 2.7 0.5 57 165 West Tanfield Rear of Long Row, West Tanfield A 0.20 5.4 1.8 4.1 2.7 1.8 1.6 2.7 2.7 0.5 52 211 Aiskew Bank, Aiskew The Bridge, Aiskew A 0.26 5.4 2.7 5.4 3.6 1.8 1.4 4.1 3.6 0.0 62 219 Hutton Rudby Allotments Goldie Hill, Hutton Rudby A 0.78 5.4 3.1 5.0 3.3 1.8 2.3 3.1 2.7 0.9 61 256 Knotto Bottom, Northallerton Knotto Bottom Way, Northallerton A 0.39 5.4 4.1 5.8 3.0 1.8 2.7 5.0 3.6 1.5 73 257 Helperby Back Lane, Helperby A 0.44 4.1 0.4 1.1 1.8 1.8 0.4 0.4 1.8 0.0 26 258 Tollerton Allotments Sykes Lane, Tollerton A 0.94 4.9 1.8 4.5 2.7 1.8 1.4 3.1 3.6 0.0 53 260 Romanby Allotments Romanby Road, Romanby A 0.80 4.5 0.9 2.7 2.1 1.8 0.7 1.8 1.8 0.0 36 261 Dawney Lane Dawney Lane, Easingwold A 0.80 5.1 0.9 2.3 2.4 1.8 1.2 1.4 1.8 0.5 39 262 Shipton Allotments Station Lane, Shipton by Beningbrough A 0.51 4.9 2.7 3.6 3.0 1.8 1.8 3.6 2.7 0.8 55 263 Stammergate Allotments Norby Estate, Thirsk A 1.26 6.1 5.4 6.5 4.2 1.8 1.5 5.0 3.6 1.2 79 285 Tholthorpe Allotments Moor Lane, Tholthorpe A 0.28 5.4 1.8 5.0 3.3 1.8 1.2 3.1 2.7 0.0 54 286 Easby Allotments Easby A 0.24 4.9 1.4 3.6 2.7 1.8 0.5 1.8 1.8 0.5 42 288 Scruton Allotments Station Road, Scruton A 0.41 5.4 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 2.7 4.5 3.6 1.8 76 289 Topcliffe Allotments East Lea, Topcliffe A 1.74 4.9 1.8 4.5 3.0 1.8 1.3 2.3 2.7 0.0 49 301 Appleton Wiske Allotments Propsect View, Appleton A 0.05 5.1 1.8 4.1 3.3 1.8 1.6 2.7 2.7 0.0 51 343 Brompton Allotments Fullcar Lane, Brompton A 3.70 5.4 5.0 5.4 3.3 1.8 1.4 4.5 2.7 1.8 69

Scores (weighted) Very poor = 0% - 20% Poor = 21% - 40% Average = 41% - 60% Good = 61% - 80% Very good = 81% - 100%


6.17. The quality issues relating to allotments are as follows:

 A total of 21 allotment sites were audited

 One listed site is now redundant, and the land has since been used for residential accommodation (Carlton Minniott)

 38% are of “average” quality

 48% are “good”

 Three are “poor”

 Most were adequately maintained and litter-free

 Access was indifferent in most cases. On sites such as Stammergate, it would be quite impossible for any less able-bodied person to access

 Few were welcoming. What signage was apparent was usually prohibitive in nature

 Some sites were almost impossible to find

 Facilities such as water supply and good perimeter fencing were lacking in some places

 A few had seating and landscaping, but not many.



7.1. Analysis of the audit findings has identified a number of issues relating to the quantity of open spaces in Hambleton. These, combined with a simple analysis of the distribution of different green space “types” and of relevant national standards (in particular Fields in Trust Guidelines for Formal Open Space) also leads to some conclusions relating to the quantity and accessibility of provision.

7.2. The methodology used in this study has been as follows, to:

 Identify from the study the total area (ha) of open space in each category

 Utilise Fields in Trust standards (in ha per 1,000 people) contained in the latest Guidance Notes for each open space type as defined using the PPG17 typology

 Use population statistics to create local standards in ha/1,000 population (median average across the plan area). These are population figures provided by the Office for National Statistics for the year 2016 and projected for the year 2035

 Study these local standards to identify shortfalls and surpluses in each analysis area. These relate to the sub areas identified as indicative of the characteristics and demography of the district, and are:

 Stokesley

 Northallerton

 Bedale

 Thirsk

 Easingwold.


7.3. In some cases, national quantitative standards have been superceded by advice provided by Fields in Trust in their document: “Guidance for Outdoor Sport and Play Beyond the Six Acre Standard - England.” The setting of these standards accords with guidance provided in relation to “Greenspaces or Sport and Recreation Facilities (October 2015)” which states: “The easiest way to express a quantity standard is a combination of a unit of a 'useful area' of provision and a population, such as X sqm/person (mainly for indoor provision) or Y ha/1,000 people (mainly for open spaces and outdoor sports provision).


Table 7.1: Quantitative Open Space Standards By Open Space Type


NATIONAL 1.8ha/1,000 0.8ha/1,000 0.6 ha/1,000 0.25 ha/1,000 STANDARD

SOURCE Fields in Trust Guidelines Fields in Trust Guidelines Fields in Trust Guidelines Fields in Trust Guidelines

7.4. It has been recommended that use of the National FIT Standard is applied to all types shown in figure 7.1 as the most definitive and nationally accepted set of standards for informal open space. It should be noted that in relation to Hambleton district:

 There are no few examples of Natural and Semi-Natural Greenspace. A handful of open spaces are wooded or are common land. These are generally quite small, and have been included in the “Amenity Greenspace” category for analysis purposes

 There are no Parks and Gardens. Some smaller open spaces do fulfil a number of functions, but have neither the scale or the diversity of function to qualify. Those that are specifically for the purpose of outdoor recreation are also included in the “Amenity Greenspace” category.



7.5. There is fairly consistent coverage of Amenity Greenspace across the district. There is a significant excess of supply. However, a factor is the shortfall in terms of provision of significant Parks and Gardens and Natural and Semi-/Natural Greenspace in the district. Amenity Greenspace in the district therefore has to meet the demands of residents and visitors in relation to these categories. In mitigation, the presence of large areas of accessible countryside in the district does offset the shortfall in relation to Natural and Semi-Natural Greenspace. It should be noted that some sites are below the guideline figure of 0.2 ha because of their significance, or because of the absence of other Amenity Greenspace in the area. The figure for 2016 is considerably in excess of the guideline figure of 0.6 ha/1,000 population. The figure decreases a little with the population increase predicted for 2036, but is still in excess of the guideline.

7.6. A quantitative analysis of “Amenity Greenspace” for current and future population levels is shown as Table 7.2.

Table 7.2: Quantitative Analysis of Amenity Greenspace


Hambleton 136 72.95 90,100 0.81 54.06 ha 18.89 ha 93,600 56.16 ha 16.79 ha District

Deficit Oversupply



7.7. The Fields in Trust recommended standard for equipped/designated play areas is 0.25 ha/1,000 population.

7.8. A quantitative analysis of provision for “Children and Young People” is shown as Table 7.3.

7.9. The current requirement is 22.53 ha for the population of Hambleton. There is therefore a slight oversupply. This narrows as the population increases by 2036. Whilst supply is just within guideline, it should be recognised that there are shortcomings in quality in relation to equipped play areas which need to be overcome in order to provide a good supply of provision to meet current and future needs.

Table 7.3: Quantitative Analysis of Provision for Children and Young People


Hambleton 58 24.64 90,100 0.28 22.53 ha 2.11 ha 93,600 23.4 ha 1.24 ha District

Deficit Oversupply



7.10. There is no Fields in Trust guideline for allotments. However, the Thorpe Report arising from the Departmental Committee of Inquiry into Allotments, 1969, made 44 major recommendations. One was a recommendation that the standard level of provision should be 0.2 ha per 1,000 population.

7.11. There are 21 allotment sites in the district. The total area of these sites is nearly 25 ha. This is in excess of the current requirement of 18.02 ha. This oversupply reduces by 2036, but there is still an oversupply of 6.2 ha.

7.12. A quantitative analysis of provision for “Allotments” is shown as Table 7.4.

Table 7.4: Quantitative Analysis of Allotments


Hambleton 21 24.92 90,100 0.81 18.02 ha 6.9 ha 93,600 18.72 ha 6.2 ha District

Deficit Oversupply



7.13. There are no defined guidelines in terms of quantitative standards for Cemeteries and Churchyards. Any standard would be hindered by the different types of cemetery and churchyard currently encountered, including:

 Churchyards which are still accepting burials

 Cemeteries which are still open for burial

 Churchyards which are redundant

 Cemeteries which are full

 Woodland burial.

7.14. Any standard would also need to differentiate between the primary purpose of a cemetery or churchyard (i.e. for burial), and its purpose for informal recreation.


7.15. Civic Spaces likewise lack standards in terms of quantity. However, there are few of these in Hambleton, and they are confined to town centres.


7.16. The PPG17 Companion Guide states that: “Distance thresholds are a very useful planning tool, especially when used in association with a Geographical Information System (GIS). For example, it is possible to identify the percentage of households within a distance threshold of any particular provision or to compare possible locations for new provision to determine which will be the most effective.”

7.17. Fields in Trust recommended benchmark guidelines have also been used in relation to Parks and Gardens, Natural/Semi-Natural Greenspace, and Amenity Greenspace (Table 7.5). Usage in Hambleton is confined to Amenity Greeenspace because of the lack of Parks and Gardens and Natural/Semi-Natural Greenspace.

7.18. Fields in Trust standards are also available for equipped play areas and other related provision. See Table 7.6. Equipped/designated play areas are designated as:

 Local Areas for Play (LAPs) aimed at very young children;

 Locally Equipped Areas for Play (LEAPs) aimed at children who can go out to play independently; and

 Neighbourhood Equipped Areas for Play (NEAPs) aimed at older children.


Table 7.5: Accessibility Standards for Informal Open Space for Based on Fields in Trust Benchmark Guidelines (Oct 2015)


PARKS AND GARDENS 710 m  Green Flag standard  Appropriately landscaped  Positive management  Provision of footpaths  Designed to be free of the fear of harm or crime

NATURAL/SEMI NATURAL GREENSPACES 720 m  Appropriately landscaped  Positive management  Provision of footpaths  Designed to be free of the fear of harm or crime

AMENITY GREENSPACE 480 m  Appropriately landscaped  Positive management  Provision of footpaths  Designed to be free of the fear of harm or crime


Table 7.6: Accessibility Standards for Play Provision Based on Fields in Trust Benchmark Guidelines (Oct 2015)


EQUIPPED/DESIGNATED PLAY AREAS LAPs – 100m  Quality appropriate to the intended level of performance, LEAPs – 400m designed to appropriate technical standards. NEAPS – 1,000m  Located where they are of most value to the community to be served.  Sufficiently diverse recreational use for the whole community. OTHER OUTDOOR PROVISION (MUGAS 700m  Appropriately landscaped. AND SKATEBOARD PARKS)  Maintained safely and to the highest possible condition with available finance.  Positively managed taking account of the need for repair and replacement over time as necessary.  Provision of appropriate ancillary facilities and equipment.  Provision of footpaths.  Designed so as to be free of the fear of harm or crime.



7.19. The Fields in Trust standard for accessibility in relation to Amenity Greenspace is 480 m (approximately a 6 minute walk).

7.20. A map indicating accessibility is shown as figure 7.1.

7.21. The sub area of Thirsk is well covered with a number of amenity greenspaces. In particular the town of Thirsk, with its communities at Sowerby and Norby has overlapping catchments. There are 25 amenity greenspaces in the Thirsk sub area providing open space in village locations as well as the urban area of Thirsk town.

7.22. Unsurprisingly the area with the greatest concentration of amenity greenspace in Easingwold sub area is the town of Easingwold itself. This has overlapping catchments which are continuous. Stillington is adequately supplied with amenity greenspace, including the village green and smaller areas such as Carr Lane. Some of the smaller communities are provided with village greens (e.g. Tollerton Green), whilst others have areas of lawn within residential areas which assist in “greening” relatively dense areas of housing and providing other useful functions such as enhancing biodiversity and reducing pollution.

7.23. In the Northallerton sub area, the town of Northallerton itself, Brompton and Romanby contain most of the amenity greenspace sites, and have continuous catchments. Some smaller communities also have pockets of amenity greenspace.

7.24. Stokesley also has significant areas of amenity greenspace. The communities at Stokesley and Great and Little Ayton have continuous provision. Some smaller communities also have their own provision (e.g. the Village Green at Seamer.

7.25. Bedale has pockets of amenity greenspace across the area. Bedale and Aiskew are relatively well provided. Other communities also have significant, although sometimes relatively small, areas of amenity space (e.g. Little and Great Crakehall with the Crakehall Green and land at Leyburn Road.


Figure 7.1: Accessibility of Amenity Greenspace using Fields in Trust walking standards



7.26. The Fields in Trust standard for accessibility in relation to Amenity Greenspace is as follows:

 Local Areas for Play (LAPs) aimed at very young children: 100m;

 Locally Equipped Areas for Play (LEAPs) aimed at children who can go out to play independently: 400m; and

 Neighbourhood Equipped Areas for Play (NEAPs) aimed at older children: 1,000m.

7.27. Maps indicating accessibility are shown as figure 7.2.

7.28. The sub area of Thirsk has a number of locally equipped areas of play as well as some larger areas (NEAPs). These include the Norby playground and Robb Close in Thirsk.

7.29. Easingwold sub area has a number of larger play areas. These include the Easingwold play area at Back Lane, and the extensive facilities at Easingwold Memorial Park. Facilities for very young children (LAPs) appear relatively under – provided in the sub area.

7.30. In the Northallerton sub area, the town of Northallerton itself contains a number of significant play areas including Northallerton Road and Applegarth playground, as well as smaller areas such as that behind County Hall.

7.31. Stokesley is relatively under-provided. The town of Stokesley itself has limited provision apart from relatively limited provision on North Road.

7.32. Bedale has relatively good accessibility to equipped play space. The new playground in Bedale Hall Park and the Leeming Bar playground to the east are good examples.


7.33. There are standards which have been established by Fields in Trust for new provision. These are shown as table 7.7.

Table 7.7: Recommended application of quantity benchmark guidelines – Equipped/Designated Play Space



10-200 DWELLINGS ✓ ✓

201-500 DWELLINGS ✓ ✓ Contribution

500+ DWELLINGS ✓ ✓ ✓

7.34. It should be noted that these Fields in Trust “Benchmark guidelines can assist in defining the role of such spaces in meeting open space needs within the local community.”1 They therefore need to be interpreted so as to retain flexibility for Hambleton District Council to vary its benchmarks in its locally adopted standards.

1 Explanatory note to “Guidance for Outdoor Sport and Play: Beyond the Six Acre Standard,” Fields in Trust, November 2015 41 HAMBLETON OPEN SPACE STRATEGY

Figure 7.2: Accessibility of Facilities for Children and Young People using Fields in Trust walking standards - LAPs, LEAPs and NEAPs





7.35. There is no Fields in Trust standard for accessibility in relation to Allotments. However, Greater London Authority guidelines for Allotments of local significance (all in Hambleton are only of local significance in terms of size) indicate a standard of 400 m (approximately a 5 minute walk).

7.36. GLA standards for accessibility for Allotments and Cemeteries are shown as Table 7.8.

7.37. A map indicating accessibility is shown as figure 7.3.

7.38. There is a relatively consistent degree of access to allotments across the whole district. Bedale, Northallerton, Thirsk and Stokesley towns are all well-served by nearby allotment sites. Allotments at Easingwold are at Ladycarr Lane, a little outside the town boundary, but the site is nearly 2 ha in extent. The site at Great Ayton in the Stokesley sub area is particularly extensive.

Table 7.8: GLA accessibility guidelines for Allotments and Cemeteries


ALLOTMENTS 8km 3.2km 1.2km 400m

CEMETERIES 8km 3.2km 1.2km 400m


Figure 7.3: Accessibility of Allotments using GLA standards



7.39. There is no Fields in Trust standard for accessibility in relation to Cemeteries and Churchyards for outdoor recreation. However, Greater London Authority guidelines for Cemeteries and Churchyards of local significance indicate a standard of 400 m (approximately a 5 minute walk) for those of local significance, and 1.2 km for those of district significance – see Table 7.12. All sites within Hambleton are classified as of local significance. Distribution of cemetery and churchyard sites is very even across the district, with most communities served by at least a parish churchyard, adding significantly to available facilities for outdoor recreation.

