Application No

t 96/00698/Adv A.G. Hancock Erection of a signboard, Western Ferries Terminal, Hunters Quay.

96/007 5 4 G dk H Glover Siting of Static Mobile Home, Ben Bheulas, Succoth .

96/00929 Iste of Bute Erection of 8 Flats, Argyle Street, Rothesay Housing Association

96/00998 Mr & Mrs Cameron Extension to Dwellinghouse, Mayfield, LocbgoQhead.

9610 1002/0UT A MacQueen Erection of a Dwellinghouse, Dhu Loch, Kilmun.

96/0 1003DET C & D Simister Erection of 17 Holiday Cottages, etc., Ostel (Or Kilbride) Bay, Ardlamont

96/01059/OUT Mr A Hanlon Subdivision of Site into 7 Housing Plots at Eccles Road, .

9610 1 145DET Mr & Mrs Duncan Erection of a dwellinghouse at 5 Crawford Lane, Hunters Quay.

96/1 I58 Robertson Installation of Oil Storage Tank, 93 Sandhaven, Sandbank.

9610 1222 Sandhaven Property Deniolition of Hotel and Erection of Estate Trading Ltd. Agents, Harmony Hotel, Dunoon.

Local Member - Cllr E McTaggut Data of Validity - 26 Juns 1996

16 September 1996



Development Requidng Express Pl&g Consane

i) Eredon of free standlng timber sign measuring 0.85 metres x 0.60 mew (overafl height 0.8 metres) with black lettering on a white backgrwnd advertising 'The Anchorage Hotel & Conservatory Restaurant' at the Western Farrim Few Terminal close to its exit.


Under the provisions of POL ADV 3 of the Councils Advertisement Policy advance signs shatl not normally tie permitted within built up areas unless the premisas concerned do not have a frontage to a road over which the public have a right of vehicutar amass.


i) &ea Engineer

'No objections.'


It is proposed to podon the sign to faca towards vehicles as they eXit ths terminal. The sign would be adjacent to railings at the antry/exit point for vehick ot the Western Fad Terminal. The lettering upon the sign directs driven to the applicants pramiser Wtridr am sited one mile away doss to Lazaretto point. The Anchorage Hotel draady occupies a prominent roadside frontage onto the A81 5.

In terms of the Council's Advertisement Policy, Pot ADV 3 rreeks to mist advpr## signs for establishment3 within buitt up wes which have a frontage onto a road whem the public have a right of vehicular access. The Anchorage Hotel has such 8 roadside frontage onto the A815 and as such a freestanding advance sign would be contrary to advertisement Policy POL ADV3.

There are B significant number of establishments, premises and facilities within Dunoon and Cowa! which would benefit from similar advance signs at the Ferry Terminal be it Western Femes or Caledonian MscBraynt. It is therefore paramount that a precedent should not be established by granting consent for this particular sign. ..


I recommend that Advertisement Consent ba refused for the masons ret out on tho following page.



1. Given that the Anchorage Hotel is located wiohin I built up we0 .nd hait& 8 frontage on to the A8t6, them b no dear justificatron for the display of M rdvmd sign d Western Ferries Trrmina+Hunters Quay and the proposal U contrary to Policy ADV 3 of the Council‘s Advertismsnt Control Policy which states;

“AdVnnce signs sball not notmdy be permitted within buitt up amas when they &to to astablkhmsnts, frmioc dmlocated within or adjacent tu tb W up mt& unlr#. the premkss conedo not have a trontags to a road over whkh th pubk how vehicular right of access. whers advance signs am permittsd, they wiii ka of ths ’fingerpost style’. Where the dsmarid arises for a number of such abvemtr, the Council will encourage the erecdon of composite ‘fingerpost’ signs to M rppmwd design.’

2. The proposal if permitted would be detrimental to visual amenw md woutd bad to an unacceptable precedent for other advanced Jgns at this location muking h visualty discordant signage clutter.

3 4386 P.02 a. b. t




c .



i .. 1

To- To- . -.

(il Erection of four-storey tenement block consisting of eight flats on I gap site. M8tarids to be used srs buffcoloured wot dash render, slats substitubb rod ti and whits, timber, titt 8nd turn windows. - --- (ii) Formation of ksw vehicular ~~cessonto &&e Street. -- hi - - fii) Provisbn of 11 orr-sits parking spacal.

(ii) Formation of uneuipped play area.

This proposal represents e material amendment to the pmvious scheme. The sue of the building, its deaign and the access arrangement3 hava all changed. It if therefore determined on the basis of a fresh application.

The applicant has submitted a covering statement in support of the application {accompanying statement relativeto application dated 1.7.961, wttich is summarised below.

The isle of Bute Housing Association wilt retain control over the whole site, including common areas.

Tilt and turn fully reversible windows can be raadily cleaned from within the flats, as required by the Part P2.3 of the Building Standards () Regulations 4990. While

1 -* ' cuwh and case window allow safe cidng o e it is not possible &reaching and leaning out of ths window. Sud~an +tion would be unlikely to qualtfy as 'safe' cleaning es required by B58213 (19911 corwt3tutw an avoidable hazard for the occupants. The recent CDM R&tiorw requh rll haurdt to be assessed

m&.tass dmgsrous alternatives to be considd. In ~JI& rinution*' the tpaciRcation of sllding sash and case windows would prsssnt:m t!ue8t to the hdth md d+ of the occupants. tn the unfortunate went of-ng from ttw attempted deanlng of sash end case windows, the rttasom for their indsiskn over 8 safer altarnative wddundoubtedly received close investigatirt< Addidondy,,lthe mkbsnca to dnd and

. .. ., .. : .- ap ." ,..-:*p. h*ct'--. .- "?? ,-- - .. -a&.?..' The Dmvhion of an equipped play area presents and onerous UICl expend~obligation on the Housing Association. The costs of maintenance and inspectiwl as required by gS5696, togetherwittt !he capital cost of an equipped play area would have to be borne by the Housing Mationand would compromise spading in othb amas. -_ - .,A w 4, The-kation of rfrb development benef- fiam a Mgh standard of local amenities with child-' amusements, Rothesay promenade and I beach in doss prom, Additionally, the Castle and Winter Gardens am nearby and B gdarea Win be allocated as play/amanity space within the development. The local Plan highlights the sharp fall in the number of younger chrldren under nine yean of age over recent years and ttk k iikety to be reflected in this development, which contains only flats and no family howas.

Policy W 6 states that the Council will seek the provision of play space in new housing estate development. In estates of less than 25 houses the level of provision required wit1 be dependant upon the tvpe of housing to be buik plot size and assessment of existing provision within the area. It is proposed to hcwporate unequipped play spa- to the rear of the development.



