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iumr imrss difficult that any student^athlete By MBGAfI % ams that qualifies camwlai • ocel- vol. ^mima^n iM^mm 1 1 . mLmcmK While all eyes were focused on lent achievement and is oertainlv our NCAA hMketball champs, the Dttriiv tht middle of the 1964- worth noCmg. ViUanova women's solthall team 86 indoor track sSiMon, junkir Additionally, Booker's other htfguk its regular season with Martin Booker sustained an in- fine feats dvring the weekend in SlMste Moone wUis wins against Towson State (4->nd (Continued on pt^ 8) 8) Ruff each went two for three at gether for our upcoming games." dations as to what should be done. erage with three runs batted in. difference, As it stands now, the Villanova make a thenH^ught Other great efforts came from the plate, combining for three of ."••*.;|i^ is a national. Guanella School. There were also morallSH^ imd thiit Villanova, as By JOANNE CONRAD Pirone termed Balloon Day a students acted^as an educatioiiiid institution, hga^ Over $2,000 was raised April 18 over 100 who success and hopes that next year's clowns. Laxmen drop four straight obligation to ^sess its own posi- at Villanova's 12th annual Bal- will involve more people from Vil- tion and then to act in a moral loon Day to aid the world hunger Dana Pirone, co-chairperson of lanova and the surrounding com- way. They are concerned with Measles situation. Balloon Day, said that over 300 munity. "Balloon Day is an the remaining goals. Cunningham raised by Balloon students worked on Balloon Day. excellent chance for the Villanova By ELIAS A. PAPSON . Philadelphia foe Temple and protecting basic human rights pf The money of cooperation After jumping off a 2-0 record played a heartbreaking match. had eight saves while alk)wing the workl and feel that 22 million Day activities went to St. Francis "There was a lot community to get together and among committees, chairpersons with victories against Western They stayed close the whole game, eight goals. Hervada came in to blacks in South Africa are being cases being Inn, a soup kitchen in the Ken- have fun, while at the same time and advisors. The fact that some Maryland and Michigan State, the but despite 15 saves by Cun- finish the game with a save. athD THE WEI deprived oi those rights. sington section of Philadelphia, realizing and doing something Lacrosse season has fallen ningham, the Owls eked out a 9-7 Strack resolution and to aid the Ethiopian relief of the booths sold out of food about the problem of world Men's This past weekend, the laxmen %* opposes lot of dropped six of win. Their record at this point *i this resolution effort. showed that there was a sup- hunger," Pirone said. on hard times. They dropped their fourth consecutive am against 3-3. monitored advisor to port from the campus itself." their last seven games, including stood at .500, at Haggerty and because I feel Villanova Univer- Perry Hazeltine, an game to St. John's, 14-4. For the the last four straight. Presently, Cortese both scored two goals and sity would be a political partisan the Balloon Day Committee, said seventh time this season, Hag- By BRIAN D. stands at 3-6. one assist to pace the team in that it WEBB the total profit from Balloon Day their record gerty led the scoring with two and also would inhibit academic recess, the contest. Pennsylvania Department of has not yet been determined, but Before the Easter goals. Ruopoli and Cortese both freedom and the pursuit of knowl- were clobbered by C.W. edge," Health officials this week are estimated that over $2,000 was laxmen added one goal and one assist. said Dr. Harry R. Strack, Jnside their first monitoring several potential cases raised. Hazeltine called the event Post, 14-4, experiencing Goalie Cunningham got a rest faculty senator. of measles after two additional of season. Haggerty ':* "a sucess in money-making and in loss the John after starting the first eight Strack said it is not the Univer- Cortese students were determined to have community involvement." scored two goals and Mike games, and Hervada made eight assists. had the disease. Campus Ministry, the coordina- had one goal and two saves while allowing five goals According to Dr. Richard made •V ^' tor of the event, estimated that Goalie Drew Cunningham against. Ferguson made a season- << Neville, vice president of Student over 2,000 people attended the 12 saves while aUowing 1 1 goals to high 10 saves while allowing nine VILLANOVAM Ferguson re- Life, six students in the infir- Spring Fever Week celebration, get by him. Tom goals against. are from measles placed him for the first time this mary suffering making it the largest Balloon Day A'^'X'' symptoms and are waiting for the Villanova clubs, dormitories, season and made one save, allow- In the eight games that he has ever. i ivins award goals against. Chico Her- results of blood tests to verify fraternities and sororities spon- ing three tended goal, Cunningham has al- their illness. booths. Most of the food vada finished the game with two lowed 8.1 goals against per game sored 53 P. saves. By JOHN FOX Last week, state health officials and prizes were donated by local while making 1275 saves per This week's Kelly's'athlete ofthe week award goes Press next opponent The American Scholastic performed tests on seven students of the booths Their was game. .632 to businesses. Many He owns a saves to John Hagsarty, senior attackman of the Villanova pres- Drexel. They put up a valiant Assodatran (A.S.P.A.) has who had shown measles symp- non-profit, meaning that shots ratio. In five 41er- were games, lacrosse team. First fight, but in the end Drexel pre* ented the VttUmovnn the toms. None of these tests were were reimbursed for their - they J vada hokls a 1.4 goals against av- In games against Bucknell and Kut^town last award vailed, 10-6. The laxmen ^s record Place with Special Merit positive. all of the proceeds erage with a .666 saves^ ratk>. expenses and week, the Wikkats' leading scorer netted fivegoals in consecutive year. fell to 2-2. In the match, Mike Ruo- for the fourth Neville said the University was went to charity. Any of the booths Ferguson's three game stats are each game, both one gsal kwses for ViUanova. The^ news poli led the laxmen with two goals, Gary Dyer, fohner assistant informed this week by private that were run for profit gave 50 Coach Lac Stevens 3.6 goals against and a .521 saves games marked the second and third ^inies this season while four other players contrib* editor, was given the outstanding physicians that two Villanova stu- of their earnings to Bal- ralk>. The percent that liagmuty has seonsd five goals m one game. investigative reporting award for the disease uted one goal each. Cunningham dents had contacted kx>n Day. Pholo) ^. , (SIrff AU-Amencan candidate leads the MTikkats in both his three-part series on the phy- jnade 14 saves in the contest, but And, if that match was hear- several weeks ago. The^ ^stu- To help raise money, over 2.000 In (26) and total poims (23). PlDwera aHowed all 10 goals against. brokitig, their subsequent match sciodng, Haggerty has tallied jB^ sks depaitment and Joan dents have fuBy recoverM. belkxNi tags were soM for 50 cents. This Kelt's Athlete of the Ahhottgh 320 students pniticipnted in the Against Georgetown, the lax- a season-high 26 goals. Both Kuo- isliw^*^^e<»^ won outstanding editorial carteon According to Neville* sta^ against Bucknell was a real Anyone who purchased a tag was coaie award in the last month, as h« has been havhig ' Twister costeet, this awnber did not poli and Cmtese have nine gpiils. Week for 14. cartnon '.r men put together a fine perfor- CDAfidenise-biiater. They took It to her Sept. IW health dqiertment officials are^ asl^ to put his name on it. in Ttils pittt Hag- to tlie pinyer recotd lield the * The team's scoring leaders are in outstrnidiog senior season. week finan- done 1»212 hy mance and toppled their Big East triple ovathne before falling, 10-9. about Gerakline Ferrara's antkspating "a few" more mea- hopti^that it would be returned by Haggvty with 28 points. garty shattered the Villanova career goal mark eet by University of Rhode Islnnd. Pnge 3. foes. 13^, to better their record to The k)88 erased a fine perfor- RuoHi sles caaes next week. Measles out- the finder. The tag that returns 22, Cortese 12. BiU Nook in 1960. With three games remaining. Hag* 906 Z-Z. Three goal performances mance by Haggerty, who scored 20 and Connors The VpBgpavnn received breaks run in 10

