Minutes of monthly meeting of Parish Council held on Monday 20th June 2016 in the Lecture Room at the Rothley Centre, 12 Lane, Rothley, Leics, LE7 7PR

PRESENT Cllr Gross Cllr Mitchell Cllr Hartshorn Cllr Rashleigh Cllr Lee Cllr Simons

ABSENT Cllr Sutherland IN ATTENDANCE County Cllr Osborne Borough Cllr Hadji-Nikolaou G Newcombe – Clerk 2 members of the public It was agreed that Cllr Mitchell sends condolences to the family of Jo Cox on behalf of the Parish Council. 16/37 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND ACCEPTANCE BY COUNCIL Cllr Hall 16/38 TO CONFIRM AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 16TH MAY 2016 RESOLVED minutes of the meeting were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman, Cllr Hartshorn. 16/39 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – to receive declarations of interest to items on the agenda Cllr Hartshorn and Simons declared an interest as trustees of Rothley Centre Management Trust. Cllrs Lee and Mitchell declared an interest as members of Rothley Community Library. 16/40 POLICE REPORT (PCSO Fiona Lacey) – Monthly crime report circulated No officer in attendance. CRIME FIGURES FOR ROTHLEY – MAY 2016

Offence Total BURGLARY DWELLING 1 BURG NON- 4 Rothley Parish Council Minutes Meeting 20th June 2016 Page 1 of 17

DWELLING DAMAGE 0 BEAT NEWS: DAMAGE TO M'VEH 0 DRUGS OFFENCES 0 The 2 motor vehicle thefts there are 2 suspects one has been THEFT OF CYCLE 0 arrested the other is still wanted and one of the vehicles was THEFT FROM M'VEH 1 recovered. THEFT 1 THEFT OF M'VEH 2 We have had several complaints from across the area regarding Total 9 parking issues we have sent out advice letters to affected areas and shall where possible increase foot patrols within the area to monitor the situation and issuing advisory notices where necessary.

We would like to remind residents to lock and secure your home, outbuildings and vehicle as there has been a rise in theft from motor vehicles in the surrounding areas and a rise in shed breaks within the area. 16/41 VACANCIES FOR PARISH COUNCILLORS - to consider process of co-option RESOLVED to agree the closing date for applications is18th July. Co-option will take place at the August meeting. 16/42 REGISTER OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS Councillors are reminded that any changes to their Register of Members’ Interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer The Chairman adjourned the meeting to allow public participation to proceed. 16/43 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – time set aside for residents to raise issues Planning application P/16/1263/2, the parish council supports the view of a resident regarding a protective bird’s nest and has made comment to the planning department through the planning portal. The Chairman reconvened the meeting. 16/44 HICKLING BARTHOLOMEW TRUST - to appoint trustee Item deferred to the next meeting. 16/45 CLERKS REPORT a) Correspondence A resident wrote to thank the parish council for their help in getting the Zebrites installed at the crossing near Cross Green. b) LRALC/SLCC Newsletter and Round Robins – to consider and comment to content – previously circulated Cllr Mitchell to attend County Council Annual Local Conference on 11th July.

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b) Updates CBC confirmed that the sign inserted on the wall at the Charles Church Development on Mountsorrel Lane is exempt from control under Class 3 of the Advertisement Regulations, therefore there is no breach of planning control. The Clerk and Cllr Mitchell attended a webinar session with 2Commune the new internet provider. A further session has been arranged for 4th July. 16/46 COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT (Cllr Peter Osborne) Cllr Osborne reiterated his concerns regarding the proposed Broad Nook development, how can this site be viable and the huge impact it will have on Rothley. 16/47 BOROUGH COUNCILLORS REPORT (Cllrs L Hadji-Nikolaou and B Page) Cllr Hadji-Nikolaou apologised for being unable to attend previous meetings. He has concerns regarding the number of developments in the area and the impact that this has on traffic in the village especially at the cross roads at the Red Lion on Road. 16/48 TO CONSIDER REQUEST BY CHARNWOOD BOROUGH COUNCIL - to hold a multi sports session at Fowke Street or Mountsorrel Lane playing fields RESOLVED: to approve. 16/49 PLANNING – Appendix 1 To receive the minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 15th June 2016 and approve proposed responses to planning applications and consultations. RESOLVED: the council approved all resolutions as detailed. 16/50 OPEN SPACES – Appendix 2 To receive the minutes of the Open Spaces Meeting held on 18th May 2016 and to approve resolutions. RESOLVED: the council approved all resolutions as detailed. 16/51 NEWS LETTER to consider draft plan of action – (Cllr Mitchell) RESOLVED: to place a copy in the Rothley Post twice per annum as a minimum, contents to be agreed by email prior to submission. Costs will be met through S137 monies. 16/52 CEMETERY to consider improvements to Memorial Garden RESOLVED: to implement in the autumn. 16/53 ROTHLEY CENTRE MANAGEMENT TRUST - Update (Chair Percy Hartshorn) The fire alarm system and electrical installation testing will take place in July. Further quotations are to be obtained to update the toilets and quotations to repair the flat roof which is leaking above the ladies’ toilet.

