15 June 2012 Meeting of the Council Monday, 25 June 2012 at 6.35 pm Council Chamber, Town Hall, Warrington Diana Terris Chief Executive _______________________________________________________________ Agenda prepared by Sharon Parker, Councillor Services Manager – Telephone: (01925) 442161, Fax: (01925) 442014, Email
[email protected] _______________________________________________________________ 1. Apologies 2. The Minutes of the Council To be moved by the Mayor and seconded by the Deputy Mayor: That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 21 May 2012 be agreed as a correct record. 3. Code of Conduct – Declarations of Interest Members are reminded that they should orally declare personal/prejudicial interests, that they have in any matter or item to be considered at the meeting, including interests relating to the receipt of any relevant gifts or hospitality received within the preceding three years. Please refer to the specific requirements of the Code of Conduct regarding the need to declare interests, the timing of such declarations and exemptions. The Solicitor to the Council or representatives in Democratic and Member Services are available prior to the meeting to advise and/or to receive details of the interest and the item to which it relates. Declarations are a personal matter for each Member to decide. Whilst officers will advise on the Code and its interpretation, the decision to declare, or not, is the responsibility of the Member based on the particular circumstances. 4. The Mayor's Civic Announcements 5. The Leader’s Announcements 6. Questions Received from Members of the Public In accordance with Standing Order 13.11-13.24 questions from the public must be received by the Head of Democratic and Member Services by 12 noon on Monday, 18 June 2012.