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I^^^^^^^V ^^^^9 \' ; The apathy of a lost generation

watch the news, its of this great country, we are all VALENTE There appears to be a whole less fortunate, and the youngsters smaller. "I don't shirked By FRED to its of depressing." "Welfare is going to have to contribute violence beingcommit- generation coming of age that will swallow it up like a good mug it's too There is to care seems icky." And all they ask is, "Please, betterment. We must learn the country today. It is a be perfectly content with never Guinness. Their only \td m that our child- next party is going let me keep my color television set admit to ourselves The April 19 University Senate meeting should have type of violence, but it is just lifting a finger. In talking with Vil- to be where the slow built on the or whether or not the eye- and my docksiders and my trust ren's future cannot be been an interesting one. Luke Nolan, the outgoing student as deadly and destructive as the lanova students (and young people to be, I won't bother anyone. misfortune of another's. the terrorist's in general), there is only a faint- shadow matches the sweater. fund and body president, gave his farewell address, and two resolu- sniper's bullet or very are Ronald Reagan's ver- Just leave us alone." There are This "Me" generation may boinb. This is the violence of insti- ness of heart for me. The ques'tion, These apartheid and the other commend- help to take good care of this tions, one condemning what do you want to do when you sions of "Invasion of the Body people who share a city but not a well .-- tution, indifference, inaction and .f. derogatory sense). ing the basketball team, were introduced. graduate, almost inevitably Snatchers," in that there appears community. People bound by a planet (in the decay. the presklent don^ of sena- forth answer, "Make to be only blank minds destined to common dwelling but not a com- What has Unfortunately, since only less than ha(f the41 This is the violence that afflicts brings the a walk about in darkness, mon effort. What has the business world tors able to find time in their busy schedules to attend poor, that poisons relation- lot of money." Queries about the forever were ,ftu>icm» the has the student body of this money almost inevita- never once lifting the finger of Yes, this generation is truly the done? What the meeting, neither resolution was voted on, and Nolan's ships between men. This is the use one that is lost. They are no longer done? What have you don^ slow destruction of a child by bly spawns, "To buy a car, a change. to rather uneventful close. vr^lf , .„ wrote in Ufyan, term in office came a - All over there are sharp rounds the Don Quixotes who tilt at wind- As Tennyson hunger, schools without books house, to be rich." — is no excuse for 21 senators to be absent at a the food out mills. We sometimes chafe at the "That which we are, we are. One —There homes without heat in the Gertrude Stein once spoke of of applause for taking C I ZD and the equal temper of heroic hearts L problem of peoples' mouths or the roofs burden of our obligations, senate meeting. There are only six senate meetings each winter. This is the violence that the hosX Generation. The and weak by time and fate, but it from over their heads. "Look at complexity of our decisions made year, so the senators have ample time to arrange their teaches us to accept a common is, she was talking about 60 there strong in will. To strive, to seek, to years too early. The idealism of those poor souls out there, Nancy. the agony of our choices. But to their posi- fear and desire to retreat from one schedules. Moreover, the senators are elected for in find and not to yield." . look or security us that the 1960s has given way to the You're right . . they do is no comfort responsibility, and they have another. This is the violence tions. With election comes tacky." They sit there day after evasion, no solution in abdication, How 'bout it? to ignore the truth!^of selfishness and hard-heartedness Letters to tte EdKor forces us Valente isapolitkaii the responsibility to attend each meeting. Asking them to government is day in their own little existences no relief in irresponsibility. Frtd our existence. This is the violence of the 1980s. The reap the benef- nmjar. is too much. By their telling it is okay to step on those as slowly the world we live in gets If we all want to attend only six meetings not asking of apathy. us absence, senators are hot doing their appointed job of representing the students. And if they cannot do this job, No improvements by security then maybe they should step aside in favor of others who tecftolQgy ar^ willing to do it. To the Editor, found a man who treats students, respect, and don't we deserve a H^s Viiisnova security real^ parents andj|i8.o^ ttf^fmitofe- response to our questkms as ' . did got a chance to The 20 senators who show up .^j.;:^-- ^. *- - and : into riors..'-"'. smoke improved since the new chief took weU?. Rock music turns discuss an important motion put before them concerning Tracey Kaiser over? If he represents the security problem that I have with all an F-sharp apartheid. The motion, sponsored by Nolan and the Stu- I The OaseofldS? whk:h put the punk group Spinal guishes an E-flat from guards- and Villanovans, then By MAXWELL GLEN "profession" is littered with hi- live or electronic talent? of this is that no one is doing a on the map. No one needs to is disgruntling. High-tech fakery dent Life Committee, would call for the Board of Trustees say "no." Over Spring Break I had SHEAIffiR tech addkts. Groups like Human Obviously, many fans may not Tap thing to correct the situatkm. Let- AND CODY as cheapens a product that is confrontation with when care. For example, when the know how to do something further and University President Rev. John M. Driscoll, O.SA., "to an unpleasant In the 1950s and '60s, Dick League use taped musk: ters and phone calls placed with mundane as play a guitar; a star already overpriced. the Chief. As. a Mudent who Bandstand" they tour, the Thompson Twins, a Puerto Rkan rock group examine the practices and policies erf Villanova University Father Rice as well as with Father Clarlc's "American weird in the main k)t library blues different performed at New York's Madison only needs a wild haircut, wanted to park on television was a must. British group, emptoy 12 indirectly contribute to the continuation of DrisopU got no response. It has program producer which may virtually during guitars, drums and Square Garden last fall, the four clothes, an act and a most concertgoers that was empty At the time, there was no better synthesizers; Clearly, apartheid.