The student voice since 1904 THE UNIVERSITY DAILY KANSAN Wednesday, december 8, 2010 volume 123 issue 75 Brain power Hit the y, then hit the bks Memory increases with daily exercise Editor’s Note: This is the third part Long said exercise released hor- of a three-part series on good finals mones like serotonin that helped habits. Check out for students feel happy and motivated. information on sleeping and eating Laura Webb, a graduate stu- during finals. dent and KU Fit instructor at the Ambler recreation center, agreed BY JUSTINE PATTON that students would feel refreshed
[email protected] after they exercised. “I just feel better after I work During finals week, swivel chairs out. My whole attitude has changed and computer desks replace station- after I am at the gym,” Webb said. ary bikes and treadmills as students “Even if I’m not all that excited ditch exercise for more study time. about going to the Rec one day, Amber Long, the fitness coor- usually if I go I never regret it.” dinator for the Ambler Student Patty Quinlan, the nursing Recreation Fitness Center, said supervisor at Watkins Memorial these students might be neglect- Health Center, said exercise could ing their grade also help stu- point averages dents fight sick- along with “I think a lot o times we get ness, another their muscles. caught up in thinking we finals week foe. Long said “It helps the exercise, espe- need to exercise or a whole blood system cially cardio- hour. That’s not the case.” and circulatory vascular exer- system work cise like run- Amber long faster, so any ning, actually Fitss cdiat toxins or build- helped mem- ups in our body ory formation.