NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2011 Volume 59, Number 6 THE TEXAS HILATELIST PThe Journal of the Texas Philatelic Association 1936 Centennial Exposition introduced Texas to America Fort Worth celebration shared Centennial spotlight Visit us at the Mid-Cities Stamp Expo! Park Cities Stamps Byron Sandfield 6440 North Central Expressway, Suite 316 Dallas, Texas 75206 e-mail:
[email protected] For Appointment: (214) 361-4322 QUALITY POSTAL HISTORY Dark violet oval “WELLS FARGO & CO’S EXPRESS MARFA TEX” on Scott #U164, the 3-cent franking for the correct half-ounce weight, required regardless of express carriage. Marfa, Texas, to San Francisco, California — Price $175.00. Also, well-stocked in U.S., Classics, Revenues and Locals Please visit me at the Mid-Cities Stamp Expo and other shows in Texas and beyond! contents THE TEXAS PHILATELIST FEATURES 3 Time runs short for Winter Auction lot submissions Arthur P. von Reyn 8 1936 Centennial Exposition introduced Texas to America Arthur P. von Reyn 18 Fort Worth celebration shared Centennial spotlight Arthur P. von Reyn 23 Houston show lacks legs, but proves a winner Jonathan Topper 26 Mid-Cities Stamp Expo promotes “pets that serve” Stanley Christmas DEPARTMENTS 2 President’s Message 4 Your Letters 6 Editor’s Notes 21 Texas Connection 28 Calendar of Events 30 Chapters in Action 33 Texas Cancels 34 Crain’s Corner NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2011 35 Membership Report Volume 59, Number 6 ON THE COVER THE TEXAS PHILATELIST (ISSN 0893-2670) A “Greetings from Texas Cen- is published bimonthly by the Texas Philatelic As- tennial Exposition” postcard sociation, Inc., 3916 Wyldwood Road, Austin, Texas and a Fort Worth Frontier Cen- 78739-3005.