*' However, since they were two members short been over two weeks since this pre-recorded with access to a studio. Today, it's implications that week, my car was ticketed. I in the rock other instruments are more props singers strummed to don't care about the the ad- To tlie Editor: way to monitor trends than park from nine to whole thing started, and music. Only the lead singer had a personality and visual imagery, smoke-and-mirrors of a majority, the senators could do nothing more only wanted to music scene as well as new steps than actual tools. of embracing ministration has yet to make a I am a senior. In less than two talent, that make a days sd that I couW live microphone — that way he not musical performers. Some, however, may discuss the motion — constructive action could not be five a few on the dance floor. move. What does it take to get months I will leave Villanova Uni- While rock's exploitation may work on campus. I was driving 45 could ham it up with the audience performance. want more than high-tech fast . - "Bandstand!' had a flaw back taken. some respect from a man (Kelly) versity'si haUowed walls. I will If seem sweet to performers and pro- each way to earn min- between numbers. According to food for the price of a 19H)unce minutes then, it was that Clark would fre- Perhaps pre-packaged sound >v will not be held miss it. What I won't miss is the it prompts an important The next University Senate meeting parking who, of all people, shouM know ducers, rock reporters at the concert, few imum wage, not to fight quently invite someone from his rings clearer to some ears than the filet.. I don't workout I get jn Falvey Memorial for serious music fans: until October. If the apartheid resolution is passed, it will taking the meaning of the word? question of the young fans seemed to mind tKkets and tow trucks. By to come to the micro- music performed by studio musi- he expects students to Library. Researching for a paper audience Since the new technology can turn I know how or even notice it. be the first stejJ" in ending Villanova*s involvement with my problem rig^t to the top, was phone and mimic his or her favor- the illusion, cians. But somehow the knowl- treat him with respect when he involves miles and miles of walk- almost anyone into a rock star, Shearer disrespectfully and hasn't Maxwell Glen and Cody corporations that support apartheid through their invest- treated ite artist while one of the real was inevita- e(te that an artist on stiige obviously feels that his position ing between card catalog and when do tans know at a rock "con- Maybe such fraud Chief. The whole are Washington based columnists. of Amnesty harshly by our singer's numbers played over the the advent of MTV, the foggiest idea of what distin- ments in South Africa. The Villanova chapter makes him so all powerful. bookshelf. The card catalog lists cert" whether they're listening to ble with issue got blown way out of propor- than international would like the University to eventually set book after book under the desired sound system. More often tion. As a result, the chief tried to subject which the book shelf fails not, the exercise proved an up a task force to examine the University's involvement are paying a great deal of take disciplinary action agaii^st We embarrassment. to have. Some of the books found with apartheid and then make recommendations as to me. The person who needs to be money (some of whk:h pays for are so old that I have been penal- what should be done. disciplined, howevei', is Chief Kelly's salary) to attend this Uni- Unfortunately, singers and in- Careers Start ized on papers for "using resour- SuoessM Kelly. Through this experience I versity. Do we not deserve some strumentalists who might have Fr. Driscoll has already indicated support for the reso- ces that are out of date." been most offended by such antics lution. With his support, the resolution stands a good Trying to get newspaper arti- have succumbed to the allure of is needed cles is another story. By the time chance of being passed and implemented. All that making music without really try- you go through the whoks ordeal to Gibbs-Ours Ml of the University Senate to ad- at is for a majority of the members ing. Thanks to technological EDITORS ASSISTANT EDITORS get the call numbers of the maga- be present at the next meeting. vances, numerous performers can Diana K. Sugg, Anthony Edwards, zines, you have to leave because NewK — and do — leave the musician- Brian D. Webb Rob Jordan the library is dosmg. It never fails ship to electronk gadgetry and the FMrtUKM: Andy Miiier. that they don't have the magazine singing to pre-recorded .tapes. Sharon Kelly Amy 6'Donnell that you' really need. Then it's Concerts are becoming little more Balloon bay's Entortalmiient: Kelly O'Neill, Mike lathis, down to the University of Penn- acts. ^ than smoke-and-mirror Bob Smith Russ Caocola 'sylvania to flnd resources for a Soilami SporiK Mike Irons, Ellas Papson Paula IMper.-. Impresarios will contend, ai-- Paggie Ward othor soccoss Layout Amy Oovai One time I settled down to write guably, that pre-recorded music a paper. I k)oked up the subject in has k)ng been part of the concert- J*' 4li Balloon Day was a success in that it raised over $2,000 the Index. It said page 240. I giver's retinue. But this old trick to help relieve world hunger. But Ballbon Day was also a Artwofic Joan Powers turned to the page, or should I say is giving way to a revolution in tried to turn to the page. It skippiBd to make an success in that it revealed that Villanova is not only a r.LouCrMli machinery designed Mlki Quamlerl from nge 228 to page 245. Palvey Eric Clapton or Winston Marsalis community in itsdf, but a member of a larger community Claiidla Sknonatd. Sandy Stanak, Batty Stanfiaki Menmal Library strikes again.^ out of an idiot. For example, elec- a part of the Main Line as Radnor, as well. We are as much P.YX Caoi«nfllor. CoNaan Willlamt University of Pennsylvania, here I tronic synthesizers in use during Haverford and Bryn Mawr. RjunaW.Lytal the 1970s are Model T's when Student oi^ganizations oiight to be commended for Vlrgliiia Banica compared to the state-of-the-art Aragona, Tom Baran. Sua Bni- their community service prefects, such as Balkan Day, mtm Joa AlaaaahdHffia, Cm ^Qaeeof'SS variety. The hew generation em- nay. Jenny Catalena John Cavulo, Mary Chareet Slave Co- ploys some of the same technologi- it'^ which invite studrats and neighbors alike to share in the Educatfon is ayirilable in a tanaro. Jackie Connely, Len Diana, Amy OonneNy, Ffank cal innovatkxis found in your A Katharine Gibbs Villanova s[Mrit. The Gredc-sponsored Halloween and Ounne, Karen Dunne, Qary Dyer, Tad Finney, Karen Qottffled. Congrats topof-the-line computers; with ¥ifeelcsJo2yjMi^_^^ local variety off i^ramsffromll Easter celel^ations were enjoyed by liundreds of Betty Quee, Mauiieh Li^en. fM Maoo{hia*€hrla MMOonaM, TadieBditor one press of a button, you can Joe MoAlee, Jim youngsters. And 75 students from the Don Guanella Maureen Mahalri^Mary Agiiaa MatyettAireki. Coqgralulatkms on your First nearly duplkate the sound of a i*^ McCabe, Amelia McQovem. Joe MoOonttn, Mika Noone, Omm philhannonic orchestra or a KglMARgE OIBBS SCHOOL n School for Mentally Handicapped Boys reveled amidst the Place with Special Merit in the • Ex«CUtlv«S«crrtMW»Ub«»IAirte(M<»iei*; | Ollvef. Chartene Fardoe. Vinoa Ralrilioiidl, SlbMia^ stampeding herd of elephants. 53 Balloon Day food and game stands and over 100 studqit Ammaafidioiastk Prees Associ- SheHa. CNff (Tteinhauaer, Chris Roney.' Latiran Seaver, "Mah atkxi. This unprecedented four buggers and clowns. Sohmkf. Thn Valiao% Jim Wood. The i«lfity with whk:h Rkk Jeff Stevent. Paul yenn' t^m of oonunendatiens to " . the students who ought to be applauded Wakeman of the rock gioup Yes Among many theVWaanvaa speaks tothe kmg forC6iM»Qra*«lM*OpltoM Program tor co<:hairpeople tay^out. pictoaae and format aia^lha dashed from one keyboard to for their civic-minded work are^alloon Day The wrMnli, aaHelee, liittory and current leaderihip of Adiiito Sfiirtina or Ctwnging Cmpmto I ^^ Edllora^MhaEilNMalltoaid and d^hol another it now unnecessary. Dana Pirone, Michael Nolan and Brett Datto, and cele- responiibUlty of the the atudenteditors as weU as theu" the vtow of tl)^ Afmkilatratlon, Fac»ulty These days a "muskaan" need V brated student entertainer Kevin Fosdmocht. 