
1. Chairman's Welcome

2. Apologies for absence

3. Any other items which the Chairman has decided to take as urgent elsewhere on the agenda

4. Declarations of interest in respect of items on the Agenda

5. Minutes of the previous meeting (Pages 3-6)

6. Chairman's update

(a) A50 Road, Glenfield: car parking (Pages 7-8)

(b) Blaby by-pass (Pages 9-12)

7. Presentation of Petitions under Standing Order 36

8. Traffic Regulation Orders relating to new developments (Pages 13-16)

9. Energy reduction for street lighting project (Pages 17-20)

10. Statutory undertaker reinstatements (Pages 21-24)

11. 2013/14 maintenance and improvements programmes - (Pages 25-36) information item

12. Programme of traffic regulation orders and signing and (Pages 37-48)

Officer to Contact: Sue Dann, Democratic Support ◦ Department of Environment and Transport ◦ County Council ◦ County Hall Glenfield ◦ Leicestershire ◦ LE3 8RJ ◦ Tel: 0116 305 7122 ◦ Email: [email protected]

www.twitter.com/leicsdemocracy www.facebook.com/leicsdemocracy www.leics.gov.uk/local_democracy

lining schemes - current position - information item

13. On-going action statement - nothing to report

14. Items for discussion - will members please submit these in writing to the officers prior to the meeting

15. Any other items the Chairman has decided is urgent

16. Date of next meeting - 3rd June 2014, 6.00pm, Blaby District Council Offices

17. Chairman's closing remarks



County Councillors District Councillors Cllr D Jennings (Chairman) Cllr M Broomhead Cllr K Coles Cllr T Greenwood Cllr J Dickinson Cllr S Maxwell Cllr G Welsh Cllr P Moitt Cllr J Springthorpe Cllr A C Tanner

The following also attended the meeting:

County Officers present: M Stevens, I Grierson, D Wright, D R Bradbury

District Officer present: R Back, J Wells


The Chairman welcomed Members and officers to the meeting.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs R Blunt CC, J Fox CC, E F White CC, L Yates CC and Cllr J O Hudson DC.


There were no urgent items.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 4 th June 2013 were confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting.


a) Update on A50 Parking verbal update

Mr Wright updated Members on the present position of the A50 parking scheme. A copy of his update is filed with the minutes.

Cllr J Dickinson CC stated that she used this road regularly and could see the difference in the parking on the A50 arising from the experimental scheme. Cllr Dickinson’s comments


were endorsed by the Chairman. Cllr J Springthorpe DC thanked Mr Wright for his update and confirmed that he would forward onto residents.

b) Update on the new Director

Mr Bradbury updated Members on the background of Phil Crossland, the new Director, who was taking up his post on the 16 th September.


The Forum considered a report by the Director of Environment and Transport on winter maintenance. The report was introduced by Mr Grierson with a copy filed with the minutes.

Mr Grierson confirmed that the last winter had been very severe. Gritting crews had gone out 99 times which was double the amount of times in 2011. Overall, 19,700 tonnes of salt were used in comparison to an average winter usage of 10,000 tonnes. The salt barns capacity is 16,500 tonnes which can be topped up if necessary.

Mr Grierson confirmed that, in the summer, the winter service had been reviewed, with the following tasks being progressed:

- build on the review of the priority 1 and 2 salting routes - review the priority 3 routes - purchase new gritters in order to ensure that all 17 front line gritters are under 2 years old. - service and refurbish all LCC-owned snow ploughs operated by farmers

Mr Grierson went on to explain the grit bin procedure which is focused around sharp bends and steep inclines which are not already covered by the precautionary 1 and 2 salting routes. He also highlighted Appendix A of the report which shows the parish councils undertaking the snow warden scheme. Finally, Mr Grierson explained the improvements that have been made to the County Council’s web pages.

Mr Grierson confirmed that the route in where a previous accident occurred was now on the precautionary 1 and 2 gritting route.


That the report of the Director of Environment and Transport be noted.


The Forum considered a report by the Director of Environment and Transport on school entrance issues. The report was introduced by Mr Wright with a copy filed with the minutes.

Mr Wright explained to Members the measures available to the County Council in endeavouring to lessen the effect of the parking problems occurring outside school entrances. The report explains what the County Council can and cannot do.

Mr Wright confirmed that under single and double yellow lines motorists can stop to drop off and pick up school children without enforcement being undertaken.

Cllr M Broomhead DC congratulated officers for the work undertaken at a school in her area where the issue of parking was being lessened.

The Chairman welcomed Mark Stevens who had been delayed by the traffic. He asked him if he had any comments on the appointment of the new Director.


Mr Stevens confirmed that the new Director was looking forward to taking on his new post. He was born in Kegworth and was looking forward to coming here. Forum Members will see the new Director in due course.


That the report of the Director of Environment and Transport be noted.


Members noted the report. The Chairman made comment on an article in the Leicester Mercury where the writer had congratulated the County Council on pavement work undertaken in Gwendolen Drive.


Members noted the report.


There were no on-going actions.


The Chairman encouraged Members to put forward discussion items.

Mr Bradbury explained that items should be of a general nature and not just patch issues which can be dealt with outside the Forum.


There were no urgent items.


The Chairman asked Members to note the dates of the meetings arranged for 2014. He confirmed that the meeting in January will now be held on the 15 th and not the 14 th as stated in the papers.


The Chairman thanked Members and officers for their attendance at the meeting.

11 th September 2013 Chairman

6.00 – 6.20pm Date


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15 TH JANUARY 2014



a) A50 Leicester Road, Glenfield: Car parking issues

1. At the last meeting of this forum, an update was provided on the situation relating to parking on the A50, subsequent to the implementation of restrictions in July 2013.

2. The update included the following:

“Early conclusions are therefore that the restrictions as imposed are working well. The situation will continue to be monitored, and another meeting with the residents and local Councillors will take place in early October.”

3. Monitoring throughout September confirmed the positive effect that the implementation of waiting restrictions has had on the parking situation on the A50. Results of the further monitoring was presented to residents and Councillors in a meeting on 28 October.

4. At the meeting it was generally accepted that the restrictions had achieved the desired result.

The Way Forward

5. It was explained at the meeting that the experimental period of the traffic regulation order has to last for at least 6 months. During this period, anyone is entitled, and indeed encouraged, to write to us with their comments on the scheme as it exists at the moment and to make suggestions, if appropriate, for changes to the order.

6. We will soon be looking at all comments made about the effects of the restrictions with a view to determining the next step which, dependent on feedback, could be any of the following:

• Make permanent the scheme as it stands • Make permanent the scheme with minor changes • Make further changes to the scheme and run another experimental period • Scrap the scheme and remove all restrictions imposed in July.

7. Anyone who wishes to comment and hasn’t done yet to do so yet should do so as soon as possible so that their comments may be taken into consideration. In 8

order to be taken into consideration in the legal process, comments must be lodged in writing, in hard copy or e-mail – either is acceptable.

