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ONLINE: WWW.WEBSTERTIMES.NET “The truth is more important than the facts.” Friday, February 19, 2010 Opinions vary on tax override OFFICIALS, RESIDENTS OFFER OPINIONS ON POLARIZING TOPIC BY JOY RICHARD Wojnar said after looking at the numbers each home TIMES STAFF WRITER would end up paying an additional $28.80 per-year as a DUDLEY — With the purse strings of the town tax increase. tighter than ever, the proposal of a tax override from “This would help us get to a place where we are oper- the police department has lead to questions from the ating on a safer level,” said Wojnar. fire and highway departments — as well as residents. Board of Selectmen Chairman Paul Joseph said he Dudley Police Chief Steven Wojnar brought up the felt it would be a good idea to present the idea of an proposal of a $120,000 override for two new officers to override at Town Meeting in May. He also added he include on the annual Town Meeting warrant during a wanted the other emergency response crews as well as Board of Selectmen meeting Monday, Jan. 25. He said the Highway Department to have the chance to make although he knew that times were though, he believed presentations so the board could make a decision as to strongly that the community would benefit from the weather the override could be shared by all. override and the possibility of two extra officers. “If I had my druthers I would want to see someone in Wojnar said the $60,000 per-officer would cover all the Highway Department [too],” said Joseph. costs including insurance and would distribute the During the Monday, Feb. 8 Board of Selectmen meet- ever-increasing workload more evenly throughout the ing, Highway Superintendent Dan Gion and Fire Chief force. Jeffery Phelps were on hand to discuss their depart- “We have been fortunate to have the chance to apply ment’s involvement in a possible override. for and receive grants in the past but unfortunately we In an interview last week with the Webster Times, haven’t secured enough to get more people,” said Wojnar during the Jan. 25 meeting. Turn To OPINIONS, page A15 CHEERING ON THE TEAM

Joy Richard photos A Dudley Middle School student looks through his locker Friday, Feb. 12. The pink shirt on the front of his and other lockers in the school signifies that he will not be and bully and will help others both in an out of school. Tackling bullying head on


BY JOY RICHARD AND today lies not only within the TERESA A. FRANCO walls of their schools, but because STONEBRIDGE PRESS STAFF WRITERS of technological advances, the affects of bullying can now be felt Bullying in schools has always by the student in their homes. been a hot-button issue, but in the The most recent example of this wake of a recent tragic event, took place in January in South Hadley, where freshman Phoebe schools are stepping back to ana- Joy Richard photo lyze their anti-bullying policies in Prince, 15, found dead after an greater detail. apparent suicide. WEBSTER — Buddies and Webster Middle School fifth graders Armani Maquez, 11, Teddy Graham, 11, and Brian Torrez, According to local school princi- 10, cheer on their classmates during an “Around the World” basketball tournament at the school Friday, Feb. 12. For more Turn To BULLYING, page A17 pals, the problem of bullying photos, turn to page A6! Progress being made on Crawford project Town unveils $20M


OLD LIBRARY LAND BY JOY RICHARD of balancing. TIMES STAFF WRITER Foglio said she calculated the OXFORD — With budget season first draft numbers for the town BY JOY RICHARD TIMES STAFF WRITER in full swing, Oxford officials budget at $6,650,058 and the pre- recently took a look over the first liminary number for the Oxford DUDLEY — Even with the wintry draft of their annual town budget. School District at $14,195,113 — for weather causing a stir over the last Airing on the side of caution, total of $20,845,171. She said the few months, the construction crew Oxford Town number for the at the new Pearle L. Crawford Accountant school district Memorial Library have been able to Donna L. Foglio “For us we choose to did not include keep the building progress on presented play the numbers the cost of track, according to library officials. selectmen with conservatively … school bus trans- Walking into the new Schofield the preliminary portation, cross- Avenue building, many new addi- numbers for the We don’t want to ing guards, tions can be immediately seen, fiscal 2011 budg- set ourselves up to Medicaid and from finished moldings and wood- et during the expenses in work, to fresh ceiling tiles and Tuesday, Feb. 9 fail next year.” regard to Bay workers installing tile in the new Board of Path Regional bathrooms. Clerk of the Works Selectmen meet- - Oxford Board of Selectmen Vocational Sean Sullivan said he is “pleased Joy Richard photos ing. She said she Chairman Jennie Caissie Technical High with the progress,” and while there Photovoltaic solar panels, which can be seen on both roof peaks at the new Pearle L. wanted officials School. is still a way to go until the doors Crawford Memorial Library, were installed within the last month and are part of the to keep in mind Town officials are ready to be opened to the public, “green” initiative of the Library Building Committee. that like last budget season, the in Webster and Dudley have so much has already been complet- numbers are subject to change if echoed Foglio’s sentiments, and ed. He said these kinds of lights go first level of LEED, which is silver. the figures from the state fluctuate have said this budget season is Sullivan said over the winter along with the Leadership in Saffaee said the “green” elements during the year. going to be as difficult or even months the construction crew has Energy and Environmental Design include large, insulated windows to Foglio said she wanted this harder than fiscal 2010. been able to complete everything (LEED) initiative the Libarary allow for the most natural light, budget draft to look like the town’s “[Right now] all departments outside the building, including the Building Committee is aiming to earth friendly paints and fabrics spending plan before 9C cuts were are at less than they requested,” major landscaping. He said the only obtain. To for the certifica- and recycled asphalt. made in fiscal 2009. said Foglio. thing to be installed in the spring- tion the building must meet the “Everything is going as planned,” According to Massachusetts Selectman John G. Saad said in time would be the grass. Otherwise requirements of the level they are said Saffaee during an interview General Laws Chapter 29, Section an interview with the Webster all of the exterior work, including striving for. In this case, according with the Webster Times last week. 9C, these cuts (generally referred Times last week that during his 30- new LED lights, has been installed. to Library Building Committee Co- “We are looking to schedule an to as “9C cuts”) are made by the year run as a member of the board “These will be the first lights of its Chairman Ann Marie Saffaee, the governor when spending exceeds kind [in the area],” said Sullivan. committee is looking to meet the Turn To LIBRARY, page A17 revenue and the budget is in need Turn To BUDGET, page A15

LEARNING SPORTS Seniors ...... A5 Obituaries ...... B2 OMS ASSISTANT Learning ...... A6-9 Events Calendar ...... B3 BARTLETT EDGES PRINCIPAL SPEAKS TO Viewpoint ...... A10 Real Estate ...... Sect.B SOUTHBRIDGE Sports ...... A12 Legal Notices ..... Sect.B SCIENCE CLASS PAGE A12-A13

INDEX PAGE A6-A9 2 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, February 19, 2010

Caissie announces candidacy for Governor’s Council ALMANAC OXFORD — Jennie L. Caissie last week cilors vote on judicial appointments, par- announced her candidacy for the 7th dons, commutations and authorizations for QUOTE OF THE WEEK District Governor’s Council seat. Treasury expenditures. Over the last sever- Caissie, 36, is an attorney with the al years, the Governor’s Council has been Michael Caplette Law Office in criticized for being a “rubber stamp.” “Kids don’t want Southbridge. She practices law primarily Caissie cited her diversified legal experi- in Worcester and Hampden Counties. In ence as a plus and said that anyone who to snitch [on one addition to her private practice, Caissie is serves as a councilor should have criminal also a part-time special prosecutor for the law experience. As a special prosecutor, another] … But the Worcester County District Attorney’s criminal defense attorney and police com- Office in Worcester County. She is a mem- missioner, Caissie said she understands only way to stop ber of the Worcester County Bar that a governor’s councilor must appreci- Association and the Massachusetts Bar ate the need for conscientious judges when [bullying] is to nip Association. it comes to public safety. Caissie is chairman of the Board of “I have always erred on the side of pro- it in the bud [with Selectmen in Oxford and has been a select- tecting the public and will look for judges man in Oxford for 10 years. She is also a who share those ideals when it comes to peer-mediation].” corporator for the Webster Five Cents public safety,”she said, adding she believes Savings Bank and a member of the the Governor’s Council, if operating as - Oxford High School Principal Kevin Harrington Memorial Hospital intended, plays an important role in our Wells, on how to stop bullying in schools. Corporation in Southbridge. From 2002 to system of government. “Approving lifetime 2007, she served as a trustee at Worcester judicial appointments impacts everyone State College. She is a member of the and their families in many ways. The PEN TO LOSE Jennie L. Caissie O C Singletary Rod and Gun Club in Oxford. process should be bi-partisan, transparent Caissie said she is not part of the politi- and televised. It must be beyond reproach.” DUDLEY accountable to the taxpayers and commit- cal machine and will be a breath of fresh Caissie said it is unfortunate that most ted to transparency in government.” DUDLEY TOWN HALL (508) 949-8000 air on the Council. people do not know what the Governor’s The Governor’s Council was established Board of Selectmen (949-8001) “I am a political outsider and happy to be Council is or what they do. by the Massachusetts’ Constitution more Monday-Thursday . . .8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. so. People have had it with ‘politics as “I want to pull the curtain back, so peo- than 200 years ago. It consists of eight Fridays ...... 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. usual’ with Massachusetts’ one party rule ple can see,” she said. elected councilors and the lieutenant gov- Evening appointments if needed. Note: Office and good old boy back room deals. I will be Visit for more infor- ernor sits as ex-officio chair. The coun- hours are for selectmen’s secretary and town an independent voice on the Council, mation. administrator. Selectmen do not hold office hours. Town Clerk (949-8004) Housing Authority receives $1K donation for new TV Monday-Thursday . . . . .8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday nights ...... 5 to 7 p.m. BY JOY RICHARD Fridays ...... 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. TIMES STAFF WRITER WEBSTER — Officials from Webster DUDLEY POLICE DEPARTMENT (943-4411) Five Cents Savings Bank stopped by the Staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week Webster Housing Authority Wednesday, DUDLEY FIRE DEPARTMENT (949-8040) Feb. 8, to donate $1,000 for a new television Monday-Sunday ...... 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. for the resident’s community room. Webster Five President Richard Leahy OXFORD and Vice President Joseph Radoranic OXFORD TOWN HALL (508) 987-6027 along with Thompson Road Branch Manager Yvette Rogaia presented the Board of Selectmen check to Webster Housing Authority Monday-Friday . . . . .9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Board Chairman Edward Kokocinski, Town Clerk (987-6032) where he and other members of the board Monday-Friday . . . . .9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. expressed how thankful they were for the donation. OXFORD POLICE DEPARTMENT (987-0156) “[Webster Five] has always been able to For emergencies, call 911 come through and give back,” said OXFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT (987-6012) Kokocinski. “They help the tenants [of Monday-Friday ...... 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Golden Heights have another way of] Joy Richard photo enjoying life.” WEBSTER Webster Housing Authority Board member Maureen Napierata, Leasing Manager Tracie Pollier, Board Joy Richard may be reached at 508-909- Chairman Edward Kokocinski, Webster Five Cents Savings Bank President Richard Leahy, Thompson Road WEBSTER TOWN HALL (508) 949-3850 4129 or by e-mail at jrichard@stonebridge- Branch Manager Yvette Rogaia and Vice President Joseph Radoranic pose for a photo in the community Office Hours: room at 10 Golden Heights after donating money for a new television for residents. Monday ...... 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday ...... 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday ...... 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. EDUCATION NOTEBOOK WEBSTER POLICE DEPARTMENT (943-1212) For emergencies, call 911 WEBSTER FIRE DEPARTMENT (949-3875) Virginia Military Institute majors in Spanish, Pre Med. She is the September 2010. Monday-Friday ...... 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daughter of Walter and Debora Cain of Kindergarten registration is scheduled for Saturday ...... 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. LEXINGTON, Va. — The following Virginia Webster. Monday,March 15, and Tuesday,March 16, at Military Institute cadets are among the 449 Charlton Elementary School, 9 Burlingame cadets who were recently named to the Dudley Woman’s Club to offer scholarships Road, Charlton, and at Mason Road School, REAL ESTATE Dean’s List for the first semester of academ- 20 Mason Road, Dudley, from 9 to 11:30 a.m., ic year 2009-10. DUDLEY — The Dudley Women’s Club will and 1 to 4 p.m. • Kathleen E. Coonan, a freshman from offer three $500 scholarships for the 2010-11 Preschool registration is scheduled for April TRANSACTIONS Oxford, is majoring in Mechanical academic year. 5 to 9, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at both the Engineering. Cadet Coonan’s parents are Mr. Two will be available for graduating seniors Mason Road Elementary School and WEBSTER and Mrs. Donald R. Coonan. from Dudley — one for a Bay Path Regional Charlton Elementary School. Vocational Technical High School senior and Under the conditions of district policy 5111, $75,000, 14 Irene Ave., Roger L. Corriveau The University of New Hampshire one for a Shepherd Hill Regional High to be admitted to kindergarten, a child to Autumn Furey. School senior. The third scholarship will be should be 5 years of age by Sept. 1, of the $190,000, 139 Lakeside Ave., US Bank DURHAM, N.H. — The University of New offered to an adult female returning to col- new school year. In extenuating circum- National Trust, Barclays Capital Real Hampshire recently announced that Webster lege. stances a child who turns 5 between Sept. 1 Estate Inc. and HomeQ Servicing to resident Daniel Dostoler has achieved High Applications are available at the Pearle L. and Oct. 1 may be admitted to kindergarten Patricia Kenney. Honors on the Dean’s List for the first semes- Crawford Library and at each high school under the early admittance rule. Parents $100,000, 48 Upper Gore Road, Roger ter of the 2009-10 academic year. guidance office. The deadline for applying is must bring proof of residency, a copy of Lagasse to Stanley R. Gustafson and 48 March 10, 2010. The Dudley Woman’s Club is their child’s birth certificate and immuniza- Upper Gore Realty Trust. Roger Williams University a part of the National General Federation of tion records to the registration. Under state $200,000, 32 Stefanik Ave. and West Avenue, Woman’s Clubs, whose mission is public, law, immunization forms signed by a physi- DNA Family LP and DNA Central Mass BRISTOL, R.I. — The following local resi- with an emphasis on literacy and learning. cian will be required by the school prior to Realty LLC to Wolodymyr Newmerzyckyj. dents are among those to be named to the This is the second year the group has been in admission in the fall. Roger Williams University Dean’s List for existence, and this is the second year it has Parents are not required to bring their child DUDLEY the Fall 2009 semester. offered scholarships. to the school for registration, but must regis- • Jillian Zalewski, a resident of Dudley; For additional information about the Dudley ter in person. Telephone registrations will $211,000, 4 June St., Edward R. Lorange • Chad Smith, a resident of Dudley; Women’s Club scholarship, please contact not be accepted. Parents are also reminded and Anne L. Melendez to Southbridge • Kayla Sweeney, a resident of Webster. Christine Lavoie at [email protected]. that they will be allowed to register only Savings Bank. their own children. $103,000, 22 Pine St., Thomas A. Harvanek College of the Holy Cross Preschool and Kindergarten Registration If you have any questions regarding the reg- to Colleen M. Canty, Karen E. Dion and istration procedure, please contact Lori A. Arthur Matte. WORCESTER — Shannon Cain, first year DUDLEY — The Dudley-Charlton Regional Pacheco, principal of the Charlton student at the College of the Holy Cross, has School District will hold registration ses- Elementary School, at 508-248-7774, or OXFORD been named to the Dean’s List for the first sions in March and April for children enter- semester of the 2009-10 academic year. She ing preschool and kindergarten in Turn To NOTEBOOK, page A4 $140,000, 2 Meadowbrook Ct., Unit A, Susan M. Brodeur to Patricia L. Curtis. $140,000, 7 Vine St., American Home Mortgage Servicing Inc. and Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. to Sabrina L. Piccinino. $125,000, 19 Pine Ridge Road, Urszula Desilets to Doug Lebel. HOW TO USE $69,000, 28 Whiting Road, Escape Estates to Matthew J. Benoit. $25,000, 13 Camp Hill Drive, James R. and Patricia M. Vayda to Patricia M. Vayda. A STONEBRIDGE PRESS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER SUNRISE/SUNSET

TO PLACE A RETAIL AD: Sat., Feb. 20 ——6:37 a.m. ———5:27p.m. PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER ADVERTISING STAFF SANDY LAPENSEE, EXECUTIVE TO PRINT AN OBITUARY: FRANK G. CHILINSKI Sun., Feb. 21 — 6:36 a.m. ———5:28 p.m. (508) 909-4110 - [email protected] E-MAIL: [email protected] OR (860) 928-1818, EXT. 104 ADVERTISING MANAGER Mon., Feb. 22 —6:34 a.m. ———5:30 p.m. send to Webster Times, 25 Elm St., [email protected] JEAN ASHTON Tue., Feb. 23——6:33 a.m. ———5:31 p.m. DENISE DARGIE, ASSISTANT Southbridge, MA 01550 (800) 367-9898, EXT. 104 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Wed., Feb. 24——6:31 a.m ———5:32 p.m. (508) 909-4108 - [email protected] [email protected] RON TREMBLAY Thur., Feb. 25 —6:30 a.m. ———5:33 p.m. TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE (800) 367-9898, EXT. 102 LOCAL ADVERTISING STAFF SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES: EDITOR: [email protected] Fri., Feb. 26 ——6:28 a.m ———5:35 p.m. SANDY LAPENSEE, CIRCULATION REPRESENTATIVE E-MAIL: [email protected] OR EDITORIAL STAFF EXECUTIVE GEORGIA LEAMING - (800) 367-9898, EXT. 139 send to Webster Times, 25 Elm St., X(508)909-4110 [email protected] Southbridge, MA 01550 EDITOR - ADAM MINOR [email protected] DID YOU KNOW? (508) 909-4142 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD: TO SUBMIT CALENDAR ITEMS: [email protected] DENISE DARGIE, (508) 765-6940 E-MAIL: [email protected] OR ASSISTANT Esther, Nelson, Ray and Morris streets send to Webster Times, 25 Elm St., STAFF WRITER - JOY RICHARD (508)909-4108 [email protected] were named after children of Horatio TO FAX THE WEBSTER TIMES: Southbridge, MA 01550 (508) 909-4129 [email protected] Nelson and Mabel Hunt Slater. (508) 764-8015 PRODUCTION MANAGER TO SOUND OFF: EDITOR-AT-LARGE - WALTER BIRD JULIE CLARKE VISIT US ONLINE: CALL 508-909-4079 (508) 909-4107 (800) 367-9898, EXT. 105 [email protected] [email protected] FRONT PAGE QUOTE


ACCURACY WATCH: Shepherd Hill adds fourth year math credit The Webster Times is committed to accuracy in all its news reports. Although numerous safeguards are in place to ensure accurate reporting, mistakes can occur. Confirmed fact errors will be corrected in a timely man- STUDENTS MUST FULFILL REQUIREMENTS TO GRADUATE ner on page A3. We cannot run corrections based upon dif- ferences of opinion or unconfirmable facts. We will, how- ever, print letters to the editor from area residents who BY JOY RICHARD affected is the Class of 2013, who are cur- wish to add their comments to our news coverage. If you TIMES STAFF WRITER rently freshman. find a mistake, please call (508) 764-4325. During non-busi- DUDLEY — Graduating seniors will soon When asked by School Committee mem- ness hours, leave a message in the editor’s voicemail box. face tougher math requirements to receive ber Patricia Aucoin if adding the require- their diplomas, thanks to a recent vote by ment would change the total number of the Dudley-Charlton Regional School credits set for graduating, Pierangeli said it Committee. would not — the number of credits would During its Wednesday, Jan. 27 meeting, remain at 21. PUBLIC MEETINGS Shepherd Hill Regional High School Superintendent Sean Gilrein said he and Principal Mary Pierangeli brought up the the School Committee are “always commit- Editor’s Note: Meetings as listed are issue of whether students at the high ted at keeping an eye on graduation retrieved in advance from multiple sources, school should be required to take four years requirements,” and are behind the idea of including Town Hall and the Internet. The of math courses in order to graduate, and making math part of the students’ four- Webster TImes is not responsible for the committee agreed, passing the motion year experience at the school. changes and cancellations. unanimously. “We have always supported [advanced Pierangeli said she, along with faculty, placement] classes and this increase [in DUDLEY agreed that making four years of math math courses],” said Gilrein. “This is some- essential for graduation would benefit stu- thing many kids [already do] at the high Monday, Feb. 22 dents both in their MCAS scores and in school.” Board of Selectmen meeting, 7 p.m., 71 future endeavors after high school. Pierangeli said children who do not meet West Main St. Pierangeli said currently, students at the the proficient level in math as a result of Mary Pierangeli high school are only required to take three MCAS testing are already required to take Wednesday, Feb. 24 math courses to be eligible for graduation, four years as mandated by the Department Chairman Cynthia Boyd had done much Planning Board meeting, 7 p.m., Room but a large population of seniors decide to of Elementary and Secondary Education research when it came to putting their sup- 321A, 71 West Main St. take a fourth year of math, due to an inter- (DESE). She said she hopes with all of the port behind this issue. est in the subject or because they are look- students taking the four years not only will “Studies have shown that students who Monday, March. 1 ing to major in a math or science field in students who are struggling improve their take four years of math are apt to do better Board of Selectmen meeting, 7 p.m., 71 college. scores, but also that everyone will. when they reach college,” said Pierangeli. West Main St. “There are currently only 14 seniors who According to the DESE Web site, Dudley- Gilrein said he personally supported are not taking [a fourth year of math],” said Charlton students met the adequate yearly Pierangeli and hoped the committee would Pierangeli. progress (AYP) for MCAS results in mathe- agree with him. WEBSTER She said Massachusetts is one of five matics, English and language arts last year. “We have a history at Shepherd Hill that states that do not require all students to Grades that did not meet AYP in the sub- we want everyone to get the opportunity to Thursday, Feb. 25 take four years of mathematics at the high groups of low-income and special educa- have the foundations [to succeed],” said Finance Committee meeting, 7 p.m., school level and that it is up to the district tion were 3 through 8. Gilrein. Webster Middle School, conference room to make the choice of whether it be made Pierangeli said she would like to see all inside the library, 75 Poland St. mandatory at the school. students succeed through the addition of Joy Richard may be reached at 508-909- She said if the board did vote in favor of this requirement and that she and 4129 or by e-mail at jrichard@stonebridge- Monday, March 1 the four credits the first class that would be Shepherd Hill Mathematics Department Southern Worcester County Regional Vocational School Committee, 7 p.m., Board Room, Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School, Road crews eye sand/salt alternatives Charlton. OXFORD TREATMENTS CAN INCLUDE Tuesday, Feb. 23 Recreation Committee meeting, 7 p.m., BREWER PRODUCTS, MOLASSES Community Center, 4 Maple Road.

Monday, March 1 BY RYAN GRANNAN-DOLL Wood said the liquid additive he uses in sand STONEBRIDGE PRESS STAFF WRITER Southern Worcester County Regional and salt does not save money, but does more Vocational School District, 7 p.m., Bay Area towns are leaning more toward alter- quickly break down ice and snow. Path Regional Vocational Technical High native mixtures, and less to traditional sand Wood said he intends to explore using School, 57 Old Muggett Hill Rd., Charlton. and salt, when clearing roads of snow and ice other products that could reduce the impact during the winter. on Leicester’s budget. Southbridge is one such town that could “If we can save money and make the roads benefit from the new approach. safer quicker we will,” he said. After consulting with other local commu- Charlton Highway Superintendent Gerry DAUGHTERS OF nities, Department of Public Works Director Foskett added to Wood’s point, saying the Ice Kenneth Kalinowski said he was considering B’ Gone (equal parts molasses, magnesium ISABELLA 2010 TRIPS using “ClearLane” on town roads — salt chloride and rock salt) he uses “helps stick treated with magnesium chloride, colored the sand to the road” better than other mate- green. rials. The Daughters of Isabella is holding the fol- While no decision has been made, the The Highway Department in Thompson, lowing trips, which are open to the public. director said he may buy a couple of hundred Conn. uses Ice B’ Gone on its roads as well. Important notes concerning all tour programs gallons of ClearLane as a trial run. Since using it, the department has seen the — Please note that final payment is due 30 days Using ClearLane could reduce costs, the molasses help the product stick to the road prior to tour departure date. Your deposit on director said, because “per ton you get more between storms, thus getting more use out of these tours confirms your reservation. Please miles out of it.” Despite paying more for it. make checks to: “Bernadette Circle No. 709.” treated salt, Kalinowski said additional sav- The products also have environmental ben- Please mail checks to: Janet Caouette, P.O. Box ings come from having to do less cleanup of efits that could help prevent the damage tra- 533, Oxford, MA 01540. Tour components are the material in the spring. ditional methods can cause. According to a subject to change, based on availability. Also, using the liquid would not require 2005 report by the Environmental Protection Changes will be noted. The Daughters of buying additional equipment, as similar sub- Agency, salt on roads accumulates in catch Shawn Kelley photo Isabella is a non-profit and charitable, stances might require, Kalinowski said. basins, as well as bodies of water and wet- Catholic women’s organization. A Southbridge DPW truck spreads a sand and salt The department started exploring the idea lands. It can also seep into surface water, For further information or reservations, mixture on the roads Wednesday. Other area towns after the Webster DPW offered to let harming marine life, and find its way into please call Jan Caouette at 508-887-2215, are experimenting with mixtures that include beer Southbridge examine its ClearLane, accord- drinking water supplies. That, the report brewery byproducts and — in Thompson, Conn. — Bernadette Langlois at 508-943-8047, Suzanne ing to Kalinowski. states, can possibly cause hypertension and molasses, to improve road conditions, the environ- Clearwater at 774-230-0669 (cell) or 508-943-4579 In Oxford, DPW Director Sean Divoll said give the water a bad taste. ment and town budgets. (home). his department uses IceBan 50/50, which is While not specifying what environmental equal parts calcium chloride and byproducts benefits alternative products could have, harmful to the environment. • March 14: Captain Jack’s and Foxwoods — from beer breweries. At 97 cents per gallon, Divoll said they could avoid damage. Despite the products’ benefits, Kalinowski 2010’s Most Spectacular Tour! Bus leaves his workers spray the substance on existing “It is environmentally friendly and it said he believes there will always be a need Southbridge at 7:30 a.m. and leaves Webster at salt, rendering it more effective on nasty makes our salt a lot more effective,” Divoll for sand and salt for basic snow clearing. 8 a.m. Foxwoods buffet and $15 Keno coupons, Massachusetts snow. said. Captain Jack’s entrée choice: lobster or prime “As a consequence we use less salt [and While Ice B’ Gone has no environmental Ryan Grannan-Doll may be reached at (508) rib. Price is $62 per person. save money],” he said. benefits per se, Foskett said it is better than 909-4050, or by e-mail at rgrand@stonebridge- • April 18-20: Tropicana & Atlantic City, Leicester Highway Superintendent Tom using calcium chloride, which he said can be Fabulous Tropicana Casino. Bus leaves Webster at 7 a.m. and leaves Southbridge at 7:30 a.m. Includes $20 cash/two brunches/casino show. Price is $199 per per- son. Southbridge residents arrested after Oxford robberies • May 16: Bronx Zoo — A Family Favorite. Bus leaves Webster at 8 a.m. and leaves SUTTON — Four Southbridge residents were arrested shortly varying amounts. Southbridge at 8:30 a.m. All admissions after midnight on the morning of Wednesday, Feb. 10, for a number Colon is held on $2,500 cash, Ortiz on $5,000 cash, Trifone on included. Lunch too! Price is $78 per person. of charges, including illegal possession of a firearm. $20,000 cash and Keovilay on $25,000 cash. Kevin Trifone, 18; Edwin Ortiz Jr., 23; Joaquin Colon, 22; and Sean “Their cases were continued to March 10 for a pretrial hearing,” Keovilay, 20 were arrested by Sgt. Joshua Nunnemacher of the Connolly said. Sutton Police Department after the quartet was seen trying to break According to Towle, there is a mandatory sentence ranging from into cars in Oxford. two and a half years up to 10 years for specific firearms violations The four were spotted by a security guard at Oxford’s Orchard as outlined in Massachusetts General Law chapter 269, section 10. ENROLL EARLY Hill Estates before they fled in a Honda Accord. “There’s a minimum mandatory for possession of a firearm with- “Oxford had called our department to be on the look for a certain out a license,” Towle said. “But there’s no guarantee you’re going to vehicle with a partial plate,” said Sutton Police Chief Dennis J. see that.” AND $AVE Towle. “One of my sergeants ended up stopping the car on Boston Road.” “It was definitely good police work on both Oxford PD’s part and Massage - Reflexology our part,” the chief added. A search of the suspects’ vehicle by Sutton officers uncovered Spring Classes begin gloves, bandanas, a .9mm handgun, which was later determined to have been stolen from Ohio, and a high-capacity magazine of April 2010 ammunition. “It was a 30-round magazine, which you don’t see that often,” Towle said. Acusage Academy Spokesman for Worcester County District Attorney Joseph 250 Main Street • Oxford, MA Early’s office Timothy Connolly, said the four were arraigned later on Wednesday, and all faced the same charges. “They’re all charged with illegal possession of a large capacity firearm,” Connolly said. STUDENT Massage $25.00 Additional charges include illegal posses- Call 508-987-0178 sion of a large capacity magazine, improper possession of ammuni- tion, possession of a burglary instrument, carrying a firearm without a license, and receiving stolen prop- erty — the firearm — valued over $250. All four men are being held on bail in 4 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, February 19, 2010

Police: Beware of lottery scams PHOTO OF THE WEEK


BY TERESA A. FRANCO be legitimate. STONEBRIDGE PRESS STAFF WRITER If anyone thinks that they may have fallen victim to a Local police are asking residents to be aware of lottery scam, Lourie said to contact the Auburn Police scams via phone, e-mail and post mail. Department at 508-832-7738. Last weekend, Auburn police were able to trace the ori- Nearby Dudley recently had a resident come forward gin of a phone call that was a scam, according to Det. with a scam. Jeffrey Lourie. He said on Saturday, Feb. 7, he received a Dudley Police Chief Steve Wojnar said a phone call from an elderly resident, whom he declined to few weeks ago a resident came into the sta- identify, who said someone called his house claiming tion and said he had been doing a busi- the resident had won $7.5 million. The resident told ness transaction via the Internet and the police the caller identified himself as John Clark, check he had received was “above and Lourie said, and told the resident he would beyond” what he expected. show up at his house to award the money Wojnar said the man realized the check the resident had won through a Wal- was a scam before cashing the money. Mart lottery. The lottery, Lourie said, Scam victims are more often the elderly, was not something the resident had Wojnar said, but that everyone should be wary of entered. fraudulent activity. Lourie said that when Clark never To prevent falling victim to a scam, Wojnar said showed, he continued to call the resi- people should be especially cautious about giving dent and the resident started to out personal information and finances. become suspicious. The resident “It’s very easy to lose track of your personal infor- called police, Lourie said, and they were mation,” he said. “Guard it very carefully.” able to trace the call to Kingston, Jamaica, Wojnar also said to be wary verifying the call was a scam. Once the resi- of people or organizations ask- dent told the caller that he had contacted police, Lourie ing you to wire over money out- said, the calls ceased. side the country. Lourie said the police want to caution residents about Sometimes, Wojnar said, these types of scams. scams will pretend to be organ- “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is,” he said. izations seeking out money. To Lourie said these types of scams could happen through verify if the organizations are Deadline: Wednesday, Febraury 24, 2009 the phone, e-mail or through postal mail. The cases are legitimate, Wojnar said people difficult to solve, he said, because the scams usually orig- can check with the post office of inate outside of the country, such as Nigeria or Canada. the Better Business Bureau. If Last week’s picture: Sometimes, Lourie said, the scammers may request that residents want to give to a par- The weathervane on the steeple of the their victims wire over money to cover taxes before send- ticular organization, Wojnar First Congregational Church of Oxford. ing over their winnings. said it is best to stick with local Lourie strongly advised residents to not send over any places to avoid getting Steven Wojnar money if a situation seems suspicious because there is scammed. “no recourse” to get that money back. Like Lourie, Wojnar said Dudley residents should not My guess for this week’s photo is: If residents experience suspicious calls, Lourie said hesitate to contact the Dudley Police Department at 508- they should not hesitate to contact the police. 949-8023 if they suspect a scam. ______“We’d be more than happy to look into the matter,” he said. Teresa A. Franco may be reached at 508-909-4136 or e- Several residents have fallen victim to scams through- mail her at [email protected]. Want to win $25? It’s easy! The Times is offering readers a out the years, Lourie said, and some of them do appear to chance to get involved in their community newspaper. If you think you know the what the Photo of the Week is, just fill out the form below. Send in or drop off to the Webster Times, 25 Elm Street, Southbridge MA 01550, or fax to (508) 764-8015 (writing Webster father-son duo arrested for B&E must be legible). One lucky winner will be drawn every month BY JOY RICHARD $250 a piece. and handed $25! TIMES STAFF WRITER According to police it was discovered throughout the DUDLEY — In a collaborative effort by the Dudley course of the investigation that Dudley Police Officer Name ______Police Department and State Police, an incident of stolen Anthony DiDonato had seen two men acting “suspicious- property was solved last week. ly” during the time he was conducting “business checks” Address ______According to Dudley Police Chief Steven Wojnar, two during his 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift on Thursday, Feb. 4. men were arrested Friday, Feb. 5, and charged with According to police, while DiDonato was checking Town ______State _____ Zip Code ______breaking and entering in the nighttime with intent to Southbridge Tool and Die on Southbridge Road, he found commit a felony and larceny of property worth more the two men at approximately 12:30 a.m., operating a U- Telephone ______than $250. Hall box truck. The two individuals were later identified According to police, the suspects were identified as as Arthur and Stephan Putis. All photos are taken from Webster, Dudley or Oxford. Entries must father and son Arthur J. Putis, 51, and Stephan Putis, 22, According to police at the time DiDonato found them both of Webster. they were both “questioned and identified.” They were identify the subject in the photo and where it can be seen. Answers According to police the pair were not held after the free to go when officers found that there had been no ille- will be given the following week in the Webster Times. At the end of arrest and the details of their arraignments have yet to gal activity in progress. each month, all entry forms with the correct answer will be includ- be determined. During the investigation both shoe and tire prints were ed in a random drawing. One lucky winner will receive $25. Good According to Dudley Police, on Thursday, Feb. 4, at found at the Southbridge Tool and Die location, and luck! approximately 9 a.m., Dudley Police Officers James police found that these prints were consistent with the Annese and Gregory Daniels were sent to investigate a ones found at the West Dudley Road scene. call from Industrial Transfer Company, located at 7 West The following day, officers Annese and Daniels were Dudley Road. According to police, the call was in regard able to find the suspects as well as their vehicle in NEWS BRIEFS to a reported breaking and entering that resulted in an Webster. After the suspects were interviewed, officers alleged theft. contacted the Connecticut State Police Detective Unit According to police, on-scene officers conducted a pre- from Troop D in Danielson, Conn. From that point troop- Knights crown free throw winners liminary investigation of the area. During the search ers were able to recover the stolen items at a “metal recy- Daniels and Annese found that during the night “some- cling company,” in Putnam, Conn. According to police all WEBSTER — Knights of Columbus Council #228 held the District one had broken onto the grounds and stolen multiple of the items were “successfully recovered.” 9 Free Throw Competition at St. Louis School in Webster Saturday, pieces of scrap metal and other items.” The materials Wojnar said he attributes the success of this effort to Feb. 13. Competitors from Councils Webster #228 and Charlton stolen were located on a locked and gated area of the all of the officers and troopers involved. #11379 participated. The winners from this competition will advance property. “It was a good cooperative effort by everyone,” said to the Central Mass. Regional Contest in March. Coordinating the According to police, officers also found footprints and Wojnar. “It was great to see that [police] were able to event for District Deputy Bob Messier were Grand Knight Paul Perry tire marks at the scene. The items stolen from the proper- recover everything before it was [destroyed].” and Field Agent Bob Kubiak. ty were metal dock plates as well as what police estimat- ed to be 12 aluminum plates that were also missing. The Joy Richard may be reached at 508-909-4129 or by e-mail WINNERS: GIRLS stolen items were estimated to range in price from $150 to at [email protected]. • Age 10 — Mackensie Breen, Council 228; • Age 11 — Caroline James, Council 228; • Age 12 — Danielle Marrier, Council 228; NOTEBOOK The Bartlett High School Class of 1965 will hold its 45th • Age 13 — Laureen Willand, Council 228; continued from page A2 Class Re-union Aug. 14 at Indian Ranch in Webster. If • Age 14 — Kaitlyn Panagiotou, Council 228; you have not already received your invitation or if you Theodora Dono, principal of Mason Road School in can help us locate missing classmates please visit our WINNERS: BOYS Dudley, at 508-943-4312. Web site at • Age 10 — Ryan Stanard, Council 11379; 1965 Bartlett High School Class Reunion 1960 Bartlett High School Class Reunion • Age 11 — Justin Pepka, Council 228; • Age 12 — Joseph Thrun, Council 228; The Bartlett High School Class of 1960 is • Age 14 — Matthew Huberdault, Council 228. M SALI COUNSELING planning a 50th reunion to be held on Aug. 21. The committee is currently looking for Psychotherapy Services for the following classmates: Judith Bruneau, Children, Adolescents, Adults & Seniors Carol Corson, Loretta Daskowski, Adelaide Chester C. Corbin Public Library: Upcoming Events Dumouchel, Michael Fiddes, Dr. James •Anxiety/Depression • ADHD • Substance Abuse • PTSD , Brian Johnson, James Johnson, • Friday, Feb. 19, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.: Wii at Your Library! Play Mario • Panic Attacks • Eating Disorders • Relationships Iris Meekins, Stanley Mroczek, Edward Kart, Carnival Games, and more. Bring your games and DS too. • Grief/Loss and Other Piotrowski and Bernard Welton. • Monday, Feb. 22, 4:15 to 5 p.m.: Time with Ms. Coro! INDIVIDUAL,COUPLES &FAMILY If you can help locate these classmates please call Shirley Bergeron Minarik at 508- Families with children birth to age 5 are invited to join us for some Call (508)987-3771 • 316 Main St., Oxford, MA 943-0308. music, movement, and FUN! We ask that all families planning to WIC Accessible attend please register by calling Danielle Morrow at 508-987-0829, ext. 19, or e-mail to [email protected]. Sponsored by the Oxford/Webster/Southbridge Partners with Parents (formerly CPC). A program of Worcester Community Action Council, Inc.

• Monday, Feb. 22, 6:30 p.m.: The Book Group meets to discuss “Random Family” by Adrian Nicole LeBlanc.

• Tuesday, March 2, 6:30 to 7:45 p.m.: Webster Coin & Currency club meets. New and old col- lectors welcome!

Travel Planners 164 Main Street Putnam, CT 06260 860-963-6620 (508)347-5075 (508)764-6677 Friday, February 19, 2010 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 5 SENIOR CORNER The Senior Center is not closed, SENIOR MENUS and we have a volunteer staff to TRI-VALLEY INC. answer phones and handle any Webster Remembers ... questions necessary or to provide Menu includes milk and mar- any services needed. Call 508-949- garine. Menus are subject to 8010 for more information. To make change. Reservations must be any reservations for the meals, made 48 hours in advance. please contact the senior center — a voicemail may be left at anytime. Monday, Feb. 22: Spaghetti and meatballs with sauce, broccoli, Italian bread, pears. DUDLEY SENIORS Tuesday, Feb. 23: Hearty beef stew, Brussels sprouts, corn, TRAVEL GROUP: muffin, birthday cake (plain WINTER AND SPRING cake). SCHEDULE Wednesday, Feb. 24: Chicken supreme, rice pilaf, California • March 20-28, 2010: Miami & blend vegetables, honey wheat Key West — $699. bread, vanilla pudding (sugar • April 20, 2010: Breakfast or free pudding). Lunch at the Mohegan Sun — $55; Thursday, Feb. 25: Meatloaf and followed by Loretta Laroche at the gravy, red bliss potatoes, corn Garde Arts Theater. Leave Dudley niblets, whole wheat bread, Town Hall parking lot at 8:30 a.m. mixed fruit. Breakfast or lunch at the Mohegan Friday, Feb. 26: Vegetable cheese Sun, return home approximately 6 bake, green beans, stewed toma- p.m. toes, multigrain bread, fresh fruit. For reservations or more informa- tion, call Audrey at 508-943-8395. WEBSTER SENIOR LUNCH- The Dudley Seniors Travel Group ES was formed to provide affordable Tuesday, Feb. 23: Pork chop patty trips for people from Dudley and the with gravy, dinner roll, Spanish surrounding area. All are welcome rice, mashed potato, zucchini to join us. and yellow squash, chocolate pudding, milk. TUESDAYS CHAIR Thursday, Feb. 25: Tuna casse- role, French bread, creamy cole slaw, Italian style green beans, YOGA golden cake, frosted, milk. Get Fit While You Sit -Come have DUDLEY ELDERLY LUNCH fun, stretch, flex and flow while being around your friends in a Tuesday, Feb. 23: Meatloaf with relaxing environment. Take gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, charge of your health - movement rolls and butter, cake. is the key to life. Thursday, Feb. 25: Roast pork Location: Jacob's Hall at the with gravy,mashed potatoes, car- “Bustling Main Street Traffic, 1939” First Congregational Church, 135 rots, rolls and butter, cake. Center Road, Dudley, MA 01571. Woolworth’s, W.T. Grants and many other stores made for a busy Main Street just before the war. The church next to the Nichols XFORD ENIOR College campus. Please enter O S - From the Webster Times Archives/Wm. Tourtellotte through the side entrance. Class runs weekly, every CENTER All “Webster Remembers” information and photos are taken courtesy, with many thanks, from www.oldeweb- Tuesday from 10:00-10:45 am., a tremendous Web site packed with historic information about Webster and surrounding areas. Class Fee: $5.00 per person/per CALENDAR class or free for those undergoing UPCOMING EVENTS cancer treatment. How Do I Sign Up? Simply show The COA staff is available for appointment. Pitch League captains to has walkers, canes, bath chairs, commodes up and pay when you arrive. No need to sign Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. choose teams. Call the center if you wish to and wheelchairs for people to use. We have up ahead of time as there is plenty of space Van transportation is available for medical play. League begins March 1. books, magazines and VHS tapes. available. trips daily. Van transportation to Worcester is • Thursday, Feb. 25: Social Security repre- If it is your first class, please arrive 15 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only. Van sentative hours are from minutes early to complete a health form. transportation to Auburn and Webster is 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sign-up when you arrive. DUDLEY SENIOR Who can come to class? Seniors, men & Monday through Friday. Grocery shopping is School lunch program served at 11:30 a.m. women and/or any adult who is looking for a every Thursday morning. Call 508-987-6000. A Must be at least 60 years of age to partici- CENTER EVENTS gentle yoga class to build range of motion Nutrition program is available five days a pate. Call that morning before 9:30 a.m. to WEEKLY SCHEDULE INCLUDES: and flexibility while sitting in a chair. week at 11:30 a.m. You must call Nutrition order a meal. Blood pressure screening 10 This class is superb for any person with Manager Barbara Shultz ahead 48 hours to a.m. Census testing, lower level begins at 10 • Monday — Genealogy, 9 a.m.; Meal, 12 Fibromyalgia and Multiple Sclerosis as well. reserve. Meal donation is $2. a.m. p.m.; Card players, 1 p.m. What is required for this class? Please • Friday, Feb. 26: Cards, 9 a.m. • Tuesday — Needlework and Card players, wear sneakers, comfortable clothes that you Monday, Feb. 22: Cards/games, 10 a.m.; UPCOMING 1 p.m. can stretch in and a big smile. Bring a bot- • Wednesday — Needlework and Scrabble, S.A.L.T., 11:15 a.m.; Lunch, 11:30 a.m.; Movie, EVENTS tled water to stay hydrated. Chairs will be 12:30 p.m. 1 p.m. provided. • Thursday — Painting, 11:30 a.m.; Tuesday, Feb. 23: Lunch, 11:30 a.m.; Needle • Census Testing will be held every Thursday Your Instructor: "" Michelle Computer Class, 2 to 3 p.m. Workers, 12 p.m.; Chair Yoga, 1 p.m. in February starting at 10 a.m. Strzelewicz, RYT® owner/instructor of De- • Friday — Meal at 11:30 a.m.; Bingo, 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24: Bowling, 10 a.m.; Better • Income tax preparation through the AARP Stress with Yoga For questions, please call Hearing, 10 a.m.; Lunch, 11:30 a.m.; Pitch, 1 — Appointments now being scheduled. Mimi at (508) 943-1579 or email at de-stress- First and third Monday of each month, a p.m. • Next Blood Pressure — Wednesday, March [email protected] - Web: Blood Pressure Clinic is held. Thursday, Feb. 25: Grocery shopping; Sing- 10, 10:30 a.m. Along with Toni Fitzpatrick, 11 a.m.; Lunch, • Council on Aging meeting — Wednesday, 11:45 a.m.; Ladies of the Round Table, 12:30 March 3, at 1 p.m. p.m. • File of Life — A personal medical home file Friday,Feb. 26: Cards/Games, 10 a.m.; Lunch, prepared for emergency first responders are 11:30 a.m. available at the senior center. • S.C.M. Elderbus — All Elderbus offices will WEBSTER SENIOR be closed on Monday, Feb. 15, to observe President’s Day. Please note that you need to CENTER EVENTS call 48 business hours (two days) in advance to schedule a ride. Please call 1-800-321-0243 Webster Senior Center for a ride. 116 School Street Webster, MA 01570 Meals are open to anyone 60 years and up, Hours: Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 provided through the Older Americans Act p.m.; Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. for a nominal amount. The Senior Center 508-949-3845

• Monday, Feb. 22: Silver Dippers Exercise, 9 a.m., Line Dancing, 10 a.m. Come join the group and get moving. Come play “65,” a rummy-type card game that begins every morning at 9 a.m. • Tuesday, Feb. 23: School Lunch Program served at 11:30 a.m. Must be at least 60 years of age to participate. Call that morning before 9:30 a.m. to order a meal. Social (bingo), arrive about 12:30 p.m. to purchase cards. Play begins approximately 12:45 p.m. • Wednesday, Feb. 24: Silver Dippers Line Dancing, 9 a.m. Exercise, 10 a.m. Fallon rep- resentative will be available at 10 a.m. to answer your questions. Tri-Valley Lunch, 11:30 a.m., call the Monday before to place your order. Progressive pitch, play begins at 1 p.m. Come whenever your schedule allows. Income tax/circuit breaker preparation, call Did you know? ? Reduce your credit card ? debt to zero! ? Call Christopher M. Uhl ? 508-797-9000 ? ? Low Fees & Payment Plans Available

We are a debt relief agency We help people file Bankruptcy ? under the Bankruptcy Code ? You can file bankruptcy & still keep your home & car! 6 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, February 19, 2010 LEARNING WMS students take a trip ‘around the world’

WEBSTER — Webster Middle School students showcased their basketball skills during an “Around the World” tourna- ment Friday,Feb. 12. “Around the World” is a game where stu- dents take turns making shots from all around the key under- neath the basket. If the student makes all 10 shots they are allowed to sit in the “V.I.P” section on the side of the court where they could eat snacks and chat with friends. Grades three through six participated in the game with classmates and parents cheering on every shot.

Joy Richard photos Webster Middle School sixth grader Timothy Murphy, 11, takes photos for the school yearbook during the “Around the World” basketball tour- nament Friday, Feb. 12.

Webster Middle School students wait to take their shot. Webster Middle School students sign into the “Around the World” bas- ketball tournament.

Wildcats Cheer Squad members Amanda Higbie, 10, Tiana Fenuccio, 10, Eisha Rosa, 11, Andrea Gotin, 10, Rebecca Lopez, 11, Naomi Carlson, 10, Mariah Watkins, 10, Nahara Collazo, 10, and J’ana Wilson, 11, inject some school spirit into the gym before the “Around the World” basket- ball tournament.

Third grader Trevor Lonchaidis watches his shot hit the backboard tar- get.