'Tve neoeaeartly rspieaant Mxlerator. and ahidanto uKttfc iplMWl^ only hum intoa "itoirter" (an in- NOW SSCl:.. Please coctend mrtpedal con> CAU. broi^t my children to the Haltoween party, the Easter ttniment that k)okt like an opera- u mttilaliafia to Jbaif Powers and egg hunt and now B|dloon Day," said one Main Line V, f.44i/ ^»*^»» lor'a headset) to produce a our etudenl edHoia. ,- Gair ttyar on theb tndhridual Uiaaueaaeemealer. digiuUy-tyntheaiMd harmony. (5-^ woman. "I can't get over how much work the students put Th$ VIHfinoimn la puiliahed FHdaya. fwardi aad aiao mt^^ooMraftula- ' » l miHia a ad Thearm ol hkdHKh machinery into these ^orts, but they ire greatly appreciated.'' CiftulaJi uwi M<* Oufcaaf iNlein m9 M Mw^ym. tieoa to the entire •Vwiaofvaa avai»e to fills ad»artlalng Infer allon ooniiot ttie office 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ndk groupa now will that today's college students JFor m staff. Although some aay countleaa muak midt maguines; Dr. atdUr^ A. Bleville are totally Mf-centered and mit^rialiMic, we have dis- the (ntkna theae gMlgeU nunklHUi Vm vmino¥Uf la tiaMmppaper of raeoid f6r Villanova with %uhamcGilkkiS(iioct I pro¥ai thMt notiofL ViDanova iM continue to be an inte- univefeiiy iccm mffliij(i^ Mot music gral part of the Mam Moe commottty •Kif, aurpritiQgly, the (ConBmtimifi9mpt^€i^ .:ic::'


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» • Tha Offlea of the Vmn of (untopmiiMtfK Kathryn M. Siuiwiti has annoMieid its Mpfei (graduitc) and altamace «ri» lf.llL aaiaetiaas far the 18if ^Sam* iwia M. swanoi m iwfa* hr nancMiant Slpaafesra. Mw atii* hUpDiaim CaliaghT and aHer- 85.' Earth Day '85 is apanaored by dcnu aft CUre A. Laaty and nale Jaaaph P. Canuaa in By MARY E. OAKEST Beautifur: Trash Clan and a Ijidiacl i blaze orange vest, all of which are the Citiaens Coisndl on Environ- aHemaia McDonoaU Eminaar iy Maria T. 1M- I Volunteers for the Earth Day mental Affairs in Radnor in in Arta; CalimBuuanid altar- fOMn and aUcmata EINi H, *85 program to clean the streams contributed by the Pennsylvania ooniunctioii with Radnor Town- in CaMill in CnllMIe SdM; and roadways of Radnor Town- Department of Traaaportation. ship Parks and Rccraarkm Depart- J. mi EKubcth Mullen Hafes ship are greatly needed, Michael Interested volunteers can meet Villanova University small ment. Its main purpoae is to dean aian and akcmate Stephanie and akemate DianrBreaaon in '.nt G. Oreski, chairman of the Citi- at the ' parking lot across from the Fiekl the litter, which includes bottles, M. Siliwai tibcirigls Casinci cc University College. * zefis Council on Environmental 'i cans and paper, from the road- Affairs in Radnor, told th^ViUaii- House, at the Radnor Township ways and streams. - ovan this week. BuiMing on Avenue or the **We are garbaging ourselves to All volunteers will receive cou- comer ol South Ithan Avenue and death. If people in the community pons for McDonakl's food, a Roberts Road, betwen 8:d0 and 9 Election results would just keep their commemorative patch and hat a.m. tomorrow. ''We should be all own street (Omtmmdfivm pagi 1) Dave Kniffm, Karen Magoatn, clean we coukl have a beautiful seats uncontested. which read "Keep Pennsylvania done by noon." said Oreski. College were Grog Poch, Jim Walker. Leni Papa town." Oreski said. The uncontested ^members of dopoulos and hundreds more." the Academk: Policy Committee arc Mark LcFever, David Thie- Conlan, former commerce and Apartheid resolution addressed finance senator man and Bill Mar^af from Matawan, < officially terminated his candi- (Continued from pagi I) r indirectly contributing to apar- them not show up to vote/' Burke After the run-off election NJ, results were announced, Noone dacy by assuring his supporters . On April 18, Burke met with the theid is through its retirement said. thanked his supporters, who and the student body that "Villan- Rev. John M. Driscoll. O.S.A., Uni- system for faculty and staff. Vil> In other business, Dr. Marion include "Everybody on Ground ova hasn't heard the last of Joe versity president, and said that lanova uses the TIAACREF plan, G. Vosburgh, chairman of the Uni- West, the Sponges. Dave Villano, Conlan!" Driscoll was in favor of the resolu- which invests its money in corpo- versity Senate, announced the tion and that he even offered sug- rations related to South Africa, election results. Dr. Robert E. gestions as to how to reduce therefore allowing apartheid to Beck, mathematical sciences, was JUST FOR 1NE RECORD,MC. Villanova's indirect involvement continue. elected to the science seat of the with South Africa and its govern- "We are frustrated because of 1985-86 Rank and Tenure Com- OISCOUHT RECOROS & WES is all the time and effort put into edu- ment. Burke believes Driscoll mittee. Dr. John D. Caputo, philo- MAU. behind this issue on a moral basis. cating and briefing the senators sophy, won the undesignated seat ROSaMONT VUAQE An example of how Villanova is on apartheid, and then to have of the same committee. trte UtfJCASTER AVE. R08EM0NT, PA. lanO EXTRA 10% DISCOUNT U»«*Oul.M«*^ ON ANY LP OR TAPE $7jM OR MORE MON.FRI. 104> SAT 10« PHONE 527-1221


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f 1^-2 ignites on 'Unforgettabie Fire ^^^^^^^jz^^i^^^^^^^^-^^ light of the crowd. away from home is 9fmKBAXLmONS the time he began "Wire." the "Staying much nwer when the nighU are A nwcal mcmtgp for peace crowd was all his. The peopie become was produmed for one hour and There was more than Bono for like this. bigger than these aircraft hangers 50 imnatw MondSiy night at the the crowd to enjoy. The Edge was play in/' Bono toW the crowd. Spectnvn. The DubKti baaed band simply fantastic on guitar and we full of If the rest of the tour is its Spectrum debut in keyboard for "The Unforgettable U2 ma4e Edge, start with similiar nights. Bono. The the ^middle of iu "Unfofieettable Fire." Right from the Mullen and Adam Clayton result was an in- "11 O'Ckxrk Tick Tock" and end- Larry Fire" tour. The one of are going to have themselves credible. ioU-out performance. ing with an incredible rendition KAWY, Love," The heck of a time before they return whose music reflects the "Pride in the Name of U2, as he to their Dublin home. As tong tribulations that have occurred in Edge's playing proved that broth- a back seat to anyone. there are divisions among its homdand in past years, made doesn't take and as long as Bono knows the statement for world peace and "Pride in the Name of Love" was ers its will to all those four chords to write songs, U2 flags'* philosophy throu^ an inspiring tribute '*no, to sacrificed and died in be a group with a message de lead singer Bono's vocals in songs who have of tove, just like the im- liver. like "Eleciric Co./' "New Year's the name off for U2 was the five "A Sort of Homecom- mortal Martin Luther King. Leading Day" and Los this humane atti- member band Lone Justice. A ing." It was during "Electric Co." Bono showed off Angeles-based band, that features the loudest message was con- tude often, frequently calling YOUl that rock. LOVE of country and Bono tore up an Irish security guards who tried to haul a mixture veyed, when min- over-eager fans who Lone Justice played for 35 flag into its orange and green com- off those utes. Though they are an enter- and threw them all away, jumped