The New Decade

22 European Painters and Sculptors

edited by Andrew CarnduJ! Ritchie MoMAExh_0579_MasterChecklist with statements by the artists

The Museum of Modern An

New York

ill collabor.u.iou wi th

.1 The Minueapolis Institute of Arts

Los Angeles COUll ty M useurn

San Francisco M useum of Art

-----T·1Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ..... Catalogue of the Exhibition


Afro, Rome; Karel Appel, Paris; Kenneth Armitage, ; M. Solinger, New York; G. David Thompson, Pittsburgh; Alfons Bach, Stamford, Connecticut; Howard Bliss. London; Hans Uhlmann. Berlin; Theodor Werner, Berlin; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bunshaft, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harry L. Winston, Birmingham, Michigan; Mr. and William A. M. Burden, New York; Alberto Burri, Rome; Mrs. Charles Zadok, Milwaukee; The Arts Council of Great , Cheltenham, England; Mrs. Gilbert W. Britain, London; The Trustees of the Tate Gallery, London; Chapman, New York; Louis Gabriel Clayeux, Paris; Jean The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Musee National Dubuffet, Paris; Mrue Etienne Hajdu, Paris; Hillman Peri- d'Art Moderne, Paris; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh odicals, Inc., New York; Vance Kirkland, Denver; Mr. and Galerie Jeanne Bucher, Paris; Paul Facchetti, Paris; Galerie Mrs. Albert Lewin, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Marx, de France, Paris; Allan Frumkin Gallery, Chicago; Chicago; Luciano Minguzzi, 'Milan; Mirko, Rome; Thomas Gallery, London; Martha Jackson Gallery, New York; Kaatz Olsen, Oslo; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Price, Beverly Hills; Oer- Gallery, New York; Galerie Maeght. Paris; Pierre Matisse maine Richter. Paris; Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, grd, New Gallery, New York; Galerte Ferdinand Moller, Cologne; York; Nelson A. Rockefeller, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Galleria d'Arte del Naviglio, Milan; Galerie Pierre, Paris; Bertha Schaefer Gallery, New York; Galleria Schneider, MoMAExh_0579_MasterChecklist Ross, New York; Mrs. Heinz Schultz, New York; William Scott, London; Stanley Seeger, Jr., Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. James Rome; Galleria Spano, Rome; Curt Valentin Gallery, New Thrall Soby, New Canaan, Connecticut: Mr. and Mrs. David York

CATALOGUE III dimensions heiglrt precedes width

AFRO. Italian, born 1912 KENNETH ARMITAGE. British, born 1916

Dark Chronicle. I!J!)l. Oil and charconl all canvas. 57 x 69'" Family Going for a Walk. 195 r. Bronze, 29" high. The Mu· 1,53 Collection Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Price, Beverly Hills. 11/. p. scum of Modern Art, New York, acquired through the Lillie 79 P. Bliss Bequest. Ill. 1)· 57 ~:i. it.-i-II Ballet. 1953· Oil and charcoal on canvas, 63 x 35Y2"· Owned Seated Group Listening to Music. 1952. Bronze, 49" long. by the art ist. Ill. p. 80 5";.111'1"3 Bertha Schaefer Gallery, New York. Ill. p. 59

55, [,'fLo Encounter, 1954· Oil and charcoal on canvas, 57 x,,6Q'~{Owned. ,

KAREL APPEL Dutch, born 1921 FRANCIS BACON. British, born 1910 . TO-I ",," C II 5,/, Child and Beast I. 1951. 1 on canvas, 39!,r4 59!,r4' 0 ec- F- - L ~_ 6 0-' c", x rgure rn a anascaP e. 194. 1 on canvas ,~ •. x lion Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, grd, New York. Ill. 1)· 99 5.5.1!.f;).°T f h T G II L d III 1 6 35"" 51 Y'f" rustees ate ate a cry, on on. ,,). 1 Man and Animals. 1953. Oil on canYas,~ x~. Paul Fac- Dog. 1952. Oil on canvas, 78JA x 541;4". The Museum of cheni, Paris. Ill. p. 100 "3 s « "f 6~" '-Ie),'.::;'?;' Modern Art, New York. Ill. 1). 62 Head and Fish. 1954. Oil on canvas,-+5 x ~".(Owned by S5.13'1(:' the artist) Ill. p. 101 56-. Ioc c, Study after Vetosouex: Portrait of Pope Innocent X. 1953·