8. Once officers have considered the comments, their recommendations on the way forward will again be presented to the local County Council Member, Mr Yates, and the four district councillors covering the area before any action is taken.

Officer to Contact

David Wright Tel. 0116 305 0001 Email: [email protected] 9 Agenda Item 6b LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL HIGHWAYS FORUM FOR BLABY

15 TH JANUARY 2014



b) Blaby by-pass


1. On 12 September 2013, a petition was received detailing local concerns over the speed of traffic on the Blaby by-pass. The situation was investigated and resulted in a report, presented to the Leicestershire County Council Highway Forum for Blaby on 9 January 2013. The report recommended no change to the speed limit on the Blaby by-pass.

2. Since the report was written, the Department for Transport has issued new guidance on the setting of local speed limits (Department for Transport Circular 01/2013 – Setting Local Speed Limits). In view of the complaints still being received about the speed of vehicles on the by-pass, the speed limit has been reviewed again using this latest guidance.

Extracts from the guidance

3. Speed limits should be evidence-led and self-explanatory and seek to reinforce peoples assessment of what is a safe speed to travel. They should encourage self-compliance.

4. Setting speed limits at the appropriate level for the road, and ensuring compliance with these limits, play a key part in ensuring greater safety for all road users.

5. A speed limit should be set with support from the local community, the police and other local services, with supporting education, and with consideration of whether engineering measures are necessary to reduce speeds or if it is set unrealistically low for the particular road function and condition. Otherwise, it may be ineffective and drivers may not comply with the speed limit.

The review

6. The review against the new guidance highlights the issues in the following paragraphs.

7. The speed limit on the Enderby Road roundabout is incorrect. With three of the five arms having a 30mph speed limit, the guidance suggests that the speed limit of the roundabout itself should also be 30mph.

8. The speed limit on the Winchester Avenue arm of the Enderby Road roundabout is not signed as a 30mph limit, neither is the by-pass entrance to Winchester Avenue.


9. The speed limit on the Grove Road roundabout is also incorrect. With two arms having a 30mph speed limit and two having national speed limit, the roundabout should take the lower speed limit of 30 mph.

10. The ‘national’ speed limit on the Lutterworth Road/Wychwood Road roundabout is technically correct.

11. There are a number of direct vehicular accesses to the by-pass from adjacent premises and also an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing point. The guidance suggests that, in this type of situation, the national speed limit may not be the most appropriate limit.


12. It is recommended that:

• The speed limit on the Enderby Road roundabout be reduced from national to 30 mph.

• The speed limit on the Grove Road roundabout be reduced from national to 30 mph

• The speed limit on the Lutterworth Road/Wychwood Road roundabout be reduced from national to 30mph for consistency with the other two roundabouts

• The status of the speed limit on Winchester Avenue and other roads joining it is checked and that measures are taken to ensure that these roads are correctly designated and signed as a 30mph limit.

13. It is further recommended that, in order to prevent the possible increase in rear- end shunt accidents as drivers on the by-pass approach the roundabouts and slow down to 30 mph:

• The speed limit on the Blaby by-pass from the end of the 40mph limit at the Leicester Road end to the Enderby Road roundabout be reduced from national to 50 mph.

• The speed limit on the Blaby by-pass from the Enderby Road roundabout to the Grove Road roundabout be reduced from national to 50 mph.

• The speed limit from the Grove Road roundabout to the Lutterworth Road/Wychwood Road roundabout be reduced from national to 50 mph.

• The speed limit on the A426 from the Lutterworth Road/Wychwood Road roundabout for 300 metres be reduced from national to 50 mph.

These proposals are shown on the accompanying plan.

Officer to Contact - David Wright Tel. 0116 305 0001 Email: [email protected] 11 BLABY













MAPINFO (C) Leicestershire County Council AUTOCAD PROJECT DIR: k:\


E.Mail address: [email protected] www.leics.gov.uk 12

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15 TH JANUARY 2014



Purpose of Report

1. The purpose of this report is to inform members of a change in the way Traffic Regulation Orders are dealt with in respect of new developments.


2. At the North West Leicestershire Highway Forum on 10 th July 2013, a question was tabled:

‘How can we improve the design and implementation of Traffic Regulation Orders on new estates to maximize their acceptability to residents who cannot be consulted prior to their implementation? What best practice examples exist elsewhere and what principles can we adopt for north-west Leicestershire?’

3. The question was prompted by issues that occurred on Adam Morris Way in Coalville, when the first that some of the residents knew about waiting restrictions on their road was when a lining crew turned up. The residents considered the restrictions imposed as being too restrictive.

Adam Morris Way – Highlighting the Problems

4. Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) implemented in response to new developments normally run smoothly and produce the desired effect. In the case of Adam Morris Way, however, anything that could go wrong appears to have actually gone wrong.

5. The issues relating to Adam Morris Way date back to 2005, when planning permission was submitted by developers for housing on the old Stephenson College site in Coalville.

6. At the time, there was talk of North West Leicestershire District Council introducing car parking charges in the town, so concerns were raised about possible overspill parking from the town centre and nearby schools. Proposals were therefore drawn up for waiting restrictions which would be implemented once the houses were built.


7. These proposals were supported by the then County Member and the appropriate steps were taken to ensure that the developer had a legal responsibility for funding the restrictions.

8. At the same time, the developer was made aware that they were responsible under the Property Mis-descriptions Act 1991 for making residents and potential residents aware of the proposals.

9. The problems of Adam Morris Way appear to have been caused by the long timescales involved with the development. It is likely that due to the length of the build programme that re-sales occurred in between the TRO process being completed and the lines being installed on site which, again, was a longer period than is usual. As a result, some residents may have completed private sales without the developer’s involvement and may not have been made aware of the proposals for a TRO. (The legal position with this is that any instance of a resident or developer not declaring the information is a breach of the Property Mis-descriptions Act 1991. Leicestershire County Council are not and cannot be accountable for this.)

10. In terms of the TRO process relating to Adam Morris Way, a formal consultation was carried out starting on 1 st October 2011. Following this consultation and the rest of the TRO process, the scheme as proposed was given the go-ahead in April 2012 and the Order made on 8 October 2012. The waiting restrictions were not implemented on street, however, until July 2013.

11. The other potential issue raised, for which there is no solution, is the issue of local searches.

12. Anyone buying a house will normally have a search undertaken on the local area. This search may be commissioned from the County Council or any other search provider.

13. Leicestershire County Council has in place a system that will flag up any proposed TROs in an area when a search is conducted, and will always flag this up to the requestor of the search. Records show that in the case of Adam Morris Way, for every search made during the period between the TROs being proposed and implemented the potential restrictions were highlighted.

14. Unfortunately, however, private search providers do not have access to the same information as the County Council, and are under no legal obligation to ask for it. A loophole therefore exists that potential residents may buy a search from an independent company in good faith but, because the search supplier has not asked for local information from the County Council, the proposed TRO will not be picked up.

