BOOKS BOOKS FOR YOUR STUDIES FOR RECREATION on INTERESTING • AND EVERY SUBJECT EDUCATIONAL are obtainable from are available at A. McLEOD, "Brisbane's Best Bookstore," "Brisbane's Best Bookstore," A. McLEOD, )07 ELIZABETH ST.. 107 ELIZABETH ST„ BRISBANE BRISBANE

K«:(rlsteied al G.P.O.. Bi!f.ijaii>;. (<>' Vol. XV. — No. 7 Friday, 3rd May, 1946 transmission by post 03 a ;iewspapei'. Commemoration A To-day the chrysalis breaks, and from it emerge a number GRADUATION of students who, by their courage and labour, have laid aside ORDER OF BATTLE CEREMONY darkness and have stepped forth into the light of knowledge COMMEM. NIGHT. gained. Some will carry on to further destinations, others PROGKAMME. remain to be fledged more fully. 1—8 p.m.: Dancing commences, ends at 1 p.m,—18 Dances. 1. Students should be seated by To the outgoing we tender sincere hopes that the founda­ 8th Dance is Graduates' Dance. 2.30 p.m. Please note. 2. 3.00—^Procession enters the hall, tions laid so well will prove to have been worthy of their eliforts; 2—9 p.m.: The Lieut.-Governor and 3. National Anthem. Audience to those who stay, best wishes for further successful endeavour; aide arrive. Met by the Deputy standing. and to both, the congratulations, due at the present juncture, 4. Gaudeamus (3 stanzas). Audi­ Chancellor and the President of ence standing. uopn their various achievements. Union. 5. Invocation. Audience standing. Guests are requested to stand and Among these students there have been some with consider­ form an aisle between the en­ 6. Commemoration of Benefactors. able interest in all branches of University life, and from them trance to the haU and official 7. Address by Deputy Chancellor. alcove. 8. Formal presentation of Degrees. have risen a number, outstanding in individual spheres, who 9. Procession leaves hall. As the Lieut.-Governor enters It must be remembered that this is deserve that added recognition allowable on such occasions as there will be a roll of drums. a formal and dignified ceremony. this day. Upon his reaching the alcove six The occasion for social welfare, bars of the National Anthem wUl general iolUfication, hilarity and wit BACHELORS OF ARTS. BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE be played. will be the Commemoration . CRIBB, IVOR—Energetic President IN INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY, 3—10 p.m.: Toasts given from the Official Alcove, Having this in mind, and wUh due of Union '46, also keenly in­ VENTON, CED.—Emmanuelite, pro­ regard for pubic opinion concerning terested in sport and the Services minent sport, member A Grade 4—Buffet Supper in three groups. the University at this time, your Club. football team, Secretary Union Watch Notice Boards for further Union Executive has made certain EASTMENT, NATHALIE.—Pianiste '44, Vice-president '45; Second particulars. contracts on your behalf. If you do of note, who revived the Musi­ Class Honours. 5—Iced cordials will be available cal Society and set it on its way from counter in Foyer—free of not agree with their action your HERTZBERG, MARK._Winner of charge. quarrel is with them. Your disagree­ once more. Taylor Prize, Gold Medal, First ment does not release you from your CRAMB, DOROTHY. — Literary Class Honours, "Galmahra" -:c:- contract. Circle Organiser, President Editor '45. CEREMONY OF CONFERRING OF The undertaking merely binds you Women's Hockey Club nnd Cap­ DEGREES. tain I. team, 1945. HOGG, PETER.—B.Sc. App. Second to behaviour in conformity with Class Honours, prominent adult dignity, and the formality of the ENGLAND, MARY.—Well Iinown to hockeyite and President W.E.S. A limited number of seats are occasion. This implies quiet in tho Dramatic Society audiences for '44. available for the above ceremony. hall at all times except during the her sterling performances ever a Students desiring seats for parents singing and during the Formal Pre­ period of years. should apply to Enquiry Office, Main sentation of Degrees. The latter HACK, JEAN.—President Arts So­ University Buildings, without delay. calls for ordinary applause—no cat ciety '44, also enthusiastic Liter­ BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING, calls, please. ary Circle Organiser. AIRD, KEN.—President Hockey Club We have also contracted that no Mc^\TLLIAM, JANET, ~ President '45. Noted as being the only SONG BOOKS procession of any kind should be Women's College '45, N.U.A.U.S. gentleman in Fourth-year Draw­ organised at the ceremony or on the delegate *44. Prominent in all ing Office. Song Books are now available, day thereof. Univei-sity and Intcr-ColIege af­ BRIER, ERIC—Dramatic Society pi'iced at 1/- each. Copies may be All students who own or who can . Secretary '44 President '45; keen obtained from the following: borrow academic are asked to PARK, BETTY. — Keen hockey promoter of Union Theatre. Re­ Miss N. BRAZIER, Arts II. wear it. The others are asked to wear player. presented Queensland at Univer­ Mr. R. DANIELS, Eng. I. their next most dignified apparel. PATERSON, BEVERLEY,—President sities' Commission Conference. Mr. N. HAYSON, Sc. III. STUDENTS WILL ENTER CITY S.C.M., '46; Lizzie Heal-Warry CASEY, ALAN. — "Semper" and Mr. M. KENNY, Dental Hosp. HALL BY ADELAIDE STREET Prize and Miles Munro Scholar­ "Galmahra" Business Manager Mr. H. URQUHART, Med, I. ENTRANCE. ship, '44; keenly interested in '44, "Semper" Editor '45, Men's Copies obtainable also at Med. -.