a play

by Fred Gordon

[email protected]



NABIL KAKON = 28, born in Morocco, tall, wiry, light-skinned, easy charm, feline energy, wants to be very smart

AADI KAKON = 24, NABIL’S brother, born in Morocco, restless, study, shorter than his brother, long ponytail, a good soldier

NIOMI BEREZLOVICH = 52, born in Israel and grew up in the US, very smart, athletic, very attractive, has seen various wars and has survived

AARON BEREZLOVICH = 26, NIOMI’S son, born in the Israel, moved to US at 13, careful, educated, thoughtful, well groomed

ZAKARIYYA BEREZLOVICH = 23, NIOMI’S son, born in the Israel, moved to US at 10, doesn’t want to be a puppy any more, smarter than he thinks

*DAVID SOUSSAN = 53, born in Morocco, well dressed, silver hair, glasses, oozes confidence, money, and power; has climbed various ladders

*URI BEREZLOVICH (VOICE ONLY) = 50, born in Russia and speaks with an Israeli accent, sounds tough and a little weary

*KWANG WONG-XI (VOICE ONLY) = 44, Chinese born in Hong Kong, raised in London, educated in Israel, international businessman

*can be played by the same actor

SETTING = in and around New York City TIME = June 2017



a play


Music from OUR FATHER WHO'S NOT IN HEAVEN digital file: #1. Avi Toledano - "Hora," fades up.

NABIL (Naa-BIY-L) KAKON, 28, enters a party hall in Tel Aviv as colorful, projected laser lights twinkle around the room. Wearing a hand-embroidered, long sleeve, waist-length caftan tunic and white pants, NABIL is Moroccan, tall, wiry, light skinned, has very short hair, and smiles easily with charm that doesn't hide his feline energy. He gestures and waves to "everyone" around the room and in the audience who are eager to greet him. AADI (Uh-DEE) KAKON, 24, NABIL’S brother, Moroccan, long hair in a ponytail, dressed vaguely as military, a bulldog ready to snap. He follows behind NABIL.

As NABIL walks around the room greeting his friends, he occasionally sings in Hebrew the words to “Hora” (see Appendix).

NABIL: Hello, hello, good, good, good to see you, thanks to you all for coming to my party. And a wonderful thanks to my brother, Aadi, for flying in from New York and making this possible. Aadi, where’s Addi? (NABIL turns around, sees AADI behind him, and gives him a big hug. The crowd cheers.) Yes! Hello, hello to all! (To “individuals” in the “crowd”: ) Welcome to Tel Aviv, Simo, thank you for coming up, you devil you, and how is your wife and your two little children? Still in Jaffa? Good, good, good, I hope I’m not keeping you from our work, Said. … Thank you. … Hey, Youssef, you sweetheart you, you came to my little party! … You are still magnificent.

AADI’S cell phone rings and he answers it and listens intently. He hangs up, makes a small, celebratory gesture, goes to his brother and whispers in his ear. NABIL nods his head, pats AADI’S cheek.

NABIL (to the crowd) Thank you – take some of this food back to your family. … You’re still in Ashdod, yes? Tov. We need your eagle eyes watching those container ships going in and out – in and out – right? Right!

NABIL walks around the room “shaking” hands, “hugging,” accepting “congratulations”. His brother follows him. NABIL stops in the center of the stage and raises his arms.

NABIL You warm my beating heart, you are my – my family. Wherever we all come from – Russia, Budapest, – Morocco! Ah -- Morocco of my parents – ! We’re all Israelis, we love our country, we love our family, we want peace -- prosperity – here’s to a golden future. We can do it! Yes? Eat! Drink! Make love! Today is sunshine and raisins – I start my new life – free and in your open arms. Today is honey – today is our return! (to AADI: ) Tomorrow: New York – you have it all arranged with them, with David, yes? (AADI nods his head, places both hands on NABIL’S face, and nods.) Mezyan (“Good”). Too bad about Uri, yes? (AADI shrugs.)

NABIL (raises his arms and sings and dances to the music) I am home! La la la-la la-la la la la-la la-la la…!


BLACKOUT. Sound of plane flying.


A plain, pine coffin is downstage in a Jewish chapel . June, 2017, on the north shore of Long Island, New York. NIOMI BEREZLOVICH, 52, stands behind the coffin, facing the audience, as her children AARON BEREZLOVICH, 26, and his brother, ZAKARIYYA BEREZLOVICH , 23, walk past the coffin and then stand together on the side. The men wear yarmulkes.

NIOMI God gave Uri life. God gave Uri to me. God gave us Aaron and Zakariyya. But it was evil that took Uri’s life and our God will never forgive. Good and evil are in our eyes and God is on my side. Our side.


AARON On behalf of my brother, Zakariyya, and our mother, thank you all for coming.

A “line of mourners” file past them. NIOMI, ZAKARIYYA, and AARON hug and kiss each “person” who “hugs” and “kisses” them. The brothers push the casket off-stage.


Lights fade out and fade up on the two brothers sitting on folding chairs.

AARON Piece of shit.

ZAK Who?

AARON Our father, Uri Berezlovich, the bear who wouldn’t think.

ZAK Could have been even been who knows maybe even our never-ending Bibi – he’s got fingers everywhere.

AARON Lower your voice. It wasn’t political – something about money -- Abba (“Father”)! Ah! Stupid and smart – what a deadly combination. I kept telling him, but, no, he always knew better. Swagger and bling, look where it got him, this wasn’t an accident, too many enemies.

ZAK And too violent. I loved Abba, but he could be really a fuck-all. Oh, Aaron, I can’t believe he’s not here with us.


AARON I wonder what David knows. And don’t you be a fuck-all now, Zak, maybe okay when we were kids in Israel, maybe okay now in certain places, too – but your party nights at Brandeis are over – we’re not safe anymore -- not enough family anymore, too much money not enough honor, no Biblical history – watch your back, stay close, I’m telling you everyone in New York walks around with an errection and a machete.

ZAK Even the women. No one’s gonna fuck with us again, Aaron, I promise you that. How long do we have to sit Shiva? I want to find those shit-heads.

AARON One day’s enough, then we get ‘em.

ZAK I’m gonna plant a tree for Abba – no, a forest and name it “Uri Lives” – you Moroccan fuckers, you call yourself Jews? We’ll get you.

AARON We only suspect – we need proof for David and we need it cool, Zak, cool.

ZAK An accident? The fuck it was.

NIOMI (enters) You boys ready or are you going to sit on your tush all day?

AARON One day – that’s it – for Shiva.

NIOMI Not on your life. We’ll feed ‘em back at the house, then tonight we start.

From another side of the room, NABIL and AADI enter. They wear dark suits and yarmulkes.


NABIL I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner and please excuse me for not calling first – you know I was detained – for – a while. Sorry for your loss.

NIOMI How did you -- ?

NABIL Oh, I’m a free man now, spreading my wings – I thought David told you, no? But real sorry for your loss, he loved the two of you, boys – and you, too, of course, Niomi. In his way – well, in his ways – but we all know about them, right?


AARON You don’t belong here, Nabil.

NABIL Niomi, we got to remember Uri because he was – down deep – an extraordinary man.

AADI Oh, yeah, many qualities.

NABIL Maybe need two more for a minyan, huh?

NIOMI Leave.

NABIL We need to work things out.

AARON Leave.

NABIL Velo tosifu leda’ava od.* (*Hebrew for Ashkenazic saying when leaving the shiva house: “And may you have no more sorrow.”) Well, bon voyage, and, as they say in this country: we’ll be in touch. I love America. (Touches his heart) Uhg, I know your pain. You don’t mind if we grab some of that Jewish food – oh, I love whitefish and Nova and cream cheese on a famous New York bagel – it’s the water, you know? Can’t get that in Tel Aviv. Ciao for now.

NABIL and AADI exit.

ZAK Shoot ‘em both – now!

NIOMI Think long term, boys, don’t move in on him now. Wait ‘til we talk with David.

AARON (looks at his watch) His fancy little Gulfstream is just about to land at JFK.

NIOMI David will come to us, understand?

ZAK Make sure they stay around for a bit and stuff themselves. Got some tiny Israeli trackers for his rented car. Jose will tell me which one is his.


AARON Probably some big monster car that glitters.

ZAK That stupid ohel hara (“shit-eater”).

NIOMI We need absolute proof.

ZAK For Abba, I promise.

AARON I promise.

NIOMI (opens her arms and they all embrace. To URI: ) I promise you.

ZAK goes off.

NIOMI You both have the best of us.



Sounds of planes landing and taking off, fades. A limousine engine purrs.

Lights up. Sitting behind the wheel of a big car, DAVID SOUSSAN, 53, a very well dressed businessman with silver hair and glasses, understated, muscular, deliberate, coiled.

NABIL opens the “door” and gets in next to DAVID.

DAVID (to NABIL) I paid big shekels for you to get out, Nabbi, what’s the matter with you, cocky-boy, I told you to wait.

NABIL I didn’t do anything.

DAVID Keep your mouth shut until I tell you to open it, understand?

NABIL I don’t want them at the table.



There are enough complications without you and your issues -- you on my team: yes or no?

NABIL Whatever you say, dohd (“uncle”).

DAVID Don’t call me “uncle”. Out here I’m your boss, this is business. You’re free less than a week and you already fucked up with this “accident” with Uri and his family. How did that happen?

NABIL How do I know, what are you asking me for, it was an accident is what I heard, that’s what some of my guys in Abu Kabir said.

DAVID No one, Nabil, no one left behind – I liked Uri – we go far back -- he was smart and useful -- you were stupid and wasteful, think bigger. We’re going to make it work with Niomi and Aaron and Zakariyya. I want a meeting with all of you, I’ve got some news. Fuck up again, Nabil, and you’re out, I don’t care if you’re family.

NABIL I was in prison in Tel Aviv, I had nothing to do with it, maybe they were Russians, you know Uri fucked with those guys –and the Chinese -- they were after him, he could be like an animal you know – even in there in Israel everybody heard about what was going on in New York.

DAVID (takes NABIL’S chin in his hand) It’s still a two-way deal, Nabil, that’s the promise I made to all of you – even if Uri’s not alive, your families are equals, you hear me?

NABIL Okay-okay. And you believe in me, right, yes, Dohd?

DAVID I believe facts. (DAVID smacks NABIL’S face.) Don’t be a stupid hyena, grow up. Pulled the two of you out of Casa rat-holes and still you both been in and out of jail eight-nine years – you especially and you’re supposed to be whip smart at least that’s what your mother always said. You know what that cost me? More than money! (Smacks NABIL again.) Honor the memories of your mother and your father and stop sniveling. They gave you life, they didn’t die for nothing, you hear what I’m saying? Use your head, you got brains, think the big picture!

NABIL nods. DAVID hugs him quickly, then pushes him away.

DAVID Go back to Aadi’s place, I have business to do. I’ll call all of you soon for a very important meeting – my place in the city.

NABIL The new one?!

NABIL gets out of the car.


DAVID Get focused – I’m being – we’re all being challenged. Go back to your brother’s place in Astoria and then, Nabbi, after dinner, the Penthouse – both of you. I’m going to Sands Point. I’m glad to see you.

He “drives” off as NABIL watches.



Lights up on NIOMI standing outside her home under a tree smoking a cigarette which we in the audience smell. DAVID enters.

NIOMI (without turning around) Your stupid nephew took my life and the life of my family.

DAVID We don’t know it was Nabil. We only know Uri was a loyal man and loyal men have enemies.

NIOMI Don’t patronage me, David, Uri was hardly a sheepdog and he was god-damned more than loyal, admit that.

DAVID I do, he was.

NIOMI And you know it wasn’t an accident.

DAVID Of course it was.

NIOMI You always knew how to forget.

DAVID Niomi, not everyone agreed with your husband.

NIOMI But you did. And now you’ve got to deal with me.

DAVID And Aaron.

NIOMI And Zakariyya.



We’re family, Niomi.

NIOMI Not by blood. David, you know we have to eliminate Nabil.

DAVID No, we don’t know that.