Fourth graders wave to the crowd before playing in the “Around the World” bas- Woodstock Rebuilding ketball tournament. Ken Braithwaite STARTERS AND ALTERNATORS

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Notary Lyon Hill Consulting Authorized Service E-File Available and Tax Preparation Provider PRE-PAY SAVINGS Jen McDowell 860-963-2425 INCENTIVES OFFERED! (860) 794-3512 [email protected] Friday, February 19, 2010 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 7 LEARNING BARTLETT HIGH SCHOOL Monday, Feb. 22: Manager’s special, assorted salad meals, DMS reveals second quarter honor roll students assorted grinders, teriyaki chicken nuggets, chicken egg roll, sweet peas, strawberries, topping, milk. Tuesday, Feb. 23: Manager’s special, assorted salad meals, DUDLEY — Dudley Middle School last GRADE 6 Amanda Horne, Michelle Hull, Chance assorted grinders, Papa Gino’s pizza, garden salad, seasoned week announced its honor roll students for High Honors: Madison Bellerive, Jack Jackson, Deanna Kondek, Cameron corn, butterscotch brownies, milk. Wednesday, Feb. 24: Manager’s special, assorted salad meals, the second quarter of the 2009-10 academic Bugan, Leah Bugan, Jakub Bzura, Marisa MacDonald, Michael Mackay, Talia Manzi, assorted grinders, buffalo chicken patty, lettuce and tomato, year: Caramiello, Samantha Curtis, Richard Benjamin Martin, Lauren Milosh, Katarzyna seasoned curly fries, chicken noodle soup, oatmeal raisin cookie, milk. GRADE 5 Duhamel, Logan Filo-Loos, Zachary Fournier, Mosio, Jena Nesta, Scott Niro, Ryan Oliver, Thursday, Feb. 25: Manager’s special, assorted salad meals, High Honors: Matteo Belsito, Jordan Catherine French, Michael Gauvin, Scott Oliver, Abigail Packard, Ashley assorted grinders, foot long hot dogs, nacho chips, salsa, baked beans, corn cobbettes, fruit cocktail, milk. Blackadar, Kayleigh Blanchard, Grace Benjamin Kane, Nicole Look, Alexy Alexy Quadarella, Emily Quinn, Erin Rohr, Friday, Feb. 26: Manager’s special, assorted salad meals, Champagne, Kaylee Clark, Zachary Maldonado, Devin Pietz, Meghan Pratt, Kyle Priscilla Rojas, Juleanna Schultz, Andrew assorted grinders, pepperoni pizza stick, beef ravioli, garlic bread, green beans, golden cake, frosted, milk. Cournoyer, Katherine Deyette, Alison Quadarella, John Raucci, Michaela White, Umana, Tyler Weinhardt, Benjamin White, DiDonato, Christopher Ethier, Emily Emily Whittaker, Emerson Wildes. Matthew Williams, Ashlynn Woodcock, WEBSTER MIDDLE SCHOOL Faulkner, Zachary Forrester, Garrett Frey, Honors: Douglas Abbott, Ian Adamuska, Nicole Zmetra. Monday, Feb. 22: Cheese tortilla/nachos, salsa, juice, Kayem Nathan Gomez, Anthony Hakala, Brittney Olivia Atchue, Kate Bellantoni, Steven Honors: Tanner Amico, Tyler Andre’, hot dog, bun, baked beans, potato puffs, fruit cocktail, milk. Tuesday,Feb. 23: Cheese tortilla/nachos, salsa, juice, teriyaki Harvard, Juliet Helock, Kathryn Hill, Jack Bohaboy, Marie Bonin, David Campbell, Michael Awad, Bryan Ballard, Jory chicken nuggets, dinner roll, Spanish rice, butterscotch Howard, Samantha Kaliszewski, Sara Ashley Cavic, Victoria Coleman, Megan Bedard,Ryan Berg, Michelle Berry, Jacob brownies, milk. Wednesday, Feb. 24: Cheese tortilla/nachos, salsa, juice, pep- Kolinski, Audrey LaBonne, Noah Luke, Constantine, Carly Cormier, Brittany Decker, Bond, Thomas Bowser Jr., Hannah Brumby, peroni pizza stick, pasta, sauce, green beans, peaches with Chastity Olszta, Angelo Perzichino, Matthew Isabella Dos Santos, Gehrig Dunn, Kaelin Jessica Byron, Gage Cobb, Quinn Conley, topping, milk. Thursday, Feb. 25: Cheese tortilla/nachos, salsa, juice, beef, Piekarczyk, Virginia Richert, Grace Scanlon, Falke, Patrick Foley, Isaac Fossas, Gardiner, Marissa Corrette, Kyle Dickson, Maria bacon burger, lettuce and tomato, pickles, seasoned curly Nicholas Sheehan, Matthew Spahl, Cody John Gordon, Brooke Guskey, Mikayla Hill, DiPilato, Meghan Dow, Kendra Faldetta, fries, apple juice, golden cake/frosted, milk. Splaine, Devon Teague, Jordyn Van Minos, Kevin Hoegen, Krista Hutchinson, Timothy Lindsay Ferreira, Chase Flibbert, Robert Friday, Feb. 26: Cheese tortilla/nachos, salsa, juice, toasted tuna sandwich or grilled cheese sandwich, cheese N’ maca- Keara Vangel. Iwaniuk, Kyle Jachimczyk, Lauren Jarosz, Flynn, Alec Gagnon, Soultana Gardner, Sean roni, tomato soup, petite bananas, milk. Honors: Janelle Alicea, Robin Awad, Haley Sara Jedrzynski, Colin Johnston, Gatsogiannis, Kaitlin Gevry, Kelsey Harper, PARK AVE. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Amanda Babbitt, Hailey Beaudette, Gina Raeleigh Joyce, Peter Kondek, Brendan Caelin Hetherman, Bartlomiej Jakobkiewicz, Monday, Feb. 22: Cheese tortilla/nachos, salsa, juice, Kayem Belezos, Derek Brady, Brian Burns, Jonathan Lavoie, Elizabeth Leclaire, Alec Lindstrom, Austin Jones, Patrick Kobel, Heather hot dog on a bun, baked beans, potato puffs, fruit cocktail, Cantara, Harry Card, Ryan Cyganiewicz, Chelsea Main, Devin Marier, Desirae Martin, Kupstas, Kyle Kustak, Christopher milk. Tuesday,Feb. 23: Cheese tortilla/nachos, salsa, juice, teriyaki Colin Dickson, Thomas Dill, Rafaella dos Ariana McCarthy, Moira McDonough, Kyle Lindstrom, Brittany MacDonald, Emily chicken nuggets, dinner roll, Spanish rice, chocolate pud- Santos, Jarod Drummond, Jack Dupont, Lilia Miller, Aisha Mufti, Alex Myers, Sikorrya Martel, Stephanie McKinney, Alexis Megas, ding, milk. Fitton, McKayla Gardiner, Megan O’Connor Seguin, Liam O’Loughlin, Colin Joseph Michelin, Sabrina Moroney, Jeremy Wednesday, Feb. 24: Cheese tortilla/nachos, salsa, juice, pep- peroni pizza stick, pasta, sauce, green beans, peaches with Gatsogiannis, Ashley Harvard, Jack Plante, Athena Prussman, Rockland Puzo, Mossa, Mitchell Nierodzinski, Paige Oliver, topping, milk. Thursday, Feb. 25: Cheese tortilla/nachos, Hetherman, Samuel Hutchinson, Michaela Harrison Records, Leann Ritchie, James Tori Palmerino, Jacob Piscia, Brady salsa, juice, beef, bacon burger, lettuce and tomato, pickles, seasoned curly fries, apple juice, golden cake, frosted, milk. James, Alexandra Jones, Matthew Kibaru, Robertson, Heidi Rousseau, Elizabeth Ravenelle, Allison Ryel, Kevin Scanlon, Liam Friday, Feb. 26: Cheese tortilla/nachos, salsa, juice, toasted Ashley Labbe, Phillip Langlois, Emily Leary, Saravara, Taylor Smith, Emily Sokol, Lucas Scanlon, Nicholas Seagrave, Brittany tuna sandwich or grilled cheese sandwich, cheese N’ maca- roni, tomato soup, petite bananas, milk. Sebastiano Lubecki, Emily Lundstrom, Spahl, Erika Sweeny, Kayla Szczepanski, Sequeiros, Abigail Smith, Cameron Sullivan, Rachel Madore, Jared Marshall, Patrick Austin Testa, Joshua Testa, Thomas Thames, Jack Sullivan, Kyle Sykes, Jenna Tetreau, SHEPHERD HILL REGIONAL HIGH McGovern, Milosh, Jacob Rae-Ann Norquist, Michelle Tracey, Julia Trudeau, Olivia Andreana Tonelli, Jacob Trudeau, Sarah SCHOOL & DUDLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL Sara Painchaud, Jaymini Patel, Nicholas Tsoumakas, Julia Ucher, Taylor Vassar, Veber, Shane Vigeant, Gavin Vincent, Brooke Monday, Feb. 22: Chicken, Caesar salad wrap, potato puffs, Perez, Molly Quinn, Sarah Redmond, Paige Bianca Verdolino, Alexis Walker. Walker, Ashley Zablocki, Francisco Zepeda. fruit. Richard, Anthony Roy, Haleigh Ruda, Dale Tuesday, Feb. 23: Meatloaf, mashed potato, vegetables, rolls and butter, cake. Schambelan, Amanda Schramm, Damon GRADE 7 GRADE 8 Wednesday, Feb. 24: Stuffed shells, cheese/sauce, salad, rolls Simpson, Bailey Springer, Justin Sullivan, High Honors: Mackenzie Bonner, Tyler High Honors: Josie Assad, Anthony and butter, cake. Molly Sullivan, Samantha Sweeny, Zachary Burzycki, Jordan Cierpich, Gabriel daSilva, Battista, Alexandra Bellerive, James Thursday, Feb. 25: Roast pork and gravy, mashed potato, veg- etables, rolls and butter, cake. Tella, Michael Tilly,Veronica Valentin, Grace Hannah Doherty, Hayden Frey, Taylor Friday, Feb. 26: Ravioli with sauce, vegetables, rolls and but- Wenzel, Abigail White, Jacob Zablocki. Gallegan, Seamus Giguere, Jericho Grillo, ter, fruited JELL-O. Turn To DMS, page A9 DUDLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Monday, Feb. 22: Two tacos with cheese, lettuce, tomato, refried beans, fruit. Tuesday, Feb. 23: American chop suey, vegetables, rolls and butter, fruit. Wednesday, Feb. 24: Pizza with sauce and cheese, salad, cake. Thursday, Feb. 25: Sloppy Joes on a bun, cole slaw, potato puffs, cake. Friday, Feb. 26: Ravioli with sauce, vegetables, rolls and but- ter, fruited Jell-O. OXFORD HIGH SCHOOL Monday, Feb. 22: Salad meal, specialty salad, tuna Roll-up, BBQ turkey on a bun, grilled chicken patty on a bun, chef ’s choices as posted, tossed salad, potato puffs, hot tomato soup with cracker, applesauce with cinnamon, milk. Tuesday, Feb. 23: Salad meal, specialty salad, egg salad sand- wich, hamburger on a bun, stuffed crust pizza, chef ’s choices To add your Tax Services to this page, please call as posted, tossed salad, steaming sliced carrots, potato puffs, soup of the moment, chilled peach slices, gingerbread, milk. Wednesday, Feb. 24: Salad meal, specialty salad, club sand- wich, chili con carne and beans, cornbread, beef and cheese burrito, lettuce and tomato, chef ’s choices as posted, tossed salad, Italian style green beans, potato puffs, soup of the Sandy at 508-909-4110 moment, assorted fresh fruit, milk. Thursday, Feb. 25: Salad meal, specialty salad, ham cheese roll-up, BBQ chicken, hot roll, Jumbo rib-BQ on a bun, chef ’s choices as posted, tossed salad, steamed corn, soup of the moment, chilled apricots, milk. Friday, Feb. 26: Salad meal, specialty salad, grab and go, per- sonal pizza, hot dog on a bun, tossed salad, potato puffs, soup or email of the moment, warm fruit crisp, milk. OXFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL Monday, Feb. 22: Grab and go, salad plate, tuna roll-up, BBQ turkey on a bun, grilled chicken patty on a bun, soup of the moment, potato puffs, applesauce with cinnamon, milk. [email protected] Tuesday, Feb. 23: Cheese lasagna, salad plate, egg salad sand- wich, hamburger on a bun, personal pizza, steaming sliced carrots, chilled peach slices, gingerbread, milk. Wednesday, Feb. 24: Grab and go, salad plate, turkey salad 35 E. Main St., Webster wrap, chili con carne and beans, cornbread, beef and cheese burrito, lettuce and tomato, soup of the moment, Italian style PAUL G. DUBE green beans, assorted fresh fruit, milk. GARY LUKSHA Thursday, Feb. 25: Grab and go, salad plate, ham-cheese roll- up, BBQ chicken, hot roll, jumbo rib-BQ on a bun, steamed 508-949-0509 Over 40 years experience corn, chilled apricots, milk. • FREE CONSULTATION Friday, Feb. 26: Grab and go, salad plate, stuffed crust pizza, Tax Tyme Since 1985 Individual & Small hot dog on a bun, tossed salad, warm fruit crisp, milk. CHAFFEE ELEMENTARY Business •TAX PLANNING Tax Planning & Monday, Feb. 22: PB&J meal, munchie lunch (fruit, roll, Free e-file yogurt, vegetables), salad meal, breakfast for lunch, maple Preparation pancake, trail mix, applesauce with cinnamon, milk. (with Tax preparation) •ELECTRONIC FILING Tuesday, Feb. 23: PB&J meal, munchie lunch (fruit, roll, yogurt, vegetables), salad meal, Cathy’s cold sandwich, chili con carne and beans, cornbread, Italian style green beans, assorted fresh fruit, milk. Individual & Wednesday, Feb. 24: PB&J meal, munchie lunch (fruit, roll, 508-943-3003 yogurt, vegetables), salad meal, Cathy’s cold sandwich, chili con carne and beans, cornbread, Italian style green beans, MA CT & RI Small Business Returns 50 Lakeview Ave., Dudley assorted fresh fruit, milk. Thursday, Feb. 25: PB&J meal, munchie lunch (fruit, roll, yogurt, vegetables), salad meal, Cathy’s cold sandwich, BBQ chicken, hot roll, steamed corn, chilled apricots, milk. Friday,Feb. 26: PB&J meal, munchie lunch (fruit, roll, yogurt, vegetables), salad meal, yummy cheese pizza, tossed salad, 508-987-2982 264 Main Street, warm fruit crisp, milk. INCOME TAXES CLARA BARTON ELEMENTARY 508-987-5371 PO Box 562 Monday, Feb. 22: PB&J meal, munchie lunch (fruit, roll, Personal & Business 508-987-0144 Fax Oxford, MA 01540 yogurt, vegetables), salad meal, breakfast for lunch, maple pancake, trail mix, applesauce with cinnamon, milk. Tuesday, Feb. 23: PB&J meal, munchie lunch (fruit, roll, Esposito Tax Service & Associates yogurt, vegetables), salad meal, Cathy’s cold sandwich, ham- burger on a bun, steaming sliced carrots, chilled peach slices, gingerbread, milk. PROMPT & PROFESSIONAL YEAR-ROUND SERVICE Wednesday, Feb. 24: PB&J meal, munchie lunch (fruit, roll, WILLIAM N. KRING yogurt, vegetables), salad meal, Cathy’s cold sandwich, chili Tax Preparation • Federal - All States con carne and beans, cornbread, Italian style green beans, assorted fresh fruit, milk. Certified Public Accountant Notary Public • Small Business • Payroll Services Thursday, Feb. 25: PB&J meal, munchie lunch (fruit, roll, FREE E-FILE WITH TAX PREPARATION yogurt, vegetables), salad meal, Cathy’s cold sandwich, BBQ 103 W. Main Street, Dudley chicken, hot roll, steamed corn, chilled apricots, milk. Email: [email protected] Friday,Feb. 26: PB&J meal, munchie lunch (fruit, roll, yogurt, vegetables), salad meal, yummy cheese pizza, tossed salad, Now Accepting MC, Visa & Dicover warm fruit crisp, milk. 508-949-1439 ALPHONSO ESPOSITO JR, (ENROLLED AGENT) BAY PATH BREAKFAST Monday, Feb. 22: Bagel, cream cheese, bowl of cereal, cup of Save 15%* on this year’s yogurt, orange or apple juice. Individual & Business Tuesday, Feb. 23: Eggs and bacon, toast and jelly, orange or apple juice or Toast, cereal, juice, yogurt. tax return preparation fee! Wednesday, Feb. 24: Blueberry coffee cake, bowl of cereal, Just provide a copy of your 2008 tax return, plus your orange or apple juice, cup of yogurt. Thursday, Feb. 25: Pancakes, syrup, orange or apple juice, or Tax Preparation paid receipt from any National Income Tax Service muffin, cereal, juice, yogurt. and we will beat their last year’s tax preparation fee Friday, Feb. 26: Ham, egg, cheese muffin, orange or apple for a comparable tax return (including the NEW juice, or muffin, cereal, juice, yogurt. Federal Schedules L&M) - GUARANTEED! Why should LUNCH Professional Business Services YOU pay for corporate overhead and bonuses? Monday, Feb. 22: Chicken parmesan, sauce over spaghetti, tossed salad, French bread and butter, fruit, dessert or plain *if paying by credit card savings is 10% spaghetti with sauce. 15 Barton St., Oxford, MA 01540 Tuesday,Feb. 23: Pork patty,gravy,seasoned rice, green beans, William J. Lefebvre roll and butter, fruit, dessert or vegetable burger on a bun, baked chips, fruit, dessert. INCOME TAXES, ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING SERVICES PERSONAL & SMALL BUSINESS Wednesday, Feb. 24: Roast pork, gravy, carrots, whipped pota- Steven Nowicki toes, roll and butter, fruit, dessert or peanut butter and fluff Over 30 years’ experience • IRS Authorized E-filing sandwich. Thursday, Feb. 25: BBQ beef on a roll, baked French fries, 508-987-3600 creamy cole slaw, fruit, dessert or tossed salad, roll and b 508-943-1902 • Appointments Only visa & mastercard accepted utter, carrot sticks. Friday, Feb. 26: Grilled cheese sandwich, cup of vegetable soup, potato tots, fruit, dessert. 8 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, February 19, 2010 LEARNING OMS assistant principal speaks to science classes Students in Mrs. Goulas’ mary of his twenty-two year Squad lessons are based on conferences and often incor- Students are looking for- year unit is on “energy.” fifth grade science classes career in the Navy including STEM, (science, technology, porates these lessons to chal- ward to return visits by Mr. have started a mini-unit on various types of ships he engineering, and math) disci- lenge her students. Much Milliner, where he will dis- - Submitted by Oxford exploring the concepts of served and worked on. plines. Mrs. Goulas has learning and fun was had by cuss electricity and nuclear Middle School teacher Elaine density, buoyancy and the Students learned what mate- attended region-wide STEM all. power since our end of the Goulas ability for ships to float and rials submarines are made submarines to submerge or of, what “boomers” are and appear to sink. what “neutrally buoyant” Mr. Milliner, the assistant means. They were intrigued principal and a US Navy sub- to hear about what life on a marine veteran, was asked to submarine was like. For make a presentation on ships example, that 130 people and submarines. He also would be living in a space gave a PowerPoint presenta- that was the size of a three- tion in the science lab and bedroom house, what the demonstration to illustrate food was like and that air the concepts of buoyancy quality and water were and density. In preparation healthier than what we for Mr. Milliner’s visit, stu- breathe and drink above dents wrote questions that ground. Submarines and were answered and discussed their crews could be under- by Mrs. Goulas prior to the water for months at a time two presentations. The and that the only limitation answers to these questions on the length of a mission is will assist students in their the amount of food that can research later on this month. be stored on the submarine! Mr. Milliner visited the Students learned a great students and gave fascinat- deal about science concepts ing presentations. Students and ships and submarines. viewed diagrams, and pic- Mr. Milliner served as a tures of various submarines resource person and from the Revolutionary War enhanced students’ learning through present times. He beyond the classroom. His discussed the man-powered lessons also served to peak submarine called the CSS students’ curiosity and pre- Hunley was used in the Civil pare them for a lesson that War. Students learned how Mrs. Goulas was introduc- submarines developed and ing. She later explored the how nuclear power funda- concept of buoyancy with mentally changed sub- her science classes. Based on marines. Mr. Milliner con- a PBS Design Squad lesson, ducted an experiment to students took the show students how a subma- “Watercraft Challenge” rine floats and how it sub- where they designed, con- merges. He illustrated how structed, and worked as a the density formula is used team to make a ship that and presented a brief sum- could float. These Design Bartlett second quarter honor roll students announced

WEBSTER — Bartlett Jr./Sr. High School last Lewis, Jacob Meloche, Tyler Morrill, Zachary Rumbaugh, Mackenzie Stanhope, Davianna Steven Brennan, Lindsey Canty, Yeydaliz week announced its second quarter honor roll Podedworny, Brian Tondel. Vasconcelos, Christine Walker, Victoria Concepcion, Amber Daigneault, Trisha for the 2009-10 academic year. Honors: David Anderson, Amanda Cotton, White, Anthony Yeulenski. Danforth, Jacob Decker, Steven Dixon, Jordan Jose Falcon, Christopher Frabotta, Jireh Honorable Mention: Morgan Adams, Peyton Flannigan, Jacob Gatto, Shawn Gaumond, GRADE 7 Fuzz, Camden Hall, Corryn Harwood, Kayla Chndler, Luis Concepcion, Juliana DeFilippo, Jacob Gonzalez, Kerolos Khalif, Sarah High Honors: Ryan Beauregard, Abigail Keogh, Ryan Lagasse, Emily Maker-Lessard, Kelly Dempster, Shane Dolan, Kayla Facteau, Lamont, Cassandra Nadeau, Syeda Raza, DesRoches, Karolina Dzieminski, Brent Ashley Mello, Jenna Miranda, Matthew Chelsey Grandmaison, Emma Grimes, Hailey Thomas Savasta, Celeste Sgariglia, Tyler Filgerleski, Kelley Samantha, Courtney Moran, Jesse Plant, Adam Rohr, Christopher Harding, Catherine Heckler, Richard Lafleche, Staweicki, Alexandria Steinbuch, Jason Samantha Langlois, Harry Le, Anoki Mann, Tawczynski, Mina Zaky. Jasmine March, Jamie Marshall, Brandon Mercado, Kody Morio, James Pattererson, GRADE 10 Christopher Penalvert, Briana Santoro, High Honors: Manuela Arango, Megan Daniel Sochacki, Jesse Suprenant, Kyle Baker, Peter Boersma, Meghan Dwyer, Alicia Tarnowski, Justin Tourtellotte, Brandon Garamy, James Guyette, Andrew Meloche, Tremblay. Matthew Moussa, Ashleigh Panagiotou, Kellie Powers. GRADE 8 Honors: Alyssa Bonin, Morgan Devish, High Honors: Kellie Duquette, Matthew Nicholas Guarnieri, Kayla Karlon, Matthew Hurton, Jacqueline Lagasse, Patrick Ledic, Ortiz, Alexis Poedworny, Larinda Ralph, Joseph Murphy, Indre’ Naujokaite, Kelsi Natalie Trivino. Pipes, Emily Powers, Sean Powers, Justin Honorable Mention: Victoria Annese, Smith, Steven Tarnowski. Eunice Artey, Matthew Bialoncik, Ava Bilis, Honors: Matthew Bernier, Cayanne Megan Branisel, Cailyn Canty,Hector Collazo, Chenevert, Alexx Ciras, Amanda Collins, Rocco DiStefano, Jacqueline Finkel, Brianna Travis Daigle, Elizabeth Duquette, Olivia Guenther, Nicholas Kobel, Amber Lavigne, Johns, Kathyrn King, Shaun Murphy, Colin Stacie Lyon, Matthew McKay, Joshua Millett, Powers, Sean Scannell, Danyel Stone, Melanie Chantal Ouellette, Stevie Pipes, Matthew Trivino, Carly-Jean West-Martin, Kaiylibe Podell, Jessica Rittacco, Gianna Sposato, Wood. Lukasz Trzuskot. Honorable Mention: Janelle Bombardier, Olivia Budney, Amber Dupont, Derek GRADE 11 Girardin, Brian Godin, Caleb Lally, Brittany High Honors: Emilio Betancourt-Ortiz, Lapierre, Keianu Lopez, Kyle Magaw, Mason Kelsey Grey, Matthew James, Katherine Manchester, Matta Wamp Mann, Samantha Lavalle, Kathleen Mandile, Maura O’Halloran, Morrill, Isaiah Nunez, Gustavo Oliveira, Gina Scarglia, Katya Sidorchuk, Bryanna Brittany Pinho-Perdigao, Daniel Powers, Smith, Daniel Zalewski. Catherine Price, Kiara Rainey, Amber Honors: Magdalena Barszcz, Miranda Biron, Tourtellotte, Cameron Young. Ryan DiTullio, James Erickson, Ana Franco, Mariana Gomes, Vanessa Hernandez, Rebecca GRADE 9 James, Summer Konicki, Magdalena High Honors: Martin Boersma, Erin Lezanska, Gary Mongeon, Anna-Lisa Bonnevie, Kimberly Brown, Pegui Norman, Alycia Patterson, Adam Sgariglia, Campoverde, Deidre DiLiddo, Kylie Dubey, Blazej Stypulkowski, Kristi Willis. Emily Gould Jennifer Grooms, Lauren Honorable Mention: Tana Arvelo, Jennifer Hughes, Thomas James, Tori McIntyre, Bellerose, Matthew Ciak, Anthony Comeau, Ashtin Morio, Patricia Murphy, Sara Prunier, Shannon Devish, Victoria DiLiddo, Mark Devin Silvestri, Kayla Smith, Amanda Dixon, Andrea Errara, Ashley Harris, Stevens, Brittany Stewart, Jacyln Vanderhoof. Andrew Kladas, Marissa Lussier, Matthew Honors: Ellyanna Collazo, Justin Demma, Maguire, Joshua Mahoney, Mariah Matte, Tyler Mailloux, Maria Palkon, Zoey Pierce, Erin McDonald, Julie Milner, Ross Narus, John Plewa, Jacquelyn Ricard, Rosa Snape, Diane Peterson, Bryana Poulin, Amanda Nicholas Terranova, Brett Tetreault, Isaac Ritacco, Brandy Robidoux, Kelsey Trottier, Whitecotton. Turn To BARTLETT, page A9 Honorable Mention: Breanna Beardsley, Friday, February 19, 2010 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 9 LEARNING Activities abound at St. Louis Catholic Schools Week

Courtesy photos

WEBSTER — A show was held during Catholic Schools Week at St. Louis School. Also pictured, poetry contest winners hold their cer- tificates (1st and 2nd place in each grade K-8). The theme was “Dividends for Life.” The first place winner in each grade gets to dress down for an entire week, while the runner up in each grade gets to dress down for one day. r group picture is of all the participants in the talent show. The PTFA at St. Louis School also sponsored an ice cream sundae party for all students in grades pre-k through 8 during Catholic Schools Week.

DMS second quarter honor roll “It Works” DMS Elijah Fossas, Kristopher Fournier, Jordan continued from page A7 Fuller, Bryan Gibree, Abigail Girard, Maria Gurriere, Nicole Holmgren, Ashlee Duhamel, Claire Frederick, Caitlin Gunagan, Jarominski, Alexandra Kallgren, Mercedes Kaylin Hauge, Benjamin Hoke, Daniel Krasnecky, Christian L’Heureux, Zachary Hutchinson, Jacob Jachimczyk, Natalia L’Italien, Lauren Langevin, Matthew Leake, Kurpiel, Daniel Leboeuf, Heidi Marrier, Emily Lowell, Glorimar Maldonado, Miranda Melikian, Lauren Merritt, Jordan Kimberly Marier, Menard, Alexis Menard, Miglionico, Mackenzie Mullins, Erin Andrea Miller, Rachel Nowosadko, Averyl Murphy, Rebecca Norowski, Lauren Edila O’Connor Seguin, Teo Olszta, Derek O’Loughlin, Brooke Packard, Lucas Painchaud, Jocelyn Pepka, Shaianne Patenaude, Allie Pysell, Derek Redmond, Petrello, Mindy Phranasith, Kristyn Hunter Schultz, Andrew Shore, Jeffrey Spahl, Pichierri, Brendan Pratt, Benjamin Records, Nicole Wilson, Jordan Zablocki. Julian Reich, Megan Ritchie, Kaycee Roy, Honors: Eliezer Alicea, Brooke Babbitt, Shelby Stracher, Angelica Sudyka, Emily Curtis Bagley, Arianna Belsito, Kurt Bilis, Suss, Ryan Tarpey, Alexander Veber, Jack Celia Bohaboy, Peter Bonaventura, Robert Veronick, Madison Walker, Allyson Ward, Brooks, Jaelynn Colon, Rebecca Costen, Michael White, Morgan Whittemore, Nathan Cyganiewicz, Joshua Dougherty, Catherine Wielock, Miranda Wojdylak, David Dube, Meghan Dunn, Joshua Farrar, Tamara Worrells. AcusageAcusage Bartlett second quarter honor roll AcademyAcademy BARTLETT Magdalena Trzuskot. Honorable Mention: Sergio Alvarado, continued from page A8 Carolyn Betty, Christopher Borelli, Shane Jeremiah Whitecotton. Burns, Kristen Cameron, Jamal Carlson, Wondering if advertising works??? Litsa Catusi, Leanna DeSantis, Ashley See what our customers have to say, their words speak for themselves. GRADE 12 DiFava, Ashley Dowgiewicz, Jordan Garrity, High Honors: Donovan Atwood, Abby Mary Gill, Casara Gilman, Sadie Haddad, Brisbois, Lauren Denio, Michael Duteau, Erika Katz, Kyle Kelleher, Tomasz Lezanski, “It works- sales and art department are very good- Fair Samantha Ferrantino, Shaelyn Floria, Hillary Molly Manchester, Amanda Marcoux, Laura Greenhalge, Julie Hoyt, Michael Scannell, Mathisen, Sarah Morais, Daniel Morgan, pricing, quick service. SANDY IS THE BEST” Randall White. Stephanie Mortell, Ryan Munsch, Monica Jack J. Roso Honors: Shanice Bailey, Henry Neri, Peter Olson, Michael Ortiz, Lindsay Owner Director Bounphasaysonh, Courtney Currier, Andrew Stone, Nicole Stone, Rebecca Thrush, Annette Acusage Academy & Body Reflexology Hackenson, Daria Pajak, Danielle Phelps, Ucher, Chelsea Vancellette, Zachary Wiley, Jillian Ricard, Justin Sundara, Kelly Tobin, Melanie Wrightson. 508-978-0178

Acusage Academy & Body Reflexology is located at 250 Main Street in Oxford. They are a state licensed massage and reflexology school. They offer low tuition with interest free monthly payment plans. And are now teaching new state approved courses. Acusage Academy & Body Reflexology is open Monday through Wednesday 9am to 12 noon and 6 to 9 p.m. and also by appoint- ment. Feel free to give them a call at 508-987-0178 with any questions or visit them online at They got GREAT Results, you can too. Call Sandy Lapensee today at (508)909-4110 or drop her an email at [email protected] Stonebridge Press Newspapers "Your local newspaper - the next best thing to word-of-mouth advertising" 10 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, February 19, 2010

THE DEADLINE to submit letters to the editor and commentaries for next week’s newspaper is Friday at noon. VIEWPOINT SEND ALL ITEMS to Editor Adam Minor at THE WEBSTER TIMES — [email protected] LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Just a bit Schade: Join in the winter festivities A STONEBRIDGE PRESS WEEKLY To the Editor: Webster Lake, ice fishing, snowmobiling, four- NEWSPAPER The weekend of Feb. 6, most of us were wheeling and ice skating. 25 ELM STREET,SOUTHBRIDGE MA 01550 of doggerel grateful that the “too many” inches of snow One group even displayed a big American TEL. (508) 764-4325• FAX (508) 764-8015 fell in states south of ours. Flag. How nice it was to see so many out enjoy- We did experience cold temperatures, espe- ing one of the four seasons in this beautiful cially with the wind chill factor, but numerous area of ours. Join in and enjoy! We're cat people, of course, as document- FRANK G. WALTER C. folks were seen enjoying the outdoors. Beacon ed in previous columns recalling the exploits of Barry and Elliott (they own the CHILINSKI BIRD JR. Park Condo residents celebrated their annual SUSAN SCHADE furniture) and assorted other felines in STONEBRIDGE PRESS STONEBRIDGE PRESS Pre Super Bowl Beach Party.Some joined with WEBSTER PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER WEEKLIES EDITOR-AT-LARGE the many others who were seen out on our family register. But last week, I became an unofficial, temporary,part-time ADAM MINOR dog person, by way of agreeing to "dog sit" EDITOR Board of Health decision ‘un-American’ for my friend's "best friend," if you get my THE WEBSTER TIMES AND THE AUBURN NEWS drift. To the Editor: should never happen here in Webster, Mass., When my friend — let's call him George I am shaking my head after hearing how the USA! Nor should it be tolerated by any mem- — asked me to "water the dog" for a few EDITORIAL Webster Board of Health decided to ban smok- ber of our free and open society, regardless days, it seemed like an easy assignment. I ing in private clubs. It would be an understate- whether you smoke or not! haven't officially dog sat ment to say this wasn’t open and transparent There are several private clubs in Webster. in decades, since caring government. Barring any criminal activity they all should for the minister's pooch No tolls on Sadly, it is all too familiar, to what our gov- be free to socialize as they and their members that ate my hamster (the ernment is doing on all levels. Elected officials wish. The Webster Board of Health, regard- canine, not the clergy) imposing their will on the people are ignoring less of how noble their intent might be, had no and took me on a daily that they are supposed to represent the wishes business imposing their mandate. It is my drag ("Charkie" was big- Pike just a of the people who elected them. hope the Board of Selectman will unanimous- ger, hairier, and much Now, I don’t smoke — never have. I fully sup- ly condemn the un-American action of the stronger than I). port the merits of not smoking. But that was Webster Board of Health, reminding them all But what's the big deal? my personal choice! This is what our founding meetings are to be conducted in an open trans- S OU While I certainly wasn't fathers had in mind for all free citizens of the parent manner. A Y fast friends with my new dream United States. The Webster Board of Health The real issue is all about freedom and our LIKE IT client, I was at least clearly overstepped their authority by impos- American way of life. somewhat familiar with ing their will on private citizens. This un- MARK him. Let's call him American action is the same as a communist he governor is at least moving DANIEL DORR ASHTON Gargantua (not his real in the right direction on the politburo in a totalitarian government. It WEBSTER name), since he's taller Mass Pike by working on a plan than I am when he stands on his hind legs and is possessed of a that could eliminate the need for T A sad end to this Valentine’s Day story strength that might seem to match his highly-paid toll takers. ferocious (German shepherd) bark, which Actually, no, he’s moving in “a” direc- This Valentine’s Day started early in the dog did not have any morals to even stop. There echoes like a sonic boom throughout the tion. morning with a call from dispatch advising of a is no excuse for that driver’s speed or the fact neighborhood, community, and, probably, The right direction, of course, would person waking up and finding their dog had that driver was involved in an accident and the Northeast. be to do what should have been done passed away during the night. failed to stop. The driver of that car While my friends were away visiting The person did not know what to almost hit Jose as he attempted to flag years ago — end the tolls permanently. family (offspring living about as far away do about the dog’s body and needed CRITTER the driver to slow down. The driver as you can in these contiguous united That will never happen because the guidance, which I provided. Just as I obviously knew he hit something — the states), I was charged with looking in on state has come to depend on the millions thought the day could not possibly CORNER poor dog was standing in the roadway, and keeping properly hydrated this of dollars in revenue generated by the get any worse. not even moving. The dog did not run healthy specimen of fur-lined watchdog. suckers, er, motorists who file dutifully The call came in at 9:49 p.m., MICHELLE in front of the car or into the car. The My first visit set the tone for the assign- Sunday, Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day, dog was standing still, a stationary tar- ment. Though he didn't actually start bark- through the toll booths each and every from the Webster Police Dispatch LEFLECHE get for some ignorant driver who choos- day. ing until I exited my car and started walk- advising of a loose dog on Klebart es to speed and endanger others. Does ing toward the house, he didn't STOP (I'm Instead, we get a plan by Gov. Deval Avenue. A resident tried to catch the dog, but it that driver know what he/she hit? Obviously, assuming he stopped at some point) until I Patrick to install electronic tolling was elusive and kept wandering in the street. the driver did not care. How sad. was removed to the next county. devices, creating a sort of drive-through, Knowing this, Jose and I brought Bella, one of Legally, when a vehicle hits a dog, the dog I didn't show fear, because I knew him to my Springer Spaniels, to act as a decoy in owner is at fault, however, that fact does not or open-road, tolling system. be protective but obedient, and here's assisting us to catch the dog. In many cases excuse the driver that hit this dog and failed to where I learned something interesting Implementation would be costly and with timid dogs, decoy dogs are successful in even have enough decency to even slow down about his canine character. Though his things are only in the discussion phase, luring timid dogs and allowing them to be after the impact. Well, despite the fact that the barking alone ought to have been enough but the idea of doing away with toll caught. driver of the car struck and killed this dog, I to scare off an army of vicious murder- workers sits well here. After searching the area, we finally spotted know one thing for sure, with no morals or the dog standing in the roadway on Lake compassion like this driver clearly evidenced ers, cat burglars, and other assorted ne'er- What doesn’t sit well is that his plan do-wells, his demeanor changed when I comes as Patrick begins in earnest his Parkway.Jose went to attempt to get the dog out by his/her actions, I’m sure he or she will find of the roadway while I got Bella out of the vehi- it easy to sleep tonight. Isn’t it ironic that those actually got within 3 feet of him. In fact, as bid for re-election, something that may cle. Jose was just about in the middle of the who lack compassion and morals can sleep so I poured water into his dish and otherwise have seemed a lock right after he was road where the dog was and I was at the edge well at night? I know I will not sleep tonight. I invaded his space, he hunkered down as if elected four years ago and now might with Bella when this car came speeding down will be haunted by the image of that speeding to bark, "I didn't really mean it -- YOU'RE the boss!" and apologized for his overall just be a long shot. Lake Parkway and without even slowing down car,the impact, and especially the poor dog that rudeness. An electronic tolling system could, struck the poor dog. I’m sure suffered in great pain before succumb- The sound was one I will never forget — like ing to his injuries. My heart is heavy with sad- Which made me think of some of those according to some officials, save the a car hitting a cement wall. The car never ness at the innocent life lost because of irre- age-old references to canine nature — like state millions. It would also, ostensibly, slowed down. sponsible human actions. "dogged determination," an unyielding give relief to the headaches caused by The dog’s body flung to the side of the road The deceased dog was a shepherd/rottie/pit perseverance, and "going to the dogs," not mile-long back-ups at the toll booths. where I was standing in horror with Bella. looking type mix wearing a collar but no tags. a very desirable destination. While to dog Anyone who has ever gone through the Initially, it appeared that the dog had expired As I previously stated, it was an intact male. someone is to show real persistence in tracking them down, "hounding" them may Sturbridge tolls on the weekend or dur- upon impact. I could not the dog could The car that smashed into him was white or have possibly survived such an impact, yet, sur- silver in color — possibly a newer type Chevy be a bit over the top. Likewise, having the ing holidays can relate to that nightmar- prisingly,it did. Impala. ability to "tree" a quarry may exhibit the ish scenario. Upon our approach, the dog got up and On Christmas, we were dispatched to this aforementioned determination, but "bark- But, let’s be honest, something should attempted to cross the street. The dog had obvi- same road for a yellow lab that had been struck ing up the wrong tree" is downright embar- have done about the Mass Pike a long, ously sustained substantial life-threatening and killed by a car. Please, do not let your dogs rassing. long time ago. Tolls should have been injuries. We carefully placed the dog in our loose! Drivers — SLOW DOWN! Life is too short Gargantua's enthusiasm for protecting his turf also called to mind my recent visit eliminated like they were meant to be. SUV and drove it to Tuft’s as fast as we could as it is, why hurry through it? legally do so. Unfortunately, the dog did not In another direction, we have a nine-month- to a housebound nonagenarian, whose best Remember, the tolls were implemented make it. old female Jack Russell/Rat Terrier available friend was an enthusiastic Chihuahua — as a “temporary” measure. A state It is now 12:21 a.m. on Sunday night, for adoption as well as a shaggy Lhasa mix. about the size of Barry's last breakfast, Legislature that has yet to learn the Valentine’s Day, as I am writing this. I am sick Don’t forget we also have several cats avail- but possessed of a Goliath-like spirit. As meaning of “fiscal constraint,” however, to my stomach and angry — angry at the owner able for adoption. If you are interested in adopt- they say, it's not the size of the dog in the now tells us it would be financially irre- of the dog for allowing the dog to be loose; ing any of our animals, please contact me at fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. I angry because the dog was loose and was not 508-736-4247. sponsible, if not impossible, to do away forget the mini-pooch's name, but it may as neutered, which is probably why the dog was Remember, our shelter is always in need to well be Richard — as in "the lion-hearted." with the toll revenues generated by the wandering; angry because the owner has not blankets, towels, food, litter, toys, etc. Your sup- While tradition wants us to believe that Mass Pike. yet called dispatch or animal control to advise port/donations help us to stay a no-kill shelter every dog "will have his day," what about So while a toll-free Pike may be noth- the dog was missing or to inquire if anyone and to provide our furry friends with the best the sad pooch that "turns to his own ing more than a “pike” dream, if you found or seen the dog. Okay, maybe the dog is possible care. vomit," or the dyslexic agnostic homo sapi- will, at the least there is some hope that from another town or the dog somehow Until next time, SLOW DOWN and enjoy life ens, who is not quite sure about the exis- escaped without the owner’s knowledge. Either — appreciate and respect each other and all the we will do away with the toll takers who tence of Dog? would be considered the only possible excuses critters we have been blessed with. A "dog's age" is supposed to represent a collect a nice, tidy salary. Not that they for which I would owe the owner my most sin- real long time, and a "three-dog night" sig- don’t earn it. Sitting down all day does cerest of apologies. Michelle Lafleche is the animal control officer nifies more than just a slight nip in the air, get tiring and collecting money is However, I am even more upset over the fact for the town of Webster and submits a periodic but it doesn't pay to be "dog-tired" (totally tedious. Of course, we probably all know that the driver of the car who smashed into the column for the Webster Times. exhausted) or to live a "dog's life" (an a lot of folks who would to get one of unhappy slavish existence). those jobs. Keep those license plates clean and visible Which brings us back, I suppose, to why If Patrick’s plan goes through, it could we're cat people in the first place. There's no such thing as a "watch cat" that'll pro- all be moot. In the meantime, if you’re I recently received a question rel- license plate holders are permitted. tect your property or defend your turf and looking forward to a toll-less Pike some- ative to annual motor vehicle However, in order for a vehicle to pass possessions. Most people figure I've been day, don’t hold your breath. inspections. A local resident asked inspection, the plate holder or frame lying about having TWO cats, since Elliott if license plate holders or decora- cannot cover any portion of the writ- goes into his invisible mode whenever an tive brackets for your vehicle’s num- ing on the license plate. If this were to unfamiliar personage enters our bunga- ber plate are no longer allowed by occur, the vehicle would not pass low. But there's something to be said for law. They were told, during the inspection and the holder would need such standoffishness. Heck, we're lucky annual vehicle inspection, that to be removed. These situations are the guys let US live here — never mind Are you a Webster, these accessories could not be used. CHIEF’S decided on a case-by-case basis by the some intruder bent on bad deeds. Dudley or Oxford I was asked to provide some clarifi- people operating the inspection sta- My friend Dick has a designer dog that cation on this issue. CORNER tions. Their opinions can differ at requires a special (high-priced) diet but resident with an The Registry of Motor vehicles times. Take a few moments to review has been known to chomp on prosthetic provides the rules and regulations STEVE your particular situation. If you body parts and cash (up to $60 in bills) left governing annual motor vehicle require clarification on a specific idea for a guest WOJNAR out on a dresser. No snooty cat would be inspections. I posed this question to inspection question, you may want to caught dead — for even one of its nine the registry and received the follow- contact or stop in at a Registry office column? We want lives — engaging in such foolishness. ing answer: “License plate frames or holders for an opinion. Gargantua and I soon came to an agree- to hear it! are not illegal provided they do not cover any ment: I'd be appropriately impressed by part of the writing on the license plates.” Thanks again for your questions and com- E-mail ideas to The explanation for this is provided in 540 ments. Please send them to me at the Dudley his vocal protectionism, and he'd back off aminor@ CMR 4.04. A portion of this rule states that Police Department, 71 West Main St., Dudley, enough to let me perform my assignments “license plate(s), shall be undamaged, secure- MA 01571, or e-mail without any real threat of bodily harm. stonebridgepress. ly mounted, clean and clearly visible. No [email protected]. Opinions Anything more, or less, would have been a bumper, trailer hitch or other accessory may expressed in this weekly column are those of doggone shame! com interfere with a clear view of the license Chief Wojnar only and unless clearly noted, do plates.” not reflect the ideas or opinions of any other Mark Ashton writes a weekly column for This rule would support the fact these organization or citizen. Stonebridge Press publications. Friday, February 19, 2010 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 11 VIEWPOINT Hotel hell I suppose the first inkling that on fire!” the entire building was on fire. “Oh my God,” she continued, “is There, at one corner of the bed, me and hotels didn’t mix was when I don’t recall the exact response As we huddled outside, my father that a stain?” was a giant, furry and no doubt I was a teenager and my family was my father had, but it went some- spoke what most of we men know Now, as a guy, I don’t fret over murderous spider, about the size of vacationing up near the White thing like, “Well, I don’t know what as among the truest words in the such minor details as hairs and a silver dollar. Maybe even bigger. Mountains in New Hampshire. We to tell you, because I can’t go any- English language: “When you’ve stains. We’re men, after all. Heck, I “That’s it!” I yelled. “We’re out of hadn’t been in our where!” got to go, you’ve got to go.” was even ready to jump in with my here! Where’s the manager? This is room too long when we So off we kids *** underwear. Darned if a little stain unacceptable! Oh my God! Was that heard the sound of fire went, scuttled by Ironically, my wife and I jour- and hair was going to get the best of thing in our bed all night? Where engine sirens in the BIRD’S our mother to safe- neyed to the White Mountains last me. are my clothes? We’re leaving.” distance. EST ty outside, where fall, after deciding to make a week- My wife ventured into the bath- My wife stood there watching me My father, who had N we joined the end get-away, a spur-of-the-moment room to continue her inspection. with the look she has come to per- just ventured into the dozens of other decision after a particularly stress- “Umm, honey?” she called out to fect; the one that basically says, bathroom and could WALTER guests who had ful week. My wife, bargain hunter me. “Can you come here for a “You are unbelievable.” And not not be expected out for BIRD JR. taken far less time she is, found a hotel on line that minute?” “unbelievable” in a good way. at least a good 15 min- to make the deci- offered a darn good rate, some- I walked into the bathroom, I marched out to the front desk, utes, made the off- sion to flee a build- where in the neighborhood of 50 where she was standing as she promptly obtained a refund for the handed remark, “I ing that quite pos- bucks or so a night. stared down at the tub. second night we had booked and we hope they’re not coming here.” sibly might have been burning We arrived late on a Friday “Umm, is that blood?” left, calling a nearby, more well- They were. down around them. night. She gestured to some rather dis- known and slightly more expensive We quickly became aware of the “Is there anyone in there?” some- Now, my wife has what I call turbing looking stains on the walls hotel as we drove. smell of smoke and when my moth- one asked. “hotel radar” — she can tell right and tub itself. *** er peered out into the hallway, we “Yes,” said my mother, unable to away whether a room is worth stay- “I think it is,” came my reply.“Do Space constraints dictate that could hear the smoke alarms. hide her embarrassment. “My hus- ing in, or whether it’s best to turn you think someone died here?” this column come to an end right “Oh my God,” she said. “Honey, band.” right around and walk away. “We need to leave,” she said. “I about now, so details of our most quick, we have to go! There’s a “Does he know the building’s on This particular room fell into the can’t stay here.” recent adventures at a hotel — after fire!” fire?” latter category. Being the man I had to tough it we were forced from our apartment Now, when a male member of the “Yes.” The first thing my wife looks at out. I convinced my wife that as because of a broken heater — will Bird family hits the bathroom, it’s Right around that time, my in a hotel are the bed sheets. And long as we didn’t use the bed cover have to wait. usually a signal to the others to father came strolling out the front even if they look OK, she still cov- with hair on it or take a shower, Suffice it to say that when it carry on their business — we’ll be doors of the hotel. We learned soon ers herself head to toe in bed wear, we’d be fine. comes to me and hotels, things out in a while. If we are carrying a after that a fire had started in the refusing to risk coming into con- So we went to bed. haven’t improved much. newspaper under one arm, you can kitchen and, while the flames had tact with God knows what. The next morning after we had make that a long while. been contained, the smoke had Her inspection here revealed woken up and were getting ready to Walter Bird may be reached at “What?!?” my mother yelled filled many of the floors. sheets that were not clean. do some exploring, my wife peeled 508-909-4107 or by e-mail at incredulously? “Are you serious? Still, when we were inside, there “There’s hair on this,” she said, back the bed cover all the way off [email protected] Get out of there now! The hotel is was no way of knowing whether pointing to the top cover. the bed. Learning the role of a nurse practitioner Now that you have read a Partners in Health. pass an exam for certification before practic- the doctor’s offices, including many in dif- few columns by me, you may HEALTH More and more people are ing and calling themselves a nurse practi- ferent specialties such as cardiology and be wondering, “What is a CARE choosing NPs as their pri- tioner. There are many different programs gastroenterology,and many in primary care. nurse practitioner, anyway?” mary, acute and/or specialty in Massachusetts. NPs work in the inpatient units of A nurse practitioner (NP) is HOUSE healthcare provider. In addi- The role of an NP varies by state and by Harrington Hospital in the hospitalist pro- a masters prepared advanced CALLS tion to being top-notch health- clinical area. I, for example, am able to gram. practice nurse who is an inte- care providers, NPs deliver a assess, diagnose and treat a wide variety of As always, you have the choice to see an gral part of the Health Care HEATHER unique blend of nursing and problems in adult patients working with NP or a physician if you go to an area where System. The American BRIERE medical care. They provide Drs. Cohen, Hussain and Nasseri. I can per- both are available. Some insurance compa- Academy of Nurse comprehensive, personalized form physicals, write prescriptions, order nies, such as Blue Cross, are starting to rec- Practitioners ( health education and counsel- lab tests and X-rays, and give advice. Some ognize and allow NPs as primary care uses this definition: ing. NPs assist patients in making better nurse practitioners have been trained to see providers. Due to many factors including “NPs are advanced practice nurses who lifestyle and health decisions. a specialized population. Some can see chil- lower cost, better availability, and the provide high-quality healthcare services NPs have distinguished themselves from dren and infants; some specialize in working unique merging of medicine and nursing, similar to those of a doctor. NPs diagnose other healthcare providers by focusing on with older adults. Nurse practitioners can many people are receiving care from a and treat a wide range of health problems. the whole person when treating specific work in doctor’s offices, schools, clinics, hos- Nurse Practitioner. They have a unique approach and stress health problems and educating their pitals, emergency rooms, and in nursing both care and cure. Besides clinical care, patients on the effects those problems will homes. Nurse Practitioner Heather Briere has NPs focus on health promotion, disease pre- have on them, their loved ones and their Through the Harrington HealthCare more than 15 years experience in nursing. She vention, health education and counseling. communities.” System, NPs work with doctors and other can be reached at the Harrington HealthCare They help patients make wise health and In Massachusetts, every NP must com- health care professionals to improve the at Hubbard Primary Care Office by calling lifestyle choices. They are truly your plete at least a Masters Degree and take and health of the community. Some NPs work in 508-943-5132. A hair-y nightmare

It all began long ago, the first went to the grocery store … and but my own natural color shining should have said as “auburn and your original hairdresser says, time I ventured to get my haircut came home to see a Cousin It-like through. Nothing too exciting, but brown” instead? “Oh, my God. What … ?” before by myself, at the age of 16. static electricity nightmare.) nothing to be ashamed of, either. Perhaps I should have been more having to dye your hair dark Unsure of what I actually want- The bright blond highlights — My problem, is, of course, that I clear: “About that red: I’d actually brown again (twice) to knock out ed, I figured that if I used vague looking more than odd against my have momentary lapses in memory like the dark brown color of my all the “fun” your hair was having. half-sentences, the hairdresser very dark brown hair — were also — or perhaps I tried to block out hair to look almost exactly the I would like to emphasize, how- would make my hair look long and a product of such elo- the above experi- same but different, paradoxically ever, that I have truly learned from curly and pretty and just like the quent instructions on ence from my at the same time, so please be a this experience. In fact, I have model’s in the magazine picture I’d my part. Put it this KRISTAL mind? Either way, magician instead of a hairdresser. learned five key things that will clipped. It would be fun. way: it’s never good I decided, for Also please be a mind reader, so prevent such situations from hap- “Um, just kind of like this,” I when the stylist looks KLEAR some unknown you know what I’m talking about. pening again in the future: said, waving my hands around my at what she’s done to reason, that it was And then can you also be a future- 1. Hairdressers are not mind head at different lengths at and your hair, frowns, time to do some- teller? To see if I’ll like it in the readers. below my shoulders. “Sort of, you stares at it again for a KRISTINA thing “fun” with end? Because if I won’t, then don’t 2. Also, they are not future- know. You know.” few minutes, and then REARDON my hair recently. do it.” tellers. What I’d really meant was, “I’d asks her supervisor to It was enough to Clearly, something was lost in 3. It is unreasonable of me to like to look almost exactly the give her a second opin- make my shaggy- translation. expect them to be either of those same but different, paradoxically ion about whether or not she weird blondness as a 16-year-old “Oh,” my mother said, when I things. at the same time, so please be a screwed up. Oh, how fun! look perfectly benign. arrived home a few days later. “Oh! 4. I should quit trying to save magician instead of a hairdresser. I remember my mother telling This is, of course, because I got it Um, wow! That’s … really red!” money,and just go to someone who Also please be a mind reader, so me to call my grandmother on the into my head that blond was not a “Like a circus clown,” said my actually knows what they’re doing you know what I’m talking about. phone, and then her sneaking up good color to experiment with (for obnoxious teenage brother. … enough to look at me, in my per- And then can you also be a future- behind me when I wasn’t looking obvious reasons) and that a differ- “No, no, not like a … clown … ” fectly conservative sweater, pearl teller? To see if I’ll like it in the with a pair of scissors to snip off ent color brown would not be “fun” my mother said, trying to save the earrings and jeans, and know that end? Because if I won’t, then don’t the awkwardly thinned-out bottom enough. I’m not sure where the day. “More like … Bella Swan gone “fun” hair — red or otherwise — is do it.” 6 inches of my hair. I momentarily emphasis on “fun” came from. I wrong? It’s very … nice.” the furthest thing from what I’ll I was epitome of the vague- flipped out, but afterwards realized never want to have such a “fun” Within three days of coming actually want. instruction-giving hairdresser’s I looked like a normal human experience again. home, the very red parts of my 5. Hair should be “nice” or “pret- nightmare. I probably deserved being again. In a way that shows I’ll probably hair had decided to become more ty,” but never “fun.” Never, never, nothing less than the shaggy,stick- Of course, I stress, that this was never learn, I told the hairdresser: “fun,” just like I thought I’d want- never “fun.” ing up on all ends but still some- all back when I was 16, a junior in “You know, about 2 inches off the ed. They did this by partially Now if I can just remember all of how really, really long, reaching high school. In the ensuing years, bottom, longish layers that sort of becoming even more bright red that the next time I decide I need a past my elbows, haircut that I got. I’ve tried to stray away from my mimic what I already have … and, than ever, partially by fading to a haircut … (This was also a result of the fact vague instruction giving to hair- like, reddish highlights.” At least really psychedelic pink, and par- that, in an effort to save money, I dressers. This has resulted in sev- the first part was more precise, tially by fading to a bleached Kristina Reardon is a told the hairdresser not to blow- eral years of mostly boring, but and yielded a haircut that was whitish blond color. Stonebridge Press correspondent, dry my hair and walked out with it perfectly nice and presentable passable. You know it’s bad when you and contributes a column to the sopping wet and air-drying while I shoulder-length cuts with nothing The reddish part? The part that I march yourself back into the salon Southbridge Evening News.

