Minutes of Meeting 27th July 2020_FINAL

CRONDALL PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Held “virtually” on Monday 27th July 2020 Note: Due to the Covid-19 emergency and in accordance with the Coronavirus Act 2020 {SI 392: The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) ( and Wales) Regulations 2020} the meeting was held “virtually” via “Zoom” (proprietary video conference product) and broadcast simultaneously via Facebook live feed for public viewing. Key documents were displayed to participants during the meeting via the “share screen” functions. The Facebook video was deleted after a 48 hour period. PRESENT via Zoom Meeting Councillor C Dorn – Chairman Councillors D Argent, R Freeman-Griffiths, C Hebbron (joined for the District Councillor’s update via dial-in) S O’Connor and M Roberts APOLOGIES: Councillor J Glen – County Council Councillor K Crookes - Hart DC Councillors C Bryant and N Lambert – Crondall Parish Council IN ATTENDANCE via Zoom Meeting: A Angove - Parish Clerk

Two members of the public were watching the live feed at the outset, this peaked at around 6 during the meeting. The exact numbers were not tracked. The meeting commenced at 7.32pm and ended at 9.01pm 40/21 Declarations of Interest None

41/21 Minutes of 22nd June 2020 The Minutes of the Council meeting were proposed for acceptance as an accurate record by Cllr Roberts, seconded by Cllr O’Connor and unanimously AGREED. The Chairman signed the Minutes.

42/21 Minutes of 10th July 2020 Extraordinary Council Meeting The Minutes of the Council meeting were proposed for acceptance as an accurate record by Cllr Dorn, seconded by Cllr Argent and unanimously AGREED. The Chairman signed the Minutes.

43/21 Matters Arising Cllr Dorn noted that following the EGM of 10th July, CPC’s agreed responses to VSAG’s proposals had been sent to VSAG. To date, no formal responses had been received by CPC.

44/21 Announcements from the Chairman, Clerk and Members questions received in advance The Clerk advised of one minor change to the Agenda; removal of planning applications 20/01578/HOU and 20/01418/HOU for The Neuk as the lateness of the latter application meant due consideration was not possible for this meeting. Details will be emailed to CPC Cllrs separately for comment.


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45/21 County and District Councillors Report Cllr Kennett from HDC provided an update on the peer review of the planning system. Generally, most of HDC’s planning activities are in line with national averages. However, uncontested applications are much lower at 60% against the national average of 90%. Cllr Argent questioned whether these statistics were dependent on local factors, e.g. the number of listed buildings, and considered that comparisons with national average was “dumbing down”. Cllr Kennett confirmed that the statistics had been normalised, i.e. such variations taken into account, but noted that deference to conservation officers was prevalent in many cases. Cllr Argent also questioned whether delays in the current planning process under COVID-19 restrictions were due to planning officers not physically looking at properties thoroughly (e.g. including the inside of properties). Cllr Kennet confirmed that this had been the case, but that visits had restarted.

Cllr Dorn in his HDC capacity confirmed that parking charges in Hart would be restarting on 1st August despite pressure to delay due to commercial impacts on the high street due to COVID. He noted that pedestrianisation of the high street was a key agenda item for HDC on the following Thursday.

46/21 Representations by the public There were no representations by the public.

Cllr Hebbron joined the meeting via dial-in.

47/20 Planning Applications Applications were considered in line with the previously circulated Planning Report and presented by Cllr Freeman-Griffiths.

Cllr Freeman-Griffiths proposed that the following applications be approved as a group: • 20/01487/HOU • 20/01560/CON • 16/02377/CON • 20/00991/CON • 20/01032/CON

Proposed by Cllr Dorn, seconded by Cllr Freeman-Griffiths, AGREED (Unanimous).

20/01487/HOU Wisteria House Wimble Renovations to the annexe at Wisteria House Hill Crondall incorporating the replacement of the existing roof lantern GU10 5HL with a similar sized structure, incorporating a glazed triangle on the eastern gable end, the replacement of the existing glass/timber floor of the bridge under the lantern with a timber platform floor, the removal of one Velux rooflight and the provision of two new Velux rooflights, the replacement of external vertical hung tiles and interlocking roof tiles on the extended part with slate to match the existing and with facing brick to match the existing. 6.05 The alterations have been designed to match the original in terms of scale, height, form and appearance. The choice of design and materials respect those used in the original house.