•o: National Union affairs. Club Committee, Engineering School. Students may also obtain ANNUAL DENTAL BALL SKELTON, DOROTHEA. — Second Association Committee, Dramatic the Song Book from Mr. Hulbert on Class Honours, Modern Lan­ Society Stage Manager. Friday morning. CITY HALL guages. P. J. McDermott Prize HILL, PHIL.—President John's Col­ '46. lege, the Union and Engineering on FRIDAY, 2Ist JUNE COLLINS, MARGARET, — Second Undergraduates Society, 45; pro­ U.Q. SERVICES CLUB Price 14/8 (Double) Class Honours EngUsh Language minent in sporting activities. Supper continuous. and Literature. Prominent in MERCER, DOUG.—President Men's DANCE Dancing 8 p.m. -1 a.m. dramatic circles. Club, 45; active participant in WEDNESDAY, 15th MAY. Dress — Dramatic Society activities. Formal for women. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, WARE, WARREN.—Prize Prize win­ HOLY TRINITY HALL, Lounge for men BECKMANN, TREVOR,—Co-Editor ner, W.E.S. President '45, Dra­ WOOLLOONGABBA. Tickets available from — "Semper," '44; Vice-president matic Society. Colleges: P. Horn (Emmanuel); Science Students' Association, HOARE, JOHN.—First Class Hon­ Haussmann Band. Supper. A. Krebs (Johns); J. Eustace '45, ours, Mcllwraith Scholarship. (King's); R. Bevan (Leo's). CRAWFORD, HAL,—Secretary Wo­ AUSTIN, WILLIAM.—Second Class Admission: George St.: G. Bourne (Eng. IV,); men's Club, '44; President, '45; Honours, Mcllwraith Scholar­ 4/- SINGLE, 7/6 DOUBLE. N, WeUer (Eng. IV.); E, DelUt President of Union, '45. ship. — :o: • (Commerce), FARMER, JOAN—Secretary Wo­ PENDER, EDWARD.—B.A., First SCHOLARSHIP ALLOWANCE FOR Medical School: G, Kenny (Med, men's Sports Union, '44. Presi- Class Honours (Civil), Gold FIRST TERM, 1946. IV.). sident, '45, Medal, Mcllwraith Scholarship. Dental School: Year Represent­ McINTYRE, DON President King's Scholarship Holders are reminded atives. College, '45; President Sports that they must complete a voucher' Evening Students: Miss Jean Hul­ Union, —; active in CoUege and MASTER OF ENGINEERING. form and hand it in at the Enquiry bert (Phys. Ed, n,). Varsity affairs—will go down in GOODMAN. ROY.-B,E., BSc, Mc-Office not later than Friday, the 10th Alcove Reservations: R. Horn, history for his superb coffee-1 Ilwraitii Scholarship, C.M.A. May. B4560; M. Kenny, JY1518. making. Award, Mining Bursary. Beglfltrar. > Page Two SEMPER FLOREAl Friday, 3rd May, 1946 Engineers Rusticate J[l0r^at Easter saw tha annual engineering pilgrimage in search of sun, sand, surf and—well, whatever else is going. This year the Burleigh trek was repeated, and, despite competition from Editor: Business Manager: most surf clubs from Southport southwards, a moderately happy MARGARET CATT JACK FARR Sub-Editors: band testified, on Tuesday's return to the monastic seclusion of JOHN BENNETT - EWEN GILLIES the Engineering building, that the pleasures of this world had Sports Editor: Dental Rep.: A, S, GIVEN BRIAN FORDE much to be said for them. Med. Rep. (Herston): E. G. GALEA TRANSPORT. ing repeat numbers give an interest­ The thirty odd participants arrived ing indication of popular taste (poured out by an amplifying system Vol, XV. Friday, Srd May, 1946 No. 7 over a period of several days, and working at peak pressure and—so by every form of conveyance, from some acoustic purists remarked—pe ik the thumbed jalopy to the more EDITORIAL distortion—from 0800 to 2100 hours plebian south-coast "express" (!) throughout the week-end): "Lilly Even one bone-shaking, two-stroker Once more we stand on the eve of Commemoration Day— Marlene," 20 times; "Don't Fence Me was pressed into service—although In," 19 times; "Three Caballeros," 16 a day which will be for those who graduate the crowning Tuesday heard a repentant fourth- times; "My Dreams are Getting recognition of a successful student life. It is to honour these year aver that "motor bikes, sessions Better All the Time," 16 times; "Rum and evening fifty-mUe rides go ill to­ and Coca Cola," 12 times, etc. O our graduands, then, that the Senate, staff and students fore­ gether." God, O Montreal! gather at the Graduation Ceremony. TENTAGE. In conclusion, we should Uke to This year marks our third participation in this ceremony A beach front site, innumerable ti- ask E.U.S. President Robinson Minor since our exclusion in 1940—that memorable year when pranks, tree poles and an energetic committ'Je if he caught anything—except a frog soon resulted in a satisfactory ba:;e in his throat^from Tallebuggera horseplay and undergraduate discourtesies reached an all-time