LETTERS POLICY SOUND OFF POLICY Letters to the editor are always welcome, and may be sent to The In addition to the Letters to the Editor section, the Webster Times Webster Times, 25 Elm St., Southbridge MA 01550 or via e-mail at offers an anonymous forum allowing callers to “Sound Off” about the [email protected]. Be sure to include a name and resi- hot-button issues and topics in their towns. The “Sound Off” line can be dence. Please refrain from sending letters via fax, and be sure to sup- reached 24 hours a day, at 508-909-4079. Names may be omitted for ply a home address and phone number to allow for confirmation. “Sound Off” calls only, although you may leave a name or initials. All Allow at least 48 hours for a response. Letters must be submitted by comments should be made clearly and concisely,to minimize the poten- noon Friday to ensure publication in the following week’s issue. tial for mistakes. Please remember that libelous comments, personal attacks and material that cannot be verified will not be published. Every effort will be made to accommodate late submissions, but “Sound Offs” may be sent to The Webster Times, 25 Elm St., inclusion can not be guaranteed. The rules of good taste and libel Southbridge MA 01550 or via e-mail at [email protected] will, of course, apply to all submissions. Personal attacks will not be with “Sound Off” in the subject line. All “Sound Off” submissions are published. The editor retains the right to edit all letters. due by noon on Fridays. We look forward to hearing from you! 12 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, February 19, 2010 SPORTS Rams see end to season, Clark Tourney run

BY NICK ETHIER ready to play. Credit Shepherd didn’t trail again. SPORTS STAFF WRITER Hill, they came out and did what Groton-Dunstable made its run WORCESTER — The Shepherd they had to do to hang in the late in the second quarter with Hill boys’ basketball team knew game. I thought (Shepherd Hill Preissler on the bench, and senior what was at stake in their first senior Anthony Preissler) had a Derek McCaffrey (12 points) hit a round game of the Clark nice game. He did a real nice job trey to put his team up 30-22. Tournament with the defending on the box.” The Crusaders led at halftime, Large School champion and cur- Preissler, knowing a loss would 34-25. rent top seed in Groton-Dunstable. end his basketball career, didn’t Groton-Dunstable won third- A win would not only put the disappoint. The center, listed at 6- quarter scoring 17-14 in a period eighth-ranked Rams into the foot-2, was giving away a handful that could have gone either way. semifinals after the upset, but also of inches to the interior players of Most of Shepherd Hill’s shots propel them into an automatic the Crusaders, but he didn’t care. weren’t falling, and the Crusaders spot in the Division 1 Central Preissler scored the first four were fortunate to grab the Mass. district tournament. points of the game for his team on rebound and begin a fast break. Shepherd Hill played a strong buckets inside, and it was the Corriveau thought that that game, but the Crusaders were able momentum that gave the Rams an repeated sequence ultimately did to grind out a 61-48 victory on Feb. early 11-4 lead. his team in. 15 at the Kneller Athletic Center. “He’s exceptional,” Corriveau “We gave away a couple of run The Rams’ season concluded said of Preissler. “He rises to the outs that killed us,” he said. “We with a record of 9-11. occasion. He always plays well missed a lay-up and they threw “We played about as well as we against big people.” (the ball) down (the court) for a could play,” Shepherd Hill coach Said Preissler of playing down lay-up.” Duane Corriveau said. “We low against the likes of 6-foot-6 Preissler wouldn’t give up, turned the ball over a little bit too senior Ryan Romich and 6-foot-5 though, and his old-fashioned much, but so did they, and that senior Cam Wilcox: “They’re three-point play cut into Groton- Nick Ethier photos kept us in the ballgame. If we strong kids. I just kept working at Dunstable’s lead, 49-37. Players from Shepherd Hill take practice shots before their tilt with Groton-Dunstable made a couple more lay-ups we it, working as hard as I could.” Classmate Kevin Pastore later in the Clark Tournament. would have kept it close.” Groton-Dunstable made a run to hit a jumper off glass at the But the 10-point gap was the ior Brian McCarron (10 points) The Rams turned the ball over end the first quarter and it was buzzer, signifying the end of the closest the Rams could get, and were other double-digit scorers 16 times, but Groton-Dunstable deadlocked after the initial eight third quarter, and it made the McCaffrey’s three-pointer from for the Crusaders. had 26 miscues, leaving coach minutes, 12-12. score 51-39. well beyond the college arc with Groton-Dunstable will now play Keith Woods in a not-so-happy Sophomore Matthew Rayla gave Preissler, who finished with a 2:15 to play put the game away, 60- in the semifinal of the Large state of mind after the game. Shepherd Hill a 20-18 lead after a game-high 19 points and a team- 45. School bracket, where they will “We threw the ball all over the burying a three-pointer in the sec- high nine rebounds, then got Romich finished with a double- square off with No. 4 Nipmuc on place and weren’t focused,” he ond quarter, but the Crusaders inside for the first two points of double (14 points, 14 rebounds), Feb. 18 at 7:45 p.m. said. “They clearly didn’t come scored the next seven points and the fourth quarter. while Wilcox (12 points) and sen- Littleton too much for Oxford at Clark TIGERS KNOCK PIRATES OUT OF TOURNAMENT WITH 67-53 WIN

BY JIM SARKISIAN Bixby had six of his 19 game. SPECIAL TO THE NEWS points in the first quarter “We have had times this year when WORCESTER — Having only one win last year, Oxford for the Pirates, while James we looked really good, and then there overcame the odds to qualify for the Clark Tournament Williamson put up six for were times where we struggled, this year. Despite the challenge they faced in Littleton, the Tigers. because of turnovers,” Greenough and despite the Pirates’ 67-53 loss Sunday, Feb. 14, they “I thought the kids played said. “We have had an up and down knew they had improved a lot. well in the first quarter,” season all year, and it was true with “Looking at the season as a whole, I am really proud of coach Greenough said. “I this game. Up in the first, down in the our kids,” said Oxford coach Al Greenough. “To come was concerned at the end of second, and back up in the end. back from one win last year and to make the Clark and the the quarter when our Unfortunately, it was too late.” Districts, these kids achieved a lot this year.” defense started to deflate. John Williamson and his twin The No. 6-seed- That has been our strong- brother James Williamson con- ed Pirates moved point all year.” tributed offensively for the Tigers. to 10-6 on the sea- After Oxford took a 20-19 John scored a game high 21 points, son, and now lead with 5:49 in the second while James put up eight. Senior Jeff await the seed- quarter, Littleton switched Bielefeld dominated under the boards ings for the post- to a man-to man defense, all game for Littleton grabbing 17 season. which forced Oxford to turn rebounds (seven offensive), blocking “It was quite the ball over. Littleton was five shots, and putting up eight points the turnaround,” able to go on a 22-8 run to as well. said Oxford sen- close out the quarter. Remarkably, Oxford shot a better ior Matthew Littleton outshot the Pirates percentage for the game (45.5 to 43.5), Bixby. “I really 27-12 in the second quarter. but Littleton attempted 18 more shots didn’t expect to “After the run by than the Pirates. Senior Brendon make the Clark Littleton, we got sloppy with Trembley scored eight points, grabbed and the Districts. our shots and turned the nine rebounds, and had five assists for But we still have ball over,” said Greenough. the Pirates. the Districts to “That was the difference in This is Littleton’s first Clark look forward to.” the game, we turned the ball Oxford's Matthew Bixby, soars through the air to the hoop. Tournament appearance since 1979 Oxford stuck over way too much.” and the third in school history. with Littleton for For the game, Oxford had 25 turnovers, while Littleton “These guys have really improved from when they were much of the first only committed 12. freshmen and sophomores,” said Littleton coach Mike quarter in their The Pirates, down by 22 at the end of the third quarter, Lombard. “It’s nice to see them enjoying this experience quarterfinal came back to life at the beginning of the fourth. Oxford and all of the hard work paying off.” Shawn Kelley photos game, trading senior Nick Fresolo scored all six of his points in the No. 2 Littleton played No. 6 Sutton in the semifinal game Oxford's Ian Gorske takes a shot as Littleton's baskets on both fourth on back-to-back three-pointers. However, the lead Tuesday, Feb. 16 at Clark. Sutton defeated No. 3 Murdock Chris McDonald tires to block. ends. Matthew was too much for Oxford to overcome that late in the in the previous game Feb. 14, 58-50. Tigers tame Indians after explosive first quarter at Clark

BY NICK ETHIER Indian senior Robert Mitchell (nine points) the way the Indians can play effective team SPORTS STAFF WRITER buried a three-pointer to get his team on the basketball. WORCESTER — The Bartlett boys’ basket- board, 4-3, but the rest of the quarter “We did the right things,” he said. “We got ball team is known for a run and gun offen- belonged to the Tigers. the ball over half court and had three-on-one sive style. To be successful as the No. 8 seed in Maynard went on a 10-0 run, which includ- breaks.” the Small School bracket of the Clark ed a traditional three-point play from senior Maynard led by 11 points at halftime, 39-28, Tournament against top-ranked Maynard, Jake Tyler, upping the lead to 14-3. but the consensus was it was still anyone’s the Indians would have needed to execute Bartlett junior Adam Sgariglia (team high game to win. perfectly in transition. 16 points) ended the run with a trey, but the One of the strategies employed by Bartlett But the Tigers were the team that began Tigers then used another run — this time once it began to make a run was the imple- the game with excellent offense, which gave with 12 unanswered points — to lead by 20 mentation of Kobel playing face-to-face, them a 26-6 lead after one quarter. after the first quarter. tough man-to-man defense on Tigers senior Maynard was then able to withstand any “We got ourselves in a big hole to start,” guard Mike Fowler, a member of the 1,000- Bartlett run for the remainder of the game Bartlett coach Tony Paranto said. “We let point club. and cruised in the quarterfinal contest, 84-62. their speed and their talent exploit us. We Fowler had only four points at halftime on “We know that they run,” Maynard coach didn’t take care of the basketball.” 2 of 8 shooting. Paul Howes said of Bartlett, “But we like to The Indians shot a woeful 2 for 15 from the “He’s one of our better defensive players think that we can run. The idea was to run field in the first eight minutes, including and stamina wise I thought he could stay with them, and I think that we did that.” going 2 of 7 from downtown. On the flip side, with him,” Paranto said of Kobel. Maynard made 10 of its 25 shots in the first The all-important third quarter went LambLight quarter. Maynard’s way, though, as the Tigers won Christian Church The second period was a different story, quarter scoring 25-17 to open up a 64-45 though, as the Bartlett faithful in the stands advantage at the end of the period. – PRESENTS – began to make some noise as their boys from A three-pointer from senior Peter Frank Bartlett's Robert Bouchard, left, and Maynard's The Saturday Movie Matinee Series Webster won the quarter’s scoring 22-13 to made it a 16-point game, 46-30, and Maynard Jake Tyler jump for the ball in the game-opening tap. 1pm last Saturday of every month close the gap. never looked back. Sophomore Nick Kobel (14 points) buried a The Tigers officially put the game away in 2/27/10 him having the ball every possession,” Howes Fireproof three to make it 28-9, and then senior the fourth quarter when they tallied 20 points 3/27/10 said. Joshua Shaheem Torres (12 points) got into the act to Bartlett’s 17. 4/24/10 Facing the Giants Maynard has a perfect season going at 20-0 with a traditional three point play to make it “Against good teams if you don’t play 32 5/29/10 Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed and will face No. 5 Uxbridge on Feb. 16 at 7:45 6/26/10 Left Behind I 28-12. Mitchell then stole the ball and went in minutes, especially with that speed, it can go p.m. in a Small School semifinal tilt. 7/31/10 Left Behind II: Tribulation Force for an uncontested lay-up. from seven to 20 [points down] quick,” Kobel, who made his Clark Tournament 8/28/10 Left Behind III: World at War After a Maynard timeout, Mitchell was able Paranto explained. debut, said he was nervous in the beginning 9/25/10 Second Hand Lions to convert an old school three-point play. A Howes was impressed with the balanced of the game, but found the experience “fun” 10/30/10 Radio Kobel hoop and a free throw from Mitchell scoring from his team (Jason Silva had 19 and “exciting.” 11/27/10 Hot Dogs, Popcorn & followed and Bartlett’s 14-0 run made it a points, Frank 14 points, Tyler 13 points) Finding Nemo Soda available at The Indians (10-7) will now regroup for the 12/18/10 Christmas Carol a reasonable price tight game, 28-20. because of the way the Indians took the ball Central Mass. District tournament. (movie titles open for change) “Getting down doesn’t phase (Bartlett) out of Fowler’s hands. Fowler still finished “It will be tough to pick ourselves back up 166 Worcester Rd. (Rt 20) Charlton, MA 01507 because of their style,” Howes said. “They with 15 points and 10 steals, though. (next to Gregson Insurance Agency) from this, but we will,” Paranto said. “We’ll started killing us in transition.” “They decided to take (Fowler) out of the be ready to go.” Please call Mike @ 774.452.2427 w/questions Paranto felt that the second quarter was game, and we were able to score 80 without Friday, February 19, 2010 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 13 SPORTS Bartlett edges Southbridge after fantastic finish

BY NICK ETHIER Bartlett early on, as the run-and- SPORTS STAFF WRITER gun specialists led after one quarter SOUTHBRIDGE – The Bartlett (20-16), at halftime (37-28), and after boys’ basketball team is surging and three periods (59-44). is one of the hottest teams in But the fourth quarter saw the Central Mass. Southbridge, on the Pioneers turn to the running game other hand, has struggled through as well, and it worked well as injuries and close losses all season. Southbridge netted 29 points in the The two teams battled on Feb. 9 in eight-minute frame. what turned out to be an extremely With just under four minutes to exciting game, one in which the vis- play a four point sequence in little iting Indians held a big lead, lost it, time on two lay-ups by Pioneers’ and eventually regained it for the sophomore Enrique Ortiz cut into win. Bartlett’s lead, 70-61. Bartlett prevailed in the high- Then junior Eric Lincoln came Bartlett's Robert Mitchell looks to drive scoring affair, 75-73. away with a steal and a bucket, and past Southbridge defender Michael The Indians are going to use the the lead was down to seven points. Agbortoko. game — played in front of a boister- One Ortiz free throw and a tradi- ous crowd on Southbridge’s Senior tional three-point play from senior double, scoring 20 points and grab- Night — as a learning experience. Hashian Rosario with 2:20 to go in bing 12 rebounds. “He came in dur- “During one of our timeouts I told the game and all of a sudden ing the beginning of the year out of the kids, if anything right now, try Bartlett’s safe lead was now a close shape. He’s starting to feel his legs to keep our composure,” Bartlett 70-67 contest. right now at the right time.” coach Tony Paranto said. “If you’re With 1:57 showing on the clock Other main contributors for the going to win games at the next level, senior Michael Agbortoko hit two Indians against Southbridge who the Clark Tournament and free throws, and Bartlett still hadn’t will also need to contribute come Districts, you need to get in these managed to score, so it was a one- tournament time include junior games.” point game. Adam Sgariglia (17 points), sopho- The Indians concluded their regu- With 90 ticks of the clock left more Nick Kobel (15 points, all on lar season at 10-6 after winning five Rosario went in for a fast break lay- three-pointers), senior Robert Nick Ethier photos in a row and eight of nine. They will up, and the Pioneers had their first Mitchell (12 points), senior Lisandro Rosario, with ball, makes a juke move on Bartlett's Shaheem Torres. next play in the Small School brack- lead of the second half, 71-70. Shaheem Torres (seven points), and et of the Clark Tournament. Paranto called his time out to senior Robert Bouchard, who was Bartlett, the No. 8 seed, will play top motivate his kids, and senior Jamal plagued by foul trouble against the ranked Maynard at 7:45 p.m. on Feb. Carlson stepped up huge. Pioneers. “It felt really good seeing every- “Even though we’re 5-12, our 14. Carlson, a bruising 6-foot-2 for- Meanwhile Rosario, Alcantara, one playing defense, running the record doesn’t show who we are,” he “We’re looking forward to it,” ward, hit two consecutive baskets to Agbortoko, and Leo Ortega played full court, and playing well,” said. “We can play with most of the Paranto said of the prestigious give the Indians a 74-71 lead. in their final home contest for Agbortoko said of the fourth quar- teams in the league.” tournament. “[Maynard has] a ter- Rosario then hit two free throws Southbridge. ter that enlivened the gym. And now that the journey is over, rific player in Mike Fowler, but our for Southbridge, but senior Richie Agbortoko had a double-double Agbortoko, speaking on behalf of Agbortoko will remember it forever. kids are happy to be there. We’re Alcantara’s game-winning three- (15 points, 11 rebounds), Rosario the seniors, hopes the young team “Playing here has been one of the very excited to go back to the Clark point attempt at the buzzer couldn’t scored 15 points, Alcantara had will see how special the final period best things I’ve done in my life,” he Tournament after taking a year find twine, and Bartlett escaped seven points and seven rebounds, of play was and will apply that same said. “I can say every single year off.” with the win. and Ortega scored seven points. energy into next season. has been special to me. I came from After Clark, the Indians will par- “Jamal had some big baskets for Ortiz led the Pioneers with 18 He also feels that despite the Boston (in ninth grade) to play here. ticipate in the District Tournament. us down the stretch,” Paranto said, points, while Lincoln had seven record the Pioneers were a good Southbridge is always going to be in Things looked promising for as the senior finished with a double- points and seven rebounds. team this season. my heart. I love being here.”

OHS Boosters to host HIGH SCHOOL NOTEBOOK basketball tournament Feb. 2 on Senior Night. Bay Path 45, Nashoba Tech 40 — The host Minutemen Scoring for Bay Path were Ellie Colon, who registered a OXFORD — The Seventh Annual March Madness Oxford 3 on 3 picked up their 10th victory of the season, once again career high 19 points, Nicole Primavera (13 points), Basketball Tournament to benefit the Oxford High School Booster qualifying for the Central Massachusetts Division 3 Angela Colon (eight), Sam Parker (seven), Iliana Joaquin Club will be held Saturday, March 13 at Oxford High School. District tournament. (three) and Krystal Santa (two). More than 65 teams from Massachusetts and Connecticut will Bay Path led at halftime, 27-16, and at the end of the Feb. 12 participate in the following divisions (age as of Dec. 31, 2009): third quarter, 38-23, before holding on to the victory. Bay Path 62, South 39 — The Minutemen only led by Junior B Boys (Ages 9-10), Junior A Boys (Ages 11-12), Intermediate Iliana Joaquin led the Minutemen with 12 points, while three points at halftime, 24-21, but a 38-18 second half B Boys (Ages 13-14), Intermediate A Boys (Ages 15-16), Senior Boys other starters Ellie Colon (10 points), Nicole Primavera surge was enough to put away the Colonels. (Ages 17-18), Men (Ages 19-29), Senior Men (Ages 30-39), Old Men (nine points), Angela Colon and Sam Parker (seven points The win for Bay Path came one day after losing 64-48 to (Ages 40-plus), Junior B Girls (Ages 9-10), Junior A Girls (Ages 11- each) also contributed. Joaquin and Parker combined for the Colonial Athletic League-leading Assabet squad. 12), Intermediate B Girls (Ages 13-14), Intermediate A Girls (Ages a staggering 34 rebounds in the contest. Angela Colon scored a career high 23 points for the 15-16), Senior Girls (Ages 17-18) and Women (Ages 19-plus). This is a Feb. 9 Minutemen against South, while Ellie Colon added 17 double elimination tournament, with two games guaranteed. Bay Path 52, Worcester Tech 35 — The host Minutemen points and Sam Parker added another 10. The entry fee is $80 per team. Champion/Finalist T-shirts will be improved to 11-7 on the season, including a 6-5 mark in Bay Path will now await the pairings for the Central awarded to the first and second place finishers in each division. the Colonial Athletic League, after dispatching the Eagles Mass. Division 3 postseason tournament. The registration deadline is Monday,March 8. A walk-in registra- tion will be held from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, March 3 at the Oxford High School main entrance. For more information, or to request registration form, e-mail [email protected] or [email protected], or go to, then to the High School page, to “Parent Organizations” to “Booster Club” for registration forms.

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WEBSTER — As part of their Catholic Schools Week cele- bration, the students of St. Anne School focused on charity by collecting Pennies for Haiti as well as intentions for our prayer basket. Other activities included an open house with tours of the school, a special daily morning prayer involving the entire school, and a week full of trivia. A Mass was held at Sacred Heart Parish on Friday to finish off the week. The students were also treated to performances by Robert Rivest of Springfield. As a student of Marcel Marceau, Robert trained more than 10 years with internationally renowned masters of dance, mime, theater and improvisa- tion. Along with his training in Paris and NYC, Robert received his BA from Hampshire College in Amherst. A to Z Literacy was presented to students in Pre-K through grade 3. With a different mime story for each letter of the alphabet, Robert Rivest highlighted the joy of reading and the magical world of books. He kept the audience engaged and the children loved being called to participate in creating mime stories of their own. Students in grades 4 through 8 were treated to Literacy Alive, a quick moving fun-filled enrichment program that gets older kids excited about read- ing. He comically illustrated the joys of reading everyday – using mime to describe events of daily life. His mastery of mime, theater, and improvisation kept the students actively engaged throughout the entire program. This performance was provided by a grant from the Webster Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. We would like to express our appreciation for the opportunity to enrich our students with this cultural experience. Friday, February 19, 2010 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 15 Officials discuss $20M Residents sound off on override proposals Residents voiced their opinions on people should consider it,” said OPINIONS the streets of Dudley Thursday, Feb. Leech. “Sooner or later we might continued from page 1 budget draft proposal 11 during interviews with the need the help.” Phelps said he plans to present his Webster Times. Attitudes varied on Despite the bitter cold, waiting for portion of the “Public Safety the subject, but most were in favor of students at the high school, Michael BUDGET tional funding were set at Override” to the board as soon as he the option on their ballots. Koneczny, 18, said as someone only has the chance and that the position Dudley resident Donna McGrath just embarking on the working continued from page 1 $9,618,608 and local aid was pro- jected at $11,664,044. he is looking to fill is an additional said she is in favor of the idea, as world, the idea of paying more in that this is the most difficult Town Manager Joseph Zeneski firefighter. she sat in her car waiting for her taxes is a hard pill to swallow. budget season he has seen. said getting the general govern- “This would expand on the depart- child at Shepherd Hill Regional “I think it could wait a bit,” said He also said with all of the ment back to the 2009 spending ment and add to the force in the High School. She said that even Koneczny. “[Its hard for people who cuts, local government has the levels was something he believed evening,” said Phelps. though it is a raise in taxes the com- are not] wealthy — you have to make hardest time on the road to recov- to be important for this year’s Currently, Phelps is working to munity would benefit from it. every pay check stretch.” ery, which he said is always hard budget process, and that when find out how much that position “Definitely, I would support it,” The discussion has become just as to see. cuts are made they will be done would cost. said McGrath. “This would be difficult for officials, and during last “We know the economic “proportionately.” He said he When Gion spoke to the board he money well spent.” Monday’s meeting Joseph made the impacts [on towns],” said Saad. fears there will be cuts like in said his proposal was for $56,000 for On the other side of the coin, resi- choice to wait and have the chance “We are the last to feel the January 2009, when more than an extra employee and supplies. He dent Mary Heritage said she knows to look over the issue more before improvements.” $250,000 in funding was slashed added during an interview last it is a hard choice, but she think the putting it to a final vote. Foglio said this first draft is by the state. week, that another member in the town could postpone putting the based off of Gov. Deval Patrick’s Board of Selectmen Chairman department would be beneficial to question on the ballot. What do you think of the various projected budget. She said they Jennie Cassie said it is “frustrat- the town especially during the win- “It could wait,” said Heritage. “I tax override proposals? Let us hear are bracing themselves for the ing” to make a budget at the pres- ter months. know it is a hard vote [when it your thoughts! Contact Joy Richard funding to change midway ent time due to inevitable budget “We have had the same amount of involves] tax increases.” at 508-909-4129 or by e-mail at through the year again. cuts. [employees, 10] since 1950,” said Dudley resident Jamie Leech, 33, [email protected]; or Foglio said there is also the “For us we choose to play the Gion. said she was behind the idea and contact Editor Adam Minor at 508- added pressure of not having numbers conservatively,” said He said with 217 roads in Dudley, hoped to see the question on the bal- 909-4142, or by e-mail at stimulus funding coming in for Cassie. “We don’t want to set our- extra staff would make the job easi- lot at the next Town Meeting. [email protected]. schools this year, like the district selves up to fail next year. It is er in the future. “If [more people] are in need then did in fiscal 2010 when President easier to put [items] back than to Barack Obama announced the have to slash and burn.” American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Joy Richard may be reached at “Every Town Deserves a Good Local Newspaper” Foglio said the numbers from 508-909-4129 or by e-mail to the state for Chapter 70 educa- [email protected].

A friendly picnic

Courtesy photo DUDLEY — Discovery Home Preschool, on Oxford Road in Dudley, held its annual Teddy Bear Picnic Thursday, Feb. 4 and Friday, Feb. 5. Each year, the picnic teaches kids ages 2 through 7 about friends and responsibility.


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Courtesy photos WEBSTER — St. Joseph School hosted a life, culture and faith and are able to relate to He continued: “In fact, every subject they ceremony to congratulate two sisters Sunday, the present generation of students. They teach is permeated with a religious dimen- Pictured, various scenes from around St. Joseph Feb. 7, for the Partners in Education Award, carry certification from several states in sion. Sr. Jeanne and Sr. Mary Ann have a rare School during Catholic Schools Week Feb. 1-5. On with Bishop Robert McManus. which they worked and continually upgrade ability to motivate the students to appropri- Sunday, Feb. 7, a ceremony for the Partners in Monsignor Anthony Czarnecki, on con- themselves through courses, workshops and ate behavior, exercise a Christian attitude in Education Award took place at the school with gratulating the sisters, said: “Sr. Jeanne and seminars, especially on technology. Through daily studies and extend the virtues of com- Bishop Robert McManus. Sr. Mary Ann are excellent teachers who pro- their personal charisma they elicit respect, passion, dedication and service to those in vide enormous influence on the students. inspire spirituality, strengthen the Catholic need. To find sisters today teaching in These two sisters who believe in community identity of the students where religion schools is quite rare, therefore, St. Joseph the lay faculty for the benefit of the stu- living, a life of prayer and participate in becomes not a subject to be taught, but a way School is fortunate to have two educational dents.” daily Mass, achieved the rare synthesis of of life.” leaders who provide an excellent balance to - Submitted by St. Joseph School


DUDLEY — Webster-Dudley Quo Vadis recently elected officers. Pictured, from left, Treasurer Steven Szlyk, Outgoing President Joan Kubiak, President-elect Marcia Behrens, and Vice President Johnathan Ruda. Friday, February 19, 2010 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 17 Prince incident ‘hits home’ with many school officials

out their issues themselves. attended. BULLYING “Some people name call,” said “As a parent I understand,” said continued from page A1 Bellerive. “But it doesn’t really Wells. “To them [bullying] is not hurt me.” an issue until it happens.” Reports showed that older stu- She said if friends do fight it is In nearby Auburn, dents had harassed Prince after only for a moment, but they work Superintendent Maryellen they believed she and a senior boy it out among their groups, because Brunelle is making sure the sub- had begun to flirt. The students “they know better.” ject is addressed within the continued to harass Prince both in “There is probably more cyber Auburn School district. school, over the Internet on social bullying, because [bullying] is eas- Before February vacation, networking sites and through text ier caught in schools,” said Brunelle said she met with all the messaging. The suicide that fol- Patenaude. “I haven’t seen any principals and told them to make lowed the harassment was a shock [myself].” sure they stress the importance of — not only to the school and its In Webster, Bartlett Jr./Sr. High treating others with respect in administration, but became state School Principal Michael their schools. and national news, bringing a Hackenson said it is the seventh “I want some sort of reminder fresh eye to the issue of the affects and eighth graders who he works to go in and engage the students in of bullying. with the most on anti-bullying, but a discussion that [bullying] is not Speaking to administrators in it is important to make sure all OK,” she said. the area, most agree that it is a students know that if they have a Brunelle said learning about tough job to monitor all of the bul- problem they can come to admin- Prince’s death “really hit home,” lying that happens in and out of istration and they will take care of adding she was saddened to school, since some students are so it promptly. Google “teen suicide” and read afraid to come forward and admit “We have the [Worcester numerous stories about students the bullying that they don’t find County] Assistant District taking their own lives because out until it is too late. Attorney come in and make a they were being bullied. Dudley Middle School Principal presentation on cyber bullying, “Any incident is too many,” she Gregory Desto said he and his [harassment through] texting and said. “We need to regularly staff are completely committed to sexting,” said Hackenson (“sex- remind students that words hurt.” making sure that students are 100 ting” meaning the use of texting Brunelle said she thinks tech- percent aware that bullying will services to exchange sexually nology has brought bullying to a not be tolerated on campus, and explicit material). new level. that if they know someone is It is these forms of bullying he “With access to multimedia being bullied, step up and help said he is the most concerned resources, it magnified the Joy Richard photos them. about, because he believes that issues,” she said. “A statement “Our motto that we make stu- Dudley Middle School Principal Greg Desto holds a T-shirt that started the students assume “it is easy and online could be read by hundreds “Kindness Revolution” anti-bullying campaign at the school. dents aware of on the first day is without ramification.” and thousands of people. We need treat others with civility and When asked if Bartlett had ever to think about that and do the best respect,” said Desto. experienced a tragedy like in job we can to educate children.” in her presentations she focuses structured policy and procedures, He said this is the first of three South Hadley, he replied “no” and When faced with a bullying on recognizing bullying situa- which should be developed by rules that are posted all over the he had not seen an incident like issue, Brunelle said she tells her tions, cyber bullying, research in each school district in consulta- school to insure that students that happen in the 11 years he has staff members to confront the cyber bullying and what kind of tion with their community needs.” remember that it is the way that been principal. issue immediately then bring it to topics and lessons students need to Over the years, Englander said you treat others that defines you Turning an eye to Oxford High the attention of the principal and know about these issues. bullying has become “more com- as a citizen. The second is to help School, first year Principal Kevin then to the guidance counselor. Englander said educators must mon and mainstream.” others when they need it and to Wells said it is his goal to stress She said bullying is something the first recognize bullying, which “It is not done in secret, but out seek help for ourselves when nec- the importance of community to district takes “very seriously.” “sounds easy but can be tricky.” in the open,” she said. “Often by essary. his students. At the beginning of the school She said the staff members should children who are popular with “We try to keep [the motto] sim- “I try to pound home that every- year in September, Brunelle said then communicate their disap- their peers and well-liked by ple,” said Desto. “The kids have thing we do here is centered the district went through a work- proval to the child and then seek adults. This makes it more tricky enough to remember [on a daily around respect,” said Wells. shop by the Massachusetts out the proper form of discipline. to address, of course.” basis], but it was my number one He said peer mediation groups Aggression Reduction Center “Discipline is not appropriate goal when I became principal to have helped students who might (MARC), which is housed at for subtle types of bullying — you Joy Richard may be reached at make sure students knew how to feel shy about talking about bully- Bridgewater State College in can’t give a detention when a 508-909-4129, or by e-mail at treat others as human beings. ing come forward and share their Bridgewater. group of girls roll their eyes at a [email protected]. This, [along with academics] will concerns with one another and The presentation was given by target,” she said. “But if it hap- help them advance as they go administrators. MARC Director Elizabeth pens constantly, from nearly Teresa A. Franco may be reached through life.” “Kids don’t want to snitch [on Englander. Brunelle said everyone, it can be devastating.” at 508-909-4136 or e-mail her at Dudley Middle School eighth one another],” said Wells. “But the Englander concentrated on the Englander said bullies should be [email protected]. graders Lucas Patenaude, 14, and only way to stop [bullying] is to importance of addressing bully- disciplined according to “specific Alexandra Bellerive, 14, sat down nip it in the bud [with peer-media- ing issues as to talk about their experiences tion].” soon as they with bullying and they agreed that Wells said he has also help meet- start. SCOUTING NEWS tion. All entries must be received by Feb. 3 for the most part, teasing happens ings with parents about bullying In an inter- in order to be eligible. There will be three — but students do use the tools prizes given to the three best essays writ- and their children, but he said view last week, There will be a Scout Sunday Service on they are given by teachers to work sadly, they have not been well Englander said ten. The winning essays will be read during Feb. 7, from 2-4 p.m. at Mary, Queen of the the service. Submit all submission to Ken Rosary Church, 60 Maple St. Spencer. Choquette, 20 Old Farm Road, Spencer, MA All Scouts of Massasoit District are invit- 01562. ed to an All Faith Service to celebrate the Food & Clothing Collection Library project presses on 100th anniversary of Scouting. We would We are asking that each scout brings an like to mark this occasion by gathering offering of food and/or clothing that will be together in the prayer and reverence. collected and give to local churches as they This service will be followed by a birth- minister to the poor of our communities. day celebration. All Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts Scout Choir through winter months and Venturing Scouts and there families We are looking for any Scout that would are invited to this event. like to join this Scout choir. We will be lead- Come as a unit or as an individual all are ing the service in well known faith and LIBRARY welcome. scouting songs. If you are interested please continued from page A1 The Faith Essay Contest is open to all reg- call: Ken Choquette 508-479-2902 or email at istered Scouts of Massasoit District. [email protected] opening date for June within the next few All essays should be approximately a - Submitted by Pachachaug Lodge 525 weeks.” page in length explaining the above ques- Library Director Matthew Hall said he is pleased to see the progress take place so quickly and that working with both the build- ing committee and Forish Construction Company has been easy, and even pleasant. “This is a good crew [of people],” said Hall. “We have moved right along and everyone has been [straightforward] to work with, with very few surprises.” He said he looks forward to moving into the new building as soon as he and staff are given the chance and that the added space and technology will be a great advantage. Looking at the current library on Village Street, Hall said many patrons have come in to him and staff with questions as to what will happen to the building when the final move takes place this summer. He said per- sonally he is unsure, and for now the fate of the building lies in the hands of the town. “It is too early right now [to know what will happen],” said Hall. “What will happen with the old building has not been nailed down quite yet.” During the Monday, Feb. 8 Board of Selectmen meeting, Selectmen Jo Ann Szymczak made it known that she is in favor of selling the building on Village Street, rather than renting it to tenets like the Historical Commission. The idea of renting had been mentioned at meetings during the last two months. According to Dudley Town Assessor Lisa Berg, the land the current library stands on Joy Richard photos is worth $120,600. Speaking with Szymczak last week, she A construction worker installs tile in one of the new said she believed the revenue brought in by bathrooms at the Pearle L. Crawford Memorial Library Friday, Feb. 12. The building is set to open selling the building, would greatly benefit this summer. the town during the current economic crunch. She said if the town kept the building, the hold onto.” expenses they would incur through upkeep, heating and insuring would be too great with Joy Richard may be reached at 508-909-4129 what they would take in after renting. or by e-mail at “I think the town should sell the building,” [email protected]. said Szymczak. “It would be too expensive to “Every Town Deserves a Good Local Newspaper” 18 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, February 19, 2010 You can TRUST our advertisers in The Webster Times Chinese Restaurant LOUNGE Friday, February 19, 2010 DINE IN & TAKE OUT B SECTION 11 Worcester Rd. 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DUDLEY — Barbara A. craft store in Webster “The Craft Sampler” WEBSTER — Christine E. Charlton and Webster. (Hulten) Peckham, 66, of for five years. Barbara enjoyed square danc- (Hartland) Davis, 83, died Mrs. Davis was a banquet waitress at the Dudley, passed away peace- ing for 42 years. She enjoyed camping, swim- Thursday, Feb. 11, at Sheraton Hotel in Sturbridge for 10 years, fully Friday, Feb. 12, after a ming, crafts, tole painting, traveling, Harrington Healthcare at retiring in 1985. She also worked part-time in long battle with Alzheimer’s Christmas, her family, friends and cats. She Hubbard in Webster. dietary services at the Masonic Home in disease at Webster Manor. was an avid Santa collector. She was predeceased by Charlton. Mrs. Davis was an avid Red Sox fan She leaves her husband of She was greatly loved and will be very her husband of 30 years, and loved to play bingo. She enjoyed her 49 years, Stewart D. Peckham missed by everyone. The family would like to Bertram O. Davis Sr. of many friends and the staff at Christopher of Dudley; her mother, thank the entire staff of Webster Manor Charlton, who died in 1981. Heights in Webster, which she always consid- Virginia F. Hulten whom Nursing Home for their tender care for She is survived by four ered her second family. resides at Oakwood Rehab Center; a sister, Barbara. children, Bertram O. Davis Jr. and his wife A funeral service was held Tuesday,Feb. 16, Carol Taylor; two brothers, Edward Hulten Jr. Calling hours at the Shaw-Majercik Wendy of Dudley, Patricia Davis of at Paradis Funeral Home, 357 Main St., and Bruce Hulten; three children, Brenda Funeral Home, 48 School Street, Webster will Southbridge, Pamela Davis of Southbridge, Oxford. Burial followed at Westridge Davey of Dudley, Lisa Peckham of be held Thursday, Feb. 18, from 6 to 8 p.m., and Dawn Davis of Palmer; a sister, Marion Cemetery, Charlton. Calling hours were held Broadbrook, Conn., and Charles Peckham of with a service at 7:45 p.m. The funeral will be Hartland of Florida; six grandchildren and Monday, Feb. 15, at the funeral home. Los Angeles, Calif.; five grandchildren, Friday,Feb. 19, at 10 a.m. in the funeral home. many nephews and nieces. She was prede- In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions Jessica Haynes of Dudley, Derek, Alyssa, Burial will follow in Corbin Cemetery, ceased by several brothers and sisters. may be made to a charity of one’s choice. Caitlin and Brittany McGuire all of Dudley. She was born in Ludlow, the daughter of For more information, visit www.paradis- Broadbrook. She was predeceased by her In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the late William and Cora E. (Morton) father,Edward J. Hulten and her granddaugh- Alzheimer’s Association, 311 Arsenal St., Hartland, and lived most of her life in ter Jenelle M. LeBlanc. Watertown, MA 02472 or Cystic Fibrosis Barbara worked at the American Optical of Foundation, P.O. Box 96305, Washington, DC Southbridge for 15 years and at Gentex in 20090. Dudley for 10 years. She was the owner of a Edwin Morse (Chief Wise Owl)