on the stage. Bono would ponents going on-stage and either taining opening act, they are to which thecrowd responded pos- bring them or embrace to hit the dusty trail. itively. shake their hands U2 vistted the Spectrum this week on Monday and Wednesday Bono continually played to the them before leading them back to one crowd, dancing about the stage, their seats. He even brought guitar on stage front and back, like an Irish lepre- person to play the on from Gallifrey during Bob Dylan's "Knocking The man WILL YOU chaun, jumping on and around he dedi- the TARDIS, speaker! and inciting the au- Heaven's Door," which form a tale centered around the been at the helm of to the de- By JOE MCGOWAN stories have to sing along with him. By cated to Dvlan much of block transfer computa- although none of his dience Nov. 23, 1963, concept At 5:35 p.m. on in America. Colin tk)n and the M.S. Escher print been aired yet following a news bulletin concern- Doctor at "Castrovalva." Another interest- Baker began as the sixth ing the search for President Caves of Andro- ing pair was contributed by John- the end of 'The Kennedy's assassin, the BBC with Warriors* Gate, a zani" (shown last Saturday by Lydecker | aired the story "An Unearthly presently in Eatertainment Tom Baker-era tale of the race of Channel 12) and is ChiW." And thus began "Doctor season as time-sensitives that guard the the mklst of his second Who," the longest running gateway between E-space and our . The stories of his first ME? series in television MARRY science fktion Di- Twin own N-space. and Terminus, the season include "The Calendar history. the Cyber; Peter Davklson story of a leaper lemma," "Attack of Earth is 89.000 light years away on Varos, Cok)ny in space. men," "Vengeance from Gallifrey, the home planet of best of the recent re- **The Mark of the Rani," "Time- Although this One of the the Time Lords. Undead by and "The Two Doctors" our leases is Mawdryn Ush" great distance separates Doctor, Pa- Peter Grimwade, which offers the (featuring the second planet from the High Council of tale of a derelict spacecraft known trick Troughton). Time Lords in their Panopticon, ^ ^ "Flying Dutchman" of The rumor that the BBC will 1k*atr« (not the Nes- as the enterprising minds of "Doctor space, a story excellent in both its halt the production tene Consciousness however) period novel and television incarnations. Who" for an 18-month rest have breached this gap with a time other authors of the "Doc- has been circulating for some of merchandise. Among wide assortment this rumor will Awake and Sing tor Who" novels are Terrance now and hopefully those less interested in the Theatre Company For editor of the be insubstantial. A brigh- The People's Light and mul- Dicks, a former script prove to "" pins, badges, Lionheart Malvern program, and Ian Marter, who ter prospect involves ticolored scarves, K-9 dolls and Through May 12 portrayed Harry Sullivan in the Television, the American distrib- whatnot, there are the "Doctor theBBC. Side Effects series. utor of "DoctorWho"for !Snr: Who" books. Harokl Prince Theatre Unfortunately the two stones Plans have been made at Lion- A tremendous increase in Amer- Annenberg Center authored by Douglas Adams (of heart for a satellite transmission viewership of the program ican Galaxy will allow for the air- 1 3680 Walnut Street Hitchhiker's Guide to the system that has led to wide distribution of the William COMEDY Thrtjugh April 27 fame), "The Pirate Planet" and ing of the episodes of Final Days Celebration novelizations. Now availa- series' $11-$13 have not been released Hartnell and Patrick Troughton _ Tickets: bookstore are the "Shada," AND ble at any Doctors) and for the The Hairy Ape as of yet in novel form. Tom Baker (the first two Target Books editions of the "Doc- Theater find "Shada" of partic- possibility of a simultaneous The Wilma The number of fans would IMRRttVISAXION tor Who" novels. the new Colin Baker May 16 2030 Sansom Street one ular interest since its television broadcast of these novels now approaches Through May 5 form was never completed be- episodes on both sides of the hundred as more additions are Tidcets: $10414 cause of a strike at the BBC, but Atlantic. For now the TARDIS I One of made throughout the year. a uni- it 9p.m.-1 a.m. Madame Butterfly was edited into "The Five Doc- has its coordinates set for the most valuable of these books is Theatre special "The Game of Ras- verse of anti-matter in the 1973 Walnut Street Volume 1 tors" 8-9:30 p.in.. the Programme Guide, Doctors." 9th and Walnut Streets silon." classic "The Three by Jean-marc Lofficier. Fri- April 25 and 27 Most "Doctor Who" fans know which Channel 12 will air this in the At the Covered Wagon Inn The Programme Guide lists and Tickets: $13-$16 that for the past thirteen months day at 11:30 p.m. summarizes all of the "Doctor * • the sixth Doctor. Colin Baker, has Villanova Room Who" television programs from Aprii ' the first Doctor, William Hartnell, Tickets Avaiiable on 29 through Tom Baker, the fourth. Although there have cometo be at the C.C. Ticlcet Offfice is ^2.50 StiKtont Fm mmic two more Doctors the Guide especially ^^ General F«« nonetheless valuable now since Channels 12 and 52 (the 9 V.U.I.D. Raquira^ affiliate availa- Trenton, NJ. PBS TlckH9 A¥all9bl0 at tha Door Memphis Motown Revue ble here through cable systems) 23 East Cabaret are showing the stories of the 23 E. Lancaster Ave. thin! Doctor. Jon Pertwee. April 26 and 27 Among the best of the series ,. i:^: Aaleep at the Wheel novelizations are two by Chris- [ttmta '^ This Week At The Movies Chestnut Cabaret L<)««^is and "The Five Doctots.' topher H. Bidmead. Four d the Doctor's selves from the 1983 special (Book Back 38th and Chestnut Streets these two Buy Together Castrovalva. April 26 I

i.^. The Dickey BetU Band Chestnut Cabaret Tune into Spring 7-10 38th and Chestnut Streets May April 27 and Central Park. TonIgM ' the Rusty Nail Bern Revue By BOB SMITH material. - its • year is Most of the bands appearing Center City includes among Ambler Cabaret Once again, another in bands Nk:k Anastasio. formeriy of drawing to a ck)ae. One of the last have members who were ranks 43 E. Butler Pike Halloran, events of the that appeared at previous on- and The Avengers, and Tom Ambler, Pa. major on-campus 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Concert, will take off-campus functions. Both the Al- promotional director of WKVU. 6:45 & 9 p.m. April 26 and 27 year, the Spring event. and Whispered Other bands included on the bill - Skunks I ',' Eric Claptoa place this weekend. The bino members Project, Scrounge and Connelly whkA will be held In front of Screams include former are The TheSiiectrura acts are tomorrow, will run of Cyan Blue, a local band that Kwait. While quite a few Ctntor Pattiaofi Place Kennedy Mall '.jr Outside the North Lounge bars up performing, the Spring Concert is from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. played quite a few dates in Philadelphia bands-type OfnMfia the Musknans and down the Main Line. The Al- not a battle of the A|irirt9 Sponsored by off Dougherty its purpose is to GuiW, the Sprii^ Concert will fea- bino Skunks have been featured in event. Rather, their interested on-campus bands a ture a variety of campus-based a number of shows since give Big Event. to play in front of a Villan- fock biftids performing sets of pop- emeivence at 19B3's chance has played at audience. RMiy Business " ular songs, as weil as their own Three Way Street ova Daii'f Mfes nun ;<«»4rtYriV/ww;ayi'^'