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Recommendation: No Objection

20/01560/CON Broden Stables Redlands Approval of condition 19- Construction Method Lane Crondall Farnham Statement- pursuant to 16/02377/FUL Demolition of the GU10 5RF existing stable building, arena, floodlights and hardstanding, and the erection of 30 residential dwellings, with associated access, landscaping, and car parking arrangements. Recommendation: Conditional No Objection. CPC requests that any approval of the CMS be conditioned as follows: • Closure of Redlands Lane for 12 weeks (3 months) is a significant amount of time and will cause concern to the local community given the Doctor's surgery will no longer be accessed via vehicle (save for deliveries and emergencies). It must be remembered that this is on top of the 2-3 week closure for the Phase 1 works. In total CALA is proposing to close Redlands Lane for almost 4 months (albeit the Lane will be re-opened between the 2-3 week closure and the 12 week closure). We ask that a Condition be placed on any approval restricting the closure of Redlands Lane to no more than 15 weeks in aggregate • Footpath 17 is to be stepped - hand rails need to be provided for the vulnerable. We ask that this be Conditioned • Whilst CPC notes the general wording in Section 3 regarding CALA being committed to using environmentally friendly machinery, we consider that CALA should go further and commit to using Stage IIIB standards for Non-Road Mobile Machinery. We ask that this be Conditioned 16/02377/CON Broden Stables Redlands Approval of condition 9- hard and soft landscaping- Lane Crondall Farnham pursuant GU10 5RF to 16/02377/FUL Demolition of the existing stable building, arena, floodlights and hardstanding, and the erection of 30 residential dwellings, with associated access, landscaping, and car parking arrangements.

• Recommendation: Conditional No Objection: CPC requests that any approval should clearly identify the approved hard and soft landscaping plans to which the Management Plan relates so that it is clear that the management and maintenance of the development must accord with those approved plans • Reason – in the future, the members of the Management Company may not know what the approved plans are, unless they are clearly stated either by being incorporated into the Management Plan itself or on the face of the approval. 20/00991/CON Broden Stables Redlands Approval of condition 8 - Tree Protection Measures and Lane Crondall Farnham method statement- pursuant to 16/02377/FUL Demolition GU10 5RF of the existing stable building, arena, floodlights and hardstanding, and the erection of 30 residential dwellings, with associated access, landscaping, and car parking arrangements. Recommendation: Objection – it is important that pedestrian access is maintained over Footpath 17 during the works (save for when the Footpath needs to be closed for safety reasons and upgrade works). Accordingly, the comments of the Countryside Planning Officer need to be adequately addressed before the Condition is discharged. 20/01032/CON Broden Stables Redlands Approval of condition 16- play area- pursuant to pursuant Lane Crondall Farnham to 16/02377/FUL Demolition of the existing stable GU10 5RF building, arena, floodlights and hardstanding, and the


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erection of 30 residential dwellings, with associated access, landscaping, and car parking arrangements. • Recommendation: Conditional No Objection: CPC requests that any approval should clearly identify the approved hard and soft landscaping plans to which the Management Plan relates so that it is clear that the management and maintenance of the development must accord with those approved plans. • Reason – in the future, the members of the Management Company may not know what the approved plans are, unless they are clearly stated either by being incorporated into the Management Plan itself or on the face of the approval. 20/01091/CON Broden Stables Redlands Approval of condition 7- external surfaces- pursuant to Lane Crondall Farnham 16/02377/FUL Demolition of the existing stable building, GU10 5RF arena, floodlights and hardstanding, and the erection of 30 residential dwellings, with associated access, landscaping, and car parking arrangements. Recommendation: No Objection

The following were considered individually:- 20/01472/PIP Rose Court Rye Common Erection of 4no. 4 bedroom and 2no. 5 bedroom dwellings Lane Crondall Farnham and associated, access and garaging. GU10 5RR Recommendation: OBJECT on the grounds of: • The minor benefit of new homes (having considered the Hart 5 year supply) is outweighed by an unsustainable location. The site is outside the Crondall Settlement Boundary and not in a sustainable location, with residents being reliant on the car to reach any services and amenities. The proposal is contrary to LP SS1 and NBE1 • No housing need or mix justification has been provided and so contrary to LP H1 • The proposed development is “habitats development”, which means the LPA must carry out an Appropriate Assessment before determining the application. No Statement to Inform an Appropriate Assessment has been provided by the Applicant. Application is contrary to the Habitats Directive and LP NBE 3.