The Area Engineer (memodated 14.8.981: Defer decision. Inadequate access road width has been shown and there appears to be insufficient road width at the front of the building. Full details of road levels and surface water drainage also required.

(iil Director of Environmental Services: No response received.

2 3-2; -.a.. w.: 1::: -z. ;2- West of Scotland Water (letter dated 10.9.96): No objdom.

Architectural Heritago Society of Scudand Ostkv dated 23.8.96): No comments.

Scottish Clvlc Trust (letter datod 21.8.961: Object to the U- of tilt and turn windows. Such window complicats the dhtkm whm open wharsu sliding sash mdcase would maintain the trsdit!od 8ppeu~ca.% use af natud slat8 wodd at30 bu more appropriate as artificial data is boo reflecdvo in rppermcs. Ovod, the four-storey height repeats the tall ch.nctsWcs of buildin~8.Jong the front and the projercting bays ad string .poursus help SnPMn thm devrtior. Buff roughcast should match ths hdjacmt~wd..The boundary waU rhwld ab4 - cccta ;d+,=h* - - match that of the adjacent zrip~rty,


The proposal was advertised under Article 9 tnd Section 26 of fha Act tWng da- 23.8.96) and no representations have been &d.

The scale, design and finishes of the proposed devdopmsnt are reflective of the buildings along this part of Atgyle Street and I consider the budding Will htegmt8 wdl into the strwtscape. Wrth regard to the windows, I havs no objedons to the usa of tilt and turn windows to the side and rear of the proposed building. However, every effort has been made to design a traditional tenement buiidiig d f consider that the use of traditional sliding sash and case windows on the front elevation b worth punuing, given ths site's prominence on the seafront of the Rothesay Coruennrtion Area and ab0 to ensure consistency with similar recent devebprnents in the CansenratiOn Area, whm sliding sa& and aset windows have been specifid. ~-- ,*c ,

4+ I ..-_ * c :- I ¶?.-a I am rdvissd, in discussion with the Building CmtdaectiOn. that the use of BTair Joinev sliding raah and Cas8 windows (With shplsx hinm wMch.&w tt# loww sash to lWing in and ttre upper sash to be lawersd) rt#d not pmsmt8diakUtty h prineipk with regard to mrnplianccr with the BS mndard on -sets the U2M Regutatioru. A rebtionof Building Warrant may be repired hr tha windom ..8bovs two storeys h height (& 1 relaxation has b8en a$)plied for fwhl4odng '8 dev-t at the Regal Cinema &e. which k vdcy shiJar type of damlopmend but again thk doer not have to prejant a fundamental problem provided CWtElbr criter& am met. I therefors de not accept that sliding sash and case windows am fundamentatfy incompatible with the regulations on safe cleaning of windows. Accordingly, I recommend that Icwrdtiorr be attached to the consent requiring the use of afidimg sash and case windows on tha front elevation. Discussions am ongoing with ths applicant and their agent with regard to this matter, atthough the applicants have not agmd to this condition.

Wrth regard to the play area it is proposed to provide 96 square metres of open play space but not to equip this araa with swings stc, W &e Es btadwithin easy reach of eldsting public open space (such as the shore, promenad4 8nd Wintsr Giardsnsl and the size of the flats [two-bedroomed only) should ensure that the number of children staying in the flab will be limited. Whilst Iwould be concerned shoukf them be no physical spa- for children to play in, I am mindful that a play area b to be supplied to the rear of the development. Therefore, in these circumstances 1 consider that the omission of play equipment is acceptable in this case and that the development b consistent with the provisions of POC PU 6.

3 .- "e*- .-. pi- ;.F": ' FUN rwponsibilhy for the maintenance of the carn~on'urlrbitMnthe development k to ' b. retahd by tbe Housing Association. In theta drcums- I consider that no section 60 Agreement for the maintenance of the piay mm 8nd other common amas will be requw-

1 twxmmnd that planning permission be grantad subject to th. csditbm and reasons set outon thm following page.

'In mdng my assessment on this rpplicdon. I havs had ward to the documents id&tified in bracket3 above which are available for pubk inspection in bemof ths Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985'.

Devekpment and Building Control

... - ". - . .__._ .. .








7. a.


REASONS 1. Stsndud.

9. As no such detaib hwe been rubmftted d h dw hterests of visual amenity and to help integrate tba proposal into its swrounditlg landscapdtomcaps setting.


Local Member - Cllr A McNicol Date of Validity - 26 July 1996

16 August 1996



Development Requiring Express Planning Consent:

i) Erection of a dwellinghouse on vacant land, (no details provided).

ill Formation of new vehicular access from access road serving the housing estate at Grahsm’s point.

Other Specified Operations:

iiil Connection to public water system.

iv) Connection to public sewerage system.


The site is situated within Kilmun whereby the Council will under the provisions of POL HO 8 of the Local Plan encourage infill and rounding off.

There are a number of trees situated within the site and under the provisions of POC BE 8 of the Local Plan the Council will encourage the retention and enhancement of existing tree groups and belts of trees within of directly adjacent to built up areas.

The proposal accords with the provisions of POC HO 8 of the Local Ptan.


96100483: Outline application for the erection of a dwellinghouse within the same site by the same applicant was withdrawn due to concerns relative to the proposed access.


il Scottish Environmental Protection Agency:

No response received.

ii) West of Scotland Water (Water):

No response received.

1 iii] West of Scotland Water (Sewerage):

No response received.

ivl Director of Environmental Services:

No response received.

VI Are8 Engineer:

The Area Engineer has advised verbally that the proposed access arrangements are acceptable.

vi) Director of Housing (memorandum 1 August 1996):

'No objections.'


The proposal has been advertised under the provisions of Article 9 & 18 fclosjng date 13 September 19961. One letter of representation has been received from Mrs B Lees, No 14 Grahams Point, Kilmun (letter dated 29 July 1996) in which the following concerns were raised:

il Concern over the position of the proposed access.

Comment: The position of the access was agreed following a site meeting between the applicants, the Area Engineer and a representative of the Director of Planning, Development and Tourism. The Area Engineer has advised that the access is acceptabte and gives rise to no road safety concerns.

ii) Concern over the loss of trees for the provision of the access.

Comment: See my assessment.


This is a revised application for the erection of a dwellinghouse at Dhuloch which was previously considered by Members at the June Committee. The application was continued to allow an alternative means of access to be investigated. Following a site inspection between the Area Engineer, the applicant and a representative of the Director of Planning, Development and Tourism a new access point was agreed, coming off the surfaced access road leading to the existing Council housing. As this revised access position constituted a material change to that originally proposed it was necessary to withdraw the application and to formally reapply.