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i) Gcnml PiMq turn into ly 0BmdWH|ITIW thetr d^bnt aUNim "AH the the Ex-BnglMh IImH ii G«Mral in October '84. Afick Jonit* ex- that ooeur in a I PaUic li^m U. taiii«B Sirtur- Claih, fkKfei on the LF, wtifch TRUCK day, and from the fint tong, oontHM file Mt ^onsefHOM. DRIVE A Mr. Softee *lilever You Done That^ to the '. .' to t The only thingnMoing fpom Gen- My T'Oie 1 1 I It 2iid encore, *Tad the Party/* d eral Public is San. the loriidvy ifs hoen qnn^ 10 mmm mt cry and in betipoen when Wakel- Dive Beat saxaphonist. But at the OPPORTUNITY ing yelled in his thick English ac- Tower in December w|ien Dave you can say that whie Mkiqg it FUN SUMMER cent 'it's time for a Wakdii« ydled 'Tou've got your announcement!'* the Palestra band Imkr and General Public that's nnfly wlM Fve bft9 aim- FULL-TIME WORK never stopped dancing. played "," no one ing for since we left the Boot." In the summer df *^, when the wore black. General Pubfic's wry ooMbcal SALES English Beat disbanded, - HIGH COMMISSION Saturday at the Pakstra Gen- mfiHssgf1,00 in "Burning Bright.^' „^^.^„^_ enthusiasts all over ,the worid eral PubUc played "Save it for prove thot diQr haveaoowtliiivto EXPERIENCE were wearing blacks Led by Wa- SALES "Best Friend." a smaU say. "We have fun with the music, GOOD Uter" and » PROVIDES keling and , The conoesskm to their Beat days. And but we like to Ymvt some sub- Beat, akmg with , 939-5114 althoi«h they dkln't play "I Con- stance as well," enhdned Wakel- CONTACT: PEGGY O'SHAUGHNESSY AT Madnt^, Selector, and UB40, led fess" or "Too Nk* to Talk To," ing.'tf the English Beat were fun, the UK ska/2-Tone revival in the they redeemed themselves lO-iM General Public is fun within^ OR late 705 and early '80s. by including on stage to edge. '' Dave and Roger formed Ceneral SLEMENTS BRIDGE BD round out a great performance of While the trademark glaring APPLY IN PERSON AT 901 E. Public in the summer of '84, with danoeable Goieral Public songs. eyes beamed out at the audience new members Punter (of Horace Twenty-nine year old Wakding from above the stage, General RUNNEMEDE, N.J. 08078 the Specials), Kevin White (Of Tin i\.' admits that the catchy 'Tender- PubUc delivered ''Bprning n Tin, with Steven Duffy, an origi- ness" was written from personal Bright" ("If people keep buikling nal member of Duran Duran), experience. "I don't know where I and throwing missiles then we're Stoker (also from Tin Tin, and am but I know I don't like it/I open going to keep writing songs like from the first Dexy's Mklnight my mouth and out pops something this'^X the danoeable "Matter of WKVU ^ ji Runners) 1 and Mickey Billingham spiteful/Words are so cheap but Fact," 'Tenderness," "General Progressive Rock Radio (from the last Dexy's Midnight they can turn out expen- PuWk:" and "Click Clkk." TOP TRACKS AOft Sanlora, ii Runners of ua nrnka "Come on Eileoi" sive/Words like convk:tk)n can Thanka for fwlplng cfiolca." You Tears For Fears "Shout" f/ie "Alpfta alatar- Alison Moyet "Love Resurrection" atiowod ua what trua New band drops into gray halping ua ill Prince & The Revolution "4 the Tears in Your Eyes" hood waa by luck Eurythmics "Would I Lie to You?" bacoma AOTT'al Good By TAD FINNEY on bass and cello. Phillips wrote one on the album that fits in best U2 "Bad" In tha futural A Drop in the Gray appears to all the songs. with the synth^izers, bass and ^^ Howard Jones "Like to Get to Know You Well" 1 ; have superb instrumentation, yet On "Heartache feeds Heart- string arrangements and drums. 'Til Tuesday "Voices Carry" To aottbaii tn-captaina Bon- vocals. Vocalist Dan Phillips ache," Phillips sings about two ty' weak A Drop in the Gray makes a fair Mick Jagger "Lucky in Love" Ball, Maria Woinlak A sounds like many of today's new lovers looking for each other. "I attempt at expanding on the qual- nia Limahl "Never Ending Story" Andria Lair wave singers on this album. Some- look to the right/and I see your ity and style of the '80s music. ^•fls*«»<*® Huey Lewis & the News "Trouble in Paradise" how, his emotion comes off face turning arbund/Pfeartache They sound too much like other Thanka forbaing thara. Good **Fire in the Twilight" lik^^ Wang Chung Don't forgat stronger. Side one seems to be full feeds Heartache." bands, though. In orcter to make it ^l>%>^ luck In tha futura. King "Love and Pride" of songs that are synthesizer- "Past your Frame" is a good in the musk: worid, a band should to sand monayl Boy Meets Girls "Oh Girl" ridden. The instrumentatk)n is re- song. Phillips sings "Suffering have its own distinct, identifiable Go West "We Close Our Eyes" / miniscent of the Moody Blues and fools come easily/but I can't get sound, not a ripoff pf everyone Noona, Bruce Springsteen "Trapped" (Live) Grag ELO. past your frame." else's hits. plaaaura running with Graham Parker & the Shot "Wake Up (Next to You)" It waa a A Drop in the Gray consists of "Turn Me Round" is the best Katriaa & the Waves "Walking on Sunshine" you and your co-workara. Phillips on vocals and percussion, song on this album. It is sung with *SS&«^ A luck naxt yaar . . PhU Collins "Inside Out" Baat of Colin Campbell on guitars, Marty just a piano, reminiscent of Elton A Drop in the Gray The Power Station "Bang a Gong (Get It On)" kaap up tha good work. Frederickson on drums, percus- John. The song succeeds because "Certain Sculptures" Nik Kershaw "The Riddle" SIncaraly, sion and background vocals and A Drop in the Gray uses lush in- Geffen oi»* ^^ .^^^^' ^v.w ^»^ Joe Conlan and Co. Mans Christian Reumschuessel struments. This song is the only Daar Buddlaa from H'2 and ^^ G'2, i"****--**** \ Baat of luck naxt yaar. Tha courta won't ba tha aama jy*" without you guya. Lota of IO¥a >*^ tha gala of H'2 Villanova, PA 19085 M»- Daar Panthouaa Boya, that my wiLCOMi Gantlaman, I agraa ,f*^ ALL sninnns uncharactarlatic bahawlor at tha "PIG FEST" waa unaxcu- Student aablal Conaldar, howayar, Your aoclal crima I hawa Get thia ONE commlttad, comparad to a Ufa atyla you llva. SIncaraly It SOCIAL SCIENCE Body In Shape! MANAOIiilNT Koala Accounting Chemical Educatk>n Business Law Civil Geography Bonnia, a graat apacM alatar Electrical Now!! You'ra Economics Llt)rary Science and an awan battar friand. Finance and Marketing Mechanical Political Science Thanka for ayarything and Management Engineering Mechanics FOR ONLY Psychok)gy luck with Paralagal Statistics good Sock>k)gy achooL Alpha Lova, LAiMuiAan Your apeclal alater MATNniATICAL SdlNCIS FuH Arabic Italian torsSMonth Computer Programming In FL/1, $90Summer Vscstloii Bop and Buaty, French Utin i: ALGOL, Pascal, ItombsmMp Gat paychod for "tha data" — German Russian Communicatk)n Arts FORTRAN, COBOL Our coolar noada amptlad, ya Greek Spanish EngMsN Algorithms and Dida Structures know? Baaklaa, tha concert History factor la vary high. IVa boon I and II wmimminq Religious Studies football track yaara, •eimcis Calculus Special Itaining groat, hara'a to 3 mora Astronomy Phlk)eophy Lova, Mathematical Analysis golf baseball Btotogy , Thpatrs basketball Mauraan Introductton to DiftaKentlal Prog^^ tor ChemMry EquatkHis Paula S., Phystes ' Linear Algsbri Thanx for Saturday night Nursing Hera'a to Franch 7S'a, "WhaVa .^fkV In thlaT?" C.I.A. oaplonoga, X- DAY ana EVENING CLASSES Rey guns, Ruaalana In Cofo- and tha cantarfold. untiLthe day before SESSION I Wednesday, May 29 to Friday, June 28 (5 weeks) rado "How did wa got tharo?" My each session begins. SESSION I Tuesday, July 2 to Friday, August 2 (5 weeks) frlMOf cub regarda to Gonaral Wayna worm. 1 EVENING SESSION Wednesday. May 29 to Thursdny. August 1 (9 weeks) arnl iha ZaiafuUy yours, /JNi fim tefffhO^ ^'/V^^ for CaiMlog^ and compM9 Information atop by at tha Tolontlna I- Summor Soaakma Offleo 20$ yo Both Buddy, ^_ Walavymdf §oBm » or coll: ON-CAIIPUS HOUSING AVAILABLE mlaa you ao much. ^^^ ^*m ^tuf^ tove tfie Hr^ 0«« w mmmmm mtmmmimmm m^ ..^%i, • **. .^Ar'ar^r , ' .