15. The final issue here is that due to the length of time between the TRO being initially proposed and it being implemented on street, there was no guarantee that the proposals would still be the correct solution for the area. In the case of Adam Morris way this was indeed the case, with the resultant restrictions being too onerous.

The way forward 15

16. The issue of private search providers is not one over which the County Council has any control, so no direct action can be taken over this. The problem may, however, be lessened by some of the changes detailed below.

17. The main cause of problems appears to be due to assumptions made early in the development process about the scale of potential problems, and then ‘fixing’ the problem before it is observed whether the problem does, in fact, exist.

18. In line with the Local Transport Plan, an ‘evidence led’ approach will now be taken in order to ensure that the County Council does not have to fund new TROs to fix existing TROs, paid for by developers, that turn out to be inappropriate once the development is complete.

19. This would be applied to both S38 and S278 works.

20. Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 provides for a highway authority to adopt by agreement a road built by a third party. A road adopted under Section 38 will be maintained at public expense.

21. Section 278 of the Highways Act provides for works funded by developers to be carried out on the existing public highway with our agreement. For example, this might include constructing a new roundabout to provide access to a development or improving an existing junction to accommodate extra traffic generated by the development.

22. The system for dealing with developer-funded TROs has now been changed so that:

• Where significant parking issues that may have a safety impact occur on S278 and S38 works, the developer will still be required to cover the cost of implementing waiting restrictions as agreed by the County Council as Highway Authority

• Proposed schemes will be outlined prior to technical approval of S38 works with appropriate notes on legal and technical drawings. However, unless there is a clear and immediate safety need, TROs will not be processed until there is sufficient evidence on site that proposed measures are of an appropriate scale to deal with any problem. If there is no evidence that the waiting or other restrictions are required then the Order will not be processed and just the abortive costs incurred by the County Council will be recovered from the developer.

• Leicestershire County Council will highlight to the developer the need to keep any prospective residents informed about proposals for TROs in any sales information packs

• Once the site is occupied and evidence assessed, we will consult with the residents, both in the new development and in the surrounding area. If the evidence and consultation points to a TRO 16

being appropriate, the implementation will follow the normal statutory/LCC process.


It is recommended that Members note the contents of this report.

Officer to Contact

David Wright Tel. 0116 305 0001 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers

None 17 Agenda Item 9


15 TH JANUARY 2014




1. The energy reduction for street lighting project approved at the Leicestershire County Council Cabinet meeting on 15 th December 2009 is nearing completion. This report updates Members on the current situation of the project within Blaby.


2. Attached is a copy of the part-night lighting implementation progress map for December 2013. Part-night lighting has now been implemented in all the towns and villages where Leicestershire County Council street lighting exists within Blaby, as indicated in green on the map.

3. Since the introduction of the street lighting energy saving project, over £1m has been saved from Leicestershire County Council’s street lighting energy bill. The works completed to date will continue to deliver full-year effect financial savings of over £600,000 and carbon savings of over 3,000 tonnes. These carbon savings will also deliver a further saving of over £48,000 due to a reduction in Leicestershire County Council’s carbon tax liability in 2014/15.

4. A review is undertaken in each area one year after the lighting is converted to part-night lighting. To date, the responses from the emergency services and the LCC accident unit have indicated that this initiative has not led to an increase in crime or road traffic accidents.


5. It is recommended that Members note the content of this report.

Officer to Contact

Peter Hosking Tel: (0116) 305 0001 E-mail: [email protected]

Background Information

Report of the Director of Environment and Transport to Blaby Highways Forum, 9 th January 2013 together with the part-night lighting progress map (November 2012) which was submitted to the Forum in January 2013.

P. Hosking 30 th December, 2013


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15 TH JANUARY 2014



Purpose of report

1. To inform Members of the duties placed on statutory undertakers in relation to the reinstatement of the highway following their works and the powers available to the County Council.


2. Leicestershire County Council is the highway, traffic and street authority for local highways in the County. The Secretary of State for Transport is the authority for motorways and trunk roads.

3. A previous report to the Highway Forum has explained the way in which street and road works are coordinated to minimise the disruption that they can cause to traffic movements. This report focuses specifically on the requirements placed on statutory undertakers in relation to the reinstatement of the highway following their works, and the powers available to the County Council.

4. There are a number of pieces of legislation that provide the basis for the duties and powers relating to street works and other activities on the highway network. However, the main piece of legislation that covers highway reinstatements is the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (NRSWA).

Duties of the statutory undertakers

5. The NRSWA establishes the concept of a street works “undertaker” . This is a person or organisation with statutory or licensed rights to place, retain, and maintain apparatus in the highway. Each utility company has statutory rights to place its apparatus in the streets (or highways) and are collectively referred to as "statutory undertakers". Placing apparatus or excavating in a street (or highway) without “undertaker” rights is an offence that carries a fine of up to £1,000.

6. The NRSWA contains specific duties requiring statutory undertakers to reinstate their excavations as soon as possible following the completion of works on their apparatus. They are also required to reinstate their excavations to prescribed standards of safety, quality and performance. These prescribed standards are described in the national "Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways". 22

7. In simple terms, reinstatements are required to be undertaken using the correct materials and must not deviate from the road level, through either crowning or depression, by more than 10-25 mm, depending on their width. In addition, reinstatements must not deviate from the road level, through a combination of crowning and depression, by more than 10-20 mm, depending on their width.

Powers of the County Council to inspect reinstatements

8. The County Council has the right to inspect a structured, random sample of each statutory undertaker’s works over a 2-year guarantee period (3 years for deep excavations). These are undertaken at three defined stages, as follows:

a. Undertaken during the progress of the works; b. Undertaken within the six months following reinstatement; c. Undertaken within the three months preceding the end of the guarantee period.

These sample inspections allow the overall performance of each statutory undertaker to be established.

9. The number of inspections that the County Council can undertake each year is calculated from a rolling 3-year average of annual inspections units generated by a statutory undertaker's works. A unit of inspection is counted as each 200 metre length of a long excavation, or up to 10 excavations of less than 200 metres combined length that are undertaken as part of the same works, in the same street at the same time.

10. Around 4,500 to 5,000 reinstatement inspections are undertaken each year. Undertakers are required to pay the County Council a fee (currently £50) for all reinstatement inspections undertaken and are required to rectify any defects at their own cost and within required timescales.

11. If a reinstatement is found to not comply with the requirements of the specification, the County Council is allowed to require the statutory undertaker to undertake remedial works to rectify this defect. In doing so, the County Council is allowed to undertake three "defect" inspections consisting of:

• a joint inspection with the statutory undertaker before remedial works; • an inspection of the remedial works in progress; • an inspection of the completed remedial works.

A fee (currently £47.50) is payable for each of these inspections. Around 500 to 600 of reinstatements are reported as defective each year.


12. Statutory undertakers have the right to place their apparatus in streets. In doing so, they have a duty to comply with a national specification that sets the 23

standard required for the safety, quality and performance of their reinstatements. The County Council has powers to undertake sample inspections to establish a statutory undertakers overall performance in their duties at their cost. The County Council also has powers to require statutory undertakers to rectify reinstatements that do not meet this specification and can undertake additional inspections to ensure that this is done properly.