There are no policy constraints relative to the development of this site as it constitutes infill development and is in accordance with the pfovisions of PO1 HO 8 of the Local Plan. The site is relatively small and situated in a residential area which is bounded by a stone wall and woodhnd to its rear and is bisected by a stream which falls away on its southern boundary. Along the boundary of the site itse!f there are a number of deciduous trees a number of which will need to be felled to allow for the site to be developed. Due to the confines and topography of the srte it is only capable of accommodating a relatively small scale dwellinghouse and I would therefore wish to impose conditions relative 10 the design and scale of the proposed dwellinghouse IQ avoid overdevelopment. Concern has been

2 expressed over the possible loss of privacy and amenity through overlooking. However t am satisfied that these concerns can be satisfactorily addressed via conditions relative to the orientation and position of the proposed dwellinghouse and its fenestration panern.

The development of the site and the provision of the access will necessitate the felling of a number of deciduous trees. Under the provisions of POL BE 8 of the Local Plan the Council will encourage the retention and enhancement of existing tree groups and belts of trees within or directly adjacent to built up dreas. Immediately to the rear and outwith the site boundaries is a large deciduous woodland known as Blairmore Forest which is identified as being a feature of wildlife and scientific interest in the Local Plan. In this regard I am satisfied that the loss of some of the trees within this relatively small site given the presence of the existing woodland is acceptable and will not serve to detract from the landscape setting of this built up area. However, in order to minimise the loss of trees I would wish to recommend a landscaping condition.

This application has been assessed solely upon its planning merits and in addition to obtaining planning consent it will be necessary for the applicant to gain further consent(s1 from the Council to develop the site. The recommendation of approval does not in any way mean that the Council agrees to allow access over its land or to waive the feu restriction which restricts the US@ of this ground for amenity or garden purposes only.

There are no servicing or infrastructure concerns associated with the development of the site.


I recommend that:

(a) Members agree to the principal of the proposal and;

(b) subject to no further representation being received in relation to the Anicle 18 procedures (closing date 13 September 1996) that the application be remitted to the Oirector of Planning, Oevelopment 8r Tourism, the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Local Member for final determination subject to the conditions and reasons on the Following page.



3 .


1/2/3. Standard Outline.

4. Any details pursuant to Condition 1 (a) above shall show a house of local traditional design and finish and shall incorporate the following elements:

(il The house shall be single or one and a half storeys in height. (ii) The window openings shall have a strong vertical emphasis. (iiil The walls shall be finished in a we? dash renderkmooth coursed cement renderlnatural stone. (iv) The roof shall be symmetrically pitched to a? least 35 degrees and be finished in a good quality substitute slate or a small dark profiled concrete tile. (v) fhe building shall be of general rectanguiar shape.

5. Any details pursuant to Condition 1 (a) shall show a landscaping scheme which shall identify those trees to be felled and details of replacement planting shall be submitted for approval prior to the date of commencement of any works. This scheme shall include full details of the age, species and location of planting which shall be indigenous and shall be sited along the southern and western boundaries of the site. The approved landscaping scheme shall be fully impiernented to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority no later than the first planting and seeding season following the commencement of the development and thereafter shall be maintained to the Satisfaction of the Planning Authority for a period of ten years. No trees shall be felled or lopped within the landscaping scheme {without the prior written consent of the Planning Authority] and any losses of plant species to be included in the landscaping scheme. through disease, weather exposure, neglect or damage, shall be replaced with equivalent species within one growing season.

6. Any details pursuant to condition (11 abovs shall show full details of the proposed access. The proposed access shall include provision for a culvert drawn up in consultation with the Area Engineer which shall be fully constructed to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority prior to the commencement of construction of the dwellinghouse.

7. Any details pursuant to Condition (11 above shall include a minimum of 2 cross sections through the site. These cross-sections taken from the southern to northern boundary and western to eastern boundary of the site shall show the existing land &ontours and the proposed finished levels of the house, its underbuilding. and the associated gardenlamenity area and car parkingiturning area.

8. There shall be no more than one metre of expressed underbuilding on any elevation to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

9. Any details pursuant to condition 1 above shall show a dwellinghouse which occupies a footprint no greater than 80 square metres to be to the Satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

10. Any details pursuant to condition 7 above shall show a dwellinghouse with no conterminous window openings closer than '1 8 metres of any adjoining dwellinghouse to be to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.

11. Any details pursuant to condition 1 above show a dwellinghouse that shall be sited upon the northern half of the site, with its main elevation facing towards the space between no.s 4 and 5 Duncan Cottages to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority.


1 i2t3 Standard outline.

4. In the interests of visual amenity and tu help integrate the proposal into its surrounding town scape setting.

5. In the interests of visual amenity and to help integrate the proposal into its surrounding landscape setting. .:

6. In the interests of road safety.

718. In the interests of visual amenity and to help integrate the proposal into its surrounding landscapeltownscape setting. In accordance with the provisions of Policy 3EI8) of the adopted Local Plan.

9. In the interest of visual amenity and in order to avoid over development of a confined site, having due regard to adjacent plot ratios.

10. In order to protect the privacy and amenity of adjoining residential properties.

11. In the interest of visual amenin/ having due regard to its corner plot position, street layout and to protect the privacy and amenity of adjoining residential properties.

5 Hoty Loch 16 September 1996






The applicant does not appear to own part d the &e.

The Councl sold the ground to the rpplicant h 1990 wkth M 8- feu nwtridon that the land should only ba usad for garden or amenity pwporst. Thb htue constbtes a bgd mstter between ohs mpplicant and tho md WiEi raquim teparaste legal consent from th Cuuncll. It ~QOSnot howevw affect the planning assessment. namely, whether the principle of 1 dwsuinghw-~ais rccaptztbls on the sits, having dus regard to rdopted hmbg Poky md

1 infrastructurelservicing implications. vi1 The proposal ha contrary to POL BE 8 of the Cowtl Locrl Fbn.

COmment: See action F of my odglnrl committee mport dated 16 August 1996 mlativa to thir. viil There mry ba I r+gMof ww through the W.

The Dlmctwof Legal Smkes hurdvlrsd that thsn b no wid.ncs of tn established right of way through the site.


In Tiht of the above I recommend that my original ncommendation of approval rdn unabred.

Development and &lading Control

2 .

