Sir Richard Chaffey Baker (1841-1911) Frederick William Bamford (1849-1934)

Senator for 1901-1906 Member for Herbert (Queensland) 1901-1925

ichard Baker was born in North , Baker was elected to the Senate to represent orn in Dubbo, New South Wales, A Vice-President of the Waterside Workers RSouth Australia, and educated in England. South Australia in 1901 and was the first BFred Bamford moved to Queensland as a Federation 1902-16, Bamford formed a close On his return to Australia in 1864 he practised President of the Senate from 1901 until his child, where he worked as a cabinet-maker, association with W.M. Hughes. He was one of as a barrister. He was a member of the South retirement owing to ill health in 1906. and became involved in municipal politics. the first members of the House of Australian House of Assembly (1868-71) and Although politically aligned with the He was Mayor of Bowen, Queensland, in 1898. Representatives to openly support the Legislative Council (1877-1901) where Freetraders, he refused, in his capacity as conscription for overseas military service he was President from 1893 to 1901. In each presiding officer, to take sides in the debates Bamford was elected to the House of during the First World War, and on expulsion house he was the first native-born member between Freetraders and Protectionists. Representatives at the first federal election in from the Labor Party in October 1916, to be elected. A strong advocate of federation, He was respected for his fairness and 1901 as the Labor Party member for Herbert, Bamford joined Hughes in the National Labor Baker was an active member of the federal decision-making abilities and was a great Queensland, a seat which he held until his Government as Minister for Home and conventions of 1891 and 1897-8, where his advocate of the role and importance of retirement from Parliament in 1925. During Territories. writings on federation were extensively used the Senate. this time he served as a minister, Chairman as a source of reference by the delegates. of Committees and Deputy Speaker, and sat Throughout his parliamentary career Bamford He led the argument of the smaller colonies Baker was knighted in 1895 and appointed on a number of committees and royal earnestly represented the interests of the for a Senate with powers equal to those of the Queen’s Counsel in 1900. After leaving commissions. sugar industry in northern Queensland. His House of Representatives. political life, he concentrated on his various personal popularity ensured his repeated mining and pastoral interests. return to Parliament, despite his expulsion from the Labor Party.

The state of South Australia was also represented in the first Senate by: The electorate of Herbert was named after Sir Robert Herbert (1831–1905), Sir Josiah Henry Symon Thomas Playford the first Premier of Queensland.

Sir John William Downer David Morley Charleston Gregor McGregor