Lake Park, Quick Start Projects

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December 17, 2014

TRCA, WT, City of Background

Project Impetus - Council direction of October 2012:

“City Council request the Deputy City Manager responsible for the Waterfront Initiative and the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation in consultation with , the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the TRCA to initiate the development of recreational and ecological opportunities in parks, including Park and Tommy Thompson Park.”

“The opportunities being examined will focus on enhancing existing park conditions, developing unimproved park lands, and building on recent investments in Tommy Thompson Park. The opportunities will be based on concepts contained within the Lake Ontario Park Master Plan 2008. This Plan was developed as a big picture vision for LOP and provides the framework necessary for future planning, design and decision-making.”

To date, this working group has succeeded in gaining consensus on a long list of Thirteen projects. Seven of Thirteen projects are either fully or partially funded.

Consultation touch points

Tommy Thompson Park User Group (TTPUG) • Met April 29th, 2014 to present the LOP quick start projects • It was agreed that a working group would be convened for those interested, to discuss the Trails work in the Baselands.

Trails sub-committee/working group • Met May 21st, 2014 with the trails subcommittee to walk the Baselands and discuss the potential alignments of a new . • Another meeting is being scheduled for mid/late August to discuss the Pedestrian Trail network in the Baselands.

Tommy Thompson Park User Group (TTPUG) • Met November 25th, 2014 to present the design criteria and potential alignments for the Pedestrian trails in the Baselands.

Public Meeting on Pedestrian trails and Martin Goodman Trail in the Baselands • A meeting will be scheduled for late-February 2015 to present the trail philosophy, design criteria and potential alignments for the Pedestrian trails in the Baselands.

Public “Open House” • An Open House will be convened to coincide with the TRCA “Bird Festival” on May 9th, 2015 to show the final trail alignments.

LOP Quick Starts proposed projects and enhancements

1. Baselands & North Shore Planting and Landscape 9. Wooden Fishing Pier, Circulating Channel Enhancements 10. Wildlife Viewing Platform, Baselands 2. Tommy Thompson Park Interpretation 11. Tommy Thompson Park Gateway Pavilion Project 3. Outer Harbour Recreational Pier Project 12. Cherry Beach Landscape Restoration and Parking Lot 4. Pedestrian Trail Network, Baselands 13. Upgraded Martin Goodman Trail, Cherry Beach to 5. New Martin Goodman Trail, Baselands Baselands 6. Cherry Beach in-water improvements 7. Pedestrian Trail, Cherry Beach to Circulating Channel Funded project 8. Shoreline Restoration, Hanlan Boat Club to Circulating Partially funded project Channel Currently seeking funding LOP Quick Starts proposed projects and enhancements

No. Project Estimated Target Funding Sources Cost Completion City TRCA WT 1 Planting and Landscape Enhancements $24,000 2014 $24,000

2 Tommy Thompson Park Interpretation $35,000 2014 $20,000 $15,000

3 Outer Harbour Recreational Pier $165,000 2014 $25,000 $140,000 4 Pedestrian Trail Network $400,000 2015-2016 $400,000 *Environmental (Baselands) 5 New Martin Goodman Trail $700,000 2015-2016 $350,000 *Environmental (Baselands) 6 Cherry Beach In-Water Improvements $690,000 2015-2016

7 Pedestrian Trail $1,200,000 2015-2016 (Cherry Beach to Circulating Channel) 8 Shoreline Restoration $700,000 2014-2015 $15,000 (Hanlan Boat Club to Circulating Channel) 9 Wooden Fishing Pier $750,000 2015-2016 *Design Work (Circulating Channel) Funded through TRCA Urban Fishing Grant 10 Wildlife Viewing Platform $250,000 2015-2016 (Baselands) 11 Tommy Thompson Park $1,500,000 2017-2018 Gateway Pavilion Project 12 Cherry Beach Landscape Restoration $3,000,000 2017-2018 & Parking Lot 13 Upgraded MGT $930,000 2017-2018 (Cherry Beach to Base Lands) $750,000 $84,000 $155,000 TOTAL $10,344,000 Project 1 Baselands & North Shore Planting and Landscape Enhancements

This project will focus on improving the general aesthetics along the Martin Goodman Trail, decommissioning the network of unauthorized trails, and improving the native vegetation community in the area. Specifically at the Martin Goodman – Unwin Ave Greenway West location, trees and shrubs will be strategically planted to decommission the network of unauthorized trails. There are also several locations within the Baselands that are impacted by the invasive dog-strangling vine (DSV). To protect the existing habitat and the biodiversity in this area the DSV will be treated and removed.

Budget $24,000 (funded) Project 1 Baselands & North Shore Planting and Landscape Enhancements

Activity Status Planting plan Complete Site preparation for planting Complete Plant installation and mulching Complete Detailed DSV map Complete Approvals and site preparation Complete DSV treatment Complete Project 2 Current Entrance to Site Tommy Thompson Park Interpretation

The Tommy Thompson Park Interpretation project will involve three components:

• Front entrance sign • Formal entrance • User friendly messaging • Improved aesthetics • interpretive materials to facilitate self- directed exploration; • 7 outdoor signs • Touch screen with seasonally relevant apps • Wildlife checklists • and a TTP Weekend Naturalist to animate the nature interpretation program.