Local Member - Cur A. McOuesn Date of Validity - 15.7.96

16 September 1995

96/01003R)FT Carol dr OddSinrlstw ." Detailed Pdsdon. becdun of 17 handay cottagrt, change of use of Crdg todgm to three flats, w.ctlan of rwlmmlng pool and vdon at cottage and officdncepdon, Ostd (or Kilbrldel by, Ardmont, m.


Development Requiring Planning Pemu'ssiarr

i) Erection of 17 holiday chalets. Materials to be ussd am stained timber [of various caloursl, dark grey tsme-coated steel cladding and stained and white timber tilt and turn windows.

iil Change of use of existing vacant lodge house ICraig Lodge) to three fiats.

iiil Erection of swimming pool and cafe building. Materials to be wed are stained timber walls, dark grey terne-coated steel cladding and stained timber tX and turn windows.

ivl Erection of house with officelreception. Materials to be used are staked timber walls, dark grey terne-coated st0rI cladding and stained timber tilt and turn windows.

v) installation of twa septic tank.

vi1 Akarationt ta existing disused access from Craig Lodge to single-back public road.

viil Demohion of existing outbuildings behind Craig Lodge.

Other specified Opersdons

viii) Connection to public water main.


The site lies Mma Regional Scenic Area where, under Structure Plan poky EWIA, there is a general presumption against prominent or sporadic development which would have an adverse environmental impact. Similady, under Local Plan poky RUR 1, the Council seek to resist development which wwld have an adverse bndscapa impact and accordingly ail proposals require to be assessed against the relevant RUR 1 witeris.

Under POL TOUR 11 the Council seeks to encourage tourism facilkks related to natural resources such as beaches provided that they do not conflict with landscape, nature conservation or agricuttural interests.

Along the eastern side of Kilbride Bay (and partly covering the site) Iies an extensive area

1 c of broadleaf woodland which is also ancient rrrni-ruturalwoodland. Under POt RUR 2 the Council seeks to msht development which wodd .rode the wildlife or scisntif'k value of Such 8LtBIS.

Kilbrido Bay is I VBF/ attractive and unspoilt bay and I consider that the acak of the props& development and the consequent lmsiin tnffic and visitor pressure wlU detract from the chraFter of the bay and ha nrkm conturvation interest. The proposal will also impact on the nrea of ancient asd-nrrtwtt woocUmnd.



0) Area Engineer [Roads) Uettsr dated 20.8361: No obisctions tubjsct to conditions mg%rdlng tha access onto the public road, jghthes, parking md aUnh arrangements. (iil Scottish Natural Heritage Qettsr dated 26.8.961: On initial aaminatim, there are likely to be seriaus concerns with ths proFK#rl.

The construction activities [including woda requirsd for associated access and drainage arrangements) along with the brcrsased visitor and reemationaJ pressure could have a potentially damaging afFect on the dentsesminatural wd!dand on th0 coastal heath and sand duns vegetation (the only such area in Cowall. The number and design of the propasad chalets may not be in keeping with the Regional Scenic Atea. 6) West of Scotland Water (Sewerage1 (tetter dated 20.8.96): No objtions. fiv) West of Scod

(VI Scottish Environmental Protection Agmcy Qsttsr dated 9.9.961: No objections. It k pfOpssed to kSb1 8 number Of sewQnkS b SBNO th8 devdopmsnt aach of which wl discharge to a total soakaway. Given ths ground conditions in this arm and ths amount of land available, it is msidered that this means of disposal should be successful.

(vi1 Department of Environmental Services: No response received.


The proposal was advertised under Section 23 d Ardcls 18 of the Act lclosjng datm 30.8.96 and 6.9.96 respectivefy) snd sixteen letters of objection have been received from Mr A.C. MiIlsr, ligharrs, Kames {lettef daw 23.8.061; Mrt M.B. MiIlar, Ttm, Kames (letter dated 20.8.96 Ne getter dated 17.8.98); Mrs SE. Allison, Highgat 1; R.A.M. Watson, Ardlarnont, by Tighnabruaich (I ervdon Society btter dated 21.8.961; Mr and M by Tighnabnrskh Oetter dated 26.8.961; Ms M. Paterson, Cuilbasg, rghrrabnraich Qstterdated 29.8.961; Mrand Mn G.C. Newton, tvybank, Tighnabnraich (letter dated 27.8.96); Ms K. MacDonald, Mr 1. MacDonald and Ms J. MacDonafd, 61 Hamilton Drive, Glasgow (letter dated 28.8.96); P.M. Muir, 3 Royal Court, Tighnabnraich (fetter dated 31.8.96); MA. Rendle, Bridgetts, Saffron Waldon (letter dated 27.8.96); Ms J. May, 38 Newcombs Road, Shenlsy, Essex (letter dated 17.8.961; Mr M.J.M. Watson, Crossroads Cottage, Millhouse (letter dated 28.7.96); P. and L

M. Oakss, KyhView, fighnabrudch (letter dated 27.8.961"md Colin Millar, Gloucester Street, Faringdon, Oxfordshire (letter dad 29.8.96). The grounds of objection am8 summarised below.

Kilbride [or Ostal) Bay is the only safe, sandy beach in the area. It k used by day visitors who camcl to enjoy a quiet beach, undisturbed by traffs, The fact th8t the public have to park mme dittancs tway and walk to the beach maam that tfia bay is accessible wittrout being awrmwded. The propod wilt mdt In a ccrmktenbh Incmasa in vehicles and pcbopls, who will be staying in the byfather thon ht visiting. This wiU completely des4ray thr quieS nrturs of the bay urd ib rttmctkm for visitors in the sunounUhg

Comment: This buswiil bs addtssssd In my Assessment beb.

KilMde Bay h 8 natural sandy bay which, with the md 8and dune system, makeis it unique in the Cowal U-. Th. bay and its snvirons, indudirrg m uea of ancient seminatural woodland, provide interesting flora and sxcelfsnt habats for a range of wildlife. Ths wildlffe intarsst Will be threatened by th disturbance that mora people and vehicles will cause.

Comment: This issue will be addressed h my Assessment below.

The proposal will not fit into the landscape of the bay and will set a precedent for further, similar development. The dsting modem bungalow demonstrata how unsympathetic development can dessct from the character of the bay. The landscape impact should also ba sssassed from the sea, as visiting yachtsmen are also important to the zma.

Comment: This issue wii ba addressed in my Asaessmcmt Mow,

Given tha surle of the proposat and b sensitiV8 btbn 881 Environmental Assessment should be submitted.