7.40. A map indicating accessibility is shown as figure 7.4.


Figure 7.4: Accessibility of Cemeteries and Churchyards using GLA standards



7.41. There is no Fields in Trust standard for accessibility in relation to Civic Spaces. There are four in total in the district, the Market Square and War Memorial at Northallerton, the Market Place at Thirsk, and the Market Place at Stokesley.

7.42. A map indicating location is shown as figure 7.5.


Figure 7.5: Location of Civic Spaces




8.1. A consultation exercise was conducted which consisted of a questionnaire to all parishes within Hambleton District. This covered the following areas in accordance with the PPG17 methodology pursued in accordance with the objectives of the study:

 A general question about the importance of open space in each parish

 A question about the quality of open space as perceived split between:

 Parks and Gardens: usually multi-functional in terms of provision and serving a fairly wide catchment. May contain playgrounds and other facilities including sports pitches

 Amenity Greenspace: smaller open spaces with provision usually confined to the immediate neighbourhood. Not multi functional and usually consisting of lawn and sometimes trees

 Children and young people: playgrounds and similar facilities for children and teens

 Allotments: allotment garden areas

 Cemeteries: either active or redundant in terms of burial

 Civic Spaces: Usually hard surfaced and consisting of small areas such as squares and war memorial areas.

 A question about the quantity and accessibility of open space in the above categories

 A general question about improvements you would like to see in those categories.

8.2. Findings indicating the issues arising from consultation are shown in Table 8.1. These are shown by Parish. All parishes that responded to the questionnaire have been included.

8.3. The following codes are used to qualify responses in relation to “Importance to Health:”

V = very important F = fairly important N = not very important


8.4. The question relating to importance to health was:

“How important do you think it is to have green spaces for people’s mental, emotional and physical health near to where they live?”

8.5. The response to this was unanimous. All parishes felt that green spaces were “very important” for people’s mental, emotional and physical health.

8.6. In relation to questions relating to the quality and quantity and accessibility of green space by parish, the following codes were used:

E = excellent G= good A = average BA = below average P = poor

8.7. Responses were received in relation to the question:

“How would you rate the quality of green space by type in the parish?”

8.8. There were a number of issues which are significant in relation to quality:

 Parks and Gardens is a category that was included to differentiate between this form of provision and Amenity Greenspace. Although Parks and Gardens are in limited supply in Hambleton, and were therefore more correctly included in Amenity Greenspace, some refinement was included to draw out attitudes to subtly different forms of provision. Some parishes recorded this type of provision as “not applicable.” Some recorded quality as “poor,” but this is likely to have been a reflection of the paucity of this kind of provision. Other respondents had included this category because they have applied it to open spaces such as playing fields. The response highlighted the shortfall in supply of this type of provision

 Natural/Semi-Natural Greenspaces and Accessible Countryside were generally regarded as “good” or “excellent.” This category is outside of the scope of this study in terms of qualitative or quantitative evaluation as there are very few spaces within the District which meet PPG17 criteria. However, the response from parishes is useful because it helps to draw on perceptions of the quality of countryside in the surrounding area. Comments indicated that there was good footpath and cycling access across the North Yorkshire Moors, and that there were good quality walking opportunities in the surrounding countryside.

 Amenity Greenspaces elicited a variety of responses. The majority were perceived as “good” in terms of quality, although there was a fairly wide variation in responses, with some Amenity Greenspaces in parishes viewed as only “average” or “poor.”

 Many Facilities for Children and Young People were only seen as “poor” or “average,” although some were seen as “good.” One parish stated that it contained a play area, but this was now over 20 years old.

 There was a variable response in relation to Allotments. As many perceived quality as “poor” as those who perceived it as “good.” It would therefore appear that the quality of allotment sites varies considerably from one parish to another, a fact which is reinforced in the quality audit.


 Cemeteries were perceived to be of generally “good” or “excellent” quality, although reasonably well, although two responses of “poor” were received

 Civic Spaces were seen as variable in quality, although in fact there a only a very few spaces of this type which fall within this category within the District. Respondents may well have confused quality with accessibility in response to this question, or may be referring to extremely small areas which are outside of the scope of this study.


Table 8.1: Issues Arising From Parish Consultation
















W B C L T A & B H K S W O K H S I F D Importance to health V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V QUALITY Parks and Gardens E G G E A A P N/A P G N/A BA N/A N/A N/A Natural/Semi Natural E G G G G E E E BA G G E E G G Amenity Greenspace G G G E G P N/A P G G G N/A A N/A Children and Young People E G G G P A P P P A A G N/A A N/A Allotments E E N/A A N/A E P N/A P G N/A P N/A N/A Accessible Countryside E A G G E A E E P E N/A E E G Cemeteries G G G G N/A E P G P E G E N/A A E

Civic Spaces N/A G G G N/A A P G P A N/A BA N/A BA N/A

QUANTITY & ACCESSIBILITY Parks and Gardens G G E P A P G N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Natural/Semi Natural E G G G G E E G E E G E Amenity Greenspace G G G G P A G G N/A A N/A Children and Young People E G G E P A P A A G N/A A N/A Allotments E N/A A P E P G N/A P N/A N/A N/A Accessible Countryside E A G G E P E N/A N/A E G E Cemeteries G G G P E P E G E N/A A E Civic Spaces G G G P A P A N/A P N/A BA N/A


8.9. There were responses from parishes relating to the adequacy of provision (“How would you rate the adequacy of supply of green space in terms of quantity and accessibility by type in the parish.”).

8.10. Responses were as follows:

 Parks and Gardens are generally “not applicable,” or “poor,” in terms of provision. It is clear from comments received that this was because there was either no provision resembling this type, or that it was unnecessary given the rural nature of the community. A few parishes thought that provision was “good,” and in one case “excellent.”

 Natural/Semi-Natural Greenspaces and Accessible Countryside were generally regarded as “excellent” or “good.” This would certainly appear to reflect access to areas such as the North York Moors or to a network of accessible walking routes

 Amenity Greenspaces were perceived as predominantly “good” in terms of supply.

 Facilities for Children and Young People were very variable in terms of responses to accessibility and quantity, reflecting analysis in this study which indicates that most of the main towns n the District (with the exception of Stokesley) have reasonable levels of provision, but that some outlying communities have little or no provision of this type

 Allotments were generally perceived to be “excellent” or “good.” This reflects that the level of provision demonstrated in the analysis of quantity and accessibility

 Responses to the accessibility and quantity of accessible countryside were favourable, with one parish referring to excellent moorland walks

 Cemeteries were perceived as generally “good,” or “excellent.” In terms of supply. This is certainly reflected in the distribution of suitable churchyards for outdoor recreation shown in figure 7.12

 Although three parishes perceived provision for Civic Spaces as “good,” they were seen in the main as not provided at all (“not applicable”), or “average,” “below average” or “poor.”


8.11. A third question for parishes related to the need for improvements. The question was:

“What improvements would you like to see to green space by type in the parish?”

8.12. In relation to improvements, key issues are:

 Better access including footpaths was perceived as an important issue across all open space types with the exception of Civic Spaces

 More facilities are needed, particularly for young people, and in more natural or semi-natural areas

 Natural and semi-natural areas were seen to be in need of better management by three parishes

 More landscaping was seen as appropriate in Natural/Semi-Natural Greenspaces, Amenity Greenspace and Civic Space

 More information was perceived as potentially advantageous.


Table 8.2: All parishes - Requests for improvements to open space in accordance with the typology


































PARKS AND GARDENS ✔ ✔ ✓✔ ✓✔ ✔ ✔

NATURAL/ SEMI NATURAL ✔ ✓✔ ✓✓✓✔ ✔✓✓ ✓✔ ✔✓✓✓





CEMETERIES ✔ ✔ ✓✔ ✔ ✔

CIVIC SPACES ✔ ✔✓ ✔ ✓✔ ✓✔ ✔

8.13. In addition to these structured responses, a section entitled “other comments” was included in order to allow parishes the opportunity to make more general statements about their perception relating to green space in their parish or town council. One respondent stated: “We keep our village neat and tidy and are proud of the village,” another stated: “This questionnaire is a load of rubbish for a small rural parish in Hambleton. What a waste of my time and Hambleton's money.”



8.14. Four focus group consultation sessions were carried out in August and September 2016 at the following locations:

 Civic Centre, Northallerton

 Bedale Hall

 Helperby Village Hall

 Town Close Offices, Stokesley.

8.15. Full notes of these meetings are shown as Annex E. There were a number of key issues which became apparent:

 Greater community involvement is essential to the future management of the greenspace service in order to reconcile competing demands, and to access external funding sources

 It is necessary to create a greater “sense of place” by improving or introducing better interpretation in order to communicate the heritage, history and nature conservation value of the District

 There are some deficiencies in open space provision, but these are partly offset by the availability of the field network and nearby moorland and countryside

 Tourism has great potential to regenerate the area, and should be encouraged by developing opportunities such as walking and cycling

 Linear routeways to join communities and open spaces together provide a very useful opportunity to encourage recreation and sustainable transport

 Accessibility is a problem in many open spaces, with limited provision for car parking

 A joined-up strategic approach to open space provision is required in the District. This has been exacerbated by the two-tiered local government system and the loss of Yorkshire Forward

 Facilities for young people are needed in some areas to a much greater extent

 Open spaces can be used to enhance biodiversity (e.g. by introducing rare cattle breeds)

 Allotment provision varies in terms of quantity of provision

 The needs of the less able-bodied and disabled need to be catered for to a greater degree in the District’s open spaces

 A strategic approach to open space provision would be enhanced by encouraging communities to create their own neighbourhood plans. This would lead to greater availability of CIL funding for suitable projects.



9.1. A number of key findings will have strong potential implications for future strategy in relation to both the provision of the green space service, and also the planning service as it relates to green space and countryside provision in Hambleton.

9.2. These findings have been identified using the following sources:

 Quality audit

 Client observations

 Consultation findings

 Local and national planning, countryside and green space guidelines.


9.3. These findings as they relate to service provision are as follows:

 Facilities for Children and Young People are relatively under-provided in Stokesley, and facilities for young children (LAPs) are in short supply in Easingwold

 Because of the variability in provision for children and young people, an upgrade is necessary in a number of communities. This should include the provision of safer surfaces in places, and the installation of challenging and exciting pieces of equipment.

 Adventurous play provision such as iplay should be considered in urban settlements

 “Green” play provision would be desirable and suitable for all areas, but in particular in rural locations

 The rich heritage and history of the district should be interpreted in the larger Amenity Greenspaces as well as in cemeteries and churchyards across the district

 All open space types throughout the district should have improvements made to entrances in line with Green Flag criteria in order to make them more welcoming, and to attract more visitors

 Greater use should be made of open space by using more informal landscape methods to encourage biodiversity and habitat creation. This is particularly important given the shortage of significant formal areas of Natural and Semi-Natural Greenspace in the District

 Green corridors should be upgraded or created to link settlements, encourage wildlife, and increase green transportation (walking and cycling)



9.4. Findings relating to the future direction of countryside and green space planning in Hambleton are:

 The countryside needs to be protected to offset shortfalls in the quality, quantity and accessibility of more formal open space provision throughout the District

 Measures need to be enhanced to improve biodiversity by using open space through the introduction of meadow, native tree planting and other conservation methods, particularly in the light of shortages of Natural and Semi-Natural Greenspace. It is accepted, however, that there is access to North York Moors National Park, which more than compensates for any quantitative and accessibility shortfall in this category. Such shortfalls are of greater significance in the towns of Easingwold, Thirsk, Stokesley, Northallerton and Bedale, where urban greening improves physical and mental well-being, reduces pollution, and would do much to reduce the impact of peak urban summer temperatures. This is acknowledged in section 4 of the “Northallerton, Brompton and Romanby Draft Landscape and Open Space Strategy 2016

 More green corridors should be considered, or existing natural and semi-natural greenspace upgraded in order to improve biodiversity, encourage sustainable travel, and connect isolated communities

 Developer contributions should be encouraged to meet shortfalls in quality. In particular improvements should be made to open spaces to make them more welcoming, and to interpret the diverse history and heritage of the district in order to increase residents’ “sense of place”

 A developer contribution model to fund improvements to the quality, quantity and accessibility of open space should be developed, using best practice models from other local authorities

 Shortfalls in the quality, quantity and accessibility of facilities for children and youth should be addressed by seeking contributions for innovative play (iplay, “green’ Play, etc.), and for specific facilities such as “low ropes” adventures.



10.1. Some guidance is provided in the following sections relating to how service issues might be tackled in order to meet the immediate future needs and demands of the green space service. These are:

S1: Creation of challenging and exciting play areas using concepts such as “iplay”

S2: More teenage and youth provision in areas of need (e.g. Teen shelters)

S3: The use of “green play” in suitable rural locations

S4: Interpretation of the heritage and history of the area for residents and visitors to the green spaces of Hambleton. This is true of both urban and rural settlements/ Improved and welcoming entrances. This is crucial across all types of open space

S5: Use of more “naturalesque” landscape methods in open spaces. This is particularly important around the edges of Outdoor Sports Facilities, and in larger expanses of Amenity Greenspaces

S6: Improvements to “green corridors” need to be made and existing links improved with better access footpaths and cycle routes, improved signage, better landscaping and better seating

S7: More car parking facilities need to be provided for all open space types

S8: Improvements to the quality of allotment sites where required

S9: Use for events and activities.



10.2. The quality audit and the consultation findings highlight the need for play areas which are going to challenge children, to develop their social skills, and to provide opportunities for physical development.

10.3. In addition to obvious improvements such as the provision of exciting pieces of play equipment (e.g. zip wires, “low ropes” courses), a concept which is gaining in popularity is intelligent play or “iplay.” This has been devised by a recreation company affiliated to Loughborough University which has worked in conjunction with a leading play manufacturer to produce a range of suitable equipment. This includes a number of physical challenges similar to those provided by conventional play equipment, but using a list of commands.

10.4. The use of such equipment is in response to changing sociological leisure patterns which mean that children are spending more and more time watching television and using computer games. Facts and figures relating to the fact that a quarter of UK children are now clinically obese are as follows:

 Half of all children in the UK will be obese by 2020 (Lobstein 2005)

 An obese child is twice as likely to become an obese adult

 Obesity is set to become the leading health problem in the UK

 It is linked to the onset of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease

 The House of Commons Select Committee 2004 has stated that the economic cost of obesity is £7.5 billion p.a.

10.5. Play is triggered with a start button, and can be played as part of a team or individually. The iplay unit issues commands relating to how to play. This consists of a number of challenges, and a core is displayed on the iplay screen. This score can be saved and compared to a league table of other competitors.

10.6. The big advantage of iplay is that it introduces new technology, and uses the concept of “stealth play.” This means that the level of activity can be stepped up without the participant being aware of it, and thus can encourage greater levels of fitness.

10.7. It is suggested that the introduction of an iplay playground in Hambleton would create an exciting new concept, and could be used to gauge usage and popularity to guide future provision.



10.8. This report highlights the need to provide exciting and innovative play solutions for older as well as younger children. Play solutions which could help to meet the shortfall in equipped play.

10.9. Good BMX/Pump Track design should include the following elements:

 Adequate drainage

 Durable construction which will withstand heavy usage and will be safe to use. Materials which reduce friction noise should be considered if this is likely to constitute a nuisance (i.e. if the track is near to residential development or in an otherwise quiet area of a green space

 Signage. This needs to be informative, and to include contact numbers in case of emergency

 Landscaping. The track should be attractively landscaped to help it to blend in to its surrounding environment, and to be attractive to users.

10.10. Pumptracks are one of the newest and most exciting outdoor recreational activities. Although many BMX tracks have been constructed throughout the UK, pumptracks have a wider potential appeal. They are attractive in particular to teenagers and youths, but are suitable not just for bikes of all sizes, but also skateboards, rollerblades and scooters. As such they can bridge the generation gap between older people, teenagers, and smaller children. The pumptrack utilises an up and down pumping motion to generate forward momentum. A big advantage is that pumptracks can be as little as 10m. x 3m. in extent, and so can be fitted into a very limited area. Provision of this type is generally under-provided.



10.11. Hambleton District is unusual in having relatively dispersed settlements located in extensive and attractive countryside. Playgrounds of the conventional type can look out of keeping in rural areas, and the use of “green play” can integrate more happily in non-urban environments.

10.12. Green play has developed in response to the decline in outdoor recreation amongst children. Home entertainment in the form of computer games, television and other media have resulted in a decline in natural play. Green play provides play opportunities in a play area using natural materials, and in particular timber. Green play areas often include “soft” elements such as the use of willow tunnels, soft landscaping using wild species, and tree planting. Thus green play has a number of advantages:

 It is sustainable, using natural and renewable materials

 It is in keeping with natural landscapes in small settlements, or in the countryside

 It provides exciting play opportunities in a controlled, low-risk environment Image 11.1: Green play in Hanwell

 Biodiversity can be enhanced with careful landscaping

 Children have the opportunity to engage with the natural environment.