for operations, A suitable flagpole Creek bridge on Saturday night? He high. represented the crowning effort- should have had more success there doubtless the brain child oi Secretary than when attired in singlet and We are not strict disciplinarians who consider that the Pechey. On this pole he was to be beary pants at the Currumbin Hotel Graduation Ceremony should be a solemn, pompous affair, seen for hours at a time, seated like with Daniells in the lionesses' den? surrounded, aura-like, by an atmosphere of entombed mustiness. St. Simeon the Stylite, meditating on J.M.B. the wickedness of this world—and We feel that the participation of students should be in such aUowing himself to be tempted ever ;o:- a manner as will by no means detract from the dignity of the so slightly by any passing pair cf NOTICE occasion, but rather add to it that spirit of student life which likely legs. In fact, if the amplitude of the resulting oscillations was any CIVILIAN ASSISTANCE SCHEME. is enjoyed by graduands, staff and visitors alike. indication, he was at times swayed In other words, we think it not only our pride and privilege quite a bit! Perhaps his pre-dav/n Would all students receiving assist­ but our duty to honour these men and women in the way we noctambulation up Big Burleigh was ance under the Civilian Assistance by way of expiation—though his two Scheme return, if they have not al­ know best. blankets and his "mermaid" guide ready done so, their "Acceptance of "Let us raise a ringing chorus, possibly Ughtened the rigours of the Offer," and "Request for May Pay­ Lift the very roof that's o'er us, journey. Good for you, Duck! ment," as soon as possible. Certifi­ cation of attendance is done by the SEASONAL SESSIONS AND SING Praising those who stand before us, University, and a box is provided at SONGS. Graduates to-day." the Enquiry Office for depositing The sexcentenary of Ihe passing of these Pro Formae. Though by our behaviour at the past two graduation cere­ Gambrinus (renowed Flemish states­ monies we have redeemed ourselves, we are remembering that man and incidentally the inventor of -:o:- beer) was celebrated with rare de­ those in authority have long memories and any attempt to votion by all concerned at the Bur­ RADICAL CLUB SOCIAL return to the "old" crudities, etc, will have a very "dim view" leigh shrine. It will, however, be ad­ taken of it. We are remembering the words of Professor Stable, mitted that the local priestess (quite MUSIC—DANCING. a perl skirt and nifty barmaid who has warned us that a re-introduction of pre-war pranks withal) was a Uttle taken aback when At the home of Mrs, J, Callaghan, will mean the exclusion for ever of the undergraduate body twenty beers were ordered at one RosecUffe St., Highgate HUl. from the Conferring of Degrees Ceremony. sitting! Messrs. Chave and ZeUer swear that later they had a visit from SATURDAY, 11th MAY. We are remembering these things—we hope YOU won't old Gambrinus himself—in the local forget them. cafe, to be precise—who bade them, Be at stop 15, Dutton Park tram­ with truly oracular ambiguity, not lo line, between 8 and 8.30 p.m. "paddle on the table"! All men and women students of the just this through intuition, aided by THE YOUNGEST ART Several evenings saw a positive University welcome. music. orgy of ballads and barrack room Those desirous of attending please On Monday last the W.E.S, pre­ Of composers, he says this—when ditties—Hal Gchrmann proved that leave note addressed to Neil Adams, sented a most distmguished speaker you listen to Mozart, you listen not his Army career had certainly not Eng. IIL, in the "A" pigeonhole in in Dr. Mandl, husband of LUi Kraus, to a man bom in the 18th Century, been wasted and a visit from Petsr the Men's Common Room. philosopher and briUiant exponent in Austria, but to the creations of a ConoUy helped to extend the reper­ of the English language. Dr. Mandl being who was bom closer to the toire very creditably. Such additions spoke on "Absolute Music," and left sources of Creation than we were. as "They're Digging Up My Father's no doubt in the mmds of his listeners The Ufe of a composer is as a pen­ Grave," sung in fine Cockney dialect FOR SPORT AND dulum, when he swings from the as to the capabilities and extents of wUl undoubtedly be passed on by WEAR this, the youngest of all the Ai-ts, loneliness of his experience back to word of mouth to many future the annotation of his feelmgs for the "Music," Dr, Mandl said, "is as old generations of Engineers! body of mankind, as mankind," In some form or other "Music is the world all over again." The fairer sex were most certainly it has been present with man, at tirst "It is a comforting thought that not wanting—in fact, a prominent "LOVA" as the noises of Nature, then later as music, which you cannot touch or Dramatic Society light was heard lo man's own attempts related to the see, which is so abstract, is (even so) complain that he had invited a round movements