Comment: The proposal does not fall within Annex 1 of th Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1988 whereby an Envirwrmen-1 Assent wwld bs istatutory ~Uttamsnt.Under AMex 2 the Planning Authority con ask for an EA if it k considered mcesary. kr this cam I CORsidur that thete is -sufficient information to reach an assessment of the proposal, ths details of which are laid out below.

The Ardlamont road is single track with relatkdy few passing placas and a number of blind spots. It is not capabb of deaalig safely with the additional traffic generated by this propoml.

Comment: The Area Engineer (Roads) has considered the proposal and raised no objections.

The proposal does not indude vehicle parking. At the same time, however, the provision of one large car park wouM be unsightiy.

CommenE There is exiskg space available for parking at ths existing propedes snd ir is proposed to provide a parking space beside each chalet. The Area Engineer (Roads) considen that the parlcing provision is acceptable, although if the application is approved it is recommended that a condition bs attached requiring debits of adequate turning areas.

3 Wilt k k 8cknowladged that the weak locd kyrquhs help, this dwrlopnwrrt win do Utth to mhsncr businesses in tho MI. vuton to df- emring aceommodadon tend to brlng thrlr providanswfth thm and tho sits is too far from Tighnabnraich and Kames for hotel8 and rwtaunnkr to bsr#lf%t. Come This istur will be addressed in my Assssrurwnt bstuw.

Commsnc It b proposed to mpen ths &sting access track Mnd Croig Lodge to @n access to the development md not to us0 ths access PSSd Kilbride cottaga.


The site lies within 8 Regional Scenic km and lhemforu rquMt to be Pa#ssed 8gainst the following Stmcntts Pian ENV 1A and 1-1 plpn Pot RUR 1 &.eda:

(i) h-tal

.wlthmadroirdcasrtalherthbehhd. Tottre -&mumside davslopmmtir mmd, the lend lis8s st- and d8ssed8sAntjent Semhatural Woodland. There Is exiSZhg d .astern end of the bay, comprising bigLodgs, three dwelfinghuusc# (OM tradil cottage and two bwalowsl agricu ulldings.

Them is public access to the beach at prwent though visiton must park at Kilbride Farm and walk to the beach, I distance of rppmxhmtdy 1 % km. Tbhgives public aceass whilst maintsining the beach as I quiet area with very limitsd traffic moments.

Whht there is some developmsnt within the bay k b of 8 mdl scab which has fidted impact on the landscape, habhia’8nd ChamGtW of #e bay. I have no objections to the upgrading of Crag Lodgs into three Rats and them m9y be some scope for redevelopment within the scattered group of existing buildings. The proposed seventeen lodges, together with associated pamphamaiis (such as canoes, dinghies, tents, washing lines), lntroducs 8 new and alien visual element into the unspoilt bay by extending development along the access into a presently undeveloped area. They will also *mpsct directty upon the woodland behind, slbeit

4 that ths applicants intand to retain ss nrrny of thr &ttm tmea IS podble.

. . ._.-. . .

Policy POC TOUR 11 would emgmthe ptoposol in Mndpkr subject to certain safeguards which include the pl0tect.h of the &ndscxqm quality in 1 Regional Scanic Area. This safeguard would be compmmised in this instance for the re85ons previously citedr thus POL. TOUR 11 would abbe undermined. fmalty, the ecoiogical value of the area would also be damaged by ths proposal through the impact of physical wow and the incresse in pedestrian and vehicle pressurn, contrary to the prwisions of pow POC RUR 2. L~~ationa1/0perati~lNeed


(in) Economic Benefit

The proposal will provide high qu&y df-caterhg accommodabion, whkh wiU bring more visitors into the m. Homer, revenue to bcd businsss~such U hoteb and shops is most likely to be vety ri)ted since visiton in self-catering accommodation tend to bhg must of thek provisions with them, pa~culadyif some distance from local shops. tt is no! considered that the4 economic benefit is suffkient to override the adverse environmental impact

There will be soma benefrt in employment tarn. It is wtimated that an additional four full-time and ten part-time jobs win be created by th devdopment.

lnfrssttucturs and Servicing lrnpfications

No objeCtions have been raised by the Highways Authority wiih regard to the access proposals, although some upgrading would be required.

it is proposed to provide several septic tanks with soakaways to deal with drainage from the development. To date no details of the septic tanks have been submitted and given the concerns with regard to the landscape and nature conservation impacts, confirmation of drainage details have not been pursued.

5 'In reaching my assessment on this application, t hwr had mgdW documantr identified in brackats above which are avahbls for public inspsctiOn h temrt of the Local Govemnaant &#ss to Information) Act 1985'.

Heawof Sanries Development and Buitding Control .. . , -3 .- b

Local Member - Cllr E McTaggart Datr of VaildQ - 23 August 1996

13 September 1 996



Developrnatl t Requiring Planning Pdsdm:

i) Application in principle for 7 bwellinghuuse to be sited on land at the end of Ecxlas Road.

ii) Existing vehicular access to be *mpmved.

iii) New road constructed to secvice site.

other Propordr:

ivl Connection to public sewer.

VJ Connection to public water wppfy.

The proposed development refiects iha dsrwity and buikling pattm of adjacent dwellinghouses and constituthg rounding off and redevelopment related to ths sxisting built form which accords with the provisions of Pot. HO 8 of the Cowal Local Han.

Under the pmvkions of PO1 HO 7 the Council wiU seek the provisiOn of open space in new housing developments. Within etstates of less than 25 houses the level of provision required (if any) Will be dependent upon the lype of houses, plot sites and an ass8ssrnent of existing pmvision within the area.

There are a number of trees within the si& and under the provisions of WL BE 8 of ths Local Plan ttra Council will encourage the retention and enhancement of existing tree groups and betts of -trees within or ditectfy adjacent to bunt up areas.

The propad accords with the pmvisiolu of POL HO 8, POL HO 7 and POL BE 8 of the Cowal Locat ptm.


768186: Detailed permission was granted 30 March 1987 for the provision of sheltered housing.

01/88/0213: Detailed permission was granted 26 October 1988 for the erection of 3 x 3 apartment and 2 x 2 apartment shattered type housing units. 0 1Is 110 11 19: OetPirtrd prmbslon granted 22 January 1992 for ime dwdhu-.

98100228: Outline rppffation submitted by the applicant for 14 dwalhghousos withdnwn 6 September 1998.


No objsdims.