13. It is recommended that Members note the contents of this report.

Officers to Contact

Vic Turner Tel: 0116 305 6860 Highways Manager E-mail: [email protected]


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15 TH JANUARY 2014



Purpose of Report

1. The purpose of this report is to provide an update on progress in delivering the 2013- 2014 programmes of maintenance and improvement works. Progress is summarised in the attached appendices which includes details of the following programmes:

Works Programmes Progress Structural Maintenance Appendix A Sustainable Transport Improvements Appendix B Bridge Maintenance Appendix C Footway Slurry Seal Appendix D Surface Dressing Appendix E

Equal Opportunities Implications

2. The completion of the maintenance programme will improve the condition of the network for the convenience of all users, whilst causing an element of localised disruption during construction work.


3. It is recommended that Members note the contents of this report.

Officers to Contact

Members with queries on specific schemes are asked to contact the following officers:

Paul Sheard Tel (0116) 305 7191 (Overall Policy) Email: [email protected] Karen Notman Tel (0116) 305 2304 (Integrated Transport Improvements) Email: [email protected] Malcolm Smith Tel (0116) 305 7166 (Bridge Maintenance) Email: [email protected] Ian Grierson Tel (0116) 305 0001 (Road Maintenance) Email: [email protected]

Background Papers



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ROAD COST PARISH / TOWN LOCATION DESCRIPTION NOTES No BAND B581 Station Road Resurfacing B Completed Soar Valley Way A563 Enderby Resurfacing B Completed Everards Island B582 Little Glen Road Resurfacing B Q4

C3103 Glenfield The Square Resurfacing C Q4

U/C Braunstone Watergate Lane Resurfacing C Postponed

U/C Hill Lane Phase 1 Haunch C Completed

U/C Countesthorpe Hill Lane Phase 2 Resurfacing C Completed

U/C Countesthorpe Hill Lane Phase 3 Resurfacing C Completed

U/C Braunstone Lubbesthorpe Road Resurfacing C Q4

U/C Thurlaston Earl Shilton Road Haunch B Reserve

U/C Stanton Road Resurfacing C Reserve

Enderby Kings Street Resurfacing C Q4

Cost band Key:- C < £50k; B £50k - £200k; A > £200k

Anticipated Construction:- 1st Quarter = April – June 2nd Quarter = July – September 3rd Quarter = October – December 4th Quarter = January - March



ROAD COST PARISH / TOWN LOCATION DESCRIPTION NOTES No BAND Countesthorpe Gwendoline Drive Resurface B Completed Glen Parva Bradshaw Avenue Resurface B Completed Postponed due Countesthorpe Gillam Butts Resurface C to new development Countesthorpe Tophall Drive Resurface C Completed Countesthorpe Marston Crescent Resurface C January 2014

Cost band Key:- C < £50k; B £50k - £200k; A > £200k



Scheme Cost Anticipated Parish Details Status Location Band Construction

B582 Enderby Reserve - Road, Railway Whetstone Off road cycle track design under B Future Bridge to Victoria way Road

Junction B4114 Asda Construction Enderby improvements - A 2013/14 Roundabout under way contribution to safety

B4114/B582 Interim safety Awaiting Enderby Foxhunter C Q4 measures construction Roundabout

Stoney Developer funded The Fleet Complete B Q1 Stanton traffic calming

B4114 King Edward Road/ Signing and lining and Narborough Complete C Q4 Desford Road speed limit reduction Roundabout

Accident/ speed Kilby Spinney Road Complete C Q4 reduction scheme

Local Safety Scheme - Dominion Road/ Speed cushions, Glenfield Complete B Q1 Tournament Road refuges, signing and lining improvements

External/capital funded A426 Leicester Construction Glen Parva - bus corridor A 2013/14 Road, Glen Parva under way improvements

Kingsway Primary Advisory school Awaiting Braunstone C Q4 School 20mph zone construction

Kirby Advisory school Consultation C Q4 Muxloe Primary School 20mph zone under way

Developer funded - Awaiting Enderby B4114 St Johns pedestrian crossing B Q4 construction facility

Developer funded - Glenfield/ Glenfield to Ratby Consultation Glenfield to Ratby B Q4 Ratby cycle link under way improvements

Bend warning signing, C4503 Newton Consultation Various junction and visibility B Q4 Lane under way improvements

Cycle network signing Reserve - Central 2013/14 Various and promotion in design under B Leicestershire conjunction with way 30 APPENDIX B


Scheme Cost Anticipated Parish Details Status Location Band Construction

Leicester City-Phase 1

Connectivity and Design under Various Various accessibility - bus stop C 2013/14 way improvements

Design under Various Various Cycle parking C 2013/14 way

Active & sustainable travel - low cost Design under Various Various C 2013/14 sustainable travel way improvements

Rights of way network Design under Various Various B 2013/14 improvements way

Discretionary footway Design under Various Various improvements - B Future way countywide

A426, Lutterworth Route signing and Construction Various B Q4 to Whetstone lining improvements under way

Grant support to local Consultation Various Various communities for bus C 2013/14 under way shelters





Works planned to Wistow Road, Kilby Replace existing river training wall. A commence in Structure No 8170 February 2014. Enderby Mill Stonework repairs. C Completed. Bridge No 5232

Huncote Road, Croft Retaining wall strengthening. C Scheme prepared. Structure No 8428 Countesthorpe Road, Rebuild stream training wall and Scheme being Whetstone C brickwork repairs to arch. prepared. Bridge No 1250 Scheme prepared. Columbine Close Works planned to Footbridge Paint bridge. B commence in March Bridge No 5195 2014. Coventry Road, Croft Brickwork repairs. C Completed Bridge No 499

Cost Band Key:- C < £50k B < £50k - £200k A > £200k


This page is intentionally left blank 33


Site No Village/Town Site Description/Location Status 1 Glen Parva Orchard Avenue Complete 2 Glen Parva Iris Avenue Complete 3 Glen Parva Glenville Avenue Complete 4 Glen Parva Foxhill Drive Complete 5 Glen Parva Westleigh Road Complete 6 Glen Parva Howard Road Complete 7 Littlethorpe Riddington Road Complete 8 Littlethorpe The Square Complete 9 Littlethorpe Cosby Road Complete 10 Littlethorpe Waudby Close Complete 11 Littlethorpe Ridgeway Complete 12 Littlethorpe Biddle Road Complete 13 Littlethorpe Sycamore Way Complete 14 Littlethorpe Warwick Road Complete 15 Narborough Browning Street Complete 16 Narborough Burns Street Complete 17 Enderby Queens Drive Postponed 2014 18 Enderby Blake Court Complete 19 Enderby Keats Close Complete 20 Cosby Walnut Leys Complete 21 Cosby Chapel Lane Complete 22 Countesthorpe Hallcroft Avenue Complete 23 Countesthorpe New Street Complete 24 Countesthorpe Ladbrooke Grove Complete 25 Countesthorpe Spinney Avenue Complete 26 Countesthorpe Maple Avenue Complete 27 The Fleet Complete 28 Stoney Stanton Fletcher Road Complete 29 Stoney Stanton John Bold Avenue Complete 30 Stoney Stanton Clint Hill Drive Complete 31 Stoney Stanton Mays Farm Drive Complete 32 Stoney Stanton Cadle Close Complete 33 Stoney Stanton Achurch Close Complete 34 Stoney Stanton Ellison Close Complete 35 Stoney Stanton Gearge Hill Close Complete 36 Stoney Stanton Wightman Close Complete 38 Kilby Main Street Complete 39 Kirby Muxloe Barry Drive Complete 40 Glenfield Ledwell Drive Complete 41 Glenfield Pennant Close Complete 42 Glenfield Dorset Avenue Complete 43 Glenfield Loxley Road Complete