Budget $35,000 (funded) Project 2 Tommy Thompson Park Interpretation

Activity Status Front entrance sign design Summer/Fall 2014 Installation Spring 2015 Interpretive materials development Underway Interpretive materials installation Spring 2015 Weekend Nature interpretation/public engagement Ongoing Project 3 Outer Harbour Recreational Pier Project

The pier will serve as a public access point to the waterfront which will provide a safe and accessible space for recreational fishing, birding and nature appreciation.

Budget $165,000 (funded)

Current Site

Current Site Project 3 Outer Harbour Recreational Pier Project

Activity Status Conceptual Design Complete Survey Complete Geotechnical and Shoreline Assessment underway Final Design underway Implementation and Construction January 2015 Project 4 Pedestrian Trail Network, Baselands

This project will eliminate poor informal trails, protect habitat, and enhance the user experience by formalizing a set of trails in the Baselands. The trails will be designed based on the TRCA’s Tommy Thompson Park Trails Master Plan ‘Nature Viewing Trails’ and will be developed to be consistent with the annual hydrological function of the landscape. The trails will help control access by directing users to the Staff Booth and will provide a physical separation from the Martin Goodman Trail extension.

Budget $500,000

TTP Nature Trail

Artist impression of Nature Viewing Trail Current Baselands trail Project 5 New Martin Goodman Trail, Baselands

The MGT is a primary east/west linkage for cyclists, runners and roller bladers. The new MGT through the Baselands will fill in a missing link of trail between Cherry Beach and Leslie Street, and help to alleviate cyclist/vehicular conflicts by taking cyclists off Unwin Avenue. This multi- use trail will wind its way through the rustic landscape of the Baselands, while ensuring a means for protecting sensitive natural areas, regeneration zones and habitats.

Budget $700,000 ($350,000 funded)

Impression of New MGT in Baselands

Current bike path along Unwin Avenue

Projects 4 and 5 Pedestrian trails and Martin Goodman Trail (Trail Network), Baselands

Activity Status Assessment of existing informal trails complete TTPUG Subcommittee consultation and site walk complete Concept plan Fall 2014 Public consultation Late-February 2015 Final Detailed Design Spring 2015 Project Approvals Spring 2015 Construction Summer/Fall 2015 Project 6 Cherry Beach in-water improvements

This work is intended to improve beach aesthetics and usability, near shore bottom condition, and ease of access to the shore through; a) in-water clean up (bricks, steel rebar, other debris), b) shoreline stabilization (groynes), and c) beach feeding/ sand replenishment.

Budget $690,000 Project 7 Pedestrian Trail, Cherry Beach to Circulating Channel

The addition of a pedestrian trail through this section of the park will increase circulation through this under utilized area of the park, while providing access to the water’s edge. This network will also formalize existing trails and desire lines and work in conjunction with the new shoreline restoration and habitat enhancements in the area.

Budget $1.2M

Site Informal pathways and connections Project 8 Shoreline Restoration, Hanlan Boat Club to Circulating Channel

Terrestrial & aquatic habitat will be improved, while protecting the shoreline and increasing public access to the water’s edge.

Budget $700,000 ($15K funded for detailed design)

Current shoreline erosion Shoreline protection (groynes) Project 8 Shoreline Restoration, Hanlan Boat Club to Circulating Channel

Activity Status Conceptual Design Complete Survey Complete Geotechnical and Shoreline Assessment underway Final Design underway Implementation and Construction 2015 Project 9 Wooden Fishing Pier, Circulating Channel

This built structure on piles at the South-East corner of the Circulating Channel will improve terrestrial and aquatic habitat will be improved, while protecting the shoreline and increasing public access to the water’s edge. Budget $750,000 (Capital) (design work funded through TRCA Grant)

Artist impression of wooden fishing pier

Building on current site improvements at the water’s edge Project 10 Wildlife Viewing Platform/Blind, Baselands

The addition of a wildlife viewing platform to the trails in the Baselands will create sustainable wildlife viewing opportunities with improved accessibility for all park users. The unique habitats in the Baselands support a variety of species, particularly birds during spring and fall migration, which makes it a destination for nature enthusiasts and bird watchers.

Budget $250,000

Baselands clearing

Potential Site Bird watching in the Baselands Project 11 Tommy Thompson Park Gateway Pavilion Project

The Gateway Pavilion will provide shelter and interpretive space for park visitors and will also house three fully serviced, unisex and accessible washrooms. The pavilion will also provide a covered interpretive space that will include a combination of static and active interpretive displays and materials. This project has received support form the Waterfront Design Review Panel.

Budget $1,500,000

Artist impression of pavilion

Proposed pavilion site

Proposed pavilion site Project 12 Cherry Beach Landscape Restoration and Parking Lot

The relocation of the existing lot in Cherry Beach will remove cars from the beach to and create more beach area. Site remediation, paving of a new parking lot, bio swales and vegetation will also be part of this work.

Budget $3,000,000 *There is currently a “state of good repair” program underway by TRCA and PF&R to fix some drainage issues and potholes in the lot.

Current surface parking lot on Cherry Beach Location of surface parking lot and proposed alternative parking sites Project 13 Upgraded Martin Goodman Trail, Cherry Beach to Baselands

The MGT is a primary east/west linkage for cyclists, runners and roller bladers. This section of the MGT will be widened and resurfaced to better accommodate trail usage needs and meet current standards.

Budget $930,000 *There is currently a “state of good repair” program underway by TRCA and PF&R for a portion of this trail from Cherry Street to the Sports Fields.

Current MGT at Cherry Beach

Current MGT at North Shore Current MGT alignment