10.13. This study has demonstrated the need to provide new and challenging opportunities for play. In addition, many existing play areas are deficient in terms of their quality and their ability to encourage exciting and innovative play, and will in any case need to be replaced or upgraded over the coming years. It is therefore suggested that a green play area is provided in the District in order to assess its popularity and value.



Image 11.3: Good quality signage is very informative, and is welcoming at entrances 10.14. The need to provide welcoming entrances has already been referred to as one of the eight key criteria in the national Green Flag standard. This is paramount in providing an enticing green space which visitors will feel to be well managed, and will be encouraged to use.

10.15. Hambleton has a rich heritage and history. This needs to be interpreted to encourage a “sense of place,” and open spaces are one of the best places to impart this message because:

 Annual visitor numbers will be very high

 A large percentage of the population visit their local open spaces on a fairly regular basis

 Spaces are open and accessible to all

 Greater usage will lead to higher levels of participation in outdoor recreation, and thus mental and physical health

 Well interpreted open spaces encourage tourism.

10.16. The concept of generating a “sense of place” is well recognized in the UK. The following quote is from Special Delivery Outcome 1 of the Peak District Management Plan 2012-2017:

“What gives a community its sense of identity? How do places identify and retain what makes them distinctive, while adapting to new challenges? It is important that communities can recognise what makes their cultural heritage so special, and that this identity mobilises, motivates and binds them together.”


10.17. The South Downs National Park has developed a “Sense of Place Toolkit” from which the following quote is taken:

“We believe that the more visitors know about the area – before they come, and while they’re here – the more they should enjoy their visit. They’ll be more likely to try out new experiences in the Park, to repeat-visit, and to recommend the Park to others. And the more that visitors understand about the special nature of the Park, the more they should want to help sustain it, including supporting local businesses and services.”

10.18. This heritage and history need not just relate to the open spaces themselves, but also to the surrounding towns, villages and countryside.

10.19. Attractive interpretation boards including the use of visual images such as photographs, visual representations and maps and diagrams, are a popular means of learning about the surrounding area. The use of interpretation boards can be used at entrances, or at specific points of interest. It would be worth considering the use of interactive Quick Response (QR) codes, which will allow a smart phone user to access appropriate additional information on websites or specific web pages. This would also make information accessible in particular to people interested in the use of new technology.



10.20. Urban greenspace, whether it be formal public space such as parks, sports fields and gardens or informal space such as riverbanks, waste ground, rail and road verges and other open spaces are a vital component of local biodiversity. As such, the management of biodiversity in these areas plays a fundamental part in maintaining the richness and diversity of urban areas. This is particularly true in Hambleton, which has a shortage of Natural and Semi-Natural Greenspace, but has a network of very varied open space types. However, the work of the qualitative audit indicates that biodiversity is not adequately managed, particularly in terms of opportunities in the more formal open spaces.

10.21. Parks can have an amazing range of habitats and species from the ‘common or garden’ to nationally rare examples.

10.22. Habitats in parks will obviously vary from location to location but can include:

 Meadowland and unimproved grassland

 Neutral grassland

 Hedgerows

 Ancient woodland and veteran trees

 Scrub

 Ponds, streams and rivers

 and many other man adapted habitats.

10.23. All these habitats will have associated species and communities of animals and plants, including many rare and endangered species. Parks can also be rich in non-native ‘exotic’ plants which can also have a tremendous wildlife potential. The Buddleia (Buddleia davidii) is a good example of this.

10.24. This section outlines the following:

 The value of biodiversity in Hambleton, taking account of its unique habitats and the relationship to key strategies and policies

 The factors which affect habitats in the District, including types of land use and user pressures

 Ways in which the biodiversity of the District can be enhanced through its open spaces, both in relation to the planning of new open space, and through changes to the management of existing facilities.


10.25. The biodiversity potential of such habitats is dependent largely on the management practices within the park. There are many factors affecting habitats in parks. These include:

 The need for tidiness, formal landscapes & public perceptions of safety.  There is a potential conflict between management of formal park landscapes and formal flower displays and the need for biodiversity. Park users may want formal landscapes and consider wildlife habitats to be untidy or even unsafe. Natural areas of woodland and scrub may be associated in the public eye with feelings of insecurity, especially for women and people on their own. Long grass may appear to be uncared for and may accumulate litter. Introducing new ideas incrementally, with good consultation and interpretation at each stage can help to gain public support.2 Formal landscapes are found in Hmbleton’s many Amenity Greenspaces, including commons and village greens. However, this is not incompatible with the careful introduction of natural areas of woodland, floral meadow and scrub. These need to be managed to include defined edges, careful placement away from areas used for more formal activities, and in some cases may need to be interpreted by explaining their significance

 Perceptions that these areas are an example of neglect or lack of management may lead to filling ponds, clearing shrub beds and removing all dead wood etc. This will not help enhance biodiversity. Grounds maintenance work within parks and open spaces can often include very frequent mowing of grass and the routine use of herbicides and other agrichemicals. Such practices can obviously have a negative impact on biodiversity. Parks Maintenance, contract specifications may include activities which may be detrimental to the biodiversity of the area being managed. For example, the removal of all dead wood, the removal of leaf litter from all beds, the timing and techniques of grass mowing and the timing of shrub and tree pruning and all potentially have a negative impact on biodiversity. Clearly this needs to be avoided in Hambleton’s Amenity Greenspaces, and in areas surrounding Children’s Play Facilities, Cemeteries, and other open spaces.

 The previous section mentioned the findings of the qualitative audit for Hambleton and the need to plan for biodiversity in new open spaces, and change land use types in existing open spaces. There is sometimes a need for formality in grounds maintenance if the provision of sporting facilities or “high” horticulture for ornamental purposes is necessary. This is not always the case, and even the borders of “formal” open spaces could benefit from the introduction of meadow or other form of more natural landscape.

 Impact of Visitors  Parks and open spaces are intended for the usage and enjoyment of all visitors, but heavy usage and noise can have a negative impact on wildlife. Even the over use of lighting in parks can disrupt night flying animals and disrupt feeding. Major events, which may include loud music and fireworks, are likely to have such impacts.

 Vandalism, in the form of damaging trees and planting areas can also have a negative impact on biodiversity and the remedial costs can take away from existing enhancement budgets.

2 lbp.org.uk London biodiversity partnership


 Habitat Isolation  Whilst many parks contain valuable habitats and communities, they are often in fragmented populations surrounded by urban development and are not connected to other similar communities. There is real value in supporting the biodiversity in individual parks by ensuring they are connected by green corridors to enable movement of wildlife between parks and help maintain viable populations.

 Sports Facilities  Modernisation of sports facilities changes the character of parks e.g. the change from grass to all weather pitches and the demand for more buildings and structures. Such changes can lead to reduced greensward, less shrub beds and mature trees, all of which are of benefit to wildlife. Many sports areas in Hambleton are lacking in landscape variety. Although outside the scope of the Open Spaces Strategy, it is suggested that outdoor sports facilities, where such changes do not compromise outfields or pitch perimeters, can be used to introduce a more relaxed approach to landscape management.

 A plethora of information has been produced in the UK over the last 30 years on improving the biodiversity of urban greenspace. Two key potential actions can be taken to improve Biodiversity in urban parks:

 Survey and Monitoring  Knowing what animals and plants are found in the many parks and open spaces is a key starting point in developing effective management plans for specific parks. The outcome of the surveys should inform management practices and contract specifications. For example to mow areas of grassland at specific times and specific heights to encourage the spread of key species or to manage dead wood in a way that it becomes a key habitat in its own right. On-going monitoring will help to show whether management practices are successful or need further adaptation.

 Contract Specifications and Contractor Competencies  It is vital to ensure that contract specifications address the need for specific biodiversity enhancement management practices, but also that contractors are competent to undertake, often more traditional management techniques (such as coppicing or hedgelaying) to help maintain biodiversity.



10.26. The quality audit outlined a number of problems with allotment sites in Hambleton. These were as follows:

 Sites in some cases were almost impossible to find

 Entrances were usually poor, being unwelcoming and without adequate signage

 Information was limited, even in relation to contact numbers

 Boundaries were often in poor condition, and sites in some cases were insecure

 Many sites lacked basic facilities such as a water supply.

10.27. The importance of allotments lies in the fact that there is a statutory obligation on local authorities to provide them, and that across the UK it is estimated that there are currently over 90,000 people wanting an allotment and are on waiting lists. Health benefits are considerable, and include healthy outdoor recreation, social activity, and the production and consumption of healthy food. Sites also improve biodiversity, and allotment gardening helps to maintain vegetable and fruit species which would otherwise be lost.

10.28. The National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Ltd. Provides advice on the management of allotment sites. It provides guidelines on what constitutes a good site, and factors include:

 Site should be easily accessible by car or near to a public transport route

 Soil should be capable of easy cultivation

 Site should not be prone to flooding

 Soil should not be contaminated with poisons (e.g. chemicals)

 Paths should be no less than 1.5m. wide and preferably 1.7m. to allow for a wheelchair and ambulant person to travel side by side

 Main gates should be wide enough to allow for material deliveries by lorry.



10.29. Green spaces can be more extensively used for events and activities. This issue was raised during consultation. The advantages of greater use for events and activities include the following:

 Greater involvement in outdoor recreation by local communities

 Encouragement of greater visits to open spaces following events

 Greater tourism and secondary spend (local restaurants, hotels, etc.)

 Income generation for the service

 Can lead to other sources of income (e.g. catering)

 Can lead to the development of voluntary support and outsourced management.

10.30. Types of event or activity can include:

 Larger scale events such as music concerts and firework displays. Most commonly held in Public Parks and Gardens and larger Recreation Grounds

 Medium scale events such as funfairs, farmers’ markets and car boot sales. Held in smaller spaces such as more local Recreation Grounds

 Neighbourhood events such as fun runs, guided walks, organised exercise classes (e.g. British Military Fitness, tai chi, etc.). Can be held in Amenity Greenspaces, greens, or natural open spaces.

10.31. It is suggested that an events and activities strategy is devised, to include a hierarchy of provision. This would include classifying open space in relation to the type of activity or event that each type could reasonably carry without causing excessive wear and tear or risk of damage or injury. It would include a strategy to encourage management through local communities, charitable organisations, or friends groups.

10.32. Guided walks can increase interest in visiting natural green spaces and generate income



11.1. This section investigates actions which are appropriate to tackling the planning issues identified in this study. These include:

P1: Protection of the countryside

P2: Enhancement of biodiversity

P3: Plans to upgrade and create green corridors should be considered in order to improve biodiversity, encourage sustainable travel, and connect isolated communities

P4: Developer contributions should be encouraged to meet shortfalls in quality. In particular improvements should be made to open spaces to make them more welcoming, and to interpret the diverse history and heritage of the district in order to increase residents’ “sense of place”

P5: A developer contribution model to fund improvements to the quality, quantity and accessibility of open space should be developed, using best practice models from other local authorities. In addition, local communities should be encouraged to include appropriate open spaces using the local green space designation in neighbourhood and local plans in order to protect valuable existing open space

P6: Shortfalls in the quality, quantity and accessibility of facilities for children and youth should be addressed by seeking contributions for innovative play (iplay, “green’ Play, etc.), and for specific facilities such as “low ropes” adventures and pump tracks

P7: Measures should be taken to introduce flood alleviation, including Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, to reduce the risk of flash flooding.



11.2. The countryside needs to be protected to offset shortfalls in the quality, quantity and accessibility of more formal open space provision throughout the District.

11.3. At the heart of the NPPF is the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Therefore proposals for development should be approved if they accord with the development plan or the specific policies set out in the NPPF.

11.4. Before considering approval for new development, the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside should be recognized. This process has in fact been completed in the District, and has resulted in the creation of the Hambleton Landscape Character Assessment and Sensitivity Study (2016).

11.5. There are a number of recommendations which should be followed in order to ensure that Hambleton’s countryside is protected, and that the use of interpretation in open spaces is used to engender a greater “sense of place” amongst residents and visitors. In relation to this study, the following issues are relevant:

 In the Cowton Hills, areas of good woodland cover are identified with a view to providing the foundation of a green network. Opportunities should be sought to interpret the historic features such as Cowton Castle and the parkland around Pepper Arden Hall

 Use of scattered woodland on the Welbury Plateau to create a green network

 Use of rivers and woodland to provide links into the wider landscape in the Leven Valley and Seamer Moor

 Use of river Leven to develop a green link in Stokesley Vale

 Utilise good woodland cover in the Tees Valley to develop green network links

 Widening of woodland along becks. Creation of connections to North York Moors National Park in Broughton and Kirby Basin as well as Far Hill, North York Moors Fringe and Yearsley Ridge

 Thirn Upland Fringe, Watlass Hills, the Leeming Corridor, Swale Lowlands, Bullamoor Farmland, North York Moors Fringe, Thirsk Settled Farmland and Bedale Farmland would benefit from sustainable drainage systems

 In Snape and Upsland Woodland, use of the SINCs and Nosterfield Local Nature Reserve to form habitat links

 Consider re-use of disused railway between Northallerton and Ripon for recreational purposes in the Leeming Corridor

 Greater development of limited habitat network in Birdforth Farmland

 Links into wider landscape from strong green network features in Ure Floodplain

 Widening of riparian strips to extend green network in Swale Floodplain Ouse Floodplain and Topcliffe Floodplain



11.6. Hambleton is very lucky to contain a wide range ‘natural’ open spaces including the North York Moors National Park. The biodiversity value of such sites locally, regionally and nationally is unquestionable.

11.7. The biodiversity value of the open spaces can be seen to help improve the mental health and sense of place of urban communities.

11.8. This value of biodiversity in open spaces is expressed in the UK Biodiversity Strategy 2002.

‘Biodiversity has an essential role to play in liveability improvements: ‘designing with nature’ especially in buildings and public spaces, can improve people’s quality of life directly and show how nature can itself work to maintain the qualities of land air and water for people’s benefit.’

(Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Biodiversity Strategy; 2002: 54)

11.9. This value of biodiversity in urban open spaces is re-iterated in the CABE Space Report – The Value of Public Open Space notes 3 which states that ‘Aside from the intrinsic value of having nature in our cities, urban wildlife habitats also provide a focus for local communities, who often become very attached to them. Even the simple knowledge that a natural area exists is, for many, a source of satisfaction. Open space managed for biodiversity provides an opportunity for people to be close to ‘nature’, with the associated positive impact that this can bring in terms of mental health and the pleasure of experiencing wildlife in the urban situation.

11.10. It is vital that the management of biodiversity in parks and open spaces is in keeping with the overall wildlife management strategy or Biodiversity Action Plan for the area as a whole.

11.11. In considering all applications for future development, it is suggested that a Biodiversity Toolkit is drafted with colleagues responsible for green space management in order to guide the enhancement of biodiversity both in relation to building suitable landscapes in to new developments and altering the management of open spaces managed directly by the District.

3 The Value of Public Open Space – How High Quality Parks and Public Spaces Create Economic, Social and Environmental Value - CABE Space (2003)



11.12. The identification, effective protection and enhancement of green corridors can help connect greenspaces within Hambleton can also help create green fingers from the surrounding countryside to the very heart of its communities. The green corridors outlined in the Northampton, Brompton and Romanby Draft Landscape and Open Space Strategy 2016 are an excellent example, and indicate where now corridors can be created through the town and through to outlying communities such as Newby Wiske, Ainderby Steeple, and even further afield to Richmond outside the District boundary. The successful management of green corridors will only be possible within the context of an integrated urban management framework where biodiversity issues are given meaningful and practical consideration.

11.13. There are a number of ways in which the green infrastructure can be used to deliver meaningful opportunities for multiple functions. These functions can be used to drive planning and management of the green environment. Each is considered in this section in relation to what they can afford in relation both to outline proposals for existing open spaces within Hambleton; and to green and blue corridor open space areas in other parts to which these principles can be applied in future. Each is illustrated to indicate the style of approach which can be adopted:

11.14. Planting to create a microclimate and to reduce temperature – it has been proved that tree and shrub planting in sufficient quantities can reduce peak urban summer temperatures, a major cause of mortality for instance in Paris in 2003, and can create a cool and more humid microclimate in urban areas. Tree planting and amenity woodland can be extremely successful in this context



11.15. Use of landscape features in housing and commercial areas – this can include the use of green roofs and green walls to reduce runoff and to improve air quality.