Man with a Brush Cul. 1954. Oil on burlap, 55 x 42Y2"· Oil on canvas, 60lls x 46Y2". Collection Mr. and Mrs. William , S5, I¥/~ A. M. Burden, New York. Ill. 63 Martha Jackson Gallery, New York. Ill. p. 100 p. 1°7 50- StlJdy of a Baboon. 1953. Oil on canvas, 78 x 54". Collection ·/'It:.'f-Inner Eye. 1952. Iron with glass, 7'6" high.(Owned by the Mr. and Mrs. James Thrall Sobv, New Canaan, Connecticut. artist)IlI. p. 72 M a M A I ~~ Ill. p. 6-1 __ Two Dancing Figures. 1954. Iron and composition stone, 71" ~6.I'f-c:::. hi

Earl,1i an.d Shy. 1950. Oil on canvas, 76% x 51Y4'" Galerie JEAN DUBUFFET. French, born 1901

Maeglu. Paris. (fl. jJ. J 3 Paris Street with Stealthy Pedestrians. 1944. Oil on canvas, The Flame and the Diver. 1953. Oil on canvas, 76% x 51114". ,;S.j'/5334% x 45%". Collection Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zadok, 1\'li)· Cnlcr!e Macgtu, Paris. IfL. p. J4 waukee. !fl. p. 18 Clucago. 1953. Oil on canvas, 57V2 x 45'" Collection Louis BUilding Facades, 1946. Oil on 'canvas, 44Vs x 57Y2". Collec- Cabriei Clayeux, Paris. Ill. I). '5 :;S.I'f)''3tion Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Marx, Chicago. Ill. p. /9

ALBERTO BURRI. Italian, born '915 __ . Nude .. Olyllt1)ia. 1950. Oil on canvas. 35 x 15%". Pierre Ma. t>.') .l'i}'t . " I". tisse Gallery, New York. Ill. p. 18 Painting. 1951. Oil on canvas, 35Y4. x 38%". Col 1ecuon LV L and Mrs. Albert Lewin, New York. Ill. p. 8] SS.Io.tOTThe Busy Life. 1953· Oil on canvas, 51 x 77"· Owncd by the · 13 I 8" artist. Ill. p. 20 nUl' I

MoMAExh_0579_MasterChecklist ~-,5'. i-f C :> 51Y4". Owned by the artist. Ill. p. 85 ETIENNE HAJDU. French. born 1907 All Blach tt. 1951. Couon, silk, vinavil , glue and paint all celorex, 39Y2 x 59". Owned by the artist. Ill. I)· 85 « Portrait Head: 1950. Marble, 18Y4." high. Collection Mme Etienne Hajdu, Paris. Ill. f!. '3 . British, born 1913 .s.r.139 7 Soldiers in. Armor. 1953· Sheet copper, 38% x 77.Y4".(Galerie Girl. and Boy. 1950-51, Forged and welded iron, 6'9" high. Jeanne Bucher, Paris)lll. p. 23 (1<'\6M R The Arts Council of Great Britain. lll. 66 p. 55. 1'1~"""lWoman uiith: Braids. 1953· Bronze, 33\12" high. Collection Mr. Oracle. 1952. Forged and cast bronze, 6'1" long. The Museum and Mrs. Charles Zadok, Milwaukee. tll. I). '2-/

of Modern Art, New York. Ill. p. 67 5'£ I '}"f'$. The Young Girls. 1954. Sheet aluminum, 38Y2 x 66". Galerie GhI with a Vest. 1953-51. Shell bronze,.67Y2" high. Collec- Jeanne Bucher, Paris. Ill. p. 25 tion Nelson A. Rockefeller, New York. Ill. p. 68 Mallipulator. '954. Shell bronze, 67" high. Collection G. David ALFRED MANESSIER. French, born 1911 Thompson, Pittsburgh. Ill. p. 69 Figure of Piety. 1944-45. Oil on canvas, 57Y2 x 38Y4". Collec-