WEST BROOKFIELD — Wind Mansker and Carole Little Feather Dennis J. Stelmach Sr., 44 Edwin Morse/Chief Wise Phillips; 28 grandchildren; 20 great-grand- Owl, of 280 Keys Road, in W. children, cousins and many nieces and DUDLEY — Dennis J. Dennis was born in Webster and lived in Brookfield, has started his nephews. Stelmach Sr., 44, of 54 New Dudley all his life. He was a graduate of Bay journey on the of the Chief Wise Owl wrote three books on the Boston Road, died suddenly at Path Regional Vocational Technical High eagle to the arms of our Algonquin language, traditions, and legends. home Thursday, Feb. 11. School in Charlton and earned his associate’s Creator. He taught the language as well as cooking tra- He leaves his parents, degree from Quinsigamond Community He was the son of ditional foods and making traditional regalia Bernard C. and Muriel M. (St. College in Worcester. He was a lead techni- Elizabeth Mother of All for tribal members. Marie) Stelmach of Dudley; cian at Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut. Henries/Morse. Chief Wise He was one of the original writers of the three children, Rebekah Rose Dennis was a gentle soul who loved his chil- Owl was the Chief of the Nipmuck Indians of petition for federal recognition for his tribe Stelmach, Dennis James dren, his family,and his pets. His favorite past Chaubunagungamaug. He was predeceased and a spokesman for his people. He was a Stelmach Jr. and Emily times included planting and tending to his by his wife of 48 years Ruth Precious One. leader, a teacher, an uncle, a dad, a papa, a Nichole Stelmach, all of Dudley; three broth- garden, fixing computers, and selling items He leaves his present wife Betty Morning friend and will be sadly missed. ers, Bernard C. Stelmach Jr. and his wife on eBay. Sun, daughter Lucyann Loving One Swenson, Calling hours were held Tuesday, Feb. 9, Robin of Foxboro, William J. Stelmach and Calling hours were held Sunday, Feb. 14, in Ruth Little Star, and a son Edwin Chief Red from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. with opening Darren A. Stelmach, both of Dudley; a sister, the Shaw-Majercik Funeral Home, 48 School Fox. Who will now reign as Chief. prayers at 2:15 and 7:15 p.m. Michelle M. Stelmach of Dudley; a nephew, St., Webster. Burial was private, in Calvary He leaves three stepdaughters, Wanda In lieu of flowers those are welcome to send Ben E. Stelmach of Foxboro, and a niece, Cemetery, Dudley. Lightfoot Roy, Marsha and Shelley. He leaves a donation to Loving One for ongoing proj- Jessica M. Stelmach of Dudley; several In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to five sisters, Edith Half Moon Hopewell, ects. Att. Loving One, 20 Singletary Ave., uncles, aunts and cousins throughout New the charity of the donor’s choice. Gloria Whispering Brook Hopewell, Shirley Sutton, MA 01590. England. Harvest Moon Kibbie, Glenda Whispering Kenneth R. Patri Margaret C. Rawlston, 92 WEBSTER — Margaret C. Margaret (Nagle) Shea. She lived in AUBURN/WEBSTER — Association. Ken was a member and Past (Shea) Rawlston, 92, of Lakeland, Fla., for 22 years before moving to Kenneth R. Patri passed Master of the Webster Masonic Lodge A.F. & Eastern Avenue, died Webster in 2004. away Wednesday, Feb. 10. A.M. He was a member of the Clara Barton Tuesday, Feb. 9, in Webster Mrs. Rawlston was a mental health atten- He leaves his wife of 28 Chapter No 63 O.E.S. He was a member of the Manor surrounded by her dant at Worcester State Hospital for 25 years years, Edna, three sons and Lodge Council Chapter Scottish Rite Bodies family. before retiring in 1982. four daughters; Keith Patri in the Valley of Worcester. He served on the She leaves three children, She enjoyed crocheting and decorative of Woodlands Hills, Calif.; Board of Trustees at the United Church Of Judith A. Liseno of Webster, painting. She loved spending the day at Karen Stelmack of Spencer; Christ Federated and served on the Board of Richard Rawlston and his Nantasket Beach with her family. Cathy Drinkwater of Deacons and he was a co-director of the wife Janet of Worcester, and Memorial calling hours were held Tuesday, Glocester, R.I.; Kelly Patri of Webster-Dudley Food Share. Daniel Rawlston and his wife Carol of Feb. 16, in the Sitkowski & Malboeuf Funeral San Diego, Calif.; Donald A Memorial service will be held Saturday, Lakeland, Fla.; several grandchildren, sever- Home, 340 School St. Her nephew,Rev.Conrad Fleurie of Southbridge; Feb. 20, at 1 p.m., in the United Church of al great grandchildren, three great-great- Pecevich, conducted a prayer service. A Daniel Fleurie of Webster; Christ Federated, 4 Church St., Webster. grandchildren; nieces and nephews. memorial Mass will be held at a later date. and Lucinda Adams of There are no calling hours. She was preceded in death by three sons, Burial will be private. Lakeland, Fla.; 16 grandchil- Please omit flowers. Memorial contribu- Chester, Timothy and William Rawlston, by Donations in her name may be made to dren and 10 great grandchil- tions may be made to Food Share, c/o United two brothers, Timothy and George Shea, and Webster Manor Patient Activities Fund, 745 dren. He also leaves a sister, Church of Christ Federated, 4 Church St., by three sisters, Abbie Brick, Anna Pecevich School St., Webster, MA 01570. Marlene Hasher, from Brooklyn Center, Webster, MA 01570; or, to American and Mary Leovich. For more information, visit www.sitkows- Minn., and several nieces and nephews. Parkinson’s Disease Association, 1250 Hyland She was born and raised in Worcester, the He was predeceased by a brother, Stanley Blvd, Suite 4B, Staten Island, NY 10305-1946. youngest of the six children of Daniel and Patri, and a sister, Marcy LeCount. Bartel Funeral Home & Chapel, 33 Ken retired from the military with 20 years Schofield Ave., Dudley, is assisting with of active duty service in the Air Force and arrangements. William C. Murray Sr., 87 Navy. He was a member of the Air Force For more information, visit www.bartelfu- Association and the Retired Armed Forces OXFORD — William C. Battalion, he received the Purple Heart for “Buddy” Murray Sr., 87, of injuries sustained and the Korean Service Locust Street, died peaceful- Medal with five Stars. Robin E. Tyler, 35 ly with his family by his side Mr. Murray was a plumber with the on Feb. 8, after a long illness. Plumber’s Local 4 Union for 28 years, retiring OXFORD — Robin E. degree from Worcester State College. He was predeceased by his in 1985. Throughout his life and during retire- (Burdett) Tyler, 35, of Friar Robin was a loving mother who stayed wife of 56 years and love of ment, he owned and operated William Tuck Lane, died Sunday, Feb. home to raise her children. Previously, she his life, Frances F.(Jaconetti) Murray Plumbing and Heating for many 7, after a courageous battle worked with autistic children at Marlboro Murray of Oxford, who died years. Previously he worked at Standard Lock with cancer. public schools. She enjoyed spending time in 2006. and Washer. She is survived by her hus- with the kids at the Oxford Public Library He is survived by two chil- Mr. Murray was a member of the V.F.W. band of 11 years, Clayton W. and was active with her children’s schools dren, Patricia M. Pupka and Post 5663 and the American Legion Post 58, Tyler Jr. of Oxford; three and the Jack & Jill Preschool in Oxford. She her husband Robert of both in Oxford. He was a member of the children, Noah L. Tyler, was a member of St. Roch’s Church in Webster, and John E. Murray Korean War Branch 23rd Infantry F Company Emma E. Tyler, and Aiden J. Oxford, most importantly in Robin’s life were and his wife Eugena of and was a member of the Worcester Disabled Tyler, all at home; her parents, Edward her children, family, and friends. Webster; 10 grandchildren, a American Veterans. Mr. Murray was a for- Burdett of Worcester and Kathleen A funeral Mass was held Saturday, Feb. 13, great granddaughter, and sev- mer member of St. Roch’s Church in Oxford (McGrath) Burdett of Webster; her brother, at St. Roch’s Church, 332 Main St., Oxford. eral nephews and nieces. and enjoyed spending time at area coffee Luke E. Burdett of Webster; two sisters, Burial followed at North Cemetery, Oxford. He was predeceased by a son, William C. shops. He enjoyed sports, especially the Red Linda L. Tavano of Milford and Kara M. There were no calling hours. Murray Jr., of Oxford who died in 2009; a Sox, Patriots, and the Bruins. Gibbons of Pennsylvania; her maternal In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions brother and four sisters. Calling hours were held Friday, Feb. 12, at grandmother, Margaret McGrath of may be made to Robin’s Nest, c/o Webster He was born in Worcester, the son of the Paradis Funeral Home, 357 Main St., Oxford. Worcester; and the many nephews, nieces, Five Cent Savings Bank, 343 Main St., Oxford, late Patrick W.and Margaret (Burns) Murray, A funeral service followed Friday, Feb. 12, at aunts, uncles, and cousins. MA 01540. and lived in Millbury and Worcester before the funeral home. Military burial followed at She was born in Worcester, and lived in Paradis Funeral Home, 357 Main St., moving to Oxford in 1952. He received an hon- Worcester County Memorial Park in Paxton, Northbridge before moving to Oxford 6 years Oxford, is directing the arrangements. orary high school diploma from Millbury with the Oxford Memorial Honor Guard par- ago. She graduated from Northbridge High For more information, visit www.paradis- High School in 2000, honoring those who left ticipating. School and received her Bachelor of Science school to join the military during World War In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions II. may be made to the Massachusetts Veteran’s He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War Shelter, 69 Grove St., Worcester, MA 01605. II and the Korean War. During his time serv- For more information, visit www.paradis- ing with the 431st Anti Aircraft Artillery

The Webster & SEND ALL OBITUARY NOTICES TO Times THE WEBSTER TIMES, 25 ELM ST., SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 01550, OR BY Are teaming up to spread a little sunshine… E-MAIL TO [email protected]. This week’s winner of the bouquet of the week is First grader Christopher Poplawski for enduring intense treatment for leukemia & the Park Ave. Elementary School for their Sitkowski & Malboeuf LOCAL NEWS, ONLINE fundraiser “Pennies for Patients”. * The bouquet may be picked up at Funeral Home Flower Garden Florist 340 School Street, Webster, MA 01570 24/7. 72 E. Main St. Webster • 508-943-5800 (508)943-1515 * Please call ahead & they will have your Serving families like our own fresh bouquet waiting or you! Bouquet must be Since 1933 AVAILABLE picked up within 1 week of publication. WHEN YOU ARE. All local. All the time. Friday, February 19, 2010 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 3 OBITUARIES Ellen Siegmund Anna Bartos, 62

GARDEN CITY BEACH, Later she became school nurse for the Town DUDLEY — Anna Bartos, 62, of Wysocki keeper. S.C. — Ellen (Bartolomei) of Webster, and retired as head nurse/practi- Drive, died unexpectedly Thursday,Jan. 28, A Mass will be held be offered for her Siegmund passed away peace- tioner at Monson State Hospital, a facility for at home. soul Sunday, Feb. 21, at 11:45 a.m. in Our fully on Feb. 5, at Myrtle special needs people. Ellen was also the She leaves a sister, Jadwiga Pniak; a Lady of Providence Church, 228 Lincoln Beach Estates in Garden City. world’s greatest Atlanta Braves fan, even dur- brother, Jozef Bartos; and nephews and St., Worcester. Burial will be in Poland. She had been a long time ing the bad years. nieces, all in Poland. There are no calling hours. Arrangements resident of Jensen's retire- She leaves a son, Warren Siegmund and his She was born and raised in Poland, a are under the direction of Sitkowski & ment community in Garden wife, Diane of Murrells Inlet, S.C.; a son, daughter of Jozef and Zofia (Szewczyk) Malboeuf Funeral Home, 340 School St., City Beach. She was prede- William Siegmund and his wife, Beverly of Bartos. She was a high school graduate. Webster. ceased by her husband, Warren Siegmund Sr. Oklahoma City, Okla.; and a daughter, She lived in this area for about 25 years. For more information, visit in November 1992 and a daughter Linda S. Beverly Sherwood and her husband, William She was a home health aide and house- Siegmund in November 1997. of Southbridge. She is also survived by seven She was a member of American Legion grandchildren and seven great-grandchil- Post 178 in Murrells Inlet and previously a dren. George Zarazinski, 69 member of Post 184 in Webster. She graduat- Ellen will be buried at the National ed from the Memorial Hospital School of Cemetery in Bourne, on Cape Cod, beside her CHICAGO, Ill. — George Zarazinski, 69, A Remembrance Mass was held Friday,Feb. Nursing and Northeastern University beloved husband. A private memorial service passed away Saturday,Feb. 6, in Chicago after 12, at St. Joseph’s Basilica, 53 Whitcomb St., Medical School prior to enlisting in the will be held for family members at the a short illness. Webster. There were no calling hours. United States Army. Ellen served aboard the Cemetery in the near future. She requested He was born in Poland, Feb. 15, 1940, a son The Robert J. Miller Funeral Home and hospital ship USS Hope as a First Lieutenant no donations or flowers, asking only that you of Stanislaw and Genowefa Zarazinski. He Lake Chapel, 366 School St., Webster is assist- in the South Pacific during World War II. do something good for someone every day. lived most of his life in Massachusetts. ing the family with local arrangements. He leaves behind his daughter, Joyce, three Online guestbook at www.rjmillerfuner- brothers, a sister and many nieces and George A. Brown, 80 nephews.

WEBSTER — George A. Mr.Brown worked at Norton Company,now Brown, 80, of Webster, died Saint Gobain Company, in Worcester. He also Lorraine D. Osowski, 82 Friday, Feb. 12, in Saint worked at Webster Record and at Cranston Vincent Hospital, Worcester. Print Works Company.He retired in 1991. DUDLEY — Lorraine D. (Cyr) Osowski, 82, Jagger, Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward and He leaves his beloved com- He was a member of the Webster-Dudley of 5 Cottage Road, passed away Sunday, Feb. many others over the years she worked at the panion of more than 50 years, American Legion Post #184 and the Polish 14, at Blaire House in Worcester. Publick House. Mary H. Anderson; her American Veterans. He was an ardent New She leaves two daughters, Sheryl A., wife of She also enjoyed traveling through Europe daughter, whom he consid- York Giants fan all his life. Robert Dubois of Dudley,and Linda D. Jackel and the Caribbean and many other places ered as his own daughter, Funeral services will be private in Mount of Sterling, Conn.; four grandchildren, around the world. Cathleen J. Mandeville of Dudley; a nephew, Zion Cemetery at the convenience of the fam- Samantha T. Dubois, Tiffany M., Jonathan R., The funeral was held Wednesday, Feb. 17, Victor Lempicki and a niece, Kristina Canty, ily. The Webster-Dudley Veterans Council and Elizabeth H. Jackel; two great grandsons, with a Mass in Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, both of Webster; a grand nephew, Matthew will perform the military honors. There are Gabriel and Lincoln; as well as several nieces 18 East Main St.,Webster. Burial was in Lempicki and a grand niece, Amy Canty. no calling hours. and nephews. Sacred Heart Cemetery. Calling hours were He was preceded in death by a sister, Donations in his name may be made to the Lorraine was predeceased by a sister, held Tuesday, Feb. 16, at the Robert J. Miller Virginia Lempicki. American Cancer Society, 30 Speen St., Lillian D. Bates, who died in 2003. Funeral Home and Lake Chapel, 366 School He was born in Lawrence, the son of Framingham, MA 01701. She was born in Webster a daughter of St., Webster. George and Minnie (Meyer) Brown and lived Funeral arrangements are under the direc- George A. and Antoinette (Lucier) Cyr and In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in Webster since childhood. He graduated tion of Scanlon Funeral Service, 38 East Main lived in Webster and Dudley all her life. may be made to The Alzheimer’s Association from Bartlett High School. St., Webster. Lorraine worked for many years at the MA Chapter, 311 Arsenal St., Watertown, MA He was an Army veteran, serving during For more information, visit www.scanlon- Publick House in Sturbridge as a dining room 02472. the Korean conflict. supervisor and manager. Online guestbook at www.rjmillerfuner- She met a variety of people including Mick Mary C. Canty, 95 Ralph J. Ewings, 74

DUDLEY — Mary C. (Reed) Canty, 95, of son’s home in Dudley. WOODSTOCK, Conn. — Ralph J. Ewings, and lived in Webster most of his life. He was Hickory Drive, died Friday, Feb. 12, in Mrs. Canty was an assembler at Webster 74, of 27 Meehan Road, died Thursday,Feb. 11, a retired machinist, having worked for Chain Oakwood Rehab & Nursing Center. Spring Company in Oxford for 25 years, retir- at home. Belt in Auburn. Her husband of 30 years, Henry F. Canty, ing in 1974. He leaves two sons, Mark J. Ewings of There are no calling hours. Funeral servic- died in 1969. She was a member of Saint Louis Church Georgia, Jay Collard of Oxford; two daugh- es and burial are the convenience of the fam- She leaves two sons, Brian T. Canty and his in Webster and the Association of the ters, Susan Proffit of Georgia and Dawn ily. wife Diane F. of Dudley and Kevin M. Canty Miraculous Medal. She enjoyed knitting and Marie Kupiec of Woodstock; a daughter, In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to and his wife Marie L. Torone of Worcester; needlepoint. Anita Cody of Woodstock; a brother, Russell the Hospice of N.E. CT., P.O. Box 632, Putnam, two grandchildren, Kimberly L. Lundquist The funeral will be held Friday, Feb. 19, Ewings of West Brookfield; six grandchil- CT 06260. and her husband Paul of Dudley and Sean H. from Scanlon Funeral Service, 38 East Main dren; two great-grandchildren; several nieces Shaw-Majercik Funeral Home, 48 School Canty and his wife Laura of Charlton; seven St., Webster, with a Mass at 10 a.m. in Saint and nephews. St., Webster, is directing arrangements. great grandchildren; a sister, Frances O’Day Louis Church, 14 Lake St. Burial will be pri- He was born in Worcester, son of the late of Worcester; nieces and nephews; and three vate at the convenience of the family. Calling Ellsworth and Margaret (Sampson) Ewings close family friends, Darryl and Susan Cyr hours are from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday,Feb. 18, in and Teresa Kaliszewski, all of Webster. the funeral home. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Donations in her name may be made to John and Orlo “Babe” Reed and by two sis- Oakwood Rehab & Nursing Center, Patient Victoria T. Ceppetelli, 94 ters, Pearl Downer and Ellen Allen. Activities Fund, 11 Pontiac Ave., Webster, MA She was born in Dalton, a daughter of Orlo 01570. WEBSTER –– Victoria T. (Wieloch) and his wife, Marilyn of Webster and Ronald and Catherine (Donohue) Reed. She lived in For more information, visit www.scanlon- Ceppetelli of Webster, died Tuesday, Feb. 9, P. Ceppetelli and his wife Ellen of Webster from 1941 to 1971. She then lived in with her family by her side. Brownsville, Vt.; her cherished grandchil- Worcester until 2001, when she moved to her Victoria was born Oct. 11, 1915, one of nine dren, Mark, David, Gina, Marla and Sara; her children, born to Joseph and Antonia great-grandchildren, Khalil, Peyton, Ella, Wieloch. Raised on the Wieloch Farm in Bella, Judah and Nicalla; a sister, Catherine Dudley,she began her lifelong love of garden- Condos of Dudley; five sisters-in-law and ing, canning and cooking. Victoria lived most many nieces and nephews. of her life in Webster, where she attended St. Victoria’s funeral was from the Shaw- Parvis, Knights team up to raise Joseph’s School and was a member of St. Majercik Funeral Home, 48 School Street, Joseph’s Basilica. She enjoyed living on Webster, with a Mass in St. Joseph’s Basilica, money for charity Webster Lake, reading and being surrounded Whitcomb Street, Webster. Burial in St. OXFORD — Optometrist Dr. Antoinette by her family. Joseph Garden of Peace Cemetery. D. Parvis and the Oxford Knights of Her husband of 51 years, Wilfred A. Donations in her memory can be made to Columbus recently joined forces to raise Ceppetelli, predeceased her in 1991. the American Lung Association, 5 Mountain money with a fuel assistance raffle. She leaves two sons, Wilfred J. Ceppetelli Road, Burlington, MA 01803. Each team took 500 tickets and off they went out to appeal to the area residents and beyond to donate $5 per ticket for a chance to win $700 in home fuel. “In these economic times when home heating is a struggle and the support for local charities is high — we thought this would be a wonderful way to raise money and give away a prize that could be useful to anyone,” said Grand Knight David Ravanelle. “I was very honored to co-sponsor this charity effort with the Oxford Knights of Columbus,” added Parvis. “Many were very receptive and generous which makes the funds raised from their portion of the our efforts towards charity possible … I ticket sales toward the Oxford Food Pantry. even called upon my colleagues at a recent “Your donations help create the changes conference that I held in Natick and many that foster a better community and better of my colleagues were very happy to help health and welfare for all,” Parvis said. with our causes.” Parvis and the Knights held the drawing On behalf of her charitable foundation, Thursday,Feb. 4, at St. Anne’s Church with Parvis said she intends to utilize funds the winning ticket going to Dr. Ralph raised to help support the Oxford Senior Eaves. Center, the Barton Center camp programs “We look forward to making this an for children with Diabetes and towards annual fund-raiser,” Ravenelle said. advancing care and cures for lung cancer. - Submitted by Dr.Antoinette Parvis The Knights of Columbus plan to utilize

MISS ANS ION ALREADY RECYCLE THAT Globe TR S 405 E. Main St. (Rt. 131) Southbridge, MA & IR NEWSPAPER? 508-764-9400 AUTO REPA FIND ALL YOUR BACK EDITIONS We Keep Your Loved ONLINE. Ones Safe! All local. All the time. Oil & Filter Change Special Only $21.95 GLOBE TRANSMISSIONS Up to 5 Qts. $100 OFF REBUILT Transmission Tune-up TRANSMISSIONS • Fluid .95 • Filter $59 1 per customer Most models • Gasket Has Your Check Engine Light Been Coming On? FREE… Diagnostic Test… That’s Right… FREE Checkups for Your Engine and Transmission We Do All Auto Repairs Brakes • Front End • Exhaust • and much more! All Work Guaranteed • Our Prices will NOT be beat! 4 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, February 19, 2010 CHURCH LISTINGS WEBSTER Go for the gold with self-control THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE Do you not know that in a race self-control is one of the your life? deserve-this-right-now.” RECONCILIATION, 5 N. Main St., Webster, MA all the runners run, but only one most difficult battles • Make it a goal (9:24) I can pretty much guarantee 01570, 508-943-8714, Web site: www.reconciliation- gets the prize? Run in such a way they face in life. From BEYOND — “Do you not know that you can come up with some, e-mail: [email protected], as to get the prize. Everyone who the cradle to the grave it in a race all the runners rationalization of why you think office hours: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. competes in the games goes into can be one long battle THE PEWS run, but only one gets the you have a right to abandon self- The Rev. Janice C. Ford, Pastor and Priest-in- strict training. They do it to get a that never ends. Yet it is prize? Run in such a way control. Whether you are facing Charge. Sunday Services of Holy Eucharist at 10 crown that will not last; but we do one of the qualities that as to get the prize.” stress, job pressure, family issues, a.m. (with coffee hour following). Sunday School it to get a crown that will last forev- God fully expects to TIM The goal for the athlete or financial pressures or an begins at 9:30 a.m. Nursery care available beginning at 9:45 a.m. er. Therefore I do not run like a develop in every one of VAMOSI is to win the prize. The unfair situation — these are all man running aimlessly; I do not his children. prize is the motivation excuses people use to justify their CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC NATIONAL CHURCH. fight like a man beating the air. Self-control is listed the athlete needs in lack of self-control. Every time For information, contact: Father Brian D. McIntyre, No, I beat my body and make it my last in the Fruit of order to persevere dur- you focus on your “reasoning” SCR (508) 641-5672 saintjoseph5672 slave so that after I have preached Spirit. But the fruit of the Spirit ing the training and discipline instead of maintaining self-con- Holy Mass every Sunday at 4 p.m Prayers for healing to others, I myself will not be dis- is love, joy, peace, patience, kind- required to be a winner. The rea- trol, you will stumble. Each time on the, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 6:30 qualified for the prize. 1 ness, goodness, faithfulness, gen- son most of us do not exercise you stumble there will likely be a p.m. Corinthians 9:24-27 tleness and self-control. Against self-control is because we haven’t price to pay — in your life and in such things there is no law. thought much about seeing it the relationships in your life. FAITH ASSEMBLY OF GOD, corner of Lincoln As the world turns its attention (Galatians 5:22-23) While scholars develop in our lives. There is no • Decide to live by a higher stan- and Nelson streets. (508) 943-6758. The Rev. Kent to the Winter Olympics I am may argue over why this quality motivation to discipline ourselves dard (9:27) — I beat my body, and Whitecotten. Sundays, 10 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. reminded from the Bible that in appears last in the list, one thing if we haven’t made it a goal in our make it my slave so that after I one way or another — every one is certain — without self-control, lives. have preached to others I myself CHURCH OF CHRIST-WEBSTER, 168 Main St. in of us are already involved in com- there is no way the other qualities • Learn to practice self-disci- will not be disqualified for the the “Joslin House,” corner of Mechanic Street. petition. can be produced and maintained pline (9:25) — “Everyone who prize.” (508) 765-6067. Evangelist Peter Capoccia. Bible “Who are we competing with?” in our life. You might be the wis- competes in the games goes into There are days when the ath- study Sundays, 9 a.m., worship Sundays, 10:30 a.m. you ask. Ourselves. est person in the world, the strict training.” lete’s body is tired and sore, but he From the moment we enter into strongest person in the world, or Athletes train their bodies to continues training. There are FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF WEBSTER, this world, we are in a battle to the most educated person in the compete. If an athlete expects to days when he doesn’t feel like 33 E. Main St. (508) 943-3554. The Rev. Thomas B. learn how to practice self-control. world. Without self-control you excel, he voluntarily and often training, but he does so anyway. Harmon. Sundays, 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Adults’ and In a department store a young will still live a self-defeating severely restricts his liberty. His There are days when he begins to children’s Sunday school, 10 a.m. husband was the baby lifestyle. sleep, his diet, and his exercise doubt his ability to outperform while his wife was making a pur- Remember Samson from the are not determined by his rights the other competitors, but he HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, NATIONAL chase. The infant was screaming Old Testament? He literally was or by his feelings but by the keeps on training. In other words, CATHOLIC, 68 Lake St. (508) 943-0608. Rev. Dr. and wailing and creating quite a the strongest man in the world, requirements of his training. he behaves according to the stan- Stanley Kaszubski, interim pastor. Sundays, 9 a.m. distraction in the middle of the but was enslaved by his lusts and Stop thinking about “what you dard he sets for himself, not the All are welcome. store, but the father seemed quite desires because he lacked self- think you deserve” or “what you impulses he feels. Because he has SACRED HEART OF JESUS, 18 E. Main St. (508) unperturbed as he quietly said control. Strength without self- think you have a right to do.” set a higher standard to live by — 943-3140. The Rev. Michael J. Roy. Saturdays, 4 p.m. over and over, “Easy now, Albert - control got him into a great deal of Those thoughts are a clear expres- he keeps his bodily impulses Sundays, 9 and 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday morning calm down - watch your temper – trouble. sion of pride in your life — which under control. He leads his body worship a 8 a.m. and 10 a.m., June, July and August. take it easy Albert.” The opposite of a self-controlled will keep you enslaved as long as — not the other way around. A woman passing by took note person is a person who has no dis- you live on this earth. Accept the Now you might be reading this SHARING GOD’S LOVE MINISTRY, of the way the husband was rock- cipline in their life and responds reality that a mature lifestyle and thinking, “I’ve failed so many 9 E. Main St. (508) 949-6497. Pastor Richard ing the child back and forth and to life by simply reacting to involves self-sacrifice and self-dis- times in this one area. I just don’t Mongeon. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Services, 11 a.m. calmly handling the situation. impulse — much like an infant cipline. think I will ever see victory.” Wednesday bible study, 6 p.m. All are welcome. She stopped for a moment and does. Whatever impulse comes • Focus intently on developing Don’t you believe that, because Handicapped accessible. remarked, “I must congratulate their way, they respond to it. If self-control (9:25b-26) — “They do it’s not true according to God’s you! You seem to know just how to they feel the urge to smoke — they it to get a crown that will not last; Word — 2 Peter 1:3 teaches, “His STS. CONSTANTINE AND HELEN CHURCH, speak to a baby.” are reaching for the pack. If they but we do it to get a crown that divine power has given us every- 35 Lake Parkway. (508) 949-7623. The Rev. Luke A. “Baby nothing!” came the reply. feel angry — they are vomiting will last forever. Therefore I do thing we need for life and godli- Veronis. Divine Liturgy Sundays, 9:30 a.m. (sum- “MY name is Albert!” verbally all over the people not run like a man running aim- ness.” mer) or 10 a.m. (September to May). OK, let’s see a raise of hands — around them. Whatever impulse lessly; I do not fight like a man Get your strength from your ST. JOSEPH BASILICA, St. Joseph Basilica, 53 and be honest now. Has anybody comes their way — they respond beating the air.” relationship with Jesus and you Whitcomb St., Webster, MA 01570, 508-943-0467, reading this ever struggled with to it without processing it Pay close attention to every sin- will see self-control begin to devel- Rev. Monsignor Anthony Czarnecki, Saturdays, 4 self-control (you can go ahead and through a grid of discipline. They gle detail in every single step you op and grow in your life. Go for p.m., Sundays, 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. (Polish), 8:15 a.m. raise your hand as you’re reading can’t say “no” to themselves. Just take. Paul says, “I watch each step the gold! and 9:30 a.m. (English), Holy Day Vigil, 5 p.m., – nobody is looking!)? Like Albert, think of the problems in your life, I take very carefully.” Don’t allow Holy Day Masses, 7 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. (English) we’ve all faced situations where which could have been avoided if yourself the license of “one little Tim Vamosi is the pastor of 8:15 a.m. (Polish) 7 p.m. (Bi-lingual). maintaining self-control is very you had only practiced self-con- slip-up.” Don’t give in to “just- Eastford Baptist Church in difficult. For many, developing trol. How can it be produced in this-time-only.” Don’t fall for, “I- Eastford, Conn. ST. LOUIS CHURCH, 15 Lake St. (508) 943-0240. The Rev. Joseph Marcotte. Saturdays, 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sundays, 7, 9 and 11 a.m. (English) and 1 p.m. (Spanish).

UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, FEDERATED, 4 Church St., Webster MA 01570, 508-943-0061, e-mail CALENDAR [email protected]. Rev. Mary S. Poole, Pastor. Sunday morning worship and Sunday School at 10 a.m., followed by coffee hour. Bible Send all calendar listings and happenings to 12:30 a.m. No cover charge. Featuring: the Study on Wednesday, 12:30 to 2 p.m. Office hours, Editor Adam Minor by mail to the Webster Shakey Ground Band. Also, the B&E Band, WEBSTER Tuesday to Friday,9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Times, 25 Elm St., Southbridge, MA 01550, by Larry, Gerry Cullen, Darcy Panarelli, and the fax to (508) 764-8015, or by e-mail to Matt Broduer Trio. Welcoming our new bar- Girl Scout troops from Webster and Dudley DUDLEY [email protected]. All calendar maid, Amy! Reasonable prices on drinks. will hold their 6th Annual International listings must be submitted by noon Friday,, to Festival Saturday, Feb. 27, from 2 to 4 p.m., at CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH, be published in the following weeks edition. SOUTHBRIDGE the American Legion Post 184 on School 105 Southbridge Road. (508) 949-3711. The Rev. Street, Webster. This festival features music, Patrick O’Loughlin. Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Adult Bible Monthly All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast — crafts, food and information from countries study,Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18 Quinebaug Masonic Lodge, Ashland Ave., around the world. The event is held in support FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF Southbridge, from 7 to 11 a.m. Pancakes, of World Thinking Day, which has been cele- DUDLEY, Conant Memorial, United Church of DUDLEY Belgium waffles, bacon, sausage, eggs, beans, brated by all girl scouts since 1926. Admission Christ, 135 Center Road. (508) 943-7320. Rev. John R. toast and custom omelets. Adults, $7; senior to this event is $1 and the public is invited to White. Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Sunday School 10 The Dudley Republican Town Committee discount, $5; children under 8 eat free. Bring attend. a.m. Nursery provided. Adult Study Sun. 8:30 a.m.. will hold its monthly meeting Thursday, Feb. your family. For information call Eric at 508- Sign Language Interpretation: Available fourth 18, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. in the Senior Citizen 943-0106. WEBSTER Sunday of the month. Open & Affirming Room of the Dudley Town Hall located at 71 Congregation. All are welcome. Handicapped West Main St., Dudley. Meat Raffle — Saturday, Feb. 27, at 1:30 p.m. Accessible. The Dudley Republican Town Committee has Sunday, Feb. 21 sharp, at the Kosciuszko Society (Bush Hall), the honor of hosting two guest speakers. First, corner of Lake Street and Dresser Street, in ST. ANDREW BOBOLA, 54 W. Main St. (508) 943- Chief of the Dudley Police, Steven J. Wojnar, DUDLEY Webster. Three tables, one mystery table, one 5633. The Rev. Joseph Szwach. Saturdays, 4:45 p.m. will speak about the town’s need for addition- special table, and two door prizes. Come and Sundays, 9:15 a.m. (in Polish), 8 and 10:30 a.m. (in al police officers and funding of any new The Friends of the Pearle L. Crawford enjoy the fun and help support our club! No English). police officer positions. The second speaker is Memorial Library is hosting a fundraiser smoking during raffle. Tom Wesley, Republican candidate for event at the Eighty Ates Bar & Grille at 8 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH, 22 Dudley Hill Road. (508) 943-0470. The Rev. Paul Congress in the 2nd Congressional District. Airport Road, Dudley. On Sunday, Feb. 21, and Campbell. Sat., 4 p.m. Sun., 8:30 and 11 a.m. The seat is currently held by Democrat Sunday, March 21, eat at Eighty Ates any time Sunday, Feb. 28 Richard Neal. Registered Republicans as well from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and 20 percent of your ST. COLUMBA ANGLICAN CHURCH, as interested members of the public are meal costs (excluding tax and tip) will be DUDLEY Nichols College Chapel, Center Road. (860) 779-3476. encouraged to attend. At this time there are donated to the Friends. Stop by the library to The Rev.Donald Farrell. Sundays, 10 a.m. still openings on the Dudley Republican Town pick up a coupon to present at the restaurant. Worcester Model Railroaders Inc., one of the Committee. The public is invited. Enjoy your meal knowing that you are helping oldest model railroad Clubs on the East Coast, OXFORD For further information from the Dudley support the programs, resources and services is holding an Open House, in conjunction Republican Town Committee contact Doug of the new library. with its annual show and sale at the Elks in THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER- Bushman at [email protected]. Auburn, Sunday,Feb. 28, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. DAY SAINTS, 49 Old Webster Rd., Oxford. 508-987- WEBSTER at the Stevens Linen Complex, 137 Schofield 1083. Bishop Garn Evans. Sundays, 10 a.m. Ave., Dudley. Our 43-by-51 HO scale operating FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NORTH Saturday, Feb. 20 Ice Fishing Derby to sponsor Cub Scouts — layout depicts the Boston & Albany line from OXFORD, 693 Main St. (508) 987-5633. Pastor Renee Sunday, Feb. 21, from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m., on Boston to Springfield with a branch line into D. Kaufman. Sundays, 9:15 a.m. DUDLEY Webster Lake. Register at Lakeside Beach. For Rhode Island and Connecticut. Visitors will be more information, contact Ryan at 508-943- able to observe club members operating steam FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Dudley Boy Scout Troop 273 will host its annu- 7532. and diesel trains and operate a train them- 355 Main St. (508) 987-2211. The Rev. Samuel W. al Spaghetti Supper from 5 to 7:30 p.m. selves. Handicapped accessible. Young. Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 20, at St. Anthony of Padua Admission/donation is $2, children under 12 Church Hall. Tickets are $7, seniors, $5, and Monday, Feb. 22 free (with adult). For further information and GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 268 Main St., 508- children 5 and under are free. Tickets may be directions, e-mail [email protected] or 987-1004, Father Alfred T.K. Zadig, Ph.D., Parish purchased at the door or from any Troop mem- WEBSTER visit Priest. Holy Eucharist (Rite 1), Saturdays, 5 p.m., ber. Holy Eucharist (Rite 2), Sundays, 10:30 a.m. A clinic for individuals who use Continuous Saturday, March 13 DUDLEY Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) masks OAK HILL BIBLE CHURCH, 40 Sacarrappa Road. will be held at the Harrington HealthCare at OXFORD (508) 987-0287. Senior Pastor Glenn Rice. Sundays, The First Congregational Church of Dudley, Hubbard campus, 340 Thompson Road, from 4 9:30 a.m. Sunday school, 11 a.m. 135 Center Road, will have a Roast Turkey to 7 p.m. Appointments will be held on the sec- Seventh Annual March Madness — Oxford OXFORD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Dinner Saturday, Feb. 20. The menu will ond floor in the Sleep Lab unit. The clinic pro- 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament — to benefit 465 Main Street (508) 987-5378, the Rev. Paula include roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, vides an opportunity for those who use a Oxford High School Booster Club. More than Fletcher. Sunday Worship, 10 a.m. Nursery care butternut squash, turnip, and cranberry CPAP mask to receive education, advice and 65 teams from Massachusetts and provided. Sunday School for Kindergarten sauce. Dessert will be pumpkin squares. professional counseling on its use, comfort Connecticut, Saturday, March 13, at Oxford through Adults at 9 a.m Servings will be at 5 and 6:15 p.m. Adults: $8; and accuracy. The Clinic is by appointment High School. Divisions (Age as of Dec. 31) — Preteens: $4. Children 5 and under are free. only.To schedule a private consultation with a Junior B Boys (Ages 9-10); Junior B Girls ST. ANN’S CHURCH, 652 Main St. (508) 987-8892. Reservations are advised. Please Call Teri licensed Respiratory Therapist, please call (Ages 9-10); Junior A Boys (Ages 11-12); Junior Interim Pastor Richard F.Trainor. Saturdays, 4 p.m. Greene at 508-731-0421. Tickets are also sold at 508-949-8960. A Girls (Ages 11-12); Intermediate B Boys Sundays, 9 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. the door. Handicapped accessible. (Ages 13-14); Intermediate B Girls (Ages 13-14); Intermediate A Boys (Ages 15-16); ST. ROCH’S CHURCH, 334 Main St. (508) 987-8987. NORTH GROSVENORDALE, Conn. Thursday, Feb. 25 Intermediate A Girls (Ages 15-16); Senior Boys Monsignor Louis R. Piermarini. Saturdays, 4 p.m. Sundays, 8:15, 9:30 and 11 a.m. (Ages 17-18); Senior Girls (Ages 17-18); Men Roast Beef Supper — Saturday,Feb. 20, from DUDLEY (Ages 19-29); Women (Ages 19+); Senior Men TABERNACLE OF PRAISE ASSEMBLY OF 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., at the United Methodist (Ages 30-39); Old Men (Ages 40+). Have the “will” to plan ahead — FREE infor- GOD, 8 Maple Road. (508) 987-7707. The Rev. Sue Church, North Grosvenordale, Conn. Adults, Double elimination tournament, two games Lynch. Sundays, 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Bible study, $9; Child, $4.50, take outs available, bake sale mational seminar at Dudley Senior Center, guaranteed. Entry Fee: $80 per team. Wednesdays, 7 p.m. also. Thursday, Feb. 25, at 1:30 p.m. For more infor- Champion/Finalist T-shirts awarded to 1st mation, contact Merrill J. Atkins, Attorney at and 2nd place finishers in each division. For ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH, 70 S. Main St. WEBSTER Law, at [email protected]. more information or to request registration (508) 987-1248, Pastor Andrew Simon, Sunday Worship 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School 9:30 Live Music Night — Saturday, Feb. 20, at a.m.; weeknight worship on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. PACC, 37 Harris St., Webster, from 8:30 p.m. to Saturday, Feb. 27 Turn To CALENDAR, page B4 Friday, February 19, 2010 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 5 Island Castaways and the Usual Suspects play for Haiti

ailing from South Central Massachusetts, The Island Castaways band specializes in the Hengaging yet relaxing genre of FRIDAY, FEB; 19 music made famous by Jimmy Buffett. *Sam James, Statz Sports Bar & Grill, 341 This Friday, the 19th, they join forces with North Main St., North Brookfield another local group, the *Billy GoodSpeed, 9 p.m., Ye Usual Suspects, as well as Olde Tavern, West Brookfield 98.9 radio personalities GETTING *Fergus “Green St.” CD Adam Webster and Matt Release Party, 8 p.m., Fiddler’s Majkas, all to benefit the IN Green, Worcester earthquake stricken peo- TUNE “B&E”, 7 p.m., 9’s ple of Haiti. Both bands Neighborhood Bar, 136 Millbury are really enthusiastic to Street, Worcester put on a great show. MARK *Rob Adams, 7-11 p.m., Ugly Says the Castaways Joe RENBURKE Duckling loft @ The Whistling Holea of the people who Swan Restaurant, Sturbridge have helped make this *Lovecats, 9 p.m., Wales Irish event happen, “No matter what difficulties we Pub, 16 Holland Road, Wales are struggling with, we still come together and *Weight of Gravity, 9 p.m., TJ O’Brien’s, help those in need.” Sturbridge, The Benefit Evening for Haiti Relief is hap- *EARTHQUAKE RELIEF BENEFIT CON- pening Friday, Feb. 19, at 8 p.m. at 12 Crane in CERT FEATURING THE ISLAND CAST- Southbridge. AWAYS and THE USUAL SUSPECTS, 8 p.m., On Saturday,Feb. 20, Slo-Grass, a Worcester- The Cannery, 12 Crane, Southbridge, $10 Island Castaways based bluegrass and acoustic music band will *Perseverance and Natalie Mercado w/Just *Tom Revane, 8:30 p.m., Chuck’s Brookfield, $3 be the featured performers at the February Brad, 9 p.m., Mill Street Brews, Southbridge, Steakhouse, Auburn *Jared Fiske, 7:30 p.m., The Copper Stallion, Grass Roots Coffeehouse show. They play 21+ $5, 18-20 $10 *Live Music Night w/”B&E” Band, Darcy 538 Main St., Sturbridge everything from Johnny Cash to Bob Dylan to *The Reprobates, 9 p.m., The Pump House, Panarelli, Larry, Gerry Cullan, the Matt *Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic World, 7:30 p.m., Bill Monroe and Buddy Holly, plus some of Southbridge Brouer Trio, 8:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m., PACC, 37 Greendale’s Pub, Worcester their own original songs too. *The Electric Trains, 6:30 p.m., Fred’s Harris Street, Webster Wednesday, Feb. 24 The Grass Roots Coffeehouse is located at Brickhouse Cafe, Willamantic, CT *”Poolshark” Dave’s Sublime Cover, 8 p.m., *Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic World, 7:30 p.m., the Rockdale Congregational Church, 42 Point Breeze, Webster Beatniks, Worcester Fowler Road, Northbridge. Doors open at 6:45, SATURDAY, FEB. 20 *Delta Generators, 8 p.m., The Vanilla Bean, *OPEN MIC w/ Russ Mineau, 7-10 p.m., concert starts at 7:30. Tickets available at the *Bill McCarthy, 8:30 p.m., Spruce Street Pomfret, CT, $12 Victoria Station Cafe, Putnam, CT door for $12/$10 seniors & members/$5 stu- Tavern, Clinton *Lisa Martin, 9:30 p.m., The Gold Eagle at *Bruce Johns Jam-a-long, 6:30 p.m., Fred’s dents. *Steve Willey, 7:30 p.m., Tavern on the The Laurel House, Dayville, CT Brickhouse Cafe, Willamantic, CT For more info visit, or call Bob Common, Rutland *Open Mic with Music Center of Norwich, @617-429-0347, or email [email protected]. *Wibble & Friends, Statz Sports Bar & Grill, 6:30 p.m., Fred’s Brickhouse Cafe, THURSDAY, FEB. 25 The Brookfield Unitarian Universalist North Brookfield Willamantic, CT Church hosts an open mic night every second *Lisa Martin, 7:30 p.m., The Copper Stallion, *Charlie Johnson, 8 p.m., Granville’s Pub, 40 SUNDAY, FEB. 21 and fourth Tuesday of the month (barring hol- Sturbridge Chestnut Street, Spencer *Blues Jam w/Bootsy and Da Funk, 3-7 p.m., idays). Sign-ups start at 5:45pm. We welcome *Rob Adams, 6-10 p.m., Ugly Duckling loft @ *The Wills, 9 p.m., TJ O’Brien’s, Sturbridge, Chooch’s, North Brookfield songwriters, poets, stand-up, and many other The Whistling Swan Restaurant, Sturbridge *Rob Adams, 7-11 p.m., Ugly Duckling loft @ *Blues Jam w/Dwight Perry & T’Rumble forms of entertainment! (Family friendly, *Jim Shiffrin, 6:30 p.m., Fred’s Brickhouse The Whistling Swan Restaurant, Sturbridge Band, 4 p.m., Trumbull Bar & Grille, Spencer please!) There is a requested $3 donation, Cafe, Willamantic, CT *Slograss, 7:30 p.m., Rockdale *Open Mic w/Rick Harrington Band, 3 p.m., which goes directly to the BUUC. Hosted by Congregational Church, 42 Fowler Road, Cady’s Tavern, 2168 Putnam Pike, West Amy Herrera of Fiske and Herrera. If you’re a live act wthat would like to be fea- Northbridge Glocester, R.I. For more information or for a featured slot, tured, know of someone else who is, or simply *The Breakfast w/The Stop & The Shoeless MONDAY, FEB. 22 please contact Amy Herrera at ajhmu- want to let us know about an upcoming gig, e- Boys, 9 p.m., Mill Street Brews, Southbridge, *Bill McCarthy’s Open Mic World, 7:30 p.m., [email protected] mail me at the address below. Anything I get $10 21+ , $15 18-20 Vinny T’s, 7 Boston Turnpike, Shrewsbury Finally, local duo on the rise Tall Heights before Friday of each week will make the fol- *EQUINOX, 8 p.m., The Cannery, 12 Crane, (a.k.a. Paul and Tim) will be competing in the lowing Friday’s paper. Keep the music live and Southbridge, MA, TUESDAY, FEB. 23 No Contracts Needed Battle of the Bands on not so quiet here in Northeastern CT & Central *TripleShot, 9 p.m., The Pump House, Friday, Feb. 19 t McGann’s Pub near North *Open Mic w/Amy Herrera, 5:45 p.m., MA! Email Mark: Southbridge Station, Boston. Online voting is at BUUC, 9 Upper River St., On the Common, [email protected]. CALENDAR

CALENDAR continued from page B3 be available at 4:30 p.m. Overlook Hotel Reception Room in Charlton. a.m., at Long Subaru (Cash option of $6,000 or Purchase your ticket online by March 6 at purchase option of $7,500 toward any new or form e-mail [email protected] or Limited seating used car purchase from Long Subaru. Three- [email protected]. Go to Sunday, March 21 available. Unable to attend but wish to con- year lease with 12,000 miles per year (exclu- go to High School Page to Parent tribute? Choose one of the following tax sive of taxes, registration and insurance. Dudley Woman’s Club Second Annual Organizations to Booster Club for registration deductible sponsor levels and receive recogni- Winner may upgrade at his/her own expense. Fashionista Fashion Show — Indian Ranch forms. Registration deadline: March 8. tion at the event and on our Web site: Cha-Cha- Must be 18 years or age and subject to credit Dining Hall, Sunday, March 21, at 10:30 a.m. Walk-in Registration: Wednesday, March 3, 6 Cha Level - up to $100; Tango Level - $101 to approval. Long Subaru employees and Boys & Vendor shopping, lunch buffet at 12 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Oxford High School main $200; Waltz Level - $201+. Mail check made Girls Club board members are ineligible. Fashions by Stein Mart at 1 p.m. Tickets are entrance. payable to the Dudley-Charlton Education Giveaway will be audited by the public $25 from DWC members or call Alex 508-923- Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 92, Dudley, MA accounting firm Shepherd & Goldstein LLP of 5264. 01571. All proceeds will benefit the Dudley- Worcester). Wednesday, March 17 Charlton Education Foundation Inc. WEBSTER DUDLEY Saturday, March 27 ONGOING The Worcester County Country Music CHARLTON Irish-American Catholic Genealogy Lovers invite everyone to join in on the best in Lecture — The Dudley Genealogy Club is WEBSTER live country music during the month of The Dudley-Charlton Education Foundation happy to present a lecture on Irish Catholic February at the American Legion on School Board of Directors invites you to share a daz- Genealogy Wednesday, March 17, at 1 p.m., at 2010 Subaru Impreza Giveaway — All pro- Street in Webster. Dancing from 4 to 8 p.m. zling evening of dining, dancing, silent raffle, the Dudley Town offices. ceeds to benefit the Boys & Girls Club. Cost is Cost is $6 per person. Free line dance lessons! and keepsake photos by Bannister Digital Michael Brophy from TIARA (The Irish $100 per ticket, only 200 tickets sold! Checks Feb. 21, welcome back Borrowed Time. Feb. 28, Photography of Charlton. Join us at our First Ancestral Research Association) will present made payable to Boys & Girls Club of Webster- A new band to take the stage Bill Knight & Gala Fundraising Event, a Semi-Formal this special St. Paddy’s Day talk. The aim of Dudley (minimum of 100 tickets must be sold). Last Ride. Dinner Dance, Saturday, March 27, at the the lecture is to give attendees a toolkit for Drawing will be held Saturday,March 27, at 11 finding their Irish ancestors using records on this side of the water. The lecture will start with the central event in vehicle to the wheelchair ramp. This large Troop 147 in 2004. the history of Irish genealogy,the destruction Four local scouts honored at patio also serves as a seating area for outdoor In 2006, he was elected to and then inducted of the Public records Office in Dublin on June events. A handrail was installed and a roof into the Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s 30, 1922, near the end of the Irish Civil War. As Court of Honor put over the ramp to protect it from the weath- National Honor Society. He was awarded the a result unique challenges and realistic expec- er and make it safer. The final part of his proj- Brotherhood Honor in 2009. OXFORD — On Sunday, Jan. 10, Boy Scout ect was to put an 8-by-8 feet patio in front of Murray did his eagle project in 2007 at the tations for Irish ancestral research will be dis- Troop 147 of Oxford held an Eagle Court of the flagpole to provide the foundation for a Clara Barton Elementary School in Oxford. cussed. Existing vital records and census Honor for Daniel T. Skebos, Joshua D. Wibley, memorial garden. He led the design and installation of a new records along with unique census substitutes Nicholas D. Murray and Benjamin E. Domey Skebos is a sophomore at Oxford High courtyard to be used by teachers and students. for 19th century Ireland will be presented. at the Oxford United Methodist Church in School. He also a member of the BSA Fire He is currently a junior at the Research materials available on-line and Oxford. Explorer Post at Oxford Fire Department and Massachusetts Academy for Math and through film rental will be shown with exam- The ceremony was opened by the Oxford plans to further his education in emergency Science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in ples available without the time and expense High School NJROTC Color Guard and a pres- medicine and fire management. Worcester. He hopes to continue his education necessary to travel to Ireland. Examples are entation was made by Sr.Chief Wade Borland. Joshua T. Wibley of Oxford, son of Howard by getting a degree in environmental engi- used for to emphasize key principals and Many other dignitaries came to honor the and Danielle Gullbrand, became an Eagle neering from WPI. record holdings such as the lineage of notable newest Eagle Scouts. Citations were awarded Scout on April 29, 2009. He joined Troop 147 in Benjamin E. Domey of Oxford, son of Paul Irish-American Grace Kelly. Repositories by State Sen. Richard Moore, Rep. Paul Frost, October of 2002. Joshua comes from an Eagle and Karen Domey, became an Eagle Scout on including the holdings of the Catholic Rep. Geraldo Alicea, Oxford Selectman Scout family. His father, uncles, cousin, and Nov.4, 2009. He received his Arrow of Light in Archdiocese of Boston, New England Historic Dennis Lamarche, Oxford High School grandfather were all Eagle Scouts. 2002 with Cub Scout Pack 147. Ben was a mem- and Genealogical Society, the National Principal Kevin Wells and Oxford Middle Wibley’s eagle project took place on Aug. 21, ber of Troop 125 in Leicester for two years Archives, and other repositories will be pre- School Principal Katherine Hackett. 2008. The project was to clean up an area at prior to joining Troop 147 of Oxford. sented. A special presentation was made by the Clara Barton Diabetes Camp in North Oxford His eagle project was at the Oxford Masonic This event is free and open to the public. Massachusetts Masonic Eagle Scout and put in a paver patio for children story Lodge on July 27, 2009. He put in a fire pit Association (MMESA). The MMESA has been time. The project took a total of 9 1/2 hours. behind the lodge, as well as extending an established to provide a Masonic presence at Wibley is a senior at Bay Path Regional already existing patio. Thursday, March 18 Eagle Scout Courts of Honor for the Boy Vocational Technical High School, studying Dorney, a senior at Oxford High School, Scouts of America, and to establish a network facilities management. He will pursue his plans to join the U.S. Coast Guard after gradu- DUDLEY of Masonic Eagle Scouts throughout the juris- associate’s degree in aeronautical science at ation. diction. Each Eagle Scout was presented with Palm Beach Community College in Florida. Nationwide, only 2.7 percent of Boy Scouts a framed certificate of recognition signed by Nicholas D. Murray of Oxford, son of reach the rank of Eagle. Since 1956, Boy Scout “Webster, Dudley, and Oxford During the 19th M.W. Roger W. Pageau, Grand Master of Century” — A Digital Presentation and Edward and Janice Murray, became an eagle Troop 147 of Oxford has had 43 scouts become Masons in Massachusetts, and the Sebastian on Oct. 21, 2009. He began his Scouting career eagles. Book Signing by authors Paul Macek and Miniature, “Trail to the Eagle,” commis- James Morrison, Thursday,March 18, at 7 p.m. with Cub Pack 147 where he learned his - Submitted by Boy Scout Troop 147 of sioned by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Arrow of Light and became a Boy Scout with Oxford The Black Tavern, 138 Center Road, Dudley. Eagle Scout Daniel T. Skebos of Oxford, son Free and open to all, and sponsored by The of Thomas and Nancy Skebos, became an Black Tavern Historical Society. Eagle Scout on March 4, 2009. After earning the Arrow of Light in Cub Pack 147, he became a Boy Scout in 2005. The following Saturday, March 20 year he was inducted into the Order of Arrow, Scouting’s National Honor Society. He was OXFORD awarded the Brotherhood Honor in 2009. Dan attended NYLT, the National Youth Tired of winter? Come and join us on the first Leadership Training Program, a program day of spring at the Oxford United Methodist designed to develop leadership skills and pro- Church, 465 Main St., corner of Rocky Hill vide hands on experience. Road, Oxford. We will serve a Ham and Bean Skebos’ eagle project took place on Oct. 4, Supper Saturday,March 20, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. 2008. He chose to help the Oxford Masonic Adults: $8.75; Children ages 6-12: $4.75. Under Lodge by improving their building and grounds. He put in a patio to assist mobility- age six: FREE. For tickets call Nancy Benjamin Domey Daniel Skebos Joshua Wibley Nicholas Murray Bouchard at (508) 987-2323, or at the door on impaired persons, as an area to go from their the evening of the supper.Take-out orders will Courtesy photos 6 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, February 19, 2010

Daycare & Dog Training Play Groups & Agility Want your dog to have super- The Woof & Whisker Inn offers vised play time with other training classes with Donna friendly dogs? Remember, a Savoie of Pack of Paws Dog tired dog is a good dog! Enroll Training. Donna is an Honor them for a full day or come for Graduate of Animal Behavior our hourly playgroups. College and uses only positive training methods.