11.16. Parking on permeable surfaces will contribute to the reduction of surface run off.


11.17. Linear corridors as access routes for sustainable transportation – the creation of routeways of green open space which allow for sustainable transport. The principal objective in this case is to reduce the need for transportation in motor vehicles, and to open up greenspace for walking, cycling and other forms of sustainable transport. The objective is to use the line of a watercourse or natural linking feature, to create footpaths and cycle routes between urban areas to incorporate appropriate waymarking and landscaping.


11.18. Recreational open spaces – these create attractive areas for the execution of a range of outdoor recreational pursuits. These may include sports and games; picnics; events and activities; and children’s play. Open space designated for this use needs to be managed to avoid conflict between active uses and natural habitats.



11.19. Wildlife corridors – these are linear strips of open space which combine habitats and species, which will complement regional and local biodiversity action plans.

11.20. Achieving multiple benefits from green infrastructure underlines its importance generally boosts the environmental capacity of the area to support a thriving eco-town. Many sites will naturally fulfil many functions. If planned and managed appropriately the potential of a site and the ecosystem services that the land can provide can be enhanced. This should be done appropriately and not to the detriment of an overriding management priority, such as the need to protect a sensitive habitat.



11.21. Amenity open spaces – these can frequently be used to improve biodiversity. Woodland which is created by planting native species, and which favour a wider diversity of wildlife, create local oases. This has helped to mitigate the effects of peak urban summer temperatures and to provide shade; the use of floral meadow and wetland meadow in areas likely to become saturated, in order to increase biodiversity; and the use of “prairie” plantings to mimic nature in the use of natural species in bold groupings.


11.22. These are linear strips of open space which combine habitats and species which will complement regional and local biodiversity action plans


11.23. As previously stated, when planning green infrastructure, it is important to consider the scale and connection of the corridor when green and blue ribbon strategies for habitat and recreational corridors are proposed. It should be noted that a network, for coherence and resilience, is represented by more than just a physical link between two or more ecological areas and must involve working links. 11.24. Improving links through linear habitats such as green corridors can provide opportunities to incorporate footpaths and cycleways to promote sustainable travel patterns. Green corridors can serve both people and wildlife by carrying footpaths, cycleways, and tram and light rail routes alongside linear grassland habitats, wooded belts, streams, rivers and ponds.

11.25. However, there can be a conflict between providing areas for recreation and transport and simultaneously maintaining biodiversity. This is addressed in the TCPA Guide102 which suggests pedestrian and transport routes need to be well designed so that they do not interfere with habitat creation and provide natural surveillance so that they do not become havens for crime.

11.26. In a successful network, an understanding of the existing corridors and their functional requirements is essential in order that a hierarchy of linked spaces can be created.

11.27. It is suggested that existing open spaces should be re-designed to increase their suitability as green corridors, and that new linkages are explored in order to identify other green corridors which could link communities across Hambleton.



11.28. Developer contributions have been used in the past and will continue to be used. These contributions should be used to meet shortfalls identified in this study in relation to quantity and accessibility. This can be done by creating new provision, but can offset such shortfalls by increasing the quality, and thus the accessibility, of existing green space where necessary.

11.29. Shortfalls should be used in particular to assist in the development of specific types of outdoor leisure provision in Hambleton. Targeting should include the provision of exciting play areas by the use of innovative concepts such as iplay, green play, as well as facilities for youth and teenagers.

11.30. PPG17 states that local authorities are justified in seeking planning obligations where new development will place additional pressure on open space resources and increase local need. This is supported by the Companion Guide to PPG17 which states that developer contributions could include:

 The cost of the land for open space;

 The laying out of that open space including provision of new play equipment (or enhancement of the quality of existing equipment), either on site or off site;

 Commuted sums for the maintenance cost of open space for a locally established period; and

 Legal fees.

11.31. To ensure that open space contributions are appropriately sought they must comply with the statutory requirements set out in Circular 05/2005. These tests require the contribution to be:

 Necessary to make the proposed development acceptable in planning terms;

 Directly related to the proposed development; and

 Fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the proposed development.

11.32. Developer contributions will be used for establishing and improving open spaces appropriate to the locality in which the development takes place. The requirements are expressed in terms of square metres (m2).

11.33. There are two mechanisms that will be used by the Local Planning Authority to deliver open space. These are:

 Inclusion of open space as part of the development by the developer; and


11.34. In order to ensure the adequate supply of green space in Hambleton, it will be necessary to:

1. Protect valuable existing green space

2. Encourage the improvement of existing spaces.

11.35. Within the Neighbourhood Plans, areas of green space that are of value to the community can be protected by having them designated as local green space (LGS). The LGS will also be designated in the Local Plan. The planning authority (Hambleton District Council) is responsible for the designation process. The criteria for eligibility are as follows:

 Reasonably close proximity to the community it serves  There is no definition of this in the NPPF and it will be up to individual planning authorities to define. This may vary depending on the size of the community to which the green space relates, the size of the green space or the value placed on it by the community. The land must not be isolated from the community and would normally be within easy walking distance of the community served.

 Demonstrably special to a local community  Evidence must be provided of the land’s value to and use by the local community to show the land holds a particular local significance. The land must fulfil one or more of the following criteria:

 Beauty  This relates to the visual attractiveness of the site, and its contribution to landscape, character and or setting of the settlement. LGS would need to contribute to local identity, character of the area and a sense of place, and make an important contribution to the physical form and layout of the settlement. It may link up with other open spaces and allow views through or beyond the settlement which are valued locally.

 Historic significance  The land should provide a setting for, and allow views of, heritage assets or other locally-valued landmarks. It may be necessary to research historic records from the National or Local Records Office.

 Recreational value  It must have local significance for recreation, perhaps through the variety of activities it supports, and be of value to the community.

 Tranquillity  Some authorities have an existing ‘tranquillity map’ showing areas that provide an oasis of calm and a space for quiet reflection.

 Richness of wildlife


 This might include the value of its habitat, and priority areas may have been identified. It may require some objective evidence, such as a designation, like a wildlife site or Local Nature Reserve.

 Local in character, not an extensive tract of land  The criteria may differ between settlements depending on their physical size and population. The areas would normally be fairly self contained with clearly-defined edges. Blanket designation of open countryside adjacent to settlements will not be appropriate. There is a no minimum size limit for LGS.

 Land already designated  If land is already protected by Green Belt policy, consideration should be given to whether any additional local benefit would be gained. This may be in a case 4 where LGS designation could help to identify areas that are of particular importance to the local community.

11.36. Hambleton are encouraged to consider looking favourably on eligible green space applications by granting LGS designations.

11.37. In relation to meeting quantitative and accessibility needs in relation to green space, Hambleton should carefully consider any proven shortfalls in relation to different greenspace types. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) should be used to provide new open space in conjunction with new development wherever possible. Planning obligations need to be invoked in order to facilitate this approach. Where this is not possible, planning obligations should be used to contribute towards improving the quality of existing open spaces where required. This will go some way to both enhancing their recreational value, and offsetting quantitative shortfalls.



11.38. Much can be done to assist in flood alleviation, including the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. This indicates how the green infrastructure can be used to allow for the replication of natural systems that use cost effective solutions with low environmental impact to drain away dirty and surface water run-off through collection, storage, and cleaning. After this point it is allowed to be released slowly back into the environment, such as into water courses. This is to counter the effects of conventional drainage systems that often allow for flooding, pollution of the environment with the resultant harm to wildlife and contamination of groundwater sources used to provide drinking water.

11.39. These would do much to ameliorate the threat of flooding in areas identified in the Hambleton District Council Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, including along Bedale Beck in Leeming and Bedale, Brompton Beck in Northallerton, Cod Beck in Thirsk and the River Leven in Stokesley.



13.1. The actions outlined in previous sections are included in the Action Plan. Actions are divided into the following:

 Short-term actions – within the next three years

 Medium-term actions – three to five years

 Long-term actions – up to ten years.

13.2. Each action is numbered in accordance with the system used to identify actions in the previous sections, i.e.:

 “P” numbers (P1; P2; P3, etc.) indicate actions relating to planning issues

 “S” numbers (S1; S2; S3, etc.) indicate actions relating to service issues

 There is a section where actions are detailed

 Resources are indicated either in terms of sources of finance for implementation, or as officer time required for preparation and implementation

 The “Progress to Date” and “Review Date” sections are included for the client in order to allow for self-monitoring of progress.


Table 13.1: Action Plan NO. ACTIONS SECTION REF RESOURCES REQUIRED SHORT / MEDIUM PROGRESS TO DATE REVIEW DATE OR LONG TERM ACTION P3 Plans to upgrade and create green corridors 11.12 Hambleton Planning officer time Short term and should be considered - support proposals for new ongoing green corridors through Local Plan policy either through future planning proposals or on sites allocated in the Local Plan.

P4 / A developer contribution model to fund 11.28, 11.34 Hambleton Planning Officer time Short term P5 improvements to and to meet shortfalls in the quality, quantity and accessibility of open space - the national standards set out in this assessment to be used to protect existing open spaces and the local standards identified to be used to calculate provision of new facilities and spaces. The policy approach relating to quantity, quality and accessibility standards to be set out in adopted Local Plan policy for Open Space and updated Open Space SPD.

P4 / Shortfalls in the quality, quantity and accessibility 11.28; 11.34 Developer funding Short term and P5 of open space and facilities for children and ongoing youth should be addressed by seeking developer contributions, with particular importance placed on enabling innovative play. The policy approach relating to quantity, quality and accessibility standards to be set out in adopted Local Plan policy and updated SPD.

P5 Assist local parishes in the production of 11.35 Hambleton Planning officer time Ongoing - Neighbourhood Plans and grant LGS and Town/Parish Councils time designations where appropriate. Any new LGS designations or new areas of open space to be incorporated in future reviews of the Open Space Assessment.


NO. ACTIONS SECTION REF RESOURCES REQUIRED SHORT / MEDIUM PROGRESS TO DATE REVIEW DATE OR LONG TERM ACTION S8 Improvements to the quality of allotment sites 10.28 Hambleton Leisure and Short term where required – support town/parish Communities officer time and councils/allotment societies to devise programme of Table 6.6 Town/Parish Councils time improvements to allotment sites (refer to quality audit of allotments undertaken as part of this Open Space study).

S1 Creation of challenging and exciting play areas 10.2 Grant funding / Developer Medium term using concepts such as “iplay” – consider and contributions / Hambleton Planning evaluate “iplay” playground, or introduce to an officer time and / or Leisure and existing playground and analyse usage. Communities officer time.

S2 More teenage and youth provision in areas of 10.8 Grant funding / Developer Medium term need (e.g. Teen shelters) contributions - construct new pumptrack or similar facility for young people in a key market town.

P6/ The use of “green play” in suitable rural locations 11.28/ Grant funding / Developer Short term S3 – develop a strategic approach for supporting 10.11 contributions / Hambleton Planning organisations that manage play areas to improve officer time and / or Leisure and facilities and introduce elements of “green play” as Communities officer time. informed by the play area audits undertaken as part of this Open Space study.

P4 Address shortfalls in quality of facilities for Short term and Children and Young people as informed by the play Table 6.2 Developer contributions / Hambleton ongoing area audits undertaken as part of this Open Space Planning officer time and / or study and shortfalls in quantity and accessibility as Leisure and Communities officer identified in this study. time.


NO. ACTIONS SECTION REF RESOURCES REQUIRED SHORT / MEDIUM PROGRESS TO DATE REVIEW DATE OR LONG TERM ACTION S4 Interpretation of the heritage and history of the 10.14 Grant funding / Hambleton Leisure Short term and area for residents and visitors to the green and Communities officer time. ongoing spaces of Hambleton. - support organisations that manage play areas and public open space with advice and guidance on information signage.

P2/ Enhancement of biodiversity / use of more natural 11.8; Hambleton Planning officer time and Short term and S5/ S6 landscape methods in open spaces - introduce 10.20 / or Leisure and Communities officer ongoing areas of natural landscape to open spaces to time. increase biodiversity and green infrastructure and define and implement proposals to improve green corridors.

P2 Enhancement of biodiversity - draft Toolkit for 11.6 Hambleton Planning officer time and Medium term enhancement of biodiversity. / or Leisure and Communities officer time. P4/5/6, Use for events and activities - define events and 10.29 Hambleton Leisure and Short term S9 activities strategy and commence implementation Communities officer time.

P4 Enhance existing amenity greenspaces in the 11.28; 11.34 Developer funding / Hambleton Short to medium District’s Market Towns of Easingwold, Thirsk, Planning officer time and / or term Bedale, Stokesley and Northallerton. Leisure and Communities officer time. P4 Address shortfalls in quality of amenity green 11.28; 11.34 Developer funding / Hambleton Short term to spaces in other settlements in the district as Planning officer time and / or medium term informed by the quality audit for amenity greenspace Table 6.3 Leisure and Communities officer undertaken as part of this Open Space study. time.




ANNEX A: NATIONAL PLANNING POLICIES AND GUIDELINES DOCUMENT OVERVIEW PPS1  Delivering sustainable development.  Considered the impact of development on social cohesion and exclusion  Protecting and enhancing the environment.

PPS3  Housing  Provided community and green and open amenity and recreational space  Facilitated the efficient use of resources, and seeks to reduce the impact of climate change  Provided for biodiversity.

PPS 7  Sustainable Development in Rural Areas.  Raising the quality of life and the environment in rural areas through the promotion of (amongst other things) open countryside  Promoted more sustainable patterns of development including a range of uses to maximise the benefits of the countryside fringing urban areas and appropriate leisure opportunities for the enjoyment of the wider countryside.

PPS9  Biodiversity and Geological Conservation.  Development plan policies and planning decisions should be based upon up-to-date information about the environmental characteristics of their areas  Should aim to maintain or add to biodiversity  Should take a strategic approach to biodiversity and incorporate it in to designs  Planning decisions should prevent harm to biodiversity conservation interests.

PPS12  Local Development Frameworks.  Creating strong safe and prosperous communities through Local Spatial Planning  Provides a positive framework for environmental enhancement, and can be used by local authorities as a policy hook for Green Infrastructure.

PPG17  Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation.  Promoting accessibility and locate more intensive recreational uses  Avoiding any significant loss of amenity and improve the quality of the public realm through good design  Providing areas of open space in commercial and industrial areas  Meeting the regeneration needs of areas, using brownfield in preference to greenfield sites  Considering the scope for using any surplus land for open space, sport or recreational use and assess the impact of new facilities on social inclusion.


DOCUMENT OVERVIEW PPS25  Development and Flood Risk.  Strategic assessment and management of flood risk as part of the planning process  New and updated guidance on the management of surface water, including the use of SUDS  Update on changes to UK Climate Change Projections in relation to flood risk management measures.


ANNEX B: OPEN SPACE CATEGORIES TYPOLOGY / QUALITY STANDARD NATIONAL SOURCE NOTES DEFINITION QUANTITY STANDARD Parks and  Welcoming clean, well maintained area with hard/soft 0.8 ha/1,000 Fields in National standard adopted Gardens landscaping population Trust

 A one stop community facility, accessible to all with a 710 m walking Fields in National standard adopted range of leisure, recreational and play opportunities Trust

 Safe to visit, pleasant to walk and sit in

 Cut back trees and bushes for safety and clear sight- lines

 Include paved and planted areas, paths, grassed areas, seating, clear pathways, appropriate lighting and signage to, and within, the site

 Include ramps instead of steps and wide paths for wheelchair and pushchair users

 May provide opportunities for public realm art

 Should link to surrounding green space.

 Clean and well maintained green space, with appropriate

ancillary furniture pathways, and natural landscaping

 Safe site with spacious outlook

 Enhance the environment/ could become a community focus

 Large spaces may afford opportunities for informal play.  Smaller landscaped areas in and around housing areas 92 ANNEXES HAMBLETON OPEN SPACE STRATEGY


 Informal recreation

 Provide connections for wildlife and people movement

 Include, and often connect to, green lungs

 Contribute to biodiversity

Amenity  Planted using native species 0.6 ha/1,000 Fields in greenspace population Trust e.g. Village  Areas to be maintained clear of dog fouling and litter National standard adopted Greens 480 m walking Fields in  Provision of seating and bins Trust National standard adopted

 May provide opportunities for public realm art

 May include woodland.

Play Areas  A range of provision for young people of both equipped 0.25 ha/ Fields in National standard for Children and natural play areas population Trust Adopted and Facilities for  Spaces should be well sited, accessible, convenient, Young visible, safe and secure, with seating for adults, litter bins LAPs – 100m Fields in National standard People and and cycle racks – also consider pushchair/wheelchair LEAPs – 400m Trust adopted Teenagers access NEAPs – 1,000m  Well lit with informal surveillance when possible 700m for Youth provision  Equipment should suit the needs of all ages and abilities



 Zones to prevent conflict and spaces and seating for supervision

 Should be clearly bounded, well maintained, free of dog fouling, have clear pathways, appropriate lighting and signage

 The Council does not encourage the provision of unequipped Local Areas for Play.