Cllr Roberts questioned the pros and cons of the proposed housing development compared with the current industrial units on the site. Cllr Freeman-Griffiths responded that there was a general consensus from local residents that housing would be an aesthetic improvement to the current industrial units, although two objections from Itchell Court had been received.

However due to the reasons outlined above, Cllr Freeman-Griffiths proposed that the current CPC recommendation be retained. Seconded by Cllr Hebbron, AGREED (4 in favour: 2 against). 20/01180/FUL Rye Common Lane Proposed energy storage facility to provide energy Crondall Farnham balancing services to the National Grid.


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Recommendation: OBJECT on the grounds that: • Contrary to LP NBE1 (Development in the Countryside) – the proposed development does not meet the criteria for development in the open countryside and would industrialise the countryside; • Contrary to LP NBE10 (Low Carbon Energy) – the proposed development would have an unacceptable impact on residential amenity at Mill Lane due to visual impact; • No evidence of bunds to retain contaminated water in the event of fire, which would run into the water course.

Cllr Freeman-Griffiths proposed as listed. Seconded by Cllr Argent. AGREED (unanimous) 20/01539/FUL 28 Finns Business Park Retention of a replacement dwelling (retrospective). Bowenhurst Lane Crondall Farnham GU10 5HP Recommendation: No Objection • Conforms to NBE1 (Development in the Countryside) pursuant to (g), being a replacement dwelling (the pre-existing dwelling was lawful before its demolition) • This dwelling is one of four in a defined part of the site • The dwelling meets the standard dwelling size • Dedicated outside space has been provided

Cllr Argent queried why there were no pictures of the retrospective landscaping. Cllr Freeman-Griffiths clarified that while the building element of the application is retrospective, the landscaping while forming part of the application remained to be formally agreed. Cllr Argent asked that this be included in CPC’s recommendation. Cllr Freeman-Griffiths proposed as listed with the condition that landscaping be included in the same application. Seconded by Cllr Argent, and AGREED (unanimous). 20/01376/OUT Courtlands Farm Lane Demolition of existing detached dwelling and garage and Crondall Farnham GU10 erection of two new detached dwellings and garages with 5QE associated driveways and hardstanding. Recommendation: OBJECT on the grounds that: • (1) The minor benefit of new homes (having considered the Hart 5 year supply) is outweighed by the impact on the design and character of the area. The proposed development does not accord with Saved Policy GEN1, LP NBE9 and NP Policy 3 on the basis of an intensification of use of the site leading to a significant change in character of the area • (2) No housing need or mix justification has been provided and so contrary to LP H1 • (3) Bats: An up to date Bat Survey is required • (4) Thames Basin Heaths SPA: No Statement to Inform an Appropriate Assessment has been provided and, in any event, no SANG transaction secured. The proposal is in breach of the Habitats Directive and LP NBE3

Cllr Freeman-Griffiths proposed as listed. Seconded by Cllr Roberts, AGREED (unanimous) 20/01618/FUL 17 St Cross Road Crondall Construction of two 2-bedroom dwellings with associated Farnham GU10 5PQ outdoor amenity space, provision of car parking to front to serve the proposed dwellings and nos. 17, 18 and 19 St Cross Road and external alterations to existing dwellings (following the demolition of a detached garage building). Recommendation: OBJECT on the grounds of: • Whilst Plot 2 of the Proposed Development would be acceptable, Plot 1’s design would look out of place at the entrance to St Cross Road, be over-development of that plot and be detrimental to the character of the area contrary to Saved Policy GEN1, LP NBE9 and NP Policy 3. The minor benefit of new homes (having considered the Hart 5 year supply) is not outweighed by the impact of Plot 1


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• No housing need or mix justification has been provided and so contrary to LP H1 • SANG provision is in Bracknell Forest. A Statement to Inform and Appropriate Assessment has not been provided and so no evidence that this location is in close enough proximity to provide the necessary mitigation