NIOMI Otherwise there’s no justice.

DAVID There is no justice, Niomi, look at how it finally broke your father.

NIOMI The only rabbis in the Knesset who survive are those with armies .

DAVID Is that why you all had to flee to Westchester? He was too extreme even for Brooklyn? And your older brother was what – 12?

NIOMI Cheap and inaccurate, David, beneath you. He went back and served and so did I, I’m proud of him.

DAVID Gave the ultimate. And you, a woman warrior returning to Israel at 21 with a fancy U.S. college degree, Uri loved that – anyone could see why. Niomi, Niomi, let’s not argue, we must heal.

NIOMI It wasn’t fancy, I worked and I was on Jewish scholarships the whole time otherwise I couldn’t have it. Made sure my boys had better when they went. I’m proud I’m a Jew, are you? or does it get in the way of doing international business? Feel trapped in somebody’s else’s concept of your ghetto? Everybody’s prejudiced, David, it’s a biological imperative, make it work for the team. Your army is in disarray, it needs rebuilding.

DAVID Then help us. You know his plans – you helped make them. We need you, Niomi. For Uri.

NIOMI Fuck you.

DAVID Niomi –

NIOMI Fuck you. I know you had to come so thank you for coming.

DAVID He was fierce and he was funny, too.


NIOMI He was. He was. We won’t forget what Nabil didn’t do –

DAVID Couldn’t do.

NIOMI He’s dead, David, Uri is gone, he’s gone.

DAVID Keep your eyes on the future of the family, Niomi – you can talk to those international guys, they like you. Uri? Well, he was just beginning to realize his talents but you’re already there. Niomi, listen to me, you know we’re just beginning here – with your knowledge of the this country, with your friends, your ease, your – this is such a big, beautiful home, what two acres? (NIOMI says nothing.) Sands Point – north shore on the water – very classy. Love these trees – so big and old and look at all those leaves not like the ones we have in Israel! (NIOMI still says nothing.) Peaceful. Private. I love June nights in New York.

NIOMI Don’t let appearances fool you, David, we’ve got cameras everywhere inside and out – Uri did it. I thought he was crazy – another one of his obsessions with gadgets – but now, David, I want to believe he’s watching over me – watching over my – our boys.

DAVID He is. I need you, Niomi. I’ll watch out for you. But I’ve got a big problem – actually, we all do. I know your brains and your thinking. Time to step up, Niomi.

NIOMI My sons. (She extends her hand.)

DAVID (whispers) Niomi –

NIOMI (cuts him off) I’ll tell them you were here. Now, go, please.

DAVID nods, takes her hand, holds it a little too long. Then he turns and exits.

NIOMI watches him leave and finally she exhales one short gasp and covers her mouth. She drops her cigarette, steps on it, and starts to go back to her house. She turns around, goes and picks up the cigarette, then exits.



Lights up on AADI’S apartment in Astoria, Queens, New York. NABIL exercising with a jumping rope. AADI enters.


NABIL Hate this place.

AADI It’s cheap. NABIL And ugly. AADI David’s got a pay-day coming, I can feel it now that you’re here, it’s gonna be big, we’ll get a good share, we’ll get a decent place, Nabbi, you’ll pick it.

NABIL Something’s changing – that’s why he got me out – flew me here so quick.

AADI Yeah, he’s one of those always planning people – see him watching everything and clicking – grinning without grinning. Hey, brother, looky, looky. (AADI shows a small car tracker to NABIL) Found it – easy – in a slot under the spare tire – dumb fuckers.

NABIL Could have been they wanted us to find it. Go back, Aadi, look for another one – now that I’m here I got to be freakin’ ‘em out.

AADI Oooh, yeah, maybe, yeah, okay, bro.

NABIL They’re gonna do something. David’s waitin’ – we’re all waitin’ – you know how it works, kid. Here (NABIL takes a small, portable detector from his case and gives it to AADI): you might not see any more of those bugs, but it’ll “bing” with this. And hey, no shit-jokes about me travelin’ with fancy electronics, Aadi, we grew up fighting all those kids in Marrakech calling us those chara (“shit”) names, we know how to stop eating anybody’s dust. You’re a Berber Jew, Aadi, we’re as old as Solomon, now get the fuck out of this tiny rat trap and look again – right, huh?

AADI grins, nods, and exits. NABIL studies his iPad.

Lights up on another part of the stage where AARON is looking at his iPad. ZAK enters.

ZAK (throws AARON a Golden Delicious apple) Eema (“Mother”) told us to eat something – “got to eat something or – “ You know how she is with us – specially now, so I took these, made her happy. (Starts to eat.) She’s right, as usual, Golden Delicious is golden delicious. Wish you would have come with us last week?


AARON Now, yeah. But the bank wouldn’t let me.

ZAK David owns that bank –

AARON No, he doesn’t but I know what you mean. Glad for the two of you.

ZAK God, does he snore – thought people in the next tent could hear him! Did snore. At first he was like a kid -- hadn’t been back to the Golan since he was with David in the IDF -- giddy and pointing out stuff to me – he’d suddenly remember this and that -- but the second night, when it rained, he got all silent and drank some.

AARON But you had time together. Good way to remember him, I guess. That’s what Eema and I thought.

ZAK Hmmm. And you should also know that the other two trackers are so small even if dumbbell Aadi looks right at them he won’t see them – thanks to my man here, Tony from the Bronx.

AARON (eating his apple) And Shlomo in Bat Yam – you leave home, Zak, you lose your gyroscope. (About the apple: ) Yeah, good, from Israel?

ZAK (shrugs) Israeli apples in New York – wouldn’t put it past her. So is that what happened to Abba – he lost his gyroscope?

AARON Maybe he thought he was finding it. Maybe he thought David was getting sloppy just when David was convinced he was reaching his peak. So Abba figures: hey, help David – had a few suggestions for him – not sure David appreciated it, but…. I think they actually starting fighting – with fists -- but not like in the old days.

ZAK Oh, shit, no, what did Abba say to him? And how come you know this and I don’t?

AARON Like what you did to Nabil and didn’t tell me until Eema mentioned it? You must have fucked him over so bad the Moroccan had to fight back.

ZAK We threw a couple of punches – that was it. In the back of the house -- nobody saw. And I was standing right there with you and Eema when all the people were saying goodbye. It was about our father.


AARON It was words, he was baiting you, that’s what he does.

ZAK It was honor.

Lights fade.

Lights up on NABIL.

NABIL (doing push-ups and singing an old Moroccan nursery rhyme with one slight variation) “Achta ta ta ta ta a sebbi sebbi sebbi, Awlidate lherata, awlidatek fi Kobi, Almêlem Da-vi-di, tiyeb li khoubzi bekri, Da-vi-di.” (“Oh rain rain rain, keep on raining raining raining, Oh kids of the farmer, your kids are in my hood, Oh master Da-vi-di, cook my bread quickly.”)

During above, AADI enters and waits for NABIL to finish. When NABIL finishes and stands, AADI gives NABIL a tiny tracker.

AADI You were right.

NABIL Fuckers. Only one more?

AADI Yeah.

NABIL We’re David’s family but we still got to give him so keep your eyes and your brains moving forward.

AADI Betach! (“Of course!”)

NABIL picks up his iPad.

NABIL (grinning and looking at his iPad) Check out this – they think they’ve got security but my little virus slides in everywhere. Look at her.

AADI looks at NABIL’S iPad.

AARON Like David, I’m a businessman – he needs evidence.



Follow the transport routes, they always lead you home.

AARON Maybe David is drifting – what do you think?

ZAK People in the offices – both Tel Aviv and New York – think he’s really sharp. You’re saying what, Aaron?

AARON He’s got a silver Phantom Rolls Royce in the garage for that skinny penthouse he bought last year on 57th Street.

ZAK What a hard-on! AARON Too much show – smarter to be less visible, Zak.

ZAK Abba wasn’t.

AARON And he’s dead.

NABIL Look at her move – ! You paid Hamza all of it – before and after, right?

AADI Ken (“Yes”).

NABIL That’s our Niomi walking around outside like she figuring how to own the future – lapping at all that green, green land – see her looking up at the trees like she wants them forever? Can’t you smell her?

AADI (shakes his head, no). Watch your zipper, Nabbi, she’s much more than Uri ever was and – hey, you – how you seeing this stuff?

NABIL Just before we left, told their fuckable little Russian maid I had to take a piss – found their computers, found the routers, slipped in an Israeli toggle and – boom – here we are. Woo, look at her moves – you feel her?

AADI Hey! You want me to leave you alone for a minute, hey, I’m in your way here? NABIL Okay-okay, just a little fun, I been locked away in concrete rooms stinking of men’s shit and cum for 18 months, three weeks, two days – and an hour-and-a-half.


AADI Really?

NABIL Ain’t nothin’ that’s not really.

AADI I almost get you – almost – but then, Nab, sometimes you just slip away.

NABIL I’m here. (NABIL shows AADI something on his iPad) Ah – look at this screen – nothing yet.

AADI Cool – cool – Zak’s gonna take his father’s Lamborghini out for spin and we’ll be right there with him.

NABIL He’s a donkey that one, curlicues and baby fat, he’s not an Aaron – got to watch out for Aaron, he thinks too much.

AADI Yeah, but they both got crabby bugs and you know what that’ll do to you!

AADI and NABIL laugh.

NABIL Look at this gorgeous stuff, will ya?

ZAK I want a place like David’s, don’t you? Parties – women –

AARON Maybe not that big – too much gold and those big windows everywhere – too open makes me nervous.

ZAK Not me. That’s part of what I love to do – sit at the computer and travel the world. Route the stuff from Haifa to Shanghai, New York to Busan or Guangzhou – wow, Aaron, Abba and David and all those guys do business everywhere – and just getting bigger, too -- love learning it all, don’t you?

AARON Like a unravelling a puzzle to get the best way from here to there. We’ll get the fuckers.

ZAK Faulty brakes fuck you.



How’s Amanda?

ZAK Who?

AARON That was fast.

ZAK How’s nobody?

AARON In Tel Aviv – well, practically every female is-was a soldier so – you know –

ZAK Women soldiers make you nervous, Aarony?

AARON I like women women.

ZAK I like women soldiers, they look right through you down to your balls.

AARON That’s what makes me nervous.

ZAKARIYYA Got a lot of preconceptions, Aaron, that why you haven’t found anyone yet since you were what? 24, in graduate school, huh? International Business means international business!

AARON Fuck you.

ZAK Come on, these New York city bars specially near closing time? It’s like crazy! Hey, you’re jealous cause I get more than you, huh, huh, admit it!

AARON That’s because I’m discriminating – you? you’re mostly a pig – you always had a dirty face as a kid.

ZAK Get out of here, that’s not true. AARON Get out of here, it was.


NABIL There – into David’s security system now --- there’s yesterday’s playback – see him? It’s the younger fuck: Zakariyya.

AADI Look at him slinking around down there in David’s garage – he’s movin’ like he’s Israeli commando in some Special Forces unit or something.

NABIL No, both those fancy boys have dual citizenship – moved to Mama’s US when they were young, played that card so they didn’t have to serve. Now watch what he does:

AADI They even Bar Mitzvahed?

NABIL Aaron in David’s Tel Aviv shul – O’hel Mo’ed, the one with the big blue dome -- how come you don’t remember that? you smokin’ too much weed? – and this kid here in New York – you know, one of those liberal synagogues Uri and Niomi knew about. So I want to know why this rich-boy Zakariyya Berezlovich is n David’s garage – look! he’s crawlin’ under David’s car! What? Holy fuck!

ZAK You love cities even more than I do, don’t you, Aaron? Aaron?

AARON David’s gotta show it – it’s business -- and a good place to clean some of his – all that cash he’s got to deal with. And paper can get your fingers really dirty with all those germs creeping and crawling from – from anywhere. Who knows who all those people were and what they did with their hands when no one was looking? Agh!

ZAK Aarony, now it’s us who’ve got to help her, right?

AARON Become strong like Abba wanted us to be all those times when he wasn’t around.