Take $5 Off Dog & Cat Grooming Boarding Help us welcome Brenda, our new The Woof & Whisker Inn provides a groomer, by taking $5 OFF grooming for clean and loving environment for dogs the month of February. Brenda has over 8 and cats while they are away from years of experience and grooms all breeds home. For a more personal experience of dogs. Your pet will receive only the best in-house care is also available. care and products while being groomed.

Going away for Vacation? Make your Boarding Reservations Now! We Love Them Pamper When You Have To your pet! 265 Dudley River Rd., Southbridge Leave Them!

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1205 Main St. 548 S. Main St. Leicester Webster WE BUY GOLD J.T.’s Heating Oil, Inc. 508-892-9276 508-949-3409 508-248-9638 208 West Main St. 570 Summer St.  Barre Home Heating Oil W. Brookfield  508-867-9567 978-355-4333 Kerosene  Plumbing Open 7 Days a Week – We Deliver  Budget Plans 24 Hour  Burner Service EVERY ITEM IN OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY IS INCLUDED IN THIS EVENT. Emergency Service  Senior Citizen Discount $1.00 OFF Licensed & Insured $2.00 OFF Plumbing & Heating $10.00 $20.00 We are a Green Conscious Company

OR MORE OR MORE Cormier Jewelers You’ve heard others talk about Cheap Oil, HORTONS FURNITURE Exp. Feb. 28th Exp. Feb. 28th (508) 764-7415 and what the price was on Monday. 53 SCHOFIELD AVE. DUDLEY, MA Central St. Southbridge with this coupon with this coupon Bring this ad in and receive Now call us for the Lowest Prices daily on 1-508-943-0234 Home Heating Oil. MON, TUES, WED & SAT 9-5 • TH & FRI 9-8 an extra 5% on your gold WEB

Breakfast & Lunch FEBRUARY 2 columns (211/16”) Reasonable Prices Come in out of the cold for a SALE x3” ad hearty breakfast or a bowl of homemade soup 10% OFF ALL WINES* Reg. $48 *exclusions apply Now Only Still serving BEST coffee Open Every Sun. 12-10 $35 in town! Rte. 197 • 119 West Main 129 E. Main St. • Webster MARTY’S OF DUDLEY 508-949-0323 ADVERTISING WORKS! Call Sandy at (508) 909-4110 to place your ad in the Webster Times. Over 17,500 Homes - Every Week Friday, February 19, 2010 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 7 Custom Designed In-Ground Swimming Pools INSTALLED BY OUR IN-HOUSE TECHNICIANS 35 CHOOSING THE RIGHT BUILDER SWIMMING POOLS & SUPPLIES 351 East Main Street • Southbridge, Massachusetts 01550 508-764-4275 • 800-585-7310 Service ~ Savings ~ Satisfaction You might get a lower price but you will never match our quality of workmanship or our service

WE SELL YOU A POOL WE BUILD YOUR POOL & SERVICE YOUR POOL Ideal Pools, Inc. was founded in 1974. It is a family owned and operated OUR THREE TESTING STATIONS ARE business and has grown to be one of the largest swimming pool stores in New OPERATED BY TRAINED TECHNICIANS England. We constantly strive to supply our customers with the most complete line of quality chemicals and accessories, promptly, courteously, and at compet- COMPUTERIZED itive prices. WATER ANALYSIS Thank you for shopping at Ideal Pools, we are proud that we have been in the pool business for over 35 years. Located in Southbridge with the same name, • FILTERS we have expanded from 450 sq. ft. to 4500 sq. ft. of retail space and 3000 sq. ft. • PUMPS of warehouse space. When you enter our state-of-the-art showroom you know why we are the • AUTOMATIC POOL CLEANERS leading pool company in the area. We do not work out of our house, cut grass, • LINER REPAIRS plow driveways or sell wood. We are a family owned and operated swimming pool business committed to providing you with the best product at the best price. • FLOATS & TOYS A special thank you to our customers for their patronage, my three children • 9 SERVICE VEHICLES and their families for their hard work and dedication to make this all possible. ON THE ROAD DAILY – Richard Gervasi, CEO Owned and Operated by the Gervasi Family In-ground Pools ON SALE 8000 Sq. FT. Construction Headquarters $ 1,00000 INSTANT REBATE Pool appointments at your convenience. Licensed Builder CT, MA, & RI 351 E. MAIN ST. • SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 508-764-4275 or 1-800-585-7310 DON’T DELAY CALL TODAY!

At your service in the « Webster Times « SEE YOUR LOCAL PROFESSIONAL FOR ALL THE SERVICES

NOW OPEN DAILY Linda Lee’s 11:30 -11:00 LUNCH & DINNER Woof & Whisker Inn GROOMING, BOARDING, TRAINING, DAYCARE, PLAYGROUPS family hair care & design 2 Millbury Blvd., 0xford, MA • 508.987.3860 our Res Going away for Y taura e nt on Webster Lak Vacation? Your Hometown Heating Specialist Oldies 98.9 Dance Party Can’t take your furry Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 to 5:00 Tel# (508)248-9797 GET Friday, Feb. 19th • 8:00pm friends with you? • 24 HOUR SERVICE AVAILABLE • No Cover Charge Let us spoil them while Service Contracts you are away. YOUR Pool Shark Sublime Tribute Sat., Feb. 20th 9:30 - Fuel Assistance & Citizens Energy Accepted $7 cover charge FEBRUARY SPECIAL TANK GUARD - w/oil tank warranty STYLE February Special Take $5 OFF DON’T PAY TOO MUCH FOR OIL! grooming or free $ Lobster Dinner • Mon. price 02/15/10 was 2.41 per gallon* UP TO ONLY $11.95 daycare with grooming. • Call for the most up to date daily price or visit us at 114 Point Breeze Road• Webster, MA “Call Us First!” Now Serving SPEED 508.943.0404 265 Dudley River Road, Southbridge, MA Worcester • 508-764-4417 *prices subject to change

Need A Change? Gallo Video The Hair Zone We Can Help Hair Styling for Men & Women & Lingerie Full Service • Nails & Pedicures Try our FREE in Get them a gift they will Express Cuts $15 home carpet service. OPEN never forget. We have the area’s Foiling • Color • Cuts Receive an extra largest selection of lingerie, MONDAYS 10% OFF your carpet. adult movies, toys, lotions SAVE $5 and magazines! 12-6 Call for details. on any nail service March 1st-22nd: 3 Week Course We are conveniently located at exit 2 Friday night & Saturday ALL CUSTOM CALIFORNIA & off 395 behind Friendly’s Restaurant SPECIAL ORDER WINDOW BENJAMIN April 19th-23rd: 1 Week Accelerated Course with Denyse w/this ad. WALLPAPER TREATMENTS MOORE PAINT 129 East Main St. NOW UP TO ALWAYS 30% OFF 70% OFF 10% OFF Webster, MA Get in the Zone! 508-943-1311 115 W. Main St., Dudley, MA 01571 CHAUVIN PAINT & DECORATING CENTER 76 Lake Street • Webster, MA 01570 • 508-943-2267 Bring this ad for a FREE DVD (retail value $19.99) (508) 943-6121 MON, TUES, WED, & FRI 7:30-5:30 • THURS - 7:30-8:00 PM • SAT - 8:00 - 3:00 with a minimum purchase of $50. Expires 3/31/10 Mon. 12-6PM I Tu.-Fri. 10AM-8PM I Sat. 8AM-3PM ADVERTISING WORKS! Call Sandy at (508) 909-4110 to place your ad in the Webster Times. Over 17,500 Homes - Every Week 8 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, February 19, 2010 LEGALS NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF COMMONWEALTH OF REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE MASSACHUSETTS MASSACHUSETTS By virtue and in execution of the Power of By virtue and in execution of the Power of LAND COURT LAND COURT Sale contained in a certain mortgage given Sale contained in a certain mortgage given DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT by Elliot Sloan to Mortgage Electronic by Jennifer Gagnon to Mortgage Electronic (SEAL) Case No. 413539 (SEAL) Case No. 09 MISC 417120 Registration Systems, Inc., dated March 10, Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for To: To 2005 and recorded with the Worcester Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., dated Stuart Brown, Jr.; Pamela K. Richard Lillian Graham and Raqib Graham County (Worcester District) Registry of January 31, 2006 and recorded with the and to all persons entitled to the benefit of and to all persons entitled to the benefit of Deeds at Book 35862, Page 3, of which Worcester County (Southern District) the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. mortgage Aurora Loan Services, LLC is the Registry of Deeds at Book 38319, Page 112, JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as present holder, for breach of the conditions of which mortgage The Bank of New York Association, as purchaser of the loans and Trustee for Morgan Stanley, MSAC 2007- of said mortgage and for the purpose of fore- Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as other assets of Washington Mutual Bank, for- HE1 claiming to be the holder of a mortgage closing, the same will be sold at Public Trustee for the Certificateholders CWABS, merly known as Washington Mutual Bank, covering real property in Webster numbered Auction at 3:00 p.m. on March 3, 2010, on Inc., Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2006- FA (the Savings Bank) from the Federal 33 Myrtle Avenue given by Lillian Graham the mortgaged premises located at 8 Beach 5, a banking institution with a usual place of Deposit Insurance Corporation, acting as and Raqib Graham to New Century Street, Webster, Worcester County, business in Getzville, Erie County, New York receiver for the Savings Bank and pursuant Mortgage Corporation, dated June 29, 2006, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises is the present holder by assignment, for to its authority under the Federal Deposit and recorded in the Worcester County described in said mortgage, breach of the conditions of said mortgage Insurance Act, 12 U.S.C. § 1821(d) claiming (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in TO WIT: and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same to be the holder of a Mortgage covering real Book 39273, Page 236, and now held by A certain parcel of land with the buildings will be sold at Public Auction at 2:00 PM on property in Oxford, numbered 73 Huguenot Plaintiff by assignment. Has/have filed with thereon of every nature and description and February 26, 2010, on the mortgaged prem- Road given by Stuart Brown, Jr. to said court a complaint for authority to fore- all the privileges and appurtenances thereto ises located at 124 Charlton Street, Unit G Washington Mutual Bank, FA, dated June 4, close said mortgage in the manner following: belonging, situated in the Town of Webster, a/k/a Unit 104G of the Toria Heights 2007, and recorded with the Worcester by entry and possession of and exercise of Worcester County, Massachusetts, on the Condominium, OXFORD, MA 01540, all and County (Worcester District) Registry of power of sale. If you are entitled to the ben- Southerly side of Beach Street and being Lot singular the premises described in said mort- Deeds at Book 41449, Page 318 has filed efits of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act #722 'Plan of Lots at Lakeside, Webster, gage, TO WIT: The unit No. 104G located in with said court a complaint for authority to and you object to such foreclosure you or Massachusetts', dated December 1, 1925, the Condominium known as Toria Heights foreclose said mortgage in the manner fol- your attorney should file a written appear- recorded with Worcester District Registry of Condominium, said Unit conveyed Is laid out lowing: by entry and possession and exer- ance and answer in said court at Boston on Deeds, Plan Book 164, Plan 1, bounded and as shown on a plan filed, which plan is a cise of power of sale. or before the 15th day of March 2010 or you described as follows: copy of a portion of the plans filed with said If you are entitled to the benefits of the may be forever barred from claiming that BEGINNING at a stake in the southerly line Master Deed dated 8/27/1985 and recorded Servicemembers Civil Relief Act as amended such foreclosure is invalid under said act. of said Beach Street, one hundred three and with the Worcester County Registry of Deeds and you object to such foreclosure you or Witness, KARYN F. SCHEIER, Chief eighty-one hundredths (103.81) feet wester- in Book 8898, Page 122 and to which is your attorney should file a written appear- Justice of said Court this 28th day of January ly on the westerly line of Freeman Avenue affixed a verified statement in the form pro- ance and answer in said court at Boston on 2010. measured along the Southerly line of Beach vided in M.G.L. Ch, 183A, Sec, 9. It is sub- or before March 29, 2010 or you may be for- Attest: Deborah J. Patterson Street; ject to and with the benefit of the obligations, ever barred from claiming that such foreclo- Recorder THENCE westerly fifty (50) feet by the restrictions, rights and liabilities contained in sure is invalid under said act. (3803.06/Graham)(02/19/10)(187494) southerly line of said Beach Street to a stake; General Laws Chapter 183A, the Master Witness, KARYN F. SCHEIER, Chief February 19, 2010 THENCE southerly at right angles to said Deed and the By-Laws filed therewith. The Justice of said Court on February 10, 2010. Beach Street, a distance of one hundred Condominium and each of the units is Attest: NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF (100) feet to a stake; intended foe residential purposes and other DEBORAH J. PATTERSON REAL ESTATE THENCE easterly eighty and six tenths uses permitted by the applicable Zoning RECORDER By virtue and in execution of the Power (80.6) feet by Lot #727 on said plan to a Ordinances and as set forth in the Master 200907-2169 - GRY of Sale contained in a certain mortgage stake; and Deed. February 19, 2010 given by Martin F. Callahan and Jessica R. THENCE northerly with an interior angle of For mortgagor's title see deed recorded with Callahan to RBMG, Inc. dated February 26, 75° 44' a distance of one hundred three and the Worcester County (Southern District) 2004 and recorded with the Worcester eighty-one hundredths (103.81) feet by Lots Registry of Deeds in Book 38319, Page 110. County (Worcester District) Registry of #716 and #715 on said plan to the point of These premises will be sold and conveyed COMMONWEALTH OF Deeds at Book 32930, Page 1, of which beginning. subject to and with the benefit of all rights, MASSACHUSETTS mortgage Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is the Said premises are conveyed subject to rights of way, restrictions, easements, right of LAND COURT present holder, for breach of the conditions restrictions of record as recited in Book ways, covenants, liens or claims in the DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT of said mortgage and for the purpose of fore- 2917, Page 559. nature of liens, improvements, public (SEAL) 09 MISC 418016 closing, the same will be sold at Public Subject to an Easement to Webster Gas assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax TO: Auction at 12:00 p.m. on March 12, 2010, on and Electric Co. recorded with said Deeds in titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and Ronald G. Merson and Donna Merson the mortgaged premises located at 66 Joe Book 2620, Page 72, insofar as it may affect any other municipal assessments or liens or and to all persons entitled to the benefit of Jenny Road, Oxford, Worcester County, the above described lot. existing encumbrances of record which are the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. Massachusetts, all and singular the premises Subject to an Order of Taking dated March in force and are applicable, having priority E*Trade Bank claiming to be the holder of described in said mortgage, 5, 1997 recorded with said Deeds in Book over said mortgage, whether or not refer- Mortgage covering real property in Oxford, TO WIT: 18647, Page 370. ence to such restrictions, easements, numbered 651 Main Street given by Ronald The land with all the buildings thereon Said premises are conveyed subject to improvements, liens or encumbrances is G. Merson and Donna Merson to E*Trade situated on the northwesterly side of Joe and with the benefit of easements, reserva- made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A Bank, dated April 11, 2006 and recorded with Jenny Road in Oxford, Worcester County, tions, restrictions and rights of way of record deposit of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS Worcester County Registry of Deeds in Book Massachusetts, shown as Lot 1 on a plan so far as the same are now in force and ($10,000.00) by certified or bank check will 38809, Page 1 has filed with said court a entitled, ‘'Plan of Land Surveyed for applicable. be required to be paid by the purchaser at complaint for authority to foreclose said Emerson G. & Earlene M. Smith in Oxford, the time and place of sale. The balance is to mortgage in the manner following: by entry Masachusetts, May-1998, Scale: 1’' = 100' For mortgagor's(s') title see deed recorded be paid by certified or bank check at Ablitt and possession and exercise of power of Kelly-Granger-Parsons and Associates, Inc.’' with Worcester County (Worcester District) Law Offices, P.C., 304 Cambridge Road, sale. which plan is recorded in Worcester District Registry of Deeds in Book 35862, Page 1. Woburn, Massachusetts 01801, other terms If you are entitled to the benefits of the Registry of Deeds Plan Book 599, Plan 108. These premises will be sold and conveyed and conditions will be provided at the place Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and you Reference to said plan may be had for a subject to and with the benefit of all rights, of sale. The description of the premises con- object to such foreclosure you or your attor- more particular description of said Lot. Being rights of way, restrictions, easements, tained in said mortgage shall control in the ney should file a written appearance and the same premises conveyed to the herein covenants, liens or claims in the nature of event of an error in this publication. OTHER answer in said court at Boston on or before named mortgagor (s) by deed recorded with liens, improvements, public assessments, TERMS, IF ANY, TO BE ANNOUNCED AT MAR 22 2010 or you may be forever barred Worcester Worcester District Registry of any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, THE SALE. Present holder of said mortgage, from claiming that such foreclosure is invalid Deeds herewith. water and sewer liens and any other munici- The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank under said act. For mortgagor's(s') title see deed record- pal assessments or liens or existing encum- of New York, as Trustee for the Witness, KARYN F. SCHEIER, Chief ed with Worcester County (Worcester brances of record which are in force and are Certificateholders CWABS, Inc., Asset- Justice of said Court on FEB 04 2010. District) Registry of Deeds in Book 32929, applicable, having priority over said mort- Backed Certificates, Series 2006-5, a bank- Attest: DEBORAH J. PATTERSON Page 398. gage, whether or not reference to such ing institution with a usual place of business Recorder These premises will be sold and con- restrictions, easements, improvements, liens in Getzville, Erie County, New York By its February 19, 2010 veyed subject to and with the benefit of all or encumbrances is made in the deed. Attorneys, Ablitt Law Offices, 304 Cambridge rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, TERMS OF SALE: Road, Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 covenants, liens or claims in the nature of A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Telephone: 781-246-8995 Fax: 781-246- Commonwealth of Massachusetts liens, improvements, public assessments, Dollars by certified or bank check will be 8994 Worcester, ss. SUPERIOR COURT any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, required to be paid by the purchaser at the 2/5/2010 2/12/2010 2/19/2010 DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT water and sewer liens and any other munici- time and place of sale. The balance is to be 60.1691 CIVIL ACTION pal assessments or liens or existing encum- paid by certified or bank check at Harmon February 5, 2010 No. 10-0194 brances of record which are in force and are Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, February 12, 2010 To: applicable, having priority over said mort- Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to February 19, 2010 Michelle M. Labonte of the Town of gage, whether or not reference to such P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Thompson, State of Connecticut AND TO restrictions, easements, improvements, liens Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) COMMONWEALTH OF ALL PERSONS ENTITLED TO THE BENE- or encumbrances is made in the deed. days from the date of sale. Deed will be pro- MASSACHUSETTS FIT OF THE SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS’ TERMS OF SALE: vided to purchaser for recording upon receipt LAND COURT CIVIL RELIEF ACT OF 1940 AS AMENDED: A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) in full of the purchase price. The description DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT Hometown Bank, a Cooperative Bank, a Dollars by certified or bank check will be of the premises contained in said mortgage (SEAL) Case No. 09 MISC 402105 banking institution with a usual place of busi- required to be paid by the purchaser at the shall control in the event of an error in this To ness in Oxford, Worcester County, time and place of sale. The balance is to be publication. Stuart R. Brown aka Stuart R. Brown, III Commonwealth of Massachusetts claiming paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Other terms, if any, to be announced at the and Trisha M. Graham to be the holder of a mortgage covering prop- Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, sale. and to all persons entitled to the benefit of erty situated on Thompson Road, Webster, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to AURORA LOAN SERVICES, LLC the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. Massachusetts, and being numbered 1403 P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Present holder of said mortgage BankUnited, FSB, claiming to be the holder Thompson Road, Webster, Massachusetts Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) By its Attorneys, of mortgage covering real property in Oxford, given by Michelle M. Labonte to Hometown days from the date of sale. Deed will be pro- HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. numbered 618 Main Street given by Stuart Bank, a Cooperative Bank dated March 22, vided to purchaser for recording upon receipt 150 California Street R. Brown aka Stuart R. Brown, III and Trisha 2006 recorded in Worcester District Registry in full of the purchase price. The description Newton, MA 02458 M. Graham to Mortgage Electronic of Deeds, Book 38633, Page 74, has filed of the premises contained in said mortgage (617) 558-0500 Registration Systems, Inc as nominee for with said court a Complaint for authority to shall control in the event of an error in this 200812-0747 - ORE BankUnited, FSB, dated July 24, 2007, and foreclose said mortgage in the manner fol- publication. February 5, 2010 recorded in the Worcester County lowing: by entry on and possession of the Other terms, if any, to be announced at February 12, 2010 (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in premises therein described and by exercise the sale. February 19, 2010 Book 41593, Page 1, and now held by of the power of sale contained in said mort- WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Plaintiff, has filed with said court a complaint gage. Present holder of said mortgage for authority to foreclose said mortgage in If you are entitled to the benefits of the the manner following: by entry and posses- Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940 By its Attorneys, sion and exercise of power of sale. as amended, and you object to such foreclo- HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. “Every Town If you are entitled to the benefits of the sure you or your attorney should file a written 150 California Street Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and you appearance and answer in said court at Newton, MA 02458 object to such foreclosure you or your attor- Worcester in said County on or before the (617) 558-0500 Deserves ney should file a written appearance and twenty-fourth day of March next or you may 200910-1853 - YEL answer in said court at Boston on or before be forever barred from claiming that such February 12, 2010 a Good MAR 22 2010 or you may be forever barred foreclosure is invalid under said Act. February 19, 2010 from claiming that such foreclosure is invalid Witness, Barbara J. Rouse, Esquire, February 26, 2010 under said act. Administrative Justice of said Court, this Local Witness, KARYN F. SCHEIER, Chief Justice tenth day of February 2010. of said Court on FEB 03 2010. Dennis P. McManus, Clerk Attest: DEBORAH J. PATTERSON February 19, 2010 Newspaper” Recorder February 19, 2010 TheHeartOf Turn To LEGALS, page 9 Friday, February 19, 2010 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 9 LEGALS

LEGALS continued from page 8 vate road known as Chris Road also being Association, as purchaser of loans and other days from the date of sale. Deed will be pro- the northwesterly corner of other land of assets of Washington Mutual Bank, formerly vided to purchaser for recording upon receipt Leonard R. Christenson, said point being known as Washington Mutual Bank, FA (the in full of the purchase price. The description NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF 791 feet, measured northerly, from the ''Savings Bank'') from the Federal Deposit of the premises contained in said mortgage REAL ESTATE northerly line of Holbrook Road; Insurance Corporation, acting as receiver for shall control in the event of an error in this By virtue and in execution of the Power of THENCE by land nor or formerly of said the Savings Bank and pursuant to its author- publication. Sale contained in a certain mortgage given Christenson N. 89° 30' E. one hundred thirty ity under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, Other terms, if any, to be announced at by Nicole D. Ceccarini and Robert T. Brown, (130) feet to a stake at land now or formerly 12 U.S.C. section 1821(d). is the present the sale. Jr. to Mortgage Electronic Registration of the Christenson Trust; holder, for breach of the conditions of said JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL Systems, Inc. as nominee for First Franklin, THENCE by land now or formerly of the mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, ASSOCIATION, AS PURCHASER OF dated July 21, 2006 and recorded with the Christenson Trust, N. 0° 30' W. one hundred the same will be sold at Public Auction at LOANS AND OTHER ASSETS OF WASH- Worcester County (Southern District) thirty (130) feet to an iron pipe; 12:00 p.m. on March 17, 2010, on the mort- INGTON MUTUAL BANK, FORMERLY Registry of Deeds in Book 39421, Page 127, THENCE by other land now or formerly of gaged premises located at 13 Central KNOWN AS WASHINGTON MUTUAL of which mortgage U.S. Bank National the Christenson Trust S. 89° 30' W. one hun- Avenue, Dudley, Worcester County, BANK, FA (THE ''SAVINGS BANK'') FROM Association, as trustee, on behalf of the hold- dred twenty-five (125) feet to a point on the Massachusetts, all and singular the premises THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE ers of the First Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust easterly line of Chris Road said point being described in said mortgage, CORPORATION, ACTING AS RECEIVER 2006-FF14 Mortgage Pass-Through marked by an iron pipe; TO WIT: FOR THE SAVINGS BANK AND PUR- Certificates, Series 2006-FF14 is the present THENCE southerly by the easterly line of PARCEL ONE SUANT TO ITS AUTHORITY UNDER THE holder by assignment, for breach of the con- said Chris Road, one hundred thirty (130) The land in Dudley, and being a certain tract FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE ACT, 12 ditions of said mortgage and for the purpose feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. or parcel of land with the buildings thereon U.S.C. SECTION 1821(D). of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Containing 16,575 square feet, more or less. situated in said Dudley, bounded and Present holder of said mortgage Auction at 9:00 AM on March 5, 2010, on the Also granting a right of way for all street pur- described as follows: mortgaged premises located at 10 Hill Court, poses over a forty (40) foot strip westerly of Beginning at the northwest corner of land of By its Attorneys, Unit 2 of the Hill Court Condominium, DUD- the granted premises to the northerly side of one Brogan on Haskell Street at the corner of HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. LEY, MA 01571, all and singular the premis- Holbrook Road. a fence; 150 California Street es described in said mortgage, TO WIT: Unit PARCEL II Thence northerly sixty-two (62) feet to a Newton, MA 02458 2, a unit in the condominium located on Hill The land situated on the easterly side of stone bound; (617) 558-0500 Court, Dudley, Massachusetts, known as Hill Chris Road, a private way in the Town of Thence easterly by land of said Haskell nine- 200910-1449 - BLU Court Condominium, created pursuant to Oxford, being adjacent to other land now or ty-four (94) feet to a stake; February 19, 2010 and subject to the provisions of Chapter formerly of Christenson Trust and a shown Thence Southerly by land of Haskell sixty- February 26, 2010 183A of the Massachusetts General Laws, on a plan of land in Oxford to be conveyed by two (62) feet to a corner of a fence; March 5, 2010 by Master Deed dated July 13, 2005 and the Christenson Trust to John H. F. Sondahl Thence by land of said Brogan ninety-four recorded July 14, 2005 with the Worcester and Sandra E. Songdahl dated November 1, (94) feet to the corner of fence first above NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF District Registry of Deeds in Book 36798, 1975, Walter W. Brown, Surveyor, and mentioned; containing in all 5828 feet, more REAL ESTATE Page 132, hereinafter "Master Deed", The recorded in the Worcester District Registry of or less. Also another tract of land with the By virtue and in execution of the Power post office address of the unit is: 10 Hill Deeds in Plan Book 433, Plan 18, more par- buildings thereon situated on said Haskell of Sale contained in a certain mortgage Court, Unit 2, Dudley, MA 01571. The Unit is ticularly bounded and described as follows: Street, otherwise called Central Avenue in given by Ioannis N. Pseftis and Iryna P. conveyed together with an undivided twenty BEGINNING at the northwesterly corner of aforesaid Dudley, bounded and described as Pseftis to Mortgage Electronic Registration percent (20%) interest appertaining to Unit in the premises described herein at an iron follows: Systems, Inc., dated March 27, 2006 and the Common Area and Facilities of said pipe, said iron pipe being One Hundred Beginning at the southwesterly corner there- recorded with the Worcester County Condominium. The Unit containing 2051 Thirty (130.00) feet measured easterly along of on the easterly side of said Central (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at square feet approximately, and is laid out as the northerly line of adjacent land of Avenue; Book 38674, Page 267, of which mortgage shown on a plan of attached hereto, which Songdahl from an iron pipe situated on the Thence North 85 deg. 10' East one hundred US Bank National Association as Trustee is plan is a copy of a portion of the plans filed easterly line of said Chris Road; twenty-flve (125) feet to an iron pin; the present holder, for breach of the condi- with said Master Deed in Plan Book 828, THENCE S. 89° 15' E. along remaining land Thence North 4 deg. 50' West fifty-seven and tions of said mortgage and for the purpose of Plan 72, and to which is attached a verified of the Christenson Trust a distance of Two 25/100 (57.25) feet to an iron pin; foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public statement in the form required by Hundred Eighty-Eight and Ninety-One Thence Southwesterly one hundred twenty- Auction at 3:00 p.m. on March 15, 2010, on Massachusetts General Laws Chapter I83A, Hundredths (288.91) feet to an iron pipe in eight and one tenth (128.1) feet to the afore- the mortgaged premises located at 4 Snow Section 9. Said Unit is subject to and has the the remains of a stonewall at land now or for- said Central Avenue thirty-eight and three- Street, Webster, Worcester County, benefit of the obligations, restrictions, rights, merly of Casavant; tenths (38.3) feet to the point of beginning. Massachusetts, all and singular the premises easements and liabilities contained in THENCE S. 19° 42' W. along the remains of Being the same premises conveyed to John described in said mortgage, Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 183A, said stonewall and said land of Casavant a Rzeszutko and Stasia Rzeszutko, both now TO WIT: said Master Deed, the Hill Court distance of one hundred thirty-four and sev- deceased, by deed dated June 22, 1961 and A certain parcel of land with the buildings Condominium Trust and the by-laws and enty hundredths (134.70) feet to an iron pipe recorded with the Worcester District Registry thereon of every nature and description and rules of regulations recorded in said Registry in said stonewall; of Deeds in Book 4205, Page 447. all the privileges and appurtenances thereto of Deeds in Book 36798, Page IS2. The THENCE N. 89° 15' W., two hundred forty- See M792's for both John Rzeszutko and belonging, situated on the easterly side of Condominium and each of the units is four and twenty hundredths (244.20) feet Stasia Rzeszutko in Book 17927, Page 59 Myrtle Avenue in the Town of Webster, intended for residential purposes and other along land now or formerly owned by and 18917, 360. County of Worcester, Commonwealth of uses permitted by both the applicable zoning Costello to an iron pipe at other land of PARCEL TWO Massachusetts, on the southerly side of a By-Laws of the Town of Dudley and said Songdahl; The land In Dudley, bounded and described proposed new street bounded and described Master Deed. For mortgagor's title see deed THENCE N. 0° 45' E. along other land of as follows: as follows: BEGINNING at the southwesterly recorded with the Worcester County Songdahl a distance of one hundred thirty Beginning at a stone bound at the northwest- corner thereof at a point about one hundred (Southern District) Registry of Deeds in Book (130.00) feet to an iron pipe and point of erly corner of land formerly of Anna Majeska; ten (110) feet from the easterly line of said 39421, Page 123. These premises will be beginning. Thence westerly forty-three (43) feet to a Myrtle Avenue; THENCE northerly by land sold and conveyed subject to and with the Containing 33,933 square feet. stake at land of Mitchell Millette; now or formerly of Rose Arsenault aboute benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, Subject to easements, agreements, restric- Thence northerly sixty and seven -tenths seventy-five (75) feet; THENCE easterly by a easements, right of ways, covenants, liens or tions and covenants of record if any there be (60.7) feet by said Millette land to fence post; proposed new street about fifty-five (55) feet; claims in the nature of liens, improvements, in so far as the same are still in force and Thence easterly thirty and four tenths (30.4) THENCE southerly about seventy-five (75) public assessments, any and all unpaid applicable. feet by said Millette land to a piece of gas feet; THENCE westerly about fifty-five (55) taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer Being the same premises conveyed to the pipe in ground; feet to the point of beginning. Granting also a liens and any other municipal assessments mortgagors by deed recorded herewith, Thence northerly fifty-seven and twenty-five right of way over said proposed new street. or liens or existing encumbrances of record Book 37254 Page 141. hundredths (57.25) feet by said Millette land BEING the same premises conveyed to which are in force and are applicable, having For mortgagor's(s') title see deed record- to stake at land now or formerly of Edward mortgagor by deed of Daniel A. Faford and priority over said mortgage, whether or not ed with Worcester County (Worcester Niles; Thence easterly thirteen and forty-five Brenda L. Faford dated November 5, 2002 reference to such restrictions, easements, District) Registry of Deeds in Book 37254, hundredths (13.45) feet by said Niles land to and recorded in Book 28001, Page 203. improvements, liens or encumbrances is Page 141. bound at southeasterly corner thereof; Meaning and intending to convey and here- made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A These premises will be sold and con- Thence continuing by same course on exten- by conveying the same premises conveyed deposit of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS veyed subject to and with the benefit of all sion of dividing line between lands now or to me/us by deed dated 11/05/2002 and ($10,000.00) by certified or bank check will rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, formerly of Mitchell Millette and Edward Niles recorded with Worcester Registry Of Dee be required to be paid by the purchaser at covenants, liens or claims in the nature of for a distance of forty-eight (48) feet to a Registry of Deeds in Book 28001, Page 203. the time and place of sale. The balance is to liens, improvements, public assessments, point on a line extending from the point of For mortgagor's(s') title see deed record- be paid by certified or bank check at Ablitt any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, beginning at land formerly of Anna Majeska ed with Worcester County (Worcester Law Offices, P.C., 304 Cambridge Road, water and sewer liens and any other munici- in direct course northeasterly to the south- District) Registry of Deeds in Book 38674, Woburn, Massachusetts 01801, other terms pal assessments or liens or existing encum- easterly corner of land now or formerly of Page 266. and conditions will be provided at the place brances of record which are in force and are Thomas Carron; These premises will be sold and con- of sale. The description of the premises con- applicable, having priority over said mort- Thence southwesterly by said last described veyed subject to and with the benefit of all tained in said mortgage shall control in the gage, whether or not reference to such line about one hundred twenty-eight (128) rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, event of an error in this publication. OTHER restrictions, easements, improvements, liens feet to the point of beginning. covenants, liens or claims in the nature of TERMS, IF ANY, TO BE ANNOUNCED AT or encumbrances is made in the deed. Containing about six thousand (6000) square liens, improvements, public assessments, THE SALE. Present holder of said mortgage, TERMS OF SALE: feet of land. any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, U.S. Bank National Association, as trustee, A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Subject to restrictions and easements of water and sewer liens and any other munici- on behalf of the holders of the First Franklin Dollars by certified or bank check will be record. pal assessments or liens or existing encum- Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-FF14 Mortgage required to be paid by the purchaser at the Being the same premises conveyed to John brances of record which are in force and are Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006- time and place of sale. The balance is to be Rzeszutko and Stasia Rzeszutko, both now applicable, having priority over said mort- FF14 By its Attorneys, Ablitt Law Offices, 304 paid by certified or bank check at Harmon deceased, by deed dated June 22, 1961 and gage, whether or not reference to such Cambridge Road, Woburn, Massachusetts Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, recorded with the Worcester District Registry restrictions, easements, improvements, liens 01801 Telephone: 781-246-8995 Fax: 781- Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to of Deeds in Book 4205, Page 464. or encumbrances is made in the deed. 246-8994 P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, See M-792 for John Rzeszutko as recorded TERMS OF SALE: 2/12/2010 2/19/2010 2/26/2010 Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) 61.1681 days from the date of sale. Deed will be pro- in Book 17927, Page 58. Dollars by certified or bank check will be February 12, 2010 vided to purchaser for recording upon receipt See M-792 for Stasia R. Rzeszutko as required to be paid by the purchaser at the February 19, 2010 in full of the purchase price. The description recorded with said deeds in Book 18917, time and place of sale. The balance is to be February 26, 2010 of the premises contained in said mortgage Page 359. For mortgagors’ title see deed in paid by certified or bank check at Harmon shall control in the event of an error in this Book 19264, Page 341. Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF publication. For mortgagor's(s') title see deed record- Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to REAL ESTATE Other terms, if any, to be announced at ed with Worcester County (Worcester P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, By virtue and in execution of the Power the sale. District) Registry of Deeds in Book 19264, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) of Sale contained in a certain mortgage WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Page 341. days from the date of sale. Deed will be pro- given by Ruel A. Forbes and Sabrina V. Present holder of said mortgage These premises will be sold and con- vided to purchaser for recording upon receipt Forbes to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated veyed subject to and with the benefit of all in full of the purchase price. The description September 6, 2005 and recorded with the By its Attorneys, rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, of the premises contained in said mortgage Worcester County (Worcester District) HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. covenants, liens or claims in the nature of shall control in the event of an error in this Registry of Deeds at Book 37254, Page 144, 150 California Street liens, improvements, public assessments, publication. of which mortgage Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is Newton, MA 02458 any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, Other terms, if any, to be announced at the present holder, for breach of the condi- (617) 558-0500 water and sewer liens and any other munici- the sale. tions of said mortgage and for the purpose of 200910-1944 - BLU pal assessments or liens or existing encum- US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public February 19, 2010 brances of record which are in force and are TRUSTEE Auction at 2:00 p.m. on March 17, 2010, on February 26, 2010 applicable, having priority over said mort- Present holder of said mortgage the mortgaged premises located at 14 Chris March 5, 2010 gage, whether or not reference to such Road, Oxford, Worcester County, restrictions, easements, improvements, liens By its Attorneys, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF or encumbrances is made in the deed. HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. described in said mortgage, REAL ESTATE TERMS OF SALE: 150 California Street TO WIT: By virtue and in execution of the Power A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Newton, MA 02458 Parcel I of Sale contained in a certain mortgage Dollars by certified or bank check will be (617) 558-0500 The land in said Oxford, Worcester County, given by Edwin D. Eames and Jeanne C. required to be paid by the purchaser at the 200906-2148 - YEL Massachusetts located on the easterly side Eames to Mortgage Electronic Registration time and place of sale. The balance is to be February 19, 2010 of Chris Road with the building thereon Systems, Inc., dated September 30, 2005 paid by certified or bank check at Harmon February 26, 2010 bounded and described as follows: and recorded with the Worcester County Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, March 5, 2010 BEGINNING at the southwesterly corner of (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to the tract to be conveyed at an iron pipe driv- Book 37503, Page 248, of which mortgage P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, en in the ground on the easterly line of a pri- JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) Turn To LEGALS, page 10 10 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, February 19, 2010 LEGALS

LEGALS continued from page 9 COMMONWEALTH OF NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS REAL ESTATE MASSACHUSETTS NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND COURT By virtue and in execution of the Power of LAND COURT REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT Sale contained in a certain mortgage given DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT By virtue and in execution of the Power (SEAL) Case No. 09 MISC 416409 by Jennifer Breault and Ediz Pelevan to (SEAL) Case No. 417621 of Sale contained in a certain mortgage To Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, To: given by Daniel J. Harvey and Roxanne L. Akbar Jafari Inc., dated March 9, 2007 and recorded with Robert P. Cooney; Lynne Cooney Harvey to Mortgage Electronic Registration and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Worcester County (Worcester District) and to all persons entitled to the benefit of Systems, Inc., dated June 5, 2003 and the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. Registry of Deeds at Book 40824, Page 134, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. recorded with the Worcester County BankUnited, claiming to be the holder of of which mortgage U.S. Bank, National Suntrust Mortgage, Inc. claiming to be the (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at mortgage covering real property in North Association, as successor trustee to Bank of holder of a Mortgage covering real property Book 30363, Page 84, of which mortgage Oxford, numbered 156 Leicester Street given America, N.A. as successor by merger to in Oxford, numbered 47 Old Howarth Road JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association by Akbar Jafari to Mortgage Electronic LaSalle Bank National Association as given by Robert P. Cooney and Lynne is the present holder, for breach of the condi- Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Trustee for Merrill Lynch First Franklin Cooney a/ka Lynne L. Cooney to Mortgage tions of said mortgage and for the purpose of BankUnited, FSB, dated September 7, 2007, Mortgage Loan Trust, Mortgage Loan Asset- Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., dated foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public and recorded in the Worcester County Backed Certificates, Series 2007-2 is the December 22, 2005, and recorded with the Auction at 4:00 p.m. on March 8, 2010, on (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds in present holder, for breach of the conditions Worcester County (Worcester District) the mortgaged premises located at 143 Book 41794, Page 44, and now held by of said mortgage and for the purpose of fore- Registry of Deeds at Book 38095, Page 255 Lower Gore Road , Webster, Worcester Plaintiff, by assignment, has filed with said closing, the same will be sold at Public and now held by the plaintiff by assignment County, Massachusetts, all and singular the court a complaint for authority to foreclose Auction at 2:00 p.m. on March 1, 2010, on has filed with said court a complaint for premises described in said mortgage, said mortgage in the manner following: by the mortgaged premises located at 7 Ash authority to foreclose said mortgage in the TO WIT: entry and possession and exercise of power Lane, Dudley, Worcester County, manner following: by entry and possession The land with the buildings thereon located of sale. Massachusetts, all and singular the premises and exercise of power of sale. in Webster, Worcester County, If you are entitled to the benefits of the described in said mortgage, If you are entitled to the benefits of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, situated Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and you TO WIT: Servicemembers Civil Relief Act as amended at Lower Gore Road, and being Lot #3 on a object to such foreclosure you or your attor- The land with the buildings thereon situat- and you object to such foreclosure you or plan entitled ''Subdivision of Land owned by ney should file a written appearance and ed at 7 Ash Lane, Dudley, your attorney should file a written appear- Ernest A. Belforti and Janis B. Belforti dated answer in said court at Boston on or before Worcester County, Massachusetts, being ance and answer in said court at Boston on March 16, 1990'' and recorded with MAR 15 2010 or you may be forever barred shown as Lot 29 on a plan entitled, or before MAR 22 2010 or you may be forev- Worcester District Deeds in Plan Book 636, from claiming that such foreclosure is invalid 'Subdivision of Land owned by Raymond L. er barred from claiming that such foreclosure Plan 93. under said act. Marchi Phase II and III Developer M & H is invalid under said act. Being the same premises as conveyed by Witness, KARYN F. SCHEIER, Chief Development Corp.', dated November 9, Witness, KARYN F. SCHEIER, Chief Ernest A. Belforti and Janis B. Belforti to Justice of said Court on JAN 26 2010. 1992, recorded with Worcester District Justice of said Court on FEB 03 2010. Daniel J. Harvey and Roxanne L. Harvey by Attest: DEBORAH J. PATTERSON Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 717, Plan 71. Attest: Deed dated December 17, 1999 and record- Recorder For mortgagor's(s') title see deed recorded DEBORAH J. PATTERSON ed with the Worcester District Registry of February 19, 2010 with Worcester County (Worcester District) RECORDER Deeds in Book 22157, Page 148. Registry of Deeds in Book 40824, Page 133. 200910-2038-BLU For a more accurate description see Plan NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF These premises will be sold and conveyed February 19, 2010 Book 636, Plan 93 recorded with said REAL ESTATE subject to and with the benefit of all rights, Registry. By virtue and in execution of the Power of rights of way, restrictions, easements, THE COMMONWEALTH OF For mortgagor's(s') title see deed record- Sale contained in a certain mortgage given covenants, liens or claims in the nature of MASSACHUSETTS ed with Worcester County (Worcester by William F Holbrook and Melissa A liens, improvements, public assessments, LAND COURT District) Registry of Deeds in Book 22157, Holbrook to Mortgage Electronic Registration any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT Page 148. Systems, Inc., dated April 18, 2006 and water and sewer liens and any other munici- (SEAL) Case No. 417435 These premises will be sold and con- recorded with the Worcester County pal assessments or liens or existing encum- To: veyed subject to and with the benefit of all (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at brances of record which are in force and are Edward A. Devolve; Esther M. Masiello rights, rights of way, restrictions, easements, Book 38898, Page 85, of which mortgage US applicable, having priority over said mort- and to all persons entitled to the benefit of covenants, liens or claims in the nature of Bank National Association, as Trustee for gage, whether or not reference to such the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. liens, improvements, public assessments, CSAB Mortgage-Backed Pass-Through restrictions, easements, improvements, liens BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. claiming to any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, Certificates, Series 2006-3 is the present or encumbrances is made in the deed. be the holder of a Mortgage covering real water and sewer liens and any other munici- holder, for breach of the conditions of said TERMS OF SALE: property in Webster, numbered 25 Third pal assessments or liens or existing encum- mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00 ) Street, Unit A, Colonial Village Condominium brances of record which are in force and are the same will be sold at Public Auction at Dollars by certified or bank check will be given by Edward A. Devolve and Esther M. applicable, having priority over said mort- 5:00 p.m. on March 3, 2010, on the mort- required to be paid by the purchaser at the Masiello to Mortgage Electronic Registration gage, whether or not reference to such gaged premises located at 42 Hillside time and place of sale. The balance is to be Systems, Inc., dated December 7, 2006, and restrictions, easements, improvements, liens Avenue, Webster, Worcester County, paid by certified or bank check at Harmon recorded with the Worcester County or encumbrances is made in the deed. Massachusetts, all and singular the premises Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at TERMS OF SALE: described in said mortgage, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to Book 40309, Page 48 and now held by the A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) TO WIT: P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, plaintiff by assignment has filed with said Dollars by certified or bank check will be A certain tract of land situated in Webster Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) court a complaint for authority to foreclose required to be paid by the purchaser at the on the vvesterly side of Hillside Avenue, and days from the date of sale. Deed will be pro- said mortgage in the manner following: by time and place of sale. The balance is to be being a portion of Lot No. 13, on ''Plan of vided to purchaser for recording upon receipt entry and possession and exercise of power paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Lots owned by Joseph A. Patenaude, in full of the purchase price. The description of sale. Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Webster, Mass.'' dated July 9, 1943 and of the premises contained in said mortgage If you are entitled to the benefits of the Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to recorded at Worcester District Registry of shall control in the event of an error in this Servicemembers Civil Relief Act as amended P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Deeds, Plan Book 131, Plan 6, bounded and publication. and you object to such foreclosure you or Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake Other terms, if any, to be announced at the your attorney should file a written appear- days from the date of sale. Deed will be pro- in the westerly line of said Hillside Avenue at sale. ance and answer in said court at Boston on vided to purchaser for recording upon receipt Lot No. 14 on said plan; thence SOUTH 61 U.S. BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, or before March 15, 2010 or you may be for- in full of the purchase price. The description degrees 30' W one hundred fifty (150) feet by AS SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO BANK OF ever barred from claiming that such foreclo- of the premises contained in said mortgage said Lot No. 14 to a stake; thence NORTH 28 AMERICA, N.A. AS SUCCESSOR BY sure is invalid under said act. shall control in the event of an error in this degrees 30' W., seventy five (75) feet to a MERGER TO LASALLE BANK NATIONAL Witness, KARYN F. SCHEIER, Chief publication. point; thence NORTH 61 degrees 30' E one ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR MER- Justice of said Court on February 1, 2010. Other terms, if any, to be announced at hundred fifty (150) feet by Lot No. 12 on said RILL LYNCH FIRST FRANKLIN MORT- Attest: the sale. plan to a stake in the westerly line of said GAGE LOAN TRUST, MORTGAGE LOAN DEBORAH J. PATTERSON JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL Hillside Avenue; thence SOUTHERLY sev- ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES RECORDER ASSOCIATION enty-five (75) feet by the westerly lien of said 2007-2 200908-1537 - BLU Present holder of said mortgage Hillside Avenue to the point of beginning. Present holder of said mortgage February 19, 2010 For mortgagor's(s') title see deed recorded By its Attorneys, By its Attorneys, with Worcester County (Worcester District) HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. Registry of Deeds in Book 38898, Page 94. 150 California Street 150 California Street These premises will be sold and conveyed Newton, MA 02458 Newton, MA 02458 subject to and with the benefit of all rights, (617) 558-0500 (617) 558-0500 rights of way, restrictions, easements, 200807-0509 - RED 200906-2485 - GRY covenants, liens or claims in the nature of February 5, 2010 February 12, 2010 liens, improvements, public assessments, February 12, 2010 February 19, 2010 any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, February 19, 2010 February 26, 2010 water and sewer liens and any other munici- pal assessments or liens or existing encum- brances of record which are in force and are THE COMMONWEALTH OF Commonwealth of Massachusetts applicable, having priority over said mort- MASSACHUSETTS The Trial Court gage, whether or not reference to such LAND COURT Probate and Family Court restrictions, easements, improvements, liens DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT Worcester Division or encumbrances is made in the deed. (SEAL) Case No. 417973 Docket No. WO10P0372EA TERMS OF SALE: To: Jesse Boulette In the Estate of: Irene C. Grzyb A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00 ) and to all persons entitled to the benefit of also known as Irene Grzyb Dollars by certified or bank check will be the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. Late of: Dudley, MA 01571 required to be paid by the purchaser at the PNC Mortgage, a division of PNC Bank, N.A Date of Death: 10/18/2009 time and place of sale. The balance is to be successor by merger to National City NOTICE OF PETITION FOR paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Mortgage, a division of National City Bank PROBATE OF WILL Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, claiming to be the holder of a Mortgage cov- To all persons interested in the above cap- Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to ering real property in Webster, numbered 17 tioned estate, a petition has been presented P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Eddy Street given by Jesse Boulette to requesting that a document purporting to be Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) National City Mortgage a division of National the last will of said decedent be proved and days from the date of sale. Deed will be pro- City Bank, dated March 25, 2009, and allowed, and that Joseph F Szwach of vided to purchaser for recording upon receipt recorded with the Worcester County Dudley, MA be appointed executor/trix, in full of the purchase price. The description (Worcester District) Registry of Deeds at named in the will to serve Without Surety. of the premises contained in said mortgage Book 44004, Page 135 has filed with said IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, shall control in the event of an error in this court a complaint for authority to foreclose YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE A publication. said mortgage in the manner following: by Visit us WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT Other terms, if any, to be announced at the entry and possession and exercise of power AT WORCESTER ON OR BEFORE TEN sale. of sale. O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS If you are entitled to the benefits of the ON 03/09/2010. TRUSTEE FOR CSAB MORTGAGE- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act as amended online! In addition, you must file a written affidavit BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFI- and you object to such foreclosure you or of objections to the petition, stating specific CATES, SERIES 2006-3 your attorney should file a written appear- facts and grounds upon which the objection Present holder of said mortgage ance and answer in said court at Boston on is based, within thirty (30) days after the By its Attorneys, or before MARCH 22, 2010 or you may be return day (or such other time as the court, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. forever barred from claiming that such fore- www. on motion with notice to the petitioner, may 150 California Street closure is invalid under said act. allow) in accordance with Probate Rule 16. Newton, MA 02458 Witness, KARYN F. SCHEIER, Chief theheartof WITNESS, Hon. Denise L. Meagher, First (617) 558-0500 Justice of said Court on FEBRUARY 4, 2010. Justice of this Court. 200910-1220 - YEL Attest: massachusetts Date: February 8, 2010 February 5, 2010 DEBORAH J. PATTERSON Stephen G. Abraham February 12, 2010 RECORDER .com Register of Probate February 19, 2010 200911-1256-RED February 19, 2010 February 19, 2010 Updated weekly! Friday, February 19, 2010 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 11

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Jules Gary T.A. Maureen Ellen Chris Paul John Adrienne LAKE REALTY Lusignan Williams King Cimoch Therrien Wojciechowski Fenuccio Kokocinski James • #1 on the Internet WINTER IS HERE! LIST WITH #1! CALL FOR A FREE MARKET ANALYSIS!