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There has been an increase in caretaker hours to cover additional bookings and a new caretaker is required for an additional 6 hours per week. 16/54 FINANCIAL MATTERS a) To receive and approve the following from The National Joint Council for Local Government Services (NJC) New pay scales for 2016-17 to be implemented immediately and backdated to 1 April 2016/New pay scales for 2017-18 to be implemented from 1 April 2017 RESOLVED: to approve. b) To receive and accept the Report of the Internal Auditor RESOLVED: to approve. d) To consider and approve the Accounts for the Annual Return 2015/16 to be submitted to the External Auditor RESOLVED: to approve. (e) To approve Section 2, the Statement of Accounts (Appendix 6) RESOLVED: to approve, signatures applied. f) To approve schedule of payments due for month (Appendix 7) RESOLVED: to approve g) Income and expenditure against budget Contents noted. h) To consider cash book summary (Appendix 9) Contents noted. i) To approve the following quotations: Geoffrey Wood Pavilion – refit new units to windows and install new window to male toilet RESOLVED: to approve quotation from A Farmer. j) Pensions Clerk to make appointments with pension providers and invite members of the Finance Committee to attend. k) To consider request for funding from Rothley Neighborhood Watch for bespoke signage RESOLVED: to approve, payment to be made through S137 monies. l) To consider request for funding from Rothley Parish Church for a contribution towards community events for the Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations RESOLVED: to approve, payment to be made through S137 monies.

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16/55 CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS Staffing matters 16/56 DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Monday 18th July at 7:30pm

The meeting closed at 9:01pm

SIGNED………………………………………………………….. DATE……………………………………


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Appendix 1 The Rothley Centre 12 Mountsorrel Lane Rothley Leicester, LE7 7PR Telephone 0116 2374544 Email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Wednesday 15th June 2016 at 9:30am in the Templar Room of the Rothley Centre.

PRESENT: Cllr Gross Cllr Hartshorn Cllr Simons Cllr Sutherland 16/16 APOLOGIES None ABSENT Cllr Hall 16/17 ELECTION OF CHAIR RESOLVED that Cllr Sutherland is elected as Chair for the forthcoming council year. 16/18 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillors to declare interests relevant to agenda items There were no declarations of interest. 16/19 TO CONFIRM AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 11TH MAY 2016 RESOLVED the minutes were approved as a true record. 16/20 P/14/2083/2 LAND OF WESTFIELD LANE – Letter from resident regarding flooding Contents noted. 16/21 REVIEW AND COMMENT TO PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED, LISTED BELOW P/16/1178/2 13 Westfield Lane, LE7 7LH Erection of shed to front of dwelling No objection P/16/1177/2 28 Mountsorrel Lane, LE7 7PR Erection of a detached garage and store to rear of dwelling No objection P/16/1263/2 23 Fowke St, LE7 7PJ Change of use from social club to restaurant and bar and erection of single storey extension The Parish Council have concerns regarding the lack of car parking spaces and opening hours (not stated on application). The Parish Council support the issues raised by a resident regarding an Rothley Parish Council Minutes Meeting 20th June 2016 Page 6 of 17