of his body, i.e,, dancing. more permanent, more everlastm.;;, haU-dozen along to Sunday night's We know from the oldest documents than anythmg else made by man." barbecue, and couldn't make up his (3000 B.C.) that music was considered mind which of the bevy was the most Sports Shirts :o: the highest gift of the Gods given to delectable. King of paradoxes that Particularly smart in appear­ man. FINISH FIRST TERM! ON THE he is, he eventually settled down RIGHT NOTE! ance, the "Lova" Pure Quality Relating further, Dr. Mandl noted with a seventh! Then, of course, the Cream Wool and Rayon that after circa 1600 we see a new All Day and Evening Students are lass from "Players" who didn't know Sports Shirts are pre-shrunk art arising—"Absolute Music"—a invited to whether lo live up to her firm's name and crease resisting. They manifestation of the human spirit TIIE EVENING STUDENT'S or not, and thereby gave one third- have two breast pockets with independant of word and body, but RALLY year a close shave, should not go flaps to button. This is the comprising both, and arising from MAIN HALL, SAT, 18th MAY without mention! Also, as a matter perfect shirt for Cricket, these. 7.30 p.m . of purely academic interest, could Tennis or Holiday ^7/fi Wear, Price each The Churches—notably the Roman "Housie's" Orchestra. Supper. Mr. Rollwagen explain his strange Catholic Church—seized upon this It's FREEl disappearance from Thursday night New Art as a means of defUiUig the -:n: to Monday morning? Ah, these ex- Hereafter, as separate from the Pre­ APOLOGIES. Service types! sent. But music soon grew mde- PIKE BROS. pendant of the Church, and by its Our acknowledgement Is due to WINGES AND BINGES. function now has brought the Here­ Miss Elspeth McKenzie for the This account should not close with­ LIMITED after to Earth, i.e., though witii our "Chemical Analysis of Man," pub­ out mention of the incidental music Queen St., BRISBANE perceptions we cannot embrace the lished in our last issue. We regret —provided at no mean expense by infinite of the Universe, we can do the omission.—Ed. tiie Burleigh Surf Club. The follow­ Friday, Srd May, 1946 SEMPER FLOREAT Page Threfc

ed to enlighten others, but it was POLITICAL obvious from the dazed expressions SEZ YOU! on many of the faces at the meeting PARTURITION that their owners were completely at GREEN GROANS. Union presented two reports to sea. I do not consider that faculty Monday saw the first instalment of Union CouncU, This year the Sub- meetings would do any more in test­ the birth-pangs of the University mittee has not yet met. ing student feeling than could be done Labor Club. George Copeman, in the Sir,—Your last issue contained a chair, acted as a most efficient mid­ letter from one of the many varieties at a general meeting such as was held Last year, and, from what former here—it must be remembered that in wife. He firmly guided the infant of "Democrat" replying, ostensibly, delegates to N,U,A,U.S. have told me, constitution ahnost imharmed and to a previous article which I con­ Sydney the decision to disaffiUate for previous years also, the Union was made by the S.R.C. and not by clause by clause^ untU by the time ad­ tributed on Anti-Semitism, I must Council has not sent Us delegates to journment was moved it stood com­ say that I am partly disappointed the body of students in general meet­ N.U.A.U.S. with any instructions. In ing as was done here. Hence the plete and ratified, ready to rise or that the many counter-assertions other words, the individual opinions fall by its own merits. made were not supported by evi­ of delegates were put to N.U.A.U.S. reason for faculty meetings. dence similar in nature to what I mstead of the policy of the Union. With regard to the general meet­ This meeting was the most interest­ presented, and partly gratified to Situations arose where Queensland ing all who wanted to were allowed ing of its type to be seen in these find corroboration from such a let­ delegates did not know what views to speak on the subject, so 1 do not precincts for many a long day—it in­ ter for my statement that Anti- to express. In other situations think it can be clauned that there augurated the first poUtical society Semitic opinion is particularly viru­ Queensland voting was one pro, one was insufficient discussion—consider­ with an overtly definite constitution lent and unreasoned. con, one abstaining; that is, Queens­ ing the number really interested in that this University has seen. Its the matter. In this connection I most pertinent objective is "to dis­ The writer, in common with many land was virtually not represented for these motions. would like to point out that in 56 cuss ways and means of obtaining others of his ilk, uses that powerful hours' sitting the last N.U.A.U.S. Con­ the realisation of the final aun of the irrational weapon, "fear of the un­ The fact of the matter then is that ference considered over 130 motions, A.L.P.," i.e., sociaUsation