KKm nls9 H^|tNWt AQBtfiit TW9 Wlntf man neurs

The Sisters of

KAPPA ALPHA THETA • Proudly welcome our New Initiates for Spring 1985

Congratulations to:

!• Jennifer A. Beard Suzanne M. ' Krewscm* DIerdre C. Robinson Kimberly A. Bouse Joanne D. Lloyd Qlna M. Stiaffer Mary A. Bums Lorl M. IMoran Mary F. Shanone Marie A. Collevechio Sliawn M. McLaugMIn Deborah A. Slock Jennifer A. Connolly Patricia L Patricic Patricia A. Smeck Maura L Haberkorn Lisa J. Pezzano Mary M. Tleman I Catherine R. Halin Maureen A. Regan Anne M. Weldenfelier LlsaJ.Reilly


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*/ VILLANOVA UNIVERSTTY. VILUINDVA. PA May a ttmm mn^m^ By MARY AGNES MATYSmWSKI plarcrt, efCB puIhagMlan ial mfWMAHKwnmE si w victory. Psrhajsinthe i The men's track team partki- :. With the arrival ol no less tkiB Itttipe, V^Mova, taoi, wfll SiNrfeiiis gaffter for pated in the Rutgers Relays April on its squad with a scholars! >a»t wwira pvcka 19. Turning in an outstanding per- dods, the ViUanova men's temns player or two, but tluit's I'' formance was freshman Edwin teaift dosed out ita season earlier thing only time will ha«Me to 1 Modibedi. In the 400 meters this tills week. Of course., it was There is littledeobt^lil ov( Day talented runner turned in both a Bkmmkmm fraocli another winniiw season forCoadt it was a good season and that tl meet record and an NCAA-qual- Lattgran, who is fast approaching Cats played quite weH. At r By DIA^ K. SUGG ifying mark. His winning time point, they managsd to run up his 20th year as coach, Villanova's ^ i On April 26, approximately 350 keg, and began to sing ''God BlesK '' was clocked at 46.08. team managed to post a note- six-game winning streak. Hoi Villanova students gathered on America." John Marshall captured first worthy 11-6 record before closing ever, some had the impressic the Rugby Field with 13 kegs of place in the 800 meters. His time Stack said that students who out the schedule with Textile and that the team night have beer. 10 of which were tapped, ac- was 1:51.44. Junior Martin Boeder were caught moving kegs to differ- Cheyney State, neither of whom able to improve, on their i^ cordiiMK ^ a student source. finished in second place in the 400 ent spots on the fieki or onto the has beaten Vilfonova. record. Coadi Langren, for or The gathering, which lasted meter hurdles with a time of field were given the University's In tne bcginninp^ of the season, felt that the ^aam w^lnve I . from about 2:30 to 5 p.m., was un- 51.60. standard $75 fine. He said that six t^ Cats' squad had nothing but a bt stronger if tne hiMHip hs officially organi7.ed by students. The Cats captured the top two or seven students received the fine hifl^ hopes and plenty of deter- remained intact On sevieral occ According to one student in- spots in the 1500 meters. John and that any others who are found minatk>n. Two of the previous sions, some «f tJie key player volved, money was collected in Keyworth broke the tape in 3:47.2 to be involved, especially the or- year's starters had graduated, but couM not attend matches becaua Stanford, Good Counsel and Halls and Gerry O'Reilly finished ganizers, "will be held accounta- that didn't seem to faze the new of confliicthig class schedules A and B for the purcha.se of the second with 3:47.5. ble." He said that, as of yet. there team. With a number of freshmen, illness. In fact, in three of i\ beer. According to coach Dr. Charles are no reports of damage from the the Cats managed to give even the Cats' losses (to Towson State The student souixe said that L. Jenkins, "This weekend was event. toughest of teams some pretty IJpsahi and Lehii^), two or mor they purchased "only 13 kegs" be- really an effort at trying to point stiff competition. starters were missiog. As well,i cause they knew "it would get out toward the Penn Relays.'* -^ The student source commented Senk>r Captain Larry Gallen injtuies were not so critical as in^j of control if they got more." In that th6 event worked well, be- The women's track team partic- performed brilliantly as always, years past but nonetheless were] to 25 kegshave been past years, up cause there was a limited number ipated in the Rutgers Relays last compiling an impressive 10-3 apparent. for this gathering, purchased of kegs, students could walk to the week. As coach Marty Stem record. l£s:eiemplary play served Both the men's and women's! Radiation Day. The student called event and "no one really got out of claimed, 'The meet was a tune-up the teams participated in Spring "spon- as an in^pftnljljop^ young said it was decided control." for us in preparation for tomor- players on the team, and his pres- tournaments last weekend. The! taneously" to have the gathering. row's Penn Relays." ence will surely be missed next men played in the Ridar In vita- The* administration found out According to Stack, the diffi^ The women won four events. In year. Expected to fill his shoes will tional while the women took part] about the plans for Radiation Day culty was that ahhough many stu- in the 800 meters, they swept the top be players such as freshman Mike the Middle States toumamentcj on Thursday night from different dents look upon it as an "innocent Concern about lamt outweighed concern over flnabi during the recent heat wave. Many NtudenlH three spots. Veronica Mcintosh MdShane. Havinggained the expe^ For the men, GaHen reached i\ members of the Resklence Life gathering," and "just having a enjoyed the Kummcr-like weather an tempcratureii Hoared into the 80 h. finished first with a time of 2:06.3. rience of competitive collegiate Utah of the ntmiber one category] staff, according to the Rev. John P. few beers with friends," it leads to (PtKyto lyy ScHmid) Second spot went to Debbie Grant play this season, he will sedc to befbra falling to St Joaeph's. In dean of students. problems. He said that these peo- Stack, O.S.A.. ¥ with 2:07.51 and Joanne Kehs fin- improve on his game. Freshman fact, Mc^iane and the team o(| He said that the Stanford parking ple "don't see the whole picture. ished third with 2:11.3. Russell Dave Cosgrove will also be able to and Dave Lyons all suf- lot was ckMed off early in the after- They only see what they want to 'The 4x800 relay had such a big make a valuable contribution next fered tosses at the hands of sd noon to prevent any kegs from ar- see." He added that with "large lead that they were told to ease The men's team tied for] season, assuming heis able to stay loss's. riving there. numbers of kegs" there are "al- Security gets SWAT training in," according to Stern. Their healthy. Veterans Pet/e Russell, fourth place overall. most always serious problems." overall time was 9:08.7. In the Wayne Simone and Mike 9wr\KS In the women's tournament, Vice President for Student Life like vandaTism and fights. "Most By ANTHONY EDWARDS The security guards receive no firearm training. The cost of the splits, it was Joanne VanRennse- the fhst doubles team of Tracy ^ Dr. Neville. Stack and will all be returning with hopes of Rvctttf^M^ people are not trying tocause trou- **A tot of people think that once laer with 2:15.8. Toole *:.: ^ other training in emergency medi- program in approximately $275 Kelly with Brewer and Luba Matkiwsky won . offlN»& were { a streogthming an already sdid few scomiy bk»," be^id,but "inevit^ihly afew iy and badge, yB»#ae th a agun a cal training of'rn cardio- with the firearm training. 