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Site No Village/Town Site Description/Location Status 1 Aston Firs access road Completed 2 Blaby Clark Gardens Completed Welford Road - one way section between Lutterworth Road, and 3 Blaby Sycamore Street Completed 4 Blaby Winchester Road - from Western Drive to County Scout HQ Completed 5 Blaby Winchester Road - from County Scout HQ to Countesthorpe 30s Completed Winchester Road - from Countesthorpe 30s totraffic calming before 6 Countesthorpe Leysland Avenue Completed 7 Countesthorpe Almond Close Completed Bassett Avenue (include small section of Glebe Road and road down 8 Countesthorpe to Cricket Club) Completed 9 Countesthorpe Broadfield Way - from Scalborough Close to Wheatlands Drive Completed 10 Countesthorpe Kirkfield Road Completed Main Street - from roundabout near Countesthorpe Fish Bar to 11 Countesthorpe Orchard Lane Completed 12 Countesthorpe Wheatlands Drive - include entrance to small close next to no. 65 Completed 13 Countesthorpe Benskyn Close Completed 14 Cosby Cambrian Close Completed 15 Cosby Chiltern Avenue Completed 16 Cosby Forresters Close Completed 17 Cosby Gimson Avenue Completed 18 Croft Arbor Road Completed 19 Stoney Stanton Road - from to Stoney Stanton 30s Completed 20 Glen Parva Edward Drive Completed 21 Glen Parva Phillip Drive Completed 22 Glen Parva Lancaster Way Completed 23 Glen Parva York Close Completed 24 Huncote Carey Road Completed 25 Huncote Brook Street Completed 26 Huncote St. James Close Completed 27 Huncote Ratcliffe Drive Completed 28 Narborough Ashlands Way Completed 29 Narborough Blakenhall Close Completed 30 Narborough Broomhills Road Completed 31 Narborough Hillberry Close 32 Sapcote Bath Close Completed 33 Sapcote Manor Road Completed 34 Sapcote Penfold Close Completed 35 Sapcote Spa Drive Completed 36 Sapcote The Fosse Way Completed 37 Stoney Stanton Disney Close Completed 38 Stoney Stanton Johnson Rise Completed 39 Thorpe Astley Foxon Way (part) Completed 40 Thorpe Astley Seacole Close including Bellmouth of Yeats Close Completed 41 Thorpe Astley Lakin Drive Completed 42 Thorpe Astley Marshall Close Completed 43 Thorpe Astley Bromwich Close Completed 44 Thorpe Astley Haskell Close Completed 45 Thorpe Astley Tom Paine Close Completed 46 Whetstone Cambridge Road Completed Enderby Road - from Whetstone tip turn to joint (bridgedeck) near 47 Whetstone Enderby nameplate Completed 48 Whetstone Grove Road Completed 49 Whetstone Spinney Halt - include small cul-de-sacs Completed 50 Whetstone Station Street Completed 51 Kirby Muxloe Tower Close Completed 52 Kirby Muxloe Tower Drive Completed 53 Kirby Muxloe Barry Drive Completed 54 Kirby Muxloe The Fairway Completed 56 Glenfield Groby Road Service Road - just off A46/A50 island Completed 57 Glenfield Church Road - include both legs off Completed 36 37 FOR INFORMATION ONLY Agenda Item 12


15 TH JANUARY 2014



Purpose of Report

1. To inform Members of the current status of the traffic management work programme.

Work Programmes

2. The programme and current status of traffic management work is summarised in the attached appendices:

Works Programme 2013/14 schemes requiring a TRO Appendix A 2013/14 schemes not requiring a TRO Appendix B 2014/15 schemes requiring a TRO Appendix C 2014/15 schemes not requiring a TRO Appendix D Developer funded TROs Appendix E

Resource Implications

3. Traffic management schemes are funded from various sources:

• The County Council’s traffic management revenue allocation – includes most schemes undertaken as a result of an enquiry • Capital funding (County Council, Local Sustainable Transport Fund etc.) – planned area-wide work • Developers – no resource implications • Outside funding (individuals, parishes, districts etc) – those schemes that are unlikely to be rated high enough to justify County Council funding.

Equal Opportunities Implications

4. No direct implications have been identified.


5. Members are requested to note the content of this report.


Officer to Contact

David Wright Tel: 0116 305 0001 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers

None. APPENDIX A Traffic Management Work Programme: 2013-2014 Schemes Requiring a Traffic Regulation Order

Officers to Contact: Score Priority: SB Stuart Bullen [email protected] 0-45 Low AD Aimi Ducker [email protected] 46-55 Medium MP Mark Palfreyman [email protected] 56-90 High DW David Wright [email protected] Telephone (all) 0116 305 0001 ▼

Cap/ Ref. Rev District Area Location Comment Brought forward? Score Initial consultation Approval to advertise Formal consultation / public advert Objections Scheme approval Works ordered Anticipated construction Works complete Officer to contact Junction protection, alterations to loading restrictions and additional on-street parking spaces Canal St , Surrounding around streets affected by nearby Jacobs factory TM4053 R Oadby & Wig South streets P 67 PPP N PP Q4 and S.Leics college. Civils by Q3, TROs by Q4 SB Coventry Rd, between Review existing signing and lining. Consideration

TM4069 R Harborough Market Harborough Logan St and B4304 58 PPP Y Q4 of waiting restrictions SB 39 Provision of parking bays, including 2 disabled TM4065 R Charnwood Loughborough New Street 58 PPP N PP Q1 P bays MP