 Robust yet imaginative play environments ranging from youth shelters to skate parks and multi-use games areas

 Kick about/games areas, skate parks, basket ball courts

 If located within other areas of open space they should include buffer zones to prevent conflict

 Should promote a sense of ownership and be accessible to all and have clear pathways, appropriate lighting and signage

 They should be visible and safe, well maintained and free of dog fouling

Formal  Encourage greater use of cemeteries for informal Quantity N/A Open Space recreation e.g. allow movement inclusive of cemeteries 94 ANNEXES HAMBLETON OPEN SPACE STRATEGY

TYPOLOGY / QUALITY STANDARD NATIONAL SOURCE NOTES DEFINITION QUANTITY STANDARD – for walking Cemeteries  Contribute to biodiversity 400 m walking GLA National standard adopted (local  Provision of seating and bins significance)

 Good level of natural surveillance and lighting for safety

 Ensure wheelchair/pushchair access and accessible paths for inclusiveness

 Tackle the problem of dog fouling.

 Use of pavement obstructions e.g. Display boards outside shops

Formal  Secure area of land commonly within, or on the edge of, 0.2 ha /1000 Thorpe Thorpe Report standard adopted Open Space a developed area which can be rented by local people Report - Allotment for the growing of vegetables, flowers or fruit not-for- Gardens profit

 Provide opportunities for those who wish to do so to 400 m walking GLA GLA standard adopted grow their own produce, and support health, (local sustainability and social inclusion significance)

 Sites should be well drained and accessible with wide paved paths, car access and parking, toilets, recycling facilities and inorganic waste disposal facilities

 Areas should be well lit and provide safe paths.




) ) % % 5 5 ( (1 n o ) ce ti ) % n a % 5 a ) t 0 ( n % ap 1 e te 5 d ( ag n (1 ) a s ) n i ) % ie % ) g a % ty 0 e it 5 % i m 5 e 1 g il 1 0 /s / 1 f ( an c ( 1 n ss ( a e h fa s ( o e e /s p c es rt ti r n n a) n y a ry c o a e io io h li m it c te a c p % b t t ( n co r s a ll A s rm l m a a e e a l u d ci n o ta u c c p z le e c n lim n te a f N Lo Lo Ty Si C W Se La C A Si Tr In To 10 Linton Playground Linton-on-Ouse CYP 0.17 4.6 2.7 4.9 3.4 1.8 3.6 4.1 3.6 0.5 65 11 Appleton Wiske Play Area Front Street, Appleton Wiske CYP 1.47 4.5 1.8 3.2 1.4 0.8 3.0 2.7 2.7 0.5 45 17 Station Road Station Road, Brompton CYP 0.11 4.6 0.9 2.4 1.4 0.9 2.1 3.1 2.7 0.0 40 25 Aldwark Rice Lane, Aldwark CYP 0.06 5.0 2.7 3.0 1.8 1.0 2.1 1.4 1.8 0.9 44 41 Aiskew Kingfisher Drive, Aiskew CYP 0.02 5.4 1.8 3.6 2.1 1.0 2.5 1.8 1.8 0.5 45 53 Newton on Ouse Playground Tollerton Road, Newton on Ouse CYP 1.53 5.1 0.9 2.4 1.8 1.0 1.8 0.9 1.8 0.0 35 56 Shipton Playground Main Street, Shipton CYP 0.04 5.0 2.7 4.9 3.0 1.5 3.2 2.3 2.7 0.8 58 64 Applegarth Playground The Applegarth, Applegarth CYP 0.08 5.1 3.1 4.3 2.7 1.2 3.9 4.5 3.6 0.9 65 68 Easingwold Playground Back Lane, Easingwold CYP 0.16 5.1 3.6 4.9 2.7 1.4 3.2 4.5 3.6 1.4 67 69 Crayke Playground Easingwold Road, Crayke CYP 0.61 5.4 1.8 3.2 0.0 0.6 1.8 1.4 1.4 0.9 37 70 Scruton Playground Station Road, Scruton CYP 0.63 5.4 2.7 4.1 2.3 1.4 1.8 2.7 2.7 0.9 53 72 Play Area, Rowan Avenue Rowan Avenue, Easingwold CYP 0.06 5.4 2.3 3.8 1.6 1.0 2.1 2.7 2.7 0.8 50 73 Playround R/O County Hall Broomfield Park, Northallerton CYP 0.14 5.4 1.8 5.1 2.3 1.2 3.4 4.1 3.6 0.5 61 75 Thistle Close Playground Land Adjacent Thistle Close, Northallerton CYP 0.01 5.4 2.3 5.4 3.2 1.7 3.6 4.1 3.6 0.5 66 76 Great Ayton Playground Playing Fields, Central Way, Great Ayton CYP 0.16 4.7 1.8 3.8 2.5 1.2 2.5 1.8 1.8 0.5 46 77 Northallerton Road Playground Northallerton Road, Brompton CYP 0.09 4.7 2.3 3.2 3.0 1.7 3.0 1.8 2.7 0.8 51 78 Bankhead Play Area Bankhead Road Northallerton CYP 0.14 5.4 1.8 3.2 1.4 0.9 2.5 1.8 2.7 0.5 45 79 Carlton Miniott Playground Carlton Road, Carlton Miniott CYP 0.20 5.0 1.8 2.7 2.1 1.4 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.5 42 80 Robin Lane Robin Lane, Huby CYP 0.10 4.6 4.5 2.4 1.4 1.0 2.3 2.7 1.8 1.8 50 88 Great Broughton Playing Fields Kirkby Lane, Great Broughton CYP 0.06 4.7 2.3 4.3 2.3 1.5 3.0 2.7 2.7 0.5 53 90 Tally Hill Land at Tally Hill, Huby CYP 0.45 4.9 2.3 2.7 2.5 1.4 0.9 1.4 1.8 0.9 42 91 Enterpen Play Area Enterpen, Hutton Rudby CYP 0.09 4.3 4.1 4.6 3.0 1.8 3.2 5.0 3.6 1.2 68 95 Leeming Recreation Area Mill Lane, Leeming CYP 0.24 4.7 4.5 3.0 1.4 1.0 2.4 3.1 1.8 1.7 52 99 Great Broughton Playground Kirkby Lane, Great Broughton CYP 0.06 4.9 1.8 4.5 1.2 1.4 2.5 4.1 3.6 0.5 54 101 Raskelf Raskelf to Easingwold CYP 0.76 4.9 0.9 3.8 2.3 1.5 2.1 2.3 2.7 0.0 45 108 West Tanfield Playground Tanfield Bridge, West Tanfield CYP 0.10 4.3 2.3 3.0 2.3 1.5 2.1 1.4 1.8 0.0 41 110 Bullamoor Road Bullamoor Road, Northallerton CYP 0.06 4.9 1.8 3.0 1.6 0.9 2.5 2.3 2.7 0.5 45 116 Sowerby Play Area Sowerby Road, Sowerby CYP 0.70 4.6 3.6 4.6 2.4 1.4 3.6 4.1 2.7 0.9 62 123 Norby Playground Front Street, Norby CYP 0.08 5.1 2.0 4.6 3.4 1.5 3.2 5.4 3.6 0.5 65 128 Easingwold Memorial Park Crabmill Lane, Easingwold CYP 0.36 5.1 4.5 5.1 3.2 1.7 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.4 73


163 Mattison Close Mattison Close, Leeming Bar CYP 0.32 3.5 1.1 1.9 0.7 0.8 2.4 1.8 1.8 0.0 31 169 Newton Road Newton Road, Tollerton CYP 0.10 5.4 0.4 2.4 1.2 0.8 2.3 1.4 1.8 0.0 35 172 Play Area, Bryden Close Bryden Close, Romanby CYP 0.11 4.7 2.3 4.9 3.2 1.5 3.3 2.7 2.7 1.2 59 173 Harewood Chasey Harewood Chase, Romanby CYP 0.02 5.4 2.7 5.9 3.6 1.7 3.2 4.5 4.5 0.8 72 177 Peirse Close Peirse Close, Bedale CYP 0.02 4.6 1.4 3.5 0.9 0.8 3.0 3.6 3.6 0.5 48 178 Ascough Wynd Ascough Wynd, Aiskew CYP 0.32 4.9 0.7 5.4 N/A 0.0 3.6 4.1 4.5 0.0 51 187 The Green Play Area, Crakehall The Green Play Area CYP 0.11 5.0 1.4 3.4 2.7 1.7 2.4 1.4 1.8 0.0 44 190 Bedale Hall Play Area Bedale Hall, Bedale CYP 0.04 5.1 3.1 5.4 3.6 1.8 3.6 4.5 3.6 0.9 70 193 Beech Close Beech Close, Snape CYP 0.81 4.1 1.8 2.7 1.6 1.2 0.9 1.4 1.8 0.8 36 208 Thornton Watlass Play Area Thornton Watlass CYP 1.57 4.3 0.9 2.4 2.3 1.5 1.6 0.9 1.8 0.0 35 212 Church Street Play Area Church Street Play Area, Well CYP 0.02 6.3 5.0 3.8 1.6 1.2 3.0 4.5 2.7 2.3 67 213 Play Area Play Area, Picton CYP 0.66 6.3 5.8 4.1 2.5 1.0 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.8 75 216 Recreation Area r/o Black Horse Inn 23 High Street, Swainby CYP 0.78 5.4 5.8 5.4 3.4 1.8 2.7 5.8 3.6 2.3 80 221 North Road Playground North Road, Stokesley CYP 0.08 5.1 2.3 4.3 2.5 1.2 3.3 3.1 2.7 0.8 56 222 Freemans Way Freemans Way, Leeming Bar CYP 1.57 5.4 1.8 4.6 2.1 1.4 3.2 2.7 2.7 0.8 54 223 Bedale Road Bedale Road, Leeming Bar CYP 0.32 4.7 1.8 3.8 2.3 1.7 2.5 1.4 1.8 0.5 45 230 Carr Lane Playground Carr Lane, Stillington CYP 2.64 5.1 3.4 4.3 1.4 1.0 2.5 2.7 2.7 0.9 53 238 Bagby Play Area Play Area, Bagby CYP 0.61 5.1 5.4 4.6 3.4 1.7 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.5 75 250 Dalton Playground Playground, Dalton CYP 0.61 4.7 2.7 3.8 1.8 1.2 3.0 2.3 1.8 0.8 49 252 Play Area, Appleton Wiske Recreation Ground Front Street, Appleton Wiske CYP 0.44 5.0 2.3 4.3 2.3 1.4 2.3 1.8 1.8 0.6 48 272 Low Street Play Area Low Street, Husthwaite CYP 0.46 5.7 4.5 4.7 1.8 1.0 3.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 71 274 Main Street Playground, Linton on Ouse Main Street, Linton on Ouse CYP 0.13 5.1 6.1 4.5 2.1 1.8 3.2 4.5 2.7 2.3 71 275/276 Play Area East Harsley Amenity Space, East Harsley CYP 0.78 5.4 2.7 5.1 3.2 1.8 3.4 3.1 2.7 0.5 62 283 Land at Jervaulx Road Land at Jervaulx Road CYP 0.07 4.5 1.8 2.7 2.1 1.4 1.2 0.9 1.8 0.6 37 292 Recreational Area Recreational Area, Brandsby CYP 1.46 5.1 0.9 3.0 1.6 1.4 1.4 0.9 1.8 0.0 36 294 Robb Close Robb Close, Thirsk CYP 0.06 5.0 0.9 4.5 1.8 0.8 2.4 2.0 2.7 0.0 45 295 Sessay Playground Main Street, Sessay CYP 1.64 4.3 1.4 1.1 0.9 0.8 1.4 1.4 1.8 0.8 30 342 Back Lane Playground Back Lane, Alne CYP 0.18 5.1 2.3 3.8 2.3 1.4 2.7 2.3 1.8 0.9 50


) ) % % 5 5 ( (1 n o ) ce ti ) % n a % 5 a ) t 0 ( n % ap 1 e te 5 d ( ag n (1 ) a s ) n i ) % ie % ) g a % ty 0 e it 5 % i m 5 e 1 g il 1 0 /s / 1 f ( an c ( 1 n ss ( a e h fa s ( o e e /s p c es rt ti r n a) n y a ry c o a e io h li m it c te a c p % b t ( n co r s a ll A s rm l m a e e a l u d ci n o a u c p z le e c n lim n te a f t N Lo Ty Si C W Se La C A Si Tr In To 1 Pickhill Village Green Pickhill Village Green, The Green, Pickhill AGS 1.58 5.4 5.4 4.7 3.2 1.7 3.2 2.7 2.7 2.3 69 3 Swale Green Helperby Brisge Street, Swale Green AGS 1.71 4.6 1.4 1.8 0.9 1.2 0.3 0.4 0.9 0.6 27 4 Nether Silton Village Green Lead Lane, Newther Silton AGS 0.38 5.1 5.4 4.5 3.4 1.7 2.1 2.7 1.8 N/A 64 6 Exelby Village Green Tofts Lane, Exelby AGS 0.10 5.1 4.1 5.1 3.0 1.7 1.4 2.7 2.7 N/A 61 18 Thorntree Road Thorntree Road, Northallerton AGS 0.38 5.4 2.7 5.0 3.6 1.8 0.9 2.0 2.7 0.9 56 19 Land behind South View South View, Northallerton AGS 1.16 5.0 2.0 3.0 1.4 1.4 0.9 3.1 2.7 0.9 45 20 Lewis Close Lewis Close, Northallerton AGS 0.12 5.4 5.4 4.7 3.4 1.7 0.9 1.4 2.7 N/A 61 23 Sinderby Village Green The Village Green, Sinderby AGS 0.38 5.4 2.7 5.1 3.4 1.7 3.3 5.4 3.6 0.0 68 24 Sutton Howgrave Village Green Village Green, Sutton Howgrave AGS 0.21 4.7 4.1 4.1 3.0 1.8 2.7 1.4 2.7 N/A 56 26 Carlton Husthwaite Green Carlton Husthwaite, YO7 2BJ AGS 0.95 5.1 3.4 4.9 3.0 1.8 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.2 70 27 Oulston Village Green Oulston Village Green, Oulston AGS 0.34 5.1 1.4 4.5 3.0 1.7 1.4 1.4 2.7 0.0 47 28 High Green, Brompton Church View, Brompton AGS 0.25 5.0 4.5 4.6 3.6 1.8 2.7 4.1 3.3 2.1 70 29 Little Green, Brompton Church View, Brompton AGS 0.20 5.0 4.5 4.6 3.6 1.8 1.8 4.1 3.3 0.9 66 32 Land at Hilton Close Hilton Close, Brompton AGS 0.05 5.1 1.4 2.0 1.2 0.8 0.3 1.4 1.8 N/A 87 34 Amenity land Hambleton Leisure Centre Land, Northallerton AGS 0.75 4.5 5.4 4.5 3.4 1.8 3.6 2.7 2.7 N/A 68 36 Darlington Road Darlington Road, Northallerton AGS 0.91 4.1 5.4 5.0 3.6 1.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A 73 40 Shire Road Shire Road, Thirsk AGS 0.08 5.1 3.4 3.2 2.1 1.0 0.9 2.7 1.8 0.9 47 42 Land At Water End Water End, Brompton AGS 2.78 5.1 3.1 4.1 3.6 1.8 2.5 1.4 3.0 0.6 56 43 Great Smeaton Village Green Smeaton Village Street, Great Smeaton AGS 0.16 5.0 5.4 4.6 3.6 1.8 3.6 4.7 3.6 N/A 75 44 Land off Northallerton Road Northallerton Road, Great Smeaton AGS 0.21 4.9 5.4 5.2 3.6 1.8 1.4 5.4 3.2 N/A 73 45 Hornby Village Green Village Green, Hornby AGS 0.58 5.4 4.1 4.5 3.4 1.8 0.0 1.4 1.8 N/A 51 46 Land at The Nookin The Nookin, Husthwaite AGS 0.04 5.8 2.0 5.1 3.4 1.8 3.2 0.0 1.8 N/A 54 47 Low Worsall Village Green The Green, Low Worsall AGS 1.44 5.1 2.7 4.7 3.6 1.8 1.8 1.4 1.8 0.0 51 48 Land adj to Church Cottage Church Cottage, Maunby AGS 0.03 5.0 5.4 4.1 3.4 1.8 1.8 2.7 2.7 N/A 63 49 Land at Myton on Swale Land at Myton on Swale AGS 0.01 5.4 5.4 4.1 3.4 1.8 0.6 1.4 1.8 0.0 53 50 Myton Village Green Myton Village Green, Myton on Swale AGS 0.17 5.4 5.4 4.7 3.6 1.8 2.1 5.4 3.6 1.7 75 51 Newby Wiske Village Green Newby Wiske Village Green, Newby Wiske AGS 0.02 5.1 5.4 4.6 3.4 1.7 3.0 5.4 3.6 N/A 75