of uiduslry. known," to support his case. This the student apathy talked about so which to my mind means insufficient Its constitution, furthermore, con­ fear is the most potent weapon pos­ much is present on Union Council. discussion. In the words of one of tains a clause which, after much sible for fixing dogmas into the heads From past records one sees that the the delegates, "It seemed generally bickering, was finally worded to in­ of the unthinking many, and natur­ Council does very well in arranging agreed that delegates had special de­ clude the following condition for ally is the one used by Anti-Semitic social functions, attending to con­ mands to make, and it was merely a membership: "Intending members are propagandists to present the public stituent organisations, and other such question of putting these demands to to sign a pledge to the effect that with ready-made opinions which necessary matters of administration. a vote to arrive at 'common policy.' they are not members of any do not have to be acquired by a But its poUcy, if present at all (which The number of 'gag' and 'strict whose objects and methods .ire in tedious analysis of the pertinent one doubts), lacks continuity. For order of debate' motions that was any way opposed to the A.L.P," facts. For example, "Democrat" example, a motion on educational passed on every contentious issue, makes vague references to the hand­ policy, on being brought to the notice ostensibly because certain delegates The day's first item was the read­ ling of the Breton Woods agreement of the Council, receives littie debate were raising pettifogging diversions, ing of a Radical Club request for in such sinister terms that the by reason either of apathy, time, while indicative of a general ignor­ parley before the first meeting. The reader immediately sets up a defence people's minds made up beforehand, ance of the value of discussion, was motion that the meeting be not held mechanism which finds outlet in a or inability to debate. none the less in keeping with this was lost by a narrow margin. Then condemnation of that vaguely super­ Might I suggest to Union members doctrine." the constitution was examined, clause by clause. natural (and therefore powcrlul) in­ who have never seen a meeting of Admitting that Queensland has not ternational Jewry. the Union Council, that they attend The main stumbling block was, of been sufficiently interested in the course, the "exclusion" clause, which Again, the writer claims that "we one soon, and, if they think the id- National Union in the past, I do not ministration of the Union could be originally read "exclusion of mem­ never hear of the atrocities commit­ consider our sending of a number of bers of Commiuiist or Fascist organ­ ted by the Russians against any other improved, that they start working in "demands" for the betterment of that direction. And I sincerely hope isations," The amendment to ihe people and we all know what is N.U.A.U.S. is "infernal cheek" on our lorm shown above came mainly as a happening behind the 'Iron Curtain." that some one can produce good evi­ part. On the contrary I consider it dence to disprove my criticisms of result of Mr. Schindler's timely plea If he really does know what is going shows that we are at least taking for courtesy in discussion, and Mr. on and can convince me that he is the last paragraph.—Yours, etc., some interest in the organisation, and J. R. H. WATSON. Donovan's request for the avoidance not making false claims I shall be we desire to set it on its feet once of a purely "anti" attitude. more. Other States, I am sure, will pleased to lunch with him one day Adjournment was moved untU next to obtain the facts which he alone -:o: — take this view of the matter, and far from losing their respect, it is hoped week, whn election of office-bearers seems to possess. TAKING THE BONE APART. and committee will take place—with Again, "Who got anything out of that the purpose of these motions will inspire confidence and create an in­ an A.L.P. speaker as an added attrac­ the first World War but the Jews?" Sir,—As one who attempts to be in­ tion. is a stupidly meaningless, aggressive terest in the National Union where it terested in N.U.A.U.S, affairs, I can­ has been lacking in the past. question simUar to "You can't pos­ not let the editorial of 26th AprU sibly tell me!" and is used by the pass without comment. The motion, as placed before the same stupid people. One significant point omitted from constituent organisations of N.U.A.- FINISH TERM IN FINE I have written and re-read enough your editorial was that at the meet­ U.S., although an ultimatum, wiU not of this letter—I am tii-ed of it, I ing of interested held prior to eUminate the National Union, .•^s STYLE stressed before, they are designed to cannot be bothered to argue with the general meeting it was also agreed at the people such as "Democrat" who can­ by all present that in the past the reconstruct the National Union before not use the scientific method of find­ National Union had not functioned it goes too far along the road of AG. AND SCIENCE BALL ing facts and interpreting them. perfectly, and was in need of re­ bureaucracy and dictatorship.