Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 86/Friday, May 3, 2002/Notices
28124 Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 86 / Friday, May 3, 2002 / Notices MTC–00027805 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, against Microsoft. Fred Vogelstein, The Long From: Sudha Plaintiff, v. Civil Action No. 98–1232 Shadow of XP, Fortune, Nov. 12, 2001. Each To: Microsoft ATR (CKK) MICROSOFT CORPORATION, of these companies dominates a particular Date: 1/28/02 11:04am Defendant. STATE OF NEW YORK ex market that is distinct enough from Intel- Subject: LOGICAL EXPLANATION— rel.Attorney General ELIOT SPITZER, et compatible PCs not to be a part of this case, Freedom to Innovate al.,Plaintiffs,) v. Civil Action No. 98–1233 but related enough that Microsoft’s rivals fear Below are comments to specific issues (CKK) MICROSOFT Microsoft’s competition. For example, Sun addressed in the Court Case, http:// CORPORATION,Defendant. Microsystems dominates the market for www.usdoj.gov/atr/cases/ms-settle.htm#docs COMMENTS OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR server operating systems, but its market share Item #2: Someone else please invent a COMPETITIVE TECHNOLOGY is being eroded by lower-cost alternatives better operating system than Windows! Also The Association for Competitive from Linux and Windows. Why Competitors if MS Windows has monopoly, what about Technology (‘‘ACT’’) hereby submits its Are Largely Quiet on Microsoft Settlement, Intel—would they be ‘‘monopolizing’’ the comments on the Revised Proposed Final Associated Press, Nov. 15, 2001; Peter intel chip market? Judgment (‘‘RPFJ’’) that has been proposed by Burrows, Face-Off, Bus. Wk., Nov. 19, 2001, Item #3: A better operating system will most of the plaintiffs, including the United at 104.
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