NEW PRICE SOLD NEW PRICE WEBSTER – DUDLEY – 11 School St! Across from DUDLEY – DUDLEY – 13 Corbin Rd! 4,262’ 12 Rm WEBSTER – CHARLTON – WEBSTER - 11 Oakwood Dr! WEBSTER - 9 Chestnut Hill Dr! 3 Klebart Ave! Stately 7 109 W. Main St! Stately 25 Black Point Rd! 6 86 N. Sturbridge Rd! 7 Rm Rm Colonial! Frplcd Liv Rm w/Crown "Dudley Elementary"! Walk to "New" Boys Brick Colonial! Multi Use! 13 Rms! Custom Split Built Around In-Gr Pool! 1+ Rm 2050’ Colonial! 6Yrs Young! Colonial Saltbox! Newly Applincd Kit, New Spectacular 10 Rm 3,362' Contemp Set Overlooking Webster Lake! 7 Rm Moldings! Applianced Kit! Formal Din Rm & Girls Club! Easy 395 Access! 7 Rms! Single Fam w/Inlay Apart / Super 2 Acre! Center Isl Kit w/Granite, SS Appl & Tile Flr, Radiant Heated! Din Rm On 2 Acres! Soaring Entry! Marble & Custom Split! 3 Bdrms! 2.5 Baths! Applianced! Form Din Rm! 22’ & Fam Rm w/Hrdwds! Entry Foyer! 3 Recent Updates! Applianced! 25' Liv Rm Family! Business Zoned! Live & Work Pantry! Frplcd Fam Rm w/Cherry Walls! LivRm! 22’ Mstr Bdrm/Mstr Bath! 3 w/Hrdwds! Liv Rm w/New Hrdwds! Frplcd Hardwoods! Custom Kitchen! Marble Hrdwd Flrs! Vaulted Ceilings! 2 Sided Bdrms w/Hrdwds! Master w/Cedar & 2 w/Hrdwds & Pellet Stove! 1st Flr From Here! Park Like Grounds! 6/7 13x18 Din Rm! 23’ Liv Rm! 25’ Master Fam Rm w/Hrdwds! 3 Bdrms! New Frplc! 1st Flr Master w/Bath! 4/5 Frplc! Kit w/Corian Counters, Rms! 2/4 Bdrms! 2 Frplcd Liv Rms! 3 Bdrms! 2.5 Baths! Corner Lot! Dbl Closets! Sunroom! Tile Bthrms! Office/Bdrm! Master w/Walk-in Closet/ w/Whirlpool Tub! 4 Bdrms, Media Rm, Webster Lake Colonial Park Beach Carpets! Master Bath, Walk-in Closets! 2.5 Bdrms! 2.5 Baths! C/A! 3 Car Attached! Finished Walk-out Lower Level! CAir! Baths! Brand New Furnace! Check It Baths! New Oak Stairs! New Roof & Ext Garages! Newer Roof! Easy Rte.395 Dressing/ Nursery! 3/4 Bdrms! 2 Tile Baths! $324,900.00 Office Suite, Workout Rm, Rough Plum for Rights! $289,900.00 Super Views! $414,900.00 CVac! 1.9Acres! $324,900.00 Access! $224,900.00 Deck! 2 Car Garage! $209,900.00 Out!!! 3rd Bath! 4+ Car Garage! $324,900.00 Paint! 3.2 Acres! $329,900.00

SOLD NEWNEW LISTINGLISTING NEW PRICE NEW PRICE SOLD WEBSTER – DUDLEY – CHARLTON – WEBSTER WEBSTER – WEBSTER 63 Bigelow Rd! 7 Rm 4 Piasta Road! "Grand DUDLEY – 10 Raymond Street! 8 Rm 139 Berry Corner Rd! – 367 Thompson Rd! 8Rm 34 Colonial Rd! Across DUDLEY – This One’s “ON DEPOSIT”! – 4 Surrey Lane! Antique Cape set on 1 Acre! View Estates" Garrison Colonial! Split! Half Acre Lot! In Ground Pool 9 Rm Tudor! In-Law Potential! 3/4 Cape! Applianced Kit w/Wood Flr! From Lake – Beach Rights! Basically Similar One to be Built - 60 Eagle Drive! Conveniently Located! 6 Rm Ranch! Acres! Applianced! Granite! Hrdwds! Conveniently Located w/Easy 395 1+Acre! Center Hall! 24' Liv Rm! w/New Liner! Open Flr Plan! Frplcd Liv DinRm w/Hrdwds! Frplcd LivRm! Brand New! Completely Renovated Inside Spacious 2760’! Granite Kitchen! Move-in Condition! Applianced Kit, Liv "Never Used" Fireplace! Din Rm 2 Frplcs! Office! 3/5 Bdrms! 19X25 Rm & 2 of 3 Bdrms w/Wood Laminate Access! 3 Bedrooms - 1st Floor Rm & Din Rm w/Hrdwds! 3 Bdrms! 2.5 4Bdrms! 2Baths! Super LL FamRm - & Out! 5 Rm Colonial! 2 Bdrms! 1.5 Baths! All Hardwoods! 3 Bdrms plus Office! w/Hrdwds! Applianced! 3Bdrms! Fam Rm! 3 Tile Baths! Deck! Green Applianced Kit w/ Tile Flr! Front to Back Flrs! 15x22’ Fam Rm w/Brick Hearth/ Baths Including Master - 2 Full’s Walk-out to 16x24 Deck! 3Z Oil! 2.5 Baths! 2X6 Construction! Master! 1.5 Baths! Aluminum Siding! Master Bath! 2.5 Baths Total! 2 Car House! Garages Attached & Under! Liv Rm w/Wood Flr! Deck! The Work's Wood Stove & Wet Bar! 6 Panel Wood Oil Heat! Won’t Last! Recently Remodeled! Super Fam Rm! 1/2 Acre! Below Assessment! Hydro Air! 2 Car Garage! Garage! Super Shed! Won't Last Long! $229,900.00 New Furnace & Water Heater! been Done - Just Move In! $362,900.00 Drs! Garage Under! Private Back Yard $169,900.00 $269,900.00 Dead End Street! $299,900.00 $204,900.00 $189,900.00 w/Babbling Brook! $219,900.00

ONON DEPOSITDEPOSIT NEWNEW LISTINGLISTING NEWNEW LISTINGLISTING NEW PRICE NEW PRICE WEBSTER OXFORD – 1 Wild Rose St! Chaffee OXFORD – 51 Charlton St! Updated 6 WEBSTER – 17 Perryville Rd! 7 Rm – 493/495 School Street! WEBSTER – 4 Fifth St! Conveniently WEBSTER – 28 Skyview Lane! 6 Rm THOMPSON – 225 Wagher Road! 6 SOUTHBRIDGE – 36 Arland Ideal Duplex! 5/7 Rms! 2/3 Bdrms! 1.5/1.5 School Near! Corner Lot! 4+ Rm Rm Colonial! 3 Bdrms! Renovations - Cape! Super Fenced Back Yard w/In Located 7 Rm Cape! Corner Lot w/Nice Raised Ranch! Quick Highway Access! Rm Split! 3 Bdrms! 2 Baths! Open Flr Drive! 6 Rm Cape! .95Acres! Ranch w/Recent Roof & Replacement 2nd Flr Addition, Furnace, Roof, Baths! Applianced! Great Investment Shaded Side Yard! Eat-in Kitchen! Plan! Applianced! Recently Finished Grnd Pool! 1 Acre! Eat-in Kit! Form Din Opportunity! 493 Remodeled from Studs, Dead End Street! Living Room and 3 Applianced Eat-in Kitchen! Din & Liv Windows! Eat-in Kit! Liv Rm & 2 Bdrms Windows, Siding, Pellet Stove, Etc! Living Rm & Family Rm with Wall to Bedrooms w/Hardwood Floors! Lower Lower Level Fam Rm w/Pellet Stove! Rm w/Wall to Wall! 3 Bdrms w/Wall w/Hardwoods under the Carpets! Full Spacious Liv Rm! Huge Master Rm! 23’Liv Rm w/Hrdwds! Frplcd Custom Kit, Walk-in Closets! Laundries! Wall Carpeting! 3 Bedrooms! 3 Season Storage Rm/Workshop! Garage Fam/Spa Rm! 1 Car Under + 2 Car Sep Basements & Walk-up Attics! Recent Level Family Rm - Possible 4th to Wall! 2 Full Baths - 1 w/Whirlpool Bath! Updating/ Cosmetics Needed w/Walk-In Closet! Fenced Back Yard! Windows! Garages! Sep Basements! Porch! FHA by Gas Heat! Replacement w/Opener! Private Backyard w/Trex Great Commuting Location! Detached w/Game Rm Above! Bedroom! Newer Windows! Tub! Wrap Around Mahogany But Worth It! New Title V Septic New Electric! etc. Windows! Vinyl Siding! Town Services! Deck! 1.39 Acres! $189,900.00 System! $129,900.00 $219,900.00 $289,900.00 $199,900.00 $179,900.00 $179,900.00 $217,900.00 Farmer’s Porch!

NEW LISTING ONON DEPOSIT NEW LISTING SOLD NEW PRICE DUDLEY – 3 Boys & Girls Club St! WEBSTER – 5 Harvard St! Being Built WEBSTER – 11 Morris St! 6 Rm WEBSTER LAKE - Well Island! WEBSTER LAKE – 705 Treasure Island! WEBSTER – 3 Third Street! WEBSTER - 7 Park Ave - East Main SUTTON - LAKE SINGLETARY! Former Boys & Girls Club! Perfect for Now! 28x50' Split! Open Flr Plan! Kit Cape! Easy Access to 395, Shopping, Own Your Own Private Island! 9Rms! Townhouse End Unit! Move-in Condition! Conveniently Located 2 Family! 5/6 Street Near! Residence or Ideal Young Custom Built 6+ Rm Contemp! a Civic Organization, Church, or other w/Granite! Din Rm w/Hrdwds! Liv Rm & 3 Banks, School! Ideal Back Yard! Eat-in 5Bdrms! 1.5 Baths! Recently 6Rms, 2 Bdrms, Master Bath, 2.5 Baths Rooms! 2/3 Bedrooms! Recent Roof, Business/Professional Location! Applianced Custom Kit w/Center Non-Profit Group! Would Make a Great Renovated! Hrdwd Flrs! Frplcd Liv Bdrms w/Wall to Wall! Master Bath! 2 Applianced Kit! Liv Rm & Fam Rm Total! Applianced! Din Rm w/Sliders to Windows, Electrical, Furnace & Hot Corner Lot - 2 Driveways! Expandable 6 Island! Liv Rm w/Cathedral Ceiling! 3 Public or Private Gym/Workout Facility! Rm! Wrap Around Porch! Panoramic Rm Brick Cape! 3 1st Flr Bdrms w/Hrdwds! 3/4 Bdrms! 1st Flr Master Deck! Frplcd Fam Rm w/Sliders to Patio! Water! Updated Bathroom! 2 Car Bdrms! Master Bath! 2.5 Baths! Hardwood Basketball Court! 2 Bowling Baths w/Tile Flrs! Oil Heat! 2X6 Views! Outdoor Pavilion! Plenty of C/Air! Garage w/Storage! 2 BOAT SLIPS! w/Hardwoods! 2 Frplcs! Walk-up 2nd Lanes in Lower Level! Construct! C/Air Add $6K! w/Hrdwd Flr! Updated Windows, Siding, Garage! Double Lot! Don’t Delay! Walkout Lower Level! Enjoy all Lake Dockage! Mostly Furnished! Heated Pool! Sandy Beach! Flr w/Room to Expand! Check it Out! $498,500.00 $174,900.00 $239,900.00 Heat & Electric! $195,900.00 $579,900.00 $259,900.00 $199,900.00 $194,900.00 Living has to Offer!

SOLDSOLD SOLDSOLD SOLD WEBSTER LAKE! Spectacular 10 Rm WEBSTER LAKE – 805 Treasure WEBSTER LAKE – 120' Waterfront! WEBSTER LAKE - South Pond! Rare WEBSTER LAKE! Middle Pond Southern WEBSTER LAKE – 202 Treasure Island! WEBSTER LAKE! Killdeer Island! WEBSTER LAKE – 11 Ernest Street, w/Panoramic Views across South Pond! Island! Custom WATERFRONT Unit! 9 Rm Brick Cape! Grand Views of Find! Almost New! Custom Quality Exposure! Panoramic Lake Views! 112’ Townhouse! Move-in Condition! 6 Rms, 2 South Facing! Panoramic Views of Across South Pond! 80’ Waterfront! Perfect 8Rm Sunsets! Great for all Water Sports! Lake Views! 6Rms! 1,874 Sq Ft! South Pond! Frplcd Liv Rm & Fam Rm! 8Rms! All the Extra’s! Beautiful Waterfront! Level 13,016’ Lot! Sandy Bdrms, Master Bath, 2.5 Baths Total! Middle Pond! Beautiful Sunrises! 8Rm Custom Colonial! Panoramic Views! Master Bdrm Suite that you'll never Appliances! Custom Floor Plan! Lake Facing Mstr Bdrm! Main & Lower Sunrises! Applianced! Granite! Shoreline! 8 Rm Ranch! Applianced Kit! Applianced! Din Rm w/Sliders to Deck! Colonial! Lake Facing Frplcd Liv Rm & Granite Kit! Formal Dining! Frplcd Liv Rm! want to Leave! 3 Fireplaces! 3.5 Baths! Hardwoods/ Tile/ Wall to Wall! 2 Bdrms Level Kitchens! Beautifully Fireplace! 4Bdrms! Lake Facing Master Frplcd Liv Rm w/Lake Views! 3 Lake Facing Master Bdrm/Bath w/Lake Views! Family Frplcd Fam Rm w/Sliders to Patio! C/Air! Mstr Bdrm! Hrdwds! Applianced! Fam Rm! 3 Bdrms! 3.5 Baths! Hrdwds! 2 Car Garage! Professionally – Custom Master Bath! 2.5 Baths! Landscaped! 26X30' Garage! & Master Bath! 3Baths! Office! Hrdwds Bdrms! Master Bath! 3 Skylights! 2 Car Garage w/Storage! 2 BOAT SLIPS! Sandy Rm/4th Bdrm! Don't Delay! Garage! Convenient Killdeer Island! Cathedrals! 2 Car Garage! Landscaped! Mahogany Decks! Frplcd Fam Rm! Garage! 3Z CAir! 3Z Gas Roof 07! Siding 09! & Ceramic! Air! Expand 3rd Level! 2Car Beach! Heated Pool! $249,900.00 $449,900.00 $624,900.00 And Much More! $774,900.00 Heat! CVac! BOAT SLIP! $419,900.00 $499,900.00 Garage! Irrigation! $599,900.00 $499,900.00

NEW PRICE NEWNEW LISTINGLISTING WEBSTER LAKE - WEBSTER LAKE – WEBSTER LAKE - WEBSTER LAKE WEBSTER LAKE WEBSTER LAKE – 86 Bates Point WEBSTER LAKE - MIDDLE WEBSTER LAKE - Spectacular Exceptional Killdeer Island - South Pond! - South Pond – 105’ POND!!! Property! Spectacular Sunsets! 100' Almost New 4,400’ Custom 8 Rms! Middle Pond – Reid Smith Cove! Road! Views across Middle Pond! Convenient Point Pleasant! Views Across Middle Pond! 85' North Pond! Western Exp – Level Waterfront – Western Exposure = Ideal 2nd Home or Use Yr Round! Open Waterfront! 5700'! 4 Fireplaces! Cherry Phenomenal Sunsets! Custom 3000’ All the Extra’s! Beautiful Beautiful Sunsets! 10 Rm Contemp! Lake Western Exposure – Beautiful Sunsets! Breathtaking Sunsets! 7 Rm Ranch! Waterfront! Huge 20,202' Lot! 11 Rms! Library! Granite Kitchen! Media Rm! Sunrises! Applianced! Granite! Flr Plan! Panoramic Lake Views! Ideal Dream! 10’ Tray Ceilings! Killer Lake Views - Most Rooms! Fireplaced! Open Flr 7Rms! 3/4 Bedrooms! Cathedrals! Multi-functional 13x21 Brady Sun Room! for All Water Activity! Applianced! Slate 3 Lake Facing Bdrms! 4/5 Bdrms! Black Pearl Foyer! Tray Ceilings! Master Lake Facing Master & Master Bath! Plan! 4 Bdrms! Master Bath w/Jacuzzi! 2.5 1.5Baths! Garage! $459,900.00 Applianced! 3/4 Bdrms! Master w/Lake Master Bath! 3.5 Baths! 2 Frplcs! Suite & Office Suite! Lake Level Views! Super Lake Facing 3 Rm Master Frplcd Liv Rm! 2 Bdrms! Hrdwd Flrs! 2 Fireplaces! 4/6 Bdrms! 3Baths! Baths! Great for Entertaining & All Water Ready for Summer Now! w/Kitchen &10x20 Resistance Pool! Suite! 3 Bdrms! 3 Marble Tile Baths! Office! Hrdwd & Slate! Air! 2 Additional Waterfront Lots – 8500’! Views! Fully Finished Walk-out Lower In-law Apartment! 2 - 1st Flr "Offices"! Theramador Kitchen! C/Air! Garages! Sports! Slate Patio! 2 Car Gar! And More! Each $229,900.00 Level! 2.5 Baths! Garage! Decks! Prime $399,900.00 C/Air! And More! Gardens! Security! And More! Finished 3rd Level! 2Car Garage! $599,900.00 $1,499,000.00 $799,900.00 $679,900.00 50’ Waterfront! $529,900.00 $749,900.00


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Ann Marie Danielle Sue Ronald Helen Maryann Chic Judy Diane Anne Franny Lorraine Elie Sorensen Janice Therrien Kusz Garabedian Vangsness Johnson Beland Ward Empie Pacevicz Greenberg Gaudette Jankowski Kahale

SOUTHBRIDGE: Contemporary DUDLEY – Commercially Zoned! 7 Rm. OXFORD: Spacious 1 Br. Condo in Thayer Colonial 8 Rm, 4 Br. 1,5 BA, Formal DR STURBRIDGE: 6 Rm, 3Br. 2Ba. Ranch. SUTTON: 8 Rm, 5 Br. Antique Colonial. WORCESTER: Impeccable 2 bedroom 1.5 MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE 4 Br, 2 full bath vinyl sided home on Pond Village. 2nd Fl unit. Appliances incl. w/hdwds. Sunken LR w/vaulted ceil- Lovely well maintained home on large beauti- Located on Sutton/Grafton line. Mansard Ba. Townhouse style condo in small com- 25,860 SF lot, 2 garages w/electric open- New A.C., garbage disposal, tub, shower ingsm master BR w/loft and Jacuzzi tub. ful lot on cul de sac. Hardwoods vinyl siding. roof, new furnace & hot water tank, newer, plex. Lovely fin. walk out basement, central AT PUBLIC AUCTION ers. Great visibility, town services. Pet friendly complex, great commuter loc. Above ground pool $265,000 3 Rm suite w/full Ba. on L.L. 24 Hillside Dr. siding and windows, 1+ acre level lot. air. Close to MA pike entrance. $155,000 Call: 508-832-5831 $89,900 Call: 508-832-5831 Call: 508-832-5831 $194,900 Call: 508-832-5831 $209,500 Call: 508-832-5831 $159,900 Call: 508-832-5831 Thursday, February 25, 2010 *** Rentals *** Looking for a job? OXFORD: 4 Rm, 1 Br, 1 Ba ... $795 Counting down… Have you considered 3:00 PM - DOUGLAS STURBRIDGE: House 8 Rm, 3 Br, 2 70 days left to take advantage… LEASE SPACE Ba ...... $1100 a real estate career? 15 Depot Street of the $8,000 or $6,000 AUBURN: 925 square feet of office WORCESTER: Apartment 5 Rm, 3 sgl fam, 2,287 sf liv area, 0.35 ac lot, 8 rm, 4 bdrm, space with high visibility and great Br, 1 Ba ...... $750 Tax credit! Call Sandy at 508-832-5831 x12 Sandra Loughlin traffic count! Open office area, confer- WORCESTER: Apartment 5 Rm, 3 or email at Owner/Manager 2.5 bth, Worcester(Worc): Bk 32811, Pg 257 ence room and bathroom. Additional Br, 1 Ba...... $1100 508-832-5831, x 12 528 SF Bldg. for rent Take advatage now… Call us! [email protected] 800-563-7013 TERMS: $5,000 cash or certified check at the time and place Call: Sandy 508-832-5831 x 12 [email protected]

###################################################### of the sale. The balance to be paid within thirty (30) days at # ######################################################################################################################## the law offices of Korde & Associates, P.C., 321 Billerica Rd., Chelmsford, MA, 01824, Attorney for the Mortgagee. Auctioneer makes no representation as to the accuracy of the information contained herein OFF EXIT 1 - RT. 395 - THOMPSON ROAD, BAY STATE AUCTION CO., INC. WEBSTER, MASS. NORTH CHELMSFORD (978) 251-1150 MA Lic. #2624 ~ NH Lic. #3088 ~ RI Lic. #0149 943-4900 * 987-8400 Marc D. Becker, Carla Manzi, Brokers

DUDLEY - Immaculate 8-room WEBSTER – Want/need more than a WEBSTER -- Lots of character in Cape on half-acre at end of cul de regular-sized Ranch? This quality-built this four-bedroom Cape -- fire- sac in great neighborhood - eat-in home has more than 2100 square feet placed living room -- den/dining NEW LISTING NEW LISTING kitchen with new cabinets, coun- of one-level living space on a half acre room -- eat-in kitchen -- nice and ters and center island - formal din- close to everything. Spacious kitchen - dry finished basement -- To advertise in our ing room - den - fireplaced living dining area - 30 ft. living room and detached garage -- shed -- dog room - three bedrooms - 2 baths - three extra large bedrooms - 2.5 baths coop -- three-zone oil heat -- hardwood floors - three-season - 36 ft. screened back porch overlook- recent roof, furnace and electric - porch overlooking private back yard and decorative pond - oil heat - ing level back yard - partially finished basement, tons of storage - oil heat, - town services -- good commuter location close to highway access. Real Estate recent roof, garage, town services. vinyl siding - two-car garage. RE/Taxes $2268 $224,900 R/E Tax $1464 $184,900 R/E Tax $2309 $264,900 Section, WEBSTER - Big, solid three-family DUDLEY - Two-family in WEBSTER - New contempo- on 1/3 acre - 3-3-3 - living room - OLD good neighborhood, two rary split level - applianced S SOLD REDUCED formal dining - big, eat-in kitchen - bedrooms each unit, oil heat, kitchen - 3 bedrooms - 2 full please call hardwood floors - storage areas - oversized two-car garage, baths - open floor plan - detached 2-car garage - handicap deck - oversized two-car ramp - vinyl siding - recent roof - needs updates, vacant and updates needed - family-owned easy to show, not a short garage - oil heat - centrally your local sales since 1924. sale. located - town services.

R/E Tax $2320 $189,900 R/E Tax $1600 $119,900 R/E Tax $2100 $229,900 representative.

WHEN YOU THINK OF REAL ESTATE - THINK OF STERLING SINCE 1962 OUR 48TH YEAR 1-800-367-9898 12 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, February 19, 2010 The Market Leader!

Lois Kerstin Diane Jeanne Donna Marilyn Ann Mary Ellen Patricia A. Thomas Claire Doreen Barbara Rich Jennifer Anderson Bean Begreen Bolivar Caissie Chalupka Coven Cox Davis Dombroski Earley Gagliastro Granger Hansson Kittredge

Michelle B. Steven Lynn Sandy Ann Cheryl Lena Kevin Carmela Linda Kathleen John Jessica Tally Amy J. Kate Hippert Iwanski Kapinos Kelly Klein-Flynn Lancaster Loughlin Maher Manzaro McKissick Sivret Stelmok Sabourin Sundstrom Usher Maher

Auburn-Oxford line Auburn Auburn Southbridge Auburn Spencer Oxford Dudley Framed-colonial with 2-car garage in Phase III Prospect Hill Estates Well maintained 3 bedroom Your American Dream Home. Private Awesome 2 Bedroom w/many updates Year-round waterfront Cape Ranch well maintained on cul-de-sac w/3 Ideal Cape for growing family with 4-5 rural area. Many Plans & Options Fireplace-many updates quiet area 3 Br-with Loaded W/Top of Line Finish Close to all. Great 1st time homebuyers 2 BR, 1 Bath bedrooms, central air & loaded w/updates bedrooms. On cul-de-sac plus many extras $349,900 $349,900 $222,500 $239,900 $169,900 $250,000 $225,000 $259,900


Dudley Auburn Auburn Auburn Worcester Framed & ready to pick your colors. Worcester OXFORD 12 UNITS PERMITS WOW. 4 Bedroom Ranch w/hard- Well maintained 2 family w/2 bed- 3 Unit Commercial Site for Investor/User 3 BR Cape Two bedroom Cape w/nursery off Meet the credit deadline. 7Rms, 3 Beautiful Townhouse near Holy Cross Rare Find Fully Permitted 12 Unit woods, new roof, granite counter tops rooms each. 2 Car for additional Great Location & Cash Flow Finished lower level master. Large flat yard w/inground, bedrooms, 2.5 baths & 2 car attached in small complex. Two bedrooms, 2 w/sewer & water, 12 garage units & & new stunning bath w/jacuzzi income, sep. utilities & great location $499,900 $274,900 hot tub & cabana. Close to all. garage. car garage & many extras. in prime location $228,500 $229,900 $190,000 $379,900 $144,900 $299,900 New Construction Mobile Home Call Or Visit 4 Great Locations 10 Great Locations Adella Street, Auburn ...... starting @$269,900 Prospect Hill Estates, Auburn ...... starting @ $349,900 508-832-5324 Deer Hill Estates, Oxford ...... starting @ $349,900 $29,900 to$149,900 Camden Woods, Auburn ...... starting @ $449,900

Open House Directory Deadline: Monday at 10am (C) Condo (X) Condex (M) Multi-Family (T) Townhouse (B) Business (U) Duplex (S) Single Family (D) Adult (P) Land (L) Mobile Home (A) Apartment Community ADDRESS STYLE TIME PRICE REALTOR/SELLER/PHONE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2010

CHARLTON: 279 North Sturbridge Road SF 11:00-12:30 $259,900 Allworth Realty 508-434-5871 HOLLAND: 41 Lakeridge Drive SF 1:00-2:00 $429,900 Allworth Realty 508-434-5871 SOUTHBRIDGE: 82 Woodycrest Avenue SF 12:00-2:00 $159,900 Aucoin Ryan Realty 508-765-9155 5 Poplar Street SF 12:00-2:00 $224,900 Aucoin Ryan Realty 508-765-9155 SPENCER: 1 Candlewood Drive C 1:00-4:00 $229,900 RE/MAX American Dream REAL ESTATE 508-320-3655 SERVICES STURBRIDGE: FROM HERE 31 Hillside Drive SF 12:00-2:00 $249,900 Aucoin Ryan Realty TO HOME 508-765-9155

SUTTON: REDUCED REDUCED 11 Welsh Road SF 12:00-2:00 $434,900 Olde Village Realty/ Anne Marie Damian 508-347-6556 SOUTHBRIDGE. Nicely located 2 SOUTHBRIDGE. Great 3 BR Ranch in SOUTHBRIDGE. 2 BR home has many STURBRIDGE. Fabulous custom built BR Ranch. Large level lot, nice area of town! Loaded with special updates, incl electric, lighting, bath. Full 3000 SF+ colonial on 1.4+ Acres. features. Built-in bookshelf in LR, laun- attic has potential for expansion. Eat in Formal LR & DR w/oak flooring. 4 BR, detached garage. Being sold "as 2.5 baths, FR with FP. Huge master w/ is". $ 83,500. Dick or Jennifer. dry shute, 2 finished rooms in bsmt. kitchen, open floor plan. Beautiful hard- all amenities! Much more! $459,900. More! $159,900. Dennis Bottcher. woods. $164,900. Cindy Sowa Forgit. Dorothy Fontana. Open House Sundays CANDLEWOOD ESTATES 1-4pm SPENCER 01536 NEW LISTING Or by Appointment $199,900 - $269,900 • new construction • Just choose your colors and move in 1 Candlewood Drive • sign up before tax credit 2/3 BR luxury condos WALES. To be built… 3 bedroom WARE. Great deal! 2 houses on the WARE. Fantastic price for this 2 WEBSTER. Nice 2 family close to extension ends - april 30th NO CONDO FEES same property. All units rented. Family! Both units rented. Many downtown. Well maintained but does Ranch or Colonial style Ranch w/ master bath, c/air, huge • mortgage lender at o/h for great room w/ hdwd, w/out basement, Many updates, incl: carpets, furnace, updates. Very private location, large need some cosmetics. 2 BR each floor. free pre approvals Gas f/p, granite, appliances, hot water tank. Off street parking. yard, off street parking. Newer roof. recessed lighting, brushed deck. $197,500. Paul Bouvier. Great investment or have help with nickel hardware, garages, $225,000. Gregg Abdella. $165,000. Gregg Abdella. mortgage. $140,000. Dick or Jennifer. RE/MAX American Dream deck and more Robin Murkland Realtor 1000+ sq ft unfinished Private wooded cul-de-sac 508-320-3655 • basement ready for rec room Cell: 508-509-3833 George P. Goulas, Office: 508-434-5871 MBA, ABR, Realtor Broker-Owner ® 74 Sturbridge Rd. Allworth Realty email: [email protected] Brenda Ryan Dot Aucoin Melissa Mary Jo Spiro Vivian Debra Debbie Joan Chad Michelle Stan Charlton, MA 01507 Broker- Broker Cournoyer Demick Thomo Marrero- Nordby- Thomo Lacoste Splaine Roy Misiaszek SELLING REAL ESTATE FOR ALL ITS WORTH! Owner Hilli Doros Rivera OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Call me, to find out what other 201 SOUTH STREET, SOUTHBRIDGE, MA 01550 • 508-765-9155 • 1-800-784-0445 FAX: 508-765-2698 homes in your neighborhood SUNDAY 2/21 • 11-12:30 PM SUNDAY 2/21 • 1-2 PM Now offering rental services $8,000 TAX CREDIT TO FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS 279 NORTH STURBRIDGE RD., CHARLTON 41 LAKERIDGE DR., HOLLAND are selling for? What is your OPEN HOUSE SUN. 12-2 PM Southbridge: DO YOU RUN A BUSI- Sturbridge: IMPRESSIVE Beyond Description! NEW LISTING! You will lose home's Market Value? How to 9 room 5 bedroom 4 1/2 bath Stately Colonial You must see it yourself in this Southbridge: Classic Cape in wonderful NESS OUT OF YOUR HOME? Take a built in 2004! Kitchen w/ all the bells & whis- maximize the value of your OPEN neighborhood! 7 rooms 3-4 bedrooms 2 tles w/morning room. 2 staircases to second to appreciate huge 3,800sf 12- look at this property. Right on Rt room, 3-level home? How long it takes your HOUSE baths! Brand New Furnace! 30 year 169 on Charlton Line! Updated floor. First floor great room with stone fp, wet this magnificent roof! Vinyl sided plus replacement win- bar, surround sound & bookcases. Master waterfront home to sell? What buyer's are right down to studs! Beautiful 8 suite w/ sitting room & bath w/granite counter, 3-bed, 2.5 bath dows! Hardwood floors. Blown in insu- home on double looking for? How to Sell & rooms 3 bedrooms 2 baths! Large cherry cabinets, tile floor, Jacuzzi, oversized home on a very lot with a wide lation! First floor den or office. $159,900 shower, walkin closet w/built-ins for shoes & private 2 ac lot. Everything has been beau- Buy smoothly? How to take (not a short sale or foreclosure! All utili- master bedroom suite! Warm & sweaters. Underground sprinklers, central air, open floor plan, oversized windows, cathe- ties working!) Directions:Main to Marcy Comfy! Garage, level yard-plenty of central vac, oversized mahogany deck, 3 car tifully updated. Perfect home for family dral ceilings, indoor & outdoor balconies, advantage of the Tax Credits heated garage-close to major routes-Rt 20, to #82 Woodycrest. parking! $179,900. looking for more room, privacy & a great exterior hottub, 3 fireplaces. Needs cos- available to 1st-Time Buyers Mass Pike & Rt 84. $729,900. deal at the same time. $259,900 metic work, great value! $429,900 & Existing Home Owners? OPEN HOUSE SUN 12-2PM OPEN HOUSE SUN 12-2PM Southbridge:Outstanding Mint Mint Southbridge: Beautiful Colonial in Sturbridge: SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME Condition in wonderful neighborhood PEN O Desirable Neighborhood! Modern & OPEN ALL ON ONE LEVEL! 1792sf of living near Dudley line. Built in 2006. 6 Updated throughout! 8 rooms 4 bed- HOUSE area! 7 rooms 3 bedrooms 2 baths! First rooms 3 bedrooms 2 baths incl master HOUSE rooms 2 baths! Fireplace livingroom floor familyroom open to kitchen & slid- bath. Gleaming hardwood floors! open to diningroom and familyroom! ers to deck and nice level private yard! Cathedral ceiling in livingroom w/ceil- Large eat in kitchen w/island and wood- Located near end of dead end street! ing fan. Sliders to deck. Familyroom or TOOMEY-LOVETT, INC. stove hook up! Huge master bedroom! Little traffic! Great for walking/riding office in lower level. 2 car garage Large deck overlooking yard! $224,900. bikes, etc. Close to Rt 84, Mass Pike! under. Extensive landscaping. CAir. Directions:Main to South to Highland to $249,900. Directions: Rt 20 to Rt 131 to PRIDE of Ownership shows through- #5 Poplar. Shepard Rd, right onto Hillside to #31. out $249,900. Spencer (508) 885-3443 West Brookfield (508) 867-7064 Each office independently owned and operated SELLERS: If you need your home sold, Call us for a FREE MARKET ANALYSIS. LET US

SPENCER - THIS 2-3 BEDROOM HOME NORTH BROOKFIELD - LOCATION, NORTH BROOKFIELD - 3 bedroom HAS SOME UP DATES.DOES NEED TO BE LOCATION, THIS MULTI LEVEL HOME ranch located in neighborhood, with Do Your Home Work! FINISHED (A LITTLE TLC)..NEW ROOF, FEATURES 3 GOOD SIZE BEDROOMS, beautiful yard, an attached garage, NEW REPLACEMENT WINDOWS. BATH 1.5 BATHS. LARGE OPEN COUNTRY and a mortgage helper 3 room apart- Looking to sell your home, HAS TILE AND SKY LIGHT. LARGE OPEN KITCHEN WITH PLENTY OF CABI- ment attached. Sit in your large living LIVING AREA, OVERSIZED SLIDERS NETS.WIDE PINE FLOORS IN FIRE- room and enjoy the well-manicured OPEN TO DECK THAT OVER LOOKS LAKE, PLACED LIVING ROOM.FINISHED lawn out the picture window or the let us do the work for you. FINISHED WALK OUT BASEMENT WITH LOWER LEVEL FOR ADDED LIVING PELLET STOVE, BEACH RIGHTS TO SPACE (2 ROOMS) FENCED IN YARD. fireplace. One bedroom on one side of NEAR LAKE LASHAWAY PUBLIC house; other 2 on other side. Newer Your ad will be seen in over BEAUTIFUL STILES LAKE IN AREA OF $199,900 NICE HOMES $130,000 BEACH. $179,900 windows and roof. 47,000 households BUYERS & SELLERS throughout Southern LESS THAN 90 DAYS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE EXTENDED Worcester County. AND EXPANDED $8000 TAX CREDIT, DON’T MISS OUT IF YOU ARE READY TO BUY... CALL ONE OF OUR AGENTS FOR HELP. Friday, February 19, 2010 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • 13 HEALTH Reducing Your Cancer Risk

(NAPS) exist in certain kinds of meat. While each year 1.5 million new cases of • Decrease saturated fat to less than 30 per- cancer are diagnosed in the U.S., there are cent of caloric intake. steps that can help decrease your risk. • Eat at least five helpings of fruits and veg- “If you put issues of nutrition, physical etables per day. activity and tobacco in one basket, that could • Increase intake of whole grains. account for as many as 50 to 60 percent of can- • Consume alcohol in moderation only: one cer deaths,” said Dr. Andrew Salner, director glass of wine per day for women, two per day of the Helen & Harry Gray Cancer Center at for men maximum. Hartford Hospital. He also notes that as many • In addition to the cancer prevention bene- as a third of cancers are related to nutrition fits, dietary, physical activity and weight fac- and physical activity. tors can also help to reduce risk of heart dis- ease and diabetes, and are helpful for general WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL physical health as well. Dr. Salner shares these simple lifestyle SCREENING A MUST changes, which may help boost your cancer defenses: FOR EARLY DETECTION TOBACCO: PUT IT OUT • Follow the screening guidelines for your • Don’t start using tobacco, whether ciga- age group. rettes or smokeless tobacco. • Get a mammogram every year starting at • If you are a smoker or someone in your age 40, in addition to conducting regular household is, quit. breast self-exams and annual provider exams. Weight: The More Excess You Carry, The • Colorectal screening should take place Higher Your Risk every five to seven years starting at age 50, and • Maintaining a healthy weight is extremely for men, prostate cancer screenings starting Eating healthy foods and staying fit can help you reach a healthy body weight and boost your cancer defens- important. From breast, colon and kidney at 50 should be discussed with your physician. es. cancers to lymphoma, endometrial and ovari- • Know your family history and its given an cancers, many cancers have an increased risk factors, and be sure to discuss this with risk in a person who is overweight or obese. your physician, because your screening guide- lines may be modified if there is a family his- EAT RIGHT AND GET MOVING tory of cancer. Decompress And Be Aware Of Your Expert Tips On Keeping • Get in at least 30 minutes of rather vigor- Surroundings ous exercise at least five days a week. What • There’s relatively little hard data on stress counts as exercise? Any kind of aerobic activ- and cancer, but there may be a link between ity, but more than just a relaxing walk. the two. We need to learn how to deal with Something where you’re short of breath, per- Mentally Fit stress, have a sense of humor and cope with it spire a little bit and put yourself to work. as best we can. • Physical activity actually has a double ben- • There are known carcinogens in the envi- (NAPS) efit: It’ll help you lose weight, which reduces ronment, tobacco smoke being one of the the cancer risk, but it also helps with general Experts agree that total fit- biggest. For those working in certain indus- health benefits and it increases your cancer ness includes mental fitness. tries, environmental hazards such as air pollu- defenses in and of itself. That’s because a healthy tion and other industrial hazards should be mind can help you pursue all MAKING THE RIGHT FOOD CHOICES monitored. Specific data on how to protect the things you love to do, yourself is available from the American whether it’s organizing activ- • To get to the right body weight: decrease Cancer Society and OSHA. ities for your family and the amount of calories coming in, reduce fat friends, pursuing a new and carbohydrates, and replace them with LEARN MORE healthier foods such as lean protein, fruits and hobby or even learning a new More cancer prevention tips and other help- veggies, and whole grains. These foods con- language. Recently, a group of ful health information are at www.hartford- tain antioxidants and vitamins. They don’t experts from various relevant hospital. org. fields participated in a have things like hormones or nitrates that Cognitive Health Roundtable. According to these experts, there are four pillars of cog- nitive health: nutrition, phys- Smart Ways To Manage Medications ical activity, sleep, and cogni- (NAPS) you manage your medications: When traveling, consider tive exercise. Here are some The good news is, prescrip- Keep medications in a com- time-zone changes: If you’re tips to help keep your mind mon place: Choose a location traveling to a different time alive and active—whatever tion medications can improve your health. A problem, how- that makes your medications zone, ask your pharmacist your age: easy to spot, such as on the about how to adjust your • Nutrition: Dr. Thomas Lifestyle habits such as eating healthy, exercising your mind and body ever, can be that the more drugs you’re prescribed, the kitchen counter, as a reminder schedule so you can avoid Shea, University of regularly, and getting enough sleep keep your mind sharp. more likely you are to forget to to take them. Always keep missing doses. The adjustment Massachusetts Lowell, said medicines in their original will vary according to the type minutes three or more days a described the benefits of find- take them, according to a new that in addition to eating a containers and remember to of medication you take. week. ing new and challenging national survey by Medco healthy, well-balanced diet, Health Solutions, Inc. keep them out of sight and Being knowledgeable about supplements may be needed • Sleep: Experts agree that things to do that stretch you reach of children. your medications is important striving for an average of beyond the daily norm. He The survey found that more to complement healthy eating than half of Americans aged Alert yourself: Try setting when it comes to controlling patterns and to ensure ade- seven to eight hours of quali- argued for continually chal- an alarm or asking a trusted health risks and decreasing ty sleep daily is important for lenging the mind with cross- 65 and older take at least five quate nutrition. Dr. Ruth different prescription drugs family member or friend to your health care costs. maintaining a sharp mind. word puzzles, games and new Remington, University of regularly and one in four take call to remind you to take your You can learn more about Massachusetts Lowell, According to Dr. Jeffrey hobbies that help the mind between 10 and 19 pills each medications. Many pharma- properly managing your med- reported that research sug- Ellenbogen, Harvard Medical stay sharp and active. day.What’s more, 63 percent of cies offer e-mail refill ications by reading a free gests that certain nutrients— School, putting your brain The roundtable was spon- seniors prescribed five or reminders when you use their booklet called “The Smart such as folate, vitamin B12 and body to sleep is not like sored by Nature Made®, the more medications forget to mail-order pharmacy. Guide to Managing Keep a personal medication Medications.” and vitamin E—and antioxi- putting your computer to nation’s No. 1 best-selling take them and nearly one in sleep. Sleep is an active, rich brand of vitamins, minerals, four neglect to fill their pre- record: Writing down all the dants may help protect and medicines you take—includ- FREE BROCHURE support healthy brain func- and complex biological herbs and supplements in the scriptions on time. process that works to improve food, drug, mass and club This can lead to complica- ing over-the-counter drugs, Go to tion and memory. vitamins and supplements— • Physical Activity: Dr. Erin your cognitive function. channels. The supplement tions and even hospitaliza- to and sharing that list with your get an electronic version of the Snook, University of • Cognitive Exercise: Just company is considered a pio- tions. Using many different medications and visiting dif- doctor or pharmacist can help guide or send a postcard with Massachusetts Amherst, said as it’s important to exercise neer in the area of cognitive the body,it’s also important to health. For more informa- ferent doctors can raise the reduce the risk of a harmful your name and address to that keeping the body active drug interaction. Important exercise the mind. John tion, visit chances of missing doses or “The Smart Guide to often results in a more active improperly following prescrip- details to include on that list Managing Medications,” P.O. mind. Adults should strive to Gabrieli, Massachusetts are the dosages, how you take Institute of Technology, tion directions. Box 8007, Parsippany, NJ be physically active for 30 Here are some tips to help the medication and the condi- 07054-8007. tion it treats. A Place To Call Home… Conrad Allen Professional Associates Agent POMFRET THOMPSON THOMPSON Don't Bring 508-400-0438 miss out on this CONDO Enjoy the your horses to this Webster, MA updated 3br 1 bath rest of the window country home!This NEW LISTING RICE REDUCED Pomfret home. shovel free and P antique home has Home features new embrace the Spring the period specific hardwood floors, without having to details and original updated roof/win- mow the lawn in this features with taste- dows, a 1 car garage with attached shed, fenced in Thompson Condo. Home features hardwood floors, ful modern updates. Replacements include roof, boil- er, electrical, plumbing, chimney, & a completely reno- DUDLEY - $249,900 Big and beautiful DUDLEY - Less than rent!! $619/mo. Dudley Heights condominium - 1st floor yard for the dog, convenient location, and a wood- 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, a great eat-in kitchen, a fin- 8 room 4 bedroom 2 bath home with a pays taxes, condo fees, 1 bedroom unit unit with new floor coverings... great loca- oil furnace to save on the heating costs for just ished lower level with garage, and tons of closets. vated kitchen. Refinished original hardwood floors in 2 car attached garage. Lots of extras. in good condition. Move right in! tion... vacant and ready for immediate occu- the 4 bedrooms and tile in the two renovated baths add Immediate occupancy. pancy, qualifies for the $8,000 tax credit. $187,900. Yours for just $152,000. to the charm. Call today! $354,900. 454 Main Street Sturbridge (508) 347-6556 18A West Main St, Rte. 9, Brookfield (508) 867-5500 Mike Weeks Dianna Heagney Elaine Phifer John Sherman Joan Mellen John Roderick Roger Mundell Sue Pulsifer Carol Holstrom Mike Seery Ann Marie Damian Susan Tittle Mo Kane THOMPSON Stop wasting time looking at over- THOMPSON The charm of yesteryear THOMPSON 3 BR Cape with great THOMPSON Easy living at it's best. Don't miss priced homes. We have the perfect one for you! abounds in this comfortable Bungalow. this opportunity for a 1,200 sq. ft. mobile home OPEN HOUSE • SUNDAY, FEB. 21 • 12-2 Built in the ‘50’s, this original owner ranch home yard for entertaining. Has eat-in in a 55+ active community. Home features many 11 Welsh Road, Sutton, MA has formal living & dining rooms , hardwood Beautiful woodwork, wood floors and kitchen, fireplace in living room, 3 bed- arched doorways await. Spacious 1,742 sq. updates including windows, siding, flooring, Sutton - floors, plaster walls, a 1 car garage & even a mud- rooms. Needs some TLC. $159,900 Spacious, warm and inviting colonial. Cabinet room! 2 BR on the main level with tons of potential ft. with central air, 3 bedrooms, and a new fencing and a beautiful all-season with heat and packed kitchen with granite countertops and dining area. for more in the walk-out basement. Handicapped roof. Perfect for a 1st time home buyer or AC. Home has 2 beds, 1.5 baths, and also a large Large fireplaced living room with hardwoods, formal din- accessible and all sitting on a nice open lot with shed. Priced at $72,000. mature plantings & stonewalls. Priced at just retired couple looking fo little yard work. ing, officeon first floor, walk up attic. Lovely gardens and $185,000 Just $164,900. great back yard. A dream to show, only $434,900. P.O. Box 83 447 Riverside Dr. Thompson CT Phone: (860) 923-3377 Fax: (860) 923-5740 Take a virtual visit: REAL ESTATE 14 • THE WEBSTER TIMES • Friday, February 19, 2010 FEBRUARY IS NATIONAL HEART MONTH




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TAX 2005 Chrysler 2008 Nissan 2008 Chrysler 2008 Chevy 2006 Jeep Grand 2007 Toyota PT Cruiser Sentra PT Cruiser HHR LS Cherokee Laredo Corolla Convertible, 66k, PW, 34k, PW, PL, CC, 27k, PW, PL, CC, 44k, PW, PL, 34k, 4x4, PW, PL, 36k, PW, PL, CC, SPECIALISTS PL, Cruise Control CD CD Cruise Control, CD CC CD $8,995 $10,996 $9,596 $11,995 $16,796 $11,436 Bring your tax returns to us and we will 2007 Scion 2006 Mini Cooper 2006 Toyota 2007 Hyundai 2006 Nissan 2008 Dodge match your TC 55k, Good gas Camry LE Azera Limited Altima Nitro 4x4 42k, Sporty, Fun, mileage, Quick, 44k, PW, PL, CC, 52k, Loaded, 5 speed, PW, PL, 32k, PW, PL, CC, PW, PL, CC, CD, PW, PL, CC, CD CD Luxury! Cruise Control CD Down Payment $11,244 $11,996 $11,916 $13,495 $10,995 $14,396 up to $2,000!