GIUSEPPE CAPOGROSSI. Italian, born 1900 tion Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zadok, Milwaukee. Ill. p. 27 ,!'f~ GS.lll 31 The Crown of Thorns. '950. Oil on canvas,~x 38\12". Musee ;;$ /J,{.L{ 'f Surface No. 75. 1950. Oil on paper, pasted on canvas, 10!/s x National d'Art Moderne, Paris. Ill. p. 28 28".(Calleria Schneider, Rome)/ll. p... 87_ (!:f,j'·/4'3/.f- Games in the Snow. 1951. Oil on canvas, 28% x 36%". Car- ,,5 ''1).7 Section NO·4· 1953· Oil on canvas, ~ x 38%". Galleria negie Institute, PittSburgh. Ill. p. 29 ~;-:-d'Arte del Naviglio, MilanJIlI. p.,.88 MCi M A 5:O-·I4-S/ For the Feast of Christ-The-King. 1952. Oil on canvas, 78 x _7Surface No. 86. 1954. Oil- on canvas, 44% x 76%". Collection 59"· Collection G. David Thompson, PittSburgh. Ill. p. ]0 ,SS .Ii.f~ M1'. an d!N rs. Hany L . 'V·V mston, B··lrllilllg ham, M·lC h· Igan. Ill. p. 89 LUCIANO MIN GUZZI. Italian, born 1911 ~·5.1'f J..t' Surface No. Io6. 1954. Oil on canvas, 4714 x 63" (oval). Gal- leria Spazio, Rome. Ill. p. 89 S'S.ILO..(, Goal. 19::P. Bronze, c. 45" long. Owned by t.he artist. Ill. p. 9' Dog among Reeds. 1951. Bronze, 2701" high. The Museum of LYNN CHADWICK. British, born 1914 Modern Art, New York, Aristide Maillol Fund. Ill. p. 92

Barley Fork. 1952. Welded iron, 26t4" high. Collection NeJ- Acrobat 011 Trapeze. 1953. Bronze, 70Ys" high. Owned by the son A. Rockefeller. New York. Ill. p. 7I ,6',5".!'t J.S artist. Ill. p. 92 I 108 l ;:zs

it ,.

Woman Jumping Rope. 1954.Bronze,~' high. Collection October LO, J952. Oil on canvas, 35 x 45%". Collection Mr. Ss.1393 Alfons Bach, Stamford, Connecticut. ill. 1J· 93 65· Itf"f t).and Mrs. Walter Ross, New York. Ill. p.- 42 "1(, ":J'x SJ Yg" April 3, 1954. Oil on canvas,..t:A- x -~. KliI9 C lIer)', New ~,5,,41 7 MIRKO (BASALDELLA). Italian, born 1910 York. Ill. P.43

Hector. 1949. Bronze, 38~" high. Collection Stanley Seeger, "5 l'f'f 7 HANS UHLMANN. German, born 1900 I Jr., Dallas. Ill. 1)· 95 ss. . . , - Voices. 1953. Bronze, 39" high. Owned by the artist. Ill. 1), 9/'t~~St.eel Sculpture. 1951. 78%" high. Owned by the artist. Ill. p . 1".]' 13l(.5 Architectonic Element. 1954. Sheet brass, 79 x'Qt ~". ... Owned 45 ss. I 311" by the artist. Ill. p. 96 5·5"·,·1.+5-1 Steel Sculpture. '954. 34%" high. Owned by the artist. Ill. p. Chimera. '%5. Bronze, 351;2" high. Collection Vance Kirk- 45 land, Denver. Ill. p. 97 sS. I'+S 3 Steel Sculpture. 1954· 78%" high. Owned by the artist. Ill. 1)· 47 EDOUARD PIGNON. French, born 19°5 !is, I If5 "5 Winged Insect. 1954· Steel, 23%" high. Owned by the artist. !fl. p. -/-6 n ~~ ex "- Olive Tree at Sunset, 1953. Oil on canvas. ~I x 7Go/.i". Collec- tion Thomas Olsen, Oslo. Ill. p. J=! MARIA HELENA VIEIRA DA SILVA. Portuguese, born Ig08 -5~ Black Nude. 1953. Oil on canvas, 'f1+' x 76%". Collection Thomas Olsen, Oslo. Ill. 1).33 SI{./6,j-(. The City. 1948. Oil on canvas, 3814 x 51". Collection Mrs. ... If . Gilbert W. Chapman, New York. Ill. 1). 10J