52 Newton on Ouse Village Green Moor Lane, Newton on ouse AGS 0.10 5.1 4.1 4.5 3.4 1.8 3.2 2.7 2.7 0.9 63 55 Nosterfield Village Green Thornfield Road, Nosterfield AGS 0.14 5.0 1.4 3.8 2.5 1.8 2.4 1.4 1.8 0.0 45 59 Land at High Street High Street, Northallerton AGS 0.17 5.0 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 3.6 4.7 2.7 N/A 75 61 Land at Lime Grove Lime Grove, Burneston AGS 0.10 6.2 4.7 4.5 3.4 1.5 1.8 4.1 2.7 N/A 68 62 Millennium Green Dowber Way, Thirsk AGS 1.38 5.1 2.7 5.1 3.6 1.7 3.0 4.1 3.6 0.5 65 65 Tollerton Green The Green, Tollerton AGS 0.94 5.1 2.0 4.5 3.4 1.8 2.7 0.0 1.8 0.0 47 67 Sowerby Flats Sowerby Road, Sowerby AGS 6.97 5.1 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 3.6 5.4 3.6 1.8 79 71 Station Road Recreational Area Station Road, Scruton AGS 0.63 5.1 2.7 3.8 2.3 1.2 0.7 2.3 2.7 0.9 48 74 Ainderby Steeple Village Green The Green, Ainderby Steeple AGS 0.36 4.7 2.7 4.1 3.6 1.8 3.6 2.7 3.0 0.0 58 81 Great Ayton Low Green Low Green, Great Ayton AGS 0.62 5.1 4.1 5.1 3.6 1.7 3.9 2.7 2.7 1.8 68 82 Land At High Street High Street, Great Ayton AGS 0.07 5.1 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.8 3.3 2.7 2.7 1.8 70 83 High Green High Green, Great Ayton AGS 0.35 5.0 5.1 5.1 3.2 1.7 3.0 4.1 2.7 1.8 70 86 Land At Roseworth Roseworth, Great Broughton AGS 0.11 5.4 5.4 4.5 3.6 1.8 0.0 1.4 2.7 N/A 58 87 Land at Great Broughton Crossroads High Street, Great Broughton AGS 0.16 4.9 5.4 4.7 3.6 1.8 1.2 5.4 3.6 N/A 73 93 Land at North End North End, Hutton Rudby AGS 0.15 5.4 5.0 5.1 3.6 1.7 3.6 2.7 2.3 1.5 69 94 Hutton Rudby Village Green East Side, Hutton Rudby AGS 0.90 5.0 2.3 4.1 3.6 1.8 3.0 2.7 3.0 0.9 58 96 Amenity Land, Lowfield Lane Lowfield Lane, Kirkby Fleetham AGS 2.65 5.1 3.4 4.5 3.2 1.5 3.0 5.4 3.6 0.5 67 97 Kirkby Fleetham Village Green The Green, Kirkby Fleethm AGS 0.92 5.1 5.4 4.7 3.6 1.7 3.6 2.7 2.7 N/A 70 98 Knayton Village Green Village Green, Knayton AGS 0.13 5.4 4.7 4.7 3.4 1.7 1.8 2.7 2.7 1.8 64 103 Snape Village Green Village Green, Snape AGS 0.22 5.4 5.4 4.5 3.6 1.8 1.4 4.1 2.7 N/A 68 104 South Kilvington Village Green Upsall Lane, South Kilvington AGS 0.38 5.4 5.4 4.5 3.6 1.8 1.4 4.1 2.7 N/A 68 107 Thornton Watlass Village Green The Village Green, Thornton Watlass AGS 1.32 4.9 2.7 4.1 3.2 1.8 1.2 2.7 2.7 0.0 51 111 Land at Grange Drive Grange Drive, Stokesley AGS 0.18 5.1 3.4 4.5 3.2 1.7 1.2 5.4 3.6 N/A 65 112 St James Green St James Green, Thirsk AGS 0.21 5.4 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 3.6 4.1 2.7 1.8 75 113 Little Green Little Green, Thirsk AGS 0.26 5.1 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.8 3.6 2.7 2.7 N/A 70 118 Maunby Village Green Maunby Village Green, Maunby AGS 0.21 5.1 3.4 4.3 3.6 1.8 2.1 3.4 2.7 0.5 60 119 Tholthorpe Green The Green, Tholthorpe AGS 0.28 5.8 5.0 4.5 3.0 1.5 3.6 1.4 2.7 1.5 64 120 Bullamoor Memorial Park Forest Road, Northallerton AGS 1.20 5.1 1.8 4.1 2.5 1.5 2.7 1.8 2.7 0.5 50 121 Kirklington Village Green The Green, Kirklington AGS 0.78 4.5 2.7 3.4 3.2 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.8 0.0 44 122 Land at Front Street Land at Front Street, Norby AGS 1.36 4.9 5.4 4.7 3.6 1.4 1.2 5.4 3.6 N/A 70 125 Stockton Road Stockton Road, Thirsk AGS 0.46 4.7 5.4 4.9 3.6 1.8 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.4 75 126 Herriott Way Herriott Way, Thirsk AGS 0.11 5.1 4.1 3.6 3.2 1.8 0.0 2.7 2.7 N/A 54 130 Land at St Joseph's Taunton Road, Stokesley AGS 0.21 5.1 2.7 4.1 3.0 1.5 0.9 3.1 2.7 N/A 54 131 Land at Preston Way Preston Way, Stokesley AGS 0.15 5 3.7 4 3.2 1.5 1.8 3.4 2.7 0.8 58 133 Land at Fairford Road Fairford Road, Stokesley AGS 1.65 4.7 0.9 3.5 1.4 1.0 1.8 1.4 1.8 0.8 38 135 Land at Westlands Westlands, Stokesley AGS 0.24 4.9 5.4 4.7 3.6 1.8 0.0 N/A N/A N/A 63


137 Sutton on the Forest The Green Main Street, Sutton on the Forest AGS 0.20 5.4 1.8 4.7 3.6 1.8 1.2 5.4 3.6 0 62 141 Trinity Gardens Trinity Gardens, Northallerton AGS 0.15 5.4 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 1.2 5.4 3.6 N/A 75 143 Bankhead Road Bankhead Road, Northallerton AGS 0.61 5.4 3.1 4.3 3.4 1.7 1.6 1.8 2.7 0.5 54 145 Central Drive Central Drive, Northallerton AGS 0.09 5.4 2.7 4.1 3.2 1.8 0.0 N/A N/A 0.5 53 146 Valley Road Valley Road, Northallerton AGS 0.33 5.1 3.4 4.6 3.4 1.8 2.1 5.4 3.6 0.5 66 147 Crosby Road Crosby Road, Northallerton AGS 0.24 4.7 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.4 2.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 75 148 Grenadier Drive Grenadier Drive, Northallerton AGS 0.19 5.1 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.7 1.2 5.4 3.6 N/A 73 149 Bryden Close Bryden Close, Northallerton AGS 0.67 5.1 3.4 4.6 3.4 1.7 0.6 1.8 2.7 N/A 54 151 Crestbrooke Crestbrooke, Northallerton AGS 0.16 5.7 4.1 5.8 3.6 1.8 1.2 5.4 3.6 0.8 71 152 Broomfield Park Broomfield Park, Northallerton AGS 1.37 5.0 1.8 5.4 2.3 1.2 3.2 4.1 3.6 0.5 60 153 Thistle Close Thistle Close, Northallerton AGS 0.52 5.4 2.7 5.4 3.6 1.7 3.6 4.1 3.6 0.5 68 154 OS Field 2140 OS Field 2140, Northallerton AGS 1.11 5.0 3.4 5.4 3.4 1.6 2.4 4.1 3.6 0.5 65 158 Land at Manor Green Land at Manor Green, Romanby AGS 0.11 4.9 1.4 3.1 1.6 0.9 1.4 1.4 2.7 0.5 39 159 Romanby Green Manor Green, Romanby AGS 0.13 5.0 5.4 4.1 3.2 1.5 1.4 1.4 2.7 N/A 56 162 Great Fencote Village Green Village Green, Great Fencote AGS 0.13 5.1 5.4 4.1 3.3 1.8 0.0 2.7 2.7 N/A 58 164 Land at Townend Pond High Street, Stillington AGS 0.31 4.9 2.7 5.4 3.9 2.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 69 166 Church Hil Church Hill, Crayke AGS 0.50 4.9 0.7 2.0 0.9 0.9 1.8 0.0 0.9 0.0 27 167 Cross Wood Cross Wood, Londonderry AGS 0.90 4.3 N/A 4.1 4.1 1.8 N/A 1.4 1.8 N/A 39 170 Newby Village Green Sneak Gate Lane, Newby AGS 1.17 4.7 0.9 3.1 3.0 1.7 3.2 1.4 3.0 0.0 47 171 Seamer Village Green The Green, Seamer AGS 0.09 5.1 2.7 4.5 3.4 1.8 3.6 2.7 3.6 0.0 61 174 Sowerby Memorial Park Sowerby Road, Sowerby AGS 0.09 5.0 2.3 4.9 3.6 1.8 3.6 3.1 3.6 0.0 62 175 Peirse Close Peirse Close, Bedale AGS 0.97 4.5 2.7 4.6 3.0 1.7 2.4 1.8 1.8 0.5 51 176 Blakey Lane Blakey Lane, Sowerby AGS 0.31 4.3 4.7 3.5 2.5 1.7 0.6 2.7 2.7 1.7 54 183 North End North End, Bedale AGS 0.17 4.6 2.7 4.1 3.2 1.8 3.6 1.4 2.7 N/A 56 184 Bedale Hall Park North End, Bedale AGS 1.26 5.0 3.8 5.7 3.6 1.8 3.6 5.4 3.6 1.2 75 188 Crakehall Green The Green, Crakehall AGS 1.53 5.4 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.7 3.6 4.7 3.6 1.8 78 191 Thirkleby Village Green Long Causeway, Thirkleby AGS 0.08 5.0 3.4 4.1 3.2 1.7 2.7 1.4 1.8 0.8 53 192 Recreational Field Recreational Field, Thornton le Beans AGS 0.24 5.4 2.3 4.9 2.7 1.5 2.7 3.6 2.7 0.9 59 194 The Green The Green, Romanby AGS 0.58 4.7 5.4 5.1 3.4 1.8 3.4 4.1 2.7 N/A 73 200 Galtres Land Galtres Land, Easingwold AGS 0.01 5.4 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.8 3.0 4.7 2.7 N/A 75 201 Market Green Market Green Easingwold AGS 0.09 5.7 5.4 5.9 3.9 1.8 4.2 6.3 3.6 1.5 85 202 Easingwold Market Place The Crescent, Easingwold AGS 0.03 5.7 5.4 5.0 3.0 1.6 1.6 4.1 2.7 N/A 68 204 Larch Rise Larch Rise, Easingwold AGS 0.91 5.1 5.4 4.9 3.6 1.8 2.7 4.1 2.7 N/A 70 206 Hunters Close Hunters Close, Easingwold AGS 1.02 5.8 4.1 4.9 3.4 1.7 4.2 5.4 4.1 0.8 76 214 Great Busby Village Green Busby Lane, Great Busby AGS 0.02 5.7 2.0 4.1 3.2 1.8 1.8 0.0 2.7 0.0 47 215 Land At Mill Lane Land At Mill Lane, Faceby AGS 0.47 4.9 2.7 2.7 1.8 1.4 0.0 0.0 1.8 0.0 34 217 Carlton in Cleveland Village Green Village Green, Carlton in Cleveland AGS 0.13 5.1 2.0 4.1 3.6 1.8 2.7 0.0 1.8 0.0 47 218 Land Opposite Church House Church House, Middleton on Leven AGS 0.03 5.0 5.4 4.5 3.0 1.5 2.7 1.4 2.7 N/A 61 220 West Green West Green, Stokesley AGS 0.32 5.7 5.0 4.6 3.6 1.7 2.4 4.7 3.2 1.4 72 224 Land at Cromwell Drive Cromwell Drive, Morton on Swale AGS 0.17 5.1 5.4 4.3 3.6 1.8 2.4 5.4 3.6 N/A 75 225 Sandhutton Green Sandhutton Village Street, Sandhutton AGS 0.34 4.7 4.1 4.5 2.7 1.7 3.6 2.7 2.7 N/A 63


226 Scruton Communal Land Common Lane, Scruton AGS 1.64 5.1 5.4 4.1 3.4 1.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.8 66 227 Dawnay Garth Dawnay Garth, Shipton AGS 0.27 5.1 2.0 4.5 2.7 1.4 0.9 3.4 2.7 0.0 50 228 South Otterington Village Green Village Green, South Otterington AGS 0.03 5.1 5.4 4.5 3.6 1.8 2.4 2.7 2.7 N/A 65 229 Top Green Top Green, Stillington AGS 0.08 5.0 2.0 4.1 3.2 1.8 1.4 1.4 1.8 0.0 46 231 Land at Beechwood Avenue Beechwood Avenue, Stokesley AGS 0.08 4.9 0.7 2.4 0.9 0.8 0.9 4.1 2.7 N/A 40 232 Land at Linwood Avenue Linwood Avenue, Stokesley AGS 0.18 4.6 3.4 3.4 1.8 1.0 0.9 0.0 1.8 N/A 40 233 Land at Crowood Avenue Crowood Avenue, Stokesley AGS 0.19 4.3 2.0 4.1 2.1 1.2 1.8 3.1 2.7 0.8 49 236 The Green The Green Stillington AGS 0.81 4.9 0.4 2.7 1.8 1.0 0.0 1.4 1.8 0.0 31 242 The Orchards The Orchards, Sutton on the Forest AGS 0.12 4.7 2.0 3.5 2.3 1.2 1.8 1.4 1.8 0.9 44 243 Mallison Avenue Mallison Avenue, Stillington AGS 1.56 5.0 1.8 2.7 3.4 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.8 0.9 45 246 Windross Square Windross Square, Easingwold AGS 0.12 5.1 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.7 3.6 5.4 2.7 N/A 77 247 Land at Drovers Court Drovers Court, Easingwold AGS 0.03 5.1 1.4 3.8 3.0 1.8 0.6 1.8 1.8 0.0 43 248 Uppleby Amenity Land Uppleby Amenity Land, Easingwold AGS 0.44 5.1 4.7 5.4 3.6 1.7 1.2 5.4 2.7 N/A 70 251 Amenity Land Small Village Green, Ainderby Steeple AGS 0.20 4.7 2.7 4.1 3.6 1.8 2.4 2.7 2.7 0.0 55 253 Applegarth Park Applegarth Park, Applegarth, Bedale AGS 0.47 5.1 4.1 5.1 3.6 1.8 3.9 4.5 3.6 0.9 72 267 Harbour View Harbour View, Bedale AGS 0.11 5.4 5.4 5.4 3.4 1.9 2.5 3.6 2.3 1.8 71 269 The Dialstone The Dialstone, Bedale AGS 0.03 5.4 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.7 3.6 5.4 3.6 N/A 80 270 Oak Tree Drive Oak Tree Drive, Bedale AGS 0.51 5.1 2.7 4.6 3.4 1.7 1.8 3.1 2.7 0.5 57 271 Village Green Bedale Wycar, Bedale AGS 0.13 5.0 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A 77 277 Dondeen Avenue Dondeen Avenue, Thirsk AGS 0.51 4.3 1.4 4.7 2.1 1.2 1.2 4.1 3.6 0.5 51 278 Land at The Acres The Acres, Stokesley AGS 0.73 5.0 4.7 4.9 2.5 1.5 2.1 5.4 3.6 N/A 70 279 Land at Millfield Lane Millfield Lane, Easingwold AGS 1.77 5.4 5.7 5.7 3.6 1.8 4.1 6.3 4.5 1.8 86 280 Castle Garth Castle Garth, Thirsk AGS 0.78 5.4 5.4 4.3 2.1 1.0 3.6 5.4 3.6 1.8 73 290 Amenity Area Leyburn Road, Crayke AGS 0.37 5.1 4.1 4.9 3.6 1.8 3.2 4.1 3.6 N/A 70 291 Amenity Land Lagthorne Hall, Langthorne AGS 0.36 5.7 2.7 4.1 3.4 1.7 0.0 2.7 2.7 N/A 54 292 Brandsby Recreational Area, Brandsby AGS 1.46 5.1 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.7 0.0 N/A N/A N/A 67 293 Amenity Space, Smithy Green Smithy Green, Appleton Wiske AGS 0.29 5.4 5.4 4.6 3.4 1.5 2.1 5.4 3.6 N/A 73 297 Amenity Land Amenity Land, Carlton In Cleveland AGS 0.14 5.1 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.7 0 N/A N/A N/A 67 303 Land at Hunters Ride Hunters Ride, Appleton Wiske AGS 0.04 5.4 5.4 4.6 3.4 1.5 2.1 5.4 5.4 N/A 73 392 Amenity Land Long Street, Easingwold AGS 0.75 5.1 5.4 5.1 3.6 1.7 3.6 5.4 3.6 N/A 75