ZAK (comes close to AARON.) Nabil’s got to go.

AARON You’re right, little brother. ZAK I ain’t little. (THEY both laugh.) And neither are you.




NABIL He’s bugging David’s Porsche! Must have bugged me, too! So smart they’re stupid like Uri was – ah!

ZAK How old is David?

AARON Old enough to retire.

NABIL David called. It’s on for tonight.

AARON But Abba didn’t have the stuff inside to seriously mess with David.

ZAK So you’re saying what?

AARON Everything shifts, Zak, and who really knows who? Right?

AADI What’s David going to tell us?

NABIL Something about money.

ZAK Can’t believe Abba’s dead – feels so weird without him.

AARON We’re with Eema now – if he’s anywhere, he’s watching us.

ZAK Betach.

NABIL Got your stuff?


AADI (nods and grins) Pizza?

ZAK My man Tony has a friend.

AARON Knew you’d know who, Zako. Okay, let’s go.

NABIL Come on.

NIOMI (enters) David was here. Then he called. He wants to see all of us at 7:00 in his big new whorehouse in the city.

AARON We’ll meet you there.


All four men exit.

NIOMI dials her cell phone.

URI (speaks with an Israeli accent from the phone’s speaker) It’s Uri. Leave your message.

Sound of a beep from the telephone. NIOMI doesn’t move.



DAVID sits behind a magnificent, old desk.

NABIL sits in front of the desk. AADI sits next to him. AADI feels sick and is just about to throw up when he races out of DAVID’S study.


NIOMI, AARON, and ZAKARIYYA, still dressed in mourning, enter and sit in front on the other side of the desk from NABIL and AADI.

DAVID Thank you all for coming – these days have been challenging for all of us. (Turns to NIOMI, AARON, and ZAKARIYYA) Especially after your great loss. Horrible what happened to Uri – a tragedy.

NABIL Hefsed merubah (“Great loss”).

NIOMI takes out a cigarette. DAVID We’ll find who did it, Niomi, I won’t rest. (To NIOMI) Would you mind? Indoors – you know?

NIOMI Oh, sorry, forgot about all that creeping mold in those hell-holes – to imagine Israel even existed must have been incomprehensible for an asthmatic orphan – and didn’t you feel bad when you left your older sister behind?

NABIL Hey, we survived, she did what she could before she got sick, we didn’t have rich Jews in America throwing guilt money at us so we could go to college, don’t you condescend to us, Niomi, our mother got nothing but shit and look at me and Aadi sitting here today – she’d be proud of us, yeah, David?

DAVID nods.

NIOMI You’re right, I apologize, Nabil. And to you, Aadi.


AADI nods.

NIOMI nods.

NIOMI Obviously, David, we all want new futures, that’s why we’re here. You did even as an abandoned kid in Morocco. Uri did when he and all those other Jewish orphans were rescued out of St. Petersburg. He had no family. Then he met you. (She puts back her cigarette.)

DAVID This is a very difficult time, Niomi. (To AARON and ZAKARIYYA) Your father was loyal and smart – my right arm ever since that first day at that orphanage in Jerusalem – two boys with dirty faces looking to survive.



Yes, Uri’s face looked dirty even even when it was clean. A curse for certain Ashkenazi Jews -- all that dark history inside. Unlike you, David, you have that light-skinned Berber knack of being able to look so clean you’re sparking.

DAVID It’s terrible what happened but we’ve all got to go forward. We’re family – you’ve got my word, we’ll get ‘em. Right, Nabil?

NABIL Absolutely. If they’re in Tel Aviv or Chechnya or even Casablanca –

NIOMI Oh, that’s good – that’s very supportive, Nabil, thank you.

NABIL I mean it, Niomi – they could be anywhere. So look now: I’ve got a special, Tel Aviv treat for all of you. (He gives a small box of chocolates to NIOMI, one to AARON, and one to ZAKARIYYA.) Cats Tongues.


AARON Explain.

NABIL Niomi?

NIOMI Cookies. From?

NABIL Liesha Chocolate – she’s magnificent, you know her, of course, don’t you, Niomi?

NIOMI Liesha Cohen – very famous, crunchy good and sweet, how symbolic.

AARON and ZAKARIYYA put their boxes under their chairs.

NABIL Wish I could eat chocolate but – use to get these huge itchy hives as a kid -- couldn’t breathe. Aadi, too. Really envy you, David, I love chocolate. These are stuffed with almonds, raspberries, and, of course, gianduja hazelnuts. (To NIOMI: ) Yes?

NIOMI smiles and nods.



And for you, Uncle – David, for you, David, (NABIL gives DAVID a different box, larger and fancier) Liesha’s dark ganaches and truffles made with: ta-ta: za’tar! Niomi?

NIOMI Middle Eastern spices – sesame, oregano, basil – and some indefinable Liesha magic desperately needed for survival.

NABIL I knew I could count on you. (To DAVID: ) Careful, David, only one before bedtime!

DAVID Thank you, Nabil, very thoughtful. I’ve asked you to come here this evening because I –

AADI bursts into the room and sits next to NABIL.

AADI (to NIOMI, AARON, and ZAK) Hi. Love New York pizza but not sure it loves me, you know what I mean?

NIOMI, AARON, and ZAK ignore AADI.

DAVID Feel better? (AADI nods.)

NABIL (to NIOMI) He’s not used to American pizza – all that fabulous pepperoni and cheese-goo sliding on your fingers – you know what I mean. It’s great but it burns your mouth and so messy and sloppy and Aadi’s really sensitive. (To DAVID: ) Sorry, don’t mean to be disrespectful.

DAVID Okay –

AADI Yeah, thanks, Uncle David.


NABIL (grinning to NIOMI) And Americans are so fat. Not you, Niomi, you’re really pretty terrific – but then you got – you and your two boys here – you’re special with those dual registrations so you can come and stay as you like, am I right?

AADI Every street in this city has pizza and they all say they’re the Original Ray’s Pizza – so which is the real one, huh?

AARON None of them. ZAK


Ray’s dead.

NIOMI Like Uri.

NABIL Again, you know I emailed you, Niomi, from my confines and we’re sorry for your loss, Niomi, he was tough, I admired him. A real shark, right, Uncle Dave?

AADI That’s a huge fuck-all bathroom, all those mirrors – must have cost you beaucoup shekels –

DAVID Not now, Aadi, thank you.

AADI And it’s so quiet, like everything outside is dead, can’t hear any traffic in here or sirens or –

NABIL Shut up, Aadi.


DAVID I’ve been thinking about this for a while now – even before his accident and – it’s difficult to say this, but – we’ve been together for many, many years – but as you know, of course, both my daughters are married and living in California – I’m alone now, God rest her soul. I – I want – I have to change. It’s been profitable – very profitable for all of us – I’ve been everywhere – made all those arrangements – which are still in place -- with many people – but I’ve reached the point, I’m -- I’m leaving the team.


NIOMI You’re kidding! David! What can you possibly be thinking? Not now, David, we need you!

DAVID Like it’s all shadows. I’m tired. You work it out between yourselves – whoever takes over, I’ll support.

NIOMI David, I’m shocked. How could you – ? Oh, every fucking thing is changing. I – no, no -- I -- it’s all yours, Nabil, I’m not interested, I couldn’t. Not now. But – Uri?

NABIL I’m going to find out what happened, don’t you worry.



I worry – I worry a lot, Nabil.

AARON What do you say, David?

DAVID I want to know what happened to my old friend but right now I don’t have the heart.


AADI Me, too, yeah.

DAVID I appreciate your support, I do, and I’m sure Aya would have been deeply touched – thank you. (DAVID hands three red folders to NIOMI and two green folders to NABIL.) I leave it to you. (He stands and starts to exit.) Everything’s in there.

AADI Uncle David!

DAVID I’ve spoken.

AARON It’s best, Aadi.

ZAK (glaring at NABIL) For all of us.

NABIL Ken (“Yes”).

(DAVID exits)

NABIL Niomi?

NIOMI (rising) Oh, Nabil, David’s so -- We’ll contact you.

NABIL Hey, you know “Hora”, that song Avi Toledano sang at Eurovision and came in second? He was born in Morocco, too, and lived at my kibbutz in Ruhama. I love him, I love him! (With open arms, HE sings some of the following with a surprisingly clear, sweet, strong voice: )


Od mazhiv hasadeh she'azavnu az Od ha'aretz noseit yevulah Ve'od yafim hem haleilot bichna'an Terem hashemesh olah

David, oh, he loves this song. Aadi and I were trying to survive the streets after our mother – couldn’t fight it anymore -- til David brought us to Israel -- and I love all of you – we’re family.

(NIOMI, AARON, and ZAK exit.)

NABIL Koos (“pussy”) bitch, all that fancy cunt attitude but she knows she’s next. And those sons? Tiny fleas in a Kaza toilet – swat, swat. Come on, boychiks, spend some time in those soundproof cells of Abu Kabir and we’ll see who’s pussy is pussy.

AADI roars with laughter.

NABIL And you, Aadi, you been running your mouth too much, keep it shut, yes?

AADI nods.

NABIL You pick up my pills from what’s-his-name?

AADI nods, gives NABIL a small bottle of pills.

NABIL Todah rabah. (“Thank you very much”.) Hey, brother: we got things to do.



NIOMI, in URI’S study, is dressed in an expensive evening robe. She lights a cigarette and stares out through a window into the night sky.

AARON, in pajamas, enters with an iPad.

NIOMI I’d like to believe he’s up there watching down on us. I’d like to believe he still is.

AARON Well, he isn’t so puff on that. (He takes cigarette from her and puts it out.) But – yeah, I can’t believe he’s not going to just walk in and pour a shot for each of us and --


NIOMI Will not happen. David’s explanation – explanations – like he wanted to shock us but – but maybe a little too pious for him – think he’s playing us?

AARON His words were very careful.

NIOMI Your brother was ready to kill him –

AARON Don’t you just love him for that rage? I’ll talk to Zak, he’s young, he’ll be okay, we’ll get whoever it was that fucked with Abba’s car.

NIOMI It was Nabil – I can feel it in the same way I can feel your father in this room. Oh, God, I can smell him.

AARON We need more than “feel” for David.

NIOMI I’ll get that and more –

AARON Of course, we will. Look what I found, Eema: (He shows NIOMI his iPad.) I thought Abba was crazy when he set this up but I’ve been going through the footage from the last few weeks and – well, here: there are six zones and this playback is the composite which shows all of the scenes simultaneously. It’s from a week ago, three days before Abba’s “accident”. Watch them, Eema:

NIOMI Who is that?

AARON Aadi, sneaking around like a rat.

NIOMI Nabil was in prison in Tel Aviv and Aadi was here?

AARON I should have listened to Abba – he was right – all I had to do was look, I didn’t. So, Niomi Berezlovich, who do you think? Say it. Come on.

NIOMI David? But why?

AARON Who else?


NIOMI Nabil. Maybe he knew David was going to –

AARON Exactly. And/or maybe David.

NIOMI (she looks at AARON’S iPad) He’s wearing a hood, you can’t be sure it’s Aadi.

AARON Watch.

NIOMI Where was José?

AARON In the back cleaning the pool.

NIOMI What’s he looking for?

AARON Checking it out – then he leaves.

NIOMI There: you’re right: it’s Aadi, the chara. Did you look at the tapes from the next day?

AARON Uh-huh, and the day after that and the day after that. Then checked it all again very carefully with Zak: nothing.

NIOMI But Aadi was here –

AARON At least once.

NIOMI He’s talking to me….


NIOMI You hear him – you feel him.

AARON Always. And with Zak, too.


NIOMI Of course. It’s clear then?

AARON We have a plan.

NIOMI So do I. Get your brother here, sweetheart.

AARON He should be here now.

ZAK (off-stage) Hi? Hello-hello.

AARON Whoa! Right?!

NIOMI Aaron, each of you is my rock, you know that, don’t you? (AARON nods.) We’re in here, Zakariyya, in your father’s study – (ZAKARIYYA enters). I saw what you two found, I saw that little hyper-druggy one sneaking around here – here – okay, boys, now we start.