3997 C NW Leics Ashby de la zouch Market Street 58 P Y Q4 20mph speed limit and parking/loading restrictions AD 30mph speed limit. - 50mph limit between A5 and TM3912 R Hinck & Bos Witherley Kennel Lane 57 PPP N PP Q1 P current location of 30mph to be reduced SB A426 St Johns Junction protection , safety issues with forward TM4006 R Harborough Lutterworth Business Park 56 PPP N PP Q4 visibility SB TM3908 R Hinck & Bos Stoke Golding Wykin Road P 56 PPP Y PP Q1 P Extension of 30mph speed limit SB TM3902 R Hinck & Bos Sheepy Main Road P 56 PPP Y PP Q1 P Speed limit reduction from 40mph to 30mph SB Create parking for local business by reducing TM4076 R Hinck & Bos Hinckley Thornycroft Road P 56 PP Q4 current DYL on street SB TM3516 R Melton Bottesford Barkestone Lane P 55 PPP Y PP Q4 Gated closure of Lane SB TM4105 R NW Leics Ashby de la zouch Nottingham Road 55 PPP N PP Q3 P Junction protection SB Safety concerns with on-street parking around TM4043 R NW Leics Coalville Walker Road 54 PPP Q4 bends, junctions SB New King St/Great Central Rd/Albert TM4074 R Charnwood Loughborough Promenade 54 PP Q4 Junction protection, mandatory SB Various roads – village Parking controls in village centre to address safety TM3718 R Hinck & Bos Groby centre P 54 PPP Y PP Q3 P issues and to manage parking demand MP TM4035 R Charnwood Loughborough Burder Street P 54 PPP N PP Q2 P Create additional parking in residential zone SB AH/MA/DB12 R Charnwood Loughborough Various 54 PPP Y PP Q2 P Rationalise disability parking spaces MP Safety improvements at junction and to create a TM3985 R Melton Melton Mowbray Ankle Hill P 53 PPP Y PP Q4 passing bay on Ankle Hill SB Waltham on the TM4068 R Melton Wolds Goadby Road P 53 P Q4 HGV restrictions SB TM4042 R NW Leics Castle Donington Warke Flatt 52 PP Q4 Junction protection around industrial area SB

Installation of additional disabled bays and kerbing TM4051 R Charnwood Loughborough Packe Street 52 PPP Y Q4 works in conjunction with surface dressing scheme MP Cap/ Ref. Rev District Area Location Comment Brought forward? Score Initial consultation Approval to advertise Formal consultation / public advert Objections Scheme approval Works ordered Anticipated construction Works complete Officer to contact Potential reduction in the speed limit on B4116 TM4094 R NW Leics Snarestone Measham Road, B4116 52 PP Q4 Measham Road, from 50mph to 40mph. SB TM3926 D Charnwood Thurmaston A607 52 PP Q4 24hr clearway. Funded by HA SB Delivery of safety measures for residents with frontages onto the A50, to coincide with additional parking spaces at County Hall. Decision still TM3976 R Blaby Glenfield A50 Leicester Road P 50 PPP Y PP Q2 P required on permanent order MP

TM4141 R Hinck & Bos Barwell Dawsons Lane 50 PP Q4 Junction protection. SB 3819 R Harborough Lutterworth Central Park 50 PPP N PP Q4 Parking controls SB Safety concerns from fire service with on-street TM4044 R NW Leics Ashby de la Zouch Trinity Close 49 PPP Y P Q4 parking hindering access SB TM4108 R NW Leics Coalville Adam Morris Way 47 P NA NA Y PP Q4 P Revise waiting restrictions SB TM4024 R NW Leics Castle Donington Delvern Lane 46 PPP N PP Q3 P Junction protection SB TM4106 R Blaby Kirby Muxloe Desford Lane 45 PPP N PP Q4 P De-restriction order SB 40 41 APPENDIX B Traffic Management Work Programme: 2013-2014 Schemes Not Requiring a Traffic Regulation Order

Officers to Contact: Score Priority: SB Stuart Bullen [email protected] 0-45 Low AD Aimi Ducker [email protected] 46-55 Medium MP Mark Palfreyman [email protected] 56-90 High DW David Wright [email protected] ▼ Telephone (all) 0116 305 0001


Ref. Rev District Area Location Brought forward? Score Consultation Objections Scheme approval Works ordered Anticipated construction Works complete Comment Officer to contact

TM4119 R Melton Melton Mowbray Dalby Road 66 NA NA NA P Q4 Swallowdale school zebra crossing upgrade SB Decluttering scheme, to improve visual look of area, clearer signage to assist local business, working in TM4016 R Melton Melton Town centre roads P 61 P N PP Q2 P partnership with district council SB TM4130 R Melton Melton Mowbray Dalby Road 60 NA NA NA P Q4 P School 20mph signs upgrade SB TM4136 R Melton Melton Mowbray Dalby Road 60 NA NA NA P Q4 St Francis school zebra crossing upgrade SB Woodthorpe Rd/Shelthorpe Rd Junction safety improvements. To improve collision history TM4114 R Charnwood Loughborough Junction 59 P N PP Q3 P and improve level of service for vulnerable road users SB Leics Rd/Coleorton Accident history at junction, improved road marking and TM4010 R NW Leics New Packington Lane/Corkscrew Lane 59 P N PP Q4 P physical works to be implemented. SB Decluttering scheme, to improve visual look of area, clearer signage to assist local business, working in TM4087 R Harborough Market Harborough Town centre roads P 59 Q4 partnership with district council SB Upgrade existing zebra crossing and surrounding TM4079 R Blaby Stoney Stanton Station Road 58 P N PP Q3 P roundabout due to safety issues SB Signing scheme to prevent HGVs driving up to Cotes low TM4017 R Charnwood Cotes Nottingham Road 57 P N PP Q2 P bridge. Rempstone signing to be moved. SB Variety of signing and lining amendments to ensure NA R Charnwood Loughborough Various roads P 57 NA NA NA P Q1-Q4 parking restrictions are enforceable. On-going MP Accident history ( 2 crashes) involving peds, provide TM4082 R Melton Melton Mowbray Leicester Road 57 P N PP Q1 P crossing points and centre flush road markings SB NWL/H&B 4107.001 Various A50 and A511 C /Blaby 57 Q4 Signing improvements at Hoo Ash roundabout. MP TM4116 R NW Leics Ibstock / Ravenstone A447, Ibstock to A511 56 NA NA NA P Q4 Signing review and improvements SB

TM3781 R NW Leics Castle Donington A453 P 56 P Y PP Q1 P Implement waiting restrictions and signing and lining work SB Dominion Road jw Liberty TM4077 R Blaby Glenfield Rd 56 NA N PP Q3 P Junction improvements SB A512 corridor treatment, signing and carriageway TM3996 R NW Leics Coleorton A512, Ashby Road P 56 P Y PP Q3 P narrowing in conjunction with speed limit change, SB

Roecliffe Crossroads NA R Charnwood Newtown Linford P 56 P N PP Q2 P Lining works at junction to address accident history SB A6/ Bishop Meadow 3909.008 roundabout/ Warwick Phase 2: A6 outbound dedicated left turn lane for Warwick C Charnwood Loughborough Way P 56 P N P Q3 P Way MP NA R NW Leics Long Whatton B5324 Ashby Rd 56 P N PP Q3 P Bend surface treatment SB