) ) % % 5 5 ( (1 n o ) ce ti ) % n a % 5 a ) t 0 ( n % ap 1 e te 5 d ( ag n (1 ) a s ) n i ) % ie % ) g a % ty 0 e it 5 % i m 5 e 1 g il 1 0 /s / 1 f ( an c ( 1 n ss ( a e h fa s ( o e e /s p c es rt ti r n a) n y a ry c o a e io h li m it c te a c p % b t ( n co r s a ll A s rm l m a e e a l u d ci n o a u c p z le e c n lim n te a f t N Lo Ty Si C W Se La C A Si Tr In To 298 St Mary's Graveyard, Birdforth Birdforth, YO61 4NW C 0.19 4.3 2.7 2.2 2.3 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.8 0.8 41 299 St Mary's Graveyard, Raskelf Raskelf, YO61 3LG C 0.27 5.1 2.0 4.9 2.7 1.7 2.4 5.4 3.6 0.0 62 300 St Mary's Graveyard, Kilburn Kilburn, YO61 4AH C 0.30 5.0 3.1 4.1 2.3 1.5 1.8 2.7 1.8 0.9 51 304 St Mary's Graveyard, Over Silton Kirk Ings Lane, Over Silton C 0.28 5.1 2.7 3.5 2.7 1.7 1.6 3.1 2.7 0.5 52 305 St Mary's Graveyard South Cowton C 0.57 4.5 2.4 2.7 2.5 1.8 1.6 2.3 1.8 0.5 45 306 St Mary's Graveyard, Leake Leake, YO7 4BN C 0.75 5.4 2.7 4.1 3.2 1.7 2.1 3.6 3.6 0.9 60 307 St Michael's Graveyard, Coxwold Coxwold, YO61 4AB C 0.68 5.1 2.7 4.1 2.3 1.5 2.7 3.1 2.7 0.0 54 308 St Michael's Graveyard, Maunby St Michael and All Angels, Maunby C 0.12 5.4 3.1 3.2 2.7 1.7 2.1 1.4 1.8 1.4 50 309 St Michael's Graveyard, Well Church Street, Well C 0.72 5.1 4.5 4.3 2.5 1.7 1.6 3.1 1.8 1.2 57 310 St Michael's Graveyard, Kirklington Whitecross Hill, Kirklington, DL8 2NB C 0.73 5.1 4.9 5.4 3.6 1.8 2.7 5.4 3.6 1.4 75 311 St Michael's Graveyard, North Otterington North Otterington, DL7 9JG C 0.55 4.5 2.4 2.7 2.5 1.7 1.4 3.6 2.7 0.5 49 312 St Nicholas' Graveyard, West Tanfield Main Street, West Tanfield C 0.37 5.0 4.7 4.3 3.4 1.7 2.1 5.0 3.6 1.4 69 313 St Nicholas, Stillington Vicars Lane, Stillington, YO61 1LA C 0.19 5.4 2.7 4.9 2.5 1.7 2.7 4.5 3.6 0.9 64 314 St Nicholas' Graveyard, Husthwaite High Street, Husthwaite, YO61 4QA C 0.19 5.7 5.1 4.3 2.7 1.5 2.3 3.1 1.8 1.5 62 315 St Oswald's Graveyard West Rounton C 0.19 5.4 5.1 4.6 3.6 1.8 0.9 4.5 2.7 1.8 68 316 St Oswald's Graveyard East Harlsey C 1.08 5.7 3.4 5.1 3.4 1.7 1.4 4.5 3.6 0.8 65 317 St Oswald, Sowerby Front Street, Sowerby, YO7 1LG C 0.33 5.1 1.8 5.4 3.4 1.8 2.9 3.6 3.6 1.2 64 318 St Peter's Graveyard, Osmotherley School Lane, Osmotherley, DL6 3BL C 0.19 5.0 3.8 4.3 2.5 1.5 2.5 5.0 3.6 1.4 66 319 St Peter's Graveyard, Birkby Birkby Lane, Birkby, DL7 0EF C 0.64 5.4 4.7 5.1 3.4 1.7 2.3 5.4 3.6 1.8 74 320 Stokesley Cemetery High Street, Stokesley C 1.36 5.0 4.1 4.3 3.4 1.8 1.8 3.6 2.7 1.4 62 321 St Peter's, Dalby Low Lane, Dalby C 0.21 5.1 2.4 3.2 2.5 1.8 2.3 2.3 1.8 0.0 48


322 St Peter's Brafferton Bridge Street, Brafferton, YO61 2NW C 0.64 5.1 4.7 4.1 2.7 1.3 2.3 4.1 3.6 1.7 65 323 St Radegund's Graveyard, Scruton Scruton, DL7 0QY C 0.17 5.1 4.1 5.1 3.4 1.8 1.8 3.6 2.7 0.9 64 324 St Stephen's, Aldwark Aldwark, YO61 1UB C 0.17 5.0 2.0 3.8 2.3 1.4 1.4 2.7 1.8 0.9 47 325 St Thomas' Graveyard, Brompton Church View, Brompton, DL6 2QX C 0.30 5.1 4.7 4.6 3.4 1.7 2.5 5.4 3.6 1.4 72 326 St Wilfrid, Thirsk Stockton Road, South Kilvington C 0.30 5.1 4.5 4.3 3.2 1.8 3.0 5.0 2.7 1.5 69 327 St Wilfrid's Graveyard Little Langton C 0.51 4.5 3.1 1.4 2.5 1.5 0.9 1.4 1.8 0.8 39 328 St Wilfrid's Graveyard Kirby Knowle C 0.75 5.4 4.5 5.4 3.4 1.5 1.2 5.0 3.6 1.4 70 329 Sutton on the Forest Cemetery Skates Lane, Sutton on the Forest C 0.20 4.7 2.4 4.6 3.2 1.7 1.6 2.7 1.8 0.9 52 330 St John's Graveyard Skipton on Swale C 0.18 4.7 2.3 4.1 2.5 1.7 1.2 1.4 1.8 0.5 45 331 St John's Cemetery Skipton on Swale C 0.06 5.7 2.3 4.3 2.3 1.7 1.2 0.9 1.8 0.8 46 334 Topcliffe Cemetery Winn Lane, Topcliffe, YO7 3RP C 0.15 5.1 1.8 5.4 2.7 1.7 2.7 4.5 3.6 0.0 61 335 Thirsk Cemetery Cemetery Road, Thirsk C 2.08 5.0 2.7 4.6 3.4 1.8 2.1 3.6 2.7 1.2 60 338 St Mary's Burial Ground East Cowton C 0.54 4.7 1.4 2.7 1.8 1.5 1.4 2.3 1.8 0.0 39 340 Stokesley Cemetery Stokesley C 1.36 4.5 1.4 4.7 3.2 1.8 3.0 4.1 3.6 0.0 58 341 Great Ayton Cemetery Guisborough Road, Great Ayton, TS9 6AA C 1.57 4.7 1.1 4.1 2.5 1.4 1.8 2.3 1.8 0.0 44 344 Little Crakehall Cemetery Gate Lane, Little Crakehall C 0.77 5.7 1.4 3.8 2.5 1.5 1.6 2.7 1.8 0.0 47 345 Northallerton Cemetery High Street, Northallerton C 2.52 5.4 5.1 5.4 3.6 1.7 3.6 5.4 3.6 1.7 79 346 Brompton Cemetery Stokesley Road, Brompton, DL6 2UD C 1.52 5.1 2.4 5.1 3.0 1.5 2.3 4.5 2.4 0.8 60 347 Osmotherley Cemetery Clack Lane, Osmotherley, DL6 3PW C 0.32 0.0 1.1 4.3 2.3 1.5 0.5 2.3 1.8 0.0 30 348 Husthwaite Cemetery Low Street, Husthwaite C 1.10 5.1 1.1 4.6 2.5 1.5 2.1 1.8 1.8 0.0 45 349 Thornton le Moor Cemetery (St Barnabas) Main Street, Thornton le Moor C 0.13 4.7 1.4 3.5 2.5 1.7 1.8 0.9 0.9 0.0 39 350 St Leonard's Graveyard Sandhutton C 0.23 4.7 4.3 4.6 2.7 1.5 2.1 5.0 3.6 1.4 66 351 Stillington Cemetery Back Lane, Stillington C 0.37 5.1 2.7 4.6 3.4 1.7 2.5 4.5 3.6 0.0 62 352 All Hallows, Sutton Main Street, Sutton on the Forest, YO61 1DW C 0.23 5.1 3.4 4.9 3.2 1.7 2.3 4.5 3.6 1.4 66 353 All Saints Graveyard Girsby C 0.28 5.1 1.8 3.2 2.1 1.4 1.4 2.3 1.8 0.0 42 354 All Saints, Brandsby Church Town Street, Brandsby C 0.28 5.0 2.7 3.8 2.3 1.5 1.6 3.6 2.7 1.0 54 355 All Saints Graveyard, Great Ayton Low Green, Great Ayton, TS9 6NN C 0.31 4.3 4.7 4.1 2.7 1.7 1.4 3.6 2.7 2.1 61 356 All Saints Graveyard, Crathorne Crahorne, TS15 0BB C 0.42 4.7 2.7 4.1 3.2 1.7 3.0 4.5 3.6 0.9 63 357 All Saints Graveyard Ingleby Arncliffe C 0.41 5.1 3.8 4.3 3.4 1.8 1.4 4.1 2.7 0.9 61 358 All Saints Graveyard, Thirkleby Long Causeway, Thirkleby, YO7 2AS C 0.44 5.1 4.7 4.3 3.2 1.7 2.7 4.1 2.7 1.4 66 359 All Saints Graveyard, Low Worsall Low Worsall, TS15 9PH C 0.21 5.1 5.1 4.9 3.6 1.8 2.3 4.5 2.7 1.8 71 360 All Saints Graveyard, Nether Silton Lead Lane, Nether Silton C 0.17 5.4 3.1 4.3 2.7 1.5 2.5 2.7 1.8 0.9 55 361 All Saints Graveyard, Pickhill Church Hill, Pickhill, YO7 4JW C 0.56 5.4 5.1 5.1 3.2 1.7 2.5 5.4 3.6 1.8 75 362 All Saints Graveyard, Newton on Ouse Cherry Tree Avenue, Newton on Ouse, YO30 2BN C 0.29 5.1 5.1 5.1 3.6 1.8 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.8 77 363 All Saints, Yafforth Yafforth Road, Northallerton C 0.29 5.7 4.1 5.1 3.0 1.5 2.5 5.4 3.6 1.4 72 364 All Saints Graveyard, Rudby Rudby Bank, Hutton Rudby, TS15 0EY C 1.24 5.0 4.1 4.1 2.7 1.8 2.7 3.6 2.7 1.5 63


365 Chapel of Ease Graveyard, Thornton le Beans Thornton le Beans, DL6 3SP C 0.07 5.4 2.0 3.8 2.3 1.5 2.1 2.7 2.7 0.0 50 366 All Saints Graveyard, Deighton Deighton Lne, Deighton, DL6 2SJ C 0.22 5.0 3.1 3.8 3.0 1.8 1.2 2.7 1.8 0.9 52 367 Parish Graveyard, Danby Wiske Danby Wiske, DL7 0LY C 0.46 5.0 2.7 4.3 3.0 1.5 2.1 4.1 3.6 0.5 59 368 Swainby Cemetery Whorlton Lane, Whorlton C 0.38 5.4 4.5 4.9 3.6 1.8 2.7 3.1 1.8 1.4 65 369 Holy Cross Graveyard, Swainby Whorlton Lane, Whorlton C 0.46 5.1 5.1 4.9 2.7 1.8 3.9 5.4 3.6 1.4 75 370 Holy Church Graveyard, Shipton by Beningbrough East Lane, Shipton by Beningbrough C 0.41 4.3 3.8 4.3 2.5 1.5 1.6 3.6 2.7 0.9 56 371 Holy Trinity Graveyard Boltby C 0.24 3.4 4.1 4.1 3.3 1.7 2.3 4.5 2.7 1.4 61 372 Holy Trinity Graveyard, Yearsley Well Lane, Yearsley, YO61 4SL C 0.04 5.1 3.0 4.1 2.7 1.0 0.7 0.9 1.8 0.0 43 373 St Andrew's Graveyard, South Otterington South Otterington, DL7 9HD C 0.54 4.7 3.1 3.8 2.3 1.5 3.4 4.1 3.6 0.9 61 374 St Andrew's Graveyard, Ingleby Arncliffe Church Lane, Ingleby Greenhow, TS9 6LX C 0.37 5.0 2.4 4.3 2.7 1.7 1.6 2.7 2.7 0.5 52 375 St Andrew's Graveyard, Great Fencote Todd Lane, Great Fencote, DL7 0RS C 0.33 5.0 4.1 3.8 2.7 1.7 1.4 2.7 1.8 1.4 54 376 St Augustine's Graveyard, Kirkby Kirkby Lane, Kirkby in Cleveland, TS9 7AQ C 0.68 5.0 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.7 3.6 5.0 3.6 1.8 78 377 St Botolph's Graveyard, Carlton Carlton in Cleveland C 0.41 5.1 4.1 3.5 3.0 1.8 2.7 1.8 1.8 1.2 55 378 St Columba's, Topcliffe Church Street, Topcliffe C 0.44 5.1 3.4 5.1 3.2 1.7 2.1 3.1 3.6 1.2 63 379 St Cuthbert's Crayke Church Hill, Crayke, YO61 4TA C 0.41 5.4 3.6 5.1 3.6 1.8 1.8 2.3 0.9 0.5 56 380 St Cuthbert's Graveyard, Kildale Station Road, Kildale, YO21 2RJ C 0.32 5.0 3.8 3.5 3.0 1.7 0.9 1.8 2.7 0.0 50 381 St Cuthbert's Graveyard, Sessay Church Lane, Hutton Sessay C 0.31 5.1 4.1 3.2 2.3 1.4 1.6 3.1 2.7 1.0 54 382 St Eloy's Graveyard Great Smeaton C 0.32 5.0 5.1 4.9 3.2 1.8 2.3 4.5 2.7 1.8 69 383 St Felix's Graveyard, Felixkirk Felixkirk, YO7 2DP C 1.18 5.0 3.8 3.8 3.0 1.7 0.9 3.1 1.8 1.0 53 384 St Gregory's, Bedale North End, Bedale, DL8 1AF C 1.18 5.1 5.1 4.9 3.6 1.8 3.0 5.4 3.6 1.2 75 385 St Helen's Graveyard, Ainderby Steeple Ainderby Steeple, DL7 9PZ C 0.56 4.7 3.4 4.3 3.0 1.5 2.5 4.5 3.6 0.5 62 386 St Hilda's Graveyard, Chop Gate Chop Gate, TS9 7HY C 1.15 4.7 4.5 4.1 3.0 1.8 2.3 5.4 3.6 1.8 69 387 St John's Graveyard, Easingwold Church Hill, Easingwold, YO61 3JX C 1.15 5.4 5.1 5.1 3.0 1.8 2.3 5.0 3.2 1.5 72 388 St John's Graveyard, Bilsdale Chop Gate C 0.43 5.0 4.5 4.3 2.7 1.7 3.2 5.4 3.6 1.4 70 389 St John's Graveyard, Kirby Wiske Kirby Wiske, YO7 4ER C 0.19 5.0 3.8 3.8 3.0 1.7 3.2 3.6 2.7 0.8 61 390 St John's Churchyard Roman Road, Leeming C 0.47 4.7 4.1 3.5 2.5 1.8 1.8 3.6 2.7 1.0 57 391 St John's Dalton C 0.24 5.4 1.4 4.1 2.1 1.2 2.1 2.3 1.8 0.6 46 393 St Leonard's, Farlington Farlington YO61 1NW C 0.17 5.0 3.4 3.2 2.5 1.7 1.6 3.6 1.8 0.9 53 394 St John, Easingwold Long Street, Easingwold, YO61 3JB C 0.09 5.1 4.7 5.1 3.4 1.7 0.9 4.5 2.7 1.5 66 395 St Lambert's Graveyard, Burneston Burneston, DL8 2HZ C 0.84 4.7 3.1 3.8 2.7 1.7 1.2 2.7 2.7 0.9 52 396 St Laurence's Graveyard East Rounton C 0.20 5.0 4.1 4.1 3.4 1.8 1.8 3.8 3.6 0.9 63 397 St Lawrence's Graveyard Hutton Bonville C 0.21 4.7 2.0 3.0 2.3 1.5 0.3 0.9 0.9 0.5 36 398 St Lawrence's Graveyard, Carlton Miniott Carlton Miniott, YO7 4NJ C 0.27 4.7 4.1 3.5 2.5 1.5 2.7 4.5 2.7 1.4 61 399 St Lawrences Graveyard, Sowerby under Cotcliffe Chester Lane, Sowerby under Cotcliffe C 0.22 5.1 3.1 4.1 3.2 1.8 2.3 4.5 3.6 0.5 62 400 St Leonards Graveyard, Thornton le Street Ford Lane, Thornton le Street C 0.35 5.4 3.8 4.9 3.0 1.8 2.5 5.0 3.6 1.0 69 401 St Leonard's Graveyard, Welbury Welbury, DL6 2SE C 0.27 5.0 3.8 4.3 2.5 1.7 1.2 4.1 2.7 1.4 59 402 St Martin's Graveyard, Seamer Hilton Road, Seamer, TS9 5LR C 0.37 4.5 3.1 3.8 2.5 1.5 1.4 2.3 1.8 0.8 48 403 St Martin's Graveyard, Whenby Whenby Village Track, Whenby C 0.16 4.5 2.0 3.0 2.3 1.5 1.2 1.8 1.8 0.0 40 404 St Mary's Graveyard, Marton in the Forest Marton in the Forest, YO61 1NH C 0.25 5.0 4.7 3.8 3.0 1.7 2.1 5.4 3.6 1.4 68 405 St Mary's Graveyard, Myton on Swale Myton on Swale, YO61 2QY C 0.42 5.0 3.4 4.9 3.2 1.8 0.7 2.7 1.8 0.9 54 406 St Mary's Graveyard, Bagby Church Lane, Bagby C 0.42 5.0 3.1 4.1 3.4 1.8 2.1 4.1 3.6 0.5 61 407 St Mary's Graveyard, Appleton Wiske Front Street, Appleton Wiske, DL6 2AD C 0.66 5.4 4.5 4.3 3.2 1.8 2.7 5.4 3.6 1.7 72 408 St Mary's Graveyard, Thirsk Kirkgate, Thirsk, YO7 1PQ C 0.66 4.7 4.1 4.3 3.2 1.7 2.1 3.6 2.7 1.0 61 409 St Mary's Graveyard Kirkby Fleetham C 0.27 4.7 2.4 3.5 2.3 1.5 0.9 2.3 1.8 0.8 45 410 St Mary's, Alne Church Wind, Alne C 0.74 5.7 5.4 4.9 3.4 1.8 3.2 5.4 3.6 1.7 78 411 St Mary's Thormanby Thormanby, YO61 4NN C 0.27 4.7 2.7 3.2 2.3 1.5 2.3 3.6 2.7 0.5 52 412 St Mary's Graveyard, Faceby Church Lane, Faceby C 0.14 5.0 4.5 4.6 3.2 1.8 3.9 5.4 3.6 1.4 74 413 St Mary's Graveyard, Thornton Watlass Thornton Watlass, HG4 4AH C 0.50 5.1 3.4 3.2 2.3 1.5 1.6 3.1 2.7 0.9 53