active protected bird’s nest at this site. P/16/0909/2 81 Lane, LE7 7SH Erection of single storey extension to side/rear of dwelling – CBC have refused an extension on the deadline to comment on this application P/16/0949/2 Land adjacent 21 Cossington Erection of two detached dwellings Lane, LE7 7NA (Revised scheme P/15/2299/2) – CBC have refused an extension on the deadline to comment on this application P/16/0836/2 Linkfield Farm, Loughborough Erection of a 66 bed residential care home Rd, LE7 7NL No objection P/16/0790/2 27 Swithland Lane, LE7 7SG Erection of 2 storey extension to rear of dwelling No objection P/14/2083/2 Land off Westfield Lane, Site for erection of 175 dwellings, amended Rothley plans All previous objections made by the Parish Council stand. P/16/0531/2 54 The Ridgeway, LE7 7LE Erection of one dwelling – outline application P/15/2133/2 refers No objection P/16/1139/2 965 Loughborough Road, LE7 Erection of first floor extension to side of 7NJ dwelling No objection P/16/1183/2 Land off West Cross Lane, Substitution of 23 plots and erection of 13 Mountsorrel dwellings Objection: according to the Core Strategy Rothley has had enough housing, we do not need 13 new houses.

16/22 REVIEW AND COMMENT TO PLANNING DECISIONS/APPEALS RECEIVED TO DATE, LISTED BELOW P/16/1258/2 933 Loughborough Road, LE7 Installation of illuminated signage – 7NJ INFORMATION ONLY P/16/1298/2 42 Swithland Lane, LE7 7SE Removal of limb to 1 silver birch tree - INFORMATION ONLY P/16/1052/2 127 The Ridings, LE7 7SL Crown lifting to 2 lime trees - INFORMATION ONLY P/16/0603/2 39 Brookfield Road, LE7 7RX Erection of single storey side extension – GRANT CONDITIONALLY P/16/1028/2 Woodcock Farm, 903 Erection of steel framed barn – Loughborough Road, LE7 7NH INFORMATION ONLY P/16/1037/2 46 The Ridgeway, LE7 7LE LCC tree works – INFORMATION ONLY P/16/1081/2 42 Swithland Lane, LE7 7SE Tree works - INFORMATION ONLY P/15/1903/2 16 Anthony Street, LE7 7PA Erection of first floor extension – GRANT CONDITIONALLY

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P/16/0669/2 129 The Ridings, LE7 7SL Erection of single storey extension to rear and side of dwelling - GRANT CONDITIONALLY P/16/1218/2 13 Howe Lane, LE7 7LB Felling of 2 conifers – INFORMATION ONLY P/16/0715/2 41 Woodgate, LE7 7LL Insertion of rear dormer and conversion of roof space to habitable accommodation – GRANT CONDITIONALLY

16/23 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Wednesday 13th July 2016 at 9:30am The meeting closed at 9:55 am.

Signed Chair …………………………………………………….. Date …………………………….

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Appendix 2

Minutes of the Open Spaces Committee meeting held on Wednesday 18th May 2016 at 10:00am in the Lecture Room of The Rothley Centre, 12 Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley, Leics, LE7 7PR.

PRESENT Cllrs Hall, Mitchell, Rashleigh, Simons and Sutherland

IN ATTENDANCE Gail Newcombe – Clerk

16/1 Apologies for absence Cllr Lee 16/2 To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 10th March 2016 The minutes were approved and signed at the Parish Council meeting held on 21st March 2016. 16/3 To elect Chairman Nominations were received for Cllr Mitchell. RESOLVED that Cllr Mitchell is elected Chair of the committee for the forthcoming council year. 16/4 Declarations of interest to receive declarations of interest to items on the agenda Cllr Mitchell declared an interest as Chair of Rothley Community Library. 16/5 Public participation No members of the public present. 16/6 Cemetery  Update 2 missing plaques have now been replaced. We are looking for a new supplier for plaques for the memorial wall. Cllr Mitchell to follow up. A meeting has been arranged with the cemetery gardener to look at how we can improve the area used for scattering of ashes and make it look more attractive. The Cherry Tree at the cemetery previously reported to have died is now in full bloom.  Cemetery procedures Progressed. 16/7 Playground equipment