Cllr Argent questioned the reference to Bracknell Forest as the SANG. Cllr Hebbron confirmed that the SANG is indeed in Bracknell, Berkshire and therefore unrealistic due to the distance from the proposed development. Cllr Freeman-Griffiths proposed as listed. Seconded by Cllr Dorn, AGREED unanimous) 20/01364/FUL Furney Copse Farm Retention of temporary agricultural workers dwelling. Crondall Road Fleet GU51 5SZ Recommendation: Objection on the grounds that: • Conflict with LP NBE3 – no Statement to Inform an Appropriate Assessment and no provision for SANG • Conflict with LP NBE1 – this is a family home rather than a dwelling for an essential worker to provide on- site management and security of the farm • Should permission be granted, then the dwelling should be classed as an agricultural dwelling to the Farm and only used for that purpose

Cllr Roberts stated that it was reasonable to expect that agricultural workers should be able to live with their family at the smallholding. Cllr Dorn clarified that this particular site had been the subject of much debate around growth over the years and pointed Cllrs to the planning history of the site, but emphasised that CPC should consider the application as it stands. Cllr Freeman-Griffiths proposed as listed. Seconded by Cllr O’Connor, AGREED (in favour 3:3 against; Chairman’s vote was in favour). 20/01689/FUL Spire Clare Park Hospital Retrospective application for the installation of a Crondall Lane Crondall temporary Portakabin building to be used as COVID-19 Farnham testing unit GU10 5XX The Recommendation: No Objection

Cllr Freeman-Griffiths proposed as listed. Seconded Cllr O’Connor, AGREED (unanimous).

Cllr Dorn thanked Cllr Freeman-Griffiths for his report and confirmed that he had forwarded recent planning appeal decisions to Cllr Freeman-Griffiths by email, where he felt they might be relevant.

PROJECT UPDATES 48/21 Conservation Area Document Refresh update Cllr Freeman-Griffiths confirmed that there had been no further activity in this area.

49/21 Car Parking Options update Cllr O’Connor provided a brief verbal update confirming that, following his request for input made to Cllrs at last months’ meeting, he had received communication from 3 Cllrs. In addition, some input from parishioners had been received. At this point, Cllr O’Connor was looking at a number of options including a booking “app” similar to the “Just Park” system used in London where use is made of driveways at private houses. Cllr Argent questioned whether the parishioners whose views were being sought were restricted to those living near Hook Meadow, adding that it was important that the views of all parishioners be sought. Cllr Roberts added that it would be helpful if the input received on this topic as part of the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire could be used. Cllr O’Connor explained that at this point, he had spoken to parishioners who had expressed an interest in this topic, but was also


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speaking to Crondall Cricket Club members. Cllr O’Connor proposed that a summary of ideas be presented to parishioners rather than a blank questionnaire. Cllr Dorn requested Cllr O’Connor provide a written report on progress and status at the next monthly meeting.

Cllr Kennett left the meeting.

50/21 Broden Stables Working Group update Cllr Freeman-Griffiths provided a verbal update confirming that the working group had made contribution to the planning conditions as outlined in the planning application. Parishioners will have noted that there has been some activity on site recently, and Cllr Freeman-Griffiths confirmed that this would increase as the site is prepared for development. Liaison with Cala Homes is continuing.

FINANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT 51/21 Ratification of payments The circulated list of 9 items including Payroll valued at £4,337.34 was proposed by Cllr Argent, seconded by Cllr Dorn and unanimously AGREED.

52/21 To Consider and Agree a list of items for spending requests There were no Purchase/Expenditure Authorisation Requests.

53/21 To NOTE the Income and Expenditure Report and Balance Sheet to 30th June 2020 There were no questions and the report was NOTED.

54/21 To NOTE the independent examination of the Bank Reconciliation for June 2020 The Clerk confirmed that she had undertaken an independent examination of the Bank Reconciliation for June 2020. No questions were raised. Council NOTED the Clerk’s report.

REPORTS 55/21 Estates Report Council NOTED the report and thanked the Clerk for her work on the recent Risk Assessment and success in re-opening the Hook Meadow play area under the current revised COVID-19 restrictions.

56/21 Memorial Applications and Burials Report Council NOTED the report. There had been no burials, one interment and three applications for headstones this month.

57/21 Footpaths Report Cllr Hebbron informed the meeting that there was no new activity to report. No questions were raised.

58/21 Correspondence It was confirmed that all email correspondence has been circulated to councillors and that the most recent addition of Clerks & Councils Direct was available on request.

59/21 Any Other Business There was no other business.

Signed as a true record …………….…………………………………………………………………. dated 1st September 2020