MoMAExh_0579_MasterChecklist Iosmme PIckers. 1954.011 on canvas, 28% x 3G14"~Galene de France, Paris)Ill. p. 34 55. /lf3 ~ Iron Bridges. 1953· Oil on canvas, 45 x 5iY2"· Calorie Pierre, Paris. Ill. p. IO-/-

GERMAINE RICHIER. French, born 1~04 5.s.14~ ~ Theater. 1953· Oil on canvas. 35 x 46%". Galerie Pierre, Paris. Ill. p. IO-/- Diaboto (Large version). 1949. Bronze, 55" high. Allan Frum- 55' 14 to Nocturnal Space. 1954. Oil 'On canvas, 38 X 51". Private col- kin Gallery, Chicago. Ill. 1). 36 S 5· J t.f 1'1" lection, Paris. Ill. p. ID5 The Waler. 1952. Bronze, 57" high. Owned by the artist. iii. 1'- 37 THEODOR WERNER. German, born 1886 T'auro.uactvy. 1953. Bronze, '15" high. Owned by the artist. s.s , l'i 3 7 Vanished (Verschollenes]. '951. Oil on canvas, 39l.4 x 31%". iii. p. 38 -'=;5,1~;sl Galerie Ferdinand Moller, Cologne. lll. [r. 19 -ss )4-4·5'" Prehistoric. '952. Varnished gouache on paper, 2il/2 WILLIAM SCOTT. British, born 1913 Collection Mrs. Heinz Schultz, New York. Ill. jJ. 50

Still Life with Colander and Beans, 19'18. Oil on canvas, 26 x Separation (LoslOsungJ. 1952. Oil on canvas, 39V2 X 32". 32".(Collection Howard Bliss, London) Ill. p. 75 55, J 3~ 7 Owned by the artist. Ill. p. 5' Table 6 72". Hanover Gal- ·,55, JJ/.{ ~ x Venice. 1952. Oil and tempera on canvas, 32 x :39'%". The ( lery, London. Ill. p. 76 ;~). .5 t.f Museum of Modern An, New York, gift of Mrs. Gertrud A. ssro «t Still Lite. 1951. Oil on canvas, 45 x 60"(Owned by the artist) Mellon. Ill. p. 50 III p 76 .. Seated Figure. 1954. Oil on canvas, 60 x 30". Martha Jackson FRITZ WINTER. Oerman, born '905 Gallery, New York. Ill. p. 77 SS.I4-~S- Elevation. 1951. Oil on canvas, 53l,4 x 57%". Carnegie Insu- tutc, Pittsburgh. Ill. p. 53 l'IERR£ SOVLAGES. French, born 1919 53'.1~b'"S.· Tensions (Spa1J1Jungen). 1952. Oil on burlap, 43l,4 x 45l,4"· Ja11Uary IO, I951. Oil on burlap, 571;2 x 38~". The Museum Galerie Ferdinand Moller: Cologne. JII. 1)· 5-1 of Modern Art, New York, acquired through the Lillie p.. Quiet Sig'j, 1953. Oil on canvas, 45 x 57Y2"·(Curt V,:,lentin Bliss Bequest. lll. p. 40 SS.!'15l, Gallery, New York)Ill. p. 55 M.oMf\ {,

December 19, I95I. Oil on canvas, 3'% x 51 1jj ". Hillman Approaching (Kommel1des). 1954. Oil on burlap. 3i% x Periodicals, Inc., New York. Ill. p. 4I 5::.-· ,.,.¥! 4i%". Collection Nelson A. Rockefeller, New York. Ill. p. 55