AARON I’ve got an idea.

ZAK I’ve got ten of them.

NIOMI (to ZAK) Did you believe David, tateleh?

ZAK Wanted to, but –

AARON He sounded depressed – or maybe wanted to sound depressed but I had the feeling he was – like – almost dancing – with himself – did you see that?

ZAK You read too much, Aar.

NIOMI Honor your father. Both of you. I want you to go back into the city and see David. Now.

ZAK What?


AARON Because…?

NIOMI It’ll be the last thing he expects.

AARON That we’re fighting with you because we agree with him.

NIOMI Exactly.

ZAK But about what?

NIOMI Your father. Tell David I think Nabil’s guilty – that he’s scheming in a way David doesn’t know about. That you two think maybe Abba did something that maybe upset David. Upset David very, very much. And that Nabil thought he was helping David. Tell David I know he loved your father and wouldn’t do anything to hurt him but Nabil? David might tip his hand so listen close. Go. Call him when you’re in the car. Tell him you have come over. Tell him things are changing and you need his advice. Go -- go.



Sounds of the city – cars, honks, trucks sirens. In the dark:

NABIL Watch where you’re driving, Aadi, I don’t want to throw up chicken Tangine and scotch all over myself, you’re not a cowboy, we’re on some really high fucking bridge going over some river in New York fucking city can’t see shit! Bitch, did you see what a bitch she was, like she’s the righteous Ashkenazy with the power and we’re just Arab scum – well, fuck you, Niomi, we’re going run this show, right, Aadi? Just need some leverage.

Flashing lights from passing cars up on NABIL and AADI sitting in the front of a car.

AADI Meh-toom-tan zonna (“Stupid bitch”). Okay-okay, so maybe I’m loving David’s new Carrera maybe a little too much but he said to spin it and woo, what a sweet machine, huh? Hey, he’s looking out for us, Nabbi, I’m telling you he is, he came to Casa, he promised Ma-ma when she was dying in that hospital, you can’t forget that or what?


NABIL It was a hundred years ago – we were kids – she wanted him to take us to Israel and, yeah, he kept his word. Now David needs us – we got to clean up his shit so we can all make it big in the States here.

AADI Yeah, so -- uh-uh, no, Nabbi, this country’s moving down – it’s had its run -- everything’s changing -- I’m looking at China -- The Red Dragon’s coming back.

NABIL You watch too many Kung Fu movies, bro, we’re not just in New York, New York, Aadi, this place is big money and David’s figuring angles for us, can’t you smell his sweat under those handmade suits? Or do you still got Moroccan dust in your nose?

AADI You’re not the only with brains, Nab, you been away and I’m thinking it’s China – didn’t Uri know some people in Beijing? Or was it Shanghai?

NABIL (looking at his phone) It’s just us now, Aadi. We got to deal with Niomi and her two goyim (“non-Jewish”) butchniks. We’ll go back to your place, I’ll check on a few things, then – (NABIL’S phone starts blinking brightly.) Sshshshshsh, my tracker’s blinking! (NABIL puts on his earbuds and listens intently.) Aaron’s talking to David! Woo, son of a bitch!

AADI What?

NABIL They’re in play! They want to meet with David now – they have to talk something about Niomi -- David’s got to help them – Woo, the chickies are away from the roost -- this is us, kid. Here’s our leverage. Hey, bitch, we’re coming at you.

AADI Let’s get ‘em, Nab! We’re back!

NABIL After the bridge, pull off. Got to make call. Wooo-weeeee! Come on, show me what you can really do with this Porsche-baby – rip her, Aadi, rip her!

AADI floors the car and swerves and floors the car again then suddenly jams on the brakes.

AADI Fuckin’ New York traffic!

NABIL “Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?”

AADI “Kid, there’s something I ought to tell you. I never shot anybody before.”


NABIL “One hell of a time to tell me!”

The brothers roar with laughter.

AADI floors the car and they’re off again.

NABIL Ride ‘em –

NABIL & AADI -- cowboy!!


Sounds of traffic rise.


Lights up on AARON driving and ZAK sitting next to him. Sounds fade.

AARON (speaking into the car’s speakerphone) So we don’t know what to do –

ZAK She took some pills to sleep which isn’t like her so we thought this is a perfect time to see you.

AARON We’re actually driving into the city now, David.

ZAK So, okay?

DAVID (from car’s speakerphone) This isn’t like your mother.

AARON Right.

ZAK That’s why we’re worried.

DAVID You better come over now.

ZAK Thanks.


DAVID I’ll wait.

AARON Thank you.

AARON switches off the phone.

ZAK I’m maybe a little nervous.

AARON That’s good, he should see that. I’m a little anxious, too, Zak, but we’ll just keep looking at his eyes and talk about how Eema’s not thinking clearly and how we’re missing Abba --

ZAK Well we are.

AARON Of course we are.

ZAK And who could’ve pulled off such a horrible tragedy. Should we actually say, “Maybe Nabil?”

AARON If he doesn’t, we should.

Car’s speakerphone rings.

Lights up on AADI and NABIL in the car which has stopped on a side street on the Queens side of the bridge. AARON pushes a button.

AARON Hello?

NABIL Aaron? Nabil -- here with my brother. Just found out something terrible about David. We got to see you.

ZAK What happened?

NABIL I was right. Your father’s accident wasn’t an accident. It was David. He just called and told me and said – well, I’m not going say now everything he said but, hey, guys, David might be losing it – you know his father died of Alzheimer’s -- and I don’t know what else is going on with my Uncle David but -- hey, Aaron, Zak, we might be next. All of us -- me and Aadi, too, so you need to hear it. Even surprised me.


AARON Text the file.

NABIL No, no, no, no – don’t want it out – who knows what spy stuff David’s got. I’ll bring it to you, his whole plan is getting clear to me now, where are you?

ZAK Cross Island north going to the Throggs Neck Bridge.

NABIL Hey, bro, where’s that? Aadi’s been driving all over the city for David last couple of years, you guys knew that – pick-ups and deliveries and some other stuff?

AARON I think you should send us the file – we’ll listen, then we’ll meet.

NABIL Yeah, I’d do that but you got to have the encryption scheme to hear it, you know?

ZAK Then send it.

NABIL It’s fucking encrypted! I got the decrypt! Do you want hear it or what? Yes or no?

AARON Okay, okay.

NABIL Aadi? So where?

AADI So go over the Throggs Neck, take the Cross Bronx, get off exit eleven, go a couple of blocks and on your right there’s a McDonald’s – big parking lot -- lots of lights – open ‘til midnight.

NABIL How come you know this? Hey! What’s her name, Aadi? Huh?

AADI Rosita. She’s a night manager.

NABIL Wooo! you never said!

AADI I don’t tell you everything.


NABIL Got it? Aaron? Zak? Twenty minutes. Don’t be late or we’ll be gone.


ZAK Yeah, okay.

They all disconnect.

ZAK What can we lose?

AARON shrugs.

NABIL and AADI look at each other and grin.

Engines start.



Sounds of traffic. Glaring parking lights up on their two cars now parked near each other.

NABIL and AADI get out of their car and walk to AARON and ZAK’S car.

NABIL Hey, guys.

NABIL and AADI get in the back of AARON and ZAK’S car. NABIL and AADI pull out guns and point them at AARON’S and ZAK’S heads.

NABIL Sssshshshshsh, everything’s gonna be fine. Be quiet, give me your phones, no noises or I’ll beat the living crap out of you both. Hear me? Nod your heads.

AARON and ZAK nod their heads.

NABIL Very good.

ZAK So what you’re saying --


AADI Shut up!


ZAK -- is that the two of you are fuckers.

NABIL (whacks ZAK across the top of his head) Everything is perspective. Aaron, put your hands on the steering wheel – you move, I shoot your brother. Zakarikka, put your hands behind your back, and hold your fingers.

ZAK does.

NABIL grabs ZAK’S hands and wraps ZAK’S wrists together with nylon handcuffs.

NABIL Good. Move your ass and lean your head against the passenger window.

ZAK grunts and leans his head against the window.


NABIL Now, you, Mr. Brilliant with your fancy degrees.

AARON puts his hands behind his back. NABIL wraps AARON’S wrists with nylon handcuffs.

NABIL gets out of the “car” on one side and AADI gets out on the other. They open the “doors” for AARON and for ZAK, pull each of them out and throw them into the back seat.

NABIL Say nothing.

NABIL holds a gun next to AARON’S face as AADI takes another nylon handcuff and ties AARON’S and ZAK’S hands to each other so they are sitting back to back.

AADI gets behind the wheel. NABIL starts to go back to DAVID’S car.

NABIL Ciao, bambinos

NABIL gets in behind the wheel and starts the engine. AADI starts the engine of other car.

AADI (shouts to NABIL) Don’t you love the way these monster purr?


NABIL and AADI give a little wave to each other.


The engines grow louder. Sounds of traffic.


A phone rings. Sounds of traffic fade out as the phone keeps ringing. It’s picked up.

KWANG WONG-XI (slight Chinese and British accent) Niomi. Hello.

Lights up on NIOMI sitting on her bed, still in her dressing gown, and smoking.

NIOMI Did I wake you, Wong-xi?

KWANG WONG-XI Never. The bell boy and his team just wheeled in croissants and Russian sturgeon -- fresh flowers. Tell me: how are you?

NIOMI Waiting to hear from my boys – they just drove into the city to see David and do the dance.

WONG-XI Perfect. They doing all right? Still in some shock?

NIOMI Aaron keeps it bottled up like I do but Zak is more like Uri – bubbling underneath but more in control than Uri ever was.

WONG-XI And you? Today?

NIOMI Stunned. Determined. Relieved in a curious way. These last few years, I almost felt he was a burden. We’ll make it, we will. So: And what else did room service bring you, Mr. Kwang? Tell me.

KWANG WONG-XI Cheery faces.



KWANG WONG-XI Shi (“Yes” in Chinese)! Fresh Israeli orange juice – what else would they serve to a naked man in a huge Jacuzzi next to a window looking down over all of Hong Kong? A woman?

NIOMI No way, Yakuzay! Missing those hotel rooms in Tel Aviv?

WONG-XI Not the rooms….

THEY both laugh.

KWANG WONG-XI Tell me, Ni: how did David’s meeting go with all of you gathered ‘round that slippery maggot?

NIOMI I even surprised myself I was so surprised. I’ll bet he wants me and Nabil to shoot it out and kill each other. Our King David may be thinking that way he gets all his old baggage off his hands so he can run his runs with his new friends any way they want.

KWANG WONG-XI You’re very good.

NIOMI Except when I’m not.

WONG-XI Certainly wouldn’t call you a Pinot Grigio girl.

NIOMI I like my scotch with ice and my men on fire.

WONG-XI Sounds like you got that out of a movie.

NIOMI I did. The one starring the two of us.

THEY both laugh.


KWAN WONG-XI Song Zuomin checked in again this morning and confirmed our David’s still ringing him up every day. Used to bitch about Uri -- now it’s about crazy Nabil and his other druggy nephew. Barely mentions you. David is desperate to connect on that deal with the Afghanis but knows he’s got to settle this thing with his nephew and with you. Probably didn’t realize that by letting the alley cat out of the bag he’d wind up with a bigger problem. Song knows David doesn’t have the background for Asia but David certainly knows Israel and Russia. As do we, Ni, as do we. And that’s today’s news, lady – tell me more about how the meeting played out.

NIOMI As if following your script, Wong-xi. Nabil was shocked -- I thought he might hemorrhage right there on that black shiny floor when I told him the crown was his for the taking, not for me, no, never. And you should have seen my boys, Wong-xi: strategic and cool. And I know you know there’s nothing better than a really smart Israeli war.

WONG-XI Never left the IDF, did you, kiddo?

NIOMI Only a clerk but loved the training and honored -- honored that they put me in charge of munitions.

WONG-XI You still are.

NIOMI Then watch out, soldier.

THEY both laugh.