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 Inspection reports by Rothley Parish Council The following were flagged up: Repair to bolt on the “Rock n Cross” at Fowke Street. Repair to surface beneath basket swing – Clerk to obtain quotation. Surface beneath cable runway at Fowke Street – Clerk to contact contractor who carried out repair. Cllr Mitchell is investigating playground inspection courses for new members.  Annual Inspection Report – Playground Inspection Company All high and medium risks have been attended to. The remainder of items identified on the inspection reports are low risk and will continue to be monitored. 16/8 Town Green Street and village verges  To agree exact location to install bollards to protect grassed areas Following detailed consultation with residents over a period of time and further discussions of which all possibilities have been investigated it was RESOLVED to install road side wooden bollards at the area opposite the Bluebell Public House. It was further RESOLVED to repair the damaged areas and re-site the post next to the kerb stone in front of the area by the playing fields and to inform residents of resolutions. A request to remove overgrown vegetation at Town Green Street Playing Field was discussed, it is thought that this area will be improved when the new footpath to the school is installed, therefore no additional weed control will be requested for the time being. 16/9 S106 Agreements  Update Repairs now completed to the surfaces at Town Green Street. It was noted that the equipment at Town Green and Fowke Street Playing Field is proving to be popular. The container at Fowke Street is due to be installed shortly.  C.I.L meeting with representative from CBC – update from Cllr Mitchell Cllr Mitchell reported that the system for claiming S106 monies is changing. In future developers want to know what our intentions are in advance. A list of development priorities has now been prepared. 16/10 Open Spaces  Mountsorrel Lane A new latch is required to the gate between the playing field and library – Clerk to arrange.  Fowke Street It was noted that there is no gate to the children’s play area – Clerk to obtain quotation for a gate/additional fencing. A resident raised concern regarding the boulders – Cllr Mitchell to investigate.  Town Green Street Rothley Parish Council Minutes Meeting 20th June 2016 Page 10 of 17

 Cross Green Clerk to obtain quotation for repairs to granite sets at the War Memorial and quotation to repoint and clean War Memorial.  Bunney’s Field It was reported how nice this area is looking.  Donkey Field Discussion took place regarding improving the access to this area it was agreed to add this to the C.I.L list of priorities. 16/11 Dog Fouling/Dog bins – update Cllr Mitchell to meet with representative of CBC later this week to discuss installation of a dog bin at Kiln Garth. CBC carried out a survey at Kiln Garth with regard to installing a litter bin, unfortunately the area did not score highly enough for a bin. CBC contacted the clerk to inform us that the number of litter bins that Serco is servicing on our behalf is being reviewed. Clerk to follow up. 16/12 Open Spaces/Land Ownership/Leases – update A meeting has been arranged later this week with our Solicitor to review leases for open spaces. 16/13 Notice board – update Awaiting confirmation from CBC, they are liaising with residents regarding siting of notice board at Woodgate. 16/14 Quotations  To approve quotation for path at Mountsorrel Lane Following discussion, it was RESOLVED not to go ahead with installation of a footpath.  To approve quotation for gate at children’s play area Town Green Street RESOLVED to approve quotation from A Farmer for £475.00. 16/15 Benches - To approve location to site two benches RESOLVED to install at Bunney’s Field and the Library. It was agreed to remove the bench at the corner of Templar Way and Woodgate which is in a poor state of repair. 16/16 Agreement / Lease between the Parish Council and the Bartholomew Hickling Educational Foundation – to consider lease and reimbursement of Foundations legal costs RESOLVED to approve legal costs subject to advice from our Solicitor. 16/17 Date and time of next meeting – Wednesday 24th August 2016 at 10:00am. Rothley Parish Council Minutes Meeting 20th June 2016 Page 11 of 17

The meeting closed at 11:45am

Signed………………………………………. Date…………………………………..