No objections.

ivf Wert of Scatland Water (water1

(E) PUWCTTY AND REPRESENTATIONS The proposal hat been advertised under Sedan 23 and Artida 9 Wdng date I3 rs of representation hwe been received frm Mr P Wilkinson, Renfietd Ham. (letter datad 8 Augwt 1996) In auppurt of the d 9 Eccles Road, Qettwdotsd 1996)

mwrns the lodL fac4 Within the dnlriwig damag~th~ 0bi-r~

Commerrt: This is not a refewnt planning consideration and k M 8spect of the development which is covered by the Health and sofsty ExWe in tern of their legislation for Construction 0dg-m Management (CDMl for site safety.

ii) There may be a right of way through t)rs sib.

Commmt: Them is no physical evidence on rite of a fcmwth The Director of Legal Services has adVised verbally that fis b umw8m of there being an estabtished right of way in this instants.

iii) A number of trees will require to be felled within the site.

comment: Se0 my assessment. cn ASSESSMENT

2 Them am no land use or policy objections to the development of thb sits, its development is consistent with the provkionr of POL I40 8 of the Cowl LdPlm. The principle has been established for residentid devrlopments by vhw of previous peRni~Si0ns.

Sewn dwellings have been shown in lndicadvu fomt only with a mllhammer head at the top of th4 site. The layout of the sits b h8ghatbm with frrsgulu titing with the proVislon of m& dwelIing with a generous sized plot (6008qkwa me?res).Such a density ia broadly comparable to the general charam of thssumwdhg ma. Ghrcur that the abL within a primarii residentid area I woufdct-.thetefm c~dtionsto ensure that ths de, design and finish of the proporred dvwmnghou~~ES of 8 hkh 8tandardand COmpatiMb with their swroundings.

Under the provisions of FOL HO 7 of the Locac Pkn, pby space provision [it any) for howing schemes of less than 25 houses will ba dependant upon the type of houses , plot sizes and an assessment of existing provision in the am. In this particular instanca given the praposed scale of the development the riU of ths generous hdhridud cuRilBQe8, and the *mrndiate pruximity of Camrnus Flinad~woodlsnd wMch I+ 8ctaslnWa to the public it is not considered necessary nor reasonable for the inclusion of play rpwprovision.

The development of the site and the provisions of ths access wii necessitate the felling of a number of deciduous trees. Under the provision+ of POL E€ 8 of the bed Plan the Council will encourage the retention and enhancement of m*stjngtree ground and belts of trees within or directly adjacent to built up amas. The sitb Is bounded by Camas Rinach Woodland which is covered by a Tree PreservationOrder Reference 8/91. The development site was specificalty excluded from the Tree Preservation Order area's boundary due to the permksions and k recognition that the prop& com&lIted rounding off of the settlement in this area.

ha implementation of the previous permissions would ltso have resumin tree felling. In this regard I am satisfied that th tretw has .(ready been establshed in principte and given the pnsssnce wcdhnd this will not dstraetfmm the landSEape setting of the built up in order to minimise the !ass of tmem I would wish to impose a fandscaping condFtion,

Although detailed permission [reference 119) was granted for 8 dwsllhghouse withi part of the sits this does not taw 24 January 1997. The site which it occupies b whom contained within the boundm'eis for plot 7. The two permissions cannot be implemented simuftaneously within the plot. tn fight of this it b clerdy unneceaary to revoke the previous plsnrdng permission granted in January 1992.


Irecommend that planning permission be granted subject to the foilowing conditions and

3 .. c


1-3. Standard outline.

4. Any detrfi8 pursuant to Condition 1(AI above shall show chmlllnghoums whkh be one or one md a half storey in hoight and shalt Incorporata the following teaturw.



5. Any details pursuant to CodMon 1IB) shall include full details of the boundary trsstmant far tfia curtiis of each dw&iIbwe to the satisfaction of tha Pkming Author&. 6. A landscaping scheme shall be submitted to the Council as Planning A


stored within such fences. Fences shall be retdnad until completion of the dmmbpmmt on adjoining fand.

8. The awes3 SSM-~this site shall be to the satisfaction of the Council as Flaming Authodty and shall be o road ovw which &e pubk has a right of access in Eerrns of the Roads (Scotiandl Act t9We and shall be mnstructed in mnsultation with ths Area Engineer as Roads Authority to the satisfaction of the Council as Planning 3'

9. Any details pursuant to Condition t above shall induds a minimum of OMI cross -'on through the centre of each proposed dwellinghouse. The cross donshall nm from east to west and shaN show the existing land contoun and the proposed finished bvsis of the house, its underbuilding and the associated gardedamenity area and car parkinghrning area.

4 c

10. Them rhdt be no more than one metre of exposed underbufiding on MY elevation to the sstidac6lon of the Planning Authority.


1-3. Standard uvtlins.

4. In the interest of visual amenity and to htegmta the ptop#od.dwdr~~homwtt)l adjoining P- P-

6. In otdsr to sMablish 8 defined boundary and in the htersst of privacy and amenity.

6. In tho herusts of visual amen* and to help integratu tJ'~eproposai into its surrounding -$ape setting.

7. To protect the long term health of trees to bet retained incluchg their mat systems and in a&ancu with the provisions of POL BE 8 of the LdPlan.

8. In order to emure that provision is made for a servica 'mad' mmmnsumto with the scale of the overall development and having regard to the atatus of the proposed access as I residentid wrvfce mad.

9\10. fn the interest of visual amenity and to integraats the proposed dwellinghouse with adjoining properties.

5 I L

Local Member - Cllr E McT'aggart Date of Validity - 20 August 1996

13 September 1996



Development Requiring Planning Planning:

il Erection of single storey dwellinghauss on undeveloped land off Ccawford Lane;

iil Formation of new vehicular access onto Crawford Lane;

Other Proporafr:

iii) Connection to public sewer;

iv) Connection to public water main.


The proposal comtitutes rounding off and redevelopment related to the existing built fwm which accords with the provisions of POL HO 8 of the Cowal Local Plan.

The prapmal accords with FQt HO 8 of the Cowal Local Plan.


241181: Outline application for SO dwellinghouses which included part of the &a was refused 24 June 1981.

01 18810565: Outline permission was granted on 12 October 1988 for ths erection of a dweltinghouse within the same plot subject to the provisions af a pump for connection to the public sewer.


No objections.

ii) Wesl of Scotland Water (Waterf:

No objection.

I .

iii) West of Scotland Watw (Sewerage):

No objections subject to conndon to the public sewer Via I pump swam.

iv) SEPA:

No abjecdons.


The proposal hrs been rdvsrtised undar ths pmvislons of &We 9 (dodw dot, 27 September 19961. One lettar of rsprasentatkm has been mhmdfr6m Mr (ttrttrr dated 26 August 1996). Badachro, Wardtans In which the following cornwere raised.

Advises that tha proposed tcms dang Cmwford Lam It wwuizabls.

