I live at Wangi Wangi, three km from the Eraring . I have known this place before the began to operate.

In recent times I have been aware that I and my neighbours have been sneezing and coughing more than usual. When I go to the internet to consult data from our local air quality monitor, I find there is none.

How much of our problems in breathing are caused by pollution from the Eraring Ash Dam? We know that on Tuesday, 12th November, 2019 there was a strong wind that blew ash from the Eraring ash dam over Lake Macquarie, including Wangi Wangi. How much ash was air-borne to our homes? We do not know, because there is no air quality monitor in our area.

We can see the dust/ash inside and outside our homes, but there are no official fine particulate monitors to confirm our observations. Perhaps machines would reveal too many occasions of “exceedance”?

As for Lake Pollution, we are told that that power station excrescences affect marine life, and we should not eat too much of “it.” Eating aside, I am concerned about the marine life that has enjoyed living in “Lake Macquarie” lagoon for thousands of years. It seems that guv’ment and has scant regard for the health of the Lake/lagoon, and all the beings that call Lake/lagoon home. Over more than sixty years I’ve witnessed this Lake/ lagoon dying. Expanding the ash dam will contribute to more extinctions.

I recommend that the application to expand the ash dam at Eraring be considered for a longer time. In particular we need a public meeting so local residents can ask questions and receive more information.