Jonathon M. Firnhaber, MD Newer cholesterol-lowering Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University, Greenville, agents: What you must know NC [email protected] Considering a non-statin intervention? Choose one that The author reported no potential conflict of interest upregulates LDL-C-receptor expression. Adding a PCSK9 relevant to this article. inhibitor to therapy is effective, but expensive.

ver the past 3 decades, age-adjusted mortality for cardio- PRACTICE vascular disease (CVD) in the United States has dropped RECOMMENDATIONS by more than 50%.1 While multiple factors have contrib- ❯ Consider adding O uted to this remarkable decline, the introduction and widespread to maximally tolerated statin use of statin therapy is unquestionably one key factor. Despite therapy for patients not meet- nearly overwhelming evidence that effectively lower low- ing low-density lipoprotein density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and predictably reduce cholesterol (LDL-C) goals with a statin alone. B cardiovascular events, less than half of patients with clinical coro- nary heart disease receive high-intensity statin therapy, leaving ❯ Limit consideration of this population at increased risk for future events.2 PCSK9 (proprotein con- vertase subtilisin/kexin type 9) inhibitors to adults at highest risk: those with Statins: Latest evidence heterozygous familial hyper- on risks and benefits cholesterolemia or clinical Statins aren’t perfect. Not every patient is able to achieve the atherosclerotic cardiovascular desired LDL-C lowering with statin therapy, and some patients disease who must further develop adverse effects such as myopathy, new-onset diabetes, lower LDL-C levels. A and occasionally hemorrhagic stroke. A recent report puts the

Strength of recommendation (SOR) risks of statin therapy in perspective, estimating that the treat- A Good-quality patient-oriented ment of 10,000 patients for 5 years would cause one case of rhab- evidence domyolysis, 5 cases of myopathy, 75 new cases of diabetes, and B Inconsistent or limited-quality 3 patient-oriented evidence 7 hemorrhagic strokes. The same treatment would avert ap-  C Consensus, usual practice, proximately 1000 CVD events among those with preexisting opinion, disease-oriented disease, and approximately 500 CVD events among those with evidence, case series elevated risk, but no preexisting disease.3 In blinded randomized controlled trials, statin therapy is associated with relatively few adverse events (AEs). In open- label observational studies, however, substantially more AEs are reported. During the blinded phase of one recent study, muscle- related AEs and erectile dysfunction were reported at a similar rate by participants randomly assigned to receive or placebo. During the nonblinded nonrandomized phase, com- plaints of muscle-related AEs were 41% more likely in partici- pants taking statins compared with those who were not.4 Statin therapy offers predictable CVD risk reduction. The evidence report accompanying the 2016 US Preventive

MDEDGE.COM/JFPONLINE VOL 67, NO 6 | JUNE 2018 | THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE 339 Services Task Force (USPSTF) guidelines class that effectively lowers LDL-C levels on statins for the prevention of CVD states is monoclonal antibodies that inhibit PCSK9 that the use of low- or moderate-dose statin (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin therapy was associated with an approximately type 9). PCSK9 activity is directly propor- 30% relative risk reduction (RRR) in CVD tional to the circulating LDL-C level: gene events and in CVD deaths, and a 10% to 15% mutations that increase PCSK9 function RRR in all-cause mortality.5 Those with greater are one cause of elevated LDL-C and CVD baseline CVD risk will have greater absolute risk in familial hypercholesterolemia (FH),14 risk reduction (ARR) than those with low whereas mutations that decrease PCSK9 baseline risk.5 activity are associated with a decrease in LDL-C levels and risk of ASCVD.15 Circulating PCSK9 initiates LDL- How effective receptor clearance by binding to the LDL are non-statin therapies? receptor; the complex is then taken into the Multiple studies have demonstrated that hepatocyte, where it undergoes degrada- some drugs can favorably modify lipid lev- tion, and the receptor is not recycled to the els but not improve patient outcomes—eg, cell’s surface. The resultant decreased level , , and omega-3 fatty acids. of cholesterol within the hepatocyte upregu- The therapies that do improve outcomes lates HMG-CoA reductase (the enzyme that Non-statin are those that act via upregulation of LDL- controls the rate-limiting step in cholesterol interventions receptor expression: statins, ezetimibe, bile production and is targeted by statin therapy) that upregulate acid sequestrants, dietary interventions, and and LDL-receptor activity to increase the LDL-receptor ileal bypass surgery. available cholesterol in the hepatocyte. Un- expression A recent meta-analysis found that with a fortunately, statins promote the upregulation reduce the 38.7-mg/dL (1-mmol/L) reduction in LDL-C of both the LDL receptor and PCSK9, thereby relative risk of level, the relative risk for major vascular events limiting their LDL-C-lowering potency. Com- vascular events was 0.77 (95% CI, 0.71-0.84) for statins and bined inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase with to a similar 0.75 (95% CI, 0.66-0.86) for monotherapy with statins and PCSK9 with monoclonal antibod- extent as statins. non-statin interventions that upregulate LDL- ies exerts additive reductions in LDL-C.16 receptor expression.6 and —mono- ❚ Ezetimibe. Less impressive is the in- clonal antibodies that prevent circulating cremental benefit of adding some non-statin PCSK9 from binding to the LDL receptor— therapies to effective statin therapy. The have been approved by the US Food and Drug IMProved Reduction of Outcomes: Vytorin Administration (FDA) for use as adjuncts to Efficacy International Trial (IMPROVE-IT) diet and maximally-tolerated statin therapy reported that adding ezetimibe to effective in adults who have heterozygous familial statin therapy in stable patients with previ- hypercholesterolemia (HeFH) or clinical ous acute coronary syndrome reduced the ASCVD and who must further lower LDL-C LDL-C level from 69.5 mg/dL to 53.7 mg/dL levels. The addition of a PCSK9 inhibitor (TABLE7-13).8 After 7 years of treatment, relative to statin therapy consistently results in an risk of atherosclerotic incremental decrease in LDL-C of around (ASCVD) outcomes decreased by 5.8%; ab- 60%.10,11 Much of the data supporting the use solute decrease in risk was 2%: from 34.7% to of PCSK9 inhibitors are disease-oriented. 32.7% (number needed to treat [NNT]=50).8 Among patients with angiographic coronary Consider adding ezetimibe to maximally- disease treated with statins, the addition of tolerated statin therapy for patients not meet- evolocumab resulted in regression of athero- ing LDL-C goals with a statin alone. sclerotic plaque measured by intravascular ultrasound after 18 months of treatment.10 A new class to lower LDL-C: ❚ PCSK9 inhibitors reduce adverse PCSK9 inhibitors CVD events when added to a statin. In a It is clear that additional approaches to study designed to evaluate AEs and LDL-C LDL-C reduction are needed. A new drug lowering with evolocumab, a prespecified