NABIL enters the perimeter of NIOMI’S room and, unseen by her, remains motionless.

WONG-XI I’m rooting for the boys, I really am.

NIOMI Israeli enough to feel the rockets flying in and New York enough not to panic.

THEY both laugh.

WONG-XI You little vixen.

NIOMI I was never little, Wong-xi.

THEY both laugh.

WONG-XI Your package arrived.


NIOMI And did you?

WONG-XI Check your email.

NIOMI I will – in bed – soon.

WONG-XI After the whipped cream, clean the pillow.

THEY both laugh and NIOMI disconnects and takes a deep drag on her cigarette. She exhales.

NABIL (steps forward into the room) Niomi. No, no, don’t panic, I’m here in peace while the boys are away.

NIOMI How did you get in here?

NABIL Don’t get up. Relax, Niomi.

NIOMI Do you have a gun? Do you want to kill me?

NABIL I’m here to make a deal.

NIOMI Why should I trust you?

NABIL It’s good for both of us.

NIOMI Speak.

NABIL Niomi, we’d make a very good team.

NIOMI With David?

NABIL Or without him.


NIOMI He said it should be either you or me on top, not both of us.

NABIL I’d be saving him.

NIOMI Ah. How?

NABIL Here’s the problem, Niomi, I’m worried about David, somehow I’m thinking he’s responsible for Uri and his depression and – you know – his other problems. Since my aunt Aya passed, David’s been – silent, you know, doesn’t talk which, of course, he’s got to – I’m not even sure why he brought me here.


NABIL Think we should be working together on all those complications Uri got us into – you know, the money he lost, insulting our future partners, disappearing -- you know. And not be fighting each other for control of our family – strong together – what do you think?

NIOMI Maybe.

NABIL That’s great – I’m real glad – but ah I think we need to be clear about this – I mean, I glad to hear a “maybe” but I’m thinking I really need a clear “yes”.

NIOMI By ousting David and “working together” you mean you’re sitting in the chair.

NABIL Has to be.

NIOMI Well, of course, I totally agree with that.

NABIL See, the thing is I’m not sure we trust each other. Not sure how that guy in Hong Kong fits in – you know, the one you were talking to – so I need reassurance, Niomi, more than just some words.

NIOMI What do you want?

NABIL I want you to give me Zak.



NABIL Yeah. He works with me and you and Aaron and your Chinese friend stay away and let me run the show. I’ll take care of Uncle David.

NIOMI Give you Zak? I – I -- I thought you said we’d work together

NABIL Yeah. That’s how.

NIOMI I can’t do that.

NABIL Wish you wouldn’t force me, Niomi, I know a lot more than I’m saying and I’m saying I’d like you to agree to my terms.

NIOMI Take me.

NABIL Wouldn’t do that. No, you’re too – you know. Say yes to my proposal, Niomi. Think of your boys.


NABIL (takes out his iPhone) Zak could be learning a lot of things he knows nothing about now. You sure?

NIOMI Kill me – they won’t be a threat to you then – they know so little. Kill me. Now. That’s the deal: say yes.

NABIL Tell you God’s truth, Niomi, I was afraid you’d say no to me. Well, not afraid but – I’m sorry ‘cause you’re really a classy dame and – well, but – you’re forcing me – I got no choice now: look at this. (NABIL shoves his iPhone in her face.) Okay-okay, Aadi.

AADI (his voice coming from the iPhone) Tov (“okay” in Hebrew), boys, say hello to your mama. Aaron? Zakky? Say: hi – hi, mama – hi.

ZAKARIYYA (from the iPhone speaker) We’re fine, Eema! Don’t let them fuck with you – they won’t do anything.

AARON (from speaker) We’re both fine. Don’t go to David, we’ll work this out.


NABIL They’re both such sweet boys.

NIOMI You piece of shit!

AARON It’s just how they negotiate, Eema, we’ll work it out.

AADI That’s it, boyim, shut up your mouths now.

NIOMI What are you out of your mind? David will be furious! Let them go right now! Now!

AADI Their hands and feet are tied, Missy Scarlet, nothing Nabbi can do, you know? It’s just me here, me and your boychicks, you know.

NIOMI What else do you want, Nabil? I’ll do whatever you want.

NABIL It’s just a little too late in evening now, Niomi, but I’ll give you some time, you think about it.

NIOMI punches NABIL in the face with a surprisingly strong and quick movement but NABIL nimbly steps back.

NABIL Uh-uh, that’s not gonna work, Queenie.

NIOMI Let them go or I’ll call David.

NABIL Wouldn’t do that, Niomi, accidents have a way of happening as you know and David – wow, David’s sleeping deeply – deeply – at this exact moment – but when he wakes up maybe tomorrow afternoon or so –

NIOMI How do you know?

NABIL (He smiles and stares at her. Pause.) -- then you can tell him you and your boychicks have decided it’s best for me to handle this troubling situation of Uri’s self-indulgences with David and the Triad boys alone – just me – and Aadi and some of our old friends, of course. And me with Zak by my side for the guarantee. Yeah?

NIOMI swings at NABIL again, then kicks at him, but NABIL dances away as if playing with a butterfly until NIOMI suddenly lands a kick in NABIL’S groin which sends him to the other side of the room. He gets up quickly,

43 grinning but in pain. She rushes him again and this time he holds her arms behind her back and sticks his face into hers.

NABIL When you realize that I’m The One in this show now, that’s when your little boobies will go free. You’ve got 24 hours to decide and the same 24 hours to tell David. (He pushes a button on his iPhone and her iPhone rings.) Now you really got my number, Niomi, call me when you’re ready, yeah?

NABIL throws her into a chair and exits.

NIOMI opens her mouth wide and screams up to the heavens but no sounds come out from her.


End of Act I




NIOMI, elegantly dressed, is sitting in a chair in DAVID’S apartment. She is alone. She takes out a cigarette, plays with it but doesn’t light it.

Telephone rings and the following conversation is recalled by NIOMI.

NABIL Niomi, Niomi, thanks for the lovely visit – I’m just sliding into my car now and the phone rings and, oh, it’s you.

NIOMI I want them back tonight.

NABIL I told you what to do, Niomi, it’s your move.

NIOMI Let them go.

NABIL And.… Yes?

NIOMI Yes, Nabil.

NABIL Zak, too. Say it.

NIOMI What guarantees do I have?

NABIL Give me three months: if you step aside now and let me lead and if Zak isn’t happy and you’re not making a quarter million as an honorary board member, then Zak’s back with you and you and me can talk being co- leaders. You have my word on the life of my brother and as God is my judge.


NIOMI Your terms – you’ll be number one, I’ll pull out.

NABIL Gadol! (“Awesome” Hebrew). I’ll send over your boys to that big house of yours with that big, big pool in the back. Jose, isn’t that his name? My brother’ll sober up in a few hours and be a little less crazy on the trigger, so he’ll be fine, and you’ll get both of them back safe and sound – safe and sound after you settle with David. You got 24 hours and, then, it’s a deal. Yes?


DAVID enters wearing a silk bathrobe and carrying a cup of coffee.

NIOMI (puts the unlit cigarette away) If it weren’t important, I wouldn’t have asked. DAVID (sits) Sounds like you. Annabella said you’ve already called twice this morning but, sorry, Niomi, I had such a deep sleep. Coffee? She always has a pot ready -- Jamaican, really delicious -- I’m sure she could –

NIOMI I’ve had my limit -- up so late last night I even put the boys to sleep.

DAVID They’re with you – not here in the city?

NIOMI These days – they’ll go back to their own places soon.

DAVID How are they really doing, Niomi?

NIOMI Fine, thanks, ready to work.

DAVID Got the best of you and Uri. Aaron with that very important, advanced documentation from your university where he learned about -- world money, yes?

NIOMI An MBA in International Economics.

DAVID Of course. And Zak, too, four years which took him five in that same fancy private university in Pennsylvania –

NIOMI Massachusetts.

DAVID And real smart that you spoke English to them when they were just little boychicks in Tel Aviv but became men in New York, right? You must be very so proud of your sons, Niomi. I know Uri was – always talking about them.

NIOMI I am proud. David? Ah – so you slept well?

DAVID As if I were drugged! NIOMI Ah – lucky you.


DAVID You’re wearing a lot of make-up today.

NIOMI Surprised you noticed.

DAVID (smiles and nods) The nights are difficult – I know.

NIOMI David? I – I’d like your advice.


NIOMI I’m uncomfortable that you’re leaving the situation – between me and Nabil – for us to work out alone. You’re the Director here, you should choose who’s next and he’s really better at –

DAVID Uri’s dead because I didn’t watch his back –

NIOMI How could you have known – ?

DAVID And, frankly, Niomi, neither did you.

NIOMI David!

DAVID Uri was my responsibility – more than 40 years – we were babies, we grew up together – he saved my life twice in the Golan –

NIOMI You couldn’t be everywhere, David, he accepted it.

DAVID We saw a lot of blood during the wars, Niomi, those fucking Katyusha rockets still ring in me sometimes – this shoulder still aches at night but if he hadn’t – pulled me out and got me into that – twice! – then…?

NIOMI You know he revered you, you were brothers –



He threw his body over me and I’m three years older! All those years -- we did a lot of booze – laughed and pissed and bragged – brothers, yes, and we fought, of course, but – but determined….

NIOMI But – And me? You two always wanted me out.

DAVID I wanted him to be a man, you know he struggled with that especially after that West Bank mess where his closest bunk-brother from the orphanage got killed. You were his wife, don’t tell me the two of you didn’t talk, don’t tell me you didn’t know what we were doing in Ashdod or Port Newark or Chittagong – do you know -- ?

NIOMI Yes, Bangladesh, I’ve been there with Uri.

DAVID Oh, right, of course. Sometimes after I’d talk with Uri about our next moves he’d come back and have ideas that I knew were yours. Come on, Niomi, don’t pretend you’ve been sitting on the sidelines playing the pretty housewife, not to me, not now. How many times have I been with you two at that pistol range in Glen Cove?, I know you can shoot and so does Nabil. Face it: you’re too smart to be an innocent, Niomi. And too old.

NIOMI (despite herself, NIOMI laughs) Oh, David. (PAUSE.) David.

DAVID I thought you’d understand – I want you, Niomi, I want you to take over – Nabil needs to be handled, he can’t run this organization, he’s been away, he’s out of touch – although he doesn’t think so. And his brother? A crazy boy, that nephew. Yes, I made a promise to my sister, I’ll watch over them, but I’m not giving them the keys to the store. You’ve got sons, they’re smart, they can move in the world, bring ‘em in, Niomi, we need you at the top. Time to step up.

NIOMI stands, walks, takes out a cigarette.

DAVID Niomi?

NIOMI (lights cigarette, inhales, exhales) I can’t.

DAVID Why not?

NIOMI It’s between the two of you, he’s your responsibility, you said so yourself.

DAVID Yeah, you’re right. But I’m asking.



David, I just lost Uri, my family needs me and I really need them, I can’t do this now.

DAVID So how much time do you need, Niomi?

NIOMI I honestly don’t know.

DAVID You need to deal with this – too much money – too many complications involved – here, Macau, Haifa – you know what I mean.

NIOMI I do. Let me breathe a bit, David.

DAVID Really wish I could – but – I can’t, sorry, international people are coming to see me tomorrow – very interesting offers, smart in new ways, you’d be set for forever.

NIOMI I – give me til tonight.

DAVID (takes NIOMI’S cigarette, spits on his fingers, and squeezes her cigarette out) All right. But you come here. You tell me directly. I want to see your face, Niomi. (Gives her back the cigarette.)

She nods, starts to exit.

NIOMI David, how were the chocolates Nabil brought you?

DAVID Delicious. Had a dark ganache right before I went to bed – wooo! Slept like a dead man. You want one?

NIOMI He got them as a special gift for you, David. I’ll call first.

DAVID (grins and nods) Good.

NIOMI exits.

DAVID Annabella! Hey, Annabella, you ready?




Sound of phone ringing. Lights up on NIOMI on her cell in her car sitting behind the wheel. The car is not moving. Sounds of traffic.

