April 2014




The Deanery Synod is …………………………………………………………… 1

How does it work? ………………………………………………………………. 2

What does it do? …………………………………………………………………. 4

The Deanery Pastoral Committee ……………………………………………… 5

What can you do? ……………………………………………………………….. 6

If you need help ………………………………………………………………….. 7

Useful Reading …………………………………………………………………… 8



The Deanery Synod:

Consists of all the licensed clergy of the Deanery, plus any retired clergy who may be eligible to attend; the Area , who acts as Clerical Chairperson, the Lay Chairperson and those Lay persons who are elected by the various parishes which make up the Deanery.

It should meet at least two times in the year, called together by the Area Dean and Lay Chairperson, to:

(a) debate matters of importance to Diocese, Deanery and parishes

(b) provide a forum for the exchange of ideas from parishes

(c) monitor the payment of the parish share by each of the parishes in the Deanery and

(d) promote the mission of the Church in the Deanery in other particular ways.

The Area Dean:

Is appointed by the Bishop, after consultation with all clergy of the Deanery and the Deanery Lay Chairperson. The Area Dean is duly licensed to the office which normally lasts for three years, renewable.

The Area Dean is expected to work in close co-operation with the Archdeacon, to be familiar with the life and work of the parishes in the Deanery and to advise the Bishop in all matters concerned with the welfare of the Church in the Deanery, especially in cases of illness amongst the clergy, or where the work of the Church is being hindered or neglected.

The duties of an Area Dean are set out in Canons C23, F17 and F18, and Canon C22 ‘of Archdeacons’ should also be noted. In particular, the Area Dean has the following responsibilities:-

(a) to care for the Deanery clergy and their families, together with such retired clergy and clergy widows/widowers who may reside in the Deanery

(b) to oversee the efficient running of parishes during vacancies and, in particular, to provide for such services as may be required

(c) to arrange for the induction of a new incumbent


(d) to call together the Deanery Synod at least two times a year and to arrange Chapter meetings (see below) and

(e) to attend the meetings of Area Deans with the Bishop and Archdeacons to represent the needs of opportunities of the Deanery and to convey information and ideas from these and other meetings to the Deanery Synod and Chapter.

The Deanery Chapter:

Is called together by the Area Dean and should meet regularly for worship, study and mutual support; to discover the needs of the clergy; to share information about what is happening in the Diocese and in their parishes and for the private discussion of professional matters. Attendance at Chapter meetings, therefore, should be regarded as a matter of obligation.

Chapter meetings should not be an occasion for discussing Deanery matters, which are properly the business of the Deanery Synod, unless it is formally convened as a meeting of the House of Clergy of that Synod.

Similarly, attendance at institutions for clergy in the Deanery should be regarded as obligatory and it is good if some of the Deanery clergy call round to meet their new colleagues shortly after their Institution to welcome them personally.

The Deanery Standing Committee:

Consists of the Deanery Synod Chairpersons, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and two members from each of the Houses of Clergy and Laity. Elections take place for this Committee after the elections to the Deanery Synod and membership is for three years.

Duties include:

(a) preparing the agenda for the Deanery Synod meeting

(b) initiating and advising on proposals

(c) ensuring members are adequately informed on questions raised

(d) transacting business between meetings and

(e) any other task as the Deanery Synod may direct, such as acting as the Deanery Appeals Committee for appeals for reductions in Parish Share contributions.



According to the Synodical Government Measure 1969 –

1. ‘To consider matters concerning the and to make provision for such matters in relation to their Deanery, and to consider and express their opinion on any other matters of religious or public interest but not to declare the doctrine of the Church on any question’.

2. ‘To bring together the views of the parishes of the Deanery on common problems and to discuss and formulate common policies on those problems, to foster a sense of community and interdependence among those parishes and generally to promote in the Deanery the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical’.

3. ‘To make known, and so far as appropriate put into effect, any provision made by the Diocesan Synod’.

4. ‘To consider the business of the Diocesan Synod, and particularly any matters referred to that Synod by the General Synod, and to sound Parochial opinion whenever it is required, or considers it appropriate, to do so’.

5. ‘To raise such matters as the Deanery Synod considers appropriate with the Diocesan Synod ‘.

6. ‘If the Diocesan Synod delegates to Deanery Synods functions in relation to the parishes of its Deaneries, and in particular the determination of Parish Shares allocated to the Deaneries, Deanery Synod must exercise those functions’.

In practice, this means – to support and enable the parish – the most important unit of the Church’s life.



The Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee has the responsibility of advising the Bishop and making recommendations in accordance with the policy established by the Diocesan Synod. In formulating advice and recommendations, the assistance of those who know the locality and are part of its life is greatly valued, viz the Deanery Pastoral Committee.

Deanery Pastoral Committees should be as objective as possible, and members need to remind themselves that they are acting in a Deanery role and not just as representatives of their own parish.

It should be appreciated that, whilst the Deanery Committee’s advice is carefully considered, it may not necessarily be adopted - other factors will need to be taken into account, especially the overall strategy of the Diocese.

Broadly speaking, the Deanery Pastoral Committee’s role is:-

(a) to bring forward ideas for re-organisation which may or may not include a re- deployment of ministry

(b) to react to and comment on pastoral schemes suggested by the Diocesan Pastoral Committee in a constructive manner and

(c) in both cases, to be aware of the ecumenical dimensions to the work of the Church in any particular area.



If your PCC is concerned about a problem table a motion - by sending a copy to the Deanery Synod Secretary twenty-eight days before the next meeting.

Question the Deanery Synod Officers – by giving seven days’ notice.

When the Deanery Synod Agenda arrives, read it carefully and, if necessary, table an amendment – seven days’ notice again!

Get to know other members. Together you will be working for the churches of your Deanery and their part in the wider church.

Join in discussion. Don’t be afraid to speak.


Ensure you are given adequate time to report to your PCC regularly – or they will forget the wider church.

Remember you represent your PCC but the vote you cast is your own – you are not a delegate.

Read your Standing Orders – they are ‘dry’ but important.

Take a lively interest in this vital link in our church’s system of government.




the Area Dean

the Lay Chairperson

the Deanery Synod Secretary

the Archdeacon of Sheffield

the Archdeacon of

the Diocesan Secretary

Full details may be found in the current Diocesan Directory.


Deanery Resource Unit Publications

For details contact: Parish & People The Old Mill Spetisbury Blandford Forum Dorset DT11 9DF

The Church Representation Rules

Church House Publishing – the latest edition is 2011

How the Church of England Works by Paul A Welsby

A Handbook for Council & Committee Members

By Gordon W Kuhrt (Mowbray)

The Diocesan Directory

Published annually and available from the Diocesan Office

Synodical Government Measure 1969

Pastoral Measure 1983

Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011


Printed at Sheffield Diocesan Church House 95-99 Effingham Street S65 1BL