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Rothley Parish Council Appendix 7

Expenditure transactions - approval list Start of year 01/04/16 Supplier totals will include confidential items Tn no Cheque Gross Heading Invoice Details Cheque date Total

26879 apy220616 £43.80 110/6 26/05/16 Accounting Solutions From DCK Beavers Ltd - £43.80 payroll fee May

£43.80 Accounting Solutions From DCK Beavers Ltd - Total 26880 apay03061 £4,637.57 03/06/16 AUTOPAY monthly wages - wages to 4 June £4,637.57 6 £4,637.57 AUTOPAY monthly wages - Total 26865 apy220616 £307.00 170/2 25/05/16 Boro.Of Charnwood - litter bin service

26908 apy220616 £1,373.75 210/2 16/06/16 Boro.Of Charnwood - rent Rothley centre 2nd £1,680.75 quarter

£1,680.75 Boro.Of Charnwood - Total 26884 apy220616 £1,898.40 26/05/16 Brian Mee Associates Limited/Peak Cashflow - £1,898.40 maintenance & Verge cutting May 1 £1,056.00 170/1 LCC grass mowing 2 £492.00 170/1 Fowke st & mountsorrel lane 3 £120.00 170/1 mow/strim Town Green St 4 £188.40 170/1 mow/strim Bunney’s field & donkey field 5 £42.00 170/1 extra strimming ditch Bunney’s field £1,898.40 Brian Mee Associates Limited/Peak Cashflow - Total 26885 apy220616 £49.20 170/4/6 06/06/16 Caloo - bolt & cover rock & cross Fowke St £49.20

£49.20 Caloo - Total 26897 apy220616 £194.52 210/2 09/06/16 Corts Hardware - supplies to 31st May (3 months) £194.52

£194.52 Corts Hardware - Total 26896 apy220616 £94.08 210/2 08/06/16 Edge IT systems Limited - year end check RCMT £94.08 accounts £94.08 Edge IT systems Limited - Total

26867 apy220216 £81.60 180/3 17/05/16 EGP Building Services Ltd t/a East Goscote £81.60 Plumbers - boiler service village hall 26868 apy220616 £81.60 210/2 17/05/16 EGP Building Services Ltd t/a East Goscote Plumbers - boiler service Rothley centre 26869 apy220616 £105.60 220/7 17/05/16 EGP Building Services Ltd t/a East Goscote Plumbers - annual gas service 33 Woodgate 26870 apy220616 £105.60 220/7 17/05/16 EGP Building Services Ltd t/a East Goscote Plumbers - annual gas service 31 Woodgate 26871 apy220616 £129.60 220/7 29/04/16 EGP Building Services Ltd t/a East Goscote Plumbers - annual gas service 7 School St 26872 apy220616 £105.60 220/7 16/05/16 EGP Building Services Ltd t/a East Goscote Rothley Parish Council Minutes Meeting 20th June 2016 Page 13 of 17

Plumbers - annual gas service 35 Woodgate 26873 apy220616 £81.60 210/2 17/05/16 EGP Building Services Ltd t/a East Goscote Plumbers - boiler service flat 12a Mountsorrel Lane 26906 apy220616 £99.00 210/2 10/06/16 EGP Building Services Ltd t/a East Goscote £708.60 Plumbers - fit washer valve to toilet cistern Rothley centre

£790.20 EGP Building Services Ltd t/a East Goscote Plumbers - Total 26886 apy220616 £171.16 170/5/3 29/05/16 E-on - tennis club electricity 14 April - 29 May £171.16

£171.16 E-on - Total 26874 apy220616 £68.37 180/1/3 12/05/16 ESPO - gas supply village hall 1 April to 30 April

26875 apy220616 £310.49 210/2 12/05/16 ESPO - centre gas supply 1 April - 30 April

26878 apy220616 £203.32 210/2 13/05/16 ESPO - cleaning materials and paint

26899 apy220616 £184.61 09/06/16 ESPO - various 1 £52.27 110/1/2 stationery 2 £132.34 210/2 cleaning materials 26901 apy220616 £61.23 180/1/3 09/06/16 ESPO - gas village hall 1 May - 31 May 2016