ALL PRICES REFLECT $2,500 DOWN PAY- MENT IN THE FORM OF CASH OR TRADE, TAX TITLE, LICENSE DEALER DOC. AND ANY FINANCIAL INSTITUTION FEES EXTRA. $99 2009 Chrysler 2007 Honda 2009 Dodge 2005 Honda 2008 Saturn 2005 Ford PAYMENT REQUIRES $2,500 DOWN PAY- Town & Country Accord EX Journey Civic LX Coupe Aura Focus MENT IN THE FORM OF CASH OR TRADE, AND MIN 720 FICO SCORE. 0% INTEREST 41k, Loaded, Loaded, Power pkg, 39k, PW, PL, CC, 47k, PW, PL, Cruise 38k, PW, PL, CC, 43k, 4 door, Clean, REQUIRES MIN 720 FICO SCORE. Clean, Like New Clean CD Control, CD CD Runs great $15,798 $13,596 $13,596 $11,995 $10,996 $7,887

Come See JIMMY “THE CREDIT DOCTOR” TO GET YOUR 810 Washington Street (Route 20) Auburn, MA 01501 GUARANTEED 508.832.8886810 Washington • (Route 20) Auburn, MA 01501 HOURS:508.832.8886 MON-THURS • 9-7 • FRI 9-6 • SAT 9-6 • SUN 12-5 APPROVAL. HOURS: MON-THURS 9-7 • FRI 9-6 • SAT 9-6 • SUN 11-4 He has the magic touch! FULLY FUNCTIONING SERVICE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 2005 DODGE DAYOTA RAM 2004 FORD RANGER 4X4 SUPER CAB, XLT, AUTO, AC, CD, 2007 DODGE NITRO ORANGE, CHROME 20 INCH WHEELS, ALLOYS, BEDLINER 44K, PW, PL, AUTOMATIC, AC AUTO, AC, SPOILER, NUMBERED TRUCK $9,999* ONLY * $12,900* $14,900 2 TO CHOOSE

2003 CHEVY CAVALIER 2008 CHRYSLER PACIFICA 2008 TOYOTA TUNDRA AUTO, AC, 2DR COUPE, CD, 54K TOURING, 7 PASSENGER, AWD, AUTO, PW, PL 20K, 4X4 AUTO QUAD CAB, PW, PL, 6 FT BED $4,999* $13,500* $24,294* 2006 CHEVY COBALT LSX 2006 BUICK RENDEVOUS 2007 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB SLT 22K, AUTOMATIC, PW, PL, CRUISE, ALLOY WHEELS 4X4, SILVER, 29K, AUTO, AC, HOOD SCOPE, PW, PL, CC, AUTO, AC, SPOILER, CD, 4IK CD, BEDLINER, TOW HITCH * $8,999* $13,995 $24,900* 2004 CADILLAC SRX 2007 HONDA ACCORD LX 2006 MERCURY MARINER 36K, AUTO, PW, PL, ALLOYS FULLY LOADED, NAVIGATION, DVD, AWD, LEATHER 45K, 4WD, FULLY LOADED, LEATHER, SUN ROOF, RUNNING BOARDS * $17,999* $12,900 $10,900* 2007 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 2007 HONDA CIVIC 2004 CHEVY AVALANCHE 1500 71K, 4WD, CRUISE, PW, PL, AC SXT, ALLOYS, AUTO, AC, PW, PL, CC, 44K, 4 DOOR, AUTO, PW, PL, CRUISE * STOW & GO, EXCELLENT CONDITION $12,900* $17,999 $13,900* 2007 FORD F150 EXT CAB 2006 HONDA ACCORD 2008 DODGE CALIBER AUTO, AC, PW, PL CC, CD, ALLOYS AUTO, PW, PL,CRUISE, 6 FT BED 10K, AUTO, AC, PW. $12,900* * $20,400* $11,730 2007 LEXUS RX350 AWD 2005 CHEVY AVALANCHE 2500 LEATHER, SUNROOF, ALLOYS, WOOD DASH, LOADED! 2008 FORD FUSION SEL AWD, HOOD SCOOPS, LOADED, LEATHER, DVD, $26,900* 44K, AUTO, PW, PL, FULLY LOADED POWER EVRYTHING, MINT CONDITION, 49K * * 2007 HONDA ACCORD SE $13,330 $22,999 AUTO, AC, PW, PL, CC, CD, ALLOYS * 2006 FORD F150 XLT 4X4 SUPERCAB 2006 CHEVY K1500 SILVERADO $12,900 GREY, MATCHING CAP, AUTO, AC, PW, PL, EXT CAB, 4X4, AUTO, AC, CC, PW, PL, CD, EXC CONDITION CRUISE, ALLOYS * 2007 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO $15,990 4X4, AUTO, AC, PW, PL, CC, CD, ALLOYS $19,990* $16,900* SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 2003 DODGE RAM SLT 2004 CHEVY COLORADO 2000 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GT 4WD, OFF ROAD PACKAGE, AUTO, 4WD, AUTO, AC, BEDLINER, ONLY 56K, AC, PW, PL, OVERSIZE TIRES, EXCELLENT CONDITION WHITE, AUTO, AC, PL, PW CRUISE, CD, ALLOY WHEELS MINT CONDITION * $11,999 * $11,999* $4,999 * All prices reflect $3500 cash down or trade, tax, title, doc fee extra 2 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ February 17, 2010 Town-to-Town CLASSIFIEDS HOME TOWN SERVICE, BIG TIME RESULTS TO PLACE YOUR AD VISIT US ONLINE CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-536-5836 Beautifully Etched Oak Antique Cast-Iron King-Size 010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE Paper Cutter 010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE Waterbed Frame $150 With Drawers & Antique Cast-Iron (2) Bookcases 4 Michelin Tires Storage Underneath. Camcorder Crystal Glassware Downsizing Sale! $100 For Both X-Metric MS 185/70/R14 Frame Is Less Than 10 Years Wire Stitcher $140 Of All Kinds Solid Maple 2-Piece Desk w/Matching 2-Drawer $200 Old And In Very Good $100 Audio Equipment Plus A Few Bowls, Etc. Formal Hutch Filing Cabinet 123 Paperback & Condition. Waterbed Cast-Iron $60 Good Stuff, For Cheap! 68”Hx40”Lx18”W Heater Included If Interested. $100 34 Hardcover Books Stapling Machine Electric Guitar 413-245-6246 $300 Call 508-949-7040 $100 For All Heater Is Less Than 3 Years Old. $100 $95 Dale Ernhardt Sr. Solid Maple Desk Decorative Drapery Rod Bed Frame Is Too Big Amp $60 With Attached Hutch 12’x20’ Large Piece Finished Receiver $120 (Basset) (2) Commercial For Our Bedroom Cyprus Wood Letter Coat $20 Asking $250 OBO Canon Film Camera $45 New, With 2 Cars In Case 76”Hx42”Lx18”W Showcase Paying Top New Echo Gas 17’ Trimmer $100 DVD Player $25 $200 6’Wx2’D, 82” High 508-234-8731 $150 Chainsaw & Accessories Black Canvas GPS $95 Solid Maple Tea Cart $300 Dollar Computer $150 Spongebob 13” TV $800 Truck Bed-Cover $50 With Drawer 413-245-1241 For Silver Coins, Bunk Bed For Sale DJ Equipment 508-867-6837 Fits GMC/Chevy 1/2-Ton Lil Tykes Car $50 Silver Dollars, Heavy Duty, Solid Pine, Pickups VERY Sturdy. Colonial Maple Dale Earnhardt Sr. $20 Stainless Steel Flatware (2) Mercedes-Benz Gold Coins, $75 Magazines 6-Drawer Table Finish, 2 Under-Bed Drawers. 508-434-0315 Service For 10, Some Alloy Wheels Paper Money. Can Email Picture. 774-452-3514 860-963-7087 Service Pieces Fit 190-124 Body Style, $20 Banks Recommend Us! $300 Dining Room Set $25 1985-1992. Wheel Size Is HP All-In-One (Mattresses Not Included) 6.5” x 15” Antique Dresser Chevy Prizm Golden Oak Oval Table. (2) Large Crystal-Base We Travel To You! Printer(G85) 508-943-5632 Bird’s-Eye Maple. 60”x42” Closed, Lamps 1 Wheel Includes Michelin $45 [email protected] Wanted XM+S Alpin Radial FREE Honest Appraisals Beautiful, In Great 90”x42” Open. $20 Each Condition. Any Year. Must Have Very 6 Chairs (4 Side, 2 Captains) (195-65-15) In Near-New We Operate By The New HP Printer Low Miles. Medium Crystal-Base Lamp Condition. $29 Air Conditioner $275 Matching Lighted Buffet Golden Rule! General Electric Will Consider A Civic Hutch, 54”Wx18”Dx76”T $15 $165 For All 508-885-2170 508-764-1439 774-230-8816 Bike 24,000 BTU, Window Mount, Asking $1500 OBO Horizontal & Vertical L&L Coin $40 230 Volts. Used One Decorative Plate Holders Antique Victorian Coca-Cola Manchester Mahogany (2)25 Ft. & Call Tom Summer. With Remote 8pc. Black Marble Free-Standing Jewelry And More! Control Machines Wood Valet Chair 508-450-1282 480-282-2490 Fireplace Armoire (2)18 Foot $400 With Drawer $30 Call Bob Or Joyce Mantle Surround & Collectibles $100 OBO Parking Lot 8-Foot Tonneau 508-885-2400 Good Condition Glassware, Pictures, Signs, Light Posts 12 Outboards X-Mas Items, Sewing 508-476-7572 Ann Klein Womens Dress 3HP to 35HP Cover Best Offer For Both Material, Etc., Etc. Winter Coat w/Double Lamps For Pickup Truck Alum-A-Pole Black, Calf-Length, New $1500 Johnson, Evinrude, Leave Message DISHWASHER & Mercury. $200 System Call For Appointment Never Worn, Size 2X 860-923-2987 Weekdays 4pm-8pm Hot Point Dishwasher $100 508-764-8330 All Tuned Up, Checked Out, (4) Chrome Wheels Like New $75 And Ready To Go. Weekends Anytime ALSO: 15-Inch, Were Complete $3300 System, Baby Stuff Liz And Mike Ann Klein Womens Grey (4) Suzuki King $250-$650 On Dodge Van. Including 24’ Poles, Braces, Brand New Casio Dress Winter Coat Great Condition 508-949-7277 Keyboard LH100 Quad Stock Tires 508-885-6657 Asking $200 For All 4 Jacks, & Two 24’ Louisville Highchair $50 Webster Calf-Length, Worn Only Brand New $150 Aluminum Staging Planks Digital Screen Prompts, Few Times, Size 12 1930’s Antique Call 508-873-1394 Only $999 FIRM Greico Double-Stroller $125 Keys Light Up With Voice $50 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Eddie Bauer Bassinet $50 Collectibles Prompts. Lots Of Stored Hand-Painted 8-Inch/10-Inch 508-987-6313 Dicken’s “Dept. 56” Call Chris Studded Seat & Pillion Pad Fisher-Price Baby Swing $50 Music Inside! $200 Decorative Porcelain Plates Christmas Village Paid $199 On Sale 508-764-3736 Aluminum Cross Greico Infant Carseat With Sell $100 FitnessQuest Edge Washtub All With Children’s Pictures For Church, Cross Arm 6’, Snugglie & Two Bases. $75 Eleven Buildings By Well-Known Artist. (Some Retired!) And Early 1950’s Crosstrainer Asking $175 10’ High, 10” Surface, 7” Crib Mattress $50 Email: With Certificates & Numbers, Deep. Can Be Lighted. Numerous Figurines [email protected] 8-Piece Used Only A Few Times 508-765-0342 Still In Original Boxes. 508-949-8949 Asking $250 $125 OBO Excellent Condition. For Pictures Or Call Marty If Interested, Call (Dayville, CT, 06241, Wrought Iron Call 5pm-8:30pm Would Like To Sell Sears Craftsman 1974 Suzuki TC100 508-347-3238 Beach Cruiser All Together. Near MA & RI Line) Den Set Gas-Powered Edger 1000 Original Miles, Always Will Discuss Prices 508-867-6546 Bicycles Call For More Information 860-779-2611 In Excellent Condition. $75 Garaged. Hasn’t Been Used NEW! Red, Blue, In 4 Years! Amana 508-278-3973 $550 OBO 508-892-1550 80-Gallon Ruud Green, Orange. Double Window 413-245-7819 $1000 Electric Water Self-Cleaning Balloon Tires. Colonial Wood New, Vetter High Pro 4 (6) HEPA Filters 508-885-3136 Heater Electric Oven $195 Each Hutch and Base With Screens. Early 2-Drawer 1/3HP, 120V 860-888-5207 Lightly Used & Very Clean. 508-476-1935 Measures 76”Long Blanket Chest 2x4 Area Output 3 Years Old. Honey Pine finish. Excellent Condition $150 61”High Floor Or Wall-Mount 2 Grayish Beautiful Wurlitzer Asking $350 $650 OBO 4-Drawer Bureau Great For Woodworking $400 6’x8’ Shed Bucket Seats 508-341-6669 Oak Piano Antique Czech Area. On Stilts Call 508-259-8805 Hoosier Cabinet Cost New $1000 Fit In 1999 Plymouth Minivan $250 $3000 Crystal Set Excellent Condition 8HP Reduced To $200 Valued at over $1800. Sell For $125 Each OBO 508-434-0315 ELECTRONICS Glassware $70 Each Briggs & Stratton Or Best Offer Hand cut, very ornate. (Sturbridge, MA) Lamps Call 5pm-8:30pm Or Both For $100 Angle Iron Cutter Full Keyboard With Bench. Appraised. 508-867-6546 508-885-3136 Motor 508-949-1283 Will sell for $900 SAMSUNG LN52A850 Old Dishes New Short Block, 860-888-5207 For Shelving Call (508)943-6367 LCD 1080p HDTV Excellent Condition 1 Year Old Runs $150 4W296, HK Potter 2790 Brother Disney 52”, Slim 1.9” Thin Other Antiques 19” Sylvania TV 508-248-6783 $90 OBO Complete Master 120Hz RSS Available! 2 Tickets Embroidery 508-764-8801 $100 Snowblower Bedroom Furniture $3099 Or 9’ Fisher Machine $1799 Leave Message 49.5” Wide, For PTO Never Used - New Includes California Electrical Material 860-963-0396 4 Tickets Heavy Duty $200 OBO King-Sized Waterbed Frame, Still In Carton SONY VCR/VHS Industrial, Commercial, To The Gaithers Highway Plow Call 5pm-8:30pm Retail $800 Large Armoire, Large Residential 10-Inch Delta In Worcester, MA 508-867-6546 Special! $300 Dresser With Mirror, SLV-780HF Wire, Pipe, Fittings, Relays, With Blade $199 March 11th, 2010 Set up for backhoe or truck Fun, Easy, Relaxing (2) Large End Tables. Sturdy Coils, Overloads, Fuses, Table Saw Cherry In Excellent $99 $95 $135 For 2 $550 Antique 1892 Call 508-757-9055 Breakers, Meters, $270 For 4 Kitchen Condition. Punches, Pipe-Benders. Good Seats, 6th Row. Used 15” Monitor Brunarhans $2000 OBO SONY DSC-H1 508-764-3069 12-Gun Hutch-Style MUST SACRIFICE AT New Recessed Troffer 508-779-0427 $15 Wood Stove Digital Camera Flourescent 3-Tube 2007 Husqvarna Call (508)461-9097 Magee Mystic Kitchen Gun Cabinet $1295 $299 T-8 277V Fixtures 27’ Above Coal/Wood Stove. With Side $500 (3) Original Factory $179 Enclosed Electric Start 9 Pc. Dining Copper Water Reservoir. 6 Hubcaps $56 Each Ground Pool Burners, Oven. Dry Bar SONY FX330 Self-Propelled Top Of The Line Quality Room Set Good Condition For Hyundai Sonata Call 5pm-8:30pm With 2 Stools $35 Each Video Camcorder 508-867-6546 Mower (Ester Williams) All Items High Quality Approx 30” Deep x 54” Wide. All Oak Call Alan At $299 15 Minutes Running Time. Includes Brand New Liner, Like New $1300 $1200 $500 $149 Paid $340 Large Deck, Stairs, Filter, Paid $2372 A Year Ago Call Nancy 508-509-5407 Pump, And All The Email For Photos Sell For $200 508-867-3900 Scuba Gear BOSE LIFESTYLE 35 Accesories. [email protected] Tanks, Wetsuit, BC, Fins, Trailer Tires Over $10,000 New 508-868-5044 Antique Singer Regulator With Octopus, Etc. SOUND SYSTEM Two Pair, 8” & 12” BEST OFFER 508-892-5456 $300 $2999 Electronics No Cracks. 508-344-0195 CASH ONLY! Portable Sewing Coolant System $1499 Mounted On Rims. Machine 860-779-6171 1/4HP 208/230V 3-Phase Huge Speakers Cheap 35mm Minolta Air Conditioner Californa King 6-Gallon Flood-Type Call Mr. Desai Paid $500 Each 1-508-248-6783 Floor Model. Dog Crate (Boxed) $300 New 732-309-9366 (Cell) Asking $300 For Pair Maxxum 5000 8700 BTU For 40-60 lb Dog Bedroom Set $150 OBO Sony Surround-Sound 1960’s Desk Camera Asking $45 1972 Matching His & Hers New Matress, Split 120V 6-Gallon Flood-Type Columbia Bikes System And Chair AF50 Lens & AF70-210 Lens, Boxsprings, Headboard. Coolant System Farmer’s Hutch $250 Flash & Case. 2 50-Pound Barbell 26”, 5-Speed With Beveled Glass-Top $300 New $30 Bureau & 2 Endtables. $200 Good Student Desk! $150 Plates Jason Telescope $150 OBO Set Of 4 Speakers $30 For Pair Rotary Power $1500 OBO Call 508-943-3711 $300 508-735-9493 508-278-6123 Ask For Ron Jr. Call 5pm-8:30pm After 6pm 413-245-7995 508-278-2045 508-943-1000 508-867-6546 Call 508-949-7040 CLIP AND MAIL Town-to-Town Write your ad here: CLASSIFIEDS OME OWN ERVICE H T S , BIG TIME RESULTS Name: VISIT US ONLINE TO PLACE YOUR AD Address: CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-536-5836 Town: Zip: Phone: “Use our Bargain Box” Sell items from A to Z “Including your used automobile!” Mail to: Town-to-Town Classifieds P.O. Box 90 ★ We’ll run the ad until you’ve sold the items ★ Southbridge, MA • 01550 ( Up to a maximum of one year ) Fax: 508-764-7645 ★ Runs in all 11 papers plus our website ★ ★ Use up to 30 words ★ Questions: Call our friendly staff 1-800-536-5836 ★ ★ Only $46.00 Email: [email protected] ★ Yes, we’ll bill you! ★ *The Bargain Box rate does not apply to pets, businesses, real estate or rentals of any kind. For information on other rates call our friendly staff at 1-800-536-5836 FEBRUARY 17, 2010 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ 3

010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE eMachines Hunting Camo LK Stainless Clothes & Steel Sink Desktop PC Equipment Model #CCR2522-4 With 20” Samsung Mostly New, Some Used. Brand New, In Box. LCD Monitor Sizes Medium, Large & XL. “Celebrity Classic”. 140GB Hard Drive, 1GB Insulated Suit, Jackets, New $400 RAM. CD/DVD Burner, Vests, Hats, Gloves, Pants. Asking $125 Digital Media Card Archery, Shotgun, 508-832-9877 Reader (4 Slots). Black Powder Running Vista Smoothly! Call For Prices Mahogany Asking $500 For 508-949-1320 The Combo! Bedroom Set Bed, Dresser With Mirror, 774-232-6617 Husqvarna Garden Chest On Chest, Night Table. Tractor $1500 Negotiable Exerciser 54 Inch Mowing Deck. Mahogany Cedar Chest 010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE Aero Pilates Performer 295 Includes Bagger System. $600 Negotiable $150 Kawasaki 25HP Engine. Project Leftover 4 Years Old. Runs Great! 508-234-2897 NASCAR Gas Weedwhacker $2800 Die-Cast Models Lumber Craftsman Brand 774-200-0395 Mahogany They’re Back! Shed Door $50 John Deere 2243 Bedroom Set $5 And Up! Interior Bi-Fold Doors 860-935-0355 Full-Size Bed. Highboy, BRAND NEW 4x4’s, 2x4’s Greens Mower Mirrored Dresser, SHIPMENT! $5900 OBO Plywood Farm Equipment Nightstand. Just In Time For MUCH MORE! Cultivator Toolbar John Deere 220A Excellent Condition. Christmas $1200 $85 For All 5-Foot, 5-Spring Tine, Walk-Behind Greens Mower 508-248-1951 2 Hiller Discs, 3-Point $1995 OBO Saddles $350 Solid Oak Bed 508-764-8330 Full-Sized. $100 Each Radison Canoe Lime Spreader Excellent Condition. Bureaus, Bookcases, Etc. 12’ Square-Stern Tow-Behind, Ground Driven. Kawai Organ $850 Like New, Comes With Oars Asking $2000 Blessings Farm $150 508-756-6120 & Electric Motor 50 H Foote Road $450 860-974-7099 Refrigerator 774-289-6982 Charlton 4 Years Old 508-248-1411 Delta Wood Planer 12 1/2” Fish Tanks $175 Maytag Delta Band Saw 16” 125 & 75 Gallon $500 For Both Complete Setups, Including Tools Washer/Dryer New Bunkbeds Wood Cabinet Stands, All Kinds Of Home Tools & Refrigerator Paid $900 Call Joe Canister Filters For Salt Or Some New, Some Lightly Asking $500 508-278-3211 JennAir Stove Just Purchased In March! Fresh Water, Heaters, Used 110 NOVENAS Pumps, Lights & Extras. FOR SALE Includes Mattresses Ruby & Diamond Ham Radio Equipment 774-200-1561 010 FOR SALE 010 FOR SALE $600 & $500 FIRM Great Condition Prayer to St. Jude Exercise Bike $800 OBO For All 14K Ladies’ Ring Call 508-949-7040 NEW Ruby Wt. Appx. .60ct May The Sacred Heart Of 508-347-3380 508-765-5506 2 Diamonds Are Set To The Wedding Ford Tractor 508-450-9336 Jesus Be Adored, Glorified, Kenmore Eliptical Side. Fine Color & The Gown (Satin) Loved And Preserved 1958 4-Cycle, Power Good Quality. From David’s Bridal Throughout The World Now Steering, Bucket With Down Men’s Burberry Machine Dishwasher $150 Documented Replacement Worn Only Few Hours. And Forever. Sacred Heart Of Pressure And Extras. Portable Or Can Be Prorsum Value $1375 Book Bear Like New! Size 12/14 Jesus, Pray For Us. St. Jude, $4800 OBO With Exercise Videos Converted To Built-In & Mat. Asking $750 Books! Books! Books! With Sequins, Matching Worker Of Miracles, Pray For 508-867-7345 $100 Trenchcoat Call 508-347-5813 Us. St. Jude, Helper Of The Size ? (40/42), Tan, Slightly If Interested We have 100,000 lively Veil & Train. Gorgeous! 508-765-0747 Call Rosaida old books at $99 OBO Hopeless, Pray For Us. FURNITURE Worn, But Good Condition. Schwinn Say This Prayer 9 Times A $100 774-402-4849 THE BOOK BEAR Leave Message Beautiful Brown Paisley Electric Scooter 508-981-2636 Day For 9 Days, By The 9th Kirby GL2000 Day Your Prayer Will Be Couch, Chair 860-974-9946 Nordic Trac Needs new battery, $60. 508-885-4580 With Matching Vacuum Cleaner Walk Fit Skier/Rower Answered Even If You Don’t Large Beveled Mirror. w/Accessories. Hardly Used. Miscellaneous (508)764-6560 Western Saddle Believe. This Novena Has $275 $100 Never Been Known To Fail. $700 Items Scooter Store Black, With Pad. Only 508-885-9992 Used A Few Times. Publication Must Be Antique Oak Golf Clubs Promised. Rocking Chair Maytag Wall-Mount Power Chair $150 Mens/Womens Oak 24” Model “Jazzy” We have books for the Thank You St. Jude $100 Complete Set With Bag Microwave Oven scholar, collector and Also: E. K. A. Works Fine. $50 Captain’s Back Travels 8 Miles On One general reader. Antique Pine Buffet $75 Charge! New, Never Used. Child’s Western Saddle $200 Head Skis, Located on Route 9 in West With Bridle, Black Campbell 100 PSI Stool Purchased In March 2009. Brookfield, halfway between 508-867-8948 Bindings & Poles $50 Paid $6800 Amherst & Worcester. $150 PRAYER TO THE Compressor Never Used! Open 7 days a week, 508-943-4365 $65 Sell For $2500 OBO $150 Tempered Glass Ray Or Debbie 10am-6pm HOLY SPIRIT Garage Air Lift Dorm Microwave $30 Pioneer & Technics Cocktail Table 508-277-2795 Women’s Burberry Holy Spirit, you who made We Also Buy me see everything and Stereo Components 40” x 40” $75 508-277-2658 BOOK COLLECTIONS, Prorsum Jack Falcon Fishing Rods Best Offer showed me the way to reach $400 Brand New $100 (3) Brass Several LIBRARIES & Trenchcoat my ideal. You who gave me Call 508-949-7040 ESTATES! Size 14L, Tan, w/Zip-Out the divine gift to forgive and Fish Tank Okuma Fishing Rods Hanging/Ceiling Lights Queen-Sized Lining. Excellent Condition. forget the wrong that is done w/Stand & Accessories Brand New $75 MOST ITEMS 2 With 3 Lamps Bedroom Sets CALL FOR INFO. $500 to me and you who are in all $100 Wood Fishing Rod Rack HALF ORIGINAL 1 With 4 Lamps w/Box & Mattress, Cherry 508-867-8705 instances of life with me. I, in 12 Rods - $40 $15 Each Mirrored Dressers, or call Toll Free Women’s Burberry this short dialogue, want to thank you for everything and 860-774-1485 Assorted Okuma Reels PRICE! 508-987-1104 Drawered Nightstand 877-809-2665 Prorsum $1200 Each confirm once more that I $50-$100 Arien Tractor Dress Coat never want to be separated Oak Computer Size 14 Petite, Brown, Boy’s BMX Bike $20 Arc Welder Rugs Thomasville from you no matter how Gymnastic Mats Armoire Excellent Condition. great the material desire may Bird Of Paradise Cherry $400 Gymnastic Mats 4’x8’x2” 508-390-3717 Wood-Burning Stove $150 (2)9x12, 9x14 be. I want to be with you and $100 Each Fishing Equipment Trumpet $100 $295 Each Bedroom Set 860-974-9946 my loved ones in your per- Landing Pad 6’x12’x8” Kitchen Center Dresser, Mirror, Chest, petual glory. Amen. Archery Equipment Electric/Acoustic Guitar Oriental Style Thank you for your love $200 By Oster Vinci Brand $100 (2)Red 9x12 Nightstand, Headboard & Women’s Designer Machinist Tools Footboard. With Queen towards me and my loved Complete Set Of Attachments 508-864-7159 $300 Each Clothing ones. Persons must pray the Rock Wall Panels For Food Processing, Mattress & Boxspring 4’x6’ $200 Each Auto Tools 508-943-8693 Included. Shoes & prayer three consecutive Cooking & Baking. Organ days without asking your Great Condition. Antenna Tower Very Good Condition! Accessories Technics SXEN4 Snapper Seldom Used. wish. After the third day, Reasonable Offers $65 Shoes, Sizes 5-11 Considered 35mm Camera Best Offer $750 Steals It! wish will be. Then promise to 508-949-1320 Roto-Tiller Clothing Sizes 0-12 publish this dialogue as soon Leave Message For Jennifer 146 VHS Disney Rascal Scooter IR5003, Used Twice Call 508-949-7040 40 Plus Crates!!! 508-397-6426 as this favor is granted Ladies’ Genuine Movies 600 Series Paid $1295 Excellent Second T.W.M. Best Offer $950 Toshiba Hand Condition. Black Shearling 508-885-5189 Hand-Crafted 508-892-8316 TracVac Over 300 Pair Designer Sheepskin 36 Inch TV Jeans. Jewelry Outdoor Garden Model 385-IC/385LH Used Very Little. Many High-End Items. 200 GEN. BUSINESS Fur Coat Motorized Used Once. Plays Like New! 860-974-9946 Many Varieties Fountain Paid $1300 Rings Medium. Like New. Worn MUST SELL! 203 SNOWMOBILES One Or Twice. Length 30” Wheelchair Very Large, Gorgeous, $1100 Cost $895 Women’s Escada Lucite Bracelets 3 Tiers, Excellent Condition Earrings (Collar To Hem), Shoulders Pronto Sure-Step M91 Bear Cat Vac-N-Chip Pro Sell For $399 1998 Yamaha 19”, Sleeves 25”, Motorized, With Footrest, Must Be Seen! Call 508-885-9754 Coat/Jacket And More! Originally $1500 & Vac Pro Cashgora/Angora Wool, 508-410-5783 Bust 40-42” Holds 300-400lbs. Models 72085, 72285, VMax 500 $250 OBO Holds Tanks. Asking $650 Gold Color. US Size 10 Or 3400 Miles. 508-867-3900 72295 Total Gym XL 12, Excellent Condition. 508-885-8940 Incl. 2 Brand New Batteries Used Twice $1700 Haywood Leave Message Asking $1650 firm Used Very Little Since $400 508-987-7686 Panasonic Paid $2772 Purchased 5 Years. 860-974-9946 Wakefield Antique 1860’s Color TV $1900 Paid $1000 2002 Polaris Bedroom Set Oak Table 508-765-5763 Best Offer Women’s Riding Equipment CT-36SX12F Leathers Edge X Double(Full-Sized) Bed With With 5 Legs 36” HDS Flat Screen With Electric Start, Reverse, Mirror, Bureau, And Table. Trailer With ‘Engraved’ Design Remote & Operating Solid Oak Antique 1930’s Size Small Walter Dyer $995 OBO 2992 N. Maine Miles. $350 & 2 Matching Chairs Instructions. S-Bent Windsor Walnut Dining Room Chaps, Medium Gloves, $2800 Or BRO 508-943-8482 Aluminum Folding $500 $475 Table Fringe Coat With Two Liners Call 508-943-1206 Chairs (Medium), Harley Helmet Staging/Scaffolding 774-452-2391 4 Oak Finish, 2 Antique Black In Good Condition 1996 Skidoo MXZ 583 After 7pm $300 OBO (Small). Heavy Duty 2 Sections w/Platforms, Finish Captains Chairs. Excellent Condition. 3717 N. Maine Miles. On Wheels, w/Steps MOTORS Park Model RV In Perfect Condition. 508-461-7224 $275 CASH ONLY Runs Great. Commerical 4’6”W, 7’3”L, 6’-12’H 1/2HP 230/460V $180 508-341-9282 $1800 Or BRO $895 OBO Fitness Equipment 1725RPM, 56 Frame. 2002, 12x40 (3) Adult Small Jobe Trampoline 508-949-7388 Call 5pm-8:30pm $45 OBO (like brand new) on beautiful Women’s Salvatore Body Masters Standing Life Vests 13 Foot Heavy Duty Frame & 508-867-6546 5HP, 230/460V lot in campground can be Frame Pad (Red) Ferragamo Arctic Cat Leg Curl used for a full 6 months (15 Barely Used Bicep Curl 1740RPM, 184T Frame/TEFC $25 $75 Leather Blazer Snowmobiles Large Colonial $125 OBO April-15 October every year) Pec Deck, Lot paid for until 2097. 508-234-2647 Ladies 26” Mongoose Jacket 2006 570 Panther Abdominal Machine. Bedroom Chest 5HP, 230/460V $48,000 Hilltopper Mountain Bike 2-Up, 579 Miles, 4 Large Drawers & 3 Smaller Soft, Buttery, $400 Each 3495RPM, 184T Frame/TEFC Call Don (508)344-9499 Sony Wega 32” TV Red Golden Brown Color. Automatic Start & Reverse Trotter Drawers. Mahogany. $125 OBO Like New! $35 Like New Paid $500 Excellent Condition. Precor Pine Hutch $150 24” Mongoose MGX/DXR Size 6 Or 8 1996 ZR580 Treadmills, Steppers Will Sell For $300 1/2HP 208/230/460V 508-347-7520 Large Overhead Door-Opener Shelves & Drawer Mountain Bike $200 2300 Miles, Real Fast Sled! Elipticals, Bikes On Top. Drysink In Middle Beautiful Oak $120 OBO Dual Suspension, 860-974-9946 Take Them Both For $5900 $100-$500 With Door Opening Upwards, 41”W x 54”H x 23”D 21 Speed, Red Lexmark Printer 4 Motor Speed Controls And Doors Below. Lockers $50 OBO Cabinet For TV $35 Wood Stove 508-340-5334 Tanning Beds Hitachi J100, 400/460V Very Old. Best Offer $200 With Recessed Doors. 24” Mongoose DXR AL Energy Harvester ATER QUIPMENT $400 Wood Piano Bench Paid $800 204 W E With Storage Mountain Bike Good Condition With Many Other Body Masters Call 5pm-8:30pm Maple Headboard & Asking $200 Fire Screen. 2005 Ski-Doo Jetski $25 OBO 508-867-6546 Dual Suspension, Aluminum, Machines Also Available! Footboard Photos Available By Email 21 Speed, Silver $350 OBO Apple Green & Black. 860-774-8008 Call & 508-764-4103 $35 413-245-3008 Less Than 65 Hours. 508-892-1679 Moving Maple 6-Drawer Dresser 860-935-0072 3-Cylinder 15003cc Full-Sized w/Rails, Stereo With Wood Stove Supercharged Engine. Hewlett Packard Liner Tray Must Sell! From 1950’s Vermont Castings Resolute 3-Seater, 130 Inches Long. For Cargo Area/Floor For $200 Speakers $7500 Color Printer Ethan Allen $50 Trees for Excellent Condition. Very $25 2008 Subaru Outback Clean Burning, Firescreen Includes Dock & Trailer Never Used. New Mahogany 774-452-2391 Call 508-278-7958 Dining Room Sale And Warming Shelves 508-347-8956 Whirlpool Cost $70 Included. Asking $45 CASH Large Crystal Chandelier Stove Evergreen Trees, Colorado $2100 New 205 BOATS Air Conditioner Pioneer Stereo Franklin Style Blue Spruce, Potted Trees, Energy-Efficient, 8000 BTU Brookfield 11x14 Oriental Wool Rug Asking $1100 508-867-2224 Wood-Burning Silver Blue, 18”-22” tall. 16-Foot $125 Painted Bureau System Excellent Privacy 508-943-0277 With All Original Manuals. $275 Computer Desk Living Room Sofa 2 Olive-Green Swivel Border/Ornamental Solar-Powered Includes Turntable, Radio Gas Log All 10 trees for $85. Glass Top, Pull-Out Leaf, & Chair Rocker Chairs Tuner, 5-Band Analyzer For Electric Fiberglass Attached File Cabinet Never Used 100 GENERAL Ethan Allen. Sturdy Lifetime Pilates Machines Speakers. Cassette Tape $90 Call 508-278-5762 Boat $150 Player/Recorder, CD Player. Frame, Excellent Quality. Queen Brass Bed 508-832-6234 Evenings Excellent Condition, Interior Beige Shermag Floral Pattern, Country Original Cost $1250 105 BULLETIN BOARD Is All Refurbished. Uses No Best Offer Accepted Excellent Condition Glider & Ottoman Styling. Tan Genuine IN REMEMBRANCE Fuel, 100% Solar Powered. $225 Solid Wood Coffee For All $550 Trestle-Style Includes A Galvanized Trailer. Call 508-949-8851 & End Table 508-867-6730 413-245-3402 Sheepskin Men’s Library Table Julie Ann Bainton $3000 860-774-1845 Over $3500 New Pratt & Whitney Jacket Antique, 72”x32”Wide (Knurowski) Hosier Cabinet $800 Steals It! Moving South! Size 46, Never Worn. Boards. 36 Year Senior Secretary Flat-Belt Driven $150 Asking $250 Bay Path High School 1970 Sea Sprite In Original Condition Call 508-949-7040 Entire House Including: Sofa, 2 Recliners, Tables, Dear Friend, Please Visit 14’ w/Trailer & 33 HP $900 Metal Lathe Portable Olympia Also Antique Victrola, Johnson Outboard. Living Room Dining Room Table & Chairs, Overall Dimensions; Typewriter Melodeon, And More Our Guest Book And Leave A Over-Stuffed Upholstered Dry Sink, Server, Note To Pay Your Respects All In Good Shape. 7’ Long By 2’ Wide In Case. In Good Condition 508-248-1951 $950 Green Chair Sofa & Chair Bedroom Set(s) Plus Comes With 3 & 4 Jaw $250 Multi-Colored, Dominantly $75 Queen Mattresses. Chucks. 107 MISC. FREE 4 Michelin Snow Tires Huntington Green Floral Green. Clean, All In Excellent Condition! $450 Vintage Royal Typewriter With Rims Good Condition. Best Offer Over $2000 860-923-3532 Table Model VHS Tapes & Cabinet 2-Cushion Sofa $150 OBO $35 OBO 195/60R15 $700 860-963-2065 Ask For Ron $250 FREE WOOD $175 Call 508-892-9212 508-756-3690 Will Sell VHS Tapes Kitchen Set MTD Lawn Tractor Separately If Wanted Sylvania Vintage Drop-Leaf, 5 Chairs Unique Oak Table PALLETS Stereo Console $625 1994 Model, 16HP, 42 Inch Dark Shadows VHS Tapes You pick up. Monday thru Llama Wool Blade. Good Condition, Rototiller 72” Round Circa 1960 Various Ariens, Rear Tine, Electric $550 Some Original, Friday 8am-noon. Solid Oak & Oak Veneer For Sale With Heavy-Duty Trailer. Some Recorded Used Appliances $350 Start. Newly Serviced, Must See To Appreciate Stonebridge Press Cabinet Unfinished 7HP Engine. (45 Volumes) 25 Optical Drive $75 Call For Details 508-266-0330 508-756-6120 Call For More Information $550 $50 (located behind Southbridge 508-868-2860 508-943-8693 508-335-8239 586-419-1040 508-234-6096 774-289-6982 413-262-9990 Hotel & Conference Center) 4 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ February 17, 2010