Comment: Cmwford lana is an umurfad track which kads from Jam Street northwards ta the rear of propertiw which front onto 0-e Street. The lane serv~sas a rear access to them pmpertiat and tu more racent housing developments. However the lans bcomrw little more than an wwgrown fmtpath adjacent to the site and continues north-& to link tpath 8dja-t ta th comrnum hd, wh*& feeads b

2) Concern over th

Them are no policy constraints to the 9 Bt it CO- rounding off development and HO8ofthsL&Plan. The principle of the of the pmviuus outri permission bfmn samesite. Thedesign, scale and finish of the propused d ir cclrnpatiile to other dwellings within dose proximity of tfie site.

The development of the site wil necessitate the felling of a number of trees. Undw the provision of POL BE 8 of the Local Pfan *a buncil wiIf sntxt~ragetfrs retention and enhancement of existing tree groups d beb of trees within 01 dirsctly adjacent to buitt up areas. The trees are relativety young and were not presertt when the previous planning application was considered. The applicants agent has agreed to P landscaping condition minimising the loss of trees by the retention of a number of trees and the replanting of other trees in place of those felled. In light of this and given the previous permission, I am satisfied that the loss of some of the trew is acceptable and will not serve to detract from the landscape setting of the area.

2 Alth Ugh 8 on ern has born axpmssed whether the site cm b serviced for sowefag* treatment, West of Scotland Water (Seweraget have advised that subject to the pmvkions of a pump {which the applicants havs proposed) they hrve no objections to the propod dsve kpment.

Given the sbovs 1 find the proposed dsvetopmsnt to be acceptable.


I recommend mat planning permkion be granted subject to the foflowing eoIpditjont and teasoCIs.

'In reaching my assessment on this spplicatiun, I have had regard to the documents identified in brackets above which are avmiabh for pubJic inspection in termt of tha Locd Government lAccess to Infornation) Act 198S'.

Development and Building Control


3 1 .. . ._ ._......

.. r_


1. Standard.

2. Prior to the commncsmcmt of work a kndscaping scheme which shall identify -trees to be retained, felled and details of teplacsfiMnt planting thal be submitted for approval prior to the commencement of any works. l?h scheme shall include fun of the age, species Eind hdonof planting which shall bs Wigethaus and sbUbe sitad along the north eastern &nd clorth subrnW to the arm- the s&bf&cdm sdwwsfm rnaintainsd te tfrs No trees sMbe consent of the manning Authority) snd any bssss of plant spedes to be Wudd In the landscaping scheme, through dh38$@, wbpthw exposure, neglect ot damage, shall be replaced with equivalent $pack within one growlng seaason.

3. All trees propwed to be retained SfisU be protectsd by fences of chestnut @rigs OT steel scaffolding pdar of at least 1 metra in height. The fences shalt be placed at the edge o# the crown spread of the trees tQ be protected, No dwefopment or storage rhall take place on land adjoining such trees unless and until fmcss have been erected. No mpkrfab ddl be stored within such fences. Fences shall be retained until completion of daveioopment on adjoining hand.

4. Prior to the commencement of works fddetab of the surfacing treabnent of the access track and parking area shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority.


1. Standard.

2. In the interests of visua. amenity anc to help integrate the proposal into *asurrounding landscapeltownscape tatting.

3. To protect the long term health of trees to be retained including their toot systems.

3. In the interesb of road safety.


Local Member - Cllr A McNicd Dote of Validity - 30 August 1996

12 September 1996


il Installation of 1200 litm oil tank in the front garden of dwellinghouse. Tha tank I. to be sunk into the ground with only 12 inches projecting above ground level.


There are no relevant policy considerations in thb instanca. (C) CONSULTATIONS il Area Engineer

Has no objections.


Two letters of representation have been rsceived from Alexandra Kaffka, 90 Sandham (letter dated 29 August 1996) and Mr Scott, 92 Sandhaven (letter undatedl in which ths following concerns were raised.

il -m siting of the oil tank in the front garden would be unsightly.

See my Assessment.

ii) its position may present a danger to children being in a open area.

Comment: None of the consultees have indicated that the tank may be a danger and I am not awam that this would be the case.

iiil The proposal will affect propetty values.

This is not a relevant planning consideration in this instanca.


There are no policy objections to the siting of the oil tank within the garden of the dwellinghouse. Whilst the sb-ucture would nonndy be sited in a rear garden, the property is in the middle of a terrace and is not readily accessible for the servicing of tfm tank. The tank will be fulfy submerged and with landscaping I do not envisage that it will have a

1 L detrimsntrl effect upon the visual amonity of this housing debaloprnent.

I recommend that planning permission be granted subject to the following mndiiuns and reasons set out on the following page.

'In reaching my sssesment on this application, I have had regard to ths documents identifmd kt brackets above which are avabble for public inspection in terns of the Local Gowmmtmc fAccsss to Inf~rmrti~nlAct 1985'.

Dswkpmsnt and Building Control

2 h



1. Standard.

2. Nwto thr installation of the oil tank, full detoh of 8 landscaping scheme, to screen the tank from the road shall be submitted to adapproved by the Planning Authority, which shall ba hlty +mplemsntedwithin 6 month of !ho hstalladon of the tank. 3. The proposed on tank shall be submerged w th.t only t mOxjmum of 300 mm (12 inchsal is above ground level to the satisfaction of the PlaMing Authority.


1. Standard.

2. In the interest of the visual amenities of the strwt sap.

3, In the interests of visual amenity and as agreed in writing by the applicant in I letter dated 13 September 1996.

3 A .. .

loc&?,Member- CHr J English Date of Validity - 18 September 1996

18 September 1996



Devdogment Requiring Express Ptanning Pemlssion:

il Erection of one and a half storey Estate Agents Office (Class 2);

ii) Creation of new vehicular access onto Church Street;

iii) Provision of new car parking spaces.

Other Propossb:

iv) Demolition of existing hotel;

Proposed landscaping of remainder of site.


The site lies within the main commercial core of Dunoon as identified under Policy POL COM I of ?he Cowal Local Plan and the provision of an estate agents office in this location does not give rise to any policy concerns.

The proposal is consistent with Local Plan Poky.


01-95-0630: Detailed application for the demolition of hotel, provisions of 11 flats and estate agents office, withdrawn due to possible delays relative to possible legal concerns with the then Regional Council.

01-95-0682: Detailed permission granted 31 August 1995 for the demolition of the hotel, erection of 11 flats and an estate agents office.

96\00974: Detailed application for the erection of an estate agents office (ctass 2) withdrawn 1749-1996 following an on site meeting.