— They speak another language com­ organisation (vide "Semper," 12/4/ Yours, etc., posed of words and phrases foreign 46). It was decided that the motion J. E, DELLIT. THURSDAY, MAY 23rd. to any critical person.—Yours, etc. as submitted to the general meeting J. H. GREEN. of the Union would, if carried, -:ri:- :o:- materially assist in this re-organiscv- -:o:- tion. I do support the principle of a COME TO MED. BALL EX-SERVICE SPREE A POINT OF INFORMATION. National Union, but I hesitate to support the National Union as it CITY HALL. JUNE 28fh. The first U.Q.S.C, function for the Sir,—The statement in a past issue exists at present. The results of the year—a dinner—^was held appropri­ of "Semper Floreat"—"Of the 130 odd last N.U.A.U.S. conference indicate 14/8 DOUBLE. ately enough, on Anzac night. With motions passed, 97 were put forward that it is rapidly becoming a bureau­ about 130 starters, a groaning board by Melbourne delegates; in other cratic, centralised body, and its policy Dancing till 1 a.m. and an almost pre-war supply of words, Melbourne S.R.C. policy is be- that of one, or perhaps two, of the Continuous Buffet Supper. "lager" (as per the menu) a not un­ commg that of the National Union constituent organisations. As such it Party—Non-Programme. willing evening was had by aU, also"—conveys a false impression. is no longer a National Union. The Comments various were heard next Many of the 97 motions referred to National Union was first constituted Alcoves from S. R. Gairns, J 4124. day—many of which your roving re­ were put forward by Mr D. C. for the purpose of providing Aus­ porter recorded for interest, and re­ Murphy, then N.U.A.U.S. Treasurer, tralian University Students with a -:o:- peats here: and were, in effect, motions from the means whereby common problems "Jolly good show—best dinner I've N.U.A.U.S. Executive, could be discussed; it was not organ­ NOTICE been at for years," That Melbourne did put forward so ised as an authoritative body which "Mediocre food and startling lack many motions to N,U,A,U.S. and could dictate to constituent organ­ An invitation has been extended to of decorum in the later stages." suffered only one defeat may be isations. members of the Senate, Staff, Gradu­ "Tommy made a very human easily accounted for. Their delegates I do not agree, however, that stu­ ates and Undergradutes to be present speech—pity the drips sitting below were sent under Instruction from dent interest in this matter is lack­ at the Church Service to be held at the salt didn't keep the noise level Melbourne S.R.C. after the issues ing. The attendance at the general St. John's Cathedral on Sunday, May down a little." had been debated at home. The meeting of 120 students out of a 12th, commencing at 11 a.m. "Beautiful sauterne—best since policy presented was consistently possible 2000 was disappointing, but It is desirable that those wishing to Melbourne." sound, and the case weU prepared the excuse ot insufficient pubUcity attend should arrive not later than "Service experience hasn't done for every motion presented. Thoy cannot be brought forth in this in­ 10,45 a.m. at the Cathedral Hall m much to harden these two-pot were led by two first class debaters, stance. The matter was fully pub­ Ann Street, where robing accommo­ topers." and the whole team had a wide licised in the previous two editions dation will be provided. "Who stole the artificial fruit?" knowledge of meeting procedure. of "Semper" and "Student News"— Students desiring to attend the ser­ "Oh, my head!" With such advantages, Melbourne which gave a very full account of vice should notify the Secretary- And what did the rovhig reporter could not fail to influence N.U.A.U.S. happenings at the N.U.A.U.S. confer­ Treasurer of the Union (Mr. Hulbert) think of it? He agrees, inter alia,' .as ifdid. ence—appeared on the day of the not later than Thursday, May 9th, so with the "sauterne" remark, and Queensland could have played a meeting. The reason why there was that the necessary seating accommo­ thanks the diety that so few Austra-, part sunilar to Melbourne in such a poor attendance at the general dation can be reserved. lians have yet acquUed a taste for N.UA,U,S. affairs if past Union meeting was the "old bogey" of stu­ FULL ACADEMIC DRESS. good table wines—for obvious rea­ Councils had resi)bnded.. Last year dent apathy. Those who knew some­ C, PAGE HANIFY, sons. the N.U.A.U,S, Sub-committee of our thing of the National Union attempt­ Registrar. JM.B. Page Four SEMPER FLOREAT Friday, Srd May, 1946