) ) % % 5 5 ( (1 n o ) ce ti ) % n a % 5 a ) t 0 ( n % ap 1 e te 5 d ( ag n (1 ) a s ) n i ) % ie % ) g a % ty 0 e it 5 % i m 5 e 1 g il 1 0 /s / 1 f ( an c ( 1 n ss ( a e h fa s ( o e e /s p c es rt ti r n a) n y a ry c o a e io h li m it c te a c p % b t ( n co r s a ll A s rm l m a e e a l u d ci n o a u c p z le e c n lim n te a f t N Lo Ty Si C W Se La C A Si Tr In To 157 Northallerton War Memorial Ainderby Road, Northallerton CS 0.08 5.8 4.7 5.7 2.5 1.0 3.4 4.5 4.5 1.0 73 332 Thirsk Market Place Market Place, Thirsk CS 0.05 5.7 6.5 5.8 3.2 0.5 4.3 5.8 3.6 2.3 84 333 Market Square, Northallerton High Street, Northallerton CS 0.03 5.1 5.4 5.8 2.7 0.5 4.3 5.4 3.6 1.8 78 336 Market Tolls, High Street, Stokesley High Street, Stokesley CS 0.27 5.1 4.1 4.5 3.6 0.0 3.6 5.4 3.6 0.0 67

) ) % % 5 5 ( (1 n o ) ce ti ) % n a % 5 a ) t 0 ( n % ap 1 e te 5 d ( ag n (1 ) a s ) n i ) % ie % ) g a % ty 0 e it 5 % i m 5 e 1 g il 1 0 /s / 1 f ( an c ( 1 n ss ( a e h fa s ( o e e /s p c es rt ti r n a) n y a ry c o a e io h li m it c te a c p % b t ( n co r s a ll A s rm l m a e e a l u d ci n o a u c p z le e c n lim n te a f t N Lo Ty Si C W Se La C A Si Tr In To 15 Ladycarr Lane Ladycarr Lane, Easingwold A 1.99 5.4 0.9 3.6 3.6 1.8 0.7 3.1 2.7 0.0 49 21 Sowerby Ox Moor Lane, Sowerby A 2.54 5.1 2.3 4.5 2.7 1.8 1.1 3.6 3.6 0.5 56 139 Thirsk Allotments Cemetery Road, Thirsk A 1.26 5.4 5.0 5.1 3.2 1.8 1.4 5.0 3.6 1.2 70 160 Stokesley Allotments Lady Hullocks Court, Stokesley A 1.64 5.4 3.6 6.8 3.6 1.8 1.8 5.8 4.5 0.9 76 161 Great Ayton Allotments Great Ayton A 4.52 4.7 2.7 5.4 3.6 1.8 1.2 3.1 2.7 0.5 57 165 West Tanfield Rear of Long Row, West Tanfield A 0.20 5.4 1.8 4.1 2.7 1.8 1.6 2.7 2.7 0.5 52 211 Aiskew Bank, Aiskew The Bridge, Aiskew A 0.26 5.4 2.7 5.4 3.6 1.8 1.4 4.1 3.6 0.0 62 219 Hutton Rudby Allotments Goldie Hill, Hutton Rudby A 0.78 5.4 3.1 5.0 3.3 1.8 2.3 3.1 2.7 0.9 61 256 Knotto Bottom, Northallerton Knotto Bottom Way, Northallerton A 0.39 5.4 4.1 5.8 3.0 1.8 2.7 5.0 3.6 1.5 73 257 Helperby Back Lane, Helperby A 0.44 4.1 0.4 1.1 1.8 1.8 0.4 0.4 1.8 0.0 26 258 Tollerton Allotments Sykes Lane, Tollerton A 0.94 4.9 1.8 4.5 2.7 1.8 1.4 3.1 3.6 0.0 53 260 Romanby Allotments Romanby Road, Romanby A 0.80 4.5 0.9 2.7 2.1 1.8 0.7 1.8 1.8 0.0 36 261 Dawney Lane Dawney Lane, Easingwold A 0.80 5.1 0.9 2.3 2.4 1.8 1.2 1.4 1.8 0.5 39 262 Shipton Allotments Station Lane, Shipton by Beningbrough A 0.51 4.9 2.7 3.6 3.0 1.8 1.8 3.6 2.7 0.8 55 263 Stammergate Allotments Norby Estate, Thirsk A 1.26 6.1 5.4 6.5 4.2 1.8 1.5 5.0 3.6 1.2 79 285 Tholthorpe Allotments Moor Lane, Tholthorpe A 0.28 5.4 1.8 5.0 3.3 1.8 1.2 3.1 2.7 0.0 54 286 Easby Allotments Easby A 0.24 4.9 1.4 3.6 2.7 1.8 0.5 1.8 1.8 0.5 42 288 Scruton Allotments Station Road, Scruton A 0.41 5.4 5.4 5.4 3.6 1.8 2.7 4.5 3.6 1.8 76 289 Topcliffe Allotments East Lea, Topcliffe A 1.74 4.9 1.8 4.5 3.0 1.8 1.3 2.3 2.7 0.0 49 301 Appleton Wiske Allotments Propsect View, Appleton A 0.05 5.1 1.8 4.1 3.3 1.8 1.6 2.7 2.7 0.0 51 343 Brompton Allotments Fullcar Lane, Brompton A 3.70 5.4 5.0 5.4 3.3 1.8 1.4 4.5 2.7 1.8 69

Scores (weighted) Very poor = 0% - 20% Poor = 21% - 40% Average = 41% - 60% Good = 61% - 80% Very good = 81% - 100%


ANNEX D: QUALITY AUDIT TEMPLATE Hambleton Open Space Study Audit Matrix

Site: Date:

Quality Scoring Assessment % Weighting Site Access Scoring Assessment

Cleanliness and maintenance 15% General 15% Vandalism and graffiti Entrance to site Litter Roads, paths and cycleway access Dog fouling Disabled access Noise Equipment Transport 10% Maintenance Cycleway access Walking access Welcome 15% Public transport access Entrances Heritage and history Information and Signage 5% Landscaping Clear Interpretation Appropriate Lighting Adequate

Security and safety 15% Boundaries Equipment Surfaces Wider Benefits Roads/footpaths Buildings Structural and landscape Yes/no Trees Ecological Yes/no Education Yes/no Landscape 10% Social inclusion Yes/no Planting Health Yes/no Tree cover Cultural and heritage Yes/no Habitats "Sense of place" Yes/no Grass areas Economic Yes/no

Climate change adaptation 5% Biodiversity Natural drainage Overall Potential for Improvement Green corridors Shade Very good Good Ancillary facilities 10% Average Footpaths Poor Toilets Very poor Seating Catering Parking Litter bins Specific Issues Affecting Potential for Development

Type of Open Space Site is enclosed Site overlooked by housing i. Natural and Semi-Natural Urban Greenspaces Good links to nearby sites ii. Outdoor Sports Facilities Likely to attract only local residents iii. Amenity Greenspaces Potential to attract visitors from a wider catchment iv. Provision for Children and Young People v. Allotments and Community Gardens vi. Cemeteries and Burial Grounds vii. Civic Spaces




 The community garden initiative has proved hugely successful, and should be replicated if possible. The Home Grown Food Festival was a success. The allotments near the cemetery are a good example of a well-managed site. The “Secret Garden” off the High Street is now supporting a food bank

 Easy access and amenities for young people are particularly necessary in Northallerton

 There needs to be a “joined up” strategic approach to provision to replace some existing ad hoc arrangements

 Community involvement is essential if open spaces are to be successful, and are to be able to reconcile opposing demands, e.g. the use of biodiversity planting vs a more traditional approach to design and management. This community involvement is inter alia essential in securing sources of external funding. Romanby has done much to secure Heritage Lottery funding. The Heritage Lottery Fund has proved itself to be very interested in funding trails. Community involvement in the form of setting up a “Friends of Northallerton Cemetery” has been considered for some time

 Pocket parks as used for example like the three created near the amenity site, and which are linked to the town by green routeways, have been very successful

 The use of interpretation in open space is particularly important to interpret and inform people about the heritage and history of the area. There is much, including, for example, the “Battle of the Standard,” and the rich history associated with the Applegarth area. A good example of interpretation already in use is on the Thirsk and Sowerby Trail

 Land ownership in Hambleton is an issue. Hambleton District Council is a big landowner, but much open space is in the ownership of schools.

 The Pendragon Charity is attempting to use some land to develop an outdoor environmental project

 Consideration could be given to the use of rare breed grazing in order to improve biodiversity and provide interest – Applegarth Road near the amenity tip could be considered as a suitable site.



 There is a need for a play area in Helperby. The edge of the cricket field has been proposed in the past

 Sports facilities are only provided well away from Helperby

 A good contact is Kelly Osborn (Easingwold Open Space Group)

 The Moor End Environmental Improvement is a good example of a worthwhile leisure initiative

 It was generally accepted that interpretation of local history and wildlife in open space would assist in creating a “sense of place”

 Bowls clubs are very active in Easingwold

 Easingwold Running Club is an important provider of running as a sport. Triathlons generate a huge amount of interest amongst participants

 Further scoping is necessary to consider the undeveloped potential of the Dawney Bridge Outdoor Activity Centre. This is a £220,000 proposal which includes an eco-building, and covers five acres

 It is believed that there is some unmet demand for allotment plots in the area.



 Stokesley and Great Ayton place great value on their open space as a form of outdoor recreation

 Stokesley has playing fields and sports facilities, whilst Great Ayton has two very popular village greens which include interpretation of the history of the area. Great Ayton also has playing fields and sports facilities.

 Great value was also placed on tourism, which is seen as a major economic driver for the area

 The Living Leven Project aims to join communities and provide valuable opportunities for recreation, relaxation and interpretation of local history and environment. Its development has involved a high degree of public consultation. Also need to mention GLEAM project in Stokesley.

 Stokesley is unique in that the Lord of the Manor bequeathed the land on which it is built to the people

 There is a small area of land adjacent to the railway station at Great Ayton, which, potentially combined with an area of developer land nearby, could be very useful for an outdoor open space project

 Older people in the area already have a very strong sense of place, although its open spaces are essential particularly for the young as well as older inhabitants

 Some consideration may need to be given to smaller open spaces of less than 0.2 ha, depending upon their significance

 Deficiencies in open space are sometimes offset by the availability of the field network, and of open spaces such as Great Ayton, Little Ayton and Easby Moors. There is open access land within the parish boundaries plus a network of footpaths and bridleways which are well-used by locals and visitors to the area. The Cleveland Way long distance footpath passes through Great Ayton parish.

 Allotment provision is tight. In Stokesley, plots are being divided into two to alleviate the waiting list

 People accept the need for new development. However, new developments such as Westlands do have their problems. There has been some upgrading, and a new playground has been provided. However, there has been a lack of social integration, and problems associated with antisocial behavior and vandalism. CCTV camera installation is being considered An example is at Silver Street which leads to a war memorial. There have been problems with broken glass on the ground and other antisocial acts. Careful consideration needs to be given with future development to alleviate these problems

 This report needs to also inform neighbourhood plans

 Specific attention needs to be given to the needs of the less able-bodied and disabled in terms of open space provision. Car parking is also in short supply in open spaces in the area.



 The area is surrounded by the Dales, which gives a false impression that there is an ample supply of open space

 There is a shortage of footpaths, with many being lost over the years

 Signage is almost non-existent on many footpaths, including the following:  South of Southend leading to Snape  Access to Thorpe Perrow Arboretum  Long Walk to Gamekeeper’s Cottage (this used to be circular, but has become truncated)

 There is a lot of potential for opening of new walks, including through Bedale Park, and including the Ice House

 Some areas of importance as open space are of less than 0.2 ha, but should still be considered because of their importance (e.g. Bedale Market Square). This is accentuated because of the lack of public open space in the town

 Walking and cycling development should be considered to attract sustainable tourism, e.g. by constructing a bridge near to Leach House on the Wensleydale Railway. There is funding available, and this particular project is included in the Community Plan 2015-2020

 Barriers to action include perceived health and safety risks to crossing points. This and other problems arise from the two-tiered local government system, which includes friction between the County Council and the District Council. The loss of Yorkshire Forward has also created a vacuum in terms of strategic thinking

 There needs to be a joined-up approach to sustainability, aimed at social issues which include a shortage of young people, and the high cost of housing

 The open space strategy can be used to encourage the development of neighbourhood plans to drive an action – planning approach. This would also increase the amount of CIL funding from 15% to 25%

 One strategic approach for the area would be to include linear routeways on the land on the Bedale side of the Relief Road. This would create a “Gateway to Bedale.” Car parking does not include proposals for landscaping at this site at the current stage. This is a potential opportunity to improve the landscape and create a more attractive environment at the approach to the town.