TABLE Comparison of newer cholesterol-lowering agents7-13 Drug Indications Approximate Average change in lipid Incremental cardiovascular cost parameters risk reduction when added to high-intensity statin therapy Selective cholesterol- Primary hyperlipidemia, Average retail 22.7% incremental 5.8% RRR; 2% ARR; absorption inhibitor: homozygous familial price: $216/mo; decrease in LDL-C when NNT=508 ezetimibe hypercholesterolemia, $2592/y7 added to a statin8

homozygous sitosterolemia PCSK9 inhibitors: Adjunct treatment: $14,000/y9 Approximate 60% 15% RRR; 1.5% ARR; evolocumab and heterozygous familial incremental decrease NNT=6712 alirocumab hypercholesterolemia, in LDL-C10,11 atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease CETP inhibitor: Not FDA approved Not FDA 104% relative increase 9% RRR; 1% ARR; approved in HDL-C; 18% relative NNT=10013 decrease in non-HDL-C13 ARR, absolute risk reduction; CETP, cholesteryl ester transfer protein; FDA, US Food & Drug Administration; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; NNT, number needed to treat; PCSK9, proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9; RRR, relative risk reduction.

exploratory outcome was the incidence of A prespecified analysis of FOURIER data adjudicated CVD events. After one year of found that evolocumab did not increase the therapy, the rate of events was reduced from risk of new-onset diabetes in patients with- 2.18% in the standard-therapy group to 0.95% out diabetes or prediabetes at baseline. Fast- in the evolocumab group—a relative de- ing plasma glucose and hemoglobin A1c crease of 53%, but an absolute decrease of levels in the evolocumab and placebo groups 1.23% (NNT=81).17 remained similar throughout the trial in A similar reduction in the rate of major patients with diabetes, prediabetes, or nor- adverse CVD events was found in adding ali- moglycemia.18 Additionally, a randomized rocumab to ongoing statin therapy. In a post trial involving patients who received either hoc analysis of patients who received either evolocumab or placebo in addition to statin adjunctive alirocumab or placebo, CVD events therapy found no significant difference in (death from coronary heart disease, nonfatal cognitive function between the groups over a myocardial infarction [MI], fatal or nonfatal median of 19 months.19 ischemic stroke, or unstable angina requiring ❚ Effective, but expensive. At its current hospitalization) were 1.7% vs 3.3% (hazard ra- list price of approximately $14,000 per year,9 tio=0.52; 95% confidence interval, 0.31-0.90).11 evolocumab, added to standard therapy in FOURIER, the first major trial designed patients with ASCVD, exceeds the gener- to evaluate cardiovascular outcomes with ally accepted cost-effectiveness threshold PCSK9 therapy, showed that adding evo- of $150,000 per quality-adjusted life year locumab to effective statin therapy reduced (QALY) achieved.20 Similar analysis in pa- the average LDL-C level from 92 mg/dL to tients with HeFH estimated a cost of $503,000 30 mg/dL.12 Evolocumab decreased the com- per QALY achieved with evolocumab.21 The posite CVD outcome (cardiovascular death, outcomes of cost-effectiveness analyses MI, stroke, hospitalization for unstable an- hinge on the event rate in the study popula- gina, or coronary revascularization) over tion and the threshold for initiating therapy. 2.2 years from 11.3% to 9.8%—a 15% RRR For the FOURIER trial participants, with an and a 1.5% ARR (NNT=67). Most of the par- annual event rate of 4.2 per 100 patient-years, ticipants were receiving high-intensity statin a net annual price of approximately $6700 therapy at study entry. AEs were similar be- would be necessary to meet a $150,000 per tween the study groups.12 QALY threshold.22 CONTINUED ON PAGE 344