WONG-XI Niomi, are you all right?

NIOMI Yes. No. I stopped in a gas station near La Guardia Airport but I’m not getting gas. Oh, my god, David and his fucking nephew, Nabil, are driving me crazy. They want to destroy me – destroy the three of us – they’re eating us alive, Wong-xi, I want to fucking kill them.

WONG-XI Then do it, sweetheart.

NIOMI David’s whacko nephew, Aadi –

WONG-XI The druggy one who fucks sheep?

NIOMI Well, I’m not sure if he – yes, that one. He and Nabil have kidnapped my boys – Aaron and Zak, oh god damn those Arabs! – and Nabil is playing me to withdraw to let him be king of the organization and his brother is holding my sons as ransom! And David – listen to this! – David is playing me against these convict nephews and wants me to take care of Nabil! Doesn’t want to dirty his hands so I’ve got to do David’s shit work! Wong-xi, what the fuck? I mean, really: What the fuck!?

WONG-XI Shshshshsh, shshshsh, Niomi, you made the right call, we’ll work this out, shshshshsh.

NIOMI Okay, had to – okay, let’s – let’s – yeah.

WONG-XI Where are the boys being held?

NIOMI I don’t know – I saw them on Nabil’s phone tied to chairs somewhere I don’t know where and the sheep fucker grinning like – with Aadi in between them.

WONG-XI So Nabil, using his own phone, called Aadi’s phone and Aadi was streaming them live and Nabil showed you the video of the boys coming from Aadi’s phone?


NIOMI Exactly. WONG-XI Do you have Aadi’s phone number?

NIOMI Ah – no, but I do have Nabil’s number.

WONG-XI Perfect. Tell me something about Aadi – anything.

NIOMI Worships his brother, intimidated by David, loves drugs and New York pizza.

WONG-XI Hmmm. Really glad I trained in Israel. So many benefits including you. Ready, Ni?

NIOMI Bet your sweet ass I am.

WONG-XI Here’s what we’re going to do:



Telephone rings. It continues ringing as the lights come up as NABIL, dressed only in a sheet, runs on-stage and digs his phone out from his pants on the floor. Scattered near his pants and leading to the room he just came from are a pair of shiny red stiletto high heel woman’s shoes, a red shiny dress, a red bra, NABIL’S shoes and his shirt.

NABIL Hello, what?

Lights up on NIOMI, now outside her car, and pacing. Sounds of traffic louder.

NIOMI Oh, I’m sorry, Nabil, did I wake you, it’s almost noon. You busy?

NABIL (looks off-stage at the bedroom he was just in) Hey, ho, I’m just grand here, Niomi, had some fun last night – pizootz! (Hebrew slang: “awesome!”) – not as classy a lady as you, Niomi, but – chaka-chaka – you know. So: you ready to talk?



I am.


NABIL So: talk.

NIOMI I need to see my sons, Nabil, I have to tell them what’s going on.

NABIL First you agree to what I told you, then you’ll see ‘em.

NIOMI I’m the only one responsible for them now, Nabil, we’re still in shock about Uri and I’m their mother, Nabil, I can’t think if I’m worried about them, I can’t control that – Let me see they’re all right, Nabil, so I can support you. Nabil, you lost your mother, you know that pain – well, I’m a mother, I can’t lose them now. Nabil. Please.

NABIL They’re grown men, for fuck’s sake! You’re stalling. I showed you them last night – they were fine – not beat up or anything.

NIOMI That was last night – just show me how they are now.

NABIL Can’t.

NIOMI What do you mean? Why not? What’s going on, Nabil?

NABIL They’re with Aadi.


NABIL We came back to her place last night.

NIOMI Oh. Well, can Aadi show me? Nabil, I want you to take over the organization but I –

NABIL Then just fucking say yes to me, Niomi, then we got a deal, yes? What’s your trouble?



Oh, god, I didn’t want to tell you this, but –


NIOMI I went to see David.

NABIL Good for you, soldier. So? And?

NIOMI I – He told me Aadi called him, that he was almost crying – like he was losing it or something.

NABIL He was fucking stoned.

NIOMI Could have been. And – and –

NABIL What did Aadi say? Tell me!

NIOMI That he was afraid of you and – and that – that you had a gun and -- you were a little – a little crazy – hot headed. Especially with Aaron and Zakariyya, that’s why I need to see them again – just for a moment, Nabil, because –

NABIL Me? Me! He’s the – holy fuckin’ – holy fuckin’ – He’s making it up – I don’t have fucking gun! I got a cell phone.

NIOMI I told David that’s not like you, Nabil, that you want the organization to grow and –

NABIL Right! Of course! What the – Aadi?!

NABIL goes to his jacket on the floor, takes out a small container of pills, and pops two of them into his mouth without water.

NIOMI That’s why I want to see my sons, Nabil, I can’t believe you’d – you know, hurt them – but maybe Aadi – you never know, he’s a excitable sometimes and – I need to just see that they’re okay, Nabil, I mean – I mean – even on a phone – a live image so I can talk to them – just see that they’re okay, you understand, you loved your mother.



Never woulda guessed about Aadi.

NIOMI I told David he should have confidence in you – that you’d keep your word – that’s what they always said about you when you were younger – you know, in prison – even as a kid that first time we all knew you were always the leader even in there. And that other place near Gaza – you were always the leader. Nabil? You okay? Sorry, but –

NABIL I’m someplace in Jersey – she drove her convertible over that George Washington Bridge and the sun coming up – wow to look at that thing from a distance but scary up in all that air with nothing around you – Did he tell David he hurt them?

NIOMI I don’t know, how would I -- ? Call Aadi. But be cool. Don’t tell him that I told you he called David. Tell him to call me and let me just see my boys – please. We’ll work it out with David, you’ll get it. He’s your brother, Nabil, sounds like he’s really upset about something –

NABIL Or on acid.

NIOMI Maybe.


NABIL Ze be’seder (Hebrew: “It’s okay”) I’ll call you back.

NIOMI She’elohim yihye itkha (“May God be with you”).

NABIL dials as NIOMI returns to her car. She dials. We hear each of their phones ringing.

Lights up on another part of the stage where AARON and ZAK are tied with ropes to two chairs. Their mouths are stuffed with red socks.

We hear AADI’S phone ringing from his jacket which is on the floor near AARON and ZAK.

WONG-XI (answers NIOMI’S phone) Niomi.

NIOMI He’s calling Aadi.



I knew you could do it. Text me his number when you get it – it’s already set up and ready to go with my old friend.

NIOMI I will. Oh, Wong-xi, you’re one step ahead – again.

WONG-XI We’re a team.

NIOMI disconnects, lights a cigarette, and waits.

AADI enters, goes to his jacket, and answers his phone.

AADI Hey, bro.

NABIL You okay?

AADI Yo, fine, what’s on the grill?

NABIL You didn’t open the door to anybody, did you?


NABIL Don’t want to worry about you like last time when you were so fucked up you –

AADI I’m fine, everything’s cool.

NABIL How are the boys? They messing with you? Everything savvy?

AADI Had to change their cuffs to the front so they could stand up and take a leak but kept my gun on ‘em so they wouldn’t get any running ideas.

NABIL Smart. Other than that, you’re doing okay then?

AADI You sound funny, what’s up? NABIL


Anybody call? you need to make any calls?

AADI No. Huh?

NABIL Trust you with my life, Aadi.

AADI Me too with you, Nabbi – always. You got a situation I should know about? Sounds like you want to say something – but know you that I’m okay here, bro, I really am.

NABIL Niomi.

AADI Ah – she wants what now?

As NABIL explains to AADI what he needs AADI to do, lights fade but don’t go completely dark on NABIL and AADI and AARON and ZAKARIYYA.

NIOMI dials her phone.

On another part of the stage, DAVID answers his phone.

DAVID Knew you’d come to your senses, Niomi, that’s why you’re so right for the top.

NIOMI Not working quite the way we hoped, David. Nabil is saying it’s up to you. I told him I’d step away but he wants you to publically choose him. Otherwise, he says, there’ll be no clear authorization from the top -- everyone will fuck over everyone everywhere – there’ll be nothing but chaos. (PAUSE) David?

DAVID Thinks he’s clever. I should have known. Nabil Kakon: “Yemakh shemo” (“May his name be erased”). What she dreamed for those two and now this: diseased hyenas, both of them.

NIOMI I’m sorry. What would you like me to do? (Looks at her phone.) David, wait, that’s Nabil calling me – maybe he changed his mind. I’ll call you right back.

DAVID nods and disconnects.

NIOMI (answers her phone) Nabil.



Okay-okay, thirty seconds, close ups of their faces only, if they fuck up, if they fuck up, if they fuck up he’ll shoot them.

NIOMI May God be with you. Nabil, one more thing you should know about David: he – maybe he doesn’t – ah – trust you yet -- who knows why. But David feels that I should be the new leader of our organization. I told him, no, it should be you, you’re blood, you’re a natural, I’ve got so many built-in prejudices against me especially in Asia – certainly in those ancient, hierarchical triads. But you, you talk their language, Nabil. I don’t know what’s between you and your uncle but you’ve got to make your case to him – maybe David thinks you’re hotheaded and not enough of a strategist – you know he believes he’s smarter than everyone so maybe that’s why he’s saying I should take over because he thinks I helped Uri work through some complicated relationships with many of our newer international people -- which isn’t completely untrue, but – but, Nabil, David somehow doesn’t understand the real experience you can bring to all of us – you know the cleverness of our competition, you’ve worked with terrible men who have guns and razors in their pockets, my knowledge is mostly academic -- from a distance – I’m a woman, you know?

NABIL Then I need to talk with him.

NIOMI Might be best for all of us.

They disconnect.

NABIL goes off-stage in the direction of the bedroom. Lights fade to BLACK in his area.

NIOMI dials another number.


NIOMI Yes. I’ll text you the number.

WONG-XI Your boys put that tracker in Aadi’s car, Niomi, we’re already there in his neighborhood so keep that miserable ass on the line as long as you can.

NIOMI I will.

WONG-XI And Niomi?

NIOMI Speak, Solomon.



You! Listen to me: At some point my man is going to give you what looks like a large violin case. Remember that hilltop place in the West Bank with my old buddy from the IDF? NIOMI You were so violent.

WONG-XI You were. And, Niomi, he’ll have a little booklet so you can study-up.

NIOMI Great. Later.

She disconnects. She calls DAVID’S cell.

DAVID That was fast.

NIOMI No, he’s just threatening me – ranting about how it’s his, he’s next in line, you promised his mother. Screeching at me like an animal. You should do something, David. I want this to work for you. You deserve to go out on top.

DAVID You think he’s a desert mother-fucker.

NIOMI You said it. (She looks at her phone.) Nabil’s calling me again.

DAVID You want the chair, Niomi, you got to earn it.

NIOMI I don’t –

DAVID I’m not dumb and you’re not consumed with bereavement. You need to clear the playing field, Niomi, and you’ll need to keep it clear. You got to be the only thing they see.

NIOMI We’ll talk later, David. (Still looking at her phone and connecting to Facetime)

Lights up on AADI who is looking into his iPhone. AARON and ZAK are still tied to chairs.

DAVID goes off-stage and lights fade to BLACK in his area.

NIOMI Aadi, hello, and thank you. AADI


(Takes out his “Barak” SP-21 pistol from his jacket pocket and points it at the boys.) Don’t want you to be too upset now here, Niomi, you’re boys are okay. Me and Nabil we’re taking real close care of them so don’t worry, don’t worry, we’re understanding. Here: look: (AADI turns his phone to the boys and takes close-ups of each of them as he pulls the red socks out of their mouths.) Say hello to your mama, kids.

NIOMI Aaron! Zakariyya! Sweethearts, are you all right? Tell me!

AARON and ZAK (together and alternating) We’re fine, Eema – we are – don’t worry about us – Aadi’s okay – he’s just doing what his brother tells him – we’re okay – we are – don’t worry – work it out with Nabil – Eema, we’re fine – he hasn’t hurt us – yeah, we’re fine.