School 20mph signs improvements TM4139 R Charnwood Shepshed Britannia St 55 NA NA NA P Q4 SB TM4101 R NW Leics Thringstone A512, Ashby Rd 55 PPP Q4 Signing and lining changes SB Accident history ( 2 crashes) failed to give way. Centre TM4083 R Blaby Whetstone Lutterworth Rd/Hill Lane 54 NA NA NA P Q4 island , road marking changes SB Safety issues with buses stopping on Loughborough Rd, TM3986 R Melton Asfordby Loughborough Road P 54 P N PP Q3 P minor kerb realignment SB Install 6 bollards on footway to prevent vehicles parking . Doing in conjunction with highway scheme changes on TM4085 R Charnwood Loughborough Derby Road P 54 P N PP Q3 P Derby Rd SB Springwell Lane/ TM4099 R Blaby Whetstone Countesthorpe Rd 54 P N PP Q3 P Junction improvements SB Accident history around bend, improved road markings TM4084 R Blaby Aston Lane 54 P N PP Q2 P and signage to be implemented. SB Charley/B591 Copt Oak Relocation of signing and VAS to improve driver TM4034 R NW Leics Charley Road P 53 P N PP Q3 awareness of junction SB TM4123 R NW Leics Ashby de la Zouch Willesley Road 52 Q4 Traffic calming SB TM4121 R NW Leics Griffydam Top Road 52 Q4 Traffic calming SB

Zebra crossing upgrade TM4120 R Charnwood Loughborough Park Road 52 P N PP Q3 P SB

TM4067 R Charnwood Loughborough Bedford Square 50 P N PP Q3 P Build out to deter vehicles turning left onto Woodgate SB TM4086 R NW Leics Coleorton Various 50 P Y PP Q4 VNP signing SB District boundary signs (Scheme cost : 10k, to be funded NA R Harborough Various Various 50 P NA NA P Q4 by District Council) SB Replace existing belisha beacons at zebra crossing with NA R NW Leics Shepshed Market Place 50 NA NA NA P Q4 Zebrite beacons & decluttering SB Replace existing belisha beacons at zebra crossing with TM4097 R Blaby Sharnford Leicester Road 50 NA NA NA P Q3 P Zebrite beacons SB TM4131 R Oadby & Wig South Wigston Various 50 NA NA NA P Q3 P Removal of controlled parking zone signs SB NA R Various Various Various 50 Q3 School entrance minor works, incl ped guardrails SB TM4158 R Blaby Sharnford Bumble Bee Gardens 48 P Q4 Installation of ped refuge and associated lining SB

TM Programmes Appendix E, Page 1 42

This page is intentionally left blank 43 APPENDIX C Draft Traffic Management Work Programme: 2014-2015 Schemes Requiring a Traffic Regulation Order

Officers to Contact: Score Priority: SB Stuart Bullen [email protected] 0-45 Low AD Aimi Ducker [email protected] 46-55 Medium MP Mark Palfreyman [email protected] 56-90 High DW David Wright [email protected] Telephone (all) 0116 305 0001

Cap/ Rev/ Ref. Ext District Area Location Comment Brought forward? Brought Score Initial consultation to Approval advertise Formal consultation / public advert Objections approval Scheme Works ordered Anticipated construction Works complete Officer to contact Traffic management, walking, cycling and PT 4265.000. C Hinck & Bos Earl Shilton Various roads 69 Q3 improvements MP

Area wide scheme with a mixture of parking controls, funded via H&B BC to address parking demand following relocation of Hinckley College – Various Streets near Residents parking element of scheme abandoned TM3951 E Hinck & Bos Hinckley Trinity Lane P 68 P Q1 due to extensive objections. MP

Area wide scheme with a mixture of parking controls, funded via H&B BC to address parking demand following relocation of Hinckley College – Various streets near Resident parking element of scheme abandoned TM3798 E Hinck & Bos Hinckley Druid Street P 68 P Q1 due to extensive objections. MP Coventry Rd and adjacent TROs to control parking and alleviate congestion NA C Hinck & Bos Hinckley side roads 65 Q1 MP

Accident history at junction, ban right turn out of Cornfield Way , physical works required to reduce TM4072 R Hinck & Bos Hinckley A47/Cornfield Way P 61 P Q2 accident history. Trial underway SB Delivery of works identified from 12/13 review of signing in town centre and town centre parking 4107.000 C NW Leics Coalville Town centre P 59 P Q1 restrictions. MP

TM4112 R Charnwood Loughborough Granby St P 59 Q2 Review of parking/loading controls MP Q1- MP/ NA R Charnwood Loughborough Various Rds P 59 NA NA NA NA NA Q4 Minor TRO consolidations/amendments AD

Strathmore Rd, Westfield Lorry weight restriction scheme Rd and Northfield Rd NA C Hinck & Bos Hinckley 59 Q1 MP Stoke Road/ Wykin Rd Area-wide lorry weight restriction scheme NA C Hinck & Bos Hinckley and Holly Croft 59 Q2 MP Reconfigure parking spaces , consolidate parking TM3983 R Charnwood Loughborough Leicester Road P 57 P Q1 restrictions MP TM4096 R Hinck & Bos Hinckley Factory Road P 56 P Q1 Relaxation of waiting restrictions MP

Reduced speed limit, signage review. Follows North West surface treatment carrried out in 13/14 NA R Leices Long Whatton B5324 Ashby Rd P 56 P Q1 SB Various roads in vicinity NA E Hinck & Bos Hinckley of bus station P 56 P Q1 TROs associated with Bus Station development MP TM4103 R Hinck & Bos Markfield Village P 55 P Q1 Review of waiting restrictions in village SB Speed limit changes plus Drainage and surface TM4101 treatment and Follows signing and lining work R NW Leics Thringstone A512 P 55 P Q1 carrid out in 13/14. SB TM4174 R Blaby Blaby Blaby By-Pass P 55 Q1 Request to review speed limits SB Parking controls on Stephenson Way to address Various roads – junction parking and access issues for bus TM3718 R Hinck & Bos Groby Stephenson Way P 54 Q2 operator SB Market TM4081 R Harborough Harborough Town centre P 54 Q3 Look at the two taxi ranks parking locations SB Remove limited parking , install junction protection TM4039 R Charnwood Loughborough Empress Road P 54 P Q2 in Industrial estate SB TM4166/ Install parking bays into centre , Kerb TM4160 R Blaby Countesthorpe The Bank P 54 Q2 realignments SB North West R Leices Moira Willesley Woodside 54 Q2 Proposed 50mph speed limit SB Implementation of parking bays and waiting TM4092 R NW Leics Kegworth Market Place P 52 Q1 restrictions SB Installation of additional disabled bays and kerbing works in conjunction with surface dressing TM4051 R Charnwood Loughborough Packe Street P 52 PP Q1 scheme MP Junction protection. The opportunity will be taken to make other minor TRO Ashby Road/ University consolidations/amendments in L'boro on the back TM4002 R Charnwood Loughborough Lane P 51 Q3 of this scheme SB TM Programmes Appendix A, Page 1 44