The only distinction between the recently withdrawn application (ref 96\00974) and the current proposal is relative to a revised access and to the design and scale of the estate agents office.

1 t One letter of representadon was tsdevsd mIativa to th. Oridnrl pro& from Mr Noaker," W 6 3 Chalmen Ltd, Dunoon (letter dated 18 August 18981 In which the following objdoru wwa raised

The proposal mpresents onIy piscem4.l development and will prevent 8 comprehensive redevelopment of the &a.

See my assessment.

l?iem is on war provision of estafa agents within Donoon.


il Director of Environmental Smkes:

'No objections on original appfication, fwthar views awaited.'

'No obim-ons. Area Engineer advised en amendments to dis proposed ~ess8

'No objedons an original appli&Hon. furthw views 8waitsd .. ivl West of kdmdWater Watd - 'Nu obiectkns on original application, further views awaitd..

v) West of Scotland Water (Seweragel: 'No objections on original application, further views awaited.' Cn ASSESSMW

TRe dting Harmony House Hotel U in a dilapidated condition and has bean lying empty ow. The propod entails the demolition of the hotel and the partial f the northern hdf ~f the sits thraugh the provision of II one ada half storey estate agent office (class 2) the cmation par)cing area. The site liea within the main commeicial mm POLCOM 1 where the Council seeks to encourage the conJderation of shopping uses within the town centre. In this regard the proposal accords with this provision.

2 c The previous permlsdon granted In August 1995 (reference 01-9606821 rspemntad a comprehensive redeveJoprnent of the 8bwhich hduded il flab md UI rsbk went8 office. Ths applicants have however advised that they a18 unable to develop th. ribr h thi8 manner at present due to the high coat of ~~mtruCtjm,problems with Ichbbvlng I Wing Warrant and a lack of demand. The applits anticipate that on- the hotel b dm and estate rgenta office constructed thag Wrwill act n a catalyst for the devebpmant of the remainder of the site.

Th6 recent applfcatiOn (rSf96\009741 WSWtthdroWn due bp f?W!&d dRWtibt0 the scheme in terms of 8ccaa8 md drrdgn. The access hanow been mpdicmed to .ccord with the view of Area Engineer and to &flow forthe comptehcuuhn mdw&pmmt of rhs site h ths future. The design of the estate agents offbhas btwn ndka€ly-nod with the introduction of end gables, two front pitched dormec8 Md unmdments to fenestration to abw for an increased depth of stall risw and longdtddemphads. Such design aherahioru meet with my approval.

Ths principls concern in thit instance is whether the partial redevebpmmt of th. U submitted b acceptable or whether a comprehenrh redevelopment of the 8i'& rhoutd be undertaksn. Whilst the latter is obviously detirabls and has been aougM by otficsrr of my Department during protracted nqotiadum with the applicant, then UI 8 nlrmtrer of relevant considdons relathre to my assesmint. fhe misting bwib h 8 pow and dilapidated condition which represents an eyesore slong Alexandra Ppreds md k parikubrly prominent in the atreet scene. As such it sshsly devalues the mbi- of bm.

Ths applicants could if they desired dwnolii the hotel today without the mad far my hrtther statutow consents as the demolition doet not require the hfitof pknning permission. This would not necessarily entail that the site was landscaped wan on a temporary basis and visual harm could continua. Although, the parW mdevekrpmrmt of the site is nut considered ideal, its layout is such that it will not preclude the demlopment of the remainder of the site as a revised access ha$ bean secured though mgotbtkms. The applicants have submm indimthe drawings of how the remainder ot thm ritr cocdd tm developed. Wt these hdicatiw bawingr do have I numbsr of dwbmkqs thsy demonswats that Merdevelopment of dae remainder of the Sits & padibk d not prdjudiced.

To allow the htei to be demolished with only the iwtate agents offb prodded with tha remainder of the site left as rubble wwkf be unacceptable and this bushaa hrtrass4d to the spprkant who has agreed in principk to thit aspect. I would tkefom wish to impose a landscaping condition, in respect of the undeveloped part of the sits to prevent it becoming an eyesore and detracting from the setting of Dunoon.

In light of the above I am satisfied that the proposed development would not prejuidim the comprehensive redevelopment of the site and that the proposal should be encouraged.

3 f recommend that;

I) members igms to tho principle of the schemr 8-d b) subject to no huther rapmentations being recieved which raise mw kwes in rela?jon to tho Section 23 md Artielrr 9 procedures thrt tho rppliudon be rwdtted to the Director of planninq, Development and Tourism, the Chdnnan Vlcs-Choimrur adkd mrnber for ctetwmination subject to the oondtlona and mama mt out cur *he fPWOWing page. -

4 w Th : LOCATION PLAN RELEVANT- TO Argyll & Bute Council Department of Planning, AP P L ICAT10 N No. 96/00973/DET A Development & Tourism Kil mory, Lochg iI ph ead Scale : 1:10,000 Date: Sept '96 Drawn by : J.A.M. Argyll PA31 8RT CONDITIONS AND REASONS RaAl7VE TO APPUCATI6N 86/00873/DFT

1. Standd.

2. Within orts month of tha granting of consent full detallr of th. propod landscaping schema for the muthem half of the site shalI be submitted to md approved by ttrcl flaming Authority. Such details shall show tha age, species md Wtion d planting to be undertoken. This landscaping aehems shall b undertaken withln one pl.nting neasm of tha hem1 belng ddW.A landscaping scheme shall be rubmkud to th. Coud U Planning Adsorky for apprcrval prior to the date d cam- of works. h ipprovsd landscaping schsrn+ ahall be fully implemented to tha dsfmzdm of th Cwncil U Planninq AuttMrJtv no tatsr than the fimt planting and seeding smsm fd&wing the cornmellc6mmf of ttrS development and themafter ahd be maintained to the mlbfwtkm of the Council as Planning Authority fors period of ten years. No trees ahd b.fdbd or lopped wtthirt the landscaping rche~nsIwithout the prior writtrrn amsent of the PtOnnkrQ Authorityk and any losses of plant species to be induded k the hndri#Ptng schema. hough disease, weather exposure, neglect oc damage, ahaft bo mpkdWittt equivalent species within me growing season,

3. AU debris and rubbls from the demolition of the hotd shall ba mmodfrwn the ritm and the site restored to it+ original ground level within 28 day8 of the demfion of the hotd.

4. Full details of tha proposed boundary treatrnmt for the &e shall be rubmitted tl, and approved by the Planning Authority prior to the commsnment of wwlc,


1. Standard.