NIOMI Aadi – one moment, please – I think it’s David calling and I want to tell him everything’s all right – please, please, don’t hang up, I want to tell you something very important about your brother.

AADI Don’t be long, we gotta go.

NIOMI Thank you. (She pushes to her incoming call.) Hello?

WONG-XI Got him?

NIOMI Here’s his number: (She pushes some buttons on her phone.) Sending.

WONG-XI Got it.

NIOMI Wong-xi!

WONG-XI Stay calm, Niomi, I’ve got this one. I want you to go to a drug store, I want you to buy disposable latex gloves for all three of you. We’ll track Aadi’s address, I’ll send it to you, then you go and get your boys. I’ll talk to you later.

NIOMI Yes. (She pushes buttons.) Aadi?

AADI What about my brother, huh?



David’s making problems for him, Aadi, for both of you actually and for me, too, me and my boys, so we’ve got to work together on him. I know he’s tired and still depressed about your Aunt Aya – she was sick so long just like your mother was – ironically the same terrible cancer -- and David wants to retire, but he can’t leave us hanging, you know what I mean? He needs to choose Nabil and I said this to your brother, did he tell you? Could I see my sons again, please, just for a few more words? Nabil said it would be all right -- please, Aadi.

AADI I’m getting’ hungry!

NIOMI Of course you are, I know your brother’s aware of that. Aadi, I’m their mother, I need to see them – hear their voices.

AADI I’m telling you you should make it quick – and I’m listening so don’t be funny business

NIOMI Of course not. Hi, Aaron, hey, Zak, hi, guys. I know Aadi’s taking care of you and Nabil’s having some issues with David, but we’re going to work this out so all of us will feel whole again. Aaron, would you ask Aadi if he wants to listen in as I tell you two the problems Nabil’s having with David and what we think we can do about it?

AARON Aadi, do you -- ?

AADI I can hear! Is it complicated?

NIOMI Money transfers and availability and how it can be paid to you and your brother, and to us, of course. Nabil’s not sure David’s being straight about how the cash gets washed and then comes to us – Nabil’s wondering if we should work more closely with David and said, Aadi, he thought your familiarity with some of the people you know here might help all of us.

AADI Like who?

NIOMI Sorry, I don’t know who, but Nabil seemed to have some knowledge of that – from what I understand, yes.

AADI Could be – yeah – maybe.

NIOMI Are you hungry, boys?



I am!

AARON and ZAK Yes – you bet – of course.

The apartment buzzer buzzes and AADI, holding his phone, goes to a wall and “pushes” the “button” on the “apartment intercom.”

AADI (watching AARON and ZAK) (He shouts into the “intercom.”) Who’s there? (To AARON and ZAK) This thing is so old it should be replaced – like some people I know. (Presses his ear up close to the “speaker”.) I didn’t order anything – what is it? (He listens, then shouts back his reply.) Oh, he did? Great. So who is this? Doesn’t sound like little Louie. (Listens.) Oh, sorry to hear, yeah, from Mario’s, anyway, sure, I’ll buzz you, go straight back through the corridor on this ground floor – leave it right at my door, okay?, I’m a little indisposed right now but I can see you – no need to wait – thanks and thanks to Nabil, too, of course, yeah. (AADI buzzes to let the delivery in. To AARON and ZAK:) What am I, an idiot? I’m gonna watch this guy like I watch everybody – that’s what I do, I’m “eagle eyes of the desert,” that’s what Nabil calls me! (HE goes to the “door,” looks through the “peep-hole,” and shouts through the ”door.”) Yeah, leave it right down there, real thanks. Bye. (AADI watches through the “peep-hole” as the delivery boy leaves the building. To AARON and ZAK: ) Good, okay, Nabil sent over some pizza from Mario’s, ain’t that great? (Opens the “door,” takes in a small pizza box and a brown paper bag, closes the “door.” Opens the pizza box.) Pepperoni and extra cheese – wow oh wow – And – pepperoni and extra cheese – wow oh wow – but only two slices and cold? And – (HE opens the paper bag: ) Apples? What’s Nabbi crazy?

ZAK (through the sock in his mouth) I love apples – I love apples – !

AARON nods vigorously.

AADI voraciously eats a slice.

AARON (through the sock in his mouth) Aadi? Apples for me and Zak, okay, yeah?

AADI, still eating his slices, takes out the socks from their mouths and gives two apples each to AARON and to ZAK who recognize these apples might come from NIOMI and look at each other in surprise.

WONG-XI I got it. I’m texting you his address.

AADI (chewing and suddenly remembering NIOMI) (Into phone then showing her both AARON and ZAK eating) See? I’m not the monster in the room.

NIOMI Thank you.

WONG-XI Go, Niomi – now -- go! NIOMI get back into her car.


BLACKOUT in all areas.


Sounds of Avi Toledano’s recording of “Sachaf” (see digital audio file of “Sachaf”) fade up as lights fade up on AADI’S apartment with AARON and ZAK still tied to the two chairs. AADI has finished his two slices of pizza. The drug (sprinkled over the pizza by WONG-XI’S New York co-worker) has taken effect. The empty pizza box is open and coves AADI’S head like a cardboard bonnet. AADI’S floral printed, button down shirt is on the floor as are his jacket, shoes, and red socks. He wears a sleeveless black undershirt and his arms are high up in the air as he dances barefoot and sings with the music coming from AADI’S iPhone with surprising grace and great joy.

AARON and ZAK watch in stupefaction. The apartment buzzer buzzes. AADI leaps into the air, giddy and athletic, and buzzes back. AADI sings and “la- las” to “Sachaf” for a few moments and then his doorbell rings. ADDI opens the door, NIOMI steps in, and AADI throws his arms around her and tries to kiss her.

NIOMI disentangles herself from him, goes to AARON and ZAK, hugs and kisses them quickly as she unties their ropes. AADI continues dancing. Using his iPhone, AADI makes the music even louder.

NIOMI gives ZAK plastic hand-cuff bands and AARON holds AADI as ZAK removes the pizza box from AADI’S head and cuffs AADI’S hands in front of him. NIOMI and AARON and ZAK lead AADI out the door as he continues to sing and smile.

The music fades.

The music becomes lower and lower as the group exits the building. AARON suddenly returns to the room, gathers up the empty pizza box, the bag of apples, and the apple cores. He straightens the chairs, coils up the ropes. He picks up AADI’S shoes, his shirt, and all the red socks. He finds AADI’S “Barak” SP-21 pistol under AADI’S jacket and takes a handkerchief from his own pocket and picks up the gun with his handkerchief. AARON wraps the gun in AADI’S jacket. He looks around, exits the room, and shuts the door.




DAVID’S desk phone rings. Lights up on DAVID sitting fully dressed behind his desk.

DAVID (listens) Yes … yes … you can let him in now, Annabella, he waited long enough. Then you can go see your mother. Call me when you’re ready to come back? I’ll send a car. (Listens, then hangs up.)

NABIL (enters)



DAVID Shalom. (Pause.) What’s going on with Aaron and Zak? Did she see them -- talk to them?

NABIL (nods) They’re fine, I took care of it.

DAVID indicates NABBI should sit on the other side of the desk across from DAVID.

DAVID’S desk phone rings again. He picks up.

DAVID What, Annabella? (He listens.) Good idea. (He hangs up. He looks at NABIL.)

NABIL Thanks for letting us – letting Aadi drive your Porsche – it’s a woo, powerful car – he’s a good driver, Aadi – yeah. It’s back downstairs in your garage. Filled it with gas.

DAVID Good. Scare the insides out of them -- fuck ‘em both but let ‘em live -- but she’s unreliable.

NABIL (nods) You okay with Aadi?

DAVID He’s my nephew.

NABIL Good. Uncle David, you should know I really appreciate getting me out of that shit hell hole -- bringing me here to support you and our organization. Living in walls for so many years, you think that’s the world. But you’ve always always been showing me a larger picture. Before maybe I was too young and hot-blooded cocky but I’ve learned from you and we need to take our rightful place in the big picture – we got to grow – the family needs to look bigger. You got out of Casa, too, and your blood is in me. Makes me proud – you’re a teacher to me. Not sure our new international people will – you know in all the different countries and different ways of thinking – will listen and coordinate -- like they do with you. But to a white woman from Sands Point, Long Island, who never even finished anyone?

DAVID You got your finger on the button: now what?

NABIL You’re sayin’ …?

DAVID Do what you think you have to do, Nabbi, don’t be asking me. You want: you take.



I figure Uri must’ve really fucked up.

DAVID Put everyone in jeopardy. But me the most. After his little game backfired in Hong Kong, fighting just to keep all of us alive here, I’m tired, take it already.

NABIL She was always right next to him whispering – whispering.

DAVID You just gonna do yabba-yabba words? Huh?

NABIL Okay-okay. (Kisses his uncle’s hand and starts to exit.)

DAVID Wait. Go out the back door, Nab. (Points, winks, and nods.)

Grinning, NABIL exits the other door.

DAVID waits until NABIL is gone. Then he picks up his phone, presses a button.

DAVID Sorry about the delay, please come in now, Niomi.

NIOMI enters. She is carrying what looks like a large violin case.

DAVID How are my god-sons?

NIOMI (puts the case on his desk) Learning. A present for you. Open it.


NIOMI It only bites bad guys.

DAVID forces a laugh, opens the case, takes out a Tavor SAR flattop semi-automatic rifle.

NIOMI Not the Uzi 9 millimeter you and Uri had when you two served – you were just babies – have to move with the times, right, David?

DAVID How did you -- ? NIOMI


I’ve got many friends in many places, you know that.

DAVID picks up the rifle and feels it with great admiration.

NIOMI Release one pin and the whole bolt and piston assembly comes free – easy maintenance. Iron sights that fold so you can use the red dot optic. Bullpup configuration so the action is behind the trigger in the buttstock – good for easy maneuvering in really tight spaces, you know? Got you a silencer on this baby. And it sure shoots like a reliable old friend although the blowback is a bit strong. Isn’t it delicious?

DAVID A Tavor semi is kinda heavy for a woman, isn’t it?

NIOMI David -- David, you know I can carry much more than just my weight. Feels a little light now, yes?

DAVID nods.

NIOMI It’s a 5-point-5-6 millimeter carbine but – at the moment -- the magazine’s empty. I’ll leave the rest to you.

DAVID You work it out with Nabil?

NIOMI Well, I started discussing our – It’s so quiet in this room, bet you could fire a cannon and no one would hear anything. Amazing the silence money can buy. David, what are the issues between you and Nabil?

DAVID What’s he been saying?

NIOMI I’m just sometimes feeling uncomfortable the way he talks about you.

DAVID You’re not his favorite person either – he can rant specially hard about you.

NIOMI I almost expect that from him – but to call you those names? I’m talking openly to you, David, because I want the transition to be clear to everyone.

DAVID Maybe Nabil’s not ready for you.

NIOMI He’s your nephew, what do you suggest?



He’s got a lot of rage but you’re our great hope – Niomi, you should reconsider.

NIOMI Who do you think killed Uri? I’m thinking maybe it was Nabil – even from prison.

DAVID The police haven’t said it wasn’t an accident – it’s too soon – and we all know Uri could be a very reckless driver – especially when he drank – and that exit was – well….

NIOMI Nabil told me you wanted him for the top position. And you told me: me. Tricky. I think it’s time we all got together, don’t you?

DAVID Sounds like a good decision to me, Madam Exec.

NIOMI He’d come here if you called him.

DAVID Done. (He goes to his desk phone, dials.) Nabil, where are you? Oh! Good. Come now, Niomi wants all of us to be together and work this out. Great, soon then. (He hangs up.)

NIOMI Somebody played with the brakes in his car. The police think he smashed into that tree full speed.

DAVID I don’t know the details but he always took that ramp to get home, didn’t he?

NIOMI That exit is short, it ends at a traffic light, usually you have to wait for it to change, then you have to turn one way or the other. Probably he was speeding – but, David, his car couldn’t stop.