2:17.5, Judy Palmer with 2:20.3 team. Its first three matches before fal- "irtiliilill-^'llTtr nrrn ^r'jor" to people will." they're God. [This training ph>- ' " resusdtatkm. Security . I' > and Jane Ashton with 2:15^. John Mmhall, ling to peorge Washii^on Uni- "discourage' that kind of party- pulminary shown hei« beatmgan opponent from TeuiessM, par- Traditionally, Villanova has gramt eliminatas that." Lt. John Stack described it as a "no-win "^ had no comment on the matter. The training is offered only at These same four also won the ticipated in the Penn Relays this week. (Photo by Coitoy) always been blessed #tth a laige versity in the quarter-finais. The ing." according to Neville. Only Harrity of the ViHanova Security accredited schools, such as Mont- 4x400 relay. The splits were Toole second doubles team, ol -Cheryl two of the kegs were tapped at this situation," in which a crowd men- This course, which "any of your number of good players. Perhaps | In the fieW events Connie Sweet, i inches, and her discus throw was force recently told the Villano- gomery County Community Col- with 58.8. Ashton with 58.3, ,0OriKi|id and Jin Morley wetit 11 Stack unscrewed the tality and anonymity made it diffi- better security teams have," takes broke school records. what was most impressive abo^ point, and two In the recorded at 135 feet, eight inches, van. instruction lege. The course is offered not only Palmer with 57.4 and VanRennse- in both the main and consolation tap froai one. while the crowd cult to determine the identity of 35 hours of classroom shot put, she threw 45 feet, three the team was that it was able tbgo According to Harrity the Villan- the organizers. and one day spent on a pistol to security firms, but also to police laer with 56.4. head to head with those schools draws. The liam fintehed in thej then encircled the other tapped ova security force is "one of the forces. Philadelphia's police force tMhalf of 27 partid|iiyag teams. range. The course "gives you a that offer scholarships to their in the area" that have the op- few basic understanding of what you is also required to take this course. portunity to take a 35-hour course can and can't do. It prevents a lot special weapons and firearms Ruggers win over lona in of accidents and panics." According to Harrity, Villanova training. Not every security person auto- is one of the few college security ** don't hire anyone unless he We matically qualifies for the pro- forces in the Main Line area to is certified." said Harrity. "You take the course. "We want to elim- By JUSTICE surprising performances were 'gram. Each person is screened, KEN get a better security force, cer- turned in by the freshman fingerprinted, and then a detailed inate the problems that come with 'rf Last Saturday's rugby match tainly better than any in the area, is a firearms. But we also want to do against kma College proved to be a scrummers. background scan taken. Once / and you have capable people, who our jobs and this training helps us profitable one for Villanova's "A" person qualifies for training, he James Stack commented, "Matt are highly trained and can do their do them better." and "B" rugby teams. Though has the choice of firearm or non- Lyons, Cody Gabriel and Buck job well." Nova was greatly weakened by Reitmeyer played over their injuries, the A squad posted con- a heads. We hardly missed our CONFER EN C E vincing 23-6 victory while the B injured players." squad won its match 10-3. Sculpture to be dedicated In the "B" game, the captains again were forced to make major By JOANNE CONRAD Correction personnel adjustments. Playing to In the "A" game, scrummer 33 the artist who Dr. George Radan, chairperson that exposes students modern It jay Dugan. with a scrum consisting of win- Aimrreoi Chris Miller opened the scoring created and donated the sculpture of the Department of Art and Art art. gers and players from the "A" with a heads-up play at the goal "Awakening" to Villanova Uni- History, said that the sculpture, Radan said "Awakening" is eve- line. lona team, the B squad surprised of interac- The Sports section would like to came storming btck, but versity, will speak at dedication made of black marble from South meant to be a center rybody with 10*3 victory. tenacious a is in- it apologize to lacrosse coach Randy a defense, led by Jamie ceremonies for the sculpture May Africa and beige travertine from tion. "The sculpture now an Bernocco, fresh out- Crawford and Greg Bemocco, from an tegral part of the student Marks. In our previous edition we 5. Italy, joins the modem architec- standing "A" game, came out This week's Kelly's athlete o^ihe week awardgoes StudentN on the Rugl>y field on RacHation Day. erroneously identified him as Lee thwarted drive after drive with The ceremonies, which will ture of Connelly Center and the community. 1 believe exposure to ready to play again by scoring the to Jim White, senkr outfiekler ox the Villanova base- (PIHMo by Santang«fo) kicks into lona's territory. - Stevens^^.;^^ take place outside Connelly Cen- new sports complex. Radan said fine art is an indispensable requi- game's first try. KenJustice's con- ball team. site to a full life and a well- ter, are open to the Villanova com- that "Awakening" creates a mod- Also, the lacrosse team Then, versknt made it 6-0 Nova. after a series of lona munity. A private dinner will ern 21st century environment rounded education." did not play Temple following its In a three penalties. Brian Fisher scored game stand against Georgetown, the on a follow, vktory over Georgetown. Rather, Wikhau' right fielder went six forll (.^, iiichidii« spectacular run from 20 yards out. president the opponent for kises power The works of Dugan, that game was This score hekl until midway three KBIs, three stolen bases and a Walk, this series Bemocco's extra point, along with Crea- Lehigh, r with of Jfay J. Dugan Agency and an added penalty kick, gave through the second half, wh^ Geocgetown was White's first Big East appea^ Mova tive Associates, Inc., a firm which Grog Noone scored the final try f6r ance this season. He had been out since mkl-March .U' -A a 13^ halftime lead. By promotion and marketing 1^' ANTHONY EDWARDS handles Remembering the ruggers. Only an Idna penalty with a separated shoulder. Some psychok^ experiments The power outage April 25 for clients including the Chrysler lona came out strong in the kick from ovier 40 yards out pre- were cancelled and some Ovi^U, White's bat helped the Wildcats win two on the main campus was Corporation, will be on display in second half, but had only two vented a Nova shutoi^t. classes were cancelled or were out ol the three caused by a pole fire in St. Dav- the gallery of Connelly Center. penalty kicks to show The gaincalitaiiislOaoriBlowii. Villanova held lights. •1J ^i. without id's, Viet Nam won the according to Philadelphia Dugan. who studied at the game suddenly swunf^back in A fim game 3-a, lost the secondl(f5, but came bigger back to take Electric Company Villan- Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia Nova's favor when ^ Vemer 'Their scrum was much the lliird 1410, in wldch Whitt hhnsdf and A spokesperson for Univer- and stronj^ers than oiirs,** batted- in the ova maintenance spokes- College of Art and the Penn- dove acroas the goal line for a Mid winning run. ThaWiidcau now stand sity Compiiting and Informa- Editorial on how we changed and what we people. soore. hkMiqgue. "We had John Ryan, IMM overall, &e in the tk)n Servuxs (UCIS) said that sylvania Academy of Fine Arts, learned. Page 4. iQinidti, has studios in Meadowbrook. Pa. Captains Bo Minogue and ''1 Bernocco and Justice, there was no loss of data when Maxwell Glen and Cody Shearer recall what Casdi Larry The outage occurred at 3:34 Vemer were very happy with the who ara all wif^psrsr playing hi the Shane was especially glad to see the power went off. They sys- and in Torano. Italy. it waa like on the home front during the war. White bick in actjoii. a.m. and was restored by Phila- way the freshman reptacemoriu scrum. That's like piitani^a wide Tt'a great to h^ tems were all running by 1:30 Dugan has previously donated Page 7. reeriver For ddphia Electric at 9:11 a.m. sculptures to LaSalle University, played. Injuriefe to Minopie ahd at nosegiiard. them p.m. A Villanova graduate recaOs his tour of ^ , .. ^.. ^t^ natural "^ hitter as well as a great cxanpetftor." The power was restored to the Rosemont College and Allentown duty. Page 11. several other key pUiye^ forced ^ Maintenance said that nor- J^J^J^ J!^lSlI^ Vnianova substation around B College, with the stipulation that Pr. Driacoll, Fr, Stack, Dr. Beta and Dr. the captains to use |«ss-^°?*!?^**^ ?^™^ ^ situation such as this is a.in. and most of the campus mally a experienced players both oo the ^ ViUano^ s victflnes havepven the recipients of the art establish Green comment on the war and the Cimea. Paga had handled by re-routing the wing and scrum them mudimoflMntvmfoiqg into power by 9 a.m., acoonling scholarship funds for art stu- this impoa- . I ilM McCABB to power, but that was **K«Clm«iHandPMC«ppbe(. ^^•^j reports. dents. At Villanova. Dugan Villanova*s Vietnam memorial goes largely J5&ij« *