Cap/ Rev/ Ref. Ext District Area Location Comment Brought forward? Brought Score Initial consultation to Approval advertise Formal consultation / public advert Objections approval Scheme Works ordered Anticipated construction Works complete Officer to contact A6006, between A6 and NA R Charnwood Hathern Zouch P 50 Q2 Extension of 40mph speed limit SB Various roads to south of NA R NW Leics Coalville town centre 50 Q4 Review of parking restrictions SB TM4150 R Charnwood Sileby Highgate Rd P 48 Q3 Additional parking provision SB R Charnwood Shepshed Hall Croft P 48 Q4 Review of parking restrictions SB TM3599 R Charnwood Syston St Peters Court P 48 P Q4 Parking controls SB North West North St/ Pares Cl & Review of parking controls in and around NA R Leices Whitwick various other roads 48 Q3 Whitwick village centre SB NA R Hinck & Bos Hinckley Wheatfield way 48 Q3 junction protection SB North West Review exisiting speed limit , look to reduce to TM4170 R Leices Moira Ashby Road P 47 Q1 30mph. SB TM4129 R Blaby Enderby Warren Park P 47 Q2 Parking controls in Industrial estate SB

Junction protection TM4140 R Blaby Sapcote Stanton Rd/ Hinckley Rd P 46 Q1 SB

Review of waiting restrictions, consideration of Middleton Place /Squirrel residetns parking TM4176 R Charnwood Loughborough Way/ Hayden Rd area 43 Q3 SB TM4153 R Charnwood Loughborough Kingfisher Estate 43 Q3 Review of waiting restrictions SB TM4154 R Charnwood Loughborough Broad Street 43 Q3 Review of waiting restrictions SB King Street & New King TM4155 R Charnwood Loughborough Street 43 Q3 Review of waiting restrictions SB Measures to address parking issues outside R Harborough Market HarboroughArgyle Park 42 Q2 Farndon Fields Primary School SB

TM Programmes Appendix A, Page 2 APPENDIX D Draft Traffic Management Work Programme: 2014-2015 Schemes Not Requiring a Traffic Regulation Order

Officers to Contact: Score Priority: SB Stuart Bullen [email protected] 0-45 Low AD Aimi Ducker [email protected] 46-55 Medium MP Mark Palfreyman [email protected] 56-90 High DW David Wright [email protected] ▼ Telephone (all) 0116 305 0001

Cap/ Rev/

Ref. Ext District Area Location Brought forward? Score Consultation Objections Scheme approval Works ordered Anticipated construction Works complete Comment Officer to contact

NA C Charnwood Loughborough, Various roads 68 Q3 Network signing improvements, including car parks. MP

Decluttering scheme, to improve visual look of area, 45 clearer signage to assist local business, working in TM4087 R Harborough Market Harborough Town centre roads P 59 P N P Q1 partnership with district council SB Various- listed on surface dress Delivery of lining work identified at locations listed on NA C Various Various programme P 57 Q1-Q4 surface dress programme- Hinckley MP NWL/H&B Delivery of signing works identified from 12/13 review of 4107.001 Various A50 and A511 C /Blaby P 57 Q2 route signing from A46 to A42. MP Ibstock / A444, Twycross to R NW Leics Ravenstone A42 56 NA NA NA Q1 Signing review and improvements SB Hinckley Rd / Stanton R Blaby Sapcote Ln 54 Q2 Central island proposed at junction SB Accident history at junction, improved road marking and TM4071 R Charnwood Thurmaston Manor Rd at A607 P 53 Q2 physical works to be implemented. SB A426/Newbridge R Blaby A426 Road junction 52 Q3 Safety improvements at junction SB TM4104 R Charnwood Loughborough Radmoor Road P 51 Q1 Speed cushions next to school entrance SB TM4152 R Charnwood Loughborough New Ashby Road P 50 NA NA NA Q2 Pedestrian crossing improvements, hedge works SB Station Rd /Hinckley R Blaby Sapcote Rd 50 Q2 High end mean speeds ( 40mph) in 30mph area SB Measures to address speeding and drivers mounting R NW Leics Ashby de la Zouch Lower Packington Rd 50 P Y Q1 footway SB Signing improvements in town. Potential S106 funding via E NW Leics Ashby Various roads 50 Q3 Town Council MP

R Hinck & Bos Newton Harcourt Glenn Road 49 Q1 Safety Improvements along Road , chicanes proposed SB Ashurst Road, Braunstone Crossroads Jw R Blaby Braunstone Kingsway. 46 Q3 Safety Improvements at Junction SB Cap/ Rev/ Officer to contact Ref. Ext District Area Location Brought forward? Score Consultation Objections Scheme approval Works ordered Anticipated construction Works complete Comment

Ped crossing upgrades. List of xing that have been R Various Various Various 46 Q1-Q4 identified as having 2 or more collisions SB A6006 Melton Road Asfordby Jw Brook R Melton Asfordby Crescent. 46 Q2 Safety Improvements at Junction SB


TM4137 / Mountsorrel/ Sign amendments / decluttering TM4138 R Charnwood Quorn/ Rothley Various 44 Q2 SB A47/A447 R Hinck & Bos A47 Crossroads 44 Q1 Safety improvements at junction SB Whittle Hill / Nanpantan Rd 46 R Charnwood B5330 (Charley) 42 Q3 Safety improvements at junction SB Loughborough Rd Poor visibility exiting Waterside Drive , change roundabout R Charnwood Mountsorrel /Waterside Way 40 Q4 to T Junction SB R Charnwood Wymeswold Church St 40 Q1 HGV issue , proposed solid island SB School gate traffic issues. Requests from schools for R Various Various Various 38 Q1-Q4 safety improvements SB

Melton Road South / High end speeds , speed tables , support from local R Harborough East Langton Melton Road North 34 Q4 residents SB

R Blaby Braunstone Watergate Lane 34 Q4 Install parking bays into town centre , Kerb realignments SB Grantham Road West / Grantham High end speeds , speed tables , support from local R Melton Bottesford Road East 33 Q4 residents SB APPENDIX E

Scheme Comment Check List Check & from Brief DC Initial Consultation Formal Consultation Approvalto Advertise Advert Public Objections Approval Process Complete Works Sapcote V Developer funded - Coventry Road lay by On Hold - Developer progressing variation to planning condition. opposite Leicester Road Provision of new waiting restrictions and turning

prohibition. Sep 2013

Huncote V Developer funded - Forest Road/Sportsfield Preliminary design underway. Laising with

developer with respect to provision of junction 47 Lane table to assist speed reduction & Proposed speed limit enforcement of new speed limit extension. extension. Oct 2013

Countesthorpe VVVVV Developer funded - Leicester Road Proposed 40mph and 30mph extension planned for public consultation. Proposed amendment to speed limit. 04/11/13 20/12/13 04/11/13 May 2013 17/01/2014 20/12/2013 - 20/12/2013

Completed schemes will remain listed for a period of 3 months post completion Dates in RED are target dates. 48

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