DAVID Horrible.

NIOMI He dreamed of that little Mercedes Roadster – he didn’t want the big one – like that glitzy thing you keep in Haifa, but you knew that, didn’t you?

DAVID (nods) He was a kid in that showroom in Roslyn – all bright eyes. You remember him like that.

NIOMI (nods) He loved you.



And you, too.

NIOMI As best a Russian orphan who ate paint chips could – I think. (She picks up her medium size pocket book and goes to where DAVID is sitting behind his desk.) May I?

DAVID (getting up and ushering her to his chair) See if it fits! (He goes around to the other side of his desk and sits in the chair where NIOMI had been sitting.)

NIOMI places her pocket book on the desk, pulls out his chair, sits down.

NIOMI Uri would have been so proud.

DAVID He never sat there.

NIOMI (She nods. She takes out from her pocket book a pair of yellow, latex gloves, puts them on, and pulls open the top drawer of the desk.) May I?

DAVID Well, Niomi, I don’t think you –

NIOMI Let me, David, I’m the grieving widow. Ssshshshsh. (She takes a handgun out from the top drawer.) A Beretta, how nice, one of my favorites. An APX with – (she searches in the drawer and takes out a cylinder which is a silencer for the pistol) a silencer. How smart although you probably wouldn’t need it in this tomb-like walls.

DAVID (stands) Put that away. Now

NIOMI (waving the gun at him) David – David, stop that, sit down, I’m not going to do anything God would object to – sit.

DAVID sits.

NIOMI Good. I may be wild, David, but I’m not crazy. I am, after all, the daughter of a disgraced rabbi who had to flee The Promised Land and wound up in Westchester near a shopping mall. And then, of course, he died. But you’re not wrong about me, David, you know I still love guns. (She unscrews the thread protector cap and screws on the silencer.) God bless the Israeli Defense Force – more practical than my kitten years in college! (She waves the gun.) Well, here I am sitting where Uri never could – but you never let him sit here, did you, David? He always resented that about you. All that quiet anger from you to him beginning, I guess, with the fact that I chose Uri over you – but that was so long ago when we were all bright and brilliant about the future - - like Nabil is today. But nothing lasts, does it, David? We really must show him the way, yes?



You two need to work it out but you’re even better than I thought, Niomi.

NIOMI What a patronizing compliment – I always was awe of your ability to trade in congratulatory ooze – but I guess that’s one way you can get ahead in connecting with hysterics who carry guns. And, obviously for you, successful -- must be a challenge to spend all that money that comes pouring in from all those ports. Zak gave me your routes and Aaron calculated the profits.

DAVID That’s just guesswork but I’ll teach you how.

NIOMI If you don’t teach Nabil first.

DAVID He doesn’t have the brains.

NIOMI (takes NABIL’S box of chocolates out from a drawer) Oh, look, chocolates. What a loving nephew and you slept so well. Then what is your plan, David?


NIOMI Oh, my, oh, my -- it’s just so difficult to believe anything you say. (Opens another drawer and takes out another pistol.) Oh, look, an FN 509 9-millimeter luger. Love the feel of polymer, don’t you? Gives the illusion of soft but it’s really as tough as a snake in the desert. And what else do you have hidden away in here, David, David, man of deceit?

DAVID (stands) Enough!

NIOMI (aims the gun at him, pulls her forefinger but not on the trigger) Bang! Sit the fuck down, David, or I’ll really use this thing.

DAVID sits.

NIOMI (She puts the FN 509 in her pocket book and pulls out another pistol from another drawer.) Oh, here’s particular favorite of mine: A Smith & Wesson M&P22 –

DAVID Niomi!

NIOMI (points the Berretta at him) I said sit down, David, if I’m forced to play with snakes, I’ll shoot their heads off first. Sit.

DAVID sits.


NIOMI (admiring the Smith & Wesson) Wonderfully small, beautifully balanced, and absolutely love the silencer – do you have? (She continues to search until she finds the silencer.) Gorgeous. (She then puts it and the pistol in her bag.) No, no, keep that duplicitous mouth of yours shut – good boy.

DAVID’S desk phone rings and NIOMI snatches it up.

NIOMI Is that you, Nabil? Good, you’re just on time. Come in through the – yes, come in through back. (She hangs up and stands.) I’d say this is not the time for you to make some kind of play, David: say nothing and don’t move.

NABIL enters the back way.

NIOMI Really glad you came, Nab, David was just saying what a perfect shit you are.


NIOMI Just kidding. Please – sit in David’s chair and – oh, wait – (NIOMI goes to NABIL and takes the pistol that’s tucked in the back behind his belt so quickly that he doesn’t have time to respond.) No guns in your uncle’s chair -- not if you’re going to be in charge, Nab, we need your brains not your bang-bang, right, David? Just nod.

DAVID nods.

NIOMI (to NABIL) We made a little deal, your uncle and I, everything will be yours. Sit, Nabil, and let’s see if the throne fits your well-used ass – just teasing you, Nabbi, don’t get rattled, come on, the chair is yours, sit, sit.

NABIL sits.

NIOMI Like it? Getting you hard?

NABIL What’s going on, Uncle David?

NIOMI Crying “uncle” so quickly? What’s the fun in that? (She takes the Berretta with the silencer out from her pocket book, walks to behind DAVID, and points the gun at NABIL.) Did you tell your Unkie David that you doped up his chocolate truffles?

NABIL (jumps up) Hey, bitch! NIOMI points the gun directly at him but actually fires into the top corner of the chair)


DAVID Niomi, stop!

NABIL Kusemek (“mother fucker”)!

NIOMI (takes out her phone and pushes button) There’s the Nabbi we all know lurks under that worldly exterior and right back at you with “mother fucker” to you, Nabil. Now sit down, the fun’s just starting. Sit. Down. (Into phone: ) We’re ready now. Bring everyone in.

NABIL sits.

AARON enters followed by AADI who is still loopy and drugged from the additive in the pizza. ZAK follows closely behind holding AADI’S gun and pointing it at AADI’S head. Both AARON and ZAK wear the same yellow latex gloves worn by NIOMI. AADI is grinning and disjointedly singing and la-laing the song heard in the very first scene of the play: “Hora”. When AADI occasionally sinks to his knees in his oblivious stupor, ZAK pulls him up by his hair.

NABIL Hwini! (“Fuck me!” – Moroccan Arabic.) David called you a crazy witch and he’s right.

NIOMI Did you?

DAVID He’s lying!

NIOMI Just to be clear, Nab, that’s Aadi’s little Glock that Zak has pointed at Aadi’s sweet but dumb little head. And both my boys know how to shoot – they do, after all, have degrees in International Business! That’s fine, Zak, thank you, Aaron, take this piece of deteriorating flesh into David’s room, throw him on the bed, he’ll fall asleep as soon as he touches the blanket.

AARON, ZAK, and AADI leave the room.

NIOMI Wanted you both up to speed before – well – let’s see how it all works out. And yes, David, your loving nephew here drugged you with that delicious Israeli chocolate that’s why you slept so well. Doped you up to shake you down – checked your safe this morning? Missing a million or two?

NABIL That’s crazy – what’s with you, Niomi, I did everything you asked.

NIOMI He got the combination, David, a few shekels thrown his way doesn’t really satisfy rage, you know that one. DAVID


How could -- ?

NIOMI Annabella – David, you’re really too old for her, Viagra is not a substitute for youth.

NABIL (rising) Bull shit – bull shit -- !

NIOMI Sit! Where was Annabella this morning when you finally woke up, David?

DAVID is stunned.

NIOMI Never mind. Nabbi, finish eating those chocolates you gave your uncle – just a good-faith gesture, hmm?

NABIL Can’t – I’m allergic, might have an anaphylactic reaction and stop breathing and maybe even die. It almost happened in prison.

NIOMI Oh, that’s okay, Nabbi, because if last night was your last night, you know and I know and now David knows you had a such a juicy – how did you put it? -- oh, yes, “chaka-chaka” time in the early hours with – what was her name – “Annabella”? Is it your big heart that aches or are you just too fucking sore down there, hmmm, loyal nephew?

DAVID (to NABIL) You hatichat hara (“piece of shit”), you ungrateful sneak, you piece of garbage, I kept my bargain to your mother but you didn’t keep yours to me. You’ll never die from chocolate. (DAVID takes out a pistol hidden in his pocket and shoots NABIL.)

NIOMI rushes over to NABIL who has fallen forward over the desk with his head on his arms. NIOMI stands behind NABIL.

NIOMI David -- shshshsh -- don’t move.

NIOMI takes NABIL’S gun out from her pocket book and quickly shoots DAVID who is knocked back in his chair but is not dead.

DAVID I love you, Niomi, I have always loved you.

NIOMI This one’s for Uri. (She shoots DAVID a second time.) In my heart, I know you killed him.

DAVID dies. NIOMI places NABIL’S gun next to his hand so it will look like NABIL shot DAVID.


AARON and ZAK enter the room. NIOMI and AARON and ZAK pick up all the guns except the one DAVID used to kill NABIL and NABIL’S gun that killed DAVID and they put them all in her handbag. NIOMI takes the box of chocolates. They start to leave.

NIOMI You’ve got Addi’s phone?

ZAK I do.

NIOMI (to AARON) Get their phones. David’s got two of them.

AARON gets two phones from DAVID’S pockets and one phone from NABIL.

NIOMI (to AARON) Give them to me. What about –

AARON We put Aadi’s gun under his pillow.

NIOMI Perfect. Both of you meet me in the hall. Have the elevator ready.

AARON gives NIOMI the phones and he and ZAK exit.

NIOMI puts DAVID’S two phones into her bag. She fumbles with NABIL’S phone and it falls to the floor. Suddenly, it begins loudly playing “Hora” (the edited Eurovision version, 1982). She looks at the two dead men. She starts to exit, then turns, and picks up NABIL’S phone.

She quickly exits but the music doesn’t end. It switches from the cell phone speakers to full-bodied theater speakers. The music grows louder and louder.

Then sudden silence.


end of play




Od mazhiv hasadeh she'azavnu az The field we left behind then, still turns Od ha'aretz noseit yevulah golden Ve'od yafim hem haleilot bichna'an The earth still bears its crop Terem hashemesh olah And still beautiful are the nights in Canaan Od rakevet chotzah sham pardes yarok Before the sun rises Chasidah od roga'at me'al Ve'od nisah ha'arafel ba'emek The train still crosses the green orchard Bein hazrichah vehatal there A stork still rests above Vegam hahorah, hahi im ha-“Hey!” And the fog still floats in the valley Kolah od oleh, kolah lo nadam Between the sunrise and the dew Vegam hahorah, hahi im ha-“Hey!” Shirah memalei libi le'olam And also the hora, the one with the “Hey!” Od shatim ananim al batei ha'ir Its voice still rises, its voice is not stilled Vehayam melatef et hachol And this hora, the one with the “Hey!” Ve'od nishmah eich balevavot Its song fills my heart forever Po'em lo zemer yashan umachol

Clouds still float over the city's houses And the sea caresses the shore And it's still heard, how within everyone's heart An old song and a dance are beating

LYRICS Yoram Tehar-lev

MUSIC Avi Toledano

SINGER Avi Toledano

Ha'Osef - Kol Chayai (Collection: All My Life) CD Disk 2 Track 5


Shlomo Maman 1982



Words translated by Malka Tischler of Brooklyn, NY, USA.



Sung by Avi Toledano Music by Avi Toledano Lyrics by Dudu Barak

Here is the light at the end of the tunnel. A door closes. A window opens. Here is a warm rise from the cold. And the curtains of the heart have been replaced by a curtain. And you go up to the arena again. Drifting away to the dances. Forgetting the darkness, the evil. And among you are large halos, erosion, erosion. Come with the drift, the bearer in his arms high, erosion, erosion. He is with you together. He is inside your life. In the circle circle. Here all senses are sharpened: Blue is the horizon and red is fire. Struggling, you will still fall to the planks. Burning from the stormy night. Suddenly the crystal pure, pure. Clear as a cross and as transparent light.