26909 apy220616 £30.72 210/2 09/06/16 ESPO - light tubes for centre

26910 apy220616 £46.03 210/2 13/06/16 ESPO - paint for centre £904.77

£904.77 ESPO - Total 26876 apy220616 £265.00 220/2 17/05/16 Farmer A(Carpenter/Joiner) - supply & fit int/ext air vents 5 School St 26877 apy220616 £145.00 220/2 12/05/16 Farmer A(Carpenter/Joiner) - repairs to double glazed unit adjust lock to front door 7 School St

26887 apy220616 £195.00 210/2 02/06/16 Farmer A(Carpenter/Joiner) - repairs to ceiling flat 12A 26888 apy220616 £91.00 170/5/1 21/05/16 Farmer A(Carpenter/Joiner) - repair/renew brackets to wall heaters 26893 apy220616 £67.00 170/16 21/05/16 Farmer A(Carpenter/Joiner) - repairs to gate at Mountsorrel Lane 26894 apy220616 £76.00 180/3 24/05/16 Farmer A(Carpenter/Joiner) - repairs to lock at Village Hall-supply new keys 26907 apy220616 £475.00 170/11 14/06/16 Farmer A(Carpenter/Joiner) - install gate at £1,314.00 children’s play area Town Green St

£1,314.00 Farmer A(Carpenter/Joiner) - Total 26890 apy220616 £232.80 250 26/05/16 flexpress - Posters Nplan £232.80

£232.80 flexpress - Total 26892 apy220616 £35.00 200/7 02/06/16 John Phillips - cemetery garden May £35.00

£35.00 John Phillips - Total 26895 apy220616 £162.00 170/3 08/06/16 JRB Enterprise LTD - poop scoop bags £162.00

£162.00 JRB Enterprise LTD - Total 26891 apy220616 £1,770.00 170/12 03/06/16 Premier 1 (UK) Ltd - plant up installation £1,770.00 Rothley Parish Council Minutes Meeting 20th June 2016 Page 14 of 17

£1,770.00 Premier 1 (UK) Ltd - Total 26900 apy220216 £241.20 210/2 23/05/16 Premium Fire Protection - annual service and new £241.20 extinguishers Rothley Centre 26866 apy220616 £132.96 23/05/16 Premium Fire Protection - annual service fire extinguishers village hall 1 £48.96 180/3 annual service 2 £84.00 180/3 new water spray extinguisher 26902 apy220616 £22.32 170/5/1 06/06/16 Premium Fire Protection - annual fire extinguisher £155.28 service Pavilion

£396.48 Premium Fire Protection - Total 26904 apy220616 £1,200.00 241 06/06/16 S Jones Containers - installation/delivery of £1,200.00 container at Fowke St £1,200.00 S Jones Containers - Total 26889 apay22061 £100.00 250 28/05/16 Shaping Communities - support to Nplan-grant £100.00 6 application

26883 apy220616 £1,044.05 250 07/06/16 Shaping Communities - support to NP launch £1,044.05

£1,144.05 Shaping Communities - Total 26898 apy220616 £89.15 210/2 09/06/16 Veolia ES (UK) Ltd (formerly Onyx) - centre bin £89.15 service May

£89.15 Veolia ES (UK) Ltd (formerly Onyx) - Total 26864 apy220616 £652.48 210/2 24/05/16 Zurich Municipal Insurance - insurance boiler £652.48 Rothley centre

£652.48 Zurich Municipal Insurance - Total

Total £17,460.41 Signature……………………………………….. Date……………………….

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Financial Summary – Cashbook – Appendix 9 Summary between 01/04/16 and 16/06/16 inclusive. Includes due and unpaid transactions. Balances at the start of the year Ordinary Accounts Joint Account £246,088.18 Petty Cash £106.65 Total £246,194.83

RECEIPTS Net Vat Gross Council £69,049.99 £0.00 £69,049.99 Hames Cottage Charity £4,989.80 £0.00 £4,989.80 Total Receipts £74,039.79 £0.00 £74,039.79 PAYMENTS Net Vat Gross Council £48,911.42 £3,112.73 £52,024.15 Hames Cottage Charity £6,860.76 £0.00 £6,860.76 Total Payments £55,772.18 £3,112.73 £58,884.91 Closing Balances Ordinary Accounts Joint Account £261,243.06 Petty Cash £106.65 Total £261,349.71

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Appendix 6

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