VARSITY ATHLETICS BASEBALL BALLYHOO The Varsity championships wiU be Varsity-No Saints On Sunday, April 29th, unbeknown held at the Exhibition oval on Wed­ to the majority of Varsity students, nesdays, 8th and 15th May, A large St, Andrews had no trouble in de­ Bl V. DOBOY. the U.Q. Baseball Club fielded a team number of entries has been received feating our Al hockey team by 3-1, We had our first victory, 5-0. A in the Brisbane Baseball League fix­ and the standard is expected to be that we were fortunate to be left off fast, forward game from the bully tures against Holeproof at Windsor fairly high. This is in view of the that we were fortunate to be lef off off resulted in a goal by the centre No. 2 oval. fact that a team is to be sent to com­ so lightly. Play on our side forward. An identical process was There has been a lapse of some six pete in the Inter-Varsity Athletic defmitely of a very low standard, and performed a few minutes later. or seven years since the last Varsity at Hobart during the first it is quite evident that if the mighty team was on the field, and the team vacation, . Valleys are to be downed next Satur­ Halves, full backs and the exile in goal worked well through the game, on Sunday was composed of new This year we would like to see a day, nothing short of a miracle will hands, save one, who had playetl in have to occur, and the forwards were well supplied better response from the women with the ball. Two more scores were one or two practice matches prior to athletes. On Wednesday, the 8th, registered in the first half, Gillies at their first competition game. the women's 100 yards and the ASt v. ST. ANDREWS. Alex. Price, who pitched lor WeU, after chasing around for re­ inside left slashing one in from the women's inter-faculty relay will be edge of the circle after a free hit, Queensland in the Baseball Carnival held. ferees for most part of the first half in Melbourne in 1939 (playing then we eventually started play. Varsity NucUora netted the other. The latter S. J. MILLER, also scored in the second half, xol- for "Giants," and consequently com­ Sec-Treas. U.Q.A.C. was on top all the way and really ing over to University) showed he should have scored more goals but for lowing an outsize in scissors move­ ment with the centre forward. lacked none of his old skill. Coach­ ;o.- the bungUng of the forwards. Our ing as best he could from the pitch­ NOTICE score was opened by McNamee (a Attacking play in the later stages er's plate, he taught the team a few half back), who neatly took the ball was very ragged, and many of our finer points they should find to ad­ •KEEP-FIT" CLASSES FOR MEN in and scored. Play continued in moves were brolcen up by one of the vantage in further games. STUDENTS. their half, and Shannon after several opposing full backs. We were also repeatedly penalised for offside, and The game was not quite a v/alk- tries scored. When play finished the over for Holeproof, though they did scores were 2-0 in our favour, Haw­ a few short corners were muffed. Men students are hereby notified In short, a messy end. beat us 17 singles to 7 in 8 innings. that a "keep-fit" class is being held thorne made several attempts, but always hit the ball over the net, Lack of experience alone was our at the Y,M.C.A, Gymnasium from 5 while the others needed compasses or major fault, though we could have p.m. to 6 p.m. each Wednesday even­ glasses. The backs, Rosser and fielded better. ing (except during vacations). This HOCKEY B2 v. ST. ANDREWS, All praise is due to Alex. Price for Dunn, were nearly always on the half This team made a fine start m this class is conducted by the Department line and broke up a few attacks. Our his pitching and batting (4 iitruck of Physical Education, and is open, year's fixtures by defeating St, out; 2 singles, including one 3-base goalie, Peter Brown, didn't do a thing Andrews, 6-2. We had the initiative without charge, to any male student wrong. He never had the chance. run); to Ken Archer who was the of this University. Gaulton played well as centre half. all tho time, except for two or three most confident and successful batter, The programme consists of games, brief periods when both the halves and to Roy Eva for his two magnifi­ such as volleyball and basketball, to­ and the backs were overwhelmed. cent catches in the right outfield. gether with "keep-fit" exercises. A RESERVE v. ST. ANDREWS. McCaUum was the star of the team, It may take some time for the Regular attendance is desirable This game was rather slow, with scoring all six goals, several times University team to be licked into and is requested. no outstanding play, resulting in a unaided. In fact, our whole front shape, but once done, they should go IVOR C. BURGE, 2-0 defeat. A vigorous opening at­ line played well, but were unfortun­ a long way towards success. Director of Physical Education. tack by St. Andrews yielded them two ate in missing several difficult at­ quick goals before much Varsity tempts at goal. The full backs made -:o:- -:o: team work was evident, Effective some good saves, Campbell being on NOTICE BASKETBALL clearance by Urquhart and Thomas, top while Sturgess made a very good and