205 BOATS 281 FREE PETS 285 PET CARE 298 WANTED TO BUY 310 GENERAL HELP 310 GENERAL HELP 442 LICENSED DAY WANTED WANTED 400 SERVICES CARE 1985 Ski Nautique FOUND CAT “2001” Dark Orange/White OPEN HOUSE 400 Hours On Engine, Male Cat. Found At $ Afterschool Daycare Truck Drivers Friday, February 19th Newer Upholstery. Thompson Transfer Station GROUP LEADER 402 GENERAL SERVICES 4pm-7pm $4000 OBO (On 2/4/10), And Had ROSS RECYCLING The Position Is In The After Wanted Saturday, February 20th 413-222-2058 Been Eating Out Of We Pay More!! School daycare program. Class A CDL with Hazmat. 11am-2pm Dumpsters For 2 Weeks. Responsibilities include Day Driving Bright Beginnings Very Affectionate & Vocal. Going... Going... All Scrap Metals, supervision of school-age Throughout Northeast. 1990 Glasport Unique White Markings On Gone to the Dogs Cars, Trucks children (ages 5-12) in a Company Based in Call The Montessori His Face. Definitely licensed EEC program. Pre-School 20 Foot Someone’s Cat, Or Need Training and behavior Batteries, North Brookfield. Monday-Friday, 2pm-6pm Junk Man 465 Main Street, Oxford, MA Open Bow Ski Boat To Place In management in your Copper Wire, Retirees Welcome! On School Days. And No Overnight Loads. New 350 Engine, Zero Hours. Someone’s Home. home. Appliances... Snowplowing Your Child Deserves The Call Anytime Flex-Hours On (508)867-3235 Best Start To Their New Interior, New Flooring. Positive methods Vacation Days. Drive-On Trailer. 860-923-9610 64 Tucker Hill Rd. Removal of Metal, Education! Sacrifice At $7200 Ask For Laurie used. HS Diploma A Must, College ENROLLING Certified Pet Dog Putnam, CT 06260 Preferred. Must Meet OCCS Appliances, Requirements. WIRELESS Furniture, TV’s. FALL 2010 12 Foot Jon Boat trainer and member 508-987-3465 Seats, Electric Motor, 283 PETS 860-928-7165 Construction APDT Contact For More Details DISTRIBUTORS Lic. #8121699 On Trailer. Dianna Burnett Materials. $1500 A CHANCE FOR LIFE Call Renelle at Tri-Community YMCA WANTED NEEDED FOR Full-Time Positions Cellars/Attics 508-234-6096 508-892-1850 $$$$ 43 Everett Street Cleaned. 454 HOME BEAUTIFUL CATS Southbridge, MA Part-Time Positions MPROVEMENT email: [email protected] Small Building I 2004 Carver 360 & DOGS [email protected] Manager Openings Tested, vetted, and ready for Demolition, Tires. ADDITIONS Sport Sedan love. Please consider these, WEEKLY PAY Leaves Removed. (2) 375HP Volvo 8.1 Liter “homeless” pets for J & L RESIDUALS KITCHENS Engines. 7.3KW Kohler Small Residential adoption. Are You Up 75K IN BONUSES Moves. Trees Cut BATHS Generator, 2 State Rooms, SECOND CHANCE Pet Sitting CASH PAID Fresh Water Vacu-Flush To The Challenge? WIRELESS SERVICE Brush/Limbs & Head, Full Galley. ANIMAL SHELTER Service For your unwanted CREDITS musical instruments $2k-5k/Month Part-Time, Removed RENOVATIONS PRICE REDUCED Call 508-867-5525 Professional at Home $20k/Monthy Potential in any condition! Call Furnaces Removed $199,000 Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Full-Time If You Have 508-987-8722 (We Show Up!) $179,000 Member of National *Guitars*Amplifiers*Drums* Ingerity & Drive. Check-our-down-to- Call 774-230-8295 Association of Professional *Saxes*Trumpets* (Government Certified earth prices first! David Edward Chinese Crested Pet Sitters *Keyboards*Pro Audio*Etc.* Incomes Available) Must Demonstrate Strong ART TIME ELP Weekends also! Designs Larson 1997 Puppies Established 1996 Call: 508-765-9352 311 P - H Desire To Succeed & Be 21 Years Experience Ski-Boat Hairless & Powder-Puff Certified • Bonded • Insured Open Mon-Sat WANTED Central Mass Sweet, Loveable Toy (10-6) Coachable. and Connecticut 3rd Generation 19 Foot, With Volvo Penta 508-347-3826 15 Year Old Inc. 500 Licensed & Insured Hypo-Allergenic Breed. 339 Main Street Engine. With Trailer. Company With The Call The Experts For Your $5000 For More Information Southbridge, MA 01550 Dave 401-397-6499 Highest Ratings. Brookhaven Next Home Project And 508-476-5476 For Interview Call Bob 508-347-7804 Let The Fun Begin! 508-488-9404 Assisted 413-262-5082 Thank You Sailboat For Sale Pure Bred BUYING Call David 2000 Hunter 212 Old Toys Care 508-987-5474 Great Day Sailer! Puppies Marbles Driver Part-Time 21 Feet, Cuddy Cabin, Over thirty breeds available. Crocks Valet Parking Attendant- Galvanized Trailer. Extra Jib. Health checked/guaranteed. Pottery to work at several locations Employment Cleanouts DiGeronimo Great Shape, State licensed. Sporting Equipment in Worcester, MA. Cleanups Used Very Little. Tools IMMEDIATE OPENING! F/T- Always Happy To Painting 30% Under NADA Retail Laughlin Kennel Jewelry P/T available. Potential to Take Applications For Haul-Away Quality, Affordability $4950 earn $11 and more to start. Employment Of: Call 508-987-7161 Etc. & Trust 508-340-7697 New Owners! Great benefits health, dental, LPN Basements Without Compromise Call Tom Or Deb 401k plan, plenty of room for Attics New Energy! 508-987-1060 growth! Applicant must be Responsible Interior Rooms 260 ANTIQUES Spencer Animal Persons Apartments New Stuff! Or over 18, must be able to Garages As Low As Control drive standard $129 508-865-1228 Shift Aide Yards Desperately needs Leave Message transmission vehicles, have Ceilings $59 Boarding valid license, and prior Applicants Must Be Rental Property Woodwork $59 Route 169 homes for many Luxury suites, customer service experience Energetic And abandoned cats and CASH PAID a plus!!! Estate Cleanouts Serving Central Mass. walks, treats, & one on For Coins And Jewelry Well-Groomed. Antiques sometimes kittens. one playtimes available. Please contact us at Must Be Reliable Small Building James DiGeronimo 884 Worcester Shots, wormed, Buying/Selling 877-455-5552 or at: Demolition Cell 508-577-7940 Gold & Silver Call Nancy Street, leukemia tested, Natural foods www.valetparkof If You Want Southbridge MA spayed & neutered. Reiki One Piece Or Collection 508-867-3325 508-612-7525 To Get Rid Of It, JP&D Builders Looking to purchase Call 508-885-2306 Flower Essences Lee’s Coins & Jewelry We’ll Do It! Master Carpenter antiques and Feng Shui 239 West Main Street Exchange Student 19 West Main St. FREE Estimates! Available For All Your collectibles, single items 285 PET CARE East Brookfield West Brookfield, MA 774-230-8586 Remodel Needs. or entire estates. Daycare (Route 9 - Panda Host Family Kitchens, Baths, We buy it all also do Garden Plaza) Recruiter Decks, Etc. Daily/weekly rates 508-637-1236 on site estate sales and Seeking People With A 320 MEDICAL/DENTAL 508-949-7344 estate auctions. Apple Acres 508-341-6355 Passion For Teens & Training Networking In Their DAVE’S Call anytime, Mike Kennel WANTED Community. Part-Time Physical 508-765-9512 Basic-Advanced Cat’s Meow Village PAINTING 457 LAWN/GARDEN • Rubber-Matted Group or private Position, Training Provided. Therapists Heated/Air-Conditioned Reproduction Of The Email Cover Letter Per Diem Save With Dave Composted Sleeping Areas. Unibank Of Uxbridge & Resume To: (Weekdays/Weekends) 508-277-9801 265 FUEL/WOOD (No Longer Made) [email protected] In Charlton Area. Sheep Manure • Large Individual Runs, Available At Farm! Outdoor Exercise Pens, Experienced caring staff If You Have One To Sell, Send Resume To: Call 508-234-4722 20lb Bags A. Jeffers Country Walks Tours 10am-4pm HR Dept. At $10 Per Bag Ask For Tom Or Foster Overlook Visiting • Large Indoor Other times by appt. Leave Message 433 CLEANING Call 508-867-6111 Tree Service Play Area Nurse Assoc., Inc. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° please! Parents Wanted Leave Message •Bathing Available Seeking Quality Homes PO Box 1000 Tree Removals WANTED Charlton, MA 01507 Logging 508-987-0077 Throughout Central MA • Monitored By ADT Insulated Copper To Provide Foster Care Fax: 508-831-7165 * TLC Home * Land Clearing Open 7 Days A Week 205 Federal Hill & To Children In Need. [email protected] 500 REAL ESTATE Firewood 8:30am-10:30am Road 24/7 Support. Generous EOE Cleaning $175/Cord 3:00pm-5:00pm Aluminum Wire Reimbursement. Have You Heard The WOOD LOTS Oxford, MA 25 Pounds Or More $500 Sign-On Bonus Phrase, “GOING GREEN?” 501 REAL ESTATE Call (508)865-2227 Call For Details WANTED We Will Come To You, WANTED We Use & Supply Organic WANTED FREE ESTIMATES Bassett Pups Weigh It, And Pay Cash Cleaners To Ensure Your Available! Part-Time Medical Family’s Safety. Call (774)239-0285 On The Spot! Insurance Person 286 LIVESTOCK Contractors & Gift Certificates For Electricians Welcome For Busy Chiropractic Office. Baby Showers, All Seasoned Bagged Shavings Experience Preferred. Anniversaries, And More! Collinswood Call To Make An Must have Computer Skills A Perfect Gift! Hardwood Kiln-Dried Pine Appointment Devereux Therapeutic And Be Able To Get Along Cut, Splt & Delivered K-9 Services Paper Bags. 508-269-2593 Foster Care Well With People. Some CALL TAMMIE TODAY Prompt Delivery 3.25 Cubic Feet 508-829-6769 Receptionist Responsibilities. MC & Visa Accepted WANTED FOR A CLEANER ************** $5.00 Each (No Limit) Taking Applications TOMORROW! Westview Farms Old/Used/Any Between 10am-2pm, EQUAL HOUSING 111 East Hill Road Pick Up In 508-347-3275 West Brookfield Condition Mondays Monson, MA Wednesdays & Fridays 774-230-7885 OPPORTUNITY 413-246-1721 Rock Valley Farm Kitchen Cabinets Hampton Dr. Steven Gaunya’s Office ************** 508-867-2508 176 Main Street If They Are What We Want, Office/Homes All real estate advertising in Cut & Split We Will Even Remove Them Southbridge, MA Spring Or Fall Cleanings Inn 508-765-1623 this newspaper is subject to Green From Your Kitchen! Weekly/Bi-Weekly Or The Federal Fair Housing Act We Are A Re-Facing Sturbridge Monthly Cleanings of 1968, which makes it Firewood Exceptional boarding First Cutting Company That Needs These 325 PROFESSIONAL Flexible Hours/Days illegal to advertise any 2 Cord Minimum environment with Cabinets For Our Home Is now hiring for preference, limitation or $175/cord unique daycare setting HAY Show Booth, To Show Registered/Insured/ discrimination based on race, (Delivered - Limited Area) Solid Bales “Before” and “After” the following Bonded color, religion, sex, handicap, Premium Dark Pine Bark Monday-Friday $5.00 Per Bale Kitchen Options JOIN OUR TEAM References Available familial status (number of Mulch Available daycare available positions children and or pregnancy), $20.00/yard Monday-Friday State of the art indoor 9am-5pm INCOM, Inc. national origin, ancestry, age, plus delivery Ground Ear Housekeeping 294 Southbridge Road training facility 508-987-3384 marital status, or any T. Jepson & Son, LLC. Charlton, MA intention to make an such 508-885-3037 CORN Attendant Affordable preference, limitation or 774-272-3729 Group or private day WAR RELICS and evening classes For Livestock CNC Machinist Residential discrimination. This 85 Pound Bags & Apply in person newspaper will not Hampton Inn (2nd Shift) & Commercial knowingly accept any Agility obedience and $10 Per Bag Milling Exp. Required Firewood conformation WAR SOUVENIRS 328 Main Street Cleaning advertising for real estate Cut, Split & Delivered. WANTED Sturbridge MA 01566 We Offer Quality Work At that is in violation of the law. Seasoned Puppy Kindergarten Overlook Farm Process An Affordable Price! Our readers are hereby $220 per cord. Starting Soon Brookfield, MA 01506 WWII & EARLIER Engineering informed that all dwellings CA$H WAITING! • Offices & Homes Call (413)245-3306 508-867-2099 Drivers • Weekly & Bi-Weekly advertising in this newspaper Helmets, Swords, Tech are available on and equal Beginner Obedience Work With Engineering • One-Time Cleanings Starting Soon Daggers, Bayonets, •DRIVERS (10)• opportunity basis. To FIREWOOD Horse Tack Medals, Badges, Flags, Class A CDL Department To Develop • Carpet Cleaning complain about Green Or Seasoned Bits, Bridles, Saddles, Uniforms, etc. Dedicated Fleet OTR And Improve Product • Auto Detailing discrimination call The Cut, Split & Delivered Beginner Agility Accessories. New, Used, Over 30 Years Experience. 3-5 Day Dispatch Processes • Floors Department of Housing and WOOD LOTS WANTED Starting Soon English, Western, Blankets, New Startup • Upholstery Urban Development “HUD” Gift Items, Reins. Call: 1-508-688-0847 Visit Our Website At toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. Call Paul I’ll Come To YOU! No Touch Freight • Janitor Work Almost Anything 1yr Verifiable T/T Exp. Req. For the N.E. area, call HUD 508-769-2351 New Competition Horse-Related • Windows 508-987-5349 Clean Driving/Work Record ad 617-565-5308,. The toll Obedience Rock Valley Farm Full Benefits/401K Email Resume To We Guarantee Your free number for the hearing West Brookfield Cardinal Logistics [email protected] Satisfaction Will Be impaired is 1-800-927-9275 All Breed 508-867-2508 300 HELP WANTED Call 866-299-5673 Our Best Reference! Firewood REGISTERED, Green, $135 Grooming EOE INSURED & BONDED WANTED TWO STALLS 305 BUSINESS 128 cubic feet. Available Give Maria A Call Land Near AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITIES 508-764-2500 Spencer/Paxton (508)476-3073 “It’s all about the At Tall Pine Farm POSITION OPENING dogs!” In Charlton, MA Cleaning Business Line or Town Treasurer 333 SURROGATE Area Of Camp Marshall Full Board $375 For Sale The Cleaning Call Terri No Money Down! The Town Of Ashford, MOTHERS For A Single Family Home. (774)696-7879 Semi-Rough Board $275 Woman Please Call John 508-832-9394 Call Kelly At Financing Available Connecticut Will Accept 413-813-5712 508-248-9993 Call For Details Applications For The Good, Old-Fashioned or visit our website 774-578-0718 Position Of Town House Cleaning! Fully Seasoned 505 APARTMENTS FOR Quality Treasurer. This Is Over 20 Years Experience 286 FEED 310 GENERAL HELP A Part-Time Position, With In Local Area RENT Hardwood WANTED Limited Benefits And An This Is My Business, Cut, Split & Delivered. Annual Salary Of $18,000. I Take Pride In My Work! Douglas Quality Horse Hay Two Bedroom $800 508-729-3368 800 Pound Square Bales Mystery Shoppers Linda FAN-C-PET Earn Up To $100 Per Day! A Complete Job Plus Electric Timothy & Orchard Grasses 774-289-3163 New Appliances, Fertilize Fields Undercover Shoppers Description Is Available Hardwood Mobile Needed To Judge Retail & On The Town Of Ashford’s Dishwasher. Quiet, Private Cut, Split & Delivered First Cutting $100 Each Country Road. No Traffic. Second Cutting $130 Each Dining Establishments. Website, Or By Calling To Brookfields & Grooming Salon Experience Not Required Surrogate No Smoking, No Dogs. Spencer Area. Delivery Fee Extra Or Writing: 442 LICENSED DAY Rock Valley Farm 877-787-6583 Call (508)476-1722 Seasoned $200 Selectman’s Office Mothers CARE Green $150 Vicki Kelley West Brookfield 508-867-2508 Church Secretary Town Of Ashford Needed Call 12 Hours Per Week. Ideal 5 Town Hall Road Northbridge 508-731-5414 Professional Candidate Will Possess From MA & CT 774-452-3831 298 WANTED TO BUY Ashford, CT 06278 Established Surrogacy *************** (Linwood) A Friendly Attitude, Pleasant Very Nice, Clean, First Floor Groomer Phone Manner, Strong Work (860)487-4400 Program seeks loving The Commonwealth of LOOKING TO BUY Please Note That This women to carry couples’ Massachusetts Office of Four Room Apartment 20 Years Exp. Wooden Or Vinyl Ethic, And Ability To (1 Bedroom) Strum’s Firewood Multi-Task. Computer Skills Is, By Ordinance, A biological babies. 21-43, Child Care Services Seasoned Hardwood prior birth experience $800/Month “We Go Right to Post & Rail Required. Perfect For Retiree Contracted Position With requires that all ads Includes Heat/Hot Water Available Or Stay-At-Home Parent. A Two-Year Term. required, non-smokers, FREE Delivery Your Door” Fencing generous compensation. placed in the newspaper Security Deposit Required. Will Pay Reasonable 508-764-8058 The Town Of Ashford Is for child care (daycare) NO PETS/NO SMOKING Call Dan 1-888-363-9457 Includes Stove, Refrigerator, 413-537-0951 508-987-2419 Price For Either. Email Resume And Equal Opportunity in your home include 508-885-3132 [email protected] your license number. Off-Street Parking. MC/Visa Accepted Provider And Employer 508-234-2025 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ 5

505 APARTMENTS FOR 505 APARTMENTS FOR 505 APARTMENTS FOR 505 APARTMENTS FOR 505 APARTMENTS FOR 505 APARTMENTS FOR 505 APARTMENTS FOR 546 CEMETERY LOTS RENT RENT RENT RENT RENT RENT RENT Two Lots Douglas Available At Worcester SOUTHBRIDGE Southbridge West Brookfield County Memorial Park 1, 2, & 3 Bedroom SOUTHBRIDGE Newly Renovated Sunny Apartments Available. 8 Summer Street Paige Hill Area In Paxton. Clean, Spacious, First Excellent Two Bedroom Webster Spacious Two Bedroom Non-Selected. $600-$900/Month 2nd Floor, 2 Bedroom, Apartment. Washer, Dryer Brookside Rent Includes Heat & Large Kitchen, Large Floor Renovated 3-4 Apartment Available. Asking $1200 For Both Bedroom Apartment Townhouse Style NORTH VILLAGE & Dishwasher. Or Best Offer Hot Water. Living Room, New Bath, Second Floor. Off-Street Parking. Stove Hardwood Floors, (17 Charlton Street) With Garage. 508-885-1071 Terrace Deleaded, Kid Safe, Yard, Clean, Quiet Area. ONE MONTH Very Easy To Heat. & Refrigerator Included. Heat/HW Included No Smoking Heat/Hot Water No Smoking. No Pets. $850/Month Storage, Washer/Dryer Heat & Hot Water FREE RENT! Hookups. Included. $775/Month Two Plots Included! First/Last & Security 121 Elm Street 2 Bedroom Units First/Last & Security 508-737-2523 Section 8, Families With No Pets. In Worcester County January & First Floor, 2 Bedrooms, Children Welcome. First And Security. Starting At $783!! Available 3/1 Memorial Park, Paxton, MA Kitchen, Living Room, No Dogs, No Drugs, $895/Month 508-471-8272 At Garden Of Heritage II February Dining Room. 1 Bath, And Good References Call For Appointment Heat And Hot Water 508-882-5586 $1500 OBO For Both Rent FREE! FREE RENT Hardwood Floors. Call Joe At (774)200-3382 Is Included. 508-864-7159 Heat/HW Included 774-230-8486 Leave Message Affordable 2 Bedroom $900/Month Must Income Whitinsville Apartments For Rent. February Worcester Country 15 Ballard Court Qualify. Fully Renovated Memorial Park Spacious, Fully Heat/Hot Water 3 Bedroom, First Floor. Southbridge 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. Applianced. Heat & Hot Water Southbridge Three Bedroom Great Location, Very Private. Section Valor II Included! Section 8 Vouchers Graves 1 & 2 Included. Coombs Street Apartment. Accepted. For Inquiries Please Call $975/Month Stove & Refrigerator, 508-234-1510 Valued At $5600 Starting at $797 Affordable 2 Bedroom 2 Bedroom Apartment Asking $2500 For Both Apartments For Rent. 16 Ballard Court Available. Washer/Dryer Included. Please call • Pool No Pets. No Waterbeds. 508-885-6489 Spacious, Fully 3 Bedroom, Second Floor. Applianced, Washer/Dryer 510 Ask For Karen • Basketball Court Heat & Hot Water One Year Lease (508)987-1595 Applianced. Hook-ups. No Pets. First Month & Security COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS Included. Section 8 OK. 550 MOBILE HOMES • Playground $975/Month Deposit Required. Starting at $797 $700 $800/Month • On-Site Laundry 1977 Mobile Home Service Pets Only First And Security. WEBSTER Southbridge • Pool W/D Hookups, Please Call $70,000 INCOME LIMITS APPLY References And Credit 508-765-0386 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath. Clean, PROFESSIONAL Plus Park Share • Basketball Court Stove/Refrigerator. Check Required. 9:30am-5:30pm Modern Remodel. NEW Section 8 Welcome First/Last/Security, OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE BY OWNER • Playground Call (508)596-8497 Kitchen Includes Range, Located In Wagon Wheel Office Open From: References Southbridge Refrigerator, Gas Heat, For Rent Park, Brookfield, MA • On-Site Laundry 774-437-1596 Off-Street Parking, 508-347-3837 Monday-Friday Two Bedroom Apartment, Coin-Op. 98 Hamilton Street 9:00am to 5:00pm Southbridge INCOME LIMITS APPLY First Floor. Off-Street Pets OK Formerly Aucoin Realty Section 8 Welcome Downtown 2-Level Parking. Stove & Refrigerator Pictures Available Online First Floor, Good Visibility! Brookfield SOUTHBRIDGE 1/2 Bedroom Included. New Carpeting. First/Last & Security Parking Nanatomqua Mobile Office Open From: Beautiful Hardwoods, No Utilities. $950/Month Plus Utilities 1100 Sq. Ft. Home Park Monday-Friday BRAND NEW Decorative Fireplace, Patio, $700/Month 508-839-1015 Weekend & Evening APARTMENTS! Washer Hookup. Large Security Deposit Required Also: (55 And Over) Appointments 9:00am to 5:00pm Bedroom, Dining Room & CORI/Credit Check Required. 210 Sq.Ft. 2 Bedroom with 1-1/2 Available Weekend & Evening 2 Bedrooms/$775. Living Room. Electric Heat, Section 8 Accepted. Webster Available (Rear Of Bath, Living Room, Large Brookside Terrace Appointments Available now. Off-Street Parking. Available Immediately 30 Poland Street 98 Hamilton) Kitchen, Laundry Room Available Stove, refrigerator and $600/Month 508-248-3743 Renovated Two Bedroom 508-320-9075 With New Appliances, 11 Village Drive dishwasher included. Javier Apartment, All Appliances And Door To Back Porch. Southbridge,MA 01550 Brookside Terrace 774-230-3840 Spencer Furnished. Laundry Room On Secure building. Premises. Off-Street Parking. MUST SELL!!! Off-street parking. 2 Bedroom Townhouses. Southbridge (508)764-7675 Southbridge Electric Appliances, Garages Available. $64,000 NO Pets. Hookups. No Pets. For Lease 508-868-4662 Call (508)765-5852 Everett Street One Year Lease. No Pets. Most Schools & Churches 10,850+ S.F. Building First Floor, 7 Room, Three First & Last Within Walking Distance. Ideal For 11 Village Drive Bedroom Apartment. Large Mobile Home Southbridge,MA 01550 $625/$720 per month. 1 Mile To Route 395. Commercial/Industrial Southbridge Living Room & Dining Security Deposit ($500) Good Credit Required. Use. Town Water/Sewer, For Sale C&C (508)764-7675 141 Elm Street Room, Large Kitchen & Call (508)886-4312 $750/Month Loading Dock. Includes In Sturbridge Retirement Properties Recently Remodeled Pantry. Washer/Dryer Call 508-949-1400 1,400 S.F. Office Space. Co-Operative. Two Bedroom Apartment. Hookup. Spencer Or 508-943-0972 Located On Worcester 44x23, 5 Rooms, 1 1/2 Baths LOOK & COMPARE Appliances, Washer/Dryer $800/Month Plus Utilities Street (Route 169) (1068 sq.ft. Gross Living Leicester First & Last. Large One Bedroom Newly Renovated 2BR Hookups. Off-Street Parking. Apartment. Located Near Area). Air Conditioning, Southbridge No Pets. 860-304-5717 Call 1000 Sq.Ft. House. Route 9. With Huge Closet, (508)765-5421 Corner Lot, 2 Sheds. Quality 1, 2 & 3 $675/Month Webster For Appointment Bedroom Apartments! Gas Heat (Not Included), Carpeted Living Room. Dishwasher, Washer/Dryer No Utilities Included. Southbridge Kitchen Includes Major Apartment Open House 508-347-9370 Appliances, Off-Street 1-508-328-9093 Saturday, February 13th Parking. Hookups. On Private Pond First Floor, Three Bedrooms, Appliances. Tenant Washer Southbridge With Great View, Private No Pets & Dryer. Noon-3pm N. Grosvenordale Road. Use Of Pond & 30 Ft. Southbridge New Floors, Cleaned & Off-Street Parking, Spacious Two Bedroom, For Lease Sturbridge Dock For Recreation. 146 Charlton Street Painted. Some Carpeting, Nice Quiet Location. Cathedral Ceiling, Skylight, 9,400+ S.F. Ideal For CT 2 Bedroom Apartment Great Neighbors, Quiet 7 Room, 3 Bedroom, Stove, Off-Street Parking, $550/Month Washer/Dryer Hookup. Commercial/Light Mobile Home For Sale Appliances & Hot Water Atmosphere. First Floor Apartment. Washer/Dryer Hookups 508-951-2641 Appliances Included, Industrial Use. 14x64 Doublewide Included. Convenient Available Now! Off-Street Parking. In Apartment Off-Street Parking. Town Water/Sewer. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Full Baths. Location, Laundry Room Utilities Not Included Deposits. References and Available 3/1. Includes 1,850 S.F. Large Kitchen, Living Room. On Premises $1300/Month Spencer Laundry Room. First/Last, Security & No Pets, Please. Credit Check Required. New Three Bedroom, No Pets. Office Space. $750/Month $975/Month No Utilities. $750/Month Located On Worcester Appliances Included. Credit Check Required. 1.5 Bath Townhouse. Plenty Of Cabinet Space. Call (508)765-0501 No Pets. First & Last $750 Per Month Nice Location. Call For Early Appointment Street (Route 169) Available First Week Plus Water & Sewer. 508-864-9117 $65,000 508-326-7022 $1250/Month Call For Appointment Of March Call (508)637-1074 (508)765-5421 781-354-8182 Updated, 4 Room, 860-923-0421 1 Bedroom Apartment. WEBSTER North Brookfield Southbridge $750/Month Charlton 1 Bedroom, Second Floor Southbridge FIRST MONTH FREE! REDUCED $85,000 Four Bedroom, First Floor. 1 Bedroom And Webster Mobile Home In Sturbridge 2 Bedroom Apartment. Apartment. Pets Considered. 2 & 3 Bedroom Large Eat-In Kitchen, Near RE/MAX Professional $175/week $475/Month Apartments Associates 2 Bedroom Apartments For Rent Retirement Park Police Station & Route 169. Available In Quiet 6-Family You Are Lucky We Still Two Bedrooms, One And Available 4/1 Need First/Last New 5-Room, $900/Month Plus Utilities For More Info Call Mike Edson At $650/$695 Have Space Available! One Half Bath, Deck, Patio, 2 Bedroom Units Section 8 OK Off-Street Parking, Laundry. New Roof, New Windows, Southbridge Godin Real Estate All Floors Available. Call Tim Or Cara Or From 1000 Sq.Ft. (978)249-8131 x15 Separate Utilities. No Pets. And Many Updates. 2 Bedroom Apartments From $750/Month 508-347-5175 774-272-2608 Non-Smokers Preferred. To 15,000 Sq.Ft. Beautifully Landscaped. Starting At $150/Week 5-Room, 3 Bedroom Last & Security. Will Divide! 508-347-8791 North Brookfield Spencer References Webster 2 Bedrooms Third Floor Southbridge Call Owner For Best Price Ready To Go One Bedroom, Second Floor. 508-864-6285 508-753-3670 Brand New House Heat/Hot Water Included Large 1 bedroom modern. Washer/Dryer Hookups. Sturbridge 2 Bedrooms Elevator Accessible, Onsite Well Maintained Wall to wall, appliances Mobile Home 55+ $750/Month Off-Street Parking, Quiet $1200/Month Laundromat, Trash Removal, included, coin-op laundry, no Neighborhood. 1 Bedroom, Ideal pets, lease and security. Webster 525 HOUSES FOR RENT All are newly remodeled, Private Parking. Call 508-769-2500 $600/Month Location, Close To Appliances Included. $575 and up, utilities not One Bedroom Apartment carpeted, stove & First/Last & Security $575 Everything. New Floors, For More Info included. 508-885-0822 Northbridge refrigerator included. Call (508)764-2866 First Floor, Renovated, Carpets, Paint, Windows, Section 8 Approved. (508)867-4277 Southbridge Kitchen With Appliances. (Linwood) Shower, Cabinets & No Pets Allowed 2 Bedroom Spencer 4 Room, 2 Bedroom House Counters. Newer Furnace, Security Deposit & North Brookfield Apartment Available. Southbridge Three Bedroom Apartment. Dudley For Rent. Hardwood Floors, A/C & More. References Required 28 Spring Street Stove, Refrigerator. Laundry Large Heated 2 Bedroom. Dining Area, Large Rooms. One Bedroom Apartment Baseboard (Oil) Heat. Facility On-Site. Off-Street Stove & Refrigerator Wall-To-Wall Carpet. City $500 Off-Street Parking Washer/Dryer. 3 Large Rooms, First Floor. $37,500 Call 774-289-1714 Like New! Parking. Freshly Painted. Included. Gas Heat, Gas/Gas Stove, Washer/Dryer Hookups De-Leaded. No Pets, No Smoking. In Cellar. Owner Financing No Pets. No Pets. No Pets. Off-Street Parking, Gas Heat $600/Month $525/Month Washer/Dryer Hookups. Close To Schools & $1000/Month Available Bus Line. & Coin-Op Laundry Utilities Not Included References & Security First, Last and Security. Hardwood Floors. 508-380-2359 Call For Details Charlton Required. Lease & Security Required. Washer/Dryer Hookups. No Pets/Smoking 508-347-7027 Available $750/Month $895/Month 508-234-2025 Large 1 Bedroom 508-867-7404 January 1st $675 508-764-2866 Available Now! Call (508)864-5605 508-867-8707 Webster WANTED TO BUY North Brookfield Smaller 2 Bedroom E. Brookfield 5 Room, Three Bedroom, Southbridge Putnam, CT 2-3 Bedroom Trailer Home Southbridge Spencer Apartment House For Rent On Private Lot In Country 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath, Second Floor. Large Three Bedroom Modern, New, Nice Area. 1st Floor $900 Centrally Located. 2-3 Bedroom Apartment Two Bedroom, 1 1/2 Bath 3 Bedroom Ranch Setting (Brookfields, CT First & Second Floor Apartment, Townhouse Includes Dishwasher, $900/Month Area, Etc.) With Garage Washer/Dryer Hookups, Style. Nice Location. Townhouse Style Apartment. Heat & Hot Water Included. Dining Room, Living Room, Off-Street Parking, No Appliances, No Utilities. Or Room To Build One. Spencer Off-Street Parking., Stove & Washer/Dryer Hookups. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath $700 Refrigerator Included. Off-Street Parking, $800/Month Kitchen. Mud Room, No Pets. Must Be In Good Condition Washer/Dryer Hookups. Second Floor Please Call 4 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath No Pets. No Smoking. First & Last 3-Season Porch, Basement First/Last & Security. $800/Month $675/Month 508-499-6748 774-230-0565 $1275 $800/Month Call (508)764-2293 With Hookups. First/Last & Security 508-344-2660 Yard & Parking. Call 508-769-2500 1 Bedroom $800/Month 575 VACATION RENTALS $700 Including Electric Call After 5pm Webster 508-867-3906 Southbridge First/Last & Security. 3 Bedroom, Large Southbridge 508-529-4452 Webster Lakefront 3-4 Bedroom Leicester North Brookfield Apartment. Appliances, Modern One Bedroom In Spacious One Bedroom With 2-Level Home. 2 Baths, Cape Cod 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Washer/Dryer Hookups. Quiet Downtown Area. Large Living & Dining Areas. Access To I-395. Sandy $800 Studio Apartment Sturbridge Beach With 70 Feet Of N.P. Summer Rental Available Immediately. Section 8 Approved. Carpet & Fresh Paint. Walk-In Closet, Stove & Off-Street Parking. $600/Month Lakeside Refrigerator Included. Waterfront. 6 Room House Includes All Utilities, Stove, Asking $2100/Month Refrigerator, Washer/Dryer First, Last And References. Includes Heat, Hot Water Apartments In A Very Quiet $750 Per Month & Appliances. House/Neighborhood. First/Last & Security West Yarmouth & Rubbish Removal. 3 Room, 1 Bedroom References Required. Off-Street Parking, Deck, Also: Lease, Security Deposit & Apartment. Kitchen $625/Month One Minute walk to Ocean References Required. Call 774-272-2164 No Smoking Preferred & Country Setting. Two Bedroom Available Appliances, 1/4 Mile To 508-461-7372 beach. All amenities. $750/Month $625 Call 508-347-7709 I-84 And MA Pike. $950.00 per week. 508-867-0903 First & Security, References Four Bedroom No Pets. 508-277-0017 $875 References A Must. Webster 530 HOUSES FOR SALE Call 617-797-4665 or Southbridge $625/month. Three Bedrooms, 617-698-0638 Northbridge Call (978)852-0886 One Bedroom Apartment. Call (508)347-9623 Updated Bathroom, Freshly Wales DOUGLAS One Bedroom Second Floor, Includes 9am-6pm Painted. Large Kitchen From $500 Per Month. LEASE/SALE OPTION WELLS, MAINE 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Southbridge Stove, Refrigerator, Hot With Appliances, 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath. First, Security & Clean, Small 2 Bedroom Water, Off-Street Parking. Webster Washer/Dryer Hookups, Village By the Sea Apartments Available Reference Required. Completely Renovated, Prices start at $845/month. Duplex Apartment. Stove, No Pets. 2 Bedroom Apartment Wood Floors, Storage, Private Backyard, Full Deck. 2 bedroom/2 bath condo. No Pets. Must Be H.U.D. Refrigerator, Washer/Dryer $625/Month Neat & Clean. Nice Backyard, Off-Street Pool complex, with Includes heat, hot water, Income Eligible. 3 Minute Walk To A/C, pool, fitness center Hookups, Yard, Good Area. Affordable, Good Location. Parking, Quiet Location. Lake George. jacuzzi and exercise room, Call Dave First/Security Deposit $800/month & children’s program. Credit Check Required. & Credit Check Off-Street Parking. Quaint Country Setting. outdoor pool, in-unit laundry, Off street parking. 508-234-4041 No Pets. Call For Details First & Security Ready For Immediate A/C, cable. Call Irene Available Immediately! Call (508)476-3777 Mon-Fri $675/Month Plus Utilities 413-781-4633 508-943-7436 Occupancy. $85 Per Day EOH Call 508-765-2658 508-612-6192 Call 508-951-2641 774-258-0147 (508)429-7568

705 AUTO ACCESSORIES 705 AUTO ACCESSORIES 715 AUTO SERVICES 720 CLASSICS 720 CLASSICS 720 CLASSICS 720 CLASSICS 700 AUTOMOTIVE Chrysler Industrial JAY’S AUTO 1930 Model A 1953 Ford 1963 King Midget V8 400HP Engine Used Auto Parts DETAILING Ford Coupe 1950 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan New Engine, Comet Clutch, 705 AUTO ACCESSORIES Rebuilt, Zero Miles. Green, With Extra Parts. 4-Door Sedan All-New Brakes, New Paint, Sitting On Ground, 91 day Guarantee. Large *THE BEST* Good Condition. Mild Custom, $11,000 New Convertible Top With $10,000 6-Cylinder, Standard Shift. Side Curtains. All-New Tires. (3) Continental Ready To Go inventory of engines, Wash, Clean Windows New Factory-Built Motor. $2200 Call Karen Fun Car, Good Runner! Contra-Track Tires transmissions, tires & glass. & Vacuum 508-885-3192 Solid Body, Runs Excellent. 1955 Oldsmobile $5500 Size P245-65R17 With Rebuilt Fitted $25 Needs Interior & Minor Work Ask For George Or Barry On Polished Aluminum Transmission Excellent service. Free parts To Be Road-Worthy. 4-Door 508-347-9654 Premium Wheels, Excellent FULL DETAIL 1940 Plymouth $5900 508-764-6059 (Zero Miles) 978-760-3453 Original, $10,000 Condition, Lots Of Tread! $3000 Package Deal locating service. Wax, Shampoo, Deluxe $100 Each Engine Clean & More! 2-Door Sedan Or $250 For All Transmission Only Amherst-Oakham Auto Most SUV’s & Cars $99 Fits 2003-2008 Envoy, $1800 Runs, Original, 1975 Ford Flatbed 1979 Pontiac Pick-Ups & Vans $119 Needs Restoration. Trailblazer, Rainier & 508-461-9097 Call (800)992-0441 or 1952 Pontiac $1600 Trans-Am Ascender. Stored 30+ Years. (508)799-9969 Spencer, MA Asking $2650 Woody Virginia Car. Great Condition. 508-347-9629 774-253-0684 1953 Ford 3/4 Ton Smokey & The Bandit Look. 508-317-7092 Tin Woody Beach Wagon, Runs Well. Black Interior & Rims For Sale In Need Of Complete Pickup 5th Wheel Restoration. Engine Turns, Exterior, Lots Of New Parts 15 Inch Aluminum Rims Major Components In Place. Solid, Needs Restoration, (Including Seats, Tires, Steel Drop Center Off 1991 Honda Accord. Good Interior. Solid Frame, $2500 Carpet, Rebuilt Tailgate Factory Set - 5 Total Straight Eight, Transmission) $25 Each Automatic Transmission. Collection MUST BE SOLD! Matching Numbers $200 $15,000 $3950 978-760-3453 508-943-2572 860-923-0457 978-760-3453 508-615-7358 6 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ February 17, 2010

LASSICS UTOMOBILES 720 C 725 A 715 AUTO SERVICES 715 AUTO SERVICES 1966 Mustang 2001 Oldsmobile Coupe Alero (Not Fastback) Many Options. 75k Miles. I PAY YOU CASH Rust-Free! Georgia Car Maintained & Garaged. (Always Garaged) Sporty Model With FOR JUNK CARS Paint’s Faded. All Ready For 50-Series Tires & Spoiler. YOUR 289 V8 Engine. Looks & Runs Excellent. & TRUCKS $6900 $4995 Utility Trailer Call Bob And Farm Equipment That Dumps 508-278-9577 ______Removable Sides, (After 5pm) Very Solid. 518-796-4223 (Cell) Call D&M Towing & Recycling $550 508-887-3645 978-760-3453 2001 Subaru TOLL-FREE 1-877-820-2TOW 1968 Mustang Outback 2-Door Coupe Limited Red With Black Interior. 1 Owner, 122k Miles, 725 AUTOMOBILES 740 MOTORCYCLES 302 Automatic. Very Clean, 5-Speed, Wintergreen, Low Miles. Recently Leather, Wood Trim, 2000 Ford Escort HARLEY Refurbished Moonroof, CD/Cassette, Automatic, $2250 DAVIDSON Asking $5000 Subwoofer, 2004 Volkswagen MUST SELL! AM/FM/Weatherband, Heated 1997 Sportster XL1200 860-564-3397 Seats/Mirrors, Windshield Passat Sedan 9,900 Miles. De-Icer, Halogen Fog Lamps, 4 Motion, 39k Custom Paint, With Extras. 1978 Corvette Compass/Auto-Dim Mirror. $9050 $5000 Silver Anniversary Model Mint Call Bert Call 508-347-3093 Limited Edition, Runs Asking $6600 617-699-7428 Strong, Looks Real Sharp! 508-864-4934 Excellent Driver. L82 Harley Davidson Engine, T-Tops. A/C, 2002 Mitsubishi 732 SPORTS UTILITY 2000 Custom Tilt Wheel. Gallant ES 1995 Nissan Soft-Tail $7900 Runs Good, Rear Quarter 28k Miles, Pearl White. Serious Inquires Only! Dented, Replaced Engine. Pathfinder Excellent Condition. 508-340-5334 $2400 White, 5-Speed. Lots Of Extras. 508-987-2045 $3300 One Owner Bike! 725 AUTOMOBILES (4)5-Lug Truck Rims Asking $9500 1995 Volvo 2003 Mitsubishi & Tires 508-987-8928 850 Turbo Eclipse $300 Harley Davidson In Good Condition. Convertible 860-208-7010 Motorcycle Parts With Snow Tires. Grey, Runs & Looks New. $2500 Fully Loaded. 79k Miles. 1996 Ford Explorer & Accessories 508-333-3340 New Tires. 4WD, Cruise Control, Power Asking $10,500 Windows/Locks, Powder For Sale 1996 Chevy 508-410-3078 Blue With Ski Racks & For EVO, Twin Cam, Trailer Hitch. Sportsters. Caprice Classic 2004 Buick High Miles, But Good Custom Chrome V8, Wagon, 4-Door, Condition. Needs Inspection. 146k Miles. Last Of The Rendezvous Asking $1000 OBO Women’s New Wally-Wagons! Front-Wheel Drive, 508-949-7983 Insulated Original Owner. Automatic, SUV. Recent Leather Jacket $2495 Tires, Brakes. Economical 1999 Infinity Police-Style, Size Large. 508-943-2703 3.4 Engine, 27MPG Highway. $125 90k, Super Heater & A/C. QX4 SUV 1996 Totally Reliable. Good Condition Inside & 508-949-1320 Asking $6250 Outside. 165k Miles. Oldsmobile 88 508-248-1951 Recent Brakes & Tires. 745 RECREATIONAL Runs Good. Asking $6000 VEHICLES $1100 2004 Subaru Please Call 508-885-5861 Impreza WRX 508-943-3812 1998 Polaris ATV Magnum 425, 4x4 1999 Cadillac All-Weather Edition, Sunroof, 735 GARAGE RENTALS Heated Seats & Mirrors. Complete $2000 Overhaul 5 Seville - Green Custom Green Paint & WANTED Years Ago. Used Very Little 1 Owner - Like New - Leather Spoiler. 5-Speed. Since. Needs Battery. Year-Round Garage Asking $3000 52k Miles. Asking $14,900 OBO Space For Antique Car Asking $5200 Call 774-289-3929 508-885-3136 Call 508-943-3370 Or 508-764-7986 Must be at least 20 feet long. 860-888-5207 Respond to John 1999 Pontiac 508-832-3966 or 2003 Honda 2005 Toyota [email protected] Grand Prix Camry LE TRX250 EX ATV Asking $5500 OBO 4-Cylinder Automatic Sedan, 740 MOTORCYCLES Runs Great! Looks Great! 508-943-1593 4-Door, Front-Wheel Drive. $1600 OBO 76k Miles. Loaded, A/C, 1982 Honda 2000 Chrysler CD Player, Front Disc Brakes, 900 CBF 860-634-0581 Sebring Automatic Steering. Runs Beautifully. Clean, Super Sport 2007 Yamaha Convertible Good Condition. 40,200 Miles. New Battery, Raptor 700R 97k Miles, No Repairs REDUCED! Runs Good. Fuel Injection, Electric Start, Needed. Carfax Report $10,600 $1000 One Owner. Very, Very Clean. Provided. Leave Message 508-755-3660 Turn Key And Ride. $3500 Firm 508-885-4580 $4500 860-634-4632 508-981-2636 1985 Harley 508-769-9073 2000 Daewoo 2005 Toyota Sportster 750 CAMPERS/TRAILERS 1000 XLH Nubira Camry 1997 Ford 4-Door Sedan. 39k Original Top Of The Line. New S&S Carb., Ignition Miles. Excellent. Automatic Fully Loaded! Module, Tires, Battery & Coil. Conversion Van Transmission, Power 40k Miles. $3500 OBO Excellent Condition. Windows $14,500 508-987-2838 Great For Camping! $2500 Will Trade Ask For Stephen $3900 860-774-1485 2004 Toyota Camry 1988 Harley 508-347-2621 2000 Dodge Stratus 76k Miles. Davidson 1200cc 2002 12x40 Park 4-Door Sedan, $11,500 One Owner, 32k Miles. Power Everything. Selling Because Of Illness Model RV In Good Condition. Will Pay Top Dollar For Clean Cars! Always Garaged. (like brand new) on beautiful Asking $1500 OBO $3000 lot in campground can be 508-410-6017 Rutland Auto Sales 774-230-6848 used for a full 6 months (15 774-402-1397 Route 122 April-15 October every year) 2000 Ford Rutland, MA Lot paid for until 2097. 508-886-2720 1999 Harley $48,000 Mustang GT Davidson Call Don (508)344-9499 $11,500 OBO 2006 Kia Spectra 2006 THULE TRAILER Candy Apple Red, Motorcycle Pristine Condition! 4-Door Sedan Dyna Wide Glide. (6’ x 12’ Enclosed) 33,010 Miles. New Engine With 32K Miles, 18k Miles. Some Extras. Aluminum, Dual Axle, Fully Loaded, Including Under Warranty. $9000 GVW 6000 lbs. MagnaFlow Exhaust, New Tires, Belts. Also Has Call 508-943-5911 Model #C65X12238200, AEM Intake, Lojack. Full “Bumper-To-Bumper” Under 200 Miles. Stored Winters. Warranty, For Over 3 Years 1999 Road King $5250 Serious Inquiries Only (Over 36K Miles). Black, 10k Miles, Mint Mike 860-935-0072 860-923-9618 $7890 Condition. Lots Of Chrome, 508-847-3861 Must See! Always Kept 33’ Travel Trailer 2000 Mercury (Oxford) Inside. Currently On-Site In Park $13,000 OBO (Woodstock, CT) Grand Marquis 2007 Ford Focus Email Me At Furnished, 12’x32’ Screen Sedan SE Sedan [email protected] Porch, Corner Lot, Shed. White, Appx 60k Miles. Auto, Air, Cruise, Power Park Features: Family Owned By Elderly Driver. Locks/Windows/Mirrors, 1999 Suzuki Activities, Pool, Inexpensive Selling As Part Of Estate. Alloy Wheels, Upgraded TLS 1000 & Comfortable Living. Excellent Condition! Park Is Open April-October. Remote Start, CD/MP3, V-Twin, Strong Runner. Asking $4795 OBO Fog Lights. 35k Miles, $35,000 Call 508-769-0512 The Hot Set-Up! Carbon (Includes Lot) Nice Condition! Fiber Mufflers. Grey. Asking $10,000 OBO 860-923-2549 $3500 352-314-0003 2000 Volkswagen 860-418-9762 860-315-7417 Passat GLX 2007 Toyota 2000 Harley 33’ Travel Trailer 4 Motion Corolla With 12’x32’ Addition V6, 2.8 Fuel Injected. Sportster Excellent Condition. Excellent Condition, Well 36k, Light Green, Own Your Own Lot! Excellent Condition. 18,000 Miles Maintained. Low Miles. Mint Condition Seasonal Camping At A Custom Wheels & Exhaust. $11,000 Lovely Campground. Leather Interior, Black Teacher-Owned Call Cliff Asking $30,000 On Black. 508-885-2971 $7000 Call After 5pm $5500 OBO 508-764-7068 508-885-4358 508-865-5085 SULLIVAN AUTO 617-519-9051 SALES 2003 Yamaha 33 Main Street YZ125R 2000 Volvo S80 & Mint Condition, Garaged. Sedan FWD 2 Main Street Hardly Ridden. Blue, Leather, Moonroof, Etc. (Route 131) $1700 OBO Fully Loaded. 180k Miles. Sturbridge, MA Call 508-254-8663 Original Owner. Garage Kept. After 4pm & Weekends Includes 4 Blizzak Snow Or 508-248-5466 Tires. And Leave Message Excellent Condition 2002 Subaru $5500 OBO Forester S-Model 2004 BMW 860-928-5266 $7050 K1200 GT Absolutely Perfect! 2000 Volvo X70 1995 Mercedes Dark Blue, Very Low Miles. Crossroad E-Class New Tires & Battery. SERSERVICEVICE •• PPARARTSTS •• BODYBODY SHOPSHOP Loaded, Leather Interior. $3150 $11,000 Runs Good, But Needs Work. 860-315-7417 We service most major makes and models Call 774-745-0085 2002 Honda Civic Or 774-262-9414 5-Speed 2005 Harley $3350 Davidson 2001 Ford 2004 Mazda 1450 Low Rider Taurus SE Protoge Five Excellent Condition, Extras. 78k Original Miles, All Power, $6050 $10,500 OBO New Tires. Well Maintained 508-867-8374 Inside & Out. Color Blue. 1998 Subaru Legacy GT FREE TIRE ROTATION Private Owner. $3850 FREE BATTERY TEST 2006 Honda Come in for an Oil & Filter $3300 1998 Subaru Forester Will Negotiate. XR 650L Visually inspect and test change and receive a FREE 774-289-4518 $4050 On/Off-Road Bike battery. Hybrid battery tire rotation. Trucks up to 2000 Subaru Forester New Rear Tire, Excellent test excluded. F350, excludes dual rear 2006 Honda $4650 Shape. With 3800 Miles. Civic EX $4000 OBO See Service Advisor for details. wheel trucks. Or Trade For 4WD Or Car Offer valid with coupon. Offer valid with coupon. 1 Owner, 70k Miles. Expires 3/31/10 Fully Loaded. Garage Kept. Call After 4pm Expires 3/31/10 Carfax & Photos Available. 508-867-6152 $9,500 OBO 508-922-8688 FEBRUARY 17, 2010 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ 7

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If the Suzuki Kizashi had a different nameplate (say Hyundai or Toyota), it could very well be the North American Car of the Year. It’s that good of a sedan. Unfortunately, it’s somewhat hampered by the fact that there isn’t an extensive dealer network on par with say Toyota. You’re going to have to work if you want to drive a Kizashi is what I’m trying to say.Unless a car is really special, most folks aren’t going to drive 20-30 miles to get it serviced (for routine maintenance) and most of us aren’t going to travel that same distanc to buy a car when there are suitable alternatives available at your local Ford, Hyundai or Toyota dealers. The Kizashi went on sale in December. It is Suzuki’s first entry into the all- wheel-drive sport sedan segment. (It makes a great compact all-wheel drive sedan called the SX4 that is an absolute must for economy minded New England drivers.) It’s not hyperbole when Suzuki says the Kizashi serves as the company’s “flagship vehicle.” While it’s not what one could call a performance sedan, there’s nothing wrong with Kizashi’s “oomph” factor. It is equipped with a 2.4-liter DOHC inline The 2010 Suzuki Kizashi is an inviting sports sedan to drive with attractive lines and good performance. four-cylinder engine that delivers 185 horsepower at 6,500 rpm and 170 lb-ft of While i-AWD is a nice bonus for winter sure monitoring system. Suzuki says the intuitive. torque at 4,000 rpm with the manual driving, it’s also a nice thing to have on 2010 Kizashi already meets 2014 crash The Kizashi S trim starts at $18,999 for transmission. With the CVT (automatic hand for better handling on twisty roads. standards, including rigorous side pole the front-wheel drive model. The GTS transmission), the 2.4-liter engine deliv- You’ll enjoy driving the Kizashi in the crash, rear offset collision, and European model, available in six-speed manual or ers 180 horsepower at 6,000 rpm. GTS configuration regardless of the pedestrian protection standards. Better performance tuned CVT with steering Both numbers are strong horsepower weather. visibility is achieved in the Kizashi with wheel paddle shifters, starts at $22,499. figures for a four-cylinder sedan. One reli- Electronic stability control is part of standard projector headlights, sup- With all-wheel drive, the model loaned to able source says the 0-60 time is 8.9 sec- the offering with the all-wheel drive plemental side mounted signal lights, me by Suzuki tops out at $24,849 for AWD onds – a respectable number. Frankly,any package. As Suzuki explains, “In the fold-down rear headrests and available CVT (plus $735 for destination and han- car that can hit that number in under 10 event of vehicle oversteer (a tendency of rear sonar and backup camera. dling). It’s a good price for a lot of car. seconds is going to treat you just fine on the rear wheels to lose traction) the syn- One of my favorite features of the any highway. ergetic vehicle dynamics control acti- Kizashi – not normally found in a less (Questions and comments about this What’s also nice about the Kizashi is it vates the AWD system to transfer driving expensive vehicle like this – is keyless review and other automotive concerns rewards you at the gas pump (assuming force from the rear wheels to the front, entry/start with push button ignition. I can be e-mailed to you’re not constantly trying to crack 9 thereby inhibiting the rear wheel skid. drove a Honda Accord Crosstour the [email protected]. All queries seconds in your 0-60 accelerations). The At the same time, the system provides week after the Kizashi and was surprised are answered.) EPA rating for the Kizashi in front-wheel additional steering assist, making it easi- it didn’t have it. Keyless entry/start with drive ranges from 20-23 mpg city (depend- er for the driver to countersteer.” push button ignition could be a deal VITAL STATISTICS ing on the wheel size and transmission) Electronic stability control is probably breaker on my next new car. Wheelbase: 106.3 inches to 29-31 mpg on the highway (again the single best safety device your car Besides being safe, the Kizashi is also Length: 183.1 inches depending on wheels and transmis- could have. comfortable inside. Its roomy interior Width: 71.1 inches sions). Speaking of safety, the Kizashi has a made this 6’1” driver more than comfort- Height: 58.3 inches The Kizashi is a fun sedan to drive long list of standard features, including able and also left space in the rear for Curb weight: 3483 lbs. with crisp handling. The GTS model class-exclusive standard eight airbags, other tall adults. Driving visibility was Engine: 2.4-liter, four-cylinder, 16-valve loaned to me for a week by Suzuki had anti-lock braking system with electronic good all around. The dashboard was well DOHC engine the all-wheel drive system called i-AWD. brake-force distribution and a tire pres- designed and the controls were fairly Horsepower: 185 hp @ 6,500 rpm Torque: 170 lb.-ft. @ 4,000 rpm EPA estimated mpg city/highway: 22/29 Base price: $18,999 As-tested price: $24,849 Also consider: (a comparative vehicle) Nissan Altima, Ford Fusion, Honda Accord Auto Review

This is what a dashboard should look like – clean and easy to read. Most manufacturers make a dashboard almost inhibiting to read. Photos © Suzuki 8 ☎ TOWN-TO-TOWN CLASSIFIEDS ☎ A STONEBRIDGE PRESS PUBLICATION ☎ February 17, 2010