MDEDGE.COM/JFPONLINE VOL 67, NO 6 | JUNE 2018 | THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE 341 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 341 At 2015 prices, the addition of PCSK9 in- established ASCVD who were receiving hibitor therapy for all eligible patients would high-intensity atorvastatin therapy.13 At the reduce cardiovascular care costs by an esti- trial midpoint, mean high-density lipopro- mated $29 billion over 5 years but would also tein (HDL) cholesterol levels increased by increase drug costs by an estimated $592 bil- 43 mg/dL in the anacetrapib group compared lion, representing a 38% increase over 2015 with that of the placebo group (a relative dif- prescription drug expenditures.21 Treatment ference of 104%); mean non-HDL cholesterol of less than 20 million US adults with evo- decreased by 17 mg/dL, a relative difference locumab at the cost of this single drug would of −18%. Over a median follow-up period of match the entire cost for all other prescrip- 4.1 years, the addition of anacetrapib was as- tion pharmaceuticals for all diseases in the sociated with a 9% RRR and a 1% absolute United States combined.23 reduction in the composite outcome over a In 2012, 27.9% of US adults ages statin alone (NNT=100).13 At this point, the 40 years and older were taking prescribed manufacturers of both agents have halted ef- lipid-lowering treatment; 23.2% were taking forts to gain FDA approval. only statins.24 If the 2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Future directions cholesterol treatment guidelines25 were fully Newer strategies to inhibit PCSK9 function implemented, an estimated additional 24.3% are under development. Small peptides that Adding a PCSK9 of the US population would be treated with inhibit PCSK9 interaction with the LDL re- inhibitor to statins.26 Full implementation of the more ceptor offer the potential advantage of oral statin therapy conservative USPSTF guidelines would result administration, as opposed to the currently consistently in an additional 15.8% of the US population available injectable anti-PCSK9 antibodies.29 decreases LDL-C initiating statin therapy.26 The same cost- A recent trial found that inhibition of PCSK9 levels further by effectiveness analysis evaluating evolocumab messenger RNA (mRNA) synthesis with the around 60%. use estimated that initiating statins in these small interfering RNA (siRNA) molecule in- high-risk populations not currently using clisiran lowered LDL-C in patients with high statins would save $12 billion in cardiovascu- cardiovascular risk and elevated LDL-C levels lar care over 5 years.21 despite aggressive statin therapy.30 The effect Until the cost of PCSK9 inhibitors de- of these strategies on cardiovascular out- creases to a justifiable level and outcomes of comes remains unproven. JFP longer term studies are available, consider prescribing other adjunctive treatments for CORRESPONDENCE Jonathon Firnhaber, MD, Department of Family Medicine, patients who have not achieved LDL-C goals Brody School of Medicine, 101 Heart Drive, Mail Stop 654, with statin therapy alone. Generally, reserve Greenville, NC 27834; [email protected]. use of PCSK9 inhibitors for the highest-risk adults: those with HeFH or clinical ASCVD who must further lower LDL-C levels. Some insurers, including Medicare, are covering References 1. Weir HK, Anderson RN, Coleman King SM, et al. Heart disease PCSK9 inhibitors, but many patients have dif- and cancer deaths — trends and projections in the United States, ficulty obtaining coverage.27 1969-2020. Prev Chronic Dis. 2016;13:E157. 2. Rodriguez F, Harrington RA. Cholesterol, cardiovascular risk, statins, PCSK9 inhibitors, and the future of LDL-C lowering. CETP inhibitors: JAMA. 2016;316:1967-1968. 3. Collins R, Reith C, Emberson J, et al. Interpretation of the Not FDA approved evidence for the efficacy and safety of statin therapy. Lancet. In a recent trial of the cholesteryl ester trans- 2016;388:2532-2561. 4. Gupta A, Thompson D, Whitehouse A, et al. Adverse events as- fer protein (CETP) inhibitor , sociated with unblinded, but not with blinded, statin therapy in the drug had favorable effects on lipid bio- the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial—Lipid-Low- ering Arm (ASCOT-LLA): a randomised double-blind placebo- markers but did not improve cardiovascular controlled trial and its non-randomised non-blind extension outcomes.28 More recently, the CETP inhibi- phase. Lancet. 2017;389:2473-2481. 5. Chou R, Dana T, Blazina I, et al. Statins for prevention of tor anacetrapib was shown to decrease the cardiovascular disease in adults: evidence report and systematic review for the US Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA. 2016;316: composite outcome of coronary death, MI, 2008-2024. or coronary revascularization in adults with 6. Silverman MG, Ference BA, Im K, et al. Association between


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