a couple of saves at the net pre­ showing in his first game. AU sports copy must be in the The Basketball Club intends to run vented more goals in the remainder More practice should help the for­ hands of the Sports Editor, A. S. a competition to commence no later of the first half. Play was more even wards to develop into a solid com­ Given, by Monday of each week. than the second week of 2nd term. in the second half, with Varsity bination, and with the halves con­ Publication not guaranteed after that AU those who have attended prac­ pressing hard, but unsuccessfully. sistently good lorm, and the fuU date. tices—or who have not—are asked to Hayson handled the ball confidentiy backs solid defence the team should submit their names to the Club Com- on left wing. become quite formidable. TENNIS rnittee as soon as possible, to facili­ tate team selection. Competitive play will probably be on Wednesday after­ UNIVERSITY II. noons or else on some convenient FOOTBALL nights. All players are asked to take University II. was narrowly de­ note. feated by lona last Saturday by a A GRADE. casions, as well as the target for a margin of 6 games, Further information from R, G, well-aimed but blatantly obvious John Rymer played a particularly Monahan (Med, I.), D. Burns (Med, According to the Sunday news­ kick. The ref, "Chipsy" Wood, had fine game, and set an example to his IV.), or the undersigned, papers Varsity A defeated New Farm his hands full, but did a good, cap­ team mates with his forceful serving A. W. HARTWIG (Med. II.), on Saturday last. From the same able job in keeping things under and overhead shots. With his part­ Hon. Sec. U.S. BasketbaU Club, source we learn that Vaux Nicholson control. ner, Peter Roe, they were always on scored four tries There was less talking this game, the ball, piercing the opposition with Further particulars from the hip crisp volleying. pocket of our football contributor. but still plenty of ineffectual tackles. For that Photograph Two weaknesses on Saturday were Ray Wilkie and Peter Morris also -:o:- the number of wUd and undirected combined well, Ray Wilkie taking "B" GRADE BRAWL — "DEAD passes slung by backs, and poor de­ many points with deep drives, and ROY END" TERRORS AGAIN fence. There's only one way to stop being well backed up by Peter Morris In a final flurry of leather— a forward rush and that is by drop­ with his good positional play. mainly boot—the West End ter­ ping on the baU and holding on to The team slipped in the mixed sets, COOPER rors drew level with Varsity B2 it as long as possible. Apart from the fault being the poor combination. at St. Lucia on Saturday. The this, the back line showed quite a With practice this fault should be STUDIOS scores were 9 all at the bell, so few smooth ,well-oiled moves, overcome, and the team should we live to fight another day. sweeping up the field in grand style. strengthen considerably as the 101 Adelaide St., Brisbane Game was a torrid affair with They are developing into what advances. bickering a-plenty, culminating in a should be a good scoring machine. Joan Park played a strong game, (Between Ajrcade and Albert free-for-all brawl between about a feature being her deep fast service, Street) eight or ten of the players, in which Scorers: WUson, two tries; Girdis, one try. Joan was well supported by Dess a few of the more bloodthirsty "End" Cribb, Dess returning many difficult supporters (from the sideline) joined. CLOSE CALL FOR "C" GRADE shots and passing the net player cnn-v Things looked ugly for a while, but "C" Grade scrambled home 9—8 sistently. wiser counsel prevailed and the in a close struggle with Council. If the Question game went on. Skipper "Fergy" was Scorers: Stevens, Bieske, Super­ IS tlie storm centre on a couple of oc­ man (tries). PRINTING During the LAW STUDENTS' SOCIETY. FREE RAILWAY PASSES- Term the Answer SCHOLARSHIP HOLDERS. On the 10th May a dinner in the and after finishing your En­ IS form of a smoke concert is being gineering Course, if reqnlrlng held in the Kiosk in the Gardens, high class Tools, etc., consult jShipping Newspapers (Q.) We want everyone to come, so would Scholarship Holders desiring to tbe E.S.C.A,, Ltd., who carry stocks of the world's best LIMITED all those Law Students and Arts/Law take advantage of the above privilege Precision makes. Ring B1729 Students who are interested please during the forthcoming vacation are see their year representative or me. for Our Representative. Law Students only are mvited, but to hereby asked to send their names and Address: gain admission they must show re­ other particulars to the Enquiry RYAN HOUSE, ceipt of annual subscription and the Office not later than Friday, the 10th EAGLE ST.. BRISBANE. charge for the dinner. May. (Signed), e S. B. WRIGHT, Printed by ShippinffNewapttper^ (Q'land) C, PAGE HANIFY, Ltd,, Ryan House, Eagle St., Brisbane, Sec-Treas., U.Q. Law Studenrs' for the University of Queensland Union, Society. • Registrar, ismit